1.荷载短期荷载short-time load 临界荷载critical load 持续荷载sustained loads恒载dead load 活载live load 峰值荷载peak load 冲击荷载impact load 2.专业名词力矩面等横截面cross section 隔离体 a free body 轴力axial forces 带肩梁ledger beam正应力the normal stress 剪应力the shear stress 固定铰支座 a pin support 可动铰支座 a roller support 平面内弯矩in-plane bending 平面外弯矩out-of-plane bending简支梁a simple beam 悬臂梁 a cantilever beam 分布力distributed load 均布力uniformly distributed load 静定结构statically determinate structure 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 角焊缝fillet weld 对接焊缝groove weld外缘outer edges 中性轴the neutral axis 形心矩centroidal distance沙石混凝土sand-and-stone concrete 预应力混凝土pre stressed concrete复合应力combined stress 极限应变limiting tensile strain 平均正应力mean normal stress名义抗剪强度nominal shear strength 惯性力inertia force 地震作用seismic action广义位移generalized displacement 扭矩torsion 预加应力pre stress托梁corbel3.材料平面顶deck 屋面防水层water proof roofing 金属箔层压板foil-laminated钢筋steel 涂料paint 木条板lath 灰泥plaster 楔子wedge基础footing 横向钢筋transverse reinforcement 纵筋longitudinal reinforcement 弯起纵筋bent-up longitudinal steel 单向板one-way slabs 腹筋the web steel 楼梯踏步stair tread 顶棚抹灰plastered ceilings 承重墙bearing wall第 1 页/共 4 页轻质幕墙light weight curtain walls 桁架truss 构件member 谷仓grain elevator桥墩bridge pier 大型结构heavy structure 梯井stair shaft高层写字楼high-rise office 预埋构件metal insert 作业平台work plat form企口木板tongue-and-groove plank 施工架constructed yoke 走道脚手架 a walkway scaffold铅垂线the plumb line 喷雾器fog sprays 型钢structural steel 剪力墙shear wall平板flat slab 合成薄板synthetic film 防护墙板endosing wall panels人字起重机derrick crane 卫生间设施bathroom groups 服务竖井the service shaft隔气层vapor barriers 隔热层insulation 结露点dew point 空心板hollow plank竖向剪力墙shear-resistant vertical wall 预制构件pre cast member 隔板wall panel4.其他1应力等值线 a stress contour 数值分析numerical analysis 悬索基础cable structures实验研究experimental investigation 超静定次数degree of statical indeterminaly叠加法method of superposition 基本结构released structure高跨比span-depth ratio弯矩图bending moment diagram 附着deposit 弹性模量modulus of elasticity水化hydrate 硬化harden 变量variables 环境相对湿度ambient relative humidity蒸发evaporate 定向立方体单元oriented elementary cube初步结论tentative conclusion斜向拉力diagonal tension 微分长度单元 a differential length 应力迹线stress trajectory骨料咬合作用aggregate interlock 销栓作用dowel action 延性ductility扭转力偶twisting couple 力臂lever arm 分数fraction 取代in lieu of地震高发区zones of high earthquake probability 平立面in plan elevation平动translation 转动rotation 凹部depressions 凸起projection 凸口recess 在现场on the site 误差error 通用规范applicable codes滑模施工slip form operations 养护care 锚固be anchored in 挠度deflection5.其他2侧向支持sway bracing 先张法pre tensioning technique 后张法post tensioning technique安全系数safety factor 安全储备margin of safety 附属cust-in fittings防火等级fire ratings 不匀称沉降differential settlement 深基础deep foundation扩展式基础spread foundation 符合基础combined footings 条形基础strap footings垂直于at right angles to 类似于analogous to 单位力法unit-load method大小相等方向相反be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction静力平衡方程equations of static equilibrium 与……有关pertain to求合力from a summation of force 一组联立方程 a set of simultaneous equations协调方程equations of compatibility 经验方程empirical equation大一个数量级an order of magnitude longer 第二面积积分the second moment-area thorea·b dot product a*b cross product 位移互等定理reciprocal displacement theorem第 3 页/共 4 页液压控制系统hydraulic master control system 功的互等定理…………work ……与……成正比in direct proportion to 与……一致be geared to。
土木工程专业英语单词Torque 转动扭矩 Impose 施加, 将…强加于Composite 合成的, 复合的Sag 下垂Deflect 偏转, 弯曲, 倾斜Misalignment 安装误差Plaster 灰泥, 灰浆, 涂层Buckling 弯曲, 折曲, 下垂Stiffness 刚度, 刚性 In contradistinction to M 与M截然不同Tension 张力, 拉力 Compression 压缩, 压力Diagrammatic sketch 示意图Ceramics 陶瓷, 陶瓷材料Inertia 惯性 Lifetime 使用寿命Iterative 反复的, 迭代的 Durability 耐久性, 持久性Pinpoint 准确定位, 针尖 Evolve 经过实验研究得出Statics 静力学 Strength of materials 材料力学Deformation 变形Influx 流入, 灌注Distortion 变形Boring machine 镗床Boom 吊杆, 悬臂, 起重杆 Dragline 拉铲挖土级, 挖掘斗Gray cast iron 灰铸铁Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量Rigidity 刚性, 刚度, 稳定性 Slip 滑度, 打滑Creep 蠕变 Yield 屈服于, 屈服Rupture 破裂, 断裂, 破坏 Load-carrying capacity 承载能力Terminology 专用名词 Helical spring 螺旋型弹簧Concentrated 集中的, 浓缩的 Distribute 分布, 分发, 散布Resultant 合力, 合成的 Centroid 矩心, 重心Torsional 扭的, 转的Bending 挠曲, 弯曲Flexural 弯曲的, 挠性的 couple 对, 双, 力偶Non-load-bearing 非承重 brittle 脆弱的, 脆性的ASTM 美国材料试验学会BSI 英国标准学会SAA 澳大利亚标准学会 Passage 一段, 一节Plastic deformation 塑性变形moisture content 含水量Timber 木材 veracity 诚实, 真实性Ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土building contractor 建筑承包商Hydraulic press 水压机 grading 分等, 分类, 级配Fatigue 疲劳ductility 可延展性Toughness 韧性 stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线Durability 耐久性, 耐用年限 chloride 氯化物, 漂白粉Sulphate 硫酸盐alkali 碱性, 碱Permeability 渗透性, 透气性 weathering 风化Disruptive 分裂的, 摧毁的 thaw 融化, 解冻Entrain 携带, 传输 leaching 浸出, 溶析Carbonation 炭化作用blasting 破裂, 吹风Attrition 磨损 cavity 洞穴Hydraulic structure 水工建筑物 pervious 透水的, 透光的Aggregate 集料, 骨料 homogeneous 均质的, 均匀的Compact 压实, 捣紧 kerb 路缘, 道牙Air-entrained concrete 加气混凝土 glaze 珐琅质, 上釉Stainless steel 不锈钢galvanize 电镀Gutter 排水沟, 楼都不 humidity 湿度, 湿气Porous 多孔的, 疏松的 spectrum 谱Infrared 红外的, 产生红外辐射的 ultraviolet 紫外的Gravel 砾石, 卵石 anodized 受过阳极化处理的Hydrate 水合物reinforcement 加强, 加固Spall 剥落, 散裂 erosion 侵蚀, 腐蚀Abrasion 磨损, 磨耗 quarry 方形砖Eddy 涡流, 漩涡运动 reinforcing steel 钢筋Reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 reinforcing bar 钢筋Longitudinal 长度的, 纵向的, 轴向的 dispose 处置Incline 倾斜, 弄斜 moment 力矩Bond 结合, 结合力, 粘合力 interlock 连动, 连接Forestall 阻止, 预防 embed 放入, 埋入Prestressing steel 预应力钢筋 rebar 钢筋Splice 接头 congestion 充满Form 模坂 ACI 美国混凝土协会Code 法规, 规程 galvanize 电镀Undue 过度的, 过分的 BS 英国标准Blending machine 弯筋机mandrel 芯棒Jig 夹具 dowel 夹缝丁, 暗销Wire clip 钢丝剪reference number 参考号数Mill scale 热轧钢表面氧化皮spacer 隔离物Clip 夹子, 剪刀slab 板, 块, 楼板Cradle 吊架, 托架, 支架chair 托架, 支板Mild steel 低碳钢 tack 图钉, 点焊焊缝Hydraulic 水力的, 液力的 additive 添加剂Admixture 外加剂 binder 胶结剂Aggregate 聚集, 结合, 骨料, 填料aerate 充气Aerate concrete 加气混凝土cellular 蜂窝状的Portland 波特兰水泥 pulverize 粉化, 磨碎Granulate 成粒状, 轧碎 blastfurnace 高炉, 鼓风炉Slag 矿渣, 炉渣 pigment 颜料, 色料Retarder 延迟剂, 缓凝剂accelerator 加速剂, 促凝剂Curing (混凝土)养护compaction 压实, 捣实Ambient 周围的, 外界的shrinkage 收缩, 下沉, 压缩Autoclave 蒸压器, 热压处理 frost 粗糙的, 无光泽的Efflorescence 风化, 粉化, 粉化物 sodium 钠Calcium 钙potassium 钾Carbonate 炭化 pozzolana 火山灰Sulphate 硫酸盐autoclaved aerated concrete 高压蒸养加气混凝土Hard-burnt 高温焙烧的, 炼制的 veneer 镶片, 砌面, 表层Mallet 木锤, 大锤 chisel 凿子Mold 模子, 模具mass production 大量生产Update 使现代化trade journal 行业杂志Periodical 定期的, 定期刊行的 editorial board 编辑委员会Beholder 旁观者 ordinance 规格, 条例, 法令Suspended structure 悬吊结构 joist 梁, 垳条Through bridge 下承桥 chord 弦杆Bracing 拉条, 支撑 web-girder 腹板大梁Box-girder 箱梁 plan view 平面图Outline 外形, 剖面 drawing 附图Bills of materials 材料清单radiator 散热器General arrangement 总体布置detail drawing 详图Cladding 包层, 包壳 panel 面板, 仪表盘GA drawing 总体平面图 zoom 变焦距In situ 原地, 在原地cumbersome 笨重的, 麻烦的Parameterized 参数化 specification 详细说明, 规范Verify 校验, 验证, 说明homogeneous 均匀的, 对等的Buckling 弯曲, 翘曲, 弯折 deterministic 确定的, 决定的Probabilistic 概率的, 随机的 deviation 偏差, 偏移, 参数Psychological 心理的, 精神的 cross-section 横断面, 横截面Amortization 阻尼 proof-load 检验荷载Field 场地, 工地survey 调查, 测量, 勘察Intrinsic 内在的, 固有的 stochastic 随机的, 不确定的Seismic 地震的, 与地震有关的 single load 集中荷载Foundation 基础, 地基gravity 重力Lateral 横向的, 侧面的 transient 瞬时的, 不稳定的Basement 底座, 基础, 地下室 erratic 反复无常的, 无规律的Footing 基础, 基脚, 底座, 垫层overdesign 保险设计Underdesign 欠安全设计 appurtenance 附属物, 附属设备Firewall 防火墙parapet 栏杆, 护墙, 女儿墙Remold 改造, 改型, 重铸 ductwork 管道系统, 管网Tenant 租用 latitude 纬度, 宽度, 范围Tributary 支流, 附庸, 辅助的cantilever 悬臂, 悬臂梁, 支架Provision 预防, 规定, 条款 overload 超载, 超重Reference 参考书 uncertainty 不确定性Slighting 轻蔑的, 不尊重的 likelihood 像有, 相似Pef = pounds per cubic foot 磅/平方英尺reliability 可靠性, 安全性Methodology 方法论 shield 屏蔽Shield 屏蔽, 遮护 without recourse to 不依赖Reason 推理, 论证 weir 堰, 拦河堰Spillway 溢洪道, 泻水道clause 条款项目Deploy 适用, 配置 filler wall 填充墙, 柱间墙Shear wall 剪力墙ignorance 外行Up-to-date 现代的, 最新likewise 同样Bucket 吊斗, 挖斗 wheelarrow 手推车, 独轮小车Buggy 手推车, 小斗车segregation 分凝, 离析Chute 斜槽 place 场所, 浇筑Lift 混凝土浇筑层, , 升降机displacement 偏移Compact 夯实 honeycomb 蜂窝结构Tamping 夯实, 捣固, 捣实 spinkling 喷洒Calcium chloride 氯化钙 settlement 沉陷Grout 水浆, 灌浆cohesive 粘聚的, 粘结的Workable 和易性好的,塑性的slump 坍塌度Workability 可塑性 air-entraining 加气的Deposit 存储, 浇注consolidation 加固, 压实Bleeding 渗漏subsidence 沉降, 下降Laitance 水泥浮浆 float 镘刀, 抹子Capillary 毛细管的, 毛细现象 flash set 急凝Aluminate 铝酸盐 burlap 麻袋, 粗麻布Membrane 膜, 隔板 emulsion 乳胶体, 乳液Polyethylene 聚乙烯 waterproof 防水Harden 硬化, 凝固 gravel 砾石, 卵石Immersion 浸入, 插入 headroom 净空高度, 头上空间Nominal 铭牌的, 名义的 power-driven 动力驱动的, 电动的External vibrator 表面振捣器 architect 建筑师Nonhomogeneous 不均匀的, 多相的creep 蠕变Shrink 缩小structure code 结构规范Ultimate strength 极限强度 load factor 荷载系数From M onwards 从m算起来 prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土Faulty 有缺点的, 报废的, 不合格的 embed 放入, 埋入Abutment 桥台,岸墩 thrust 推, 轴向力Jack 千斤顶, 支柱 motorway 汽车道, 快车道Tendon 钢筋束, 筋post-tensioned prestressing 后张法预应力Pre-tensioned prestressing 先张法预应力 manoeuvrable 机动的, 容易驾驶的Plain concrete 无筋混凝土 precompression 预加压力, 预先压缩Leak 漏, 渗漏camber 弯度, 曲度, 凸形Proportioning 使成比例, 确定几何尺寸 analogous 类似的, 类比的, 模拟的With reference to 参考, 参照, 关于centroid 矩心, 面积矩心, 质心Refinement 精制, 改善, 改进 bond 结合, 粘合, 粘合强度Transmit 传递, 寄, 传送 interlocking 可联动的, 联锁Plain bar 光面钢筋, 无结钢筋 formed bar 变形钢筋, 竹结钢筋Hoop 环, 箍, 铁箍tie 拉杆, 系杆Stirrup 箍筋, 钢筋箍 crushing 压碎, 轧碎Bearing 承载, 承受, 支撑点 bearing pressure 支承压力Rib 肋, 棱, perimeter 周边, 周长, 周界Blanketing 覆盖, 包上, 掩盖 mortar 砂浆, 灰浆, 灰泥Bentonite 膨润土, 膨土岩 trench 沟槽, 沟道, 沟管Tremie 混凝土导管(水下浇筑用) full prestressing 全预应力Partial prestressing 部分预应力reservoir 水库, 蓄水池Eccentric 偏心的, 呈偏心运动的, 偏心器 counteract 中和, 平衡Intermitterntly 间隙的, 断续的, 周期的 infrequent 不常见的, 稀少的Objectionable 不能采用的, 不适宜的reverse 颠倒的, 改变方向的, 交换的Cement paste 水泥浆sack 袋, 包, 一包, 一袋Water-cement ratio 水灰比trial-batch (混凝土)小量试拌Slump test 坍塌度试验 truncate 缩短, 截去Air-entraining agent 加气剂 plasticizer 增塑剂, 塑化剂revolving-drum mixer 转筒式搅拌机 ready-mixed 运送时搅拌的transit0mixed 运送时拌的 batch 配料, 分批配料congested 拥挤的, 充塞的 haul 搬运, 运输discharge 卸货, 卸载 hopper 漏斗, 装料车batching plant 拌和厂 batching 配料, 定配合比ecclesiastical 基督教会的, 教士的 landmark 陆标, 里程碑, 界标mobility 可动性, 机动性, 流动性 topographical 地形的, 地形测量的subservient 辅助性的tax 使受压力, 负担shear wall core 剪力墙筒体 prefabrication 预制的, 预制品slip-formwork 滑模 crane 起重机, 用起重机吊codify 编成法典, 编纂 elevator 升降机escalator 升降梯, 自动扶梯drift 漂移, 位移prescribe 规定, 命令, 指示I-beam 工字梁, 工字钢masonry 砖石工程, 砌筑体staircase 楼梯lofty 高耸的, 极高的condominium 各住户认购各自一套公寓楼brace 支撑, 支柱bundle 捆, 扎, 粘合soaring 高耸的, 高涨的 tributary 支流, 从属的prototype 原型, 样机web 腹板, 梁板torsion 扭转, 转矩 orthogonal 互相垂直的, 正交的, 直角的stiffen 加强, 加固 urbanization 都市化habitation 住宅, 住所deterrent 制止物, 威慑因素premium 奖金, 质量改进的clutter 混乱, 干扰, 弄乱multi-discipline 多学科pedestrian 行人, 步行者plaza 广场, 大空地sway 摇, 摆动overturn 倾倒, 翻转 clear span 净高clear spacing 净距 zoning 分区, 区域化excavation 挖掘, 挖方 overlook 检查, 监督interim 间歇底, 暂时的empiricism 经验主义elastoplastic 弹塑性的subset 子系统compartmentalize 间隔化,隔开,分段 mantle 罩,外壳,地幔erosion 侵蚀,冲刷,磨损 waterborne 水生的,水力运输的boulder 漂砾,大块石 cobble 圆石,鹅软石pebble 小软石,小砾石 degradation 剥蚀,退化avalanche 山崩,坍方,崩塌 stratum 地层,岩层meandering 曲折的,弯曲的,曲流的 stratified 有层次的,分层的water table 地下水位 detritus 瓦砾,腐质percolation 渗透,渗滤 soil profile 土壤剖面,土层剖面residual soil 残积土transported soil 运积土ground water 地下水superstructure 上层结构earth fill 土堤substructure 下部结构,基础工事demarcation 分界线 sanitary 环境卫生的sanitary fill 垃圾堆积场reclamation 废料回收,改造,垦殖disposal 处理,清理,处置boring 钻探,打眼mat 席,垫,钢筋网 caisson 沉箱retaining-wall 挡土墙uneven settlement 不均匀沉降overburden 超载,过载 strap beam 搭扣形梁unsound 不坚固的,不牢固的pile 桩,打桩hardpan 硬土层,坚固基础 raft 筏,木排combined footing 联合基础 cantilever footing 悬臂基础raft of floating foundation 筏式基础或浮筏基础soil mass 土体pile shaft 桩身 stratum 地层, 矿层end-bearing pile 端承桩 uplift 举起, 抬起water table 地下水位scour 冲刷, 洗涤deposit 沉积, 浇注, 矿床 soil-exploration 土质勘察footing 基础, 基脚, 底座 strip 带, 条, 狭长片raft 筏, 垫板 capital 柱头fixity 固定, 不变eccentric 偏心的, 不同圆心的nonuniformity 不均匀性, 不均质性 scheduling 编制时间表drain 消耗, 耗尽premium 奖金, 佣金hold up 阻碍procurement 取得, 获得, 采购vector 矢量, 向量prerequisite 先决条件, 前提concurrent 同时进行的, 并行的 lead time 产品设计至实际投产时间litigation 诉讼, 打官司 chronological 按时间顺序的hoist 卷扬机, 起重机 utility 实用的, 公用事业utility line 公用事业管线 accrue 产生, 出现dismantle 拆除, 拆卸 remuneration 酬劳, 报酬commensurate 同量的, 相应的 degenerate into 简化成, 变质成in-house 机构内部的 critical path 关键路径lay down 规定, 制定计划 wearing surface 磨耗面base course 基层 asphalt 柏油landscaping 风景设计, 风景布置 bulldozer 推土机, 压路机vibrating roller 振动压路机 bitumen 沥青grill 格栅, 铁格网mesh 网, 网格, 筛concrete train 混凝土铺路机组 slipform paver 滑模铺路机hold in place 把…固定在引诱的位置runway 跑道, 通道Tokaido line 新干线 catalyst 触媒, 催化剂Side-effect 副作用 decentralization 分散, 疏散Unity 整体, 单元 outstrip 超过Crude 天然的, 原油piecemeal 片断, 点Ferment 酵素, 发酵, 蓬勃发展 underlying 基础的, 根本的Geographer 地理学家 operations research 运筹学Cable-stayed 斜拉的, 张拉的 girder 梁, 垳, 梁杆Cast-in-place 现场浇筑的 AASHT美国洲际公路及运输工作者协会AREA 美国铁路工程师协会 crossing 交叉, 十字路口Pier 桥墩 elevated 高架的, 高的, 高架铁路Clearance 间隙, 净空, 间距 segment 部分, 段Dominance 支配, 控制, 优势 one-way slab 单向配筋板Versus 与…的关系曲线 statically determinate structure 静定结构Skew 斜的, 扭的, 弯曲的on-site 现场的, 就地的, 工地Shear key 受剪键bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土Dissipate 清除, 消除 composite structure 混合结构Acronym 缩写词, 缩语chore 零星工作, 零活In the foreseeable future 在可遇见的未来一段时间内 impetus 动力, 刺激Draughtsman 绘图员, 起草者 repetitious 重复的, 反复的Mundane 世间的, 世俗的jargon 行话, 术语, 难懂的话Level 水平, 水位, 水平仪 theodolite 精密经纬仪Envision 想象, 遇见, 展望contour map 等高线, 地形图Plat 地段, 地区图, 地段图grading 校准, 定标, 土工修正Stake 标桩, 定位木桩picture 图画, 设想, 想象Cut 挖土, 挖方 fill 填筑, 填方, 填土, 路堤Borrow 取土, 采料, 采料场 indeterminate structure 超静定结构Myriad 万, 无数, 无数的 photogrammetry 摄影测绘sGeotechnical engineering 岩土工程 mass transit 公共交通Transmission line 输电线infiltrate 渗入, 渗透Estimator 估价者, 评价者rival 对手, 竞争, 比得上Off-the-shelf 现成的, 成品的, 畅销的 afterthought 回想, 反省, 后悔, 马后炮Timeliness 及时, 时间性, 好时机 inception 开始, 起头, 开端Culminate 达到顶点, 结束 beneficiary 受益人, 受惠人Outset 开始, 最初 working drawing 施工图Prescribe 规定, 命令 delineation 描绘, 描述Co-ordinate 相同, 同等的事物 prerogative 特权, 特性Board of directors 董事会 estimating 估价Margin 边缘, 余量, 余地tender 投标, 承包, 标件Incisive 尖锐的, 深刻的, 透彻的 realm 范围, 部门, 类Forethought 预先考虑好的modus 方法, 程式Modus operandi 做法, 方法, 工作方式nullify 废弃, 取消Indispensable 不可缺少的, 必需的 corollary 推论, 结果Doom 毁灭, 灭亡, 判决 obverse 较显著面Tactical 战术的, 策略的deployment 部署, 调度, 配置Ensemble 整体, 总效果 pictorial 绘图的, 插图的Dispassionate 冷静的, 不带偏见的 prognosis 预测, 预报Ubiquitous 普遍存在的, 随遇的 denominator 分母, 标准Handmaiden 起陪衬作用的 liken 比拟Jobbing 做临时工trade journal 行业期刊Cost plus 附加费 premise 前提, 房产Speculation 投机, 投机买卖sub-contractor 转包商, 分包商Order 订单 on-cost 杂费, 间接成本Microfiche 缩微胶片, 平片。
土木工程专业常用英语词汇第一节普通术语3. 房屋建造工程building engineering4. 土木工程civil engineering除房屋建造外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建造物、构筑物和相关配套设施等所举行的勘察、计划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
5. 马路工程highway engineering10. 建造物(构筑物)construction works房屋建造或土木工程中的单项工程实体。
11. 结构structure12. 基础foundation13. 地基foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground14. 木结构timber structure16. 钢结构steel structure17. 混凝土(砼)结构concrete structure18. 特种工程结构special engineering structure22. 马路highway24. 高速马路freeway27. 铁路(铁道)railway; railroad28. 标准轨距铁路standard gauge railway29. 宽轨距铁路broad gauge railway第四节桥、涵洞和隧道术语1. 桥bridge2. 简支梁桥simple supported girder bridge3. 延续梁桥continuous girder bridge5. 斜拉(斜张)桥cable stayed bridge6. 悬索(吊)桥suspension bridge7. 桁架桥trussed bridge9.刚构(刚架)桥rigid frame bridge10.拱桥arch bridge13.正交桥right bridge14.斜交桥skew bridge16.高架桥viaduct17.正(主)桥main span18.引桥approach span19.弯桥curved bridge21.马路铁路两用桥combined bridge; highway and railway transit bridge 25.桥跨结构(上部结构)bridge superstructure26.桥面系bridge floor system27.桥支座bridge bearing; bridge support28.桥下部结构bridge substructure29.索塔(桥塔)bridge tower30.桥台abutment31.桥墩pier32.涵洞culvert第六节结构构件和部件术语1.构件member2.部件component; assembly parts3.截面section4.梁beam; girder5.拱arch6.板slab; plate8.柱column10.桁架truss11.框架frame12.排架bent frame13.刚架(刚构)rigid frame14.简支梁simply supported beam15.悬臂梁cantilever beam16.两端固定梁beam fixed at both ends17.延续梁continuous beam19.桩pile20.板桩sheet pile34. 钢轨rail第七节地基和基础术语1. 扩展(扩大)基础spread foundation2. 刚性基础rigid foundation3. 自立基础single footing4. 联合基础combined footing5. 条形基础strip foundation6. 壳体基础shell foundation7. 箱形基础box foundation8. 筏形基础raft foundation9. 桩基础pile foundation10. 沉井基础open caisson foundation11. 管柱基础cylinder pile foundation ; cylinder caisson foundation12. 沉箱基础caisson foundation1. 可靠性reliability2. 安全性safety3. 适用性serviceability4. 耐久性durability5. 基本变量basic variable6. 设计基准期design reference period7. 可靠概率probability of survival8. 失效概率probability of failure9. 可靠指标reliability index12. 概率设计法probabilistic method13. 容许应力设计法permissible (allowable) stresses method14. 破坏强度设计法ultimate strength method15. 极限状态设计法limit states method16. 极限状态limit states17. 极限状态方程limit state equation18. 承载能力极限状态ultimate limit states19. 正常使用极限状态serviceability limit states20. 分项系数partial safety factor21. 设计情况design situation22. 持久情况persistent situation23. 短暂情况transient situation24. 偶尔情况accidental situation1. 作用action2. 荷载load3. 线分布力force per unit length4. 面分布力force per unit area5. 体分布力force per unit volume6. 力矩moment of force7. 永远作用permanent action8. 可变作用variable action9. 偶尔作用accidental action10.固定作用fixed adtion11.自由(可动)作用. Free action12. 静态作用static action13. 动态作用dynamic action14. 多次重复作用repeated action; cyclic action16. 自重self weight17. 施工荷载site load18. 土压力earth pressure19. 温度作用temperature action20. 地震作用earthquake action22.风荷载wind load23.风振wind vibration24. 雪荷载snow load27.桥(桥梁)荷载load on bridge28.桥(桥梁)恒荷载dead load on bridge29.桥(桥梁)活荷载live load on bridge30.马路车辆荷载标准Standard highway vehicle load31.中国铁路标准活载Standard Railway Live Load Specified by the People’sRepublic of China44.作用代表值representative value of an action45.作用标准值characteristic value of an action46.作用准永远值quasi-permanent value of an action47.作用组合值combination value of actions48.作用分项系数partial safety factor for action49.作用设计值design value of an action50.作用组合值系数coeffcient for combination value of actions 51.作用效应effects of actions52.作用效应系数coefficient of effects of actions53.轴向力normal force\axial force54.剪力shear force55.弯矩bending moment57.扭矩torque58.应力stress59.正应力normal stress60.剪应力shear stress; tangential stress61.主应力principal stress62.预应力prestress63.位移displacement64.挠度deflection65.变形deformation66.弹性变形elastic deformation67.塑性变形plastic deformation70.应变strain71.线应变linear strain72.剪应变shear strain; tangential strain73.主应变principal strain74.作用效应组合combination for action effects75.作用效应基本组合fundamental combination for action effects 77.短期效应组合combination for short-term action effects 78.持久效应组合combination for long-term action effects 79.设计限值limiting design value1.抗力resistance2.强度strength3.抗压强度compressive strength4.抗拉强度tensile strength5.抗剪强度shear strength6.抗弯强度flexural strength7.屈服强度yield strength8.疲劳强度fatigue strength9.极限应变ultimate strain10.弹性模量modulus of elasticity11.剪变模量shear modulus12.变形模量modulus of deformation13.泊松比Poisson ratio14.承载能力bearing capacity15.受压承载能力compressive capacity16.受拉承载能力tensile capacity17.受剪承载能力shear capacity18.受弯承载能力flexural capacity19.受扭承载能力torsional capacity20.疲劳承载能力fatigue capacity21.刚度stiffness; rigidity22.抗裂度crack resistance23.极限变形ultimate deformation24.稳定性stability26.脆性破坏brittle failure27.延性破坏ductile failure30.材料性能分项系数partial safety factor for property of material。
Roughness 粗糙度 ;I
Roughness ratio 粗度比 l$@Y
Roundness 圆度比 D&
Sensitive clay 灵敏黏土 j[E`77
bolting 螺固 P<\3
bolt 螺栓 "M
Sensitivity 灵敏度 `]0ED
boiling 砂涌 ]5K d
Sensitivity ratio 灵敏度 h"0,
boglime(see Freshwater marl) 沼泽淤泥 #BLOyc
bore rod 钻杆 kg{3}/
Sedentary soil 残积土 7zq1
Sediment 沉积物 `Q
bore plug 钻孔取样点位图 qL
Sedimentary rock 沉积岩 l2
2 土木工程专业词汇
bore log 钻孔柱状图 *&8M
Sandy soil 砂质土壤 Kc
borehole TV 钻孔电视 )DkL/~
borehole 钻孔 N
borehole caliper 钻孔规 }
borehole direct shear device 钻孔直剪仪 v
borehole camera 钻孔照相机 m
Secondary grout 二次灌浆 [
block shear sample 块样剪力试验(现地试
验) {$BbAR
block sample 块状试样 r*Ors
block foundation 块状基础 T@VZ6]
1. 工程结构building and civil engineering structures房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分的总称。
2. 工程结构设计design of building and civil engineering structures在工程结构的可靠与经济、适用与美观之间,选择一种最佳的合理的平衡,使所建造的结构能满足各种预定功能要求。
3. 房屋建筑工程building engineering一般称建筑工程,为新建、改建或扩建房屋建筑物和附属构筑物所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
4. 土木工程civil engineering除房屋建筑外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建筑物、构筑物和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
5. 公路工程highway engineering为新建或改建各级公路和相关配套设施等而进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
6. 铁路工程railway engineering为新建或改建铁路和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
7. 港口与航道工程port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering为新建或改建港口与航道和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
8. 水利工程hydraulic engineering为修建治理水患、开发利用水资源的各项建筑物、构筑物和相关配设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
9. 水利发电工程(水电工程)hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering以利用水能发电为主要任务的水利工程。
土木工程专业词汇blow-up 鼓起(路工)blow-in 涌入blow count of SPT 标准贯入击数blow count 打击数blocky structure 块状构造bore hole seismic loggine 钻孔震测柱状图Sedimentation analysis 沈淀分析bore hole 钻孔Seepage 渗流bore core 岩心Seepage face 渗流面Seepage failure 渗流破坏bore casing 套管Seepage force 渗流力Seepage line 渗流线Seepage pressure 渗流压力Seepage velocity 渗流速度bore 钻凿Seepage water 渗流水Seeping water 渗流水border stone 镶边石Segment 环片、环节border pile 边桩bookhouse fabric 书堆构造Segregation 离析book clay 带状黏土Seif 砂丘Seismic coefficient 地震系数bonding force 键力,结合力Seismic exploration 震动测探法bonding agent 粘结剂Seismic intensity scale 震度等级bonding 胶合Seismic velocity 震波速度bond strength 胶结强度,粘结强度borehole specimen 钻孔土样borehole shear apparatus 钻孔剪切仪borehole scanner 钻孔扫描器borehole sample 钻孔土样borehole record 钻孔纪录borehole pressure recovery test 钻孔压力恢复试验borehole periscope 钻孔潜望镜borehole log 钻孔柱状图borehole jack 钻孔千斤顶borehole gravimeter 钻孔重力仪borehole extensometer 钻孔伸张仪borehole cleaning 清孔borehole TV 钻孔电视borehole 钻孔borehole caliper 钻孔规borehole direct shear device 钻孔直剪仪borehole camera 钻孔照相机Secondary grout 二次灌浆Secondary lining 二次衬砌bored pile 钻掘桩bored cast-in-place pile 钻孔场柱桩bore-hole seismic logging 钻孔震测柱状图Secondary structure 二次构造Section modulus 断面系数bore rod 钻杆Sedentary soil 残积土Sediment 沉积物bore plug 钻孔取样点位图Sedimentary rock 沉积岩作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 土木工程专业词汇bore log 钻孔柱状图Sandy soil 砂质土壤Saprolite 腐泥岩、腐泥土Saturated unit weight 饱和单位重Saturation 饱和Saturation curve 饱和曲线Saturation line 饱和线Scale 比例尺Scale effect 规模效应Scaly structure 鳞状构造Scarp 崖Schist 片岩Schistosity 片理Schmidt hammer 史氏锤Schmidt net 史氏网Scoria 火山岩滓Scour 冲刷Scraper 刮运机Scree 崖锥石屑Screen 筛Screening plant 筛场Screw auger 螺旋钻Screw pile 螺旋管SEAGS 东南亚大地工程学会Sealing coat 止水层Seam 缝层Seasonal movement 季节性移动Secant modulus 正割模数Secondary compression 次压缩Secondary consolidation 次压密borehole stress gage 孔内应力计Runoff 迳流Runway 跑道Rupture envelope 破坏包络线Rupture line 破坏线Rutting 车辙R-value 抵抗值RSafe load 安全载重Safety factor 安全系数Sag 下垂Salina 盐湖Salinity 盐度Sample 取样Sample 取样器Sampling 取样Sampling disturbance 取样扰动Sampling tube 取样管Sand 砂土、砂Sand bar 砂洲Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand drain 排水砂桩Sand dune 砂丘Sand fraction 砂分量Sand mat 砂垫Sand pile 砂桩Sandstone 砂岩Sandy clay 砂质黏土Sandy clay loam 砂质黏质壤土Sandy loam 砂质壤土Rock drilling 岩层钻孔Rock facies 岩相Rock fall 落盘、落石Rock fill dam 堆石坝Rock flour 岩末Rock mass 岩体Rock mass rating (RMR) 岩体分级法Rock mechanics 岩石力学Rock pressure 岩石压力Rock quality designation 岩石品质指标Rock salt 盐岩Rock slide 岩石滑动Rock test 岩石试验Rock waste 岩屑Rod 钢杆Rolled earth dam 辗压土坝Rolled fill 辗压填土Roller 辗压机、压路机Roof 顶盘、天盘Root hole 根穴Rotary boring 旋转式钻孔Rotary drilling 旋转式钻孔Rotary percussion boring 旋转冲击式钻孔Rotational slip 旋转滑动Roughness 粗糙度Roughness ratio 粗度比Roundness 圆度比Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗压机Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗Rubble 粗石、碎石 Retardation延迟现象Retrogressive slide 後退滑动Reverse circulation bored pile 反循环法钻掘桩Reverse fault 逆断层Reynold's number 雷诺数Revetment 护岸Rheology 质流学Rhyolite 流纹岩Rift 裂向Rift valley 裂谷、地堑Rigid foundation 刚性基础Rigid pavement 刚性路面Rigid wall 刚性墙Rigidity modulus 刚性模数Rill erosion 细流冲蚀Ring shear apparatus 环式剪力仪Riprap 抛石Riser pipe 竖管River deposit 河积层River levee 堤岸River terrace 河成阶地Roadbed 路基Road embankment 路堤Road foundation 路基Robot 机器人Rock 岩石Rock anchor 岩锚Rock bolt 岩栓Rock burst 岩爆Rock core 岩心Relative humidity 相对湿度Relative rigidity 相对刚性Relict soil 遣土Relief well 释压井Remolded soil 重塑土壤Remolding (Remoulding) 重塑、重模Remolding gain 重塑强化量Remolding loss 重塑弱化量Remote sencing 遥感、遥测Rendulic's stress path 连瑞克应力路径Repeated loading 反覆载重、重复载重Replacement method 换土法Reservoir 水库、储油层Residual clay soil 残留黏土Residual deformation 残留变形作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 土木工程专业词汇Residual factor 残留强度因数Residual shear strength 残留剪力强度Residual soil 残留土、残积土Residual settlement 残馀沈陷量Residual stress 残馀应力Resistance 阻抗、电阻Resisting moment 阻抗力矩、底抗力矩Resistivity survey 电阻测探法Resonance 共振Resonant-column test 共振柱试验Response control structure 免震构造Response spectrum 反应谱Restoring force 回复力Resultant seismic coefficient 合成地震系数Retaining wall 挡土墙Rate of loading 载重速度Rate of operation 运用率Rayleigh wave 瑞雷波Raymond pile 雷蒙桩Ready mixed concrete 预拌混凝土Reaming 扩孔Rebound curve 回胀曲线Recharge well 补注井Reclaimed land 新生地Recompact 再压实、再夯实Recompression 再压缩Reconnaissance 勘查Reconsolidation 再压密Recovery ratio 回收率Rectangle dividing method 长方形划分法Recumbent fold 卧褶皱Red clay 红黏土Red soil 红土Reduction factor 减低率Reflection method 反射法Refraction method 折射法Refusal 抗进 (打桩)Regional metamorphism 区域变质作用Regolith 风化层表土Regur 黑棉土Reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土Reinforced concrete pile 钢筋混凝土桩Reinforced earth 加劲土Relative consistency 相对稠度Relative density 相对密度Quartz 石英Quartz-diorite 石英闪绿岩Quartz porphyry 石英斑岩Quartz-schist 石英片岩Quartzite 石英岩Quaternary deposit 第四纪层Quaternary period 第四纪Quay wall 岸墙Quick clay 流态黏土Quick condition 流态条件Quick explosives 高速炸药Quicksand 流砂Quick shear test 快剪试验Q-value Q值Radial flow 辐射流Radial shear 辐射状剪力Radial shear zone 辐射状剪力区Radioactive exploration (prospecting) 放射性检测探法Radioactive exploration 放射性检测探法Radioactive logging 放射性检层法Radius of influence 影响半径Radius of relative stiffness 刚比半径Raft foundation 筏式基础Raker pile 斜桩Rammer 击紧机、夯土机Ramp 坡道、匝道Rankine's earth pressure theory 兰金土压力理论Rankine's earth pressure 兰金土压力理论Rapid filtration 迅速过滤Rapid transit tunnel 捷运隧道boundary condition 边界条件bound water 附著水boulder clay 巨石黏土boulder blasting 巨石开炸boulder 巨石bottom pressure 底压力(隧道)boston heave 底部隆起boston charge 底部装药,底冲法boston blue clay 波士顿蓝黏土borrow pit 借土坑borrow material 借土料borrow exploration 借土勘探borrow exploration 借土堪探borrow area 借土区borrow 借土borros point 波罗杆(沉降观测) boring-core 钻孔岩心boring rod 钻杆boring rig 钻机boring maching 钻机boring log 钻孔柱状图boring frame 钻架boring casing 钻探套管boring bit 钻头boring 钻探,钻孔borescope 钻孔检示器borer 钻孔,钻机,钻头borehole (boring) 钻孔borehole surveying 钻孔测量Quarry 采石场、石矿brine 卤水briefly farozen soil 暂冻土brief analysis 简易分析bridge 桥breccia 角砾石breast wall 胸墙breakwater 防波堤breaking strain 断裂应变breakdown pressure 破碎压力break stone 碎石brazilian test 巴西式试验braided stream 辫状河川brackish water 微碱水作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 土木工程专业词汇brackishdeposit 半碱沉积bracing 支撑braceing 支撑版braced sheeting 支撑版braced excavation 支撑开挖brace(bracing) 撑杆box shear apparatus (see direct shear apparatus) 盒式剪力仪(直接剪力仪之一种)box pile 箱型桩box foundation 箱型基础box caisson 沉箱bowl-shape settlement 碗型沉陷bowl scraper 刮土机boussinesq theory 布西涅斯克理论bourdon gauge 布登压力计boundary zone of capillarity 毛细管界限区boundary layer 边界层boundary layer 边界层bulk density 统体密度bulk compressibility 体积压缩性bulb pile 大头桩bulb of bressure 葱形等压力球building site 工地building rubble 建筑垃圾building material 建筑材料building line 建筑线building code (by-laws0 建筑法规buffer 缓冲器buckling 挫屈buckling load 压曲载重bucking 地壳弯曲bucket auger 戽斗钻bubbler unit 发泡器brucite 水镁石brownian movement 布朗运动brooming 劈裂bromine-82,Br 溴-82 bromhead ring shear 环剪broken stone 碎石broken sliding surface 不连续滑动面broken course 断裂层broadly graded soils 宽级配土brittleness index 脆性指数brittleness 脆性brittle failure 脆性破坏brittle clay 脆性黏土brine storage 卤水存储brine pond 卤水池byte 位元组by-pass seepage 绕渗buttress wall 前垛墙butte 孤山butt 桩头burst tearing test 胀破试验burst strength 胀破强度burn-cut 核裂拔心开炸buried terrace 埋藏阶地buried structure 埋入式结构物burger's body 柏格体burger model 柏格模式burette 滴定管bureau public road classification system 美国公路局土壤分类法(BPRCS)burden 炸孔面距buoyat unit weight (see suberged unit weight) 浸水单位重buoyat pile 浮力桩buoyat foundation 浮式基础buoyat density,ρ 浸水密度buoyancy raft 浮式基础buoyancy 浮力bunson burner 本身燃烧机bulldozer 堆土机bulking 胀bulkhead wall 隔墙,岸壁,档墙bulkhead 隔墙,堤岸,防水壁bulk unit weight 统体单位重bulk specific gravity 统体比重,假比重bulk rockfill 抛石体bulk modulus 统体模数calyx drill holes 萼状钻孔calyx drill 萼状钻caliper log 测径记录california bearing ratio (CBR) 加州载重比(美国)caliche 生硝,钙质土calibration test 校正试验calibration curve 校正曲线calibration 校正caldera 巨火山口calculous soil 砾质土calculate self-weight collapse, Δzs 计算自重坍陷量calcite 方解石calcilutie(calcilutyte) 灰泥岩calcify 钙化calcareous spar 方解石calcareous soil 石灰质土calcareous ooze 钙质软泥calcareous concretion 钙质结核calcareous 石灰质的calc spar 方解石caisson 沉箱caission foundation 沉箱基础caission disease 沉箱病,潜水夫病caission 沉箱cainozoic era 新生代cage of reinforcement 钢筋笼cable tool drilling 冲钻cable tool drill(see churn drill) 冲钻c-line C线(塑性图)c-horizon C层位Propylite 青盘岩Protective filter 保护滤层Proving ring 衡圈、计力圈Puddle clay 胶泥黏土Pulling test 抗拔试验Pull-out resistance 抗拔力Pull-out test 抗拔试验Pulvimixer 粉碎拌和机Pumice 浮石、蛭石Pumping phenomera 喷泥现象Pumping test 抽水试验、唧筒试验作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 土木工程专业词汇P-wave 纵波、P波Pycnometer 比重瓶Pyrite 黄铁矿、硫化铁Pyrophyllite 叶蜡岩Pyroclastic rock 火成碎屑岩Pyrophyllite 叶辉石Pyroxene 辉石vise 老虎钳cantilever sheet piling 悬臂版桩cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂版桩墙cantilever sheet pile 悬臂版桩cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙cantilever footing 悬臂式基脚canalization 渠化,槽化camkometer 剑桥侧压仪cambridge sampler 剑桥取样器cambridge model 剑桥模式cambrian period 寒武纪camber 预拱Preconsolidation 预压密Preconsolidation pressure 预压密压力grenade 手榴弹Preload (Preloading) 预压、预压法Prepakt mortar pile 预垒桩Prescrete 混凝土灌铸机Pressure bulb 压力球根Pressure cell 压力计Pressure chamber 压力室Pressuremeter test 压力计试验Pressure tunnel 压力隧道Pressure-void ratio curve 压力孔隙比曲线Prestress 预力Primary breaker 一级碎石机Primary compression 主压缩Primary consolidation 主压密Primary lining 初始衬砌Primary stress 初始应力Principal plane 主平面Principal strain 主应变Principal stress 主应力Probing 探测Proctor compaction test 普罗克特压实试验、普罗克特夯实试验Proctor curve 普罗克特曲线Profile 剖面Progressive failure 渐进破坏Progressive settlement 渐增沈陷Progressive slide 渐进滑动Proof-rolling 辗压试验Prop 临时支柱Point load 点载重Poiseulle's law 普怡锡里定律Poisson's ratio 柏松比Polder 围生地Poling board 挡土板、插板Polygonal ground 多角形地Poncelet method 彭思烈图解法Poorly ground 软弱地盘Poorly graded 不良级配的Porcelain clay 瓷土Pore pressure 孔隙压力Pore pressure coefficient 孔隙压力系数Pore pressure dissipation 孔隙压力消散现象Pore water 孔隙水Pore water pressure 孔隙水压力Porosity 孔隙率Porous stone 透水石、多孔石Porphyrite 玢岩Porphyry 斑岩Post-hole auger 螺旋手钻Potential energy 势能、位能Pot-hole 壶穴(地质)Pot-hole 洼穴(路面)Power shovel 动力铲torch 火把,手电筒,泉源Pozzolan 火山灰Preboring 预先钻探Precambrian period 先寒武纪Precast concrete pile 预铸混凝土桩Precompression 预压Pingo 小丘Pipe line 管线Piping 管涌Pit sample 土坑土样、土坑试样Pit gravel 坑砾石Placement moisture content 填土含水量Plagioclase 斜长石Plane stress 平面应力Plane structure 平面构造Planimeter 面积仪Plastic design 塑性设计Plastic equilibrium 塑性平衡Plastic equilibrium theory 塑性平衡理论Plastic flow 塑性流Plasticity 塑性Plasticity chart 塑性图Plasticity index 塑性指数Plastic limit 塑性限度Plastic range 塑性范围Plastic strain 塑性应变Plastic zone 塑性区Plate loading test (Plate bearing test) 平板载重试验Plate tectonics 板块构造Plumbline 锤线Plunge 俯角Plutonic rock 深成岩Pneumatic caisson 压气沈箱Pneumatic-tired roller 胶轮辗压机Podzol 灰壤土Point bearing 桩底抗力Petroleum 石油Petrology 岩石学PF-value 吸力值PH-value 酸碱值Phenocryst 斑晶Photoelastic model test 光弹性模型试验Phreatic line 浸润线Phreatic surface 浸润面Phyllite 千枚岩Physical weathering 物理风化作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 土木工程专业词汇Piano wire 预力钢线Pier foundation 墩基础Piezometer 水压计Piezometric head 压力水头Pile 桩Pile cap 桩帽Pile driving 打桩Pile driving analyser 打桩动力分析仪Pile driving formula 打桩公式Pile driving frame 打桩架Pile driving resistance 打桩阻抗Pile foundation 桩基础Pile group 群桩Pile hammer 桩锤、桩鎚Pile loading test 桩载重试验Piling rig 打桩机Pillar 矿柱Pillow lava 枕状熔岩Pilot drift 导坑Pilot tunnel 导坑Passive earth pressure 被动土压力Path of percolation 渗漏流径Pavement 路面、铺面Pea gravel 豆砾Peak value 尖峰值Peat 泥炭土Peat bog 泥炭地Pebble 圆砾Pedestal pile 百力达桩、蒜头桩Pedology 土壤学Pegmatite 伟晶岩Pelagic deposit 深海堆积物Pelite mudstone 泥岩Peneplain 准平原Penetration record 贯入纪录Penetration test 贯入试验Penetrometer 贯入仪Percentage by weight 重量百分比Percent of consolidation 压密百分比Perched water table 栖止地下水位Percolation 渗流、渗漏Percussion boring 冲击式钻孔Peridotite 橄榄岩Period 纪Permafrost 永冻土Permeability 渗透性Permeability test 渗透试验、透水试验Permeameter 渗透试验仪Permian period 二叠纪Perviousness 渗透性Organic soil 有机土O-ring seal 止水环Orogeny 造山运动Orthoclase 正长石Orthogneiss 正片麻岩Osterberg's chart 欧使堡图表Outbreak 超挖、超炸Outcrop 岩层露头、露头Outside clearance ratio 外径比Outwast plain 冰水积土Oven-dried 烘乾Overbarden 覆土层Overbarden pressure 覆土压力Overcompaction 过度压实、过度夯实Over-consolidated 过压密的Over-consolidated ratio 过压密比Overhead 管理费Overturning moment 倾倒力矩Owner 业主Oxbow lake 新月湖、牛轭湖Ozone 臭氧Packing 填料、衬垫(打桩用) paleozoic era 古生代Pantograph 缩收器Panning 盘洗Parent rock 母岩Partial saturation 部份饱和Particle size 粒径Particle size distribution curve 粒径分布曲线Parting 裂理Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Nodule 岩球Noise pollution 公害噪音Non-cohesive soil 非凝聚性土壤Nonconformity 非整合Non-destructive test 非破坏试验Non-uniform flow 非等流Normal fault 正断层Normal stress 正应力、垂直应力Normally consolidated clay 正常压密黏土Nuclear power plant 核能发电厂Null indicator 归零指示器Numerical calculation 数值分析法N-value N值、标准贯入击数Observation well 观测井Obsidian 黑耀岩Octahedral normal stress 正八面体正应力Oedometer test 压密试验Olivin 橄榄石Omori's formula 大森公式One-dimensional consolidation 单向度压实Ooze 软泥Open tender (bid) 公开招标Open caisson 开口沈箱Open cut 明挖法Open pit mining 明坑采矿法Optimum moisture content 最佳含水量Ordovician period 奥陶纪Ore 矿石Ore microscope 矿石显微镜Monoclinal flexure 单斜褶皱Montmorillonite 蒙特石、蒙脱土Moor 泥炭地Moraine 冰碛、冰堆石Mortar 水泥砂浆Mortar 研摩臼Moss 沼泽地Mountain building 造山运动Muck 黑泥Muck 土碴、碴Mud 淤泥Mud flat 泥滩Mud flow 泥流Mudstone 泥岩Mud water 泥水Multibench blasting 多阶开炸作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 土木工程专业词汇Multi-purpoe dam 多目标水坝Muskeg 沼泽地Mylonite 摩烂岩Nappe 水舌Natural frequency 自然频率Natural moisture content 自然含水量Natural water cotent 自然含水量Natural water cotent 自然含水量Negative porewater pressure 负孔隙水压力Negative skin friction 负周面摩擦力、负表面摩擦力Neutral pressure 中和压力Neutral stress 中和应力Neutron moisture meter 中性子水分仪New Austrian tunnelling method (NATM) 新奥隧道法Mesozoic era 中生代Metamorphic rock 变质岩Metamorphism 变质作用Meteoric water 天水Meteorite 陨石Mica 云母Micaceous schist 云母片岩Microline 微斜长石Microfossil 微细化石Microscopic analysis 显微镜分析Microseism 微震动Milli-second blasting 毫秒开炸Mineral 矿物Mining subsidence 采矿坍陷Minor principal stress 最小主应力Mixed-in-place pile 场拌桩Model test 模型试验Modified seismic coefficient method 改良震度法Modulus of elasticity 弹性模数Modulus of rigidity 剪力模数Modulus of subgrade reaction 地盘反力系数Mogote 石灰岩残丘Mohr's circle 摩尔圆Mohr's envelope 摩尔包络线Mohs hardness 莫氏硬度Moisture content 含水量Molasse 磨砾层Mole 隧道钻凿机、全径隧道机Moment of inertia 惯性力矩Monkey 落鎚、落锤cap 桩帽,雷管(俗)Ma 一百万年Macadam method 马克当法Macadam roller 三轮辗压机、三轮压路机Mafic rock 镁铁质岩石Magma 岩浆Magnetic declination 磁偏角Magnetic exploration 磁力测探法Major principal stress 最大主应力Mandrel 导心杆Manning's fomula 曼宁公式Manometer 液体测压计Mantle 地函Marble 大理石Marine deposit 海积层Marker bed 指标层Marl 泥灰岩Marsh 沼泽地Marshall test 马歇尔试验Mass curve 土积曲线Mass movement 块体运动Mat foundation 筏式基础Maximum dry density 最大乾密度Maximum grain size 最大粒径Mechanical analysis 粒径分析Mechanical stabilization 粒径稳定法Mechanics of granular materials 粒状体力学Median tectonic line (MTL) 中央构造线Medium sand 中砂Mesh 筛眼carboniferous period, C 石炭纪carbonizationperiod, C 石炭纪carbonatite 碳酸盐岩carbonation 碳酸化carbonate 碳酸盐carbonaceous sediment 碳质沉积carbonaceous 碳的,碳质的,含碳的carbon-14, 囊式压力计capsule-type pressure gauge 囊式压力计caprock 冠岩capped yield model 加盖降服模式capillary zone 毛细管水层capillary water 毛细管水capillary tention 毛细管张力capillary saturation 毛细管饱和capillary rise, hc(height0 毛细管扬距capillary rise, hc9height0 毛细管扬距capillary pressure 毛细管压力capillary potential 毛细管势能capillary migration 毛细管水移动capillary life test 毛细管上升孔试验capillary interstice 毛细管孔隙capillary fringe 毛细管边缘capillary film 吸附水膜capillary action 毛细管作用capillarity 毛细管现象,毛系作用capillarimeter 毛细管仪capblock 桩帽capacity of well 井容量cap model 加盖模式catchment area (basin) 集水面积(区)catchdrain 截水沟catch basin 集水区catalyzer 催化剂cataclastic 压碎作用cataclasite 压碎岩cat and cancast-in-situ pile(cast-in-place pile) 场铸桩作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 土木工程专业词汇cast-in-place doaphragm wall 场铸连续壁casagrande's soil classification 卡萨格兰德土壤分类法casagrande liquid limit apparatus 卡萨格兰德液限仪casagrande dot 卡萨格兰德孔隙压力测头casing shoe 套管靴casing head gas 套管头气体casing head 套管头casing collar 套管吊环casing 套管casing 套管cased pile 套管桩cased borehole 套管钻孔case study 个案研究case history 个案case hardening 表面硬化carry-over storage 调节水库carlson type strain meter 卡尔森氏应力计carlson stress meter 卡尔森应力计cardhouse fabric 片架组构cardboard drain 纸板排水card-board wick 排水纸板carbonization 碳化cenozoic era 新生代cementing agent 胶结剂cemented soil 胶结土cementaction 胶结作用cement-treated-soil grout 水泥土灌浆cement-stabilized soil 水泥稳定土cement stabilization 水泥稳定工法cement soil stabilization 水泥土壤稳定工法cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement injection 水泥注入工法cement grouting 水泥灌浆cellulosic fibers 纤维素纤维cellular texture 网格组织cellular retaining wall 格式挡土墙cellular core wall 舱式心墙cellular cofferdam 舱式围堰cell test 密室试验cell quay wall 舱室岸壁cell pressure 室压cell action factor 合作用因素CBR value 加州载重比值(美国)cavity expansion theory 扩孔理论cavity 洞穴caving 坍陷落盘cavern 洞穴cave-in 坍陷,落盘cave deposit 洞穴沉积causatic lime mud 灰质软泥cation 阳离子catcodic protection 阳极保护chasm 裂口chaser 送桩器charge density 电荷密度charge deficiency 电荷不足charge 装药,电荷,充电channery 碎石chance sample 随机样本chamber blasting (coyotehole blasting) 抗室爆破chalky clay 白垩黏土chalk marl 白垩泥灰岩chalk 白垩chaingage 链式水尺ceramics 陶磁ceramic filter 陶瓷滤器centroid 重心,形心centrifuge test 离心试验centrifuge moisture equivalent (CHE) 离心含水当量centrifuge modeling 离心机模拟centrifuge 离心机centrifugally-cast concrete driven pile 离心浇铸混凝土灌入桩centrifugal prestressed concrete pile 离心预力混凝土桩centrifugal model test 离心模型试验centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal concrete pile 离心混凝土桩centrifugal autoclaved concrete pile 离心蒸气压混凝土桩centric load 中心载重central earthquake 中心震centerline method 中线法centering 对中center line 中心线chlorite 绿泥石chisel bit 钻头chisel 凿chip 石片china-clay 瓷土chimney drain 烟囱式排水,竖向截水体chert 燧石chert 角岩chernozem soil 黑钙土chernozem 黑钙土chemise 土堤岸护墙,土堤岸护面chemical weathering 化学风化chemical waste disposal 化学废料处理chemical stabilization 化学稳定chemical stability 化学稳定性chemical sedimentary rock 化学沉积岩chemical reagents 化学试剂chemical precipitation 化学沉淀chemical property (of rock) 岩石化学性chemical interaction 化学交互作用chemical injection process 化学注液法chemical grouting 药液灌浆chemical deposit 化学沉积chemical decomposition 化学分解chemical churning pile 化学搅拌桩chemical bonding 化学胶合chemical board drain 化学板排水chemical additive 化学添加剂chellean age 旧石器时代(舍利时代) chat 燧石砾岩clay chunks 黏土块clay blanket 黏土覆盖clay binder 黏结科clay 黏土clastic deposit 碎屑沉积clastic 碎屑的clast 碎屑classification test 分类试验classification 分类class of hardness 硬度分类clasolite 碎屑岩civil engineers 土木工程师civil engineering 土木工程circlar soil cutter 切土环刀circlar slip surface 圆弧滑动面circlar sliding surface 圆弧滑动面circlar frequency 圆频率circlar foundation 圆弧基础circlar failure analysis 圆弧破坏分析circlar cofferdam 圆形围堰circlar are analysis 圆弧分析法circle of stress 应力圆1土木工程专业词汇Shaft friction 桩身摩擦力Shaker 摇筛机SHAKE computer program SHAKE程式blocking 塞板block-diagram 立体地质剖面图block stone 块石block shear sample 块样剪力试验(现地试验) block sample 块状试样block foundation 块状基础block failure 块状破坏block anchorage 块状锚定blinding material 填塞材料blinding concrete 混凝土护层blinding 铺路石砂blind subdrain 盲沟blende drainage 盲沟排水blende drain 盲沟blende catch basin 盲接井blende soil 混染土bleeder well 释压井blasting 开炸blastability coefficient 开炸系数blastability 可炸性blast furnace slags 炉渣blast densification 爆破振密blast 开炸,爆风blanket grouting 覆盖灌浆blanket course 覆盖层blanket 覆盖blaine fineness 布莱恩细度black earth 黑土black cotton soil 黑棉土bituminous seal 沥青封层Seismorgraph 地震仪bond clay 胶结黏土Semi-conductor radiation 半导体放射线检定器bond 胶结,键,结合,粘结Semi-infinite solid 半无限体Sensitive clay 灵敏黏土bolting 螺固bolt 螺栓Sensitivity 灵敏度boiling 砂涌Sensitivity ratio 灵敏度boglime(see Freshwater marl) 沼泽淤泥Sequence of strata 地层层次bog peat 沼泽泥炭bog much 泥炭bog 沼泽地b 体波bady wave 体波bady stress 彻体应力bady measurement method 实体测定法bady force 彻体力blue print 蓝图blown per-min 每分钟打击数blown tip pile 爆端桩blown sand 风成砂blow-up 鼓起(路工)blow-in 涌入blow count of SPT 标准贯入击数blow count 打击数blocky structure 块状构造bore hole seismic loggine 钻孔震测柱状图Sedimentation analysis 沈淀分析bore hole 钻孔Seepage 渗流bore core 岩心Seepage face 渗流面Seepage failure 渗流破坏bore casing 套管Seepage force 渗流力Seepage line 渗流线Seepage pressure 渗流压力Seepage velocity 渗流速度bore 钻凿Seepage water 渗流水Seeping water 渗流水border stone 镶边石Segment 环片、环节border pile 边桩bookhouse fabric 书堆构造Segregation 离析book clay 带状黏土Seif 砂丘Seismic coefficient 地震系数bonding force 键力,结合力Seismic exploration 震动测探法bonding agent 粘结剂Seismic intensity scale 震度等级bonding 胶合Seismic velocity 震波速度bond strength 胶结强度,粘结强度borehole specimen 钻孔土样borehole shear apparatus 钻孔剪切仪borehole scanner 钻孔扫描器borehole sample 钻孔土样borehole record 钻孔纪录borehole pressure recovery test 钻孔压力恢复试验borehole periscope 钻孔潜望镜borehole log 钻孔柱状图borehole jack 钻孔千斤顶borehole gravimeter 钻孔重力仪borehole extensometer 钻孔伸张仪borehole cleaning 清孔borehole TV 钻孔电视borehole 钻孔borehole caliper 钻孔规borehole direct shear device 钻孔直剪仪borehole camera 钻孔照相机Secondary grout 二次灌浆Secondary lining 二次衬砌bored pile 钻掘桩bored cast-in-place pile 钻孔场柱桩bore-hole seismic logging 钻孔震测柱状图Secondary structure 二次构造Section modulus 断面系数bore rod 钻杆Sedentary soil 残积土Sediment 沉积物bore plug 钻孔取样点位图Sedimentary rock 沉积岩土木工程专业词汇 bore log 钻孔柱状图Sandy soil 砂质土壤Saprolite 腐泥岩、腐泥土Saturated unit weight 饱和单位重Saturation 饱和Saturation curve 饱和曲线Saturation line 饱和线Scale 比例尺Scale effect 规模效应Scaly structure 鳞状构造Scarp 崖Schist 片岩Schistosity 片理Schmidt hammer 史氏锤Schmidt net 史氏网Scoria 火山岩滓Scour 冲刷Scraper 刮运机Scree 崖锥石屑Screen 筛Screening plant 筛场Screw auger 螺旋钻Screw pile 螺旋管SEAGS 东南亚大地工程学会Sealing coat 止水层Seam 缝层Seasonal movement 季节性移动Secant modulus 正割模数Secondary compression 次压缩Secondary consolidation 次压密borehole stress gage 孔内应力计Runoff 迳流Runway 跑道Rupture envelope 破坏包络线Rupture line 破坏线Rutting 车辙R-value 抵抗值RSafe load 安全载重Safety factor 安全系数Sag 下垂Salina 盐湖Salinity 盐度Sample 取样Sample 取样器Sampling 取样Sampling disturbance 取样扰动Sampling tube 取样管Sand 砂土、砂Sand bar 砂洲Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand drain 排水砂桩Sand dune 砂丘Sand fraction 砂分量Sand mat 砂垫Sand pile 砂桩Sandstone 砂岩Sandy clay 砂质黏土Sandy clay loam 砂质黏质壤土Sandy loam 砂质壤土Rock drilling 岩层钻孔Rock facies 岩相Rock fall 落盘、落石Rock fill dam 堆石坝Rock flour 岩末Rock mass 岩体Rock mass rating (RMR) 岩体分级法Rock mechanics 岩石力学Rock pressure 岩石压力Rock quality designation 岩石品质指标Rock salt 盐岩Rock slide 岩石滑动Rock test 岩石试验Rock waste 岩屑Rod 钢杆Rolled earth dam 辗压土坝Rolled fill 辗压填土Roller 辗压机、压路机Roof 顶盘、天盘Root hole 根穴Rotary boring 旋转式钻孔Rotary drilling 旋转式钻孔Rotary percussion boring 旋转冲击式钻孔Rotational slip 旋转滑动Roughness 粗糙度Roughness ratio 粗度比Roundness 圆度比Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗压机Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗Rubble 粗石、碎石 Retardation延迟现象Retrogressive slide 後退滑动Reverse circulation bored pile 反循环法钻掘桩Reverse fault 逆断层Reynold's number 雷诺数Revetment 护岸Rheology 质流学Rhyolite 流纹岩Rift 裂向Rift valley 裂谷、地堑Rigid foundation 刚性基础Rigid pavement 刚性路面Rigid wall 刚性墙Rigidity modulus 刚性模数Rill erosion 细流冲蚀Ring shear apparatus 环式剪力仪Riprap 抛石Riser pipe 竖管River deposit 河积层River levee 堤岸River terrace 河成阶地Roadbed 路基Road embankment 路堤Road foundation 路基Robot 机器人Rock 岩石Rock anchor 岩锚Rock bolt 岩栓Rock burst 岩爆Rock core 岩心Relative humidity 相对湿度Relative rigidity 相对刚性Relict soil 遣土Relief well 释压井Remolded soil 重塑土壤Remolding (Remoulding) 重塑、重模Remolding gain 重塑强化量Remolding loss 重塑弱化量Remote sencing 遥感、遥测Rendulic's stress path 连瑞克应力路径Repeated loading 反覆载重、重复载重Replacement method 换土法Reservoir 水库、储油层Residual clay soil 残留黏土Residual deformation 残留变形土木工程专业词汇 Residual factor 残留强度因数Residual shear strength 残留剪力强度Residual soil 残留土、残积土Residual settlement 残馀沈陷量Residual stress 残馀应力Resistance 阻抗、电阻Resisting moment 阻抗力矩、底抗力矩Resistivity survey 电阻测探法Resonance 共振Resonant-column test 共振柱试验Response control structure 免震构造Response spectrum 反应谱Restoring force 回复力Resultant seismic coefficient 合成地震系数Retaining wall 挡土墙Rate of loading 载重速度Rate of operation 运用率Rayleigh wave 瑞雷波Raymond pile 雷蒙桩Ready mixed concrete 预拌混凝土Reaming 扩孔Rebound curve 回胀曲线Recharge well 补注井Reclaimed land 新生地Recompact 再压实、再夯实Recompression 再压缩Reconnaissance 勘查Reconsolidation 再压密Recovery ratio 回收率Rectangle dividing method 长方形划分法Recumbent fold 卧褶皱Red clay 红黏土Red soil 红土Reduction factor 减低率Reflection method 反射法Refraction method 折射法Refusal 抗进 (打桩)Regional metamorphism 区域变质作用Regolith 风化层表土Regur 黑棉土Reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土Reinforced concrete pile 钢筋混凝土桩Reinforced earth 加劲土Relative consistency 相对稠度Relative density 相对密度Quartz 石英Quartz-diorite 石英闪绿岩Quartz porphyry 石英斑岩Quartz-schist 石英片岩Quartzite 石英岩Quaternary deposit 第四纪层Quaternary period 第四纪Quay wall 岸墙Quick clay 流态黏土Quick condition 流态条件Quick explosives 高速炸药Quicksand 流砂。
Vest 背心Cherry picker 移动升降台Netting 网Asbesto 石棉Lifejacket 救生衣Cut and cover tunnel 挖填方式修建的隧道Goggle 护目镜Ear plug 防护耳塞Signature suites 极品套房Riser shaft 上行竖井Mock up room 样板房vent pipe 通气管shaft wall 井壁last minute cold feeadvance payment 预付款deferred payment 延期付款uplift pile/anti-floating抗拔桩compressive pile抗压桩foundation pile 工程桩Triaxial SMW(soil mixing wall) 三轴搅拌水泥桩jet grouting pile rig 旋喷桩机punched cast-in-situ pile rig 冲孔灌注桩机pressing-density pouring plasma 压密注浆fenderpost, guardpost 围护桩强电工程strong current works空调、采暖及通风、排烟、加压送风工程air conditioning,heating,ventilation, 给排水工程plumping works/water supply and drainage works燃气工程gas works空调机组air conditioning unit高低压变配电柜HV&LV power distribution cabinet控制柜control cabinet水泵pump临时发电机emergency electricity generator水景设备waterscape equipment游泳池水处理设备卫生洁具sanitary ware建筑灯具architecture lamp and lantern后勤及停车库照明rear service and carport lighting机电管线预埋cast-in M&E pipe泛光照明floodlight格构柱lattice column抗震seismic resistanceCommissioning 试车As-built drawing 竣工图Final acceptanceHand over 移交Tread 梯级demarcation line[,di:mɑ:'keiʃən] 分界线comb [kəum] 蜂巢balustrade [,bæləs'treid] 栏杆cladding ['klædiŋ]包层;喷镀;电镀。
土木工程概论专业词汇1. 混凝土 (Concrete):一种由水泥、石料、沙子和水混合而成的材料,常用于建筑结构和公路工程。
2. 钢筋 (Rebar):一种用于增强混凝土强度的金属材料,常用于建筑结构的框架部分。
3. 施工 (Construction):指根据设计图纸和工程规范进行实际建设和安装工作的过程。
4. 地基 (Foundation):指建筑物或结构的底层,用于承受并分散上方荷载的地下部分。
5. 结构 (Structure):指建筑物或其他工程的整体框架,包括墙壁、柱子、屋顶等构件。
6. 桥梁 (Bridge):一种跨越水面、峡谷或其他地形隔阂的结构,通常用于交通运输。
7. 隧道 (Tunnel):一种地下通道,用于通行人员、车辆或管道等。
8. 水利工程 (Hydraulic Engineering):涉及河流、湖泊、海洋等水体的开发、利用和管理的工程领域。
9. 防护工程 (Protection Engineering):设计和建造用于保护建筑物、设备或人员免受自然灾害或其他危害的工程。
10. 环境工程 (Environmental Engineering):涉及保护和改善环境质量,包括水、空气和土壤的处理与管理。
11. 岩土工程 (Geotechnical Engineering):研究土壤和岩石的特性,以应对土体工程问题和地质灾害。
12. 施工管理 (Construction Management):通过规划、组织、指导和监督工程项目的实施过程,以实现项目目标。
13. 工程测量 (Engineering Survey):使用测量仪器和技术测量地理空间数据,为工程设计和施工提供准确的空间信息。
14. 施工安全 (Construction Safety):指在施工过程中采取安全措施,预防和减少事故和伤害的风险。
15. 工程标准 (Engineering Standards):指规定工程设计、施工和验收的技术规范,以确保工程质量和安全性。
土木工程专业外语词汇大全一. 综合类1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2.foundation engineering基础工程3.soil, earth土4.soil mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic foundation粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量5.soil dynamics土动力学6.stress path应力路径7.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二. 土的分类1.residual soil残积土 groundwater level地下水位2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table地下水位3.clay minerals粘土矿物4.secondary minerals次生矿物ndslides滑坡6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察8.boulder漂石9.cobble卵石10.gravel砂石11.gravelly sand砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand中砂14.fine sand细砂15.silty sand粉土16.clayey soil粘性土17.clay粘土18.silty clay粉质粘土19.silt粉土20.sandy silt砂质粉土21.clayey silt粘质粉土22.saturated soil饱和土23.unsaturated soil非饱和土24.fill (soil)填土25.overconsolidated soil超固结土26.normally consolidated soil正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil欠固结土28.zonal soil区域性土29.soft clay软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil膨胀土31.peat泥炭32.loess黄土33.frozen soil冻土三. 土的基本物理力学性质 compression index2.cu undrained shear strength3.cu/p0 ratio of undrained strength cu to effective overburden stress p0(cu/p0)NC ,(cu/p0)oc subscripts NC and OC designated normally consolidated and overconsolidated, respectively4.cvane cohesive strength from vane test5.e0 natural void ratio6.Ip plasticity index7.K0 coefficient of “at-rest ”pressure ,for total stressesσ1 andσ28.K0’domain for effective stressesσ1 ‘ andσ2’9.K0n K0 for normally consolidated state 10.K0u K0 coefficient under rapid continuous loading ,simulating instantaneous loading or an undrained condition 11.K0d K0 coefficient under cyclic loading(frequency less than 1Hz),as a pseudo- dynamic test for K0 coefficient12.kh ,kv permeability in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively13.N blow count, standard penetration test14.OCR over-consolidation ratio15.pc preconsolidation pressure ,from oedemeter test16.p0 effective overburden pressure 17.p s specific cone penetration resistance, from static cone test 18.qu unconfined compressive strength19.U, Um degree of consolidation ,subscript m denotes mean value of a specimen20.u ,ub ,um pore (water) pressure, subscripts b and m denote bottom of specimen and mean value, respectively21.w0 wL wp natural water content, liquid and plastic limits, respectively22.σ1,σ2principal stresses, σ1 ‘ andσ2’ denote effective principal stresses23.Atterberg limits阿太堡界限24.degree of saturation饱和度25.dry unit weight干重度26.moist unit weight湿重度27.saturated unit weight饱和重度28.effective unit weight有效重度29.density密度pactness密实度31.maximum dry density最大干密度32.optimum water content最优含水量33.three phase diagram三相图34.tri-phase soil三相土35.soil fraction粒组36.sieve analysis筛分37.hydrometer analysis比重计分析38.uniformity coefficient不均匀系数39.coefficient of gradation级配系数40.fine-grained soil(silty and clayey)细粒土41.coarse- grained soil(gravelly and sandy)粗粒土42.Unified soil classification system土的统一分类系统43.ASCE=American Society of Civil Engineer美国土木工程师学会44.AASHTO= American Association State Highway Officials美国州公路官员协会45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering国际土力学与岩土工程学会四. 渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress有效应力4.total stress总应力5.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度6.low activity低活性7.sensitivity灵敏度8.triaxial test三轴试验9.foundation design基础设计10.recompaction再压缩11.bearing capacity承载力12.soil mass土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体16.homogeneous均质17.isotropic各向同性18.strip footing条基19.square spread footing方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载22.live load活载23.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load长期荷载25.reduced load折算荷载26.settlement沉降27.deformation变形28.casing套管29.dike=dyke堤(防)30.clay fraction粘粒粒组31.physical properties物理性质32.subgrade路基33.well-graded soil级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses剪应力37.principal plane主平面38.major (intermediate, minor) principal stress最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method有限元法41.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法42.pore water pressure孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pression index压缩指数47.swelling index回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress附加应力50.total stress总应力51.final settlement最终沉降52.slip line滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水1 excavation开挖(挖方)2 dewatering(基坑)降水3 failure of foundation基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution孔压分布8 dewatering method降低地下水位法9 well point system井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point深井点11 vacuum well point真空井点12 braced cuts支撑围护13 braced excavation支撑开挖14 braced sheeting支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation1.pile foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩 diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩bored pile钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier 3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩steel pipe pile钢管桩steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile端承桩6.shaft竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis波动方程分析8.pile caps承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力 teral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling静力压桩18.uplift pile抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile抗滑桩20.pile groups群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术24.final set最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头)29.pile spacing桩距30.pile plan桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout桩的布置32.group action群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻35.pile cushion桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test拔桩试验38.pile shoe桩靴39.pile noise打桩噪音40.pile rig打桩机九. 固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结9.primary consolidation主固结10.secondary consolidation次固结11.degree of consolidation固结度12.consolidation test固结试验13.consolidation curve固结曲线14.time factor Tv时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength残余强度3.long-term strength长期强度4.peak strength峰值强度5.shear strain rate剪切应变速率6.dilatation剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法8.total stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角11.cohesion粘聚力12.failure criterion破坏准则13.vane strength十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model边界面模型6.Duncan-Chang model邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model刚塑性模型8.cap model盖帽模型9.work softening加工软化10.work hardening加工硬化11.Cambridge model剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model文克尔地基模型十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure冲剪破坏2.general shear failure整体剪切破化3.local shear failure局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose休止角2.Bishop method毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall基础墙3.counter retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles钢桩4.wooden sheet pile木板桩5.timber piles木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation1.box foundation箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation片筏基础3.strip foundation条形基础4.spread footing扩展基础pensated foundation补偿性基础6.bearing stratum持力层7.rigid foundation刚性基础8.flexible foundation柔性基础9.embedded depth of foundation基础埋置深度 foundation pressure基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils动强度2.wave velocity method波速法3.material damping材料阻尼4.geometric damping几何阻尼5.damping ratio阻尼比6.initial liquefaction初始液化7.natural period of soil site地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils动剪切模量9.dynamic magnification factor动力放大因素10.liquefaction strength抗液化强度11.dimensionless frequency无量纲频率12.evaluation of liquefaction液化势评价13.stress wave in soils土中应力波14.dynamic settlement振陷(动沉降)十九. 动力机器基础1.equivalent lumped parameter method等效集总参数法2.dynamic subgrade reaction method动基床反力法3.vibration isolation隔振4.foundation vibration基础振动5.elastic half-space theory of foundation vibration基础振动弹性半空间理论6.allowable amplitude of foundation基础振动容许振幅7.natural frequency of foundation基础自振频率二十. 地基基础抗震 1.earthquake engineering地震工程2.soil dynamics土动力学3.duration of earthquake地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude震级7.seismic predominant period地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验3.falling head permeability变水头试验4.constant head permeability常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)paction test击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test慢剪试验12.sieve analysis筛分析13.geotechnical model test土工模型试验14.centrifugal model test离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test直剪试验17.direct simple shear test直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验二十二. 原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT)表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test原位试验。
1. “基础”——哎呀,这就像盖房子得先有牢固的根基一样!比如建那高楼大厦,要是基础没打好,那不是开玩笑嘛,整个楼都可能摇摇欲坠呢!
2. “框架”——嘿,你想想,框架不就是房子的骨架嘛!就像人的骨骼支撑着身体,框架支撑着整个建筑物呢。
3. “剪力墙”——哇塞,剪力墙可是很重要的呢!它就像是建筑物的坚强卫士,抵抗着各种外力。
4. “梁柱”——这梁柱啊,就如同人的脊梁骨一样重要呀!它们承载着那么多重量,像桥梁上的梁柱,要是不牢固,那后果不堪设想啊!
5. “楼板”——嘿,楼板就像是房子里的一个个小平台呀!我们在上面走来走去,它得稳稳当当的。
6. “防水”——哎呀呀,防水可太关键啦!就好比给房子穿上了雨衣,不然雨水渗进来,那屋里不就遭殃啦!像卫生间不做好防水,那不得水漫金山呀!
7. “保温”——哇哦,保温就像是给房子裹上了一层温暖的大棉袄呀!冬天能保暖,夏天能隔热,多好呀!要是没有保温,那屋里的温度可难控制咯!
8. “沉降”——嘿,沉降可不是小事儿呢!就像地面突然凹下去一块,多别扭呀!要是建筑物沉降不均匀,那可危险啦!
9. “裂缝”——哎呀呀,裂缝多让人头疼呀!就像漂亮的脸蛋上有了一道疤。
10. “加固”——哇,加固就像是给生病的房子治病一样呢!让它重新变得强壮有力。
A Type Wooden Ladder A字木梯A-frame A型骨架A-truss A型构架Aandon 废弃Abandoned well 废井Aberration of needle 磁针偏差Abnormal pressure 异常压力abnormally high pressure 异常高压Abort 中止abrasion 磨损Abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机Abrasive Cutting Wheel 拮碟abrasive grinding machine 研磨机Abrasive Grinding Wheel 磨碟abrasive particle 磨料颗粒Absolute address 绝对地址Absolute altitude 绝对高度Absolute damping 绝对阻尼Absolute deviation 绝对偏差Absolute flying height 绝对航高Absolute gravity 绝对重力absolute permeability 绝对渗透率absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率absolute temperature 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性;吸附性absorption 吸收abutment 桥墩abutting end 邻接端acceleration 加速acceleration lane 加速车道Acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceleration pedal 加速器踏板accelerator 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂acceptance criteria 接受准则access 通路;通道access door 检修门;通道门access lane 进出路径access panel 检修门access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道access road 通路;通道access shaft 竖井通道access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯access step 出入口踏步access tunnel 隧道通道accessible roof 可到达的屋顶accessory 附件;配件accident 事故;意外accidental collapse 意外坍塌accommodate 装设;容纳accredited private laboratory 认可的私人实验室accumulator 储压器;蓄电池accuracy limit 精度限制acetylene cylinder 乙炔圆筒Acetylene Hose 煤喉Acetylene Regulator 煤表acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机acid pump 酸液泵acid tank 酸液缸acidic rock 酸性岩acoustic couplant 声耦合剂acoustic coupler 声音藕合器;音效藕合器acoustic lining 隔音板acoustic screen 隔声屏Acoustic wave 声波acrylic paint 丙烯漆料(压克力的油漆) acrylic sheet 丙烯胶片(压克力的胶片) active corrosion 活性腐蚀active earth pressure 主动土压力active fault 活断层active oxidation 活性氧化actual plot ratio 实际地积比率actuator 促动器;唧筒;激发器adapt 改装adaptor 适配器;承接器;转接器;addition 增设;加建additional building works 增补建筑工程additional horizontal force 额外横向力additional plan 增补图则(附加的平面图)additional vent 加设通风口additive 添加剂Address 地址adhesive 黏结剂;胶黏剂adhesive force 附着力Adhesive Glue 万能胶Adhesive Reflective Warning Tape 反光警告贴纸adit 入口;通路;坑道口adjacent construction 相邻建造物adjacent level 相邻水平adjacent site 相邻基地adjacent street 相邻街道adjoining area 毗邻地区adjoining building 毗邻建筑物adjoining land 毗邻土地adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物adjustable 可调校Adjustable Wrench Spanner 昔士adjuster 调节器adjustment 调校;调整Administrative Lawsuit 行政诉讼Administrative Remedy 行政救济admixture 掺合剂;外加剂advance directional sign 前置指路标志;方向预告标志advance earthworks 前期土方工程advance warning sign 前置警告标志advance works 前期工程aeration 曝气aeration tank 曝气池aerial 天线Aerial mapping 航空测图aerial photograph 航测照片Aerial photography 航照定位aerial rapid transit system 高架快速运输系统aerial ropeway 高架缆车系统aerial view 鸟瞰图aerofoil 翼型aerosol 悬浮微粒;喷雾aerosphere 大气圈affix 贴附aftercooler 后冷却器afterfilter 后过滤器aftershock 余震agent 作用剂;代理人aggradation 堆积aggregate 骨材;集料;碎石aggregate area 总面积aggregate grading 骨材级配aggregate superficial area 表面总面积aggregate usable floor space 总楼地板空间agitator 搅拌器;搅动机air bleeding 放气(空气渗出)air blower 鼓风机air brake 气压制动器Air chambor 气室air circuit 空气回路air circuit breaker 空气断路器air cleaner 空气滤清器air compressor 空气压缩机air compressor governor 空气压缩机调压器air conditioning 空气调节air cooled chiller 风冷式冷却机air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling system 空气冷却系统;风冷系统air coupling valve 空气联接阀air curtain fan 风帘风扇air cylinder 气缸;气筒air damper 风闸;气流调节器air distribution system 配气系统air distributor 空气分配器air dryer 空气干燥器air duct 通风管道;气槽air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴沬水泥air entraining agent 输气剂air exhaust 排气口air filter 空气滤器;风隔;隔尘网air filter chamber 空气过滤室air flowmeter 风量计;空气流量计air gap 气隙air grill 空气格栅air inlet 进风口;进气孔air inlet louver 进气百叶air inlet port 进气口air intake 进风口;进气孔;入气口air intake duct 进风槽air intake filter 进气过滤器air isolating cock 空气隔断旋塞air line breathing apparatus 气喉型呼吸器具air line strainer 进气管道隔滤器air outlet 出风口air outlet grille 空气出口栅格air particle 空气粒子air passage 风道air pipe/ pipework 通气管;送气管air piston 空气活塞air pressure gauge 气压表air pressure switch 气压闸air pressurization system 空气加压系统air receiver 空气储存器air reservoir 储气缸air restrictor 空气节流器air shuttle valve 阻气阀air sprayer 喷涂器air spring 空气弹簧air strainer 空气隔滤器;空气滤网air supply outlet 供气出口air supply valve 供气阀air tank 空气箱air valve 进出气阀;放气阀air valve pit 进出气阀井;放气阀井air vent cock 通风管旋塞air ventilator 空气通风器air-operated damper 气动风闸airshaft 通风竖井airtight cover 气密盖airy dry varnish 风干清漆alarm 警报;警报器alarm bell 警报钟alarm buzzer 警报器alga 藻类Alidade 照准仪alidate 照准仪align 对准;调直;定线alignment (road) 路线;准线(特指道路中线的位置与方向)alignment plan (road) 路线平面图alkali-silica reaction 碱硅反应alkaline aggregate reaction 碱性集料反应alkaline earth 碱性土alkaline pump 碱液泵alkaline tank 碱液缸alkalinity 碱度all-purpose road 混合车道;综合车道alley 巷allowable load 容许载重;容许荷载Allowable pressure 容许压力allowable stress 容许应力alloy 合金alloy steel bar 合金钢筋条alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物alluvial plain 冲积系alteration 更改;改建;改动Alternating current 交流电alternating current (a. c.) 交流电alternative design 替代设计alternative route 替代路线alternator 交流发电机Altimeter 高度计Altitude 高度;地平纬度;海拔Altitude correction 高度修正Altitude error 高度误差Altitude-tint legend 高程表Aluminium Flat Bar 铝扁条aluminium tape 铝卷尺aluminum bridge 铝桥Aluminum Sheet 花铝板amber 琥珀amber flashing light 黄色闪光灯Ambient 周围ambient pressure 周围压力ambient temperature 环境温度;周围温度amendment 修订amenities 市容建筑;设施;康乐设施amenity area 美化市容地带amenity railing 美观栏杆ammeter 电流表;安培计Ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵Amortisseur 减震器Amortization 减震Ampere 安培(电流单位)ampere (A) 安培(电流量单位) Ampere's law 安培定律amplification 放大;增强Amplifier 放大器amplitude 幅;振幅Amplitude anomaly 振幅异常Analog 模拟Analog signal 模拟信号Analogue 模拟anchor 锚;锚竿支撑anchor bearing 锚承;锚座anchor bolt 锚栓anchor plate 锚碇板anchorage 锚碇;碇泊区;抛锚区;锚固anchorage length 锚固长度anchoring strength 锚固强度ancillary building 附属建筑物ancillary facilities 附属设施ancillary installation 附带装置ancillary works 附属工程angle cutter 角铁切割机angle iron bracket 角铁支架;角铁托架Angle of declination 偏角Angle of depression 俯角Angle of dip 倾角Angle of elevation 仰角angle of emergence 出射角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of polarization 偏极角angle of reflection 反射角Angle of refraction 折射角angle of rotaion 旋转角angle probe 斜探头angular velocity 角速度annealing 退火annunciation lamp 警示灯annunciator 传播器;呼唤器anode 阳极anode voltage 阳极电压Anomaly 异常antenna 天线Anthracite 红基煤anti-corrosion paint 防腐蚀油漆anti-creep device 防溜装置Anti-grease Rubber Gloves 防油胶手套anti-lift roller 防升滚轮anti-oxidizing paint 抗氧化漆anti-rust paint 防锈漆anti-skid chequer 防滑格纹anti-skid device 防滑装置anti-skid dressing 防滑钢沙anti-skid material 防滑物料anti-slip 防滑动;防空转;防打滑anti-static chain 抗静电链anti-static tyre 抗静电轮胎anti-stripping agent 防剥剂anti-syphonage pipe 反虹吸作用管anti-tip roller 防倾侧滚轮anti-vibration mounting 防震装置anti-vibration pad 防震垫anticline 背斜Antitermite Paint 白蚁油anvil 铁砧aperture 隙缝;壁孔apex 顶apparatus 仪器;装置;器具;器材appliance 用具;装置;设备applied covering 外加覆盖物applied load 外施荷载(应用的负荷) approach 进路;引道;接驳道路;引桥approach channel 进港航道;引渠approach ramp 引道坡approach road 引道;进路approach speed 来车速度approach taper 楔形引道路段approach viaduct 高架引道approved material 经核准的物料approved plan 经核准的图则appurtenance 附属物apron 跳板;护板;停机坪arc 电弧arc contact 电弧触点arc runner 电弧滚环arc welding 电弧焊接arch 拱;弓形;拱门arch bridge 拱桥architect 建筑师Architect Registration Examination 建筑师注册考试(A.R.E)architectural 建筑学architectural decoration 建筑装饰architectural projection 建筑上的伸出物Architecture 结构area traffic control system 区域交通控制系统argon arc welding 氩气焊armature 电枢arrangement 排列;布置array 数组arresting assembly 止动装置art paper 铜版纸arterial highway 干线道路arterial traffic 干线交通article of agreement 合约细则Articulation 清晰度Artifacts 人工产品Artificial illumination 人工照明Artificial intelligence 人工智能artificial lighting 人工照明as-built drawing 竣工图则as-constructed drawing 竣工图则asbestos abatement works 石棉拆除工程asbestos cement 石棉水泥asbestos gasket 石棉垫料aseismic region 无震区ash pit 排渣槽;灰坑asphalt 沥青asphalt distributor 沥青喷洒机asphalt paver 沥青铺筑机asphalt roofing 沥青屋面asphaltic coating 沥青涂层asphaltic concrete 沥青混凝土asphaltos 地沥青aspirator 吸气器assemblage 组合物assembly 装置;组合assessment 评估associated works 相关工程;相关设施Assorted Cloth 各色布仔Assorted Rubber Gloves 杂色胶手套Asymptote 渐近线at-grade pedestrian crossing 地面行人过路处at-grade signal controlled junction 交通灯控制地面路口atmospheric distillation 常压蒸馏atmospheric pressure 大气压力;常压atmospheric temperature 常温atomization air fan 雾化空气风扇(喷雾空气风扇)attachment 附件;附属物attenuation 衰减audible signal 音响讯号audible warning 音响警号Auger Bit 长身小林式钻咀Aurora 极光Aurora australis 南极光Aurora borealis 北极光authorities 权限authority 主管当局authorized officer 获授权人员authorized person 获授权人;认可人士;核准人士authorized works 获授权进行的工程;批准进行的工程Auto-Marking Gauge ST-7521N自动墨斗automatic (spark)ignition device 自动(火花)点火装置Automatic control 自动控制automatic control switch 自动控制开关automatic operation 自动操作automatic release 自动脱扣automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器automatic weather station 自动气象站Automatic zero set 自动归零automation equipment 自动化设备Automobil Putty 原子灰auxiliary control panel 辅助掣板(附加的控制仪表板)auxiliary equipment 辅助设备auxiliary feedwater pump 辅助给水泵auxiliary feedwater tank 辅助给水箱auxiliary plant 辅助厂房auxiliary system 辅助系统auxiliary water pump 辅助水泵average compressive stress 平均压应力average strength 平均强度Averaging 平均Axe Handle 斧头柄axial fan 轴流式风扇axial force 轴向力axial load 轴向载重;轴向荷载axial stress 轴向应力Axis of abscissa 横坐标轴Axis of ordinate 纵坐标轴axis of reference 参考轴axis of rotation 旋转轴axis of symmetry 对称轴axle bearing 车轴轴承(车轴啤令) Azimuth bearing 方位角azimuth compass 方向罗盘Azimuthal angles 方位角Back azimuth 反方位角back-fire 逆火back-up area 后勤地区;辅助埸地backfill 回填;回填土backfill material 回填物料background noise 背景噪音backing plate 垫板;背板Backsight 后视Bad data 不良资料Bad earth 接地不良baffle 隔板;挡板baffle plate 遮挡板baffle wall 遮挡墙balance tank 调节池;均衡槽balance weight 平衡锤balanced load 平衡载重balancer 平冲器Balancing 平差Balancing a survey 测量平差balancing pipeline 平衡水管balcony 露台ball bearing 滚珠轴承Ball Caster 平底波辘Ball Peen Hammer w/handle 圆头锤Ball Point Hex Key Set (extra-long) 加长波头套庄六角匙ball valve 浮球阀;球形阀;波阀ball-and-socket joint 球窝接头ballast 道碴bamboo bridge 竹桥Bamboo Broom 竹扫把Bamboo Handle Toilet Brush 竹柄鲍鱼刷bamboo scaffolding 竹枝棚架band brake 带式制动器band clamp 带夹banshee alarm 尖啸警报bar 铁枝;杆;巴(压力量单位)bar tendon 钢筋Barbed Wire 有棘铁线barging area 驳运地点barrack 营房barrel 管筒;芯管barrette 方形桩barricade 路障;障碍物barrier 栏栅;护栏;障碍物;屏障barrier block 路障barrier gate 路闸barrier plate 阻挡板Basal plane 基面bascule bridge 开合式活动吊桥base 基座base course 路面下层;承重层;路基层base frame 基架base insulator 基架绝缘器Base level 基准面base map 底图base plate 底板;垫板base sealing 底部密封胶base slab 平底板base support 底座支架Base temperature 基础温度baseline 基线;底线;基准线baseline programme 基线计划basement 地库;地窖;地下室Basin 盆地batching plant 混凝土混和机;配料厂bathmeter 深度计Batter level 测斜器batter pile 斜桩battery 蓄电池battery acid level 电池酸位battery cell volt 蓄电池电压Battery Cells 电芯battery charger 电池充电器battery electric locomotive 电力机车battery electrolyte 电池电解液battery-powered device 电池推动装置bauxite 铝土beacon 闪光指示灯bead 焊珠beam 横梁beam (or girder) bridge 梁式桥Beaman arc 贝门弧bearing 支座;支承;承座;轴承(啤令);方向角Bearing angle 方位角bearing capacity 承载力bearing force 承重能力;承载能力bearing pad 支承垫片;承重垫片bearing pile 支承桩bearing pin 支承栓钉bearing plate 支承垫板bearing stress 支承应力bearing surface 支承面bedding 底层;层理bedplate 座板bedrock 基层岩behaviour 性能;状况Belisha beacon 斑马线灯;黄波灯bellow pot 气囊;气囊筒belly band 安全带belt 带;皮带belt conveyor 带式输送机belt guard 皮带护罩belt tension 皮带拉力bend 弯角;弯位;路弯;弯管bending force 弯曲力bending stress 弯曲应力Benkelman beam test 贝克曼梁试验bentonite 膨润土berm channel 斜水平台渠berth 停泊处;碇泊位bevel 斜角;斜面bias 偏移Bias magnetic 磁偏bill of quantities 工料清单binder 黏合料bisectrix 等分线bit 钻头bitumen 沥青bitumen coating 沥青外衬(沥青护膜) bitumen felt 沥青纸bitumen lining 沥青衬里Bitumen Paint 腊青油Bitumen Paper 腊青纸bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土bituminous macadam 沥青碎石bituminous waterproof membrane 沥青防水膜Black Canvas Hose 黑色帆布喉Black Iron Pipe (Class B) B级黑铁喉Black Rubber Gloves 黑胶手套Black Steel Strapping 黑铁皮Black Welding Glass 黑玻璃blade 剪刀;叶片blank flange 盲板法兰;盲板凸缘;管口盖板blanking plate 封板blast-furnace 鼓风炉blast-furnace slag cement 炉渣水泥blasting 爆石;爆破bleed nipple 放气嘴;减压嘴bleed off pipe 溢流管bleed screw 放气螺钉;减压螺钉bleeding 泌浆(混凝土);泌水性(混凝土) blended cement 混合水泥blending control 混合控制blinding 补路石砂;(填充表面孔隙的细石)blinds 百叶窗block plan 楼宇平面图(地盘图)blow down 放水;放气blow down valve 放泄阀;排水阀blower 吹风机;鼓风机Blue Pencil #1276蓝铅笔Blue Powder 蓝淀粉bobbin 绕线管Body belts w/cert. 救生绳连证书bogie 转向架boiler room 锅炉房boiling point 沸点bollard 护柱;系船柱bollard light 安全岛指示灯bollard plinth 护柱柱基;护柱基座bolster 承枕;横撑bolt 螺栓Bolt Cutter 蛇头剪Bolts and Nuts 螺丝类bond 黏结;黏合;契约bond coat 黏合层bond strength 黏合强度bond stress 黏合应力boom 吊杆booster pump 增压泵booster pumping station 增压抽水站booster transformer 增压变压器booster water pump 增压水泵;增压抽水机borated water storage tank 含硼水贮存箱border link 边境连接道路border terminus 过境终站bore 钻孔;内孔bored pile 螺旋钻孔桩bored tunnel 钻挖的隧道borehole log 钻孔纪录boric acid 硼酸boring 钻探;冲孔boring machine 钻探机;镗床borrow area 采泥区;采料区BOT(Build-Operate Transfer) 兴建营运转移bottleneck 樽颈;狭窄段bottom heave 底部隆bottom layer 底层bottom plate 底板bottom simulating reflector (BSR) 海底仿拟反射器bottom-hole pressure 井底压力boulder 巨砾boundary 分界线;界线box bridge 箱型桥box culvert 盒形排水渠;盒形暗渠;箱形暗渠;方形去水渠box girder 箱形大梁brace 撑杆;支撑braced structure 受横向支撑的结构bracing 支撑bracing structure 支撑结构bracket 托架;支架braid 编织电缆brake 制动器brake horse power 制动马力brake lining 制动器摩擦衬片brake pedal 剎车踏板brake system 制动系统brake test 制动器试验brake tester 制动系统测试器braking distance 制动距离;剎车距离branch circuit 分支电路branch pipe/ pipework 支管;分支喉管Brass Caliper 铜身卡尺Brass Flat Bar 铜扁条brass gate valve 黄铜闸阀Brass Padlock w/key 同匙铜锁Brass Straight Nozzle 消防铜射咀brass wire brush 铜丝刷break pressure tank 减压配水缸箱;水压调节池breaker 轧碎机;碎石机;隔断器;开关闸;断路器;保险掣breaking strength 抗断强度breakthrough 击穿breakwater 防波堤breather 通气孔;呼吸器breather valve 通气阀breathing apparatus 呼吸器具brick 砖brick bridge 砖桥Brick Reinforcement 砖墙网Brick Reinforcement Mesh 砖网brick works 砌砖工程brickwork 砖块bridge 桥梁bridge abutment 桥台bridge crane 桥式吊机bridge deck 桥面板;桥板;桥面bridge girder 桥大梁bridge pier 桥墩bridgeworks 桥梁工程Bright spot 亮点Brightness 亮度Brown Paper 鸡皮纸BS916 Hex Bolts & Nuts BS916英制六角螺丝带母(丝闩)bubble accumulator 气泡贮存器Bubble effect 气泡效应bucket conveyor 斗式输送机buckling 压曲;压弯buckling load 压曲临界荷载buffer 缓冲;缓冲器;减震器buffer area 缓冲地区build, operate and transfer (BOT)franchise 「建造、营运及移交」专营权builder' s lift 施工用升降机building 建筑物;大厦building area 建筑面积building condition 楼宇状况building construction 建筑物建造;建筑营造building design 建筑物设计;建筑设计building envelope 建筑物外壳building frontage 建筑物正面building land 屋地;屋子建筑用地building material 建筑物料building plan 建筑图则Building Planning 建筑计划building services 建筑设备building site 屋宇建筑地盘;工地Building Technology 建筑技术building works 屋宇建筑工程;楼宇建筑工程bulk density 容积密度bulk excavation works 大型挖掘工程bulk modulus 体积弹性系数bulldozer 推土机;铲泥车bump (road) 限速路面突块bumper 缓冲器;防撞器;防撞杠bunch 捆扎bund 壆;田基;堤壆bund wall 壆墙bundled area 堤壆保护区buoyant force 浮力burglar alarm system 防盗警报系统buried concrete 埋入地下的混凝土burner 燃烧器;炉头bursting 爆裂bus interchange 巴士转车处bus stop shelter 巴士站遮盖物bus terminus 巴士总站bus-bar 导电条;母线(汇流条)bus-coupler 母线联接bush 轴衬(杯士)butt fusion welding 对头熔接butt welding 对焊butterfly cock 蝶形旋阀butterfly gate 蝶形闸butterfly valve 蝶形阀buttress 支墩buzzer 蜂音器;蜂鸣器by-pass 绕道;支路;支管;旁通管by-pass valve 旁通阀Byte 字节cab 小室;驾驶室cabinet 小室;贮存柜cable 电缆cable channel 电缆沟;电缆槽cable conduit 电缆管cable coupler 电缆耦合器Cable Cutter 威也钳cable draw pit 电缆沙井;铺缆井cable duct 电缆管道cable gland 电缆密封套cable joint 电缆接头cable laying wagon 电缆敷设车cable lead 电缆引线cable route 电缆路线cable supported viaduct 悬索高架桥cable suspension bridge 钢索吊桥cable trench 电缆槽cable trough 电缆坑cable trunk 电缆干线cable tunnel 电缆隧道cable-stayed bridge 斜拉桥;斜张桥cage 机厢caisson 沉箱caisson cap 沉箱盖caisson foundation 沉箱地基;沉箱基础caisson pier 沉箱墩caisson pile 沉箱桩caisson retaining wall 沉箱挡土墙caisson wall 沉箱墙Calibrate 校准Calibrating device 校准器calibration 校准Calibration constant 校准常数Calibration instrument 校准仪caliper measure 测径calorie (cal) 卡路里(热量单位) calorific value 热值calorifier 加热器cam 凸轮camber 拱度(成弧形)candela (cd) 烛光(发光强度单位) canister respirator 罐型防毒面具canopy 雨遮cantilever 悬臂cantilever beam 悬臂梁cantilever bridge 悬臂桥cantilever crane 悬臂吊机cantilever footing 悬臂基脚cantilever foundation 悬臂地基cantilever support 悬臂支架canvas 帆布canvas belt 帆布带cap 帽;盖Capacitance 电容capacitance meter 电容表Capacitivity 电容率capacitor 电容器capacity 容量;载客量capacity control valve 容量控制阀Capillarity 毛细作用Capillary pressure 毛细压力capital works 基本建设工程;基建工程;carbon brush 碳刷Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火筒carbon pile 碳柱carbon ring 碳环carbon steel 含碳钢carbon strip 碳条carbonation 碳化carbonation depth 碳化深度carbonation process 碳化过程carbonhydrate 碳水化合物carborundum 金刚砂carburettor 化油器;气化器cargo handling area 货物装卸区Carpenter Hammer w/handle 木工锤Carpenter Pencil 木工笔carriageway 行车道carriageway marking 行车道标记Carry 进位carrying capacity 运载量;载重量;承载能力Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标;直角坐标cartridge 子弹;弹药筒cartridge operated tool 弹药推动的工具cartridge type respirator 滤罐型呼吸器;筒型防毒面具(猪咀)casing 套管cast iron 铸铁;生铁cast iron conductor 铸铁导管Cast Iron Electrode 铸铁焊支cast iron pipe 铸铁管(生铁管)cast-in anchorage 浇注锚固cast-in-place 灌注;现场浇筑cast-in-place (CIP) 场铸式cast-in-situ concrete unit 现场浇筑混凝土构件casting basin 预制品工场Castor with stopper 棚架辘casualty team 意外事件小组cat ladder 便梯;爬梯catalytic action 催化作用catch 挡片;制止器;扣掣;门扣catch fan 扇形防护网架catch fence 拦截围墙catch platform 坠台Catcher 抓贝catchment area 集水区;引集范围catchpit 排水井;集水坑;截流井catchwater channel 集水槽catenary wire 吊索cathode 阴极cathode ray tube (CRT) 阴极射线管cathodic protection 阴极保护catwalk 跳板;轻便梯;轻便栈桥caulk 填缝Caulking Gun 油灰鎗caulking material 填隙料causeway 堤道(长堤)caution sign 警告标志cavern 洞穴cavity 中空部分;穴cavity wall 空心墙ceiling 天花板ceiling slab 天花板ceiling suspension hook 天花吊 celestial eqquator 天球赤道Celestial equator 天体赤道Celestial pole 天极cell 电池cellular office 分格式办公室cement 水泥cement content 水泥含量cement mortar 水泥沙浆cement plaster 水泥灰泥cement rendering 水泥荡面(水泥刷面) cement sand mix 水泥沙浆cementitious content 水泥成分Center of curvature 曲率中心Center of gravity 重心Centesimal graduation 百分度centi (c) 厘(百分之一)Centigrade 百分度;摄氏温度Centimeter-gram-second system 公分-公克-秒单位制central divider 中央分隔栏central dividing strip 中央分隔带central line 中线central median 中央分隔带central power-driven machine 中央动力机械Central processing unit 中央处理机central profile barrier 中央纵向护栏central reserve 中央预留带central span 中跨距(中心跨距) centre lane 中行车线(中央车道) centre line 中心线centre line of street 街道中心线centrifugal filter 离心过滤器centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal load 离心荷载centrifugal pump 离心泵centripetal force 向心力ceramic tile 瓷砖certificate 证明书certificate of inspection 检查证明书certificate of registration 注册证明书;登记证明书certification 核证Certification Standards 建筑师的认证标准certified copy 经核证文本certify 核证cesspool 污水池chain 链chain block 滑车吊链;链动滑轮(链滑车)Chain Saw 电动链锯chainage 丈量长度;里程距离chainlink fence 扣环围栏;铁网围栏Chalk 粉笔Chalk Brush 粉刷chamber 小室;间隔chamfer 去角(斜角)位;斜削chandelier 水晶灯change-over switch 转换开关change-over valve 转换阀channel 沟渠;线糟;槽;渠道;频道channel cover 槽盖Channel wave 槽波channelization (traffic) (交通)导流channelizing island 导行岛channelizing line 导行线Chaos theory 混沌论Character 特性;字符Characteristic 特性;特征characteristic strength 特征强度Charge 炸药;电荷Chart 图表chart datum 海图基准面chart recorder 图表记录器chassis 车身底盘check 查核check block 挡块check joint 止回接头check mechanism 制动装置check plate 垫板;挡板check rail 护轮轨check screw 止动螺钉check valve 止回流阀chemical action 化学作用chemical dosing 化学剂量chemical grout 化学灌浆Chemical Materials 化工物料类chemical property 化学特性chemical refuse 化学垃圾chemical test 化学测试chemicals 化学品chequered plate 网纹板chill plate 冷却板chilled air fan 冷风风扇chilled water pump 冷冻水泵chiller 冷冻机chiller plant 致冷设备;制冷设备chimney 烟沟;烟chimney coping 烟囱盖顶chimney stack 烟囱Chinese Ink 大墨汁Chinese Pen 毛笔Chipping Hammer w/handle 敲锈锤chippings 碎屑;破片chisel 凿chloride 氯化物chloride content 氯化物含量chloride diffusion 氯化物扩散chloride extraction 除氯chloride ion 氯离子chloride ion content 氯离子含量chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) 氯化聚氯乙烯chlorinated water 加有氯气的水chlorinator 加氯器chopper 斩波器;截波器chunam 灰泥土批荡chute 溜槽;滑道;槽管ciffusion coefficient 扩散系数circuit 电路;环道circuit breaker 断路保险掣circular footing 圆基脚circular road 环回道路Circular Saw Blade (Carbide Tipped) 40T 钻石介木碟circulating water pump 循环水泵circulation mode 循环模式circumferential road 环回道路civil works 土木工程cladding 骨架外墙;覆盖层claim 声称;申索;索偿clamp 夹钳claplock cable clamp 拍扣式电缆线夹clast 碎屑;岩粒Clathrate 天然气水化合物Claw Hammer w/handle 羊角锤clay 黏土clay field pipe 瓦管Clay Picks Head 番钉头Clay Picks w/handle 番钉连柄Cleaner 洁厕得cleaning eye 清理孔Cleaning Pad 快洁布cleaning rod 清理棒cleansing 洁净clear effective length 净有效长度clear height 净高clear opening 净开口clear space 净空间clear span 净跨距clear width 净宽度clearance 相距空间;(净空) clearance gauge 测隙规clearance space 间隙空间cleat 夹具clevis U形夹client 委托人climb form technique 提升模板技术climbing lane 爬坡车道climofunction 气候因素Clinographic curve 坡度曲线Clinometer 测斜器clip 小夹close fitting cover 紧合封盖close fittings 紧合配件close-boarded platform 密合封板平台Close-up 闭合closed area 禁区closed circuit television (CCTV) 闭路电视closed end 不能通行的一端closed position 闭合的位置Closed traverse 闭合导线Closing error 闭合误差closure 封闭Closure error 闭合误差cloverleaf interchange 四叶式交汇处;蝶式交汇处clutch 离合器co-ordinator 统筹人Coagulation 凝结Coal 红基煤coal-tar epoxy 环氧煤焦油coarse aggregate 粗骨料coarse screening 粗筛Coast line 海岸线Coastal deposits 海岸堆积coating 保护层;涂层coating material 涂盖物质cock 旋塞;旋阀Coconut Brush Broom 椰衣扫Code address 编码地址Code language 代码语言code of practice 工作守则;操作守则code reader 读码器Coded data 编码数据Coded message 编码信息Coder 编码器;编码员Coding 编码;译码Coding rule 编码规则coefficient 系数Coefficient of correction 校正系数Coefficient of correlation 对比系数Coefficient of damping 阻尼系数coefficient of elasticity 弹性系数coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数Coefficient of extension 伸延系数coefficient of internal friction 内摩擦系数coefficient of linear expansion 线性膨胀系数coefficient of refraction 折射系数Coefficient of safety 安全系数coefficient of thermal diffusion 热扩散系数coefficient of transmissibility 可传性系数cofferdam 围堰坝cohesive force 黏合力;凝聚力coil 线圈;簧圈;盘管cold milling 刨去路面旧沥青cold reduced steel wire 冷轧钢丝cold solvent welding 冷冻溶剂焊接cold storage 冷藏库collapse 坍塌collapsible cantilever platform 可折悬臂平台collapsible gate 折闸collar 护圈;束套;套环Collateral data 附属数据collet 套爪;筒夹Collimated 平行Collimation 瞄准;平行校正collimation axis 视准轴collimation error 视准误差collimation line 视准线collimation plane 视准面collimator 视准仪Collision 碰撞Collision zone 板块碰撞带colluvial deposit 崩积土层Color code 色码Color display 彩色展示Color plates 色版Color processing 彩色处理Color Rags 什布仔Color sensation 色感Coloration 着色;彩色colour code 色码colour light signal 颜色灯号coloured cement 颜色水泥column 柱column cap 柱帽column footing 柱基脚column frame 柱架column head 柱头Combination 组合Combination Plier 平咀钳Combination Slip-Joint Plier 鲤鱼钳Combination Wrench 令梗Combination Wrench Set 套庄令梗combined dead load 组合恒载combined effect 混合效应combined footing 联合基脚combined load 合并载重combustible goods 可燃物品combustible material 可燃烧物料combustion 燃烧combustion chamber 燃烧室commencement of operation 开始操作commercial building 商业建筑物commercial complex 商场commercial land 商业用地commercial use 商业用途commissioning 启用;投产;投入服务;开始使用;开始运作commitment 承担common corridor 公用走廊Common mode 同型common part 公用部分Common Round Iron Nails 普通圆铁钉common use 共同使用common waste pipe 共用废水管communal facilities 公用设施communication channel/ link 通讯渠道communication system 通讯系统commutator 整流器commuter 通勤者compacted concrete 压实混凝土compaction 压实;夯实compaction pile 压实桩compaction test 压实测试compartment 分隔室compartment wall 分隔墙Compass 罗盘Compass azimuth 罗盘方位角Compass bearing 罗盘方位Compass declination 磁偏角compatibility 相配;相容compensating valve 补偿阀compensation 补偿;补偿金competent person 符合资格人士;有资格人士Compiler 编绎程序complement 补充设备Complement address 补码地址Complement angle 余角Complementary angle 余角complete function test 全面功能试验complete fusion 完全熔接complete overhaul 全面大修completed works 已完成的工程compliance 遵从composite beam 组合梁composite building 综合用途建筑物composite pile 混合桩composite sandwich construction 复合夹层结构composite steel plate 复合钢板composite wall 组合墙composition 成分compound 场地;合成物comprehensive details 全面细节;整体细节comprehensive development area 综合发展区comprehensive redevelopment area 综合重建区comprehensive transport interchange facilities 综合交通交汇设施comprehensive transport study 整体运输研究compressed air 压缩空气compressed air tunnelling method 压缩空气开挖隧道法compressed gas 压缩气体Compressibility 压缩系数compressing tool 压挤工具compression 压缩compression joint 承压接缝compression load 压缩荷载compression reinforcement 受压钢筋compression test 抗压测试compressional anticline 挤压背斜compressional fold 挤压褶皱compressive failure 压缩塌毁;压缩毁坏compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 抗压应力compressor 压缩机computer aided design (CAD)facilities 电脑辅助设计设施computer graphics 电脑绘图Computer language 计算器语言computerized automatic concrete cube crushing machine 电脑化混凝土立方块压力试验机concave 凹形concealed piping 隐藏喉管concentrated load 集中载重;集中荷载concept plan 概念图conceptual layout 概念规划concrete 混凝土;三合土concrete barrier 混凝土防撞栏concrete block 混凝土趸concrete block seawall 混凝土海堤Concrete Brick 沙砖concrete bridge 混凝土桥concrete buffer 混凝土缓冲壆Concrete Chisel 石矢尖凿concrete core 混凝土芯concrete cover 混凝土保护层concrete cube 混凝土立方块concrete cube test 混凝土立方体试验concrete durability 混凝土耐久性concrete foundation 混凝土基础concrete grade 混凝土等级concrete lining 混凝土搪层;混凝土衬里concrete mix 混凝土混合物;混凝土拌合料concrete mixer 混凝土混合机;混凝土搅拌机concrete mixing plant 混凝土拌合厂concrete paving block 混凝土铺路砖concrete pile 混凝土桩concrete pipe 混凝土管concrete plinth 混凝土基脚concrete pour works 混凝土浇灌工程concrete profile barrier 混凝土纵向护栏concrete re-alkalization 混凝土再碱性化concrete sample 混凝土样本concrete slab 混凝土板concrete sleeper 混凝土轨枕concrete spalling 混凝土剥落Concrete Stones 石仔concrete strength 混凝土强度concrete stress 混凝土应力concrete structure 混凝土结构;混凝土建造物concrete technology 混凝土科技;混凝土工艺concrete test 混凝土测试concrete vibrator 混凝土震捣器(混凝土振动器)concrete wall 混凝土墙concreting 灌注混凝土condensation 冷凝condenser 冷凝器;电容器condition 条件﹔状况conductance 导率Conductibitily 导电性Conducting stratum 导电层conduction 传导。
1 土木工程专业词汇Shaft friction 桩身摩擦力Shaker 摇筛机SHAKE computer program SHAKE程式blocking 塞板block-diagram 立体地质剖面图block stone 块石block shear sample 块样剪力试验(现地试验) block sample 块状试样block foundation 块状基础block failure 块状破坏block anchorage 块状锚定blinding material 填塞材料blinding concrete 混凝土护层blinding 铺路石砂blind subdrain 盲沟blende drainage 盲沟排水blende drain 盲沟blende catch basin 盲接井blende soil 混染土bleeder well 释压井blasting 开炸blastability coefficient 开炸系数blastability 可炸性blast furnace slags 炉渣blast densification 爆破振密blast 开炸,爆风blanket grouting 覆盖灌浆blanket course 覆盖层blanket 覆盖blaine fineness 布莱恩细度black earth 黑土black cotton soil 黑棉土bituminous seal 沥青封层Seismorgraph 地震仪bond clay 胶结黏土Semi-conductor radiation 半导体放射线检定器bond 胶结,键,结合,粘结Semi-infinite solid 半无限体Sensitive clay 灵敏黏土bolting 螺固bolt 螺栓Sensitivity 灵敏度boiling 砂涌Sensitivity ratio 灵敏度boglime(see Freshwater marl) 沼泽淤泥Sequence of strata 地层层次bog peat 沼泽泥炭bog much 泥炭bog 沼泽地b 体波bady wave 体波bady stress 彻体应力bady measurement method 实体测定法bady force 彻体力blue print 蓝图blown per-min 每分钟打击数blown tip pile 爆端桩blown sand 风成砂blow-up 鼓起(路工)blow-in 涌入blow count of SPT 标准贯入击数blow count 打击数blocky structure 块状构造bore hole seismic loggine 钻孔震测柱状图Sedimentation analysis 沈淀分析bore hole 钻孔Seepage 渗流bore core 岩心Seepage face 渗流面Seepage failure 渗流破坏bore casing 套管Seepage force 渗流力Seepage line 渗流线Seepage pressure 渗流压力Seepage velocity 渗流速度bore 钻凿Seepage water 渗流水Seeping water 渗流水border stone 镶边石Segment 环片、环节border pile 边桩bookhouse fabric 书堆构造Segregation 离析book clay 带状黏土Seif 砂丘Seismic coefficient 地震系数bonding force 键力,结合力Seismic exploration 震动测探法bonding agent 粘结剂Seismic intensity scale 震度等级bonding 胶合Seismic velocity 震波速度bond strength 胶结强度,粘结强度borehole specimen 钻孔土样borehole shear apparatus 钻孔剪切仪borehole scanner 钻孔扫描器borehole sample 钻孔土样borehole record 钻孔纪录borehole pressure recovery test 钻孔压力恢复试验borehole periscope 钻孔潜望镜borehole log 钻孔柱状图borehole jack 钻孔千斤顶borehole gravimeter 钻孔重力仪borehole extensometer 钻孔伸张仪borehole cleaning 清孔borehole TV 钻孔电视borehole 钻孔borehole caliper 钻孔规borehole direct shear device 钻孔直剪仪borehole camera 钻孔照相机Secondary grout 二次灌浆Secondary lining 二次衬砌bored pile 钻掘桩bored cast-in-place pile 钻孔场柱桩bore-hole seismic logging 钻孔震测柱状图Secondary structure 二次构造Section modulus 断面系数bore rod 钻杆Sedentary soil 残积土Sediment 沉积物bore plug 钻孔取样点位图Sedimentary rock 沉积岩2 土木工程专业词汇bore log 钻孔柱状图Sandy soil 砂质土壤Saprolite 腐泥岩、腐泥土Saturated unit weight 饱和单位重Saturation 饱和Saturation curve 饱和曲线Saturation line 饱和线Scale 比例尺Scale effect 规模效应Scaly structure 鳞状构造Scarp 崖Schist 片岩Schistosity 片理Schmidt hammer 史氏锤Schmidt net 史氏网Scoria 火山岩滓Scour 冲刷Scraper 刮运机Scree 崖锥石屑Screen 筛Screening plant 筛场Screw auger 螺旋钻Screw pile 螺旋管SEAGS 东南亚大地工程学会Sealing coat 止水层Seam 缝层Seasonal movement 季节性移动Secant modulus 正割模数Secondary compression 次压缩Secondary consolidation 次压密borehole stress gage 孔内应力计Runoff 迳流Runway 跑道Rupture envelope 破坏包络线Rupture line 破坏线Rutting 车辙R-value 抵抗值RSafe load 安全载重Safety factor 安全系数Sag 下垂Salina 盐湖Salinity 盐度Sample 取样Sample 取样器Sampling 取样Sampling disturbance 取样扰动Sampling tube 取样管Sand 砂土、砂Sand bar 砂洲Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand drain 排水砂桩Sand dune 砂丘Sand fraction 砂分量Sand mat 砂垫Sand pile 砂桩Sandstone 砂岩Sandy clay 砂质黏土Sandy clay loam 砂质黏质壤土Sandy loam 砂质壤土Rock drilling 岩层钻孔Rock facies 岩相Rock fall 落盘、落石Rock fill dam 堆石坝Rock flour 岩末Rock mass 岩体Rock mass rating (RMR) 岩体分级法Rock mechanics 岩石力学Rock pressure 岩石压力Rock quality designation 岩石品质指标Rock salt 盐岩Rock slide 岩石滑动Rock test 岩石试验Rock waste 岩屑Rod 钢杆Rolled earth dam 辗压土坝Rolled fill 辗压填土Roller 辗压机、压路机Roof 顶盘、天盘Root hole 根穴Rotary boring 旋转式钻孔Rotary drilling 旋转式钻孔Rotary percussion boring 旋转冲击式钻孔Rotational slip 旋转滑动Roughness 粗糙度Roughness ratio 粗度比Roundness 圆度比Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗压机Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗Rubble 粗石、碎石 Retardation延迟现象Retrogressive slide 後退滑动Reverse circulation bored pile 反循环法钻掘桩Reverse fault 逆断层Reynold's number 雷诺数Revetment 护岸Rheology 质流学Rhyolite 流纹岩Rift 裂向Rift valley 裂谷、地堑Rigid foundation 刚性基础Rigid pavement 刚性路面Rigid wall 刚性墙Rigidity modulus 刚性模数Rill erosion 细流冲蚀Ring shear apparatus 环式剪力仪Riprap 抛石Riser pipe 竖管River deposit 河积层River levee 堤岸River terrace 河成阶地Roadbed 路基Road embankment 路堤Road foundation 路基Robot 机器人Rock 岩石Rock anchor 岩锚Rock bolt 岩栓Rock burst 岩爆Rock core 岩心Relative humidity 相对湿度Relative rigidity 相对刚性Relict soil 遣土Relief well 释压井Remolded soil 重塑土壤Remolding (Remoulding) 重塑、重模Remolding gain 重塑强化量Remolding loss 重塑弱化量Remote sencing 遥感、遥测Rendulic's stress path 连瑞克应力路径Repeated loading 反覆载重、重复载重Replacement method 换土法Reservoir 水库、储油层Residual clay soil 残留黏土Residual deformation 残留变形3 土木工程专业词汇Residual factor 残留强度因数Residual shear strength 残留剪力强度Residual soil 残留土、残积土Residual settlement 残馀沈陷量Residual stress 残馀应力Resistance 阻抗、电阻Resisting moment 阻抗力矩、底抗力矩Resistivity survey 电阻测探法Resonance 共振Resonant-column test 共振柱试验Response control structure 免震构造Response spectrum 反应谱Restoring force 回复力Resultant seismic coefficient 合成地震系数Retaining wall 挡土墙Rate of loading 载重速度Rate of operation 运用率Rayleigh wave 瑞雷波Raymond pile 雷蒙桩Ready mixed concrete 预拌混凝土Reaming 扩孔Rebound curve 回胀曲线Recharge well 补注井Reclaimed land 新生地Recompact 再压实、再夯实Recompression 再压缩Reconnaissance 勘查Reconsolidation 再压密Recovery ratio 回收率Rectangle dividing method 长方形划分法Recumbent fold 卧褶皱Red clay 红黏土Red soil 红土Reduction factor 减低率Reflection method 反射法Refraction method 折射法Refusal 抗进(打桩)Regional metamorphism 区域变质作用Regolith 风化层表土Regur 黑棉土Reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土Reinforced concrete pile 钢筋混凝土桩Reinforced earth 加劲土Relative consistency 相对稠度Relative density 相对密度Quartz 石英Quartz-diorite 石英闪绿岩Quartz porphyry 石英斑岩Quartz-schist 石英片岩Quartzite 石英岩Quaternary deposit 第四纪层Quaternary period 第四纪Quay wall 岸墙Quick clay 流态黏土Quick condition 流态条件Quick explosives 高速炸药Quicksand 流砂Quick shear test 快剪试验Q-value Q值Radial flow 辐射流Radial shear 辐射状剪力Radial shear zone 辐射状剪力区Radioactive exploration (prospecting) 放射性检测探法Radioactive exploration 放射性检测探法Radioactive logging 放射性检层法Radius of influence 影响半径Radius of relative stiffness 刚比半径Raft foundation 筏式基础Raker pile 斜桩Rammer 击紧机、夯土机Ramp 坡道、匝道Rankine's earth pressure theory 兰金土压力理论Rankine's earth pressure 兰金土压力理论Rapid filtration 迅速过滤Rapid transit tunnel 捷运隧道boundary condition 边界条件bound water 附著水boulder clay 巨石黏土boulder blasting 巨石开炸boulder 巨石bottom pressure 底压力(隧道)boston heave 底部隆起boston charge 底部装药,底冲法boston blue clay 波士顿蓝黏土borrow pit 借土坑borrow material 借土料borrow exploration 借土勘探borrow exploration 借土堪探borrow area 借土区borrow 借土borros point 波罗杆(沉降观测)boring-core 钻孔岩心boring rod 钻杆boring rig 钻机boring maching 钻机boring log 钻孔柱状图boring frame 钻架boring casing 钻探套管boring bit 钻头boring 钻探,钻孔borescope 钻孔检示器borer 钻孔,钻机,钻头borehole (boring) 钻孔borehole surveying 钻孔测量Quarry 采石场、石矿brine 卤水briefly farozen soil 暂冻土brief analysis 简易分析bridge 桥breccia 角砾石breast wall 胸墙breakwater 防波堤breaking strain 断裂应变breakdown pressure 破碎压力break stone 碎石brazilian test 巴西式试验braided stream 辫状河川brackish water 微碱水4 土木工程专业词汇brackishdeposit 半碱沉积bracing 支撑braceing 支撑版braced sheeting 支撑版braced excavation 支撑开挖brace(bracing) 撑杆box shear apparatus (see direct shear apparatus) 盒式剪力仪(直接剪力仪之一种)box pile 箱型桩box foundation 箱型基础box caisson 沉箱bowl-shape settlement 碗型沉陷bowl scraper 刮土机boussinesq theory 布西涅斯克理论bourdon gauge 布登压力计boundary zone of capillarity 毛细管界限区boundary layer 边界层boundary layer 边界层bulk density 统体密度bulk compressibility 体积压缩性bulb pile 大头桩bulb of bressure 葱形等压力球building site 工地building rubble 建筑垃圾building material 建筑材料building line 建筑线building code (by-laws0 建筑法规buffer 缓冲器buckling 挫屈buckling load 压曲载重bucking 地壳弯曲bucket auger 戽斗钻bubbler unit 发泡器brucite 水镁石brownian movement 布朗运动brooming 劈裂bromine-82,Br 溴-82bromhead ring shear 环剪broken stone 碎石broken sliding surface 不连续滑动面broken course 断裂层broadly graded soils 宽级配土brittleness index 脆性指数brittleness 脆性brittle failure 脆性破坏brittle clay 脆性黏土brine storage 卤水存储brine pond 卤水池byte 位元组by-pass seepage 绕渗buttress wall 前垛墙butte 孤山butt 桩头burst tearing test 胀破试验burst strength 胀破强度burn-cut 核裂拔心开炸buried terrace 埋藏阶地buried structure 埋入式结构物burger's body 柏格体burger model 柏格模式burette 滴定管bureau public road classification system 美国公路局土壤分类法(BPRCS) burden 炸孔面距buoyat unit weight (see suberged unit weight) 浸水单位重buoyat pile 浮力桩buoyat foundation 浮式基础buoyat density,ρ浸水密度buoyancy raft 浮式基础buoyancy 浮力bunson burner 本身燃烧机bulldozer 堆土机bulking 胀bulkhead wall 隔墙,岸壁,档墙bulkhead 隔墙,堤岸,防水壁bulk unit weight 统体单位重bulk specific gravity 统体比重,假比重bulk rockfill 抛石体bulk modulus 统体模数calyx drill holes 萼状钻孔calyx drill 萼状钻caliper log 测径记录california bearing ratio (CBR) 加州载重比(美国)caliche 生硝,钙质土calibration test 校正试验calibration curve 校正曲线calibration 校正caldera 巨火山口calculous soil 砾质土calculate self-weight collapse, Δzs 计算自重坍陷量calcite 方解石calcilutie(calcilutyte) 灰泥岩calcify 钙化calcareous spar 方解石calcareous soil 石灰质土calcareous ooze 钙质软泥calcareous concretion 钙质结核calcareous 石灰质的calc spar 方解石caisson 沉箱caission foundation 沉箱基础caission disease 沉箱病,潜水夫病caission 沉箱cainozoic era 新生代cage of reinforcement 钢筋笼cable tool drilling 冲钻cable tool drill(see churn drill) 冲钻c-line C线(塑性图)c-horizon C层位Propylite 青盘岩Protective filter 保护滤层Proving ring 衡圈、计力圈Puddle clay 胶泥黏土Pulling test 抗拔试验Pull-out resistance 抗拔力Pull-out test 抗拔试验Pulvimixer 粉碎拌和机Pumice 浮石、蛭石Pumping phenomera 喷泥现象Pumping test 抽水试验、唧筒试验5 土木工程专业词汇P-wave 纵波、P波Pycnometer 比重瓶Pyrite 黄铁矿、硫化铁Pyrophyllite 叶蜡岩Pyroclastic rock 火成碎屑岩Pyrophyllite 叶辉石Pyroxene 辉石vise 老虎钳cantilever sheet piling 悬臂版桩cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂版桩墙cantilever sheet pile 悬臂版桩cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙cantilever footing 悬臂式基脚canalization 渠化,槽化camkometer 剑桥侧压仪cambridge sampler 剑桥取样器cambridge model 剑桥模式cambrian period 寒武纪camber 预拱Preconsolidation 预压密Preconsolidation pressure 预压密压力grenade 手榴弹Preload (Preloading) 预压、预压法Prepakt mortar pile 预垒桩Prescrete 混凝土灌铸机Pressure bulb 压力球根Pressure cell 压力计Pressure chamber 压力室Pressuremeter test 压力计试验Pressure tunnel 压力隧道Pressure-void ratio curve 压力孔隙比曲线Prestress 预力Primary breaker 一级碎石机Primary compression 主压缩Primary consolidation 主压密Primary lining 初始衬砌Primary stress 初始应力Principal plane 主平面Principal strain 主应变Principal stress 主应力Probing 探测Proctor compaction test 普罗克特压实试验、普罗克特夯实试验Proctor curve 普罗克特曲线Profile 剖面Progressive failure 渐进破坏Progressive settlement 渐增沈陷Progressive slide 渐进滑动Proof-rolling 辗压试验Prop 临时支柱Point load 点载重Poiseulle's law 普怡锡里定律Poisson's ratio 柏松比Polder 围生地Poling board 挡土板、插板Polygonal ground 多角形地Poncelet method 彭思烈图解法Poorly ground 软弱地盘Poorly graded 不良级配的Porcelain clay 瓷土Pore pressure 孔隙压力Pore pressure coefficient 孔隙压力系数Pore pressure dissipation 孔隙压力消散现象Pore water 孔隙水Pore water pressure 孔隙水压力Porosity 孔隙率Porous stone 透水石、多孔石Porphyrite 玢岩Porphyry 斑岩Post-hole auger 螺旋手钻Potential energy 势能、位能Pot-hole 壶穴(地质)Pot-hole 洼穴(路面)Power shovel 动力铲torch 火把,手电筒,泉源Pozzolan 火山灰Preboring 预先钻探Precambrian period 先寒武纪Precast concrete pile 预铸混凝土桩Precompression 预压Pingo 小丘Pipe line 管线Piping 管涌Pit sample 土坑土样、土坑试样Pit gravel 坑砾石Placement moisture content 填土含水量Plagioclase 斜长石Plane stress 平面应力Plane structure 平面构造Planimeter 面积仪Plastic design 塑性设计Plastic equilibrium 塑性平衡Plastic equilibrium theory 塑性平衡理论Plastic flow 塑性流Plasticity 塑性Plasticity chart 塑性图Plasticity index 塑性指数Plastic limit 塑性限度Plastic range 塑性范围Plastic strain 塑性应变Plastic zone 塑性区Plate loading test (Plate bearing test) 平板载重试验Plate tectonics 板块构造Plumbline 锤线Plunge 俯角Plutonic rock 深成岩Pneumatic caisson 压气沈箱Pneumatic-tired roller 胶轮辗压机Point bearing 桩底抗力Petroleum 石油Petrology 岩石学PF-value 吸力值PH-value 酸碱值Phenocryst 斑晶Photoelastic model test 光弹性模型试验Phreatic line 浸润线Phreatic surface 浸润面Phyllite 千枚岩Physical weathering 物理风化6 土木工程专业词汇Piano wire 预力钢线Pier foundation 墩基础Piezometer 水压计Piezometric head 压力水头Pile 桩Pile cap 桩帽Pile driving 打桩Pile driving analyser 打桩动力分析仪Pile driving formula 打桩公式Pile driving frame 打桩架Pile driving resistance 打桩阻抗Pile foundation 桩基础Pile group 群桩Pile hammer 桩锤、桩鎚Pile loading test 桩载重试验Piling rig 打桩机Pillar 矿柱Pillow lava 枕状熔岩Pilot drift 导坑Pilot tunnel 导坑Passive earth pressure 被动土压力Path of percolation 渗漏流径Pavement 路面、铺面Pea gravel 豆砾Peak value 尖峰值Peat 泥炭土Peat bog 泥炭地Pebble 圆砾Pedestal pile 百力达桩、蒜头桩Pegmatite 伟晶岩Pelagic deposit 深海堆积物Pelite mudstone 泥岩Peneplain 准平原Penetration record 贯入纪录Penetration test 贯入试验Penetrometer 贯入仪Percentage by weight 重量百分比Percent of consolidation 压密百分比Perched water table 栖止地下水位Percolation 渗流、渗漏Percussion boring 冲击式钻孔Peridotite 橄榄岩Period 纪Permafrost 永冻土Permeability 渗透性Permeability test 渗透试验、透水试验Permeameter 渗透试验仪Permian period 二叠纪Perviousness 渗透性Organic soil 有机土O-ring seal 止水环Orogeny 造山运动Orthoclase 正长石Orthogneiss 正片麻岩Osterberg's chart 欧使堡图表Outbreak 超挖、超炸Outcrop 岩层露头、露头Outside clearance ratio 外径比Outwast plain 冰水积土Oven-dried 烘乾Overbarden 覆土层Overbarden pressure 覆土压力Overcompaction 过度压实、过度夯实Over-consolidated 过压密的Over-consolidated ratio 过压密比Overhead 管理费Overturning moment 倾倒力矩Owner 业主Oxbow lake 新月湖、牛轭湖Ozone 臭氧Packing 填料、衬垫(打桩用) paleozoic era 古生代Pantograph 缩收器Panning 盘洗Parent rock 母岩Partial saturation 部份饱和Particle size 粒径Particle size distribution curve 粒径分布曲线Parting 裂理Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Nodule 岩球Noise pollution 公害噪音Non-cohesive soil 非凝聚性土壤Nonconformity 非整合Non-destructive test 非破坏试验Non-uniform flow 非等流Normal fault 正断层Normal stress 正应力、垂直应力Normally consolidated clay 正常压密黏土Nuclear power plant 核能发电厂Null indicator 归零指示器Numerical calculation 数值分析法N-value N值、标准贯入击数Observation well 观测井Obsidian 黑耀岩Octahedral normal stress 正八面体正应力Oedometer test 压密试验Olivin 橄榄石Omori's formula 大森公式One-dimensional consolidation 单向度压实Ooze 软泥Open tender (bid) 公开招标Open caisson 开口沈箱Open cut 明挖法Open pit mining 明坑采矿法Optimum moisture content 最佳含水量Ordovician period 奥陶纪Ore 矿石Ore microscope 矿石显微镜Monoclinal flexure 单斜褶皱Montmorillonite 蒙特石、蒙脱土Moor 泥炭地Moraine 冰碛、冰堆石Mortar 水泥砂浆Mortar 研摩臼Moss 沼泽地Mountain building 造山运动Muck 黑泥Muck 土碴、碴Mud 淤泥Mud flat 泥滩Mud flow 泥流Mudstone 泥岩Mud water 泥水Multibench blasting 多阶开炸7 土木工程专业词汇Multi-purpoe dam 多目标水坝Muskeg 沼泽地Mylonite 摩烂岩Nappe 水舌Natural frequency 自然频率Natural moisture content 自然含水量Natural water cotent 自然含水量Natural water cotent 自然含水量Negative porewater pressure 负孔隙水压力Negative skin friction 负周面摩擦力、负表面摩擦力Neutral pressure 中和压力Neutral stress 中和应力Neutron moisture meter 中性子水分仪New Austrian tunnelling method (NATM) 新奥隧道法Mesozoic era 中生代Metamorphic rock 变质岩Metamorphism 变质作用Meteoric water 天水Meteorite 陨石Mica 云母Micaceous schist 云母片岩Microline 微斜长石Microfossil 微细化石Microscopic analysis 显微镜分析Microseism 微震动Milli-second blasting 毫秒开炸Mineral 矿物Mining subsidence 采矿坍陷Minor principal stress 最小主应力Mixed-in-place pile 场拌桩Model test 模型试验Modified seismic coefficient method 改良震度法Modulus of elasticity 弹性模数Modulus of rigidity 剪力模数Modulus of subgrade reaction 地盘反力系数Mogote 石灰岩残丘Mohr's circle 摩尔圆Mohr's envelope 摩尔包络线Mohs hardness 莫氏硬度Moisture content 含水量Molasse 磨砾层Mole 隧道钻凿机、全径隧道机Moment of inertia 惯性力矩Monkey 落鎚、落锤cap 桩帽,雷管(俗)Ma 一百万年Macadam method 马克当法Macadam roller 三轮辗压机、三轮压路机Mafic rock 镁铁质岩石Magma 岩浆Magnetic declination 磁偏角Magnetic exploration 磁力测探法Major principal stress 最大主应力Mandrel 导心杆Manning's fomula 曼宁公式Manometer 液体测压计Mantle 地函Marble 大理石Marine deposit 海积层Marker bed 指标层Marl 泥灰岩Marsh 沼泽地Marshall test 马歇尔试验Mass curve 土积曲线Mass movement 块体运动Mat foundation 筏式基础Maximum dry density 最大乾密度Maximum grain size 最大粒径Mechanical analysis 粒径分析Mechanical stabilization 粒径稳定法Mechanics of granular materials 粒状体力学Median tectonic line (MTL) 中央构造线Medium sand 中砂Mesh 筛眼carboniferous period, C 石炭纪carbonizationperiod, C 石炭纪carbonatite 碳酸盐岩carbonation 碳酸化carbonate 碳酸盐carbonaceous sediment 碳质沉积carbonaceous 碳的,碳质的,含碳的carbon-14, 囊式压力计capsule-type pressure gauge 囊式压力计caprock 冠岩capped yield model 加盖降服模式capillary zone 毛细管水层capillary water 毛细管水capillary tention 毛细管张力capillary saturation 毛细管饱和capillary rise, hc(height0 毛细管扬距capillary rise, hc9height0 毛细管扬距capillary pressure 毛细管压力capillary potential 毛细管势能capillary migration 毛细管水移动capillary life test 毛细管上升孔试验capillary interstice 毛细管孔隙capillary fringe 毛细管边缘capillary film 吸附水膜capillary action 毛细管作用capillarity 毛细管现象,毛系作用capillarimeter 毛细管仪capblock 桩帽capacity of well 井容量cap model 加盖模式catchment area (basin) 集水面积(区)catchdrain 截水沟catch basin 集水区catalyzer 催化剂cataclastic 压碎作用cataclasite 压碎岩cat and cancast-in-situ pile(cast-in-place pile) 场铸桩8 土木工程专业词汇cast-in-place doaphragm wall 场铸连续壁casagrande's soil classification 卡萨格兰德土壤分类法casagrande liquid limit apparatus 卡萨格兰德液限仪casagrande dot 卡萨格兰德孔隙压力测头casing shoe 套管靴casing head gas 套管头气体casing head 套管头casing collar 套管吊环casing 套管casing 套管cased pile 套管桩cased borehole 套管钻孔case study 个案研究case history 个案case hardening 表面硬化carry-over storage 调节水库carlson type strain meter 卡尔森氏应力计carlson stress meter 卡尔森应力计cardhouse fabric 片架组构cardboard drain 纸板排水card-board wick 排水纸板carbonization 碳化cenozoic era 新生代cementing agent 胶结剂cemented soil 胶结土cementaction 胶结作用cement-treated-soil grout 水泥土灌浆cement-stabilized soil 水泥稳定土cement stabilization 水泥稳定工法cement soil stabilization 水泥土壤稳定工法cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement injection 水泥注入工法cement grouting 水泥灌浆cellulosic fibers 纤维素纤维cellular texture 网格组织cellular retaining wall 格式挡土墙cellular core wall 舱式心墙cellular cofferdam 舱式围堰cell test 密室试验cell quay wall 舱室岸壁cell pressure 室压cell action factor 合作用因素CBR value 加州载重比值(美国)cavity expansion theory 扩孔理论cavity 洞穴caving 坍陷落盘cavern 洞穴cave-in 坍陷,落盘cave deposit 洞穴沉积causatic lime mud 灰质软泥cation 阳离子catcodic protection 阳极保护chasm 裂口chaser 送桩器charge density 电荷密度charge deficiency 电荷不足charge 装药,电荷,充电channery 碎石chance sample 随机样本chamber blasting (coyotehole blasting) 抗室爆破chalky clay 白垩黏土chalk marl 白垩泥灰岩chalk 白垩chaingage 链式水尺ceramics 陶磁ceramic filter 陶瓷滤器centroid 重心,形心centrifuge test 离心试验centrifuge moisture equivalent (CHE) 离心含水当量centrifuge modeling 离心机模拟centrifuge 离心机centrifugally-cast concrete driven pile 离心浇铸混凝土灌入桩centrifugal prestressed concrete pile 离心预力混凝土桩centrifugal model test 离心模型试验centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal concrete pile 离心混凝土桩centrifugal autoclaved concrete pile 离心蒸气压混凝土桩centric load 中心载重central earthquake 中心震centerline method 中线法centering 对中center line 中心线chlorite 绿泥石chisel bit 钻头chisel 凿chip 石片china-clay 瓷土chimney drain 烟囱式排水,竖向截水体chert 燧石chert 角岩chernozem soil 黑钙土chernozem 黑钙土chemise 土堤岸护墙,土堤岸护面chemical weathering 化学风化chemical waste disposal 化学废料处理chemical stabilization 化学稳定chemical stability 化学稳定性chemical sedimentary rock 化学沉积岩chemical reagents 化学试剂chemical precipitation 化学沉淀chemical property (of rock) 岩石化学性chemical interaction 化学交互作用chemical injection process 化学注液法chemical grouting 药液灌浆chemical deposit 化学沉积chemical decomposition 化学分解chemical churning pile 化学搅拌桩chemical bonding 化学胶合chemical board drain 化学板排水chemical additive 化学添加剂chellean age 旧石器时代(舍利时代) chat 燧石砾岩clay chunks 黏土块clay blanket 黏土覆盖clay binder 黏结科clay 黏土clastic deposit 碎屑沉积clastic 碎屑的clast 碎屑classification test 分类试验classification 分类class of hardness 硬度分类clasolite 碎屑岩civil engineers 土木工程师civil engineering 土木工程circlar soil cutter 切土环刀circlar slip surface 圆弧滑动面circlar sliding surface 圆弧滑动面circlar frequency 圆频率circlar foundation 圆弧基础circlar failure analysis 圆弧破坏分析circlar cofferdam 圆形围堰circlar are analysis 圆弧分析法circle of stress 应力圆。
土木工程词汇.txt隧道工程 tunnel engineering隧道 tunnel铁路隧道 ;铁道隧道 railway tunnel公路隧道 highway tunnel地铁隧道 subway tunnel;underground railway tunnel;metro tunnel人行隧道 pedestrian tunnel水工隧洞 ;输水隧道 hydraulic tunnel山岭隧道 mountain tunnel水下隧道 subaqueous tunnel海底隧道 ;水下隧道 submarine tunnel;underwater tunnel土质隧道 earth tunnel岩石隧道 rock tunnel浅埋隧道 shallow tunnel;shallow-depth tunnel;shallow burying tunnel 深埋隧道 deep tunnel;deep-depth tunnel;deep burying tunnel偏压隧道 unsymmetrical loading tunnel马蹄形隧道 ;拱形隧道 horse-shoe tunnel;arch tunnel圆形隧道 circular tunnel矩形隧道 rectangular section tunnel大断面隧道 largecross-section tunnel长隧道 long tunnel双线隧道 twin-track tunnel;double track tunnel曲线隧道 curved tunnel明洞 open tunnel;open cut tunnel;tunnel without cover;gallery隧道勘测 tunnel survey超前探测 drift boring工程地质勘测 ;工程地质勘探 engineering geological prospecting隧道测量 tunnel survey施工测量 construction survey断面测量 section survey隧道设计 tunnel design隧道断面 tunnel section安全系数 safety coefficient隧道力学 tunnel mechanics隧道结构 tunnel structure隧道洞口设施 facilities of tunnel portal边墙 side wall拱顶 arch crown拱圈 tunnel arch仰拱 inverted arch底板 base plate;floor隧道埋深 depth of tunnel隧道群 tunnel group隧道施工 tunnel construction隧道开挖 tunnel excavation分部开挖 partial excavation大断面开挖 large cross-section excavation全断面开挖 full face tunnelling开挖面 excavated surface隧道施工方法 tunnel construction method钻爆法 drilling and blasting method新奥法 natm;new austrian tunnelling method盾构法 shield driving method;shield method顶进法 pipe jacking method;jack-in method浅埋暗挖法 sallow buried-tunnelling method明挖法 cut and cover tunneling;open cut method地下连续墙法 underground diaphragm wall method;underground wall method 冻结法 freezing method沉埋法 immersed tube method管棚法 pipe-shed method综合机械化掘进 comprehensive mechanized excavation辅助坑道 auxiliary adit;service gallery平行坑道 parallel adit竖井 shaft斜井 sloping shaft;inclined shaft导坑 heading衬砌工艺 lining process喷锚 ;锚喷 anchor bolt spray;anchor bolt-spray管段 tube section接缝 joint地层加固 reinforcing of natural ground弃碴 ballast piling施工监控 construction monitor control超挖 overbreak欠挖 underbreak施工进度 construction progress隧道贯通 tunnel holing-through工期 work period隧道施工机械 tunnel construction machinery隧道掘进机 tunnelling machine;tunnel boring machine;tbm单臂掘进机 single cantilever tunnelling machine全断面掘进机 full face tunnel boring machine隧道钻眼爆破机械 machine for tunnel drilling and blasting operation 装碴运输机械 loading-conveying ballast equipment衬砌机械 lining mechanism钢模板 steel form模板台车 formworking jumbo混凝土喷射机 ;砼喷射机 concrete sprayer盾构 shield泥水盾构 slurry shield气压盾构 air pressure shield挤压闭胸盾构 shotcrete closed shield土压平衡盾构 soil pressure balancing shield注浆机械 grouting machine凿岩机 rock drilling machine;air hammer drill凿岩台车 drill jumbo;rock drilling jumbo围岩 surrounding rock围岩分类 surrounding rock classification围岩加固 surrounding rock consolidation围岩稳定 surrounding rock stability围岩应力 surrounding rock stress围岩压力 pressure of surrounding rock山体压力 ;围岩压力 ground pressure;surrounding rock pressure围岩变形 surrounding rock deformation围岩破坏 surrounding rock failure软弱围岩 weak surrounding rock支护 support锚喷支护 anchor bolt-spray support锚杆支护 anchor bolt-support;anchor bolt support喷射混凝土支护 ;喷射砼支护 shotcrete support;sprayed concrete support 配筋喷射混凝土支护 ;配筋喷射砼支护 reinforced sprayed concrete support 钢架喷射混凝土支护 ;钢架喷射砼支护 rigid-frame shotcrete support掘进工作面支护 excavation face support超前支护 advance support管棚支护 pipe-shed support;pipe roofing support胶结型锚杆 adhesive anchor bolt砂浆锚杆 mortar bolt树脂锚杆 resin anchored bolt摩擦型锚杆 friction anchor bolt楔缝式锚杆 slit wedge type rock bolt涨壳式锚杆 expansion type anchor bolt机械型锚杆 mechanical anchor bolt预应力锚杆 prestressed anchor bolt土层锚杆 soil bolt岩石锚杆 rock bolt衬砌 lining整体式衬砌 integral tunnel lining;integral lining拼装式衬砌 precast lining组合衬砌 composite lining挤压混凝土衬砌 ;挤压砼衬砌 shotcrete tunnel lining;extruding concrete tunnel lining混凝土衬砌 ;砼衬砌 concrete lining喷锚衬砌 shotcrete and bolt lining;shotcrete bolt lining隧道通风 tunnel ventilation施工通风 construction ventilation运营通风 operation ventilation机械通风 mechanical ventilation自然通风 natural ventilation隧道射流式通风 ;隧道射流通风 efflux ventilation for tunnel;tunnel efflux ventilation;tunnel injector type ventilation隧道通风帘幕 curtain for tunnel ventilation;ventilation curtain通风设备 ventilation equipment隧道照明 tunnel illumination;tunnel lighting照明设备 lighting equipment隧道防水 tunnel waterproofing;waterproofing of tunnel防水板 waterproofing board;waterproof board;waterproof sheet防水材料 waterproof material隧道排水 tunnel drainage排水设备 drainage facilites隧道病害 tunnel defect衬砌裂损 lining split;lining **ing隧道漏水 water leakage of tunnel;tunnel leak坍方 landslide;slip地面塌陷 land yielding涌水 gushing water隧道养护 tunnel maintenance堵漏 leaking stoppage注浆 grouting化学注浆 chemical grouting防寒 cold-proof整治 regulation限界检查 clearance examination;checking of clearance;clearance check measurement 隧道管理系统 tunnelling management system隧道环境 tunnel environment隧道试验 ;隧道实验 tunnel test试验段 ;实验段 test section隧道监控量测 ;隧道监控测量 tunnel monitoring measurement收敛 convergence隧道安全 tunnel safety隧道防火 tunnel fire proofing火灾 fire hazard消防 fire fighting隧道防灾设施 tunnel disaster prevention equipment;tunnel anti-disaster equipment 报警装置 ;报警器 alarming device;warning device通过隧道 passing tunnel避车洞 refuge hole避难洞 ;避车洞 refuge recess;refuge hole电气化铁道工程 ;电气化铁路工程 electrified railway construction电气化铁道 ;电气化铁路 electrified railway直流电气化铁道 dc electrified railway交流电气化铁道 ;交流电气化铁路 a.c.electrification railway低频电气化铁道 low frequency electrified railway工频电气化铁道 ;工频电气化铁路 industry frequency electrified railway电压制 voltage system电流制 current systemShaft friction 桩身摩擦力Shaker 摇筛机SHAKE computer program SHAKE程式 blocking 塞板block-diagram 立体地质剖面图block stone 块石block shear sample 块样剪力试验(现地试验) block sample 块状试样block foundation 块状基础block failure 块状破坏block anchorage 块状锚定blinding material 填塞材料blinding concrete 混凝土护层blinding 铺路石砂blind subdrain 盲沟blende drainage 盲沟排水blende drain 盲沟blende catch basin 盲接井blende soil 混染土bleeder well 释压井blasting 开炸blastability coefficient 开炸系数 blastability 可炸性blast furnace slags 炉渣blast densification 爆破振密blast 开炸,爆风blanket grouting 覆盖灌浆blanket course 覆盖层blanket 覆盖blaine fineness 布莱恩细度black earth 黑土black cotton soil 黑棉土bituminous seal 沥青封层Seismorgraph 地震仪bond clay 胶结黏土Semi-conductor radiation 半导体放射线检定器 bond 胶结,键,结合,粘结Semi-infinite solid 半无限体Sensitive clay 灵敏黏土bolting 螺固bolt 螺栓Sensitivity 灵敏度boiling 砂涌Sensitivity ratio 灵敏度boglime(see Freshwater marl) 沼泽淤泥 Sequence of strata 地层层次bog peat 沼泽泥炭bog much 泥炭bog 沼泽地b 体波bady wave 体波bady stress 彻体应力bady measurement method 实体测定法bady force 彻体力blue print 蓝图blown per-min 每分钟打击数blown tip pile 爆端桩blown sand 风成砂blow-up 鼓起(路工)blow-in 涌入blow count of SPT 标准贯入击数blow count 打击数blocky structure 块状构造bore hole seismic loggine 钻孔震测柱状图 Sedimentation analysis 沈淀分析bore hole 钻孔Seepage 渗流bore core 岩心Seepage face 渗流面Seepage failure 渗流破坏bore casing 套管Seepage force 渗流力Seepage line 渗流线Seepage pressure 渗流压力Seepage velocity 渗流速度bore 钻凿Seepage water 渗流水Seeping water 渗流水border stone 镶边石Segment 环片、环节border pile 边桩bookhouse fabric 书堆构造Segregation 离析book clay 带状黏土Seif 砂丘Seismic coefficient 地震系数bonding force 键力,结合力Seismic exploration 震动测探法bonding agent 粘结剂Seismic intensity scale 震度等级 bonding 胶合Seismic velocity 震波速度bond strength 胶结强度,粘结强度borehole specimen 钻孔土样borehole shear apparatus 钻孔剪切仪borehole scanner 钻孔扫描器borehole sample 钻孔土样borehole record 钻孔纪录borehole pressure recovery test 钻孔压力恢复试验 borehole periscope 钻孔潜望镜borehole log 钻孔柱状图borehole jack 钻孔千斤顶borehole gravimeter 钻孔重力仪borehole extensometer 钻孔伸张仪borehole cleaning 清孔borehole TV 钻孔电视borehole 钻孔borehole caliper 钻孔规borehole direct shear device 钻孔直剪仪 borehole camera 钻孔照相机Secondary grout 二次灌浆Secondary lining 二次衬砌bored pile 钻掘桩bored cast-in-place pile 钻孔场柱桩bore-hole seismic logging 钻孔震测柱状图 Secondary structure 二次构造Section modulus 断面系数bore rod 钻杆Sedentary soil 残积土Sediment 沉积物bore plug 钻孔取样点位图Sedimentary rock 沉积岩作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 土木工程专业词汇bore log 钻孔柱状图Sandy soil 砂质土壤Saprolite 腐泥岩、腐泥土Saturated unit weight 饱和单位重Saturation 饱和Saturation curve 饱和曲线Saturation line 饱和线Scale 比例尺Scale effect 规模效应Scaly structure 鳞状构造Scarp 崖Schist 片岩Schistosity 片理Schmidt hammer 史氏锤Schmidt net 史氏网Scoria 火山岩滓Scour 冲刷Scraper 刮运机Scree 崖锥石屑Screen 筛Screening plant 筛场Screw auger 螺旋钻Screw pile 螺旋管SEAGS 东南亚大地工程学会Sealing coat 止水层Seam 缝层Seasonal movement 季节性移动 Secant modulus 正割模数 Secondary compression 次压缩 Secondary consolidation 次压密 borehole stress gage 孔内应力计 Runoff 迳流Runway 跑道Rupture envelope 破坏包络线 Rupture line 破坏线Rutting 车辙R-value 抵抗值RSafe load 安全载重Safety factor 安全系数Sag 下垂Salina 盐湖Salinity 盐度Sample 取样Sample 取样器Sampling 取样Sampling disturbance 取样扰动 Sampling tube 取样管Sand 砂土、砂Sand bar 砂洲Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand bitumen 砂沥青Sand drain 排水砂桩Sand dune 砂丘Sand fraction 砂分量Sand mat 砂垫Sand pile 砂桩Sandstone 砂岩Sandy clay 砂质黏土Sandy clay loam 砂质黏质壤土Sandy loam 砂质壤土Rock drilling 岩层钻孔Rock facies 岩相Rock fall 落盘、落石Rock fill dam 堆石坝Rock flour 岩末Rock mass 岩体Rock mass rating (RMR) 岩体分级法 Rock mechanics 岩石力学Rock pressure 岩石压力Rock quality designation 岩石品质指标 Rock salt 盐岩Rock slide 岩石滑动Rock test 岩石试验Rock waste 岩屑Rod 钢杆Rolled earth dam 辗压土坝Rolled fill 辗压填土Roller 辗压机、压路机Roof 顶盘、天盘Root hole 根穴Rotary boring 旋转式钻孔Rotary drilling 旋转式钻孔Rotary percussion boring 旋转冲击式钻孔 Rotational slip 旋转滑动Roughness 粗糙度Roughness ratio 粗度比Roundness 圆度比Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗压机Rubber-tired roller 胶轮辗Rubble 粗石、碎石 Retardation延迟现象Retrogressive slide 後退滑动Reverse circulation bored pile 反循环法钻掘桩 Reverse fault 逆断层Reynold's number 雷诺数Revetment 护岸Rheology 质流学Rhyolite 流纹岩Rift 裂向Rift valley 裂谷、地堑Rigid foundation 刚性基础Rigid pavement 刚性路面Rigid wall 刚性墙Rigidity modulus 刚性模数Rill erosion 细流冲蚀Ring shear apparatus 环式剪力仪Riprap 抛石Riser pipe 竖管River deposit 河积层River levee 堤岸River terrace 河成阶地Roadbed 路基Road embankment 路堤Road foundation 路基Robot 机器人Rock 岩石Rock anchor 岩锚Rock bolt 岩栓Rock burst 岩爆Rock core 岩心Relative humidity 相对湿度Relative rigidity 相对刚性Relict soil 遣土Relief well 释压井Remolded soil 重塑土壤Remolding (Remoulding) 重塑、重模Remolding gain 重塑强化量Remolding loss 重塑弱化量Remote sencing 遥感、遥测Rendulic's stress path 连瑞克应力路径Repeated loading 反覆载重、重复载重Replacement method 换土法Reservoir 水库、储油层Residual clay soil 残留黏土Residual deformation 残留变形作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 土木工程专业词汇Residual factor 残留强度因数Residual shear strength 残留剪力强度Residual soil 残留土、残积土Residual settlement 残馀沈陷量Residual stress 残馀应力Resistance 阻抗、电阻Resisting moment 阻抗力矩、底抗力矩 Resistivity survey 电阻测探法 Resonance 共振Resonant-column test 共振柱试验 Response control structure 免震构造 Response spectrum 反应谱Restoring force 回复力Resultant seismic coefficient 合成地震系数 Retaining wall 挡土墙Rate of loading 载重速度Rate of operation 运用率Rayleigh wave 瑞雷波Raymond pile 雷蒙桩Ready mixed concrete 预拌混凝土Reaming 扩孔Rebound curve 回胀曲线Recharge well 补注井Reclaimed land 新生地Recompact 再压实、再夯实 Recompression 再压缩Reconnaissance 勘查Reconsolidation 再压密Recovery ratio 回收率Rectangle dividing method 长方形划分法 Recumbent fold 卧褶皱Red clay 红黏土Red soil 红土Reduction factor 减低率Reflection method 反射法Refraction method 折射法Refusal 抗进 (打桩)Regional metamorphism 区域变质作用Regolith 风化层表土Regur 黑棉土Reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土Reinforced concrete pile 钢筋混凝土桩Reinforced earth 加劲土Relative consistency 相对稠度Relative density 相对密度Quartz 石英Quartz-diorite 石英闪绿岩Quartz porphyry 石英斑岩Quartz-schist 石英片岩Quartzite 石英岩Quaternary deposit 第四纪层Quaternary period 第四纪Quay wall 岸墙Quick clay 流态黏土Quick condition 流态条件Quick explosives 高速炸药Quicksand 流砂Quick shear test 快剪试验Q-value Q值Radial flow 辐射流Radial shear 辐射状剪力Radial shear zone 辐射状剪力区Radioactive exploration (prospecting) 放射性检测探法 Radioactive exploration 放射性检测探法Radioactive logging 放射性检层法Radius of influence 影响半径Radius of relative stiffness 刚比半径Raft foundation 筏式基础Raker pile 斜桩Rammer 击紧机、夯土机Ramp 坡道、匝道Rankine's earth pressure theory 兰金土压力理论 Rankine's earth pressure 兰金土压力理论Rapid filtration 迅速过滤Rapid transit tunnel 捷运隧道boundary condition 边界条件bound water 附著水boulder clay 巨石黏土boulder blasting 巨石开炸boulder 巨石bottom pressure 底压力(隧道)boston heave 底部隆起boston charge 底部装药,底冲法boston blue clay 波士顿蓝黏土borrow pit 借土坑borrow material 借土料borrow exploration 借土勘探borrow exploration 借土堪探borrow area 借土区borrow 借土borros point 波罗杆(沉降观测)boring-core 钻孔岩心boring rod 钻杆boring rig 钻机boring maching 钻机boring log 钻孔柱状图boring frame 钻架boring casing 钻探套管boring bit 钻头boring 钻探,钻孔borescope 钻孔检示器borer 钻孔,钻机,钻头borehole (boring) 钻孔borehole surveying 钻孔测量Quarry 采石场、石矿brine 卤水briefly farozen soil 暂冻土brief analysis 简易分析bridge 桥breccia 角砾石breast wall 胸墙breakwater 防波堤breaking strain 断裂应变breakdown pressure 破碎压力break stone 碎石brazilian test 巴西式试验braided stream 辫状河川brackish water 微碱水作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 土木工程专业词汇brackishdeposit 半碱沉积bracing 支撑braceing 支撑版braced sheeting 支撑版braced excavation 支撑开挖brace(bracing) 撑杆box shear apparatus (see direct shear apparatus) 盒式剪力仪(直接剪力仪之一种) box pile 箱型桩box foundation 箱型基础box caisson 沉箱bowl-shape settlement 碗型沉陷bowl scraper 刮土机boussinesq theory 布西涅斯克理论bourdon gauge 布登压力计boundary zone of capillarity 毛细管界限区boundary layer 边界层boundary layer 边界层bulk density 统体密度bulk compressibility 体积压缩性bulb pile 大头桩bulb of bressure 葱形等压力球building site 工地building rubble 建筑垃圾building material 建筑材料building line 建筑线building code (by-laws0 建筑法规buffer 缓冲器buckling 挫屈buckling load 压曲载重bucking 地壳弯曲bucket auger 戽斗钻bubbler unit 发泡器brucite 水镁石brownian movement 布朗运动brooming 劈裂bromine-82,Br 溴-82bromhead ring shear 环剪broken stone 碎石broken sliding surface 不连续滑动面broken course 断裂层broadly graded soils 宽级配土brittleness index 脆性指数brittleness 脆性brittle failure 脆性破坏brittle clay 脆性黏土brine storage 卤水存储brine pond 卤水池byte 位元组by-pass seepage 绕渗buttress wall 前垛墙butte 孤山butt 桩头burst tearing test 胀破试验burst strength 胀破强度burn-cut 核裂拔心开炸buried terrace 埋藏阶地buried structure 埋入式结构物burger's body 柏格体burger model 柏格模式burette 滴定管bureau public road classification system 美国公路局土壤分类法(BPRCS) burden 炸孔面距buoyat unit weight (see suberged unit weight) 浸水单位重buoyat pile 浮力桩buoyat foundation 浮式基础buoyat density,ρ 浸水密度buoyancy raft 浮式基础buoyancy 浮力bunson burner 本身燃烧机bulldozer 堆土机bulking 胀bulkhead wall 隔墙,岸壁,档墙bulkhead 隔墙,堤岸,防水壁bulk unit weight 统体单位重bulk specific gravity 统体比重,假比重bulk rockfill 抛石体bulk modulus 统体模数calyx drill holes 萼状钻孔calyx drill 萼状钻caliper log 测径记录california bearing ratio (CBR) 加州载重比(美国) caliche 生硝,钙质土calibration test 校正试验calibration curve 校正曲线calibration 校正caldera 巨火山口calculous soil 砾质土calculate self-weight collapse, Δzs 计算自重坍陷量 calcite 方解石calcilutie(calcilutyte) 灰泥岩calcify 钙化calcareous spar 方解石calcareous soil 石灰质土calcareous ooze 钙质软泥calcareous concretion 钙质结核calcareous 石灰质的calc spar 方解石caisson 沉箱caission foundation 沉箱基础caission disease 沉箱病,潜水夫病caission 沉箱cainozoic era 新生代cage of reinforcement 钢筋笼cable tool drilling 冲钻cable tool drill(see churn drill) 冲钻c-line C线(塑性图)c-horizon C层位Propylite 青盘岩Protective filter 保护滤层Proving ring 衡圈、计力圈Puddle clay 胶泥黏土Pulling test 抗拔试验Pull-out resistance 抗拔力Pull-out test 抗拔试验Pulvimixer 粉碎拌和机Pumice 浮石、蛭石Pumping phenomera 喷泥现象Pumping test 抽水试验、唧筒试验作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 土木工程专业词汇P-wave 纵波、P波Pycnometer 比重瓶Pyrite 黄铁矿、硫化铁Pyrophyllite 叶蜡岩Pyroclastic rock 火成碎屑岩 Pyrophyllite 叶辉石Pyroxene 辉石vise 老虎钳cantilever sheet piling 悬臂版桩 cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂版桩墙 cantilever sheet pile 悬臂版桩 cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙 cantilever footing 悬臂式基脚 canalization 渠化,槽化camkometer 剑桥侧压仪cambridge sampler 剑桥取样器 cambridge model 剑桥模式cambrian period 寒武纪camber 预拱Preconsolidation 预压密 Preconsolidation pressure 预压密压力 grenade 手榴弹Preload (Preloading) 预压、预压法 Prepakt mortar pile 预垒桩Prescrete 混凝土灌铸机Pressure bulb 压力球根Pressure cell 压力计Pressure chamber 压力室 Pressuremeter test 压力计试验Pressure tunnel 压力隧道Pressure-void ratio curve 压力孔隙比曲线Prestress 预力Primary breaker 一级碎石机Primary compression 主压缩Primary consolidation 主压密Primary lining 初始衬砌Primary stress 初始应力Principal plane 主平面Principal strain 主应变Principal stress 主应力Probing 探测Proctor compaction test 普罗克特压实试验、普罗克特夯实试验 Proctor curve 普罗克特曲线Profile 剖面Progressive failure 渐进破坏Progressive settlement 渐增沈陷Progressive slide 渐进滑动Proof-rolling 辗压试验Prop 临时支柱Point load 点载重Poiseulle's law 普怡锡里定律Poisson's ratio 柏松比Polder 围生地Poling board 挡土板、插板Polygonal ground 多角形地Poncelet method 彭思烈图解法Poorly ground 软弱地盘Poorly graded 不良级配的Porcelain clay 瓷土Pore pressure 孔隙压力Pore pressure coefficient 孔隙压力系数Pore pressure dissipation 孔隙压力消散现象Pore water 孔隙水Pore water pressure 孔隙水压力 Porosity 孔隙率Porous stone 透水石、多孔石Porphyrite 玢岩Porphyry 斑岩Post-hole auger 螺旋手钻Potential energy 势能、位能Pot-hole 壶穴(地质)Pot-hole 洼穴(路面)Power shovel 动力铲torch 火把,手电筒,泉源Pozzolan 火山灰Preboring 预先钻探Precambrian period 先寒武纪Precast concrete pile 预铸混凝土桩 Precompression 预压Pingo 小丘Pipe line 管线Piping 管涌Pit sample 土坑土样、土坑试样Pit gravel 坑砾石Placement moisture content 填土含水量 Plagioclase 斜长石Plane stress 平面应力Plane structure 平面构造Planimeter 面积仪Plastic design 塑性设计Plastic equilibrium 塑性平衡Plastic equilibrium theory 塑性平衡理论 Plastic flow 塑性流Plasticity 塑性Plasticity chart 塑性图Plasticity index 塑性指数Plastic limit 塑性限度Plastic range 塑性范围Plastic strain 塑性应变Plastic zone 塑性区Plate loading test (Plate bearing test) 平板载重试验 Plate tectonics 板块构造Plumbline 锤线Plunge 俯角Plutonic rock 深成岩Pneumatic caisson 压气沈箱Pneumatic-tired roller 胶轮辗压机Podzol 灰壤土Point bearing 桩底抗力Petroleum 石油Petrology 岩石学PF-value 吸力值PH-value 酸碱值Phenocryst 斑晶Photoelastic model test 光弹性模型试验Phreatic line 浸润线Phreatic surface 浸润面Phyllite 千枚岩Physical weathering 物理风化作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 土木工程专业词汇Piano wire 预力钢线Pier foundation 墩基础Piezometer 水压计Piezometric head 压力水头Pile 桩Pile cap 桩帽Pile driving 打桩Pile driving analyser 打桩动力分析仪Pile driving formula 打桩公式Pile driving frame 打桩架Pile driving resistance 打桩阻抗Pile foundation 桩基础Pile group 群桩Pile hammer 桩锤、桩鎚Pile loading test 桩载重试验Piling rig 打桩机Pillar 矿柱Pillow lava 枕状熔岩Pilot drift 导坑Pilot tunnel 导坑Passive earth pressure 被动土压力Path of percolation 渗漏流径Pavement 路面、铺面Pea gravel 豆砾Peak value 尖峰值Peat 泥炭土Peat bog 泥炭地Pebble 圆砾Pedestal pile 百力达桩、蒜头桩 Pedology 土壤学Pegmatite 伟晶岩Pelagic deposit 深海堆积物Pelite mudstone 泥岩Peneplain 准平原Penetration record 贯入纪录 Penetration test 贯入试验 Penetrometer 贯入仪Percentage by weight 重量百分比 Percent of consolidation 压密百分比 Perched water table 栖止地下水位 Percolation 渗流、渗漏Percussion boring 冲击式钻孔 Peridotite 橄榄岩Period 纪Permafrost 永冻土Permeability 渗透性Permeability test 渗透试验、透水试验 Permeameter 渗透试验仪Permian period 二叠纪 Perviousness 渗透性Organic soil 有机土O-ring seal 止水环Orogeny 造山运动Orthoclase 正长石Orthogneiss 正片麻岩Osterberg's chart 欧使堡图表 Outbreak 超挖、超炸Outcrop 岩层露头、露头Outside clearance ratio 外径比Outwast plain 冰水积土Oven-dried 烘乾Overbarden 覆土层Overbarden pressure 覆土压力 Overcompaction 过度压实、过度夯实Over-consolidated 过压密的Over-consolidated ratio 过压密比Overhead 管理费Overturning moment 倾倒力矩Owner 业主Oxbow lake 新月湖、牛轭湖Ozone 臭氧Packing 填料、衬垫(打桩用)paleozoic era 古生代Pantograph 缩收器Panning 盘洗Parent rock 母岩Partial saturation 部份饱和Particle size 粒径Particle size distribution curve 粒径分布曲线 Parting 裂理Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Nodule 岩球Noise pollution 公害噪音Non-cohesive soil 非凝聚性土壤 Nonconformity 非整合Non-destructive test 非破坏试验Non-uniform flow 非等流Normal fault 正断层Normal stress 正应力、垂直应力Normally consolidated clay 正常压密黏土Nuclear power plant 核能发电厂Null indicator 归零指示器Numerical calculation 数值分析法N-value N值、标准贯入击数Observation well 观测井Obsidian 黑耀岩Octahedral normal stress 正八面体正应力 Oedometer test 压密试验Olivin 橄榄石Omori's formula 大森公式One-dimensional consolidation 单向度压实 Ooze 软泥Open tender (bid) 公开招标Open caisson 开口沈箱Open cut 明挖法Open pit mining 明坑采矿法Optimum moisture content 最佳含水量 Ordovician period 奥陶纪Ore 矿石Ore microscope 矿石显微镜Monoclinal flexure 单斜褶皱 Montmorillonite 蒙特石、蒙脱土Moor 泥炭地Moraine 冰碛、冰堆石Mortar 水泥砂浆Mortar 研摩臼Moss 沼泽地Mountain building 造山运动Muck 黑泥Muck 土碴、碴Mud 淤泥Mud flat 泥滩Mud flow 泥流Mudstone 泥岩Mud water 泥水Multibench blasting 多阶开炸作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 土木工程专业词汇Multi-purpoe dam 多目标水坝Muskeg 沼泽地Mylonite 摩烂岩Nappe 水舌Natural frequency 自然频率Natural moisture content 自然含水量Natural water cotent 自然含水量Natural water cotent 自然含水量Negative porewater pressure 负孔隙水压力Negative skin friction 负周面摩擦力、负表面摩擦力Neutral pressure 中和压力Neutral stress 中和应力Neutron moisture meter 中性子水分仪New Austrian tunnelling method (NATM) 新奥隧道法Mesozoic era 中生代Metamorphic rock 变质岩Metamorphism 变质作用Meteoric water 天水Meteorite 陨石Mica 云母Micaceous schist 云母片岩Microline 微斜长石Microfossil 微细化石Microscopic analysis 显微镜分析Microseism 微震动Milli-second blasting 毫秒开炸Mineral 矿物Mining subsidence 采矿坍陷Minor principal stress 最小主应力Mixed-in-place pile 场拌桩Model test 模型试验Modified seismic coefficient method 改良震度法 Modulus of elasticity 弹性模数Modulus of rigidity 剪力模数Modulus of subgrade reaction 地盘反力系数 Mogote 石灰岩残丘Mohr's circle 摩尔圆Mohr's envelope 摩尔包络线Mohs hardness 莫氏硬度Moisture content 含水量Molasse 磨砾层Mole 隧道钻凿机、全径隧道机Moment of inertia 惯性力矩Monkey 落鎚、落锤cap 桩帽,雷管(俗)Ma 一百万年Macadam method 马克当法Macadam roller 三轮辗压机、三轮压路机Mafic rock 镁铁质岩石Magma 岩浆Magnetic declination 磁偏角Magnetic exploration 磁力测探法Major principal stress 最大主应力 Mandrel 导心杆Manning's fomula 曼宁公式Manometer 液体测压计Mantle 地函Marble 大理石Marine deposit 海积层Marker bed 指标层Marl 泥灰岩Marsh 沼泽地Marshall test 马歇尔试验Mass curve 土积曲线Mass movement 块体运动Mat foundation 筏式基础Maximum dry density 最大乾密度Maximum grain size 最大粒径Mechanical analysis 粒径分析Mechanical stabilization 粒径稳定法 Mechanics of granular materials 粒状体力学 Median tectonic line (MTL) 中央构造线 Medium sand 中砂Mesh 筛眼carboniferous period, C 石炭纪 carbonizationperiod, C 石炭纪carbonatite 碳酸盐岩carbonation 碳酸化carbonate 碳酸盐carbonaceous sediment 碳质沉积carbonaceous 碳的,碳质的,含碳的 carbon-14, 囊式压力计capsule-type pressure gauge 囊式压力计 caprock 冠岩capped yield model 加盖降服模式 capillary zone 毛细管水层capillary water 毛细管水capillary tention 毛细管张力capillary saturation 毛细管饱和 capillary rise, hc(height0 毛细管扬距 capillary rise, hc9height0 毛细管扬距 capillary pressure 毛细管压力 capillary potential 毛细管势能 capillary migration 毛细管水移动 capillary life test 毛细管上升孔试验 capillary interstice 毛细管孔隙 capillary fringe 毛细管边缘capillary film 吸附水膜capillary action 毛细管作用capillarity 毛细管现象,毛系作用 capillarimeter 毛细管仪capblock 桩帽capacity of well 井容量cap model 加盖模式catchment area (basin) 集水面积(区) catchdrain 截水沟catch basin 集水区catalyzer 催化剂cataclastic 压碎作用cataclasite 压碎岩cat and cancast-in-situ pile(cast-in-place pile) 场铸桩作者: 218.12.151.* 2006-5-20 13:25 回复此发言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 土木工程专业词汇cast-in-place doaphragm wall 场铸连续壁casagrande's soil classification 卡萨格兰德土壤分类法casagrande liquid limit apparatus 卡萨格兰德液限仪casagrande dot 卡萨格兰德孔隙压力测头casing shoe 套管靴casing head gas 套管头气体casing head 套管头casing collar 套管吊环casing 套管casing 套管cased pile 套管桩cased borehole 套管钻孔case study 个案研究case history 个案case hardening 表面硬化carry-over storage 调节水库carlson type strain meter 卡尔森氏应力计carlson stress meter 卡尔森应力计cardhouse fabric 片架组构cardboard drain 纸板排水card-board wick 排水纸板carbonization 碳化cenozoic era 新生代cementing agent 胶结剂cemented soil 胶结土cementaction 胶结作用cement-treated-soil grout 水泥土灌浆 cement-stabilized soil 水泥稳定土cement stabilization 水泥稳定工法cement soil stabilization 水泥土壤稳定工法 cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement injection 水泥注入工法cement grouting 水泥灌浆cellulosic fibers 纤维素纤维cellular texture 网格组织cellular retaining wall 格式挡土墙 cellular core wall 舱式心墙cellular cofferdam 舱式围堰cell test 密室试验cell quay wall 舱室岸壁cell pressure 室压cell action factor 合作用因素CBR value 加州载重比值(美国)cavity expansion theory 扩孔理论cavity 洞穴caving 坍陷落盘cavern 洞穴cave-in 坍陷,落盘cave deposit 洞穴沉积causatic lime mud 灰质软泥cation 阳离子catcodic protection 阳极保护chasm 裂口chaser 送桩器charge density 电荷密度charge deficiency 电荷不足charge 装药,电荷,充电channery 碎石chance sample 随机样本chamber blasting (coyotehole blasting) 抗室爆破chalky clay 白垩黏土chalk marl 白垩泥灰岩chalk 白垩chaingage 链式水尺ceramics 陶磁ceramic filter 陶瓷滤器centroid 重心,形心centrifuge test 离心试验centrifuge moisture equivalent (CHE) 离心含水当量 centrifuge modeling 离心机模拟centrifuge 离心机centrifugally-cast concrete driven pile 离心浇铸混凝土灌入桩 centrifugal prestressed concrete pile 离心预力混凝土桩 centrifugal model test 离心模型试验centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal concrete pile 离心混凝土桩centrifugal autoclaved concrete pile 离心蒸气压混凝土桩 centric load 中心载重central earthquake 中心震centerline method 中线法centering 对中center line 中心线chlorite 绿泥石chisel bit 钻头。
"A" Book 根簿;地籍册abbreviated tender system 简易招标程序ablution facility 沐浴设施above finished floor level [AFFL] 楼面竣工标高以上absentee landowner 在外土地业权人absentee owner 非自住业主;在外业主absentee principal tenant 非住在楼宇内的主租客;非住在楼宇内的二房东absolute owner 经确定业权的业主absolute priority 绝对优先资格absolute title 经确定的业权abutment 桥台;拱座abutment deformation 桥台变形;拱座变形abutment pressure 桥台压力;拱座压力abutment wall 拱座墙;翼墙;桥座abutting end 邻接端abutting structure 毗邻构筑物accelerated cement 快凝水泥Accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures Project 加速防止山泥倾泻计划acceptable accommodation 适中居所acceptance of tender 采纳投标书acceptance rate [Home Ownership Scheme] 认购率〔居者有其屋计划〕acceptance rate of new allocation 接受新配单位的比率acceptance threshold 认购率下限access 通道;出入口access bend 检修弯管access corridor block 向街走廊式大厦access door 检修门;通道门access for residents 居民通道access ladder 通道竖梯access lane 进出路径access panel 检修门access plug and cap 检修孔塞和孔盖access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 入口坡道;斜道;斜通道access road 通路;通道access shaft 竖井通道access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯access step 上落踏板;出入踏板access to the site 地盘出入口;工地出入口access to work 地盘施工处通路;工地施工处通路access tunnel 通道隧道accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶accident loading condition 意外载荷条件accommodation 办公地方;住所;居所;单位Accommodation for Small Households--Assessment of Supply and Demand 小家庭公屋供求评估accommodation generation rate 住户房屋需求衍生率Accommodation Regulations 《政府产业管理及有关事务规例》accommodation value 楼面价Accredited Safety Auditor 检定安全稽核员acetylene regulator 乙炔调节器;“煤表”acoustic lining 隔音板acoustic screen 隔音屏acoustic seal 防声封条acquisition 征用;收购acquisition order 征用令Acquisition Section [Lands Department] 土地征用组〔地政总署〕acquisition team [Lands Department] 土地征用小组〔地政总署〕acre 英亩acrylic coat 丙烯涂料acrylic lacquer 丙烯酸清漆acrylic paint 丙烯漆料;丙烯酸漆acrylic sheet 丙烯酸片;丙烯胶片active corrosion 活性蚀active earth pressure 主动土压力active fault 活断层;活动断裂active recreation area 动态康乐用地active recreation facility 动态康乐设施active to passive ratio 动态与静态设施比例activity area 活动区activity space 活动场地actual building cost 实际造价actual cost rent 实际成本租金actual plot ratio 实际地积比率Ad Hoc Committee on Housing for the Elderly [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 高龄人士住所专责小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕Ad Hoc Committee on Private Domestic Property Ownership by Public Rental Housing Tenants 公屋住户拥有私人住宅物业问题专责小组委员会adapt 改装;改建addition 扩建;加建;加入户籍additional building works 增补建筑工程additional fixture 固定附物additional horizontal force 额外横向力additional premium 补缴地价additional rehousing criterion 附加安置资格additional vent 加设通风口additions policy 加户政策adequate housing 适当居所adequately housed 居住面积足够的;有适当居所的adit 入口;通路;坑道口adjacent building 相邻建筑物adjacent construction 相邻建造物adjacent ground 相邻土地adjacent land 相邻土地adjacent site 相邻地盘adjacent street 相邻街道adjacent unit 相连单位adjoining area 毗邻地区adjoining building 毗邻建筑物adjoining land 毗邻土地adjoining occupier 毗邻占用人adjoining owner 毗邻拥有人adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物adjudication fee 评估契据费用adjusted replacement cost 经调整重置成本administrator of estate 遗产管理人admixture 外加剂;搀和剂advance drainage diversion 前期排水渠改道advance earthwork 前期土方工程;预造土方工程advance letting 提早出租advance possession licence 提前移交土地牌照advance reclamation works 早期填海工程advance works 前期工程;早期工程advanced allocation scheme 提前配屋计划advanced allocation system 提前配屋制度advanced contract 前期合约adverse geological condition 不良地质情况adverse possession 逆权管有adverse title to land 相逆土地业权Advisory Committee on Appearances of Bridges and Associated Structures 桥梁及有关建筑物外观谘询委员会Advisory Committee on Private Building Management 私人楼宇管理谘询委员会Advisory Council on the Environment 环境问题谘询委员会advisory letter [slope maintenance] 劝喻信〔斜坡维修〕Advisory Note on Buried Services 《检查地下设施须知》aerial bracket 天线托架aerial cable 天线电线aerial camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量;空中摄影测量aerial photograph 航摄照片;航空照片aerial photograph interpretation [API] 航空照片判释;航空照片解译aerial photographic survey 航空摄影测量aerial photography 航空摄影;空中摄影aerial survey 航空测量;空中测量aerial view 鸟瞰图;航测图affiliated village 附属乡村;属村affordability criterion 负担能力准则Affordability Schedule 负担能力表affordability threshold 负担能力界限A-frame A形骨架after-repair guarantee 售后修葺保证期age allowance limit 楼龄减额上限age limit 楼龄上限age of entitlement 换地权益龄期age-dating 测年;测定年代Agency Management Scheme 物业代管计划agent for occupier 占用人代理人;租户代理人agent for owner 拥有人代理人;业主代理人agent-managed Home Ownership Scheme estate 由物业管理公司代管的居者有其屋计划屋苑aggregate 砂石;骨料;碎石aggregate abrasion value 石料的耐磨值aggregate grading 砂石级配;骨料级配aggregate impact value 石料的冲击强度值aggregate lime content 砂石的石灰含量;骨料的石灰含量aggregate structure 砂石结构;骨料结构aggregate superficial area 表面总面积aggregate usable floor space 总实用楼面空间aggregate-to-cement ratio 砂石与水泥比例;砂灰比aggregate-to-lime ratio 砂石与石灰比例Agreement and Conditions of Sale 卖地协议及条件agreement for a Government lease 政府租契协议;政府租契合约agreement to surrender 交还土地协议agricultural development area 农业发展区agricultural dwelling house 农地住屋;农舍agricultural land 农地;耕地agricultural lot 农地地段agricultural priority area 农业优先区agricultural resite area 农业用途迁置区agricultural status 农地性质agricultural tenancy 农地租赁;农地租约agricultural use 农业用途agricultural warehouse 农用贮物室air camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机air cooling system 空气冷却系统;风冷系统air curtain 风帘;风闸air curtain fan 风帘风扇air cylinder 气缸;气筒air damper 气闸;调节风门air distribution system 配气系统air distributor 空气分配器air dryer 空气干燥器air duct 风槽;通风管道;气槽air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴水泥air exhaust 排气口air filter 空气过滤器;风隔;隔尘网air filter chamber 空气过滤室air gap 气隙air handling unit 鲜风柜;空气处理装置air inlet louvre 进气百叶窗air inlet port 进气口air intake 进气口;进风口air intake duct 进气槽;进风槽air intake filter 进气过滤器air line strainer 进气管道隔滤器air outlet 出风口air outlet grille 出风口格栅air passage 风道air pipe 通气管;送气管air pressurization system 空气加压系统air quality impact assessment 空气质素影响评估air quality setback 因空气质素而把建筑物后移air reservoir 贮气缸air restrictor 空气节流器air strainer 空气隔滤器;空气滤网air supply outlet 供气出口air survey 航空测量;空中测量air trunking 通风槽air ventilator 空气通风器air void [soil] 空气孔隙;气隙〔泥土〕air-conditioner hood 冷气机遮檐air-conditioning and refrigeration installations [public works category] 空调及制冷装置〔公共工程类别〕Air-Conditioning Inspector 空气调节督察air-conditioning system 空气调节系统air-handling unit room 风柜房airshaft 通风竖井airy dry varnish 风干清漆alarm bell 警钟alarm buzzer 警报器alienate [land] 让与〔土地〕alienation period 让与期;转让期alienation restriction 让与权的限制;转让限制alienation restriction period 让与权的限制期;转让限制期alignment 定线;线向;路线alignment plan [road] 路线平面图alignment survey 定线测量alkali-resisting primer 耐碱底漆"All Services" service [Land Registry] 综合服务〔土地注册处〕alley 巷Allocation and Standards of Vacant Flats Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 空置单位编配及标准事宜小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕allocation condition 分配条件;拨地条件allocation number 拨地编号allocation of flats 编配居住单位allocation plan 拨地图则;批地图allocation range 编配幅度;编配范围allocation standard 编配标准allowable bearing capacity 容许承载力allowable load 容许负载;容许载荷allowable settlement 容许沉降量allowable soil pressure 容许土压力allowable stress 容许应力;预计可承受的压力allowance for corrosion loss 预留锈蚀量alloy steel bar 合金钢筋条alluvial clay 冲积黏土alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物alluvial sand 冲积沙alluvial silt 冲积粉土alluvial soil 冲积土;淤积土alluvium 冲积物;冲积层alteration 改动;改建alteration and addition 改建及加建Alterations, Additions and Improvements Committee 改建、加建暨改善工程委员会alternative route 替代路线altimeter 测高仪aluminium cell ceiling 铝格天花板aluminium panel 铝板aluminium primer 铝粉底漆;“木铝丹”aluminium rope-operated laundry-drying rack 铝质拉绳式晒衣架aluminium tape 铝带aluminium window 铝窗amenities 市容建筑;康乐设施;康乐设备amenity area 美化市容地带amenity planting strip 美化市容种植地带amenity railing 美观栏杆amenity strip 美化市容地带American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] 美国试验及材料标准学会amortization 定期终止;摊还;分期摊还amortization area 定期终止区amortization notice 定期终止通知书amortization period 终止期;摊还期ancestral grave 祖坟ancestral hall 祠堂;宗祠ancestral house 祖屋ancestral property 祖业ancestral temple 祠堂;宗祠anchor 锚定杆;锚;锚杆支撑anchor bearing 锚承;锚座anchor bolt 锚栓;“爆炸螺丝”anchor load monitoring 地锚桩基负荷检查anchor maintenance clause 地锚桩基保养条款anchor plate 锚定板anchor rod 锚杆anchor tenant 有名气的商户;可招徕顾客的商户anchor wall 锚定墙anchorage 碇泊处;锚地;锚固anchorage length 锚固长度anchored force 锚固力anchoring strength 锚固强度ancillary accommodation 附属地方ancillary beach use 海滩附带用途ancillary building 附属建筑物ancillary car park 附设停车场ancillary commercial facility 附属商业设施ancillary facilities block 附属设施大厦;服务设施大厦ancillary facility 附属设施;配套设施ancillary office 附属写字楼ancillary premises 附属房产ancillary service 附设服务;附属设备ancillary structure 附属构筑物ancillary works 附属工程andesite 安山岩angle bar 角铁angle bracket 角形托架;角钢撑架;“狗臂架”angle change 角变angle cleat 连接角钢;短角钢angle cutter 角铁切割机angle fillet 角钢嵌条;三角焊缝angle frame 角钢框angle iron bracket 角铁托架;角铁支架angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of repose 静止角;休止角angle of rupture 破裂角angle of shear 剪切角angle of shearing resistance 抗剪角angle probe 斜探头angle strut 角钢撑angular 棱角angular displacement 角位移angular distortion 角度变形angular velocity 角速度anisotropic consolidation 各向不等压固结;各向异性固结annex 附属建筑物annex block 附翼大厦annex restaurant 附连酒楼annex school 附连学校annual contribution to rent 每年拨出的租金津贴annual instalment of premium 按年摊缴的地价annual letting value 年租值annual maintenance programme 每年度保养计划annual rent 每年租金;年租Annual Summary 19XX-19XX [Rating and Valuation Department] 《年报19XX-19XX》〔差饷物业估价署〕anodized aluminium window 电镀膜铝窗;阳极氧化膜铝窗antenna 天线anti-burglary bar 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子”anti-burglary grille 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子”Anticipatory Housing Scheme 提早安置计划anticline 背斜;背斜层anti-corrosion paint 防蚀漆;防油anti-creep device 防溜装置anti-desiccant spray 抗干燥喷剂anti-nuisance provision 禁止滋扰规定anti-oxidizing paint 抗氧化漆anti-rust paint 防锈漆anti-siphon bottle trap 反虹吸瓶型气隔anti-siphon P-trap 反虹吸直嘴;反虹吸P形气隔anti-siphon trap 反虹吸气隔anti-siphonage pipe 反虹吸管anti-skid chequer 防滑格纹anti-skid device 防滑装置anti-skid dressing 防滑钢砂anti-skid facility 防滑设施anti-skid material 防滑物料anti-slip 防滑动;防空转;防打滑anti-stripping agent 防剥剂anti-vibration mounting 防震装置anti-vibration spring isolator 弹簧减震器anvil 铁砧apartment 寓所aplite 细晶岩apparent cohesion 表观黏聚力Appeal Panel [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 上诉委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕Appeal Tribunal [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 上诉审裁小组〔香港房屋委员会〕Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings) 上诉审裁处(建筑物)appendage 楼外附建物;附加物applicable lease 适用租契application date book 申请日志application for addition 申请加入户籍application for deletion 申请取消户籍application for lease [public housing] 租住公共房屋申请书application number [Home Ownership Scheme] 申请书编号〔居者有其屋计划〕application record 申请记录Applications and Home Ownership Division [Housing Department] 申请及居屋科〔房屋署〕applied covering 外加覆盖物applied load 外施载荷apportion 分摊apportionment of Government rent and premium 地税及补价分摊apportionment of rateable value 应课差饷租值分摊apportionment of rates 差饷分摊Apportionment Section [Lands Department] 地租分摊组〔地政总署〕appraisal of existing structure 现存结构检定;现有楼宇的结构检定appreciation of land value 土地增值approach 进路;引道;入口approach road 进路appropriation 拨地approved concrete mix 认可混凝土拌合料;认可混凝土配合比Approved Contractors for Public Works 认可公共工程承建商Approved Decoration Contractor System 认可装修承办商制度Approved Drainage Authority Area Plan 核准排水监管区图则approved land use zoning plan 核准土地用途分区图则approved layout 核准图则approved list of contractors 认可承建商名册;认可承办商名册Approved List of Decoration Contractors 认可装修承办商名册Approved List of Property Management Agents 认可物业管理公司名册Approved List of Security Guard Contractors 认可护卫员服务承办商名册approved master layout plan 核准总纲发展蓝图approved plan 核准图则;经批准的图则approved purchaser 核准购楼人Approved Specialist Contractors 认可专门承建商approved statutory plan 核准法定图则approved suppliers of materials 认可物料供应商approved town plan 核准城市规划图approved trade list 核准行业一览表appurtenance 从属权;附属物apron 跳板;护板apron area 屋前地台aqua privy 乡村式厕所aqueduct 输水管道aquiclude 阻水层aquifer 含水层aquitard 弱透水层arbour 花棚;凉亭arcade 有盖走廊;商场arcade shop premises 商场店铺arch 拱廊;拱门arch axis 拱轴arch bridge 拱桥arch crown 拱顶arch rib 拱肋arch rise 拱高arching action [soil] 拱作用〔泥土〕architect 建筑师architect's instructions 建筑师指示;建筑师指令Architects Registration Board 建筑师注册管理局Architectural and Associated Consultants Selection Board 建筑及有关顾问遴选委员会Architectural Branch [Architectural Services Department] 建筑设计处〔建筑署〕architectural decoration 建筑装饰architectural drawing 建筑图则architectural feasibility study 建筑设计可行性研究architectural projection 建筑上的伸出物Architectural Services Department [ASD] 建筑署architectural style 建筑风格Architectural Works Conditions 建筑工程规条architectural-led consultant 建筑师主导顾问architrave 框缘;门框线;“口线”area boundary 地区界线area committee [district board] 分区委员会〔区议会〕area covered by definite projects 已列入确定发展计划内的地区area layout plan 地区详细蓝图area number 地区编号area of entitlement 应得面积area of mixed usage 混合用途区;混合用地area weighting 面积加权数arithmetic mean strength 强度平均数armour 护面;护面块体〔防波堤〕armour layer 护面层armour rock 护面块石armoured cable 装甲电缆arrears of rates 差饷欠款arrears of rent 欠缴租金;欠租arrester bed 沙池arris 外角;明角artesian ground water 承压地下水artesian water 承压水;自流水artesian well 科学井artificial slope 人造斜坡artificial splitting 假分户Artisan 技工asbestos abatement 清除石棉asbestos abatement works 石棉清除工程;石棉拆除工程asbestos cement 石棉水泥;“矢泥”asbestos consultant 石棉顾问asbestos fibre 石棉纤维asbestos gasket 石棉垫片Asbestos Management Manual 《石棉管制手册》asbestos plaster 石棉批荡asbestos process 石棉工序asbestos roof 石棉瓦屋顶asbestos supervisors 石棉监工asbestos waste 石棉废料asbestos-containing material 含有石棉的建材as-built drawing 竣工图;竣工图则;楼宇建成后的修订图则as-built utility record 公用设施竣工图as-constructed drawing 竣工图;完工图;竣工图则as-constructed plan 竣工图;完工图;竣工图则aseismatic design 抗震设计as-fitted drawing 装配竣工图ash pit 排渣槽;灰坑Asiatic water closet pan 蹲厕;“厕”asking rent 租金要价asphalt 沥青;柏油asphalt distributor 沥青喷洒机asphalt mix design 沥青配合比设计;沥青混凝土级配asphalt paver 沥青摊铺机;地沥青asphalt roofing 沥青屋面;屋顶铺盖沥青工程;“沥青天面”asphalt tanking 沥青防水层asphalter 沥青工asphaltic coat 沥青涂层asphaltic concrete 沥青混凝土aspiring home-buyer 有意置业人士assembly detail 组装详图;装嵌“样”assessable value [property tax] 应评税价值〔物业税〕;评估价值assessed cost 评估成本assessed market value 评定市值assessed premium 评定补价assessed rent 评定租金assessed tenement 经评估差饷的物业assessment 估价;评估;已估价物业assessment number 估价编号Assessment of Professional Competence [valuation surveyor] 专业评核试〔物业估价测量师〕assessment of rates 差饷估价assessment panel 评估小组assessment review board 评估覆核委员会asset realization 资产变现assets test 资产评审;资产审查assign 转让assign back to 售回予;退回assignee 承让人;受让人assignment 转让;转让契约assignment fee 转让费;顶让费assignment in shares clause 份额转让条款assignment in undivided shares 不分割份数的转让assignment memorial 转让契约备忘录assignment of contract 转让合约assignment of contractual rights 转让合约权利assignment period 转让期assignment right 转让权;顶让权assignment value 转让价值;顶让价值assignor 转让人;出让人assistant village representative 助理村代表assisted home purchase flat 资助自置居所Associate Member, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [AHKIS] 香港测量师学会会员Associate Member, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors [ARICS] 皇家特许测量师学会会员associated external area 附连的外部地方associated retaining wall 有关挡土墙associated road and drainage works 有关道路及渠务工程associated structure 附连构筑物Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong [ACEHK] 香港顾问工程师协会Association of Government Cartographic Staff 政府制图人员协会Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying Officers [AGLESO] 政府土地工程测量员协会Association of Government Local Land Surveyors [AGLLS] 政府本地土地测量师协会Association of Government Survey Officers (Estate) 政府产业测量员协会Association of Government Technical and Survey Officers [AGTSO] 政府工程技术及测量人员协会assumed load 假定载荷;计算载荷at grade 同一平面;地面at-receiver mitigation measure 在受污染处采取的减轻污染措施atrium 中庭;门廊A-truss A形桁架at-source mitigation measure 源头减轻污染措施attachment 附件;附属物Attitude Survey on Housing 房屋意见调查auger pile 螺旋桩austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢authorized architect 认可建筑师;核准建筑师authorized extension 认可扩建authorized land surveyor 认可土地测量师authorized marine borrow area 认可挖沙区authorized occupant 认可占用人;认可住客Authorized Persons' and Registered Structural Engineers' Disciplinary Board Panel 认可人士及注册结构工程师纪律委员团Authorized Persons' Register [kept by the Building Authority] 认可人士名册〔由建筑事务监督保管〕Authorized Persons Registration Committees Panel 认可人士注册事务委员团authorized structure 认可构筑物;认可搭建物authorized tenant 认可租客authorized works 获授权进行的工程;批准进行的工程automated central vacuum refuse collection system 自动化中央真空垃圾收集系统automated refuse collection system 自动垃圾收集系统Automated Slope Maintenance Hotline Service 《斜坡维修自动热线服务》automatic access control equipment 自动关闸设备Automatic Carpark Control System 自动停车场管理系统automatic central refuse collection system 自动化中央垃圾收集系统automatic control switch 自动控制开关automatic fire alarm system [AFA system] 自动火警警报系统automatic offer 自动配屋办法automatic smoke/heat detection system 烟雾/高热自动感应系统automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器autopay rent collection system 自动转帐收租办法auxiliary feed-water pump 辅助给水泵auxiliary feed-water tank 辅助给水箱auxiliary water pump 辅助水泵available land 可用土地average building land value 平均建筑用地价值average compressive stress 平均压应力average development value 平均发展价值average discounted full market value 十足市值的平均折扣价average flat [Home Ownership Scheme] 平均售价的居屋单位〔居者有其屋计划〕average land value 平均土地价值average strength 平均强度averagely-priced Home Ownership Scheme flat 平均售价的居者有其屋单位award a contract 批予合约axial bearing capacity 轴向承压力axial compression 轴向压缩axial extension test 轴向拉伸测试axial fan 轴流式风扇axial force 轴向力axial load 轴压;轴向载重axial strain 轴向应变axial stress 轴向应力axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度axial tensile test 轴向抗拉测试axial thrust 轴向推力axisymmetric stress 轴向对称应力azimuth 极方位;极方位角back elevation 背面图back inlet gully trap 背入集水沟气隔backdrop manhole 后级沙井;跌级沙井backfill 回填;回填土;回填料backfill material 回填物料;回填料Background Information Form 背景资料表格backing concrete 堤背混凝土backup area 后勤区;后勤用地backup land 后勤土地;预留地baffle wall 遮挡墙bagged concrete 袋装混凝土balance of the purchase price 楼价余额balanced land use pattern 均衡土地用途模式balanced load 平衡载重balancing pipeline 平衡水管balcony 露台balcony bar 露台铁栏balcony concrete coping 露台混凝土盖顶balcony cubicle 露台房间;骑楼房ball-and-socket joint 球窝接头ballast 石碴;道碴;压重物ballot sheet 搅珠结果名单ballot trade 炒筹活动baluster 栏杆柱balustrade 栏杆;扶手bamboo fence 竹篱笆bamboo pole 竹枝bamboo scaffold 竹枝棚架bamboo stake 扶竹bamboo worker 竹棚工band drain 排水肩带;排水板;排水带banned area [livestock keeping] 禁止饲养禽畜地区bar bender 弯铁工;拗铁工bar fixer 铁工bar tendon 钢筋bare patch 秃块bare rock soil slope surface 光秃的土坡面bare rooted plant 裸根植物;不带泥植物;“洗泥胆”植物bare-shell house 几无装修的房屋barrette 方形桩barrier 栅栏;护栏;屏障barrier plate 阻挡板barrier wall 围墙basalt 玄武岩basalt dyke 玄武岩岩墙base 基座base course 路面下层;路基层;承重层base extracted from survey sheet no. X 根据X号测量图绘制base failure of slope 斜坡基底坍塌base frame 基架base insulator 基架绝缘器base line 基准线;基线base plate 底板;垫板base rent 基本租金base slab 底板;平底板base support 底座支架basement 地库;地窖;地下室basement tanking 地库防水层;地库防水工程basement wall 地库墙;地下室墙basic listing criteria [Housing Authority List of Building Contractors] 基本资格准则〔《房屋委员会承建商名册》〕basic map 基本地图Basic Mapping System 基本地图制作系统basic survey sheet 基本测量图basic terms offer 基本条款建议书basin 水槽;水坑;港池basin management 河流流域管理工作batching and mixing plant [concrete] 配料及拌合设备;配料及搅拌设备〔混凝土〕batching plant 混凝土配料机;混凝土配料厂bath tub 浴缸bathing shed 沙滩泳屋batholith 岩基bathroom 浴室bathymetric survey 海深测量batten 板条;木方batter 倾斜batter leader pile driver 斜导架打桩机batter pile 斜桩bay window 凸窗;窗台bazaar 市场Beach Seine Net Licence 近岸浅水围网牌照bead 门窗压条;护条;护角;焊珠beam 梁;横梁;“阵”beam and slab construction 梁板建筑beam and slab structure 梁板结构beam on elastic foundation 弹性基础梁;弹性地基梁beam raising ceremony 上梁仪式bearer 承木;托梁bearing capacity 承载力bearing capacity factor 承载力系数bearing capacity of the ground 土地承载力bearing force 承重能力;承载能力bearing pad 承重垫片;支承垫片bearing pile 承重桩;支承桩bearing pin 支承栓钉bearing plate 承重板;支承板bearing post 支承柱bearing pressure 承压应力bearing stress 承载应力;支承应力bearing surface 承载面;支承面bearing test 承载测试bearing wall 承重墙beating turf 拍打草皮;压实草皮bedding 垫层;层理;“打底”bedding layer 垫层bedding screed 地台砂浆底层bedplate 座板bedrock 基岩;基层岩bedroom 睡房;卧室bed-sit flatlet 厅房两用小单位bed-sit unit 厅房合一小单位bedspace apartment dweller 床位寓所住客bedspace apartment licensing scheme 床位寓所发牌制度Bedspace Apartments Authority 床位寓所监督bedspace lodger 位住客belated registration case 补办登记个案bellout 扩底bellout diameter 扩底直径bellow pot 气囊;气囊筒benching [manhole] 沟槽座〔沙井〕;“马枕”benchmark 水准点;基准点bending moment 弯矩;力矩bending schedule 弯钢筋表bending stiffness 弯曲刚度bending stress 弯曲应力beneficial occupation 使用物业作有价值的用途;实益占用beneficial owner 实益业主;实益拥有人beneficial ownership 实益所有权beneficial use 有价值用途;实益用途beneficiary living 现存受益人beneficiary under the trust 信托受益人Benkelman beam test 贝克曼梁试验benthic seabed grab survey 海底抓斗勘测bentonite 膨润土;皂土;膨土岩bentonite liner 膨润土衬垫berm 斜水级;坡级;截水沟;坡台berm channel 斜水平台渠bermstone 护脚石Besser block 百岁砖best rent 最高租金;最佳租金Better Building Management Campaign 优良楼宇管理活动betterment [real estate] 增值〔不动产〕betterment charge 增值征费better-off tenant 经济条件较佳租户;经济条件较佳住户bevel 斜角;削角;斜面bib cock 弯嘴旋塞;“龙头”bib tap 弯嘴水龙头;“星盆龙头”bid package 整套招标书bidet 下身盆bill of quantities 建筑工料清单;工程量清单;工程量表bill of variations 工程量更改清单Bills of Quantities System 建筑工料清单系统binder 结合料;黏合物binding agent 黏合剂bin-lifting refuse collection system 自动提桶收集垃圾方法binsite 垃圾桶放置处;垃圾桶站biotite 黑云母bit [drill] 钻头bitumen 沥青;柏油bitumen coat 沥青外搪层;沥青外衬bitumen felt 沥青纸bitumen lining 沥青内搪层;沥青衬里bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土bituminous friction course 沥青防滑层bituminous macadam 沥青碎石层〔道路〕bituminous material 沥青材料bituminous materials and aggregates testing 沥青材料及石料试验bituminous primer 沥青底涂料bituminous waterproof membrane 沥青防水膜black spot 环境黑点blackout 电力中断blacksmith 铁工blank flange 盲板凸缘;管口盖板blank gable 无窗山墙blanking plate 封板blast 燃爆;爆破blast cleaning 喷砂清理;爆破清洁blast-furnace slag cement 炉渣水泥blasting by abrasives 磨料喷砂blasting certificate 燃爆证书blasting permit 燃爆许可证blasting site 燃爆工地;爆破工地blasting works 燃爆工程;爆破工程bleed off pipe 溢流管bleed screw 放气螺钉;减压螺钉bleeding 泛油;渗色;泌浆〔混凝土〕;泌水性〔混凝土〕blended cement 混合水泥blending control 混合控制blinding 补路石砂blinding concrete 基础垫层混凝土;地基垫层混凝土blinding layer 基础垫层;地基垫层;“草鞋底”block 大厦;楼宇;厚板;座件block assessment 整体估价;以整幢大厦为一个估价单位;按大厦评估方法Block Crown Lease 集体官契block lease 集体租契;集体契约block letting 整幢出租block licence 集体牌照block plan 楼宇位置图;楼宇平面图block sample 块状样本;块样block tenancy 楼宇集体租赁block type 大厦类别block with structural deficiencies 结构有问题的大厦blockwork 砖工;砖造物blockwork seawall 方块海堤blockwork wall 方块体墙bluff 悬崖boarding house 旅馆boat dweller 艇户boat hoist 吊艇boat mooring zone 船只停泊区boat squatter 水上寮屋居民boatswain's chair 工作吊板bollard 矮柱;护柱bolster 承枕;横撑bolt 插销;螺栓;门闩bona fide mortgage 真正按揭bona fide tender 诚意投标bona fide transaction 真正交易bona fide villager 原籍村民bona vacantia property 无主物业bond 叠砌;黏合;砌合法bond breaker 黏合分隔材料;分隔料bond coat 黏合层;“打底层”bond course 束缚层bond strength 黏合强度bond stress 黏合应力bone-meal 骨粉bonus for completion 竣工奖金;完工奖金booking fee [sale and purchase of premises] 定金〔楼宇买卖〕boom 吊杆booster pump room 增压泵房booster pumping station 增压抽水站booster water pump 增压抽水机;增压水泵borated water storage tank 含硼水贮存箱bore 钻孔;内孔;内径bored pile 螺旋钻孔桩;钻孔灌注桩bored tunnel 钻挖的隧道borehole 钻孔;探土孔;挖孔borehole log 钻孔记录;挖孔记录borehole test 钻孔测试boric acid 硼酸boring 钻探;挖探boring machine 钻探机;镗borrow area 采泥区;采料区;取土区borrow light 透光窗;气窗bottle trap 瓶型气隔bottom dump 经舱底卸置;舱底式卸置bottom flush bolt 底部埋入插销bottom heave 坑底隆起;底鼓;底部隆起bottom layer 底层bottom level 底部标高bottom plate 底板bottom rail 下横档〔栏杆〕;下横栏〔门窗〕bottom-dump barge 开底运泥船boulder 砾石;巨砾;孤石boulder fall 砾石下坠;砾石泻坠boulder fence 防石栏bouldery colluvium 砾石崩积物boundary 界线;边界;界址boundary adjustment 地界调整boundary condition 边界条件boundary identification plan 地界辨认图boundary mark 地界标志;界址标记boundary of works area 施工范围boundary peg 地界栓钉boundary point 地界点boundary rectification 地界修正boundary re-establishment survey 地界重整测量boundary stone 界石boundary survey 地界测量Boundary Tribunal 地界审裁处boundary wall 边界墙box culvert 箱形暗渠;箱形涵洞;盒形排水渠box foundation 箱形基础;箱形地基box girder 箱形主梁;箱形大梁box out 预留箱形凹位box section 方形管;方通brace 撑杆;支撑braced excavation 支撑式挖掘braced structure 受横向支撑的结构;支撑结构bracing 支撑;斜撑;加劲bracing structure 横向支撑结构;支撑结构bracket 托架;支架;撑架branch family 分支家庭branch pipe 支管;分支喉管branch sewer 分支污水管branch village 分支乡村brazing 铜焊;合金焊接breach of lease conditions 违反批租条件;违反批地条件breach of tenancy conditions 违反租赁条件;违反租约规定break line 倾斜变换线;折线break tank room 减压水缸房breaker 轧碎机;碎石机;断路器breakglass unit 警报玻璃箱breaking strain 断裂应变breaking strength 断裂强度;抗断强度breaking stress 断裂应力breaking wave 破碎波breakwater 防波堤breather 通气孔;呼吸器breccia 角砾岩brick 砖brick closer 封口砖;“二寸二”brick course 砖层brick layer 砌砖工brick pier 砖柱brick works 砌砖工程brick-on-edge 侧置砖brick-on-edge wall 侧砖墙brickwork 砖造物;砖工bridge abutment 桥台bridge cable 大桥的钢索bridge crane 桥梁起重机;桥式吊机bridge deck 桥面板;桥板;桥面bridge deck level 桥面bridge deck unit 桥面组件;桥面构件bridge deck works 桥面工程bridge girder 桥主梁;桥大梁bridge pier 桥墩bridge tower 桥塔bridge works 桥梁工程British Standard Code of Practice 英国标准应用守则British Standard Specification 英国标准规格British Standards Institution 英国标准协会。
第一节一般术语1.工程结构building and civil engineering structures房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分的总称。
2.工程结构设计design of building and civil engineering structures 在工程结构的可靠与经济、适用与美观之间,选择一种最佳的合理的平衡,使所建造的结构能满足各种预定功能要求。
3.房屋建筑工程building engineering一般称建筑工程,为新建、改建或扩建房屋建筑物和附属构筑物所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
4.土木工程civil engineering除房屋建筑外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建筑物、构筑物和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
5.公路工程highway engineering为新建或改建各级公路和相关配套设施等而进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
6.铁路工程railway engineering为新建或改建铁路和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
7.港口与航道工程port (harbour )and waterway engineering 为新建或改建港口与航道和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
8.水利工程hydraulic engineering为修建治理水患、开发利用水资源的各项建筑物、构筑物和相关配设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
9.水利发电工程(水电工程)hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering 以利用水能发电为主要任务的水利工程。
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第一节一般术语1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分的总称。
2. 工程结构设计 design of building and civil engineering structures在工程结构的可靠与经济、适用与美观之间,选择一种最佳的合理的平衡,使所建造的结构能满足各种预定功能要求。
3. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering一般称建筑工程,为新建、改建或扩建房屋建筑物和附属构筑物所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
4. 土木工程 civil engineering除房屋建筑外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建筑物、构筑物和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
5. 公路工程 highway engineering为新建或改建各级公路和相关配套设施等而进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
6. 铁路工程 railway engineering为新建或改建铁路和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
7. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbour ) and waterway engineering为新建或改建港口与航道和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
8. 水利工程 hydraulic engineering为修建治理水患、开发利用水资源的各项建筑物、构筑物和相关配设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。
9. 水利发电工程(水电工程) hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering以利用水能发电为主要任务的水利工程。
10. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works房屋建筑或土木工程中的单项工程实体。
11. 结构 structure广义地指房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分的实体,狭义地指各种工程实体的承重骨架。
12. 基础 foundation将建筑物、构筑物以及各种设施的上部结构所承受的各种作用和自重传递到地基的结构组成部分。
13. 地基 foundation soil; subgrade; subbase; ground支承由基础传递或直接由上部结构传递的各种作用的土体或岩体。
14. 木结构 timber structure以木材为主制作的结构15. 砌体结构 masonry structure以砌体为主制作的结构。
16. 钢结构 steel structure以钢材为主制作的结构。
17. 混凝土(砼)结构 concrete structure以混凝土为主制作的结构。
18. 特种工程结构 special engineering structure指具有特种用途的建筑物、构筑物,如高耸结构,包括塔、烟囱、桅、海洋平台、容器、构架等各种结构。
19. 房屋建筑 building在固定地点,为使用者或占用物提供庇护覆盖进行生活、生产或其它活动家的实体。
20. 工业建筑 industrial building提供生产用的各种建筑物,如车间、厂前区建筑、生活间、动力站、库房和运输设施等。
21. 民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture指非生产性的居住建筑和公共建筑,如住宅、办公楼、幼儿园、学校、食堂、影剧院、商店、体育馆、旅馆、医院、展览馆等。
22. 公路 highway联结城市和乡村,主要供汽车或其它车辆行驶并具备一定技术标准和设施的道路。
23. 公路网 highway network一定区域内相互连络、交织成网状分布的公路系统。
24. 高速公路 freeway具有四条或四条以上车道,设有中央分隔带,并具有完善的交通安全设施、管理设施和服务设施,为全立交、全封闭,专供汽车高速行驶的公路。
25. 干线公路 arterial highway在公路网中起骨干作用的公路,分国家干线(国道)、省干线(省道)。
26. 支线公路 feeder highway在公路网中起连接作用的一般公路,即县(县道)和乡(乡道)等公路。
27. 铁路(铁道) railway; railroad用机车牵引运货或运旅客的车厢组成列车,在一定轨距的轨道上行驶的交通运输线路。
28. 标准轨距铁路 standard gauge railway在直线地段,轨距为1435mm的铁路。
29. 宽轨距铁路 broad gauge railway在直线地段,轨距大于1435mm的铁路。
30. 窄轨距铁路 narrow gauge railway在直线地段,轨距小于1435mm的铁路。
31. 铁路枢纽 railway terminal在铁路网点或网端,由几个协同作业的车站、引入线路和联络路线组成的综合体。
32. 铁路车站 railway station设有各种用途的线路,并办理列车通过、到发、列车技术作业及客货运业务的分界点。
33. 港口 port; harbour具有水陆联运条件和设施,供船舶安全进出和停泊以进行货物装卸作业或上下旅客以及军事用的交通运输枢纽。
34. 港口水工建筑物 marine structure供港口正常生产作业的临水或水中建筑物。
35. 通航(过船)建筑物 navigation structure; navigation construction在栏河闸、坝或急流卡口等所形成的水位集中落差处,为使船舶或排筏安全顺利地航驶而修建的水工建筑物。
36. 灯塔 light house在海洋、江河和湖泊航线中,指引船舶安全行驶、识别方位并设有发光樗的塔形建筑物。
37. 水利 water conservancy为控制或调整天然水在空间和时间上的分布,防治洪水和旱涝灾害,合理开发和利用水资源而进行的活动,如治河防洪,灌溉排水,水土保持,水力发电,内河航运与生活、工业、环境供水以及跨流域调水等。
38. 水利枢纽 multipurpose hydraulic project; key water-control project; hydro-junction为治理水患和开发利用水资源,在各种水域的一定范围内修建的若干座作用不同而相互配合的水工建筑物组成的综合体。
39. 水库 reservoir为治理河流和开发水资源,在狭谷或丘陵地带河流上建档水坝,利用天然地形构成的蓄水设施。
40. 水工建筑物 hydraulic structure; marine structure; maritime construction为水利、水利发电、港口与航道等工程修建的承受水作用的各种建筑物总称。
41. 档水建筑物 water retaining structure; retaining works栏截水流、调蓄流量、壅高水位的水工建筑物。
42. 进水(取水)建筑物 intake structure人河流、湖泊、水库等引进水流、控制流量、阻拦泥沙及漂浮物的水工建筑物。
43. 泄水建筑物 outlet structure; outlet works; sluice works在水利枢纽或输水系统中,宣泄水量的水工建筑物。
44. 输水建筑物 conveyance structure向供水目标输送水量的水工建筑物。
45. 整治建筑物 rcgulating structure; training structure rectification structure为整治河流、航道、具有调整河床边界、改变水流结构、影响泥沙运动、控制河床演变等作用的水工建筑物。
46. 水电站 hydro-electric station; hydropower station由河河湖海的沙滩有变为电能的各种设备及配套构筑物组成的综合体。
47. 水泵站(抽水站、扬水站、提水站) pump station设置抽水装置及其辅助设备,将水送往高处的配套建筑物。
48. 过木建筑物(过木设施) raftpass facility log pass facility供输送竹、木材通过闸、坝等挡水建筑物的工程设施。
49. 过钿建筑物(过钽设施) fishpass facility供鱼类通过拦河闸坝等挡水建筑物的工程设施。
50. 安全设施 safety device为保障人、车、行船的安全,在房屋、公路、铁路和港口、航道沿线所设置的地道、天桥、航标、灯塔、照明设备、防水设施、护栏、标柱、标志、标线等设施的总称。
1. 板柱结构 slab-colume system由楼板和柱(无梁)组成承重体系的房屋结构,如升板结构、无梁楼盖结构、整体预应力板柱结构。
2. 框架结构 frame structure由梁柱组成的能承受竖向、水平作用所产生各种效应的单层、多层或高层结构。
3. 拱结构 arch structure由拱作为承承重体系的结构。
4. 折板结构 folded-plate structure由多块条形或其它外形的平板组合而成,能作承重、围护用的薄壁空间结构。
5. 壳体结构 shell structure由各种形状的曲面板与边缘构件(梁、拱、桁架)组成的大跨度覆盖或围护的空间结构。
6. 风架结构 space truss structure由多根杆件按一定网格形式通过节点连接而成的大跨度覆盖的空间结构。
7. 悬索结构 cable-suspended structure由柔性受拉索及其边缘构件所组成的承重结构。
8. 充气结构 pneumatic structure在以高分子材料制成的薄膜制品中充入空气后而形成房屋的结构。
9. 剪力墙(结构墙)结构 shear wall structure在高层和多层建筑中,竖向和水平作用均由钢筋混凝土或预应力混凝土墙体承受的结构。
10. 框架—剪力墙结构 frame-shear wall structure在高层建筑或工业厂房中,剪力墙和框架共同承受竖向和水平作用的一种组合型结构。
11. 筒体结构 tube structure由竖向箱形截面悬臂筒体组成的结构。