北师大版高二英语选修6课件:unit17 Warmup(共28张PPT)

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Look at these fat ladies. In my opinion, they must _k_e_e_p_t_o_a diet to lose weight.
Feng Gong(冯巩) is a well-known sketch artist full of humor. His performances on the stage always make people b_u__rs_t_o_u_t_/_fa_l_l_a_b_o_u_t__ laughing.
13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/9/52021/9/52021/9/52021/9/59/5/2021 •14、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2021年9月5日星期日2021/9/52021/9/52021/9/5 •15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2021年9月2021/9/52021/9/52021/9/59/5/2021 •16、教学的目的是培养学生自己学习,自己研究,用自己的头脑来想,用自己的眼睛看,用自己的手来做这种精神。2021/9/52021/9/5September 5, 2021 •17、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。2021/9/52021/9/52021/9/52021/9/5
Phrases about laugh
He who laughs last laughs longest. 看谁笑到最后。 laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 laugh in one’s face (公开表示)蔑视某人 laugh le funny quotes
burst out laughing/ fall about laughing
Everyone is a_m__u__se_d__
by the way the dog sleeps.
Listen to different kinds of laughter and identify the type of them. 1. amused 2. burst out laughing 3. entertained 4. fall about laughing
pull one’s leg make fun of tell a joke
chuckle sarcastic keep to
vt.逗乐,使……笑 vi.咯咯地傻笑 n.轶事,趣闻 adj.荒谬的,可笑的
Words and Expressions
unbelievable agency
adj.不可置信的,极 其惊人的
burst out laughing 突然笑起来
Room service, send me a larger room. I am not afraid of death I just don’t want to be there when it happens. Laugh at yourself first before anyone else can.
Free talk
1.Who do you know will bring us 2. laughter? 2. What kind of art forms will bring
us laughter?
Words and Expressions
amuse giggle anecdote ridiculous
my goodness
•9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2021/9/52021/9/5Sunday, September 05, 2021 •10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/9/52021/9/52021/9/59/5/2021 1:57:45 AM •11、只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习……(这)是教育过程的逻辑。2021/9/52021/9/52021/9/5Sep-215-Sep-21 •12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2021/9/52021/9/52021/9/5Sunday, September 05, 2021
Li Yong(李咏), a host of CCTV 2, always _p_u_l_l _ people’s _l_eg_s_ in his famous program Lucky52,which makes them fall about laughing.
Listen to the tape and identify the function of each extract. (A,B,C,D)
• You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

comedians comedy
cross talk artists
sketch artist short funny play
All the audience are _e_n_t_er_t_a_i_n_e_d_ by sketches of Zhao Benshan’s.
5. giggle
we mustn’t _m_a_k_e__fu__n_o_f_ the disabled. Instead, we should try to help and respect them.
--- Do you know about this famous writer?
--- Yes. His novels are famous for a _sa_r_c_a_s_t_ic_/_ir_o_n_i_c_ tone(笔调).
Group work
Make up a story in groups of four by choosing 3-5 from the following words and phrases. burst out laughing ironic fall about laughing giggle
1. telling a joke 2. teasing someone 3. telling an anecdote 4. describing a ridiculous situation
Show time
Are you good at telling jokes? Please tell one in English in your group.