



简介该配料控制器是世界上最小的配料控制器.使用21世纪最新之Delta-Sigma芯片以达至高精度及快速转换效果. 使用RS485标准接口进行多点或远距离通讯, 除原有CB920之软件功能外另新增多项软件功能, 适合不同的配料或包装系统使用.有关术语自重:能使称重传感器产生输出电压的承载器本身的重量.分度间距:指显示间距与倍数的比例. 分度间距数值只能选择数值1、2、5中的某一个.激励电压:指由显示器提供用以驱动称重传感器的电压.目标配料份量:指待配物料的目标重量.过冲控制:当CB920X的读数大于或等于目标配料份量减去过冲量时, 慢速配料继电器则自动断电.过冲量:当快速和慢速继电器断电后, 有些物料由于已离开供料槽, 尚在半空中, 这些物料会继续自由下落至秤的承载器上, 这些自由下落的物料导致称重显示器读数的平均增量, 就是过冲量.测力与称重传感器:测力与称重传感器是一种将所受力或重量转换成电压的部件.一个测力与称重传感器包括两个部分:第一部分是能根据所受力大小而线性变形的金属部件;第二部分是可根据金属部件的变形大小而改变其电阻的应变片.传感器输出灵敏度:指从传感器输出的电压与激励电压的比率.最大量程:指为称重显示器设计(略去小数点后)可显示的最大数值.倍数:用来确定小数点位置或加在读数后零的个数.例如:如果读数为234, 则倍数显示器显示10 23401234.1.01.001 .234.0001 .0234快速配料份量:当CB920X的读数大于或等于精计量而小于快速配料份量时, 则粗计量继电器自动断电.分辨率:指最大量程与显示分度间距之比例.秤量间距:指重量显示器对秤的承载器上单位标准重量变化所显示的数值.过冲量自动修正:过冲量自动修正公式为:过冲量(新值) = 过冲量(旧值) - [ (目标配料份量 - 最终物料凈重) /2 ]该修正在每次配料完后进行, 即存储器中的过冲量在所有物料配料完成后再进行修正, 且修正后的过冲量将用于下一次的配料, 如果过冲量为负值, 则不进行修正, 如果新过冲量大于或等于所需物料粗重量的粗计量, 则将新过冲量设定为所需物料重量之粗计量减1, 如果新过冲量大于999, 则将新过冲量设为999.TDC:卸料控制延迟时间. 当卸料时, 毛重量小于零位范围后的至秒延迟后才关闭卸料控制. 可设定的范围为01到99 (即至秒).TTC:允差检测延迟时间. 在配料时, 慢速配料控制关闭后的至秒延迟后才检测误差, 可设定的范围为01至99 (即至秒).特点双显示器同时显示毛重和凈重.是最小型的配料控制器, 其面板尺寸仅为96mm × 48mm.集重量显示器与配料控制器为一体.提供完整的物料配料控制功能.最多可控制四种不同种类的物料.所有配料份量数据皆通过面板按键输入, 并存储于存储器内.所有预置配料份量都具有断电保护功能.自动零位跟踪.按键后自动去皮重.所有物料具有各自的粗计量, 精计量和过冲量补偿.使用软件全数字式调校功能.可选RS485为标准串行输出输入口.通过RS485装置可实现多点通讯.通过RS232/RS485输出口输出配料资料.转换速率达200次/秒.显示精度最高达1/15000.RS232/RS485输入可用来预设置配料份量资料和系统功能资料.超出允差范围之检验.提供卸料控制功能.配料启动条件可通过菜单设定.配料自动除皮条件可通过菜单设定.可设定通电时自动归零.配料凈重量显示保持功能可透过菜单设定.可设定过冲量最高范围以确保自动补偿功能不因机械故障而造成错误.慢速控制可设定延迟时间.控制比较次数设定, 可确保自动控制不因称体受冲击而造成错误控制.可设置启动除皮延迟时间.可设置除皮检测次数, 以免称体在不稳定的情形下造成除皮错误.快速及慢速之禁止比较时间可独立设置.温度系数少于(读数之±%+数字)/℃.备有双重数字滤波.配量低于宽容度时, 可作添量配料.模拟输出选配件.BCD输出选配件.串行打印机选配件.CB920X软件选配件, 它可提供配料过程可作三级控制的物料配料控制.使用易拆式插座.2. 技术规格一般规格1. 电源: 交流110V, 220V±10%,50/60赫兹(出厂前指定)2. 消耗功率: 9瓦3. 工作温度: -10℃至50℃(14℉至122℉)4. 相对湿度: 90%相对湿度(无凝结水)5. 电源滤波器: 内置数字部份1. 重量显示: 7段发光二极管2 LED显示: 采用毛重和凈重双显示方式3. 指示灯亮的含意: M1, M2, M3, M4, 置零和重量变动4. 负数显示: 在最左边数字显示 " " 号5. 超载显示: 显示6. 显示量程范围: 由500至100,0007. 显示分度间距: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20或508. 小数点位置: 可选择4个不同位置9. 输出容量: 开集极输出, 最高80V,模拟部份1. 适用的传感器类型: 适用于所有电阻应变式测力与称重传感器2. 传感器输入电压: 直流电10 V±5 % , 最大可供150毫安3. 输入灵敏度: μV/格至200μV/格4. 输入阻抗 : 10兆欧姆5. 零位电压可调范围: 毫伏至15毫伏6. 温度系数: 小于(读数的%+数字) /℃7. 非线性误差: 不大于满刻度的%8. 采样方法: Delta-Sigma方法9. 采样速度: 约每秒200次10.内部分辨率 : 1,000,00011.显示分度数: 300至15000分度串行RS232/RS485资料输出接口标准: 输出采用串行EIA-RS232/RS485标准RS232/RS485的选择: 通过跳接线和开关进行选择选择RS232, 则主板上ST61的跳接线插在“232C” 位置, SW61的开关拨到“232C” 位置, ST62的跳接线插在“OFF” 位置;选择RS485, 则主板上ST61的跳接线插在“485” 位置, SW61的开关拨到“485” 位置, ST62的跳接线插在“OFF” 位置;多机并联时, 最后一台仪表主板上的ST62应置于“ON” 位置, 实质为给通讯口并上一个200欧姆的电阻.讯号形式:数据位 = 7奇偶校验位 = 1(偶数)终止位 = 1编码标准 = 美国ASCII编码标准波特速率 = 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200波特结束码 = CR/LFRS232/RS485操作指令当RS232/RS485输入端RXD收到指令后, 显示器才会采取相关操作.这些指令适用于所有操作模式.CB920X对指令之应答说明1. T=0 零位跟踪时间设定为零2. T=1 零位跟踪时间设定为1秒3. D=1 零位跟踪范围设定为1个显示分度间距4. D=2 零位跟踪范围设定为2个显示分度间距5. D=4 零位跟踪范围设定为4个显示分度间距6. MOTION 1D/S 重量变动检测设定为每秒1个显示分度间距7. MOTION 3D/S 重量变动检测设定为每秒3个显示分度间距8. D . P 4 倍数设定为9. D . P 3 倍数设定为10. D . P 2 倍数设定为11. D . P 1 倍数设定为12. D . P 0 倍数设定为113. d 1 分度间距设定为114. d 2 分度间距设定为215. d 5 分度间距设定为516. 500 最大量程设定为50017. xxxxx 最大量程设定为xxxxx,可选之范围为500-100,00018. 100,000 最大量程设定为100,00019. BAUD 2400 波特速率设定为 2400波特20. BAUD 4800 波特速率设定为 4800波特21. BAUD 9600 波特速率设定为 9600波特22. BAUD 19200 波特速率设定为19200波特23. x 零位范围设定为x%. x 之范围是1至1024. UNIT kg 重量单位设定为公斤25. UNIT t 重量单位设定为吨26. UNIT OFF 重量单位取消27. CAL ZERO 执行零位调校28. CAL SPAN 执行秤量间距调校29. M1 FINAL xxxxx 物料1的目标配料份量设置为 xxxxx30. M2 FINAL xxxxx 物料2的目标配料份量设置为 xxxxx31. M3 FINAL xxxxx 物料3的目标配料份量设置为 xxxxx32. M4 FINAL xxxxx 物料4的目标配料份量设置为 xxxxx33. M1 COARSE xxxx 物料1的快速配料份量设置为 xxxx34. M2 COARSE xxxx 物料2的快速配料份量设置为 xxxx35. M3 COARSE xxxx 物料3的快速配料份量设置为 xxxx36. M4 COARSE xxxx 物料4的快速配料份量设置为 xxxx37. M1 FINE xxx 物料1的慢速配料份量设置为 xxx38. M2 FINE xxx 物料2的慢速配料份量设置为 xxx39. M3 FINE xxx 物料3的慢速配料份量设置为 xxx40. M4 FINE xxx 物料4的慢速配料份量设置为 xxx41. YES 无错误发生或确认为对42. NO 接到不正确的指令或确认为错43. ERROR x 在调校过程中发生了编号为x的错误44. TARE xxxx 输出皮重值(XXXX是当前皮重,YYYY是参考皮重)YYYY45. ZERO xxxxxx 输出零位漂移46. OL, NT, + CRLF 回答READ提问OL = 超载ST = 稳定US = 不稳定NT = 凈重GS = 毛重CRLF = 打印机换行47. RLY 1 物料输出口被RLY指令启动48. RLY D 卸料输出口被RLY指令启动49. TOL 3 允差被设为%50. ZERO x 可按ZERO键回零范围51. TOL xx 允差是多少52. TDC xx 卸料控制延迟时间是多少53. TTC xx 允差检测延迟时间是多少54. BCD xx BCD输出次数55. CIT xx 禁止比较56. FILTER xx 数字滤波57. SDT xx 起动时间延迟58. EFF xx 有效补偿功能59. ETC xx 有效检查超差功能60. ATE xx 自动除皮CB920X的输入指令:指令说明1.FUNC 将CB920X 设定到功能设定方式2.CAL 将CB920X 设定到调校方式3.SET 将CB920X 设定到配料份量设定方式4.READ 要求读数5.TARE 皮重是多少6.TARE ON 设定皮重7.TARE OFF 取消设定皮重8.ZERO 零位漂移是多少9.ZERO ON 设置零位漂移10.ZERO OFF 重新设定零位漂移11.PROG RS232/RS485的操作方式置为指令式12.AUTO RS232/RS485的操作方式置为自动式13.CONT RS232/RS485的操作方式置为连续式14.RLY 询问哪一个输出被RLY指令启动15.RLY 1 启动某一个输出, 只有在正常称重方式下方可启动, 1~ 4为各物料相对之输出, C 为快速, F 为慢速, D 为卸料, T 为超差.16.RLY OFF关闭被RLY 指令开启的输出17.ABO 放弃生产 18.ST 启动生产19.KEY ON 使按键控制功能无效 20.KEY OFF使按键控制功能有效21.DSEL AUTO 选择使用自动RS232/RS485输出方式 22.DSEL GROSS 选择使用毛重RS232/RS485输出方式 23.DSEL NET 选择使用凈重RS232/RS485输出方式注意:输入的指令必须以 <CR><LF> 确认, 例如“READ” 指令的ASCII 输 入为“52, 45, 41, 44, 0D, 0A” .CB920X 发出的配料资料:注意1: 每一种物料所配份量储存于CB920X 中, 当所有物料都配完后, 一次性输出来.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18注意2: 当目标重量为零后, 将没有该物料资料的输出.RS232/RS485的操作方式:A) 指令方式(PRO)CB920X 完成配料后, 在RS232/RS485输出端送出一个 “<ENQ><CR><LF>”,M M M M 1 2 4 3 , , , , N N N N T T T T , , , , + + + +1 2 1 1 9 0 5 0 . . . . 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 k k k k g g gg L F L F L FL F CR CR CR CR若在 RXD 输入口收到“<ACK><CR><LF>”, 则资料可输出, 次数不限. 在下一次生产启动时, 未收到“<ACK><CR><LF>”的指令, 则该次之配料数据将被取消. 重量数据亦需输入指令“READ<CR><LF>” 才输出. 数据输出次数不限, 下次启动生产时方清洗报表.B)连续方式(CONT)在这种方式下, 重量资料会自动不断输出而不需输入指令. 配料数据亦在生产完成时自行输出.C)自动方式(AUTO)在这种方式下, 重量资料需有指令“READ<CR><LF>”输入才送到输出. 当生产完成后, 配料数据则不须指令便会自动输出.资料格式:状态1 状态2 数字重量资料单位状态1:M1 物料1M2 物料2M3 物料3M4 物料4状态2:NT = 凈重GS = 毛重AB = 生产被终断数字重量资料:数字重量资料共包括8位字符, 数字从0到9,符号有: 负号“-”, 正号“+”, 空位“”和小数点.单位: kg = 公斤t = 吨输出接口电路图可设定的参数波特速率2400波特. 4800波特9600 波特19200 波特操作方式:连续方式 指令方式 自动方式接线引脚端子说明RS232插座PHOTO OUTPUT RS232引脚端子名称 讯号含义 RXD 指令数据(RXD)输入M A T E R I A L 1M A T E R I A L 2M A T E R I A L 3M A T E R I A L 4C O A R S EF I N ED I S C H A R G ET O L E R A N C EE M T R C O MT X DR X DO P T I O NTXD 资料(TXD)输出COM 地电位一般说明不要将CB920X安装在阳光直晒处, 并须避免突然之温度变化、振动或被风吹. 当温度大约为20℃或68°F、相对湿度约为50%时, 可获得最佳之性能. 通过电源线将CB920X后端接地, 并保证接触良好, 不要将地线接至其它设备之地线.模拟输入或输出讯号对电子噪声很敏感, 故不应将这些模拟输入或输出讯号之电线结扎在一起, 以避免可能造成的干扰, 并请将这些电线远离交流电源, 尽量缩短所有电线或同轴电缆之长度.如果当地交流电有可能超过±10 %的波动, 则必须使用电源稳压器稳定电源.称重显示器输入灵敏度称重显示器输入灵敏度(A)可通过以下方程式计算出来:传感器在满载荷时的输出电压–传感器在自重时的输出电压A= × 秤量间距最大量程对于CB920X而言, A必须大于或等于μV/格.传感器与显示器的连接法传感器的模拟输出及RS232板之输入或输出讯号对电子噪声很敏感, 故不要将这些电线结扎在一起, 以避免可能导致的干扰, 并请将这些电线远离交流电源.前面板说明前 面 板 外 观51 2 3467 8 9 101. M1 指示灯: 亮时显示在配物料 1. 2. M2 指示灯 : 亮时显示在配物料 2. 3. M3 指示灯 : 亮时显示在配物料 3. 4. M4指示灯: 亮时显示在配物料 4.CB920XENTERMODETAREZEROMOTIONZERO M1 M2 M3 M45. ZERO 指示灯: 亮时显示零.6. MOTION 指示灯: 亮时显示重量变动检测.7. ENTER 按键: 接受输入数据.8. MODE 按键: 选择功能设定方式.9. TARE 按键 : 如果没有重量变动, 且卸料继电器处于关闭状态, 皮重将储存于存贮器, 显示器则显示零. 该按键可将方式改为NET方式.10. ZERO 按键 : 如果初始调校之零位漂移不大于满量程百分之一至百分之十(参考功能设定) , 而又没有检测到重量变动, 则可按ZERO按键令显示器显示零.后面板说明后面板外观CB920X M1M2M3M4COARSEFINEDISCHARGETOLERANCEEMTRCOMTXD(+) SIG+SIG-EXC+EXC-SHIELDSTARTCOMEARTHACCB920XA控制输出插座插座编号 讯号含义 M1 物料1输出口 M2 物料2输出口 M3物料3输出口M4 (MEDIUM) 物料4输出口(中速配料输出口) COARSE 快速配料输出口 FINE慢速配料输出口DISCHARGE 卸料输出口 TOLERANGE 误差输出口 EMTR COM 输出口共通点 TXD 资料(TXD)输出 RXD指令数据(RXD)输入 COM 地电位+ 模拟输出(选配件) COM地电位M 1M 2M 3M E D I U MC O A R S EF I N ED I S C H A R G ET O L E R A N C EE M T R C O MT X D (+) R X D (-)S I G +S I G -E X C +E X C -S H I E L DS T A R TC O ME A R T HA CSIG+ 讯号输入+SIG- 讯号输入-EXC+ 激励电压输出+EXC- 激励电压输出-SHIELD 屏蔽START 生产启动COM 地电位EARTH 地线AC 交流电源AC 交流电源输出口可连接5伏至24伏直流电压, 最大驱动电流为. 为了将CB920X同外接控制设备隔离开以减少干扰, 应采用直流供电的缓冲继电器. 为了抑制由于接触连接造成的任何瞬间放电的噪音, 应将二极管同直流供电的缓冲继电器线圈并联.外接缓冲继电器地电位卸料超差生产用START 按键应使用接触式开关. 当该按键按下并释放时, 生产过程就立刻启动. CB920X 物料插座(从M1至M4插座)根据输入的配料份量将逐一被驱动.注: 为使CB920X 启动抗干扰能达到设计的效果, 可更换以下的方法连接起动线.说明: 外接按钮是常闭开关, 如需要启动CB920X 生产时,将外接按钮按下(按钮开路)秒以上, 然后放手(按钮闭合)便可达到启动生产.快速和慢速配料控制可使用以下提供的继电器逻辑电路.在各种情况下, 缓冲继电器应采用直流电源, 以确保缓冲继电器没有过荷, 可驱动相应之启动器或电源控制设备. 每一个直流电驱动之缓冲继电器或线圈应加接二极管以减低噪音.如果需要交流电供电之继电器, RC 抑制器应与继电器线圈并连. 该抑制器也应用于电感控制设备.功能设置按键在功能设置过程中, 此键用于改变所选数字的位置, 该位置之小数点闪烁, 表示正在修改该位置之数据, 而进入功能设置后, 按此键可进入第二或第三层次的功能参数设置.按键在功能设置过程中, 此键用于改变所选数字数值的大小.按键 在功能设置过程中, 按此键选择下一个功能设置.按键在功能设置过程中, 按此键退出功能设置.启动功能设置之步骤先按下按键, 不要放开, 按键大约两秒, 显示器显示, 才可设置参数.在改变以下任何参数之前, 按键返回到称重模式.如果倍数, 最大量程或分隔度被更改, . 如果最大量程, 分度间距或倍数被更改, 显示器将显示进行调校了. 详情可参阅.零位跟踪功能有两个参数用于确定零位跟踪功能: 第一个是零位跟踪范围, 第二个是零位跟踪时间. 如果在大于或等零位跟踪时间内, 重量在零位跟踪范围内, 那么, 读数将被跟踪至零.零位跟踪时间当显示“ ” 时, 可选择“”, “”, “”, “” 或“off”.~ = 至秒的延迟时间off = 无零位跟踪按“ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.零位跟踪范围当显示“ ” 时, 可选择“”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “” 或“”.~ = 至个显示分度间距CB920X按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.重量变动检测时间当显示 , 可选择 “1” , “2” 或 “off” .1 = 一秒2 = 二秒off = 无动态检测功能按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.重量变动检测范围当显示 , 可选择 “1”, “2”, “5” 或 “10”. 1 = 每单位时间变动一个显示分度间距即只要读数在一/二秒内改变一个显示分度间距, MOTION 指示灯会发亮.2 = 每单位时间变动二个显示分度间距 即只要读数在一/二秒内改变二个显示分度间距, MOTION 指示灯会发亮. 5 = 每单位时间变动五个显示分度间距 即只要读数在一/二秒内改变五个显示分度间距, MOTION 指示灯会发亮. 10 = 每单位时间变动十个显示分度间距即只要读数在一/二秒内改变十个显示分度间距, MOTION 指示灯会发亮.按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态. 倍数或小数点选择当显示 , 可选择 0至 4中某一个数.显示格式 倍数 10 1按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.分度间距当显示“5”.显示分度间距 = 分度间距× 倍数按“ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.最大量程当显示, 可选择500 ~ 100,000之量程按“ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.分辨率最大分辨率为1/15000, 最小分辨率为1/300. 如果设定分辨率超出该范围将视为无效. 这种情况必须加以避免.分辨率 = 显示分度间距 / 最大量程注意 : 分辨率不得超过1/15000.RS232/RS485波特率当显示 , 可选择2400﹑4800﹑9600及19200波特. 注: 更改波特率后, 必须关闭电源. 当电源再次接通时, 方可更改波特率.按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.零位范围当显示 “ ” 时, 零位范围(ZERO BAND)可选择的范围是至10, 1至100表示零位范围是生产配料总确定量的%至10%. 如生产配料的总确定量是100kg , 当零位范围选择1%时,称料斗卸料后如有小于1%的物料, 卸料输出讯号便终断.按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.RS232/RS485操作方式当显示 “ ” 时, 可选择RS232/RS485的操作方式.: 连续输出方式不需指令即可输出重量数据, 生产完成后, 将自动输出报表.”: 指令方式正确指令(即READ<CR><LF>)输入后, 才可有重量数据或 数据输出, 生产完成后, 输出 “<ENQ><CR><LF>” (ASCII 码为 “05, 0D, 0A”). 当 “<ACK><CR><LF>” 输入后, 生产报表方可输出,次数不限. 但当生产启动时, 仍未有 “<ACK>” 输入, 则生产报表将被取消. ( “<ACK>” 在ASCII 码上为 “06” ) 数据输出次数不限, 下次启动生产时方清洗报表.: 自动方式正确指令(READ<CR><LF>)输入后, 才可有重量数据或数据输出, 生产完成后, 报表自动输出.按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.单位、t 或不设定重量单位.公斤吨CB920X不设定重量单位按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.按进入第二层次功能设置状态.当显示 “ ” 时, 可选择1%至10%范围. 1%至10%是最大量程的百分比可按.按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.允差范围检当显示 , 可选择%至%范围. %至%是目标量的百分比. 按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.延迟卸料控制时间当显示 , 可选择至范围.至是设定延迟卸料控制时间. 当卸料达到零位范围内再延迟~后便将卸料控制输按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态. 时间延迟检查超差时间当显示, 可选择至范围.至是设定延迟检查超差时间, 还需要配合检查超差(ETC)使用.按“MODE” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.禁止比较时间(仅适用于粗计量)当贮料仓向称料斗初始供给物料和结束供给物料时, 由于物料的冲击和骤停, 称料斗会因此而产生抖动振荡使仪表的显示值不稳定, 尤其是称料斗设计轻型, 当物料初始冲入称料斗时, 由于重力加速度的作用, 称料斗接受的重量信号会大于物料的实际重量, 因此在这段时间内, 可采取停止采样的禁止比较时间的方法, 提高显示值的准确性和稳定性.按“TARE” 键, 选择 ~ 范围.~是粗计量的禁止比较时间.按 “MODE” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.禁止比较时间(仅适用于精计量)按 “TARE” 键, 选择 ~ 范围. ~是精计量的禁止比较时间.按 “MODE” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.数字滤波当显示 时, 可选择 “0”, “2”, “4”, “8”, “16”, “32”, “64”, “128” 或 “256”. 称料斗受其本身的固有频率影响和外界振动的传导, 会产生随机振动, 从而使仪表的显示值显示不稳定, 视其振动的振幅大小可选择适当的滤波系数在显示器中予以消除, 振幅小时, 可选择低端系数, 振幅大时, 可选择高端系数.按“MODE” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.第二阶段数字滤波按“TARE” 键, 选择“0” 或“1”.0 = 无效1 = 有效按“MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.第二阶段滤波范围按“TARE ” 键, 选择“1 ”~ “99 ”.当毛重变动在每秒设定的滤波范围内, 则第二阶段的数字滤波器启动, 如超出设定的范围, 则此滤波器关闭.注: 仅当第二阶段数字滤波设定为1时, 此功能设置才有效, 否则跳过此项功能设置, 而进入下一步功能设置状态.按“MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.启动延迟时间当显示, 可选择至范围.至是设定延迟启动时间.当卸料门关闭时, 由于机械的作用, 会使称料斗抖动, 从而使显示值在零位附近变动, 可以采用延迟启动的时间, 以保证有充分的时间使卸料门关紧, 提高零位的稳定性.按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.自动补偿当显示 , 可选择0至99次范围.= 禁止自动补偿1 ~99= 每1至99次做一次自动补偿按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.检查超差当显示 , 可选择 0 至99次范围. 0= 禁止检查超差1 ~99 = 每1至99次检查一次超差按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.BCD 输出次数当显示“”时, 可选择BCD 之输出速度为15次/秒﹑50次/秒﹑ 100次/秒或200次/秒.按 “MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.生产自动去皮当ATE=0, 上电后第一次生产的皮重作为参考皮重, 保持到掉电前. 当ATE=1~99, 每生产1~99中更新一次参考皮重.按 “ ZERO ” 键, 进入第三层次功能设置状态.上电自动归零当显示“0 ” 或 “1”. 0 = 禁止1 = 允许, 在上电时, 承重器之负载在归零范围内, 即以该负载为当时之零按 “ ZERO ” 键).按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.首次去皮生产0 = 电源接通后的第一次批次生产不执行去皮1 = 电源接通后的第一次批次生产执行去皮对于生产自动去皮(ATE), 需根据开始去皮生产(STO)确定电源接通后的第一次生产是否执行去皮, 两者之间关系如下:如STO=0及ATE=0, 即皮重等于零及不作任何除皮, 亦即为毛重配料.按 “MODE” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.启动生产条件当显示 “ 0 ”, “ 1”, “ 2 ” 或 “ 3 ” 之条件下方可启动生产.0 = 除了配料、物料参数设置、功能设置、调校之外任何时间 1 = 凈重在归零范围之内 2 = 毛重在归零范围之内3 = 毛重在归零范围之内且无生产按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.自动去皮条件当显示 “ 0 ” 或 “1”.0 = 无限制1 = 毛重必须小于归零范围, 否则使用上一次生产时之皮重.按 “ MODE ” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.去皮延迟时间按 “TARE” 键, 选择 “” ~ “”. 0.0 = 无去皮延迟时间 ~ = 去皮延迟时间设为~秒 注: 在ATE 生效时, 先加入此去皮延迟时间, 以确保称体稳定才作去皮动作,如该次配料无须去皮动作, 则去皮延迟时间TDT 亦无效.按 “MODE” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.去皮检测次数起动按 “TARE” 键, 选择 “1” ~ “99”.1 = 以当前所读取之毛重量为皮重(即不取平均值) 2~99 = 进行2~99次之平均值计算皮重当读取皮重时, 称体可能仍有摆动, 以致皮重错误, 故此允许2~99次之读取皮重量及取其平均值, 以使读取之皮重较稳定. 在去皮生产时, 皮重值为平均皮重值.在按下 “TARE” 键或通过RS232/RS485口执行 “TARE” 指令时, 皮重值将不会被进行平均.按 精计量延迟控制按 “TARE” 键, 选择 “0” ~ “100”. 0 = 粗计量和精计量输出同时进行1~99 = 凈重 ≧ (目标量 – 粗计量) × FCD 值 / 100 100 = 当粗计量输出关闭后, 精计量输出打开 注: 在添量配料时, 此参数无效.按 “MODE” 键, 进入下一步功能设置状态.。


使用PORTJ中断口功能旳例子,本例旳原理是: 设置A口为输出口,PTA旳第6脚跟PTJ旳第6脚 硬件相连,PTB输出,用来控制8个LED灯, PTJ开中断,而且设置为上升沿触发。首先PTA 初始化为0,PTB为0xFF,此时等灭。在大循环 冲设置PTA第6位为高电平,产生中断,灯低4 个亮,高4个不亮。使用单步运营查看效果。
数据旳格式,一共有8种情况。 SCAN:连续转换队列旳模式。此位定义了A/D 转换是连续进行
还是只进行一次。1=连续队列转换;0=单次队列转换。 MULT:当这位为0 时,ATD 旳队列控制器只从指定旳输入通道
进行采样,能够使用ATDCTL5寄存器中旳CC、CB 和CA 三位来 指定需要采样旳模拟量输入通道。当这位为1 时,则对多种旳通 道进行采样,每次采样旳通道数量由S8C、S4C、S2C 和S1C 控制 位来指定,第一种采样通道由CC、CB 和CA 控制位来指定,其 他采样通道由通道选择码CC、CB 和CA 旳增长来决定。 CC、CB、CA:模拟输入通道选择码。和MULT配合使用。
设置方向寄存器(DDRx)为输入(0X00) 随时读取I/O口旳数据寄存器(PORTx)
设置方向寄存器(DDRx)为输出(0XFF) 设置驱动能力寄存器(非必须) 拉电阻选择(非必须) 随时写入I/O口数据寄存器(PORTx)

SAM3U中文手册(40-12位AD转换器 ADC12B)

SAM3U中文手册(40-12位AD转换器 ADC12B)

Read ADC12B_CDR0
Read ADC12B_CDR1
警告: 转换期间,若相应通道被禁止或者禁止再允许,相应的数据和ADC12B_SR寄存器中 EOC位和OVRE位标志是不可预知的。
40.5.6 功耗调节
ADC12B的功耗可通过ADC12B_ACR寄存器的IBCTL位域调整,可灵活地根据转换 速度的要求来优化功耗和有效分辨率。
40.5.7 转换结果
择。 ADC12B时钟范围从MCK/2到MCK/128,如果PRESCAL为零,ADC12B时钟取MCK/2;如 果PRESCAL 为63(0x3F),ADC12B时钟取MCK/128。 PRESCAL必须根据产品数据手册电 气特性部分所给出的参数来配置,以提供ADC12B时钟频率。
SAM3U 系列
40. 12位AD转换器 (ADC12B)
40.1 描述
它内嵌一个 8选1模拟多路复用器,可实现 8条模拟线的模数转换。被转换电压范围由 0V到 AD12BVREF。
ADC12B支持10位和12位分辨率模式, 每个通道的AD转换结果会存储于一个通用寄存器内,也
40.5 功能描述
40.5.1 40.5.2 40.5.3
ADC12B按照ADC12B的时钟来执行转换。 将一个模拟 量转换 为一个12的位数字值需要



1/12L9823April 2003s OUTPUTS CURRENT CAPABILITY UP TO 0.5As CASCADABLE SPI CONTROL FOR OUTPUTSs RESET FUNCTION WITH RESET SIGNAL OR UNDERVOLTAGE AT V DDsPROGRAMMABLE INTRINSIC OUTPUT VOLTAGE CLAMPING AT TYP. 50V FOR INDUCTIVE SWITCHINGs OVERCURRENT SHUTDOWN WITH LATCH-OFF FOR EVERY WRITE CYCLE (SFPD = LOW)s INDEPENDENT THERMAL SHUTDOWN OF OUTPUTS (SOA PROTECTION)s OUTPUT STATUS DATA AVAILABLE ON THE SPI USING 8-BIT I/O PROTOCOL UP TO 3.0MHZ s LOW STANDBY CURRENT WITH RESET = LOW (TYP 35µA @ VDD)s OPEN LOAD DETECTION (OUTPUTS OFF)s SINGLE V DD LOGIC SUPPLYs HIGH EMS IMMUNITY AND LOW EME (CONTROLLED OUTPUT SLOPES)sFULL FUNCTIONALITY OF THE REMAINING DEVICE AT NEGATIVE VOLTAGE DROP ONOUTPUTS (-1,5V OR -3,0A)sOUTPUT MODE PROGRAMMABLE FOR SUSTAINED CURRENT LIMIT OR SHUTDOWNDESCRIPTIONL9823 is a Octal Low-Side Driver Circuit, dedicated for automotive applications. Output voltage clamping is provided for flyback current recirculation, when in-ductive loads are driven. Chip Select and cascadable Serial 8-bit Interface for outputs control and diagnos-tic data transfer.Octal Low-Side Driver for bulb, resistive and inductive loads withserial input control, output protection and diagnosticL9823PIN FUNCTIONN°Pin Description1Out 7Output 72Out 6Output 63SCLK SCLK. The system clock pin (SCLK) clocks the internal shift registers of the L9823. The serial input pin (SI) accepts data into the input shift register on the falling edge of the SCLK signal whilethe serial output pin (SO) shifts data information out of the shift register on the rising edge of theSCLK signal. False clocking of the shift register must be avoided to guarantee validity of data. Itis essential that the SCLK pin be in a logic low state whenever chip select bar pin (CSB) makesany transition. For this reason, it is recommended though not necessary, that the SCLK pin bekept in a low logic state as long as the device is not accessed (CSB in logic high state). WhenCSB is in a logic high state, any signal at the SCLK and SI pin is ignored and SO is tri-stated(high-impedance).4SI SI. This pin is for the input of serial instruction data. SI information is read in on the falling edge of SCLK. A logic high state present on this pin when the SCLK signal rises will program aspecific output OFF, and in turn, turns OFF the specific output on the rising edge of the CSBsignal. Conversely, a logic low state present on the SI pin will program the output ON, and inturn, turns ON the specific output on the rising edge of the CSB signal. To program the eightoutputs of the L9823 ON or OFF, an eight bit serial stream of data is required to be entered intothe SI pin starting with Output 7, followed by Output 6, Output 5, etc., to Output 0. For each riseof the SCLK signal, with CSB held in a logic low state, a databit instruction (ON or OFF) isloaded into the shift register per the databit SI state. The shift register is full after eight bits ofinformation have been entered. To preserve data integrity, care should be taken to not transitionSI as SCLK transitions from a low-to-high logic state.5GND GND6GND GND7GND GND8GND GND9SO SO. The serial output (SO) pin is the tri-stateable output from the shift register. The SO pin remains in a high impedance state until the CSB pin goes to a logic low state. The SO datareports the drain status, either high or low. The SO pin changes state on the rising edge of SCLKand reads out on the falling edge of SCLK. When an output is OFF and not faulted, thecorresponding SO databit is a high state. When SO an output is ON, and there is no fault, thecorresponding databit on the SO pin will be a low logic state. The SI / SO shifting of data followsa first-in-first-out protocol with both input and output words transferring the Most Significant Bit(MSB) first. The SO pin is not affected by the status of the Reset pin.10CSB CSB. The system MCU selects the L9823 to be communicated with through the use of the CSB pin. Whenever the pin is in a logic low state, data can be transferred from the MCU to the L9823and vise versa. Clocked-in data from the MCU is transferred from the L9823 shift register andlatched into the power outputs on the rising edge of the CSB signal. On the falling edge of theCSB signal, drain status information is transferred from the power outputs and loaded into thedevice's shift register. The CSB pin also controls the output driver of the serial output pin.Whenever the CSB pin goes to a logic low state, the SO pin output driver is enabled allowinginformation to be transferred from the L9823 to the MCU. To avoid any spurious data, it isessential that the high-to-low transition of the CSB signal occur only when SCLK is in a logic lowstate.11Out 5Output 512Out 4Output 413Out 3Output 32/123/12L9823ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSFor voltages and currents applied externally to the device. Exceeding limits may cause damage to the device .14Out 2Output 215SFPDSFPD. The Short Fault Protect Disable (SFPD) pin is used to disable the overcurrent latch-OFF.This feature allows control of incandescent loads where in-rush currents exceed the device's analog current limits. Essentially the SFPD pin determines whether the L9823 output(s) will instantly shutdown upon sensing an output short or remain ON in a current limiting mode of operation until the output short is removed or thermal shutdown is reached. If the SFPD pin is tied to VDD the L9823 output(s) will remain ON in a current limited mode of operation upon encountering a load short to supply. If the SFPD pin is grounded, a short circuit will immediately shutdown only the output affected. Other outputs not having a fault condition will operate normally.16VDD VDD 17GND GND 18GND GND 19GND GND 20GND GND21NC Not Connected22ResetReset. The Reset pin is active low and used to clear the SPI shift register and in doing so sets all output switches OFF. With the device in a system with an MCU; upon initial system power up,the MCU holds the Reset pin of the device in a logic low state ensuring all outputs to be OFF until the VDD pin voltages are adequate for predictable operation. After the L9823 is Reset, the MCU is ready to assert system control with all output switches initially OFF. The Reset pin is active low and has an internal pull-down incorporated to ensure operational predictability should the external pull-down of the MCU open circuit. The internal pull-up is to afford safe and easy interfacing to the MCU. The Reset pin of the L9823 should be pulled to a logic low state for a duration of at least 160ns to ensure reliable Reset.23Out 1Output 124Out 0Output 0N°Pin DescriptionPIN FUNCTION (continued)L98234/12Note1)All inputs are protected against ESD according to MIL 883C; tested with HBM C = 100pF, R = 1500Ω at ±2KV. It corresponds to a dissipated energy E ≤ 0.2mJ (data available upon request).2)Transient pulses in accordance to DIN40839 part 1, 3 and ISO 7637 Part 1, 3.3)Max. output clamp energy at T j = 150°C, using single non-repetitive pulse of 500mATHERMAL DATAELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (4.5V ≤ V≤ 5.5V; -40°C ≤ T ≤ 150°C; unless otherwise specifiedABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (continued)L9823 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (continued)5/12L9823ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (continued)Outputs Control Tables :Outputs:SI-bit01Output on off 6/12L9823 Output Control register structure :Power outputs characteristicsfor flyback current, outputs short circuit protection and diagnosticsFor output currents flowing into the circuit the output voltages are limited. The typical value of this voltage is 50V. This function allows that the flyback current of a inductive load recirculates into the circuit; the flyback energy is absorbed in the chip.Output short circuit protection SFPD = Low (dedicated for loads without inrush current): when the output current exceeds the short circuit threshold, the corresponding output overload latch is set after a delay time t dly SCB and the output is switched off. The delay timer is started after each rise of CSB and valid datas are transfered to the output control register. If the short takes place after the delay time has elapsed the shutdown is immediate (with-in 15µs).Output short circuit protection SFPD = High (dedicated for loads with inrush current, as lamps): when the load current would exceed the short circuit limit value, the corresponding output goes in a current regulation mode. The output current is determined by the output characteristics and the output voltage depends on the load re-sistance. In this mode high power is dissipated in the output transistor and its temperature increases rapidly. When the power transistor temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown threshold, the overload latch is set and the corresponding output switched off.For the load diagnostic in output off condition each output features a diagnostic current sink, of typ 60µA. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONGeneralThe L9823 integrated circuit features 8 power low-side-driver outputs. Data is transmitted to the device using the Serial Peripheral Interface = SPI protocol. The power outputs features voltage clamping function for flyback current recirculation and are protected against short circuit to Vbat.The diagnostics recognizes two outputs fault conditions: 1) overcurrent and thermal overload in switch-ON con-dition and 2) open load or short to GND in switch-OFF condition for all outputs. The outputs status can be read out via the serial interface.The chip internal Reset is a OR function of the external Reset signal and internally generated undervoltage Re-set signal.7/12L9823Output Stages ControlEach output is controlled with its latch and with a common Reset line, which enables all outputs.The control data are transmitted via the SI input, the timing of the serial interface is shown in Fig. 1.The device is selected with low CSB signal and the input data are transferred into the 8 bit shift register at every falling SCLK edge. The rising edge of the CSB latches the new data from the shift register to the drivers.The SPI register data are transferred to the output latch at rising CSB edge. The digital filter between CSB and the output latch ensures that the data are transferred only after 8 SCLK cycles or multiple of 8 SCLK cycles since the last CSB falling edge. The CSB changes only at low SCLK.DiagnosticsThe output voltage at all outputs is compared with the diagnostic threshold, typ 0,55 • V DD = V DG. Diagnostic Table for outputs:Output Output-voltage Status-bit Output-mode off> DG-threshold high correct operationoff< DG-threshold low fault condition 2)on< DG-threshold low correct operationon> DG-threshold high fault condition 1)Fault condition 1) "output short circuit to Vbat" : For SFPD = Low the output was switched on and the voltage at the output exceeded the diagnostics threshold due to overcurrent, the output overload latch was set and the output has been switched off. The diagnostic bit is high.: For SFPD = High the output was switched on and the voltage at the output exceeds the diagnostics threshold. The output operates in current regulation mode or has been switched off due to thermal shutdown. The status bit is high.Fault condition 2) "open load" or "output short circuit to GND" : the output is switched off and the voltage at the output drops below the diagnostics threshold, because the load current is lower than the output diagnostic cur-rent source, the load is interrupted. The diagnostic bit is low.At the falling edge of CSB the output status data are transferred to the shift register. When SCB is low, data bits contained in the shift register are transferred to SO output at every rising SCLK edge.8/12L98239/12L9823APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONThe typical application diagram for parallel Input SPI control is shown in Figure 4.For higher current driving capability more outputs of the same kind can be paralleled. In this case the maximum flyback energy should not exceed the limit value for single output.The immunity of the circuit with respect to the transients at the output is verified during the characterization for Test Pulses 1, 2 and 3a, 3b, DIN40839 or ISO7637 part 3. The Test Pulses are coupled to the outputs with 200pF series capacitor. The correct function of the circuit with the Test Pulses coupled to the outputs is verified during the characterization for the typical application with R = 16Ω to 200Ω, L= 0 to 600mH loads. All outputs withstand testpulses without damage.10/12L982311/12L9823Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics®2003 STMicroelectronics - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan -Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.12/12。



L298N中文资料步进电机驱动芯片L298中文资料双全桥步进电机专用驱动芯片( Dual Full-Bridge Driver )L298中文资料L298N 为SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics 所出产的双全桥步进电机专用驱动芯片( Dual Full-Bridge Driver ) ,内部包含4信道逻辑驱动电路,是一种二相和四相步进电机的专用驱动器,可同时驱动2个二相或1个四相步进电机,内含二个H-Bridge 的高电压、大电流双全桥式驱动器,接收标准TTL逻辑准位信号,可驱动46V、2A以下的步进电机,且可以直接透过电源来调节输出电压;此芯片可直接由单片机的IO端口来提供模拟时序信号,但在本驱动电路中用L297 来提供时序信号,节省了单片机IO 端口的使用。

L298N 之接脚如图9 所示,Pin1 和Pin15 可与电流侦测用电阻连接来控制负载的电路; OUTl、OUT2 和OUT3、OUT4 之间分别接2 个步进电机;input1~input4 输入控制电位来控制电机的正反转;Enable 则控制电机停转。

图9 L298引脚图图10 L298 内部逻辑图L298 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 绝对最大额定值: Symbol符号Parameter 参数Value数值单位VSPower Supply 电源50VSSLogic Supply Voltage 电源电压7VVI,VenInput and Enable Voltage 输入电压和启用–0.3 to 7VIO峰值输出电流(每通道)非重复性(t= 100ms)3重复(80% on –20% off; ton = 10ms) 2.5直流运行2VsensSensing Voltage 感应电压–1 to 2.3VPtotTotal Power Dissipation (Tcase=75℃)总功率耗散(Tcase=75 ℃)25WTopJunction Operating Temperature 结工作温度–25 to 130℃Tstg,TjStorage and Junction Temperature 储存温度–40 to 150℃L298 PIN FUNCTIONS (refer to the block diagram) 引脚功能(请参阅框图):PowerSONameFunction 功能说明1;152;19Sense A; Sense B 引脚电流监测端,1、15和PowerSO的2、19用法一样,SEN1、SEN2分别为两个H桥的电流反馈脚,不用时可以直接接地2;34;5Out 1; Out 21Y1、1Y2输出端46VS功率电源电压,此引脚与地必须连接100nF电容器 5;77;9Input 1; Input 21A1、1A2输入端,TTL电平兼容6;118;14Enable A; Enable BTTL电平兼容输入 1EN、2EN使能端,低电平禁止输出 81,10,11,20GNDGND地912VSS逻辑电源电压。



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BL6522B 高精度三相多功能电能计量芯片 产品说明书
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1)电参数性能指标................................................................................................................. 12 2)极限范围 ........................................................................................................................... 15 二 工作原理 ............................................................................................................................................ 17 (一)系统框图及原理.................................................................................................................... 17 1)三相原理结构描述图 ......................................................................................................... 17 2)单相原理结构描述图(以 A 相为例)................................................................................ 19 (二)电流电压瞬态波形测量前端(以 A 相为例) ........................................................................ 20 1)前端增益调整 .................................................................................................................... 20 2)相位补偿 ........................................................................................................................... 20 3)输入偏差校正 .................................................................................................................... 21 4)通道增益校正 .................................................................................................................... 21 5)电流电压波形输出 ............................................................................................................. 22 6)电压通道增益粗调 ............................................................................................................. 22 (三)有功功率计量原理(以 A 相为例)....................................................................................... 23 1)有功功率偏差校正 ............................................................................................................. 24 2)有功功率增益调整 ............................................................................................................. 24 3)有功功率的防潜动 ............................................................................................................. 24 4)有功功率的小信号补偿...................................................................................................... 25 5)有功功率反向指示阈值 ...................................................................................................... 25 6)正向有功能量计算 ............................................................................................................. 25



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触发集成电路74HC573D 存储集成电路74HCT157 多路转换双输入集成电路74HCT4046A 压控振荡集成电路74HCT4538D 单稳态集成电路74HCT4538N 触发脉冲集成电路74HCT86D 异或门四2输入集成电路74HCU04 与非门集成电路74LS125 端口功能扩展集成电路74LS373 锁存集成电路74LS393 计数双四位二进制集成电路74LS74双D 触发集成电路78014DFP 系统控制处理集成电路811N 伴音阻容偏置集成电路83D33 压控振荡集成电路85712 场扫描信号校正处理集成电路85713 行扫描信号校正集成电路87C52 微处理集成电路87CK38N-3584 微处理集成电路87CK38N-3627 微处理集成电路89C52 系统控制处理集成电路89C55 系统控制处理集成电路93C66 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路93LC56 电可改写编程存储集成电路9821K03 系统控制集成电路A1642P 背景歌声消除集成电路A701 红外遥控信号接收集成电路A7950 场频识别集成电路A8772AN 色差信号延迟处理集成电路A9109 功率放大集成电路AAB 电源集成电路ACA650 色度信号解调集成电路ACFP2 色度、亮度信号分离集成电路ACP2371 多伴音、多语言改善集成电路ACVP2205 色度、亮度信号分离集成电路AD1853 立体声数/模转换集成电路AD1858 音频解调集成电路AD722 视频编码集成电路ADC2300E 音频数/模转换集成电路ADC2300J 音频数/模转换集成电路ADC2310E 音频数/模转换集成电路ADV7172 视频编码集成电路ADV7175A 视频编码集成电路AE31201 频率显示集成电路AJ7080 射频调制集成电路AK4321-VF-E1 音频数/模转换集成电路AN1319 双高速电压比较集成电路AN1358S 双运算放大集成电路AN1393 双运算放大集成电路AN1431T 稳压电源集成电路AN1452 音频前置放大集成电路AN1458S 双运算放大集成电路AN206 伴音中频及前置放大集成电路AN222 自动频率控制集成电路AN236 副载波信号处理集成电路AN239Q 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN247P 图像中频放大、AGC控制集成电路AN253P 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN262 音频前置放大集成电路AN2661NK 视频信号处理集成电路AN2663K 视频信号处理集成电路AN272 音频功率放大集成电路AN2751FAP 视频信号处理集成电路AN281 色度解码集成电路AN2870FC 多功能控制集成电路AN295 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN301 伺服控制集成电路AN305 视频自动增益控制集成电路AN306 色度自动相位控制集成电路AN318 直流伺服控制集成电路AN320 频率控制、调谐显示驱动集成电路AN3215K 视频信号处理集成电路AN3215S 视频信号处理集成电路AN3224K 磁头信号记录放大集成电路AN3248NK 亮度信号记录、重放处理集成电路AN331 视频信号处理集成电路AN3311K 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3313 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3321S 录像重放信号处理集成电路AN3331K 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3337NSB 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3380K 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3386NK 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3495K 色度、亮度信号降噪集成电路AN355 伴音中频放大、检波集成电路AN3581S 视频驱动集成电路AN366 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN3791 移位控制集成电路AN3792 磁鼓伺服控制接口集成电路AN3795 主轴伺服控制接口集成电路AN3814K 电机驱动集成电路AN4265 音频功率放大集成电路AN4558 运算放大集成电路AN5010 电子选台集成电路AN5011 电子选台集成电路AN5015K 电子选台集成电路AN5020 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5025S 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5026K 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5031 电调谐控制集成电路AN5034 调谐控制集成电路AN5036 调谐控制集成电路AN5043 调谐控制集成电路AN5071 频段转换集成电路AN5095K 电视信号处理集成电路AN5110 图像中频放大集成电路AN5130 图像中频、视频检波放大集成电路AN5138NK 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5156K 电视信号处理集成电路AN5177NK 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5179K 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5183K 中频信号处理集成电路AN5195K 中频、色度、扫描信号处理集成电路AN5215 伴音信号处理集成电路AN5520 伴音中频放大及鉴频集成电路AN5222 伴音中频放大集成电路AN5250 伴音中频放大、鉴频及功率放大集成电路AN5262 音频前置放大集成电路AN5265 音频功率放大集成电路AN5270 音频功率放大集成电路AN5273 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN5274 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN5275 中置、3D放大集成电路AN5285K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN5295NK 音频信号切换集成电路AN5312 视频、色度信号处理集成电路AN5313NK 视频、色度信号处理集成电路AN5342 图像水平轮廓校正集成电路AN5342FB 水平清晰度控制集成电路AN5344FBP 色度信号处理集成电路AN5348K 人工智能信号处理集成电路AN5385K 色差信号放大集成电路AN5410 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5421 同步检测集成电路AN5422 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5512 场扫描输出集成电路AN5515 场扫描输出集成电路AN5521 场扫描输出集成电路AN5532 场扫描输出集成电路AN5534 场扫描输出集成电路AN5551 枕形校正集成电路AN5560 场频识别集成电路AN5600K 中频、亮度、色度及扫描信号处理集成电路AN5601K 视频、色度、同步信号处理集成电路AN5607K 视频、色度、行场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5615 视频信号处理集成电路AN5620X 色度信号处理集成电路AN5621 场扫描输出集成电路AN5625 色度信号处理集成电路AN5633K 色度信号处理集成电路AN5635 色度解码集成电路AN5635NS 色度解码集成电路AN5637 色度解码、亮度延迟集成电路AN5650 同步信号分离集成电路AN5682K 基色电子开关切换集成电路AN5693K 视频、色度、行场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5712 图像中频放大、AGC控制集成电路AN5722 图像中频放大、检波集成电路AN5732 伴音中频放大、鉴频集成电路AN5743 音频功率放大集成电路AN5750 行自动频率控制及振荡集成电路AN5757S 行扫描电源电压控制集成电路AN5762 场扫描振荡、输出集成电路AN5764 光栅水平位置控制集成电路AN5765 电源稳压控制集成电路AN5767 同步信号处理集成电路AN5768 光栅倾斜校正控制集成电路AN5769 行、场会聚控制集成电路AN5790N 行扫描信号处理集成电路AN5791 同步脉冲相位与脉宽调整集成电路AN5803 双声道立体声解调集成电路AN5836 双声道前置放大集成电路AN5858K 视频信号控制集成电路AN5862 视频信号控制集成电路AN5862S-E1 视频信号开关控制集成电路AN5870K 模拟信号切换集成电路AN5891K 音频信号处理集成电路AN614 行枕形校正集成电路AN6210 双声道前置放大集成电路AN6306S 亮度信号处理集成电路AN6308 模拟电子开关集成电路AN6327 视频重放信号处理集成电路AN6341N 伺服控制集成电路AN6342N 基准分频集成电路AN6344 伺服控制集成电路AN6345 分频集成电路AN6346N 磁鼓伺服控制集成电路AN6350 磁鼓伺服控制集成电路AN6357N 主轴接口集成电路AN6361N 色度信号处理集成电路AN6367NK 色度信号处理集成电路AN6371S 自动相位控制集成电路AN6387 电机伺服控制集成电路AN6550 卡拉OK音频放大集成电路AN6554 四运算放大集成电路AN6561 双运算放大集成电路AN6562SG 双运算放大集成电路AN6609N 电机驱动集成电路AN6612 电机稳速控制集成电路AN6650 电机速度控制集成电路AN6651 电机速度控制集成电路AN6652 电机稳速控制集成电路AN6875 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6877 发光二极管七位显示驱动集成电路AN6884 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6886 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6888 发光二极管显示驱动集成电路AN6914 双电压比较集成电路AN7085N5 单片录、放音集成电路AN7105 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7106K 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7108 单片立体声放音集成电路AN710S 单片放音集成电路AN7110E 音频功率放大集成电路AN7114 音频功率放大集成电路AN7116 音频功率放大集成电路AN7118 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7118S 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7120 音频功率放大集成电路AN7124 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7145 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7148 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7158N 音频功率放大7.5W×2集成电路AN7161N 音频功率放大集成电路AN7164 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7171NK 音频功率放大集成电路AN7205 调频/调谐及高频放大集成电路AN7220 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7222 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7223 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7226 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7256 调频/调谐及中频放大集成电路AN7311 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7312 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7315 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7315S 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7320 音频前置放大集成电路AN7396K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7397K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7410 调频立体声多路解码集成电路AN7414 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7420N 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7470 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7805 三端电源稳压+5V/1A集成电路AN7806 三端电源稳压+6V/1A集成电路AN7807 三端电源稳压+7V/1A集成电路AN7808 三端电源稳压+8V/1A集成电路AN7809 电源稳压+9V/1A集成电路AN7810 三端电源稳压+10V/1A集成电路AN7812 三端电源稳压+12V/1A集成电路AN7815 三端电源稳压+15V/1A集成电路AN7818 三端电源稳压+18V/1A集成电路AN7820 三端电源稳压+20V/1A集成电路AN7824 三端电源稳压+24V/1A集成电路AN78L05 三端电源稳压+5V/0.1A集成电路AN78L06 三端电源稳压+6V/0.1A集成电路AN78L08 三端电源稳压+8V/0.1A集成电路AN78L09 三端电源稳压+9V/0.1A集成电路AN78L10 三端电源稳压+10V/0.1A集成电路AN78L12 三端电源稳压+12V/0.1A集成电路AN78L15 三端电源稳压+15V/0.1A集成电路AN78L18 三端电源稳压+18V/0.1A集成电路AN78L20 三端电源稳压+20V/0.1A集成电路AN78L24 三端电源稳压+24V/0.1A集成电路AN78M05 三端电源稳压+5V/0.5A集成电路AN78M06 三端电源稳压+6V/0.5A集成电路AN78M08 三端电源稳压+8V/0.5A集成电路AN78M09 三端电源稳压+9V/0.5A集成电路AN78M10 三端电源稳压+10V/0.5A集成电路AN78M12 三端电源稳压+12V/0.5A集成电路AN78M15 三端固定式稳压+15V/0.5A集成电路AN78M18 三端电源稳压+18V/0.5A集成电路AN78M20 三端电源稳压+20V/0.5A集成电路AN78M24 三端电源稳压+24V/0.5A集成电路AN7905 三端电源稳压-5V/1A集成电路AN7906 三端电源稳压-6V/1A集成电路AN7908T 三端电源稳压-8V/1A集成电路AN7909T 三端电源稳压-9V/1A集成电路AN7910T 三端电源稳压-10V/1A集成电路AN7912 三端电源稳压-12V/1A集成电路AN7915 三端电源稳压-15V/1A集成电路AN7918 三端电源稳压-18V/1A集成电路AN7920 三端电源稳压-20V/1A集成电路AN7924 三端电源稳压-24V/1A集成电路AN79L05 三端电源稳压-5V/0.1A集成电路AN79L06 三端电源稳压-6V/0.1A集成电路AN79L08 三端电源稳压-8V/0.1A集成电路AN79L09 三端电源稳压-9V/0.1A集成电路AN79L10 三端电源稳压-10V/0.1A集成电路AN79L12 三端电源稳压-12V/0.1A集成电路AN79L15 三端电源稳压-15V/0.1A集成电路AN79L18 三端电源稳压-18V/0.1A集成电路AN79L20 三端电源稳压-20V/0.1A集成电路AN79L24 三端电源稳压-24V/0.1A集成电路AN79M05 三端电源稳压-5V/0.5A集成电路AN79M06 三端电源稳压-6V/0.5A集成电路AN79M08 三端电源稳压-8V/0.5A集成电路AN79M09 三端电源稳压-9V/0.5A集成电路AN79M10 三端电源稳压-10V/0.5A集成电路AN79M12 三端电源稳压-12V/0.5A集成电路AN79M15 三端电源稳压-15V/0.5A集成电路AN79M18 三端电源稳压-18V/0.5A集成电路AN79M20 三端电源稳压-20V/0.5A集成电路AN79M24 三端电源稳压-24V/0.5A集成电路AN8028 自激式开关电源控制集成电路AN8270K 主轴电机控制集成电路AN8280 电机驱动集成电路AN8281S 电机驱动集成电路AN8290S 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8355S 条形码扫描接收集成电路AN8370S 光电伺服控制集成电路AN8373S 射频伺服处理集成电路AN8375S 伺服处理集成电路AN8389S-E1 电机驱动集成电路AN8480NSB 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8481SB-E1 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8482SB 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8623FBQ 主轴伺服处理集成电路AN8788FB 电机驱动集成电路AN8802CE1V 伺服处理集成电路AN8813NSBS 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8819NFB 伺服驱动、直流交换集成电路AN8824FBQ 前置放大集成电路AN8825NFHQ-V 聚焦、循迹误差处理集成电路AN8831SC 视频预视放集成电路AN8832SB-E1 射频放大、伺服处理集成电路AN8837SB-E1 伺服处理集成电路AN89C2051-24PC 微处理集成电路APU2400U 音频信号处理集成电路APU2470 音频信号处理集成电路AS4C14405-60JC 动态随机存储1M×4集成电路AS4C256K16ED-60JC 存储集成电路ASD0204-015 图文控制集成电路ASD0204GF-022-3BA显示控制集成电路AT24C08 存储集成电路AT24C08A 存储集成电路AT24C256-10CI 码片集成电路AT27C010 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路AT27C020 存储集成电路ATMEL834 存储集成电路AVM-1 视频信号处理厚膜集成电路AVM-2 音频信号处理厚膜集成电路AVSIBCP08 倍压整流切换集成。

BL0972 交 直流电能计量芯片 数据手册 V1.0说明书

BL0972 交 直流电能计量芯片 数据手册 V1.0说明书

BL0972交/直流电能计量芯片数据手册V1.0目录1、产品简述 (5)2、基本特征 (6)2.1主要特点 (6)2.2系统框图 (7)2.3管脚排列(TSSOP20) (7)2.4性能指标 (8)2.4.1电参数性能指标 (8)2.4.2极限范围 (9)3、工作原理 (10)3.1电流电压波形产生原理 (10)3.1.1PGA增益调整 (10)3.1.2相位补偿 (11)3.1.3通道偏置校正 (11)3.1.4通道增益校正 (12)3.1.5电流电压波形输出 (12)3.2有功功率计算原理 (13)3.2.1有功波形的选择 (14)3.2.2有功功率输出 (14)3.2.3有功功率校准 (14)3.2.4有功功率的防潜动 (15)3.2.5有功功率小信号补偿 (15)3.3有功能量计量原理 (16)3.3.1有功能量输出 (16)3.3.2有功能量输出选择 (16)3.3.3有功能量输出比例 (17)3.4电流电压有效值计算原理 (17)3.4.1有效值输出 (18)3.4.2有效值输入信号的设置 (18)3.4.3有效值刷新率的设置 (18)3.4.4电流电压有效值校准 (19)3.4.5有效值的防潜动 (19)3.5快速有效值检测原理 (20)3.5.1快速有效值输出 (20)3.5.2快速有效值输入选择 (21)3.5.3快速有效值累计时间和阈值 (21)3.5.4电网频率选择 (21)3.5.5快速有效值超限数据保存 (22)3.5.6过流指示 (22)3.5.7继电器控制 (22)3.6温度计量 (23)3.7.1线周期计量 (23)3.7.2线频率计量 (23)3.7.3相角计算 (24)3.7.4功率符号位 (24)3.8故障检测 (25)3.8.1过零检测 (25)3.8.2峰值超限 (25)3.8.3线电压跌落 (26)3.8.4过零超时 (27)3.8.5电源供电指示 (28)4、内部寄存器 (30)4.1电参量寄存器(只读) (30)4.2校表寄存器(外部写) (30)4.3OTP寄存器 (32)4.4模式寄存器 (33)4.4.1 MODE1寄存器 (33)4.4.2 MODE2寄存器 (33)4.4.3 MODE3寄存器 (34)4.5中断状态寄存器 (34)4.5.1 STATUS1寄存器 (34)4.5.2 STATUS3寄存器 (34)4.6校表寄存器详细说明 (34)4.6.1 通道PGA增益调整寄存器 (34)4.6.2 相位校正寄存器 (35)4.6.3 有效值增益调整寄存器 (35)4.6.4 有效值偏置校正寄存器 (36)4.6.5 有功小信号补偿寄存器 (36)4.6.7 防潜动阈值寄存器 (36)4.6.8 快速有效值相关设置寄存器 (37)4.6.9 过流报警及控制 (38)4.6.11 能量读后清零设置寄存器 (39)4.6.12 用户写保护设置寄存器 (39)4.6.13 软复位寄存器 (39)4.6.14 通道增益调整寄存器 (40)4.6.15 通道偏置调整寄存器 (40)4.6.16 有功功率增益调整寄存器 (40)4.6.17 有功功率偏置调整寄存器 (41)4.6.20 CF缩放比例寄存器 (41)4.7电参数寄存器详细说明 (42)4.7.1 波形寄存器 (42)4.7.2 有效值寄存器 (42)4.7.3 快速有效值寄存器 (42)4.7.7 电能脉冲计数寄存器 (43)4.7.8 波形夹角寄存器 (44)4.7.9 快速有效值保持寄存器 (44)4.7.11 线电压频率寄存器 (44)5、SPI通讯接口 (45)5.1概述 (45)5.2工作模式 (45)5.3帧结构 (45)5.4读出操作时序 (46)5.5写入操作时序 (47)5.6SPI接口的容错机制 (48)6、典型应用图 (49)7、封装信息 (50)1、产品简述BL0972是一颗内置时钟的单相交/直流电能计量芯片。



DDR SDRAM Registered Module( TSOP-II )184pin Registered Module based on 512Mb B-die with 1,700 / 1,200mil Height & 72-bit ECCRevision 1.0December. 2003Revison 1.0 December, 2003Revision HistoryRevision 0.0 (February, 2003)- First releaseRevision 0.1 (July, 2003)- Deleted speed B3Revision 0.2 (August, 2003)- Corrected typo.Revision 1.0 (December, 2003)- IDD current revision.- FinalizedRevison 1.0 December, 2003184Pin Registered DIMM based on 512Mb B-die (x4, x8)Ordering InformationPart Number Density Organization Component Composition Heihgt M383L6523BTS-CAA/A2/B0/A0512MB64M x 72 64Mx8( K4H510838B) * 9EA1,700mil M383L2923BTS-CAA/A2/B0/A01GB128M x 72 64Mx8( K4H510838B) * 18EA1,700mil M383L2920BTS-CAA/A2/B0/A01GB128M x 72 128Mx4( K4H510438B) * 18EA1,700mil M383L5628BT1-CAA/A2/B0/A02GB256M x 72 st.256Mx4( K4H1G0638B) * 18EA1,700mil M312L6523BTS-CAA/A2/B0/A0512MB64M x 72 64Mx8( K4H510838B) * 9EA1,200mil M312L2923BTS-CAA/A2/B0/A01GB128M x 72 64Mx8( K4H510838B) * 18EA1,200mil M312L2920BTS-CAA/A2/B0/A01GB128M x 72 128Mx4( K4H510438B) * 18EA1,200mil M312L5628BT0-CAA/A2/B0/A02GB256M x 72 st.256Mx4( K4H1G0638B) * 18EA1,200milOperating FrequenciesAA(DDR266@CL=2)A2(DDR266@CL=2)B0(DDR266@CL=2.5)A0(DDR200@CL=2) Speed @CL2133MHz133MHz100MHz100MHzSpeed @CL2.5133MHz133MHz133MHz-CL-tRCD-tRP2-2-22-3-3 2.5-3-32-2-2 Feature• Power supply : Vdd: 2.5V ± 0.2V, Vddq: 2.5V ± 0.2V• Double-data-rate architecture; two data transfers per clock cycle• Bidirectional data strobe(DQS)• Differential clock inputs(CK and CK)• DLL aligns DQ and DQS transition with CK transition• Programmable Read latency 2, 2.5 (clock)• Programmable Burst length (2, 4, 8)• Programmable Burst type (sequential & interleave)• Edge aligned data output, center aligned data input• Auto & Self refresh, 7.8us refresh interval(8K/64ms refresh)• Serial presence detect with EEPROM• 1,700mil / 1,200mil height & double sidedSAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., Ltd. reserves the right to change products and specifications without notice.Revison 1.0 December, 2003Revison 1.0 December, 2003Pin Configuration (Front side/back side)Note :1. * : These pins are not used in this module.2. Pins 111, 158 are NC for 1row module [ M383(12)L6523BTS, M383(12)L2920BTS ] & used for 2row module [ M383(12)L2923BTS, M383(12)L5628BT1(0) ]3. Pins 97, 107, 119, 129, 140, 149, 159, 169, 177 : DM (x8 base module) or DQS (x4 base module).Pin Front Pin Front Pin Front Pin Back Pin Back Pin Back 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031VREF DQ0VSS DQ1DQS0DQ2VDD DQ3NC /RESET VSS DQ8DQ9DQS1VDDQ *CK1*/CK1VSS DQ10DQ11CKE0VDDQ DQ16DQ17DQS2VSS A9DQ18A7VDDQ DQ19323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061A5DQ24VSS DQ25DQS3A4VDD DQ26DQ27A2VSS A1CB0CB1VDD DQS8A0CB2VSS CB3BA1DQ32VDDQ DQ33DQS4DQ34VSS BA0DQ35DQ4062636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192VDDQ /WE DQ41/CAS VSS DQS5DQ42DQ43VDD */CS2DQ48DQ49VSS *CK2*/CK2VDDQ DQS6DQ50DQ51VSS VDDID DQ56DQ57VDD DQS7DQ58DQ59VSS NC SDA SCL93949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123VSS DQ4DQ5VDDQ DM0/DQS9DQ6DQ7VSS NC NC NC VDDQ DQ12DQ13DM1/DQS10VDD DQ14DQ15CKE1VDDQ *BA2DQ20 A12VSS DQ21A11DM2/DQS11VDD DQ22A8DQ23124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153VSS A6DQ28DQ29VDDQ DM3/DQS12A3DQ30VSS DQ31CB4CB5VDDQ CK0/CK0VSS DM8/DQS17A10CB6VDDQ CB7VSS DQ36DQ37VDD DM4/DQS13DQ38DQ39VSS DQ44154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184/RAS DQ45VDDQ /CS0/CS1DM5/DQS14VSS DQ46DQ47*/CS3VDDQ DQ52DQ53*A13VDD DM6/DQS15DQ54DQ55VDDQ NC DQ60DQ61VSS DM7/DQS16DQ62DQ63VDDQ SA0SA1SA2VDDSPDPin DescriptionPin NameFunctionPin Name FunctionA0 ~ A12Address input (Multiplexed)DM0 ~ DM8Data - in mask BA0 ~ BA1Bank Select Address VDD Power supply (2.5V)DQ0 ~ DQ63Data input/output VDDQ Power Supply for DQS(2.5V)DQS0 ~ DQS17Data Strobe input/output VSS GroundCK0,CK0Clock input VREF Power supply for referenceCKE0, CKE1(for 2 Row)Clock enable input VDDSPD Serial EEPROM Power/Supply ( 2.3V to 3.6V )CS0, CS1(for 2 Row)Chip select input SDA Serial data I/O RAS Row address strobe SCL Serial clockCAS Column address strobe SA0 ~ 2Address in EEPROM WE Write enableNCNo connectionCB0 ~ CB7Check bit(Data-in/data-out)KEYKEY512MB, 64M x 72 ECC Module (M383(12)L6523BTS) (Populated as 1 bank of x8 DDR SDRAM Module)1GB, 128M x 72 ECC Module (M383(12)L2923BTS) (Populated as 2 bank of x8 DDR SDRAM Module)1GB, 128M x 72 ECC Module (M383(12)L2920BTS) (Populated as 1 bank of x4 DDR SDRAM Module)2GB, 256M x 72 ECC Module [ M383(12)L5628BT1(0) ] (Populated as 2 bank of x4 DDR SDRAM Module)Revison 1.0 December, 2003Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Value Unit Voltage on any pin relative to Vss V IN , V OUT -0.5 ~ 3.6V Voltage on V DD supply relative to Vss V DD,V DDQ -1.0 ~ 3.6V Storage temperature T STG -55 ~ +150?C Power dissipation P D 1.5 * # of componentW Short circuit currentI OS50mAPermanent device damage may occur if ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS are exceeded.Functional operation should be restricted to recommended operating condition.Exposure to higher than recommended voltage for extended periods of time could affect device reliability.Note :Power & DC Operating Conditions (SSTL_2 In/Out)Notes : 1. Includes ??25mV margin for DC offset on V REF , and a combined total of ??50mV margin for all AC noise and DC offset onV REF , bandwidth limited to 20MHz. The DRAM must accommodate DRAM current spikes on V REF and internal DRAM noise coupled to V REF , both of which may result in V REF noise. V REF should be de-coupled with an inductance of ??3nH.2. V TT is not applied directly to the device. V T T is a system supply for signal termination resistors, is expected to be set equal toV REF , and must track variations in the DC level of V REF3. V I D is the magnitude of the difference between the input level on CK and the input level on CK.4. These parameters should be tested at the pin on actual components and may be checked at either the pin or the pad insimulation. The AC and DC input specifications are relative to a VREF envelop that has been bandwidth limited to 200MHz.Recommended operating conditions (Voltage referenced to V SS =0V, T A =0 to 70?C)ParameterSymbol Min Max UnitNoteSupply voltage(for device with a nominal V DD of 2.5V)V DD 2.3 2.7I/O Supply voltage V DDQ 2.3 2.7V I/O Reference voltageV REF VDDQ/2-50mV VDDQ/2+50mV V 1I/O Termination voltage(system)V TT V REF -0.04V REF +0.04V 2Input logic high voltage V I H (DC)V REF +0.15V DDQ +0.3V 4Input logic low voltageV IL (DC)-0.3V REF -0.15V 4Input Voltage Level, CK and CK inputs V I N (DC)-0.3V DDQ +0.3V Input Differential Voltage, CK and CK inputs V I D (DC)0.3V DDQ +0.6V 3Input leakage current I I -22uA Output leakage currentI OZ -55uA Output High Current(Normal strengh driver) ;V OUT = V T T + 0.84VI OH -16.8mA Output High Current(Normal strengh driver) ;V OUT = V T T - 0.84VI OL 16.8mA Output High Current(Half strengh driver) ;V OUT = V T T + 0.45VI OH -9mA Output High Current(Half strengh driver) ;V OUT = V T T - 0.45VI OL9mADDR SDRAM IDD spec tableM383(12)L6523BTS [ (64M x 8) * 9 , 512MB Module ](V DD=2.7V, T = 10?C) Symbol AA(DDR266@CL=2)A2(DDR266@CL=2)B0(DDR266@CL=2.5)A0(DDR200@CL=2)Unit Notes IDD01,6201,4901,4901,490mAIDD11,8401,7201,7201,720mAIDD2P370350350350mAIDD2F895770770770mAIDD2Q505480480480mAIDD3P595570570570mAIDD3N1,080950950950mAIDD4R1,9801,8501,8501,850mAIDD4W2,0201,9001,9001,900mAIDD52,7902,6602,6602,660mA IDD6Normal370350350350mA Low power350330330330mA Optional IDD7A3,6703,5603,5603,560mA* Module IDD was calculated on the basis of component IDD and can be differently measured according to DQ loading cap.M383(12)L2923BTS [ (64M x 8) * 18 , 1GB Module ](V DD=2.7V, T = 10?C) Symbol AA(DDR266@CL=2)A2(DDR266@CL=2)B0(DDR266@CL=2.5)A0(DDR200@CL=2)Unit Notes IDD02,1902,1902,1902,190mAIDD12,4202,4202,4202,420mAIDD2P540540540540mAIDD2F1,2901,2901,2901,290mAIDD2Q810810810810mAIDD3P990990990990mAIDD3N1,6501,6501,6501,650mAIDD4R2,5502,5502,5502,550mAIDD4W2,6002,6002,6002,600mAIDD53,3603,3603,3603,360mA IDD6Normal540540540540mA Low power500500500500mA Optional IDD7A4,2604,2604,2604,260mA* Module IDD was calculated on the basis of component IDD and can be differently measured according to DQ loading cap.Revison 1.0 December, 2003Revison 1.0 December, 2003DDR SDRAM IDD spec tableM383(12)L2920BTS [ (128M x 4) * 18 , 1GB Module ]M383(12)L5628BT1(0) [ (st.256M x 4) * 18 , 2GB Module ](V DD =2.7V, T = 10?C)* Module IDD was calculated on the basis of component IDD and can be differently measured according to DQ loading cap.Symbol AA(DDR266@CL=2)A2(DDR266@CL=2)B0(DDR266@CL=2.5)A0(DDR200@CL=2)Unit NotesIDD02,6102,6102,6102,610mA IDD13,0103,0103,0103,010mA IDD2P 420420420420mA IDD2F 1,1701,1701,1701,170mA IDD2Q 690690690690mA IDD3P 870870870870mA IDD3N 1,5301,5301,5301,530mA IDD4R 3,3303,3303,3303,330mA IDD4W 3,4203,4203,4203,420mA IDD54,9504,9504,9504,950mA IDD6Normal 420420420420mA Low power 380380380380mA Optional IDD7A6,7506,7506,7506,750mA(V DD =2.7V, T = 10?C)* Module IDD was calculated on the basis of component IDD and can be differently measured according to DQ loading cap.Symbol AA(DDR266@CL=2)A2(DDR266@CL=2)B0(DDR266@CL=2.5)A0(DDR200@CL=2)Unit NotesIDD03,7603,7603,7603,760m A IDD14,2104,2104,2104,210m A IDD2P 760760760760m A IDD2F 1,9601,9601,9601,960m A IDD2Q 1,3001,3001,3001,300m A IDD3P 1,6601,6601,6601,660m A IDD3N 2,6802,6802,6802,680m A IDD4R 4,4804,4804,4804,480m A IDD4W 4,5704,5704,5704,570m A IDD56,1006,1006,1006,100m A IDD6Normal 760760760760m A Low power 680680680680m A Optional IDD7A7,9007,9007,9007,900m ARevison 1.0 December, 2003Note : 1. VID is the magnitude of the difference between the input level on CK and the input on CK.2. The value of V IX is expected to equal 0.5*V DDQ of the transmitting device and must track variations in the DC level of the same.3. These parameters should be tested at the pim on actual components and may be checked at either the pin or the pad insimulation. the AC and DC input specificatims are refation to a Vref envelope that has been bandwidth limited 20MHz.V Input/Output Capacitance (VDD=2.5V, VDDQ=2.5V, TA= 25?C, f=1MHz)ParameterSymbol M383(12)L6523BTS, M383(12)L2920BTSUnitMin Max Input capacitance(A0 ~ A12, BA0 ~ BA1,RAS,CAS,W E )CIN1911pF Input capacitance(CKE0)CIN2911pF Input capacitance( CS0)CIN3911pF Input capacitance( CLK0, CLK0 )CIN41112pF Input capacitance(DM0~DM8)CIN51011pF Data & DQS input/output capacitance(DQ0~DQ63)Cout11011pF Data input/output capacitance (CB0~CB7)Cout21011pF ParameterSymbol M383(12)L2923BTS, M383(12)L5628BT1(0)UnitMin Max Input capacitance(A0 ~ A12, BA0 ~ BA1,RAS,CAS,WE )CIN1911pF Input capacitance(CKE0,CKE1)CIN2911pF Input capacitance( CS0, CS1)CIN3911pF Input capacitance( CLK0, CLK0 )CIN41112pF Input capacitance(DM0~DM8)CIN51416pF Data & DQS input/output capacitance(DQ0~DQ63)Cout11416pF Data input/output capacitance (CB0~CB7)Cout21416pFAC Operating ConditionsParameter/ConditionSymbol Min MaxUnit Note Input High (Logic 1) Voltage, DQ, DQS and DM signals VIH(AC)VREF + 0.31V 3Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage, DQ, DQS and DM signals.VIL(AC)VREF - 0.31V 3Input Differential Voltage, CK and CK inputs VID(AC)0.7VDDQ+0.6V 1Input Crossing Point Voltage, CK and CK inputsVIX(AC)0.5*VDDQ-0.20.5*VDDQ+0.2V2Output Load Circuit (SSTL_2)OutputZ0=50?C LOAD =30pFREF=0.5*V DDQR T =50?V tt =0.5*V DDQAC Timming Parameters & SpecificationsParameter SymbolAA(DDR266@CL=2)A2(DDR266@CL=2)B0(DDR266@CL=2.5)A0(DDR200@CL=2)Unit Note Min Max Min Max Min Max Min MaxRow cycle time tRC60656570ns Refresh row cycle time tRFC75757580ns Row active time tRAS45120K45120K45120K48120K ns RAS to CAS delay tRCD15202020ns Row precharge time tRP15202020ns Row active to Row active delay tRRD15151515ns Write recovery time tWR15151515ns Last data in to Read command tWTR1111tCK Col. address to Col. address delay tCCD1111tCKClock cycle time CL=2.0tCK7.5127.51210121012ns CL=2.57.5127.5127.512nsClock high level width tCH0.450.550.450.550.450.550.450.55tCKClock low level width tCL0.450.550.450.550.450.550.450.55tCKDQS-out access time from CK/CK tDQSCK-0.75+0.75-0.75+0.75-0.75+0.75-0.8+0.8nsOutput data access time from CK/CK tAC-0.75+0.75-0.75+0.75-0.75+0.75-0.8+0.8nsData strobe edge to ouput data edge tDQSQ-0.5-0.5-0.5-0.6ns12 Read Preamble tRPRE0.9 1.10.9 1.10.9 1.10.9 1.1tCKRead Postamble tRPST0. to valid DQS-in tDQSS0.75 1.250.75 1.250.75 1.250.75 1.25tCKDQS-in setup time tWPRES0000ns3 DQS-in hold time tWPRE0. falling edge to CK rising-setup time tDSS0. falling edge from CK rising-hold time tDSH0. high level width tDQSH0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 tCKDQS-in low level width tDQSL0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 tCKDQS-in cycle time tDSC0.9 1.10.9 1.10.9 1.10.9 1.1tCK Address and Control Input setup time(fast)tIS0.90.90.9 1.1ns i,5.7~9 Address and Control Input hold time(fast)tIH0.90.90.9 1.1ns i,5.7~9 Address and Control Input setup time(slow)tIS 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1ns i, 6~9 Address and Control Input hold time(slow)tIH 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1ns i, 6~9 Data-out high impedence time from CK/CK tHZ-0.75 +0.75-0.75 +0.75-0.75 +0.75 -0.8 +0.8ns1 Data-out low impedence time from CK/CK tLZ-0.75 +0.75-0.75 +0.75-0.75 +0.75 -0.8 +0.8ns1 Input Slew Rate(for input only pins)tSL(I) Slew Rate(for I/O pins)tSL(IO) Slew Rate(x4,x8)tSL(O) 1.0 4.5 1.0 4.5 1.0 4.5 1.0 4.5V/nsOutput Slew Rate Matching Ratio(rise to fall)tSLMR0.67 1.50.67 1.50.67 1.50.67 1.5Revison 1.0 December, 2003Revison 1.0 December, 2003ParameterSymbolAA(DDR266@CL=2)A 2(DDR266@CL=2)B 0(DDR266@CL=2.5)A 0(DDR200@CL=2)UnitNoteMinMax MinMax MinMax MinMaxMode register set cycle time tMRD 15151516ns DQ & DM setup time to DQS tDS j, k DQ & DM hold time to DQS tDH j, k Control & Address input pulse width tIPW 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5ns 8DQ & DM input pulse width tDIPW 1.75 1.75 1.752ns 8Power down exit timetPDEX Exit self refresh to non-Read command tXSNR 75757580ns Exit self refresh to read command tXSRD 200200200200tCKRefresh interval time tREFI 4Output DQS valid window tQH tHP -tQHS -tHP -tQHS -tHP -tQHS -tHP -tQHS -ns 11Clock half period tHP tCLmin or tCHmin-tCLmin or tCHmin-tCLmin or tCHmin-tCLmin or tCHmin-ns 10, 11Data hold skew factor tQHS 0.750.750.750.8ns 11DQS write postamble time tWPST to Read with Auto precharge commandtRAP 20202020Autoprecharge write recovery + Precharge timetDAL(tWR/tCK)+(tWR/tCK)+(tWR/tCK)+(tWR/tCK)+tCK 13System Characteristics for DDR SDRAMThe following specification parameters are required in systems using DDR266 & DDR200 devices to ensure proper sys-tem performance. these characteristics are for system simulation purposes and are guaranteed by design.Table 1 : Input Slew Rate for DQ, DQS, and DMTable 2 : Input Setup & Hold Time Derating for Slew RateTable 3 : Input/Output Setup & Hold Time Derating for Slew RateAC CHARACTERISTICSDDR266DDR200PARAMETERSYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX Units Notes DQ/DM/DQS input slew rate measured between VIH(DC), VIL(DC) and VIL(DC), VIH(DC)DCSLEWTBDTBD0.54.0V/nsa, mInput Slew RatetIS tIH Units Notes 0.5 V/ns 00ps i 0.4 V/ns +500ps i 0.3 V/ns+100psiInput Slew RatetDS tDH Units Notes 0.5 V/ns 00ps k 0.4 V/ns +75+75ps k 0.3 V/ns+150+150pskRevison 1.0 December, 2003Table 4 : Input/Output Setup & Hold Derating for Rise/Fall Delta Slew RateTable 5 : Output Slew Rate Characteristice (X4, X8 Devices only)Table 6 : Output Slew Rate Characteristice (X16 Devices only)Table 7 : Output Slew Rate Matching Ratio CharacteristicsDelta Slew Rate tDS tDH Units Notes +/- 0.0 V/ns 00ps j +/- 0.25 V/ns +50+50ps j +/- 0.5 V/ns+100+100psjSlew Rate CharacteristicTypical Range(V/ns)Minimum (V/ns)Maximum (V/ns)Notes Pullup Slew Rate 1.2 ~ 2.5 1.0 4.5a,c,d,f,g,h Pulldown slew1.2 ~,c,d,f,g,hSlew Rate CharacteristicTypical Range(V/ns)Minimum (V/ns)Maximum (V/ns)Notes Pullup Slew Rate 1.2 ~ 2.50.7 5.0a,c,d,f,g,h Pulldown slew1.2 ~,c,d,f,g,hAC CHARACTERISTICSDDR266DDR200PARAMETERMIN MAX MIN MAX NOTES Output Slew Rate Matching Ratio (Pullup to Pulldown)TBDTBD0.671.5e,mSystem Notes :a. Pullup slew rate is characteristized under the test conditions as shown in Figure 1.Test pointOutput50?VSSQFigure 1 : Pullup slew rate test loadb. Pulldown slew rate is measured under the test conditions shown in Figure 2.VDDQ50?OutputTest pointFigure 2 : Pulldown slew rate test loadc. Pullup slew rate is measured between (VDDQ/2 - 320 mV +/- 250 mV)Pulldown slew rate is measured between (VDDQ/2 + 320 mV +/- 250 mV)Pullup and Pulldown slew rate conditions are to be met for any pattern of data, including all outputs switching and only one outputswitching.Example : For typical slew rate, DQ0 is switchingFor minmum slew rate, all DQ bits are switching from either high to low, or low to high.The remaining DQ bits remain the same as for previous state.d. Evaluation conditionsTypical : 25 ?C (T Ambient), VDDQ = 2.5V, typical processMinimum : 70 ?C (T Ambient), VDDQ = 2.3V, slow - slow processMaximum : 0 ?C (T Ambient), VDDQ = 2.7V, fast - fast processe. The ratio of pullup slew rate to pulldown slew rate is specified for the same temperature and voltage, over the entire temperature and voltage range. For a given output, it represents the maximum difference between pullup and pulldown drivers due to process v ariation.f. Verified under typical conditions for qualification purposes.g. TSOPII package divices only.h. Only intended for operation up to 266 Mbps per pin.i. A derating factor will be used to increase tIS and tIH in the case where the input slew rate is below 0.5V/nsas shown in Table 2. The Input slew rate is based on the lesser of the slew rates detemined by either VIH(AC) to VIL(AC) orVIH(DC) to VIL(DC), similarly for rising transitions.j. A derating factor will be used to increase tDS and tDH in the case where DQ, DM, and DQS slew rates differ, as shown in Table s 3 & 4. Input slew rate is based on the larger of AC-AC delta rise, fall rate and DC-DC delta rise, Input slew rate is based on the lesser of the slew rates determined by either VIH(AC) to VIL(AC) or VIH(DC) to VIL(DC), similarly for rising transitions.The delta rise/fall rate is calculated as: {1/(Slew Rate1)} - {1/(Slew Rate2)}For example : If Slew Rate 1 is 0.5 V/ns and slew Rate 2 is 0.4 V/ns, then the delta rise, fall rate is - 0.5ns/V . Using the table given, this would result in the need for an increase in tDS and tDH of 100 ps.k. Table 3 is used to increase tDS and tDH in the case where the I/O slew rate is below 0.5 V/ns. The I/O slew rate is based on the lesser on the lesser of the AC - AC slew rate and the DC- DC slew rate. The inut slew rate is based on the lesser of the slew rates determined by either VIH(ac) to VIL(ac) or VIH(DC) to VIL(DC), and similarly for rising transitions.m. DQS, DM, and DQ input slew rate is specified to prevent double clocking of data and preserve setup and hold times. Signal tra nsitions through the DC region must be monotony.Revison 1.0 December, 2003Command Truth Table (V=Valid, X=Don?t Care, H=Logic High, L=Logic Low)COMMAND CKEn-1CKEn CS RAS CAS WE BA0,1A10/AP A0 ~ A9A11, A12NoteRegister Extended MRS H X L L L L OP CODE1, 2 Register Mode Register Set H X L L L L OP CODE1, 2Refresh Auto RefreshHHL L L H X3SelfRefreshEntry L3Exit L HL H H HX3H X X X3Bank Active & Row Addr.H X L L H H V Row Address(A0~A9, A11,A12)Read &Column Address Auto Precharge DisableH X L H L H VLColumnAddress4 Auto Precharge Enable H4Write &Column Address Auto Precharge DisableH X L H L L VLColumnAddress4 Auto Precharge Enable H4, 6Burst Stop H X L H H L X7Precharge Bank SelectionH X L L H LV LXAll Banks X H5Active Power Down Entry H LH X X XXL V V VExit L H X X X XPrecharge Power Down Mode Entry H LH X X XXL H H HExit L HH X X XL V V VDM H X X8No operation (NOP) : Not defined H X H X X XX9 L H H H9Note : 1. OP Code : Operand Code. A0 ~ A12 & BA0 ~ BA1 : Program keys. (@EMRS/MRS)2. EMRS/ MRS can be issued only at all banks precharge state.A new command can be issued 2 clock cycles after EMRS or MRS.3. Auto refresh functions are same as the CBR refresh of DRAM.The automatical precharge without row precharge command is meant by "Auto".Auto/self refresh can be issued only at all banks precharge state.4. BA0 ~ BA1 : Bank select addresses.If both BA0 and BA1 are "Low" at read, write, row active and precharge, bank A is selected.If BA0 is "High" and BA1 is "Low" at read, write, row active and precharge, bank B is selected.If BA0 is "Low" and BA1 is "High" at read, write, row active and precharge, bank C is selected.If both BA0 and BA1 are "High" at read, write, row active and precharge, bank D is selected.5. If A10/AP is "High" at row precharge, BA0 and BA1 are ignored and all banks are selected.6. During burst write with auto precharge, new read/write command can not be issued.Another bank read/write command can be issued after the end of burst.New row active of the associated bank can be issued at t RP after the end of burst.7. Burst stop command is valid at every burst length.8. DM sampled at the rising and falling edges of the DQS and Data-in are masked at the both edges (Write DM latency is 0).9. This combination is not defined for any function, which means "No Operation(NOP)" in DDR SDRAM.Revison 1.0 December, 2003Physical Dimensions : 64M x 72 (M383L6523BTS)Physical Dimensions: 128Mx72 (M383L2923BTS), 128Mx72 (M383L2920BTS)Physical Dimensions: st.256Mx72 (M383L5628BT1)Physical Dimensions : 64M x 72 (M312L6523BTS)。

BL0942 内置时钟免校准计量芯片 数据手册说明书

BL0942 内置时钟免校准计量芯片 数据手册说明书

BL0942 datasheetBL0942免校准计量芯片数据手册目录1产品简述 (4)1.1功能简介 (4)1.2主要特点 (4)1.3系统框图 (5)1.4封装与管脚描述 (6)1.5寄存器列表 (8)1.6特殊寄存器说明 (9)1.7性能指标 (11)1.7.1电参数性能 (11)1.7.2极限范围 (12)2功能描述 (13)2.1电流电压瞬态波形计量 (13)2.2有功功率 (14)2.3有功功率防潜动 (14)2.4电能计量 (15)2.5电流电压有效值 (16)2.6过流检测 (17)2.7过零检测 (18)2.8线电压频率检测 (21)3通讯接口 (22)3.1SPI (22)3.1.1工作模式 (22)3.1.2帧结构 (23)3.1.3写入操作时序 (23)3.1.4读出操作时序 (24)3.1.5SPI接口的容错机制 (24)3.2UART (25)3.2.1波特率配置 (25)3.2.2每个字节格式 (25)3.2.3写入时序 (26)3.2.4读取时序 (26)3.2.5时序说明 (27)3.2.6数据包发送模式 (28)3.2.7UART接口的保护机制 (29)4订单信息 (29)5丝印信息 (29)6封装 (30)1产品简述1.1功能简介BL0942是一颗内置时钟免校准电能计量芯片,适用于单相多功能电能表、智能插座、智能家电等应用,具有较高的性价比。

BL0942集成了2路高精度Sigma-Delta ADC,参考电压,电源管理等模拟电路模块,以及处理有功功率、电流电压有效值等电参数的数字信号处理电路。





White Electronic DesignsW7G1M32SVx-BN W7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARY*DESCRIPTIONThe W7G1M32SVx-BN and W7G21M32SVx-BN are or g a n ized as one and two banks of 1Mx32 re s pec t ive l y. The modules are based on AMDs AM29LV160DT - 1Mx16 or STs M29W160ET (optional) Flash device in TSOP packages which are mount e d on an FR4 sub s trate.Both modules offer access times between 70 and 120ns allowing for operation of high-speed mi c ro p ro c es s ors without wait states.FEATURES1Mx32 and 2x1Mx32 DensitiesBased on AMD – AM29LV160DT Flash Device STs M29W160ET (optional) Fast Read Access Time – 70ns 3.3V Only Reprogramming Flexible, Sector Architecture• One 16Kbyte, two 8Kbyte, one 32Kbyte and thirty-one 64Kbyte sectors.• Any combination of sectors can be erased • Also supports full chip erase Top boot block confi gurations• Bottom boot block optional. Contact WEDC.8MB/4MB (2x1Mx32 / 1Mx32) CMOS, Boot Sector Flash Memory ModuleFIG. 1 – BLOCK DIAGRAMSEmbedded Erase Algorithms• Automatically preprograms and erases the chip or any combination of sectors Embedded Program Algorithms• Automatically programs and verifi es data at specifi ed ad d ressData Polling and Toggle Bit feature for detection ofpro g ram or erase cycle completion Low Power Dissipation• 30mA per Device Active Current• 10µA per Device CMOS Standby Current Single 3.3V ±10% SupplyCMOS and TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs Commercial and industrial operating temperaturerange• BNC = 0°C to 70°C Commercial • BNI = -40°C to 85°C Industrial Package• 80 Pin SIMM (JEDEC) Standard* T his product is under development, is not qualifi ed or characterized and is subject to change without notice.White Electronic Designs W7G1M32SVx-BNW7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARY FIGURE 2 – DECOUPLING CAPACITORS ARE PROVIDED FOR IMPROVED NOISE IMMUNITY.White Electronic Designs W7G1M32SVx-BNW7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARY FIGURE 3 – W7G1M32SVxxxBNX & W7G21M32SVxxxBNX PIN CONFIGURATIONPin Symbol Pin Symbol Pin Symbol Pin Symbol1GND21CE341A1161DQ92V CC22CE242A1062DQ83NC23CE143A963DQ74OE#24CE044A864DQ65WE0#25GND45A765DQ56NC26DQ2946A666DQ47NC*27DQ3047A567DQ38DQ1628DQ3148A468DQ29DQ1729WE2#49A369DQ110DQ1830NC50A270DQ011DQ1931NC51A171NC12DQ2032NC52A072V CC13DQ2133A1953NC73PD114DQ2234A1854GND74PD215DQ2335A1755DQ1575PD316DQ2436A1656DQ1476PD417DQ2537A1557DQ1377PD518DQ2638A1458DQ1278PD619DQ2739A1359DQ1179PD720DQ2840A1260DQ1080GND Notes:Unless otherwise specifi ed.1. P opulation Confi guration for 1M x 32 VersionPart Number Configuration Component W7G1M32SVxxxBNX 1M x 32 1M x 82. P opulation Confi guration for 2 x 1M x 32 VersionPart Number Configuration Component W7G21M32SVxxxBNX 2 x 1M x 32 1M x 8xx = Speed: 70, 90, 120nsX = Temerature RangePlease refer to part number matrix pg. 8 or 9NC* = P in 7 can offer custom module options. For optional "Reset" or "Ready Busy." Contact WEDC.PIN NAMESA0 - A19Address DQ0 - DQ31Data Input/Output CE1#, CE2#Chip Enable WE0#, WE2#Write Enable OE#Output EnableV CC Power SupplyNC No ConnectionPD Presence DetectGND GroundWhite Electronic Designs W7G1M32SVx-BNW7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARYPRESENCE DETECT TRUTH TABLEModule Organization PD1PD2PD3PD4 1M x 3210102 x 1M x 320100MODULE SPEED IDENTIFICATION PRESENCE DETECT PINSpeed PD5PD6PD770 ns00190 ns110120 ns010LEGEND: 0 = Connected to GND1 = Open circuit (no connection)CAPACITANCEf = 1.0MH Z, V IN = V CC or V SSParameter Symbol 1Meg2x1MegUnit Max MaxAddress Lines CA3570pF Data lines CDQ1530pF Chip & Write Enable Lines CC1530pF Output Enable lines CG3570pFWhite Electronic Designs W7G1M32SVx-BNW7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARYStorage TemperaturePlastic Packages .................................–65°C to +150°C Ambient Temperaturewith Power Applied ...............................–65°C to +125°C Voltage with Respect to GroundV CC (Note 1) ......................................–0.5 V to +4.0 V A9, OE#, and RESET# (Note 2) ......–0.5 V to +12.5 V All other pins (Note 1) ..................–0.5 V to V CC+0.5 V Output Short Circuit Current (Note 3) .................200 mA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSNotes:1. Minimum DC voltage on input or I/O pins is –0.5 V. During voltage transitions,input or I/O pins may overshoot VSS to –2.0 V for periods of up to 20 ns. SeeFigure 7. Maximum DC voltage on input or I/O pins is VCC +0.5 V. During voltage transitions, input or I/O pins may overshoot to VCC +2.0 V for periods up to 20ns. See Figure 8.2. Minimum DC input voltage on pins A9, OE#, and RESET# is -0.5 V. Duringvoltage transitions, A9, OE#, and RESET# may overshoot VSS to –2.0 V forperiods of up to 20 ns. See Figure 7. Maximum DC input voltage on pin A9 is+12.5 V which may overshoot to 14.0 V for periods up to 20 ns.3. No more than one output may be shorted to ground at a time. Duration of theshort circuit should not be greater than one second.Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure of the device to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.OPERATING RANGESCommercial (C) DevicesAmbient Temperature (TA) ........................0°C to +70°C Industrial (I) DevicesAmbient Temperature (TA) ....................–40°C to +85°C V CC Supply VoltagesV CC for all devices ....................................2.7 V to 3.6 V Operating ranges defi ne those limits between which the functionality of the device is guaranteed.White Electronic DesignsW7G1M32SVx-BN W7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARYORDERING IN F OR M A T ION FOR W7G1M32SVxPACKAGE NO. 346: 80 PIN SIMM (JEDEC)COMMERCIALPart Num berSpeed (ns)Pack age T A Commercial RangeHeight*W7G1M32SVx70BNC 703460°C to +70°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G1M32SVx90BNC 903460°C to +70°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G1M32SVx120BNC1203460°C to +70°C21.59 (0.850")INDUSTRIALPart Num berSpeed (ns)Pack age T A Industrial Range Height*W7G1M32SVx70BNI 70346-40°C to +85°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G1M32SVx90BNI 90346-40°C to +85°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G1M32SVx120BNI120346-40°C to +85°C21.59 (0.850")* ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES)White Electronic DesignsW7G1M32SVx-BN W7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARYORDERING IN F OR M A T ION FOR W7G21M32SVxPACKAGE NO. 361: 80 PIN SIMM (JEDEC)COMMERCIALPart Num berSpeed (ns)Pack age T A Commercial RangeHeight*W7G21M32SVx70BNC 703610°C to +70°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G21M32SVx90BNC 903610°C to +70°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G21M32SVx120BNC1203610°C to +70°C21.59 (0.850")INDUSTRIALPart Num berSpeed (ns)Pack age T A Industrial Range Height*W7G21M32SVx70BNI 70361-40°C to +85°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G21M32SVx90BNI 90361-40°C to +85°C 21.59 (0.850")W7G21M32SVx120BNI120361-40°C to +85°C21.59 (0.850")* ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES)White Electronic Designs W7G1M32SVx-BNW7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARYFLASH PART NUMBER MATRIXW 7 G 1M 32 S V X XX BN XWhite Electronics DesignFlashFR4 with gold contactsModule Address depth: 1MModule Bus width: x32Component width: x16Voltage: 3.3VT = Top / B = Bottom Boot BlockSpeed: 70, 90, 120Package: 80 Pin SIMMTemperature range:C = 0˚C to 70˚C CommercialI = -40˚C to 85˚C IndustrialWhite Electronic Designs W7G1M32SVx-BNW7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARYFLASH PART NUMBER MATRIXW 7 G 2 1M 32 S V X XX BN XWhite Electronics DesignFlashFR4 with gold contactsBankModule Address depth: 1MModule Bus width: x32Component width: x16Voltage: 3.3VT = Top / B = Bottom Boot BlockSpeed: 70, 90, 120Package: 80 Pin SIMMTemperature range:C = 0˚C to 70˚C CommercialI = -40˚C to 85˚C IndustrialWhite Electronic Designs W7G1M32SVx-BNW7G21M32SVx-BNPRELIMINARYDocument Title8MB/4MB (2x1Mx32 / 1Mx32) CMOS, Boot Sector Flash MemoryRevision HistoryRev #History Release Date StatusRev 0Created2-04Advanced Rev 1Added T/B (top or bottom boot block option)4-04Advanced Rev 2Changed status from advanced to preliminary6-04Preliminary。


ABB主要产品型号与应用 机器人的基本组成部分 正常开关机及启动注意事项 基本指令的应用介绍与释义 程序的备份与恢复 发生异常情况的紧急处理 机器人的日常维护与保养 总结
IRB120 紧凑轻量 作为ABB目前最小的机器人,IRB 120在紧凑空间内凝聚 了ABB产品系列的全部功能与技术。 其重量减至仅25kg, 结构设计紧凑,几乎可安装在任何地方,比如工作站内 部,机械设备 上方,或生产线上其他机器人的近旁。 用途广泛
在发生紧急情况时,可按下示教器、主机柜处的急停按钮进行紧急制动。恢复急停后需 要给主机电机重新上电。
在机器人发生撞击后由于本身的安全保护机制,在力量达到上限后机器人会自动触发停 止信号显示过载报警,用于保护机器人。
处理方式:见Robot studio。
使用 对机器人进行操作的时候一定要按照相关的顺序流程,避免越级操作。 定期维护
重复定位精度:0.07 mm
机器人重量: 272至284 kg 作业范围:IRB 2600-12/1.65m IRB 2600-20/1.65m IRC5主机箱

柏林电子产品 Snowthrower TRX 商业型号 1432 零件目录说明书

柏林电子产品 Snowthrower TRX 商业型号 1432 零件目录说明书

Register at .Original Instructions(EN)*3439-527*A CVOrdering Replacement PartsTo order replacement parts,please supply the part number, the quantity,and the description of each part desired. Understanding Reference NumbersEach identified part in an illustration has a reference number.The reference number for a part also appears in the parts list,along with other information about the part. This catalog uses two special reference number formats, one to indicate parts in a service assembly and another to indicate the quantity of a given part in an illustration. Service Assembly Reference NumbersParts in service assemblies have reference numbers in the form a:b.The a represents the reference number of the entire service assembly and the b represents a sequential number unique to each part within the service assembly.For example,a wheel assembly might be identified byreference number6,the tire by6:1,the valve by6:2,and the wheel by6:3.When you order the assembly identified by reference number6,you receive all parts identified by reference numbers6:1,6:2,and6:3.However,you may also order any part individually.Reference numbers of this type appear in illustration and in parts lists.Reference Numbers Indicating QuantityIn an illustration,if a reference number indicates more than one part,the reference number has the form nX y.The n represents the quantity of the part,the X is the multiplication symbol,and the y represents the reference number.For example,in an illustration,the reference number2X37 means that two of the parts identified by reference number 37are indicated.2ContentsMain Frame Assembly (4)Traction Frame Assembly (6)Auger Drive Assembly (8)Belt Drive Assemlby (10)Gear Case Assembly (12)Engine Assembly (14)Fuel Systems and Carburetor Assembly (16)Intake and Exhaust Assembly (18)Ignition and Electrical Assembly (20)Crankcase Assembly (22)Governor Assembly (24)Piston and Head Assembly (26)Blower Housing and Shrouds Assembly (28)Engine Decal Assembly (30)Chute Assembly (32)Chute Control Assembly (34)Traction Control Assembly (36)Handle Assembly (38)Hydrostatic Drive Assembly (40)Track Drive Assembly (42)Attachments and Accessories (44)©2020—The Toro®Company8111Lyndale Avenue SouthBloomington,MN554203Contact us at .Printed in the USA.All Rights ReservedMain Frame Assembly3439-527A4A2Main Frame Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 21070698Clip3139-15631Auger Housing ASM 3:2121-68171Decal-Danger,Auger 4136-65711Bearing-Ball5136-65731Retainer-Bearing 632144-146Screw-HWHTF 7136-6602-011Blade-ScraperRef.Part Number Qty.Description8137-306111Bolt-CARR10110-31444Bolt-CARR12120-3098-032Skid-Cast13119-41504Washer-Flat14136-6650-011Cover-Bottom1632144-8511Screw-HWH17121-1228-032Breaker-Drift,Side53439-527ATraction Frame Assembly3439-527A6A3Traction Frame Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-7904-011Frame-Traction 2140-7916-011Cover-Rear3140-7915-011Brace-Frame,Lower 4139-25988Screw-HHFRef.Part Number Qty.Description5119-40418Nut-HF6140-7934-031Cover-Lock,Neutral732144-852Screw-HWH73439-527AAuger Drive Assembly3439-527A8B3Auger Drive Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description2136-66911Pulley-Spacer3136-66901Pulley-Impeller,DoubleSheave5138-36621Support-Pulley6125-24661Bolt-Blade7136-65041Belt-V9136-8654-031Bracket-Clutch,Impeller 10136-65571Pulley-Impeller,DoubleSheave11136-65581Hub-Pulley1232144-704Screw-HWHTF13136-8671-031Bracket-Brake,Clutch 1566-80601Pad-Brake16136-71991Bolt-Shoulder17121-46002Nut-Hex18137-6234-031Arm-Clutch,Impeller 19136-65311Pulley,IdlerRef.Part Number Qty.Description20138-07221Screw-HH21137-31111Screw-HHF22137-30051Nut-HF2332144-859Screw-HWH24136-71161Bolt-Shoulder25137-30951Nut-Hex27136-71861Arm-Idler,Traction283-42441Pulley-Idler29137-30651Screw-HH33107-10451Spring-Extension41115-11662Washer-Flat47137-31211Washer-Plain48115-51421Screw-HHF49137-30891Nut-Hex50137-30161Nut-HF51104-08581Bolt-Shoulder93439-527ABelt Drive Assemlby3439-527A10B4Belt Drive Assemlby(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-79442Sheave-Traction2140-79401Belt-Traction(A,41.00) 3136-71861Arm-Idler,Traction43-42441Pulley-Idler5140-7895-031Bracket-Cable6140-7894-031Anchor-Cable732144-854Screw-HWH8139-35652Guide-CableRef.Part Number Qty.Description9139-35642Cap-Guide,Cable10140-79241Cable-Traction11360-02722Screw12520-00062Nut-Hex,Nylock1380-46001Spring-Extension14140-79411Key-Square1549-20401Screw-HWHTF113439-527AGear Case Assembly3439-527A12C2Gear Case Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1136-66201Auger Gearcase ASM 1:20138-36291Plug-Oil2136-6570-031Impeller5136-6597-031Auger-LH,32Inch 6136-6598-031Auger-RH,32Inch 7106-45702Bearing-Auger83-07502WasherRef.Part Number Qty.Description9137-30662Screw-HH10120-97382Screw-HH11136-71482Spacer-Grommet13119-40382Nut-Hex1432144-704Screw-HWHTF15137-30322Screw-HH16137-30882Nut-Hex133439-527AEngine Assembly3439-527A14D2Engine Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 1136-77961Engine-190Fds 2137-61651Engine Plate ASM 332144-704Screw-HWHTF 5136-66071Belt Guide6138-06902Screw-HH8138-06701LED Light ASM 9138-0683-031Bracket-LightRef.Part Number Qty.Description1032144-852Screw-HWH11121-46041Screw-HH12136-66061Cover-Belt133230-191Bolt-CARR14137-30891Nut-Hex15137-30991Screw-Plastite,HWH 153439-527AFuel Systems and Carburetor Assembly3439-527A1602Fuel Systems and Carburetor Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1133-98231Cap-Fuel2121-03241Insert-Cover,Tank3121-02964Screw-HHF4139-05741Cover-Tank,Fuel5139-05671Fuel Tank And Filter ASM 5:2127-90651Filter-Fuel6139-05694Screw-HHF7139-05711Bracket-Tank,Right 8139-05701Bracket-Tank,Left9127-91201Clamp-Hose10139-05661Sleeve-Abrasion11127-90641Hose-Fuel12121-00873Clamp-Hose Ref.Part Number Qty.Description13121-02581Valve-Fuel14139-05831Hose-Fuel15139-05791Gasket-Carburetor 16139-05801Insulator-Carburetor 17139-05811Gasket-Carburetor 18139-05941Carburetor ASM18:1139-06381Lever-Choke19121-02541Gasket-Coated,Rubber 20127-93721Primer Kit21139-06251Internal Carb Service Kit 22121-00103Nut-Flange99139-06101High Altitude Kit●●Not illustrated173439-527AIntake and Exhaust Assembly3439-527A1803Intake and Exhaust Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 1121-02972Screw-HHF 2139-05771Shield-Muffler 3121-01992Nut-HH4139-05781Muffler ASM 5121-02721Gasket-ExhaustRef.Part Number Qty.Description6121-03042Stud-Mount,Muffler7121-02944Screw-HHF8121-03032Stud-Mount,Carburetor9139-05851Box-Heater10121-03082Nut-Flange193439-527AIgnition and Electrical Assembly3439-527A2004Ignition and Electrical Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1121-03062Screw-Bhp2121-03122Washer-Plain3139-05731Motor-Starter4121-02942Screw-HHF5121-02961Screw-HHF6121-00171Clip-Harness,Wire 7139-05721Bracket-Box,Switch 8120-44611Screw-PPH9139-05631Switch-Stop,Engine 10121-02982Screw-HHF11121-41081Stator Coil ASM 12120-42232Screw-HHFRef.Part Number Qty.Description13139-05551Clamp-Wire,Charge14121-01181Screw-HHF15139-05581Flywheel ASM16139-05591Fan-Cooling17139-05601Cup-Starter18121-03091Nut-Flange19121-00972Screw-HHF20139-05571Ignition Coil ASM21121-03261Clip22121-02831Switch-Key23117-77281Key213439-527ACrankcase Assembly3439-527A2205Crankcase Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1136-79411Oil Fill ASM2127-91231Screw-HHF3121-02988Screw-HHF4136-79421Seal-Oil5133-98051Plug-Drain6139-06111Crankcase Cover ASM 6:2120-42611Bearing-Ball6:3136-79491Bearing-Ball7136-79451Gasket-Cover,Case 8121-03142Pin-Dowel9139-05501Shaft-BalanceRef.Part Number Qty.Description10136-79391Camshaft ASM11139-05861Crankshaft ASM11:1120-43201Key-Woodruff11:2120-42611Bearing-Ball13136-79491Bearing-Ball16121-00301Screw-HHF17121-00481Washer-Plain18121-02291Tube-Drain,Oil19139-05561Seal-Oil20121-02221Screw-HHF21121-03102Washer-Plain233439-527AGovernor Assembly3439-527A2406Governor Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1139-05641Spring-Governor 2139-05521Nut-Flange3139-05511Arm-Governor 4120-42381Bolt-Arm,Governor 5120-42571Seal-Oil6120-42561Pin-Hair7121-03111Washer-PlainRef.Part Number Qty.Description8139-05531Shaft-Governor9136-79441Governor Gear ASM10121-02611Spring-Return,Throttle11139-05841Rod-Governor12121-01182Screw-HHF13139-05621Throttle Control ASM14121-02691Knob-Control,Throttle 253439-527APiston and Head Assembly3439-527A2607Piston and Head Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1121-00444Screw-HHF2121-02331Valve Cover ASM 3127-94081Clamp-Hose4139-06291Tube-Breather5121-02341Gasket-Cover,Valve 6121-03024Screw-HHF7139-05951Complete Head ASM 7:1136-79321Head-Cylinder7:281-32501Spark Plug7:5121-02452Rocker Arm ASM7:6121-02471Plate-Guide,Push Rod 7:7121-02442Rotator-Valve7:8120-43074Keeper-Valve7:9120-43062Retainer-Spring,ValveRef.Part Number Qty.Description7:10120-43052Spring-Valve7:11120-43041Seal-Stem,Valve7:12120-43031Seat-Spring,Valve7:13136-79401Valve Set8139-05901Gasket-Head,Cylinder9120-42002Pin-Dowel10136-79382Rod-Push11120-42982Lifter-Valve12136-79461Connecting Rod ASM13139-05921Ring Set14120-42882Ring-Retaining,Piston Pin15139-05911Piston16120-42911Pin-Piston273439-527ABlower Housing and Shrouds Assembly3439-527A2808Blower Housing and Shrouds Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1139-05751Screw-HHF2139-05761Panel-Rear3121-02948Screw-HHF4121-02962Screw-HHF5136-79371Shroud-Head,Upper 6136-79331Shroud-Head,Lower 7121-03071Shroud-Recoil8121-03251Grommet-RubberRef.Part Number Qty.Description9121-01182Screw-HHF10139-05651Panel-Control,Front11121-02681Knob-Valve,Fuel12121-03051Screw-Bhp13139-05611Recoil ASM13:1121-02871Handle-Recoil14127-93804Washer-Plain15127-90314Screw-HHF293439-527AEngine Decal Assembly3439-527A30D3Engine Decal Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1131-64871Decal-Throttle2120-98051Decal-Control,Engine Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 3136-78251Decal-Valve,Fuel 4138-36221Decal-RecoilChute AssemblyChute Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1136-65151Guide-Chute2136-6580-011Lower Chute ASM3138-36712Gasket-Deflector4136-6582-011Middle Deflector ASM 5135-19296Bolt-CARR6138-07196Nut-HF7139-15641Deflector ASM7:2121-68471Decal-Danger8106-44221Spacer-Chute9137-6245-031Chute Post ASM10106-44721Gear-Chute1146-68102Screw And Washer ASM 12136-71991Bolt-Shoulder13137-30883Nut-Hex14137-30632Bolt-Car15119-40412Nut-HF16136-65171Mount-Gear,Face 17106-44711Gear-Face Ref.Part Number Qty.Description18136-66761Anchor-Cable 19136-71973Screw-Shoulder 20136-65251Latch-Chute21137-31031Screw-Shoulder,HH 22137-30892Nut-Hex23108-73151Spring-Torsion 24138-06892Screw-PH25138-06872Bushing-Pivot 26136-65221Link-Deflector 27137-30942Nut-Hex2832144-851Screw-HWH29136-65862Grommet-Screw 3094-44962Screw-PPH31136-71911Clamp-Cable32137-31101Screw-Plastite,HWH 33136-66721Cover-Gear,Face 35132-69151Spring-Extension 36138-36511Plug-PlasticChute Control AssemblyChute Control Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1138-06621Rod-Control,Chute2138-06591Screw-Shoulder,HWH 3139-15521Chute Control Lever ASM 5105-99881Lever-Cable,Deflector 6106-73101Pawl-Latch7137-30871Nut-Hex8137-62381Trigger-Latch9138-07301Cable-Control,Deflector 10105-99821Spring-Torsion11138-06881Link-Latch Ref.Part Number Qty.Description12137-62391Cap-Lever13136-65781Rod-Chute,Rotation1494-44968Screw-PPH15136-66771Globe-Quickstick,RH 16136-6632-031Plate-Stiffner17136-66781Globe-Quickstick,LH 18137-30563Bolt-CARR19137-30943Nut-Hex20139-99031Cable-Release,Chute 21138-07441Washer-Friction,CompositeTraction Control AssemblyTraction Control Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description2137-30524Screw-HH8144-16011Panel-Control,Assembly 8:2138-06501Decal-Safety9137-61781Cover-Quickstick10105-99872Support-Rod11137-30999Screw-Plastite,HWH 12137-6197-011Brace-Console14137-6187-031Gate-Shift15137-6188-031Bracket-Shift16137-6231-031Selector-Speed22105-99991Knob-Shift,LH23106-44231Knob-Shift,RH2494-44961Screw-PPH30105-99802Mount-Lever,Clutch 31106-45052Lever-Clutch321-8082652Pin-Clevis33138-36611Cable-Auger34108-29922Pin-Hair35136-71611Spring-Lockout,Handle 36137-61821Rod-Lockout37138-06781Spring-Torsion,HandleReturn Ref.Part Number Qty.Description38139-36943Screw-HSH3998-34991Washer-Flat40138-06811Screw-Shoulder41137-62271Lock-Handle42137-91371Screw-PPH43137-62291Latch-Lockout44138-84661Cam-Lockout45138-36521Link-Lockout46137-61712Lever-Control50138-36441Harness-Wire,LED AndHand Warmers 516142492Tie-Cable5332180-0301Clip-Tie54110-34081Stick-Cleanout55122-11241Switch-Rocker,On-None-Off(Heater) 573290-2714Rivet-Pop58138-84671Collar-Cam60127-59512Grip-Heated61144-03251Decal-Console62137-30931Nut-Hex63140-37493Nut-Lock RohsHandle AssemblyHandle Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1137-6221-032Bracket-Handle,Lower 2138-84021Bolt-CARR3138-840112Nut-HF4137-6224-031HD Handle ASM5120-96864Screw-HH6137-6233-011Trim-Metal,HD7138-36532Screw-HHF8108-23011Spacer9115-11511Washer-Flat10138-07411Screw-CARR12138-0724-031Bracket-Stick,Cleanout 13106-45092Clamp-Cable14137-30942Nut-Hex15140-7917-031Bracket-Lever16140-7932-031Lever-Adjustment,Track 17140-7931-031Bracket-Cable,Speed Ref.Part Number Qty.Description18136-71201Clamp-Light19139-16992Washer-Flat20140-79271Cable-Traction Upper 21140-79262Cable-Clutch23137-30431Screw-HWH24136-71911Clamp-Cable25140-7925-031Gate-Shift,Speed 26104-08581Bolt-Shoulder2799-68081Washer-Stepped 28119-40402Nut-Flange,NI29126-44241Screw-Shoulder 30142-24321Washer,Wave31119-40411Nut-HF32140-78631Cable-Hydro,Push Pull 3342-35601Bolt-ShoulderHydrostatic Drive AssemblyHydrostatic Drive Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-79301Hydro-Sst2140-7936-031Bracket-Hydro,Cable 3119-40362Screw-HHF4119-40412Nut-HF532144-858Screw-HWH6140-7899-031Bracket-Hydro,Rear 71070695ClipRef.Part Number Qty.Description8138-33264Screw-HHF9137-30054Nut-HF11144-12261Screw-HHF Spcl123296-591Nut-Lock,NI13140-7937-031Bracket-Hydro,Upper14119-41501Washer-Flat153290-3071Pin-Cotter413439-527ATrack Drive Assembly3439-527A42K2Track Drive Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-7865-031Support-Track,ASM LH 2140-7870-031Support-Track,ASM RH●3120-71622Bushing-Axle432144-854Screw-HWH5140-7886-032Hub-Drive,Weld ASM 6140-7889-012Wheel-Drive,Weld ASM 7140-786412Tube-Support8135-577912Screw-HHF9119-404118Nut-HF10107-30392Pin-Lynch11140-7914-031Bar-Pivot12139-25982Screw-HHF13140-7905-031Bracket-Height,Adjuster 14140-7910-031Pivot-Link,Weld ASM 15136-71991Bolt-Shoulder17140-7909-031Latch ASM,Welded 18109-80542Bushing-Flange193290-3432Pin-Hair22140-78766Bushing-Tensioner 23140-79214Wheel-Bogey24140-7890-032Tensioner,Welded Ref.Part Number Qty.Description25140-7879-032Yoke-Bogey26139-17232Washer-Flat27109-68686Bolt-Carriage28119-40426Nut-HF,NI29140-79232Screw-HH30115-11662Washer-Flat31140-78782Skid-Track,ASM 32137-30616Bolt-CARR33140-78622Track-Snow34283-521Pin-Clevis35131-86672Washer-Thrust 363290-4671Pin-Hair373-86642Washer-Thrust 41140-7929-011Brace-Front42140-79281Cable-Adjust,Height 4342-35601Bolt-Shoulder44119-40401Nut-Flange,NI45107-10451Spring-Extension 46137-30891Nut-Hex47140-7943-032Support-Bushing,Axle●Not illustrated433439-527AAttachments and AccessoriesFor38891Power TRX Commercial1432OHXE Snowthrower Product Name Model/Part Toro Snow Oil0W30Synthetic20-Ounce Bottle (38913)Power Max HD Covers(2019).........................................................................................................490-7415 Heated Grip Kit................................................................................................................................131-6460 Kit-cab,Comm Pwrmx Hd................................................................................................................139-164044。



常用三极管参数表下表是常用三极管的一些参数以及替换型号器件型号电压电流代换型号LM9011 SS9011LM901240V SS901240V A129840V CS9013 JE9013LM901340V SS901340V C326550V CS9014 JE9014LM9014 SS901450V C1623LM9015 SS9015TEC9015 50V TEC9015A 50V TEC9015B 50V TEC9015C 50V BC557 2N3906 BC557 2N3906 BC557 2N3906 BC557 2N39063DG9011 50V9011 50V9012 40V9012(HH)9012LT13DG90139013 40V9013(HH)9013LT13DG90149014 50V9014LT19015 50V2N4124 CS9011 JE90113DG9016 30V JE90169016 30V SS9016TEC9016 40V BF240 BF254 BF5948050 40V SS80508050LT1 40V KA3265ED8050 50V BC337SDT85501 60V 10A 3DK104CSDT85502 80V 10A 3DK104CSDT85503 100V 10A 3DK104DSDT85504 140V 10A 3DK104ESDT85505 170V 10A 3DK104FSDT85506 60V 10A 3DK104CSDT85507 80V 10A 3DK104CSDT85508 100V 10A 3DK104DSDT85509 140V 10A 3DK104EED8550 50V BC3378550 40V LM8550 SS85508550LT1 40V KA32652SA1015 50V BC177 BC204 BC212BC213BC251 BC257 BC307 BC512 BC557 CG1015 CG673 2SC1815 60V BC174 BC182 BC184 BC190 BC384 BC414 BC546 DG458 DG18152SC1815L 60V BC550 2SC2240 2S26742SC2675 2SC33782SC1815LT1 60V 9014LT12SC945 60V BC107 BC171 BC174 BC182BC183 BC190 BC207 BC237 BC382 BC546 BC547 BC582 DG945 2N2220 2N2221 2N2222 3DG120B 3DG4312 MMBT3904 40V BCW72 3DG120CMMBT3906 40V BCW70 3DG120CMMBT2222 木知BCX19 3DG120CMMBT2222A 75V 3DK10CMMBT5401 160V 3CA3FMMBTA92 300V 3CG180HBC807 50V BC338 BC537 BC635 3DK14BBC807R 50V BCX17 BCX17R BCW68BCW68RBC807-W 50V BCX17 BCW68 2SB1219ABC817 50V BCX19 BCW65 BCX66BC817R 50V BCX19 BCX19R BCW65BCW65R BCX66 BCW66RBC817-W 50V BCX19 BCW65 BCW66 2SD1820 2SD1949BC846 80V BCV71 BCV72BC846R 80V BCV71 BCV71R BCV72 BCV72RBC846-W 80V BCV71 BCV72 BCV72RBC847 50V BCW71 BCW72 BCW81BC847R 50V BCW71 BCW71R BCW72BCW72R BCW81 BCW81RBC847-W 50V BCW71 BCW72 BCW812SC4101 2SC4102BC848 30V BCW31 BCW32 BCW33 BCW71BCW72 BCW81BC848R 30V BCW31 BCW31R BCW32BCW32R BCW33 BCW33R BCW71 BCW71R BCW72 BCW72R BCW81 BCW81RBC848-W 30V BCW31 BCW32 BCW33 BCW71 BCW72 BCW81 2SC4101 2SC4102 2SC4117BC856 50V BCW89BC856R 80V BCW89 BCW89RBC856-W 80V BCW89 2SA1507 2SA1527BC857 50V BCW69 BCW70 BCW89BC857R 50V BCW69 BCW69R BCW70BCW70R BCW89 BCW89RBC857-W 50V BCW69 BCW70 BCW892SA1507 2SA1527BCW89BC858R 30V BCW29 BCW29R BCW30BC858 30V BCW29 BCW30 BCW69 BCW70 BCW30R BCW69 BCW69R BCW70 BCW70R BCW89BCW89RBC858-W 30V BCW29 BCW30 BCW69 BCW70 BCW89 2SA1507 2SA15272SA733 60V BC177 BC204 BC212 BC213 BC251 BC257 BC307 BC513 BC557 3CG120C 3CG4312MMUN211150V UN2111MUN2111 50V MMUN2111UN2111 50V FN1A4M DTA114EK RN24022SA1344MMUN2112 50V UN2112MUN2112 50V MMUN2112UN2112 50V FN1F4M DTA124EK RN24032SA1342MMUN2113 50V UN2113MUN2113 50V MMUN2113UN2113 50V FN1L4M DTA144EK RN24042SA1341MMUN221150V UN2211MUN2211 50V MMUN2211UN2211 50V DTC114EK FA1A4M RN14022SC3398MMUN2212 50V UN2212MUN2212 50V MMUN2212UN2212 50V DTC124EK FA1F4M RN14032SC3396MMUN2213 50V UN2213MUN2213 50V MMUN2213UN2213 50V DTC144EK FA1L4M RN14042SC33952SC3356 20V 2SC3513 2SC3606 2SC38292SC3838K 30V BF517 BF799 2SC30152SC3016彩显中易损大功率三极管主要参数表型号功率(W) 反压(V) 电流(A) 功能BU208A 50 1500 5电源开关管BU508A 75 1500 8电源开关管BU2508AF 45 1500 8行管* BU2508DF 125 1500 8行管* BU2508D 1251500 8 行管BU2520AF 45 1500 10行管BU2520AX 45 1500 10行管* BU2520DF 125 1500 10行管BU2522AF 45 1500 10行管* BU2522DF 80 1500 10行管* BU2525DF 45 800 12行管BUH51560 1500 8 行管C1520 10 250 视放C1566 250 视放C1573 250 视放C1875 50 1500 电源开关管C3153 100 900 6电源开关管C3026 50 1700 5 行管C3457 50 1100 3电源开关管C3459 90 1100 电源开关管C3460 100 1100 6电源开关管C3461 140 1100 8 行管*C3683 50 1500 5 行管C3686 50 1400 8 行管C3687 150 1500 8 行管C3481 120 1500 5电源开关管迦9 oom o g o s coQ *迦08。

Workrite Ergonomics 920系列CPU挂架说明书

Workrite Ergonomics 920系列CPU挂架说明书

M Rear Locking Strip Qty: 1QTrack Glides Qty: 2S#8 × 3/8" Phillips Flathead Screw Qty: 2E#10 × ¾" Wood Screw Qty: 6T#10 × ¾" Wood Screw Qty: 6H Screwing Lock Qty: 2IKeyQty: 2NFront Locking Strip Qty: 1FStar Lock Washer Qty: 2D 6 mm × 1.0P × 10 mm Screw Qty: 2Locking Kit (models 920-FL and 920-TL)J #10 × ¾" T25 Tamper Proof Torx Screw Qty: 2KT25 Tamper Proof Bit Qty: 1Hardware Kit (all models)BInterior Housing Qty: 1C CPU Supporting Plate Qty: 1AExterior Housing Qty: 1O Track Qty: 1Track Kit (models 920-T and 920-TL)PSwivel Disk Qty: 1RTrack Stop Qty: 1LM5 × 0.8p × 6 mm Phillips Head Screw Qty: 1GM5 × 0.8p × 6 mm Screw Qty: 2Follow the instructions below specific to your product (920-F / Fixed Mount CPU Holder, 920-FL / Fixed Mount CPU Holder w/Lock, 920-T / Slide & Swivel Track mounted CPU Holder, or 920-TL / Slide & Swivel Track mounted CPU Holder w/Lock).Part Included, CPU Holder (all models)Assembly & Installation Instructions:920 CPU Holder, 920-XVerify that you have all the hardware and tools needed for the assemblyCheck your cartons against the list above to verify that you have all the parts needed. You will need the following tools:#2 tip Phillips screwdriver or drill/driver Drill with ⅛" diameter drill bit✓Attach Exterior Housing to Worksurface or WallRemove the screw and washers holding the CPU Clamp in place. Slide out CPU Clamp and set aside.Position Exterior Housing on underside of worksurface. The distance from the center of the Exterior Housing to the front of the worksurface should be at least half the depth of the CPU.Mark location of screws and drill ⅛" pilot holes . You may wish to mark your drill bit so you do not drill more than 3/4" deep and damage your worksurface. Do not to drill through the top of the worksurface!Under Desk Mount:Attach with four #10×¾ Phillips head screws (E) as shown.Under Desk & Wall Mount:If mounting to a wall, remove plastic side cover by removing 3 Phillips screws from the interior of the Exterior Housing.Position Exterior Housing on underside of worksurface and against wall. Mark location of screws and drill ⅛" pilot holes . You may wish to mark your drill bit so you do not drill more than 3/4" deep and damage your worksurface. Do not to drill through the top of the worksurface!Attach to side of desk or wall with four #10 × ¾" Phillips head screws (E) and optionally use 2 remaining screws to attach to underside of desk as shown.920-F: Fixed Mount Models1ccd gggffe eeda ab bCPU ClampScrew & washersUnder Desk MountFron t SideUnder Desk &Wall MountAEEERemoveAdjust Brackets for Your Computer SizeAttach CPU Supporting Plate (C) to Interior Housing (B) in wide or narrow size based on CPU width. Use the narrow position if your CPU is 5½" wide or less. For larger CPUs use the wide position.Adjust the CPU Clamp if necessary. To adjust the Clamp, remove the two Phillips head screws and move the angle bracket, then reinstall the screws.The CPU Clamp is pre-configured in the middle position for CPUs from 2½" wide to 5½" wide. For CPUs from 1" to 2½" wide, use the narrow position. For CPUs from 5½" to 9" wide, use the wide position.Hang the Interior Housing (B) onto Exterior Housing (A) as high as possible to fit CPU and secure with M5 × 0.8p 6 mm Screw (G).Loosely attach CPU Clamp with screw and washers from CPU Clamp as shown. For CPUs 8" to 9" wide, use the hole to the left.Insert CPU and Secure CPU ClampPlace CPU onto holder making sure to balance on the CPU Support Plate (C).Slide CPU Clamp firmly against the CPU to hold in place and then tighten screw.Confirm that CPU is firmly held in place. Adjust clamp if necessary.Narrow 5½" or less Wide 5½"–9"Wide CPUs 5½"–9"Average CPUs 2½"–5½"Narrow CPUs 1"–2½"CPU ClampFor CPUs 8" to 9" wide For CPUs 1" to 8" wideGGBBAACabcPush CPU Clamp in firmly then tighten screwdda a abbbc 23920-FL: Fixed Mount CPU Holder With LockInsert rear locking mechanismInstall the Rear Locking Strip (M) into the CPU Supporting Plate (C). Measure from the center of the shelf to ½ the depth of the CPU to the inside of the lock bar and install one M5 × 0.8p × 6 mm (L).Attach Brackets and Adjust for computer sizeFollow Step 1 and 2 on the previous pages for 920-F / Fixed Mount CPU Holder, then continue to Step 2 below.12Attach Front Locking Strip and Lock CPU in PlaceInsert Front Locking Strip (N) into slot in the front slot of the CPU Support Plate (C) and secure with Screwing Lock (H) using Key (I).Secure CPU Clamp on the opposite side with the other Screwing Lock (H) using Key (I) by inserting Screwing Lock into the secure side hole that aligns with the screw receptacle.Confirm that CPU is securely locked in place. Adjust clamps or locks if necessary.4Insert CPU and Secure CPU ClampPlace CPU onto the CPU Holder andagainst the Rear Locking Strip (M)making sure to balance on the CPU Support Plate (C).Slide CPU Clamp firmly against the CPU to hold in place and then tighten screw.a babNHHIIMLPush CPU Clamp in firmly then tighten screwa abb3CCCPU Clamp920-T / Slide & Swivel Track Mount CPU Holder 1Position and Mount TrackFront to Back SlideIf there is enough room to swivel the CPU, align the trackperpendicular to the front of the desk or parallel to the side asshown, or...Side to Side SlideThe sideways mount is recommended for workcenterinstallations so the CPU holder cannot slide back into a positionwhere it can be damaged between a cross bar and the top orinterfere with below desk accessories. This is a safety concernand one of the key reasons to use a sideways track mount.Mark location of screws and drill pilot holes no larger than⅛" diameter, being careful not to drill through the top ofthe worksurface. Do not to drill through the top of theworksurface!With the Track (O) aligned so that the extended center "Tab" iseither closest to the wall or the rear of the desk, affix Track tounder surface of desk in parallel or perpendicular orientationusing four #10 × ¾" Wood Screw (T).MINIMUM for Front to Back Slide: CPU width ÷ 2 - 3" To prevent the CPU protruding from the front of the desk after the track is positioned, the distance from the front edge of the track to the front edge of the desk should be at least ½ the depth of the CPU minus 3".For example, for a 16" deep CPU, the front of the track edge should be at least 5" set back from the front edge of the desk:16"/2 = 8"; 8" - 3" = 5"MINIMUM for Side to Side Slide: CPU width ÷ 2 - 1"To prevent the CPU protruding from the front of the desk after the track is positioned, the distance from the side edge of the track to the front edge of the desk should be at least ½ the width of the CPU minus 1".Note: in some applications, you may wish to mount track further back on desk.For example, for a 6" wide CPU, the front of the track edge should be at least 2" set back from the front edge of the desk: 6"/2 = 3"; 3" - 1" = 2"Allow space forCPU to swivel1" minimum1" minimum1" minimum1" minimumabcc ca abTTSide to Side Front to Back OO OTabTabTab5" in example below2" in example belowInsert CPU and Housing Into TrackSlide Swivel Disk with Track Glides into Track.Attach Track Stop (R) to front of Track using the two #8 × 3/8"Phillips Flathead Screws (S).Insert CPU and Secure CPU ClampPlace CPU onto the CPU Holder and against the Rear Locking Strip (M)making sure to balance on the CPU Support Plate (C).Slide CPU Clamp firmly against the CPU to hold in place and then tighten screw.Assemble Swivel DiskAttach Swivel Disk (P) to top of Exterior Housing with two 6 mm × 1.0P × 10 mm Screw (D) and Star Lock Washers (F) as shown.Attach Track Glides (Q) onto Swivel Disk with the word "TOP" facing up.a b4Push CPU Clamp in firmly then tighten screwShown withoutworksurface for claritya abb"Top""Top"Smaller holesCenterbba baa bQOSPFD Q23920-TL / Slide & Swivel Track Mount CPU Holder w/LockAttach Track, adjust brackets and assemble Swivel DiskFollow Steps 1–3 for 920-T / Slide & Swivel Track Mount CPU Holder on pages 5-7.Insert rear locking mechanismFollow Step 2-4 for 920-FL / Fixed Mount CPU Holder w/Lock on page 4.Insert CPU and Housing Into Track (locking version)Follow Step 4 for 920-T / Slide & Swivel Track Mount CPU Holder on page 6. Use the T25 Tamper Proof Torx Bit (K) to attach the two T25 Tamper Proof Torx Screws (J) to secure the Track Stop instead of the #8 × 3/4" Phillips Flathead Screws (S).123。


• 没使用的输入管脚的处理
• N.C. 管脚的处置
系列 MB89202
(承上页) 管脚编号
SH-DIP32*1 SSOP34*3
24-27 26-29
21-23 32 10
23-25 34 10
P40/AN0 |
P43/AN3 P70-P72
, — 16 22 :*1 DIP-32P-M06 :*2 FPT-34P-M03
系列 MB89202
产品型号 参数
10 位 A/D 转换器 1A通0/D过位转精8换/度1功6×位能8定(个时转通器换道时/ 计间数:器1输2.出16或µ时s/1基2.定5 时MH器z计) 数器连续激活
Wild 寄存器
位8 × 2
:有 ×:无
MB89202 ×
MB89F202 ×
MB89V201 × ×
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• 存储器容量
使用评价产品进行评价之前, 请先确认其与实际使用产品的差异。
• 屏蔽选项
产品不同,可以选择的项目和指定选项的方法也不同。选择之前,请查阅 “■ 屏蔽选项”一览表。
系列 MB89202
■ 管脚图

hhd32f103cb 技术参数

hhd32f103cb 技术参数

HHD32F103CB技术参数1. 产品概述HHD32F103CB是一款基于ARM Cortex-M3内核的32位微控制器,由国内知名芯片厂商生产。


2. 主要技术参数1) 内核- ARM Cortex-M3内核- 最高主频72MHz- 1.25 DMIPS/MHz(Dhrystone 2.1)2) 存储- 128KB闪存- 20KB SRAM3) 外设- 多达37个通用I/O引脚- 3个通用定时器- 2个基础定时器- 12位ADC,最高转换速度1Msps- 12位DAC,2个通道- 多达4个通用用途定时器- 2个UART- 2个SPI- 2个I2C- USB 2.0全速设备接口- 13通道 DMA控制器- 低功耗实时时钟4) 电源管理- 工作电压:2.0V-3.6V- 低功耗模式:运行、待机、停止- 内置复位电路5) 温度范围- 工业级:-40℃~85℃3. 性能特点HHD32F103CB微控制器具有以下性能特点:- 高性能:基于ARM Cortex-M3内核,工作主频可达72MHz,性能稳定可靠。

- 丰富的外设:内置多个通用定时器、通用I/O引脚、ADC/DAC等外设,满足各种应用需求。

- 低功耗设计:支持多种低功耗模式,适用于对功耗有严格要求的场景。

4. 典型应用HHD32F103CB微控制器广泛应用于工业控制、汽车电子、家用电器等领域,包括但不限于:- 工业自动化控制系统- 汽车发动机管理系统- 家用空调、洗衣机控制系统5. 总结HHD32F103CB作为一款高性能、低功耗的32位微控制器,具有丰富的外设和稳定可靠的性能特点,适用于各种应用场景。



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Pin Configuration (Front side/back side)
Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Front VREF DQ0 VSS DQ1 DQS0 DQ2 VDD DQ3 NC /RESET VSS DQ8 DQ9 DQS1 VDDQ *CK1 */CK1 VSS DQ10 DQ11 CKE0 VDDQ DQ16 DQ17 DQS2 VSS A9 DQ18 A7 VDDQ DQ19 Pin 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Front A5 DQ24 VSS DQ25 DQS3 A4 VDD DQ26 DQ27 A2 VSS A1 CB0 CB1 VDD DQS8 A0 CB2 VSS CB3 BA1 Pin 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Front VDDQ /WE DQ41 /CAS VSS DQS5 DQ42 DQ43 VDD */CS2 DQ48 DQ49 VSS *CK2 */CK2 VDDQ DQS6 DQ50 DQ51 VSS VDDID DQ56 DQ57 VDD DQS7 DQ58 DQ59 VSS NC SDA SCL Pin 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Back VSS DQ4 DQ5 VDDQ DM0/DQS9 DQ6 DQ7 VSS NC NC NC VDDQ DQ12 DQ13 DM1/DQS10 VDD DQ14 DQ15 CKE1 VDDQ *BA2 DQ20 A12 VSS DQ21 A11 DM2/DQS11 VDD DQ22 A8 DQ23 Pin 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Back VSS A6 DQ28 DQ29 VDDQ DM3/DQS12 A3 DQ30 VSS DQ31 CB4 CB5 VDDQ CK0 /CK0 VSS DM8/DQS17 A10 CB6 VDDQ CB7
Rev. 1.1 August. 2003
1GB, 2GB Registered DIMM
184Pin Registered DIMM based on 512Mb B-die FBGA (x4, x8)
Ordering Information
Pin Description
Pin Name A0 ~ A12 BA0 ~ BA1 DQ0 ~ DQ63 DQS0 ~ DQS17 CK0,CK0 ~ CK2, CK2 CKE0, CKE1(for double banks) CS0, CS1(for double banks) RAS CAS WE CB0 ~ CB7 Function Address input (Multiplexed) Bank Select Address Data input/output Data Strobe input/output Clock input Clock enable input Chip select input Row address strobe Column address strobe Write enable Check bit(Data-in/data-out) Pin Name DM0 ~ DM8 VDD VDDQ VSS VREF VDDSPD SDA SCL SA0 ~ 2 NC Data - in mask Power supply (2.5V) Power Supply for DQS(2.5V) Ground Power supply for reference Serial EEPROM Power/Supply ( 2.3V to 3.6V ) Serial data I/O Serial clock Address in EEPROM No connection Function
Part Number M312L2923BG0-CB3/A2/B0 M312L2920BG0-CB3/A2/B0 M312L5720BG0-CB3/A2/B0 Density 1GB 1GB 2GB Organization 128M x 72 128M x 72 256M x 72
Note : 1. * : These pins are not used in this module. 2. Pins 111, 158 are NC for 1row module [M312L2920BG0] & used for 2row module [M312L2923BG0, M312L5720BG0 ] 3. Pins 97, 107, 119, 129, 140, 149, 159, 169, 177 : DM (x8 base module) or DQS (x4 base module).
SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., Ltd. reserves the right to change products and specifications without notice.
Rev. 1.1 August. 2003
1GB, 2GB Registered DIMM
DQ40 DQ41 DQ42 DQ43 DQ44 DQ45 DQ46 DQ47 DQS6 DM6
I/O 7 I/O 6 I/O 1 I/O 0 I/O 5 I/O 4 I/O 3 I/O 2
B3(DDR333@CL=2.5) Speed @CL2 Speed @CL2.5 CL-tRCD-tRP 133MHz 166MHz 2.5-3-3 A2(DDR266@CL=2) 133MHz 133MHz 2-3-3 B0(DDR266@CL=2.5) 100MHz 133MHz 2.5-3-3
DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 DQS2 DM2
I/O 7 I/O 6 I/O 1 I/O 0 I/O 5 I/O 4 I/O 3 I/O 2
I/O 0 I/O 1 I/O 6 I/O 7 I/O 2 I/O 3 I/O 4 I/O 5
1GB, 2GB Registered Dstered Module
184pin Registered Module based on 512Mb B-die (x4, x8) with 1,200mil Height & 72-bit ECC
Rev. 1.1 August. 2003
1GB, 2GB Registered DIMM
1GB, 128M x 72 ECC Module (M312L2923BG0) (Populated as 2 bank of x8 DDR SDRAM Module) Functional Block Diagram
I/O 7 I/O 6 I/O 1 I/O 0 I/O 5 I/O 4 I/O 3 I/O 2
Revision 1.1 August. 2003
Rev. 1.1 August. 2003
1GB, 2GB Registered DIMM
Revision History
Revision 1.0 (July, 2003) - First release Revision 1.1 (August, 2003) - Corrected typo.
• Power supply : Vdd: 2.5V ± 0.2V, Vddq: 2.5V ± 0.2V • Double-data-rate architecture; two data transfers per clock cycle • Bidirectional data strobe(DQS) • Differential clock inputs(CK and CK) • DLL aligns DQ and DQS transition with CK transition • Programmable Read latency 2, 2.5 (clock) • Programmable Burst length (2, 4, 8) • Programmable Burst type (sequential & interleave) • Edge aligned data output, center aligned data input • Auto & Self refresh, 7.8us refresh interval(8K/64ms refresh) • Serial presence detect with EEPROM