广东农业科学Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 2024,51(2):71-80 DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2024.02.007邓明华,莫云容,吕俊恒,赵凯,黄尧瑶,王岩岩,张宏. 辣椒类胡萝卜素生物合成的分子遗传学研究进展[J]. 广东农业科学,2024,51(2):71-80. DENG Minghua, MO Yunrong, LYU Junheng, ZHAO Kai, HUANG Yaoyao, WANG Yanyan, ZHANG Hong. Advances in molecular genetics of carotenoid biosynthesis in Capsicum[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2024,51(2):71-80.辣椒类胡萝卜素生物合成的分子遗传学研究进展邓明华,莫云容,吕俊恒,赵 凯,黄尧瑶,王岩岩,张 宏(云南农业大学园林园艺学院/云南省蔬菜生物学重点实验室,云南 昆明 650201)摘 要:辣椒(Capsicum spp.)属于茄科辣椒属,作为一种蔬菜和香料作物在世界各地得到广泛栽培。
加拿大国家自然科学和工程学研究委员会(NSERC)国际杰出青年科学家奖获得者(1993);瑞士热带医学研究院(1990-92)和多伦多大学(1993-1995)博士后;香港城市大学生物和化学系研究员(1996);加拿大国家食品检验局寄生虫学研究中心研究科学家(1997-1999);加拿大Saskatchewan大学Research Officer (1999-2002)。
在PNAS(USA), The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Trends in Parasitology, Schnizophrenia Bulletin,International Journal for Parasitology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, Parasite Immunology,科学通报等发表论文90多篇,其中SCI论文70多篇。
主要研究方向:非洲锥虫和动物锥虫进化,寄生原虫与宿主(细胞)关系,人畜共患病原体流行病学研究项目:国家自然科学基金;国家“973”计划;美国斯丹利医学研究院;电话(Tel):+8620-84115079;84115070传真(Fax):+8620-84036215Email:lsslzr@Selected Publications:1.Wang T, Liu M, Gao XJ, Zhao ZJ, Chen XG, Lun ZR. (2010). Toxoplasma gondii: The effectsof infection at different stages of pregnancy on the offspring of mice. ExperimentalParasitology (In press).2.Lun, Z.R., Lai, D.H., Li, F.J., Lukeš, J., A yala, F. J. (2010). Trypanosoma brucei: two steps tospread out from Africa? Trends in Parasitology, 26:424-427i, D.H., Wang, Q.P., Li, Z., Luckins, A.K. Reid, S.A., and Lun, Z.R. (2010). Investigationsinto human serum sensitivity expressed by stocks of Trypanosoma brucei evansi.International Journal for Parasitology, 40:705-10.4.Lun, Z.R., Reid, S.A., Lai, D.L., Li, F.J., (2009). Atypical human trypanosomiasis: Aneglected disease or just an unlucky accident? T rends in Parasitology, 25:107-108.i, D.H., Hashimi, H., Lun, Z.R., Francisco J., A yala, F.J., Lukeš, J. (2008) Adaptations ofTrypanosoma brucei to gradual loss of kinetoplast DNA: T. equiperdum and T. evansi are petite mutants of T. brucei. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA 105:1999-2004.6.Lun, Z.R., Wang, Q.P., Chen, X.G., Li, A.X. and Zhu, X.Q. (2007). Streptococcus suis: anemerging zoonotic pathogen. The Lancet Infectious Diseases,7:201-2097.Li, F.J., Gasser, R.B., Lai, D.H., Claes, F.,Zhu, X.Q. and Lun, Z.R. (2007) PCR approach forthe detection of Trypanosoma brucei and T. equiperdum and their differentiation from T.evansi based on maxicircle kinetoplast DNA, Molecular and Cellular Probes, 21:1-78.Li, S.Q., Li, S.Q. Fung, M.C., Reid, S., Inoue. N, and Lun Z.R. (2007) Immunization withrecombinant beta-tubulin from Trypanosoma evansi induced protection against T. evansi, T.equiperdum and T. b. brucei infection in mice.Parasite Immunology, 29:191-199.9.Torrey, E.F., Bartko, J.J., Lun, Z.R. and Y olken, R.H. (2007) Antibodies to Toxoplasmagondii in patients with schizophrenia. A meta-analysis. Schnizophrenia Bulletin, 33:729-736.10.Li, F.J., Lai, D.H., Lukes, J., Chen, X.G., Lun, Z.R. (2006) Doubts about Trypanosomaequiperdum strains classed as Trypanosoma brucei or Trypanosoma evansi. Trends inParasitology, 22:55-56.11.Lun, Z.R., Chen, X.G., Zhu, X.Q., Li, X.R and Xie, M.Q. (2005) Are Tritrichomonas feotusand Tritrichomonas suis synonyms? Trends in Parasitology, 21:122-125.12.Li, F.J., Gasser, R.B., Zheng J.Y., Claes, F., Zhu, X.Q., and Lun, Z.R. (2005)Application ofmultiple DNA fingerprinting techniques to study the genetic relationships among threemembers of the subgenus Trypanozoon (Protozoa: Trypanosomatidae). Molecular andCellular Probes, 19: 400-407.13.Lun, Z.R., Gasser, R.B., Lai, D.H. Li, A.X., Zhu, X.Q., Y u, X.B. and Fang, Y.Y. (2005)Clonorchiasis: a key food-borne zoonosis in China deserving serious attention. The Lancet Infectious Diseases,5:22-33.Chapters in Books (In English):(1) Chen X.G. and Lun, Z.R.(2005). Basic Biology of Toxoplasma gondii, in V ol 4,Toxoplasmosis and Basesiosis in Asia Ed by Y ano A. et al., Published by AAA Committee and The Federation of Asian Parasitologists.(2) Wang, Q.P. and Lun, Z.R. (2008) Streptococcus suis: the threat remains. In EmergingInfections, Chapter 11, V ol 8 (Edt by W.M. Scheld, S.M. Hammer, and J.M. Hughes) ASM Press, Washington, DC. (pp. 213-228).(3) Wang, Q.P. and Lun, Z.R. (2010) Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Humanangiostrongyliasis. In Zoonoses, second edition (Edited by Stephen Palmer,Lawson Soulsby, Paul Torgerson and David Brown). Oxford Press。
Construction & Decoration建筑与装饰2023年4月下 183农村饮水安全工程输配水管道施工技术彭扬丹寨县水务局 贵州 黔东南 556000摘 要 随着国家乡村振兴相关工作的积极推进,农村基础设施建设发展迅速,经济水平稳步提升,人们生活质量显著提高,这也导致人民群众对农村饮水也有了更高的要求。
关键词 农村饮水安全工程;输配水管道;技术要点Construction Technology of Water Distribution Pipeline in Rural Drinking Water Safety ProjectPeng YangDanzhai County Water Bureau, Qiandongnan 556000, Guizhou Province, ChinaAbstract With the active advancement of the national rural revitalization related work, rural infrastructure construction has developed rapidly, the economy level stably improves, people’s quality of life is significantly improved, thus the people also has higher requirements for rural drinking water. The original rural development is relatively backward, less attention is paid to drinking water safety, and the problem of unqualified water quality is very common. At the present stage, the country has increased the investment in rural drinking water safety projects, and effectively improves the quality of rural drinking water. In the process of gradually transformation from rural drinking water safety to rural water supply security, the construction requirement of rural drinking water safety project is gradually increasing. This paper takes rural drinking water project as the research object, and focuses on the analysis of water distribution pipeline construction technology, which has guiding value for similar projects.Key words rural drinking water safety project; water distribution pipeline; technical points引言自脱贫攻坚工作开展以来,农村饮水被纳入脱贫攻坚考核“3+1”中,农村地区因为饮用水水质或水量不达标将严重影响脱贫攻坚成果,关乎能否顺利脱贫或巩固脱贫攻坚成果,为提高农村饮用水水质,国家和地方政府加大了这一方面的资金支持,农村饮水安全工程项目逐年增加。
6Who should attendFrom Monday 9 am to Wednesday 5:30 pmDates: February 11-13, 2019 May 13-15, 2019 June 24-26, 2019 October 7-9, 2019November 18-20, 2019Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometers • A cquire theoretical and practical knowledge on Raman spectrometers • L earn how to use the software • L earn methodology for method development and major analytical parameters • H ow to set up an analytical strategy with an unknown sample • H ow to interpret results• L earn how to follow the performances of theRaman spectrometer over the time.Day 1• The theory of the Raman principle • R aman Instrumentation • P ractical session – System and software presentation, Acquisition Parameters: - L abSpec 6 presentation and environment: useraccounts, file handling, display of data, basic functions - S et up of acquisition parameters and singlespectra measurement - Templates & ReportsDay 2• Analysis of Raman spectra • P ractical session: Raman spectrum measurement and Database Search - O ptimization of the parameters: how to chosethe laser, the grating, the confocal hole, the laser power- How to use the polarization options - Library Search using KnowItAll software - How to create databasesRaman imaging • H ow to make a Raman image (1D, 2D and 3D) • D ata evaluation: cursors, CLS fitting, peakfitting•Image rendering, 3D datasets •Fast mapping using SWIFT XSDay 3Data processing• Processing on single spectra and datasets • Baseline correction • Smoothing • Normalization• Spectra subtraction, averaging • Data reduction • Methods• Practical exercisesCustomer samples: Bring your own samples!Duration: 3 daysReference: RAM1Raman Microscopy for Beginners7Acquire technical skills on DuoScan, Ultra Low Frequency (ULF), Particle Finder or TERS.Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometers who already understand the fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy and know how to use HORIBA Raman system and LabSpec Software. It is advised to participate in the basic Raman training first (RAM1).Introduction to DuoScan• Principle and hardwareDuoScan Macrospot• Practical examplesDuoScan MacroMapping• Practical examplesDuoScan Stepping Mode• Practical examplesCustomer samples: Bring your own samples!Presentation of the ULF kit• Principle and requirements • Application examplesInstallation of the ULF kitIntroduction to Particle Finder• Principle and requirementsPractical session• Demo with known sample• Customer samples: Bring your own samples!Practical session• Demo with known samplesCustomers samples: Bring your own samples! Presentation of the TERS technique• Principle and requirements • Application examplesDemo TERS• Presentation of the different tips and SPM modes • Laser alignment on the tip • T ERS spectra and TERS imaging on known samplesPractical session• Hands-on on demo samples (AFM mode)• Laser alignment on the tip • T ERS spectra and TERS imaging on known samplesRaman Options: DuoScan, Ultra Low Frequency, Particle Finder, TERS8Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometers who already understand the fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy and know how to use HORIBA Raman system and labSpec Software. It is adviced to participate in the basic Raman training first.Who should attendDates: February 14, 2019 June 27, 2019November 21, 2019Duration: 1 dayReference: RAM2From 9 am to 5:30 pm• Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)• Know how to select your substrate • Interpret resultsRaman SERSIntroduction to SERSPresentation of the SERS technique • Introduction: Why SERS?• What is SERS?• Surface Enhanced Raman basics • SERS substratesIntroduction to the SERS applications• Examples of SERS applications • Practical advice • SERS limitsDemo on known samplesCustomer samples: Bring your own samples!Raman Multivariate Analysis9Users of HORIBA Scientific Raman spectrometerswho already understand the fundamentals of Ramanspectroscopy and know how to use HORIBA Ramansystem and LabSpec Software. It is advised toparticipate in the basic Raman training first (RAM1).• Understand the Multivariate Analysis module• Learn how to use Multivariate Analysis for data treatment• Perform real case examples of data analysis on demo and customer dataIntroduction to Multivariate Analysis• Univariate vs. Multivariate analysis• Introduction to the main algorithms: decomposition (PCA and MCR), classification and quantification (PLS)Practical work on known datasets (mapping)• CLS, PCA, MCRIntroduction to classification• HCA, k-means• Demo with known datasetsIntroduction to Solo+MIA• Presentation of Solo+MIA Array• Demo with known datasetsData evaluation: cursors, CLS fitting, peak fitting• Fast mapping using SWIFT XSObjective: Being able to select the good parameters for Raman imaging and to perform data processScanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)• Instrumentation• T he different modes (AFM, STM, Tuning Fork) and signals (Topography, Phase, KPFM, C-AFM, MFM,PFM)Practical session• Tips and sample installation• Molecular resolution in AFM tapping mode• M easurements in AC mode, contact mode, I-top mode, KPFM• P resentation of the dedicated tips and additional equipment• O bjective: Being able to use the main AFM modes and optimize the parametersimaging)Practical session• Hands-on on demo samples (AFM mode)• Laser alignment on the tip• T ERS spectra and TERS imaging on known sample Day 3TERS Hands-on• T ERS measurements, from AFM-TERS tip installation to TERS mapping.• TERS measurements on end users samples.• Bring your own samples!28Practical informationCourses range from basic to advanced levels and are taught by application experts. The theoretical sessions aim to provide a thorough background in the basic principles and techniques. The practical sessions are directed at giving you hands-on experience and instructions concerning the use of your instrument, data analysis and software. We encourage users to raise any issues specific to their application. At the end of each course a certificate of participation is awarded.Standard, customized and on-site training courses are available in France, G ermany, USA and also at your location.Dates mentionned here are only available for HORIBA France training center.RegistrationFill in the form and:• Emailitto:***********************• Or Fax it to: +33 (0)1 69 09 07 21• More information: Tel: +33 (0)1 69 74 72 00General InformationThe invoice is sent at the end of the training.A certificate of participation is also given at the end of the training.We can help you book hotel accommodations. Following your registration, you will receive a package including training details and course venue map. We will help with invitation letters for visas, but HORIBA FRANCE is not responsible for any visa refusal. PricingRefreshments, lunches during training and handbook are included.Hotel transportation, accommodation and evening meals are not included.LocationDepending on the technique, there are three locations: Longjumeau (France, 20 km from Paris), Palaiseau (France, 26 km from Paris), Villeneuve d’Ascq (France 220 km from Paris) or at your facility for on-site training courses. Training courses can also take place in subsidiaries in Germany or in the USA.Access to HORIBA FRANCE, Longjumeau HORIBA FRANCE SAS16 - 18 rue du canal91165 Longjumeau - FRANCEDepending on your means of transport, some useful information:- if you are arriving by car, we are situated near the highways A6 and A10 and the main road N20- if you are arriving by plane or train, you can take the train RER B or RER C that will take you not far from our offices. (Around 15 €, 150 € by taxi from Charles de Gaulle airport, 50 € from Orly airport).We remain at your disposal for any information to access to your training place. You can also have a look at our web site at the following link:/scientific/contact-us/france/visi-tors-guide/Access to HORIBA FRANCE, Palaiseau HORIBA FRANCE SASPassage Jobin Yvon, Avenue de la Vauve,91120 Palaiseau - FRANCEFrom Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport By Train • T ake the train called RER B (direction Saint RemyLes Chevreuse) and stop at Massy-Palaiseaustation• A t Massy-Palaiseau station, take the Bus 91-06C or 91-10 and stop at Fresnel• T he company is a 5 minute walk from the station,on your left, turn around the traffic circle and youwill see the HORIBA building29 Practical InformationAround 150 € by taxi from Charles de Gaulle airport. From Orly Airport By Train• A t Orly airport, take the ORLYVAL, which is ametro line that links the Orly airport to the AntonyRER station• A t Antony station, take the RER B (direction StRemy Les Chevreuse) and stops at Massy-Palai-seau station• A t Massy-Palaiseau station, take the Bus 91-06C, 91-06 B or 91-10 stop at Fresnel• T he company is 5 minutes walk from the station,on your left, turn around the traffic circle and youwill see the HORIBA building• O r at Orly take the Bus 91-10 stop at Fresnel.The company is 5 minutes walk from the station,on your left, turn around the traffic circle and youwill see the HORIBA building. We remain at yourdisposal for any information to access to your trainingplace. You can also have a look at our web site at thefollowing link:/scientific/contact-us/france/visi-tors-guide/Around 50 € by taxi from Orly airport.Access to HORIBA FRANCE, Villeneuve d’Ascq HORIBA Jobin Yvon SAS231 rue de Lille,59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq - FRANCEBy Road from ParisWhen entering Lille, after the exit «Aéroport de Lequin», take the direction «Bruxelles, Gand, Roubaix». Immmediatly take the direction «Gand / Roubaix» (N227) and No «Bruxelles» (A27) Nor «Valenciennes» (A23).You will then arrive on the ringroad around Villeneuve d’Ascq. Take the third exit «Pont de Bois».At the traffic light turn right and follow the road around, (the road will bend left then right). About 20m further on you will see the company on the right hand side where you can enter the car park.By Road from Belgium (GAND - GENT)Once in France, follow the motorway towards Lille. After «Tourcoing / Marcq-en-Baroeul», follow on the right hand side for Villeneuve d’Ascq. Take the exit «Flers Chateau» (This is marked exit 6 and later exit 5 - but it is the same exit). (You will now be following a road parallel to the mo-torway) Stay in the middle lane and go past two sets of traffic lights; at the third set of lighte, move into the left hand lane to turn under the motorway.At the traffic lights under the motorway go straight, (the road shall bend left then right). About 20 m further you shall see the company on the right hand side where you can enter the car park.AeroplaneFrom the airport Charles de Gaulle take the direction ‘Ter-minal 2’ which is also marked TGV (high speed train); where you can take the train to ‘Lille Europe’.Train - SNCFThere are two train stations in Lille - Lille Europe or Lille Flandres. Once you have arrived at the station in Lille you can take a taxi for HORIBA Jobin Yvon S.A.S., or you can take the underground. Please note both train stations have stations for the underground.Follow the signs:1. From the station «Lille Flandres», take line 1, direction «4 Cantons» and get off at the station «Pont de bois».2. From the station «Lille Europe», take line 2, direction «St Philibert» and get off at the following station «Gare Lille Flandres» then take line 1, direction «4 Cantons» and get off at the station «Pont de Bois».BusBus n°43, direction «Hôtel de Ville de Villeneuve d’Ascq», arrêt «Baudoin IX».InformationRegistration: Fill inthe form and send it back by FAX or Email four weeks before beginning of the training.Registration fees: the registration fees include the training courses and documentation. Hotel, transportation and living expenses are not included except lunches which are taken in the HORIBA Scientific Restaurant during the training.Your contact: HORIBA FRANCE SAS, 16-18 rue du Canal, 91165 Longjumeau, FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 64 74 72 00Fax: + 33 1 69 09 07 21E-Mail:***********************Siret Number: 837 150 366 00024Certified ISO 14001 in 2009, HORIBA Scientific is engaged in the monitoring of the environmental impact of its activitiesduring the development, manufacture, sales, installation and service of scientific instruments and optical components. Trainingcourses include safety and environmental precautions for the use of the instrumentsHORIBA Scientific continues contributing to the preservation of theglobal environment through analysis and measuring technologymentisnotcontractuallybindingunderanycircumstances-PrintedinFrance-©HORIBAJobinYvon1/219。
1. 270 cm-1峰:这是钴酸锂的最强拉曼峰,代表着晶格振动模式。
2. 590 cm-1峰:这个峰代表着晶体中的氧振动模式,通过这个峰可以研究钴酸锂材料的氧离子运动和材料质量等。
3. 658 cm-1峰:这个峰通常被认为是钴酸锂中Li的振动模式,因此其位置和强度可以提供有关锂离子在晶体中的位置和移动性的信息。
山西农业科学2020,48(7):1125-1128山西省龙虱科昆虫名录彭云飞1,2,王菊平1,2,张苗1,2,贺润平1,2,曹天文1,2(1.山西农业大学植物保护学院,山西太原030031;2.山西昆虫标本馆,山西太原030031)摘要:对山西的龙虱科昆虫的现有资料进行了整理归纳,结果表明,现山西已记录的龙虱物种共有6亚科12属26种,包括水龙虱亚科Hydroporinae 水龙虱属Hygrotus 1种,孔龙虱属Nebrioporus 2种,异爪龙虱属Hyphydrus 2种,短褶龙虱属Hydroglyphus 2种;粒龙虱亚科Laccophilinae 粒龙虱属Laccophilus 2种;端毛龙虱亚科Agabinae 端毛龙虱属Agabus 6种,宽缘龙虱属Platambus 1种;真龙虱亚科Cybistrinae 真龙虱属Cybister 4种;龙虱亚科Dytiscinae 齿缘龙虱属Eretes 1种,斑龙虱属Hydaticus 3种,圆龙虱属Graphoderus 1种;切眼龙虱亚科Colymbeti-nae 雀斑龙虱属Rhantus 1种。
并对《山西省六足动物(昆虫)名录I 》中的龙虱物种描述进行了订正。
关键词:鞘翅目;龙虱科;水生甲虫;山西省中图分类号:Q969.48+1.7文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-2481(2020)07-1125-04Catalogue of Dytiscidae in Shanxi ProvincePENG Yunfei 1,2,WANG Juping 1,2,ZHANG Miao 1,2,HE Runping 1,2,CAO Tianwen 1,2(1.College of Plant Protection ,Shanxi Agricultural University ,Taiyuan 030031,China ;2.Shanxi Insect Herbarium ,Taiyuan 030031,China )Abstract :In this paper,the existing data of the Dytiscidae in Shanxi were summarized.The result showed that there were 6subfamilies,12genera and 26species,including Hygrotus 1species,Nebrioporus 2species,Hyphydrus 2species,Hydroglyphus 2species of Hydroporinae,Laccophilus 2species of Laccophilinae,Agabus 6species,Platambus 1species of Agabinae,Cybister 4species of Cybistrinae,Eretes 1species,Hydaticus 3species,Graphoderus 1species of Dytiscinae,Rhantus 1species of Colymbetinae.And the description of the Dytiscidae in the "Hexapod (Insect )List of Shanxi Province I"was revised.Key words :Coleoptera;Dytiscidae;aquatic beetle;Shanxi province收稿日期:2019-12-12基金项目:山西省科技基础条件平台项目(201605D121020)作者简介:彭云飞(1989-),男,山西太原人,助理研究员,主要从事昆虫分类的相关研究工作。
种生态位及种间关系的研究较少。 马缨丹在福州海
岛上入侵较为广泛,可入侵台湾相思( Acacia confu⁃
sa) 林、桉树( Eucalyptus) 林群落,并在其灌木层形成
优势种。 本研究以福州海岛受马缨丹入侵的台湾相
岛等 [16] ,其中,海坛岛是福建省第一大岛,中国第五
大岛,琅岐岛是福建省第五大岛。 福州海岛上的植
2.2 数据处理
物种重要值计算公式如下 [5] :
重要值 = ( 相对频度+相对显著度+相对多度) / 3。
生态位特征分析方法:采用 Levins [17] 指数( B L )
计算马缨丹样方内物种的生态位宽度,并利用 Pi⁃
马缨丹( Lantana camara) 是马鞭草科马缨丹属
。 马缨
《 中国第二批外来入侵物种名单》 。 当前对马缨丹
emia indica, Celtis biondii under A. confusa forest, and Litsea rotundifolia, Paederia cruddasiana, Sageretia thea, Zan⁃
thoxylum nitidum under Eucalyptus forest. The overall association of L. camara invasion community under A. confusa forest
收稿日期:2023-12-11基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31800012);广州市科技计划重点研发计划(202206010050);广东省自然科学基金(2018A0303130164);广州市科技计划重点项目(201804020018)作者简介:张成花(1986—),女,博士,副研究员,研究方向为食药用菌资源利用与品种选育,E-mail:***************通信作者:邓旺秋(1973-),女,博士,研究员,研究方向为大型真菌资源与应用,E-mail:**************广东农业科学Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 2024,51(2):16-28 DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2024.02.002张成花,黄虹,程慧娇,王刚正,陈香女,钟国瑞,李泰辉,邓旺秋. PEG 介导的广东虫草原生质体遗传转化体系建立及其应用[J]. 广东农业科学,2024,51(2):16-28.ZHANG Chenghua, HUANG Hong, CHENG Huijiao, WANG Gangzheng, CHEN Xiangnv, ZHONG Guorui, LI Taihui, DENG Wangqiu. Establishment and application of PEG-mediated protoplast genetic transformation system of Cordyceps guangdongensis [J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2024,51(2):16-28.PEG 介导的广东虫草原生质体遗传转化体系建立及其应用张成花,黄 虹,程慧娇,王刚正,陈香女,钟国瑞,李泰辉,邓旺秋(广东省科学院微生物研究所/华南应用微生物国家重点实验室/广东省菌种保藏与应用重点实验室,广东 广州 510070)摘 要:【目的】广东虫草是我国特有珍稀食药用菌,其营养成分丰富、活性功效显著,已获批新资源食品,产业化应用前景广阔。
热带亚热带植物学报2022, 30(1): 88 ~ 96Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany野生兜兰菌根真菌对带叶兜兰生长和生理指标的效应陈宝玲, 杨开太*, 龚建英, 唐庆, 苏莉花, 汪小玉, 龙定建(广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院,南宁530002)摘要:为探究兰科菌根真菌对带叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum)生长的影响,用4个分离自广西野生兜兰根部的兰科菌根真菌(Cladosporium perangustum、Kirschsteiniothelia tectonae、Phialophora sp.和Cyphellophora sp.)与带叶兜兰试管苗和营养钵苗进行菌-苗共生试验,对其生长和生理指标的变化进行了研究。
结果表明,接菌处理具有明显的促进生长作用和生理效应,Cladosporium perangustum和Phialophora sp.对试管苗的接种效果最佳,鲜质量增量、3种保护酶活性和叶绿素总量均与对照存在显著或极显著差异,鲜质量增加了360%~380%。
Kirschsteiniothelia tectonae、Phialophora sp.对营养钵苗的接种效果最佳,鲜质量增量、叶面积及3种保护酶活性均与对照存在显著或极显著差异,鲜质量增加了261%~330%。
因此,实际生产中可在带叶兜兰不同生长阶段接种适当菌株,Phialophora sp.对带叶兜兰表现出较好的促生效应,可研发为带叶兜兰育苗期通用型有益菌剂。
关键词:带叶兜兰;兰科菌根真菌;生理特性;保护酶doi: 10.11926/jtsb.4411All Rights Reserved.Effects of Wild Paphiopedilum Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth andPhysiological Indexes of Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum SeedlingsCHEN Baoling, YANG Kaitai*, GONG Jianying, TANG Qing, SU Lihua, WANG Xiaoyu,LONG Dingjian(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Forestry Research Institute,Nanning 530002, China)Abstract: To investigate the effects of mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum, fourstrains, such as Cladosporium perangustum, Kirschsteiniothelia tectonae, Phialophora sp. and Cyphellophora sp.,isolated from roots of wild Paphiopedilum, were inoculated to tissue-cultured and potting seedlings of P.hirsutissimum for 120 days, and then the changes in growth and physiological characters were studied. The resultsshowed that the biomass and physiological indexes of tissue-cultured seedlings increase inoculated withCladosporium perangustum and Phialophora sp., the fresh weight, activities of three protective enzymes, andtotal chlorophyll content had significant differences compared with the control. Especially the fresh weight wasmore than control for 360%-380%. Two strains, Kirschsteiniothelia tectonae and Phialophora sp. had the besteffect for the potting seedlings, which the fresh weight, leaf area, and activities of three protective enzymes hadsignificant difference compared with the control, and the fresh weight increased 261%-330% than control.Therefore, appropriate strains could be inoculated to P. hirsutissimum at different growth stages in actualproduction. Phialophora sp., which showed a good promoting effect on P. hirsutissimum, could be developed as a收稿日期: 2021-03-12 接受日期: 2021-06-03基金项目:广西自然科学基金项目(2020GXNSFAA259028); 广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB18221003)资助This work was supported by the Project for Natural Science in Guangxi (Grant No.2020GXNSFAA259028); and the Project for Key Research & Developmentin Guangxi (Grant No. AB18221003).作者简介: 陈宝玲(1981~ ),高级工程师,硕士,主要从事兰科植物的保育与繁育研究工作。
高含油量、高生物量微藻的筛选及发酵试验的初步研究 (1)
高含油量、高生物量微藻的筛选及发酵试验的初步研究贺国强,邓志平,陈三凤(中国农业大学生物学院农业生物技术国家重点实验室,北京 100193)摘要:从不同淡水环境中分离并培养多株微藻,并且根据微藻的形态特征对这些微藻进行了初步鉴定。
从中选取生物量和油脂含量都较高的三株微藻椭圆栅藻(Scenedesmus ovalternus)、雷氏衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardii )和蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa ),研究了光照、温度、pH、碳源及氮源对其生长的影响,表明黑暗条件下添加葡萄糖作为碳源三株微藻生长更快;其最适温度为30℃;椭圆栅藻和蛋白核小球藻最适pH 为6,而雷氏衣藻最适pH为7;葡萄糖和硝酸钾分别为这三种微藻的最适碳源和氮源。
关键词:微藻;油脂;生物柴油;发酵试验Selection of Microalgaes Rich in Lipid and with a High Biomass,and Research of Fermentation TestHE Guoqiang, DENG Zhiping, CHEN Sanfeng(State Key Laboratory for AgroBiotechnology, College of Biology, China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193, China)Abstract: Frash microalgal species which are potentially rich in lipid and with high biomass from a variety of fresh habitats were isolated, cultivated, and then identified according to their morphological characteristics.A comparison was made of 11 species’ lipid content, lipid productivity and amount of biomass. For the three strains with highest lipid yield, the optimal growth conditions including carbon, nitrogen, light, pH and temperature were determined in order to establish the best fermentation conditions for scale-up. It suggested the three algaes grow faster when cultured with adding glucose in the dark. The optimal temperature for three algaes is 30℃. The opt i m al pH f or Y5 and Y9 w as 6, w i t h 7 for Y7. Glucose and potassium nitrate were the optimal carbon source and nitrogen source for the three algaes, respectively. Then three strains with highest lipid yield were tested for fermentation. Cell density of Chlamydomonas reinhardii Y7 and Chlorella pyrenoidosa Y9 achieved were61.2 (OD540) in 118 h and 59.86 (OD540) in 108 h in a 5-l bioreactor by performing preliminary and improved fed-batch culture strategy, respectively.This study has laid the foundation for high-density fermentation of microalgal cell in bioreactor for biodiesel production.Keywords: microalgae, lipid, biodiesel, fermentation test作者简介:陈三凤,.教授,博士生导师,主要从事生物质能源方向的研究。
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评估2组麻醉前和麻醉结束10min 后患者血流动力学与肾上腺皮质功能,同时统计2组不良反应,观察苏醒与拔管时间,对2组上述指标值进行比较和分析。
结果观察组MAP 、HR 和SVR 均明显低于对照组(<0.05)。
观察组Cor 以及醛固酮均明显低于对照组(<0.05)。
[关键词]老年;依托咪酯;丙泊酚;靶控输注;血流动力学;肾上腺皮质功能Effects of Etomidate Combined with Propofol Target Controlled Infusion General Anesthesia on Hem-odynamics and Adrenocortical Function in Elderly Surgical PatientsWang Dong,Peng Tong,He Jiangang,Peng Lu ,Yin Guizhen*Department of Anesthesiology,The First People's Hospital of Bijie City,Bijie,Guizhou,551700,P.R.China *Corresponding author:Yin Guizhen,E-mail:*****************[ABSTRACT]Objective To observe the effects of etomidate combined with propofol target controlled infusion general anesthesia on hemodynamics and adrenocortical function in elderly surgical patient.Methods The clinical data of 88elderly patients undergoing general anesthesia in our hospital from March 2018to March 2020were retrospectively analyzed.The patients who received etomidate combined with propofol target controlled infusion general anesthesia were set as the observation group (=44),and the patients who received propofol target controlled infusion general anesthesia were set as the control group (=44).Hemodynamics and adrenocortical function were evaluated before and 10minutes after anesthesia in two groups;The adverse reactions of the two groups were counted and the time of recovery and extubation were observed.The above index values were compared between both groups.Results The MAP and HR in the control group were higher than those in the ob-servation group (<0.05).The levels of Cor and aldosterone were higher in the control group than those in the observation group (<0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions in the control group was higher than that in the observation group (31.82%11.36%,<0.05).The recovery time and extubation time of the observation group were significantly shorter than those of the control group (<0.05).Conclusion Etomidate combined with propofol target-controlled infusion for general anesthesia has obvious application effects in elderly surgical patient,which can stabilize hemodynamics,improve adrenocortical function and has certain clinical application value.[KEYWORDS]elderly ;etomidate;propofol;target-controlled infusion;hemodynamics;adrenocortical function丙泊酚是临床常用麻醉药物,而依托咪酯是近年来手术治疗常用的全麻诱导药物,具有见效快和体内停留时间短等特点,且可减轻对血流动力学的不良影响[1]。
记录两组患者手术时间、术中出血量、术后引流量和切口长度;采用视觉模拟评分法(visual enelogue sfele,VAS)对术后72h腰部切口疼痛进行评分,采用JOA下腰痛评分系统评定术前及末次随访时两组患者腰椎功能;通过影像学资料观察术前、术后3~5d和末次随访时病变节段椎间隙高度的变化,术前和末次随访时腰椎冠状面和矢状面Cobb角变化,术前和术后12个月多裂肌面积和多裂肌脂肪组织沉积等级,术后椎弓根螺钉和椎板关节突螺钉位置,以及椎间融合情况;比较两组患者并发症发生情况。
第 22卷第 7期2023年 7月Vol.22 No.7Jul.2023软件导刊Software Guide基于深度学习的图像修复研究进展刘媛媛1,彭浩1,代宇婷1,徐宝磊2,王安志1(1.贵州师范大学大数据与计算机科学学院,贵州贵阳 550025;2.四川文理学院智能制造学院,四川达州 635000)摘要:图像修复是利用人工智能等技术自动补全图像中损毁区域的像素信息,现已广泛应用于公安刑侦、文物修复等领域。
关键词:图像修复;深度学习;卷积神经网络;生成式对抗网络;注意力网络DOI:10.11907/rjdk.221772开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7800(2023)007-0220-07Research Progress of Image Inpainting Based on Deep LearningLIU Yuanyuan1, PENG Hao1, DAI Yuting1, XU Baolei2, WANG Anzhi1(1.School of Big Data and Computer Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550025, China;2.Smart Manufacturing Academy, Sichuan University of Arts and Science Journal, Dazhou 635000, China)Abstract:Inpainting aims to use artificial intelligence and other technologies to automatically complete the pixel information of the damaged area in the image. It is extensively used in the fields of public security criminal investigation, cultural relic inpainting and so on. In recent years,inpainting technology based on deep learning has developed rapidly and gradually become the mainstream. Comprehensively summarize the image inpainting methods based on deep learning, including three categories of inpainting methods based on convolutional neural network,generative adversarial network and Transformer, deeply analyzing the characteristics and shortcomings of these methods,and conducts system‐atic experimental validation and analysis on several public datasets. Finally, the possible future directions of image inpainting techniques are given.Key Words:image inpainting; deep learning; convolutional neural network; generative adversarial network; attention network0 引言图像修复是采用深度学习技术对图像的像素缺失区域进行修复的过程。
第39卷第3期2021年6月辐射研究与辐射工艺学报J.Radiat.Res.Radiat.Process./fushe/CN/volumn/home.shtmlV ol.39 No.3June20215G手机天线辐照特性及其在人体头部中温度场分布陈登鹏逯迈(兰州交通大学光电技术与智能控制教育部重点实验室兰州730070)摘要为了研究5G手机天线电磁辐照对人体头部比吸收率(SAR)和温度场分布的影响,在COMSOL仿真软件中建立多频段5G手机模型以及代表人体头部组织皮肤层、颅骨层和大脑层的三层球形人体头部模型,对两种常用的手机天线输入功率和4种工作频率情况下,手机电磁辐照对人体头部各层SAR值和温度场分布进行仿真计算。
所有仿真计算结果所得SAR值和温度场的分布均低于国际非电离辐射防护委员会(Intemational Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection,ICNIRP)的规定限值。
关键词5G手机天线,多频段,电磁辐照,比吸收率,温度场分布中图分类号TL75+1,TB942,TN929.53DOI:10.11889/j.1000-3436.2021.rrj.39.030601Exposure characteristics of5G mobile phone antenna and its temperature fielddistribution in the human headCHEN Dengpeng LU Mai(Key Laboratory of Opt-Electronic Technology and Intelligent Control of Ministry of Education,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou730070,China)ABSTRACT In order to study the effect of specific absorption of electromagnetic radiation and temperature fielddistributions from5G mobile phone antenna on the human head,the multi band5G mobile phone model and three-layer spherical head model representing the scalp,skull and brain layers of the human head tissue were establishedusing COMSOL simulation software.The special absorption rate(SAR)and temperature field distribution of eachlayer of the human head caused by electromagnetic exposure of mobile phones with two kinds of commonly usedantenna input power and four kinds of working frequencies were simulated.The simulation results showed that,forthe two input powers,the maximum SAR value in the scalp layer is0.715W/kg at1900MHz,and thecorresponding surface temperature is the highest,reaching a value up to37.209°C.When the distance from themobile phone to the head increases from5mm to30mm,the maximum SAR value decreases by50.20%,however,the maximum temperature field reduction is only0.180%.The simulation results showed that all SAR values and基金资助:国家自然科学基金(51567015、51867014)和甘肃省教育厅项目(2018D-08)资助第一作者:陈登鹏,男,1993年10月出生,现为兰州交通大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事手机天线电磁辐照安全评估研究工作通信作者:逯迈,博士,教授,博士生导师,E-mail:**************收稿日期:初稿2020-10-14;修回2020-12-21Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51567015,51867014),and Project of Department of Education of Gansu Province(2018D-08)First author:CHEN Dengpeng(male)was born in October1993.Now he is a graduate student at Lanzhou Jiaotong University, focusing on electromagnetic radiation safety assessment of mobile phone antennasCorresponding author:LU Mai,doctoral degree,professor,doctoral supervisor,E-mail:**************Received14October2020;accepted21December2020辐射研究与辐射工艺学报2021 39:030601temperature field distributions are lower than the limits prescribed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection(ICNIRP).Based on the results,the distribution of electromagnetic radiation and temperature field in the human head caused by5G mobile phone antenna is considered safe.KEYWORDS5G mobile phone antenna,Multi band,Electromagnetic exposure,Special absorption rate, Temperature field distributionCLC TL75+1,TB942,TN929.532019年6月6日,工信部正式向中国电信、中国移动、中国联通、中国广电发放5G商用牌照,标志着中国正式进入5G商用元年[1-2]。
装备环境工程第20卷第6期·162·EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING2023年6月典型工业沿海区域的大气环境腐蚀性评价彭云超1,马凯军1,曹公望2,王振尧2,李小涵2(1.国家管网集团东部原油储运有限公司,江苏 徐州 221008;2.中国科学院金属研究所,沈阳 110016)摘要:目的利用现役金属材料对工业沿海区域所处不同大气环境进行环境腐蚀性评价,并研究不同金属材料的腐蚀行为差异性,探讨工业沿海大气环境下金属材料的耐蚀性选择。
方法在不同大气环境下,选择现役金属材料Q235、16MnNi和L415开展1 a的户外曝晒试验,并利用质量损失分析、扫描电镜等手段,通过对金属基材进行腐蚀机理研究,评价大气环境的腐蚀性。
结果 Q235、16MnNi和L415等3种钢在不同区域沿海工业大气环境下的腐蚀行为受大气腐蚀环境的影响较大,腐蚀产物中含有一定量的Cl和S。
关键词:Q235钢;L415钢;16MnNiVR钢;工业沿海大气环境;腐蚀性评级中图分类号:TG172 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)06-0162-08DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2023.06.021Atmospheric Environment Corrosion Evaluation of Typical Industrial Coastal Areas PENG Yun-chao1, MA Kai-jun1, CAO Gong-wang2, WANG Zhen-yao2, LI Xiao-han2(1. Pipe China Network Corporation Eastern Oil Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Xuzhou 221008, China;2. Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to evaluate the environment corrosion of different atmospheric environments in industrial coastal areas with active metal materials, study the difference of corrosion behavior of different metal materials, and discuss the selec-tion of corrosion resistance of metal materials in the industrial coastal atmospheric environment. Under different atmospheric conditions, Q235, 16MnNi and L415 were selected to develop outdoor exposure test for one year, and the corrosion mechanism of metal substrate was studied by means of weight loss analysis and scanning electron microscope to evaluate the corrosion of atmospheric environment. The corrosion behavior of Q235, 16MnNi and L415 steels in the coastal industrial atmospheric envi-ronment in different regions was greatly affected by the atmospheric corrosion environment. The corrosion products contained a certain amount of Cl and S. The special structure of the rust layer on the surface of the same metal material made its substrate收稿日期:2022–08–16;修订日期:2022–11–21Received:2022-08-16;Revised:2022-11-21作者简介:彭云超(1975—),男,高级工程师,主要研究方向为油气储运工程。
热带作物学报2022, 43(1): 094 100Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops益智种质资源表型性状的遗传多样性分析李英英1,郑云柯2,晏小霞1,王清隆1,羊青1,汤欢1,王茂媛1,王祝年1*1. 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所,海南海口 571101;2. 中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所,海南海口 571101摘要:对收集的90份益智种质资源的18个表型性状进行遗传多样性分析,以期为益智品种改良和种质创新提供依据。
关键词:益智;表型性状;种质资源;遗传多样性中图分类号:S326 文献标识码:AGenetic Diversity Analysis of Alpinia oxyphylla Germplasm Resourcesby Phenotypic TraitsAll Rights Reserved.LI Yingying1, ZHENG Yunke2, YAN Xiaoxia1, WANG Qinglong1, YANG Qing1, TANG Huan1,WANG Maoyuan1, WANG Zhunian1*1. Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute, Chinese Academy of Tripical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China;2. Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou, Hainan 571101,ChinaAbstract: The genetic diversity by 18 phenotypic traits of 90 Alpinia oxyphylla germplasm resources was analyzed toprovide the basis for the improvement and germplasm innovation of Alpinia oxyphylla varieties. The genetic diversitywas rich in the germplasms. In qualitative traits, the highest Shannon-Wiener diversity index was for fruit shape(1.1507). In quantitative traits, the highest genetic diversity indexes were for plant height (2.0700), the highest coeffi-cient variation (CV) was for the branch number of fruit (41.32%). The cumulative contribution rate of the first 6 princi-pal components was 68.339%. The first principal component mainly reflected the leaf shape and plant height. The sec-ond principal component mainly reflected the appearance and growth state. The third principal component mainly re-flected the branching status. The fourth principal component mainly reflected the output. The fifth principal componentmainly reflected the amount of fruit. The sixth principal component mainly reflected the fruit yield. The experimentalmaterials were divided into four groups by cluster analysis. Group I could be developed as lodging resistant and dwarf-ing varieties. Group II could be used as the material for improvement and cross breeding. Group III could be used as theproduction material. The fourth group could be used for the screening of ornamental materials. This study would providea basis for the selection of excellent germplasm, rational utilization of resources, variety improvement and breed selection.收稿日期 2021-03-26;修回日期 2021-05-23基金项目 海南省自然科学基金项目“海南岛益智资源调查与品质评价研究”(No. 820QN344);海南省农业农村厅农业种质资源保护项目“南药种质资源保护”(No. NYBH2021)。
4种药剂对杜鹃冠网蝽的药效试验和毒力测定黄昊;司嘉怡;袁准;曾颖;曾爱平【摘要】In order to control of Stephanitis pyriodes which is the main pest of Rhododendron simsii,37% beta-cyper-methrin malathion,1.8% avermectin,5% imidacloprid·cypermethrin and 10% imidacloprid were selected for toxico-logical test and laboratory experiments on Stephanitis pyriodes. The results showed that,all of the four pesticides were suit for controlling of Stephanitis pyriodes,the control effect of four pesticides were 100% after 5 days sprayed. The control effect of 5%imidacloprid and cypermethrin mixtures EC diluted by 1 000 times were 93.3%,98.9%and 100%after 1 day,2 days and 3 days sprayed respectively. The toxicity of four pesticides was 5% imidacloprid·cypermethrin>37%beta-cypermethrin malathion>1.8% avermectin>10% imidacloprid.%为有效防治杜鹃主要害虫杜鹃冠网蝽,选择37%高氯·马、1.8%阿维菌素、5%吡虫啉·氯氰菊酯复配乳油以及10%吡虫啉4种药剂,进行室内毒力测定及药效试验。
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Prosedur Pengolahan Data Citra
Prosedur pengolahan data citra diawali dengan mengimport data sampai dengan hasil akhir dalam bentuk cetakan (printing).
Menampilkan Citra
Setelah proses mengiadalah menampilkan citra tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas dari data yang digunakan. Di dalam ER Mapper, cara menampilkan citra disebut Color Mode. Ada beberapa cara untuk menampilkan citra: Pseudocolor Displays, Red-Green-Blue (RGB), Hue-SaturationIntensity (HIS)
Rektifikasi Data
Rektifikasi merupakan koreksi geometrik antara citra dengan peta. Dalam ER Mapper sendiri terdapat empat tipe pengoperasian rektifikasi: Image to map rectification, Image to image rectification, Map to map transformation, yaitu mentrasformasikan data yang terkoreksi menjadi datum/map projection yang baru. Image rotation, memutar citra menjadi beberapa derajat. Urutan dalam proses rektifikasi, pertama adalah menentukan titik kontrol (GCP), kemudian setelah itu melakukan proses rektifikasi, serta mengevaluasi hasil rektifikasi.
Penajaman Citra
Proses penajaman citra dilakukan untuk mempermudah pengguna dalam menginterpretasikan obyekobyek yang ada pada tampilan citra. ER Mapper mempermudah pengguna melakukan berbagai macam proses penajaman citra tanpa perlu membuat file-file baru yang hanya akan membuat penuh disk komputer.
Pengolahan data citra merupakan suatu cara memanipulasi data citra atau mengolah suatu data citra menjadi suatu keluaran (output) yang sesuai dengan yang kita harapkan. Adapun cara pengolahan data citra itu sendiri melalui beberapa tahapan, sampai menjadi suatu keluaran yang diharapkan. Tujuan dari pengolahan citra adalah mempertajam data geografis dalam bentuk digital menjadi suatu tampilan yang lebih berarti bagi pengguna, dapat memberikan informasi kuantitatif suatu obyek, serta dapat memecahkan masalah.
Disusun oleh : 1. Sukroni Nur Shobah (7404.040.064) 2. Rochmatur Rodji’in (7404.040.065) 3. Usamah (7404.040.066) 4. Andri Permana (7404.040.067) 5. Dirga Mubarak (7404.040.068)
Pengolahan Citra
Pengolahan data citra adalah bagian penting untuk dapat menganalisa informasi kebumian melalui data satelit penginderaan jauh. Aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat diterapkan melalui pengolahan data citra antara lain: pemantauan lingkungan manajemen dan perencanaan kota dan daerah urban manajemen sumber daya hutan eksplorasi mineral pertanian dan perkebunan manajemen sumber daya air manajemen sumber daya pesisir dan lautan oseanografi fisik eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas bumi
Metode ER Mapper
ER Mapper mengembangkan metode pengolahan citra terbaru dengan pendekatan yang interaktif, dimana kita dapat langsung melihat hasil dari setiap perlakuan terhadap citra pada monitor komputer. ER Mapper memberikan kemudahan dalam pengolahan data sehingga kita dapat mengkombinasikan berbagai operasi pengolahan citra dan hasilnya dapat langsung terlihat tanpa menunggu komputer menuliskannya menjadi file yang baru. Cara pengolahan ini dalam ER Mapper disebut Algoritma.
Proses Algoritma Formula, filters, contrast, brightness, dll…….
Gambar Pengolahan Citra Menggunakan ER Mapper
Keunggulan ER Mapper
Keunggulan utama ER Mapper adalah kemampuannya untuk menghemat tempat pada hard disk komputer serta metode pengolahan data yang interaktif dimana setiap hasil proses dapat langsung dilihat tampilannya pada monitor. Hal ini membuat waktu pengolahan menjadi lebih cepat. Beberapa kekhususan lain yang dimiliki ER Mapper adalah: didukung dengan 130 format pengimpor data didukung dengan 250 format pencetakan data keluaran visualisasi tiga dimensi
Import Data
Langkah pertama dalam pengolahan citra adalah mengimport data satelit yang akan digunakan ke dalam format ER Mapper. Dua bentuk utama data yang diimport ke dalam ER Mapper adalah data raster dan vektor.
Mosaik Citra
Mosaik citra adalah proses menggabungkan/menempelkan dua atau lebih citra yang tumpang tindih (overlapping) sehingga menghasilkan citra yang representatif dan kontinyu. Dalam ER Mapper proses ini dapat dilakukan tanpa membuat suatu file yang besar, kecuali bila kita ingin menyimpannya menjadi file tersendiri.
Definisi ER Mapper
ER Mapper adalah salah satu software (perangkat lunak) yang digunakan untuk mengolah data citra atau satelit. ER Mapper dapat dijalankan pada workstation dengan sistem operasi UNIX dan komputer PCs (Personal Computers) dengan sistem operasi Windows 95/98 dan Windows NT.