Reduction for Imaging and Communication Systems (ISNIC) A ROBUST CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE FOR M




医学影像学常用中英文术语翻译Medical Imaging Commonly Used Chinese-English Terminology TranslationIntroductionIn the field of medical imaging, accurate translation of terminology is crucial for effective communication and understanding between healthcare professionals internationally. This article aims to provide a comprehensive translation guide for commonly used medical imaging terms in both Chinese and English languages.1. Radiography放射学(Radiography)Radiography is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses X-rays to produce images of the human body. It is widely used to detect and diagnose various medical conditions.X-rays: X射线Radiogram/Radiograph: 放射片2. Computed Tomography计算机断层成像(Computed Tomography)Computed Tomography, commonly known as CT scanning, is an imaging technique that utilizes X-ray and computer processing to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body.CT scan: CT扫描Slice: 切片Contrast agent: 对比剂3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI, uses powerful magnetic fields and radio waves to generate detailed images of the body's organs and tissues.MRI scan: 磁共振扫描Magnetic field: 磁场Radio waves: 无线电波4. Ultrasonography超声检查(Ultrasonography)Ultrasonography, commonly referred to as ultrasound, employs high-frequency sound waves to create images of various internal body structures.Ultrasound scan: 超声波检查Transducer: 转ducerDoppler ultrasound: 多普勒超声5. Positron Emission Tomography正电子发射断层成像(Positron Emission Tomography)Positron Emission Tomography, also known as PET scanning, involves the injection of a radioactive tracer to visualize metabolic and physiological processes in the body.PET scan: PET扫描Tracer: 示踪剂Radioactive: 放射性6. Nuclear Medicine核医学(Nuclear Medicine)Nuclear Medicine is a branch of medical imaging that uses radioactive substances to diagnose and treat various diseases.Radioisotope: 放射性同位素Radiopharmaceutical: 放射性药物Thyroid scan: 甲状腺扫描7. Angiography血管造影(Angiography)Angiography is a medical imaging technique that visualizes blood vessels, usually through the injection of contrast agents, to detect abnormalities or blockages.Angiogram: 血管造影图Contrast agent: 对比剂Catheter: 导管ConclusionAccurate translation of medical imaging terminology is essential for effective communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals worldwide. This comprehensive translation guide provides a valuable resource for understanding commonly used medical imaging terms in both Chinese and English languages. By using this guide, healthcare professionals can ensure clear and concise communication in the field of medical imaging.。





詳細書籍名 Abstract.Harmonic.Analysis.of.Continuous.Wavelet.Transfo Aerials..Air.and.Spaceborne.Radar.Systems.An.Introduction.2001.WilliamAndrewPublishing.RR. Analog.BiCMOS.Design.Practices.and.Pitfalls.Analog.Circuit.Design.Analog.Circuits.Cookbook.Analog.Integrated.Circuit.Design.Analog.and.Digital.Circuits.for.Electronic.Control.System.Applications..Analog_20And_20Digital_20Control_20System_20Design.Analysis.And.Design.Of.Analog.Integrated.Circuits.Analysis_20and_20Design_20of_20Integrated_20Circuit-Antenna_20Modules.Antenna_20Arraying_20Techniques_20In_20The_20Deep_20Space_20Network.Antenna_20handbook.rmation.Super.Skyways.Institute.of.Physics.Publishing.Feb.2004.eBook-DDU. Application.-.Specific.Integrated.Circuits.-.Addison.Wesley.Michael.John.Sebastian.Smith. munications.2002.Art.And.Business.Of.Speech.Recognition.Addison.Wesley.eBook.yout.Artech..Radio.Frequency.Integrated.Circuit.Design.Artech.House.GPRS.for.Mobile.Internet.rmation.theory.Asynchronous.Circuit.Design..Audel.Electrical.Course.for.Apprentices.and.Journeymen.eBook.Automated.Fingerprint.Identification.Systems..AFIS..Academic.Press.eBookAutomotive_20Computer_20Controlled_20Systems_20Diagnostic_20Tools_20And_20Techniques. dologies.Cellular.Mobile.Radio.Systems.Designing.Systems.For.Capacity.Optimization.Circuit.-.techniques-for-low-voltage-high-speed-ADCs.Circuit.Analysis.Theory.And.Practice.Circuit.Design.for.RF.Transceivers.munications.Circuits.for.the.Hobbyist.Closed.Circuit.Television.Closing.The.Gap.Between.ASIC.and.Custom.Tools.And.Techniques.of.High.Performance.ASIC.Desig Dictionary.of.Video.Television.Technology.Dielectric_20Resonator_20Antennas.Digital.Audio.Broadcasting.munication.Over.Fading.Channels.munications.Design.for.the.Real.World.Digital.Design.Fundamentals.Dig DU.munications.Ieee.Digital.Switching.Systems.System.Reliability.and.Analysis.Digital.Synthesizers.and.Transmitters.for.Software.Radio.Springer.Jul.2005.eBook._20-_20.DDU. Digital.Systems.Engineering..Digital.Video.Quality.Vision.Models.and.Metrics.John.Wiley.and.Sons.Mar.2005.eBook._20-_20.D DU.Digital.Video.for.Dummies.Wiley..2003._.3Ed.Digital. working.Engineer_27s.Mini.-._5bNotebook.-.555_5d.-.Timer.IC.Circuits.Engineer_27s.Notebook.II.A.Handbook.Of.Integrated.Circuit.Applications.-.Forrest.Mims. Fibre.Channel.for.Mass.Storage._20-_20.Prentice.Hall.Fibre.Channel.for.SANs.Filter.Handbook.a.Practical.Design.Guide.-.S..Niewiadomski.Finance.for.Non.-.Financial.Managers.Financial.Engineering.Principles.A.Unified.Theory.Financial.Risk.Manager.Handbook.Wiley.Second.Edition.Financial.modeling.with.jump.processes.Finite_20Antenna_20Arrays_20and_20FSS.First.course.on.wavelets.Hernandez_.Weiss..CRC_.1996.T.ISBN.0849382742.Fixed.Broadband.Wireless.System.Design._20-_xxuss.For.Dummies.HDTV.For.Dummies.Nov.2004.eBook._20-_20.DDU.Fundamental_20Limitations_20In_20Filtering_20And_20Control.Fundamentals.Of.Electric.Circuits..Fundamentals.Of.RF.Circuit.Design.With.Low.Noise.Oscillators.munication.Fundamentals.of.Global.Positioning.System.Receivers.Fundamentals.of.Telecommunications.Fundamentals.of.wavelets..Theory_.algorithms_.and.applications.Goswami_.Chan..Wiley.T.319s. High_20Performance_20Control.IEE.Tutorial.Meeting.on.Digital.Signal.Processing.for.Radar.and.Sonar.Applications_.1990. works.Newnes.Jul.2004.eBook._20-_20.DD works.eBook._20-_20.LiB. Kluwer.Reuse.Methodology.Manual.for.System.-.on-a-Chip.Designs.3rd.Ed..LabVIEW.Digital.Signal.Processing.McGraw.Hill.Professional.May.2005.Layout.CMOS..Circuit.Design._.Li.Simulation.Baker._Boyce.-.1997.2.Linear_20Control_20System_20Analysis_20and_20Design_20Fifth_20Edition.Linear_20Optimal_20Control.Liquidity.Liabilities.Cash.Management.Balancing.Financial.Risks.Wiley.Low-Angle_Radar_Land_Clutter_-_Measurements_and_Empirical_Models.Lumped_20Elements_20for_20RF_20and_20Microwave_20Circuits.MPEG.7.Audio.and.Beyond.Audio.Content.Indexing.and.Retrieval.John.Wiley.and.Sons.Jan.2006. puter.Vision.Springer.Aug.2005.eBook._20-_20.DDU.McGraw.-.Hill.Teach.Yours.Electricity.and.ElectronicsEbook-FLY.McGraw.Hill.-.Principles.and.applications.of.Electrical.Engineering.McGraw.Hill.Financial.Analysis 72.Microstrip_20Filters_20For_20RF_20Microwave_20Applications.Microwave_20Circuit_20Modeling_20Using_20Electromagnetic_20Field_20Simulation. Microwave_20Component_20Mechanics.Microwave_20Electronics_20Measurement_20and_20Materials_20Characterization. Microwave_20Resonators_20and_20Filters_20For_20Wireless_20Communication.Microwave_engineering_using_microstrip_circuits_.Microwaves.and.Wireless.Simplified.Artech.House.2nd.Edition.Apr.2005.Millimeter.-.wave.Integrated.Circuits.Springer.eBook-YYePG.Mixed.Signal.And.DSP.Design.Techniques.working._20-_20.John.Wiley._.Sons.-.IEEE.Press.munications.Engineering._20-_20.Theory.and.Applications_.Second.Edition. Modern.Signal.Processing.Modern_20Control_20Engeneering__203rd_20ed_5d._5bOgata_5d_5bPrentice_20Hall_5d. Morgan.Kaufmann.._20-_20..Digital.Video.And.Hdtv.Algorithms.And.Interfaces.2003.Multi.-.Standard.CMOS.Wireless.Receivers_.Analysis._.Design.Multicarrier.Techniques.for.04G_munications.Multivariable.Control.Systems.An.Engineering.Approach.Springer.eBook-TLFeBOOK.Nano.CMOS.Circuit.a DDU.Nixon_.Aguado..Feature.Extraction.and.Image.Processing.2002.Noise.In.Receiving.Systems.Nonlinear.Microwave.And.RF.Circuits.2nd.Edition.Nonlinear_20Microwave_20Circuit_20Design.ON.Analog.Integrated.Circuits.OReilly.Digital.Video.Hacks.May.2005.eBook._20-_20.DDU.OReilly.RFID.Essentials.Jan.2006.O_27Reilly._20-_20._20802._20-_works-.The.Definitive.Guide. Observers_20in_20Control_20Systems.Op.Amp.Applications..Op.Amps.Design.Application.and.Troubleshooting.Op.Amps.for.Everyone.Design.Reference.Operational.Amplifiers.Design.and.Applications.munications.Essentials.munications.Rules.of.Thumb.working.Handbook.Mcgraw._20-_20.Hill.Optical.System.Design.Opti rol.munications.Phased.Array.Antenna.Handbook.Artech.House.Publishers.Second.Edition.eBook-kB.Phased_20Array_20Antennas_20Hansen_20R.C._20_Wiley_1998__ISBN_20047153076X__200dp Programmable.Digital.Signal.Processors.Architecture.Programming_.and.Applications. RDS..The.Radio.Data.System.RF-Microwave_20Circuit_20Design_20for_20Wireless_20Applications.ponents.and.Circuits.munications.munications.RFID.Field.Guide.Deploying.Radio.Frequency.Identification.Systems.Feb.2005.eBook._20-_20.LiB. RFID.For.Dummies.Mar.2005.eBook._20-_20.LinG.RFID.Sourcebook.Prentice.Hall.PTR.RFID._20-_20.Read.My.Chips_.RF_20__20Microwave_20Radiation_20Safety_20Handbook.RF_20and_20Microwave_20Wireless_20Systems.Radar.Systems_.Peak.Detection.and.T Real.Analog.Solutions.for.Digital.Designers.Real.World.Digital.Audio.Peachpit.Press.No05._20v.200.Real._20-_pression--Techniques.And.Algorithms.Rf.Cmos.Power.Amplifier._20-_20.Ebook.Kluwer.Inter.Hella._.Ismall.Risk.Management.And.Capital.Adequacy.McGraw.Hill.SIP.Demystified.MUNICATIONS.HANDBOOK.munication.Engineering.eBook._20-_20.EEn.Satellite.Handbook.working.Principles.and.Protocols.John.Wiley.and.Sons.Oct.2005.eBook._20-_20.DDU. Schaums.Outline.Of.Theory.And.Problems.Of.Electric.Circuits.eBook.Secrets.of.RF.Circuit.Design._.Third.Edition.Securing.and.managing.WLAN.Shannon._20-_20.TheoryComm.munication.Fundamentals.of.RF.System.Design.and.Application. Signal.Analysis.Alfred.Mertins.Signal.Analysis.Time.Frequency.Scale.and.Structure.RL.Allen_ls.Signal.Detection.and.Estimation.munications.Handbook._20-_20.CRC.Press.-.2005.Signal.analysis.wavelets.filter.banks-Mertins.A..Wiley_.1999.Signals.And.Systems.Signals._20__20.Systems.with.MATLAB.Applications._20-_20.Orchard.Publications. munications.Sliding_20Mode_20Control_20in_20Engineering.Smart.Antennas.CRC.Press.Jan.2004.eBook-DDU.Some.Design.Aspects.on.RF.CMOS.LNAs.and.Mixers.Sonet.or.SDH.Demystified.Space._20-_20.Time.Coding.John.Wiley.And.Sons.eBook.Space._20-_munications.Specification.of.the.Bluetooth.System.Spectrum.Wars.Speech.Coding.Algorithms.Foundation.and.Evolution.of.Standardized.Coders.Wiley.eBook._20-_2 munications.Understanding.Telephone.Electronics.Understanding_20Microwaves_20_Scott_.rmation.Retrieval.IRM.eBook._20-_20.YYePG.Video.Demystified.A.Handbook.For.The.Digital.Engineer.munications.Voice.Over.802.11.W._20-_20._20for.03G_works.munications.System.Waveguide_20Handbook.Wavelets.For.Kids.A.Wavelets.For.Kids.B.Wideband.TDD.WCDMA.for.the.Unpaired.Spectrum.John.Wiley.Sons.May.2005.eBook._20-_20.Lin G.Wiley.-.Essentials.of.Financial.Analysis.Wiley._20-_works_.IP.and.the.Internet.-.Protocols_.Design.and.Operation.Wiley._20-_20.Digital.Image.Processing.WK.Pratt.-.Third.Edition.2001.munication.System B.Wireless.Internet.Telecommunications.Artech.House.Publishers.eBook._20-_20.YYePG. dsp.algorithms.for.programmers.eWiley.Mobile.Fading.Channels._20-_20.-Modelling_.Analysis._.Simulation.electronics_20technician_20volume_201_20-_20safety.electronics_20technician_20volume_202_20-_20administration.electronics_20technician_20volume_203_20-_20communications_20systems.electronics_20technician_20volume_204_20-_20radar_20systems.electronics_20technician_20volume_206_20-_20digital_20data_20systems.electronics_20technician_20volume_207_20-_20antennas_20and_20wave_20propagation.下載地址:/file/f5ddfade86600_electrical_engineering_books.rar。




2.中国图形图像学会/ 。



5.图像处理教学网站 。







12.欧洲人工智能联合会ECCAI(European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence)/。

13.国际人工智能联合会IJCAI( IJCAI is the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the main international gathering of researchers in AI.)/。

14.美国人工智能联合会AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) devote toadvancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines. )/。


合格用FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HD安防摄像头说明书

合格用FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HD安防摄像头说明书

u1080p resolution for sharp imagesu Easy to install with auto zoom/focus lens, wizardand pre-configured modesu Fully configurable quad streamingu IR version with 15 m (50 ft) viewing distanceu Regions of interest and E-PTZThe HD indoor dome cameras from Bosch areprofessional surveillance cameras that provide highquality HD images for demanding security andsurveillance network requirements. These domes aretrue day/night cameras offering excellent performanceday or night.There is a version with a built-in active infraredilluminator that provides high performance in extremelow-light environments.System overviewEasy to install stylish indoor domeIdeal for indoor use, the stylish design is suitable forinstallations where appearance and flexible coverageare important. The varifocal lens allows you to choosethe coverage area to best suit your application. Usingthe proprietary pan/tilt/rotation mechanism, installerscan select the exact field of view. Mounting optionsare numerous, including surface, wall, and suspended-ceiling mounting.The automatic zoom/focus lens wizard makes it easyfor an installer to accurately zoom and focus thecamera for both day and night operation. The wizard isactivated from the PC or from the on-board camerapush button making it easy to choose the workflowthat suits best.The AVF (Automatic Varifocal) feature means that thezoom can be changed without opening the camera.The automatic motorized zoom/focus adjustment with1:1 pixel mapping ensures the camera is alwaysaccurately focused.FunctionsIntelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction reducesbandwidth and storage requirementsThe camera uses Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reductionwhich actively analyzes the contents of a scene andreduces noise artifacts accordingly.The low-noise image and the efficient H.264compression technology provide clear images whilereducing bandwidth and storage by up to 50%compared to other H.264 cameras. This results inreduced-bandwidth streams that still retain a highimage quality and smooth motion. The cameraprovides the most usable image possible by cleverlyoptimizing the detail-to-bandwidth ratio.Area-based encodingArea-based encoding is another feature which reduces bandwidth. Compression parameters for up to eight user-definable regions can be set. This allows uninteresting regions to be highly compressed, leaving more bandwidth for important parts of the scene. Bitrate optimized profileThe average typical optimized bandwidth in kbits/s for various image rates is shown in the table:Multiple streamsThe innovative multi-streaming feature delivers various H.264 streams together with an M‑JPEG stream. These streams facilitate bandwidth-efficient viewing and recording as well as integration with third-party video management systems.Depending on the resolution and frame rate selected for the first stream, the second stream provides a copy of the first stream or a lower resolution stream.The third stream uses the I-frames of the first stream for recording; the fourth stream shows a JPEG image at a maximum of 10 Mbit/s.Regions of interest and E-PTZRegions of Interest (ROI) can be user defined. The remote E-PTZ (Electronic Pan, Tilt and Zoom) controls allow you to select specific areas of the parent image. These regions produce separate streams for remote viewing and recording. These streams, together with the main stream, allow the operator to separately monitor the most interesting part of a scene while still retaining situational awareness.Built-in microphone, two-way audio and audio alarm The camera has a built-in microphone to allow operators to listen in on the monitored area. Two-way audio allows the operator to communicate with visitors or intruders via an external audio line input and output. Audio detection can be used to generate an alarm if needed.If required by local laws, the microphone can be permanently blocked via a secure license key. Tamper and motion detectionA wide range of configuration options is available for alarms signaling camera tampering. A built-in algorithm for detecting movement in the video can also be used for alarm signaling.Storage managementRecording management can be controlled by the Bosch Video Recording Manager (VRM) or the camera can use iSCSI targets directly without any recording software.Edge recordingThe MicroSD card slot supports up to 2 TB of storage capacity. A microSD card can be used for local alarm recording. Pre-alarm recording in RAM reduces recording bandwidth on the network, or — if microSD card recording is used — extends the effective life of the storage medium.Cloud-based servicesThe camera supports time-based or alarm-based JPEG posting to four different accounts. These accounts can address FTP servers or cloud-based storage facilities (for example, Dropbox). Video clips or JPEG images can also be exported to these accounts.Alarms can be set up to trigger an e-mail or SMS notification so you are always aware of abnormal events.Easy installationPower for the camera can be supplied via a Power-over-Ethernet compliant network cable connection. With this configuration, only a single cable connection is required to view, power, and control the camera. Using PoE makes installation easier and more cost-effective, as cameras do not require a local power source.The camera can also be supplied with power from+12 VDC power supplies.For trouble-free network cabling, the camera supports Auto-MDIX which allows the use of straight or cross-over cables.True day/night switchingThe camera incorporates mechanical filter technology for vivid daytime color and exceptional night-time imaging while maintaining sharp focus under all lighting conditions.Hybrid modeAn analog video output enables the camera to operate in hybrid mode. This mode provides simultaneous high resolution HD video streaming and an analog video output via an SMB connector. The hybrid functionality offers an easy migration path from legacy CCTV to a modern IP-based system.Access securityPassword protection with three levels and 802.1x authentication is supported. To secure Web browser access, use HTTPS with a SSL certificate stored in the camera.Complete viewing softwareThere are many ways to access the camera’s features: using a web browser, with the Bosch Video Management System, with the free-of-chargeBosch Video Client or Video Security Client, with the video security mobile app, or via third-party software. Video security appThe Bosch video security mobile app has been developed to enable Anywhere access to HD surveillance images allowing you to view live images from any location. The app is designed to give you complete control of all your cameras, from panning and tilting to zoom and focus functions. It’s like taking your control room with you.This app, together with the separately available Bosch transcoder, will allow you to fully utilize our dynamic transcoding features so you can play back images even over low-bandwidth connections.System integrationThe camera conforms to the ONVIF Profile S, ONVIF Profile Q and ONVIF Profile G specifications. Compliance with these standards guarantees interoperability between network video products regardless of manufacturer.Third-party integrators can easily access the internal feature set of the camera for integration into large projects. Visit the Bosch Integration Partner Program (IPP) website () for more information.HD standardsComplies with the SMPTE 274M-2008 Standard in:–Resolution: 1920x1080–Scan: Progressive–Color representation: complies with ITU-R BT.709–Aspect ratio: 16:9–Frame rate: 25 and 30 frames/sComplies with the SMPTE 296M-2001 Standard in:–Resolution: 1280x720–Scan: Progressive–Color representation: complies with ITU-R BT.709–Aspect ratio: 16:9–Frame rate: 25 and 30 frames/sInstallation/configuration notesDimensions mm (inch)Parts included•Camera•Screw kit•Installation documentation Technical specificationsSensitivity – (3200K, reflectivity 89%, F1.3, 30IRE)Ordering informationFLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HDProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; IDNR; day/ night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/ tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080pOrder number NIN-51022-V3FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 IRProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; IDNR; day/ night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/ tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080p; infrared Order number NII-51022-V3FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HDProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Automatic Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; DC iris; IDNR; day/night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080pOrder number NIN-50022-A3FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 IRProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Automatic Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; DC iris; IDNR; day/night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080p; infraredOrder number NII-50022-A3AccessoriesNDA-LWMT-DOME Dome Wall MountSturdy wall L-shaped bracket for dome cameras Order number NDA-LWMT-DOMENDA-ADTVEZ-DOME Dome Adapter BracketAdapter bracket (used together with appropriate wall or pipe mount, or surface mount box)Order number NDA-ADTVEZ-DOMEVEZ-A2-WW Wall MountWall mount (Ø145/149 mm) for dome cameras (use together with appropriate dome adapter bracket); whiteOrder number VEZ-A2-WWVEZ-A2-PW Pipe MountPendant pipe mount (Ø145/149 mm) for dome cameras (use together with appropriate dome adapter bracket); whiteOrder number VEZ-A2-PWLTC 9213/01 Pole Mount AdapterFlexible pole mount adapter for camera mounts (use together with the appropriate wall mount bracket). Max. 9 kg (20 lb); 3 to 15 inch diameter pole; stainless steel strapsOrder number LTC 9213/01NDA-FMT-DOME In-ceiling mountIn-ceiling flush mounting kit for dome cameras(Ø157 mm)Order number NDA-FMT-DOMENDA-ADT4S-MINDOME 4S Surface Mount BoxSurface mount box (Ø145 mm / Ø5.71 in) for dome cameras (use together with the appropriate dome adapter bracket).Order number NDA-ADT4S-MINDOMEMonitor/DVR Cable SMB 0.3M0.3 m (1 ft) analog cable, SMB (female) to BNC (female) to connect camera to coaxial cableOrder number NBN-MCSMB-03MMonitor/DVR Cable SMB 3.0M3 m (9 ft) analog cable, SMB (female) to BNC (male) to connect camera to monitor or DVROrder number NBN-MCSMB-30MNPD-5001-POE Midspan PoE InjectorPower-over-Ethernet midspan injector for use with PoE enabled cameras; 15.4 W, 1-portOrder number NPD-5001-POENPD-5004-POE Midspan PoE InjectorPower-over-Ethernet midspan injectors for use with PoE enabled cameras; 15.4 W, 4-portsOrder number NPD-5004-POERepresented by:North America:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:Latin America and Caribbean:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.203 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2016 | Data subject to change without notice 188****8507|en,V9,01.Jun2016。

Hikvision 音频与视频合作解决方案商品介绍说明书

Hikvision 音频与视频合作解决方案商品介绍说明书

IMMERSIVE MEETINGS , SIMPLIFIED & SEAMLESSIMMERSIVE MEETINGS,SIMPLIFIED AND SEAMLESSHikvision Audio & Video Collaboration SolutionHikvision Audio & Video Collaboration SolutionAudio and video conferencing for working remotely has become popular. With millions now working remotely all or part of their hours, the demand for audio & video conferencing has skyrocketed.* Data source: QUEST MOBILETrends in audio & video conferencingIn today’s workplaces, most personnel are expected to telecommute 2.4 days per week .Only work outside the office26Use a hybrid schedule, between remote work & in-office hours50Only work in the office24Team CollaborationTeam collaboration happens everywhere today. With room to grow at any time, our ideal team collaboration solutions help foster and improve team work for small, medium and large-sized conferencing. Seeing and being seen, sharing ideas, and hearing others clearly bridges the distances between physical locations – even across the world. Everyone feels more connected and involved with teams and projects when Hikvision boosts their audio & video conferencing.Audio and video devices:All-in-One A/V Pillar, or Sound CubeSpeakerphone and Camera Bar are recommended. Enjoy 1080p or bettervideo quality, 3- to 5-meter pick-up distance, and sound amplification.Display devices:Interactive Flat Panel & Monitor.Video Conference Host:65” Interactive Flat Panel display and laptop.Video Software: Zoom, Webex, Tencent Meeting, WeChat, DingTalk, and more.Small & medium-sized conferencing3-8 people, 15 m 28-20 people, 25 m2Video Conference Host:65” Interactive Flat Panel display and laptop.Video Software:Zoom, Webex, Tencent Meeting, WeChat, DingTalk, and more.Audio and video devices:All-in-One A/V Pillar, or Sound Cube Speakerphoneand Camera Bar are recommended. Enjoy 1080p or better video quality, 3- to5-meter pick-up distance, and sound amplification.Display devices:Interactive Flat Panel & Monitor.Medium & large-sized conferencingSmall & Medium-sized Conferencing• Compact, all in one design with integratedcamera, 4 microphones, and speaker toquickly start a meeting in huddle space• 1080p HD video imaging• 120° Wide-angle viewing without distortion• Easily adjust viewing angle and volumeby remote control• Easy to set up with simple cable connections• Portable design to help you get intomeetings anytime, anywhereThis solution includes a light-weight, portable, and all-in-one Audio/Video Pillar unit. It’s great for office conference rooms or starting a remote meeting anywhere you need. With audio and video functionalities in one device, it’s easy to use and great for high-quality communication.All-in-One Pillar X12Interactive Flat PanelD5B 65”Portable audio and video conferencing solution01Small & Medium-sizedConferencingCombining our Camera Bar and Sound Cube Speakerphone, Hikvision provides an enjoyable communication experience for teams in small- to medium-sized conference rooms. Your meeting will be much more productive and interactive with ultra-HD imaging and crisp, clear audio, ensuring more interaction with virtually face-to face collaboration.Ultra-HD audio and video conferencing solution02Conference WebcamUC8Sound Cube Speakerphone S1• Premium 4K video imaging • Auto focus targets objects quickly • Easy setup with simple cable connections• Designed with microphones and speakers set at key angles • Accurate voice reception with AI noise reduction and clear audioInteractive Flat Panel D5B 65”Individual CollaborationNeed to upgrade your conferencing equipment simply and affordably? Hikvision can help! Our world-class, All-in-One A/V Camera Bar gives you 4K UHD imaging with a wide-angle view, and clear voice pick up and playback even for large groups. The smart auto-framing and speaker tracking always puts you in the best position. It’s remarkably simple to use, manage, and integrate with its sleek design.Smart, ultra-HD audio & video conferencing solution01All-in-One Camera BarX28• All in one design with integratedcamera, 8 microphones, and speakerto quickly start a meeting• 4K ultra-high definition, 118° wide-angle viewing without distortion• Clear voice collection with intelligent noisereduction, loud & clear voice transmission• Smart auto-framing and speaker trackingMedium & Large-sized ConferencingInteractive Flat PanelD5B 75”One plus one is greater than two! Stay at ease and look your best in your meeting when our PTZ Camera zooms in for quick framing with clear visual details. Enjoy natural video reproduction even against strong backlighting. The Sound Cube Speakerphone ensures that everyone in the meeting will be heard clearly while filling larger rooms with rich, realistic sound. How can a business operate without it?High-definition audio and video conferencing solution for businesses02Medium & Large-sizedConferencingConference WebcamU102Sound Cube Speakerphone S1• Premium video imaging • 5x optical zoom for clear visual details• Rapid focus on a speaker via pre-programmed settings • 120 dB true WDR to deliver crisp video even against strong backlighting• Designed with microphones and speakers set at key angles • Accurate voice reception with AI noise reduction and clear audioInteractive Flat Panel D5B 65”360° voice pick-up & sound amplificationClear audio and stable sound all aroundIntelligently filters out background noiseAI noise reductionAir conditioning humming Keyboard tapping Knocking on the tableEasy to adjust volume or mute micControlling your meeting quickly and easilyPortable, compact and lightweight for easy travelControlling your meeting quickly and easilyAnswer call / End call Mic muteFlexible connectivity options for smart devices and PCsAudio feedbackHowling sound Echo suppression & anti-reverberation• Audio from the sound speaker will not be picked up by microphones • Reducing the sound reverberation caused by hard surfaces (walls, ceilings, tables, etc.).Wireless USB adapterBluetooth USB cableConnect and collaborate easily with H ikvision’s Sound Cube speakerphone for remote conferencing and enjoy natural, clear sound all around.The Sound Cube brings your far-away team members close, anywhere in the world. Everyone’s voice and ideas are important – now, they can be heard clearly and completely.Sound Cube SpeakerphoneIndividual CollaborationTeam CollaborationIntroductionQuickly start a meeting with Hikvision’s All-in-One Pillar or All-in-One Camera Bar, and enjoy a powerful audio and video conferencing experience without hassle. With their sleek and all-in-one design, these two products are easy to use, manage and deploy, delivering brilliant imaging and high-performance audio for a more natural and productive meeting.All-in-OneAudio and Video ProductsAll participants always remain in the center of the image, even when someone leaves or joins.Smart auto framingNo need to install plug-ins2All-in-One BarBluetooth remote controlOur industry-leading PTZ Camera delivers sharp, brilliant video imaging with outstanding color even in strong backlighting – and it’s designed to fit any professional setting. When set on a table, it fits perfectly in your meeting and quickly zooms in and out to capture any details. Attendees are natural-looking and the smart auto-tracking ensures they always remain in the best position on the screen.PTZ CameraQuickly capture the details. The remote control can help configure and trigger preset points, quickly 120 dB True WDRCrisp video imaging even in a room with strong backlight. Imaging is natural and clear.With True WDR Without True WDR56°330°See clearly, near & far. Zoom in to show the meeting 45Up to 5 preset points3.1 mm to 15.5 mm vari-focal lens, 5x opticalProduct ShowcaseDS-U1022MPBracketOPSNote: wall-mounted bracket is included in the interactive display’s package list by default.1920Individual CollaborationDS-UVC-X12iDS-UVC-X284K 118°*Two-year warranty for products above.Individual CollaborationToday, remote meetings, distance learning, and working-from-home have become normal for people around the world. That’s why Hikvision designed its own Webcam Series with world-class audio and video quality, creating top-notch products for the most optimal experience. Our webcams contain a wide variety of products to guarantee the perfect fit for any user in virtually any environment. Packed with cutting-edge imaging definition and noise reduction, H ikvision USB webcams are plug & play ready. You’ll love the studio-quality imaging, crisp clear sound, and ease of use.Cameras:Hikvision Webcams are recommended.Enjoy 1080p or better video imaging, built-inmic with noise reduction, and 3-meter pick-updistance via our webcams.Computer: Desktop or laptop.Video Software:Conferencing software (Zoom,Webex, Tencent Meeting, WeChat, DingTalk, etc.)or live streaming software— Facebook, YouTube,Tiktok, etc.Suitable for 1-3 peopleRecommended productsValue Series WebcamsU02(P)/U04(P)/UA12/UA14Business Series WebcamsUC2/UC4/UC8Live Series WebcamsUL2/UL4/UL82122IntroductionNatural, authentic tones and shadingThe webcam automatically adjusts image color to ensuremore natural looking.AE OFF AE ON 23Product Showcase2526Team Collaboration*Two-year warranty for products above.。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction



二维灰阶超声英文缩写Two-Dimensional Grayscale Ultrasonography: An Overview。

Two-dimensional grayscale ultrasonography (2D-GSUS) is a widely used imaging modality in the medical field, providing valuable insights into various anatomical structures and pathological conditions. This article aims to offer a comprehensive overview of 2D-GSUS, including its principles, applications, advantages, and limitations.Principles of 2D-GSUS:2D-GSUS utilizes high-frequency sound waves to create real-time images of internal organs and tissues. The basic principle involves the transmission of ultrasound waves into the body, where they encounter interfaces between different tissues. These interfaces reflect varying amounts of sound, forming echoes that are detected by the ultrasound transducer.The transducer converts these echoes into electrical signals, which are then processed to generate grayscale images. In 2D-GSUS, each pixel in the image represents the amplitude of the reflected ultrasound waves, determining the brightness of that particular point on the image. By scanning the transducer across the area of interest, a two-dimensional representation of the internal anatomy is produced in real time.Applications of 2D-GSUS:2D-GSUS has a wide range of clinical applications across different medical specialties. In obstetrics and gynecology, it is used for fetal imaging, monitoring pregnancies, and diagnosing gynecological conditions such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. In cardiology, it helps assess cardiac function, detect abnormalities in the heart valves, and evaluate blood flow.In abdominal imaging, 2D-GSUS aids in the diagnosis of liver, gallbladder, kidney, and pancreatic diseases. It is also valuable in assessing musculoskeletal disorders, such astendon injuries and joint effusions. Moreover, 2D-GSUS plays a crucial role in guiding interventional procedures, such as biopsies and aspirations.Advantages of 2D-GSUS:One of the primary advantages of 2D-GSUS is its non-invasive nature, making it safe for patients of all ages, including pregnant women and infants. It provides real-time imaging, allowing for immediate assessment and intervention during procedures. Additionally, 2D-GSUS is relatively inexpensive compared to other imaging modalities, making it accessible in various healthcare settings.Furthermore, 2D-GSUS does not involve ionizing radiation, eliminating the associated risks and concerns. It offers excellent spatial resolution, enabling detailed visualization of anatomical structures and abnormalities. With recent advancements in technology, such as harmonic imaging and speckle reduction techniques, the image quality and diagnostic accuracy of 2D-GSUS have significantly improved.Limitations of 2D-GSUS:Despite its numerous advantages, 2D-GSUS has certain limitations that should be considered. One limitation is its operator dependency, as image quality can vary based on the skill and experience of the sonographer. Moreover, 2D-GSUS may have limited penetration in obese patients or those with significant gas or bone interference.Another limitation is the inability of 2D-GSUS to provide volumetric information, as it only captures two-dimensional images. This may pose challenges in assessing complex anatomical structures or measuring precise dimensions. Additionally, 2D-GSUS may not always differentiate between certain tissue types or detect subtle abnormalities, necessitating complementary imaging modalities for comprehensive evaluation.Conclusion:In conclusion, two-dimensional grayscale ultrasonography (2D-GSUS) is a valuable imaging modality with widespread applications in clinical practice. Its non-invasive nature, real-time capabilities, and excellent spatial resolution make it indispensable fordiagnostic and interventional purposes across various medical specialties. While 2D-GSUS has certain limitations, ongoing technological advancements continue to enhance its performance and utility in healthcare settings.。


If you can come to the symposium, your local expenses including hotel accommodations, meals, and the conference fee will be covered by the organizers. However, it is assumed that your institute will take care of the travel expenses to and from Beijing.
Would you kindly advise us whom we could contact for the full details of the two conferences?
Sincerely yours, (signature) printed name
Letters for Invitation
• Stating the purpose of invitation • Introducing the conference
arrangement • Expressing the wish for the acceptance
Dear Professor Wang, On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society,I
You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the conference.
We sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the First Conference on Parallel Data Processing and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from your country.


Abstract: The images from most medical imaging equipments such as CT, MRI must be along some fixed direction, but it can’t satisfy the clinical inspection from arbitrary directions and angles. In view of this problem, this paper proposed the method of any angle extraction of virtual slice on 3D medical images. Adopted VC ++ 6. 0 with VTK to reconstruct the 3D images using the 2D CT image sequence in DICOM format. The vector and inner point were calculated to form the virtual clipping plane, which in turn was used to incise the 3D object. And obtained the information of virtual slice, in the mean while displayed the virtual slice images on the screen. By simple interactive operations like using mouse, the image scaling, translation and rotation could be realized in real-time. Therefore, the presented method is an effective complement to present medical imaging equipments. Key words: 3D reconstruction; virtual slice; CT; DICOM( digital imaging and communication in medicine)



文章编号:1007-757X(2021)04-0061-05基于视觉传达效果的图像压缩感知重建算法研究沈凤仙(三江学院计算机科学与工程学院,江苏南京210000)摘要:针对传统的图像压缩感知重建算法的视觉传达效果不好、成像质量低0缺4,将图像分块理论D入压缩感知图像重建,结合曲波变换具有适合表达边缘细节信息和曲线信息的优4,利用曲波变换对MRI图像进行稀疏表示,形成一种基于视觉传达效果的MRI图像压缩感知图像重构算法#选择信噪比、相对"误差和匹配度为评价m标,通过无噪图像、加噪图像、不同采样频率对重构图像质量影响进行3组实验#实验结果表明,图像重构时,在信噪比、相对"误差和匹配度3个评价m 标上,提出的算法GPBDCT均优于SIDCT和PBDCT,同时GPBDCT具有很强的抵抗噪声的能力,在保持图像细节和边缘方面效果很好#关键词:小波变换;曲波变换;压缩感知;正则化参数;采样频率;信噪比中图分类号:TN911.73文献标志码:AStudy on Image Compression Perceptual ReconstructionAlgorithm Based on Visual Communication EffectSHEN Fengxian(School of Computer Science and Engineering,Sanjiang University,Nanjing210000,China)Abstract:Aiming at the shortcomings of traditional image compression perceptual reconstruction algorithm,such as bad visual communicatione f ectandlowimagequality,thetheoryofimageblockisappliedintothereconstructionofcompressedpercep-ualimagesTCombiningtheadvantagesofcurvelettransform,whichissuitableforexpressingedgedetailsandcurveinforma-ion,the MRIimagesarerepresentedsparinglybycurvelettransformTAn MRIimagereconstructionalgorithmbasedonvisual communication effect is proposed.The signal-to-noise ratio,relative—error and matching degree are selected as the evaluation indexes.The results of three groups of experiments show that the quality of reconstructed images is affected by noise-free ima­ges,noisy images and different sampling frequencies and PBDCT is superior to SIDCT and PBDCT in SNR,relative—error and matching degree.PBDCT has strong ability to resist noise and is good at preserving image details and edges.Key words:wavelet transform;curvelet transform;compression perception;regularization parameter;sampling frequ­ency%SNR0引言磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)技术能够提供活体组织的细节图像,同时具有对人体无辐射性伤害等优点,因此被广泛地应用于人脑、胸部、心脏以及人体其他部位结构的成像。



Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie A. Kolodziejski Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students
Sparse Recovery and Fourier Sampling by Eric Price
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on August 26, 2013, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science August 26, 2013
Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piotr Indyk Professor Thesis Supervisor

Philips 数字胸部成像系统用户指南说明书

Philips 数字胸部成像系统用户指南说明书

Digital radiographyPediatric SolutionsInfants and children deserve special considerationwhen undergoing X-ray examinations. Immature bone development and rapidly dividing cells make themmore sensitive to radiation than adults. And cumulative exposure over a lifetime mandates that the dose forthe very young be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).Smaller anatomy can often be challenging to seeclearly. At the same time, image quality must not suffer. How can you easily optimize image quality and dose for your pediatric patients, while still providing exceptional service for your adult population?The answer comes in the form of two premiumDR systems – Philips DigitalDiagnost and Philips MobileDiagnost wDR. Each system showcases ourstrength in innovative dose management and techniquesfor the acquisition of quality pediatric images.We understand the challengesFrom infant to adolescent, from the tiniest baby to the nearly grown 18 year-old, you are presented with a wide variety of pediatric patient types. They share a common trait – they are all growing youngsters. They represent our future. It is your charge to protect their health and provide them with the high quality care.Pediatric patients put your skills to the test with unique imaging challenges. Skeletal structures provide very low contrast due to still immature formation of the bones and children are at a higher risk of developing radiation-induced diseases.You are challenged to identify a digital radiography system best suited for the job. Protocols for appropriate dose management and image quality are critical. Features to ease a child’s anxiety will help reduce motion artifacts and potential retakes. The system you select will demonstrate your commitment to pediatric excellence.It’s all about the kidsThe goals set forth by The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging guide our ongoing research to successfully address dose management. By working closely with key opinion leaders to refine our systems, we help that ‘imaging gently’ becomes a reality.A long history of leadership in X-ray technology puts us at an advantage. 100 years of X-ray experience and decades of digital X-ray development leads to products designed to meet unique requirements.DigitalDiagnost, our premium fixed DR system, and MobileDiagnost wDR,premium DR technology on wheels, can effectively handle the wide variations you will find in pediatrics – all at a low dose.Dedicated pediatric settingsOur systems apply the lowest reasonable patient dose and follow the ALARA principle, by employing a combination of software and hardware technology.When patient data is received from the RIS, the system automatically proposes optimized exposure parameters dependent upon the age of the individual. These parameters support a wide variety of patients with protocols that have been individually tuned to patient type. We have also developed dedicated exposure parameters specifically for pediatric extremities.Both DigitalDiagnost and MobileDiagnost wDR are managed by our Eleva user interface, which provides all the tools and controls necessary for seamlessprocedures. Parameters for every type of examination, view, and acquisition are optimized for virtually every type of patient, from newborns to obese adults. You can easily choose the proper pre-programed setting and apply it right from the Eleva workspot for image processing, printing, and export to PACS.Dose Reporting in DICOM SR format allows for detailed exposure dose monitoring on the PACS or dedicated dose management systems (i.e.DoseWise). The exposure index improves dose management and serves as an indicator of the relative exposure used for a particular exam.Your insights driveour innovationsSuperb image qualityImage quality can be maintained during pediatric imaging so confidence in diagnosis can remain high. Our new SkyPlate wireless portable detectors are based on amorphous silicon with cesium iodide technology, which provides high image quality and excellent dose efficiency.Compared to conventional techniques, with digital acquisition the image quality can be enhanced at fixed patient dose by appropriately adapted examination parameters.For example, for the examination of distal extremities lowering the tube voltage to 40 kV and avoiding additional pre-filters* results in • Enhanced bone details and better bone border definition • Enhanced soft tissue definition • Enhanced overall contrastBeyond excellent acquisition techniques excellent image quality is achieved through state-of-the-art image processing. UNIQUE image processing is enhanced for pediatric protocols and provides a superb balance between overall contrast and detail visibility, without requiring manual adjustments during image review.Versatile system featuresBoth the DigitalDiagnost and MobileDiagnost wDR have been designed with pediatric friendly features. You will find them well suited for all types of procedures and techniques.The small size SkyPlate detector (24cm x 30cm / approx. 10" x 12") is very lightweight at only 1.6kg/3.5 lbs. and is appropriately designed for pediatrics. This size promotes fast and easy positioning for smallanatomies, fits easily into incubators (intended for neonatologySuperbimage qualityC-spineLower leg HandChest Chest* Valid for pediatric extremities only – The whitepaper titled, “Optimizing image quality and dose in digital radiography of pediatric extremities,” investigates improved image quality at low, fixed tube voltage.applications in the neonatal intensive care unit), and allows for easy access for certain difficult projections. When combined with the telescopic tube arm and fine positioning control of MobileDiagnost wDR, you can image in tight locations anywhere in the hospital.In a DigitalDiagnost premium DR room, automatic pre-collimation settings help you support the recommended examination. When required, automatic pre-filtering parameters for exams such as chest or abdomen are quickly and easily applied.Automatic pre-programmed grid detection helps you to apply grids when appropriate. If you decide to use a grid, Philips carbon grids lead to higher image contrast at a low dose when compared to industry standard grids, which use aluminum interspaces and cover-plates.Alternately, our innovative SkyFlow technology can be employed to replace grid use. If you choose to do so,you can use SkyFlow to combine the ease of a gridless acquisition workflow with the contrast comparable to grid image, for bedside chest radiography. SkyFlow requires no operator input and automatically adjusts contrast enhancement based on the amount of scatter for the individual patient. Therefore, it is suitable for a wide range of patient types, including pediatric patients.By refining your pediatric protocols you can work more efficiently. Our optional Clinical QC application helpsyou do this by monitoring all exams. This powerful tool analyzes rejected images, related operators, and rejection reasons to encourage process improvement. It helps to raise department standards and creates valuable teaching moments.Easing patient anxietyA big machine in a cold, unfamiliar environment can scare children and make them feel anxious. The X-ray exam then becomes stressful and uncomfortable. Consequently the procedure may take longer and results may not be optimal due to motion artifacts. This can lead to re-takes and thus an unnecessary patient dose exposure.We care deeply about how things look and feel. Good design empowers people and satisfies patients. Your DigitalDiagnost room offers Ambient Lighting to reduce stress and help children feel less intimidated. By putting your patients at ease, you can curtail movement so exams proceed more smoothly and comfortably. Anxiety reduction may also result in enhanced patient-staff communication for enhanced cooperation and more focus on the patient’s needs.More relaxed radiography procedures may result inshorter exam times and increased patient throughput.Proper imaging of children is never an afterthought for you. We empathize with your determination to provide high quality images at low dose. By selecting DigitalDiagnost or MobileDiagnost wDR, you will not compromise.With more than 7,000 installations globally, these premium DR systems help provide high quality care for every patient with tools and techniques to optimize results.Your youngest patients have their whole lives ahead of them. They deserve the best. Let’s work together to protect their future. Let’s image gently.The right choice**********************。



In the contemporary world,where time is a precious commodity and efficiency is highly valued,the use of abbreviations in the English language has become ubiquitous.From casual conversations to professional correspondence,abbreviations serve as a shorthand that allows for quicker communication.This essay will delve into the various aspects of English abbreviations,their benefits,and potential pitfalls,drawing from personal experiences and observations.When I first encountered the extensive use of abbreviations in English,it was during my time as an exchange student in the United States.The prevalence of acronyms like LOL Laugh Out Loud,BRB Be Right Back,and TTYL Talk To You Later in text messages and online chats was both fascinating and initially confusing.However,as I immersed myself in the culture,I quickly adapted to this shorthand form of communication, appreciating its convenience and the time it saved.Abbreviations in English are not just limited to casual contexts they also permeate professional and academic spheres.For instance,in the field of education,terms like Ph.D.Doctor of Philosophy,B.A.Bachelor of Arts,and M.S.Master of Science are commonly used to denote academic degrees.In the medical field,abbreviations such as MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CT Computed Tomography,and EKG Electrocardiogram are standard in patient records and medical reports.One of the most significant benefits of using abbreviations is the efficiency they offer.They allow for faster typing and reading,which is particularly useful in fastpaced environments.For example,in the world of journalism,where deadlines are tight,the use of abbreviations can help reporters and editors to condense information and meet their submission requirements in a timely manner.Moreover,abbreviations can also be a reflection of the evolution of language.As society changes and new concepts emerge,new abbreviations are coined to represent these ideas succinctly.For example, the rise of the digital age has given birth to abbreviations like URL Uniform Resource Locator,HTML HyperText Markup Language,and VPN Virtual Private Network.However,the use of abbreviations is not without its drawbacks.One of the primary concerns is the potential for miscommunication or misunderstanding.Abbreviations can be ambiguous,especially when they are not widely recognized or when they have multiple meanings.For instance,AI could refer to Artificial Intelligence or Assistant depending on the context.Another issue with the overuse of abbreviations is the potential loss of language richness and precision.When we rely too heavily on abbreviations,we may neglect the nuances and subtleties that full words can convey.This can lead to a reduction in the expressive power of our language and a loss of the depth in our communication.In conclusion,the use of abbreviations in English is a doubleedged sword. While they offer undeniable benefits in terms of efficiency and adaptability to new concepts,they also pose challenges in terms of clarity and linguisticdepth.As a language user,it is essential to strike a balance between embracing the convenience of abbreviations and preserving the richness of language.By being mindful of the context and the audience,we can effectively utilize abbreviations to enhance our communication without compromising its quality.。



检测限信噪比要求Detecting the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is crucial in various applications, such as wireless communication, audio processing, and image analysis. To ensure reliable and accurate data transmission, a minimum SNR threshold must be met. In wireless communication, for example, a higher SNR indicates a stronger signal and a lower likelihood of data loss or errors. This is especially important in crowded or noisy environments where signals may be easily corrupted.检测到所需的信噪比(SNR)在各种应用中都是至关重要的,如无线通信、音频处理和图像分析。




One method of detecting SNR is through the use of mathematical algorithms that analyze the ratio of signal power to noise power. By comparing the strength of the signal to the level of background noise, engineers can determine the quality of the transmission. Thisprocess is essential for ensuring that data is received accurately and without interference. Without proper SNR detection, communication systems may experience disruptions or complete failure in transmitting information.检测SNR的一种方法是通过使用数学算法分析信号功率与噪声功率的比率。

Signal and Image Processing

Signal and Image Processing

Signal and Image Processing Signal and image processing are crucial fields in the world of technology and communication. These processes involve manipulating signals and images to extract useful information or enhance their quality. They are used in various applications such as audio and video processing, medical imaging, radar systems, and many more. The advancements in signal and image processing have revolutionized manyindustries and have significantly improved the quality of life for people around the world. One of the key challenges in signal and image processing is noise reduction. Noise can corrupt signals and images, making it difficult to extract the desired information. This can be particularly problematic in medical imaging, where the presence of noise can affect the accuracy of diagnoses. Researchers and engineers in this field are constantly developing new algorithms and techniques to effectively reduce noise and improve signal and image quality. This involves a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to apply them in practical scenarios. Another important aspect of signal and image processing is feature extraction. In many applications, it is essential to identify and extract specific features from signals and images. For example, in facial recognition systems, the features of a person's face need to be extracted and compared to a database for identification. This requires sophisticated algorithms and methods to accurately extract and analyze these features. The development of machine learning and artificial intelligence has significantly advanced feature extraction techniques, allowing for more accurate and efficient processing of signals and images. Furthermore, the field of signal and image processing plays a crucialrole in the development of modern communication systems. The processing of signals is essential for encoding, decoding, and transmitting information through various communication channels. This includes wireless communication, satellite communication, and internet communication. The ability to process signals effectively is fundamental to the reliability and efficiency of these communication systems. As the demand for faster and more reliable communication continues to grow, the field of signal and image processing will play an increasingly important role in meeting these demands. Additionally, signal and image processing have made significant contributions to the field of medicalimaging. The ability to process and analyze medical images has led to improved diagnostic techniques and treatment methods. For example, the development of advanced imaging techniques such as MRI and CT scans has revolutionized the field of medical diagnostics. These technologies rely heavily on signal and image processing to generate high-quality images and extract valuable information for medical professionals. The continued advancements in this field have the potential to further improve medical imaging and ultimately enhance patient care. In conclusion, signal and image processing are essential fields that have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives. From communication systems to medical imaging, the advancements in this field have significantly improved the way we interact and understand the world around us. The challenges and opportunities in signal and image processing continue to drive innovation and progress, making it an exciting and dynamic field to be a part of. As technology continues to advance, the role of signal and image processing will only become more significant, shaping the future of many industries and improving the quality of life for people worldwide.。

Signal Processing in Communications

Signal Processing in Communications

Signal Processing in CommunicationsSignal processing in communications plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and reliable transmission of information. It involves the manipulation and analysis of signals to extract useful information and minimize the effects of noise and interference. This is essential for various communication systems such as wireless networks, satellite communication, and digital audio/video transmission. Signal processing techniques are constantly evolving to meet the increasing demands for higher data rates, improved quality of service, and robustness in communication systems. One of the key challenges in signal processing for communications is dealing with the effects of noise and interference. In any communication system, the transmitted signal is inevitably corrupted by various sources of noise such as thermal noise, interference from other signals, and distortions introduced by the transmission medium. Signal processing techniques such as filtering, equalization, and error correction coding are used to mitigate these effects and enhance the reliability of the communication system. For example, in wireless communication systems, adaptive equalization techniques are employed to combat the fading and multipath effects that can degrade the received signal quality. Another important aspect of signal processing in communications is the need for efficient data compression and encoding. With the ever-increasing demand for high-speed data transmission, efficient compression and encoding techniques are essential to minimize the required bandwidth and storage capacity. This is particularly important for multimedia communication systems that involve the transmission of large amounts of audio, video, and image data. Signal processing algorithms such as discrete cosine transform (DCT) and motion-compensated prediction are commonly used for video compression, while techniques like pulse code modulation (PCM) and adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) are employed for audio compression. Furthermore, signal processing plays a critical role in the design and implementation of modern communication systems that utilize advanced modulation and multiple access techniques. These techniques are essential for achieving high spectral efficiency and accommodating a large number of users in a communication system. For instance, in wireless communication systems, techniques such asorthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) and code-division multiple access (CDMA) rely on sophisticated signal processing algorithms to enableefficient data transmission in the presence of multipath propagation and interference. In addition to the technical aspects, the impact of signal processing in communications extends to various real-world applications and industries. For instance, in the field of telemedicine, signal processing techniques are used for the transmission and analysis of medical data such as electrocardiograms (ECG), electroencephalograms (EEG), and medical imaging. These techniques enable the remote monitoring of patients and the timely delivery of medical services, thereby improving healthcare accessibility and patient outcomes. Moreover, in the automotive industry, signal processing plays a crucial role in the development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles, where sensor data from radar, lidar, and cameras is processed to enable collision avoidance, lane keeping, and other safety-critical functions. From a societal perspective, signal processing in communications has a profound impact on the way people communicate, access information, and interact with technology. The advancements in signal processing have led to the proliferation of high-speed internet, seamless multimedia streaming, and ubiquitous connectivity through wireless networks. This has transformed the way individuals and businesses communicate, collaborate, and access digital content, leading to increased productivity, economic growth, and social connectivity. Moreover, signal processing has also played a significant role in bridging the digital divide by enabling affordable and accessible communication services in underserved and remote areas. In conclusion, signal processing in communications is a vital and dynamic field that underpins the design, performance, and societal impact of modern communication systems. The ongoing advancements in signal processing techniques continue to drive innovation in various industries and enable new applications that enhance the way we communicate and interact with technology. As the demand for higher data rates, improved quality of service, and seamless connectivity continues to grow, signal processing will remain at the forefront of enabling the next generation of communication systems and services.。



影像基因组学分析方法研究进展谭俊;袁少勋;明文龙;孙啸【摘要】在生物医学大数据背景下,精准医学的研究重点之一是基因型数据和表型数据的融合及关联分析,通过数据融合及关联分析,认识疾病表型特征与基因多态性及基因活动之间的关系.影像基因组学作为一个新兴研究领域,它将疾病影像数据和基因组数据整合,并挖掘两者之间的联系,从而发现能够反映基因多态或表达的影像特征,在此基础上建立基于影像特征的非侵入式疾病诊断方法,是目前生物医学最有前景的研究领域之一.综述了影像基因组学领域的研究方法,包括基因组数据分析、影像数据分析以及基因组数据-影像数据融合分析方法.在此基础上,介绍了影像基因组学目前在临床上的典型应用,包括疾病的辅助诊断、预后预测和疗效评估.最后,对影像基因组学的未来发展进行了展望.【期刊名称】《生物技术进展》【年(卷),期】2018(008)004【总页数】8页(P277-283,369)【关键词】影像组学;基因组学;融合分析;影像基因组学【作者】谭俊;袁少勋;明文龙;孙啸【作者单位】东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,生物电子学国家重点实验室,南京210096;东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,生物电子学国家重点实验室,南京210096;东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,生物电子学国家重点实验室,南京210096;东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,生物电子学国家重点实验室,南京210096【正文语种】中文2015年,美国提出了“精准医学计划(Precision Medicine Initative)”,旨在通过整合患者的个性化信息加速人类对复杂疾病的研究,精准医学也迅速成为全球医学界热议和关注的焦点。



Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a crucial aspect of modern technology that plays a significant role in various fields such as telecommunications, audio processing, image processing, and many more. It involves the manipulation of signals in the digital domain to extract useful information or enhance the quality of the signal. DSP has revolutionized the way we process and analyze signals, providing us with powerful tools to improve communication systems, medical imaging, and countless other applications. One of the key advantages of DSP is its ability to process signals with high precision and accuracy. Unlike analog signal processing, which is prone to noise and distortion, digital signals can be manipulated with greater control and reliability. This allows for more complex algorithms to be implemented, leading to improved signal quality and performance. In the field of telecommunications, for example, DSP is essential for encoding and decoding signals, error correction, and noise reduction, ensuring clear andreliable communication. Another important aspect of DSP is its flexibility and adaptability. Digital signal processing algorithms can be easily modified and optimized to suit different applications and requirements. This flexibility allows for rapid prototyping and testing of new ideas, making it a valuable tool for researchers and engineers. Moreover, DSP algorithms can be implemented in software, hardware, or a combination of both, offering a wide range of options for system design and implementation. Furthermore, DSP has enabled the development of advanced signal processing techniques that were previously impossible with analog methods. For instance, adaptive filtering, spectral analysis, and digital image processing are just a few examples of the sophisticated algorithms made possibleby DSP. These techniques have revolutionized fields such as medical imaging, where high-resolution images can be obtained and processed in real-time to aid in diagnosis and treatment. Despite its numerous advantages, digital signal processing also poses some challenges and limitations. One of the main challengesis the computational complexity of DSP algorithms, especially for real-time applications. Processing large amounts of data in real-time requires powerful hardware and efficient algorithms, which can be costly and time-consuming to develop. Additionally, the digitization of signals introduces quantization errorsand round-off noise, which can degrade the signal quality if not properly managed. In conclusion, digital signal processing is a powerful and versatile technologythat has transformed the way we process and analyze signals in various fields. Its precision, flexibility, and advanced capabilities have made it an indispensabletool for modern technology. While there are challenges and limitations associated with DSP, its benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, making it an essential component of today's digital world. As technology continues to advance, the roleof digital signal processing will only become more prominent, driving innovation and progress in countless applications.。

peak frequency 的单位

peak frequency 的单位

peak frequency 的单位Peak Frequency: Exploring the Spectrum of Frequencies IntroductionIn the field of signal processing and telecommunications, the concept of peak frequency plays a crucial role. It refers to the frequency at which a signal exhibits the maximum power or amplitude. Understanding peak frequency is essential for various applications, including audio processing, wireless communication, and electromagnetic spectrum analysis. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of peak frequency, its significance, and its practical implications.The Basics of Peak FrequencyPeak frequency, often denoted as f_peak, represents the highest point on the frequency spectrum of a signal. It is determined by analyzing the power spectral density (PSD) of the signal. The PSD provides a visual representation of how the signal's power is distributed across different frequencies. By identifying the frequency with the highest power, we can pinpoint the peak frequency.Importance in Audio ProcessingIn audio processing, peak frequency is crucial for various tasks, such as equalization, noise reduction, and audio effects. By identifying the peak frequency of a sound, we can apply appropriate filters or adjustments to enhance its quality. For example, in equalization, the peak frequency indicates the dominant frequency of an audio signal, allowing us to boost or attenuate specific frequency ranges to achieve a desired sound profile.Application in Wireless CommunicationPeak frequency also plays a vital role in wireless communication systems. It helps determine the optimal frequency range for transmitting and receiving signals. By analyzing the peak frequency of a wireless channel, engineers can allocate suitable frequency bands for different purposes, such as voice communication, data transmission, or broadcasting. Optimizing the use of peak frequency ensures efficient and reliable wireless communication.Exploring the Electromagnetic SpectrumIn the field of electromagnetic spectrum analysis, peak frequency serves as a valuable tool for understanding and classifying different types of electromagnetic waves. Each wave, whether it is radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, or gamma rays, has a distinct peak frequency. Analyzing the peak frequency of a given wave allows scientists to identify its nature, energy level, and potential applications.Real-World ApplicationsThe concept of peak frequency finds applications in various real-world scenarios. For instance, in medical diagnostics, peak frequency analysis is used in ultrasound imaging to identify abnormalities or anomalies in body tissues. By examining the peak frequency of the ultrasound echoes, doctors can detect potential health issues and make informed decisions regarding patient care.In the field of astronomy, peak frequency analysis helps astronomers identify celestial objects based on their unique spectral lines. By analyzing the peak frequencies of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by stars, galaxies,or other celestial bodies, astronomers can gather valuable information about their composition, temperature, and motion.ConclusionPeak frequency is a fundamental concept in signal processing and telecommunications. It enables us to identify the dominant frequency of a signal, facilitating various applications in audio processing, wireless communication, and electromagnetic spectrum analysis. By understanding and harnessing the power of peak frequency, we can enhance the quality of sound, optimize wireless systems, and delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe.。

医学影像学专业英语X-RAY IMAGING

医学影像学专业英语X-RAY IMAGING

Right upper lobe consolidation Density in the projection of right upper lung field Upper lobe distribution No significant loss of lung volume Air bronchogram
The original fluoroscopes were rather primitive and consisted of an X-ray tube, fluorescent screen and X-ray table. The radiologist directly viewed the image on the fluorescent screen. The images were very faint; examinations were performed in a darkened room by a radiologist with darkadapted vision. Dark-adaptation was achieved by wearing red goggles for
colonoscopy, etc.) 4. Orthopaedic surgery: reduction and fixation of
fractures, joint replacements, etc. 5. Airway screening in children for tracheomalacia, and
CONVENTIONAL RADIOGRAPHY (X-RAYS; PLAIN FILMS) X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. The frequency and energy of X-rays are much greater than visible light.
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A ROBUST CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE FORMULTI-SPECTRAL SATELLITE IMAGESTatsuya YamazakiATR Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun,Kyoto 619-0288 JapanE-mail A robust clustering technique is developped for multi-spectral satellite images. The observed image data are assumed to come from a mixture of multi-variate normal densities and the number of densities is assumed to be known. In the clustering technique the parameters of the densities are tentatively estimated by a multi-dimensional histogram and the minimum distance clustering method. Using the tentative estimates as the initial values, the EM (Expectation and Maximization) algorithm improves the parameters of the mixture of densities recursively. Image classification is carried out by the conventional maximum likelihood method with the parameters estimated by the EM algorithm. The proposed method is robust for noises and gives stable classi-fication results, because no random selection is used for the initial parameter estimation. The per-formance of the algorithm is demonstrated by computer simulations and an experimental result of Landsat image classification is presented.1 IntroductionMulti-spectral satellite image classification methods can be categorized into supervised classifica-tion and unsupervised classification. The former uses sample data for training and usually results in better classification than the latter. The sample data are not always available, however, it is impor-tant and challenging to develop unsupervised classification methods for multi-spectral satellite images. Unsupervised classification is also called clustering.The real multi-spectral images may be degraded by noises in the process of sensing, transmis-sion, or recording. Also they may include unexpected areas like shadows. One of the famous and wide-spread clustering techniques is the k-means algorithm [1], that works well for uncontami-nated data but may show ambiguous results under noisy environment because of the random selec-tion of initial estimates.In this manuscript a novel clustering technique is developped, which is robust for such obstruc-tions as noises or unexpected areas. In the proposed technique the observed data are assumed tocome from a mixture of multi-variate normal density functions and a multi-dimensional histogram and the minimum distance classification method are used to specify the initial values of estimates.This histogram selection is more stable than the random selection used in the k-means algorithm.Then the proposed technique uses the Expectation and Maximization (EM) algorithm to improve the estimates of mixture density parameters. The multi-spectral satellite image data are classified by the conventional maximum likelihood (ML) method with the estimated parameters.2 Robust Clustering TechniqueThe multi-spectral image data y are observed through K bands, namely a K -dimensional feature vector y ij is observed at the ij th pixel. It is assumed that the number of cluster N is known and y isa realization from a mixture of multi-variate normal density functions whose parameters (mean vectors and covariance matrices) are unknown. The form of a mixture of multi-variate normal density functions is(1)where p n (y ij ; µn , σn ) denotes a multi-variate normal density with a mean vector µn and a covariance matrix σn . αn is the proportion of the n -th normal density in the mixture and .The proposed clustering algorithm is depicted in Fig. 1. In STEP 1, tentative values of the mean vectors are estimated using a multi-dimensional histogram. Then all of observed data are clustered by the minimum distance classification in STEP 2. In STEP 3, initial estimates of the mean vectors and covariance matrices are calculated using the clustering result of STEP 2, then they are used as the initial values for the EM algorithm in STEP 4. The EM algorithm is an iterative algorithm for calculating the maximum-likelihood estimates for µn , σn , and αn(n =1,..., N ). In the EM algorithm the observed data can be viewed as incomplete-data , whereas each element of the complete-data set can be defined to be a two-component vector consisting of an observation and a label specifying which density of the mixture has generated the observation.Each iteration of the EM algorithm consists of an expectation step followed by a maximization step. Details can be found in [2].STEPs 1 to 4 of the algorithm are used for estimation of mean vectors and covariance matrices of the density functions. In STEP 5 the images are classified by the conventional ML method.3 SimulationThe effectiveness of the proposed technique is evaluated by computer simulations. In the simula-tions, data are observed as two-dimensional vectors (K =2) generated from five two-variant normal distributions. The parameters used for generation of the observed data are in Table 1. All of covari-p p ij n n ij n n n Ny y ()==∑αµσ(;,),1Figure 1. Clustering algorithm.ances were set to 0. Since Class 5 emulates a unexpected area, the number of elements in Class 5 is less than other classes and clustering was carried out subject to N=4.The final estimates by STEPs 1 to 4 in the proposed method are shown in Table 2, whereas the estimates by the k-means algorithm are shown in Table 3. In Table 3, two cases of estimation by the different random initial values are shown. It is seen that estimates by the k-means algorithm depend on selection of initial values and they are easily influenced by obstructions. On the other hand, since the proposed technique uses the multi-dimensional histogram and finds dense sections to specify the initial values, it is more robust for obstructions than the k-means algorithm.After the parameter estimation, the observed data are classified by the conventional ML method using the estimated parameters. The rates of accurate class labeling (RACL) defined by (2) are 88.75% for the proposed technique, 88.39% for Case 1 of the k-means algorithm and 61.96% for Case 2 of the k-means algorithm.(2) It is also seen that RACL depends on the initial selection of estimates in the k-means algorithm.4 Landsat MSS Image ClusteringThe proposed clustering technique was applied to real remotely sensed data. Experimental data were acquired by Landsat Multi-spectral Scanner (MSS). The number of observational channels is 4 (K =4) and the size of image is 256x256 pixels. Fig. 2 shows the observed image of Band 7. The RACL The number of elements whose estimated labels are identical with the true ones.2800 (the total number of elements of class 1 to 4.)=.Table 1: Parameters used for generation of the observed data in the first simulation.1s s a l C 2s s a l C 3s s a l C 4s s a l C 5s s a l C µ)08,07()021,021()031,061()001,531()09,001(σ1020*******σ2020*******r e b m u N 007007007007002Table 2: Estimates by the proposed clustering technique. Initial is after STEP 3 and EM is after STEP 4.1s s a l C 2s s a l C 3s s a l C 4s s a l C l a i t i n I µ)2.39,2.38()1.131,5.421()6.821,5.161()2.79,6.031(M E µME )6.28,3.87()4.221,2.711()4.821,5.851()5.201,5.331(σ1MEσ2M E 7.918.93.517.01Table 3: Estimates by the k-means algorithm. Two cases with different initial values are shown.1s s a l C 2s s a l C 3s s a l C 4s s a l C 1e s a C µ1s n a e m -k )0.97,9.17()9.021,7.611()0.231,8.261()1.99,2.531(σ11s n a e m -k 6.816.112.318.01σ21s n a e m -k 9.716.011.316.012e s a C µ2s n a e m -k )9.47,1.16()9.011,5.721()7.031,5.261()9.88,1.29(σ12s n a e m -k 7.410.212.315.21σ22s n a e m -k 2.813.415.417.71number of clusters N was set to 5, because the data are expected to include five classes: water, coniferous trees, deciduous trees, open fields, and epidemics. The clustering is shown in Fig. 3. The point is that Fig. 3 is classified without using any sample data. It can be improved by using contextual classification methods using spatial information, e.g. Markov Random Fields [3],[4].5 ConclusionA novel clustering technique for multi-spectral remotely sensed images was proposed. It uses a multi-dimensional histogram and the minimum distance classification to estimate the initial values for the normal distribution parameters. The EM algorithm is used to improve the initial estimates. The classification is carried out by the ML method.The proposed technique is robust for obstructions in image data like noises or unexpected areas compared with the clustering method that selects the initial values randomly. Although it is sup-posed that use of spatial information can improve the classification result, the proposed technique is useful to give an initial classification without using any sample data.6 AcknowledgmentThe author would like to thank Dr. Bokuji Komiyama and Dr. Jun Matsuda of ATR Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories for their guidance and support.References[1] G. A. Carpenterer and S. Grossberg, Pattern Recognition by Self-Organizing Neural Net-works, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991.[2] A. P. Dempster, N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin, “Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Datavia the EM Algorithm,” J. Roy. Statistics Soc., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1-38, 1977.[3] T. Yamazaki and D. Gingras, “Image Classification Using Spectral and Spatial InformationBased on MRF Models,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 4, no. 9, Sep. 1995, pp. 1333-1339.[4] T. Yamazaki and D. Gingras, “A Contextual Classification System for Remote Sensing Usinga Multivariate Gaussian MRF Model,’’ in Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Sym-posium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 2, pp. 648-651.Figure 3. Clustering result of Landsat MSS data (N=5).Figure 2. Landsat MSS image. Band 7 is shown.。
