


Symbol VO VO ∆VO(*) ∆VO(*) Id ∆Id Parameter Output Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Quiescent Current Quiescent Current Change TJ = 25°C IO = -5 mA to -1 A VI = -9.5 to -21.5 V VI = -8.5 to -25 V VI = -9 to -15 V IO = 5 mA to 1.5 A IO = 250 to 750 mA TJ = 25°C IO = 5 mA to 1 A VI = -9.5 to -25 V ∆VO/∆T Output Voltage Drift eN SVR Vd Isc Output Noise Voltage Supply Voltage Rejection Dropout Voltage Short Circuit Current IO = 5 mA B = 10Hz to 100KHz ∆VI = 10 V f = 120Hz IO = 1 A mV TJ = 25°C ∆VO = 100 TJ = 25°C 54 -0.6 144 60 1.4 2 PO ≤ 15 W TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C Test Conditions Min. -5.75 -5.7 Typ. -6 -6 Max. -6.25 -6.3 120 60 120 60 3 0.5 1.3 mV/°C µV dB V A mA mA mV Unit V V mV
June 2004
Rev. 9



L7800SERIESPOSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORSJanuary 1997s OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 1.5AsOUTPUT VOLTAGES OF 5;5.2;6;8;8.5;9;12;15;18;24Vs THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION s SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTIONsOUTPUT TRANSITION SOA PROTECTIONDESCRIPTIONThe L7800series of three-terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220ISOWATT220TO-3and D 2PAK packages and several fixed output voltages,making it useful in a wide range of applications.These regulators can provide local on-card regulation,eliminating the distribution problems associated with single point regulation.Each type employs internal current limiting,thermal shut-down and safe area protection,making it essentially indestructible.If adequate heat sinking is provided,they can deliver over 1A output current.Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators,these devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.12TO-3123TO-220ISOWATT22012313D 2PAKBLOCK DIAGRAM1/25CONNECTION DIAGRAM AND ORDERING NUMBERS (top view)TO-220&ISOWATT220TO-3D 2PAKTHERMAL DATASymbolParameterD 2PAK TO-220ISOWATT220TO-3UnitR t hj-case R th j-a mb Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max 362.5350460435o C/W oC/WType TO-220D 2PAK (*)ISOWATT220TO-3Output VoltageL7805L7805C L7852C L7806L7806C L7808L7808C L7885C L7809C L7812L7812C L7815L7815C L7818L7818C L7820L7820C L7824L7824CL7805CV L7852CV L7806CV L7808CV L7885CV L7809CV L7812CV L7815CV L7818CV L7820CV L7824CVL7805CD2T L7852CD2T L7806CD2T L7808CD2T L7885CD2T L7809CD2T L7812CD2T L7815CD2T L7818CD2T L7820CD2T L7824CD2TL7805CP L7852CP L7806CP L7808CP L7885CP L7809CP L7812CP L7815CP L7818CP L7820CP L7824CPL7805T L7805CT L7852CT L7806T L7806CT L7808T L7808CT L7885CT L7809CT L7812T L7812CT L7815T L7815CT L7818T L7818CT L7820T L7820CT L7824T L7824CT5V 5V 5.2V 6V 6V 8V 8V 8.5V 9V 12V 12V 15V 15V 18V 18V 20V 20V 24V 24V(*)AVAILABLE IN TAPE AND REEL WITH ”-TR”SUFFIXABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V i DC Input Voltage (for V O =5to 18V)(for V O =20,24V)3540V VI o Output Current Internally limited P t ot Power DissipationInternally limited T o p Operating Junction Temperature Range (for L7800)(for L7800C )-55to 1250to 150o C o C T stgStorage Temperature Range-40to 150oCL78002/25L7800 APPLICATION CIRCUITSCHEMATIC DIAGRAM3/25TEST CIRCUITSFigure3:Ripple Rejection.Figure2:Load Regulation.Figure1:DC Parameter L78004/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7806(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =15V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 5.756 6.25V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =9to 21V 5.6566.35V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =8to 25V T j =25oCV i =9to 13VT j =25oC6030mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC10030mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =9to 25V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA0.7mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25oC 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =9to 19V f =120Hz65dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 19m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C1.32.23.3AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7805(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =10V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 4.85 5.2V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =8to 20V 4.655 5.35V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =7to 25V T j =25o CV i =8to 12VT j =25oC315025mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC10025mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =8to 25V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA0.6mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =8to 18V f =120Hz68dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC 2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 17m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC1.32.23.3A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.L78005/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7812(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =19V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC11.51212.5V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =15.5to 27V11.41212.6V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =14.5to 30V T j =25oCV i =16to 22V T j =25oC 12060mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC10060mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =15to 30V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA1.5mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =15to 25V f =120Hz61dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 18m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C1.32.23.3AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7808(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =14V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC7.788.3V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =11.5to 23V7.688.4V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =10.5to 25V T j =25o CV i =11to 17V T j =25oC 8040mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC10040mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =11.5to 25V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA1mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =11.5to 21.5V f =120Hz62dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC 2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 16m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC1.32.23.3A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.L78006/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7818(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =26V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 17.31818.7V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =22to 33V 17.11818.9V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =21to 33V T j =25oCV i =24to 30VT j =25oC18090mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC18090mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =22to 33V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA2.3mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25oC 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =22to 32V f =120Hz59dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 22m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C1.32.23.3AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7815(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =23V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC14.41515.6V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =18.5to 30V14.251515.75V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =17.5to 30V T j =25o CV i =20to 26V T j =25oC 15075mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC15075mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =18.5to 30V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA1.8mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =18.5to 28.5V f =120Hz60dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC 2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 19m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC1.32.23.3A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.L78007/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7824(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =33V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 232425V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =28to 38V 22.82425.2V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =27to 38V T j =25oCV i =30to 36VT j =25oC240120mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC240120mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =28to 38V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA3mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25oC 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =28to 38V f =120Hz56dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 28m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C1.32.23.3AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7820(refer to the test circuits,T j =-55to 150o C,V i =28V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 19.22020.8V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =24to 35V192021V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =22.5to 35V T j =25o CV i =26to 32V T j =25oC 200100mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC200100mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 6mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =24to 35V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA2.5mV/oCeN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 40µV/V O SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =24to 35V f =120Hz58dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC 2 2.5V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 24m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC0.75 1.2A I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC1.32.23.3A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.L78008/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7852C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =10V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 5.0 5.2 5.4V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =8to 20V 4.955.2 5.45V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =7to 25V T j =25oCV i =8to 12VT j =25oC3110552mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC10552mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =7to 25V 1.3mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1.0mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25oC 42µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =8to 18V f =120Hz61dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 17m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC750mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C2.2AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7805C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =10V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 4.85 5.2V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =7to 20V 4.755 5.25V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =7to 25V T j =25o CV i =8to 12VT j =25oC3110050mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC10050mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =7to 25V 0.8mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1.1mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 40µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =8to 18V f =120Hz62dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 17m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC750mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC2.2A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.L78009/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7808C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =14V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC7.788.3V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =10.5to 25V7.688.4V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =10.5to 25V T j =25oCV i =11to 17V T j =25oC 16080mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC16080mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =10.5to 25V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-0.8mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 52µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =11.5to 21.5V f =120Hz56dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 16m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC450mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C2.2AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7806C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =11V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 5.756 6.25V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =8to 21V 5.766.3V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =8to 25V T j =25o CV i =9to 13VT j =25oC12060mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC12060mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =8to 25V 1.3mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-0.8mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 45µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =9to 19V f =120Hz59dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC 2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 19m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC550mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC2.2A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.L780010/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7809C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =15V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC8.6599.35V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =11.5to 26V8.5599.45V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =11.5to 26V T j =25oCV i =12to 18V T j =25oC 18090mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC18090mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =11.5to 26V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1.0mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 70µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =12to 23V f =120Hz55dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 17m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC400mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C2.2AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7885C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =14.5V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =11to 26V8.18.58.9V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =11to 27V T j =25o CV i =11.5to 17.5V T j =25oC 16080mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC16080mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =11to 27V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-0.8mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 55µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =12to 22V f =120Hz56dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 16m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC450mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC2.2A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.11/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7815C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =23V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC14.41515.6V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =17.5to 30V14.251515.75V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =17.5to 30V T j =25oCV i =20to 26V T j =25oC 300150mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC300150mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =17.5to 30V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 90µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =18.5to 28.5V f =120Hz54dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 19m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC230mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C2.1AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7812C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =19V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC11.51212.5V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =14.5to 27V11.41212.6V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =14.5to 30V T j =25o CV i =16to 22V T j =25oC 240120mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC240120mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =14.5to 30V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 75µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =15to 25V f =120Hz55dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 18m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC350mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C2.2A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.12/25ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7820C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =28V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 19.22020.8V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15WV i =23to 35V192021V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =22.5to 35V T j =25oCV i =26to 32V T j =25oC 400200mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25o CI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC400200mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =23to 35V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25oC 150µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =24to 35V f =120Hz52dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25o C2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 24m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC180mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25o C2.1AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7818C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =26V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 17.31818.7V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =21to 33V 17.11818.9V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =21to 33V T j =25o CV i =24to 30VT j =25oC360180mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC360180mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =21to 33V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 110µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =22to 32V f =120Hz53dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 22m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC200mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC2.1A*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.13/25*Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature.Changes in V o due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.Pulce testing with low duty cycle is used.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR L7824C (refer to the test circuits,T j =0to 125o C,V i =33V,I o =500mA,C i =0.33µF,C o =0.1µF unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V o Output Voltage T j =25oC 232425V V o Output Voltage I o =5mA to 1A P o ≤15W V i =27to 38V 22.82425.2V ∆V o *Line Regulation V i =27to 38V T j =25o CV i =30to 36VT j =25oC480240mV mV ∆V o *Load Regulation I o =5to 1500mA T j =25oCI o =250to 750mA T j =25oC480240mV mV I d Quiescent Current T j =25o C 8mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change I o =5to 1000mA 0.5mA ∆I d Quiescent Current Change V i =27to 38V 1mA ∆V o ∆T Output Voltage Drift I o =5mA-1.5mV/oC eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz T j =25o C 170µV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V i =28to 38V f =120Hz50dB V d Dropout Voltage I o =1A T j =25oC2V R o Output Resistance f =1KHz 28m ΩI sc Short Circuit Current V i =35V T j =25oC150mA I s cpShort Circuit Peak CurrentT j =25oC2.1A14/25Figure 8:Output Impedance vs.Frequency.Figure 9:Quiescent Current vs.JunctionTemperature.Figure 4:Dropout Voltage vs.JunctionTemperature.Figure 5:Peak Output Current vs.Input/outputDifferential Voltage.Figure 6:Supply Voltage Rejection vs.Frequency.Figure 7:Output Voltage vs.JunctionTemperature.15/25Figure12:Quiescent Current vs.InputVoltage.Figure13:Fixed Output Regulator.Figure14:Current Regulator. Figure10:Load Transient Response.Figure11:Line Transient Response.NOTE:1.To specify an output voltage,substitute voltage value for”XX”.2.Although no output capacitor is need for stability,it does improve transient response.3.Required if cregulator is locate an appreciable distance from power supply filter.I O=V XXR1+I d16/25Figure 15:Circuit for Increasing OutputVoltage.Figure 16:Adjustable Output Regulator(7to 30V).Figure 17:0.5to 10V Regulator.Figure 18:High Current Voltage Regulator.I R1≥5I d V O =V XX (1+R 2R 1)+I d R 2VO =V XXR 4R 1R 1=V BEQ 1I REQ −I Q 1βQ 1I O =I REG +Q 1(I REG −V BEQ 1R 1)17/25Figure 19:High Output Current with ShortCircuit Protection.Figure 20:Tracking Voltage Regulator.Figure 21:Split Power Supply (±15V –1A).Figure 22:Negative Output Voltage Circuit.Figure 23:Switching Regulator.Figure 24:High Input Voltage Circuit.V IN =V i -(V Z +V BE )*Against potential latch-up problems.R SC =V BEQ 2I SC18/25Figure 27:High Input and Output Voltage.Figure 28:Reducing Power Dissipation withDr opping Resistor.Figure 29:Remote Shutdown.Figure 25:High Input Voltage Circuit.Figure 26:High Output Voltage Regulator.V O =V XX +V Z1R =V i (min )−V XX −V DROP (max )I O (max )+I d (max )19/25Figure 30:Power AM Modulator (unity voltagegain,I o <1A).Figure 31:Adjustable Output Voltage withTemperatureCompensation.NOTE:The circuit performs well up to 100KHzNOTE:Q 2is connected as a diode in order to compensate the variation of the Q 1V BE with the temperature.C allows a slow rise-time of the V oFigure 32:Light Controllers (V o min =V xx +V BE ).Figure 33:Protection against Input Short-circuitwith High Capacitance Loads.Application with high capacitance loads and an output voltage greater than 6volts need an external diode (see fig.33)to protect the deviceagainst input short circuit.In this case the input voltage falls rapidly while the output voltage decrease slowly.The capacitance dischrges by means of the Base-Emitter junction of the series pass transistor in the regulator.If the energy is sufficently high,the transistor may be destroyed.The external diode by-passes the current from the IC to ground.V O falls when the light goes upV O rises when the light goes upV O =VXX(1+R 2R 1)+V BE 20/25。

DS-2CD2T63G0-I5 I8 6 MP IR 固定焦距网络摄像头说明书

DS-2CD2T63G0-I5 I8 6 MP IR 固定焦距网络摄像头说明书

• BLC/3D DNR/ROI/HLC • IP67•Built -in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 128 GB• 1/2.9" Progressive Scan CMOS • 3072 × 2048@20 fps • 2.8/4/6/8 mm fixed lens• Color: 0.01 lux @(F1.2, AGC ON), 0.028 lux @(F2.0, AGC ON), 0 lux with IR • H.265+, H.265, H.264+, H.264 • 2 Behavior analyses • 120dB WDRKey FeaturesSpecificationsCameraImage Sensor1/2.9" Progressive Scan CMOSMin. Illumination Color: 0.01 lux @(F1.2, AGC ON), 0.028 lux @(F2.0, AGC ON), 0 lux with IR Shutter Speed1/3 s to 1/100,000 sSlow Shutter YesDay & Night IR Cut FilterDigital Noise Reduction 3D DNRWDR 120dB3-Axis Adjustment Pan: 0° to 360°, tilt: 0° to 100°, rotate: 0° to 360°LensFocal Length 2.8/4/6/8 mmAperture F2.0Focus FixedFOV 2.8 mm, horizontal FOV: 97°, vertical FOV: 63°, diagonal FOV: 120°4 mm, horizontal FOV: 78°, vertical FOV: 50°, diagonal FOV: 97°6 mm, horizontal FOV: 60°, vertical FOV: 39°, diagonal FOV: 75°8 mm, horizontal FOV: 39.5°, vertical FOV: 26°, diagonal FOV: 48°Lens Mount M12 IRIR Range I5: up to 50 m I8: up to 80 mWavelength850nm Compression StandardVideo Compression Main stream: H.265/H.264Sub-stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEG Third stream: H.265/H.264H.264 Type Main Profile/High ProfileH.264+ Main stream supportsH.265 Type Main ProfileH.265+Main stream supportsVideo Bit Rate32 Kbps to 16 MbpsSmart Feature-setSmart Event Line crossing detection, intrusion detection, face detectionBasic Event Motion detection, video tampering alarm, exception (network disconnected, IP address conflict, illegal login, HDD full, HDD error)Linkage Method Trigger recording: memory card, network storage, pre-record and post-record Trigger captured pictures uploading: FTP, HTTP, NAS, EmailTrigger notification: HTTP, ISAPI, EmailRegion of Interest Support 1 fixed region for main stream and sub-stream ImageMax. Resolution3072 × 2048Main Stream 50Hz: 20 fps (3072 × 2048, 3072 × 1728, 2944 × 1656), 25 fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720)60Hz: 20 fps (3072 × 2048, 3072 × 1728, 2944 × 1656), 30fps (2560 × 1440, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50Hz: 25fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240) 60Hz: 30fps (640 × 480, 640 × 360, 320 × 240)Third Stream 50Hz: 25fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 360, 352 × 288) 60Hz: 30fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 360, 352 × 240)Image Enhancement BLC/3D DNR/HLCImage Setting Rotate mode, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, AGC, and white balance are adjustable by client software or web browserTarget Cropping NoDay/Night Switch Day/Night/Auto/Schedule*Note: When the main stream resolution is 2944 × 1656 and above, max frame rate is 20 fps for all streams.NetworkNetwork Storage Support Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC card (128G), local storage and NAS (NFS,SMB/CIFS), ANRProtocols TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, PPPoE, NTP, UPnP, SMTP,SNMP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv6, UDP, Bonjour, SSL/TLSGeneral Function Anti-flicker, three streams, heartbeat, mirror, privacy masks, password reset via e-mail, pixel counter, HTTP listeningSecurity Password protection, complicated password, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authentication (EAP-TLS 1.2, EAP-LEAP, EAP-MD5), watermark, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, WSSE and digest authentication for ONVIF, TLS1.2API ONVIF (PROFILE S, PROFILE G, PROFILE T), ISAPI, SDK Simultaneous Live View Up to 6 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users3 levels: Administrator, Operator and UserClient iVMS-4200, Hik-Connect, Hik-CentralWeb Browser Plug-in required live view: IE8+Plug-in free live view: Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+, Safari 11+ Local Service: Chrome 41.0+, Firefox 30.0+InterfaceVideo Output NoCommunication Interface 1 RJ45 10M/100M self-adaptive Ethernet portOn-board Storage Built-in microSD/SDHC/SDXC slot, up to 128 GBSVC H.264 and H.265 encoding supportReset Button YesGeneralOperating Conditions-30 °C to +60 °C (-22 °F to +140 °F), Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing)Web Client Language 32 languagesEnglish, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, French, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil)Power Supply 12 VDC ± 25%, Φ 5.5mm coaxial power plug PoE(802.3af, class 3)Power Consumption and Current I5:12 VDC, 0.6 A, max. 7 WPoE: (802.3af, 36 V to 57 V), 0.3 A to 0.2 A, max. 8.5 W I8:12 VDC, 0.9 A, max. 10WPoE: (802.3af, 36 V to 57 V), 0.4 A to 0.2 A, max. 12 WProtection Level IP67 Material Metal62.6(2.5″)62.6(2.5″) 4-Φ4.2 162.5(6.4″)268.9(10.6″)299.7(11.8″)Φ104.8(4.1″)86.5(3.4″)85.1(3.4″)Unit: mmDS -1260ZJ Junction BoxDS -1275ZJ -S -SUS Vertical Pole MountDS -1276ZJ -SUS Corner MountDimensions Camera: Φ 104.8 × 299.7 mm (Φ 4.1" × 11.8") Package: 386 × 156 × 155 mm (15.2" × 6.1" × 6.1") WeightCamera: 1200 g (2.7 lb.)Accessory DimensionAvailable Model DS -2CD2T63G0-I5(2.8/4/6/8 mm), DS -2CD2T63G0-I8(2.8/4/6/8 mm)。


第五章-1 CCD产品简介53
5.1 典型CCD芯片简介 5.2 特种CCD芯片介绍
二用于高速检测的(并行/分段输出) 线阵CCD
一 用于尺寸测量的线阵CCD
5.1 典型CCD芯片简介
RL1282D、RL1284D、RL1288D器件: 分别具有256、512或1024像元 像元尺寸:18×18×18 (单位:微米) 双沟道器件 每128像元为一段,每段又分奇偶两个沟道并行输出
必须的三路脉冲(其他属扩展):转移脉冲ST、驱动脉冲CR1、CR2 EOS信号可以作为A/D转换器的行同步信号;
两种类型:普通光学玻璃窗和石英玻璃窗,以G和Q区分; 石英玻璃:光谱响应范围为200nm至1100nm,峰值响应波长为750nm。该器件在中紫外至近红外波段的光谱响应较好,常用于这段谱区的光谱探测和光谱分析应用中,尤其是在紫外波段的光谱探测更为重要。 普通玻璃:截止于350nm,对紫外波段光的吸收较大。
应用:对彩色图像采集、测量 芯片介绍:



TRD-2T360BF TRD-2T600BF TRD-2T1000BF
TRD-2T1024BF TRD-2T2000BF TRD-2T2000V
TRD-2T2048V TRD-2T2500BF TRD-2T2500V
TRD-2E360B TRD-2E2500V
TRD-J100-RZ TRD-J600-RZ TRD-J1000-RZ



























产品设备技术参数介绍设备技术参数1、监控摄像设备:摄像头(海康威视DS-2CD2T47F(D)WD-LS)2、监控摄像设备:摄像头:(海康威视DS-2CD3T47FDWDA2-LS)DS-2CD3T47FDWDA2-LS海康威视400万智能全彩筒型网络摄像机智能报警:越界侦测,区域入侵侦测,进入/离开区域侦测,场景变更侦测声光报警支持Smart265萤石云平台接入暖光灯补光,最的远可达30米DS-2CD3T47FDWDA2-LS摄像机传感器类型1/1.8"ProgressiveScanCMOS最的小照度彩色:0.0005Lux@(F1.0,AGCON),0LuxwithLight镜头4mm,水平视场角:94°[6mm(57°)可选]宽动态范围120dB快门1/3s~1/100,000s日夜转换模式电子彩转黑压缩标准视频压缩标准主码流:H.265/H.264子码流:H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.265编码类型MainProfileH.264编码类型MainProfile/HighProfile视频压缩码率32Kbps~16Mbps音频压缩标准G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCM/AAC音频压缩码率64Kbps(G.711)/16Kbps(G.722.1)/16Kbps(G.726)/32-160Kbps(MP2L2)/16-64Kbps(AAC)图像子码流分辨率与帧率50Hz:25fps(640×480,640×360,320×240)60Hz:30fps(640×480,640×360,320×240)最的大图像尺寸2688×1520主码流分辨率与帧率50Hz:25fps(2688×1520,1920×1080,1280×720)60Hz:30fps(2688×1520,1920×1080,1280×720)图像增强背光补偿,强光抑制,3D数字降噪图像设置饱和度,亮度,对比度,锐度,AGC,白平衡通过客户端或者浏览器可调感兴趣区域ROI支持主码流和子码流分别设置1个固定区域接口及功能支持协议TCP/IP,ICMP,HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,DHCP,DNS,DDNS,RTP,RTSP,RTCP, PPPoE,NTP,UPnP,SMTP,SNMP,IGMP,802.1X,QoS,IPv6,UDP,Bonjour接口协议ONVIF(PROFILES,PROFILEG),ISAPI,GB28181通用功能心跳,镜像,密码保护,视频遮盖,水印技术,IP地址过滤智能报警区域入侵侦测,越界侦测,进入区域侦测,离开区域侦测,场景变更侦测存储功能支持MicroSD/SDHC/SDXC卡(128G)断网本地存储及断网续传,NAS(NFS,SMB/CIFS均支持)恢复出厂配置支持RESET按键,客户端或者浏览器恢复异常侦测遮挡报警,网线断,IP地址冲突,非法登录,存储器满,存储器错音频接口内置1个扬声器,1输入(Linein),1输出(Lineout)报警接口2输入,2输出(继电器输出,最的大支持DC24V,1A或AC24V,1A) 通讯接口1个RJ4510M/100M自适应以太网口其他防护等级IP67电源供应DC12V±25%/PoE(802.3af)工作温度和湿度-30℃~60℃,湿度小于95%(无凝结)功耗非PoE:11WMaxPoE:12.9WMax重量裸机:1095g带包装:1435g尺寸产品:219.2×114.3×111.6mm包装:315×141×137mm最的远补光距离30m3、大对数电缆:网线(海康威视超五类DS-1LN5EO-UU/E )4、路由器:华为b311as-853制式:中国电信(CDMA2000)/中国移动(TD-SCDMA)/中国联通(WCDMA)产品净重:(kg)约218g(不含电源适配器)尺寸信息:(长x宽x高mm)181mm×126mm×36mm接收分集:内置LTE/UMTS/TD-SCDMA天线最大支持wifi用户:32加密方式:SSID广播和隐藏操作系统支持:WindowsVistaSP1/SP23G传输率支持wifi传输802.11n/b/g标准,支持2.4G频段,LED:1个电源指示灯1个网络模式指示灯天线:内置WLAN天线5、太阳能板:探露60W尺寸:670MM*920MM*25MM功率:60W电压:18V边框:阳极铝化背板:PPF防老化、防水防护等级:IP65、防雷电、防倒流、防雷电玻璃:透光、高强度强化玻璃、抗冰雹、抗打击6、蓄电池德力普(Delipow)12v锂电池持续工作电流:10A额定电压:12V支持最大放电电流:15A额定容量:8A最大输出:12V10A、充电时间:大约8-16小时可充满电,放电时间:普通摄像机约可供电24-48小时左右。




其中785nm 激光是拉曼光谱选择的最常见波长。





可互换的狭缝(Interchangeable Slits Upgrades),可用于高分辨率HR光学平台,以提供更多的应用灵活性。


Stellar CASE-Raman-785是一款便携式,坚固耐用的拉曼光谱系统,适用于“开放与测量”应用。



便携式拉曼光谱仪HR-TEC型号:SR =标准分辨率HR =高分辨率便携式拉曼光谱仪HR-TEC技术指标:光学参数:便携式拉曼光谱仪探测器与电子元件:便携式拉曼光谱仪的尺寸:便携式拉曼光谱仪的尺寸:StellarNet便携式拉曼光谱仪的软件与界面:拉曼光谱系统可添加的配件:拉曼光谱仪配套激光器:-Ramulaser™785纳米-785拉曼激光通过标准的FC / APC连接器连接到拉曼探针-拉曼激光线 0.2nm FWHM-499mWatt可调功率-由坚固的金属外壳保护电池供电-尺寸仅为2x4x6英寸-锂离子电池全天供电-添加拉曼探针785和光谱仪-Ramulaser-Vial785nm拉曼激光器,带直接连接的1/2“样品瓶架-拉曼激光线0.2nm FWHM-499mWatt可调功率-可直接连接到光谱仪,降低探头成本-可容纳1/2英寸的圆形样品瓶-液体,粉末和固体-尺寸仅为2x4x6英寸-坚固金属外壳保护锂离子电池供电。






关键词:BCD编码器;变压器档位;双输入通道;线性电源;单片机中图分类号:TM785 文献标识码:B文章编号:1001-1390(2014)15-0110-04 Design of Single-Chip Based BC D Encoder with Dual Input Channels forTrans former Tap Position MonitoringLIUXiang-yu,HULin,DONGQing-xun,LIUYan-qin,ZHANGRui-pu(ChengduPowerSupplyCompanyofSichuanElectricPowerCorp.,Chengdu610041,China)Abstract:Asingle-chipbasedBCDencoderwithdualinputchannelsisdesignedforthemonitoringoftransformertapposition.Firstthefunctionsandfeaturesoftheencoderareintroduced.Thenthehardwarestructureoftheencoderisdescribed,andthecircuitofeachmoduleisintroduced,includingthe17-tapand19-tapdualinputchannels,theencodingcircuit,thepowersupplycircuit,theoutputcircuitandthedigitaldisplaycircuit.Theencoderisprovedeffectiveandofstrongpromotionalvalue.Key words:BCDencoder,transformertapposition,dualinputchannels,linearpowersupply,single-chipmicro-computer0引言随着电网运行水平的不断提高,变压器档位监测已纳入调控系统和AVC系统,其显示的准确性、可靠性将直接影响到值班员对变压器运行情况的判断以及AVC系统电容器投切、有载分接头自动调整,因此它的准确性、可靠性至关重要。

小区地库监控技术参数 (1)

小区地库监控技术参数 (1)







所有线路要有明确清晰的机打线号便于维护的故障查找要有明晰的交工手册和线路说明存储部分:采用希捷 3T监控专用硬盘,支持7*24工作核心交换机:大背板带宽交换机采用锐捷 RG-NBS1824GC24口10/100/1000M自适应千兆交换机,背板带宽:48Gbps,包转发率:35.7Mpps。



防雷:4kv分控端电脑:CPU Intel I5以上、 8G 内存、 1T硬盘或240G SSD 、2G以上独立显卡芯片不低于GTX1050 显示器不小于40寸供电部分:采用单独供电模式,不可就地取电。


海康威视DS-7732H-I4硬盘录像机参数(计划2台)通讯接口:语音对讲输入×1个、串行接口×3个、网络接口×1个、USB接口×2个、报警输入×16路报警输出×8路视频参数:数字视频输入:32路音频输入:4路语音对讲输入: 1个,RCA接口(电平:2.0Vp-p,阻抗:1kΩ)视音频输出: CVBS输出、HDMI输出、VGA输出视频压缩标准:H.264音频压缩标准: G.711u双码流:支持同步回放: 16路主要参数:硬盘驱动器类型:4个SATA接口,1 个 eSATA 接口,每个接口支持容量最大4TB的硬盘机箱: 1.5U 19英寸机箱电源电压: 100~240VAC, 5A, 50~60Hz产品功率:≤40W外形尺寸: 445mm×390mm×70mm重量:≤5Kg海康威视DS-2CD2T2WL-UZ监控摄像机参数主要参数:网络摄像机日夜转换模式:ICR红外滤片式宽动态范围:120dB数字降噪:3D 数字降噪红外照射距离: 50米硬件性能:成像器件1/2.7英寸 Progressive Scan CMOS有效像素200万镜头参数镜头:4mm,水平视场角:80°最低照度最小照度 0.01 Lux @(F1.2,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR0.014 Lux @(F1.4,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR电子快门 1/3秒至1/100000秒音/视频参数:分辨率 1920×1080压缩格式视频压缩标准:H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.265编码类型:Main ProfileH.264编码类型:BaseLine Profile/Main Profile视频帧率 50Hz:25fps(1920×1080,1280×960,1280×720)压缩码率 32Kbps~8Mbp 纠错接口参数:网络接口 1个 RJ45 10M/100M 自适应以太网口网络协议 TCP/IP,ICMP,HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,DHCP,DNS,DDNS,RTP,RTSP,RTCP,PPPoE,NTP,UPnP,SMTP,SNMP,IGMP,802.1X,QoS,IPv6,Bonjour电源电压 DC12V±25%/PoE(802.3af)产品尺寸: 194.04×93.85×89.52mm产品重量: 750g海康威视DS-232WL-UZ监控摄像机参数主要参数:网络摄像机日夜转换模式:ICR红外滤片式宽动态范围:120dB数字降噪:3D 数字降噪红外照射距离:50米硬件性能:成像器件1/2.7英寸 Progressive Scan CMOS有效像素200万镜头参数镜头:4mm,水平视场角:80°最低照度最小照度 0.01 Lux @(F1.2,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR0.014 Lux @(F1.4,AGC ON),0 Lux with IR电子快门 1/3秒至1/100000秒音/视频参数:分辨率 1920×1080压缩格式视频压缩标准:H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264编码类型:BaseLine Profile/Main Profile接口参数:网络接口 1个 RJ45 10M/100M 自适应以太网口网络协议 TCP/IP,ICMP,HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,DHCP,DNS,DDNS,RTP,RTSP,PPPoE,NTP,UPnP,SMTP,SNMP,IGMP,802.1X,QoS,IPv6,Bonjour电源电压 DC12V±25%/PoE(802.3af)产品尺寸: 85×85×89.52mm产品重量: 650g。

国家仪器PXI-7841R 42R、PXI-7851R 52R产品说明书

国家仪器PXI-7841R 42R、PXI-7851R 52R产品说明书

Manufacturer: National InstrumentsBoard Assembly Part Numbers (Refer to Procedure 1 for identification procedure): Part Number and Revision Description198219B-04L or later PXI-7841R198219B-05L or later PXI-7842R198219B-02L or later PXI-7851R198219B-01L or later PXI-7852RVolatile MemoryTarget Data Type Size BatteryBackupUser1AccessibleSystemAccessibleSanitizationProcedureData storage during VI execution FPGABlockRAM32 x 36 Kbits (-02, -04)48 x 36 Kbits (-01, -05)No Yes Yes Cycle PowerNon-Volatile Memory (incl. Media Storage)Target Data Type Size BatteryBackupUserAccessibleSystemAccessibleSanitizationProcedureDevice configuration •Device information •FPGA bitstream •Calibration metadata •Calibration data2Flash 2M x 8 bits NoNoYesYesNoYesYesYesYesNoneProcedure 2Procedure 3None1 Refer to Terms and Definitions section for clarification of User and System Accessible1 Calibration constants that are stored on the device include information for the device’s full operating range. Any implications resulting from partial self-calibration can be eliminated by running the full self-calibration procedure.ProceduresProcedure 1 –Board Assembly Part Number Identification:To determine the Board Assembly Part Number and Revision, refer to the label applied to the surface of your product. The Assembly Part Number should be formatted as “P/N: #####a-##LProcedure 2 - Device Configuration Flash (FPGA bitstream):You can use the NI-RIO Device Setup utility to erase the FPGA bitstream data. For more details, visit/info and enter the infocode fpgaflashclr.Procedure 3 - Device Configuration Flash (Calibration Metadata):The user-accessible areas of the Device Configuration Flash are exposed through a calibration Applications Programming Interface (API) in LabVIEW. For more details, visit /info and enter the infocode rseriescalclr.Terms and DefinitionsCycle Power:The process of completely removing power from the device and its components and allowing for adequate discharge. This process includes a complete shutdown of the PC and/or chassis containing the device; a reboot is not sufficient for the completion of this process.Volatile Memory:Requires power to maintain the stored information. When power is removed from this memory, its contents are lost. This type of memory typically contains application specific data such as capture waveforms.Non-Volatile Memory:Power is not required to maintain the stored information. Device retains its contents when power is removed.This type of memory typically contains information necessary to boot, configure, or calibrate the product or may include device power up states.User Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable such that a user can store arbitrary information to the component from the host using a publicly distributed NI tool, such as a Driver API, the System Configuration API, or MAX. System Accessible:The component is read and/or write addressable from the host without the need to physically alter the product. Clearing:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “clearing” is a logical technique to sanitize data in all User Accessible storage locations for protection against simple non-invasive data recovery techniques using the same interface available to the user; typically applied through the standard read and write commands to the storage device.Sanitization:Per NIST Special Publication 800-88 Revision 1, “sanitization” is a process to render access to “Target Data” on the media infeasible for a given level of effort. In this document, clearing is the degree of sanitization described.。


Symbol VO VO ∆VO(*) ∆VO(*) Id ∆Id Parameter Output Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Quiescent Current Quiescent Current Change TJ = 25°C IO = 5 mA to 1 A VI = 9 to 21 V VI = 8 to 25 V VI = 9 to 13 V IO = 5 mA to 1.5 A IO = 250 to 750 mA TJ = 25°C IO = 5 mA to 1 A VI = 9 to 25 V ∆VO/∆T Output Voltage Drift eN SVR Vd RO Isc Iscp Output Noise Voltage Supply Voltage Rejection Dropout Voltage Output Resistance Short Circuit Current Short Circuit Peak Current IO = 5 mA B =10Hz to 100KHz VI = 9 to 19 V IO = 1 A f = 1 KHz VI = 35 V TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C 1.3 TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C f = 120Hz 65 2 19 0.75 2.2 1.2 3.3 2.5 0.7 40 PO ≤ 15W TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C Test Conditions Min. 5.75 5.65 Typ. 6 6 Max. 6.25 6.35 60 30 100 30 6 0.5 0.8 mV/°C µV/VO dB V mΩ A A mA mA mV Unit V V mV


13. AGC : on/off AGC=Auto Gain Control
Camera : 1 =>一個機構中,有一個camera.
15. Electronic shutter : Asnchronous electronic shutter ModeA:1/32000 max.(Manual speed slection) Mode B:async speed control (1H to 11H) full frame resolution per shutter. =>1H=1 HorizoCCnDCtamaerla的d规格rive time
6.Sync :
Internal/external auto switch
HD=Horizontal Drive
Vertical async. reset or VD=60Hz(non-interlace)
*若為 interlace ,則camera掃瞄時間 會較長,影響取像速度.
7.Asynchronous reset: Ext. VINIT for async reset,ROI control for async readout. VINIT是此廠商(PPT)CCD對於訊 號之傳輸協定,可參考其CCD之時 序圖.
8. Pixel clock: 25.49MHz.(畫素掃瞄速度).
17. Power req: 12V DC 400mA.

L7915CV L7915C L7915CP

L7915CV L7915C L7915CP

This is information on a product in full production.May 2012Doc ID 2149 Rev 211/24L79xxCNegative voltage regulatorsDatasheet − production dataFeatures■Output current up to 1.5 A■Output voltages of - 5; - 8; - 12; - 15 V ■Thermal overload protection ■Short circuit protection■Output transition SOA protectionDescriptionThe L79xxC series of three-terminal negative regulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP and D²P AK packages and several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of applications. These regulators can provide local on-card regulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated with single point regulation; furthermore, having the same voltage option as the L78xx positive standard series, they are particularly suited for split power supplies. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1.5 A output current. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these devices can be used with externalcomponents to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.Table 1.Device summaryPart numbersOrder codesOutput voltages TO-220D²PAK TO-220FP L7905C L7905CV L7905CV-DG (1)L7905CD2T -TRL7905CP- 5 V L7908C L7908CV L7908CV-DG (1)- 8 VL7912C L7912CV L7912CV-DG (1)L7912CD2T -TR L7912CP - 12 V L7915CL7915CVL7915CV-DG (1)L7915CD2T -TRL7915CP- 15 V1.TO-220 Dual Gauge frame.Contents L79xxC Contents1Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2Pin configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3Maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4Test circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6Application information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7Package mechanical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 8Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21L79xxC Diagram 1 DiagramDoc ID 2149 Rev 213/24Pin configuration L79xxC 2 Pin configuration4/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21L79xxC Maximum ratingsDoc ID 2149 Rev 215/243 Maximum ratingsNote:Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation under these condition is not implied.Table 2.Absolute maximum ratingsSymbol ParameterValue Unit V I DC input voltage for V O = - 5 to - 18 V -35Vfor V O = - 20 to - 24 V-40I O Output current Internally limited P D Power dissipationInternally limited T STG Storage temperature range-65 to 150°C T OPOperating junction temperature range0 to 150°C Table 3.Thermal dataSymbol ParameterD²PAK TO-220TO-220FPUnit R thJC Thermal resistance junction-case 355°C/W R thJAThermal resistance junction-ambient62.55060°C/WTest circuit L79xxC6/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 214 Test circuit5 ElectricalcharacteristicsRefer to the test circuits, T J = 0 to 125 °C, V I = -10 V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 2.2 µF, C O = 1 µFunless otherwise specified.Table 4.Electrical characteristics of L7905CSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C-4.8-5-5.2VV O Output voltage I O = -5 mA to -1 A, P O≤ 15 WV I = -8 to -20 V-4.75-5-5.25VΔV O(1)Line regulation V I = -7 to -25 V, T J = 25°C100mV V I = -8 to -12 V, T J = 25°C50ΔV O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5 A, T J = 25°C100mV I O = 250 to 750 mA, T J = 25°C50I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C3mAΔI d Quiescent current change I O = 5 mA to 1 A0.5mA V I = -8 to -25 V 1.3ΔV O/ΔT Output voltage drift I O = 5 mA-0.4mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B = 10Hz to 100kHz, T J = 25°C100µV SVR Supply voltage rejectionΔV I = 10 V, f = 120Hz5460dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1 A, T J = 25°C, ΔV O = 100 mV 1.4VI sc Short circuit current 2.1A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.Doc ID 2149 Rev 217/24Refer to the test circuits, T J = 0 to 125 °C, V I = -14 V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 2.2 µF, C O = 1 µFunless otherwise specified.Table 5.Electrical characteristics of L7908CSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C-7.7-8-8.3VV O Output voltage I O = -5 mA to -1 A, P O≤ 15 WV I = -11.5 to -23 V-7.6-8-8.4VΔV O(1)Line regulation V I = -10.5 to -25 V, T J = 25°C160mV V I = -11 to -17 V, T J = 25°C80ΔV O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5 A, T J = 25°C160mV I O = 250 to 750 mA, T J = 25°C80I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C3mAΔI d Quiescent current change I O = 5 mA to 1 A0.5mA V I = -11.5 to -25 V1ΔV O/ΔT Output voltage drift I O = 5 mA-0.6mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B = 10Hz to 100kHz, T J = 25°C175µV SVR Supply voltage rejectionΔV I = 10 V, f = 120Hz5460dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1 A, T J = 25°C, ΔV O = 100 mV 1.1VI sc Short circuit current 1.5A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.8/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21Refer to the test circuits, T J = 0 to 125 °C, V I = -19 V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 2.2 µF, C O = 1 µFunless otherwise specified.Table 6.Electrical characteristics of L7912CSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C-11.5-12-12.5VV O Output voltage I O = -5 mA to -1 A, P O≤ 15 WV I = -15.5 to -27 V-11.4-12-12.6VΔV O(1)Line regulation V I = -14.5 to -30 V, T J = 25°C240mV V I = -16 to -22 V, T J = 25°C120ΔV O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5 A, T J = 25°C240mV I O = 250 to 750 mA, T J = 25°C120I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C3mAΔI d Quiescent current change I O = 5 mA to 1 A0.5mA V I = -15 to -30 V1ΔV O/ΔT Output voltage drift I O = 5 mA-0.8mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B = 10Hz to 100kHz, T J = 25°C200µV SVR Supply voltage rejectionΔV I = 10 V, f = 120Hz5460dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1 A, T J = 25°C, ΔV O = 100 mV 1.1VI sc Short circuit current 1.5A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.Doc ID 2149 Rev 219/24Refer to the test circuits, T J = 0 to 125 °C, V I = -23 V, I O = 500 mA, C I = 2.2 µF, C O = 1 µFunless otherwise specified.Table 7.Electrical characteristics of L7915CSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output voltage T J = 25°C-14.4-15-15.6VV O Output voltage I O = -5 mA to -1 A, P O≤ 15 WV I = -18.5 to -30 V-14.3-15-15.7VΔV O(1)Line regulation V I = -17.5 to -30 V, T J = 25°C300mV V I = -20 to -26 V, T J = 25°C150ΔV O(1)Load regulation I O = 5 mA to 1.5 A, T J = 25°C300mV I O = 250 to 750 mA, T J = 25°C150I d Quiescent current T J = 25°C3mAΔI d Quiescent current change I O = 5 mA to 1 A0.5mA V I = -18.5 to -30 V1ΔV O/ΔT Output voltage drift I O = 5 mA-0.9mV/°C eN Output noise voltage B = 10Hz to 100kHz, T J = 25°C250µV SVR Supply voltage rejectionΔV I = 10 V, f = 120Hz5460dB V d Dropout voltage I O = 1 A, T J = 25°C, ΔV O = 100 mV 1.1VI sc Short circuit current 1.3A1.Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in V O due to heating effects must betaken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.10/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21Doc ID 2149 Rev 2111/246 Application information1.To specify an output voltage, substitute voltage value for "XX".2.Required for stability. For value given, capacitor must be solid tantalum. If aluminium electrolytic are used,at least ten times value should be selected. C1 is required if regulator is located an appreciable distance from power supply filter.3.To improve transient response. If large capacitors are used, a high current diode from input to output(1N4001 or similar) should be introduced to protect the device from momentary input short circuit.(*) Against potential latch-up problems.12/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21C3 Optional for improved transient response and ripple rejection.Figure 6.Circuit for increasing output voltageV XX /R 2 > 3I dV O =V XX (R 1+R 2)/R 2INOUTGNDFigure 7.High current negative regulator (- 5 V / 4 A with 5 A current limiting)I N OUTGNDDoc ID 2149 Rev 2113/247 Package mechanical dataIn order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of ECOP ACK ® packages, depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK ® specifications, grade definitions and product status are available at: . ECOP ACK ® is an ST trademark.Note:In spite of some difference in tolerances, the packages are compatible.Table 8.TO-220 mechanical dataDim.Type STD - ST Dual GaugeType STD - ST Single Gaugemm.mm.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A 4.40 4.60 4.40 4.60b 0.610.880.610.88b1 1.14 1.70 1.14 1.70c 0.480.700.480.70D 15.2515.7515.2515.75D1 1.27E 10.0010.4010.0010.40e 2.40 2.70 2.40 2.70e1 4.95 5.15 4.95 5.15F 1.23 1.320.510.60H1 6.20 6.60 6.20 6.60J1 2.40 2.72 2.40 2.72L 13.0014.0013.0014.00L1 3.503.933.503.93L2016.4016.40L3028.9028.90∅P 3.75 3.85 3.75 3.85Q2.652.952.652.9514/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21Doc ID 2149 Rev 2115/2416/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21Doc ID 2149 Rev 2117/2418/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21Doc ID 2149 Rev 2119/2420/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21Note:The D²P AK package coming from the subcontractor WOOSEOK is fully compatible with the ST's package suggested footprint.Table 9.D²PAK mechanical dataDim.Type STD-STType WOOSEOK-subcon.mm.mm.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.A 4.40 4.60 4.30 4.70A10.030.2300.20b 0.700.930.700.90b2 1.14 1.70 1.17 1.37c 0.450.600.450.500.60c2 1.23 1.36 1.25 1.30 1.40D 8.959.3599.209.40D17.507.50E 1010.409.8010.20E18.507.50e 2.542.54e1 4.88 5.28 5.08H 1515.851515.3015.60J1 2.49 2.69 2.20 2.60L 2.29 2.79 1.79 2.79L1 1.27 1.401 1.40L2 1.301.751.201.60R 0.40.30V20°8°0°3°Table 10.Footprint dataValuesDim.mm.inch.A12.200.480B9.750.384C16.900.665D 3.500.138E 1.600.063F 2.540.100G 5.080.200Doc ID 2149 Rev 2121/2422/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21L79xxC Revision historyDoc ID 2149 Rev 2123/248 Revision historyTable 11.Document revision historyDate RevisionChanges22-Jun-20049Order codes updated Table 3.31-Aug-200510Add new order codes (TO-220 E Type) on Table 3.19-Jan-200711D²P AK mechanical data updated and add footprint data.06-Jun-200712Order codes updated.25-Oct-200713Modified: Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 6 and Figure 7.05-Dec-200714Modified: T able 1.18-Feb-200815Modified: T able 1 on page 1.15-Jul-200816Modified: T able 1 on page 1.19-Jan-201017Modified: T able 8 on page 13, added: Figure 8 on page 14, Figure 9 onpage 15, Figure 10 and Figure 11 on page 16.26-May-201018Modified: V I parameter Table 2 on page 5.12-Nov-201019Modified: R thJC value for TO-220 Table 3 on page 5.18-Nov-201120Added: order codes L7905CV-DG, L7912CV-DG and L7915CV-DG Table 1 on page 1.15-May-201221Added: order codes L7908CV-DG Table 1 on page 1.L79xxCPlease Read Carefully:Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY TWO AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVES, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST.ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries.Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners.© 2012 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Philippines - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America24/24Doc ID 2149 Rev 21。





















<1/120s 2:1隔行扫描 Interlace> 无论触发信号的位相如何,输出的图像为奇数场(Odd field)图像。
(d) SYNC复位模式(内同步时) 从输入触发信号开始曝光,HD复位,曝光完成后即VD复位输出图像。 ※仅限固定模式时 <1/60s 逐行扫描模式 NonБайду номын сангаасinterlace>
☆ 标准快门模式(电子快门OFF状态) ※外同步时,外部VD设定1V=262H ※标准快门时,底部DIP开关的No.5,6 为OFF。
- 11 -
☆ 非标准快门模式
<1/120s 2:1隔行扫描 Interlace> 1/120s隔行扫描时,画面显示有效线数485 (BLK部分除外)的中央部分207线。 适用内同步和外同步。
(1)相机主体 (2) 附件 使用说明书(日语英文版) 1 1
(1) (2) (3) (进)电缆 电源适配器 相机安装金属配件 型号: 型号: CA170 型号:
(注) 如想具体了解选购部件,请与营业负责人联系。 (注) 关于选购配件的电磁兼容性能 我公司仅保证与以上选购部件组配时的相机电磁兼容 性能。 如与非我公司指定的配件组配时,请用户自行确认该设备及器材是否符合电 磁兼容性能标准。
- 10 -
(5)部分扫描模式切换(相机背部DIP开关切换) ※如果强光,画面上部会出现白化(whiteout),并非故障。 如遇强光时,请降低入射光亮。 ① 1/2部分扫描(底部SW:7-OFF,8-ON) 画面中央部分1/2读出。 <1/60s 逐行扫描模式 Non-interlace> 1/60s逐行扫描时,画面显示有效线数494H (BLK部分除外)的中央部分227线。 适用内同步和外同步。

海 康 设 备 参 数

海 康 设 备 参 数



报价单位: 报价日期: 联系人:
580 2320
0 0 2320
第 2 页,共 2 页

4 存储硬盘
ST2000VX000 监控级专业硬盘

1 监控网线
五类非屏蔽网线 超五类无氧铜国标非屏蔽网线
安普科宇 米
2 电源线
永天胜 米
5 交换机
管材、接头、 管材、接头、辅 300米PVC穿线管材、接头、穿线钢丝、胶带、水
辅材第 1 页,共 2 页
小计2: 合计A:小计1+小计2 安装调试费B: 包括:安装、人工、后期调试费 税金C:(A+B)*6% 总计D:A+B+C
序号 设备名称 一、监控设备
200万夜视 1 监控设备套

摄像机集中供 电电源
品牌 单位 数量
内存6BT、14路摄像头(存储10天) 12V2A

小耳朵 个
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Figure 2: Schematic Diagram
Figure 3: Connection Diagram (top view)
TO-220 (Any Type)
D2PAK (Any Type)
Table 3: Order Codes
Symbol VO VO ∆VO(*) ∆VO(*) Id ∆Id Parameter Output Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Quiescent Current Quiescent Current Change TJ = 25°C IO = 5 mA to 1 A VI = 9 to 21 V VI = 8 to 25 V VI = 9 to 13 V IO = 5 mA to 1.5 A IO = 250 to 750 mA TJ = 25°C IO = 5 mA to 1 A VI = 9 to 25 V ∆VO/∆T Output Voltage Drift eN SVR Vd RO Isc Iscp Output Noise Voltage Supply Voltage Rejection Dropout Voltage Output Resistance Short Circuit Current Short Circuit Peak Current IO = 5 mA B =10Hz to 100KHz VI = 9 to 19 V IO = 1 A f = 1 KHz VI = 35 V TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C 1.3 TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C f = 120Hz 65 2 19 0.75 2.2 1.2 3.3 2.5 0.7 40 PO ≤ 15W TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C Test Conditions Min. 5.75 5.65 Typ. 6 6 Max. 6.25 6.35 60 30 100 30 6 0.5 0.8 mV/°C µV/VO dB V mΩ A A mA mA mV Unit V V mV
L7805CV L7852CV L7806CV L7808CV L7885CV L7809CV L7810CV L7812CV L7815CV L7818CV L7820CV L7824CV
L7805C-V L7805CV1 L7805CD2T L7805C-D2TR L7852CD2T L7806C-V L7808C-V L7809C-V L7806CD2T L7808CD2T L7885CD2T L7809CD2T L7810CD2T L7812CD2T L7815CD2T L7818CD2T L7820CD2T L7824CD2T
Table 5: Electrical Characteristics Of L7806 (refer to the test circuits, TJ = -55 to 150°C, VI = 11V, IO = 500 mA, CI = 0.33 µF, CO = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified).
s s
s s s
TYPE L7805 L7805C L7852C L7806 L7806C L7808 L7808C L7885C L7809C L7810C L7812 L7812C L7815 L7815C L7818 L7818C L7820 L7820C L7824 L7824C TO-220 (A Type) TO-220 (C Type) TO-220 (E Type) D2PAK (A Type) (*) D2PAK (C Type) (T & R) TO-220FP TO-220FM TO-3 L7805T L7805CT L7852CT L7806T L7806CT L7808T L7808CT L7885CT L7809CT L7812T L7812CT L7815T L7815CT L7818T L7818CT L7820T L7820CT L7824T L7824CT
பைடு நூலகம்
DESCRIPTION The L7800 series of three-terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP, TO-220FM, TO-3 and D2PAK packages and several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of applications. These regulators can provide local on-card regulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated with single point regulation. Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal shut-down and safe area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output current. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltage and currents.
TO-220FP TO-220FM
Figure 1: Schematic Diagram
November 2004
Rev. 12
Table 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol VI IO Ptot Tstg Top DC Input Voltage Output Current Power Dissipation Storage Temperature Range Operating Junction Temperature for L7800 Range for L7800C Parameter for VO= 5 to 18V for VO= 20, 24V Value 35 40 Internally Limited Internally Limited -65 to 150 -55 to 150 0 to 150 °C °C Unit V
L7805CP L7852CP L7806CP L7808CP L7885CP L7809CP L7810CP L7812CP L7815CP L7818CP L7820CP L7824CP
L7805CF L7852CF L7806CF L7808CF L7885CF L7809CF
L7812C-V L7815C-V
Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these condition is not implied.
Table 2: Thermal Data
(*) Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in VO due to heating effects must be taken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used.
Figure 6: Load Regulation
Figure 7: Ripple Rejection
Table 4: Electrical Characteristics Of L7805 (refer to the test circuits, TJ = -55 to 150°C, VI = 10V, IO = 500 mA, CI = 0.33 µF, CO = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified).
Symbol Parameter D2PAK 3 62.5 TO-220 5 50 TO-220FP TO-220FM 5 60 5 60 TO-3 4 35 Unit °C/W °C/W
Rthj-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Rthj-amb Max
Symbol VO VO ∆VO(*) ∆VO(*) Id ∆Id Parameter Output Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Quiescent Current Quiescent Current Change TJ = 25°C IO = 5 mA to 1 A VI = 8 to 20 V VI = 7 to 25 V VI = 8 to 12 V IO = 5 mA to 1.5 A IO = 250 to 750 mA TJ = 25°C IO = 5 mA to 1 A VI = 8 to 25 V ∆VO/∆T Output Voltage Drift eN SVR Vd RO Isc Iscp Output Noise Voltage Supply Voltage Rejection Dropout Voltage Output Resistance Short Circuit Current Short Circuit Peak Current IO = 5 mA B =10Hz to 100KHz VI = 8 to 18 V IO = 1 A f = 1 KHz VI = 35 V TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C 1.3 TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C f = 120Hz 68 2 17 0.75 2.2 1.2 3.3 2.5 0.6 40 PO ≤ 15W TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C TJ = 25°C Test Conditions Min. 4.8 4.65 Typ. 5 5 3 1 Max. 5.2 5.35 50 25 100 25 6 0.5 0.8 mV/°C µV/VO dB V mΩ A A mA mA mV Unit V V mV