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【摘要】Objective:To discuss the effect on nucleus pulposus cells morphology about the tensile experiment by using the degenerative nucleus pulposus cells.To provide the oretical basis for the traction treatment of lumbar disc prolapse.Method:The nucleus pulposus specimens were collected from patients with intervertebral disc protrusion, who were all volunteers.Nucleus pulposus cells were inoculated the cultured into the BioFlex culture plate.The morphological changes of the cells were observed at high magnification after stretched for twenty-four hours with the tensile range of 5%, 10% and 15%. The patient was given the lumber traction by using 20%, 30% and 35% of his body weight and the patient, s lumbar lateral radiographs were shot before and after traction. The changes of intervertebral space height were measured and calculated.Result:For the morphology of the degenerative nucleus pulposus cells,it improved mildly under the tensile range of 5%,it was close to normal nucleus pulposus cells under the tensile range of 10% and it deteriorated under the tensile range of 15% after twenty-four hours.There was significant difference between the number of cells(P<0.05). The number of cells showed that 10% tensile range group>5% tensile range
group>the control group>15% tensile range pared with the increasing range of intervertebral space before and after traction,there was significant difference (P<0.05).The increasing range of intervertebral space showed that 20% weight group<30% weight group<35% weight group.Conclusion:The restoration of degenerative nucleus pulposus cells is slow by using the tensile range of 5%.It is no good for the restoration of degenerated nucleus pulposus cells by using the tensile range of 15%.The restoration of degenerative nucleus pulposus cells is fast by using the tensile range of 10%.It is suitable for the patients with lumbar disc herniation by using the weight of 30% of their body weight.%目的:探讨退变髓核细胞拉伸实验对髓核细胞形态学的影响,为临床牵引治疗腰椎间盘突出症提供理论依据。
方法:取椎间盘突出症患者术中取出的废弃髓核组织6例,将培养后的髓核细胞接种到拉伸板上,分别以5%、10%和15%拉伸幅度拉伸24 h,高倍镜下观察细胞形态学变化;腰椎间盘突出症患者使用体重20%、30%、35%牵引力的重量牵引,拍摄牵引前、牵引30 min时的腰椎侧位X线片,测量并计算各椎间隙高度的变化。
结果:退变髓核细胞5%幅度拉伸24 h后髓核细胞形态轻度好转,10%幅度拉伸24 h后髓核细胞形态接近正常髓核细胞,15%幅度拉伸24 h后髓核细胞形态变差。
不同组的细胞个数存在统计学差异(P<0.05),表现为10%拉伸幅度组>5%拉伸幅度组>对照组>15%拉伸幅度组;腰椎间盘突出症患者牵引30 min时三组椎间隙增加幅度存在统计学差异(P<0.05),表现为20%体重组<30%体重组<35%体重组。
【作者单位】山西医科大学附属太原市中心医院山西太原 030009;山西医科大学附属太原市中心医院山西太原 030009;山西医科大学附属太原市中心医院山西太原 030009;山西医科大学附属太原市中心医院山西太原 030009
1.退变兔髓核细胞和正常髓核细胞生物学特性的比较 [J], 刘瑞平;徐南伟
2.成人退变性椎间盘髓核细胞体外培养及形态学观察 [J], 胡明;马远征;黄凤山;李大伟;冯孟明;罗晓波;顾苏熙
3.正常与退变髓核细胞形态学及Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的定量分析 [J], 王祺;任龙韬;卫成刚;何君仁
4.正常与退变髓核细胞形态学及Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的定量分析 [J], 王祺;任龙韬;卫成刚;何君仁;
5.体外培养人正常椎间盘髓核细胞与退变髓核细胞的生物学性状比较:可以为干预退变髓核细胞提供最佳时机吗? [J], 梁伟国;叶冬平;戴丽冰;沈雁