新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程4 Uint1 SectionA 单词表(简洁版)
新视野大学英语读写教程4Unit 1 (Section A)1. chase vt. 追逐追赶My dog likes chasing rabbits.我的那条狗喜欢追逐兔子。
2. cruelty n. 残酷残忍The book tells readers the cruelty of the slave trade at that time.这本书告诉了读者在那个时候奴隶买卖的残忍。
3. pessimistic adj. 悲观的The tone of the meeting was very pessimistic.该会议的气氛非常悲观。
The doctors are pessimistic about his chances of recovery.医生们对他康复的可能性感到悲观。
4. conquest [U] 征服控制攻占The conquest of inflation has been the Government’s economic priority.控制通货膨胀一直是政府经济工作的重点。
He finally made the conquest of the disease come true.他最后战胜了那疾病。
The empire had expanded largely through military conquest.帝国的扩张主要是通过军事占领。
5. bankrupt adj. 破产的The company was declared bankrupt.这家公司被宣布破产。
Five years ago she was a successful actress, but now she is bankrupt.五年前她是一个成功的演员,可是现在她一贫如洗了。
6. motive n. 动机Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.她为什么会杀他呢?她没有任何动机。
新视野大学英语第二版读写教程(第四册)Unit 1Section A. The Temptation of a Respectable Woman《读写教程 IV》: Ex. II, p. 81. Her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, to stay about one or two weeks in their home.2. He was a boring and withdrawn person with a strange personality. 3.She decided to leave for her aunt’s house and wouldn’t come back till Gouvernail left their home.4. A once ambitious person, Gouvernail now became one with the mere desire to enjoy a genuine life now and then.5. His tones of voice and personal charm.6. She was afraid that she could not resist being attracted by Gouvernail. 7.He mistook his wife’s feeling towards Gouvernail for pure dislike. 8. She had overcome both her misunderstanding of and her subtle feelings towards Gouvernail.《读写教程 IV》: Ex. III, p. 81. Idle2. melting3. imposes4. penetrate5. presence6. nuisance7. nonsense8. keen《读写教程 IV》: Ex. IV, p. 91. run down2. taken seriously3. drinking in4. in no sense5. made excellent observations on6. counted on7. for my part8. make a fuss《读写教程 IV》: Ex. V, p. 91. sanctions2. Restrictions3. fine4. limits5. problems6. tax7. duty8. responsibility《读写教程 IV》: Ex. VI, p. 101. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrified《读写教程 IV》: Ex. VII, p. 101. bravery2. jewellery3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discovery《读写教程 IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 111. She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been good.2. Mrs. Baroda said she might have liked Gouvernail if he had been like the others.3. If I had been there, I could have helped you.4. He could have got tickets if there had been some cheap ones.5. Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she hadn’t beenarespectable and sensible person.《读写教程 IV》: Ex. IX, p. 111. “You were different then.” “So was she.”2. “You used to say he was a man of wit.”“So he is.”3. “You’ve made a mistake here.”“Oh, so I have. Thank you.”4. “Children should behave themselves.”“So should adults.”5. “This glass is cracked.”“Oh, so it is. I hadn’t noticed.”《读写教程 IV》: Ex. X, p. 121. He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeated hints of hoping to be left alone.2. His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under given conditions, as he is always full of surprises.3. Don’t make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected.4. Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baroda was alsoavery sensible one.5. She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.6. From Gouvernail’s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods.7. To Gaston’s delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvernail and invited Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself.8. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetrate the silence in which he had unconsciously covered himself.《读写教程 IV》: Ex. XI, p. 121. 在一起呆了几天,她仍感到对这个客人很陌生,只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着他。
新视野⼤学英语4Unit1SectionA单词新视野⼤学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词 《新视野⼤学英语教材》是国务院批准的教育部“⾯向21世纪振兴⾏动计划”的重点⼯程“新世纪⽹络课程建设⼯程”项⽬之⼀,由郑树棠教授为项⽬总责任⼈和教材总主编。
下⾯⼩编为⼤家带来新视野⼤学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词,希望⼤家喜欢! 新视野⼤学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词篇1 Unit1 SectionA单词 来⾃东油英语 00:00 03:02 New Words fallacy [flsi] n.an idea or belief that is false but that many people think is true 谬论;谬见 pact [pkt] n. an agreement between two or more people or organizations in which they promise to do sth. 协定;契约;盟约;条约 shrewd [rud] a. 1 able to judge people and situations very well and make good decisions (⼈)精明的,机敏的 2 well judged and likely to be right (决定和判断)准确的,英明的 well-off [wlf] a. rich, or having enough money to live well 富裕的;有钱的 dye [da] vt. change the color of sth. such as clothing or your hair using a particular substance 给…染⾊ makeup [mekp] n. 1 substances that people put on their faces, including their eyes and lips, in order to look attractive or change their appearance 化妆品 2 the people or things that combine to form a single group or whole 组成;构造;结构 elite [lit, elit] a. of or relating to the best or most skillful people in a group 精英的;精锐的 n. a group of people who have a lot of power and influence because they have money, knowledge, or special skills (社会)精英;上层⼈⼠ a. 1 full of happiness and love, in a way that shows in your face and makes you look attractive 容光焕发的;喜悦的 2 very bright 灿烂的;明亮的 counterpart [kantrpɑ:rt] sb. or sth. that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different place, time, situation, or organization 职务相当的⼈;职能相当的物 pearl [p:rl] n. 1 wise remarks - used esp. when you really think that sb.’s remarks are slightly stupid 有见识的.评说,智慧的结晶(尤为反话) 2 a small round jewel that is typically white and shiny and that grows inside the shell of an oyster 珍珠 banner [bn] a. excellent, extremely successful 极好的;⾮常成功的 n. a wide piece of cloth with a message on it, often stretched between two poles 横幅;横幅标语 situated [stuetd] a. be in a particular place; located 位于…;坐落于… expressway [ksprswe] n. a wide road with several lanes of traffic going in each direction, built for fast travel over long distances ⾼速公路 venue [vnju] n. a place where an activity or event happens (事件的)发⽣地点;(活动的)场所 luminous [lumns] a. 1 very bright 很明亮的;灿烂的 2 shining in the dark 发光的;夜明的 stereo [sterio] n. a machine for playing records, CDs, etc. that produces sound from two speakers ⽴体声响(设备) pedal [pdl] n. a part that you push with your foot in order to operate a bicycle, vehicle, or machine (⾃⾏车、车辆或机器的)脚踏板 gum [ɡm] n. 1 ⼝⾹糖 2 the firm pink flesh in your mouth that your teeth are fixed into ⽛龈;齿龈 staple [stepl] n. 1 a regular and important part or feature of sth. 主要内容;基本特点 2 订书钉 a. forming the greatest or most important part of sth. 主要的;最重要的 distort [dst:rt] vt. 1 change sth. such as information so that it is no longer true or accurate 歪曲;曲解 2 change the way sth. looks, sounds, or behaves so that it becomes strange or difficult to recognize 使变形;使失真;使反常 v. be unable to find an answer or think of a reply to a question or problem 使困惑;难倒 n. the part of a tree left above the ground after it has been cut through near the base 树桩;树墩 obesity [obisti] n. a condition in which sb. is too fat in a way that is dangerous for their health 过度肥胖;肥胖症 explanatory [ksplnt:ri] a. intend to help you understand sth. 说明的;解释的 underway [ndrwe] a. already started or happening 在进⾏中的 inference [nfrns] n. an opinion you form about sth. that based on information you already have 推理;推断;断定 analytical [nltkl] a. thinking about things in a detailed and intelligent way, so that you can examine and understand them 头脑周密的;善于分析的;分析的 conversion [knv:rn] n. the process of changing sth. from one form, purpose, or system to another 转变;改造;转换 premature [pri:mtr] a. 1 done too soon or too early (做事)过早的,过快的,草率的,仓促的,不成熟的 2 happening too soon or before the usual time 过早的;提早的 3 born before it should be (婴⼉)早产的 surpass [srps] vt. be even better or greater than sb. or sth. else 超过;胜过 premise [prms] n. 1 a principle or statement that you consider to be true, that you base other ideas and actions on 前提 2 the building and land that a business or organization uses (企业或组织使⽤的)房屋及⼟地,经营场所 tactic [tktk] n. a particular method or plan for achieving sth. ⽅法;策略;⼿法 flatter [flt] vt. praise sb. in order to get sth. you want, esp. in a way that is not sincere 奉承;阿谀;向…谄媚 flattery [fltri] n. praise that is not sincere but is intended to get you sth. that you want 恭维;奉承;阿谀;谄媚 discern [ds:rn] vt. 1 notice sth., esp. after thinking about it carefully or studying it (尤指仔细思考或研究之后)看出,察觉出,辨明 2 see or hear sth., esp. sth. that far away or not very clear 看到;听到;辨认出 crumble [krmbl] vi. stop existing or being effective 崩溃;⽡解;消失 v. break sth. into very small pieces, or be broken into very small pieces 弄碎;(使)成碎屑 flare [fler] vi. 1 suddenly become angry or violent 突然发怒;突然爆发 2 suddenly burn or shine brightly 突然烧旺;闪耀 3 become worse 恶化;加剧 proposition [prɑ:pzn] n. 1 an offer or suggestion, esp. involving business or politics (尤指涉及商业或政治的)提议,建议 2 a statement that people can examine in order to decide whether it is true 主张;观点;见解 petitioner [ ptn] n. 1 sb. who writes or signs a written request that asks sb. in authority to do sth. 请愿⼈;请求者 2 sb. who gives a court an offical document in which they ask it to take legal action 起诉⼈;(向法院)提出申请者 axe [ks] n. 1 a situation in which a government, a company, or an organization decides totend sth. or to get rid of a worker or their job 撤销;取消;解雇 2 a tool used for cutting down trees and cutting up large pieces of wood, consisting of a long wooden handle and a heavy metal blade 斧;斧头;长柄斧 ingenious [ndinjs] a. 1 good at inventing things and solving problems in new ways (⼈)有独创性的 2 cleverly made and well suited to its purpose (设备或计划等)别出⼼裁的,构思巧妙的 muscular [mskjl] a. 1 having large, strong muscles 肌⾁发达的;强壮的 2 relating to muscles 肌⾁的 retort [rt:rt] vt. reply immediately in angry or humorous way to sth. that sb. has said 反驳;回嘴 drip [drp] v. fall in drops 滴(⽔);漏(⽔) n. 1 the sound or action of a liquid falling in drops 滴答声;滴⽔声;滴下 2 one of the amall drops of liquid that fall from sth. 液滴 sarcasm [sɑ:rkzm] n. the activity of saying or writing the opposite of what you mean, or speaking in a way intended to make sb. else feel stupid or show them that you are angry 讽刺;嘲笑;挖苦 disclosure [dsklo(r)] n. a secret that sb. tells people, or the act of telling this secret 被公开的秘密;公开;透露;披露 Phrases and expressions make a pact reach an agreement 约好;达成协议 in exchange for giving one thing and receiving another in return 作为(对…的)交换(或替代) set a date for choose a particular day for sth. 为…定⽇期 appeal to 1 try to get sb. to do or accept sth. by making them think it is a sensible or fair thing to do 诉诸;唤起 2 have a character that makes a particular person interested; attract 吸引;感染 make/draw an analogy between make a comparison between 在…之间做类⽐ make sth. out of sb./sth. change a person or thing into sth. else 使…变成… give sb. the axe 1 end a relationship abruptly 抛弃(恋⼈等);和某⼈⼀⼑两断 2 dismiss sb. from their job 解雇某⼈;开除某⼈ be dripping with sth. contain or be covered in a lot of sth. 满是…;充满/充溢… 新视野⼤学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词篇2 new words orthodox [':θdks] a. accepted by most people as the correct or usual idea or prctice 传统的;公认的;通常的 realm [relm] n. [C] 1 a particcular area of knowledge , experience, interest, etc. 领域;范围 2 a country ruled by a king or quean 王国 formulate ['f:mjuleit] vt. develop a plan, system, or proposal,etc.carefully, thinking about all of its details 构想,制定(计划,制度,建议等) layman ['leimn] n. [C] sb.who is not trained to a high or professional standard in a particular subject 门外汉;外⾏ stainless ['steinlis] a. 1 not spoiled by amything immoral or dishonest ⽆污点的;⽆瑕疵的;清⽩的 2 made of a type steel that does not trust 不锈钢的 incompetenc [in'kmpitns] n. [U] lack of skill or ability to do sth. correctly or well ⽆能⼒;不胜任;不胜职 accountability [,kaunt'bilti] n. [U] responsibility to sb. or for some activity 负有责任的;问责性 petty ['peti] a. 1 unkind and caring too much about small unimportant details ⼩⼼眼的;⼼胸狭窄的;只关注琐事的 2 small and unimportant ⼩的;琐碎的;不重要的 veto ['vi:tu] vt. 1 refuse to accept a particular plan or suggestion 不同意,反对 2 refuse to give offical permission to sth.,esp.sth .that other people or otganizations have aggred 否决 refute [ri'fju:t] vt. 1 prove that a statement or idea is not correct 驳倒;反驳 2 say that s statement or idea is not true or accurate without giving proof; deny 驳斥;否认 hypothesis [hai'pθisis] n. an idea that attempts to explain sth. but has not yet been tested or proved to be correct 假设;假说 hack [hk] v. 1 use a computer to connect to sb.else’s computer secretely and offen illegally ,so that you can find or change information on it ⾮法侵⼊ 2 cut sth. in a rough way, with a;ot of energy, or many times 劈;砍 stall [st:l] v. suddenly stop working because there is not enough power or speed to keep it doing 停⽌运动,熄⽕ vi. deliberately delay because you are not ready to do sth .,answer questions,etc. 故意拖延 vt. make sub. wait or stop sth. from happening until you are ready 拖住;拖延 trigger ['triɡ] vt. make sth .happen very quickly 使发⽣;引发;激发 n. [C] the part of a gun that you pull with you pull with your finger to fire it 扳机 hacker ['hk] n. [C] sb.who uses a computer to connect to other people’s computers secretly and often illegally, so that they can find or change information ⾮法侵⼊他⼈计算机者;⿊客 rivalry ['raivlri] n. [C,U] a situation in which people, teams, businesses, etc. compete with one another 竞争;对抗 partition [pɑ:'tin] vt. divide a room or vehicle with a partition ⽤阻隔物隔开 n. [C] a wall,screen,or piece of glass used to separate one area from another in a room or vehicle 阻隔物;隔板;隔墙 loop [lu:p] n. [C] a round shape or curve made by a line curling back toward itself 环形;圈 v. make a round shape or make sth.into a round shape 成圈;把...打成环 plaza ['plɑ:z] n. [C] 1 an area in a city where there are several shops and business 购物中⼼;商务街 2 a large open area with a hard surface in a city or town ⼴场 overstate [,uv'steit] v. talk about sth.in away that makes it seem more important,impressive, or severe than it really is 把...讲的过分;过分强调;夸⼤ prophet ['prfit] n. [C] 1 sb. who claims that they know what will happen in the future 预⾔者 2 a man who people in the Christian , Jewish,or Muslim religion believe has been sent by god to lead them and teach them their religious beliefs 先知;神使 testify ['testifai] v. 1 make a ststement about sth, you saw,know, or experienced, usu. given in a court of law 作证,证明 2 provide evidence that sth. exists or is true 证明,证实 testimony ['testimni] n. 1 [C,U] a formal ststement about sth. you saw,know, or experienced, usu. given in a court of law 证词 2[sing.,U] evidence that sth. exists or is true 证据;证明 recount [ri'kaunt] vt. say what happened 叙述 n. [C] an occasion when sth .is counted again, esp. the votes in an election 重新计算;重点选票 retention [ri'tenn] n. [U] 1 the act of keeping or storing sth. 保存 ;存放 2.the ability to keep workers or customers from living a company,or students from leaving a school保留,留住 retrieval [rtrivl] n.[U]1.the process of getting sth.back that was lost or not in its usual place 收回 2.(computing)the process of getting back information stored inside a computer in order to use in again检索 assault [slt] n.[C,U]1.a physical attack om sb.,or the crime of physically attacking sb.⼈⾝攻击 2.a strong spoken or written criticism of sb.else”s ideas,plans,ect.抨击 Vt.attack sb. Violently袭击 rape [rep] n.1[C,U]the crime of forcing sb. To have sex by using violence 2.[sing.]destruction of sth.,esp.the environment破坏 Vt.force sb. To have sex by using violence repel [ri'p e l ] / p >。
UNITE1单词:fallacy n. [C]谬论;谬见例句:His conclusion sounds reasonable, but it is actually a fallacy. 他的结论听起来合理,但实际上却是个谬误。
pact n.协定;契约;盟约;条约例句:The pact between the two rivaling nations proved ineffective almost from the start. 这两个竞争国之间的协定几乎从一开始就证明是无效的。
Shrewd a. (人)精明的,机敏的例句:His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd businessman. 他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明商人的名声。
well-off a.富裕的;有钱的例句:Tom has just bought another new car; he must be very well-off. 汤姆刚又买了辆新车,他一定很有钱。
dye vt.给…染色n. (用于染衣服、头发等的)染料,染剂例句:1. She dyed her hair green. 她把头发染成了绿色。
2. Immerse the cloth in the dye for 20 minutes. 把布在染料里浸20分钟。
makeup n. [U] 化妆品[sing.]组成;构造;结构例句:1.The makeup counter is surrounded by a group of younggirls in fashionable clothes. 化妆品柜台前围着一群衣着时尚的年轻女孩。
2. Talk to me about the makeup of this team. 给我讲讲这支队伍的成员结构吧。
elite a.精英的;精锐的n.(社会)精英;上层人士例句:1.Stanford,like most other elite universities ,has anincreasingly diverse student body.和大多数其他精英大学一样,斯坦福大学的学生群体也越来越多元化。
新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程4Uint1SectionA单词表(简洁版)新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程4 Uint1 SectionA 单词表(简洁版)@<1>chasevt.runaftersb.orsth.inordertocatchthem追逐;追赶@<2>crueltyn.[C,U]behaviorthatmakespeopleoranimalssuff er残酷;残忍<3>pessimistica.expectingthatbadthingswillhappeninthefut ureorthatsth.willhaveabadresult悲观的<4>conquestn.1.[U]theprocessofgainingcontroloversth.thro ughgreateffort征服;控制2.[sing.,U]theactoftakingcontrolofacountry,city,etc.byforce征服;攻占<5>bankrupta.withoutenoughmoneytopaywhatoneowes破产的<6>motiven.[C]areasonfordoingsth.动机@<7>worshipvt.admireandlovesb.verymuch崇拜;敬重;仰慕<8>spurvt.encouragesb.ormakethemwanttodosth.鼓励;刺激★<9>luren.[C]sth.thatattractspeopl e,orthequalityofbeingabl etodothis诱惑@<10>drownv.1.haveaverystrongfeelingoraseriousproblem thatisdificulttodealwith沉浸于2.diefrombeingunderwaterfortoolong,ortokillsb.inthisway (使)淹死<11>imperiala.1.greatandmagniicent壮丽的;宏大的2.relatingtoanempireortothepersonwhorulesit帝国的;皇帝的<12>agentn.1.[C]sb.whosejobistohelpanactor,artist,etc.indw ork经纪人2.[C]apersonorcompanythatrepresentsanotherpersonorcom pany,esp.inbusiness代理人;代理商<13> hasten vt.makesth.happensoonerormorequickly加快;加速<14>elevatorn.[C]amachinethatcarriespeopleorgoodsupand downinabuilding电梯<15>blurn.[C]sth.thatonecannotrememberorseeclearly模糊的记忆;模糊不清的事物@<16>idlea.notworkingorproducinganything不工作的;闲着的<17>borevt.makesb.loseinterestandbecometiredandimpatie nt使厌烦@★<18>bored a.tiredandimpatient厌烦的<19>continuityn.[U]thestateofcontinuingforaperiodoftime连贯(性);连续(性)@<20>sustainvt.makesth.continuetoexistforaperiodoftime维持;使...持续@<21>minutea.verysmall极小的@<22>discountvt.1.regardsth.asunlikelytobetrueorimportant忽视;低估2.reducethepriceofsth.降低价格;打折n.[C]areductionintheusualpriceofsth.折扣<23>plotn.1.[C]thestoryofabook,film,play,etc.(小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节2.[C]asecretplan阴谋;密谋<24>moviemaker n.[C]sb.whomakesilms,esp.adirectororproducer电影制作人@<25>distincta.1.clearlydifferentorbelongingtoadifferentty pe明显不同的;独特的2.abletobeclearlyseen,heard,smelled,etc.清晰的;清楚的;明显的▲<26>spotlightn.[C]聚光灯<27>junglen.[C,U]athicktropicalforestwithmanylargeplantsgrowingverycloset ogether(热带)丛林<28>fraudn.[C,U]thecrimeofdeceivingsb.inordertogetmone yorsth.illegally欺诈;诈骗<29>contaminatevt.makesth.dirtyorpoisonous污染;弄脏<30>underlinevt.1.drawalineunderawordtoshowthatitisimp ortant在...下划线2.emphasize;showthatsth.isimportant强调,使突出<31>uncompromising a.unwillingtochangeone'sopinionsorbehavior不妥协的;不让步的@<32>objectvi.opposeordisapproveofsth.反对;不赞成@<33>accusevt.saythatsb.isguiltyofacrimeorofdoingsth.bad指控;控告<34>banquetn.[C]aformaldinnerformanypeopleonanimport antoccasion宴会★<35>suevt.makealegalclaimagainstsb.,esp.formoney起诉;控告<36>attorneyn.[C]alawyer律师@<37>secondvt.supportasuggestionmadebyanotherperso ninameeting支持;附议@<38>finevt.makesb.paymoneyasapunishment罚...的款<39>expelvt.forcesb.toleaveaschoolororganization开除;驱逐@<40>justifyvt.showthatthereisagoodreasonforsth.thatoth erpeoplethinkisunreasonable证明...有道理;为...辩护<41>single-minded a.havingoneclearaimandworkingveryhardtoachieveit一心一意的;专一的<42>novelistn.[C]sb.whowritesnovels小说家<43>musiciann.[C]sb.whoperformsorwritesmusic,esp.asajob 音乐家;乐手<44>desperatea.1.needingorwantingsth.verymuch极需要的;极向往的2.veryworriedandwillingtodoanythingtochangeabadsituation绝望的;拼命的<45> desperately ad.1.verymuch非常2.inaworriedorangryway绝望地;拼命地■<46>alasad.unfortunately不幸的是;遗憾的是<47>atbestevenwhenconsideredinthemostpositiveway充其量;至多<48>runa/theriskbeinasituationinwhichsth.badcouldhappen 冒险;有...风险<49>remain/betruetocontinuetobeloyaltosb.orsth.忠于<50>objecttoopposeordisapproveofsth.反对;不赞成<51>accusesb.ofsth.saythatsb.hasdonesth.wrongorisguiltyo fsth.指控;控告<52>throwoutmakesb.leaveaplace,school,organization,etc.b ecausetheyhavedonesth.againsttherules开除;解雇<53>TennesseeWilliams田纳西·威廉斯(1911-1983,美国剧作家)<54>ErnestHemingway欧内斯特·海明威(1899-1961,美国作家,获1954年诺贝尔文学奖)<55>RobertFrost罗伯特·弗罗斯特(1874-1963,美国诗人)<56>T.S.EliotT.S.艾略特(1888-1965,美国诗人、剧作家,获1948年诺贝尔文学奖)<57>Monet莫奈(1840-1926,法国画家,印象派创始人和主要代表人物)<58>Renoir雷诺阿(1841-1919,法国印象派画家)<59>Dali达利(1904-1989,西班牙超现实主义画家)<60>Hitchcock希区柯克(1899-1980,英国电影导演,以悬念电影著称)<61>Fellini费里尼(1920-1993,意大利电影导演)<62>Spielberg斯皮尔伯格(1946-,美国电影导演)<63>OscarWilde奥斯卡·王尔德(1854-1900,爱尔兰作家,19世纪末英国唯美主义的主要代表)<64>ThomasWolfe托马斯·乌尔夫(1900-1938,美国小说家)<65>Beethoven贝多芬(1770-1827,德国作曲家)<66>Pestalozzi裴斯泰洛齐(1746-1827,瑞士教育改革家)。
n. 挖苦, 讽刺
n. 揭发,败露
n. 谄媚, 阿谀, 巴结
in exchange for
adj. 交换(调换)
appeal to
诉诸武力; 向……投诉; 向……呼吁; 对……有吸引力
Unit 1 Text B
adj. 正(传)统的
adj. 附属的(副的,辅助的) n. 附件,同谋
n. 紫罗兰, 紫色 adj. 紫色的
n. 用具,配备,机构,全套服装 vt. 配备,供应 vi. 得到装备
n. (席位间的)通道, 侧廊
n. 战争,冲突
adj. 青铜色的 n. 青铜, 青铜色, 青铜制品, 铜牌(第三名) vt. 使成青铜色
n. 日蚀,月蚀,衰落 v. 引起日蚀,引起月蚀,使...黯然失色
v. 放大,夸大
adj. 不足的, 不充分的, 有缺陷的
adj. 长期的,慢性的,惯常的
adj. 天生的, 生来的, 生成的
n. 大腿
n. 王国,领域
vt. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达
n. 俗人(对僧侣而言), 门外汉
adj. 无瑕疵的, 不锈的
n. 无能力, 不合格, 不能胜任
11. Contaminate: v. make sth. dirty or poisonous E.g.: The water supply was contaminated by the chemicals. 水源受到了化学物质的污染。 E.g.: The violent movies will contaminate the minds of young people. 暴电影会沾染青少年的思想。
(3)[c](爱情方面)被俘虏的人a person that sb. has persuaded to love them E.g.: I'm just one of his many conquests. 我仅仅是 他的众多俘虏之一。 (4)[u](对困难、危险等的)控制the act of gaining control over sth. that is difficult or dangerous E.g.: the conquest of inflation对通货膨胀的控制
7. Drown v.沉浸于,使淹死 E.g.: The country is drowning in debt. 这个国家债台高筑。 E.g.: We were drowning in data but starved of information. 我们被数据包围,可是却缺乏信息。
9. Sustain vt. 保持,使持续,供养,维持生命,支持,支撑 E.g.: We successfully sustained the conversation. 我们成功地将这个谈话进行下去。 A good breakfast will sustain us through the day. 一顿丰盛的早餐能维持我们一天的精力。 E.g.: Throughout the trial, he was sustained by the support of his family. 整个审讯过程中,他家人的 支持使他得以支撑下去。 Sustainable可持续的,合理利用的
Topics for Discussion:
1.what will a person who gains good fame get? 2.if you are a famous singer ,what do you feel uncomfortable when you are interviewed in the public. 3.do you look forward to be a man with a good fame, what do you need to do to chase the fame? 4. who is the man with a good fame you admire, give an example, and tell me why.
Tennessee Williams
欲望号街车 A Streetcar Named Desire
青春浪子 朱门巧妇 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Structure Analysis
The passage is a piece of argumentation which tries to convince us that seeking fame sometimes leads to one’s own destruction.
A good name is better than riches. 好名誉胜过有财富。 A good name is sooner lost than won. 美誉难得而易失。 Fame is a magnifying glass. 名誉是放大镜。
Chinese old proverb
People die in pursuit of fortune; birds die in pursuit of food. For ancient people, what other else they were seeking too?
新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程第四册课文翻译(最新完整版)Unit 1section A名气之尾艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。
1 temptation n. 诱惑,引诱; v. 引,诱2 plantation n. 种植园3 idle a. 懒惰的,闲散的,停顿的; v. 不作事,闲散,浪费,(机器)空转4 mill n. 磨粉机,磨坊,制造厂; v. 磨细,乱转,打5 penetrate v. 穿透,渗透,看穿6 nuisance n. 讨厌的东西,讨厌的人7 sleeve n. 袖子8 waist n. 腰,腰部9 merry a. 欢乐的,愉快的10 merrily ad. 欢乐地,愉快地11 nonsense n. 无意义的事,荒谬的言行,荒唐12 wit n. 智力,才智13 bat n. 蝙蝠,球棒; n.[计算机] DOS文件名: 批文件14 barn n. 谷仓,牲口棚15 presence n. 出席,在场16 sheer a. 绝对的,全然的,峻峭的; v. 躲开,躲避,使...避开; ad. 完全,全然,峻峭17 fabric n. 织物,布,结构18 lap n. 膝盖,舐声,一周; v. 重叠,包裹,轻拍19 observation n. 观察; vb.了解20 breeze n. 微风,轻而易举的事21 gaze 凝视,注视22 melt n. 熔化,熔化物; v. 熔化,溶解,渐混23 keen a. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的24 yawn n. 呵欠; v. 打呵欠25 upright a. 正直的,诚实的,合乎正道的26 farewell a. 告别的; int. 再会,别了; n. 告别27 porter n. 搬运工人, 守门人,门房28 trunk n. 树干,躯干,(汽车后部)行李箱,象鼻29 hono(u)rable a. 可敬的,光荣的30 propose v. 计划,打算,向...提议31 wholly ad. 完全,一概32 overcome a. 充满了的,占据了的; v. 战胜,克服33 dislike v. 不喜欢,厌恶; vt.&n. 不喜爱,厌恶34 deserve vi. 应该得到; vt. 应受,值得35 tender a. 温和的,亲切的,未成熟的; vt. 提供,投标36 for the most part 多半,就大多数而言,通常37 impose one's company / oneself upon sb. 硬缠着某人38 for my part 就我而言,至于我39 count upon / on 料想;依靠,指望40 make a fuss about 对……小题大做,对……大惊小怪41 run down (使)筋疲力尽;(使)衰退42 object to 不赞成,反对43 now and then 不时地,有时候,时时44 a succession of 一系列,一连串45 drink in 陶醉于;如饥似渴地倾听46 yield to 让步于,屈服于47 Baroda 巴罗达48 Gouvernail 古韦内尔(人名)49 gaston n. 加斯顿(m.)50 afterward(s) ad. 以后,后来51 quiz n. 小考,随堂测验,恶作剧; v. 简单测验,恶作剧52 offense n. 犯罪,伤感情,攻击53 relevant a. 相关的,切题的,中肯的54 irrelevant a. 不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的55 tide n. 潮,趋势,潮流; v. 渡过,随潮漂流,克服56 transmission n. 传输,传送,变速器57 stadium n. 体育场58 obligation n. 义务,责任59 hollow n. 洞,窟窿,山谷; a. 空的,虚伪的,空腹的; v. 形成空洞,挖空60 investment n. 投资,投入,投资额61 guarantee v.&n. 保证,担保; vt. 保证62 bond n. 结合,债券,粘结剂,粘合剂63 glue n. 胶,粘性之物; v. 粘,固著64 worship n. 崇拜,礼拜; v. 崇拜,敬仰; vi. 做礼拜; vt. 崇拜65 interpret v. 解释,演出,翻译; [计算机] 解释66 faithful a. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的67 elastic a. 有弹性的; n. 橡皮圈68 classification n. 分类,分级69 virtue n. 美德,优点;贞操70 scheme n. 方案,计划,阴谋; v. 计画,设计,体系,结构,图谋71 maximum n. 极点,最大量,极大; a. 最高的,最大极限的72 procession n. 队伍,行列; v. 列队行进73 sacrifice n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品; v. 牺牲,祭祀,贱卖74 pursue v. 追捕,追求,继续从事75 glory n. 光荣,荣誉76 passion n. 激情,热情77 refugee n. 难民78 scatter n. 散播之物,散布; v. 散开,散布,散播79 acknowledge v. 承认,答谢,告知收到80 gamble n. 冒险; v. 赌博,孤注一掷81 continuity n. 连续性82 regulate v. 有系统的管理,规定,调节83 saddle n. 鞍,车座,拖具; v. 装以马鞍,使负担,课以84 mo(u)ld v. 1.把……塑造成,使形成2.浇铸,用模子制作85 sustain v. 承受,支持,经受,维持86 concession n. 让步,妥协87 subject ... to (常用被动形式)使遭遇(不愉快之事)88 take offense 生气,见怪89 consist of 由……组成,由……构成90 look back on 回顾,回忆91 if anything 如果有……的话,甚至于还92 get out of hand 失去控制93 be based on 基于,以……为根据94 come apart 破裂,崩溃,解体95 in conjunction with 连同96 at will 任意,随便97 throw in 外加,另外奉送98 by virtue of 由于99 go off (闹钟)响声100 in search of 寻找,寻求101 better off 比较幸福,更幸运,更自在102 take out one's anger on sb. 向某人发泄自己的愤怒103 result in 结果,导致104 take on 决定做,承担工作105 in the end 最后,终于106 stocking n. 长袜107 ankle n. 踝,踝关节108 comic n. 连环图画,杂耍滑稽演员; a. 滑稽的,有趣的,喜剧的109 tramp n. 重步声,流浪者; v. 践踏,重步行走110 rag n. 破布,碎布; 鲁尔煤矿(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地德国,主要经营采矿) 111 applause n. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许; v. 鼓掌112 comedy n. 喜剧113 scout n. 童子军,侦察员; v. 侦察,搜索; vi. 侦察114 crude a. 粗鲁的,简陋的,天然的,未加工的; n. 原油115 clap n. 拍手,拍手声; v. 鼓掌,轻敲116 revolt n. 叛乱,反抗,反感; v. 叛乱,起反感,使...恶心117 heel n. 脚后跟; v. 倾侧118 begger n. 乞丐119 moustache n. 小胡子120 pants n. 裤子121 coarse a. 粗糙的,下等的,粗俗的122 behave v. 举止,行为,举止端正123 nationality n. 国籍,民族124 postpone v. 延期; vt. 推迟,延期125 doubtful a. 可疑的,疑心的,不确的126 immense a. 巨大的,广大的127 immensely ad. 非常,很128 extraordinary a. 非常的,特别的129 rouse n. 觉醒,奋起; v. 唤醒,鼓舞,激动130 script n. 原稿,手稿, 手迹; n. 脚本131 pepper n. 胡椒粉132 execute v. 执行,实行,完成; [计算机] 执行133 correspond v. 符合,通信,相当134 corresponding a. 符合的,一致的,相同的,相应的,相当的135 betray v. 出卖,背叛136 collision n. 碰撞,冲突137 sunset n. 日落138 relief n. 减轻,解除救济139 rumo(u)r n. 谣言,传闻140 Marxist a. 马克思主义的; n. 马克思主义者141 spark n. 火花,朝气; v. 闪烁,闪光,使拿出朝气142 Christmas n. 圣诞节143 clumsy a. 笨拙的144 cop n. 警察; vt. 抓住145 incident n. 事件; n. 插曲,事变; adj. 难免的,附带的; adj. (物理)入射的146 memorial a. 纪念的,追悼的; n. 纪念碑(堂),纪念仪式147 cut down 砍倒148 in rags 穿着破旧衣服的,衣衫褴褛的149 for good 永久地150 trip up 绊,绊倒151 make up 组成,构成152 come down in the world 落魄,潦倒,失势153 to a / some degree 有些,稍微154 go along 进行下去,前进155 in advance 预先,事先156 find one's way into 来到(某处),进入157 dickens n. =devil 魔鬼158 Charlie Chaplin 查理?卓别林(1889-1977,英国电影艺术家、喜剧大师,1913年移居美国)159 the Tramp 电影《流浪者》中的人物160 Italy n. 意大利161 Korea n. 韩国162 Mack Sennett 麦克?塞纳特(1880-1960,美国电影演员、导演、制片人,创办启斯东电影公司,导演和监制大量喜剧短篇,发现培养了卓别林等优秀演员163 Hollywood n. 好莱坞[美影业中心]164 Modern Times 《摩登时代》(电影名)165 The Pawnbroker 《当铺老板》(电影名)166 The Gold Rush 《淘金记》(电影名)167 Monsieur V erdoux 《凡尔杜先生》(电影名)168 Oona O'neill 沃娜?奥尼尔(人名)169 Keystone Cops 启斯东警察(1914-1920年初由美国启斯东影片公司拍的默片喜剧中经常出现的一队愚蠢而无能的警察)170 revolutionary a. 革命的; n. 革命者171 mayor n. 市长172 vote n. 投票,表决; v. 投票,选举,投票拥护173 northeast n. 东北; a. 东北的,向东北的,来自东北的; ad. 向东北,来自东北174 politics n. 政治175 opponent n. 对手,敌手,反对者; a. 敌对的,反对的176 misunderstand v. 误解,误会177 misunderstanding n. 误会; 误解178 ambassador n. 大使179 handbag n. 手提包180 election n. 选举181 activist n. 活动分子,积极分子182 prayer n. 祈祷,祷告,祷文; v. 祷告,祷文183 veteran a. 老练的; n. 老兵,老手184 sack n. 袋子; v. 解雇185 flour n. 面粉186 gram n. 克187 loaf n. 条,块; v. 游手好闲,虚掷光阴188 sow n. 母猪; v. 播种,散布189 troop n. 群,组,多数; v. 群集,结队,成群而行190 colonial a. 殖民地的; n. 殖民地居民191 jealous a. 妒忌的192 assembly n. 集合,集会,装配193 committee n. 委员会194 scandal n. 丑闻195 fierce a. 猛烈的,残忍的,狂暴的,强烈的196 rally n. 集会,重振旗鼓,示威运动; v. 重整旗鼓,恢复精神197 riot v.&n. 骚乱,闹事; vi. 闹事,骚乱198 banner n. 旗帜,横幅199 witness n. 目击者,证人; v. (为...)作证,目击; vt. 目击200 earnest n. 定金,诚挚,认真; a. 认真的,热心的,重要的201 dormitory n. (集体)宿舍202 umbrella n. 伞203 lemon n. 柠檬204 emperor n. 皇帝205 refresh v. 使...生气蓬勃,提起精神,恢复精神206 refreshing a. 使清爽的,有精神的,爽快的207 onion n. 洋葱208 run for 竞选209 vote in 投票选出210 from door to door 挨家挨户地211 take care of 照顾,照看212 spy on / upon 监视213 shut out of 把……排斥在外214 have / get the upper hand 占优势,占(……的)上风,胜过215 make up 组成,构成216 break up 驱散,解散217 tear down 撕下,拆毁218 in / by contrast 对比之下,相比之下219 in earnest 认真地220 be proud of 以…自豪(高兴)221 lay out 摆出,张开222 feel like 感觉好像;想要223 watch over 照顾,看管224 deliver the goods 履行诺言,不负众望225 Agatha Muthoni Mbogo 阿加莎?墨丹妮?姆波戈(人名)226 Embu 恩布(肯尼亚城市)227 Kenya n. 肯尼亚228 Nairobi 内罗毕229 Lydiah Kimani 利迪亚?基曼尼(人名)230 Kenyan n. 肯尼亚人; a. 肯尼亚共和国(人)的231 raw a. 生的232 wheelchair n. 轮椅233 pension n. 退休金,年金,抚恤金; v. 发给退休金234 caseworker n. 社会工作者235 landlord n. 地主,房东236 rent n. 租金; v. 租; vi. 出租; vt. 出租,租用237 opt v. 选择238 drum n. 鼓,鼓声; v. 击鼓,作鼓声239 sticky a. 粘的,粘性的240 profile n. 侧面,轮廓,人物素描; v. 描绘...轮廓,评论人物; n. 概要,人物简介241 entitle v. 取名为,给与名称,叫做,使有权利242 compensation n. 补偿,赔偿243 liberal n. 自由主义者; a. 慷慨的,不拘泥的,宽大的244 practically a. 实际地,几乎; ad. 几乎,简直,实际上245 detective a. 侦探的; n. 侦探246 paste n. 糊,浆糊; v. 粘,贴247 receipt n. 收据248 donation n. 捐赠物,捐款,捐赠249 hip n. 臀部,屋脊,忧郁; a. 非常时尚的250 crawl n. 爬行,匍匐而行; v. 爬行251 spine n. 背骨,脊柱,尖刺252 spinal a. 针的,尖刺的,尖刺状突起的; a. 脊骨的,脊髓的253 cord n. 绳索,束缚254 screw n. 螺丝钉,吝啬鬼,压迫; v. 扭紧,压榨255 roller n. 滚筒,滚轴,滚转机256 brake n. 煞车; v. 煞车257 certify v. 证明,保证258 bid n. 出价; v. 命令,吩咐,投标259 alert a. 警觉的,灵敏的,留心的260 appliance n. 器具,器械,装置261 maid n. 女仆,侍女262 roast n. 烤肉,烘烤; a. 烘烤的,烤过的; v. 烤,烘焙263 oven n. 烤炉,烤箱264 helicopter n. 直升飞机265 champion n. 冠军,拥护者; v. 保卫,拥护266 chemist n. 化学家,药剂师267 leak n. 漏洞; v. 漏,泄漏; vi. 漏,渗268 senator n. 参议员269 governor n. 统治者,管理者,理事270 thrive v. 兴旺,繁荣271 convict n. 囚犯,罪犯; v. 使...确信自己犯错,宣告...有罪,使...知罪272 face with 面对273 drum up 大力争取,大力招揽(顾客)274 under the table 背地里,私下275 get / be involved in 卷入,介入,参与276 deep down 在内心深处,在心底277 make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人278 talk back 顶嘴279 break down 损坏,坏掉280 get around 成功地解决,克服281 look into 调查,仔细检查282 fill out 填写283 account for 作出解释,提出理由,说明284 build up 逐步建立,逐步建设285 go through 完成,通过286 lend oneself/sth. to 适宜于(某事),有助于(某事),会造成(某结果)287 convict …of 判决……有罪,使深感有罪,使服罪288 John Callahan 约翰?卡拉汉(人名)289 Suzanne 苏珊娜(人名)290 stack n. 堆叠,堆; v. 堆积,做牌,选派291 dense a. 不易看透的,密集的,浓厚的,愚钝的292 charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章; v. 特许,发给特许执照293 van n. 货车294 angle n. 角度; n. 盎格鲁人295 jaw n. 颚,颌; v. 喋喋不休,教训296 mist n. 雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清; v. 使...模糊,下雾297 steer v. 引导,驾驶,航行298 stoop n. 佝偻,屈服; v. 弯下,弯下上身,屈服299 liter n. 升(容量单位)300 grape n. 葡萄301 soda n. 汽水,苏打302 rug n. 毯子,地毯,旅行毯303 dye n. 染料,染色; v. 染,染色304 lad n. 少年,小伙子305 violin n. 小提琴306 bow n. 弓,船头,鞠躬; v. 鞠躬,弯腰307 gallery n. 美术馆,画廊308 lower a. 低的,下级的,下层的; v. 降低,跌落,减弱309 intensity n. 激烈,强度,强烈,剧烈310 violet a. 紫色的; n. 紫罗兰311 crown n. 王冠,王权,顶点; v. 使...成王,加冕,居...之顶312 centimeter n. 厘米313 highlight n. 加亮区; v. 加亮,强调; [计算机] 醒目314 dessert n. 甜食315 brass n. 黄铜316 overhead n. 经常开支,普通用费; a. 在头上的,高架的; ad. 在头顶上,在空中,在高处; [计算机] 总开销317 curve n. 曲线,弯曲,曲球; v. 弯,使...弯曲318 lump n. 块状,瘤,很多; v. 使...成块状,混在一起,忍耐319 cab n. 出租汽车; v. 乘出租车; vi. 乘出租马车320 inn n. 客栈,小旅店321 pat n. 轻拍; v. 轻拍,拍; ad. 适时,正好,恰好322 skim v. 略读, 掠过, 滑过323 veil n. 面纱,面罩,假托; v. 戴面纱,隐藏324 realm n. 王国,领域325 magic a. 有魔力的; n. 魔法,魔术326 bear witness to 对……做出证明,表明327 catch up 赶上328 load with 满载着329 switch on 开330 out of tune 走调331 hold up 举起,抬起332 skim the surface 触及表面333 bangkok n. 曼谷334 Thailand n. 泰国335 Belgian n. 比利时人; a. 比利时的336 Scandinavian a. 斯堪的纳维亚的337 telecommunications n. 电信,远距离通信338 dumb a. 无言的,哑的339 utility n. 公共设施,效用,公用程序,实用品,实用340 optical a. 眼睛的,视觉的,光学的341 diameter n. 直径342 millimeter n. 毫米343 cable n. 电缆,海底电报; v. 打海底电报344 copper a. (紫)铜色的,铜(制)的; n. 铜,铜币,铜制品345 parade n. 游行; v. 检阅,游行346 spider n. 蜘蛛347 web n. 网348 condense v. 浓缩,摘要,缩短349 intensive a. 集中的,强化的,精细的,深入的350 desperate a. 不顾一切的,绝望的351 rust n. 锈; v. 生锈; vt. 生锈,使...生锈352 antique a. 古代的; n. 古物,古董353 lick n. 舔,少许,打; v. 舔,卷过,鞭打354 strategic a. 战略的355 recession n. 后退,凹入的地方,不景气356 scratch n. 抓痕,抓的声音,乱写; v. 搔痒,抓,抹掉357 province n. 省358 provincial n. 乡下人,地方人民; a. 省的,地方的,偏狭的359 infrastructure n. 下部构造,下部组织,基础结构,基础设施360 log n. 记录,圆木,日志; v. 伐木,切,航行361 peak n. 山顶,顶点,帽舌; v. 到达高点,消瘦,竖起362 invest v. 投资,花费,授与363 investor n. 投资者364 stake n. 木柱,赌注,奖金; v. 打赌,下赌注365 lease n. 租约,租期,租; v. 出租,租出,租得366 ridge n. 脊,山脊,山脉367 reliable a. 可靠的368 tag n. 标签,附属物,名称; v. 附以签条,尾随,添饰; n.标记, 标记符369 usage n. 惯用法,使用,用法370 width n. 宽度371 nowhere ad. 任何地方都不; n. 不知道的地方,无处372 disposal n. 处理,消除,销毁,处置; n. 弃菜碾碎器373 revenue n. 财政收入,税收374 fax n. 传真; v. 传真375 electron n. 电子376 persist v. 坚持,固执,持续377 (be) stuck with 无法摆脱,解脱不了378 a matter of sth. / doing sth. 需要……的问题,需要……的事情379 choose between 在两者中作出选择380 date from 始于381 be stuck in 陷入382 scratch the surface 触及表面383 log on to 进入(计算机)系统,登录384 at one's disposal 供某人使用,由某人支配385 make use of 使用,利用386 keep pace with (与……)同速前进,(与……)并驾齐驱387 lag behind 落后,落在……后面388 Latin America 拉丁美洲389 Eastern Europe 东欧390 Budapest n. 匈牙利的首都391 V ietnam n. 越南392 Russia n. 俄罗斯393 Tibet n. 西藏394 Manhattan n. 曼哈顿[美国]395 Hungary n. 匈牙利[欧洲]396 Dutch a. 荷兰的; n. 荷兰人397 BellSouth Corporation 南方贝尔电话公司398 Western European 西欧的,西欧人(的)399 beast n. 畜牲400 guitar n. 吉他; vi. 弹吉他401 jazz n. 爵士乐402 cassette n. 盒式录音带403 reading a. 阅读的; n. 阅读404 edition n. 版,版本405 tutor n. 家庭教师,导师406 feedback n. 反馈407 semiconductor n. 半导体408 transmit v. 传输,转送,传达409 carrier n. 运送者,媒介物,带菌者410 laser n. 激光411 hence ad. 今后,从此,因此,所以412 format n. 设计,版式; n.[计算机]格式,DOS命令: 格式化(磁盘),用于空盘或使用过的磁盘建立新空盘来存储数据; v. vt.使格式化,设计,安排413 audio a. 成音频率的,声音的414 dose n. 剂量,服用量; v. 配415 blade n. 刀锋,刀口416 robot n. 机器人417 keyboard n. 键盘; vt. 用键盘输入(信息)418 correspondent n. 通讯记者,通信者419 vacuum n. 真空,空间,真空吸尘器; a. 真空的,产生真空的,利用真空的; v. 用吸尘器打扫420 synthetic a. 合成的,人造的; n. 人工制品421 universe n. 宇宙422 crucial a. 关键的,决定性的423 postman n. 邮递员424 correspondence n. 相符,通信,信件425 diagram n. 图解,图表; v. 用图解法表示426 spokesman n. 发言人427 portion n. 部分,份,命运; v. 将...分配,分配428 insure v. 保险,确保,投保...险429 terminal n. 终端机,终点,末端; a. 终点的,按期的,致死的430 typewriter n. 打字机431 librarian n. 图书管理员432 sign up 报名参加; 签约参加工作(或组织)433 broadly speaking 一般说来434 refer to 将……称为提及,谈到查阅,询问转送至某人以便得到处理或帮助435 be compared to 比作436 come up with 找到;提出(答案、解决方法等)437 in the hands of 在……手上,在……掌握之中438 have access to 享有接近(或进入)……的机会,享有使用……的权利439 rely on 依靠440 fall behind 落在…后面;输给别人441 devote to 把……专用(于)442 Beauty and the Beast 《美女与野兽》(电影名)443 Al Gore 阿尔?戈尔(美国前副总统)444 Clinton 比尔?克林顿(Bill Clinton)445 Jeffrey Chester 杰弗里?切斯特446 the Center for Media Education 大众媒介教育中心447 Washington, D.C 华盛顿(市)(美国首都)448 Berkeley 伯克利,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校449 California n. 加利福尼亚,加州450 Community Memory Project 社区存储器项目451 Santa Monica 圣莫尼卡(美国加利福尼亚州西南部城市)452 solitary a. 孤独的; n. 隐士453 deer n. 鹿454 wolf n. 狼455 tame a. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的; v. 驯养,使...驯服456 pond n. 池塘457 inspiration n. 灵感458 solitude n. 孤独; 独居,荒僻之地,幽静的地方459 sunlight n. 日光,阳光460 benign a. 良性的461 cushion n. 垫子,橡皮软垫; v. 加垫褥462 poetry n. 诗歌463 handwriting n. 笔迹,书法464 dictate v. 听写,口述,口授; n. 命令,指挥,指令465 kettle n. 水壶466 priest n. 教士,神父467 hut n. 小屋,棚屋468 axe n. 斧; vt. 用斧砍469 saucer n. 茶托,碟子470 laundry n. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣471 ego n. 自我472 humble a. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的; v. 使...卑下,挫,贬抑473 absent a. 缺席的; vt. 使缺席474 apology n. 道歉;勉强的替代物475 soak n. 浸,湿透,大雨; v. 使上下湿透,浸,吸入476 pint n. 品脱477 waterproof n. 防水材料; a. 防水的; v. 使...能防水478 slippery a. 滑的479 choke v. 窒息,阻塞480 parcel n. 包裹; v. 打包,捆扎; vt. 打包481 supreme a. 最高的482 justice n. 司法,正义,公正; n. 上诉法庭的法官483 steak n. 牛排484 noodle n. 面条485 sportsman n. 运动员486 skate n. 冰鞋; v. 滑冰; vi. 溜冰,滑冰487 skater n. 滑雪的人488 ski a. 滑雪(用)的; n. 雪橇; v. 滑雪489 skier n. 滑雪者490 niece n. 侄女,外甥女491 powder n. 粉,粉末; v. 洒粉于492 powdered a. 粉状的493 princess n. 公主,王妃494 seal n. 印章,封条,海豹; v. 盖印,封闭,猎海豹495 on purpose 故意,特意496 on the other hand (在)另一方面497 cast out 赶出,驱逐498 speak highly of 称赞499 seek out 找出,搜寻出500 put on 穿上; vt. 穿上,戴上501 set forth 启程,动身502 write down 写下;记下来503 stretch out 拉长,伸长,伸出504 fill up 装满,占满505 stay up late 熬夜506 rise and fall 涨落,盛衰507 back up (使)积压,(使)拥塞支持508 at length 长久地,详尽地509 in line 排成一行;成直线510 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢511 settle down 安静下来,安下心来,适应(或习惯于)新环境512 after all 毕竟513 for the time being 暂时,眼下514 might as well do sth. 最好做某事,不妨做某事515 Thoreau n. 梭罗516 Dorothy Wordsworth 多萝西?华兹华斯(人名)517 William n. 威廉(m.); n. [常作W-]<美俚>钞票,纸币518 Milton 弥尔顿(英国诗人)519 Walden Pond 瓦尔登湖,或译为沃尔登塘,位于美国马萨诸塞州东北部,康科德之南;1845-1847年梭罗(H. D. Thoreau)在此隐居并产生灵感撰写其名著《沃尔登,或林中生活》(Walden,or Life in the Woods)520 melissa n. 梅利莎(f.); n. [植]蜜蜂花521 dorm n. (集体)宿舍522 oral a. 口头的; n. 口试523 furnace n. 炉子,熔炉524 thermometer n. 温度计525 minus a. 负的,减去的; n. 减号,负号; prep. 减去526 trumpet n. 喇叭,喇叭声; v. 吹喇叭,吹嘘527 vibrate v. (使)振动,(使)摇摆; vt. 摇动,震动528 organic a. 器官的,有机的,根本的,接近自然的529 organically ad. 有机性地,器官上地,有组织地530 holy a. 神圣的,圣洁的531 ant n. 蚂蚁532 mosquito n. 蚊子533 fur n. 毛皮,皮,皮子534 frog n. 蛙535 stale a. 不新鲜的,陈腐的536 depression n. 沮丧,萧条537 tolerate v. 忍受,容忍,容许,宽恕; vt. 容忍,忍受,容许538 undergraduate n. 大学生; a. 大学部的539 disk n. 磁盘片; [计算机] 磁盘540 saw n. 锯子; v. see的过去式,看见,了解,会面541 abstract n. 摘要; a. 抽象的; v. 摘要,抽炼542 volcano n. 火山543 resort n. 渡假胜地,手段,凭藉; v. 诉诸,常去,滞留544 jury n. 陪审团545 nevertheless ad. 仍然,不过; conj. 然而,不过546 disorder n. 杂乱,混乱; v. 扰乱547 selection n. 选择,挑选548 exclaim v. 大叫,呼喊,大声叫549 chess n. 国际象棋550 paw n. 手掌,手爪; v. 以蹄扒地,笨拙地使用,费力地前进551 postage n. 邮费,邮资552 chew v. 咀嚼,嚼碎,细想553 chip n. 薄片,芯片; v. 削,切,削成碎片554 slap n. 掴,侮辱,拍击声; v. 拍击,侮辱,申斥; ad. 正面地,直接地,突然地555 strike out 独立闯新路,独立开创556 get along with 与...相处557 war over 因……打仗,因……而争吵558 range from… to 在从……到……范围或幅度内变动或变化559 turn off 关掉560 give up on 对……表示绝望561 before long 不久以后562 turn up 发现,挖掘发生,出现,到来563 cut up 切碎564 end up 结束,告终565 spring from v. 起源于566 tear apart 使……分裂567 resort to 凭借,求助,诉诸568 in case 免得,以防569 head off 阻止,拦住570 on the basis of 在……基础上,根据……原则571 fill in 把……填进去,把(表格等)填好572 sum up 概括,总结573 against all (the) odds 尽管有极大的困难,出乎意料地574 Katie Monahan 卡蒂?莫纳汉(人名)575 Sarah Monahan 萨拉?莫纳汉(人名)576 Pennsylvania n. 宾夕凡尼亚州577 Gettysburg College 葛底斯堡学院578 Julie Noel 朱莉?诺埃尔(人名)579 Ohio n. 俄亥俄州580 Harvard n. 哈佛大学581 Alan Sussman 艾伦?萨斯曼(人名)582 bribe n. 贿赂; v. 贿赂583 bribery n. 贿络行为,行贿,受贿584 ethics n. 道德规范585 on the increase 在增长中586 a way of life 生活方式587 pay up 付款,还钱588 stand by 遵守,履行589 in practice 实际上,事实上,在实践中590 accuse of 指控,指责591 in private 私下地,秘密地592 a fact of life 现实,残酷的事实593 consist of 由……组成,由……构成594 in support of 支持,拥护595 under investigation 正在调查中596 throw out 抛弃,扔掉,驱除597 close a deal 完成交易,生意成交598 speed up (使……)加快速度599 hit upon /on 碰巧想出,忽然想出600 distinguish between 区分,辨别,分清601 amount to 实际上,意味着602 behave oneself 检点(自己的)行为,(使自己)循规蹈矩603 be caught in 陷入,遭到604 on the take 受贿605 square …with 符合,相符606 Switzerland n. 瑞士607 Chrysler Corporation 克莱斯勒汽车公司608 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 美国证券交易委员会609 Chile n. 智利610 Iran n. 伊朗王国611 Caribbean n. 加勒比海; a. 加勒比海的,加勒比族的612 International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会613 lethal a. 致命的614 disable v. 使...失去能力615 crop up (问题等)突然发生,突然出现616 act out 表演617 nothing more (…) than 只不过,仅仅是618 up to scratch 达到标准,合格,处于良好状态619 be on the wrong end of 承担(……)的不利后果620 law and order 法律和秩序621 throw up 产生,使……突出,匆匆建造622 on duty 值日623 on sick leave 休病假624 in favor 赞同,支持625 derive from 来自,源于,从……中得到626 wash away 冲掉,冲走627 lose count of 数不清,不清楚……的确切数目628 come up to 走近,靠近629 carry out 进行,实施630 take up 开始,着手做631 Northumbria n. 中世纪时在英国北方的王国632 John Stevens 约翰?史蒂文斯(人名)633 superiority n. 优越性,优势634 bias n. 偏见635 to date 至今,直到现在636 nothing less than 简直是,同……一点也不差637 serve as 担任... ...;作... ...用,起... ...作用638 be confined to 限制于,局限于639 as of/from 从……时候起640 in effect adv. 实质上,实际上641 adapt to (改变……)使适应642 in combination with 与……合作,共同643 shed /throw light on 使(某事)更为清楚,阐明(某事)644 be descended from 为……的后裔,是……的后人645 Luca Cavalli-Sforza 路卡?卡瓦里-斯福尔扎(人名)646 Stanford (University) 斯坦福大学(美国一大学,位于美国加利福尼亚州)647 Khoisan [南非]克瓦桑语族(包括霍屯督语Hottentot 和布须曼语Bushman)648 Ethiopia n. 埃塞俄比亚649 Basque n. 巴斯克人,巴斯克语,一种妇人用短上衣; a. 巴斯克人的650 Cro-Magnon 克罗马努人(1968年被发现于法国南部克罗马努山洞中,是旧石器时代晚期新人的总称)651 prodigy n. 惊人的事物,不凡的人,神童652 spring up 迅速或突然的出现,发生,长出653 out of nowhere 不知打哪儿来,突然冒出来654 look into 调查,仔细检查655 go out of one's way 特别费心(作某事),千方百计656 make a note of 把(某事)记录下来657 pick up 拾起;捡起658 have a head start 有先起步的优势,领先659 in question 谈论中的,考虑之中的660 pass on 传递661 step by step 一步步,逐渐地662 have an advantage over 比……处于有利地位,比……有优势663 in a (good) position to do 能够(做某事),有条件(做某事)664 far from 一点都不665 Einstein n. 爱因斯坦[物理学家]666 Pablo Picasso 帕布罗?毕加索(1881-1973,西班牙画家、雕刻家,立体主义画派主要代表)667 Mozart n. 莫札特668 Karl Friedrich Gauss 卡尔?弗里德里克?高斯(1777-1855,德国数学家)669 Holland n. 荷兰670 prop n. 支柱,支持者,倚靠人; v. 支撑,维持671 up to 至多,多达,直到672 peer at 仔细看,凝视673 in passing 顺便674 break off 突然终止,中断675 in that conj. 既然,因为676 give of (one's money / time,etc.) 给,提供,献出677 disapprove of 不赞同,不喜欢678 belong to 属于679 at one's elbow 在(某人)手边,在(某人)近旁680 pay a/ the price for 为……付出代价681 in the main 基本上,大体上682 prop up 支撑,支持683 in company with 与……一起684 more or less 几乎,差不多685 Eatonville 伊顿维尔(美国佛罗里达州奥兰治县小镇)686 Orlando 奥兰多(①男子名②美国一城市)687 Zora Neale Hurston 佐拉?尼尔?赫斯顿(美国女作家)688 Jacksonville 杰克逊维尔[美国佛罗里达州东北部港市]689 the Civil War 美国内战,南北战争(1861-1865)690 the Great Stuffer of Bags (本文中指)上帝691 wrinkle n. 皱纹; v. (使)起皱纹; vi. (使)起皱纹,皱眉; vt. 使起皱纹692 abnormal a. 反常的,不正常的,不规则的693 extract n. 榨出物,精汁,选粹; v. 摘录,提取,吸取; [计算机] 提取694 shrimp n. 虾695 texture n. (材料等的)结构,质地696 beat back 击退,逐回697 pour out 倾吐,诉说698 have /be to do with 和……有关系699 when it comes to sth. 当涉及到,当谈到700 attach to 认为有(重要性等)把……附加于701 on the surface 表面上,外表上,从表面上看702 interact with 互相交流,互相影响703 if… then… 如果……,那么就……704 do the trick 有效,达到目的705 in no way 决不,无论如何不706 in particular 特别地,尤其特别的707 be tied up with 与……有密切关系,与……有联系708 invest in 投资于,花钱买709 Imedeen 伊美婷(一种美容药丸)710 Scandinavia 斯堪的纳维亚711 Brian Newman 布赖恩?纽曼(人名)712 contend v. 主张,奋斗,斗争,竞争,争论,辩论713 attendance n. 出席714 legend n. 传说,传奇715 contemplate v. 注视,沉思,打算716 shave off 剃(胡须、毛发等)717 take sb. to court 对某人提出起诉718 put before 认为……比……更重要719 for all 尽管720 come into 开始进入(某种活动或状态)721 so far 到现在为止722 in response to 作为对……的答复,作为对……的反应723 focus on 把(注意力等)集中在724 in a flash 转眼间,一眨眼725 Euro Disneyland 欧洲迪斯尼乐园726 Mickey Mouse 米老鼠727 TGV abbr. (法)高速电气铁路728 Sleeping Beauty 睡美人(法国童话中因着魔而昏睡100年的公主)729 Snow White 白雪公主730 Peter Pan n. 彼得?潘(天真的成年人)731 pinocchio n. 童话中的主角732 Walt Disney World 沃尔特?迪斯尼世界733 Jules V erne 儒勒?凡尔纳(1820-1905,法国小说家,现代科学幻想小说的奠基人)734 the Louvre 罗浮宫(法国国立美术博物馆,位于巴黎)735 Minnie Mouse 米尼老鼠(Walt Disney 创造的儿童性格的雌性老鼠动画形象)736 Mona Lisa 《蒙娜?丽莎》(欧洲文艺复兴时期意大利画家达?芬奇所作的一幅著名肖像画)737 franc n. 法郎738 analyst n. 分析家,分解者,分析者739 gear up (使)准备好,作好安排740 warn against 告诫,提醒(某人)以防备(……的危险等)741 react to (对……)作出反应742 be superior to 优于743 on a /an… basis 以……方式744 in the long term 从长远来说,长期来说745 hang over (威胁、危险等)临头,笼罩,迫近746 account for 作出解释,提出理由,说明747 in line with 与……一致,符合,按照748 John Forsgren 约翰?佛斯格伦(人名)749 Paribas Capital Markets Group 帕里巴斯资本市场集团750 EQ n. 情商751 IQ 智商752 incorporate a. 合并的,公司组织的,具体化的; v. 合并,组成公司,具体表现753 maturity n. 成熟754 trigger n. 触发器,板机,制滑机; v. 触发(事件)755 make a contribution to 贡献给;捐赠756 sort through 整理,捡出757 aim at 瞄准,针对758 on purpose 故意,特意759 in the act of doing (sth.) 正在做某事时760 take note of 注意,注意到761 set aside v. 忽略762 reflect on/upon 思考,考虑,沉思763 pull away from 使脱身,使脱离764 keep at 继续做,坚持干765 Daniel Goleman 丹尼尔?戈尔曼(人名)766 Emotional Intelligence 《情感智能》767 time n. 时间,期限,次数,乘; v. 计时,定时,乘; n.[计算机] DOS命令: 显示并允许改变系统时间768 Karen Boylston 凯伦?波尔斯顿(人名)769 upbeat n. 上升; a. 乐观的770 turn out 结果是,证明为771 interact with 互相交流,互相影响772 hold out 坚持,支持,维持773 shy away from (由于厌恶、害怕、缺乏信心等)躲开,回避,退缩774 show up 出席,露面775 end up 结束,告终776 on sight/at sight 一见到就777 in(the) face of 尽管,不顾在……面前778 be about to do sth. 刚要做某事,行将做某事,打定主意要……779 thanks to 由于;幸亏。
(完整版)新视野大学英语第二版第四册读写教程单词和短语新视野大学英语第二版第四册读写教程单词和短语Unit1 Achase vt. 追逐;追赶cruelty n.残酷;残忍pessimistic a.悲观的conquest n.1.征服;控制2.征服;攻占bankrupt a.破产的motive n..动机worship vt..崇拜;敬重;仰慕spur vt..鼓励;刺激lure n.诱惑drown v. 1.沉浸于2.(使)淹死imperial a. 1.壮丽的;宏大的2.帝国的;皇帝的agent n. 1.经纪人2.代理人;代理商hasten vt..加快;加速elevator n.电梯blur n.模糊的记忆;模糊不清的事物idle a.不工作的;闲着的bore vt.使厌烦bored a.厌烦的continuity n..连贯(性);连续(性)sustain vt..维持;使...持续minute a.极小的discount vt..1.忽视;低估2.降低价格;打折n.折扣plot n.1.(小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节2.阴谋;密谋moviemaker n.电影制作人distinct a. 1.明显不同的;独特的2.清晰的;清楚的;明显的spotlight n.聚光灯jungle n.热带)丛林fraud n.欺诈;诈骗contaminate vt..污染;弄脏underline vt..1.在...下划线2.强调,使突出uncompromising a.不妥协的;不让步的object vi.反对;不赞成accuse vt..指控;控告banquet n.宴会sue vt. 起诉;控告attorney n.律师second vt.支持;附议fine vt. 罚...的款expel vt. 开除;驱逐justify vt. 证明...有道理;为...辩护single-minded a.一心一意的;专一的novelist n.小说家musician n..音乐家;乐手desperate a.1. 极需要的;极向往的2. 绝望的;拼命的desperately ad. 1.非常2. 绝望地;拼命地alas ad.不幸的是;遗憾的是Phrases and Expressionsat best 充其量;至多run a/the ris冒险;有...风险remain /be true to忠于object to 反对;不赞成accuse sb. of sth. 指控;控告throw out开除;Unit2Aankle n. 踝;踝关节comic a. 喜剧的;滑稽的n. 喜剧演员rag n. 1. 破旧的衣服2.破布;碎布applause n.鼓掌;掌声comedy n.喜剧scout n. 1.物色新秀者;星探2.侦察兵crude a. 1.粗鲁的;粗俗的2.粗制的;粗陋的3.天然的;未加工的clap v.鼓掌;拍手revolt vi.反抗;不服从heel n. 1.鞋跟2.脚后跟moustache n. .小胡子coarse a. 1.粗鲁的;粗俗2.粗糙的nationality n. 1.国籍2.民族postpone vt..推迟,延迟nonsense n. 1.无意义的话或文字2.荒谬的想法、观点、说法doubtful a. 1.难以预料的,未定的2.有疑问的,感到怀疑的immense a. 巨大的;无限的immensely ad. 非常,很extraordinary a.不寻常的;令人惊奇的rouse vt..激起;激发script n.底稿;讲稿;剧本pepper n. 1.胡椒粉;2.辣椒execute vt.1.实施;执行;履行2.将...处死betray vt.背叛;出卖collision n. 1.冲突2.碰撞(事件)sunset n.日落(时分);黄昏surround vt.围绕;包围spark vt. 触发;引起Christmas n.圣诞节burial n.埋葬;葬礼clumsy a.笨拙的;不灵活的cop n.警察incident n.事件memorial n..纪念物;纪念碑Phrases and Expressionscut down 改小;缩短for good 永久地trip up 1.绊,绊倒2.(使)出错make up 虚构,捏造,编造come down in the world落魄,潦倒;失势to a degree 有些;在某种程度上go along 进行;前进find one's way into到达;进入Unit3Araw a.未经加工的;天然的;生的wheelchair n. 轮椅pension n.养老金;抚恤金caseworker n.社会工作者rent n.租金v. 租用opt vi.选择;决定drum v.不停敲击n.鼓temptation n.诱惑,引诱profile n. 1. 形象;印象2.人头部的)侧面;侧影high-profile a.引人注目的bow vi.鞠躬n.鞠躬compensation n. 1.补偿;弥补2.补偿金;赔偿金liberal n.思想开明的人a.心胸宽广的;开明的detective n.侦探shorts n.短裤paste vt..粘贴n.浆糊receipt n.收据,收条donation n.捐赠物;捐款hip n. 臀(部);髋(部)crawl vi.1.爬行;匍匐前进2. 缓慢行进spine n.脊椎;脊柱spinal a.脊椎的;脊柱的cord n..细绳;粗线screw n..螺丝钉roller n.滚筒;轧辊bearing n.轴承brake n.闸;制动器;刹车notify vt.通知,告知certify vt.证明,证实bid n..出价;投标v.出价;投标alert vt. 提醒;引起对...的重视a. 1. 警觉的,警惕的2. 机敏的,机警的appliance n.家用电器maid n.女佣,女仆roast a.烤过的,烤制的v.烤,烘oven n.烤炉;烤箱helicopter n..直升飞机provision n..1.条款,条文;规定2.提供,供应champion n. 1. 支持者;捍卫者2.冠军chemist n.. 1.药剂师2.化学家urine n.尿,小便senator n..参议员governor n.州长;总督;行政长官thrive vi. 兴旺;繁荣;茁壮成长convict vt.证明...有罪;宣判...有罪n.囚犯Phrases and Expressionsbe faced with 面对,面临drum up 竭力争取;兜揽under the table 背地里,私下get/be involved in 卷入;参与deep down 在内心深处,在心底make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人talk back 顶嘴break down 发生故障;坏掉get around 四处走动look into调查build up 建立;开发lend itself to适宜于;会造成convict... of 判决...有罪Unit4telecommunications n.电信dumb a.哑的,不会说话的investment n.投资Latin n. & a.拉丁语(的);拉丁语系(的)utility n.公用事业;公用设施optical a.视觉的;光的diameter n.直径millimeter n. [C]毫米cable n.电缆copper n.铜transmission n. 1.播送;发射;传输2.传播parade n. 1.一连串,一系列2.游行urban a.城市的,都市的spider n.蜘蛛condense vt.缩短;压缩intensive a. 密集的;集中的;加强的labor-intensive a.劳动密集型的rust v.生锈n.铁锈antique n. 古董lick vt. 1.击败;克服2. 舔strategic a..战略(上)的;策略(上)的recession n.经济衰退scratch vt.抓,挠mainland n.大陆provincial a.省的;省级的infrastructure n.基础设施superhighway n.高速公路log vt.记录v.伐木invest v.投资vt..投入(时间、精力等)investor n.投资者import n.1.进口;输入2.进口商品stake n. 1.股份2.桩;柱lease v.租借;出租,n.租约;租契ridge n.脊;山脊reliable a.可靠的;值得信赖的tag n. 标签width n.宽度;阔度;广度breadth n.宽度;阔度nowhere ad.任何地方都不disposal n.处理;消除revenue n. 财政收入;收益lectron n..电子Phrases and Expressionsgive sb. an advantage over使具有优势be stuck with 无法摆脱,解脱不了push ahead 推进;推行a matter of sth. 是...问题date from始于be stuck in陷入scratch the surface仅触及表面;浅尝辄止log on 登录(计算机)系统at one's disposal供某人使用;由某人支配make use of 使用;利用keep pace with齐头并进;并驾齐驱lag behind落后;滞后Unit 5solitary a.独自的;喜欢独处的tame vt..驯服;控制a.(尤指动物)温顺的,驯化的pond n.池塘inspiration n.灵感solitude n.独居,孤独commodity n..1.有用的东西;必需品2. 商品,货物sunlight n.阳光,日光benign n. 坐垫;垫子cushion n.坐垫;垫子creep vi.潜行;蹑手蹑脚地移动poetry n..诗,诗歌dictate v.1.口授,2.命令;指使kettle n.水壶priest n.1.代表人物2.神父;牧师reliance n.依靠,依赖self-reliance n.自立;自力更生hut n..小屋axe n.斧子saucer n. 茶托,茶碟laundry n.1.待洗或刚洗好的衣物2.洗衣店companionable a.友善的,友好的go n. 1.自我2.自我价值感humble a. 1.谦逊的,谦虚的2.地位或身份低下的inadequate a..不充分的;不足的plural a..复数的n.复数(形式)apology n. 道歉soak vi.长时间泡浴v.使湿透;浸湿pint n..品脱(液量单位)waterproof a.防水的,不透水的slippery a.滑的observation n. 1.评论2.观察;注意choke v. 1. 说不出话来2.(使)窒息;(使)呼吸困难parcel n.包裹parrot n.鹦鹉sportsman n.运动员skate vi.溜冰,滑冰skater n.溜冰者,滑冰者self-centered a.自我为中心的,自私的seal vt. 封;密封Phrases and Expressionson purpose故意,特意cast out赶走,驱逐speak highly of 对...给予高度评价;赞扬seek out 找到;找出set forth 出发,动身stretch out 1.拉长,伸长2.躺平;舒展back up 1.(使)积压;使)拥塞2.支持at length 1.长久地;详尽地2.最终,终于in line (排)成一行,(排)成一队settle down (使)安定下来for the time being暂时,眼下might as well 只好;还是...为好Unit 6bribery n.行贿;受贿ethic n.道德;伦理ethics n.道德准则;伦理标准quick-witted a..聪颖的;机敏的Phrases and Expressionson the increase 在增长way of life 生活方式pay up 付清欠款;还钱stand by 遵守;履行;支持;忠于in practice 实际上,事实上accuse sb. of sth 指控;指责in private私下里,秘密地a fact of life生活现实残酷的事实throw out 抛弃;驱除close a deal 完成交易;生意成交speed up(使)加快速度hit upon/on 忽然想出(主意等)amount to 等于;相当于behave oneself 表现得体be caught in 入;被卷入be on the take 受贿;贪赃枉法square... with... (使)与…一致(相符)。
《新视野大学英语》第一册 词汇表 共1049词序号 英语 English Meaning /国际音标 Phonetic/ 汉语 Chinese Meaning1 reward /rI5wR:d/ n. 报酬,酬谢,赏金; v. 奖赏,酬谢2 frustrate /5frQstreIt/ v. 挫败,击败,破坏; a. 无益的,挫败的,挫折的3 junior /5dVu:nIE(r)/ n. 年少者,地位较低者,大学三年级学生; a. 年少的,下级的,后进的4 positive /5pCzEtIv/ a. 肯定的,积极的,绝对的; a. 正面的,正数的,阳性的5 senior /5si:nIE(r)/ n. 年长者,上司,毕业班学生; a. 年长的,高级的,资深的6 former /5fR:mE(r)/ a. 以前的,在前的; pron.&n. 前者7 unlike /Qn5laIk/ a. 不同的,不相似的; prep. 不像,和...不同8 intimidate /In5tImIdeIt/ v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫9 opportunity /9CpE5tju:nEtI/ n. 机会,时机10 online /5CnlaIn/ n.联机,在线11 communication /kE9mju:nI5keIFn/ n. 沟通,交通,沟通; [计算机] 通信12 medium /5mi:dIEm/ n. 媒体,方法,媒介; a. 适中的,中等的13 phone /fEJn/ n. 电话; v. 打电话14 modem /5mEJdEm/ n.调制解调器15 access /5Akses/ n. 通路,进入,使用之权; v. 存取16 technology /tek5nClEdVI/ n. 技术,工艺17 participate /pB:5tIsIpeIt/ v. 参加,分享,参与18 virtual /5v\:tjJEl; -tFJEl/ a. 虚拟的,实质的19 commitment /kE5mItmEnt/ n. 委托,实行,承诺,保证(律)拘禁令; n. 奉献,献身20 discipline /5dIsIplIn/ n. 训练,纪律,惩罚; v. 训练,惩罚21 minimum /5mInImEm/ a. 最低的,最小的; n. 最小量,最低限度22 assignment /E5saInmEnt/ n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)任务,委派23 notebook /5nEJtbJk/ n. 笔记本24 embarrass /Im5bArEs/ v. 使...困窘,使...局促不安,阻碍25 screen /skri:n/ n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风; v. 选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽26 continual /kEn5tInjJEl/ a. 不断的,频繁的27 continually /kEn5tInjJElI/ a d. 不断地,频繁地28 finally /5fAnElI/ ad. 最后,最终 29 reap /ri:p/ v. 收获,获得30 benefit /5benIfIt/ n. 利益; v. 获益31 insight /5InsaIt/ n. 洞察力32 culture /5kQltFE(r)/ n. 文化,教养,种植33 communicate /kE5mju:nIkeIt/ v. 沟通,传达,交流34 favorite /5feIvErIt/ a. 最喜爱的; n. 最喜爱的人或物35 activity /Ak5tIvEtI/ n. 活动36 gap /gAp/ n. (意见、个性等的)差异,缝隙,漏洞,缺口; 嘉普(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美国,主要经营服装零售)37 be well worth + sth./ doing sth. 值得... ...的38 not only ...but also ... 不仅... ...而且 ... ...39 far from 一点都不40 a couple of 几个41 get access to 可以使用;获得42 keep up with 跟上,不落后43 feel like sth./doing sth. 想做,想要44 give up 放弃45 reap the benefits of 获得益处,得到好处46 come across 偶然遇上47 trade for 用... ... 换48 participate in 参加49 now that 既然50 reach out to 接触, 联系51 community /kE5mju:nItI/ n. 社区,团体; 群落(生)52 expand /Iks5pAnd/ v. 使...膨胀,详述,扩张; [计算机] 扩充53 aware /E5weE/ a. 知道的,意识到的54 unique /ju:5ni:k/ a. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的55 following /5fClEJIN/ n. 下列各项,部下,党羽; a. 下列的,其次的; vbl. 跟随56 ideal /aI5dIEl/ a. 理想的; n. 理想57 visual /5vIzjJEl/ a. 视觉的58 barrier /5bArIE/ n. 界线,屏障,障碍物; v. 以屏障隔开59 addition /E5dIFn/ n. 增加,附加物,加,加法60 reflect /rI5flekt/ v. 反映,归咎61 environment /In5vaIErEnmEnt/ n. 环境62 critical /5krItIkEl/ a. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的; a. 临界的63 ability /E5bIlEtI/ n. 才能,能力64 perspective /pE5spektIv/ n. 远景,看法,透视; a. 透视的65 peer /pIE/ n. 同侪,匹敌,贵族; v. 凝视,窥视66 instruct /5InstrQkt/ v. 教,命令,指导; [计算机] 指示67 instructor /In5strQktE/ n. 教师,讲师,指导书68 arise /E5raIz/ v. 站立,出现69 absolute /5AbsElu:t/ a. 绝对的,完全的; n. 绝对70 absolutely /5AbsElu:tlI/ ad. 绝对地,完全地;独立地;确实地71 understanding /9QndE5stAndIN/ n. 谅解,理解; vbl. 了解72 reinforce /9ri:In5fC:s/ n. 加固物; v. 增援,加强; vt. 加强,增援73 requirement /rI5kwaIEmEnt/ n. 要求74 likely /5laIklI/ a. 可能的,有希望的; ad. 很可能75 commit /kE5mIt/ v. 委托(托付),犯罪,作...事,承诺; [计算机] 委托76 input /5InpJt/ n. 输入77 essential /I5senFEl/ n. 要素,要点; a. 必要的,重要的,本质的78 challenge /5tFAlIndV/ n. 挑战; v. 向...挑战79 normally /5nR:mElI/ ad. 正常地80 sequence /5si:kwEns/ n. 序列,继起的事,顺序81 sequential /sI5kwInFEl/ a. 连续的(序贯的)82 vital /5vaItl/ a. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,充满生机的83 effective /I5fektIv/ a. 有效的,有影响的84 play a role in ... 起 ... ...作用85 be aware of 对...清楚,意识到86 in addition 另外,加之87 reflect on 深思,考虑,反省88 allow for 考虑到,顾及,为... ...留出余地89 weekday /5wi:kdeI/ n. 工作日90 click /klIk/ n. 点击,滴答声,拍答声; v. 点击,作滴答声,使...作拍答声91 blast /blB:st/ n. 爆破,冲击波,一阵,汽笛声; v. 爆破,炸掉92 forth /fC:W/ a. 向前的; ad. 向前,向外 93 horrible /5hCrEbl/ a. 可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的,令人讨厌的94 stuff /stQf/ n. 材料,原料,东西; v. 填满,塞满95 rhythm /5rITEm; 5rIWEm/ n. 节奏,韵律96 weird /wIEd/ a. 怪异的97 definitely /5defInItlI/ a. 明确地,确切地; ad. 肯定地98 powerful /5paJEfl/ a. 强有力的99 youngster /5jQNstE/ n. 年青人,少年100 musician /mju:5zIFn/ n. 音乐家101 offensive /E5fensIv/ a. 令人不快的,侮辱的,攻击用的102 disturb /dI5st\:b/ v. 扰乱,妨碍,使...不安103 grab /grAb/ n. 抓握,接应,掠夺; v. 抓取,抢去104 thorough /5WQrE/ a. 彻底的,完全的,精心的105 thoroughly /5WQrElI/ ad.彻底地,烦透地106 bang /bAN/ n. 重击,突然巨响,刘海; v. 发巨响,重击,剪成刘海; ad. 砰然地,突然巨响地,直接地107 hustle /5hQsl/ n. 急遽活动,拥挤喧嚷; v. 乱挤活动,慌张108 towel /5taJEl/ n. 毛巾; v. 用毛巾擦; vt. 用毛巾擦或擦干109 t‐shirt /5ti:F\:t/ n. T恤衫110 jeans /dVi:nz/ n. 牛仔裤111 wrap /rAp/ n. 披肩,围巾; v. 覆盖,包围,裹,包; n. 包裹; vt. 包,裹 112 sweater /5swetE(r)/ n. 毛衣113 makeup /5meIkQp/ 化妆品; n. 组成(接通,补给,修理)114 toast /tEJst/ n. 土司面包,烤面包,干杯; v. 敬酒,烤115 instrument /5InstrJmEnt/ n. 乐器,工具,仪器,器械116 yah /jB:/int. 唷(表示轻蔑、不耐烦等)117 disgust /dIs5gQst/ n. 厌恶,嫌恶; v. 令人厌恶118 disgusting /dIs5gQstIN/ a. 令人厌恶119 blouse /blaJz/ n. 女衬衫120 closet /5klCzIt/ n. 壁橱,小室; a. 秘密的,空论的121 bug /bQg/ n.小虫, 臭虫; v.装置窃听器, 打扰122 eye‐liner n. 眼线(笔)123 annoy /E5nCI/ v. 使...苦恼,骚扰124 tattoo /tE5tu:; tA5tu:/n. & vt. (在皮肤上)刺图案,纹身125 pierce /pIEs/ n. 皮尔斯; v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉126 bolt /bEJlt/ n. 门闩,突发,螺钉; vt. 闩住; vi. 冲出去,急逃127 blast forth (声音)突然响起来128 along with 与……一道129 turn off /5t\:n Ef/ 关掉130 burst into 匆匆进入 突然爆发131 over and over 一次次132 reach for 伸出手以触到或拿到133 turn up 发现,挖掘 发生,出现,到来134 turn down (收音机等)关小;调低135 as well as 和,以及,还有136 as usual 像平常一样137 turn on /5t\:n C n/ 打开,拧开; v. 反对,攻击138 that much 那么......139 bolt out 匆匆离开140 sandy /5sAndI/ a. 沙的,沙地的,多沙的141 Steve Finch 史蒂夫·芬奇 (男子名)142 Green Waves 绿浪(作者为故事杜撰的名字。
《新视野大学英语》第一册词汇表序号英语English Meaning /国际音标Phonetic/ 汉语Chinese Meaning1 reward /rI5wR:d/ n. 报酬,酬谢,赏金; v. 奖赏,酬谢2 frustrate /5fr Q s tr e I t/ v. 挫败,击败,破坏; a. 无益的,挫败的,挫折的3 junior /5dVu:nI E(r)/ n. 年少者,地位较低者,大学三年级学生; a. 年少的,下级的,后进的4 positive /5pCzEtIv/ a. 肯定的,积极的,绝对的; a. 正面的,正数的,阳性的5 senior /5si:nIE(r)/ n. 年长者,上司,毕业班学生; a. 年长的,高级的,资深的6 former /5f R:mE(r)/ a. 以前的,在前的; pron.&n. 前者7 unlike /Qn5laIk/ a. 不同的,不相似的; prep. 不像,和...不同8 intimidate /In5tImIdeIt/ v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫9 opportunity /9CpE5tju:nEtI/ n. 机会,时机10 online /5CnlaIn/ n.联机,在线11 communication /kE9mju:n I5k eIFn/ n. 沟通,交通,沟通; [计算机]通信12 medium /5mi:dIEm/ n. 媒体,方法,媒介; a. 适中的,中等的13 phone /fEJn/ n. 电话; v. 打电话14 modem /5mEJdEm/ n.调制解调器15 access /5A k ses/ n. 通路,进入,使用之权; v. 存取16 technology /tek5n ClEd V I/ n. 技术,工艺17 participate /pB:5t IsIpe I t/ v. 参加,分享,参与18 virtual /5v\:tjJEl; -tFJEl/ a. 虚拟的,实质的19 commitment /kE5mItmEnt/ n. 委托,实行,承诺,保证(律)拘禁令; n. 奉献,献身20 discipline /5dIsIplIn/ n. 训练,纪律,惩罚; v. 训练,惩罚21 minimum /5mInImEm/ a. 最低的,最小的; n. 最小量,最低限度22 assignment /E5saInmEnt/ n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)任务,委派23 notebook /5nEJtbJk/ n. 笔记本24 embarrass /Im5bArEs/ v. 使...困窘,使...局促不安,阻碍25 screen /skri:n/ n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风; v. 选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽26 continual /kEn5t InjJEl/ a. 不断的,频繁的27 continually /kEn5t In jJElI/ a d. 不断地,频繁地28 finally /5fAnElI/ ad. 最后,最终29 reap /ri:p/ v. 收获,获得30 benefit /5benIf I t/n. 利益; v. 获益31 insight /5InsaIt/ n. 洞察力32 culture /5kQltFE(r)/ n. 文化,教养,种植33 communicate /kE5mju:nIkeIt/ v. 沟通,传达,交流34 favorite /5feIvErIt/ a. 最喜爱的; n. 最喜爱的人或物35 activity /Ak5tIvEtI/ n. 活动36 gap /gAp/ n. (意见、个性等的)差异,缝隙,漏洞,缺口; 嘉普(财富500 强公司之一,总部所在地美国,主要经营服装零售)37 be well worth + sth./ doing sth. 值得... ...的38 not only ...but also ... 不仅... ...而且... ...39 far from 一点都不40 a couple of 几个41 get access to 可以使用;获得42 keep up with 跟上,不落后43 feel like sth./doing sth. 想做,想要44 give up 放弃45 reap the benefits of 获得益处,得到好处46 come across 偶然遇上47 trade for 用... ... 换48 participate in 参加49 now that 既然50 reach out to 接触,联系51 community /kE5mju:nItI/ n. 社区,团体; 群落(生)52 expand /Iks5pAnd/ v. 使...膨胀,详述,扩张; [计算机] 扩充53 aware /E5weE/ a. 知道的,意识到的54 unique /ju:5ni:k/ a. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的55 following /5f C lEJIN/ n. 下列各项, 部下,党羽; a. 下列的,其次的; vbl. 跟随56 ideal/aI5dIEl/ a. 理想的; n. 理想57 visual /5v I zjJEl/ a. 视觉的58 barrier /5bArIE/ n. 界线,屏障,障碍物; v. 以屏障隔开59 addition /E5dIFn/ n. 增加,附加物,加,加法60 reflect /rI5fle k t/ v. 反映,归咎61 environment /I n5vaI E r E nmEnt/ n. 环境62 critical /5krItIk El/ a. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的; a. 临界的63 ability /E5b IlEtI/ n. 才能,能力64 perspective /pE5spektIv/ n. 远景,看法,透视; a. 透视的65 peer /pIE/ n. 同侪,匹敌,贵族; v. 凝视,窥视66 instruct /5In st rQ kt/ v. 教,命令,指导; [计算机]指示67 instructor/In5strQktE/ n. 教师,讲师,指导书68 arise /E5raIz/ v. 站立,出现69 absolute /5AbsElu:t/ a. 绝对的,完全的; n. 绝对70 absolutely /5AbsElu:tlI/ ad. 绝对地,完全地;独立地;确实地71 understanding /9QndE5s tAndI N/ n. 谅解,理解; v b l. 了解72 reinforce /9ri:In5fC:s/ n. 加固物; v. 增援,加强; vt. 加强,增援73 requirement /rI5kw a I EmE n t/ n. 要求74 likely /5laIklI/ a. 可能的,有希望的; ad. 很可能75 commit /kE5mIt/ v. 委托(托付),犯罪,作...事,承诺; [计算机]委托76 input /5In pJt/ n. 输入77 essential /I5senFEl/ n. 要素,要点; a. 必要的,重要的,本质的78 challenge /5tFAlIndV/ n. 挑战; v. 向...挑战79 normally /5nR:mElI/ ad. 正常地80 sequence /5si:k wEns/ n. 序列,继起的事,顺序81 sequential /sI5kwInFEl/ a. 连续的(序贯的)82 vital /5v a Itl/ a. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,充满生机的83 effective /I5fektIv/ a. 有效的,有影响的84 play a role in ... 起... ...作用85 be aware of 对...清楚,意识到86 in addition 另外,加之87 reflect on 深思,考虑,反省88 allow for 考虑到,顾及,为... ...留出余地89 weekday /5wi:kdeI/ n. 工作日90 click /klIk/ n. 点击,滴答声,拍答声; v. 点击,作滴答声,使...作拍答声91 blast/blB:st/ n. 爆破,冲击波,一阵,汽笛声; v. 爆破,炸掉92 forth /fC:W/ a. 向前的; ad. 向前,向外93 horrible /5hCrEbl/ a. 可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的,令人讨厌的94 stuff /stQf/ n. 材料,原料,东西; v. 填满,塞满95 rhythm /5rITEm; 5rIWE m/ n. 节奏,韵律96 weird /wIEd/ a. 怪异的97 definitely /5defInItlI/ a. 明确地,确切地; ad. 肯定地98 powerful /5paJEfl/ a. 强有力的99 youngster /5jQNstE/ n. 年青人,少年100 musician /mju:5zIFn/ n. 音乐家101 offensive /E5f ensIv/ a. 令人不快的,侮辱的,攻击用的102 disturb /dI5st\:b/ v. 扰乱,妨碍,使...不安103 grab /grAb/ n. 抓握,接应,掠夺; v. 抓取,抢去104 thorough /5WQrE/ a. 彻底的,完全的,精心的105 thoroughly /5WQrEl I/ ad.彻底地,烦透地106 bang /bAN/ n. 重击,突然巨响,刘海; v. 发巨响,重击,剪成刘海; ad. 砰然地,突然巨响地,直接地107 hustle /5hQsl/ n. 急遽活动,拥挤喧嚷; v. 乱挤活动,慌张108 towel /5t a JEl/ n. 毛巾; v. 用毛巾擦; vt. 用毛巾擦或擦干109 t‐shirt /5ti:F\:t/ n. T 恤衫110 jeans /dVi:nz/ n. 牛仔裤111 wrap /rAp/ n. 披肩,围巾; v. 覆盖,包围,裹,包; n. 包裹; vt. 包,裹112 sweater /5swetE(r)/ n. 毛衣113 makeup /5meIkQp/ 化妆品; n. 组成(接通,补给,修理)114 toast /tEJst/ n. 土司面包,烤面包,干杯; v. 敬酒,烤115 instrument /5In st rJmEn t/ n. 乐器,工具,仪器,器械116 yah /jB:/int. 唷(表示轻蔑、不耐烦等)117 disgust /dIs5gQst/ n. 厌恶,嫌恶; v. 令人厌恶118 disgusting /d Is5gQst I N/ a. 令人厌恶119 blouse /blaJz/ n. 女衬衫120 closet /5kl CzI t/ n. 壁橱,小室; a. 秘密的,空论的121 bug /bQg/ n.小虫, 臭虫; v.装置窃听器, 打扰122 eye‐liner n. 眼线(笔)123 annoy /E5nCI/ v. 使...苦恼,骚扰124 tattoo /tE5tu:; tA5tu:/n. & vt. (在皮肤上)刺图案,纹身125 pierce /pIEs/ n. 皮尔斯; v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉126 bolt /bEJlt/ n. 门闩,突发,螺钉; vt. 闩住; vi. 冲出去,急逃127 blast forth (声音)突然响起来128 along with 与……一道129 turn off /5t\:n Ef/ 关掉130 burst into 匆匆进入突然爆发131 over and over 一次次132 reach for 伸出手以触到或拿到133 turn up 发现,挖掘发生,出现,到来134 turn down (收音机等)关小;调低135 as well as 和,以及,还有136 as usual 像平常一样137 turn on /5t\:n C n/打开,拧开; v. 反对,攻击138 that much 那么......139 bolt out 匆匆离开140 sandy /5sAndI/ a. 沙的,沙地的,多沙的141 Steve Finch 史蒂夫·芬奇(男子名)142 Green Waves 绿浪(作者为故事杜撰的名字。
Section A
Tail of Fame
Chinese old proverbs
People die in pursuit of fortune;
birds die in pursuit of food.
For ancient people, what other else they were seeking too?
Related Information
At home in Oak Park, Ernest wrote for his school newspaper. He tried to write like a famous sports writer of that time, Ring Lardner. He developed his writing skills this way.
Chen Kaige (born August 12, 1952) is a Chinese film director and a leading figure of the fifth generation of Chinese cinema。His films are known for their visual flair and epic storytelling. 陈凯歌(生于1952年8月12日)是中 国电影导演和电影中的第五代领军人物。 他的电影以视觉风格和史诗般的故事而 闻名。
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He worked for the newspaper only nine months before he joined the Red Cross to help on the battlefields of Europe. His job was to drive a Red Cross truck carrying the wounded away from battles.
temptation n. 1.诱惑2.诱惑物plantation n. 1.大农场,大种植园2.造林地,森林idle a. 1.无目的的2.闲散的,懒散的,无所事事的3.空闲的,闲着的mill n. 1.磨坊2.制造厂,工厂penetrate v. 穿透,渗入,进入nuisance n. 恼人的人或事物sleeve n. 袖子waist n. 腰,腰部merry a. 快乐的,愉快的,兴高采烈的merrily ad. 快乐地,愉快地,兴高采烈地nonsense n. 胡说,废话wit n. 1.机敏风趣 2.机敏风趣的人bat n. 1.蝙蝠 2.球棒,球拍barn n. 谷仓;牲口棚presence n. 出席,在场sheer a. 1.(织物)极薄的,轻的 2.完全的,彻底的fabric n. 布(毛、丝)织物lap n. (人坐着时)腰以下到膝的大腿部分observation n. 1.评论2.观察;观察记录breeze n. 微风,轻风gaze n. 注视,凝视v. 注视,凝视melt v. 1.慢慢走开或消失 2.(使)融化keen a. 1.强烈的,激烈的,敏锐的2.热衷的,热心的,渴望的yawn v. 打哈欠n. 哈欠upright a. 正直的,诚实的a.&ad. 挺直的(地),竖立的(地),垂直的(地)farewell n. 告别,再见porter n. 1.搬运工;脚夫2.门房,守门者trunk n. 1.行李箱2.树干hono(u)rable a. 可敬的,光荣的propose v. 1.打算,计划2.提议,建议,提出wholly ad. 完全地,完整地overcome (overcame, overcome) v. 1.战胜,克服2.被(烟、气、感情等)压倒,使受不了dislike n. 不喜欢,讨厌v. 不喜欢,讨厌deserve v. 应得,应受,值得tender a. 1.温柔的2.嫩的3.疼痛的,一触即痛的Phrases and Expressionsfor the most part 多半,就大多数而言,通常impose one's company / oneself upon sb. 硬缠着某人for my part 就我而言,至于我count upon / on 料想;依靠,指望make a fuss about 对……小题大做,对……大惊小怪run down (使)筋疲力尽;(使)衰退object to 不赞成,反对now and then 不时地,经常a succession of 一系列,一连串drink in 陶醉于;如饥似渴地倾听yield to 让步于,屈服于afterward(s) ad. 以后,后来quiz v. 询问,提问n. 1.(尤指电视、广播节目中的)问答比赛,智力竞赛2.小测验,考查offense (英offence) n. 1.冒犯,伤感情 2.犯罪行为,罪行relevant a. 有关的,相关的irrelevant a. 不相关的,不切题的,不重要的tide n. 1.潮流,趋势 2.潮,潮汐transmission n. 1.传播,传送2.广播或电视播送stadium n. 体育场obligation n. 义务,责任hollow a. 1.无价值的,空洞的,虚伪的2.中空的,空心的investment n. 1.(大量时间、精力或感情等的)投入2.投资;投资额guarantee vt. 保证,担保n. 1.保证2.保证;(尤指)商品使用保证书bond n. 纽带,关系,联结glue n. 胶,胶水worship n. 崇敬, 敬仰, 敬慕v. 1.崇拜,敬重2.(对上帝或神灵)信奉,敬奉;拜神,敬神interpret v. 1.解释,说明,理解2.翻译,口译faithful a. 1.忠实的,忠诚的 2.如实的,准确可靠的elastic a. 1.灵活的,可改变的 2.有弹性的,可伸缩的classification n. 分类,分类法virtue n. 1.高尚的道德,正直的品行2.优点,长处scheme n. 1.计划,规划2.阴谋,诡计maximum a. 最大量的,最大值的procession n. 1.(人或事的)连续出现2.(人、车等的)行列,队伍sacrifice n. 牺牲v. 牺牲,献出pursue vt. 1.追求,从事2.追赶,追击glory n. 1.辉煌,光辉2.自豪的原因;带来荣耀的人或事3.荣誉,光荣passion n. 1.激情,热情2.热爱,强烈的爱好refugee n. 难民scatter v. (使)分散,驱散;撒播acknowledge vt. 接受,承认,认为▲gamble v. 1.赌钱,赌博2.投机,冒险n. 赌博,投机,冒险▲continuity n. 连续性,持续性,连贯性regulate vt. 1.管理,控制2.调节,调理saddle v. 1.使负担,强加2.给(马等)装鞍n. (马、自行车、摩托车等的) 鞍,坐鞍mo(u)ld v. 1.把……塑造成,使形成2.浇铸,用模子制作sustain vt. 维持,使继续concession n. 让步Phrases and Expressionssubject ... to (常用被动形式)使遭遇(不愉快之事)take offense 生气,见怪consist of 由……组成,由……构成look back on 回顾,回忆if anything 如果有……的话,甚至于还get out of hand 失去控制be based on 基于,以……为根据come apart 破裂,崩溃,解体in conjunction with 连同at will 任意,随便throw in 外加,另外奉送by virtue of 由于go off 离开,出发in search of 寻找,寻求better off 比较幸福,更幸运,更自在take out one's anger on sb. 向某人发泄自己的愤怒result in 结果,导致take on 承担,开始做in the end 到头来,最终The Temptation of a Respectable Woman(The Temptation of a Respectable Woman)Mrs.Baroda was a little annoyed to learn that her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, up to spend a week or two on the plantation.Gouvernail's quiet personality puzzled Mrs.Baroda. After a few days with him, she could understand him no better than at first. She left her husband and his guest, for the most part, alone together, only to find that Gouvernail hardly noticed her absence. Then she imposed her company upon him, accompanying him in his idle walks to the mill to press her attempt to penetrate the silence in which he had unconsciously covered himself. But it hardly worked."When is he going — your friend?" she one day asked her husband. "For my part, I find him a terrible nuisance.""Not for a week yet, dear. I can't understand; he gives you no trouble.""No. I should like him better if he did —if he were more like others, and I had to plan somewhat for his comfort and enjoyment."Gaston pulled the sleeve of his wife's dress, gathered his arms around her waist and looked merrily into her troubled eyes."You are full of surprises," he said to her. "Even I can never count upon how you are going to act under given conditions. Here you are," he went on, "taking poor Gouvernail seriously and making a fuss about him, the last thing he would desire or expect.""Fuss!" she hotly replied. "Nonsense! How can you say such a thing! Fuss, indeed! But, you know, you said he was clever.""So he is. But the poor fellow is run down by too much work now. That's why I asked him here to take a rest.""You used to say he was a man of wit," she said, still annoyed. "I expected him to be interesting, at least. I'm going to the city in the morning to have my spring dresses fitted. Let me know when Mr.Gouvernail is gone; until that time I shall be at my aunt's house."That night she went and sat alone upon a bench that stood beneath an oak tree at the edge of the walk. She had never known her thoughts to be so confused; like the bats now above her, her thoughts quickly flew this way and that. She could gather nothing from them but the feeling of a distinct necessity to leave her home in the next morning.Mrs.Baroda heard footsteps coming from the direction of the barn; she knew it was Gouvernail. She hoped to remain unnoticed, but her white gown revealed her to him. He seated himself upon the bench beside her, without a suspicion that she might object to his presence."Your husband told me to bring this to you, Mrs.Baroda," he said, handing her a length of sheer white fabric with which she sometimes covered her head and shoulders. She accepted it from him and let it lie in her lap.He made some routine observations upon the unhealthy effect of the night breeze at that season. Then as his gaze reached out into the darkness, he began to talk.Gouvernail was in no sense a shy man. His periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods. When he was sitting there beside Mrs.Baroda, his silence melted for the time.He talked freely and intimately in a low, hesitating voice that was not unpleasant to hear. He talked of the old college days when he and Gaston had been best friends, of the days of keen ambitions and large intentions. Now, all there was left with him was a desire to be permitted to exist, with now and then a little breath of genuine life, such as he was breathing now.Her mind only vaguely grasped what he was saying. His words became a meaningless succession of verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives; she only drank in the tones of his voice. She wanted to reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him — which she might have done if she had not been a respectable woman.The stronger the desire grew to bring herself near him, the further, in fact, did she move away from him. As soon as she could do so without an appearance of being rude, she pretended to yawn, rose, and left him there alone.Mrs.Baroda was greatly tempted that night to tell her husband — who was also her friend —of this foolishness that had seized her. But she did not yield to the temptation. Besides being an upright and respectable woman she was also a very sensible one.When Gaston arose the next morning, his wife had already departed, without even saying farewell. A porter had carried her trunk to the station and she had taken an early morning train to the city. She did not return until Gouvernail was gone from under her roof.There was some talk of having him back during the summer that followed. That is, Gaston greatly desired it; but this desire yielded to his honorable wife's vigorous opposition.However, before the year ended, she proposed, wholly from herself, to have Gouvernail visit them again. Her husband was surprised and delighted with the suggestion coming from her."I am glad, my dear, to know that you have finally overcome your dislike for him; truly he did not deserve it.""Oh," she told him, laughingly, after pressing a long, tender kiss upon his lips, "I have overcome everything! You will see. This time I shall be very nice to him."(Words: 927)The Obligations and Responsibilities to MarriageI had given a talk on family change one night. At dinner afterwards I was subjected to a hostile quizzing by a group of women in their thirties who claimed that my whole analysis ignoredthe most basic change of all.They took offense to my statement that a family consists of a husband, a wife and children, they said. They, as a group of single women, were best friends, supported one another, and defined one another as "family". Marriage and having kids were now irrelevant, and in their opinion, that was the most basic social change.Looking back on it, I find they were right, but this rising tide of change is itself the problem. Family is, if anything, the link between generations, the center of child rearing and cultural transmission. It's not just a " big stadium " where everyone can enjoy the show. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations and responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness, that hollow goal of the modern age.It seems that love has got out of hand. The modern nuclear family was rooted in the desire to live happily in a more equal marriage, where the raising of children and the investment of both parents in the children's lives were guaranteed by bonds of friendship between the parents, which were based on rational love.There is a natural tendency for any relationship based on voluntary affection to come apart, but marriage provides the glue needed to keep a couple together by providing ties of family, in conjunction with the obligations of parents to children. What people call the new Love Family, unfortunately, has replaced a permanent relationship with a new ideal of unlimited choice.We can now not only choose our marriage partner, we also can divorce that partner at will, subject children to our own adult worship of happiness, and deny the other parent any regular contact with their children. We can even, if we want, interpret the term "family" to include people who are not related to us either by blood or marriage — a set of close friends who support one another, like the women I mentioned above. Throw in the faithful dog if you like. Family is whatever we want it to be.The trouble is, such an elastic classification ignores the problem of children and the wider problem of caring for others. If marriage exists only as a romantic relationship that can be ended at will, and family exists only by virtue of bonds of affection, both marriage and family come second to the search for love. Under this scheme, individuals attempt to march towards maximum happiness as they move through a procession of more or less satisfying romantic relationships. Children, relatives, and the ties of mutual obligation and care are left behind, with no place to go.Independent adults may find this okay. But dependent children can't just be left behind when it's time to move on to a new relationship: they demand sacrifice and unselfishness, a long-term investment of the parents' time and money.The whole point of marriage is that it imposes clear obligations, not just the right to pursue your own happiness. And the main obligation is to provide both emotional and practical care for children. The glory of burning passion may well have faded, and your love for your wife orhusband may not be as exciting or satisfying as it once was, but going off in search of another love will not help your children. The Love Family is either too casual for children — your friends have no obligation to provide for them — or it's too unstable, with adults moving on if the relationship no longer answers their search for perfect happiness.What divorce does is to damage children, making them into refugees as the people in their lives scatter in all directions. I am aware of the complex research concerning the effects of divorce on children and I acknowledge that some children are better off without a violent father, a family income wasted on drinking or gambling, or unhappy parents taking out their anger on everyone in the family.But divorce destroys the stability, security, and continuity that children need: it results in poverty for many women and children; it damages the natural link between father and children and replaces it with one of regulated, arranged visits; it removes the father from the household, the only sensible basis for a working parental relationship; it places a terrible strain on the mother-child bond by saddling the mother with the double burden of playing the role of both mother and father; and it often interrupts the child's schooling, friendships and neighborhood contacts, those beginnings of trust and social relationships needed to mold a child into a healthy member of society. It even weakens the child's links with grandparents and other family (usually on the father's side), and few lovers are willing to take on real responsibility for the welfare of another person's child.Love is not enough, compared with the presence and support of both a mother and a father. Nor, I would venture to suggest, is love enough to sustain a marriage relationship. The Love Family, in the end, doesn't have to make concessions for children and relatives. And complete freedom will finally become our chain, leaving us with no choice but to live in loneliness, with no one who need to care about us.(Words: 900)The Positive Meanings of LoveWe'd like to share some of the positive meanings love has for us.Love means that I know the person I love. I'm aware of the many sides of the other person —not just the beautiful side but also the limitations, inconsistencies and faults. I have an awareness of the other's feelings and thoughts, and I experience something of the core of that person. I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level.Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love. To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not possessive, nor does it hold the other person back. On the contrary, my caringfrees both of us. If I care about you, I'm concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become. Consequently, I don't put up obstacles to what you do that enhances you as a person, even though it may result in my discomfort at times.Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love. If I love you, I can see you as a separate person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that you surrender your identity to match an image of what I expect you to be for me. I can allow and encourage you to stand alone and to be who you are, and I avoid treating you as an object or using you primarily to satisfy my own needs.Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love. If I love you, I respond to most of your major needs as a person. This responsibility does not include my doing for you what you are capable of doing for yourself; nor does it mean that I run your life for you. It does mean acknowledging that what I am and what I do affects you, so that I am directly involved in your happiness and your suffering. A lover does have the capacity to hurt or ignore the loved one, and in this sense we see that love involves an acceptance of some responsibility for the impact my way of being has on you.Love means making a commitment to the person I love. This commitment does not mean surrendering our total selves to each other; nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent. It does involve a willingness to stay with each other in times of pain, struggle, and despair, as well as in times of calm and enjoyment.Love means trusting the person I love. If I love you, I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won't deliberately hurt me. I trust that you will find me attractive, and that you won't abandon me; I trust the mutual nature of our love. If we trust each other, we are willing to be open to each other and reveal our true selves.Love can tolerate imperfection. In a love relationship there are times when I am bored, times when I may feel like giving up, times of real strain, and times I feel I can't move forward. Authentic love does not imply enduring happiness. I can stay during rough times, however, because I can remember what we had together in the past, and I can picture what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through. We agree with the idea that love is a spirit that changes life. Love is a way of life that is creative and that transforms. However, love is not reserved for a perfect world. Love is meant for our imperfect world where things go wrong. Love is meant to be a spirit that works in painful situations. Love is meant to bring meaning into life where nonsense appears to rule. In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it possible to live.Love is open. If I love you, I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships. Although our love for each other and our commitment to each other might prohibit certain actions on our parts, we are not totally and exclusively married to each other. It is a false love that cements one person to another in such a way that he or she is not given room to grow.Love is selfish. I can only love you if I genuinely love, value, appreciate, and respect myself. If I am empty, then all I can give you is my emptiness. If I feel that I'm complete and worthwhile in myself, then I'm able to give to you out of my fullness. One of the best ways for me to give you love is by fully enjoying myself with you.Love involves seeing the potential within the person we love. In my love for another, I view her or him as the person she or he can become, while still accepting who and what the person is now. By taking people as they are, we make them worse, but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be, we help make them better.To sum it up, mature love is union under the condition of preserving one's individuality. In love, two beings become one and yet remain two.(Words: 901)stocking n. (常用复数)长(筒)袜ankle n. 踝,踝关节▲comic a. 喜剧的,滑稽的n. 1.连环漫画(册)2.喜剧演员◆tramp n. 流浪者,乞丐v. 踏着沉重的步子行进,长途跋涉rag n. 1.破旧的衣服2.破布,碎布applause n. 掌声,欢呼comedy n. 1.喜剧2.喜剧性scout n. 1.被雇用来物色(运动员、演员等)人才的人员;猎头,星探2.侦察员crude a. 1.粗鲁的2.粗制的,粗陋的3.天然的,未加工的clap v. 1.鼓掌2.拍手revolt v. 反叛,造反n. 反叛,造反heel n. 1.(鞋、袜等的)后跟 2.脚后跟begger n. 乞丐◆moustache n. 髭,八字须pants n. 1.裤子,长裤2.男用短衬裤coarse a. 1.粗俗的,粗鲁的2.粗糙的behave v. 1.举动,表现,循规蹈矩2.(机器等)运转,(事物)作出反应nationality n. 1.国籍2.种族,民族postpone v. 延迟,延缓doubtful a. 1.不大可能的2.疑惑的,不确定的immense a. 巨大的,无限的immensely ad. 非常,很extraordinary a. 异常的,非凡的,奇特的rouse vt. 1.激起(某种情感或态度)2.弄醒,叫醒3.唤起,使觉醒script n. 1.剧本,底稿,讲稿2.笔迹,手迹pepper n. 1.胡椒粉,辣椒粉2.辣椒execute v. 1.实施,执行,履行2.将……处以死刑correspond v. 1.相符,相称,相当 2.通信corresponding a. 相当的,相应的,相符的▲betray v. 1.背叛,出卖2.(非故意地)暴露,表现collision n. 1.(利益、意见等的)冲突,抵触2.碰撞,互撞sunset n. 日落(时分)relief n. 1.(痛苦、忧虑等消除后感到的)轻松,宽慰2.(痛苦、紧张、忧虑等的)缓解,减轻rumo(u)r n. 谣言,传闻Marxist a. 马克思主义的n. 马克思主义者spark v. 触发,引起Christmas n. 圣诞节clumsy a. 行动笨拙的,不灵活的cop n. 警察incident n. 发生的事,事情,事故memorial n. 纪念物,纪念碑Phrases and Expressionscut down (衣服、文章等)改小,改短in rags 穿着破旧衣服的,衣衫褴褛的for good 永久地trip up 绊,绊倒make up 虚构,捏造,临时编造come down in the world 落魄,潦倒,失势to a / some degree 有些,稍微go along 进行下去,前进in advance 预先,事先find one's way into 来到(某处),进入revolutionary n. 革命者a. 革命的,突破性的mayor n. 市长vote v. 投票,选举,表决n. 投票(结果),选举(结果);选票;选举权northeast n.&a. (在)东北(的)ad. 朝东北方向(地)politics n. 1.政治职业,政治事业 2.政治,政治学opponent n. 敌手,对手misunderstand vt. 误解,误会misunderstanding n. 误解,误会ambassador n. 1.代表,代理人2.大使,使节handbag n. (女用)手提包election n. 选举◆activist n. 积极参与者;活动家prayer n. 祷文,祷词veteran n. 经验丰富的人,老手sack n. 袋,包vt. 解雇flour n. 面粉,谷物磨的粉gram n. 克loaf n. (一个)面包vi. 游荡,闲逛sow vt. 1.播种2.散布,激起troop n. 1.(常用复数) 部队,军队 2.一群,一队,(一)大批▲colonial a. 殖民的,殖民地的jealous a. 1.惟恐失去的,小心守护的 2.妒忌的assembly n. 1.集会者;议会2.集会,聚会3.装配,安装committee n. 委员会scandal n. 丑行,丑闻fierce a. 激烈的,强劲的,凶猛的rally n. 群众集会,群众大会riot n. 暴乱,骚乱banner n. 旗帜,横幅witness n. 1.(尤指犯罪或事故等的)目击者2.(法庭上的)证人v. 目击,见证earnest a. 认真的,坚决的,严肃的dormitory n. 集体宿舍,学生宿舍umbrella n. 伞,雨伞,太阳伞lemon n. 1.柠檬;柠檬汁2.淡黄色emperor n. 皇帝refresh vt. 使振作精神,使恢复活力,使清凉refreshing a. 令人精神振奋的,令人感到新鲜的onion n. 洋葱头,洋葱Phrases and Expressionsrun for 竞选vote in 投票选出from door to door 挨家挨户地take care of 照料,照顾spy on / upon 监视shut out of 把……排斥在外have / get the upper hand 占优势,占(……的)上风,胜过make up 构成,组成break up 驱散,解散tear down 撕下,拆毁in / by contrast 对比之下,相比之下in earnest 认真地be proud of 对……感到自豪,对……感到光荣lay out 摆出,张开feel like 感觉好像;想要watch over 照顾,看管deliver the goods 履行诺言,不负众望Charlie ChaplinHe was born in a poor area of south London. He wore his mother's old red stockings cut down for ankle socks. His mother was temporarily declared mad. Dickens might have created Charlie Chaplin's childhood. But only Charle Chaplin could have created the great comic character of " the Tramp ", the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame.Other countries — France, Italy, Spain, even Japan and Korea — have provided more applause (and profit) where Chaplin is concerned than the land of his birth. Chaplin quit Britain for good in 1913 when he journeyed to America with a group of performers to do his comedy act on the stage where talent scouts recruited him to work for Mack Sennett, the king of Hollywood comedy films.Sad to say, many English people in the 1920's and 1930's thought Chaplin's Tramp a bit, well, " crude ". Certainly middle-class audiences did; the working-class audiences were more likely to clap for a character who revolted against authority, using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear. All the same, Chaplin's comic beggar didn't seem all that English or even working class. English tramps didn't sport tiny moustaches, huge pants or tail coats: European leaders and Italian waiters wore things like that. Then again, the Tramp's quick eye for a pretty girl had a coarse way about it that was considered, well, not quite nice by English audiences — that's how foreigners behaved, wasn't it? But for over half of his screen career, Chaplin had no screen voice to confirm his British nationality.Indeed, it was a headache for Chaplin when he could no longer resist the talking movies and had to find "the right voice" for his Tramp. He postponed that day as long as possible: in Modern Times in 1936, the first film in which he was heard as a singing waiter, he made up a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality. He later said he imagined the Tramp to be a college-educated gentleman who'd come down in the world. But if he'd been able to speak with an educated accent in those early short comedy movies, it's doubtful if he would have achieved world fame. And the English would have been sure to find it "odd". No one was certain whether Chaplin did it on purpose but this helped to bring about his huge success.He was an immensely talented man, determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of Hollywood stars. His huge fame gave him the freedom — and, more importantly, the money — to be his own master. He already had the urge to explore and extend a talent he discovered in himself as he went along. "It can't be me. Is that possible? How extraordinary," is how he greeted the first sight of himself as the Tramp on the screen.But that shock roused his imagination. Chaplin didn't have his jokes written into a script in advance; he was the kind of comic who used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along. Lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make "contact" with himself as an artist. He turned them into other kinds of objects. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a "sick" patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like fish bones). This physical transformation, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again, are surely the secrets of Chaplin's great comedy.He also had a deep need to be loved — and a corresponding fear of being betrayed. The two were hard to combine and sometimes — as in his early marriages — the collision between them resulted in disaster. Yet even this painfully-bought self-knowledge found its way into his comic creations. The Tramp never loses his faith in the flower girl who'll be waiting to walk into the sunset with him; while the other side of Chaplin makes Monsieur Verdoux, the French wife killer, into a symbol of hatred for women.It's a relief to know that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stable happiness it had earlier denied him. In Oona O'Neill Chaplin, he found a partner whose stability and affection spanned the 37 years age difference between them that had seemed so threatening that when the official who was marrying them in 1942, turned to the beautiful girl of 17 who'd given notice of their wedding date and said, "And where is the young man?" — Chaplin, then 54, had cautiously waited outside. As Oona herself was the child of a large family with its own problems, she was well-prepared for the battle that Chaplin's life became as unfounded rumors of Marxist sympathies surrounded them both —and, later on, she was the center of rest in the quarrels that Chaplin sometimes sparked in their own large family of talented children.Chaplin died on Christmas Day 1977. A few months later, a couple of almost comic body-thieves stole his body from the family burial chamber and held it for money: the police recovered it with more efficiency than Mack Sennett's clumsy Keystone Cops would have done. But one can't help feeling Chaplin would have regarded this strange incident as a fitting memorial — his way of having the last laugh on a world to which he had given so many.(Words: 909)The Political Career of a Female PoliticianModest and soft-spoken, Agatha Muthoni Mbogo, 24, is hardly the image of a revolutionary. Yet, six months ago, she did a most revolutionary thing: She ran for mayor of Embu, Kenya, and won.Ms. Mbogo's victory was even more surprising because she was voted in by her colleagues on the District Council, all men. For the thousands of women in this farming area two hours northeast of Nairobi, Ms. Mbogo suddenly became a symbol of the increasingly powerful political force women have become in Kenya and across Africa.Ms. Mbogo launched her dream of a career in politics in 1992 by running for the Embu Council, facing the obstacles that often trouble African women running for political office. She had little money. She had no political experience. She faced ridiculous questions about her personal life. "My opponent kept insisting that I was going to get married to somebody in another town and move away," Ms. Mbogo said.Ms. Mbogo also faced misunderstanding among the town's women, many of whom initially were unwilling to vote for her. She became an ambassador for women's political rights, giving speeches before women's groups and going from door to door, handbag in hand, spending hours at a time giving a combination of speech and government lesson."I was delighted when she won the election, because men elected her," said Lydiah Kimani, an Embu farmer and political activist. "It was the answer to my prayers because it seemed to be a victory over this idea that 'women can't lead'."Education of African women has become a top priority for political activists. One organization has held dozens of workshops in rural Kenya to help women understand the nation's constitution and the procedures and theory behind a democratic political system. One veteran female political activist said that many women had not been taught the basics of political participation. They are taught to vote for the one who "gives you a half-kilo sack of flour, 200 grams of salt, or a loaf of bread" during the campaign, said the activist.Women politicians and activists say they are fighting deeply held cultural traditions. Those traditions teach that African women cook, clean, take care of children, sow and harvest crops and support their husbands. They typically do not inherit land, divorce their husbands, control their finances or hold political office.Yet, political activity among Kenyan women is not a new phenomenon. During the struggle for independence in the 1950s, Kenyan women often secretly provided troops with weapons and spied on the positions of colonial forces. But after independence, leaders jealous to protect their power shut them out of politics, a situation repeated across the continent.Today, men still have the upper hand. Women in Kenya make up 60 percent of the people who vote, but only 3 percent of the National Assembly. No Kenyan woman has ever held a cabinet post.Against that background, Agatha Mbogo began her political career. After winning her council seat, she declined a spot on the education and social services committee after a colleague。
• E.g.: We spurred them on to greater efforts. • Her difficult childhood spurred her on to
succeed. • I was spurred into action by the letter.
•encourage; inspire; urge; stimulate
encourage, inspire, excite, stimulate
这些动作均表“鼓励,激励”之意。 encourage: 指提高某人情绪,增强战胜困难,实现目标的信心
和勇气。 inspire: 通常指鼓起勇气,充满信心和希望。 excite: 主要指某人的言行或其它外界因素使他人变得兴奋或感
n. bankruptcy 破产
worship vt.
to admire and love sb. very much 崇拜;敬重;仰 慕
•As a child, I worshipped my older brother.
•workshop •n. 工场;车间;讲习班;研讨会
spur vt.鞭策,鼓励;刺激 n. 马刺,靴刺
bankrupt adj. & vt
Many small businesses will go bankrupt unless interest rates fall. The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court. The company was bankrupted by legal costs(诉讼费用).
新视野大学英语第二版第四册Unit1 SectionA
• 他急需一份工作养家糊口。
• He is desperate for a job to support his family.
Words and Expressions—Old to New
II. Old to New
encourage make sth. more quickly • • • • • • • spur hasten imperial bored minute idle worship
Translation C-to-E
5. 连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己儿子日后有一天 可能称为世界上最伟大的音乐家。爱迪生也同样 如此,他的老师觉得他似乎过于迟钝。 (discount; the same is true to)
• 这听起来像是本末倒置,是不必要的悲观。
• This may sound like putting the cart before the horse and being unnecessarily pessimistic.
Words and Expressions—Word Using
• 汽车厂的关闭使数千人无事可做。
• Thousands of workers are idle since the car factories have closed.
Words and Expressions—Word Using
7. bore vt. to make someone lose interest and become tired and impatient
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新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程4 Uint1 SectionA 单词表(简洁版)
<24> <em>moviemaker</em>n.[C]sb.whomakesilms,esp.adirectororproducer电影制作人
<13> <em>hasten</em>vt.makesth.happensoonerormorequickly加快;加速
<27>junglen. [C,U]athicktropicalforestwithmanylargeplantsgrowingveryclosetogether(热带)丛林
<45> <em>desperately</em>ad.1.verymuch非常