苏里奥 (Souriau) 热力学与机器学习说明书

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Journal of
Generalized Lie Theory and Applications
Volume 16:4, 2022
This mathematical setting of Souriau was taken advantage of and created in towards applications in data calculation and Lie bunch AI. Various apparatuses created in view of Souriau L ie bunches thermodynamics are investigated in computerized reasoning for "Regulated Machine Learning" and "Non-Supervised Machine Learning" approaches. For "Administered Machine Learning", brain network normal slope from data math could be reached out on Lie polynomial math in view of Fisher expansion regarding Souriau covariant greatest entropy Gibbs thickness on coadjoint circles. For "Non-Supervised Machine Learning", Souriau-Fisher metric changes issues of learning on Lie gatherings to additional old style issues of learning on measurement spaces: augmentation of mean/middle barycenter on Lie bunches by Fréchet meaning of geodesic barycenter, tackled by Hermann Karcher stream and by dramatic guide (in view of Souriau calculation for grid trademark polynomial calculation). For "Non-Supervised Machine L earning", expansion of "mean-shift" for homogeneous symplectic manifolds and Souriau-Fisher metric space. We can likewise make reference to GEOMSTATS libraries creating codes for AI on Riemannian manifolds and Lie gatherings.
This paper acquaints fundamental apparatuses with expand directed order, utilizing instruments from mathematical factual mechanics and data calculation, which are applied to an expansion of measurable learning hypothesis for information as components of Lie Groups. Traditionally, factual AI depends on raised investigation on the arrangement of back likelihood measures concerning Gibbs back measures. L ie Groups thermodynamics presents a summed up completely covariant Gibbs thickness on symplectic manifolds enriched with a symplectic L ie bunch activity conceding a force map. A significant model is the situation of coadjoint circles supplied with the Kirilov-Kostant-Souriau symplectic frames, and its augmentation with non-zero cohomology. We outline these measurable and mathematical apparatuses for general L ie gatherings, which incorporate relative gatherings, for example, Galileo bunch in mechanics, and the exceptional Euclidean gatherings in advanced mechanics. Traditionally we can partner to any back dispersion a powerful summed up mathematical temperature, given by a component of the double space of the Lie variable based math, relating it to the Gibbs earlier dissemination. Characterization rules could be presented by Gibbs estimates characterized on boundary sets and contingent upon the noticed example esteem [4]. A Gibbs measure is an extraordinary sort of likelihood measure utilized in factual mechanics to portray the condition of a molecule framework driven by a given energy capability at some given temperature. Gibbs estimates will be acknowledged as minimizers of the typical misfortune esteem under entropy imperatives. In this expansion for Lie Groups, a significant device is the log-Laplace change connected with the Massieu Characteristic Function in Thermodynamics (a re-definition of the free energy by Planck temperature safeguarding Legendre change as for Entropy). As we need to manage Lie bunch information for AI, we will consider devices basically the same as those utilized in measurable mechanics to portray molecule frameworks with numerous levels of opportunity. Arrangement rules could be portrayed by Gibbs estimates characterized on boundary sets and contingent upon the noticed example esteem. Contrasting any back conveyance and a Gibbs earlier dissemination make it conceivable to give a method for building an assessor which can be demonstrated to reach adaptively at the most ideal asymptotic mistake rate (by temperature determination of a Gibbs back circulation worked inside a solitary parametric model). Assessors got from Gibbs rear ends show fantastic execution in different undertakings, like arrangement, relapse and positioning. The standard proposal is to test from a Gibbs back utilizing MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo). With covariant Souriau Gibbs thickness, it is feasible to expand MCMC and Gibbs sampler approach for Lie Groups
Geometric Tools for Lie Group Machine Learning Based on Souriau Geometric Statistical Mechanics
Alice Fialowski *
Department of Mathematics, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
*Address for Correspondence : Alice Fialowski, Department of Mathematics, EotvosLorandUniversity,Hungary,E-mail:*******************
Copyright: © 2022 Fialowski A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Date o Submission: 04 April, 2022, Manuscript No. glta-22-69771; Editor assigned: 06 April, 2022, PreQC No. P-69771; Reviewed: 18 April, 2022, QC No. Q-69771, Revised: 22 April, 2022, Manuscript No. R-69771; Published: 26 April, 2022, DOI: 10.37421/1736-4337.2022.16.334.
In this editorial, we portray and take advantage of a mathematical system for Gibbs likelihood densities and the related ideas in factual mechanics, which binds together a few prior deals with the subject, including Souriau's symplectic model of measurable mechanics, its polysymplectic expansion, Koszul model, and approaches created in quantum data calculation. We underline the job of equivariance regarding Lie bunch activities and the job of a few ideas from mathematical mechanics, for example, energy maps, Casimir capabilities, coadjoint circles, and Lie-Poisson sections with cocycles, as bringing together designs showing up in different uses of this system to data calculation and AI. For example, we examine the outflow of the Fisher metric in presence of equivariance and we exploit the property of the entropy of the Souriau model as a Casimir capability to apply a mathematical model for energy saving entropy creation [1]. We represent this structure with a few models including multivariate Gaussian likelihood densities, and the Bogoliubov-Kubo-Mori metric as a quantum variant of the Fisher metric for quantum data on coadjoint circles. We exploit this mathematical setting and Lie bunch equivariance to introduce symplectic and multisymplectic variational L ie bunch combination plans for a portion of the situations related with Souriau symplectic and polysymplectic models, for example, the Lie-Poisson condition with co-cycle [2].
A mathematical hypothesis of factual mechanics was created by Souriau, inspired by the perception that Gibbs balance states don't fulfill the standard actual covariance suppositions. This mathematical hypothesis, called by him Lie Groups Thermodynamics, depends on a Hamiltonian activity of a Lie bunch on a symplectic complex, to which are related summed up Gibbs states, ordered by a L ie polynomial math boundary β assuming the part of a mathematical (Planck) temperature. Regular Gibbs states characterized from a Hamiltonian show up as exceptional cases in which the L ie bunch is a one-boundary bunch. The summed up Gibbs states become viable with Galileo relativity in old style mechanics and with Poincaré relativity in relativistic mechanics, and the greatest entropy guideline are safeguarded. A characteristic harmony state is portrayed by a component β of the Lie variable based math of the Lie bunch, deciding the balance temperature. In this mathematical setting, the logarithm of the segment capability, related to the Massieu possible Φ(β), is characterized on this Lie variable based math [3]. Its subordinate, called the thermodynamic intensity Q(β), gives the mean worth of the energy and is a component of the double of the Lie polynomial math. From this, two significant amounts are characterized. First the mathematical intensity limit, given by less the subordinate of Q and giving the Fisher metric of the summed up Gibbs likelihood densities, second the entropy characterized on the double of the Lie polynomial math as the Legendre change of the Massieu potential.
J Generalized Lie Theory Appl, Volume 16:4, 2022
Fialowski A How to cite this article: Fialowski, Alice. “Geometric Tools for Lie Group Machine Learning Based on Souriau Geometric Statistical Mechanics” J Generalized Lie Theory App 16 (2022): 334
Machine Learning.
All the more as of late, the utilization of irritation procedures was proposed as an option in contrast to MCMC strategies for examining. These outcomes were reached out in contingent irregular fields misfortune, demonstrating that the greatest in assumption with low-rank bothers, gives an upper bound on the log segment (what we call Massieu trademark capability). New lower limits on the parcel capability and new impartial successive sampler for the Gibbs conveyance in light of low-rank annoyances were presented. This multitude of strategies depend on inspecting from the Gibbs conveyance, upper bouncing the log parcel capability. This multitude of results are synthetized in where another overall technique is additionally proposed, with associations with the as of late proposed Fenchel-Young misfortunes, involving doubly stochastic plan for minimization of these misfortunes, for solo and managed learning. This is a speculation to the Gibbs conveyance.
We start with the instance of multivariate Gaussian likelihood densities as a delineation of the overall system, for which a cocycle is required and which doesn't fall into the setting of the Souriau model. We then illuminate areas of strength for the with quantum data calculation by considering Lie algebras with unitary portrayal and show that the Fisher metric as characterized from the summed up heat limit, concurs with the Bogoliubov-Kubo-Mori metric. In this specific case the condition with Casimir dispersal/creation considered, repeats a dissipative model. At long last, we think about exhaustively the instance of the Euclidean gathering of the plane, since it permits express and moderately simple calculations while displaying the fascinating component of having cocycle. This model squeezes into the setting of the Souriau symplectic model.With regards to man-made consciousness, AI calculations utilize an ever increasing number of systemic apparatuses coming from physical science or factual mechanics. The regulations and rules that support this material science can reveal new insight into the applied premise of man-made consciousness. Accordingly, the standards of most extreme entropy and François Massieu's ideas of trademark capabilities advance the variational formalism of AI. Alternately, the traps experienced by man-made consciousness to broaden its application areas, question the underpinnings of factual physical science, for example, the speculation of the ideas of Gibbs densities in spaces of more intricate portrayal, for example, information on homogeneous symplectic manifolds and Lie gatherings. The porosity between the two disciplines has been laid out since the introduction of man-made reasoning with the utilization of Boltzmann machines and the issue of strong strategies for computing part capability. All the more as of late, angle calculations for brain network learning
utilize enormous scope hearty augmentations of the normal inclination of Fisher-based data math (to guarantee reparameterization invariance), and stochastic slope in view of the Langevin condition (to guarantee regularization), or their coupling called "Regular Langevin Dynamics". Correspondingly, during the most recent fifty years, measurable physical science has been the object of new mathematical formalizations (contact, Dirac, or symplectic calculation, variational standards, and so on) to attempt to give another covariant formalization to the thermodynamics of dynamical frameworks, as Lie Groups thermodynamics [5]. At last, the investigation of mathematical integrators as symplectic integrators with great properties of covariances and steadiness (utilization of balances, protection of invariants and force maps) will make the way for new age of mathematical plans. AI induction processes are simply starting to adjust these new mix plans and their noteworthy dependability properties to progressively extract information portrayal spaces. Man-made reasoning at present purposes just an exceptionally restricted piece of the calculated and strategic instruments of measurable material science. The motivation behind this paper was to empower valuable discourse around a typical establishment, to permit the foundation of new standards and regulations overseeing the two disciplines in a brought together methodology.
Conflict of Interest
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