神秘博士 2005-2012年剧集列表(博士和女伴出演说明)
《神秘博士》(DoctorWho)分集及分集剧情S01季01 ROSE 罗斯02 The End of the World 世界末日03 The Unquiet Dead 借尸还魂04 Aliens of London 外星人在伦敦05 World War Three 第三次世界大战06 Dalek 宿敌07 The Long Game 无尽的游戏08 Father's Day 父亲节09 The Empty Child 虚无男孩10 The Doctor Dances 博士之舞11 Boom Town 炸弹城12 Bad Wolf 恶狼13 The Parting of the Ways 抉择分集简述:S0101 罗斯(ROSE)——2005年英国伦敦,主人公罗斯?泰勒被橱窗里活过来的塑料人(Nestene)追赶,在电梯里认识了时间领主博士,并和他一起在那艘奇妙的飞船塔迪斯里开始了奇妙的旅行。
S0102 世界末日(The End of the World)——50亿年后的太空站,主人公博士和罗斯?泰勒将看到地球的毁灭,而最后的人类卡珊德拉却计划使太空站失事以获得巨额赔偿。
【Boe之脸第一次出现】S0103 借尸还魂(The Unquiet Dead)——本想去1860年那不勒斯,却来到了1869年卡迪夫。
S0104 外星人在伦敦(Aliens of London)——2006年英国伦敦,博士和罗斯?泰勒回到了一年后的现代,一辆太空飞船撞毁在大本钟上,博士经探查发现,原来外星飞船是从北极起飞,目的是制造混乱绑架内阁成员,进而取而代之,而始作俑者是一群外星人。
S0105 第三次世界大战(World War Three)——上一集的继续,博士经调查得知,这是R 星人Slttheen家族计划挑起第三次世界大战,将核毁灭后的地球作为矿石出售给外星人。
导演: 尼克·赫伦
编剧: 史蒂文·莫法特
主演: 大卫·田纳特/ 珍娜·科尔曼/ 约翰·赫特/ 马特·史密斯/ 比莉·派佩
类型: 科幻
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2013-11-23
片长: 75分钟
又名: 神秘博士五十周年特别篇/ The Day Of The Doctor
评分: 豆瓣9.5 / IMDB 9.5
S03季S0301 Smith and Jones Smith和JonesS0302 The Shakespeare Code 莎士比亚密码S0303 Gridlock 封闭高速S0304 Daleks in Manhattan 戴立克在曼哈顿S0305 Evolution of the Daleks 戴立克的进化S0306 The Lazarus Experiment 返老还童实验S0307 42 末日42分S0308 Human Nature 人性S0309 The Family of Blood 血之家族S0310 Blink 眨眼S0311 Utopia 乌托邦S0312 The Sound of Drums 鼓声S0313 Last of the Time Lords 最后的时间领主S0301 Smith和Jones(Smith and Jones)——玛莎Jones所在的医院内有外星逃犯藏身,整座医院被宇宙警察送到月球,逃犯用一种特殊的方式暂时隐藏了自己的种族,而非人类的博士却被警察追赶。
(法师第二次出现)S0302 莎士比亚密码(The Shakespeare Code)——博士和玛莎回到了过去观看玛莎的偶像莎士比亚的戏剧,竟然发现就要上映的是传说中不存在的《爱情胜利》,上映之时,女巫从舞台上飞出,原来莎士比亚被控制,戏中的台词都是解除女巫封印的词语。
S0303 封闭高速(Gridlock)——博士和玛莎来到五十亿零五十三年后的新地球的第十五纽约,却只看到地下城的贫民窟和一望无际停滞的车流,玛莎被其中一辆车劫走,博士为救玛莎也搭上了某辆车。
Boe之脸为了拯救城市,将自己最后的生命转化为能量,临终前Boe 之脸告诉博士他最大的秘密——You Are Not Alone(你并不孤单)。
Doctor Who中100个最恐怖的怪物1.Weeping Angles / 哭泣天使出处:未知博士任期:10th、11th描述:天使形态的雕像恐怖指数:10/10因为它们的形态通常是天使,所以被称作“哭泣天使”。
但在Sally Sparrow的帮助下摆脱了困境。
在拜占庭的时候,Doctor、Amy和River Song被成群的哭泣天使军队攻击。
2.The Silence / 寂静出处:未知博士任期:11th描述:没人能记起来它们长什么样恐怖指数:9/10Silence在我们之中已经非常久了,但没有人知道究竟有多久,因为没有人能够记起它们来。
如果他想要拯救世界,如果他想拯救自己的生命的话,的话…3.Max Capricorn出处:Sto行星博士任期:10th描述:一个靠移动生命供给装置维持性命的人类恐怖指数:5/10MaxCapricorn是一个靠机械装置维持生命的人(Cyborg),他只有一个头让他看起来像个人。
他是Max Capricorn游轮的创始人,他给自己的公司投了保险,决定通过在他的巨型的小行星似的宇宙飞船“泰坦尼克号”上开宴会,然后撞向地球来完成复仇计划。
保罗 贝坦尼
![保罗 贝坦尼](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2fd8b92911a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c735.png)
在电影《和弗兰克叔叔上路》中,保罗·贝坦尼的表演非常好,他给弗兰克这个高智商人物赋予了自我,理 性的特质,掩盖了他内心世界的翻腾,而他的内心世界还是在一场悲剧中被揭开了 (Mtime时光网评)。
保罗·贝坦尼出生在一个表演世家,但他的表演之路却并不顺利。他接到的角色多为配角,如神经质的匪徒、 文质彬彬的科学家、游吟诗人、海军医生,形象气质非常多变,让人不禁讶异这些角色居然是同一人所扮演。他 常常自嘲自己长相平平无奇、没有魅力,但事实上,他塑造的角色即使戏份不重也非常抢眼 (界面新闻评)。
英国演员பைடு நூலகம்
01 演艺经历
03 人物评价
02 个人生活
保罗·贝坦尼(Paul Bettany),1971年5月27日出生于英国伦敦,英国影视演员。
1997年,参演个人首部电影《沙普的滑铁卢》。2001年,出演传记电影《美丽心灵》。2004年,凭借战争冒 险电影《怒海争锋:极地远征》提名第57届英国电影学院奖最佳男配角 。2008年,在科幻动作电影《钢铁侠》 中为贾维斯配音 。2010年,由其主演的奇幻电影《基督再临》上映 。2014年,由其出演的爱情悬疑电影《超验 骇客》上映 。2018年,凭借战争电影《旅程尽头》获得第8届北京国际电影节-天坛奖最佳男配角奖。2019年, 主演科幻动作剧《旺达·幻视》 ,他凭借该剧提名第2届评论家选择超级奖剧集类-超英剧最佳男演员奖 、第79 届美国电影电视金球奖电视类-限定剧/选集剧/电视电影类最佳男主角奖 。2021年,由其主演的传记犯罪剧《英 伦式丑闻第一季》开播。
2004年,与克斯汀·邓斯特搭档主演爱情喜剧电影《情定温布尔登》,在片中饰演已过运动高峰期的职业网 球老将彼得·柯尔特;同年,入围第13届MTV电影奖最佳英国演员。2005年,由其主演的惊悚剧《迷失灵魂的素 描像》播出。2006年,与汤姆·汉克斯、奥黛丽·塔图等联袂出演惊悚悬疑电影《达·芬奇密码》,在片中饰演 天主事工会的白化病教徒塞拉斯 。
神秘博士 影评
![神秘博士 影评](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ff7535720a4c2e3f5727a5e9856a561252d321ff.png)
But finally Amy still made their trip on the eve of marriage with Dr.
Brave and honest Rory is Amy's husband, he grew up with Amy. Later, after the first time travel with Doctor together, in order to save the Amy finally consumed by cracks, reborn in the big bang(时空大爆炸).
勇敢诚实的RORY是AMY的丈夫, 他和AMY一起长大。后来,
在他和DOCTOR第一次一起旅行 时,为了拯救AMY最终被时空裂 缝吞噬了,最终在时空大爆炸时 重生了。
Dalek, is one of the Doctor's biggest enemies. They participate the largest War ever in the universe - the Time War, and destroyed by the Time lords gens place, at the same time, the Time lords are in addition to the Doctor and master, are nearly extinct.
不过,博士并不独自旅行。他和他的同伴一起,探索时间和 空间,面对各种的怪物和问题。
单词 Manipulate Melancholy Investigate Compassionate
2001首播日期播出頻道劇名2001年04月12日華視《流星花園》2001年09月27日華視《流星雨》2001年08月19日華視、東森《貧窮貴公子》2001年11月台視《愛情大魔咒》2001年12月台視、三立《薰衣草》2001年華視《烈愛傷痕》2001年台視、東森《吐司男之吻》2001年華視《蜜桃女孩》2001年華視《橘子醬男孩》2001年12月03日華視、MUCH TV 《陽光果凍》2002首播日期播出頻道劇名2002年02月01日中視《來我家吧》2002年03月27日台視《再見螢火蟲》2002年04月02日八大《十八歲的約定》2002年04月26日中視《愛情白皮書》2002年07月24日華視、三立《MVP情人》2002年07月中視、東森《雪地裡的星星》2002年08月02日中視、東森《甜檸檬之戀》2002年11月11日華視《流星花園Ⅱ》2002年11月中視、東森《天下無雙》2002年中視《麻辣高校生》2002年民視《超人氣學園》2002年中視《明日英雄》2003首播日期播出頻道劇名2003年01月中視、東森《我的秘密花園》2003年01月26日華視《舞動奇蹟》2003年03月19日中視《Hi上班女郎》2003年05月18日華視、三立《海豚灣戀人》2003年05月04日中視《粉紅教父小甜甜》2003年05月25日台視《薔薇之戀》2003年08月10日中視、東森《熟女慾望日記》2003年08月21日華視《狂愛龍捲風》2003年08月26日TVBS-G 《七年級生》2003年09月03日台視《王牌天使》2003年09月16日華視《星願》2003年09月21日華視、三立《西街少年》2003年10月28日八大《又見橘花香》2003年11月09日台視《戀香》2003年11月13日華視、三立《千金百分百》2003年11月16日中視、東森《原味的夏天》2004首播日期播出頻道劇名2004年01月25日華視、三立《雪天使》2004年02月17日中視《死了都要愛》2004年04月02日八大《鬥魚》2004年04月04日台視《求婚事務所》2004年04月中視、東森《我的秘密花園2》2004年05月09日華視、三立《紫禁之巔》2004年06月02日華視、八大《候鳥e人》2004年06月29日TVBS-G 《愛情合約》2004年07月04日台視《米迦勒之舞》2004年07月31日華視、八大《戰神》2004年07月31日民視《眉飛色舞》2004年08月12日台視《愛上千金美眉》2004年08月17日TVBS-G 《香草戀人館》2004年08月29日中視《極速傳說》2004年09月八大《撞球小子》2004年09月05日華視、三立《天國的嫁衣》2004年09月八大《鬥魚2》2004年10月30日華視、東森《愛情魔戒》2004年11月22日八大《火線任務》2004年11月22日華視《升空高飛》2004年12月05日中視、東森《男丁格爾》2004年12月15日華視、東森《愛在星光燦爛時》2005首播日期播出頻道劇名2005年01月16日台視、三立《格鬥天王》2005年01月16日華視《聽不到的戀人》2005年03月13日中視、東森《雙璧傳說》2005年06月26日中視、東森《惡魔在身邊》2005年06月05日台視、三立《王子變青蛙》2005年07月03日華視《海豚愛上貓》2005年07月08日華視《我只在乎妳》2005年07月30日民視《偷天換日》2005年08月01日台視《失戀高跟鞋》2005年08月20日華視、八大《惡靈05》2005年09月26日TVBS-G 《惡男宅急電》2005年09月25日中視、八大《惡作劇之吻》2005年09月05日台視《風中戰士》2005年10月16日華視、東森《真命天女》2005年10月23日台視、三立《綠光森林》2005年10月24日華視數位頻道《聖稜的星光》2005年11月八大《終極一班》2006首播日期播出頻道劇名2006年02月12日台視、三立《愛情魔髮師》2006年02月19日中視、八大《愛殺17》2006年05月21日中視、東森《深情密碼》2006年06月03日八大、公視《東方茱麗葉》2006年06月14日華視、東森《白袍之戀》2006年07月16日台視、三立《微笑Pasta》2006年華視《極道學園》2006年07月19日華視、TVBS-G 《我們結婚吧》2006年07月中視、中天《國光異校》2006年08月15日中視《白色巨塔》2006年08月20日華視《戀愛女王》2006年09月25日華視《天堂來的孩子》2006年10月01日中視、超視《星蘋果樂園》2006年11月08日華視《剪刀石頭布》2006年11月12日台視、三立《愛情經紀約》2006年11月19日華視、八大《花樣少年少女》2006年12月04日衛視《天使情人》2006年12月18日華視《假面天使》2007首播日期播出頻道劇名2007年01月07日中視、東森《轉角遇到愛》2007年03月06日華視、八大《至尊玻璃鞋》2007年03月11日台視、三立《放羊的星星》2007年03月11日華視、八大《熱情仲夏》2007年04月29日中視、八大《18禁不禁》2007年06月03日華視、八大《換換愛》2007年06月25日華視《麻雀愛上鳳凰》2007年07月11日華視《我要變成硬柿子》2007年07月15日民視、衛視《黑糖瑪奇朵》2007年07月29日台視、三立《櫻野三加一》2007年08月08日八大《終極一家》2007年08月17日華視、東森《惡女阿楚》2007年09月16日中視、八大《公主小妹》2007年09月16日華視、八大《美味關係》2007年10月14日民視、衛視《愛情兩好三壞》2007年11月18日台視、三立《鬥牛,要不要》2007年12月10日華視《天使之翼》2007年12月15日公視《我在墾丁*天氣晴》2007年12月16日中視、八大《惡作劇2吻》2008首播日期播出頻道劇名主要演員2008年01月13日民視、衛視《原來我不帥》林俊傑、曾愷玹、李玖哲、張勛傑、路嘉欣、姚安琪、鍾欣怡、林宇中、楊韻禾2008年02月03日華視、緯來《這裡發現愛》周渝民、朱孝天、王傳一、陳妍希、關穎、吳建豪、柯有綸2008年03月16日台視、三立《命中注定我愛你》阮經天、陳喬恩、白歆惠、陳楚河、林美秀、那維勛、宋新妮、鍾欣凌、陳為民2008年03月31日客家電視台、公視《菸田少年》張善為、高蕾雅、藍葦華、白韋、吳震亞、羅瑤、陳正偉2008年05月04日中視、八大《翻滾吧!蛋炒飯》汪東城、唐禹哲、卓文萱、小薰、Ken(黃萬伯)、劉喆瑩、黃嘉千、余秉諺、雲中嶽2008年05月25日華視、八大《蜂蜜幸運草》鄭元暢、彭于晏、張鈞甯、李國毅、伊藤千晃、蘇慧倫、張翰、陳宇凡、蘇見信2008年07月21日客家電視台《花樹下的約定》黃玉榮、陳靖婕、王琄、許仁傑、亞里、程于倫、塗芮旻、彭旻浩、鄭曉慧2008年07月26日衛視中文台《黑糖群俠傳》王子、阿緯、小煜、小薰、丫頭、小蠻、MeiMei、阿本、小馬2008年07月27日中視、八大《籃球火》言承旭、羅志祥、吳尊、張勛傑、蔣怡、周采詩、胡宇崴、卜學亮2008年08月24日台視、三立《無敵珊寶妹》張棟樑、郭采潔、邱澤、洪小鈴、黃一飛、梁赫群、大炳、鍾欣凌、張兆志、關勇2008年09月07日華視、東森《不良笑花》楊丞琳、潘瑋柏、藤岡靛、陳妍希2008年9月8日中視、中天娛樂台《牽牛花開的日子》吳奇隆、楊謹華、竇智孔、鍾欣怡、張天霖、林利扉。
• 博士最大的死敌之一,首次出 场于老版S1E02中,原为人形 种族Kaleds,后来因为和Thal 人爆发核战争而发生变异,身 影始终贯穿于整剧中。曾经参 与宇宙最大的战争--Time War, 而被时间领主一族所灭,同时, 时间领主一族除Doctor和 master外,亦几乎灭绝。 • 身材小,样貌丑陋,一世都蜷 缩在特殊金属制作的外壳中, 他们冷酷无情,以毁灭为最高 荣誉和目标。曾多次利用 Doctor的仁慈而逃生。 • clara曾经被dalek改造成同类。
神秘博士 Doctor Who
• 博士(The Doctor) 是一名来自Gallifrey的 时间领主,他有两个 心脏,在濒死时会通 过重生延续生命,迄 今为止,博士已经重 生了13次,每一任博 士的性格都有所不同
• • 11th被描绘成一个充满活力,童心活泼 的灵魂,拥有傲慢的脾气,性急但富有 同情心的人。 11th声称他是“一个愚蠢的自私的人”, 甚至说,宇宙中没有人恨他,他恨自己。 尽管他的自我厌恶,或许正因为如此, 博士愿意牺牲自己,如果需要的话。 River曾表示,博士总是领先一步,心 中始终有一个计划。总是携带一个“起 子”,称那是自己最珍贵的东西。在 2013圣诞特别篇《博士之时》中,博士 为了守护Trenzalore上的圣诞小镇而用 尽了自己的余生,在博士全部的重生次 数用完,即将迎来死亡之时,时间裂缝 另一头的时间领主们给了博士新的重生 能量,博士获得了新的重生周期并开始 重生。由于重生延时,博士再次变回年 轻时的容貌,在与Clara告别后完成重 生。
• 音波起子是英国BBC长寿电视剧 《神秘博士》(DR.WHO)中主人 公博士用的一种相当于工具或武器 的全能型物品。 音波起子主要是用来开锁,但因为 Doctor他那高到变态的智商,他懂 得利用,修理,检查,探路,无所 不能。但只对金属有效。对木头的 东西无效。。。它还有许多功能我 们还没知,可以说它是一个十分有 潜能的工具。 但是,有部分人认为MASTER的激 光起子或翻成光速起子比DOCTOR 的音速起子强,光速比音速快,其 次,在S3的12、13集里,光速起 子可以把博士变成将死的样子
神秘博士 演讲(课堂PPT)
![神秘博士 演讲(课堂PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a9a3cc585022aaea998f0f92.png)
第1任博士【威廉·哈特内尔(William Hartnell)(1908-1975)】 [1963-1966](
【Richard Hurndall(1983年代替已经去世的哈特内尔出演20周年特别篇《五个博士》)】
• 表面看上去,1st是一个颤颤巍巍的 老头,但是他闪烁着笑意的狡黠的 眼睛已经出卖了他,1st对探索未知 如饥似渴。他和天体玩具制造商大 玩死亡游戏,尽情愚弄罗马皇帝、 蒙古军阀和法国革命者,并一次又 一次地和邪恶的机器人戴立克玩起 猫鼠游戏,在“第十行星”中,赛 博人企图窃取地球的能量来补充母 星“Mondas”,虽然最后因为能量 过载而导致赛博人和Mondas的毁灭 ,但是同样也严重损害了博士的健 康,将他的生命力降低到不得不重 生的地步,最后博士设法回到 TARDIS,开始了他的第一次重生。
1974年,英国《Radio Times》的3/4月读者来信专 栏刊登了三位《神秘博士》观众的来信,一位
批评如今剧中出现的怪兽太假,另一位抱怨 Dalek登场次数太多已经看厌,但是第三位的来 信却充满了乐观精神。
由于这个节目的观众数量很多,迅速成为英国的国家传统。在 多个故事中,很多著名演员要求或接受了邀请,客串该节目。 包括《哈利波特》和《梅林》里面的许多角色。这个节目广泛 吸引了儿童、家庭以及科幻迷观众。21世纪的复活版成为了 BBC One星期六的核心,并且“定义了频道”复活以后,《神秘 博士》始终获得了很高的评价,无论是收视率还是评价指数。 导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格评价说,“如果没有《神秘博士》,世 界将是个更逊的地方。” 在英国,Doctor Who现已成为英国流行文化不可分割的一部分。当 人们看到警察亭的时候,首先想到的是the TARDIS,而不是其显 示作用。 《神秘博士》至2013年已有50年的历史,下面有一个例子很好地体 现了《神秘博士》的源远流长 1974年,英国《Radio Times》的3/4月读者来信专栏刊登了三位 《神秘博士》观众的来信,一位批评如今剧中出现的怪兽太假, 另一位抱怨Dalek登场次数太多已经看厌,但是第三位的来信却 充满了乐观精神。 这位15岁男孩显然对上一期杂志给出的Dalek手动DIY小妙招很感兴 趣,“‘Dalek建构计划’无疑会去启发很多学校建设自己的 Dalek,”,少年兴致勃勃地写到,“谁知道呢,也许整个国家 可能会被一队学校Dalek侵略!” “不过不用怕,我们会有神秘博士来保护!”而那位男孩的名字叫: 彼得·卡帕尔蒂(Peter Capaldi)——巧合的是,39年之后,他成 为了第12任“神秘博士”的饰演者。
神秘博士 演讲
![神秘博士 演讲](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bde87ee519e8b8f67c1cb978.png)
由于这个节目的观众数量很多,迅速成为英国的国家传统。在 多个故事中,很多著名演员要求或接受了邀请,客串该节目。 包括《哈利波特》和《梅林》里面的许多角色。这个节目广泛 吸引了儿童、家庭以及科幻迷观众。21世纪的复活版成为了 BBC One星期六的核心,并且“定义了频道”复活以后,《神秘 博士》始终获得了很高的评价,无论是收视率还是评价指数。 导演斯蒂芬· 斯皮尔伯格评价说,“如果没有《神秘博士》,世 界将是个更逊的地方。” 在英国,Doctor Who现已成为英国流行文化不可分割的一部分。当 人们看到警察亭的时候,首先想到的是the TARDIS,而不是其显 示作用。 《神秘博士》至2013年已有50年的历史,下面有一个例子很好地体 现了《神秘博士》的源远流长 1974年,英国《Radio Times》的3/4月读者来信专栏刊登了三位 《神秘博士》观众的来信,一位批评如今剧中出现的怪兽太假, 另一位抱怨Dalek登场次数太多已经看厌,但是第三位的来信却 充满了乐观精神。 这位15岁男孩显然对上一期杂志给出的Dalek手动DIY小妙招很感兴 趣,“‘Dalek建构计划’无疑会去启发很多学校建设自己的 Dalek,”,少年兴致勃勃地写到,“谁知道呢,也许整个国家 可能会被一队学校Dalek侵略!” “不过不用怕,我们会有神秘博士来保护!”而那位男孩的名字叫: 彼得· 卡帕尔蒂(Peter Capaldi)——巧合的是,39年之后,他成 为了第12任“神秘博士”的饰演者。
【保罗· 迈根(Paul McGann)】
绅士一样的8th,与他的同伴格蕾 丝· 霍勒威并肩作战,阻止了法师劫 持塔迪斯、试图将世界从内向外翻 转的行动。虽然第八任博士只出现 在单集的电视电影中,但他的形象 依然在读物、有声书(广播剧)和 连环画中存活。在2013年特别篇《 博士之夜》中,博士为救Cass坠毁 在Karn上而濒临死亡,最后在Karn 姐妹会的帮助下以“和平与理性” 之名重生为The War Doctor。需要 说明的是,在1996年的电影版中出 现的“博士是半人类”的设定没有 被BBC采用。 (8th是老版最后一任博士)
神秘博士 第7季 第9集 迷藏 剧情介绍 对白摘录 看美剧学英语
![神秘博士 第7季 第9集 迷藏 剧情介绍 对白摘录 看美剧学英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6c7a5563561252d380eb6e98.png)
来吧 和我交谈
Come to me. Speak to me.
Let me show you the way home.
噢 啊
Oh, ah!
Let me show you the way home!
Assistant. 源自现在是1974年 你是他的助手和"非物装备"
It's 1974 - you're the assistant and "Non-objective equipment".
Meaning "Psychic".
我知道 不过还是谢谢你
Getting that. Bless you, though.
Erm, a stray FM broadcast, possibly?
不过我安装了一些铁素干扰抑制器和射频抗流圈 以防万一
But I've fitted some ferrite suppressors and some RF chokes. Just in case.
Doctor what?
(Doctor what与电影《持续尖叫(Carry On Screaming)》[1]中的Doctor Watt谐音 该剧中曾用调侃称Doctor Who为其叔叔)
你想那么叫也行 这位是Clara
If you like. And this is Clara.
007series of films
![007series of films](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1a80a11b6c175f0e7cd13712.png)
007series of films1、《诺博士》片名:Dr. No肖恩·康纳利版007译名:诺博士/第七号情报员/铁金刚勇破神秘岛导演:泰伦斯·杨Terence Young主演:肖恩·康纳利Sean Connery乌苏拉·安德丝Ursula Andress约瑟夫·维斯曼Joseph Wiseman(反派诺博士)伯纳德·李Bernard Lee(M)片长:110分钟发行:米高梅/联美电影公司United Artists1962年英国出品影片简介这是第一部007电影,于1962年10月首映,影片通过联美公司(United Artist s)由Albert R. Broccoli和Harry Saltzman制作,预算大约为100万美元,饰演詹姆斯·邦德的是出生于苏格兰的演员肖恩·康纳利,乌苏拉·安德丝饰演Honey Rider(她可是第一代邦德女郎,在电影后半段以当时认为性感尺度的泳装现身,从此奠定了邦德女郎性感花瓶的地位),约瑟夫·维斯曼饰演片中的大反派诺博士(Dr. No),此外,伯纳德·李和路易丝·麦克斯维尔(Lois Maxwell)分别饰演英国情报局局长M先生和其秘书Moneypenny小姐(这两人在大多数UA的007续集电影里持续饰演这两个角色)。
2、《来自俄罗斯的爱》片名:From Russia with Love译名:来自俄罗斯的爱/第七号情报员续集/铁金刚勇破间谍网导演:泰伦斯·杨Terence Young原著:伊恩·弗莱明Ian Fleming主演:肖恩·康纳利Sean Connery黛妮拉·比安奇Daniela Bianchi--塔迪娜·罗曼诺娃Tatiana Romanova伯纳德·李Bernard Lee(M)戴斯蒙·李维林Desmond Llewelyn(Q)洛特·莱雅Lotte Lenya(反派罗莎·克列伯Rosa Klebb)罗伯特·肖Robert Shaw片长:118分钟发行:米高梅/联美电影公司United Artists1963年英国出品影片简介当《生活》(Life)杂志刊载出美国总统约翰·肯尼迪最喜欢的书单,而伊恩·弗莱明的小说《俄罗斯情书》(From Russia With Love)名列第九名时,第二部007电影的选择便不再有争议。
S01季01 ROSE 罗斯02 The End of the World 世界末日03 The Unquiet Dead 借尸还魂04 Aliens of London 外星人在伦敦05 World War Three 第三次世界大战06 Dalek 宿敌07 The Long Game 无尽的游戏08 Father's Day 父亲节09 The Empty Child 虚无男孩10 The Doctor Dances 博士之舞11 Boom Town 炸弹城12 Bad Wolf 恶狼13 The Parting of the Ways 抉择分集简述:S0101 罗斯(ROSE)——2005年英国伦敦,主人公罗斯•泰勒被橱窗里活过来的塑料人(Nestene)追赶,在电梯里认识了时间领主博士,并和他一起在那艘奇妙的飞船塔迪斯里开始了奇妙的旅行。
S0102 世界末日(The End of the World)——50亿年后的太空站,主人公博士和罗斯•泰勒将看到地球的毁灭,而最后的人类卡珊德拉却计划使太空站失事以获得巨额赔偿。
【Boe之脸第一次出现】S0103 借尸还魂(The Unquiet Dead)——本想去1860年那不勒斯,却来到了1869年卡迪夫。
S0104 外星人在伦敦(Aliens of London)——2006年英国伦敦,博士和罗斯•泰勒回到了一年后的现代,一辆太空飞船撞毁在大本钟上,博士经探查发现,原来外星飞船是从北极起飞,目的是制造混乱绑架内阁成员,进而取而代之,而始作俑者是一群外星人。
S0105 第三次世界大战(World War Three)——上一集的继续,博士经调查得知,这是R 星人Slttheen家族计划挑起第三次世界大战,将核毁灭后的地球作为矿石出售给外星人。
S01季01 ROSE 罗斯02 The End of the World 世界末日03 The Unquiet Dead 借尸还魂04 Aliens of London 外星人在伦敦05 World War Three 第三次世界大战06 Dalek 宿敌07 The Long Game 无尽的游戏08 Father's Day 父亲节09 The Empty Child 虚无男孩10 The Doctor Dances 博士之舞11 Boom Town 炸弹城12 Bad Wolf 恶狼13 The Parting of the Ways 抉择分集简述:S0101 罗斯(ROSE)——2005年英国伦敦,主人公罗斯•泰勒被橱窗里活过来的塑料人(Nestene)追赶,在电梯里认识了时间领主博士,并和他一起在那艘奇妙的飞船塔迪斯里开始了奇妙的旅行。
S0102 世界末日(The End of the World)——50亿年后的太空站,主人公博士和罗斯•泰勒将看到地球的毁灭,而最后的人类卡珊德拉却计划使太空站失事以获得巨额赔偿。
【Boe之脸第一次出现】S0103 借尸还魂(The Unquiet Dead)——本想去1860年那不勒斯,却来到了1869年卡迪夫。
S0104 外星人在伦敦(Aliens of London)——2006年英国伦敦,博士和罗斯•泰勒回到了一年后的现代,一辆太空飞船撞毁在大本钟上,博士经探查发现,原来外星飞船是从北极起飞,目的是制造混乱绑架内阁成员,进而取而代之,而始作俑者是一群外星人。
S0105 第三次世界大战(World War Three)——上一集的继续,博士经调查得知,这是R 星人Slttheen家族计划挑起第三次世界大战,将核毁灭后的地球作为矿石出售给外星人。
神秘博士 Doctor Who S4 E10
![神秘博士 Doctor Who S4 E10](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e42820768e9951e79b89275e.png)
DW S04×10Gentle music plays, as there is an exterior view of the glistening, luxurious planet Midnight. Zooms into a sunbathing lounge with a pool, Donna lying lazily on the chair. A butler brings the ringing phone over to Donna, who answers it as the butler walks away.DONNA I said, no!Cuts to the Doctor on the other end of a public phone.DOCTOR Sapphire waterfall - it’s a waterfall made of sapphires! (cuts back to Donna who is smiling cheekily) This enormous jewel, size of a glacier, reaches the Cliffs of Oblivion, and then shatters into sapphires at the edge - they fall 100,000 feet into a crystal ravine.DONNA I bet you say that to all the girls.DOCTOR Oh, come on! They’re boarding now! It’s no fun if I see it on my own. Four hours, that’s all it takes.DONNA No, that’s four hours there and four hours back, it’s like a school trip. I’d rather go sunbathing. DOCTOR You be careful, that’s Xtonic sunlight.DONNA Oh, I’m safe. It says in the brochure this glass is fifteen feet thick.DOCTOR All right, I give up. I’ll be back for dinner, we’ll try that anti-gravity restaurant. With bibs. DONNA That's a date. Well, not a date. Oh, you know what I mean. Oh get off!DOCTOR See you later.DONNA Oi! You be careful, all right?DOCTOR Nah. Taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight - what could possibly go wrong?He hangs the phone up.***OPENING CREDITS***The Doctor is on the shuttle, watching the last passengers board. The Hostess is talking to a woman, Sky, who sits near the Doctor.HOSTESS Complimentary juice pack and complimentary...SKY Just the headphones, please.HOSTESS There you go.She moves to the Doctor and starts to hand him things.HOSTESS That's the headphones for Channels 1 to 36; modem link for 3D vidgames; complimentary earplugs; complimentary slippers; complimentary juice pack; and complimentary peanuts. I must warn you some products may contain nuts.DOCTOR That'll be the peanuts.HOSTESS Enjoy your trip.DOCTOR Oh, I can't wait! Allons-y!HOSTESS I'm sorry?DOCTOR It's French, for let's go!HOSTESS Fascinating.She moves to the people sitting in the row behind the Doctor: Professor Hobbes and his young assistant Dee Dee.HOSTESS Headphones for channels 1-36...PROFESSOR HOBBES Oh no, thank you, not for us!DEE DEE Earplugs, please.HOSTESS There you go.PROFESSOR HOBBES(to Dee Dee) They call it a sapphire waterfall, but it's no such thing, sapphire's an aluminium oxide, but the glacier is just a compound silica with iron pigmentation!Camera shifts to the Hostess talking to a middle-aged couple, Biff and Val.HOSTESS plimentary juice pack and complimentary peanuts.VAL Thank you.PROFESSOR HOBBES Have you got that pillow for my neck?DEE DEE Yes, sir.PROFESSOR HOBBES And the pills?The camera returns to the Professor and Dee Dee.DEE DEE Yes, all measured out for you, there you go.The Doctor looks at the Professor and Dee Dee over the back of his seat.PROFESSOR HOBBES Hobbes! Professor Winfold Hobbes!DOCTOR I'm the Doctor, hello!They shake hands.PROFESSOR HOBBES It's my 14th time!DOCTOR Oh! My first.DEE DEE And I'm Dee Dee, Dee Dee Blasco.She shakes the Doctor's hand too.PROFESSOR HOBBES Now don't bother the man! Where's my water bottle?HOSTESS(talking to Jethro, a young man who sits away from his parents Biff and Val) ... complimentary slippers, complimentary juice pack, and complimentary peanuts, I must warn you some products may contain nuts.VAL Don't be silly, come and sit with us. Look! We get slippers!BIFF Jethro! Do what your mother says.JETHRO I'm sitting here.BIFF Oh, he's ashamed of us. But he doesn't mind us paying, does he?VAL Oh, don't you two start. Should I save the juice pack or have it now? Look, peach and clementine! The Hostess walks to the front of the shuttle to address all passengers.HOSTESS Ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon, welcome on board the Crusader 50, if you would fasten your seatbelts, we'll be leaving any moment. Doors!Doors seal automatically.HOSTESS Shields down!Shields descend in front of the windows.HOSTESS I'm afraid the view is shielded until we reach the Waterfall Palace. Also, a reminder, Midnight has no air, so please don't touch the exterior door seals. Fire exit at the rear, and should we need to use it... you first.She laughs at the absurd idea.HOSTESS Now I will hand you over to Driver Joe.DRIVER JOE(over intercom) Driver Joe at the wheel! There's been a diamondfall at the Winter Witch Canyon, so we'll be taking a slight detour, as you'll see on the map. (a map is shown on a screen) The journey covers 500 kliks to the Multifaceted Coast, duration is estimated at four hours. Thank you for travelling with us, and as they used to say in the olden days, wagons roll!Engines accelerate and the shuttle starts to move.HOSTESS For your entertainment, we have the Music Channel playing retrovids of Earth Classics. She pushes a key on her remote, screens appear in front of each passenger, they show Raffaello Cara singing "Do It Do It Again".HOSTESS Also, the latest artistic installation from Ludovico Klein.She pushes another key to start a hologram show.HOSTESS Plus, for the youngsters, a rare treat - the Animation Archives.She turns on a projector that shows old cartoons.HOSTESS Four hours of funtime! Enjoy!Everything going simultaneously, it all ends up as a terrible cacophony that nobody but Val and Biff enjoy. The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver to stop it.PROFESSOR HOBBES Well, that's a mercy!HOSTESS I do apologise, ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon. We seem to had a failure of the Entertainment System...DOCTOR Ooh.VAL But what do we do?!BIFF We've got four hours of this! Four hours of just... sitting here?DOCTOR Tell you what! We'll have to talk to each other instead!He grins at the passengers who seem to find this a weird idea.***98 KLIKS LATER...People are laughing, having a great time telling stories, except Sky who sits apart from the rest reading a book, and Jethro who seems rather embarrassed by his parents.VAL So Biff said, "I'm going swimming".BIFF Oh, I was all ready, trunks and everything! Nose plug!VAL He had this little nose plug, you should've seen him.BIFF And I went marching up to the lifeguard, and he was a Shamboni, you know, those big foreheads?VAL Great big forehead!BIFF And I said, where's the pool? And he said...BIFF & VAL "The pool is abstract!"VAL It wasn't a real pool!BIFF It was a concept!DOCTOR And you wore a nose plug!BIFF I was like this! (pinching his nose) Mmm...where's the pool?Everyone burst out laughing again.***150 KLIKS LATER...The Doctor and Dee Dee are in the galley.DEE DEE I'm just a second-year student, but I wrote a paper on the Lost Moon of Poosh, Professor Hobbes read it, liked it, took me on as a researcher. Just for the holidays. Well, I say researcher, most of the time he's got me fetching and carrying. But it's all good experience!DOCTOR And did they ever find it?DEE DEE Find what?DOCTOR The Lost Moon of Poosh!DEE DEE(laughing) Oh no! Not yet!DOCTOR Well, maybe that'll be your great discovery, one day. Here's to Poosh!He lifts his coffee cup.DEE DEE Poosh!***209 KLIKS LATERThe Doctor is sitting beside Sky, just having had their meals served.DOCTOR No, no, I'm with this friend of mine, Donna, she stayed behind in the Leisure Palace. You? SKY No, it's just me.DOCTOR Oh, I've done plenty of that. Travelling on my own. I love it. Do what you want! Go anywhere! SKY No, I'm still getting used to it. I've... found myself single rather recently, not by choice.DOCTOR What happened?SKY Oh, the usual. She needed her own space, as they say. A different galaxy, in fact. I reckon that's enough space, don't you?DOCTOR Yeah... I had a friend who went to a different universe.SKY Oh, what's this, chicken or beef?DOCTOR(examining a piece on his fork) I think it's both.***251 KLIKS LATER...Professor Hobbes is showing his slides to the other passengers.PROFESSOR HOBBES So, this is Midnight, d'you see? Bombarded by the sun! Xtonic rays, raw galvanic radiation. Dee Dee, next slide! (she switches to the next slide) It's my pet project. Actually, I'm the first person to research this. Because you see... the history is fascinating, because there is no history. There's no life in this entire system, there couldn't be. Before the Leisure Palace Company moved in, no-one had come here in all eternity. No living thing.JETHRO But how d'you know? I mean, if no-one can go outside...VAL Oh, his imagination! Here we go!DOCTOR He's got a point, though.PROFESSOR HOBBES Exactly! We look upon this world through glass. Safe inside our metal box. Even the Leisure Palace was lowered down from orbit. And here we are now, crossing Midnight, but never touching it.There's a rattling then the engines go silent.VAL We've stopped. Have we stopped?BIFF Are we there?DEE DEE We can't be, it's too soon.PROFESSOR HOBBES They don't stop, Crusader vehicles never stop.HOSTESS If you could just... return to your seats, it's... just a small delay.Just as confused as her passengers, she goes to the intercom to talk with the driver.BIFF Maybe just a pit stop.HOSTESS (talking to the driver via intercom) What's going on?PROFESSOR HOBBES There's no pit to stop in, I've been on this expedition 14 times, they never stop.SKY Well evidently, we have stopped, so there's no point in denying it.JETHRO(laughing) We've broken down!VAL Thanks, Jethro.JETHRO In the middle of nowhere!BIFF That's enough, now stop it!HOSTESS Ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon, we're just experiencing a short... delay, the driver needs to stabilise the engine feeds. It's perfectly routine, so if you could just stay in your seats... The Doctor walks towards the driver's cabin.HOSTESS No, I'm sorry sir, I... could you please...DOCTOR There you go, engine expert! Two ticks!He opens the door and enters the cockpit.HOSTESS Sorry sir, if you could just sit down! You're not supposed to be in there...The doors closes behind the Doctor.DRIVER JOE Sorry, if you could return to your seat, sir...DOCTOR Company insurance, let's see if we can get an early assessment. So, what's the problem, Driver Joe?DRIVER JOE We're stabilising the engine feeds, won't take long.DOCTOR Um, no, cos that's the engine feed, that light there, and it's fine, and it's a micropetrol engine, so stabilising doesn't really make sense, does it? Sorry! I'm the Doctor, I'm very clever. So, what's wrong?MECHANIC CLAUDE We just stopped, look, all systems fine and everything's working, but we're not moving.DOCTOR(checking with the sonic) Yeah you're right. No faults. And who are you?MECHANIC CLAUDE Claude, I'm the mechanic. Trainee.DOCTOR Nice to meet you.DRIVER JOE I've sent a distress signal. They should dispatch a rescue truck, top speed.DOCTOR How long till they get here?DRIVER JOE About an hour.DOCTOR Well, since we're waiting... shall we take a look outside? Just... lift the screens a bit? DRIVER JOE It's 100% Xtonic out there, we'd be vaporised.DOCTOR No, those windows are Finitoglass, they'd give you a couple of minutes. Go on! Live a little! Driver Joe gives in and raises the shields. The three of them look the landscape in awe.DOCTOR Ohhh, that is beautiful...MECHANIC CLAUDE Look at all those diamonds! Poisoned by the sun. No-one can ever touch them. DOCTOR Joe, you said we took a detour?DRIVER JOE Just about 40 kliks to the west.DOCTOR Is that a recognised path?DRIVER JOE No, it's a new one, the computer worked it out, on automatic.DOCTOR So we're the first? This piece of ground. No-one's ever been here before. Not in the whole of recorded history.MECHANIC CLAUDE Did you just...? No, sorry, it's... nothing.DOCTOR What did you see?MECHANIC CLAUDE Just there. That ridge. Like... like a shadow. Just, just for a second.DOCTOR What sort of shadow?An alarm sounds.DRIVER JOE Xtonic rising! Shields down.MECHANIC CLAUDE Look, look, there it is, there it is, look, there!DOCTOR Where?! What was it?MECHANIC CLAUDE Like, just, something... shifting, something sort of... dark. Like it was...running. DOCTOR Running which way?MECHANIC CLAUDE Towards us...DRIVER JOE Right, Doctor, back to your seat and not a word, rescue's on its way. If you could close the door, thank you.The Doctor returns to the passenger cabin.SKY What did they say? Did they tell you? What is it, what's wrong?DOCTOR Oh, just stabilising, happens all the time.SKY I don't need this. I'm on a schedule. This is completely unnecessary!HOSTESS Back to your seats, thank you.She goes to the cockpit while the Doctor and Sky return to their seats.DEE DEE(low voice) Excuse me, Doctor, but they're micropetrol engines, aren't they? PROFESSOR HOBBES Now, don't bother the man.DEE DEE My father was a mechanic. Micropetrol doesn't stabilise, what does 'stabilise' mean? DOCTOR Well. Bit of flim-flam. Don't worry, they're sorting it out.PROFESSOR HOBBES So it's not the engines?DOCTOR It's just a little pause, that's all.PROFESSOR HOBBES How much air have we got?DEE DEE Professor, it's fine.VAL What did he say?DOCTOR Nothing!VAL Are we running out of air?PROFESSOR HOBBES I was just speculating...The Hostess returns from the driver's cabin.BIFF Is that right, miss? Are we running out of air?VAL Is that what the Captain said?HOSTESS If you could all just remain calm...VAL How much air have we got?JETHRO Mum, just stop it.HOSTESS I assure you, everything is under control.BIFF Well, doesn't look like it to me!VAL Well, he said it.DEE DEE ... it's fine, the air is on a circular filter...VAL ... he started it...All talk at once, panicked.DOCTOR Everyone...They keep shouting.DOCTOR Shhh shhh shhh... QUIET!Silence falls.DOCTOR Thank you. Now, if you'd care to listen to my good friend Dee Dee...DEE DEE Oh! Um... it's just that... well, the air's on a circular filter so... we could stay breathing for ten years.DOCTOR There you go! And I've spoken to the Captain, I can guarantee you, everything's fine.They hear two loud knocks on the wall of the shuttle.VAL What was that?PROFESSOR HOBBES It must be the metal. We're cooling down, it's just settling...DEE DEE Rocks. Could be rocks falling.BIFF What I want to know is, how long do we have to sit here.The double knocking is repeated on a different part of the shuttle.SKY What is that?VAL Is someone out there?PROFESSOR HOBBES Now, don't be ridiculous!DEE DEE Like I said, it could be rocks.HOSTESS We're out in the open. Nothing could fall against the sides.Again, two knocks on the wall.DOCTOR Knock knock.JETHRO Who is there?SKY Is there something out there? Well? Anyone?Knocking again.SKY What the hell is making that noise?PROFESSOR HOBBES I'm sorry, but the light out there is Xtonic, that means it would destroy any living thing, in a split-second. It is impossible for someone to be outside.The knocking is repeated again - always two knocks.SKY Well, what the hell is that, then?!The Doctor goes to the wall where they heard the last knocks from, and uses a stethoscope to hear what's outside.HOSTESS Sir! You really should get back to your seat.DOCTOR Hello?Now, the knocking comes from the fire exit at the rear.JETHRO It's moving...There's a rattling from the door, like something is trying to get it open.VAL It's trying the door!PROFESSOR HOBBES There is no 'it', there's nothing out there. Can't be.The thing tries again with the door, then it goes around - always double knocks, from the roof then from the side door.VAL That's the entrance. Can it get in?DEE DEE No, that door's on two hundred weight of hydraulics.PROFESSOR HOBBES Stop it. Don't encourage them.DEE DEE What do you think it is?Biff goes to the door.VAL Biff, don't...DOCTOR Mr Cane, better not...BIFF Nah, it's cast iron, that door...Biff knocks on the door three times - and the thing outside repeats with three knocks.VAL Three times! Did you hear that, it did it three times?!JETHRO It answered!VAL It did it three times!DOCTOR All right, all right, all right, everyone, calm down.SKY No, but it answered, it... answered, don't tell me that thing's not alive, it answered him!Three knocks again.HOSTESS I really must insist, you get back to your seats!SKY No! Don't just stand there telling us the rules! You're the hostess, you're supposed to do something!The Doctor goes to the door and knocks four times - and in repeat, the thing knocks four times too. SKY(yelling in total panic) What is it, what the hell's making that noise? She said she'd get me. Stop it, make it stop, somebody make it stop! Don't just stand there looking at me, it's not my fault, he started it with his stories...DEE DEE Calm down!SKY ... and he made it worse...VAL You're not helping!SKY ...why couldn't you leave it alone? Stop staring at me! Just tell me what the hell it is!DEE DEE Calm down!The knocking becomes continuous. In panic, Sky backs towards the cockpit door.SKY It's coming for me, ohh it's coming for me, it's coming for me... It's coming for me! It's coming for me!She screams. The Doctor moves towards her, warning.DOCTOR Get out of there!The whole shuttle rocks, lights go out and sparkles fly. The people fall over screaming, then gasp and groan in the darkness as the shuttle stops moving.BIFF(holding Val tight) All right? OK.DOCTOR Argh... Arms. Legs. Neck. Head. Nose. I'm fine... Everyone else?On a screen behind the Doctor, Raffaella Cara continues singing. Then for a few seconds she is replaced by Rose, mouthing "Doctor!". But her voice can't be heard and she disappears again, unnoticed.DOCTOR How are we, everyone all right?PROFESSOR HOBBES Earthquake, must be...DEE DEE But that's impossible, the ground is fixed, it's solid.HOSTESS We've got torches, everyone, take a torch, they're in the back of the seats.They find the torches and start looking around.VAL Oh, Jethro, sweetheart, come here...JETHRO Never mind me, what about her?In the front of the shuttle, Sky is sitting motionless among ruined seats, her back to the others.VAL What happened to the seats?BIFF Who did that?VAL They've been ripped up.DOCTOR(soothing, to Sky) It's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's over. We're still alive... Look, the wall's still intact. D'you see?He points his torch at the wall in front of Sky - there's a dent in it but it's not broken. The Hostess is trying to reach the driver via intercom.HOSTESS Joe, Claude?DOCTOR (to Sky) We're safe.HOSTESS Driver Joe, can you hear me? I'm not getting any response, the intercom must be down. She opens the cockpit door and bright light blinds everyone. They scream until the Hostess closes the door.VAL What happened? What was that?BIFF Is it the driver? Have we lost the driver?HOSTESS The cabin's gone.PROFESSOR HOBBES Don't be ridiculous. It can't be gone, how can it be gone?DEE DEE Well, but you saw it!HOSTESS There was nothing there, like it was ripped away.The Doctor is fiddling on a panel in the front wall with the sonic.BIFF What are you doing?He points his torch at the Doctor.DOCTOR That's better, bit of light, thank you. Molto bene!VAL D'you know what you're doing?BIFF The cabin's gone, you'd better leave that wall alone.PROFESSOR HOBBES The cabin can't be gone!DOCTOR No, it's safe, any rupture would automatically seal itself... (taking off the panel) But something sliced it off. You're right. The cabin's gone.HOSTESS But if it gets separated...DOCTOR It loses integrity. I'm sorry, they've been reduced to dust. The driver and the mechanic. But they sent a distress signal. Help is on its way. They saved our lives! We're gonna get out of here, I promise. We're still alive, and they're gonna find us.JETHRO Doctor. Look at her.He is watching Sky who still sits in the same position, her back to the others.DOCTOR Right, yes, sorry... Have we got a medical kit?JETHRO Why won't she turn around?DOCTOR What's her name?HOSTESS Silvestry. Mrs Sky Silvestry.DOCTOR Sky? Can you hear me? (he crouches down to her) Are you all right? Can you move, Sky? Just look at me.JETHRO That noise, from the outside...VAL What of it?JETHRO It's stopped.VAL Well, thank God for that.JETHRO But what if it's not outside anymore? What if it's inside?VAL Inside? Where?JETHRO(looking at Sky) It was heading for her.DOCTOR Sky...it's all right, Sky. I just want you to turn around, face me.Slowly, she turns around and stares at the Doctor with wide eyes, looking like a wild animal caught in torchlight.DOCTOR Sky?SKY Sky?DOCTOR Are you all right?SKY Are you all right?DOCTOR Are you hurt?SKY Are you hurt?DOCTOR You don't have to talk.SKY You don't have to talk.DOCTOR I'm trying to help.SKY I'm trying to help.DOCTOR My name's the Doctor.SKY My name's the Doctor.DOCTOR OK, can you stop?SKY OK, can you stop?DOCTOR I'd like you to stop.SKY I'd like you to stop.PROFESSOR HOBBES Why's she doing that?SKY(turning towards him) Why's she doing that?BIFF She's gone mad.SKY She's gone mad.VAL Stop it.SKY Stop it.VAL I said stop it!SKY I said stop it!DEE DEE I don't think she can.SKY I don't think she can.PROFESSOR HOBBES All right, now stop it, this isn't funny.SKY All right, now stop it, this isn't funny.DOCTOR Sh, sh, sh, all of you.SKY Sh, sh, sh, all of you.JETHRO(looking amused) My name's Jethro!SKY My name's Jethro!DOCTOR Jethro, leave it, just shut up!SKY Jethro, leave it, just shut up!DOCTOR Why are you repeating?SKY Why are you repeating?DOCTOR What is that, learning?SKY What is that, learning?DOCTOR Copying?SKY Copying?DOCTOR Absorbing?SKY Absorbing?DOCTOR The square root of pi is 1.77245385090551602729816748... SKY The square root of pi is 1.77245385090551602729816748... DOCTOR ...3341. Wow!SKY ...3341. Wow!PROFESSOR HOBBES But that's impossible.SKY But that's impossible.DEE DEE She couldn't repeat all that.SKY She couldn't repeat all that.VAL Tell her to stop!SKY Tell her to stop!VAL She's driving me mad.SKY She's driving me mad.VAL Just make her stop!SKY Just make her stop!They start talking all at once, but Sky still repeats every single word he hears, copying also tone and rhythm.VAL ...stop her staring at me, shut her up...SKY ...stop her staring at me, shut her up...HOSTESS ...a trick...SKY ...a trick...DEE DEE ...that's impossible...SKY ...that's impossible...BIFF ...I'm telling you, whatever your name is...SKY ...I'm telling you, whatever your name is...DOCTOR Now, just stop it, all of...SKY Now, just stop it all of...PROFESSOR HOBBES ...her eyes, what's wrong with her eyes?SKY ...her eyes, what's wrong with her eyes?JETHRO ...copy anything...SKY ...copy anything...VAL ...Biff don't just stand her, do something, make her stop...SKY ...Biff don't just stand her, do something, make her stop...BIFF ...you're scaring my wife...SKY ...you're scaring my wife...HOSTESS ...Mrs Silvestry...SKY ...Mrs Silvestry...JETHRO Six, six, six.SKY Six, six, six.VAL ...make her stop...SKY ...make her stop...They hear a high-pitched noise as the lights come back and that finally stops them shouting. HOSTESS Well then, that's the back-up system.BIFF Well! That's a bit better.VAL What about the rescue, how long's it gonna take?HOSTESS About 60 minutes, that's all.PROFESSOR HOBBES Then I suggest we all calm down. This panic isn't helping. That poor woman is evidently in a state of...PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY ...self-induced hysteria, we should leave her alone.JETHRO(noticing what's happening) Doctor...DOCTOR I know.Sky is copying words Professor Hobbes says - but no more repeating, now she talks simultaneously with him.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY Doctor, now step back, I think you should leave her... Alone. (he notices that Sky talks simultaneously with him) What's she doing?VAL & SKY How can she do that? She's talking with you... and with me! Oh, my God! Biff, what's she doing?JETHRO & SKY She's repeating... At exactly the same time.DEE DEE & SKY That's impossible.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY There's not even a delay.JETHRO & SKY Ohh man, that is weird.DOCTOR & SKY I think you should all be very, very quiet, have you got that?VAL & SKY How's she doing it?DOCTOR& SKY Mrs Cane, please, be quiet.VAL & SKY But how can she do that? She's got my voice, she's got my words!BIFF & SKY Sweetheart, be quiet, just... hush now. Hush. She's doing it to me!DOCTOR & SKY Just stop it, all of you. Stop it. Please.He crouches down to look into Sky's eyes.DOCTOR & SKY Now then, Sky. Are you Sky? Is Sky still in there? Mrs Silvestry? (pause) You know exactly what I'm going to say, how are you doing that? (pause) Roast beef! Bananas! The Medusa Cascade. Bang! Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble TARDIS! Shamble bobble dibble dooble. Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes I am, thank you. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O...The Doctor rises.DOCTOR & SKY First she repeats. Then she catches up. What's the next stage?DEE DEE & SKY Next stage of what?JETHRO & SKY But that's not her, is it? That's not Mrs Silvestry any more.DOCTOR & SKY I don't think so, no. I think... the more we talk, the more she learns. Now, I'm all for education, but in this case... maybe not. Let's just... move back. Come on. Come with me. Everyone, get back, all of you, as far as you can.They walk to the galley.VAL & SKY Doctor, make her stop.DOCTOR & SKY Val, come on, come to the back, stop looking at her, come on, Jethro, you too. Everyone, come on... 50 minutes. That's all we need. 50 minutes till the rescue arrives. And she's not exactly strong, look at her, all she's got is our voices.VAL & SKY I can't look at her. It's those eyes.DEE DEE & SKY "We must not look at goblin men."All look at her, confused.BIFF & SKY What's that supposed to mean?DOCTOR & SKY It's a poem. Christina Rossetti.DEE DEE & SKY "We must not look at goblin men/ We must not buy their fruits/ Who knows upon what soil they fed/ Their hungry, thirsty roots?"DOCTOR & SKY Actually, I don't think that's helping.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY She's not a goblin, or a monster, she's just a very sick woman. JETHRO & SKY Maybe that's why it went for her.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY There is no 'it'!JETHRO & SKY Think about it though. That knocking, it went all the way round the bus until it found her. And she was the most scared, out of all of us. Maybe that's what it needed. That's how it got in. PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY For the last time! Nothing can live on the surface of Midnight. DOCTOR & SKY Professor, I'm glad you've got an absolute definition of life in the universe, but perhaps the universe has got ideas of its own, mmm? Now trust me, I've got previous! I think there might well be some... consciousness inside Mrs Silvestry, but maybe she's still in there. And it's our job to help her.BIFF & SKY Well, you can help her, I'm not going near.DOCTOR & SKY No, I've got to stay back. If she's copying us, maybe the final stage is becoming us. I don't want her becoming me, or things could get a lot worse.VAL & SKY Oh, like you're so special.DOCTOR & SKY As it happens, yes I am. So that's decided. We stay back, and we wait. When the rescue ship comes, we can get her to hospital.HOSTESS & SKY We should throw her out.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY I beg your pardon?VAL & SKY Can we do that?DOCTOR & SKY Don't be ridiculous.HOSTESS & SKY That thing, whatever it is, killed the driver, and the mechanic, and I don't think she's finished yet.DOCTOR & SKY She can't even move!。
神秘博士观后感时间与空间的奇幻冒险神秘博士观后感:时间与空间的奇幻冒险神秘博士(Doctor Who)是英国广播公司(BBC)自1963年开播以来的超级畅销电视系列剧。
该剧讲述了一位时间领主(Time Lord)通过时间和空间的奇幻冒险,拯救宇宙的故事。
在博士的外星族群中,Time Lord是一个高度文明、寿命长久的种族,他们掌握着时间旅行和空间跳跃的能力,以保护宇宙的和平。
下午好Good afternoon.热栗子嘞热栗子Hot chestnuts. Chestnuts.*普天同庆传喜讯**Oh, tidings of comfort and joy**传喜讯**Comfort and joy...*那个小子You there, boy.-今天是什么时候 -平安夜先生- What day is this? - Christmas Eve, sir.-哪年 -您呆子吗- What year? - You thick or something?回答问题就是了Oi. Just answer the question.主后1851年先生Year of our Lord 1851, sir.对啊挺太平的一年有点无聊Right. Nice year. Bit dull.博士Doctor!博士Doctor?谁我吗Who, me?博士Doctor!别担心往后站那是什么情况Don't worry, don't worry. Stand back, what have we got here, then? 好了交给我吧不管门后是什么东西OK, I've got it. Whatever's behind that door,我认为你应该赶紧逃走I think you should get out of here.博士Doctor!我就在这站着呢你好啊No, I'm standing right here. Hello.-别傻了你谁啊你 -我是博士-Don't be so stupid, who are you? - I'm The Doctor.-哪个博士 -就是博士- Doctor who? - Just The Doctor.你们总不能有两个吧Well, there can't be two of ya.你死到哪去了Where the hell have you been?别担心往后站那是什么情况Don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here, then?慢着慢着你是谁啊Hold on, hold on. Who are you?我是博士就叫博士I'm The Doctor. Simply The Doctor.独一无二全球最佳The one, the only and the best.-罗丝塔把音速起子给我 -什么- Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver. - What?-你赶快回塔迪斯去 -回到哪去- Now quickly, get back to the TARDIS. - Back to the what? 还请你往后站先生If you could stand back, sir.这是时间领主的任务This is a job for a Time Lord.什么领主的任务Job for a what lord?-这就不一样了 -这个新鲜- Oh, that's different. - Oh, that's new.-出发 -出发- Allons-y. - Allons-y.神秘博士 2008圣诞特辑下一任博士我猎捕这东西已经半个多月了I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight.快退后先生Now step back, sir.似乎是某种原始的改造体Some sort of primitive conversion,就好像是把猫或者狗的脑子拿来改造like they took the brain of a cat or a dog.光说管什么用罗丝塔Well, talking's all very well. Rosita.-准备好了 -看好了学着点吧- I'm ready. - Now, watch and learn.很好那么Excellent. Now then,就将这见不得人的怪物拉到地上来吧let's pull this timorous beastie down to earth.-也可能不行 -我好像有了点麻烦- Or not. - I might be in a little bit of trouble.果然还是那样我来帮你Nothing changes. I've got you.你们两个大傻You idiots!-能请你拉一下吗 -我在拉啊- Perhaps if you could pull? - I am pulling.这个情况我想不拉也不行了吧In this position, I couldn't not pull, could I?那我建议你赶紧放手先生Then I'd suggest you let go, sir.我必须得盯着你博士I'm not letting you out of my sight, Doctor.-你没认出来我吗 -没有我认识你吗- Don't you recognise me? - No, should I? Have we met? 只怕这个时候This is hardly the right我腾不出手来翻我的社交日程本time for me to go through my social calendar.-它要跳了 -我们要掉下去了- It's gonna jump! - We're gonna fa-a-a-all!你们这么开心就好Well, I'm glad you think it's so funny.你们两个疯子万一死了怎么办You're mad. Both of you. You could've got killed.但显然并没有But, evidently, we did not.对了容我介绍一下罗丝塔Oh, I should introduce Rosita.我的忠诚旅伴对我可严格了My faithful companion, always telling me off.旅伴不都是这样吗Well, they do, don't they?罗丝塔Rosita?好名字你好啊罗丝塔Good name. Hello, Rosita.少来我还得去拆了那一堆陷阱Huh. Now I'll have to go and dismantle the traps.全都白忙活了All that for nothing.你别忘了 20分钟后我们就得去葬礼了And we've only got 20 minutes till the funeral, don't forget. 赶紧回塔迪斯去吧Then back to the TARDIS, right?-什么葬礼 -说来话长- Funeral? - Oh, long story.不是我自己的还不是Not my own, not yet.我可不像以前那么年轻了Oooh, I'm not as young as I was.不像你还是我时那么年轻Well, not as young as you were when you were me.我还是谁When I was who?-你真的没认出来我是谁吗 -完全没有- You really don't recognise me? - Not at all.可你是博士啊But you're The Doctor.下一任博士The next Doctor.或者下下任博士总之是未来的博士Or the next-but-one. A future Doctor anyway.别别别告诉我怎么发生的不过No, no, don't tell me how it happened. Although...但愿我不是被砖头绊倒摔的那就丢人了I hope I don't just trip over a brick, that'd be embarrassing. 不过话说回来也不疼Then again, painless.还有更糟的重生方式看是什么样的砖头了Worse ways to go, depends on the brick.您说什么呢先生You're gabbling, sir.还未请教您尊姓大名Now, might I ask, who are you, exactly?不是我No, I'm, uh...我就是史密斯约翰·史密斯I'm just Smith. John Smith.但我听说过你的鼎鼎大名博士But I've heard all about you, Doctor.要是让我说的话您算是传奇了Bit of a legend, if I say so myself.出于谦虚我不赞同您但我的确是传奇Modesty forbids me to agree with you, sir. But yes. Yes, I am. 失去了一些记忆的传奇A legend with certain memories missing.-我说对了吗 -你怎么知道- Am I right? - How do you know that?你就把我忘了You've forgotten me.我过往的许多记忆都被偷走Great swathes of my life have been stolen away.当我回想过去时一无所获When I turn my mind to the past, there's nothing.-回想到多远 -自从赛博人事件时- Going how far back? - Since the Cybermen.是那爬墙怪物的造主也是我的宿敌Masters of that hellish wall-scuttler and old enemies of mine, 如今来到伦敦兴风作浪了now at work in London town.说了只怕您不信史密斯先生You won't believe this, Mr Smith,但他们是来自另一个世界的怪物but they are creatures from another world.是吗哇Really? Wow.据说他们来到伦敦时It's said they fell onto London,伴着闪光从天而降out of the sky in a blaze of light.然后他们找到了我And they found me.我被夺走了什么Something was taken.还失去了什么And something was lost.过去的我是什么样子What was I like? In the past?我想我不能说抱歉了I don't think I should say. Sorry.失忆可不是小事说错一个词就会...Got to be careful with memory loss. One wrong word...不过说来奇怪It's strange, though.我满口说的都是从天而降的赛博人I talk of Cybermen from the stars而你却眼都不眨史密斯先生and you don't blink, Mr Smith.对了别眨眼还记得吗Ah, don't blink, remember that?无论如何都不要眨眼眨眼和石头雕像Whatever you do, don't blink? The blinking and the statues?萨莉和天使不记得吗Sally and the angels? No?[S03E10]您还真是奇怪啊You're a very odd man.我仍然是呢Hmm, I still am.-有些不对劲 -对了葬礼- Something's wrong here. - Oh, the funeral.两点葬礼就要开始了The funeral's at two o'clock.愉快之至史密斯先生一个字都别说出去It's been a pleasure, Mr Smith. Don't breathe a word of it.-我能跟着去吗 -太危险了- Can't I come with you? - It's far dangerous.请您放心我会保护这座城市安全的Rest assured, I shall keep this city safe.对了Oh, and, er...圣诞快乐史密斯先生Merry Christmas, Mr Smith.圣诞快乐博士Merry Christmas, Doctor.报告赛博魅影16号♥发来信♥号♥♥ Report. Cybershade 16 has made contact.观察到敌人Then observe the enemy.此人十分危险This man is dangerous.此人是我们的大敌This man is our enemy.此人就是博士This man is The Doctor.我猎捕这东西已经半个多月了I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight.快退后先生Now step back, sir.进攻预计于14时开始The attack is scheduled for 1400 hours.飞升计划需要进行成功干预Plans for the Ascension demand a successful intervention. 一切准备就绪了吗Is everything in position?这主要还是取决于你That's rather dependent on you.我只能保证尽全力All I can promise is to do my best.请定义"全力"的范围Define the parameters of "Best".用你们的话讲我会以最高效率运行As you would say, I will operate at maximum efficiency. 而你们也会遵守约定吧And you'll keep your part of the bargain?你将成为先驱You will be heralded,以迎接赛博王治下的新时代in the new age at the Court of the CyberKing.赛博王将崛起The CyberKing will rise.赛博王确实就要崛起了The CyberKing will rise, indeed.多像个人啊How like a man.那么失陪了Now, if you'll excuse me,我还要出席葬礼I have a funeral to attend.已故的法柴尔德牧师The late Reverend Fairchild,最后一次出门离家了leaving his place of residence for the last time.愿上帝赐他安宁God rest his soul.既然他的房♥子空出来了我就要Now, with the house empty, I shall effect从后门进去了而你回塔迪斯去an entrance at the rear while you go back to the TARDIS.这种事女人可做不来This is hardly work for a woman.我救你的命你倒不这么说了Oh, don't mind me saving your life.那种事女人就做得来了吗That's work for a woman, isn't it?博士的旅伴就得听博士号♥令快去吧The Doctor's companion does what The Doctor says. Off you go. -你好啊 -你怎么进来的- Hello. - How did you get in?从前门我很擅长开门Oh, front door. I'm good at doors.我能问一下吗那就是你的音速起子Do you mind my asking, is that your sonic screwdriver?是没了它我都不知道怎么办了Yeah. I'd be lost without it.但那就是一起子That's a screwdriver.怎么个"音速"法How's it sonic?因为能出声啊Well, er, it makes a noise.这不是有"音"了吗That's sonic, isn't it?既然我们跟普通小贼似的溜门撬锁Now, since we're acting like common burglars,我建议我们到隐蔽点的地方去I suggest we get out of plain view.你在做的这个调查This investigation of yours,-是什么情况 -一开始是一桩谋杀案- what's it about? - It started with a murder.是吗挺好Oh, good.我是说不好但是谁倒霉了呢I mean bad, but whose?杰克逊·莱克先生在苏塞克斯教数学Mr Jackson Lake, a teacher of mathematics from Sussex.三周前来到伦敦He came to London three weeks ago-却惨死在这里 -赛博人做的吗- and died a terrible death. - Cybermen?难说他的遗体始终没被找到It's hard to say, his body was never found.但然后就发生了多起神秘凶案还有绑♥架♥ But then it started. More secret murders, then abductions.孩子在不知不觉间被劫走Children, stolen away in silence.-那这是谁的房♥子 -最近一起凶案- So whose house is this? - The latest murder.欧伯里·法柴尔德牧师的The Reverend Aubrey Fairchild.被发现时前额有灼痕Found with burns to his forehead,就好像某种新式的电刑like some advanced form of electrocution.但他是什么人很重要吗But who was he, was he important?你问题好多You ask a lot of questions.我是你的伙伴啊I'm your companion.牧师是本地社区的支柱The Reverend was the pillar of the community,也是许多教区委员会的成员a member of many parish boards.-非常热心于儿童慈善 -又是孩子- A keen advocate of children's charity. - Children again.但赛博人为什么要他死Why would the Cybermen want him dead?而且他和第一个被害人莱克有什么联♥系♥ And what's his connection to the first death, this Jackson Lake?有意思It's funny,我似乎对你毫无保留I seem to be telling you everything.就好像你让我莫名地As though you engendered some sort of...信任trust.你似乎很眼熟史密斯先生You seem familiar, Mr Smith.我认得你的脸I know your face.-但怎么会 -我也在想- But how? - I wonder.我注意到你戴着只怀表I can't help noticing you're wearing a fob watch.这很重要吗Is that important?根据传说一个时间领主的记忆Legend has it that the memories of a Time Lord能被贮藏于一只怀表中can be contained within a watch.能给我看看吗Do you mind?据说It's said如果怀表打开that if it's opened...又或许不会Oh. Maybe not.它主要是装饰用It's more for decoration.好吧总之外星人渗透Yeah. Anyway, alien infiltration.没错找任何异常的东西很可能是金属Yes. Just look for anything different, possibly metal.任何似乎不属于这里的东西Anything that doesn't seem to belong,或许是一件不合地球科技水平的机器设备perhaps a mechanical device that could fit no earthly engine. 甚至看起来可能是活物It could even seem to be organic,但和这世界上的任何活物都不同安静but unlike any organism of the natural world. Shh!那是什么动静What's that noise?是我Oh, it's just me...吹口哨whistling.我在想这里面有什么呢I wonder what's in here, though.异常金属你说对了Different and metal, you were right.这些是信息刻印They are infostamps.我是说我猜的I mean, at a guess.如果我是你我会推测其运作方式是这样If I were you, I'd say they worked something like this.你瞧被压缩的信息See? Compressed information.还不少呢Tons of it.那是伦敦历史 1066年至今That is the history of London, 1066 to the present day.这就像是硬盘赛博硬盘This is like a disk, a Cyberdisk.但是赛博人为什么需要这种简单的东西But why would the Cybermen need something so simple? 这些肯定是无线的They've gotta be wireless.除非Unless...他们来错了世纪能源不足了they're in the wrong century, they haven't got much power. 他们需要简单可靠的信息刻印来更新情报They need plain old basic infostamps to update themselves. -你还好吗 -我没事- Are you all right? - I'm fine.不对怎么了No, what is it?-有什么不对 -我以前见过这个- What's wrong? - I've seen one of these before.我就这样拿着I was holding...这个东西this device,就在那晚我失去了记忆the night I lost my mind.我重生的那晚The night I regenerated.赛博人他们逼我变了身The Cybermen, they made me change.我的心智我的面容我的整个自我My mind, my face, my whole self.而你也在那And you were there.-你到底是谁 -我是朋友- Who are you? - A friend.我保证I swear.那我求你约翰Then I beg you, John.救我Help me.这两个字我总是无法拒绝Two words I never refuse.但这些话不适合在死人房♥子里说But it's not a conversation for a dead man's house. 如果回塔迪斯去说就好说多了It'll make more sense if we go back to the TARDIS... 你的塔迪斯Your TARDIS.等下我只是需要做一点最后检查Hold on, I just need to do a little final check.很快就好Won't take a tick.有件事我始终想不清楚There's one more thing I cannot figure.既然房♥子里放着信息刻印那也许If this room's got infostamps, then maybe,只是也许屋子里肯定有需要刻印的东西just maybe, it's got something that needs infostamping.好吧Ok.我看我们该跑了I think we should run.-快跑博士快点吧博士 -删除- Run, Doctor! Now, Doctor! - Delete!博士必须被删除The Doctor will be deleted.-删除 -上楼梯不能把他们引到外面- Delete! - Stairs! Can't lead them outside!删除Delete!舞刀弄剑我可是老手了I'm a dab hand with a cutlass.我手里拿着刀你们可就得小心点了You don't want to come near me when I've got one of these. 最后警告你们一次不怕吗This is your last warning. No?这真的是最后警告了好吧我放弃了OK, this is really your last warning! OK, I give up.-删除 -听我说- Delete! - Listen to me.不管你们为何困在了1851年我能帮你Whatever you're doing stuck in 1851, I can help!我来了整个世界只有我I'm here. I'm the only person in the world-能帮你们听我说 -删除- who can help you! Listen to me! - Delete!我是博士你们需要我I'm The Doctor. You need me.检查下你们的记忆库我的名字是博士Check your memory banks, my name's The Doctor.不要伤害这个人我才是博士Leave this man alone, The Doctor is me!删除Delete!我是博士记得吗我是博士The Doctor, remember? I'm The Doctor!你们需要我活着你们需要博士需要我You need me alive! You need The Doctor, and that's me!删除Delete!这信息刻印还有三极斯坦因海姆核心Infostamp with a cyclo-Steinham core.你打开了核心解除了安全锁厉害You ripped open the core and broke the safety, zap!-只有博士才会想到 -上次- Only The Doctor would think of that. - I did that...我就这么做了last time.来吧你会好起来的Come here, you'll be OK.让我检查一下Let me just check.你告诉他们你才是博士为什么这么说You told them you were The Doctor. Why did you do that?我只是想掩护你Oh, I was just protecting you.你想夺走我仅有的一样东西You're trying to take away the only thing I've got,和他们一样like they did.他们偷走了什么They stole something,什么宝贵的东西但我记不起来了something so precious. But I can't remember.我到底是怎么了What happened to me?-他们到底做了什么 -我们会查清楚的- What did they do? - We'll find out.我们一起You and me, together.鉴于万能的上帝降下仁慈的旨意Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy, 要将我们离去挚友的灵魂收到他的膝下to take unto Himself the soul of our dear brother here departed, 于是我们在此将他安葬入土we therefore commit his body to the ground.尘归尘土归土Earth to earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust,以求保存将来死而复生永世不死的希望in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life, 蒙主耶稣基♥督♥的慈爱through our Lord Jesus Christ,愿他赐我等脆弱之躯以坚强正如他那who shall change our vile body, that it may be like光辉荣耀的躯体一样因着那伟大的...unto his glorious body, according to the mighty working... -请继续 -女士我强烈抗♥议♥- Do continue. - Madam, I must protest.为什么呢Whatever for?女人来到墓地已然惹人议论但你A lady at the graveside is debatable enough, but...-你的衣着 -太刺眼了吗- your apparel.... - Is it too exciting?您穿得像妓♥女♥一般对葬礼大不敬You're disgracing the ceremony, dressed like a harlot.是啊您对妓♥女♥可了解了科尔先生Oh, and you should know, Mr Cole.你怎么知道我的名字How do you know my name?您在我面前走过多次You've walked past me so many times,您们这些做慈善的好人从没问过我的名字all you good men of charity, never once asking my name. 是叫哈迪根女士吧It's Miss Hartigan, isn't it?你注意到了Oh, you noticed.我可看见你瞄我了你个坏小子I saw you looking, you cheeky boy.不好意思她到底是谁I'm sorry, but who is she?我是圣约瑟夫济贫院的女主管您的仆人Matron of the St Joseph Workhouse, your humble servant. 我看着你们一个个地Oh, I've watched you all.参观微笑Visiting, smiling.给穷♥人♥施舍一点小恩小惠Bestowing your beneficence upon the poor而我却要收拾他们肮脏的床铺while I scrubbed down their filthy beds.我要求您立即离开I must insist that you depart.所以法柴尔德牧师才不得不死But that's why the late Reverend Fairchild had to die.要想把你们都聚在一处To gather you all in one place.还有比葬礼更好的地方吗Where better than a funeral?肉身凡胎之人总是短短一生Man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live.但我有几个朋友不同意这一点Although I've got some friends who might disagree with that. 想见见他们吗Would you like to meet them?听我听见他们来的声音了Hark! I can hear them now.科尔先生斯古恩斯先生Mr Cole, Mr Scoones,费奇先生米利根先生请不要乱动Mr Fetch, Mr Milligan, stay where you are.你们有用其余的处理掉吧抱歉了You're needed. The rest of you are disposable. Sorry.他们是什么人啊But what manner of men are they?-赛博人 -快逃命啊- Cybermen. - Save yourselves!删除Delete!再说一遍科尔先生斯古恩斯先生I repeat, Mr Cole, Mr Scoones,费奇先生米利根先生Mr Fetch, Mr Milligan.不要动Stay.-你这巫婆 -也祝您圣诞快乐- You monstrous witch! - Merry Christmas to you, too.但为什么放过我们But why are we spared?-你想从我们这里要什么 -你们的孩子- What do you need us for? - Your children.现在说起来也好笑但是It's funny, now I think of it, but这么多年来你们没有一个人问过我的名字in all these years not one of you has asked my first name.我叫梅希[仁慈]It's Mercy.博士Doctor!我还以为你死了I thought you were dead!好了罗丝塔稳重一点Now then, Rosita. A little decorum.你去了这么久You've been gone for so long.他老是丢下我一个人出去疯跑He's always doing this, leaving me behind. Going frantic.塔迪斯呢What about the TARDIS?她准备好了来吧Oh, she's ready. Come on.我还真是期待呢I'm looking forward to this.不过你说得对罗丝塔You were right though, Rosita.法柴尔德牧师的死就是赛博人干的好事The Reverend Fairchild's death was the work of the Cybermen. 所以你住在这So, you live here?暂时基地而已直到我们赶走敌人A temporary base, until we rout the enemy.塔迪斯虽然很大但毕竟不适宜居住The TARDIS is magnificent, but it's hardly a home.-塔迪斯现在在哪 -在院子里- And where's the TARDIS now? - In the yard.这些大包小包的是什么What's all this luggage?证据杰克逊·莱克的财产Evidence. The property of Jackson Lake,他是第一个被杀的人the first man to be murdered.罗丝塔啊我这位新朋友和我一样都是斗士Oh, but my new friend is a fighter, Rosita, much like myself. 他拿着把弯刀和赛博人对抗He faced the Cybermen with a cutlass.我可以坦然承认他比我勇敢I'm not ashamed to say, he was braver than I.他真是太厉害了He was quite brilliant.你又在吹口哨了吗Are you whistling again?是是没错Yes. Yes, I am, yeah. Yeah.那是别人的财物That's another man's property.这个嘛死人的财产Well, a dead man's.你们两个又是怎么认识的How did you two meet, then?他救了我的命He saved my life.有天深夜在奥斯特曼码头Late one night, by the Osterman's Wharf,有这么一个this...怪物从暗处扑出来creature came out of the shadows.一个金属造的人A man made of metal.我以为我就要死了I thought I was gonna die.然后And then,他就来了博士there he was. The Doctor.你能帮他吗先生Can you help him, sir?他总是做可怕的噩梦He has such terrible dreams.总是半夜惊醒Wakes at night还吓得不轻in such a state of terror.别说了罗丝塔Come now, Rosita.作为时间领主见识了这么多With all the things a Time Lord has seen,失去了这么多当然会做噩梦的everything he's lost, he may surely have bad dreams.是啊Yeah.你们看Oh, now, look.-杰克逊·莱克也有信息刻印 -怎么会- Jackson Lake had an infostamp. - But how?这很重要吗Is that significant?博士这一切的答案就在你的塔迪斯里Doctor, the answer to all this is in your TARDIS.-我能看看吗 -史密斯先生荣幸之至- Can I see it? - Mr Smith, it would be my honour.她就在那我穿越时空的载具There she is! My transport through time and space.塔迪斯The TARDIS.你有个气球You've got a balloon.塔迪斯 TARDISTardis. T-A-R-D-I-S.全称是绳系式先进华丽飞空设备明白了吗It stands for Tethered aerial Release Developed In Style. D'you see? 现在明白了Well, I do now.我喜欢塔迪斯挺好的I like it. Good TARDIS.厉害挺不错是煤气充起来的吗Brilliant. Nice one. And is it inflated by gas, yeah?我们就在莫顿街道煤气公♥司♥旁边We're adjacent to the Mutton Street Gasworks,我给了他们一笔大钱I pay them a modest fee.-干得漂亮杰德 -非常荣幸先生- Good work, Jed. - Glad to be of service, sir.你的钱还真不少啊You've got quite a bit of money.一分钱一分货Oh, you get nothing for nothing.破损的底板怎样了杰德How's that ripped panel, Jed?都修好了绝对好使All repaired, should work a treat.谁知道呢没准今晚就是大日子了博士You never know, maybe tonight's the night, Doctor. 想象一下在天上俯瞰圣诞节Imagine it, seeing Christmas from above.我想还不到时候Well, not just yet, I think.总有一天我将飞升One day, I will ascend.总有一天One day soon.你还从来没有飞起来过吗You've never actually been up?他总是梦想着离开但始终没走成He dreams of leaving, but never does.伦敦安全之日就是我乘塔迪斯归去之时I can depart, in the TARDIS, once London is safe.而等我终于飞上去时And finally, when I'm up there...想想吧约翰Think of it, John.无穷浩渺的时间和空间The time and the space.完美的逃避之所The perfect escape.你有没有想过你在逃避什么Do you ever wonder what you're escaping from? 时刻都在想With every moment.那你想让我告诉你吗Then do you want me to tell you?因为我想我有答案了Cos I think I've worked it out now.你怎么成为了博士How you became The Doctor.你说呢What do you think?你想知道吗Do you want to know?科尔先生斯古恩先生Mr Cole, Mr Scoones,费奇先生米利根先生Mr Fetch and Mr Milligan,你们已经收到了指令you have your instructions赛博王的王庭在等着你们and the Court of the CyberKing is waiting.首先让我看看First of all, let's just see.一点小测试A little test.右转Turn right.左转Turn left.面向我And face me.我能一直玩下去Oh, I could do this forever.但现在去办你们指定的任务吧But now, set about your appointed tasks.把他们给我带来And bring them to me.故事的开始也是赛博人The story begins with the Cybermen.很久以前离现在不远的过去A long time away, and not so far from here,赛博人打了一仗被击败了the Cybermen were fought and they were beaten.他们被打入了一个叫做虚无的呼啸荒野And they were sent into a howling wilderness called The Void, 被永远关在那里locked inside forevermore.但一场更激烈的战争爆发了But then a greater battle rose up,激烈到连虚无中的一切都湮灭了so great that everything inside The Void perished.但随着世界之间的隔离墙不断弱化But, as the walls of the world weakened,遗存的赛博人the last of the Cybermen must肯定掉落到维度间隙回到了过去have fallen through the dimensions, back in time,降落在了这里to land here.然后他们发现了你And they found you.我记得我和他们战斗了I fought them, I know that.但究竟是怎么回事But what happened?与此同时另一个人来到了伦敦At the same time, another man came to London.杰克逊·莱克先生Mr Jackson Lake.带了不少行李随身带着钱Plenty of luggage, money in his pocket.没准是进城过冬的我也不知道Maybe coming to town for the winter season, I don't know. 但他也发现了赛博人But he found the Cybermen too.而且和你一样And just like you,和你完全一样exactly like you,他拿到了一支信息刻印he took hold of an infostamp.但他死了But he's dead.杰克逊·莱克死了赛博人杀了他Jackson Lake is dead. The Cybermen murdered him.你说过没发现尸体You said no body was ever found.而且你把行李都留下了And you kept all his suitcases,但你自己始终不愿意打开but you could never bring yourself to open them. 我告诉你答案在怀表中I told you the answer was in the fob watch.我能看看吗Can I see?杰·莱JL.这块表是杰克逊·莱克的The watch is Jackson Lake's.杰克逊·莱克Jackson Lake is...就是你啊先生you, sir?-但我是博士 -你变成了博士- But I'm The Doctor. - You became The Doctor 是因为你捡起的那支信息刻印because the infostamp you picked up储存着一个人的资料was a book about one particular man.赛博人的资料库The Cybermen's database.我估计是在虚无中从戴立克那里偷来的Stolen from the Daleks inside The Void, I'd say, 但这里有你想知道的but it's everything you could want to know关于博士的一切about The Doctor.那是你That's you.时间领主塔迪斯赛博人的大敌Time Lord, TARDIS, enemy of the Cybermen.正是在下The one and the only.你瞧肯定是信息刻印回火了You see? The infostamp must have backfired,把关于我的那些信息streamed all that information about me都导入了你的脑袋里right inside your head.我只是个谎言我什么都不是I am nothing but a lie.不不不信息刻印只是一些记录而已No, no, no, no, no. Infostamps are just facts and figures.而那些勇气All that bravery,拯救罗丝塔保卫伦敦的勇气saving Rosita, defending London town.是不是还有发明建造了塔迪斯都是你Hmm? And the invention, building a TARDIS. That's all you. 还有什么And what else?告诉我还有什么Tell me what else?你还是有什么想不起来是不是There's still something missing, isn't there?我要求你告诉我先生I demand you tell me, sir.告诉我他们夺走了什么Tell me what they took.抱歉Sorry.真的我很抱歉Really, I am so sorry.但你一个人那些行李也太多了But that's an awful lot of luggage for one man.因为信息刻印只是普通科技而已Cos an infostamp is plain technology.还不足以使一个人心智失常It's not enough to make a man lose his mind.你遭受的叫做记忆丧失症What you suffered is called a fugue.是一种失忆状态A fugue state.你的心灵只想逃避Where the mind just runs away,因为那段过去你无法承受because it can't bear to look back.你想变成别的人You wanted to become someone else,因为杰克逊·莱克失去了太多because Jackson Lake had lost so much.午夜。
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序号 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 季 -集 special S7-Ep5 S7-Ep4 S7-Ep3 S7-Ep2 S7-Ep1 special S6-Ep13 S6-Ep12 S6-Ep11 S6-Ep10 S6-Ep9 S6-Ep8 S6-Ep7 S6-Ep6 S6-Ep5 S6-Ep4 S6-Ep3 S6-Ep2 S6-Ep1 special S5-Ep13 S5-Ep12 S5-Ep11 S5-Ep10 S5-Ep9 S5-Ep8 S5-Ep7 S5-Ep6 S5-Ep5 S5-Ep4 S5-Ep3 S5-Ep2 S5-Ep1 special 播出时间 2012-12-25 2012-09-29 2012-09-22 2012-09-15 2012-09-08 2012-09-01 2011-12-25 2011-10-01 2011-09-24 2011-09-17 2011-09-10 2011-09-03 2011-08-27 2011-06-04 2011-05-28 2011-05-21 2011-05-14 2011-05-07 2011-04-30 2011-04-23 2010-12-25 2010-06-26 2010-06-19 2010-06-12 2010-06-05 2010-05-29 2010-05-22 2010-05-15 2010-05-08 2010-05-01 2010-04-24 2010-04-17 2010-04-10 2010-04-03 2010-01-01 博士(演员名) Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith Matt Smith David Tennant 页 1 博士伙伴(角色名) Clara Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Amy Pond Am