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Step 2
描述: wear … in summer. I (板 师教读、板书句子,
b.男生问女生答,女生问男生 直观地理解和运用
--What season is it?(板书四季) ⑷接着从谈论当季
⑸ Task: make a survey of their 里设计了一短片以
⑴ Learn the dialogue on the book. ① Go into the dialogue in Part B. Listen and answer questions. ② Think about Step 3 Development them and answer. ③ Read in roles. ⑵ Go travelling Summer holiday is coming. Let’s go travelling ② Do the cooperative team learning well. Discuss and fill in the blanks. ③ Describe their holidays.

四川人民出版社《新纪元英语》(Hello English)3A Unit 3 Seasons Chapter 6 Clothes(Part B)第一课时 本课时的教学内容是《新纪元英语》3A Chapter6 Clothes 的 B 部分—句型运用教学。本课主要谈论在四季不同的天气特征下 的穿着,学生能综合季节、天气、地域等方面的因素去表达正确 的衣着。 在本单元的 Chapter5 中学生已学习了关于季节和天气的词 汇,如:warm, cold;能理解和谈论各个季节的天气特征;在
②培养学生能够根据季节选择合适的衣服,并且培养学生注重仪 表之美,激发学生热爱生活的情感。 ③ 拓展其他国家和民族的衣着习惯, 增进学生对西方衣着文化的 了解。 2、教学重难点 ⑴ 教学重点 正确运用本课句型-What do you wear in …?-I wear … in …. 来表达衣着的选择。 ⑵ 教学难点 理解根据各地区不同季节的天气特征选择穿正确的衣服。 教学准备 活动进程 多媒体课件、磁带、句子卡片、服装图片、评价卡片 学生活动 ⑴ Greetings with the teacher. students. -Good afternoon. -Nice to meet you. -How are you? ⑵ Free talk. Step 1 Warming up ⑶ Chant T-shirt, T-shirt, I like my yellow T-shirt. Coat,coat, I like your big coat. Sweater, sweater, I like my red sweater. Shorts, shorts, I like your fashion shorts. Wow! Wow! Wow! ⑴ Review the words ① Guess Step 2 Presentation & Practice ⑴Review the words ①-Look! It’s my closet. Can you guess what clothes are in it? ② Look and say ②-Let’s have a look. -What’s this? -What are these? ⑴ 在复习服装词汇 的音、形、义时,我 设计了老师的大衣 柜这一情景。先让学 生猜衣柜里装着什 么衣服,再用课件依 次呈现服装图片和 ⑵ Free talk. -I live in Longquan. Where do you live?(板书 in Longquan) -What season is it? -What’s the weather like in Longquan today?(板书 ⑶ Chant -It’s sunny and hot. So, you are wearing a yellow T-shirt. It’s beautiful. I like it. -Stand up. Let’s chant with your hand. ) ⑶ 用一首快节奏的 自编 chant 来重现服 装词汇,学生在拍唱 的过程中即复习了 旧知,又为下面学习 热了身,营造出了轻 松而愉快的课堂氛 围。 ⑵ 引导学生谈论与 本课相关的话题,看 似随意交谈却唤醒 了学生已有的知识 结构。 教师导学 ⑴ Greetings with the 设计意图最后再用快速 看图说词的游戏,层 层递进地来激活学 生已有的知识结构。 ⑵从学生的生活实 际--夏季引入。创设 景,引导学生对季 节、气候与服装的关 系有一个初步感知。 ⑶在刚才的情景中 进入新课,呈现问 句,学生已能初步理 解问句的义。然后教 让学生从音、形上去 感知句子。从自己的 穿着去描述,学生能 答语。操练环节第一 步是操练问句,第二 和第三步是操练问 答句型。新知操练就 做到了由点到面再 到点。 的穿着延伸到谈论 其他季节的穿着。这 季节图片引导学生 体验四季的气候特 征,然后从谈论季节 的气候特征到谈论 穿着,让学生理解地 输入。⑸新知后给学 生设计任务:调查同 伴的四季衣着,任务 明确,可操作性强, 能很好地给学生提 供语言输出的平台。
⑴ 回归教材内容, 以问题帮助学生深 挖教材信息,在对话 中深化对本课句型 的理解。
⑵联系生活实际,设 计一个真实的任务, 在真实的情景中去 解决问题、运用语 言、内化语言,以达 到学以致用。
① Look and think. A: Where do you want to go?
⑴ Know about how Step 4 Emotion & Extention to wear correctly. ⑵ Know about the wearing in other countries.
③ Quickly saying game. ⑵ Lead-in Look and try to understand.
③Quickly saying game. ⑵ Lead-in -Look! This is my favorite coat. Let me try it. -Oh, I’m very hot now. Let me take it off. -Why?
Chapter6 的 A 部分中又学习了七个关于 clothes 的词汇,能简单 谈论住在某地穿着什么衣服。在具备以上知识的情况下本课时将 引导学生去谈论四季的穿着,从体验四季的气候特征过渡到对穿 着的谈论。 在教学设计上, 遵循句型教学感知-理解-巩固-运用-内化的原 则,采用单词、句型问答铺垫感知---描述理解体验---情境练习 巩固---实际运用这种层层递进的模式,面向全体学生,力求训练 扎实有效,培养学生在具体的语境中灵活运用所学英语知识的能 力,提升英语综合水平。 本课的教学对象为小学五年级学生, 他们对英语学习保持着学 习热情和兴趣,对词汇、句型已有一定量的积累,也具备了一定 的英语语言表达能力和思维能力,这些为本课学习打下了基础。 本课的话题 clothes 非常贴近学生的生活实际,很容易吸引学 生的注意力和唤醒他们的表达欲望。 在设计中根据学生年龄特点, 注重营造真实的语言学习的氛围和情境,组织个别展示、波浪活 动、小组合作、小组展示等形式多样的操练活动,让学生在完成 任务的过程中灵活运用句型,最终将所学运用到实际生活中。 1、教学目标 ⑴ 语言知识目标 ① 复习词汇:四季:spring, summer, autumn, winter 四季天气特征:warm, hot, cool, cold 服装:shirt, dress, coat, T-shirt, sweater, trousers, shorts ② 学习新句型:-What do you wear in …?
教学目标 教学重点 难点分析 难点分析
-I wear … in …. ③ 扩充词汇:skirt ⑵ 语言技能目标 ① 能准确认读本课单词、 句型, 能正确描述各个季节对应的穿着。 ② 能听懂文中对话,能回答并理解提出的问题。 ③ 能熟练运用本课句型去调查他人的四季穿着。 ④ 能填写出任务中的表格 ⑶ 情感态度目标 ①在学习、交流中,欣赏大自然的四季之美,从而享受生活之美。
-This girl,do you want to try it? 教师错误穿衣的情 ⑶ Presentation ① Learn the new Presentation & Practice sentence. ② 看自己的穿着描 述:I wear … in summer. ③ Practice the sentences. a.全班问,1 人答 b.男生问女生答 c.开火车 1 问 1 答 ⑷ Talk about the clothes in other seasons. ① Watch a video and feel the different seasons. ② Talk about the clothes in different seasons. ⑸ Task: make a survey of their partners’ wearing in different seasons. ①Look and understand. ②Do the cooperative team learning well. ③Try to show. ⑶ Presentation ①-What do you wear in summer?(出示句子卡片) T teaches Ss to read it correctly.(板书问句) ② 引导学生看自己的穿着来 书答语) ③ Practice the sentences. a.全班问,1 人答 答 c.开火车 1 问 1 答 ⑷ Extend to other seasons. ① Play a video and Let Ss feel the different seasons. ② Talk about the clothes in different seasons. -What’s the weather like in…? -What do you wear in …? partners’ wearing in different seasons. ① T gives them a clear example of how to make the survey ② Ss do the cooperative team learning. ③Encourage Ss to have a show.
⑴ Learn the dialogue on the book. ① Listen and give questions: a. When can they wear a sweater and a coat? b. Why? ② T Gives some information to help Ss answer. ③ Ss read in roles. ⑵ Go travelling ① T Gives them a clear example. B: I want to go to…. A: What’s the weather like? B: It’s …. A: What do you wear? B: I wear …. ② Ss do the cooperative team learning .Ss discuss and fill in the blanks. ③ Encourage Ss to have a show.
⑴ T gives them a life remind: In our daily life, we should wear different clothes according to different weather and so on. ⑵ Play a video. ⑴ Make a survey about the wearing of your family in different seasons.