Geothermal regime of the Bohai Offshore Area, Bohai Bay Basin,North China




非均质碳酸盐岩石润湿性分析的复杂性的研究Mohammadhossein Mohammadlou,挪威科技大学,SPE会员Mai Britt E. Mørk, 挪威科技大学,SPE会员版权归石油工程师学会所有,2012本文准备在4—7月份哥本哈根首都挪威举办的EAGE年会上发表并在欧洲石油工程师学会展出。









由于缺乏油藏主要部分的岩心数据,采用NMR T2分布的分析和MDT数据相结合来描述油藏的润湿性。






这项研究表明,在岩心栓缺失的情况下,NMR测井和MDT 数据及电阻率测井相结合,提供了一种确定复杂岩性润湿性特性的方法。




这项研究的矿物分析用Cameca SX100电子探针进行,在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学的中央科学实验室。对氧化物和硫化物射线能量为20 keV和15 nA,对硅酸盐和碳酸盐15 keV和30 nA。光束直径通常是5μm,但对矿物均质性检验偶尔使用20μm。在研究开始前,射线直径对分析的影响被测试,在UTAS2普通角闪石样本里用5、10、20和30μm射线反复分析同样的晶粒,在分析误差范围内结果是一致。在每项工作开始前通过已知的矿物样本校准探针光谱仪,每次分析用恰当的已知的钛铁矿、铁矿、角闪石、白云石样本进行。每个分析和每个分析的元素的检测限度独自测量出来,根据元素通常为0.02–0.04 wt.%,除S和F外,S和F是典型的0.08–0.10 wt.%。在或低于检测极限的所有分析已从制表移除,所有的分析精确到小数点后2位,除了F是小数点后一位。全岩分析在加拿大温哥华ACME实验室用ICP射线光谱法:偏硼酸锂/四硼酸锂熔融和稀硝酸消化作用进行,对于贵金属和基本金属另外一个单独的分层是用王水和ICP质谱分析消化。
该PKM矿床位于5公里厚的由贝瑞描述的火山地层部分的底部附近(1972年,1976年)。磁铁矿矿床朝西南向有一个适度的倾斜(图2),这是和Berry(1972年,1976年),以及Sides(1980),和Sides等(1981年)描述的火山岩部分的倾角的方向几乎相同;然而,该火山岩区域倾角为〜10度。除了高硅火山岩,主要为流纹质凝灰岩,组成PKM矿床,,岩层也由浅成和深成花岗岩,次要的中间物质和镁铁质岩石组成。岩层没有显示区域变质作用或收敛构造的证据,该岩层被许多的早期工作人员(Anderson,1983;Day等人。,1989;豪克,1990;1981;kisvarsanyi,Sims等人,1988),以及在一些最近发表的论文中(格罗夫斯等人。,2010;hitzman,2000;洛厄尔,2000)描述为一个非造山运动裂谷环境下形成的。然而,一些最近的作者们解释岩层是在一个活跃的板块边缘在俯冲作用,弧增生,或陆缘弧相互作用下收敛导致的结果(例如,坎菲尔德,1998;富斯和麦克利兰,1995;menuge等人,2002;Rivers和科里根,2000;范schmus,沃克等人,1993;2002;威廉姆斯,2010B)。斯基罗(2010)表明,从压缩到伸长对IOCG型矿床的发展是非常重要的。此外,Corriveau and Mumin (2010)认为对这类岩层的成因的非造山运动的范例是一个虚构并陈述大陆岩浆弧和弧后设置似乎是对IOCG型矿床开发最肥沃的环境。显然,这些地层的发展仍然是有争议的。




提高阅读成绩,打有准备的仗,下面小编给大家带来托福阅读TPO31(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations,希望大家喜欢。

托福阅读原文【1】Evolutionary biologists believe that speciation, the formation of a new species, often begins when some kind of physical barrier arises and divides a population of a single species into separate subpopulations. Physical separation between subpopulations promotes the formation of new species because once the members of one subpopulation can no longer mate with members of another subpopulation, they cannot exchange variant genes that arise in one of the subpopulations. In the absences of gene flow between the subpopulations, genetic differences between the groups begin to accumulate. Eventually the subpopulations become so genetically distinct that they cannot interbreed even if the physical barriers between them were removed. At this point the subpopulations have evolved into distinct species. This route to speciation is known as allopatry (“alio-” means “different”,and “patria” means “homeland”).【2】Allopatric speciation may be the main speciation route. This should not be surprising, since allopatry is pretty common. In general, the subpopulations of most species are separated from each other by some measurable distance. So even under normal situations the gene flow among the subpopulations is more of an intermittent trickle than a steady stream. In addition, barriers can rapidly arise and shut off the trickle. For example, inthe 1800s a monstrous earthquake changed the course of the Mississippi River, a large river flowing in the central part of the United States of America. The change separated populations of insects now living along opposite shore, completely cutting off gene flow between them.【3】Geographic isolation also can proceed slowly, over great spans of time. We find evidence of such extended events in the fossil record, which affords glimpses into the breakup of formerly continuous environments. For example, during past ice ages, glaciers advanced down through North America and Europe and gradually cut off parts of populations from one another. When the glacier retreated, the separated populations of plants and animals came into contact again. Some groups that had descended from the same parent population were no longer reproductively compatible—they had evolved into separate species. In other groups, however, genetic divergences had not proceeded so far, and the descendants could still interbreed—for them, reproductive isolation was not completed, and so speciation had not occurred.【4】Allopatric speciation can also be brought by the imperceptibly slow but colossal movements of the tectonic plates that make up Earth’s surface. About 5 million years ago such geologic movements created the land bridge between North America and South America that we call the Isthmus of Panama. The formation of the isthmus had important consequences for global patterns of ocean water flow. While previously the gap between the continents had allowed a free flow of water, now the isthmus presented a barrier that divided the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean. This division set the stage for allopatric speciation among populations of fishes and other marine species.【5】In the 1980s, John Graves studied two populations of closely related fishes, one population from the Atlantic side of isthmus, the other from the Pacific side. He compared four enzymes found in the muscles of each population. Graves found that all four Pacific enzymes function better at lower temperatures than the four Atlantic versions of the same enzymes. This is significant because Pacific seawater is typically 2 to 3 degrees cooler than seawater on the Atlantic side of isthmus. Analysis by gel electrophoresis revealed slight differences in amino acid sequence of the enzymes of two of the four pairs. This is significant because the amino acid sequence of an enzyme is determined by genes.【6】Graves drew two conclusions from these observations. First, at least some of the observed differences between the enzymes of the Atlantic and Pacific fish populations were not random but were the result of evolutionary adaption. Second, it appears that closely related populations of fishes on both sides of the isthmus are starting to genetically diverge from each other. Because Graves’s study of geographically isolated populations of isthmus fishes offers a glimpse of the beginning of a process of gradual accumulation of mutations that are neutral or adaptive, divergences here might be evidence of allopatric speciation in process.托福阅读试题1.The word "promotes" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.describes.B.encourages.C.delays.D.requires.2.According to paragraph 1, allopatric speciation involves which of the following?A.The division of a population into subspecies.B.The reuniting of separated populations after they have become distinct species.C.The movement of a population to a new homeland.D.The absence of gene flow between subpopulations.3.Why does the author provide the information that "the subpopulations of most species are separated from each other by some measurable distance"?A.To indicate how scientists are able to determine whether subpopulations of a species are allopatric.B.To define what it means for a group of animals or plants to be a subpopulation.C.To suggest that allopatric speciation is not the only route to subpopulation.D.To help explain why allopatric speciation is a common way for new species to come about.4.The word "accumulate" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.Become more significant.B.Occur randomly.C.Gradually increase in number.D.Cause changes.5.In paragraph 2,why does the author mention that some insect populations were separated from each other by a change in the course of Mississippi River caused by an earthquake?A.To make the point that some kind of physical barrier separates the subpopulations of most species.B.To support the claim that the condition of allopatry cansometimes arise in a short time.C.To provide an example of a situation in which gene flow among the subpopulations of a species happens at a slow rate.D.To explain why insects living along opposite shores of the Mississippi River are very different from each other.6.According to paragraph 3,separation of subpopulations by glaciers resulted in speciation in those groups of plants and animals thatA.were reproductively isolated even after the glaciers disappeared.B.had adjusted to the old conditions caused by the glaciers.C.were able to survive being separated from their parent population.D.had experienced some genetic divergences from their parent population.7.The word "colossal" in the passage is closet in meaning toA.consistent.B.gradual.C.enormous.D.effective.8.According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of the geologic movements that brought about the Isthmus of Panama?A.The movements brought populations of certain fishes and marine organisms into contact with one another for the first time.B.The movements transferred populations of fishes and other marine animals between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.C.The movements created conditions that allowed water to flow more freely between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.D.The movements created conditions for the formation ofnew species of fishes and other marine animals.9.The word "sequence" in the passage is closet in meaning toA.quality.B.order.C.function.D.number.10.According to paragraph 5, by comparing the enzymes from two related groups of fishes on opposite sides of the isthmus, Graves found evidence thatA.there were slight genetic divergences between the two groups.B.the Atlantic group of fishes were descended from the Pacific group of fishes.C.the temperature of water on either side of the isthmus had changed.D.genetic changes in the Atlantic group of fishes were more rapid and frequent than in the Pacific group of fishes.11.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 and 6 that the reason Graves concluded that some of the differences between the Pacific and Atlantic enzymes were not random was thatA.each of the Pacific enzymes works better in cooler waters.B.the Enzymes of the Atlantic fish populations had not changed since the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.C.gel electrophoresis showed that the changes benefited both the Atlantic and the Pacific fish populations.D.the differences between the enzymes disappeared when the two fish populations were experimentally switched to other side of the isthmus.12.Which of the sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrectchoices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.Graves's study provides evidence that isthmus fishes are in the process of becoming geographically isolated.B.Graves's study of mutating isthmus fishes yields results that differ from results of other studies involving allopatric speciation.C.Graves's study of isolated populations of isthmus fishes provides some evidence that allopatric speciation might be beginningD.Grave's study indicates that when isolated, populations of isthmus fished register neutral or adaptive mutations.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit? The formation of the isthmus had important consequences for global patterns of ocean water flow.Allopatric speciation can also be brought by the imperceptibly slow but colossal movements of the tectonic plates that make up Earth's surface. ■【A】 About 5 million years ago such geologic movements created the land bridge between North America and South America that we call the Isthmus of Panama. The formation of the isthmus had important consequences for global patterns of ocean water flow. ■【B】While previously the gap between the continents had allowed a free flow of water, now the isthmus presented a barrier that divided the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean. ■【C】This division set the stage for allopatric speciation among populations of fishes and other marine species. ■【D】14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the mostimportant ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passages or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Allopatric speciation takes place when physically separated populations of a single species gradually diverge genetically to the point of becoming unable to interbreedA.Allopatric speciation is common because the gene flow between subpopulations is generally limited and the barriers that completely separate subpopulations can arise in a variety of ways.B.During past ice ages, some, but not all, subpopulations separated by glaciers evolved into distinct species.C.Speciation does not need to take place through allopatry because subpopulations will form distinct species whenever there are adaptive advantages or notD.Physical barriers from glaciers and the movement of tectonic plates form so slowly that the subpopulations on either side of the barriers usually do not form distinct species.E.Graves's study of fish populations separated by the Isthmus of Panama may well provide a picture of the beginning stages of speciation.F.Graves's study of physically separated fish populations show that there must be large differences between the environments of the isolated populations if allopatric speciation is to take place.托福阅读答案1.promote本身是促进的意思。



Journal of Oil and Gas Technology 石油天然气学报, 2020, 42(4), 1-12Published Online December 2020 in Hans. /journal/jogthttps:///10.12677/jogt.2020.424106The Geochemical Characters of SaturatedHydrocarbon from Expelled Oil in ThermalSimulation Experiment about Low Maturity Shale of Organic MatterHuaqiu Liu1,2, Gang Yan1,21Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources, Ministry of Education, YangtzeUniversity, Wuhan Hubei2College of Resources and Environment, Yangtze University, Wuhan HubeiReceived: Aug. 4th, 2020; accepted: Nov. 6th, 2020; published: Dec. 15th, 2020AbstractAfter exploring the simulation experiment of low maturity organic rich mudstone from Tongchuan area, Ordos Basin, the vitrinite reflectance measurement of experimental solid residues, and the results of GC-MS of the expelled oil, we found that Pr/Ph, gammacerane index and tricyclic ter-panes/hopanes can indicate the low salinity restore environment. N-alkanes from expelled oil show that the maturity increased. The maturity parameters of other saturated hydrocarbons can be used in different ranges. OEP is applicable to the measured vitrinite reflectance range of0.70~1.34; Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 are applicable to the measured vitrinite reflectance range of1.01~1.48; Ts/(Ts + Tm) is applicable to the measured vitrinite reflectance range of 0.70~1.01.The parameters of 20S/(20S + 20R)-C29 sterane and ββ/(αα +ββ)-C29 sterane are not suitable for the maturity of the expelled oil. It may only be applicable to the measured vitrinite reflectance in the range of 1.01~1.34.KeywordsThermal Simulation Experiment, Expelled Oil, Geochemistry Characters of Saturated Hydrocarbon, Shale of Organic Matter刘华秋,严刚低熟富有机质泥页岩热模拟排出油饱和烃地球化学特征刘华秋1,2,严 刚1,21长江大学油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 2长江大学资源与环境学院,湖北 武汉收稿日期:2020年8月4日;录用日期:2020年11月6日;发布日期:2020年12月15日摘 要对鄂尔多斯盆地铜川地区延长组低熟富有机质泥岩开展热模拟实验,实测了各模拟温度点固体残渣的镜质体反射率,分析了排出油在各成熟阶段的饱和烃分子地球化学特征及其分子参数的适用性,发现排出油的姥植比和伽马蜡烷指数、Σ三环萜烷/Σ藿烷值在实测镜质体反射率0.58~1.95范围内都可以反映出低盐度还原的沉积环境特征。



GeothermalEnergy(TPO21-1)Earth’s internal heat, fueled byradioactivity, provides the energy for plate tectonics, continental drift,mountain building, and earthquakes. It can also be harnessed to drive electricgenerators and heat homes. Geothermal energy becomes available in a practica form whenunderground heat is transferred by water that is heated as it passes through asubsurface region of hot rocks (a heat reservoir) that may be hundreds orthousands of feet deep. █The water is usually naturallyoccurring groundwater that seeps down along fractures in the rock; lesstypically, the water is artificially introduced by being pumped down from thesurface. █The water is brought to thesurface, as a liquid or steam, through holes drilled for the purpose. █By far the most abundant form ofgeothermal energy occurs at the relatively low temperatures of 80℃ to 180℃ centigrade. █Water circulated through heatreservoirs in this temperature range is able to extract enough heat to warmresidential, commercial, and industrial spaces. More than 20,000 apartments inFrance are now heated by warm underground water drawn from a heat reservoir ina geologic structure near Paris called the Paris Basin. Iceland sits on avolcanic structure known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Reykjavik, the capital ofIceland, is entirely heated by geothermal energy derived from volcanic heat.Geothermal reservoirs with temperaturesabove 180℃ centigrade are useful for generatingelectricity. They occur primarily in regions of recent volcanic activity ashot, dry rock; natural hot water; or natural steam. The latter two sources arelimited to those few areas where surface water seeps down through undergroundfaults or fractures to reach deep rocks heated née the recent activity ofmolten rock material. The world’s largest supply of natural steam occurs at TheGeysers, 120 kilometers north of San Francisco, California. In the 1990s enoughelectricity to meet about half the needs of San Francisco was being generatedthere. This facility was then in its third decade of production and wasbeginning to show signs of decline, perhaps because of over development. By thelate 1990s some 70 geothermal electric-generating plants were in operation in California,Utah, Nevada, and Hawaii, generating enough power to supply about a millionpeople. Eighteen countries now generate electricity using geothermal heat.Extracting heat from very hot, dryrocks present a more difficult problem: the rocks must be fractured to permitthe circulation of water, and the water must be provided arterially. The rocksare fractured by water pumped down at very high pressures. Experiments areunder way to develop technologies for exploiting this resource.Like most other energy sources,geothermal energy presents some environmental problems. The surface of theground can sink if hot groundwater is withdrawn without being replaced. Inaddition, water heated geothermal can contain salts and toxic materialsdissolved from the hot rock. These waters present a disposal problem if theyare not returned to the ground from which they were removed.The contribution of geothermal energyto the world’s energy future is difficult to estimate. Geothermal energy is in a sensenot renewable, because in most cases the heat would be drawn out of a reservoirmuch more rapidly than it would be replaced by the very slow geologicalprocesses by which heat flows through solid rock into a heat reservoir.However, in many places (for example, California, Hawaii, the Philippines,Japan, Mexico, the riftvalleys of Africa) the resource is potentially so largethat its future will depend on the economics of production. At present, we canmake efficient use of only naturally occurring hot water or steam deposits.Although the potential is enormous, it is likely that in the near futuregeothermal energy can make important local contributions only where theresource is close to the user and the economics are favorable, as they are inCalifornia, New Zealand, and Iceland. Geothermal energy probably will not makelarge-scale contributions to the world energy budget until well into thetwenty-first century, if ever.1. According to the processes describedin paragraph 1, what is the relationship between radioactivity and the steamproduced by geothermal heat?Geothermally heated steam is producedwhen water is exposed to radioactivity deep underground.When water is introduced into holesdrilled thousands of feet in the ground, it becomes radioactive and turns tosteam.Radioactivity heats Earth's interiorrock, which in turn can heat water to the point it becomes steam.When a reservoir of steam in subsurfacerock is produced by radioactivity, it is said to be geothermally heated.2. The word "practical" in the passage is closest in meaning tousableplentifuleconomicalfamiliar3. The word "abundant" in the passage is closest in meaning toeconomicalfamiliarplentifuluseful4. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true about heat reservoirs with a temperature in the range of 80° to 180° centigrade?They are under international control.They are more common than reservoirs that have a higher temperature.Few of them produce enough heat to warm large industrial spaces.They are used to generate electricity.5. According to paragraph 3, what is the connection between underground faults and naturally occurring steam?Underground faults enable the heat from molten-rock material to escape upward to regions where it can heat surface water enough to produce steam.Underground faults are created by steam that is produced in geothermal reservoirs deep inside Earth.Underground faults create spaces in which natural steam is sometimes trapped. Underground faults allow surface water to reach deep rocks that are hot enough to turn it into steam.6. In paragraph 3, why does the author mention that in the 1990s The Geysers was in its third decade of production?To provide the historical context of the geothermal production of electricity in the United StatesTo imply that The Geysers was the first geothermal site to be put into production in CaliforniaTo help explain the signs of decline shown by The GeysersTo explain why 70 new geothermal sites were put into electricity production in the late 1990s7. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraphs 2 and 3 about geothermal reservoirs?Volcanic heat is associated only with geothermal reservoirs that have a temperature over 180° centigrade.More countries produce power from geothermal reservoirs than use them for heating buildings.Most geothermal reservoirs are suitable for producing electricity.A higher geothermal reservoir temperature is needed to generate electricity than is needed to heat homes.8. According to paragraph 4, extracting heat from very hot, dry rocks is difficult in part becausethe underground rock must be fractured before heat can be removed from itthe water above the rock is under very high pressurethe rock breaks apart when water is pumped into itthe water circulated through the rock must be much cooler than the rock itself9. The word "exploiting" in the passage is closest in meaning tolocatingincreasingmaking use ofestimating the size of10. How is the problem that the surface may sink related to the problem that water heated geothermally may contain toxic materials?Both problems could be solved by returning groundwater that is removed from an underground heat reservoir back to the reservoir after heat is extracted from it.The problem of sinking is more difficult to solve than is the problem of toxic materials. Land at the surface sinks because the rock beneath the surface is weakened when salts and toxic materials are removed from it in the process of extracting geothermal energy.Both problems are caused by the fact that the hot groundwater in a heat reservoir dissolves the rock, which weakens the rock and makes the water toxic with salt.11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.Heat flows through solid rock very slowly, so it takes a very long time for geological processes to produce a reservoir of geothermal energy.Geothermal energy is not renewable because heat flows very slowly through solid rock into or out of a heat reservoir.The heat quickly removed from a heat reservoir is replaced so slowly by geological processes that geothermal energy is not practically speaking, renewable.In most cases, heat travels into a heat reservoir so slowfy that it is a much quicker process to remove the heat from a reservoir than to replace it.12. In paragraph 6, the author implies that in California, Hawaii, the Philippines, Japan, Mexico, and the rift valleys of Africa the potential size of the geothermal resource is so large thatit might be economically worth developing these sites even though geothermal energy is not renewablethese sites will be the first geothermal energy sites to be developed witb new technology these sites are likely to make a large-scale contribution to the world energy budget in the twenty-first centuryit does not matter whether they have naturally occurring deposits of hot water or steam13.Look at the foursquares [█] that indicate where the followingsentence could be added to the passage. <i> In either case,the heated water will usually be under considerable pressure, and so may have atemperature that is well above its sea-level boiling point of 100°centigrade.</i>Where would the sentence best fit? Click on asquare to add the sentence to the passage.████14.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary ofthe passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THERRanswer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage.Somesentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are notpresented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Heat reservoirs in the form of hot rock farbeneath Earth's surface are a potential source of usable geothermal energy.·Heat reservoirs with a temperature from 80° to 180° centigrade can be used, as in France and Iceland, to heat buildings.·A number of countries now use geothermal reservoirs that contain water or steam above180° centigrade to generate electricity.·Most heat reservoirs with a temperature above 180° centigrade cannot be used for energy because they are usually too close to recent volcanic activity.·The sinking of land above heat reservoirs and other environmental problems arise when water is pumped into a heat reservoir under high pressure.·Experiments are under way to determine if geothermally heated waters could be used as a source of certain minerals that have been dissolved out of hot rocks deep within Earth. ·A number of issues, including how to extract heat from reservoirs that do not have a natural supply of water, will significantly limit the use of geothermal energy for the foreseeable future.答案解析:1. 细节题,问radioactivity和steam的关系,所以找双关键词,分别定位至本段第一句和最后一句,第一句说radioactivity提供了地球的内热,最后一句说水变成蒸汽到达地表,水受热才能蒸汽,而这份热量是geothermal energy提供的,这就是二者的关系,所以答案是C。



海岸带咸淡水界面位置确定方法的介绍周训(中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院,北京 100083)摘要:经典的Ghyben-Herzberg 公式依赖潜水位确定海岸带咸淡水界面位置,被广泛应用但5 存在误差。

Hubbert 公式严格描述突变界面问题的水头和界面位置之间的关系,但在实际中难以应用。

通过考察咸淡水界面之下咸水带任意点的压力平衡关系和咸水带及淡水带任意点的水头描述得知,当地下水流处于稳定状态且满足 Dupuit 假设时,可以根据同一垂直线上界面之下咸水带任意点(含界面)的咸水测压水头和界面之上淡水带任意点(自潜水面至界面)的淡水测压水头确定滨海均质各向同性潜水含水层咸淡水界面的位置。

Ghyben-Herzberg 10 公式是这一方法的特例,描述界面位置的Hubbert 公式也是该方法的一个特例。


关键词:滨海含水层;咸淡水界面;海水入侵;海潮;Ghyben-Herzberg 公式;Hubbert 公式中图分类号:P64115An introduction to determination of the location of fresh water-salt water interface in coastal zonesZhou Xun(School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083) 20 Abstract: The classical Ghyben-Herzberg relation is widely used in determination of the location offresh water-salt water interface based on the water table in a coastal zone but error exists in the results obtained. The Hubbert relation strictly describes the relationship between the heads and the location of the interface related to a sharp interface problem but is difficult in practical application. Examination of the equilibrium status of a point in the salt water zone and the description of piezometric heads at two 25 points in both the salt water and fresh water zones reveals that the location of the fresh water-salt waterinterface in a coastal homogeneous, isotropic unconfined aquifer can be estimated based on piezometric heads at two points in the same vertical line tapping respectively the salt water zone (including the interface) and the fresh water zone (from the water table to the interface) when the groundwater flow system is in a steady state and satisfies the Dupuit assumption. The Ghyben-Herzberg relation is a 30 special case of the method and the Hubbert relation is also a special case of the method. This methodrequires two nearest piezometric wells which respectively tap the fresh water and salt water zones.Keywords:Coastal aquifer; fresh water-salt water interface; sea water intrusion; tide; Ghyben-Herzberg relation; Hubbert relation35 0 引言海岸带咸淡水之间关系的数学描述对于研究海岸带地下水水动力变化和滨海地区的水环境演变具有重要的意义。

温伯格 产生湮灭算符

温伯格 产生湮灭算符





















勘探地球物理英语作文Title: The Role of Geophysical Exploration in Unveiling Earth's Secrets。

Geophysical exploration, a cornerstone of modern geoscience, plays a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of our planet's subsurface. Through a combination of advanced techniques and technologies, geophysicists delve deep into the Earth, probing its structure, composition, and dynamics. In this essay, we will explore the significance of geophysical exploration and its diverse applications.First and foremost, geophysical methods provide invaluable insights into the Earth's internal structure. By studying seismic waves generated by earthquakes orartificial sources, scientists can infer the properties of different geological layers beneath the surface. This knowledge is fundamental for understanding processes such as plate tectonics, mantle convection, and the formation ofgeological features like mountains and basins.Furthermore, geophysical exploration plays a crucialrole in resource exploration and exploitation. For instance, in the search for oil and gas deposits, geophysicists employ techniques such as reflection seismology to image subsurface structures and identify potential reservoirs. Similarly, mineral exploration relies on geophysicalsurveys to detect ore bodies and delineate their boundaries. By mapping subsurface resources, geophysical methods contribute to sustainable resource management and economic development.Moreover, geophysical exploration is essential for assessing natural hazards and mitigating their impact. Seismic hazard analysis, for example, relies on geophysical data to evaluate the likelihood and potential consequencesof earthquakes in different regions. By understanding the geological factors that influence seismic activity, scientists can inform land-use planning, infrastructure design, and disaster preparedness measures. Geophysical monitoring also plays a vital role in early warning systemsfor tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and landslides, helping to save lives and reduce property damage.In addition to its terrestrial applications, geophysical exploration extends beyond the confines of Earth. Remote sensing techniques, such as satellite-based gravimetry and magnetic surveys, enable scientists to study planetary bodies in our solar system. By analyzing the gravitational and magnetic fields of planets and moons, researchers gain insights into their internal structure, geologic history, and potential for supporting life. Geophysical exploration thus contributes to our broader understanding of planetary science and astrobiology.Furthermore, geophysical methods are increasingly being utilized in environmental studies and monitoring. Ground-penetrating radar, electromagnetic surveys, and electrical resistivity tomography are employed to investigate soil properties, groundwater resources, and contaminant plumes. These techniques are valuable for assessing the impact of human activities such as mining, construction, andpollution on the natural environment. By providing detailedsubsurface maps, geophysical exploration aids in environmental management and remediation efforts.In conclusion, geophysical exploration is a multifaceted discipline with far-reaching implications for science, industry, and society. From unraveling the mysteries of Earth's interior to guiding resource exploration and mitigating natural hazards, geophysical methods are indispensable tools for understanding and stewarding our planet. As we continue to push the boundaries of exploration and innovation, the role of geophysics in shaping our understanding of the Earth and beyond will only grow in significance.。



英文回答:The study of the formation and enrichment mechanism of geothermal aqueous helium gas is of significant interest to researchers in the fields of geology and geophysics. It is widely accepted that the primary source of helium in geothermal water is attributed to the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium within the Earth's crust. As these radioactive elements undergo decay, they emit alpha particles, which consist of helium nuclei. Subsequently, these helium atoms migrate upward through porous and fractured rock formations, ultimately accumulating within geothermal aquifers and subsequently dissipating into the overlying water. The concentration of helium within the geothermal water is contingent upon various factors, including reservoir temperature and pressure, the mineralposition of the rock, and the duration of water residence within the subsurface.地热水氦气的形成和浓缩机制的研究,对地质学和地球物理学领域的研究人员具有重大意义。



盖生平简介科学成就趣闻轶事一、生平简介盖·吕萨克(Louis_Joseph Gay_Lussac,1778~1850年)法国物理学家和化学家。





















博戈留波夫方程一、博戈留波夫方程的概述博戈留波夫方程(Bogoliubov Equation)是描述量子流体中粒子非线性相互作用的偏微分方程。






三、博戈留波夫方程的数学表述博戈留波夫方程的一般形式为:ΔΨ(r, t) + V(r)Ψ(r, t) + ∫d^3r' U(r-r') n(r', t)Ψ(r', t) = i∂Ψ(r, t)/∂t量子力学中常用的波函数Ψ(r, t)描述了粒子在空间和时间中的状态,Δ是拉普拉斯算子,V(r)是势能,U(r-r')是相互作用的势能,n(r', t)是粒子密度。











一. 遥感博导一强烈推荐宫鹏教授/主任宫鹏,1965年生。


1994年创办了国际杂志《Geographic Information Sciences》任主编,1998年以来任《International Journal of Remote Sensing》编辑,曾任《Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing》编辑,是这两份国际著名杂志创办以来的第一个华人编辑。





曾获美国摄影测量与遥感学会1994年的年度最高奖Talbert Abrams大奖等数项奖励。








The South China Sea is a classic example of the marginal basins that typify the margin of Southeast Asia, and one with a relatively complicated tectonic history that has been linked both to the development of the active margins of the Western Pacific and to the tectonics of continental Asia following the India–Asia collision starting around 50 Ma.南海边缘盆地是一个典型的例子,代表的东南亚边缘,它有一个相对复杂的构造史,与西太平洋活动大陆边的发展以及从5000万年前开始的印度-亚洲大陆碰撞所形成的地质构造都密切相关。

The tectonics of continental break-up and seafloor spreading have been studied in this area for a significant period of time, yet our understanding of why the basin formed in the first places still remains controversial.大陆解体的构造和海底传播研究在这一区域已有相当一段时间,但是我们对于该盆地最初的形成的理解仍然是有争议的。

Two competing schools have suggested two opposing visions for what caused the basin to open.两个相互对立的学派对于该盆地的形成提出了两种对立的观点。



地球物理方法英语作文Title: The Application of Geophysical Methods in Earth Sciences。

Geophysical methods play a crucial role in Earth sciences, providing valuable insights into the composition, structure, and dynamics of the Earth's subsurface. From exploring natural resources to understanding geological hazards, these methods have diverse applications that contribute to various fields of study. In this essay, we will delve into the significance and applications of geophysical methods in Earth sciences.Firstly, seismic methods are widely utilized in Earth sciences for imaging subsurface structures and delineating geological features. Seismic reflection surveys involve sending seismic waves into the ground and analyzing the reflected waves to create images of subsurface layers. This technique is invaluable in oil and gas exploration, as well as in mapping sedimentary basins and fault zones. Seismictomography, another seismic method, utilizes seismic waves from natural or artificial sources to create three-dimensional images of the Earth's interior, aiding in understanding mantle dynamics and seismicity patterns.Electrical and electromagnetic methods are alsoessential tools in Earth sciences, particularly in delineating subsurface conductivity variations. Electrical resistivity surveys measure the resistance of thesubsurface to electrical currents, providing information about the distribution of rocks, minerals, and groundwater. This method is extensively used in mineral exploration, environmental studies, and groundwater resource assessments. Electromagnetic surveys, on the other hand, measure variations in the Earth's electromagnetic field caused by subsurface conductivity contrasts. This technique is valuable for mapping geological structures, detectingburied objects, and assessing the thickness of sedimentary deposits.Gravity and magnetic methods are employed toinvestigate variations in gravitational and magnetic fieldscaused by subsurface geological features. Gravity surveys measure minute variations in gravitational acceleration, which are influenced by density variations in the subsurface. This method is crucial for mapping subsurface structures such as faults, basins, and mineral deposits. Magnetic surveys detect anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field caused by magnetic minerals or geological structures. These surveys are widely used in mineral exploration, archaeology, and geothermal resource assessments.Furthermore, remote sensing techniques, such assatellite imagery and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), have revolutionized Earth sciences by providing detailed data on the Earth's surface and vegetation cover. Satellite imagery enables the monitoring of land use changes, geological features, and environmental phenomena on a global scale. LiDAR technology, which uses laser pulses to measure distances to the Earth's surface, facilitates high-resolution mapping of terrain, vegetation, and landforms, aiding in geological mapping, land management, and hazard assessment.In conclusion, geophysical methods play a pivotal role in Earth sciences, offering valuable tools for studying the Earth's subsurface and understanding its complex processes. From seismic and electrical methods to gravity and magnetic surveys, these techniques enable researchers to unravel the mysteries of the Earth's interior and address various geological challenges. By harnessing the power of geophysics, scientists can make significant contributions to resource exploration, environmental management, and hazard mitigation efforts, ultimately advancing our understanding of the planet we inhabit.。



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格雷厄姆定律(Graham's law)表明;一种气体的渗出率和它的颗粒质量的平方根成反比。



外文名:Graham's law
格雷厄姆定律(Graham's law)或称格雷厄姆渗出定律(Graham's law of effusion),是苏格兰物理化学家托马斯·格雷厄姆(Thomas Graham)于1848年公式化出来的。


M(1) 是气体(1)的摩尔质量
M(2) 是气体(2)的摩尔质量。
































Rossby波临界周期与海面高度异常能谱临界周期在南海的空间分布特征杨棋;陈桂英;尚晓东【摘要】本文利用WOA01(the Word Ocean Atlas 2001)海水各层气候态温盐数据计算南海Rossby波临界周期,并与其在同纬度西北太平洋中的分布对比.结果显示,在南海中Rossby波临界周期随纬度增加而逐渐增加,并且由于南海的特殊地形,海盆中Rossby波临界周期呈北东-南西向分布,与其在大洋中呈纬向带状分布不同.通过分析南海各网格点上海面高度异常(SSHA,the sea surface height anomaly)的能谱,我们发现在海盆中部其临界周期与当地Rossby波临界周期基本相同,其值也随纬度增加而逐渐增加,因而从观测上验证了模式结果,即在海面风应力旋度能谱临界周期小于等于当地Rossby波临界周期的条件下,海洋响应能谱临界周期等于当地Rossby波临界周期.【期刊名称】《热带海洋学报》【年(卷),期】2010(029)004【总页数】6页(P20-25)【关键词】临界周期;南海;Rossby波;SSHA能谱;风应力旋度【作者】杨棋;陈桂英;尚晓东【作者单位】中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境动力学重点实验室,广东,广州,510301;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100049;上海海洋气象台,上海,201300;中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境动力学重点实验室,广东,广州,510301;中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境动力学重点实验室,广东,广州,510301【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P731.2Rossby波临界周期是研究大气强迫如何通过海洋Rossby波影响海洋上层能量的一个重要方面。

Lin等[1]将大气强迫与Rossby波临界周期的大小关系划分为3种情况: 1)振荡周期小于Rossby波临界周期的大气强迫不能激发出Rossby波; 2)振荡周期大于Rossby波临界周期的大气强迫激发出对应周期的Rossby波, 能量通过Rossby波输入海洋, 并且随着Rossby波东移或西移传播至大洋边界; 3)振荡周期接近Rossby波临界周期的大气强迫激发出群速度较小甚至为零的Rossby波, 大气输入海洋的能量通过Rossby波在当地聚积, 从而造成海洋对应周期能量的增加。

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Geothermal regime of the Bohai Offshore Area, BohaiBay Basin, North ChinaNansheng Qiu 1,2*, Yinhui Zuo 1,2, Xinhuai Zhou3and Cuicui Li1,21State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting, China University ofPetroleum, Beijing 102249, China2Research Centre for Basin and Reservoir, China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249, China3Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNOOC Tianjin Company,Tianjing 300452, China*Author for corresponding. Email: qiunsh@(Received 6 June 2010; accepted 20 August 2010)AbstractThe Bohai Offshore Area is located in the northeastern marine area of the BohaiBay Basin in northern China. It is one of the most productive petroleum basinsin China. In this study, thermal gradient and heat flow distribution results for theBohai Offshore Area (Bohai Subbasin) were obtained based on new oil-testingtemperatures, drill-stem test temperatures (DSTs), bottom-hole temperatures(BHTs) and documented thermal conductivity data. The average geothermalgradient is 32.0±4.6°C/km for the entire offshore area. Heat flow in the BohaiSubbasin ranges from 33.5 mW/m2to 84.0 mW/m2, with an average value of60.8±8.7mW/m2. Thermal gradient evolutions of several sags in the BohaiSubbasin were obtained using constraints for single well modeling from vitrinitereflectance (R o) and apatite fissin track (AFT) data. Modeling results show thatthere were different thermal histories for different parts of the subbasin.Generally, the thermal gradient gradually decreased with geological evolution.The thermal gradient was 57~53°C/km in the Paleocene epoch and 53~43°C/kmduring the deposition period of the Shahejie Formation (e.g., Eocene epoch). Thisvalue slowly decreased after the Oligocene (38~43°C/km). It was 38~34°C/kmin the Miocene, and it is 32°C/km at present-day. This thermal gradient evolutionrelates well to activities in the Tanlu Fault Zone and to tectonic subsidence. Thefirst episode of the syn-rift initial subsidence of the basin shows a higher thermalgradient during the Paleocene~Eocene epochs. The second episode of thermalsubsidence corresponds to a lower thermal gradient after the Oligocene epoch.The geothermal regime of the Bohai Offshore region will provide some usefuldata to study regional tectonic characteristics of the basin and the evolution ofhydrocarbon source rocks.Keywords:Bohai Offshore Area, Geothermal regime, Thermal gradient, Heatflow, Vitrinite reflectance (R o), Apatite fission track (AFT)North China 1. INTRODUCTIONThe Bohai Subbasin (Offshore Area), having an area of 5×104km2, is located in the northeastern marine area of the Bohai Bay Basin in North China. In most regions of this area, the water is 20-40 m deep. This subbasin is now one of the most productive petroleum areas in China. Some large oil fields with reserves surpassing 100 million tons (e. g., Suizhong 36-1, Qinhuandao 32-6, Nanpu35-2, Penglai 19-3, Caofeidian 11-1 and Bozhong 25-1) have been found in this region over the last 10 years (Fig. 1).The Bohai Bay Basin developed on the Archean basement of the North China Craton in the Late Cretaceous period and consists of several subbasins. The well-known Tanlu strike-slip fault zone runs roughly in a NNE direction through the eastern edge of the basin. The Bohai Subbasin experienced the following four tectonic evolution stages (Cai et al., 2000; 2001; Xiao and Chen, 2003; Qi, 2004; Xu et al., 2008): (1) regional subsidence in the Late Proterozoic and Paleozoic; (2) uplift and fold in the Mesozoic; (3) rift-subsidence in the Paleogene; and (4) regional depression in the Neogene and Quaternary. This area consists of Paleocene to Oligocene syn-rifts that were filled by thick non-marine clastic succession and post-rift thermal subsidence from the Miocene to present-day. The Cenozoic strata in this area are divided into the Kongdian, Shahejie, Dongying, Guantao, Minghuazhen and Pingyuan Formations (Fig. 2). The depocentre of the Bohai Bay Basin migrated from the Jiyang and Huanghua Subbasins towards the Bozhong sag during the Tertiary period (Ren et al., 2008; Guo et al., 2007). Tertiary sediments are more than 10000 m thick in the center of the Bozhong sag. Only a few boreholes at the uplifts have intersected the Mesozoic strata. The Cenozoic succession is composed of sandstone, shale and calcareous rocks. There are three main verified hydrocarbon source intervals in the Paleogene, including the 3rd member of the Shahejie Formation (E2s3), the 2nd member of the Shahejie Formation (E2s2) and the Dongying Formation (E3d3). These source rocks are dominated by shale and mudstone that were deposited in lake and delta environments (Chen and Liu, 1995; Jiang et al., 2003; Xu and Cai, 2007; Xue et al., 2007; Sun et al., 2009a; Jiao et al., 2009). Shale and calcareous rocks are mostly developed in this area and have acted as seals. These materials also have an influence on the temperature distribution within the basin.Many publications have focused on the thermal regime studies of the onshore area of the Bohai Bay Basin (Allen et al., 1997; Huang et al., 1999; Hu et al., 1999; Xiao et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2002; He and Wang, 2003; Qiu et al., 2003; 2004; 2006; 2007; Dai et al., 2009). Some studies have mainly focused on onshore subbasins, using bottom-hole temperature (BHT) data to analyze thermal conditions in the entire Bohai Bay basin, which has an average thermal gradient of 34.7°C/km and average heat flow of 64.4 mW/m2(Gong et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2003). Other thermal studies have used steady-state temperature measurements to evaluate the thermal state of the basin (Chen, 1988; Wang et al., 1990; Wang, 1996). Hu et al.(2000) found an average heat flow of 69 mW/m2for the Bohai Bay Basin. Some reports have also given the thermal evolution in several subbasins of the Bohai Bay Basin (Qiu et al., 1998; 2004; 2006; 2007; Wang et al., 2003).Figure 1. (a) Location of the Bohai Bay Basin. (b) Sketch map of the structural unit division, thermal modeling wells and main oil fields in the Bohai Subbasin (modified from Hao et al., 2009; Tang and Qi, 2009).Labels ①to 12 are the locations of oil fields. ①-Bozhong 25-1; ➁-Bozhong 28-2;➂-Caofeidian 12-1; ➃-Caofeidian 11-1; ⑤-Qinhuangdao 32-6; ➅-Nanpu 35-2;➆-Lüda 10-1; ⑧-Lüda 5-2; ⑨-Jinzhou 25-1s; ⑩-Jinzhou 29-3; 11 Lüda 27-2;12 - Penglai 19-3. A. Northern subbasin, B. Southern subbasin, C. Centralsubbasin, D. Western subbasinFigure 2. Stratigraphic column in the Bohai Subbasin.Form. = Formation; PY = Pingyuan; Thermal conductivity is shown as mean value±SD from Gong et al . (2003), where SD is standard deviation. Thermalconductivities of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic are 2.22 and 2.87W/m.K(Gong et al., 2003).North ChinaUnfortunately, these studies all concern the onshore region of the Bohai Bay Basin, with only a few focusing on the Bohai Offshore Area (Chen et al., 1984; Hu et al., 2001). These previous studies were mainly based on temperature data from the limited exploration wells in the uplifts around the Bozhong and Liaozhong sags, and the available data were too sparse for this subbasin. With increasing numbers of the exploration wells over the past ten years in the Bohai Offshore Area, more temperature data (e.g., drill-stem test temperature (DST), BHT) have become available. Also some systematic steady-state temperature and oil-testing temperature data have been obtained from more recently drilled wells. New temperature data and thermal indicators from newly drilled wells provide the basis for our study. This information will yield new insights into the thermal regime of the Bohai Offshore Area.In this paper, we discuss the thermal gradient and heat flow distribution of the offshore Bohai Bay Basin area, which were determined based on temperature data and thermal physical properties of rocks. The tectono-thermal evolution was then reconstructed using thermal indicators of vitrinite reflectance (R o) and apatite fission track (AFT). Knowledge of the Bohai Subbasin geothermal regime will provide useful data to study the regional tectonic characteristics of the basin and the evolution of hydrocarbon source rocks.2. HEAT FLOW DISTRIBUTIONThe heat flow value was calculated with the thermal gradient and thermal conductivity at corresponding depth intervals. Beck and Balling (1988) have also reported that, to obtain a valid heat flow value, the equilibrium temperature gradient must be obtained in combination with a thermal property value of materials through which the temperature gradient has been measured. However, it is not easy to obtain a reliable heat flow value during actual research for two reasons. First, the temperature measurement should be taken near the steady state. During drilling, the temperature field is greatly disturbed. Furthermore, there are many other affects that could significantly perturb measured temperatures significantly (e.g., climate change, underground water and topography). We do not think that these other perturbations are important in the heat flow calculation. These affects can only result in a change of temperature change at some depth, and they do not affect the regional thermal field. Second, measurement of typical rock samples yields their thermal conductivities. Heat flow calculated from systematical steady-state temperature data and thermal conductivities at corresponding depth intervals is called measured heat flow, according to the theories of geothermics. Other forms of heat flow include estimated or calculated heat flows. However, only a few systematical steady-state temperatures have been obtained in the boreholes of the Bohai Subbasin. Heat flow values utilized in this paper were mostly estimated data. Temperature data from 251 wells were collected to study the geothermal gradient in this work (Fig. 3). The T-depth relationship showed differences at several sags and uplifts in the Bohai Subbasin (Fig. 4).North ChinaFigure 3. Relationship between temperature data and depth in the Bohai Offshore Area.Figure 4. Temperature data vs. depth in several sags of the Bohai Offshore Area.2.1. Geothermal gradientsGeothermal gradient data utilized in this study were from systematic steady state measurements, oil and gas testing, as well as DST and BHT data. The most important temperature data used to characterize the geothermal field of sedimentary basins are those from systematic steady-state temperature measurements and well tests. Figure 5 gives these temperature data from several wells. Usually, convection within the stratum will result in some abnormally high and/or low temperature points in the profile. The temperature-depth profiles of the above wells demonstrated good linear relationships between measured temperature and depth, showing the character of thermal conduction in the subbasin. The above steady state temperature data were used as the basis for obtaining thermal gradients. In addition, the temperature data base for this study included abundant temperature data from oil and gas testing, as well as temperature logging provided by the CNOOC Tianjin Company Ltd., who is the sole operator for petroleum exploration and development in the Bohai Offshore Area.Figure 5.Temperature data from systematic steady-state measurements in the BohaiSubbasin.Because the temperature data were from boreholes having different depths, the uniform geothermal gradient was used in this paper, as shown by Yuan et al.(2009). As such, all temperature data were calculated to the same depth of 3000m using the 1-North China D thermal conduction equation based on the documented thermal conductivity and heat generation data. Thus, the average thermal gradients for the 0-3000m depth interval were calculated for all study wells. This may eliminate the deviation that results from different temperatures at tested depths. Based on these uniform geothermal gradient data, the geothermal gradient distribution over the depth interval from 0-3000m in the Bohai Offshore Area was obtained (Fig. 6). Generally, there are higher thermal gradients in the uplifts, but lower ones in the sags. The thermal gradients are up to 40°C/km and 36°C/km in the Bonan Lower Uplift and the Shijiutuo Uplift, respectively. There is also a higher thermal gradient, up to 34°C/km, in the Liaozhong uplift. The lowest thermal gradient (26°C/km) occurred in the center Bozhong and Huanghekou sags (Fig. 6).The average geothermal gradient value is 32.0±4.6°C/km over the entire Bohai Subbasin. Comparing to the adjacent subbasins, this is higher than the Linqing Subbasin (31.1±2.5°C/km), but lower than those of other subbasins in the Bohai Bay Basin. For example, the average thermal gradient of: the Jiyang Subasin is 36.0±4.9°C/km; the Huanghua Subbasin is 33.7±2.3°C/km; the Jizhong Subbasin is 33.7±2.3°C/km; and the Liaohe Subbasin is 34.7±3.5°C/km (Gong et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2003; Zheng et al., 1978; Hu, et al., 2000; Qiu et al., 1998; 2004; 2006; 2007).Figure 6. Thermal gradient distribution over the depth interval of 0~3000m in theBohai Subbasin (°C/km).2.2. Heat flow calculationHeat flow was calculated from the thermal gradient and the corresponding average weighted thermal conductivity data for the same well. The average weighted thermal conductivities were calculated based on lithological data from the study well and data from Gong et al.(2003) for each stratum from samples of onshore subbasins in the Bohai Bay Basin (Fig. 2). Fifty-six heat flow values were calculated based on the above thermal gradient and thermal conductivities. Among these, 14 heat flow values were obtained based on the systematic steady state temperature in our study (Table 1). The heat flow in the Bohai Subbasin ranged from 33.5mW/m2to 84.0 mW/m2with a statistical average value of 60.8±8.7 mW/m2, which corresponds to the basins in eastern China where the average heat flow value is 64±mW/m2(Wang, 1996). A heat flow contour map was constructed from the aforementioned 56 heat flow values and from data given by Hu et al.(2001) (Fig. 7). This map demonstrates a higher heat flow of ~78 mW/m2in the uplifts of the Shijiutuo, Shaleitian and Bonan Lower Uplifts, for example; however, these values were relatively low in most of the sag regions. The average heat flow value of the Bohai Subbasin is higher than that of the Linqing Subbasin, but lower than that of the other subbasins in the Bohai Bay Basin. The average heat flow value of the Linqing Subbasin is only 60.4±5.3 mW/m2, while this value for the Jiyang Subbasin is 65.8±5.4 mW/m2 and for the Jizhong Subbasin is 61.1±9.4 mW/m2(Gong et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2003; Hu et al., 2000; Qiu et al., 2004; 2006; 2007).Figure 7. Heat flow distribution in the Bohai Subbasin (mW/m2).North ChinaTable 1. Calculated heat flow values for the Bohai Subbasin. G-thermal gradient, K-thermal conductivity, q-heat flow3. THERMAL HISTORY EVOLUTION3.1. Data and methods of thermal modelingApatite fission track analysis (AFTA) and vitrinite reflectance (R o) have been widely used to study the thermal evolution of sedimentary basins (Lerche, 1988; Green et al., 1989; Sweeney and Burnham, 1990; Corrigan, 1991; Arne and Zentill, 1994; Arne et al., 1997; Sun et al., 2009b). Vitrinite reflectance data in this study were collected from the CNOOC Tianjin Company Ltd. The relationships between R o and depth of different sags are shown in Figure 8. All vitrinite reflectance values were corrected by the Lo (1993)’s hydrogen index correction model before they were used to model thermal histories in our study. At the same time, 14 sandstone cores from five wells were processed for fission track analysis. Apatite was extracted from cores using standard heavy liquid and magnetic separation techniques. Samples were tested to obtain track ages and track lengths using the external detector method (Naeser, 1979). The fission track ages, track lengths and associated errors are summarized briefly in Table 2. Fission track ages in some apatite samples were older than the age of the strata, indicating that some of the fission track record was inherited from matrix sediments. These track ages should be corrected before they were used to thermal modeling study. In addition, fission track data from Hu et al. (2001), which were obtained from several wells, were also referred to our thermal modeling. The AFT length distributes broadening and the AFT length decreases with increasing sample burial depth. This indicates that all AFTs experienced an annealing event, to some extent. As shown in Figure 9, the two peaks of AFT length distribution in samples from Well BZ25-1-1 indicate that the region has experienced significant tectonic uplift. The AFT ages become zero at about 3600~3800m, giving a partial annealing zone (PAZ) of AFT up to 3600~3800m.Figure 8. Vitrinite reflectance vs. depth in several sags of the Bohai Subbasin.North China(n)Table 2. Measurement of apatite fission tracks in Bohai Subbasin samples.ρs = spontaneous track density; ρi = induced track density.ρd= fossil track density. All track densities are 105/cm 2. N s, N iand N dare the number of spontaneous, induced and fossil tracks, respectively. L = confined mean track length. N is the number of tracks counted or measured tracks. Uncertainties are quoted at 2σ. Ages calculated using a zeta of 322.1±3.6 for dosimeter glass CN5 for apatite. The λd is 1.55125×10-10/yr and g=0.5 in this measurement. P(χ2)=chi-square probability, which is a measure of probability that individual grains counted in a sample are from a single population; Ages were determined using the average age when P(χ2)<5%, which is generally taken to indicate that multiple age populations are present. However, ages were determined using the assembled age with P(χ2)>5%. Mean track lengths are corrected for length bias (Laslett et al., 1982). The data were tested at the Institute of High-Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science.Figure 9. Apatite fission track age and length vs. depth in the Bohai Subbasin.The process of fission track annealing in apatite has been calibrated in the laboratory (Laslett et al., 1982; Duddy et al., 1988; Green et al., 1989; Crowley et al., 1991; Zhao et al., 2009). Several equations have been proposed to describe the annealing behavior of apatite (Laslett et al., 1987; Crowley et al., 1991; Liu et al., 2009). In this study, the annealing model from Green et al.(1989) was used to model the thermal annealing of fission tracks. The kinetic model of vitrinite reflectance evolution used here was the Easy%R o model from Sweeney and Burnham (1990). Software used for our thermal modeling analysis included the TherMod program for Windows, which was developed by Hu et al.(1998), and the BasinMod, which was developed by Platte River Associate Inc. Some parameters or constraints, such as thermal conductivity, radiogenic heat production, surface heat flow and thermal gradient, should be input to the software program before the thermal modeling begins. Present-day thermal gradient and surface heat flows were based on the above study. The thermal conductivities of rocks in each stratum are cited in Figure 2. The surface temperature of the basin was assumed to be the same over geological time (10 °C). Compaction is an essential consideration in basin modeling, and compaction corrections will have a significant impact on the resulting thermal history. The empirical exponential equation of porosity to depth by Sclater and Christie (1980) was used to calculate compaction. The porosity-depth regression curve and the typical compaction factor for each structural unit of the basin were obtained based on well-North China logging data.The stochastic inversion method was employed in our thermal history modeling. At first, a thermal history route was put forward. This route could explain one possible temperature evolution over geological time. The value of R o and/or AFT length was calculated based on the burial history and each thermal history route. By stochastical iteration of a series of thermal history routes for the stratum with samples based on the kinetics model of R o or AFT annealing, calculated values of paleotemperature indicators (R o and AFT) gradually meet the measured values. This reversion modeling method yields a series of thermal histories results, which lead to the uncertainty in the thermal evolution (Corrigan, 1991; Shi et al., 1998). Generally, the inversion results are series of probablility and/or equivalent thermal history routes. In fact, all of these temperature-time routes compose a probability distribution belt, which is the variation range of the paleotemperature. The final thermal history is the average of probability distribution in our study, which is thought to be the most reliable thermal evolution result. In our modeling, the thermal gradient was used as the parameter to show the thermal regime. These constraints from AFT and R o data restricted the study results. Figure 10 gives the samples used for single well modeling results. The burial and thermal histories for Well JX1-1-1 in the Liaozhong sag are shown in Figure 10a. The modeled vitrinite reflectance values fit well with measured data. The modeled thermal gradient gradually decreased over geological time. It was 44~41.0°C/km in the Eocene, decreasing to 38°C/km at the end of the Paleocene, and is 31.5°C/km at present-day. Another well in the northern subbasin, Well JZ16-4-2, was also modeled by the R o data (Fig. 10b). The thermal histories of Well KL11-1-1 in the Laizhouwan sag and Well KL20-1-1 in the Qingdong sag are shown in Figure 10c and 10d.Figure 10. The modeled burial and thermal history of several wells.3.2. Thermal evolution modeling resultsIn our study, each structural unit had a varied number of wells to be used for thermal modeling. The thermal gradient evolution of the sag was obtained by the average value of modeling results from several wells.3.2.1. The northern subbasinThe Northern Bohai Subbasin is also referred to as the Liaodong Bay Area, which includes the Liaoxi, Liaozhong and Liaodong sags, as well as the adjacent uplifts (Fig.1). A total of12 wells were modeled using the R o and AFT data to obtain the geothermal gradient evolution. The average thermal gradient was 45~40°C/km in the Oligocene, which has decreased to 31 °C/km at present-day. As most wells were drilled down to the Middle Eocene (e.g., E2s3), the thermal gradient evolution since the Late Eocene was obtained using the average value of modeling results from 12 wells (e.g., dashed line in Fig. 11a). This value decreased from 55°C/km in the Early Eocene to 45°C/km at the end of the Paleocene, gradually reaching 33°C/km at present-day.3.2.2. The southern subbasinThe southern subbasin includes the Huanghekou, Laizhouwan and Qingdong sags, as well as the adjacent uplifts (Fig. 1). A total of 10 wells were modeled using the R o data. Based on modeling results from the 10 wells, the thermal gradient evolution was obtained. The average thermal gradient of the southern subbasin decreased rapidly from 50°C/km in the Early Eocene to 38°C/km±in the Late Eocene, gradually reaching 35~38°C/km in the Oligocene and 30°C/km at present-day (Fig. 11b).3.2.3. The central subbasinThis central area includes the Bozhong, Bodong, Qinnan and Miaoxi sags, as well as the adjacent uplifts. A total of 10 wells were modeled using the R o and AFT data. The average geothermal gradients in the Paleocene and Early Eocene were sometimes higher than those of northern subbasin. The average thermal gradient of the central subbasin decreased rapidly from ~60°C/km in the Early Eocene to 40°C/km±in the Late Eocene, gradually reaching 37°C/km at the end of the Oligocene and 28°C/km at present-day (Fig. 11c).3.2.4. The western subbasinThe western subbasin includes the Qikou, Shanan and Chengbei sags, as well as the adjacent uplifts. A total of 6 wells were modeled using the R o and AFT data. Here, most wells were also drilled down to the Middle Eocene (e.g., E2s3). The thermal gradient evolution since the Late Eocene was obtained using the average value from modeling results of six wells. This value decreased from 48°C/km in the Late Eocene to 40°C/km±at the end of the Eocene, reaching 35°C/km at the end of the Oligocene and 29°C/km at present-day (Fig. 11d).The thermal gradient evolution of the Bohai Subbasin showed different evolutions in different area (Fig. 12A). The central subbasin experienced a higher thermal gradient history in the Paleocene; however, the higher thermal gradient occurred at theNorth China northern subbasin in the Neocene. A thermal gradient evolution for the entire Bohai Subbasin was obtained using the average value from the above four areas. Generally, the thermal gradient decreased gradually with the evolution of the basin. The thermal gradient was 57~53°C/km in the Paleocene and 53~43°C/km during the deposition period of the Shahejie Formation (e.g., Eocene). It decreased slowly after the Oligocene, being 38~43°C/km in the Oligocene, 38~34°C/km in the Miocene and 32°C/km at present-day (Fig. 12B). The thermal evolutions of several subbasins in the Bohai Bay Basin have been studied previously (Qiu et al., 1998; 2003; 2004; 2006; 2007). The Liaohe and Changwei Subbasins experienced different higher thermal gradients than for other adjacent subbasins of the Bohai Bay Basin during the entire Cenozoic time. However, the Linqing and Jizhong Subbasins experienced lower thermal gradients in the Cenozoic. The controlling factors of this will be discussed in the following section.Figure 11.The modeling thermal gradient evolution in different offshore areas.Figure 12A.Thermal gradient evolution in different parts of the Bohai Subbasin. Figure 12B. Thermal gradient evolution of several subbasins in the Bohai Bay Basin. The thermal gradient of the entire Bohai subbasin is the average value from the four areas in Figure 12A Thermal gradient evolution in the adjacent subbasins are fromQiu et al. (1998, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007).4. TECTONIC SUBSIDENCE EVOLUTIONThe subsidence of sedimentary basins includes two parts: tectonic subsidence and load subsidence. Tectonic subsidence is mainly caused by tectonic movement; however, load subsidence is caused by sediment load. In this paper, the subsidence analysis techniques utilized followed the documents of Van Hinte (1978) and Steckler and Watts (1980). Dating of sediments was based mainly on borehole descriptions, geological syntheses and well-logging corrections.Subsidence within the Liaodong Bay area (northern subbasin) shows the syn-rift initial subsidence followed by subsequent thermal subsidence (Fig. 13A). In addition, subsidence during the syn-rift phase, from the Paleocene to the end of the Oligocene, consisted of two episodes of sub-rifting. These include the earlier thermal subsidence (T1), from the Paleocene to the Early Eocene, and the initial rifting subsidence (T2), from the Middle Eocene to the end of the Oligocene. After the Miocene, rifting ceased within the entire Bohai Bay Basin and the basin began its post-rift thermal subsidence phase (T3) as a regional event. This resulted from either the far-field effect of the India-Asia collision or the reorganization of plate motions between Asia and the oceanic plates to the east (Allen et al., 1997). There have been only a few tectonic subsidence amounts in most sag area of the northern offshore region, in the post-rift thermal subsidence phase. Other sags of the Bohai Subbasin demonstrated similar subsidence behavior until the end of the Oligocene. However, tectonic subsidence since the Miocene period has had remarkably different characteristics, compared to the northern subbasin area (Fig. 13B). The post-rift thermal subsidence phase (T3) in these sags,。
