

Tutorial 1 Axial Compressor Rotor37

Tutorial 1 Axial Compressor Rotor37

Tutorial 1: Axial Compressor Rotor371 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Prerequisites1.3 Problem Description1.4 Preparation2 Blade fitting2.1 Create new AutoBlade™ project2.2 Define target model2.3 Define initial model2.4 Pre-fitting2.5 Fitting2.6 Save project3 CFD Screening3.1 Create new CFD_SCREENING computation3.2 Import parametric file3.3 Define CFD loop3.4 Save project and launch computation3.5 Post processing4 Database Generation4.1 Create new DATABASE_GENERATION computation4.2 Define bounds of free parameters4.3 Set database generation parameters4.4 Save project and launch computation in TaskManager4.5 Post processing5 Optimization5.1 Create new OPTIMIZATION computation5.2 Check CFD loop5.3 Set optimization parameters5.4 Save project and launch computation5.5 Post processingIntroductionIn order to re-design and optimize existing blades to reach better design goals, NUMECA has developed a unique integrated environment for the design and optimization of three dimensional turbomachinery blades. This environment consists of the following components:• a modern parametric blade modeller for turbomachinery blades, AutoBlade™,•an automatic coupling between AutoBlade™ and CFD package,• a very efficient design and optimization environment for turbomachinery blades.All these components are included into the NUMECA Graphical User-Interface (GUI) FINE™.This tutorial is particularly adapted to the optimization of a single axial compressor blade. It makes use of FINE™/Des ign3D v8.10 and describes the whole optimization process.In this tutorial, you will learn how to:•fit the existing blade geometry to create a parametric blade model;•make an Autoblade™/CFD Screening computation;•set up a database generation computation;•generate database in parallel mode;•check database generation results;•set up an optimization computation;•start the optimization computation;•analyze the optimization results.PrerequisitesThis tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the whole FINE™/Turbo chain, so that you can set up a FINE™/Turbo project correctly. This tutorial will start from an existing FINE™/Turbo project. Some steps in the setup of a FINE™/Turbo project will not be shown explicitly.Problem DescriptionThe problem to be considered is shown schematically below (meridional view). The Rotor37 test project is an isolated axial-flow compressor wheel designed and experimentally analysed at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lewis Research Center. In this tutorial, a simplified Rotor37 geometry with 3 blade sections will be used and optimized.•Click on the button open an Existing Project, locate and select the copied project "Tutorial_1/Tutorial_1.iec".•Launch the flow solver by c lick on menu Solver / Start.•Click on the menu File / Save to save the project after the computation is finished.In this section, the existing Rotor37 blade geometry will be fitted and parameterized. The fitting process is an optimization process that consists of minimizing the distance between the parametric model and the target geometry. Several fitting steps may be needed during a blade fitting.The AutoBlade™ graphical user interface includes several sections that enable the simultane ous visualization of the designed or fitted blade geometry. Access to the main menu and controls is provided through a menu bar and a quick access pad, and is complemented with a tool/icon bar.11. Review all the design steps in the QAP Model Editor, keep the settings.•use an adequate number of parameters.A new pre-fitting is required each time the topology and/or the number of parameters are modified.14. Click on the button Yes in the warning message dialog box to start the pre-fitting process.28. After the fitting process is finished, click on the button in the QAP Fitting Control to access the fitting graph window.Save project and launch computation52. Select the menu File / Save to save the project.Database GenerationIn this section, a database containing blade geometries with their associated CDF computations will be generated step by step. The database is mandatory to initialize the optimization process.Create new DATABASE_GENERATION computationIn this tutorial, only the parameters that control the suction side surface and pressure side surfaceof the blade will be optimized. The menu Increase bounds can be used several times to have abigger range.Set database generation parameters58. Click on the button in the tool bar to switch back to FINE™/Design3D. Go to the Generate Database / Settings page,•In the Design of experiments section, keep the default option Random among Discrete Levels.•In the Parameters section, set the Number of Samples to <30><Enter>, keep all other settings.•Click on the button New Task to create a new task.•Click on the button New to create a subtask.•Change the subtask type to "design3d" using the button .•Locate and select the saved run file"Tutorial_1/Tutorial_1_Database/_dbs/Tutorial_1.run" using thebutton .•Keep the option Run After Previous Subtask.•Click on the button Design3D parallel settings, set the Number of geometry to launch in parallel to <6>, keep all other settings, click on the button Ok to confirm.•In the Current Training Database File section, Click on the button Import a Database to import the generated database in the computation "Database",•Locate and select the file "Turorial_1/Tutorial_1_Database/_dbs/Tutorial_1_train.dat", then click on the button Ok to confirm,•Click on the button Create New Penalty to create the second penalty "mass flow",•Select the option Quantity extracted from as 110k using the button ,•Select the option Quantity Name as Mass_FLOW using the button ,•Keep the Penalty Type as "EQUALITY",•Set the Imposed Value to <20.661><Enter>. The imposed value 20.661 is equal to the value of the first sample, which uses the original fitted blade geometry.These pages contain the numerical results and images of the computation "Optimization", according to the selected quantities and pictures from the Simulation Tasks / Post Processing page.In this case, the best sample is the third one. The efficiency is increased from 0.847639 to0.850155.73. Go to the Solution Monitor / Compare Blade Geometries page to compare the blade geometries between different samples.•Set the Number of Files to <2>,•Locate and select the first parametric file "Tutorial_1/Tutorial_1_CFD_screening/Tutorial_1.par"using the button , which is the original fitted blade geometry.•Locate and select the second parametric file"Tutorial_1/Tutorial_1_Optimization/_opt/Tutorial_1_best.par" using the button , which is the Design 3 and the best one.•Select "SECTION_1_DMR_TH" in the List of 2D Views section to compare the blade section 1.74. Go to the Solution Monitor/ Design Convergence History page, select the quantity "110k_C_ISEN_EFF_TOT2TOT" to check its convergence.。

FT41-Tutorial1-letter-Chinese - 副本

FT41-Tutorial1-letter-Chinese - 副本

,滚动项目标签才可得到‘)图标在 Flotherm 中,所有的几何图形的彩色都是有特定含义的。

当只看到绿色边框而看不到任何几何体时,这表明所有几何体被压入 assembles(组件)中。





使用鼠标将当前的命令模式从选择模式切换到操作模式当处于操作模式可打开调色板并实现对它的开要创建几何体,需要点击图标将其切换至选择模式(将‘手’转点击绘图板上部的图标,这样就只有视图: Snap to Grid : Snap to Object: Free Snap。









或使用热键备注:当鼠标指针设在‘Selection mode’(选择模式)下时,您还可以通过使用键盘上的左右箭头键在模型中移动观察面。

Tutorial 1 Matlab 命令窗口的使用

Tutorial 1  Matlab 命令窗口的使用

Tutorial 1 Matlab 命令窗口的使用一、命令窗口的基本操作命令窗口(Command Window)位于MATLAB 操作桌面的右方,如图1所示,用于输入命令并显示除图形以外的所有执行结果,是MATLAB 的主要交互窗口。

命令窗口可以从MATLAB 操作桌面中分离出来,以方便单独显示和操作,也可以重新返回操作桌面中,其他窗口也有相同的操作。

分离命令窗口可选择菜单命令Desktop→Unlock Command Window,也可单击窗口右上角的按钮,还可以使用鼠标将命令窗口拖离操作桌面,分离的命令窗口如图2 所示。

如将命令窗口返回操作桌面,可选择命令窗口的菜单命令Desktop→Dock Command Window,或单击窗口右上角的按钮。

在MATLAB 命令窗口中可以看到有一个“>>”,该符号为命令提示符,表示MATLAB 正在处于准备状态。

在命令提示符后输入命令并按回车键后,MATLAB 就会解释执行所输入的命令,并在命令后面给出计算结果。

图1 Matlab默认操作窗口图2 分离的命令窗口二、命令窗口的使用一般来说,一个命令行输入一条命令,命令行以按回车键结束。




以上两个例子都是在一个命令行输入3 条命令,不同的是两条命令之间的分隔符不同,一个是逗号,一个是分号。




表示输入数组A 和B。


在MATLAB 中,同一个符号在不同的命令中有不同的作用,后面的章节会有详细介绍。

有时候会碰到这样的情况,一个命令行很长,一个物理行之内写不下,可以在第一个物理行之后加上3 个小黑点(…)并按回车键,然后接着下一个物理行继续写命令的其他部分。



PSCAD BASIC TRAININGTutorials 1 – 4Getting Started and Basic FeaturesTutorial 1Getting familiar – creating cases and librariesT1.1 Create a new case by using either the Menu or Toolbar . A new case should appear in the Workspace settings entitled noname [psc]. Right-click on this Workspace settings entry and select Save As… and give the case a name.NOTE: Do not use any spaces in the name!Create a folder called c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_01. Save the case as case01.pscT1.2 Open the main page of your new case. Build a case to compute the product of two input signals.21X X Y ⋅=t Sin X ⋅⋅⋅=10051 52=XYou may use the wire mode to connect different components Wire Mode.T1.3 Plot the output Y. Name the plots. Use X-Y plot feature to plot Y vs. X1 and X1 vs. X2.T1.4 Unload the above case and create a new library by using either the Menu or Toolbar . A new library should appear in the Workspace settings entitled noname [psl]. Right-click on this Workspace setting sentry and select Save As… and give the library a name.Save the case as case01.psl in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_01T1.5 Under the Component Definitions branch, Copy the Component Definition called Multiplier from the Master Library into your new library. Rename the definition [my_mul] and enter a new description. Create an Instance of this definition and paste it into the main page of the new library. You have now created a new Component Definition!T1.6 Unload case01.psc and reload it. Save it as case02.psc . Replace the multiplier with the new component that you just created. Run the case to verify results. Modify the new component so that the output Y is()212X X Y ⋅⋅=Run the case and observe results.T1.7 Unload all cases except the master library. Load case02.psc and try to run the case. Now load case02.psl and try to run case02.psc.Unload and reload case02.psc. Now run the case!Tutorial 2Getting Familiar with PSCAD: Plots, Graphs & Curves and single line diagramsT2.1 In your …Program Files/pscad/examples/tutorial directory, open the case project called simpleac.psc. Set the case Plot Step to 50 μs and run the case. Using the Zoom feature, zoom into the area where the fault occurs. Get familiar with keyboard shortcuts.Save the case as simpleac01.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_02T2.2 Invoke the cross hairs mode and follow the curves with the cross hairs. Monitor all phases A, B and C by switching between curves using the ‘space bar’. Turn cross hairs off, zoom out to the previous view and resize if necessary. Get familiar with the ‘graph properties’ ‘graph frame properties’ and keyboard short cuts.T2.3 Right-click on the top graph and select Graph Properties. Invoke the cross hairs and flip between curves. Experiment with grid lines, markers, colors and line thickness. Is it presently possible to have curves of different thickness on the same graph?T2.4 Plot the Phase A sending end and receiving end currents on the same graph.T2.5 Convert the circuit of the sending end to a single line format.Save the case as simpleac02.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_02T2.6 Convert the transmission line interface component in the receiving end to single line format. Use the’ breakout’ component to link single line drawings to three phase drawings.T2.7 Measure the line to ground voltage on the sending end. Use the ‘data tap’ to derive the three voltage signals from the voltmeter connected to the ‘single’ line. Plot the voltages.Rerun the case, starting from a S napshot file, taken at 0.2 s.Note that the timed fault logic and timed breaker logic settings are not changed in the simulation. However, the fault appears to be initiated at 0.05 s and not 0.25s as specified. Why? Can the time axis scale be changed to reflect the ‘actual’ time?Can the simulation time step be changed when the case is run from a snapshot file?T2.8 Resize the page and add sticky notes and experiment with curve settings. Make the page look ‘presentable’ in a report. Go to edit=> workspace settings and check out the available options.Tutorial 3Building a simple caseT3.1 Create a new case by using either the Menu or Toolbar. A new case should appear in the Workspace settings entitled noname [psc]. Right-click on this Workspace settings entry and select Save As… and give the case a name. NOTE: Do not use any spaces in the name!).Save the case as accircuit01.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_03T3.2 Open the main page of your new case. Construct the circuit as shown below using the methods discussed up until now.T3.3 Use the Three Phase Source model and externally control it using a Real Constant tag for frequency and a Slider to control L-G Peak Voltage. Create a Plot and monitor currents Ia, Ib and Ic flowing through the Three Phase Breaker. Set the Timed Breaker Logic for 1 operation and so that the breaker is initially closed and will open at 0.4 sec.Externally control the Three Phase Fault with a Dial. Initiate the fault at 0.1 sec., with duration of 0.2 sec. Run the case multiple times, each time trying a different Fault Type.Experiment with different fault and breaker times. What happens when the series inductors are all set to 0.5 H? Why?T3.4 Your supervisor asks you to monitor the fundamental +\-\0 sequence currents flowing through the breaker during each fault: Use the On-Line FFT component for this as shown to the right. Run the case again multiple times, each time trying a different Fault Type. Does zero sequence current flow for every type of fault?T3.5 Add a Three Phase RMS Voltage meter between the breaker and the fault branch. Set the Voltage for Per-Unitizing to the voltage specified in your source. Why is voltage ripple sometimes present? What happens when you adjust the Smoothing Time Constant of the RMS meter?Save the case as accircuit01.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_03T3.6 Construct a Sequence of Events, which performs exactly the same timed control logic you are using now for your breaker and fault. When you are finished, delete the Fault Logic and Timed Breaker Logic components and provide the required control signals from your Sequencer.Save the case as accircuit02.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_03T3.7 Create a page module and move the Three Phase Fault component, along with the Dial, inside of it. HINT: The sub-page will require 3 electrical nodes (X-Nodes) and one data input node.Save the case as accircuit03.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_03T3.8 Measure the Harmonic impedance of this system at different points. Use the ‘Harmonic Impedance’ meter and get the instructor to explain how it is used.Open the case as accircuit04.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_03. Run the case and see the output files created from the ‘Harmonic Impedance’ component.T3.9 EXTRA: Create a data signal to monitor the A Phase fault current by defining it as an “Internal Output Variable” in the Three Phase Fault Component dialog window. Add Output Channels and create a plot inside the Page Component to monitor the signal. Cut the entire Plot window and Paste it into the Main Page of the case and run it again. What happens?T3.10 EXTRA: Output the Phase A fault current through an Export Tag to the main page. HINT: You must modify the Page Component.Tutorial 4Series tuned filterT4.1 Create a new case by using either the Menu or Toolbar . A new case should appear in theWorkspace settings entitled noname [psc]. Right-click on this Workspace settings entry and select Save As… and give the case a name. NOTE: Do not use any spaces in the name!). Save the case as tunedfilt01.psc in c:……/PscadTraining/Tutorial_04T4.2 Open the main page of your new case. Construct the circuit as shown below using the methods discussed until now:T4.3 Add a File Reference to point to a file called signal.out in your course directory. To view the file, double-click the File Reference icon. Signal.out will be the input file for the File Read component. NOTE: The file signal.out is an output file created by PSCAD and is located on your course disk. The two columns of data represent time and signal magnitude, which has an AC fundamental frequency, along with 5th and 7th harmonics.T4.4 Use the File Read component to input an external signal to the Single Phase Source , as shown in the diagram above. Under File Name in the File Read dialog window, enter signal.out and change the number of columns to read to 2. Set the Single Phase Source to Ideal , DC and External Input . Set the default variable R, L and C values to 0.1 Ω, 0.07036 H and 100 μF respectively.T4.5 In the Project Settings dialog window set the simulation time to 0.15 sec and time and plot step to 50 μs. Run the case and plot the signals Vin and Vout as curves on the same graph. The series filter is tuned by default to pass only one frequency. What frequency does the signal Vout appear to be? HINT: Use markers- mode on the graphT4.6 Revert back to standard startup (that is, remove starting from a snapshot). Add the Multiple Run component and set it up to sequentially vary the capacitance of the capacitor from 10 μF to 100 μF (in 10 μF increments). Connect the Multiple run output to the capacitor as shown to the right. NOTE : Make sure the Multiple Run component is enabled!T4.7 Run the case and monitor Vin and Vout . What affect does the varying capacitance have on the output voltage?T4.8 Use the feature in Multiple Run to analyze Vin . Find the value of C that would give the minimum Vin .T4.9 EXTRA : Using components from the CSMF section of the Master Library to calculate the resonant frequency in Hz for each new value of capacitance C.CL 21f 0⋅⋅π⋅=T4.10 EXTRA : Check the impedance spectrum using the ‘Harmonic Impedance’ component.。


Predicting the type of answer
Before listening to the audio, try to predict the type of answer that will be given, such as a fact, opinion, or explanation. This can help you focus on relevant information and filter out irrelevant details.
• Enhance speaking skills: Students will practice speaking in different contexts, including making presentations, participating in discussions, and giving speeches.
通过模仿英语母语者的发音,提高自己的口语 流利度和准确性。
通过回答问题、复述故事、描述图片等方式, 训练口语表达能力。
Role playing and group discussions
Positioning key information and filtering irrelevant information
Identifying important details
While listening, identify important details that are relevant to the question or task. This may include specific information, names, dates, or numbers.


The practical application of grammar refers to using the grammar rules learned in this unit in real-life situations. Students will practice speaking and writing in English using the grammar structures covered in this unit, such as simple present, present continuous, and present perfect tenses.
提前阅读问题,了解需要回答 的内容和要求。
在听的过程中,注意捕捉关键 信息和细节,记录重要内容。
根据问题类型,选择合适的答 题方法,确保答案准确、完整

Listening skills sharing
reading comprehension
Reading article analysis
本篇文章主要探讨了英语学习 的技巧和方法,包括词汇、语 法、阅读和写作等方面的学习 建议。
文章采用了总分总的结构,先 总体介绍了英语学习的重要性 ,然后分别从词汇、语法、阅 读和写作四个方面进行了详细 阐述,最后总结了提高英语学 习的关键因素。
Analysis of Listening Materials
评估听力材料中涉及的词 汇量,确定是否超出了学 生的词汇范围。



Page 8
FloTHERM V8.2 Introductory Training Course Tutorial 1 – Basic Operation of FloTHERM 点击“表格在图形下方图标 ”(Tables Below Geometry) 示出表格窗口。 ,显
Tutorial 1
点击 Dismiss 关闭窗口。
点击表格(Tables)图标 , 选择模型列表中机箱(Chassis)的第 一行 ,点击物体/属性 (Object/Attribute), 注意到 ‘Steel (Mild)’ 在 材料列中。 移动水平和垂直滑条,观察其他物体上所附的物理属性。 Any attribute will be colored blue 所有物性均用蓝色显示. 双击 数据表窗口中的物理属性,可以对其观察或编辑。试着双击 Steel (Mild) ,看看它是怎么定义的, 点击取消(Cancel)离 开。
Tutorial 1
FloTHERM V8.2 Revision 01
©2009 Mentor Graphics Corporation
Page 6
FloTHERM V8.2 Introductory Training Course Tutorial 1 – Basic Operation of FloTHERM 可视编辑树中,找到结果\粒子( Results\Particles)节点,选中 “Air From Side Vent”, In the 在显示的特性页中,勾选上粒子流的“On”.
FloTHERM V8.2 Revision 01



1.讀取範本檔“ Tutorial 1 ”。







切換到操作模式 (
: Snap to Grid : Snap to Object: Free Snap 從繪圖板中的調色板中選擇幾何體。









简明英语测试教程第一章Simple English Test Tutorial Chapter 1This chapter serves as a concise guide to help learners prepare for their English language tests. The following sections will provide valuable tips and strategies for each section of the test, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking.Section 1: Listening SkillsDeveloping strong listening skills is crucial for success in any English language test. To enhance your listening abilities, consider the following techniques:1.1 Active ListeningEngage actively while listening to audio samples or conversations. Focus on understanding the key points, main ideas, and supporting details. Take notes if necessary to better retain the information.1.2 Practice ListeningListen to a wide range of English materials such as music, podcasts, and movies. Attempt to comprehend the context and meaning behind the words. Regular practice will sharpen your listening skills.Section 2: Reading SkillsThe reading section is designed to assess comprehension and vocabulary skills. To improve your performance in this section, take note of the following tips:2.1 Skimming and ScanningLearn to skim and scan passages quickly to identify the main ideas and locate specific information within the text. This technique helps save time during the test.2.2 Vocabulary ExpansionExpand your vocabulary by reading different genres and topics. Make a habit of using context clues to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words. This practice will allow you to understand and answer questions more effectively.Section 3: Writing SkillsThe writing section evaluates your ability to express ideas, organize thoughts, and use correct grammar and vocabulary. Here are some suggestions to enhance your writing skills:3.1 Plan and StructureBefore starting your essay, take a few minutes to outline the main points and structure. This provides a clear direction for your writing and ensures a logical flow of ideas.3.2 Grammar and VocabularyReview essential grammar rules and practice using a variety of sentence structures. Expand your vocabulary by learning synonyms and idiomatic expressions to add depth to your writing.Section 4: Speaking SkillsThe speaking section assesses your ability to communicate fluently and coherently. To improve your speaking skills, incorporate the following strategies:4.1 Pronunciation and IntonationWork on correct pronunciation and intonation to enhance your overall fluency. Practice listening to and imitating native speakers as this will greatly improve your oral communication skills.4.2 Practice SpeakingEngage in conversations with native or proficient English speakers as much as possible. Join discussion groups, take part in speaking clubs, and utilize language exchange platforms to gain confidence and fluency.ConclusionMastering the English language requires consistent practice and dedication. By focusing on each section of the test - listening, reading, writing, and speaking - and utilizing the techniques provided in this tutorial, you can enhance your test performance and achieve success. Remember, regular practice and exposure to the language are key to progress and improvement.(Note: The given topic is "Simple English Test Tutorial Chapter 1". The format used is a tutorial-style format, providing tips and strategies for each section of the test.)。



Tutorial 1 Matlab 命令窗口的使用一、命令窗口的基本操作命令窗口(Command Window)位于MATLAB 操作桌面的右方,如图1所示,用于输入命令并显示除图形以外的所有执行结果,是MATLAB 的主要交互窗口。

命令窗口可以从MATLAB 操作桌面中分离出来,以方便单独显示和操作,也可以重新返回操作桌面中,其他窗口也有相同的操作。

分离命令窗口可选择菜单命令Desktop→Unlock Command Window,也可单击窗口右上角的按钮,还可以使用鼠标将命令窗口拖离操作桌面,分离的命令窗口如图2 所示。

如将命令窗口返回操作桌面,可选择命令窗口的菜单命令Desktop→Dock Command Window,或单击窗口右上角的按钮。

在MATLAB 命令窗口中可以看到有一个“>>”,该符号为命令提示符,表示MATLAB 正在处于准备状态。

在命令提示符后输入命令并按回车键后,MATLAB 就会解释执行所输入的命令,并在命令后面给出计算结果。

图1 Matlab默认操作窗口图2 分离的命令窗口二、命令窗口的使用一般来说,一个命令行输入一条命令,命令行以按回车键结束。




以上两个例子都是在一个命令行输入3 条命令,不同的是两条命令之间的分隔符不同,一个是逗号,一个是分号。




表示输入数组A 和B。


在MATLAB 中,同一个符号在不同的命令中有不同的作用,后面的章节会有详细介绍。

有时候会碰到这样的情况,一个命令行很长,一个物理行之内写不下,可以在第一个物理行之后加上3 个小黑点(…)并按回车键,然后接着下一个物理行继续写命令的其他部分。

OpenSim Tutorial1 for 30 and 31

OpenSim Tutorial1 for 30 and 31

OpenSim Tutorial #1Introduction to Musculoskeletal ModelingScott Delp, Allison Arnold, Samuel HamnerNeuromuscular Biomechanics LaboratoryStanford UniversityI.O BJECTIVESIntroduction to OpenSimModels of the musculoskeletal system enable one to study neuromuscular coordination, analyze athletic performance, and estimate musculoskeletal loads. OpenSim is open-source software that allows users to develop, analyze, and visualize models of the musculoskeletal system, and to generate dynamic simulations of movement [1]. In OpenSim, a musculoskeletal model consists of rigid body segments connected by joints. Muscles span these joints and generate forces and movement. Once a musculoskeletal model is created, OpenSim enables users to study the effects of musculoskeletal geometry, joint kinematics, and muscle-tendon properties on the forces and joint moments that the muscles can produce. With OpenSim, our goal is to provide a framework that allows the biomechanics community to create, share, and extend a library of models and dynamic simulation tools.PurposeThe purpose of this tutorial is to introduce users to OpenSim by demonstrating the utility of graphics-based musculoskeletal modeling and illustrating how muscle-tendon lengths and moment arms depend upon limb configuration. In this tutorial, you will:•Become familiar with OpenSim’s graphical user interface (GUI)•Discover some limitations of musculoskeletal models•Explore differences between “1-joint” (uni-articular) and “2-joint” (bi-articular) muscles •Use OpenSim to address an important clinical problemFormatEach section of the tutorial guides you through certain tools within OpenSim’s GUI and asks you to answer a few questions. The menu titles and option names you must select and any commands you must type to run OpenSim will appear in bold face. The questions can be answered based on information from OpenSim and basic knowledge of the human musculoskeletal system. As you complete each section of the tutorial, feel free to explore OpenSim and the lower extremity model further on your own. Depending on the amount of exploration you do, this tutorial will take about 1-2 hours to complete.Introduction to the OpenSim GUIThere are several key components of the OpenSim GUI that will be referred to throughout the tutorial. The table below will introduce you to these GUI components.GUI ComponentsTitleScreenshotToolbarMotion Text BoxMotion Slider / Video ControlsView WindowNavigator WindowCoordinates WindowProperties WindowII.M USCULOSKELETAL M ODEL OF THE L OWER E XTREMITYIn this section, you will load a model of the lower extremity [2] into OpenSim and make the model “walk.” The model represents an adult subject with an approximate height of 1.8 m and an approximate mass of 75 kg. The model consists of 13 rigid body segments and includes the lines of action of 86 muscles (43 per leg).Loading a ModelThe first model you will analyze is entitled Both Legs with Muscles. To load this musculoskeletal model into OpenSim:•Click the File menu and select Open Model.•Find the Models folder, which is located under your OpenSim installation directory, e.g., C:\OpenSim 3.0.Note: There are several different example models and motions in the Models folder. All of the model and motion files used in the remainder of the tutorial will be located in this Models folder.•Open the BothLegs folder, select the file BothLegs.osim, and click Open.After loading a model, its name will appear in the Navigator window. To see the Navigator window, which also provides specific information about the bodies, muscles, and joints in the model, click the Window menu and select Navigator. To expand a Navigator heading, click the plus icon to its left.Note: If already opened, you can also view the Navigator window by clicking its title bar.Viewing & Animating a ModelOpenSim allows you to orient the model using your mouse.R OTATE To rotate the view, click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse.T RANSLATE To translate the view, click and hold the center mouse button and drag the mouse. Z OOM To zoom, click and hold the right mouse button.To zoom in, drag the mouse down. To zoom out, drag the mouse up.In addition to your mouse, there are six orienting icons located along the right side of the View window. To view the model in the –X direction, click the icon. Similarly, click on the other icons to view along the other principal directions. To see the axes of the world reference frame, click the axes icon located on the right side of the View window.CoordinatesThe Coordinates window contains sliders that correspond to joint coordinates in the model. To see the Coordinates window, click the Window menu and select Coordinates. For the current model, the orientation of the pelvis corresponds to the orientation of the model.Note: If already opened, you can also view the Coordinates window by clicking its title bar.•The first three sliders correspond to rotations of the pelvis about the Z, X, and Y-axes of the “pelvis” reference frame. To rotate the pelvis about the Z-axis, drag the rZ slider.Similarly, to rotate the pelvis about the other two axes, drag the corresponding slider.Note: These rotations are different than rotating the model view.•The remaining sliders correspond to joint rotations and control a single degree of freedom.To rotate the joints, drag the sliders or type in a desired joint angle in the adjacent textbox.•To save a pose, or a specific set of joint coordinates, for later use in the tutorial:-Restore the default joint coordinates by clicking the Poses button and selecting Default.-Flex the right hip 45º by typing 45 into the r_hip_flexion textbox and pressing Enter.-Click the Poses button, select New, type r hip flex 45 in the textbox, and click OK.Loading a MotionTo animate the model, you need to load an associated motion file into OpenSim.•Click the File menu and select Load Motion. Ensure you are in the BothLegs directory, select the file BothLegsWalk.mot, and click Open. This motion file describes a normal gait.After loading a motion, its name will appear in the motion textbox,located on the toolbar. Additionally, a new branch will appear inthe Navigator titled Motions. Expand it to see all motions loadedfor a particular model, as shown.Motion SliderThe motion slider corresponds to the current motion file. To make the model “walk”, drag the motion slider. To animate the model, use the video control buttons, e.g., click play . There are also buttons to loop , pause , and control the speed of the animation.Questions1.Degrees of Freedome the Coordinate slider to view the degrees of freedom of the model. How manydegrees of freedom does the model have? List them.b.All models are approximations. Compare the degrees of freedom in the model to thedegrees of freedom in your lower limbs. Which motions have been simplified? Which motions have not been modeled at all?c.How many muscles are in the model? Is this greater than the number of degrees offreedom? What is the minimum number of muscles required to fully actuate the model?Hint: Full actuation of the knee, for example, means both knee flexion and knee extension.2.Muscle Pathsa.Muscle-tendon paths are represented in OpenSim by a series of points connected by linesegments. To see a list of all the muscles:•In the Navigator, expand the Forces, Muscles, and all headings.•To display a single muscle, right-click on a specific muscle name under the all group,e.g., GMED1, and select Display > Show Only from the popup menu.•To toggle the display of all muscles, double-click on the Muscles or all heading.Note: Double-clicking on a body, muscle group, or muscle heading in the Navigator toggles its display.In this model, the gluteus medius is represented by multiple lines of action (e.g., GMED1, GMED2, GMED3).Name two other muscles in the model that are represented with multiple lines of action.Why do you think these muscles are represented in this way?Hint: Other muscles with multiple lines of action use the same naming convention as the gluteus medius.b.For some muscles, two points, the muscle origin and insertion, are sufficient to describethe muscle path. For other muscles that wrap over bones or are constrained by retinacula, intermediate wrapping or via points must be defined. To view these wrapping points:•Zoom in on the right knee joint.•Hide all other muscles except the r knee extensors muscle group.•Fully flex the right knee using the r_knee_angle Coordinates slider.Notice that wrapping points are introduced in some of the knee extensors at certain knee angles, such that the muscles appear to wrap around the bones.Which knee extensor muscles have wrapping points? At what knee angle do they occur?3.Modeling LimitationsSome muscles in the lower limb model pass through the bones or deeper muscles at extreme ranges of motion. Zoom in on the right hip, and display only the GMAX3 muscle (r hip extensors group). Examine this muscle for the full range of hip flexion angles.Do you see any problems with GMAX3? In what ways are point-to-point representations of muscle paths a simplification of musculoskeletal geometry?III.J OINT A NGLES,M USCLE-TENDON L ENGTHS,&M OMENT A RMSIn this section, you will investigate how muscle-tendon lengths and moment arms depend onlimb configuration. Musculoskeletal geometry is very important to the function of muscles andto the development of quantitative musculoskeletal models. Muscle-tendon forces depend uponthe muscle-tendon length, and joint moments depend upon both muscle-tendon forces and moment arms. Therefore, accurate specification of musculoskeletal geometry is essential in developing an accurate model for predicting muscle-tendon forces and joint moments.Using the PlotterOpenSim’s Plotter allows you to plot muscle-tendon properties, such as length, moment arm, force, and joint moment. To generate a plot of fiber-length vs. knee angle for the rectus femorisand vastus intermedius muscles:•Return the model to its original pose by clicking Poses > Default in the Coordinates window.Note: Plots are created for the current configuration of the model. Your plots will be made for the default pose.•To open a new plot, click the Tools menu and select Plot. In the plotter window, click the Y-Quantity button and select fiber-length. This variable will appear on the y-axis.•After selecting an appropriate Y-Quantity, you must select the muscles for which you want to generate curves. Click on the Muscles button and a menu will appear.•To find muscles more quickly, you can filter the muscles by muscle group. Choose the model option and use the group drop down menu to select r knee extensors. The muscles list should now only show the muscles in the right knee extensors group.•Select rectus femoris and vastus intermedius from the list by clicking the checkboxeslabeled RF and VASINT.Note: You do not have to close the muscles window as long as the plotter window is open, and your selections are immediately updated in the Muscles textbox. This can be helpful when creating multiple curves on the same plot, which you will do in a few more steps.•Click X-Quantity and select r_knee_angle. This variable will appear on the x-axis.•To add a title to the plot, click the Properties button and type Fiber-Length vs. Knee Angleinto the textbox named Text under the Title tab. Explore the plot properties, and then click OK.•To add the curves to the plot, click Add.Note: The plots use the following SI units: meters (length), Newtons (force), Newton-meters (moment).•Do not close the plot window, as you will be adding more curves in the next section.Questions4.Muscle Fiber Length vs. Joint Anglea.Study the plot of muscle fiber length vs. knee angle. Do you think these curves wouldlook different if, for example, the right hip was flexed?b.You will now flex the right hip by recalling the pose you previously saved:•In the Coordinates window, click Poses and select your saved pose (r hip flex 45).•To add curves for 45º hip flexion using the same Quantities and Muscles, click Add.Note: To print or save a plot, right-click on the plot and select Print or Export Image.Compare the two sets of curves you have just plotted. How have the curves changed?Can you explain your findings? How can bi-articular muscles complicate analysis?5.Muscle Moment Arm vs. Joint AngleNow plot knee extension moment arm vs. knee angle for the same two muscles:•Return the model to its original position by clicking Poses >Default.•To delete the previous curves, select all the names from the Curves List and click Delete.Note: To select multiple curve names, hold down ctrl while selecting.•Click Y-Quantity, select moment arm, and r_knee_angle.•To add curves using the same Muscles and X-Quantity as previously selected, click Add.Note: If you hover the cursor over a curve, a tool tip will give the coordinates at that particular point.Study the plot of knee extension moment arm vs. knee angle for rectus femoris and vastus intermedius. At what knee angles do the moment arms peak? What are the peak moment arms?You may notice that the moment arm curves have a discontinuity. At what knee angle does the discontinuity occur? What do you think causes this?Hint: Look at Question 2.bOnce you have answered these questions, you can close the current plotter.Feel free to make more plots for other limb positions, muscles, and/or joints. When you are ready to continue with the tutorial, close the plotter window and close the Both Legs with Muscles model by clicking the File menu and selecting Close Model. Do not save the model settings to file.IV.A SSESSMENT OF H AMSTRINGS L ENGTH D URING C ROUCH G AITIn this final section of the tutorial, you will use OpenSim to investigate a possible cause of crouch gait, one of the most common walking abnormalities among individuals with cerebral palsy. It is characterized by excessive flexion of the knee during stance phase, which is often accompanied by exaggerated flexion and internal rotation of the hip. One hypothesized cause of crouch gait is short hamstrings, and orthopaedic surgeons will sometimes lengthen the hamstrings of such patients in an attempt to improve their posture and gait. However, other causes of excessive knee flexion are possible (e.g. weak ankle plantarflexors), and lengthening the hamstrings can compromise the strength of these muscles [3]. How can a surgeon determine whether a hamstring lengthening procedure is warranted?One possible way to judge whether a patient’s hamstrings are shorter than “normal” is to developa musculoskeletal model and compare the length of the hamstrings during the patient’s crouch gait cycle to the length of the hamstrings during a normal gait cycle. Suppose that an orthopaedic surgeon has brought you some kinematic data for a patient who walks with a crouch gait. The surgeon is contemplating whether to operate, and wants your opinion.File PreparationFollow these steps to load the crouch gait and normal gait files:•Load the model file SeparateLegs.osim. This model is located in the directory Models/SeparateLegs. Separate Legs with Muscles is similar to Both Legs with Muscles, except that it has separate left and right pelvis segments that connect to the sacrum.Note: All of the tutorial models and motions are relative to your OpenSim installation directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\OpenSim 3.0.•To rename a loaded model, right-click on the model name in the Navigator and select Rename from the popup menu. Type SepLegsCrouch into the textbox and click OK.Note: Renaming in this way does not affect the actual file name of the model.•Load the motion file crouch1.mot, which is in the same folder as the SeparateLegs model.This motion contains crouch gait data.•OpenSim has the ability to load multiple models simultaneously. To open a second model, load the SeparateLegs.osim file again.Note: If you do not see both models after loading, press the r key.•To rename the second model, right-click on the current model name and select Rename.Type SepLegsNormal into the textbox and click OK.Note: Throughout the rest of the tutorial, these two models will be referred to as crouch and normal.The second model you loaded automatically becomes the current model. Notice that the non-current model becomes translucent. Any action, such as loading a motion, will be applied only to the current model. You can change the position of the model in the viewer, by right-clicking on the model’s name and choosing Model Display Offset.•Making sure that the normal model is still current, load thesecond motion file normal.mot. This motion file containsnormal gait data.•OpenSim can synchronize multiple motions, allowing you toanimate multiple models simultaneously. To do this, expandthe Motions branch of each model in the Navigator, holddown ctrl (ctrl + command on a Mac), and select bothmotions names such that each name is highlighted. Right-click on either motion name, then select Sync. Motions fromthe popup menu, as shown.Questions6.Range of MotionTo animate the models and visually compare the crouch gait data to the normal gait data, click play. Notice that both motions are synchronized, as shown. Be sure to loop the animation, adjust the play speed, and rotate the models. What differences do you observe?Now quantitatively compare knee flexion angles over the crouch and normal gait cycles.•In a new plot, click Y-Quantity, select normal_gait(Deg.)…, and select r_knee_angle.Click OK.•Click X-Quantity and select normal_gait. Click OK.•Edit the text in the Curve Name textbox to read Normal Gait.•To add the curve of right knee angle vs. gait cycle, click Add.•Make the crouch model current by right-clicking on its name in the Navigator window and then select Make Current.•In the same plotter window, click Y-Quantity, select crouch1_gait(Deg.)…, and select r_knee_angle. Click OK.•Click X-Quantity and select crouch1_gait. Click OK.•In the Curve Name textbox edit the text to read Crouch Gait, then click Add.Can you identify the intervals at which heel strike, stance, toe off, and swing phase occur for a “normal” gait cycle?Sketch a plot of the curve, and label the intervals.What is the “normal” range of knee flexion during stance phase?How does this knee flexion curve for crouch gait compare to the normal gait data?7. Hamstrings LengthTo address the surgeon’s question, compare the hamstrings length over the crouch gait cycle tothe hamstrings length over the “normal” gait cycle.•To delete the previous curves, select all the names from the Curves List and click Delete.Note: To select multiple curve names, hold down ctrl while selecting.•Make the normal model current by right clicking on it in the Navigator window and then selecting Make Current•Click Y-Quantity and select muscle-tendon length.•Click on Muscles and select Hamstrings from the list. Click Close.Note: To quickly find the Hamstrings, type ham into the pattern textbox.•Click X-Quantity and select normal_gait(Deg.).•In the Curve Name textbox edit the text to read Normal Gait.•To add the curve of hamstrings length vs. gait cycle, click Add.•To make a similar curve for the crouch gait data, make the crouch model current. Then, click on Y-Quantity and re-select muscle-tendon length.•Click on Muscles and select Hamstrings.•Click X-Quantity and select crouch1_gait(Deg.).•In the Curve Name textbox, edit the name to read Crouch Gait, and then click Add.Study the curves. Based on the plot, what recommendation would you give the surgeon? Canyou think of any limitations of your analysis?8.Additional Crouch Gait Files (optional)The orthopaedic surgeon cares for three other patients who walk with a crouch gait. Repeat theabove analysis for motion files crouch2.mot, crouch3.mot, and crouch4.mot. Note that you can associate more than one motion with a model. Would your recommendations to the surgeon beany different for these patients? If you would like to learn more about this type of analysis,please read reference [3].References1.Delp, S.L., Anderson, F.C., Arnold, A.S., Loan, P., Habib, A., John, C.T., Guendelman, E., Thelen, D.G.OpenSim: Open-source software to create and analyze dynamic simulations of movement.IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55, pp. 1940-1950, 2007.2.Delp, S.L., Loan, J.P., Hoy, M.G., Zajac, F.E., Topp E.L., Rosen, J.M. An interactive graphics-basedmodel of the lower extremity to study orthopaedic surgical procedures. IEEE Transactions on BiomedicalEngineering, vol. 37, pp. 757-767, 1990.3.Arnold, A.S., Liu, M., Ounpuu, S., Swartz, M., Delp, S.L., The role of estimating hamstrings lengths andvelocities in planning treatments for crouch gait, Gait and Posture, vol. 23, pp. 273-281, 2006.。



Working with DotSpatial controlsTutorial (1)Purpose of this tutorial: Become familiar with the DotSpatial map control and its following functionalities: ZoomIn, ZoomOut, Zoom to Extent, Select, Measure, Pan, Info, and load data.This tutorial has 5 important steps.Step 1: Download the DotSpatial class libraryStep 2: Add the DotSpatial reference and change the compile option.Step 3: Add the DotSpatial Controls into the Visual Studio Toolbox.Step 4: Design the GUI. (GUI - Graphical User Interface)Step 5: Write the code for implementing the map operations.Step 1: Download the DotSpatial class library1. Download the DotSpatial class library (x86 Framework 4.0.zip) from the following URL.Step 2: Add the DotSpatial reference and change the compile option.2.1) Add the DotSpatial reference1. Right click over the project on the solution explorer and select the add reference from the context menu.2. Add the following 4 references from the downloaded folder. fig.5DotSpatial.Controls.dll, DotSpatial.Data.dll, DotSpatial.Data.Forms.dll, DotSpatial.Symbology.dllfig.5.2.2) Change the compile option from .Net FrameWork 4 Client Profile to .Net FrameWork 41. Right click over the project on the solution explorer and select the properties from the context menu.fig.6.Choose the Advanced Compile Options on the above window. fig.6fig.7. Select the .Net Framework 4 and save the project.fig.8 C#.net application change compile options.Step 3: Add the DotSpatial Controls into the Visual Studio Toolbox.3.1) Creating a new Tab on the ToolBox window and adding the DotSpatial class library.Create a new project in VB or C# and select the ToolBox on the standard menu bar. Right click on the ToolBox window and choose "Add Tab" from the context menu. Fig.1 Enter the new tab name as DotSpatial. On the DotSpatial tab right click and select the choose items from the context menu.fig.1.Click the Browse button on the Choose Tool Box Items window. fig.2.fig.2.Select the DotSpatial.Controls.dll from the downloaded folder. (fig.3)fig.3Make sure the AppManager is checked on the Choose Toolbox Items window. fig.4fig.4.Step 4: Design the GUI. (Graphical User Interface)Design the GUI as follows:Map Controlfig.9.Interface design considerations.1. Add 2 panel controls on the form.1.1) Name the first panel as pnlOperations and set the dock property as Top.1.2) Name the second panel as pnlMap and set the dock property as Fill.2. Drag the map control on to the pnlMap from the tool box, under the DotSpatial tab. Set the dock property of map to Fill.3. Add a group box on to the pnlOperations and name it as grbOperations.4. Create ten buttons inside the group box.4.1) Set the buttons properties as follows:4.2) Use shortcut keys for the button click event. Ex: Load Map button's short cut key is Shift + L. To implement this feature, on the properties window of the button select the Text property and use the & sign in front of any letter. In the load button case, Text property should be &L oad Map5. Add a title label above the group box. Name of the label should be lblTitle and the text property of the label is Basic Map Operations.Step 5: Write the code for implementing the map operations.1.Add the following namespaceVB'Required namespaceImports DotSpatial.ControlsC#//Required namespaceusing DotSpatial.Controls;2.Double click over the button on the form to get the selected button's click event code view.VBPrivate Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click'AddLayer() method is used to add a shapefile in to mapcontrolMap1.AddLayer()End SubPrivate Sub btnRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click'Clear() method is used to clear the shapelayers from mapcontrolyers.Clear()End SubPrivate Sub btnZoomIn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnZoomIn.Click'ZoomIn method is used to ZoomIn the shape fileMap1.ZoomIn()End SubPrivate Sub btnZoomOut_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnZoomOut.Click'ZoomOut method is used to ZoomIn the shape fileMap1.ZoomOut()End SubPrivate Sub btnZoomToExtend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnZoomToExtend.Click'ZoomToMaxExtent method is used to Extent the shape fileMap1.ZoomToMaxExtent()End SubPrivate Sub btnMeasure_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 'Measure function is used to measure the distance and areaMap1.FunctionMode = DotSpatial.Controls.FunctionMode.MeasureEnd SubPrivate Sub btnInfo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInfo.Click'Info function is used to get the information of the selected shapeMap1.FunctionMode = End SubPrivate Sub btnMeasure_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMeasure.Click'Measure function is used to measure the distance and areaMap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.MeasureEnd SubPrivate Sub btnSelect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSelect.Click'Select function is used to select a shape on the shape fileMap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.SelectEnd SubPrivate Sub btnNone_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNone.Click'None function is used to change the mouse cursor to defaultMap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.NoneEnd SubPrivate Sub btnPan_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPan.Click'Pan function is used to pan the mapMap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.PanEnd SubC#private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//AddLayer method is used to add shape layersmap1.AddLayer();}private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//ClearLayers method is used to remove all the layers from the mapcontrol map1.ClearLayers();}private void btnZoomIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//ZoomIn method is used to ZoomIn the shape filemap1.ZoomIn();}private void btnZoomOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//ZoomOut method is used to ZoomIn the shape filemap1.ZoomOut();}private void btnZoomToExtent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//ZoomToMaxExtent method is used to Extent the shape filemap1.ZoomToMaxExtent();}private void btnPan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//Pan function is used to pan the mapmap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.Pan;}private void btnInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//Info function is used to get the information of the selected shapemap1.FunctionMode = ;}private void btnMeasure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//Measure function is used to measure the distance and areamap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.Measure;}private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//Select function is used to select a shape on the shape filemap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.Select;}private void btnNone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//None function is used to change the mouse cursor to defaultmap1.FunctionMode = FunctionMode.None;}3. To display the tool tip message for the buttons, add the following code in the form load event. Double click over the form for getting the form load event code view.VBPrivate Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LoadDim btnToolTip As New ToolTip()btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnLoad, "Shift + L")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnZoomIn, "Shift + I")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnZoomOut, "Shift + O")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnClear, "Shift + C")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnZoomToExtend, "Shift + E")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnPan, "Shift + P")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnInfo, "Shift + F")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnMeasure, "Shift + M")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnSelect, "Shift + S")btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnNone, "Shift + N") End SubC#private void frmTutorial1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ToolTip btnToolTip = new ToolTip();btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnLoad, "Shift + L");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnZoomIn, "Shift + I");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnZoomOut, "Shift + O");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnClear, "Shift + C");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnZoomToExtent, "Shift + E"); btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnLoad, "Shift + L");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnInfo, "Shift + f");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnMeasure, "Shift + M");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnSelect, "Shift + S");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnNone, "Shift + N");btnToolTip.SetToolTip(btnPan, "Shift + N");}fig.10. Project Output for state shape file.。



Tutorial 1
在 PM 中点击绘图板(DB)图标

绘图板 (DB)窗口占用右边屏幕,显示模型的四个视图. 重调尺寸并移 动 项目管理窗口 (PM)把它放在 DB 的左边,两个窗口同时可见。
在 Flotherm 中,所有的几何图形的彩色都是有特定含义的。当只看到 绿色边框而看不到任何几何体时,这表明所有几何体被压入 assembles (组件)中。组件(Assemblies)会象目录存放文件一样可存放几何 体。
或使用热键 F11 切换至视图选择模式。点住温度场 通过点击图标 平面(位于求解域中心)上的任意箭头并沿箭头轴向拖动鼠标。在平 面通过模型移动的过程中,软件会连续地更新并显示面板上的参数。 使用‘Legend’和‘Values’,察看温度结果。 点击 Legend Editor(色标编辑器)图标 将调出‘Legend Editor’对 话框。从 scalar(标量)下拉菜单中选择“Temperature(温度)”显 示温度色彩刻度。 单击“user(用户)”按钮激活滚轮(wheel), 这将允许你调整刻度表的范围。 完成后关闭对话框。 使用‘Values’观测值,用热键‘y’从正 Y 方向观测几何体。点击 ‘Value Dialog’观测值对话框图标 。 备注:当鼠标指针设在‘Selection mode’(选择模式) 下时,您还可 以通过使用键盘上的左右箭头键在模型中移动观察面。
Tutorial 1
FLOTHERM/T/04/03 V4.1 Issue 1.0
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FLOTHERM V4.1 Introductory Training Course
练习 1: FLOTHERM 基本操作 在 PM 中点击[Project/New]并选择标签‘Tutorials’。注意:必须点 击图标 ,滚动项目标签才可得到‘Tutorials’标签。 选中项目文件“Tutorial 1”,点击‘OK’。



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资源⽬录(SDK root)\Samples\C++\Direct3D11\Tutorials\Tutorial01设置Direct3D 11 设备第⼀步是创建⼀个窗⼝和消息循环,这些在Direct3D 9, Direct3D 10, 和Direct3D 11都是相同的。

有关此过程的介绍,请参阅Direct3D 10教程00:Win 32 Basics。

现在我们有了⼀个正在显⽰的窗⼝,我们可以继续设置⼀个Direct3D 11设备。


⾸先要做的是创建三个对象:⼀个设备(device),⼀个直接的上下⽂(immediate context),⼀个交换链(swap chain)。

直接上下⽂是Direct3d 11中的⼀个新对象。

在Direct3D 10中,设备对象⽤于执⾏渲染和资源的创建。

在Direct3D 11中,应⽤程序使⽤直接上下⽂对缓冲区执⾏渲染,设备中包含创建资源的⽅法。









为了创建交换链,我们填写 DXGI_SWAPCHAIN_DESC 结构来描述我们即将创建的交换链。





Caution:CNC machines are potentially dangerous. The post-processor can output an unsuitable code for your machine's control: check the Nc file before sending it to a CNC machine.1.Open the image file with the "Open" button.2.Select in "..\Bmp2Cnc\Sample\" folder the “face.bmp” file.3.The Dimension dialog will appear with the infos of image.4.Scale image to desidered dimension and press "Apply" button.5.Press "Next Pg" button.6.Define the reference point of image and press "Next Pg" button.6.The Depth dialog and 3d image will appear.Change the white and black depth value and press “Apply” button.Within graphics area, for change the view and / or magnification, use as follow To rotate: press left mouse button and move the mouse.To zoom: press CTRL + left mouse button and move the mouse.To pan: press SHIFT + left mouse button and move the mouse.7.Press "Next Pg" button.8.The NC file dialog will appear.Type "face" in the Windows file dialog.9.Select the postprocessor of your cnc machine.10.Press "Next Pg" button.11.In Tool definition press "Select" button to retrieve a tool from a tool library or create a new tool.12.Click in the Tool List to select the tool. Set feed and speed of the tool. Press the "OK" button.13.Press "Next Pg" button.14.The Cutting parameters page will appear. Set up the following parameters (this example work inmillimeters):15.Press the "Calculate" button.16.The toolpath is calculated and displayed together with the 3d image.17.Turn Off the shading: only the toolpath will be displayed.18.Press "Next Pg" button.19.The NC file text is diplayed.20.Press the "Play" button to simulate the toolpath (Yellow=Rapid, Cyan=Feed).21.You have successfully created your first Nc file with Bmp2Cnc.Caution:CNC machines are potentially dangerous. The post-processor can output an unsuitable code for your machine's control: check the Nc file before sending it to a CNC machine.。

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 1- Attitudes and job satisfactionQuestions1.What (if any) are the generational differences regarding continuance commitment?The definition of continuance commitment is that the perceived economic value of remaining with an organisation compared with leaving it.According to the survey sample of the Journal of Managerial Psychology , there is few difference between the generations but still exists, which sharply contrast to the popular view of Gen Y that they are impatient for career success and higher tendency for job turnover.From an employer’s perspective, a continuance commitment describes an employee ‘tethered’ to an employer simply because there is not anything better available, which is more easily to induce the consequence that a less intention to quit but more absenteeism and lower job performance.Gen Xs are more likely to perceive economic value of remaining with an organisation, because they unwilling to abandon for the benfits given by the company. While, to the Gen Ys since the social surrounding environment is rapidly changing , price and payment are going to be more abundant for Gen Ys than before. They have more opportunities for themselves to choose whether they will withdrawal from an organization. Therefore, it may be more difficult to avoid job turnover for Gen Ys nowadays if the employment does not meet their satisfaction.2.Identify at least two strategies for improving the levels of job satisfaction for generation Y employees.(1). Challenging and interesting work:Gen Ys usually prefer to do the job which interests them, because they think that their skills and abilities can be fully reflected , in addition, they enjoy themselves through the process of dealing with the issues as there is a sense of achievement.(2). Rewarding by their performanceTo improve the level of job satisfaction for Gen Ys, it is crucial to reward and rise their wages that can motive for employee initiative and creativity to bring more benefits to the organizations, which induces a win-win situation.3.Consider this statement:’You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. Does the statement have any relevance for baby boomer workers? Why?Yes , several relevance do exist.‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, which means it is difficult to make someone change the way they do something when they have been doing it the same way for a long time. Baby boomer workers who are born in the 1950s and nowadays they have to consider how to deal with straggling. Twenty-first Century is an information age, large amounts of baby boomer workers are retired, they do not contact the modern notion directly, hence they can not understand these latest ideas or they just grasp the superficial knowledge. Furthermore, many of these people are c onservative persons, they are unwilling to change their living style and thinking current concepts are misfits to theirs. Exclusion to accept the new things make them learn new tricks impossible.。



英语听力教程1听力原文English Listening Tutorial 1: Listening Passage Transcription (1000 words)[Introduction]Welcome to English Listening Tutorial 1. In this tutorial, we will provide you with a listening passage along with its transcription. Listening to various English passages will help you improve your listening skills, vocabulary, and comprehension abilities.[Passage]Title: The Benefits of ReadingReading books has always been a popular pastime activity for many individuals all around the world. Aside from being an enjoyable hobby, reading offers numerous benefits that can enhance one's personal growth and intellectual development. Firstly, reading can greatly expand your knowledge. By exposing yourself to different books, you have the opportunity to learn about various topics and explore new ideas. Whether you read fiction, non-fiction, or educational materials, each book provides a unique set of information that contributes to your overall understanding of the world.Secondly, reading can improve your vocabulary and language skills. When you encounter new words in a book, you can learn their meanings through context or by referring to a dictionary. Thisprocess of discovering new words and their usage in different contexts can help you build your vocabulary and improve your written and verbal communication.Moreover, reading can enhance your critical thinking skills. Books often present readers with complex situations, moral dilemmas, or thought-provoking ideas. Engaging with these literary elements allows readers to develop their analytical and problem-solving abilities by thinking critically about the characters, their motives, and the choices they make.Furthermore, reading can be a source of relaxation and stress reduction. Immersing yourself in a captivating story can provide an escape from everyday worries and help you unwind. When you read, your mind focuses solely on the words and the story, allowing you to temporarily forget about any stress or anxiety you may be experiencing.Additionally, reading books can also stimulate creativity and imagination. As you read, your mind visualizes the characters, settings, and events described in the story. This process of mental visualization allows you to create vivid images in your mind and engage your imagination, enabling you to experience the story in a unique and personal way.Lastly, reading can foster empathy and understanding. When you read about different cultures, experiences, and perspectives, it allows you to see the world from various viewpoints. This exposure to different ideas and narratives can promote empathy, tolerance, and a deeper understanding of others.In conclusion, reading is not just a leisure activity; it offers numerous benefits that can positively impact your personal and intellectual growth. It broadens your knowledge, improves your language skills, enhances critical thinking, reduces stress, stimulates creativity, and fosters empathy. So, grab a book, get comfortable, and dive into the incredible world of reading![Conclusion]That concludes the listening passage for English Listening Tutorial 1. We hope you found it interesting and informative. Practice your listening skills regularly to improve your comprehension and overall fluency in English. Stay tuned for more helpful tutorials in the future. Thank you for listening!。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

• If there is design rule violation, the errors encountered and the total number of errors will be appeared on the Command Interpreter Window.
Design Rule Check
Design Rule Check
• On the Layout Editor, the layer encounters design rule violation will be covered by a „Maker‟ layer. Choose “Verify Markers Explain” and click on the „Maker‟ layer to check out the violated design rule. The error messages will be appeared on the “marker text window”.
Tutorial 1 (Cadence)
Installation of Cadence
• 1. Download the file named “cds97a.env” from the homepage into your root directory. • 2. In the file .cshrc, add the code “source cds97a.env”. • 3. Source the .cshrc at the first time of installation. • 4. Make a working directory e.g. mkdir ele5260
• Type “capall” on the Switch Names or you can select it from the “Set Switches” item.
Parameter Extraction
• In the extraction process, the errors encountered and the total number of errors will be appeared on the Command Interpreter Window.
For schematic capture The Cell Name is defined by the user
For symbol generation
For layout design (used in hw1)
Creating new Cell View
A window called “Create New File” will be appeared. You can define the name of the new Cell e.g. inverter. The option “View Name” is target specific, for example if you want to do a layout design, you have to choose “Virtuoso” and the View Name will be automatically set to “layout”
• Open windows • Start tools • View prompts, error messages, and informational messages • Make changes to your working environment • Quit your design session
Starting with Cadence
• In your working directory, type “icfb &” to run Cadence. • A Command Interpreter Window (CIW) will be loaded.
Command Integreter Window (CIW)
Design Rule Check
• We can extract all the parasitic capacitance from the layout. Choose “Verify Extract” to extract the parasitic capacitance.
Parameter Extraction
Library 3
Cell 1
Cell 1
Cell 1
• On the Library Manager, choose “File New Library…” to create a Library
Creating new Library
Layout Editor
• 5. Misc Ruler/clear Rulers (k/K) measure dimension • 6. Edit Move (m) Move the object • 7. Edit Copy (c) Copy the object • 8. Edit Stretch (s) Stretch and change the dimension of the layer • 9. Edit Delete (del) Delete the object
A window called “New Library” will be appeared. You can define the nating new Library
Creating new Library
After you have defined the name, you have to choose the technology file you want to use. In this homework, you have to use the existing technology file “TECH_CUP”
Layer and selection window LSW
• • • • • • • • Common layers used: 1. NTUB (dg) + FIMP (dg) N-Well 2. DIFF (dg) Active area 3. PPLUS (dg) P+ implant 4. NPLUS (dg) N+ implant 5. POLY1 (dg) Polysilicon 6. MET1 (dg) Metal 1 7. CONT (dg) Contact
Design Rule Check
• If there is no design rule violation, a message “Total errors found: 0” will be appeared on the Command Interpreter Window.
Design Rule Check
Layout Editor
• Common command used (pull down menu): • 1. Design Save(F2) Save the design • 2. Window Zoom in/out by 2 (Ctrl + z/Shift + z) zoom • 3. Create Rectangle (r) create rectangular shape layer • 4. Edit Undo/Redo (u/U) undo/redo process
• On the CIW, choose “Tools Library Manager...” to open the Library Manager
Library Manager
Structure of Library Manager
Working directory
Library 1
Library 2
Installation of Cadence conv.
• Download the file named “display.drf” from the homepage into your working directory. • In your working directory, type the following path “/export_sun6/ams_v3.12/artist/bin/ams_cds -newtech -tech cup -tool artist” • Choose “File Exit” to quit the cadence • installation complete
Parameter Extraction
• On the Library Manager, a new cell view called “extracted” is created. Double click the extracted view to open the extracted layout.
Layout Editing
Shortcut for ruler
Shortcut for create rectangle
Procedure for Layout Editing
• Select the appropriate layout on the LSW • Click the shortcut button of “ruler” or select the “ruler” from the pull down menu • define the dimension of the layer on the layout editor • Click the shortcut button of “create rectangle” or select it from the pull down menu • Create the rectangle on the layout editor