
警务用语1.confron a criminal (与犯罪分子对抗用语)(1)Freeze!Police!别动!警察!(2)Stay right where you are. 站在原地(3)Drop the gun, or I'll shoot. 放下枪,不然我开枪了(4)You are under arrest!你被捕了!(5)I am taking you in. 你被捕了!(6)Hands up!把手举起来!(7)Put your hands up!把手举起来!(8)Put your hands on your head!把手靠在脑袋上!(9)Take your hands out of your pockets slowly. 把手慢慢从口袋里拿出来。
(10)Turn around slowly!慢慢转过身来!(11)Break it up,guys.(informal)别打了!(或住手!)(12)You have the right to keep silent.你有权利保持沉默。
(13)Tell it to a lawyer. 你跟律师说吧。
Tell it to the judge. 你跟法官说吧。
(14)I don’t care who you are. 我才不管你是谁呢!应用短文:Policeman:Freeze! Stay right where you are.警察:别动,站在原地Suspect:Take it easy, man. Don't shoot.嫌疑犯:放松点,别开枪Policeman:Drop the gun, or I'll shoot.警察:放下枪,不然我开枪了Suspect:Ok, Ok.嫌疑犯在:好的,我照做Policeman:Do it slowly, nice and easy.警察:动作慢点。
Suspect:Alright, just don't shoot (puts the gun on the floor)嫌疑犯:好,只要你不开枪(把枪放在地上)Policeman:(approaches the suspect and kicks the gun away) Put your ha nds up, and spread 'em.警察:(走近嫌疑犯,把枪踢开)把手举起来,四肢分开。

Practical English 300 for Police Officers警务英语300句CONTENTS目录Part 1 Daily Expressions第一部分日常用语Lesson 1 Greetings第一课问候 (3)Lesson 2 Introduction第二课介绍 (7)Dialogue 1 Introducing people会话1 人物介绍 (7)Dialogue 2 How to Contact the Police会话2 联系警察 (9)Dialogue 3 Tourist Attractions会话3 景点介绍 (12)Lesson 3 Safety Instructions第三课劝导 (14)Dialogue 1 Standing behind the Yellow Safety Line会话1 站在安全线后 (14)Dialogue 2 Don’t Cross the Street Here会话2 不要在此横穿马路 (15)Dialogue 3 Entrance & Exit会话3 出入口 (17)Part 2 Services and Inquiries第二部分服务与咨询Lesson 4 Giving Directions第四课指路 (21)Dialogue 1 Helping People Who are Lost会话1 帮助迷路人 (21)Dialogue 2 To the Airport会话2 引导往机场 (23)Lesson 5 Looking for Missing Persons第五课寻人 (25)Lesson 6 Accommodation & Registration第六课住所与登记 (28)Lesson 7 Lost Property第七课失物查寻 (31)Lesson 8 Calling Emergency Number “110”第八课“110”接警 (36)Part 3 Advice / Warnings Emergencies第三部分现场紧急处置Lesson 9 Questioning Suspects第九课盘查可疑行人 (41)Lesson 10 Checking Suspicious Cars第十课检查可疑车辆 (44)Lesson 11 Directing Traffic第十一课交通疏导现场 (47)Lesson 12 Alcohol and Driving第十二课酒后驾车 (50)Lesson 13 Emergencies第十三课疏导失火 (52)Lesson 14 Restricted Area第十四课禁止采访 (55)Vocabulary词汇表 (57)Part 1第一部分Daily Expressions日常用语Lesson 1 Greetings第一课问候P = Police Officer,F = Foreign Visitor(一)P: Hello, sir.警察:你好,先生。

警务英语⽬录Unit One Text Criminal Investigation第⼀单元课⽂刑事案件侦查Dialogues 对话Dialogue One Investigation of a Murder谋杀案件调查Dialogue Two Fingerprint Identification指纹鉴定Dialogue Three Kidnapping Case绑架案Dialogue Four Murder after Rape强奸杀⼈Words and Expressions单词和短语Unit Two Text Investigation of Economics Cases 第⼆单元课⽂经济案件侦察Dialogues对话Dialogue One Smuggling Counterfeit Currency ⾛私假币Dialogue Two Being Reported for Evading Taxes 被举报偷税漏税Dialogue Three Making Counterfeit Cigarettes 制造假烟Dialogue Four Cutting Trees砍伐树⽊Words and Expressions单词和短语Unit Three Text Public Order Management第三单元课⽂治安管理Dialogues 对话Dialogue One Applying for an ID Card申请居民⾝份证Dialogue Two Pets Disturbance宠物扰民Dialogue Three An Inspection of Fire Prevention 消防检查Dialogue Four Gambling in-group聚众赌博Words and ExpressionsUnit Four Text Community Policing第四单元课⽂社区警务Dialogues 对话Dialogue One Fire Report⽕警Dialogue Two Giving out Booklets乱发⼩册⼦Dialogue Three Summons传唤Dialogue Four Report to the Police报警Words and Expressions单词和短语Unit Five Text Residence Administration第五单元课⽂户籍管理Dialogues 对话Dialogue One Census Check户⼝调查Dialogue Two The Second Generation ID Card第⼆代居民⾝份证Dialogue Three Registration of Adopting a Foundling 收养弃婴登记Dialogue Four Temporary Residence Registration临时户⼝登记Words and Expressions单词和短语Unit Six Text Administration on Road Traffic Safety 第六单元课⽂道路交通安全管理Dialogues 对话Dialogue One A BMW and a Fine宝马车和罚款Dialogue Two Dealing with a Traffic Accident处理交通违章Dialogue Three Digging and Penalizing挖路与处罚Dialogue Four Driving after DrinkingWords and Expressions单词和短语Unit Seven Text Administration of the Entry and Exit of Aliens 第七单元课⽂外国⼈出⼊境管理Dialogues 对话Dialogue One Extension of Visa签证延期Dialogue Two Travel Permit旅⾏证Dialogue Three Residence Certificate居留证Dialogue Four At a Relative’s Home⼊住中国亲戚家Words and Expressions单词和短语Unit Eight Text Narcotics Control in China第⼋单元课⽂中国的禁毒Dialogues 对话Dialogue One A Drug Addict吸毒者Dialogue Two Drug Trafficking贩卖毒品Dialogue Three Receiving Interpol Officers接待国际刑警组织官员(1)Dialogue Four Receiving Interpol Officers接待国际刑警组织官员(2)Words and Expressions单词和短语Unit Nine Text HIV/AIDS Prevention第九单元课⽂艾滋病预防Dialogues 对话Dialogue One A Police Officer and Middle School Students警察与学⽣Dialogue Two A Police Officer and a Drug User警察与吸毒者Dialogue Three Police Officer A and Police Officer B警察A与警察BDialogue Four A Police Officer and a Friend of His警察与他的朋友Words and Expressions单词和短语Unit Ten Text Anti-Terrorism第⼗单元课⽂反恐Dialogues 对话Dialogue One The September 11th Attack“9?11”事件Dialogue Two The Eastern Islamic Movement“东突”恐怖主义势⼒Dialogue Three Anti-Terrorism Drills反恐演习Dialogue Four Anti-Terrorism Law《反恐法》Words and Expressions单词和短语Appendix 附录Uniform and Arms制服与装备Police Ranks in China中国警衔简介Police Ranks in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China⾹港特别⾏政区警衔简介Common Legal Terminology常⽤法律术语Common Forms of the Entry and Exit Administration出⼊境管理常⽤表格UNIT ONEText Criminal InvestigationOne of the responsibilities of the police in China is frustration and investigation of criminal activities. Hence, criminal investigation plays a fundamental role in punishing the criminals and safeguarding peace and prosperity for the people. In 2003, for instance, police agencies in China, firmly adhering to ―severe crackdown‖ pol icy towards criminal activities, carried out a series of operations, which further cemented the success of the previous years.First, targeted operations were launched according to the different crime patterns and situations in different places. During this period, large quantities of criminal cases were uncovered in a series of other targeted operations, including Joint Operation through Automatic Fingerprint Identification System, Crackdown on Thefts of Electricity and Electric facilities, Targeted Operation of Rectification of Public Order in the Oil and Gas fields and its pipe lines, etc.Second, efforts were enhanced to investigate the serious and important criminal cases. The crackdown of these cases revealed the determination of the police agencies in China to punish criminals.Third, crackdown on transnational criminal activities is still an important task for police agencies in China.The procedures for criminal investigation include:1. File a casePolice agencies in China should examine the case before deciding whether the case needs additional investigation according to the Chinese Criminal Procedure Law.2. Crime scene investigationPolice should protect the crime scene first, and then obtain all available evidence. Sometimes, a forensic police may be necessary.3. Case analysis and investigation plan makingThe case group should have a discussion first in order to ensure the direction of the investigation; Select the most appropriate plan for approval before enforcement.4. Implementation: Looking for suspicious subjectsSearch the crime scene thoroughly to detect any suspicious subjects, which are important to the investigation. Interview the people nearby, intending to find something or someone that was unusual.5. Investigation: Collecting evidence against suspicious subjectsThe investigation plan and measures as a guide, obtain all evidence against suspicious subjects.6. Clear the case7. Pretrial8. Suspend investigationAccording to the spirit of the 20th All-China Public Security Conference, Chinese police are shouldering the political and social responsibilities of consolidation of the leading status of the Communist Party in power and of the maintenance of eternal social order and security in safeguarding the peaceful and happy life of the people. There are four main policies for criminal investigation: depend on the masses, seize the opportunity, investigate actively, and clear the case in time.刑事侦察中国公安的⼀项基本职责是打击和侦察犯罪活动。

警务英语Unit 1Bed-employed2.possibility-likelihood3.conducted-generate4.sell-dispose of5.efforts-endeavors6.prize-reward7.danger-risk8.crime-offense9.customer-client 10.thought-perceived rmation while interrogation the arrestee-post arrest interrogation information 12.difficulties-hurdlesC1.The police should....(surveillance)2.The criminal can......(disposing)3.The detectives (have generated)4.The bank robbery.....(concealed)5.She got some books.....(immersed)6.In order to....(undercover)7.The large number.....(interventions)8.With more (interation)9.Sensors (have been employed)10.We should work .....(aimed)11.The court has no (jurisdiction)12.The (recovery) of only a small....13.If crimes are .....(likelihood)D1.据人们估计,多达60%的赃物都被那些守法公民买走。
It's been estimated that as much as 60% of stolen property is bought by those law-abiding citizens.2.需要告诉公众购买赃物和侵犯财产之间的关系。

(警务英语基础部分)Unit 1 Introductions (介绍) Unit 2 Greetings (问候) Unit 3 Leave-takings (告别)Unit 4 Expressing Gratitude (致谢)Unit 5 Talking about Time (谈论时间) Unit 6 Talking about the Weather (谈论天气) Unit 7 Talking about Jobs (谈论工作) Unit 8 Asking the Way (问路) Unit 9 Apologies (道歉) Unit 10 Invitations (邀请) Unit 11 Compliments and Congratulations (赞美和祝贺)Unit 12 Say You Do Understand or Don't(表达听懂了或没有听懂) Unit 13 Expressing Wishes (祝愿) Unit 14 Making Suggestions (建议) Unit 15 Asking for Opinions (征求意见)Unit 16 Asking for Permission (请求许可)Unit 17 Asking for Help (帮忙)Unit 18 Offering Help (提供帮助)Unit 19 Expressing Likes /Dislikes (表示喜好和厌恶)Unit 20 Inquiring about Ability (询问能力)Unit 21 Talking about Similarities and Differences (谈论相似和区别)第一单元 介 绍对话1甲:这是卡特先生。

常用1 1 0警务用语一、词汇二、接警语句1、您好,这里是110报警服务台,请问您需要什么帮助?Hello, this is the service counter for 110, what can I do for you?2、请将您的准确地址告诉我。
Could you please tell me your accurate location?3、我可以知道您的名字吗? May I have your name please?4、请问您的国籍是? What is your nationality?5、请把您的电话、地址留下,以便及时与您联系。
May I have your phone number and address so that we can contact you if necessary?6、请稍候,警察将会尽快赶到。
Please wait for a second. The police are already on the way.7、我听不懂您的话。
您能否请当地人帮您陈述?I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you. Could you find a native to speak for you?8、请别着急。
Don’t worry. /Calm down, please.9、我想报警。
I want to report to the police.10、我们这里发生了纠纷。
We have a dispute here.11、有人耍流氓。
Someone is behaving like a hooligan. /Someone is taking liberties with women.12、有人多收我的钱。
I have been overcharged.13、有一个男人打我。
A man has beaten me up.14、有人拿刀要杀我。

警务英语试题答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The officer asked the suspect to ________ his identification.A. presentB. representC. exhibitD. display答案:A2. When conducting a traffic stop, it is important for an officer to always ________ the situation.A. assessB. bypassC. ignoreD. exaggerate答案:A3. The term "obstruction of justice" refers to the act of:A. helping a suspect escape from custodyB. providing false evidence in a trialC. both A and BD. neither A nor B答案:C4. In the context of law enforcement, "due process" means:A. the right to a fair and impartial trialB. the right to remain silentC. the right to a speedy trialD. the right to an attorney答案:A5. Which of the following is NOT a basic right granted by the Fourth Amendment?A. protection against unreasonable searches and seizuresB. the right to a grand jury indictmentC. the right to be informed of the nature and cause of an arrestD. the right to be free from excessive bail答案:D6. An officer must have ________ to conduct a search withouta warrant.A. consentB. probable causeC. a search warrantD. exigent circumstances答案:B7. The right to a "speedy and public trial" is guaranteed by:A. the Fourth AmendmentB. the Fifth AmendmentC. the Sixth AmendmentD. the Eighth Amendment答案:C8. Which of the following is an example of "use of force" bya police officer?A. issuing a ticket for a traffic violationB. using a taser to subdue a suspectC. conducting a consensual searchD. providing information to a witness答案:B9. The "Miranda rights" are required to be read to a suspect:A. before any custodial interrogationB. only if the suspect is under 18 years of ageC. only if the suspect is indigentD. only if the suspect is being arrested for a felony答案:A10. The "Castle Doctrine" allows a person to use deadly force to defend themselves in their:A. vehicleB. workplaceC. homeD. public place答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The ________ rule states that evidence obtained in violation of a person's constitutional rights cannot be used in court.答案:Exclusionary2. A police officer must inform a suspect of their right to ________ before conducting any custodial interrogation.答案:remain silent3. The ________ Amendment guarantees the right to a trial bya jury of one's peers.答案:Sixth4. The term "detention" refers to the temporary ________ of a person for questioning.答案:restraint5. An officer's use of force must be ________ to the situation.答案:reasonable6. The ________ Doctrine allows for the use of deadly forcein certain situations to protect oneself or others from harm. 答案:Castle7. The ________ Amendment protects the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment.答案:Eighth8. A ________ is a formal, written document that authorizes a police officer to search a specific area or person.答案:Warrant9. The ________ principle requires that a police officer must have a valid reason to stop, detain, or arrest an individual. 答案:Reasonable Suspicion10. The ________ Amendment provides the right to bear arms, as interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States.答案:Second三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 描述警察在逮捕嫌疑人时必须遵守的程序。
最新-警务英语教学难点及路径 精品


5.She got some books.....(immersed)
6.In order to....(undercover)
7.The large number.....(interventions)
8.With more (interation)
pre-September 11 “九一一”之前的
fare against 反对,对付
take a concerted effort 共同努力
in progress 正在进行中
neighborhood watch 邻里监督组织
locking hardware 硬件防护
business watch 商业防范机制
37.What I found (sobered)...
27.had been found guilty,.........convicted
28.able to be seen,......visible
29.careful examination,.......scrutiny
24.residence certificates 拘留证件
25.appeal to 上诉
26.file a suit/lawsuit 提起诉讼
munity-oriented policing 社区警务
28.fax alert 传真通缉
step forward 站出来,挺身而出

警务英语情景对话Situation 1.O: We are police officers of the Jinan Public Security Bureau.We are going to ask you some question concerning this broken burglary. According to thelaw, you must provide evidence or testimony truthfully and you shall be liable for intentionallygiving false testimony or concealing criminal evidence .Do you understand? F:Yes,I doO: Your name and your nationality.F: Susan Webster and this is my husband John P Bank, We are from American. O: Okay, give me your passport, please. I have to inspect your passport. F: Here you are.O:Thank you .(checking) all is right..Um...When did you realize this?F: It’s about 12 o’clock. I heard a step on the floor. I realized that someone had broken in. O: Did you see the thief?F: I squinted my eyes, I saw two thief.O: what were they doing when you found out ?F: They were throughing the drawer.O: Did you see they face ?F: No,I did yet a clear look at their face because of the black mask. O: Did the thief find you awake?F: No, they didn’t.I was pretending to sleep first. When they had gone, I lighted the lamp and found the storevaluables cabinet prizing bad, room items have been the turning marks. Then I called the police.O: Can you describe the property stolen?F: Our wallet and mobile phone , a necklace and a diamond ring. O:When did you buy those?F: We bought the mobile phone 3 month ago.The necklace and the diamond ring was bought two years ago.O: how much are those?F: The mobile phone is 5000 yuan; The necklace is about 1200 yuan and the diamond ring is about 8000 yuan.O: What’s in your wallet then ?F: It is about 2000 yuan and three credit cards.O: Okay..Is there anything you’d like to add ?F :Um... Not now. thank you for your help, officer.O: OK, contact me if you remember any other information. My telephone number is 1096189. F: Wait a minute. I’ve put down it.O: Please write down your contact phone number.We will try our best to look for your missing articles and we will contact you as soon as it is recovered.F: Thank you, officer ,god bless you!Situation 2.O: Hello,lady, may I help you ?F: I want to report a theft of my cellphone.O: Your name and your nationality?F: Anna Smith, American.O: Okay, give me your passport ,please. I have to inspect your passport. F: Here you are.O: Thank you , (checking) all is right. Um....When did it happen?F: On the bus from my apartment to the company.O: And then?F: About 7 o’clock this morning.O: When did you realize that your cellphone was stolen?F: When I got off, I wanted to give mu husband a call then I realize mu cellphone was stolen. O: What can you remember about the people around you?F: Um... There are many people on the bus .. It is very crowded. I don’t remember ...O: Think carefully about it. Have you ever feel some abnormal situation when you got on the bus?Have you ever feel someone who crashed into you?F: Oh!I remember it.Two young guy were arguing in low voices about something around me. When the bus stop at the bus stop,people jostled each other. One of those two young guy come on to me. Then they got off the bus next bus stop.O: Can you describe the two young people?F: Um....They have short black hair. One people was wearing a black T-shirt,a little thin. The other was wearing a dark green shirt and jeans.O: When did you buy your cellphone?F: It’s about 3 month ago.O: How much it is?F: 3000 yuan.O: Okay, is there anything you’d like to add?F: Um...not now.O: OK, contact me if you remember any other information. My telephone number is 1096189. F: Wait a minute. I’ve put down it.O: Please write down your contact phone number.We will try our best to look for your missing articles and we will contact you as soon as it is recovered.F: Thank you, officer ,god bless you !Situation 3.O: Excuse me, sir. I am Officer Wang. What can I do for you ?F: I need your help ,sir. My leg!O: What happened?F: I am here for travel...My leg was broken.It is too painful now. I couldn’t even walk!O: OK.OK. Take it easy. Tell me how you broken your leg.F: I slipped on the stairs and fell down, When I stoop up, I felt pain in my leg. O: Let me see the injury.Um...We have to stop bleeding and disinfect the injury first. F: Thank you very much,sir.O: You are welcome. It is my duty.F: Do you feel better?F: Um...Yes~ I feel more comfortable than before. Let metry ...Oh,no.I still can’t walk.O: It is may be Soft Tissue Contusion. Wait a minute, let me call the 120.You have to go to the hospital to have a further examination. F: I guess so... Thank you ,sir.O: You are welcome.Hello ? This is Officer Wang from Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau. There is a foreigntraveler whose leg is broken. It seems as Soft Tissue Contusion. He can’t walk now.We are in Shandong Provincial Museum. The south stairway on the 2 floor. OK.OK.We are here waiting for you. Thank you.F: Thank you so much ,sir. I don’t know how to repay to you.O: Don’t take it to heart. It is my duty.The ambulance will com here in 10 minutes. If you need some help, call me anytime. Mytelephone number is 1096189.F: Thank you,sir. God bless you !Situation 4.O: I’m police officer.I need to ask you some question. Please stay calm. F: Okay,sir.O: Tell me your full name, nationality and date of birth.F:My name is John P Bank, American. I was born on May 16,1982. O: Do you know the reason for the interview today ?F: I don’t know.O: As I know, you’re involved in a fight with two Chinese .Now, the two Chinese have been in the police station. I’m in charge of this investigation.F: I did nothing wrong.O: Keep calm.How did you come to fight with him? Tell me everything in details. F: We have a little quarrel in the car. Because the two sides at odds.So we have a fight...O :where did they hit you by ?F: My leg,my belly,and..my back. My leg hurts so bad that I can’t fight them.O: Okay..Is there anything you’d like to add ?F: No...all I have told is true, you know.O: This is your statement.Please sign your name if everything is correct. F: OK.[O: I will question other people involved and make further investigation. F: I was the victim!O: calm down,sir.They start the fight ,He should bear the main responsibility. They should pay the medicalexpense of the victim.F: Thank you for your fair judgment.O: But you have cause a disturbance, according to the law, i have to punish you. F: What penalties?O: You will be fined 200 yuan.F: Okay...I obey the decision.Situation 6.O:Next!please!Excuse me,Madam. Your passport and your interview permit, please! F: Why? The match is going to start!O: This is a regular security check.F: OK.OK. Here you are.O: Thanks for your understanding, Madam...(checking)...Okay, all is right.Please put all your personal belonging on the table.(checking)Sorry,Madam. You can’t take this knife in, you may keep it in the depository.F: what? Why ?! Look at this,sir. I have bought a bag of apples. I need to eat the apple by thisknife! What could I use it for? Except peel an apple! O: Calm down,Madam. Calm down. I can understand you.But to be safe, I have to.F: OK.OK. This was great fun.O: Please open this bag....What are these?F: These are my personal use; These are gifts for my friends ; This is my camera.O: O.K. Go through the metal detector,please.F: What’s wrong? I’ve taken everything out.O: Come here,please. I need to scan you with a personal detector. F: Is it a frisk?O: Don’t worry. It is a regular check.What’s this, Madam? A belt ?F: Oh,yes. My belt. It is made of metal.O: Please show me it.OK, no problem.F: Of cause! It is just a belt!O: Everything is OK, thank you for your time,Madam. You may come in now. F: Thank! you !Situation 7.O: Hello, May I help you ?F: Hello,officer.I want report a robber of my wallet.O: Your name and your nationality?F: Catherine Jones, American.O: Okay, give me your passport,please. I have to inspect your passport. F: Here you are.O:Thank you .(checking) all is right..Okay.. Where did it happen?F: Fu Rong Street.O: And when?F: About 4 o’clock this afternoon.O: Can you describe the details?F: Today afternoon, I was doing some shopping with my friends. When I was buying some fruits, a man robbed me of my wallet .Then I started chasing him, but is is too crowded.... Then the thief whipped round the corner and escaped.O: Can you describe the man?F: He is tall and strong , wearing a green T-shirt and jeans. His hair is brown. O: What’s in your wallet then?F: 1000 yuan and 3 credit cards.O: Okay..Is there anything you’d like to add ?F :Um... Not now. thank you for your help, officer.O: OK, contact me if you remember any other information. My telephone number is 1096189. F: Wait a minute. I’ve put down it.O: Please write down your contact phone number.We will try our best to look for your missing articles and we will contact you as soon as it is recovered.F: Thank you, officer ,god bless you !Situation 8.O: We are police officers of the Jinan Public Security Bureau.We are going to ask you some question concerning this fight. According to the law, you must provide evidence or testimony truthfully and you shall be liable for intentionally giving false testimony or concealing criminal evidence .Do you understand?F:Yes,I doO: Your name and your nationality.F: Alexandria Jackson, Australian.O: Okay, give me your passport,please. I have to inspect your passport. F: Here you are.O:Thank you .(checking) all is right..The taxi driver called us for you attacking him. Have you got anything to say? F: I did nothing wrong! I think it’s driver’s duty.P: Our investigating clearly shows that you inflicted injuries on the taxi driver. F: No! It is unfair!P: Why did you attack him? Tell me everything in detail.F: The fare he asked was too high and I thought he was blackmailing me! O: Where did it start and where did it arrive?F: From Shuang Shan Street to Hong Kong Street.O:How much money did he ask?F: 30 yuan!O: Okay..Did you use weapons?F: No.O: Did the taxi driver fight back?F: yes.O: Where did you attack him by ?F: Um...the headO: Only the head?F: Yes.O: Okay..Is there anything you’d like to add ?F: No, I haven’t.O: According to the law, you have cause a disturbance. You should pay the medicine expense ofthe victim.F: OK, Sir. But his behavior was also illegal.O: We will question him and make further investigation.And, this is your statement, please sign your name if everything is correct. F: OK.Situation 9.O: Hello, may I help you?F: Hel lo, officer, I want to report that I’ve lost my luggage.O: Don’t be worry. Madam.Tell me your name and your nationality. F: Susan Webster,American.O: Tell me about the process.F:I couldn’t find it when I go back hotel...I guess that it may be in the taxi which took me from theairport to the hotel, I forgot to take it off.O: Do you remember the license plate number?F: I just remember the last number is 5...O:what the color is the taxi?F: Green.O: Can you describe the taxi driver?F: He is about 40 years old, a little fat, wearing a red shirt. Heis vry bald with only half acircle ofthin hair around his head.O: OK.Can you describe your luggage?F: It’s a black ,small , leather suitcase.O: What’s in it?F: Um....A computer, a wallet, some clothes and my passport in it. O: Okay,Madam, Please write down your contact phone number.We will try our best to look for your missing articleand we will contact you as soon as it is recovered. F: Thank you,sir.O: you are welcome. Please keep the phone on.F: OK.Situation 10.O:Welcome to China! My name is Sun Wei. On behalf of the JinanPublic security bureau.I have the honor to extend my warm welcome to you, Mr.White,and allthe members of the delegation.F: On behalf of myself and the delegation, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to you.O: Please follow me , Let me show you around our bureau.F: That’s great. We’re very curious about it.O: Maybe we could start with the Material Evidence Identification Center. F: Wow, it’s too professional.O:And this is the Criminal Investigation Brigade.Behind it is our newly-built 110 Command Center.F: It looks excellent.Um...What is the top organization of public security in China?O:The Ministry Of Public Security..F: Well,this is our first visit to China, would you please introduceto us the Chinese police administration system? We don’t know muchabout it.O: My Pleasure. As I said,the top organization of public security in China is the Ministry of public Security.The lower-level authorities is provincial public security department.The next is municipal public security bureau and this is the levelof our bureau.There are fire brigade , traffic brigade, law and order brigade ,local police station and so on at the lower level.F: OK.I got it. ...Well,one more question.Would you please introduce to us the police ranks in the China?O: Chinese police ranks fall into five levels: commissioner-general, commissioner, superintendent and constable.F: We have got a general idea about the Chinese police and had anice visit here. O:Thank you for coming.I really wish you’ll have a pleasant stay here and I’m looking forward to meeting you next timein our bureau.F: Good-bye.O:Good-bye.Situation 12.O:Stop and pull over, please.F: Hi,officer. What’s the matter?O: This is a routine stop.F: Sure, no problem.O: Show me your driver’s license,please.F: Oh, sorry. I forgot to carry it on me.O: It’s against the traffic regulations to drive without a license.Please show me your passport,then.F: Here it is.O: O.K.Um...(checking) all is right.Thank you for your cooperation,you can go now. F: You arewelcome.You have been working very hard. O: It’s my duty!..........Wait a minute! Did you drink? F: NO.NO. Of cause not!O: Really? You can’t fool me with that smell of alcohol in your breath. F: OK.OK...To tell you the truth,I did drink a little, but I’m not drunk.O: We will give you a breathalyzer test. Please cooperate with us.Blow into it until I tell you to stop.F: All right.O: It shows that the alcohol in your breath is 0.9 mg. This exceeds the legal limit.F: Really?O: You’re guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol.We have to write you a ticket and impound your driver license. F: Is it so serious? How much is it?O: Well, the fine is 1000 yuan, you must go to the bank to pay the fine within 15 days.F: All right..all right. I’ll pay the fine.But my driver license....could you do not impound it? O: I’msorry,sir. According to the law, I have to.F: OK..How long will it be ?O: 6 month,sir.F: What? 6 month !Isn’t there some way to make it shorter? 6 month is too long! O: there’s no other way to make it shorter,sir. You have to obey it. F: OK..OK.. I certainly didn’t expect things to go a s badly as now. O: And you have to come with us to the traffic police station to be further questioned.F: OK.I will go with you.Situation 13.O: Stop and pull over,please.F: Hi, officer. What’s the matter?O: You were speeding. Your driver’s licens e, please.F: Here it is.O: The speed limit here is 80 kilometers per hour.But you were traveling at 100 kilometers per hour. F: I’m sorry, officer. I didn’t realize I was speeding.O: The speed detector recorded your speed.Please look at this printout from the computer. F: Oh, I was in a hurry, so I was speeding without knowing it. O: You exceeded the speed limit by 20 kilometers per hour.I have to write you a ticket.F: Oh,no. Give me a chance,please!I will make sure to be cautious next time!O: Sorry,sir. I have to enforce laws impartially.F: All right... How much is it?O: Well, the fine is 200 yuan.F: All right. I’ll pay the fine.O: thank you for your cooperation, sir.Situation 14.O:Welcome to China! My name is Zhou jiahui. On behalf of the Jinan Public security bureau.I have the honor to extend my warm welcome to you, Mr.White, and all the members of the delegation.F: On behalf of myself and the delegation, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to you.O: Please follow me , Let me show you around our bureau.F: That’s great. We’re very curious about it.O: Maybe we could start with the Material Evidence Identification Center. F: Wow, it’s too professional.O:And this is the Criminal Investigation Brigade.Behind it is our newly-built 110 Command Center.F: It looks excellent.Um...What is the top organization of public security in China?O:The Ministry Of Public Security..F: Well,this is our first visit to China, would you please introduceto us the Chinese police administration system? We don’t know muchabout it.O: My Pleasure. As I said,the top organization of public security in China is the Ministry of public Security.The lower-level authorities is provincial public security department.The next is municipal public security bureau and this is the levelof our bureau.There are fire brigade , traffic brigade, law and order brigade ,local police station and so on at the lower level.F: OK.I got it. ...Well,one more question.What are the major tasks of the people’s police?O: The major task of the people’s police is to fight against alltypes of crimes and maintain public order.F: We have got a general idea about the Chinese police and had anice visit here. O:Thank you for coming.I really wish you’ll have a pleasant stay here and I’m looking forward to meeting you next timein our bureau.F: Good-bye.O:Good-bye.Situation 15.O: Welcome to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.F: Municipal Public Security Bureau...What’s the grade of this bureau?O: Our bureau is a municipal body, we are under the command of the provincial public security department.F: What’s the top organization of public security in China?O: The Ministry Of Public Security..F: Well,this is our first visit to China, would you please introduceto us the Chinese police administration system? We don’t know muchabout it.O: My Pleasure. As I said,the top organization of public security in China is the Ministry of public Security.The lower-level authorities is provincial public security department.The next is municipal public security bureau and this is the level of our bureau.There are fire brigade , traffic brigade, law and order brigade , local police station and so on at the lower level.F: OK.I got it. ...Well,one more question.Would you please introduce to us the police ranks in the China?O: Chinese police ranks fall into five levels: commissioner-general, commissioner, superintendent and constable.F: We have got a general idea about the Chinese police now.It’s really profitable to conduct international police cooperation.O: Yes,yes. Nowadays, we all attach great importance toInternational Police Cooperation.In my opinion, International Police Cooperation is very important.F: I’d love to hear about it in the comments.O: Well, nowadays, International Cooperation become very important for cracking down on crimes, fighting against transnational crimes, fighting against drug trafficking and combating smuggling.F: I absolutely agree with you.Criminal do not stop at national borders.O: Yes, I love this proverb.This is why international police cooperation, which is extremely important and will become more so in the future, is vital.F: I think we may be able to work together in the future.O: That’s wonderful!I really wish you’ll have a pleasant stay here.F: Thank you, I certainly will.O: Oh..how time flies! It is time to dinner,Let’s go to dinner.We have prepared some typical dishes representing various branches of Chinese cuisine. F: Thank you very much, Let’s go. I’m looking forward to it!Situation 16.O: We are police from Case Investigation Section of the Exit and Entry Administration Division, Jinan Public Security Bureau. You are suspected of illegal residence and illegal employment. We are here to question you in the light of the law. You must answer honestly and bear legal responsibility for what you have said. You’ve got the right to refuse to answer irrelevant questions. Are you clear?F: Yes,I am.O: Have you ever received any criminal punishment or administrative detention? F: No,I haven’t.O: Have you ever received any other penalties in China? F: No, I haven’t.O: Your name, date of birth, and nationality? F: Henry Smith, South Africa , born on August 24,1994. O: Your passport number, visa type ?F: My passport number is 79749, “F”visa.O: When did you enter China for the last time? Which port? F: March 1,2014 and Weihai Port.O: What is your purpose in China?F: for business.O: Where do you live now?Have you gone through the registration formalities of temporary residence for overseaspersonnel?F: I live in No.23 , Xiu Shui Street.I have already handled it.O: Where do you work in Jinan?F: I work in Yin Lu Company.O: Show me your work permit,please.F: So rry, I don’t have a work permit.O: Then your acts have constituted illegal employment according to the law.What is the period of validity of your last visa? F: May 20, 2015.O: your visa has expired and your act constituted illegal residence in China. Are you clear?F: Yes, I am.O: Please explain why your visa expired.F: I was so busy that I forgot it.O: Is what you said is true?F: It’s true, officer.O: According to the Article 43 of Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, you shall be detained. Are you clear ?F: Yes ,I admit my mistake. I’d like to receive punishment.O: Anything else do you want to add ?F: No.Situation 17.O: Good morning,sir. What can I do for you?F: Good morning, officer. I have something to enquire. O: Yes?F: I want to extend the duration of stay of my visa. O: Okay. Please show me your passport.F: Sure, here you are.O: Robert Redford...American..F: Yes.O: Why do you want to apply for extension?F: I am here for travel, there are so many place of interest I haven’t visit now, I want to stay in China for more time.O: Okay, you should file an application seven days prior to the expiry of the duration specified inthe visa.F: Great ! There is still time.What procedures do I need to go through?O: you need to submit relevant application materials with appropriate and sufficient reasons forextension,F: I see.. Thank you ,officer.O: You are welcome, it’s my duty.And this is the Application Form for Visa Extension. Please fill in the firm first.F: OK.Situation 18:O: Tell me your full name , nationality and date of birth. F: My name is John P Bank, I’m from American, I was born on August 24,1982 O: Show me your passport,please.F: Here you are.O: Thank you .(checking) all is right.Do you know the reason for the interview today? F: Um...that staff called the police...O: Yes, you tried to enter a park without a ticket. F: Yes, I’ve already done that.O: When did this happen?F: About 8 o’clock in the morni ng.O: Did you hit him?F: Yes.O: Where did you hit him by?F: I slapped the staff in the face.O: Did the staff strike back?F: No.O: Why did you do that?F: I don’t think going into the park need to use tickets , and the staff’s attitude is ver y bad. O: Your actions violated the regulation of the park. Are you clear? F: Yes, I understand..O: You have to take the responsibility for your behavior action. You should be fined 200 yuan.F: All right. I’ll pay the fine.O: This is your statement, please sign your name if everything is correct.F:OK.Situation 19.O:Stop and pull over,Please.F: Hello, officer, what’s the matter?O: Don’t be worry, This is a regular security check.Please get off the car and open the trunk.F: Oh, Is this legal ?O: Yes, sir. For the security of the football game. We’ll inspect your personal belongings. F: OK.OK. Please go ahead.O: Thank you for understanding,sir.(checking) Please open this bag.F: All right, these are just some snacks.Is that OK?O: Is there anything else in your bag? Please take them out. F: No, It’s all here.O: Really? What are those white powder, sir?F: White powder ? Where? ...Oh, there just some flours. O: Tell methe truth,please.F: All I’ve told is true., officer. Let me go,please.The football game is going to start!O: Sorry,sir. We suspected that these are drugs.There are not allowed to take in, we must confiscate them. F: Oh, no! You can’t do this to me!These are my personal effects. It was human rights abuse ! O: Youcan complain to court. But I have to confiscate them now. F: Oh, no !Situation 20.O: (knocking at the door) Hello, Is there anyone at home?F: Who’s there?O: This is police officer assigned to this community.F: Oh ,( open the door)Hello,officer. Come in,please.What’s the matter?O: May I see your residence certificate?F: OK, wait a minute.... Here you are.O: Good. Mr.Smith, we’re received some complaints from theresidents about your dog barking at night. I need to talk to you about this.F: Oh, I am so sorry about that.I wasn’t aware of the dog barking at night has bothered other residents. O: It is OK to keep a dog, but please keep it quiet at night, you should be considerate of yourneighbors.F: I’m so sorry, officer. I got it.If it still barking at night, I will give it away to my brother. O: Thank you for your cooperation.If we have to come tomorrow night, we will take legal action . F: I promise it won’t happen again, officer.Thanks for the warning.Situation 21.O: We are police officers of the Jinan Public Security Bureau.We are going to ask you some question concerning this brokenburglary. According to thelaw, you must provide evidence or testimony truthfully and you shallbe liable for intentionallygiving false testimony or concealing criminal evidence .Do you understand? F: Yes.O: Please tell us your full name, nationality and date of birth.F: John P Bank, American, August,24,1972 O: Show me your passport, please.F: Sorry,officer. I forgot to carry it on me. O: Ok, your passport number.F: 19720824O: Where do you live now?F: I live in No.23 , Xiu Shui Street. O: How did you get this heroin?F: I bought it.O: Where did you buy it ?F: From a Chinese woman in a bar.O:Do you know her?F: No.O: Where is the bar located?F: 23 Fu Rong, Road.O: How much did you buy and how much did it cost you? F: Ten grams, 4000 yuan.O:What are you going to do with this heroin? F: I take it.O: How long have you been taking heroin? F: About eight months.O: Do you use any other kind of drug? F: No, I don’t.O: It’s illegal to use or possess heroin in China. Don’t you know that? F: I know.O: You will be charged with using and possessing illegal drugs.Well, you can look over the record and sign here.Situation 22.O:For the safety of the flight, we need to inspect your luggage, sir. F: All right.O: Please show me your passport and boarding card,sir. F: Here you are, madam.O: Put all your personal belongings on this table, please. F:OK.It’s all her e.O: Please open your bag for inspection,sir.F: OK.。


应用警务英语大全Practical Policing English 900 sentencesContentsPart One......Police occupation (警察职业). (8)I. Definition of Police occupation (警察职业定义) (8)II. Police Officers’ Main Tasks (警察的主要职责) (10)III. Primary Equipment Used (使用的主要装备)IV. What Is Dangerous About Police Occupation. (警察职业有什么危险)V. Hazards Kinds (危险种类)Part Two……Public Order/Security (治安)I. Case Report (报警接警)II. Social Order and Public Security (社会秩序与公共安全)Part Three ……. Criminal Investigation (刑事侦察)I. Investigating Various Kinds of Illegal Actions (1、2)(各种违法违纪行为的侦察)(1、 2)II. Investigating the Scene (现场勘查)Part Four……Entry and Exit Administration (出入境管理)I. Inquiring the Basic situations of Aliens (询问外国人的基本情况)II. The Directions of Handling Procedures of Entry and Exit (出入境办理手续的指导)Part Five…… Drugs Prohibition (禁毒)I. The definition of drugs and the drug related crimes(毒品和毒品犯罪的定义)II. The actions and measures of fighting against drug related crimes(打击毒品犯罪的行动和措施)III. Dealing with the drug related crimes处理毒品犯罪Part Six…… Traffic Control (交通管理)I. The Police Duties (交警的职责)II. General Assistance (一般服务)III. Traffic Control (交通管理)IV. Handling Traffic Accidents (处理交通事故)Part Seven…… Illegal immigration(偷渡)I. The spread of illegal immigration(偷渡的漫延)II. Some measures taken to fight against illegal immigration (打击偷渡的措施)Part Eight…… Supervision of Net Security(网络安全监察)I.The duty of supervision of net security(网络安全监察的职责)II.Interrogation of the net suspects(对网络犯罪嫌疑人的审讯)Part Night…… Fire Fighting (消防)I. What should people do when facing a fire(面对火灾时人们应该做的事)II. What should people not do when facing a fire(面对火灾时人们不应该做的事)Part Ten…… Residence Registration (居住登记)I. Inquiry of the alien’s basic data concerni ng his/her residence(询问来华的外籍人士有关他(她)居住的基本情况)II. The direction for the alien to get a residence permit(指导外籍人士如何获取居住证)Part Eleven…… Flight Policing (空警)I. The request for examing the passengers before their boarding在乘客登机前对其进行检查的要求II. The negotiation with the hijachers on board(与劫机犯在飞机上谈判)Part Twelve……Interpol(国际刑警组织)I. The basic data about Interpol国际刑警组织的基本情况II. The Interpol’s role, main aim, major task, and significance 国际刑警组织的作用、主要目标、主要任务和意义附录:公安机关各部门的工作职责Part One Police Occupation第一部分警察职业I. Definition (定义)1. Police also can be called as policeman/policewoman, officer, Law enforcement officer, and Cop(slang)⑴.警察也可以称为男/女警察,警官,执法警官和Cop(俚语)2. Police is a worker whose main job is to protect the public.警察是指以保护公众为主要职责的工作人员。

I Verbal Commands警察执行勤务时,必须使用许多命令式的用语,以显示其执法的威严,及喝令嫌犯服从。
1.Police! Search warrant, Get down!警察!搜查令,趴下!2. On your knees!跪下!3. Get down on your knees !跪下!4. Get down on the ground !趴下!5. Get your hands up!把手抬高!6.Put your hands up!把手举起来!7.Hands up!举手!8.Put your hands on/behind your head.把双手放在头上。
9.Don’t move!不准动!10.Freeze!不准动!11.Get back!退后!II sentences一般服务General Assistance1. My name is Officer Liu, what can I do for you?我是xx警官,我能帮什么忙吗?2. If there is any emergency, please dial one-one-zero. 如果有紧急事件,请打110。
3.Please step behind the police barricade.请站在警戒线之后。

警务英语试题及答案大全一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does "patrol" mean in the context of police work?A. To investigate a crimeB. To arrest a suspectC. To regularly check an area for securityD. To issue a traffic ticket2. Which of the following is NOT a type of police equipment?A. HandcuffsB. BatonC. RadioD. Fire extinguisher3. What is the term used for a person who has been detained by the police?A. SuspectB. WitnessC. VictimD. Informant4. In police terminology, what does "ten-four" mean?A. I understandB. I need assistanceC. I am on breakD. I am in pursuit5. What is the meaning of "fingerprinting" in a policeinvestigation?A. Identifying a suspect by their fingerprintsB. Taking a suspect's fingerprints for recordC. Comparing fingerprints from a crime sceneD. All of the above6. Which of the following is a primary duty of a police officer?A. To serve and protectB. To prosecute criminalsC. To adjudicate legal disputesD. To legislate laws7. What does the acronym "SWAT" stand for?A. Special Weapons and TacticsB. Special Weapons and TechnologyC. Special Weapons and TrainingD. Special Warfare and Tactics8. What is the term used for a police officer who is on duty?A. Off dutyB. On patrolB. On standbyD. On duty9. In a police report, what does "O/S" stand for?A. Officer on SceneB. Officer's StatementC. Over SpeedingD. Out of Service10. What does "perp" commonly mean in police slang?A. PerpetratorB. PerimeterC. PermissionD. Personal二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The police officer's badge is a symbol of their _________.12. When a police officer is called to a crime scene, theyare said to be _________.13. A police _________ is a vehicle used for patrolling the streets.14. The term "blue lights" refers to the _________ used by police vehicles during emergencies.15. The phrase "code blue" is used to indicate a _________.16. A police officer who specializes in traffic enforcementis known as a _________.17. The _________ is the central place where police officers receive and respond to emergency calls.18. A police officer's weapon is often referred to as their_________.19. The act of a police officer stopping a vehicle for atraffic violation is called a _________.20. The term "probable cause" is used in the context of_________.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the role of a detective in a police department.22. What are the general steps involved in a police interrogation process?23. Describe the purpose of a police lineup.24. What is the significance of a police officer's uniform?四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the importance of community policing and its impact on public safety.26. Analyze the ethical considerations a police officer must take into account when using force in the line of duty.五、案例分析题(每题10分,共10分)27. A police officer observes a vehicle running a red light and decides to initiate a traffic stop. Describe the proper procedure the officer should follow to ensure safety and compliance with the law.答案:一、选择题1. C2. D3. A4. A5. D6. A7. A8. D9. A 10. A二、填空题11. authority 12. dispatched 13. cruiser 14. emergency lights 15. medical emergency 16. traffic officer 17. dispatch center 18. sidearm 19. traffic stop 20. search warrants三、简答题21. 侦探在警察部门中扮演的角色是调查犯罪,搜集证据,以及协助解决案件。

国际执法警务英语In the realm of international law enforcement, communication plays a pivotal role in the seamless execution of operations that span across different countries and cultures. The use of English in this context is not merely a matter of convenience but a necessity for ensuring clarity, precision, and effectiveness in collaborative efforts to uphold justice and combat transnational crime.The complexity of international law enforcement is compounded by the diversity of legal systems, procedures, and cultural nuances. English serves as a lingua franca, enabling officers, agents, and legal professionals to bridge these gaps. It facilitates the exchange of intelligence, coordination of joint operations, and the pursuit of criminals who operate beyond borders.Effective communication in this field requires a specialized vocabulary that encompasses legal terms, procedural language, and tactical expressions. This lexicon enables law enforcement personnel to articulate complex legal concepts, issue commands during operations, and engage with international counterparts without ambiguity.Moreover, proficiency in English empowers law enforcement agencies to participate in global forums, conferences, and training programs. These platforms are crucial for sharing best practices, developing common strategies, and fostering international cooperation. Through such engagement, agencies can enhance their capabilities, adapt to emerging threats, and maintain a unified front against crime.In addition to vocabulary, the nuances of pronunciation, intonation, and body language in English communication must be mastered to avoid misunderstandings that could jeopardize operations. Non-verbal cues often carry significant weight in conveying messages and intentions, particularly in high-stress environments where every detail counts.The training of law enforcement personnel in English is therefore a strategic investment. It equips them with the tools to navigate the complexities of internationalcooperation, ensures the accurate interpretation of laws and evidence, and enhances their ability to testify in international courts with confidence.In conclusion, the role of English in international law enforcement is indispensable. It is the thread that weaves together the efforts of diverse agencies in their common pursuit of justice. As crime continues to evolve and cross borders, the mastery of English in law enforcement will remain a cornerstone of effective international collaboration.---。

警务英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What is the most common way to address a police officer in the United States?A. SirB. OfficerC. Mr./Ms.D. Boss2. Which of the following is NOT a type of police equipment?A. BatonB. HandcuffsC. RadioD. Telescope3. What does the acronym "911" stand for?A. National Emergency NumberB. Police Identification NumberC. Fire Department CallD. Ambulance Service4. When a police officer is conducting a traffic stop, what should the driver do?A. Keep drivingB. Stop the vehicleC. Speed upD. Turn around5. What is the meaning of the term "patrol"?A. A police officer's vehicleB. A police officer's weaponC. The act of regularly checking an areaD. A police officer's uniform6. In which situation would a police officer most likely usea Taser?A. When writing a traffic ticketB. When conducting a searchC. When subduing a suspectD. When making an arrest7. What is the term for a police officer who specializes in traffic enforcement?A. DetectiveB. Patrol OfficerC. Traffic OfficerD. K-9 Officer8. Which of the following is a common reason for a police officer to conduct a search?A. The officer has a warrantB. The suspect has confessedC. The suspect is a known criminalD. The suspect is running away9. What is the term used to describe a police officer's badge?A. IdentificationB. BadgeC. EmblemD. Insignia10. What does the term "SWAT" stand for?A. Special Weapons and TacticsB. Special Warfare and TacticsC. Special Work and TrainingD. Special Watch and Transport答案:1. B2. D3. A4. B5. C6. C7. C8. A9. B10. A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. A police officer may use the term "___" to describe a situation that requires immediate assistance.- Backup12. When a police officer is on duty and wearing their uniform, they are said to be "in ___."- Uniform13. The term "___" refers to the process of gathering information about a crime or criminal activity.- Investigation14. A police officer may use a "___" to control a crowd during a public event.- Bullhorn15. "___" is the act of informing someone of their rights when they are being arrested.- Miranda warning16. The acronym "K-9" refers to a police officer who works with a trained ___.- Dog17. A police officer may use a "___" to immobilize a vehicle during a pursuit.- Spike strip18. The term "___" is used to describe a situation where a police officer is following a suspect.- Tail19. A police officer may use a "___" to protect themselves from bodily harm.- Body armor20. The term "___" refers to a police officer's duty to serve and protect the community.- Public service三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What are the general duties of a police officer?- Answer: The general duties of a police officer include maintaining public order, enforcing laws, responding to emergencies, investigating crimes, and serving the community.22. What is the purpose of a police siren?- Answer: The purpose of a police siren is to alert the public to the presence of an emergency vehicle, allowing it to clear traffic and respond to incidents quickly.23. Explain the concept of probable cause in the context of police work.- Answer: Probable cause is a legal standard that allows a police officer to make an arrest, conduct a search, or obtain a warrant based on reasonable grounds to believe that a crime has been committed.24. What is the role of a detective in a police department? - Answer: The role of a detective in a police departmentis to investigate crimes, gather evidence, and work on solving cases that are typically more complex or serious than those handled by patrol officers.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the importance of communication skills for a police officer.- Answer: Communication skills are crucial for police。
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警务英语Unit 1Bed-employed2.possibility-likelihood3.conducted-generate4.sell-dispose of5.efforts-endeavors6.prize-reward7.danger-risk8.crime-offense9.customer-client 10.thought-perceived rmation while interrogation the arrestee-post arrest interrogation information 12.difficulties-hurdlesC1.The police should....(surveillance)2.The criminal can......(disposing)3.The detectives (have generated)4.The bank robbery.....(concealed)5.She got some books.....(immersed)6.In order to....(undercover)7.The large number.....(interventions)8.With more (interation)9.Sensors (have been employed)10.We should work .....(aimed)11.The court has no (jurisdiction)12.The (recovery) of only a small....13.If crimes are .....(likelihood)D1.据人们估计,多达60%的赃物都被那些守法公民买走。
It's been estimated that as much as 60% of stolen property is bought by those law-abiding citizens.2.需要告诉公众购买赃物和侵犯财产之间的关系。
The public should needs to be told that of the relationship between buying stolen property and property crimes.3.人们已经意识到,销赃市场的存在可能推动了偷盗犯罪率的上升。
It's recognized that the existence of markets for stolen property may drive the high crime rates.4.必须鼓励居民向警察提供有关犯罪嫌疑人和他们所在地的信息。
Residents should be encouraged to provide the police with the information on the suspects and their locations.5.一旦关闭了销赃市场,犯罪分子把赃物转换成现金就比较难了。
Once the markets for stolen property are closed ,it will be diffcult for criminals to convert the stolen goods into cash.6.可以要求典当行的老板参与旨在防范偷窃和销赃的犯罪防范计划。
Pawnbrokers can be required to join in the crime prevention program aimed at preventing the theft and disposal of stolen property.7.警察应该参与检查典当行老板的业务记录。
The police should be involved in the examination of the pawnbrokers' bussiness records.8.市民们可能忽略了这样一个事实,即那些购买赃物的人实际上为侵犯财产犯罪提供了某种经济动力。
The citizens may ignore the fact that those who buy the stolen property may actually provide an economic impentus for the property crime.Unit2B1.calculate-assess2.fraud-deception3.has made himself ready-has gearing himself up4.without being forced-volantarily5.drawn-created6.made a confession to-admitted7.considering-regarding8.correctly-accurately9.lie-detecor=polygraph 10.proof-evidence 11.behaviors-mannerismsC1.The defendant repllied ...(self-crimination)2.The public order....(gearing)3.There is only .....(evidence)4.Sometimes if an ....(sociated)5.Having mentioned the .....(assess)6.A (confession) can be defined7.His statement that ....(manifests)8.Any officers need ......(impending)9.By formulating police ...(submit)10.To restore the order ....(involves)11.The police dogs ....(respond)12.If any information ....(distinct)puters are very (reliable)....14.By (undertaking) community crime.....D1.确实会出现有关测谎仪到底有多精确方面的问题。
The question dose actually arise regarding how accurate the polygraph are.2.因为测谎仪能提供生理数据,有事没有必要非得强迫被测试人用语言来回答问题。
Because the polygraph can provide physiological data,sometimes it is unnecessary to comple the subject to verbally answer the question。
Owing to the variation in the result of lie detecting,its results are considered as auxiliary evidence。
In face with the impending danger,the human nervous system will automatically gear the body up to protect it from being harmed。
In the US,the polygraph is commercially used to help detect whether the personnel the enterprise will employe are honest or not.6.比起小城镇来,大城市更可能发生暴力犯罪和与毒品有关的犯罪。
Violent crimes and drug-related crimes are more likely to occur in large cities than in small towns.7.对犯罪动机的推断主要依靠实战经验、证据和现有的事实。
The deduction of the criminal motives is chiefly dependent on field experience,evidence and available facts。
The patrolmen immediately responded to the 110 call for police emergent service and rushed to the crime sence in time。
Unit 3C1.In her novel ...(ambivalence)2.The appearance of .....(mitigated)3.The photo program (have garnered)4.The international situation ...(impact)5.The concert was a good one, ....(publicity)6.The newspaper editorials ....(outcry)7.It is reported a girl (was assaulted)....8.Black unemployment rate runs (triple)...9.He is considered a (repository)10.What I found (sobered)...11.The success of ....(has exceeded)12.If every citizen....(unavoidable)D1. 中国都市市民对于汽车的矛盾心理阻碍了他们购车。
The Chinese urban citizens’ ambivalence towards cars has prevented some of them from buying cars。
They made some cursory investigation of the traffic crash without finding out its cause。