客户/服务器:Client/server色域:Color gamut分色:Color separation色彩空间:Color space裁切线:Crop marks直接制版:Computer-to-plate or direct-to-plate灰平衡:gray balance 色彩复制过程的重要特性。
印刷:Printing平版印刷:planographic printing用平版施印的一种印刷方式。
胶印:offset lithography:印版上的图文先印在中间载体(橡皮滚筒)上,再转印到承印物上的印刷方式。
胶印机:offset printing press:原稿:Original印版:Printing plate用于传递油墨至承印物上的印刷图文载体。
承印物:Printing stock制版:plate making依照原稿复制成印版的工艺过程。
图象制版image reproduction:用手工、照明、电子等制版方法复制图象原稿的总称。
网目调halftone, screen tone:用网点大小表现的画面阶调。
阳图positive image:在黑白和彩色复制中,色调和灰调与被复制对象相一致的图象。
阴图negative image:在黑白和彩色复制中,色调和灰调与被复制对象相反的图象。
分色color separation:把彩色原稿分解成为各单色版的过程。
'计算机照相排版系统computerized phototypesetting system:由字符及排版指令输入装置、校改装置、校样输出装置、控制装置及照排主机等组成的成套排版设备。
文字排版:text composition 拼版:make-up 晒版printing down:用接触曝光的方法把阴图或阳图底片的信息转移到印版或其他感光材料上的过程。
5、7 UL产品上的UL标识使用
列名的(Listed)的Type R产品的UL标识 为强制性的(mandatory),一定要出现在产品上;
UL MARK在产品上只能出现一次;
列名的(Listed)的Type R产品的UL标识由四部分组成如图,标志不完整会影响产品出货。
5、4、2针对UL要求的检验、测量与测试的设备,其内校与外校报告必须符合UL仪器校验规范(UL IMTE Requirements)
Follow-Up Service Procedure、E228719文件、E332532多重列名文件,Traceability Requirement,Printing UL Mark
7.4 IQC对外壳的确认
8.2 UL标签打印工序的监督
8查验打印的UL标签上的UL LOGO符合Printing UL Mark 或符合UL认证检验中心认可合格的UL标志
9查验UL标签上的内容包括列名者名称、型号、日期(周和年,可在条形码上体现)、电参数(包括电压、频率、电流)、“Must be powered Class 2”
UL Marks/Labels(标志/标签)转到未被授权的地点使用
原材料/元器件未符合追溯要求(Traceability Requirements)
UL要求的检验、测量和测试的设备,其内校和外校报告不符合UL仪器校验规范(UL IMTE Requirements)
生锈 氧化 变形 弯 破裂 断开 金属披锋 毛孔 抛光不良 抛光余渣
Defect classification 疵点分级
Critical Major Major Major or Minor Major Major or Minor Major or Minor
Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Minor Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major Major Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Major or Minor Minor Major or Minor Minor Minor Minor Major or Minor
III. Lacquer coating 油漆涂层 - Incomplete lacquer coverage - Lacquer accumulation - Uneven lacquer coating
气泡在玻璃内 玻璃粗糙利边 玻璃崩 玻璃厚薄不均匀 玻璃玻璃纹 玻璃不够透明 玻璃边研磨不良 粘附玻璃碎片
VI. Ceramic 陶瓷类 - Deform - A swelling - Blister on body - Body refuse - Breaching of body - Glaze bubble - Glaze craze - Crack under the glaze - Crack on body - Fusion hole - Chip - Iron spots - Stuck scar - Flashing - Orange - peel glaze - Thread - like surface flaws - Thin glaze - Decoration defect - Smoked - Yellowing of glaze - Purple gold - Ripple glaze
特制印刷术语英语翻译磁性印刷magnetic ink printing 利用掺入氧化铁粉的磁性油墨进行印刷的方式。
发泡印刷foam printing 用微球发泡油墨通过丝网印刷方式在纸张或织物上施印,获得隆起图文或盲文读物。
静电印刷electrostatic printing 不借助压力,而用异性静电相强的原理获取图像的印刷方式。
、立体印刷three-dimensional printing 制作立体感图像的印刷方式。
盲文印刷braille printing 用隆起的点字符号或线条符号组成盲人专用文字的印刷方式。
木版水印wood-block printing 依照原稿勾描和分版,在硬质木板上雕刻出多块套色版,用宣纸和水溶颜料逐版套印成逼真的复制艺术品的印刷方式。
喷墨印刷ink-jet printing 通过计算机控制从喷嘴射在承印物上的油墨流而获得文字和图像的无压印刷方式曲面印刷curved surface printing 对外形呈曲面的承印物进行印刷的方式。
全息照相印刷holographic printing 通过激光摄象形成的干涉条纹,使图像显现于特定承印物的复制技术。
热转印thermal transfer process 用升华性染料油墨或其他材料将图文先印到转印纸上,与承印物合在一起,从纸张背面加热,使纸面染料升华而转印。
软管印刷collapsible tube printing 利用弹性橡皮层转印图像的原理,对软管理行印刷方式。
特种印刷specialty printing 采用不同于一般制版,印刷、印后加工方法和材料生产供特殊用途的印刷方式之总称。
贴花印刷decalcomania 通常用平印方式将图案印在涂胶纸或塑料薄膜上,用时贴在被装饰和物体体表面(例如瓷器),通过转移而得到贴花图案。
拓印inscription rubbbing 以湿纸紧覆在碑文或金石文物上,用墨打拓其文字或图形的一种复制方法。
UL mark 基础要求
UL mark 基础要求一Listing Mark 5要件1)UL c UL 以及c UL us的形状比例需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)“c”及“us”的字体必须是Helvetica Condensed Black ,,®的尺寸最小为3/64英寸,UL mark的总直径小于3/8英寸的时候R可省略2)LISTED 需大写,且形状比例及位置需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)字体必须是Helvetica Condensed Black3)control number 或/和file number 和listee's name 依照UL 工厂检验细则procedure内描述4)Product identity:产品名称须和procedure内描述相同或相似5)如果该产品同时符合其他ULcategories,可以添加“ALSO LISTED AS (PRODUCT IDENTITY)”二Classification Mark 4要件1)UL c UL 以及c UL us 的形状比例需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)“c”及“us”的字体必须是Helvetica Condensed Black ,®的尺寸最小为3/64英寸,UL mark的总直径小于3/8英寸的时候R可省略2)CLASSIFIED 需大写,且形状比例及位置需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)3)control number 或/和file number 和listee's name 依照UL 工厂检验细则procedure内描述4)Product identity:产品名称须和procedure内描述相同或相似UL 上述标志使用之前是需要到UL标签中心确认过并盖许可章后才可以使用的,大陆这边可以到广州UL进行确认。
三UL RECOGNIZED 4要件:]1) Recognized Company’s identification需要列出认可公司名字和商标或UL 认可的商标名称2) Catalog, model or other product designation3) Where Rebuilt products are authorized in individual Test Reports, the word “REBUILT", "REMANUFACTURED", or "RECONDITIONED", as appropriate.4) UL mark(可选的)®的尺寸最小为3/64英寸,UL mark的总直径小于3/8英寸的时候R可省略。
品质管理英语词汇大全Cosmetic Defect Terms1. Soldering Quality2.错件(WRONG PARTS)3.多件(EXCESSIVE PARTS)4.短路(SHORT)5.断路(OPEN)6.线短(WIRE SHORT)7.线长(WIRE LONG)8.拐线(WIRE POOR DDRESS)9.冷焊(COLD SOLDER)10.包焊(EXCESS SOLDER)11.空焊(MISSING SOLDER)12.锡尖(SOLDER ICICLE)13.锡渣(SOLDER SPLASH)14.锡裂(SODER CRACK)15.锡洞(PIN HOLE)16.锡球(SOLDER BALL)17.锡桥(SOLDER BRIDGE)18.滑牙(SCREW LOOSE)19.氧化(RUST)20.异物(FOREIGNER MA TERIAL)21.溢胶(EXCESSIVE GLUE)22.锡短路(SOLDER BRIDGE)23.锡不足(SOLDER INSUFFICIENT)24.极性反(WRONG POLARITY)25.脚未入(PIN UNSEATED)26.脚未出(PIN UNVISIBLE)27.脚未剪(PIN NO CUT)28.脚未弯(PIN NOT BENT)29.缺盖章(MISSING STAMP)30.缺标签(MISSING LABEL)31.缺序号(MISSING S/N)32.序号错(WRONG S/N)33.标签错(WRONG LABEL)34.标示错(WRONG MARK)35.脚太短(PIN SHORT)36.J1不洁(J1 DIRTY)37.锡凹陷(SOLDER SCOOPED)38.线序错(W/L OF WIRE)39.未测试(NO TEST)40.VR变形(VR DEFORMED)41.PCB翘皮(PCB PEELING)42.PCB弯曲(PCB TWIST)43.零件沾胶(GLUE ON PARTS)44.零件脚长(PARTS PIN LONG)45.浮件(PARTS LIFT)46.零件歪斜(PARTS TILT)47.零件相触(PARTS TOUCH)48.零件变形(PARTS DEFORMED)49.零件损坏(PARTS DAMAGED)50.零件脚脏(PIN DIRTY)51.零件多装(PARTS EXCESS)52.零件沾锡(SOLDER ON PARTS)53.零件偏移(PARTS SHIFT)54.包装错误(WRONG PACKING)55.印章错误(WRONG STAMPS)56.尺寸错误(DIMENSION WRONG)57.二极管坏(DIODE NG)58.晶体管坏(TRANSISTOR NG)59.振荡器坏(X'TL NG)60.管装错误(TUBES WRONG)61.阻值错误(IMPEDANCE WRONG)62.版本错误(REV WRONG)63.电测不良(TEST FAILURE)64.版本未标(NON REV LEBEL)65.包装损坏(PACKING DAMAGED)66.印章模糊(STAMPS DEFECTIVE)67.标签歪斜(LABEL TILT)68.外箱损坏(CARTON DAMAGED)69.点胶不良(POOR GLUE)70.IC座氧化(SOCKET RUST)71.缺UL标签(MISSING UL LABEL)72.线材不良(WIRE FAILURE)73.零件脚损坏(PIN DAMAGED)74.金手指沾锡(SOLDER ON GOLDEN FINGERS)75.包装文件错(RACKING DOC WRONG)76.包装数量错(PACKING Q'TY WRONG)77.零件未定位(PARTS UNSEATED)78.金手指沾胶(GLUE ON GOLDEN FINGERS)79.垫片安装不良(W ASHER UNSEATED)80.线材安装不良(WIRE UNSEATED)81.立碑(TOMBSTONE)SMT 不良描述中英文对照1 露底材Base material expose2 偏位Shift3 短路/连锡Short4 少锡Insufficient solder5 多锡/包焊Excess solder6 漏印Missing print7 反白Upside down8 少件Missing component9 反向Wrong orientation10 错件Wrong component11 多件/残件Extra component12 破损Damaged13 空焊No solder14 立碑Tombstoning15 锡珠Solder balls16 侧立Side termination17 零件氧化Parts oxidation18 锡尖Solder projection19 浮高Float20 翘脚Lifted lead21 PAD不上锡PAD discoloration22 针洞Pinholes23 压件Cover component24 残异物Residues25 助焊剂残留Flux residues26 少胶Insufficient glue27 溢胶Overflow glue28 误判No Fail29 其它Other30 印刷不良Print Defect31 上盖脱落/断裂Top cover missing/crack32 掉件/撞件Drop component33 内PIN翘起(缺PIN/短PIN/翘PIN)Lifted inside-pin34 版本混装Mixed edition35 线路偏移Circuit shift36 错位Error position37 脚歪/变形Lead deformed/deformation38 混料Mixed material39 胶未固化Glue not be solidified40 烫伤Scald41 堵孔Obstacle on via42 PCB白化/分层PCB Delamination43 漏洞Exposed copper44 无极性Missing polarity45 压伤Crush46 漏点胶Missing glue47 气泡Air bubble48 屏蔽架变形Shield Deformation49 屏蔽架毛刺Shield Burr50 刮伤Scraped51 弹片翘起Spring lifted52 弹片失效Spring failure53 弹片无法复位Spring can’t replace54 零件沾锡Solder on parts序号汉语意义英文翻译焊锡质量类1 冷焊cold solder2 零件偏移component shifted3 污损contamination4 坏件damaged component5 锡多excessive solder6 装插不良improper insertion7 绝缘不良insulation damaged 8 线脚长lead protrusion out of spec9 漏点胶missing glue 10 漏标示missing marking11 近似短路near short 12 无线尾no lead protruded13 翘皮peeling off 14 极性反polarity reversed15 成型不良poor preforming 16 锡桥solder bridge17 锡裂solder crack 18 锡尖solder icicle19 锡少solder insufficient 20 防焊漆胶落solder mask peeling off 21 锡渣solder spatter 22 锡洞solder void23 错件wrong partICT Fail Cause and Repair Actions1 短路Short2 零件插反Backward Part3 板丢失Board Lost4 板修复Board Repaired5 板报废Board Scrapped6 板送去分析Board Sent For Analysis7 零件损坏Broken Part8 零件缺陷Defective Part9 掉件Missing part 10 加零件Part Added11 零件修复Part Repaired 12 换零件Part Replaced13 PCB缺陷PCB Defect 14 PCB开路PCB Open15 加锡Solder Added 16 桥焊Solder Bridge17 去锡Solder RemovedSolding quality1 空焊Empty Solder2 包焊Excess Solder3 浮焊Floating Solder4 冰柱Icing5 虚焊Inveracious Soldering6 掉件,漏件Missing Component7 开路Open 8 漏焊Open Solder9 锡桥Solder Bridge 10 锡尖突出Solder Tip11 锡裂Split SolderOperational defect terms1 零件插反Backward Part2 零件损坏Broken Part3 碰伤Bumps4 异物Foreign Part5 零件错位Misaligned Part6 漏件Missing Parts (component)7 粘胶Paint Adhesion 8 刮伤Scratches9 错件Wrong PartOthers1 不正常Abnormal2 附件Accessory3 外观Apperance4 装配Assembling5 附着,贴附Attached6 弯曲Bent7 束线Bind 8 翘皮Blister/peeling9 接Bridge 10 破损Broken11 毛边Burrs 12 裂纹Chip / crack13 夹住Clip 14 污染Contamination15 腐蚀Corrosion 16 交叉Cross17 损坏Damage 18 减少Decrease19 深刮伤Deep Scratch 20 缺点Defect21 变形Deformed 22 凹痕Dent23 偏差Deviation 24 尺寸Dimension25 变色(白化) Discoloration 26 化状箱Display box 27 双重Double 28 脱落Drop , Tall off29 超过Excess 30 假焊False Solder (Cold) 31 频率Fequency 32 塞住Fill Up33 浮Float 34 异物Foreign Material 35 碎片塞Fragement 36 胶Glue37 溢胶Glue overflow 38 重Heavy39 不清楚illegible 40 不完全Incomplete41 增加Increase 42 确认Indentify43 指示灯Indicate Lamp 44 不合治具Ingagued45 未固定Insecurely 46 插配Insertion47 内部Inside 48 干扰Interference49 间断,不安定Intermittent 50 杂物Junk51 纠缠Kink 52 布置,配置Layout53 线脚Lead 54 浅音Leakage Sound55 翘起Lifted 56 轻Light57 位置Location 58 松Loose59 方向不对Misorientation 60 未镀表层Misplating61 欠缺Missing 62 混Mix63 多重Multiple 64 不良No Good (NG)65 偏心Off center 66 振荡Oscillation67 外部Outsid 68 脱漆Paint drop69 部分Partial 70 铜箔Pattem (PAD)71 太差Poor 72 凸Protrude73 残留物Residue 74 粗糙Roughness75 生锈Rust 76 LED 数字分节Segment77 陷Sink 78 滑动Slide79 脱落Slip 80 锡珠Solder Ball81 流锡Solder Flow 82 分开,分隔Sparation83 污点Stain 84 粘Stick85 薄Thickness 86 紧Tight87 透明Transparent 88 不平Uneven89 不顺Unsmooth 90 上下颠倒Upside down91 漆Varnish Paint 92 缺洞V oid (Holes)93 弱WeakSMT中英文对照1. Fundamentals of Solders and Soldering(焊料及焊接基础知识)Soldering Theory(焊接理论)Microstructure and Soldering(显微结构及焊接)Effect of Elemental Constituents on Wetting(焊料成分对润湿的影响)Effect of Impurities on Soldering(杂质对焊接的影响)2. Solder Paste Technology(焊膏工艺)Solder Powder ( 锡粉)Solder Paste Rheology(锡膏流变学)Solder Paste Composition & Manufacturing(锡膏成分和制造)3. SMT Problems Occurred Prior to Reflow(回流前SMT问题)Flux Separation(助焊剂分离)Paste Hardening(焊膏硬化)Poor Stencil Life(网板寿命问题)Poor Print Thickness(印刷厚度不理想)Poor Paste Release From Squeegee(锡膏脱离刮刀问题)Smear(印锡模糊)Insufficiency(印锡不足)Needle Clogging(针孔堵塞)Slump(塌落)Low Tack(低粘性)Short Tack Time (粘性时间短)4. SMT Problems Occurred During Reflow(回流过程中的SMT问题)Cold Joints(冷焊)Nonwetting(不润湿)Dewetting(反润湿)Leaching(浸析)Intermetallics(金属互化物)Tombstoning(立碑)Skewing(歪斜)Wicking(焊料上吸)Bridging(桥连)V oiding(空洞)Opening(开路)Solder Balling(锡球)Solder Beading(锡珠)Spattering(飞溅)5. SMT Problems Occurred at Post Reflow Stage(回流后问题)White Residue(白色残留物)Charred Residue(炭化残留物)Poor Probing Contact(探针测接问题)Surface Insulation Resistance or Electrochemical Migration Failure(表面绝缘阻抗或电化迁移缺陷)Delamination/Voiding/Non-curing Of Conformal Coating/Encapsulants (分层/ 空洞/ 敷形涂覆或包封的固化问题)6. Challenges at BGA and CSP Assembly and Rework Stage(BGA、CSP组装和翻修的挑战)Starved Solder Joint(少锡焊点)Poor Self-Alignment(自对位问题)Poor Wetting(润湿不良)V oiding(空洞)Bridging(桥连)Uneven Joint Height(焊点高度不均)Open(开路)Popcorn and Delamination(爆米花和分层)Solder Webbing(锡网)Solder Balling(锡球)7. Problems Occurred at Flip Chip Reflow Attachment(倒装晶片回流期间发生的问题)Misalignment(位置不准)Poor Wetting(润湿不良)Solder V oiding(空洞)Underfill V oiding(底部填充空洞)Bridging(桥连)Open(开路)Underfill Crack(底部填充裂缝)Delamination(分层)Filler Segregation(填充分离)Insufficient Underfilling(底部填充不充分)8. Optimizing Reflow Profile via Defect Mechanisms Analysis (回流曲线优化与缺陷机理分析)Flux Reaction(助焊剂反应)Peak Temperature(峰值温度)Cooling Stage(冷却阶段)Heating Stage(加热阶段)Timing Considerations(时间研究)Optimization of Profile(曲线优化)Comparison with Conventional Profiles(与传统曲线的比较)Discussion(讨论)Implementing Linear Ramp Up Profile(斜坡式曲线)。
logo印刷工艺的英文单词English Answer:Printing Processes for Logos.There are a variety of printing processes that can be used to create logos. Each process has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the best choice for a particular logo will depend on the specific requirements of the design.Some of the most common printing processes for logos include:Screen printing is a process in which ink is forced through a mesh screen onto the substrate. This process is ideal for creating logos with bold, solid colors.Flexography is a process in which ink is transferred from a flexible plate to the substrate. This process is often used for printing logos on packaging materials.Gravure printing is a process in which ink is transferred from a recessed image on a metal cylinder to the substrate. This process is ideal for creating logos with fine details.Lithography is a process in which ink is transferred from a flat plate to the substrate. This process is often used for printing logos on paper and other flat materials.Digital printing is a process in which ink is applied directly to the substrate using a digital printing press. This process is ideal for creating logos with complex designs and gradients.Factors to Consider When Choosing a Printing Process.When choosing a printing process for a logo, there are several factors to consider, including:The size of the logo.The number of colors in the logo.The desired finish of the logo.The budget for the logo.Chinese Answer:标志印刷工艺。
UL产品的品质管理规范编制:审核:批准:创建日期: 2010。
5.18 更新日期:2010。
3、引用文件Follow-Up Service Procedure、E228719文件、E332532多重列名文件,Traceability Requirement,Printing UL Mark4、职责4.1研发部针对UL产品的新品研发要符合该类产品的UL标准要求;4。
1 UL当地检查员会以事先不告知的方式到工厂检验,并依照UL的FUS细则做检查;5。
2 工厂生产UL的产品类别属于TYPE R,检验频率在一般情况下是一年四次,及每个季度一次;5.3 工厂代表必须在UL检查员被告知后的10分钟内出面,带其进入工厂进行检查,若指定的工厂代表不在,则要由其代理人陪同检查员完成检查工作,工厂不得拒绝UL 检查员进入生产区域或原材料库/成品库等与生产有关的地方;5.4文件要求5。
4.1 工厂代表必须妥善保存UL 的FUS 细则,并适时地更新;5。
4.2针对UL 要求的检验、测量和测试的设备,其内校和外校报告必须符合UL 仪器校验规范(UL IMTE Requirements )5.4。
3UL 要求的检验、测量和测试的设备的校验计划、校验和点检记录要随时可查。
5.5生产线的检查● UL 检查员检查确认相关加工过程是否符合要求。
塑料尺子印刷工艺流程英文回答:Plastic Ruler Printing Process.The plastic ruler printing process is a highly specialized process that requires the use of specialized equipment and materials. The process begins with the creation of a master image, which is then used to create a printing plate. The printing plate is then used to transfer the image to the plastic ruler material.The first step in the plastic ruler printing process is to create a master image. The master image can be created using a variety of methods, including computer-aided design (CAD), hand drawing, or photography. Once the master image has been created, it is transferred to a printing plate.The printing plate is made of a durable material, such as metal or rubber. The image is transferred to theprinting plate using a variety of methods, including photoengraving, etching, or laser engraving. Once the image has been transferred to the printing plate, it is ready to be used to print the plastic ruler material.The printing process begins by feeding the plasticruler material into the printing press. The printing press then uses the printing plate to transfer the image to the plastic ruler material. The image is transferred using a variety of methods, including offset printing, screen printing, or flexographic printing.Once the image has been transferred to the plasticruler material, it is allowed to dry. The drying process can be accelerated using a variety of methods, including heat or ultraviolet light. Once the image has dried, the plastic ruler is complete.The plastic ruler printing process is a complex and highly specialized process. However, it is a necessary process for producing high-quality plastic rulers.中文回答:塑料尺印刷工艺流程。
礼盒的印刷工艺流程英文回答:The printing process for gift boxes typically involves several steps to achieve the desired design and quality. Here is an overview of the general process:1. Design and Prepress:The first step is to create the design for the gift box. This can be done using graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. The design should includeall the necessary elements, such as logos, text, images,and any special effects. Once the design is finalized, itis prepared for printing through prepress activities like color separation and proofing.2. Plate Making:In order to transfer the design onto the gift boxmaterial, printing plates need to be made. These plates are typically made of metal or plastic and are engraved with the design using specialized equipment. Each color in the design requires a separate plate.3. Printing:Once the plates are ready, the printing process can begin. The gift box material, which is usually a sturdy cardboard or paperboard, is fed into the printing press. The printing press uses the plates to apply ink onto the material, layer by layer, to create the desired design. Different printing techniques can be used, such as offset printing, flexography, or digital printing, depending on the complexity and quantity of the gift boxes.4. Finishing:After the printing is complete, the gift boxes go through various finishing processes to enhance their appearance and durability. This may include additional coatings, such as varnish or lamination, to protect theprinted design and provide a glossy or matte finish. Other finishing techniques, such as embossing or debossing, canbe used to add texture or raised elements to the design.5. Die Cutting and Folding:Once the printed and finished gift box material is ready, it is die-cut into the desired shape. Die cutting involves using a sharp steel blade to cut out the box shape, including any windows or openings. The die-cut material is then folded and glued together to form the final gift box structure.6. Quality Control and Packaging:Before the gift boxes are packed and shipped, they undergo a thorough quality control inspection. This ensures that the printing is accurate, the colors are consistent, and the finished boxes meet the required standards. Thegift boxes are then carefully packaged to protect them during transportation.中文回答:礼盒的印刷工艺流程通常包括以下几个步骤,以实现所需的设计和质量。
印刷检验指导书Printing Process Inspection WI
透明油 transparent
oilHale Waihona Puke 保护膜 protective
底托 bottom printing
图案/字符 figure/chara
遮蔽墨 masking
涨版 extended
mask printing
参照各色序对应检验项目 Refer to corresponding inspection item of each printing
印刷水波纹 printing water brume
限度样本与产品应在同一条 件下进行比对 compare limit sample with product in the same condition
Film和比对卡 Film and template
样品卡 sample card
《QA日报表》<QA daily record> 《首件确认单》<FAI record> 《工序调整通知单》<Process adjustment notice> 《不合格品评审处置记录》<nonconformance review and disposal record>
比对卡 template
参考基准 Reference benchmark
零件名称 Part name 文件编号 File No. 版本 Version
修改日期 Revision date 页码Page
注意事项 Attentive Items
工具 Tools
美工刀和3M600胶带 knife and 3M600 tape
1. 印刷品的尺寸与页面设置InDesign提供了各种印刷品尺寸的预设模板,同时也支持自定义页面大小。
2. 页面边距与血口线在设计布局时,需要合理设置页面边距与血口线。
3. 色彩模式与色彩管理在使用InDesign时,我们应注意色彩模式与色彩管理。
4. 图像分辨率与格式在插入图像时,需要注意图像的分辨率与格式。
5. 字体选择与文本排版在设计印刷品时,字体选择与文本排版非常重要。
1. 利用样式面板进行格式统一InDesign的样式面板可以帮助我们快速定义和应用文本和对象的格式。
2. 使用栅格进行对齐与排版InDesign提供了栅格功能,可以帮助我们更准确地进行对齐和排版。
3. 制作排版基准线排版基准线可以帮助我们确保文本或图像的位置准确无误。
印刷术语大全 中英
印刷术语大全中英∙∙没有你的天很蓝∙1位粉丝∙1楼`包衬 cylinder-packing 印刷机压印体上或印版下的包覆物。
包装印刷 packageprinting 以各种包装材料为主要产品的印刷。
报价单,价目单 price list报纸印刷 newspaperprinting 以报纸等信息媒介为产品的印刷。
背面粘脏 set-off 印在承印物上的印刷油墨,粘在另一印张的背面,造成蹭脏。
承印物 printing stock 能接受油墨或吸附色料并呈现图文的各种物质。
打样 proofing 从拼组的图文信息复制出校样。
单色印刷 single-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,只在承印物上印刷一种墨色。
单张印刷 sheet-fedprinting 以单张纸或其他单张材料为承印物进行印刷。
多色印刷 multi-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,在承印物上印刷两种及两种以上的墨色。
复制版 duplicate plate 按照原有印版复制成的第二块或若干块同样印版。
间接印刷 indirectprinting 印版上图文部分的油墨经中间载体的传递转移到承印物表面的印刷方式。
卷筒印刷 web-fedprinting 以卷筒纸或其他卷筒材料为承印物行进印刷。
连续给纸装置 stream feeder拼版 make-up 将文字,图表等依照设计要求拼组成版。
书刊印刷 bookandperiodicalprinting 以书籍、期刊等为主要产品的印刷。
套印不准 out of register 在套色印刷过程中,印迹重叠的误差。
透印 print through 印在纸张上的图文由背面可见。
无压印刷 non-impactprinting 不借助压力施印和各种印刷方式。
橡皮布滚筒 blanket cylinder 间接印刷中将印版图文的油墨转称到印物上的转印滚筒,其表面包裹橡皮布。
压印滚筒 impression cylinder 印刷机上圆柱形的压印体。
An Introduction to UL LabelsMany UL clients, particularly those who are new to the Marking and Labeling Systems category, have expressed a need for information regarding the four Marking and Labeling Systems sub-categories, PGDQ2, PGGU2, PGIS2, and PGJI2, as well as clarification of the distinction between Recognized labels and certification marks. This brief explanation may be of help not only for label product manufacturers seeking UL Recognitions, but also for end product manufacturers seeking to use UL Recognized Label products.RECOGNIZED LABELS - Labels Bearing Safety Related InformationA UL Recognized Component can be any item which UL has investigated and found suitable for use in a larger end product under specific Conditions of Acceptability. Examples of Recognized Components may include products such as switches, transformers, wire, plastics, and labels which bear specific required safety related information such as warnings, cautionary markings, installation instructions or electrical ratings. Recognized component label products, therefore, will at some point contain information that is directly related to the safety of the end product, information which needs to remain legible and permanently affixed to the product.Almost all products Recognized under the basic label categories PGDQ2, PGGU2, and PGJI2 are tested in accordance with the test methods outlined in UL 969. Each label product, if Recognized, will be considered suitable for use as a Component of UL Listed or Recognized end products under specific Conditions of Acceptability. Those Conditions would include the surfaces to which the label may be applied, the temperature ratings and various exposure conditions. There are differences, however, in the type of label products the three basic label categories cover.PGDQ2 - Marking and Labeling SystemsThe category PGDQ2 is intended to cover printed labels which are manufactured by a label converter. As a general rule, these labels are sold as finished printed labels, although in some cases variable information may be added by the end product manufacturer using dot matrix printers with specific impact ribbon inks.PGGU2 - Marking and Labeling Systems - MaterialsThe second category, PGGU2 is specifically designed for the manufacturers of label materials. Products in this category would include blank label stocks, laminating adhesives and overlaminates. These products are usually sold to label converters in bulk form for the purpose of creating printed labels.Label converters who use Recognized PGGU2 materials can receive the benefit of the Recognition granted to the material manufacturer. The surfaces and exposure conditions for which the materials are suitable can be passed along to the converter when a Recognition of the printed label is established.However, converters or end product manufacturers who may purchase these Recognized materials do not automatically have a Recognized label system. It may still be necessary to evaluate the compatibility of the printing inks with the particular materials as well as the compatibility of two or more Recognized products, for example, label stocks and overlaminates which might be purchased from different suppliers. Inks, in and of themselves, are not covered under the Recognition program. Inks can only be part of a Recognition when applied to a specific label stock. In some cases, a material manufacturer may have had a particular ink evaluated by UL with a specific product or combination of products. The benefits of such testing can be passed along to the user of the label materials. Also, impact ribbon inks may be included in the Recognition of the material. Nevertheless, the user of PGGU2 products must document with UL what materials and inks are being employed to produce UL safety labels.PGJI2 - Marking and Labeling Systems - Printing MaterialsThe third major category is the Printing Materials category, PGJI2. It covers products which are intended to be printed by end product manufacturers using thermal transfer, laser or hot stamp printing equipment. Products in this category may be sold by major suppliers in blank roll form or by converters as blank or preprinted labels in a smaller format. Variable printing, unless otherwise stated in the Recognition, is not to be applied over background inks.In the PGJI2 category, the inks intended for use by the end user will be specified in the Recognition and referenced with the label material in the Recognized Component Directory. Only those specific inks are to be used by the manufacturer. In addition, for laser and hot stamp printing the actual printing equipment is also specified. In 1995, UL determined that the durability of thermal transfer printing was not dependent on the specific equipment used and therefore, any thermal transfer printer which will produce a legible image can be used to produce labels with the thermal transfer inks and label materials identified in category PGJI2.PGIS2 - Marking and Labeling Systems - Limited UseThe fourth category PGIS2, is for limited use labels. Labels in this category are intended to be applied to very specific products such as electrical boxes and cabinets or power supply cords. Such labels are tested in accordance with UL Standards other than UL 969, and therefore are not Recognized for general applications.OTHER STANDARDS FOR SAFETY LABELSOccasionally other UL Standards may be used as part of the testing of labels Recognized in the categories PGDQ2, PGJI2 and PGGU2 for specific additional purposes. Some labels may be suitable for use on step ladders, fire extinguishers or other special products and will be tested in accordance with Standards other than UL 969. Statements regarding these special Recognitions will be included in the Recognition Information Pages (Card Text).UL also currently tests products in accordance with the Canadian Standard for labels, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.15-01. Since the C.S.A. Standard includes test methods which differ from UL 969, some testing may be necessary to grant a C-UL Recognition for labels for use in the Canadian market. Label products Recognized under this program will be placed in categories similar to those described above under the headings PGDQ8, PGGU8, and PGJI8.We hope this information has been helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact your UL representative. UL Representatives at the Camas, Washington office dealing specifically with Marking and Labeling Systems include Patti Goebel, phone (360) 817-5683, fax (360)817-6168 and James Lee, phone (360) 817-5587, fax (360) 817-6038.CERTIFICATION MARKSCertification marks have a different purpose than Recognized labels. In essence, the certification mark indicates simply that the product to which the mark is affixed has been investigated by UL and found to be in accordance with a specific UL Standard. Certification marks include either the UL Listing Mark, Recognized Component Mark or Classification Mark. In order for a printer to produce Certification Marks, the printer must sign a Supplier’s Agreement with the UL Follow Up Service.Certification marks fall under two categories, Type L and Type R. Type R marks require that an end user submit a proposed certification mark layout and artwork to the Follow-Up-Service department. If approved, the drawing is “stamped” and returned to the manufacturer. The manufacturer may then seek to have the certification mark labels printed by any printer who has signed the Suppliers Agreement.Type L marks are intended for products over which UL wishes to keep a tighter level of control, such as fire extinguishers. Standard Type L Marks are ordered directly through UL. Such labels will include the Listing, Recognition or Classification information and serial number or issue number. When such an order is placed, UL will see that the marks are printed and will oversee the release of the labels. COMBINATION LABELSCombination labels, sometimes referred to as custom labels, include not only the appropriate certification mark, and serial or issue number, but will include the end product manufacturer’s company identification and may include additional information as well as including safety related information required for the end product.Normally, Recognized Component Labels and Certification Marks are separate items which serve distinct functions. However, in many cases, safety information and the Certification mark are incorporated into the same label. In such a case, the label printer must be sure that the label is suitable for the surfaces and exposures required for the Recognized safety label, and must also have signed the Certification Mark Supplier’s agreement and must abide by the terms of that agreement in printing the Certification Mark.To produce combination labels, the label printer receives the initial order from the end product manufacturer who sends two copies of the order to UL. UL issues an order number with layout andIssue/serial numbers, as well as shipping instructions. The authorized printer sends the labels to UL or to the manufacturer as specified in the shipping instructions.More detailed information on Certification marks can be obtained from UL by ordering brochure #200-109, the Guide for Printing UL Certification marks or by contacting UL Publications at (708) 272-8800, extension 42612.The Agreement for Suppliers of Certification Marks can be obtained by contacting Karen Karolczak at (708) 272-8800, extension 42682.。
印刷专业英语词汇标准对照印刷(printing)印刷品(printed matter)印刷工业(printing industry)书刊印刷(book and periodical printing) 报纸印刷(newspaper printing)包装印刷(package printing)证券印刷(security printing)印刷科学(printing science)印刷技术(printing technique)印刷适性(printability)印刷压力(printing pressure)压印线(nip)印刷工艺(printing technology)直接印刷(direct printing)间接印刷(indirect printing)单张印刷(sheet-fed printing)卷筒印刷(web-fed printing)单色印刷(single-color printing)多色印刷(multi-color printing)制版(plate making)原稿(original)拼版(make-up)打样(proofing)印刷故障(printing trouble)套印不准(out of register)重影(ghosting)背面粘脏(set-off)透印(print through)印刷机械(printing machinery)印版滚筒(plate cylinder)压印滚筒(impression cylinder)橡皮布滚筒(blanket cylinder)印刷材料(prting material)承印物(printing stock)印刷油墨(printing ink)印刷图文载体(printing image carrier) 印版(printing plate)复制版(duplicate plate)包衬(cylinder-packing)无压印刷(non-impact printing)印后加工(post-press finishing)〔文字排版术语〕文字排版(text composition)横排(horizontal setting of types)竖排(vertical setting of types)行空(line space)版面(type area)版心(type page)版口(margins)天头(head margin)地脚(foot margin)校对(proof-reading)改版(form correcting)活字排版(type composition)活字(printing type)铅空(space)点制(point system)字号(type size)字模(type matrix)铸字(type casting)拣字(typesetting)装版(page make-up)铸字排版(hot-metal typesetting)铸排机(hot-metal typesetting machine)整行铸排(line composing and casting)单字铸排(individual type composing and casting)打字排版(typewriter composition)手动照相排版(manual phototypesetting)字模版(matrix grid)级数制(type size system for manual phototypeset-ting)自动照相排版(automatic phototypesetting)字模版式计算机排版(computerized matrix grid pho-totypesetting) 阴极射线管式计算机排版(computerized CRT phototy-pesetting)激光式计算机排版(computerizedlaserphototype-setting)输入校改终端(character sinput and correction terminal)微机排版终端(microcomputer phototypesetting ter-minal)计算机照相排版系统(computerized phototypesetting system)汉字编码(encoding of Chinese characters)计算机排版软件(phototypesetting software)〔图像制版术语〕图像原稿(picture original)反射原稿(reflection copy)透射原稿(transparent copy)连续调原稿(continuous tone copy)线条原稿(line copy)彩色正片原稿(color transparency)彩色负片原稿(color negative)实物原稿(object original)复制(reproduction)基本色(basic color)原色(primary colors)补色(complementary color)加色法(additive process)减色法(subtractive process)品红色(magenta)黄色(yellow)分色(color separation)照相分色(photographic color separation) 制版照相机(process camera)电子分色(electronic scanning)电子分色机(electronic color scanner)图像分解(picture breakdown)分色片(color separation film)加网(screening)电子加网(electronic screening)去网(descreening)网屏(screen)网点(halftone dot,screen dot)像素(picture element)连续调(continuous tone)网目调(halftone,screen tone)网点阳图(halftone positive)网点阴图(halftone negative)校色(color correction)修版(retouching)蒙版(masking)蒙片(mask)密度(光学密度)(density,optical density) 色密度(color density)反差(contrast)层次(gradation)阶调(tone)阶调值(tone value)网点覆盖面积(dot cover area)网点覆盖率(dot area coverage)底色去除(under color removal,UCR)底色增益(under color addition,UCA)曝光(exposure)显影(development)定影(fixing)拷贝(copy)电子整页拼版(electronic page make-up)电子图像处理系统(electronic image processing system) 晒版(printing down)预打样(prepress proofing)色彩还原(color rendition)色谱(color atlas)色标(color patch)测控条(controlstrip)透射度(transmission)不透明度(opacity)龟纹(moire)涂布(coating)〔凸版印刷术语〕凸版印刷(relief printing)间接凸印(letterset)不干胶标签印刷(pressure-sensitive label printing )柔性版印刷(flexography)凸版(relief printing plate)活字版(type form)纸型(paper matrix)铅版(stereotype)薄铅版(thin stereotype)电镀铅版(electroplated stereotype)铜版(copper etching)锌版(zinc etching)无粉腐蚀法(powderless etching)线条腐蚀(line etching)网点腐蚀(halftone etching)塑料版(plastic duplicate plate)感光性树脂凸版( photopolymer relief plate)预涂感光凸版(presensitized relief plate)橡皮凸版(rubber plate)柔性版(flexographic plate)凸版印刷机(letterpress machine)书版印刷机(book printing press)报版印刷机(newspaper printing press)平压平型印刷机(platen press)圆压平型印刷机(flat-bed cylinder press)圆压圆型印刷机(rotary letterpress machine)柔性版印刷机(flexographic press)网纹传墨辊( anilox roller)凸印上版( letterpress makeready)〔平版印刷术语〕平版印刷(planographic printing)石印(stone lithography)直接平印(direct lithography)珂罗版印刷(collotype printing)铁皮印刷(metal decorating)胶印(offset lithography)小胶印(small offset printing)无水胶印(waterless offset printing) 双色版胶印(duotone offset printing) 四色胶印(four-color offset printing) 晾纸(paper seasoning)平版(lithographic plate)磨版(graining)平凹版( deep-etch plate)预涂感光平版(presensitized plate) 多层金属版(multi-metal plate)即涂感光版(wipe-on plate)润版(dampening)水-墨平衡(ink-water balance)润湿液(fountain solution)酒精湿润(alcohol dampening)胶印机( offset printing press)橡皮布(blanket)滚压(rolling)输纸装置(sheet feeder)收纸装置(delivery unit)输墨装置(inking unit)着墨辊(form inking roller)墨斗辊(ink fountain roller)匀墨辊(ink distributing roller)串墨辊(ink vibrator)润湿装置(dampening system)着水辊(form dampening roller)水斗辊(water fountain roller)串水辊(dampening vibrator)套色顺序(color sequence)胶印故障(offset printing trouble) 条痕(streaks)糊版(filling in)掉版(image weakening)脏版(scumming)〔凹版印刷术语〕凹版印刷(intaglio printing)凹版(form of intaglio printing)网穴(ink cell)网墙(wall)照相凹印制版(photogravure)碳素纸(carbon tissue)过版(transfer)网点凹印(halftone gravure)网点凹版(halftone gravure cylinder)雕刻凹版(engraved intaglio plate)手工雕刻凹版(hand engraved intaglio plate)蚀刻凹版(etched intaglio plate)电子雕刻凹版(electronic engraved gravure)凹版电子雕刻机(electronic engraving machine)电子束雕刻凹版(electronic beam gravure,EBG)激光雕刻凹版(laser engraved gravure)间接凹印(indirect gravure)凹版印刷机(gravure press)单张纸凹印机(sheet-fed gravure press)卷筒纸凹印机(web-fed gravure press)刮墨刀(doctor)〔孔版印刷术语〕孔版印刷(porous printing)丝网印刷(screen printing)誊写版印刷(stencil duplicating)打字蜡版印刷(typewriter stencil duplicating)镂空版印刷(stencil printing)丝网模版(screen stencil)丝网印版(screen plate)刻漆膜丝网印版(lacquer film engraving stencil)直接照相法丝网印版(direct photographic screen plate) 间接照相法丝网印版(indirect photographic screen plate) 涂漆丝网印版(lacquered screen plate)静电丝网印刷(electrostatic screen printing)曲面丝网印刷(curved surface screen printing)丝网印刷机(screen printing machine)网框(screen frame)丝网(screen fabric)丝网孔宽(width of mesh-opening)丝网厚度(thickness of screen fabric)丝网通孔率(percentage of screen porosity)回弹力(screen resilience)丝网目数(meshcount)绷网机(stretching machine)刮胶斗(coating trough)刮墨板(squeegee)回墨板(ink reclaiming blade)坚膜处理(hardening treatment)静电丝网印刷机(electrostatic screen printing machine) 〔特种印刷术语〕特种印刷(speciality printing)热转印(heat transfer process)静电印刷(electrostatic printing)发泡印刷(foam printing)软管印刷(flexible tube printing)曲面印刷(curved surface printing)贴花印刷(decalcomania)液晶印刷(liquid crystal printing)磁性印刷(magnetic ink printing)喷墨印刷(ink-jet printing)立体印刷(three-dimensional printing)盲文印刷(braille printing)全息照相印刷(holographic printing)移印(transfer printing)木版水印(wood-block printing)拓印(inscription rubbing)〔印后加工术语〕装订(bookbinding)平装(paper-cover binding)精装(hard-cover binding)胶粘装订(adhesive binding,perfect binding)锁线订(thread sewing)骑马订(saddle stitching)铁丝平订(wire side-stitching)线装(Chinese traditional thread sewing)螺旋装(spiral binding,coil binding)书芯(bookblock)书帖(signature)书名页(title page)订口(gutter)切口(cutting edges)封皮(cover)书壳(book case)护封(jacket)书芯加工(bookblock processing)折页(folding)配帖(collating)扒圆(rounding)起脊(backing)印后加工机械(machinery for post press fini-shing)切纸机(guillotine)折页机(folding machine)配页机(collating machine)订书机(book stitcher,stitching machine)三面切书机(three-knife trimmer)包封皮机(book covering machine)制书壳机(book case making machine)胶粘装订联动线(adhesive binding line)精装书籍联动线(hard-cover book production line) 打包机(wrapping machine)表面整饰(decorative finishing)模切(die cutting)压痕(creasing)上光(varnishing)覆膜(laminating)擦金(揩金)(bronzing)烫箔(foil-stamping)打排孔(perforating)印刷英语专业词汇出血:bleed全出血:full bleed客户/服务器:client/server色域:color gamut分色:color separation色彩空间:color space裁切线:crop marks密度:density直接制版:computer-to-plate or direct-to-plate照排机:filmsetter灰平衡:gray balance印刷:printing平版印刷:planographic printing胶印:offset lithography:胶印机:offset printing press:DTP:Desktop Publishing System原稿:original印版:printing plate承印物:printing stock制版:plate making图象制版 image reproduction:网目调 halftone,screen tone:阳图 positive image:阴图 negative image:分色 color separation:计算机照相排版系统 computerized phototypesetting system:文字排版:text composition拼版:make-up晒版 printing down:印后加工:post-press finishing双面印 perfect printing:单张印刷:sheet-fed printing卷筒印刷:web-fed printing:多色印刷:multi-color printing胶印故障:offset printing trouble 开本:format:堆纸 sheet piling:色令 color ream:印张 impression:晾纸 paper seasoning:输纸装置 sheet feeder:规矩 gauge:前规 front lay:侧规 side mark:递纸 sheet transfer:递纸牙 transfer gripper:叼口 feed edge:收纸装置 delivery unit:套印 bring into register:规矩线 register line:套印不准 register difference:色标 color batch:润湿液 fountain solution:实地 solid:紫外线干燥 UV curing:润版 dampening:条痕 streaks:糊版 filling in:掉版 image weakening:脏版 scumming:堆墨 build-up:脱墨 rubbing off:油墨乳化 ink emulsification:拉毛 ink picks:重影 ghosting:粘脏 set-off:透印 print through:酒精润湿 Alcohol dampening:润湿装置 dampening system:着水辊 form dampening roller:水斗辊 water fountain roller:串水辊 dampening vibrator:输墨装置 inking unit:着墨辊 form inking roller:墨斗辊 ink fountain roller:匀墨辊 ink distributing roller:串墨辊 ink vibrator:色谱 color atlas:叼纸牙 gripper:橡皮布 blanket:滚压 rolling:滚枕 bearer:印刷压力 printing pressure:压印线 nip:包衬 cylinder-packing:印版滚筒 plate cylinder:橡皮布滚筒 blanket cylinder:压印滚筒 impression cylinder:光学密度 optical density色密度 color density:阶调 tone:阶调值 tone value:测控条 control strip:龟纹 moire:。
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Symbol for the United States
Symbol for Canada
Symbol for the United States anFra bibliotek Canada
The proportions for the UL Certification Marks are outlined below. The proportions for these and other UL Marks can be downloaded from UL’s corporate Web site at /mark/art.htm.
2-0 Authorized Supplier’s Agreement (L-10)
Before a supplier may reproduce the UL Mark, the supplier must properly execute the “Agreement with Supplier of Listing Marks, Classification Markings, and Recognized Component Marks.” This agreement between the supplier and UL establishes the legal obligations of the supplier of UL’s ownership, control of the printing and use of the UL name. The execution of the Agreement does not in itself constitute permission to manufacture any Marks. Rather, it is a recognition that the Marks are only to be manufactured when and as authorized by UL. Once the Agreement is properly executed, the supplier becomes authorized by UL and is eligible to reproduce the Mark. The supplier’s name will be added to UL’s Published Directories and will be accessible via the UL website at /marks_labels/ To verify adherence to the Agreement and other documents provided by UL, UL reserves the right to have free, unannounced and immediate access to such facilities during normal business hours – or when the supplier’s facilities are in operation – to examine all records of the label printer relating to the printing, manufacture, delivery, shipment or distribution of UL Marks. A copy of the signed and executed agreement shall be kept by the supplier and be made available upon demand during the periodic examination visit from the UL Field Representative.
3-0 The Certification Mark
Upon successful completion of a UL investigation of a product design, UL will authorize the manufacturer to apply the Mark on products as the manufacturer’s declaration that the product was manufactured in accordance with the requirements of UL. This authorization applies only to those products that comply with the UL requirements and only at manufacturing facilities authorized by UL. Production is audited by UL field representatives to confirm that products bearing the Mark continue to meet UL requirements. The presence of the Mark on the product is the only means provided to identify products manufactured under a UL Follow-Up Service Program. This Mark, which can appear in several different forms and abbreviations is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is also registered in many other countries. The different styles of the Mark can be associated with the types of investigations performed on products and the type of Follow-Up Service Program performed at the manufacturing facilities. Prior to reproduction, the final layout of the Mark must first be provided to UL for review and acceptance. Only if the layout is acceptable to UL will the Mark be authorized for reproduction. Following are examples of the Mark. Downloadable versions of the Mark can be obtained at UL’s Web site /marks_labels/mark/art.htm
Printing UL Marks
1-0 Guide for printing UL certification Marks
This guide explains the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) as they relate to the printing of its registered certification Mark, hereinafter referred to as the Mark. It further assists UL authorized label printers (suppliers) who reproduce the Mark by helping them understand their obligations.
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4-0 Types of Follow-Up Service There are two types of Follow-Up Service: Type L and Type R. For each type of service, there is a different method of authorization by UL to reproduce the Mark. UL will make the decision regarding the appropriate service and type of Mark to be used based upon the nature of the product, the history of product performance, and the method for producing the product. For Type R service Marks, suppliers will receive authorization from the manufacturer in the form of a ULstamped drawing. For Type L labels, an authorization order will come directly from UL. Suppliers should not reproduce Marks unless specific authorization is received as identified below. Suppliers shall retain records pertaining to orders of UL Marks for a minimum of two years. These records shall be accessible by the UL representative during the periodic examination visit. For additional information, please visit our UL Marks information page at /marks_labels/ 4-1 Printing of UL Marks on Holographic Material is not Permitted UL requires the use of holographic labels containing the UL Mark in certain specified product categories and/or certain specified product categories manufactured in China. Effective January 1, 2009 all manufacturers globally who produce products in these categories will be required to use holographic labels. The product categories that require holographic labels can be found at: /marks_labels/hologram.html Because the UL Mark printed on any holographic substrate material may be confused with an authorized holographic label containing the UL Mark, UL Marks shall not be printed on any type or style of holographic substrate material, except when authorized by UL in these specific product areas. To control the flow of holographic labels, UL only works with one source for UL Marks printed upon holographic material. No other printing sources will be considered.