HKCEE - biology - 1994 - paper I - A
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination 2023 and 2024Category A (Senior Secondary Subjects)Applications for Special Examination Arrangementsfrom Candidates with special needsApplication Guide1.Introduction1.1 Candidates with special needs (such as candidates with disabilities) entering for the HongKong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) may apply before the examination to the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (the HKEAA) for special examination arrangements (SEAs) (e.g. sitting examination at special centres, extra time allowance, braille/enlarged question papers, etc.) or exemption from component(s)/part(s) of an examination. For candidates requiring the use of special equipment (e.g. CCTV, computer), such equipment should be provided by the schools or the candidates. In cases where a candidate’s request for SEAs violates the assessment objectives, the application/request will NOT be approved.1.2 Where a candidate has been exempted from component(s)/part(s) of an examination, his/herresults for the affected component(s)/part(s) will be assessed by the HKEAA based on his/her performance in the other component(s)/part(s) of the examination sat. The component(s) exempted will be indicated on the candi date’s certificate. However, the reason s for granting the exemption and the SEAs made will NOT be recorded.2.Major updatesMajor updates are summarised below. Please refer to the relevant section and annex for details.3.Timeline for submitting applications and processing of applications4. Candidates with SEAs in previous public examinationsIf a candidate (e.g. repeater, private candidate) has been given exemption and/or SEAs in a previous HKDSE/Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE)/Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) and wishes to have SEAs in the forthcoming HKDSE, he/she must submit a fresh application.SEAs would NOT be arranged for him/her in the forthcoming HKDSE automatically based on previous provisions in a public examination.5. Documentary evidence requiredEach application should be accompanied by an up-to-date medical/assessment report (valid throughout the examination period*) issued by the Hospital Authority, Department of Health, Education Bureau (EDB), a registered medical practitioner, or a professional (e.g. audiologist, speech therapist, psychologist). The medical/assessment report(s) submitted should support the special needs of the candidates and state the SEAs required by the candidates (if applicable). In cases where a candidate’s application is not supported by documentary evidence or the information/justifications submitted do not sufficiently support the special needs of the candidate, the applications will NOT be processed. Candidates with obvious and permanent disabilities (e.g. total blindness, colour vision deficiency) may provide the previous medical/assessment report.* Counted from 1 January of the examination year (except for cases due to accidents or urgent medical conditions). For example, candidates with specific learning disabilities who apply for SEAs in the 2023 HKDSE should submit a psychological assessment report issued within 4 years before the public examination (i.e. on or after 1 January 2019).Depending on the nature of special needs, candidates are required to submit the following documents:6. Special Examination Arrangements6.1 The special examination arrangements (SEAs) applicable to candidates with different types ofspecial needs are listed below: (1) Physical disabilities (i) Candidates requesting extra time allowance (ETA) are required to take a speed test.Based on the HKEAA speed test results, recommendations given by the doctor/specialist (e.g. physiotherapist, occupational therapist) and school practice, the HKEAA will decide whether ETA will be given and (ifyes) the amount of ETA to be given. For papers involving multiple-choice (MC) questions, the arrangements of ETA are as follows: For candidates with physical disabilities who need to take more than 9 hours of examination (including ETA) on the same day, instead of being provided with ETA, they may be given an abridged version (approximately 50%) of the question paper to be completed in normal examination time. In other words, the candidate will be exempted from approximately 50% of the question paper. The information on abridged question paper will be provided to candidates together with the notification of application results. Remarks: For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.(ii)Depending on the recommendations of the doctor/specialist, candidates may apply for supervised break(s) during an examination, enlarged (single-sided black and white)question papers, specially-designed supplementary answer sheet/graph paper/MC answersheet (please refer to Annex 4for details), writing on alternate lines/alternate pages,circling MC answers on the question papers instead of filling in the MC answers sheets,etc. (Note: The provision may vary in different subject/paper examinations. Fordetails, please refer to the notification of application results.)(iii)Candidates may be exempted from the listening components/speaking examination or be allowed to use a word processor to type the answers if documentary proof can beprovided to substantiate the needs. If a candidate is allowed to use a word processor totype the answers, the word processor should only be used as a type-writer. Access to theInternet or functions such as calculation, spell-check, grammar-check, translation,thesauri and ‘displaying associated terms’ in the Chinese character input method are notallowed. The candidate/school should provide such equipment and software. Thecandidate may also request to receive question-answer (QA) books in overlay PDFformat for typing the answers directly onto the QA books with a word processor.(2) Visual disabilities(i)The amount of ETA to be given for individual subjects/papers depends on thenature/design of the papers concerned. Detailed information is given below and in thenotification letters on SEAs.(ii)Apart from ETA, depending on the needs of individual candidates, they may be provided with Braille/enlarged (single-sided black and white) question papers, specially-designed supplementary answer sheet/graph paper/MC answer sheet (please refer to Annex 4 for details), and be allowed to use Brailler/magnifier/CCTV and other specialised equipment in the examination. The candidate/school should provide such equipment. Candidates with cortical visual impairment or visual disability may also be provided with question papers of the following special font size and word- and line-spacing (if applicable):●Chinese papers: font size 18, with 2.5 pt for word-spacing and 35 pt for line-spacing.●English papers: font size 16, with double space-bar for word-spacing and 35 pt forline-spacing.Note: Enlarged question papers are printed in B/W only. For candidates who need to read the normal question papers containing coloured diagrams/photographs (ifapplicable), schools may apply for using ancillary equipment (e.g. magnifier, CCTV)for them, as appropriate.(iii)Candidates with visual disabilities may apply for supervised break(s) during an examination, writing on alternate lines/alternate pages, circling MC answers on the question papers instead of filling in the MC answers sheets, etc. Those with severe visual disabilities may also request to use question-answer (QA) books in overlay PDF format for typing the answers directly onto the QA books with a word processor.(Note: The PDF format question-answer (QA) books are not applicable for screen reader.)(iv)Educationally blind candidates (i.e. the corrected better eye having a visual acuity of 0.1 or below, or a visual field 20 degree or below) are eligible for exemption from the following papers/questions:HKDSE Geography●specific map reading questions (i.e. the MC questions in Paper 1 Section A that use amap extract); and/or●data/skill-based/structured questions involving map reading skills in Paper 1 andPaper 2. (Note: The relevant sections consist of optional questions. Candidateswho are approved for the exemption will NOT be provided with the optionalquestions concerned in the exam papers and they have to choose from the remainingquestions to answer the required number of questions, which means that they willhave fewer choices.)Candidates with severe visual disabilities (i.e. the corrected better eye having a visual acuity lower than 6/120 (0.05), or a visual field 20 degree or below) may be exempted from questions involving complex diagrams, tables, graphs and pictures in HKDSE English Language Paper 3 (Listening and Integrated Skills).For candidates with severe visual disabilities [e.g. total blindness, the corrected better eyehaving a visual acuity lower than 6/120 (0.05) or a visual field 20 degree or below], forquestions that involve complicated pictures, where appropriate, text labels/descriptionswill be provided on the pictures concerned. Exemption will be given in case theprovision of text labels/descriptions on the pictures concerned is not possible (e.g. unfairassistance may be given if text labels/descriptions are provided). In order to preservethe secrecy of question papers, candidates will be informed of the questions to beexempted and the adjusted examination time right before the start of the examinationsession. Candidates have to indicate at the time of application whether they want to beexempted from such questions.For candidates with visual disabilities who need to take more than 9 hours of examination(including ETA) on the same day, instead of being provided with ETA, they may be givenan abridged version (approximately 50%) of the question paper to be completed innormal examination time. In other words, the candidates will be exempted fromapproximately 50% of the question paper. The information on abridged question paperwill be provided to candidates together with the notification of application results.Remarks: For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.(3) Aural disabilitiesThe SEAs made will normally be based on the severity of the aural disabilities. Details are as follows:To sit written examinations (including Listening components) at special centres; and tosit Speaking examination at special centre, facing or with the side of normal hearingtowards other speakers.②To sit written examinations (including Listening components) and Speakingexamination at special centres.③To sit written examinations at special centres.④To sit Speaking examination at special centres.⑤Exemption from the Listening components.⑥Exemption from the Speaking examination and School-based Assessment (SBA) ofEnglish Language.Remarks:(i)If a candidate’s left and right ears differ in the severity of aural disabilities, the better ear(except for cases of unilateral HI) will be used for the consideration of specialexamination arrangements.(ii)For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.prolonged and/or additional pauses in the Listening components and/or (ii) extended examination time in the Speaking examination of language subjects. They have to indicate at the time of application whether they would like to be considered for the SEA(s). However, they are NOT eligible for extended preparation time in the Speaking examination of language subjects.(4) Oral disabilitiesOral disabilities are classified as mild, moderate or severe. Candidates with severe oral disabilities are eligible for exemption from the Speaking examination of language subjects and School-based Assessment (SBA) of English Language. Candidates with mild/moderate oral disabilities are eligible for sitting the Speaking examination with extended examination time at special centres. They have to indicate at the time of application whether they would like to be considered for the SEA(s). However, they are NOT eligible for extended preparation time in the Speaking examination of language subjects.Remarks: For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.(5) Specific learning disabilities (SLD)(i)Candidates who meet the diagnostic criteria of SLD (Dyslexia) are eligible for SEAsincluding ETA (normally 25% for both conventional and multiple-choice (MC) papers)*and supervised break(s) during an examination. Other SEAs may include the provisionof special question papers (e.g. single-sided black and white, single-sided black and whiteenlarged or single-sided ivory-colour), specially-designed supplementary answersheet/graph paper/MC answer sheet (please refer to Annex 4for details), writing onalternate lines/one side of an answer book, or circling MC answers on a question paperinstead of filling in boxes on an answer sheet. (Note: The provision may vary indifferent subject/paper examinations. For details, please refer to the notification ofapplication results.)* ETA 5% for Visual Arts 1B/2B(ii)Use of a word processor instead of writing may be considered for the following candidates:●candidates with illegible handwriting —the schools should provide a copy of thecandidates’ handwritten Chinese and English composition work in a recent internaltest or examination for the consideration of the HKEAA.●candidates with extremely slow handwriting speed (i.e. those who cannot cope withthe examination even with the extra time stated above) —reports from occupationaltherapists/medical practitioners should be submitted as supporting evidence. Speedtests will be conducted for the candidates by the HKEAA for consideration of such arequest.●if a candidate requires the use of a word processor due to other reasons, the reasonsshould be specified on the application form with supporting documents provided.If a candidate is allowed to use a word processor to type the answers, the word processorshould only be used as a type-writer. Access to the Internet or functions such ascalculation, spell-check, grammar-check, translation, thesauri and ‘displaying associatedterms’in the Chinese character input method are not allowed. The candidate/schoolshould provide the computer facilities in public examinations. The candidate may alsorequest to use question-answer (QA) books in overlay PDF format for typing the answersdirectly onto the QA books with a word in Liberal Studies (2023 HKDSE) / Citizenship and Social Development (2024HKDSE) and seven elective subjects (i.e. Chinese History, Ethics and Religious Studies,Geography, Health Management and Social Care, History, Literature in English, andTourism and Hospitality Studies):(a)the candidate has a confirmed diagnosis of SLD, and the candidate’s writing abilityin the first language has been assessed on a standardised test with relevant norm(currently, the Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading andWriting for Junior Secondary School Students –Second Edition [HKT-JS(II)] isconsidered relevant) administered by a qualified educational/clinical psychologistwith professional practice training and the test results indicate that the candidate hassevere writing difficulties; and(b)the candidate will be provided with the speech-to-text software in internal schoolassessment(s)/examination(s) before the HKDSE so that he/she is familiar with thearrangements and can apply it effectively in the public examination.Eligible candidates will only be allowed to use the built-in speech-to-text software thatcomes with MacBook Air in the public examination. Candidates will have their speechconverted into text via the software and the word processor, such as MS Word or Pages.They may edit the text with the keyboard and/or allowable Chinese character inputmethods, such as Cangjie, Quick, Pinyin, Stroke and Q9 input methods. Thosefunctions on the speech-to-text software that might affect the fairness or appropriatenessof the software must be removed or disabled prior to it being used in the publicexamination.Practice in internal assessment(s)/examination(s), preferably from Secondary 5, is highlyrecommended for candidates whose applications to adopt the SEA have been accepted bythe HKEAA so that they are familiar with the SEA and can use it effectively in the publicexamination. If a candidate decides to withdraw from using the software, he/she shouldinform the HKEAA in writing as soon as possible, preferably in November of theSecondary 6 school year (for applications submitted in Secondary 5) or in February of theexamination year (for applications submitted in Secondary 6 and private candidates).School candidates must do so via their schools.In case a candidate is seriously ill and unable to speak clearly for using the software orhe/she cannot use the software due to technical problems, he/she should work on thepaper in handwriting.Schools should provide the computer facilities (including the speech-to-text software andprinter), Chinese character input method (if applicable), examination venue(classroom/function room/hall), noise-blocking setup and earmuffs (if applicable) andinvigilation personnel for their candidates in the public examination. Private candidatesshould provide for themselves the computer facilities (including the speech-to-textsoftware) and Chinese character input method (if applicable).Please refer to Annex 7for the guidelines on the use of speech-to-text software in thepublic examination.(6) Candidates with other disabilities/special needs(i)SEAs will be made for the candidates concerned with reference to the nature and severityof the candidates’special needs, the recommendations of the specialists given in themedical/assessment reports (if applicable) and the special arrangements made in internalexaminations. In general, ETA will only be given where there is clear evidence tojustify the need. The request should be supported by the relevant medicaldoctor/specialist and the school should have been providing ETA for the candidate ininternal examinations. The ETA given will normally not exceed 25% and will beconsidered by the Committee on a case by case basis.(ii)Candidates may be allowed to sit the examination in a single room, a room with fewer candidates or in a familiar examination environment due to the nature of the special needs(e.g. likely to create noise during the examination; very sensitive to normal backgroundnoise such as normal school activities, school bells, etc.; very difficult to adapt to anunfamiliar environment; or other medical conditions such as Tourette’s Syndrome).Such request should be clearly stated in the application for SEAs withrationale/recommendation made by the schools/specialists. The candidates concernedmay be allowed to sit the examinations (except speaking examination) in their ownschool special centre (i.e. home centre). Private candidates should also state suchrequest with rationale/ recommendation made by specialists in the application for SEAs.(iii)Candidates with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may apply for the provision of plain text labels/descriptions for questions that involve high level comprehension/interpretationof cartoons or complicated pictures, where appropriate. The plain text labels/descriptions describe the layout of the cartoons or pictures in the text format withoutgiving any interpretation or revealing the underlying meaning of these cartoons orpictures, which would otherwise compromise the assessment objectives of the subjectsconcerned. Samples of the plain text labels/descriptions for Liberal Studies, ChineseHistory and History are avai lable for downloading under ‘Services to Special NeedsCandidates’ from the HKEAA website.Candidates with ASD should indicate in the application for SEAs whether they need thisSEA and for which subject(s) [normally applicable to Liberal Studies (2023 HKDSE) /Citizenship and Social Development (2024 HKDSE), Chinese History, and History].Schools should provide the candidates concerned with the same arrangement in internalexaminations.The provision of plain text labels/descriptions to questions that involve high-levelcomprehension/interpretation of cartoons or complicated pictures is based on professionaljudgment with reference to the assessment objectives of the subjects concerned. If plaintext labels/descriptions are provided, the candidates concerned will be given a set ofspecial question paper with plain text labels/descriptions (normally printed double-sidedon A3 white paper and output as A4 booklet) in addition to the normal question paperbefore the start of the examination session. If a candidate is also allowed to use questionpaper in special format (e.g. single-sided black and white enlarged), the plain textlabels/descriptions will be provided on the relevant special question paper. If thequestions do not require plain text labels/descriptions, the normal question paper orspecial question paper without plain text labels/descriptions will be provided asappropriate.6.2 Use of Screen ReadersCandidates satisfying the following criteria may be eligible for the use of screen reader in the public examinations. The candidate:(i) has a confirmed diagnosis of SLD, and the candidate’s word reading ability in the firstlanguage has been assessed on a standardised test with relevant norm (currently, the HongKong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior SecondarySchool Students – Second Edition [HKT-JS(II)] is considered relevant) administered by aqualified educational/clinical psychologist with professional practice training and the testresults indicate that the candidate has severe word reading difficulties; or(ii) has a diagnosis of neurological impairment such as cerebral palsy, cerebral visual impairment or brain injuries, and is assessed by a professional (e.g. an occupationaltherapist) to have severe reading difficulties; or(iii) is blind or has severe visual disability, and is assessed by an occupational therapist to have significantly low Braille reading speed due to poor finger touch; or (iv) has lost his/her eyesight recently and thus cannot read Braille materials.Except for (iv), practice in previous assessments/examinations is highly recommended for candidates applying to use the screen reader in public examinations so that they are familiar with the arrangements and can apply it effectively in the public examinations.Screen reading will not be allowed in the following papers in which reading comprehension skills is tested:In the public examination, candidates may use any of the following text-to-speech software designated by the HKEAA:Candidates must specify the text-to-speech software they intend to use in the public examination when they submit the application for use of screen reader. They must use the software designated by the HKEAA. Special consideration may be given if the school can produce evidence that the students have all along been using another software not designated by the HKEAA in tests/internal examinations.Schools should provide the computer facilities (including the text-to-speech software), examination venue and invigilation personnel for their candidates in the public examination.Private candidates should provide for themselves the computer facilities (including the text-to-speech software). Please refer to Annex 5for the guidelines on the use of screen readers in the public examination.6.3 School-based Assessment (SBA)For information regarding the special arrangements for SEN candidates in conducting SBA, schools may visit the SBA section of the HKEAA website (.hk/en/sba/info_corner/). In cases where a school cannot provide special arrangements for a particular student, the matter should be brought to the attention of the HKEAA in writing by the principal of the school for HKEAA's special consideration at the beginning of the school year. Such cases, once approved, may include exemption from part or whole of the SBA tasks. The application form for SBA exemption is available for downloading from ‘HKDSE Online Services’ (https://.hk/).7. Examination venues, invigilator staff and any ancillary aids/equipment7.1 Schools presenting special needs candidates for the public examinations have to provideexamination venues, invigilation staff and any ancillary aids/equipment with regard to the provision of special examination arrangements (SEAs) to these candidates. Centre schools are also required to assist in examination administration (including the return of candidates’ answer scripts after the examination).7.2 Candidates who are given SEAs (e.g. ETA, prolonged and/or additional pauses in theListening components, supervised breaks, Braille/special question papers, special answer sheets/books, ancillary aids/equipment, etc.) will be arranged to sit the examinations at special centres which are normally set up in secondary schools (mostly classrooms with a few school halls). Examination procedures in special centres are the same as those in other centres.However, extra invigilators are available to offer assistance to candidates if necessary.Remarks:(i)SEN candidates with non-standard SEAs (including but not limited to ETA other than25%, use of ancillary aids/equipment, prompters, and longer/more frequent supervisedbreaks), emotional disturbance, psychiatric problems, adjustment problems and medicalillnesses will normally be accommodated at home centres. Other own school SENcandidates from the same school would also be accommodated at the home centre as faras possible.(ii)In general, candidates will be given different amounts of ETA and/or supervised breaks at special centres. To facilitate the smooth conduct of examinations, candidates arenormally NOT allowed to withdraw from the approved supervised breaks.(iii)All candidates who sit the Listening components of language subjects in special centres will be given a 5-minute supervised break after completing Part A in order to synchronisethe time for broadcasting the listening materials of Part B. Candidates should abide bythe regulations on supervised breaks. For details, please refer to the Handbook forCandidates of the examination year.7.3 Examination rooms in a special centre are usually accessible by lift or on the same floor as themain entrance. Depending on the supply of special centres in various districts, candidates may not be arranged to take the examinations in their chosen examination district.8. Listening Components and Speaking examination of Language Subjects8.1 Candidates who are granted ETA in written examinations may be provided with (i) prolongedand/or additional pauses in the Listening components and/or (ii) extended preparation and/or examination time in the Speaking examination of language subjects. They have to indicate at the time of application whether they would like to be considered for the SEA(s).8.2 In general, candidates who sit Speaking examination at special centres, except for SLDcandidates, will be arranged to sit the examination with Oral Examination Assistants to facilitate the conduct of the group discussion; whereas SLD candidates will normally sit the Speaking examination with other SLD candidates.9. Hospital candidatesHospital candidates applying to take the examination in the hospital must obtain the doctor’s written permission certifying the candidate is fit for the examination. The application must be submitted with the necessary documents at least 1 working day (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) before the examination. For example, applications for examinations held on Monday must be submitted no later than Friday of the preceding week.。
.部分会议特邀专家简介特邀报告人汇集了中外认知神经科学领域(Perception,Language and the Brain,Attention & Memory,Social Behavior & Social Cognitive Neuroscience,Cognitive Impairment,和Neural Imaging & Modeling)的国内外知名学者35人,其中包括诺贝尔奖生理学奖(医学奖)获得者David H. Hubel 教授和10多位中外院士。
现简单介绍部分与会专家如下:诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获奖者David H. Hubel, M.D.David Hubel(1926-),美国神经生物学家,哈佛大学医学院神经生物学教授,由于对脑部视觉系统的信息处理研究的重大贡献,与Wiesel 和Sperry 分享1981年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
简历:z 生于加拿大安大略省z 1947年,在加拿大蒙特利尔的麦基尔大学(McGill College)获得物理学学士学位。
z 1951年,获得该校医学院医学博士学位。
z 1958年,Hubel 进入美国的约翰霍普金斯大学,开始视觉皮层研究。
z 1959年,哈佛医学院教授。
z 20世纪六七十年代,利用微电极技术进行动物脑的单细胞记录,从事视觉研究。
z 1981年,因发现了中枢视觉通路中细胞的感受野特性,获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
z 1995年,Hubel DH 出版《Eye, Brain and Vision》,Scientific AmericanLibrary.z 2005年,Hubel DH & Wiesel TN. 《Brain and Visual Perception——The Storyof a 25-Year Collaboration》,Oxford University Press.(A)知觉(Perception)(1)George Sperlingz 1974年 实验心理学会成员z 1985年 国家科学院院士z 1992年 美国艺术与科学院院士z 因为他为心理学界做出的突出贡献,曾获得多项荣誉,包括:美国心理学会最高科学成就奖(1988),实验心理学会的Howard Crosby Warren 奖章(1996),美国光学学会的Edgar D. Tillyer 奖(2002),国际神经网络学会的Helmholtz 奖(2004)。
一、导入李政道(Tsung-Dao Lee)美国物理学家。
李政道教授曾获:诺贝尔物理学奖(1957)、爱因斯坦科学奖(1957)、法国国立学院布德埃奖章(1969, 1977)、伽利略· 伽利莱奖章(1979)、意大利共和国最高骑士勋章(1986)、埃. 马诺瑞那爱瑞奇科学和平奖(1994) 等。
微生物名人堂John E. Walker
微生物名人堂John E. WalkerJohn E. Walker AutobiographyI was born in Halifax , Yorkshire on January 7th, 1941 to Thomas Ernest Walker and Elsie Walker (ne Lawton ). My father was a stone mason, and a talented amateur pianist and vocalist. I was brought up with my two younger sisters, Judith and Jennifer, in a rural environment overlooking the Calder valley near Elland, and then in Rastrick. I received an academic education at Rastrick Grammar School , specializing in Physical Sciences and Mathematics in the last three years. I was a keen sportsman, and became school captain in soccer and cricket. In 1960, I went to St. Catherine's College, Oxford , and received the B.A. degree in Chemistry in 1964.In 1965, I began research on peptide antibiotics with E. P. Abraham in the Sir Willian Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford , and was awarded the D. Phil. degree in 1969. During this period, I became aware of the spectacular developments made in Cambridge in the 1950s and early 1960s in Molecular Biology through a series of programmes on BBC television given by John Kendrew, and published in 1966under the title The Thread of Life. These programmes made a lasting impression on me, and made me want to know more about the subject. Two books, Molecular Biology of the Gene by J. D. Watson, first published in 1965, and William Hayes' Bacterial Genetics helped to assuage my appetite for more information. My knowledge of this new field was extended by a series of exciting lectures for graduate students on protein structure given in 1966 by David Phillips, the new Professor of Molecular Biophysics at Oxford . Another series of lectures given by Henry Harris, the Professor of Pathology and published in book form undThen followed a period of five years working abroad, from 1969-1971, first at The School of Pharmacy at theUniversity of Wisconsin, and then from 1971-1974 in France, supported by Fellowships from NATO and EMBO, first at the CNRS at Gif-sur-Yvette and then at the Institut Pasteur.Just before Easter in 1974, I attended a research workshop in Cambridge entitled Sequence Analysis of Proteins. It was sponsored by EMBO (The European Molecular Biology Organization), and organised by Ieuan Harris fromthe Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) and by Richard Perham from the Cambridge University Department of Biochemistry. At the associated banquet, I found myself sitting next to someone that I had not met previously, who turned out to be Fred Sanger. In the course of our conversation, he asked if I had thought about coming back to work in England . I jumped at the suggestion, and with some trepidation, approached Ieuan Harris about the possibility of my joining his group. After discussions with Fred Sanger, it was agreed that I could come to the Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry (PNAC) Division at the LMB for three months from June 1974. More than 23 years later, I am still there.It goes without saying that this encounter with Fred Sanger and Ieuan Harris transformed my scientific career. In 1974, the LMB was infused throughout its three Divisions with a spirit of enthusiasm and excitement for research in molecular biology led by Max Perutz (the Chairman of the Laboratory), Fred Sanger, Aaron Klug, Francis Crick, Sidney Brenner, Hugh Huxley, John Smith and Csar Milstein, which was coupled with extraordinary success. For example, alongthe corridor from my laboratory Fred was inventing his methods for sequencing DNA, immediately across the corridor Csar Milstein and Georges Kouml;hler were inventing monoclonal antibodies, and elsewhere in the building, Francis Crick and Aaron Klug and their colleagues were revealing the structures of chromatin and transfer RNA.Fred's new DNA sequencing methods were applied first to the related bacteriophages fX174 and G4, and then to DNA from human and bovine mitochondria. I analyzed the sequences of the proteins from G4 and from mitochondria uIn 1978, I decided to apply protein chemical methods to membrane proteins, since this seemed to be both a challenging and important area. Therefore, in search of a suitable topic, I read the literature extensively. The enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation from the inner membranes of mitochondria were known to be large membrane bound multi-subunit complexes, but despite their importance, they had been studied hardly at all from a structural point of view. Therefore, the same year, I began a structural study of the ATP synthase from bovine heart mitochondriaand from eubacteria. These studies resulted eventually in acomplete sequence analysis of the complex from several species, and in the atomic resolution structure of the F catalytic domain of the enzyme from bovine mitochondria, giving new insights into how ATP is made in the biological world. Michael Runswick has worked closely with me throughout this period, and has made contributions to all aspects of our studies.In 1959, I received the A. T. Clay Gold Medal. I was awarded the Johnson Foundation Prize by the University of Pennsylvania in 1994, in 1996, the CIBA Medal and Prize of the Biochemical Society, and The Peter Mitchell Medal of the European Bioenergetics Congress, and in 1997 The Gaetano Quagliariello Prize for Research in Mitochondria by the University of Bari, Italy. In 1995, I was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1997, I was made a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge and became an Honorary Fellow of St. Catherine's College, Oxford .I married Christina Westcott in 1963. We have two daughters, Esther, aged 21 and Miriam, aged 19. At present, both of them are university students, studying Geographyand English, respectively, at Nottingham-Trent and Leeds Universities .From Les Prix Nobel 1997.。
绪论•1 生物化学定义Biochemistry•2 生物化学研究的主要内容2.1 生物体的物质组成2.2 物质代谢及其调控糖代谢电子传递和氧化磷酸化脂代谢氨基酸代谢核苷酸代谢代谢调控DNA的合成RNA的合成和加工蛋白质合成基因表达调控2.3 物质的分子结构与功能的关系•3 生物化学在生物科学中的地位和作用Membership Statistics as of February 1, 2004:Totals by Membership TypeMember (active) 1,890Member (emeritus) 91Foreign Associate 336Total 2,317Totals by Scientific disciplineAnimal, Nutritional, and Applied Microbial Sciences 46Anthropology 74Applied Mathematical Sciences 50Applied Physical Sciences 88Astronomy 81Biochemistry 166Biophysics 60Cellular and Developmental Biology 88Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience 48Chemistry 200Computer and Information Sciences 35Economic Sciences 58Engineering Sciences 84Environmental Sciences and Ecology 51Evolutionary Biology 41Genetics 84Geology 86Geophysics 90Human Environmental Sciences 19Immunology 54Mathematics 118Medical Genetics, Hematology, and Oncology 100Medical Physiology and Metabolism 59Microbial Biology 47Physics 186Physiology and Pharmacology 56Plant Biology 58Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences 48Psychology 56Social and Political Sciences 44Systems Neuroscience 42Total 2,317•4 生物化学和人类生活的关系及在工农业﹑畜牧业和医药业上的意义日常生活血清检验药物研制HIV(structure)吸烟损害公众健康! •5如何学习生物化学对教材内容作全面了解,分析比较,明确概念; 从化学本质和结构特点出发,联系物质的性质和功能;对每章的重点内容应深入钻研,弄懂,记熟, 轮番复习﹑默念以加强记忆。
• G蛋白质接受各种第一信使的信号后,按不同信息需求, 再经由第二信使(cAMP,IP3)分别进行各种生物途径, 而调整生理活动。 • 很久以来,人们就知道细胞之间交换信息是通过激素或 其他腺体,神经元,以及其他组织分泌的信息物质.直 到80年代初人们才知道细胞是如何接受外界信息并作 出相应的反应.G-蛋白的发现具有重要的意义,为生理 学家们在这个领域的研究提供了广泛的前景
G蛋白激活 cAMP环化酶
Gs的调节作用:Gs偶联受体 激活腺苷酸环化酶的模型
1.1.3cAMP信号通路的反应链: 激素→G蛋白偶联受体→G蛋白 →AMP环化酶→cAMP →cAMP依 赖的蛋白激酶A→基因调空蛋白 →基因转录
• 吉尔曼(G.Gilman) Gilman于1941年出生于美国 康涅狄格州 1962年毕业于耶鲁大学并取 得生物化学学士学位 1971-1979年在Vrginia大学 药理学系任副教授 1979-1981年在 Dollas大学 药理学系任副教授 1981至今 任教授
反应链:胞外信号分子→G-蛋白偶联受体→G-蛋白→ →IP3→胞内Ca2+浓度升高→Ca2+结合蛋白(CaM)→细胞反应
双信使系统Double Messenger system磷脂酰Fra bibliotek醇信号通路模式图
信号分子-受体 G蛋白
1.G蛋白 • 受体与配体结合后即与膜上的偶联蛋白结合, 使其释放活性因子,再与效应器发生反应。由 于这些偶联蛋白的结构和功能极为类似,且都 能结合并水解GTP,所以通常称G蛋白 • G蛋白是三聚体GTP结合调节蛋白的简称,位于 质膜内胞浆一侧,由α、β和γ三个亚基组成, βγ二聚体通过共价结合锚于膜上起稳定α亚 基的作用,而α亚基本身具有GTP酶的活性.
Sheep-goat chimera
动植物细胞与组织培养 细胞融合 染色体工程 胚胎工程 细胞遗传工程
第三节 体外培养的动物细胞的特性
贴附依赖型(anchorage-dependent) 非贴附依赖型(anchorage-independent) 兼性贴附型
细胞的生长必须有给予贴附的支持物表面,细胞依赖自身 分泌的或培养基中提供的贴附因子才能在该表面上生长。
Manipulation of a cattle embryo and twin calves
Test- tube baby
第二节 细胞生物学基础
➢ 细胞表面都有细胞膜(磷脂双分子层与蛋白质) ➢ 细胞都含有两种核酸(DNA与RNA) ➢ 细胞蛋白质合成的机器─核糖体 ➢ 细胞增殖都以一分为二的方式进行分裂
原核细胞缺少粗面内质网和高尔基复合体结构,无法对蛋 白质进行糖基化和其他一系列翻译后加工修饰。这就决定 了某些生物药品不能用原核细胞表达。
原代培养期 传代期 衰退期
培养细胞的生命期 (Life Span of Culture Cells)
梁力其先生獎學金 Mr. Ricky Leung
中三英文科成績優異。 Outstanding performance in F.3 English Language
周陳影霞老師紀念獎學金 Mrs. Chau Chan Ying Ha Mem.
中三數學科成績優異。 Outstanding performance in F.3 Mathematics
List of Scholarship Holders (2009/2010)
Merits of the holders
屈光圻醫生獎學金 Dr. K.K.Watt
香港高級程度會考成績優異。 Outstanding academic results in HKALE
李月仙女士紀念獎學金 Madam Lee Yuet Sin Mem.
何式芬校長紀念獎學金 10 Ms. Ho Seck Fun Mem.
地理科成績優異。 Outstanding performance in Geography
麥釗校長紀念獎學金 Mr. Mak Chiu Mem.
物理科成績優異。 Outstanding performance in Physics
rship Holders
0.58 1.83 4.20 4.60 13.50 12.50 466 165 97 2700 3000
470 1743 4100 4288 6034 4929 30000 13601 18424 30000 25000
无 无 无 无 16 16 21 4 6 20 23
一、病毒基因组 二、原核生物基因组 三、真核生物基因组
基因组(genome) 1个配(精子或卵子),1个单倍 体细胞或1个病毒所包含的全套遗传物质的总和。病毒核酸 或为DNA或为RNA,可以统称为病毒染色体。
完整的病毒颗粒具有蛋白质外壳,以保护病毒核酸不 受核酸酶的破坏,并能识别和侵袭特定的宿主。
Molecular Biology
What is Molecular Biology?
分子生物学是从分子水平研究生命现象、生命规律和生命本质 的学科。
核心内容是从分子水平研究基因和基因的活动,这些活动主要 通过核酸和蛋白质的活动来实现。
医学分子生物学主要研究人体生物大分子和大分子体系的结构、 功能、相互作用及其与疾病发生、发展的关系。
结构基因:编码区序列(coding region sequence )
转录调控序列:非编码序列(non-coding sequence)
基因表达需要的调控区(regulatory region)序列, 包括启动子(promoter)、增强子(enhancer)等。
费城托马斯·杰斐逊大学的Hilary Koprowski博士和Kisung Ko,博士将编码直肠癌抗体DNA插入烟草中,使植物成为抗体的生产工厂。
该研究成果发表在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences网络版上。
二十一世纪是分子生物学发展的世纪,生命科学将进 入一个新的时代——后基因组时代postgenomics
1.功能基因组学 functional genomics 依附于对DNA序列的了解,应用基因组学的知识和工具
去了解影响发育和整个生物体的特征序列表达 谱。 酿酒酵母16条染色体的全部序列于1996年完成 。
Renard 克隆牛诞生(体细胞→个体);
2000 ,6.26 中、美、日、德、法、英6国,宣布人类基 因组草图发表。
2000 ,10月 科学家宣布将于2001年3月完 成河豚鱼的基 因组测序。
2000,12月14日英美等国科学家宣布绘出拟南芥基因组 的完整图谱。
2003年4月14日六国科学家完成了人类基因组序列图的 绘制,实现了人类基因组计划的所有目标。
二十世纪是以核酸为研究核心,带动分子生 物学向纵深发展:
生命科学从宏观→微观→宏观;由分析→综 合的时代。
分子生物学常用参考书 目
第一章 绪 论
Instant Notes in Molecular Biology
---Turner et al.
Molecular biology seeks to explain the relationships between the structure and function of biological molecules and how these relationships contribute to the operation and control of biochemical processes.
新聞稿2010香港中學會考放榜參與2010年香港中學會考的122,387名考生將於明日( 8月4日)收到成績通知書。
今年共有 83,059 ( 67.9% )日校考生及33,246 ( 27.2% )自修生參與會考。
在中國語文科方面,獲取第1等級 (上升0.9%)、第2等級(上升3.2%)及第4等級(上升3.1%)的比率較往年上升,而考獲第3等級 (下跌4.5%)及第5等級 (下跌0.9%) 的比率則較去年下跌,「不予評級」的考生比率亦顯著下降1.4%。
今年共有1,789名( 2.4% )首次應考的日校考生於中國語文科獲取5*等級,約佔第5等級中表現最佳的三分一考生;英國語文科則有1,211名( 1.7% )考生考獲5*,約佔第5等級中表現最佳的五分一。
全體考生於五科(包括中國語文及英國語文科)或以上獲取E級或第2等級以上成績 佔 56.1%,比率與去年相同。
《学海无涯》歌词 农夫
hey yo 你有冇听到
fama college beautiful life
we have six wing and c-kwan be your guide
we need to 努力做人
biology makes me cry
chemistry makes me cry
中西史都makes me cry
农夫啲歌makes me smile 以上就是关于学海无涯的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。
341934 透明质酸发现玻璃体中的多糖KARL MEYER, JOHN W. PALMER摘要:Mörner 的研究证实了玻璃体中黏液的存在。
我们能够找到的关于玻璃体中黏液的唯一分析是Mörner 的数据:N,12.27%;S,1.19%。
文献来源:KARL MEYER, JOHN W.P ALMER. THE POL YSACCHARIDEOF THE VITREOUS HUMOR[J].J. biol. chem, 1934, 9:629-634.1985透明质酸研究概况透明质酸研究概况沈渤江,凌沛学,张天民摘要:Meyer 和Palmer 于1934年从牛眼玻璃体中分离出一种高黏性物质,命名为透明质酸(HA)。
此名称是由Hyaloid(透明的、玻璃状的)与Uronic Acid(糖醛酸)复合而成的。
五十年来,无论在HA 分布和化学结构方面还是在其生理功能和临床应用方面的研究均取得了较大进展。
我国近年来也开始了药用HA 制备和临床应用的研究,并取得了一定进展。
关键词脱氧核糖核酸酶;石墨烯量子点;稳定性;TNF⁃α中图分类号R914;R965文献标识码A文章编号2095⁃1736(2021)02⁃0026⁃06 Graphene quantum dots improve the stability of DNAzyme in cells HUANG Qiping1,2,L IU Hui1,2,Z HANG Jingyan1,2,ZHENG Jing1,2(1.State⁃Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering;2.School of Pharmacy,East China University of Science and Technology,S hanghai200237,C hina)Abstract In this work,w e employed Graphene quantum dots(GQDs)as a carrier loading two RNA⁃cleaving Deoxyribonuclease (DNAzymes)to explore their activities at molecular and cellular levels.The two DNAzymes were designed and synthesized based on the mRNA of TNF⁃α(TNF⁃DNAzyme1and TNF⁃DNAzyme2).We demonstrated that the TNF⁃DNAzymes/GQDs conjugates were sta⁃ble in solution,a nd the catalytic activity of the DNAzymes remained in the presence of GQDs.The expression level of TNF⁃αin Hela cells was significantly decreased after the incubation with TNF⁃DNAzymes and GQDs.In contrast,t he expression level of TNF⁃αin Hela cells was barely changed after the incubation with TNF⁃DNAzymes alone,w hich indicated that GQDs could be used as a carrier to deliver TNF⁃DNAzymes into cells,t hus the activity of TNF⁃DNAzymes in cellular level could be greatly improved.Based on the control experiments,w e inferred that the improved activity of DNAzymes could be due to their improved stability with GQDs.Howev⁃er,w e could not rule out which caused by the higher accumulation of DNAzymes in the cells or other mechanisms.Key words DNAzyme;graphene quantum dots;stability;TNF⁃α自1994年首次发现Pb2+依赖性切割RNA的单链DNA片段(又称脱氧核糖核酸酶或者DNAzyme)至今,科学家相继发现了更多具有不同催化功能的DNA⁃zyme[1⁃2]。
1. “黄河口地区环境脆弱性的遥感反演”这篇论文有几个作者,是否同单位的?()A(6,否) B(6,是) C(7,否) D(7,是)2. “微通道换热器两相分配特性对空调系统性能的影响”这篇论文有几个作者,是否同单位的?()A(6,否) B(6,是) C(7,否) D(7,是)3. “三种鼻内镜手术径路暴露翼腭窝的解剖研究及其临床意义”这篇论文有几个作者,是否同单位的?()A(11,否) B(11,是) C(12,否) D(12,是) 9 否4. “永磁球形电机的支持向量机模型的参数寻优”这篇论文有几个作者,是否同单位的?()A(5,否) B(5,是) C(6,否) D(6,是)5. “鹅myf6基因的克隆,胚胎期以及填饲后表达特征分析”这篇论文有几个作者,是否同单位的?()A(5,否) B(5,是) C(6,否) D(6,是)6. “黄河口地区环境脆弱性的遥感反演”这篇论文的通讯作者和第一作者是同一个人吗?A否B是7. “微通道换热器两相分配特性对空调系统性能的影响”这篇论文的通讯作者和第一作者是同一个人吗?A否 B是8. “三种鼻内镜手术径路暴露翼腭窝的解剖研究及其临床意义”这篇论文的通讯作者和第一作者是同一个人吗?A否 B是9. “永磁球形电机的支持向量机模型的参数寻优”这篇论文的通讯作者和第一作者是同一个人吗?A否 B是10. “鹅myf6基因的克隆,胚胎期以及填饲后表达特征分析”这篇论文的通讯作者和第一作者是同一个人吗?A否 B是11. 《光谱学与光谱分析》这本期刊是否被SCI收录?A否 B是12. 《制冷学报》这本期刊是否被SCI收录?A否 B是13. 《解剖与临床》这本期刊是否被SCI收录?A否 B是14. 《电工技术学报》这本期刊是否被SCI收录?A否 B是15. 《农业生物技术学报》这本期刊是否被SCI收录?A否 B是16. 题目为“中韩科技政策的比较研究”的论文是一篇什么论文?A学位论文 B 期刊论文 C会议论文(A)17. 题目为“区域生态环境脆弱性评价研究——以鄂尔多斯市为例”的论文是一篇什么论文?A学位论文 B 期刊论文 C会议论文()18. 题目为“世界非物质文化遗产标准视域下陈式太极拳的传承研究”的论文是一篇什么论文?A学位论文 B 期刊论文 C会议论文()19. 题目为“一个基于中间件的大型分布式信息系统的实现”的论文是一篇什么论文?A学位论文 B 期刊论文 C会议论文()20 《弧线型导向板超级稻定向播种装置》这个专利目前是不是有效专利?A否B是21. 《透反电光特性曲线相匹配的单盒厚透反蓝相液晶显示器》这个专利目前是不是有效专利?A否 B是22. 《薯蓣皂苷元哌嗪类衍生物及其制备方法》这个专利目前是不是有效专利?A否 B是23.《食品中硼酸的测定》这篇文献的中图分类号A(TS20) B(TS21) C(TS22) D(TS23)24. 《高粱种子生产技术操作规程》这篇文献的中图分类号A(S33) B(S34) C(S35) D(S36)25. 《桑树种子和苗木》这篇文献的中图分类号A(S5) B(S6) C(S7) D(S8)26. 《高粱杂交种繁育制种技术操作规程》这篇文献的中图分类号A(S34) B(S35) C(S36) D(S37)27.《籼型杂交水稻“三系”原种生产技术操作规程》这篇文献的中图分类号A(S33) B(S34) C(S35) D(S36)28.《棉花原种生产技术操作规程》这篇文献的中图分类号A(S56) B(S57) C(S58) D(S59)29.《防盗报警控制器通用技术条件》这篇文献的中图分类号A(D6) B(D7) C(D8) D(D9)30.“论提升图书馆员的亲和力”这篇文献作者的单位是哪里的?A杭州电子科技大学图书馆 B解放军医学图书馆 C扬州大学图书馆 D中国地质图书馆31.“初论图书馆建筑智能化与图书馆信息化”这篇文献作者的单位是哪里的?A杭州电子科技大学图书馆 B解放军医学图书馆 C扬州大学图书馆 D中国地质图书馆32.“中国地方政府环境保护支出的效率分析”这篇文献作者的单位是哪里的?A杭州电子科技大学图书馆 B解放军医学图书馆 C中南财经政法大学财政税务学院 D安庆师范学院政法学院33.“农民工图书馆的建设与发展思路”这篇文献作者的单位是哪里的?A中国地质图书馆 B中共贵州省委党校图书馆 C梧州学院图书馆 D扬州大学图书馆34.《用于毒物清除的流向变换催化燃烧技术》是科技成果还是专利?A科技成果 B专利35. 《一种突缩突扩式消能工流态的判别方法》是科技成果还是专利?A科技成果 B专利36.《薯蓣皂苷元哌嗪类衍生物及其制备方法》是科技成果还是专利?A科技成果 B专利37.《洮河水沙时空格局与演变机制研究》是科技成果还是专利?A科技成果 B专利38.如果要保证查全率,检索“雾霾治理”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题D全部 E关键词()39. 如果要保证查全率,检索“民用航空器”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题 D全部 E关键词()40. 如果要保证查全率,检索“电传操纵系统”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题 D全部 E关键词()41. 如果要保证查全率,检索“民事优先权制度”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题D全部 E关键词()42. 如果要保证查全率,检索“一体化实时监控”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题 D全部 E关键词()43. 如果要保证查全率,检索“安全风险控制”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题 D全部 E关键词()44. 如果要保证查全率,检索“交通流量动态预测”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题 D全部 E关键词()45. 如果要保证查全率,检索“自适应机翼”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A题名 B摘要 C主题 D全部 E关键词()46.如果要保证查准率,检索“雾霾治理”的文献选择哪个字段最好?(A关键词 B题名C主题 D摘要 E全部)47. 如果要保证查准率,检索“嵌入式系统”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A关键词 B题名 C主题 D摘要 E全部()48. 如果要保证查准率,检索“民事优先权制度”的文献选择哪个字段最好?A关键词 B题名 C主题 D摘要 E全部()49.“雾霾治理”主题的文献中,那种文献是有法律状态的?A学位论文 B法律法规 C专利文献 D会议文献 E科技成果()50. “自适应机翼”主题的文献中,那种文献是有法律状态的?A学位论文 B法律法规 C专利文献 D会议文献 E科技成果()51. “嵌入式系统”主题的文献中,那种文献是有法律状态的?A学位论文 B法律法规 C专利文献 D会议文献 E科技成果()52 “民用航空器”主题的文献中,那种文献是有法律状态的?A学位论文 B法律法规C专利文献 D会议文献 E科技成果()53.下面哪一个检索式将检索出“浙江和上海社区养老”方面的文献? 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()A平面广告 + 设计 B平面广告—设计 C平面广告AND设计 D平面广告 OR设计62. 检索“浙江房地产”的有关文献,检索式应该是哪个?()A房地产 + 浙江 B房地产—浙江C房地产AND浙江 D房地产OR浙江63. 检索“技术改造”的有关文献,检索式应该是哪个?()A技术改造 * 技改 B技术改造—技改 C技术改造AND技改D技术改造 OR 技改64. 检索“房屋质量检测”的有关文献,检索式应该是哪个?A房屋质量 + 检测 B房屋质量—检测 C房屋质量AND检测 D房屋质量 OR 检测( ) 65.用检索词“计算机”是否能检索到把计算机称作“电脑”的文献?A否 B是66. 用检索词“光伏电池”是否能检索到“太阳能光伏电池板”的文献?A否 B是67. 是否能用检索词“转基因食品”去检索“转基因水稻”的文献?A否 B是68. 是否能用检索词“工程热物理”去检索“工程物理”的文献?A否 B是69. 用检索词“锂电池”是否能检索到“锂离子电池”的文献?A否 B是70. 用检索词“老年痴呆症”是否能检索到“阿尔茨海默病”的文献?A否 B是71. 能否用检索词“数字资源”去检索“电子资源”的文献?()A否 B是72.万方数据库的期刊文献是否能看到引文信息?A否 B是73.万方数据库的科技成果能看到科技报告全文吗?()A能 B不能74、万方知识服务平台网址是:A: B: C: D:、万方学位数据库涵盖多少一级学科:A:11 B:12 C:13 D:1076、万方知识服务平台客户服务电话是:A:4000-115-888 B:4008-123-123 C:4000-123-456 D:4000-789-78977、万方数据知识服务新浪微博是:A: wanfangdata B: wfcontributeC: wf D: wanfang78、论文相似性检测算法是什么?A:加减 B:四舍五入 C:基于滑动窗口的低频特征部分匹配算法79、论文相似性检测是否支持批量检测?A:是 B:不是80、论文相似性检测是否可以识别参考文献?A:是 B:不是81、论文相似性检测是否支持断点续传续检?A:不支持 B支持82、中国学术期刊数据库简称是?A: CSPD B:ASPS C:CDDB D:STPT83、以下哪些不是为万方数据知识服务平台中已收录的资源:A.学术期刊 B.专利技术 C.政策法规 D.旧方志84、以下哪项资源不提供全文下载服务:A、学位论文 B.会议论文 C.外文文献 D.法律法规85、万方数据查询服务中心可以提供()个检索选项?A.17 B.18 C.19 D.2086、吴铁军发表过一篇文章,篇名为“”,请问收录这篇文章的期刊是哪年哪期?A: 2010年9期 B:2010年8期 C:2011年9期 D: 2010年10期87、查询作者卜雷在“第四届全国研究生生物能及生物基产品研讨会”发表的一篇文章,记录会议地点是哪个城市?A:杭州 B:上海 C:成都D:武汉73、检索《图书馆工作与研究》是否是核心期刊?A:不是 B :是88、检索《中国图书馆学报》的ISSN是? 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CE BIO 1994
1. (b) (i) The difference in no. of yeast cells between flask A and B at hour 20 = 675 - 150 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 = 525 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 EITHER in flask A, the yeast cells undergo aerobic respiration ----------------------------------------------- 1 whereas in flask B, the yeast cells undergo anaerobic respiration. ------------------------------- 1 Anaerobic respiration releases less energy for cell division / growth of the yeast ------------ 1 OR In flask A, the yeast cells undergo aerobic respiration whereas in flask B, the yeast cells undergo anaerobic respiration ------------------------------- 1 Anaerobic respiration produce ethanol / alcohol ------------------------------------------------------ 1 which inhibits the cell division / growth of the yeast -------------------------------------------------- 1
(iii) The knot of the dialysis tubing should be tied tightly ------------------------------------------------- 1
The outside of the dialysis tubing should be rinsed with
air in
air out
thermometer (the bulb must be immersed in the mixture) ---------------- 1
air-tight stopper correct connection of tubes ------------------------------------------------------ 1
insulating layer Clear, well-labelled and accurate diagram (D) ------------------------------ 1
yeast and glucose mixture
Total : 12 marks 1. (b) (i) Many candidates failed to read correctly from the graph the number of yeast cells at hour 20
No marks for the whole set-up if it is not workable (e.g. using dry yeast, with an oil layer)
insulating layer and stopper / cotton wool ------------------------------------ 1
Paper I Marking Scheme 1994 Year Report
CE BIO 1994
misinterpretation of the question, which could have eading.
Paper I Marking Scheme 1994 Year Report
presence of reducing sugar immediately. )
- the digestive juice X should be tested for the )
presence of reducing sugar.
) any ONE------------------------------------- 1
(ii) The rate of reproduction of the yeast at hour 8 is much faster than that at hour 16 ---------- 1 Reasons : - at hour 16, nutrients in the solution may become exhausted ------------------------------------- 1 - at hour 16, there may be accumulation of toxic wastes -------------------------------------------- 1 Both causes a decline in the reproductive rate of yeast
(ii) (1) Many candidates wrongly concluded that starch was digested into glucose. The result of the Benedict’s test only suggested that reducing sugar was formed from the breakdown of starch. In fact, the two digestive juices in humans or other mammals that can break down starch, i.e. saliva and pancreatic juice, produce maltose instead of glucose through the action of amylase.
distilled water before immersing into the water.
Any ONE of the following :
- after putting in the dialysis tubing, the water
in the boiling tube should be tested for the )
(ii) (1) Increased amount of precipitates in set-up a indicates the presence of more reducing sugar ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 which comes from the hydrolysis / break down of starch ------------------------------------ 1 catalysed by the amylase / enzyme in digestive juice X -------------------------------------- 1