



■ 产品简介75XX-1系列是采用CMOS 工艺制造,低功耗的高压稳压器,最高输入电压可达30V ,输出电压范围为1.5V ~12.0V 。


■ 产品特点■ 产品用途■ 封装形式和管脚功能定义■ 型号选择名称型号 最高输入电压(V)输出电压(V)容差 封装形式7530-1 30 3.0 +3%TO 92 SOT89-37533-130 3.3 +3% 7536-1 30 3.6 +3% 7544-1 30 4.4 +3% 7550-1305.0+3%● 低功耗:≤3μA● 低跌落电压:典型值0.1V ● 低温漂:典型值50 ppm/℃ ● 高的输入电压:最高可达30V● 高精度的输出电压:容差为+3%● 封装形式:TO-92、SOT89-3 ● 电池等电源的供电设备● 各种通信设备 ● 音频/视频设备 ● 安防监控设备75XX-1LDO 高压稳压器、SOT-23-3SOT-23-3SOT-23-3管脚序号管脚定义功能说明TO-92SOT89-3SOT23-3111GND 芯片接地端223VIN 启动输入端332VOUT 芯片输出端■ 原理框图■ 极限参数项目 符号 参数 极限值 单位 电压 VIN 最大输入电压30 V 功耗PD 功耗 400 mW 温度Tw工作温度 -25~70 ℃ Tc 存储温度 -50~125 ℃ Th焊接温度260℃,10s■ 电学特性7530-1 ( T OPT=25℃)符号参数 测试条件 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 V OUT 输出电压 V IN =5V ,I OUT =10mA2.91 33.09V I OUT 输出电流 V IN =5V60 100mA △V OUT 负载调节 V IN =5V ,1mA ≤I OUT ≤20mA- 100 150 mV V DIF 跌落电压 I OUT =1mA - 100 - mV I SS 静态电流 V IN =5V ,空载 - 2 3 µA ΔV OUT /(ΔV IN * V OUT ) Line Regulation4V ≤V IN ≤30V ,I OUT =1mA- 0.2 - %/V V IN 输入电压 -- - 30 V ΔV OUT /ΔTa温度系数V IN =5V ,I OUT =10mA 0℃≤Ta ≤70℃-+0.45-mV/℃V ref V in GN DV outLDO 高压稳压器7533-1 (TOPT=25℃)符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=5.5V,I OUT=10mA 3.201 3.3 3.399 VI OUT输出电流V IN=5.5V 60 100-mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=5.5V,1mA≤I OUT≤30mA -100150 mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA -100 -mVI SS静态电流V IN=5.5V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT/(ΔV IN* V OUT) Line Regulation 4.5V≤V IN≤30V,I OUT=1mA -0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---30 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=5.5V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.5 -mV/℃7536-1 (TOPT=25℃) 符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=5.6V,I OUT=10mA 3.492 3.6 3.708 VI OUT输出电流V IN=5.6V 60 100-mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=5.6V,1mA≤I OUT≤30mA -100150 mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA -100-mVI SS静态电流V IN=5.6V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT/(ΔV IN* V OUT) Line Regulation 4.6V≤V IN≤30V,I OUT=1mA -0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---30 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=5.6V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.6 -mV/℃7544-1 (TOPT=25℃)符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=6.4V,I OUT=10mA 4.268 4.4 4.532 VI OUT输出电流V IN=6.4V 60 100-mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=6.4V,1mA≤I OUT≤30mA -100150 mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA -100 -mVI SS静态电流V IN=6.4V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT/(ΔV IN* V OUT) Line Regulation 5.4V≤V IN≤30V,I OUT=1mA -0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---30 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=6.4V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.7 -mV/℃7550-1 (TOPT=25℃)符号参数测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位V OUT输出电压V IN=7V,I OUT=10mA 4.85 5 5.15 VI OUT输出电流V IN=7V 60 100-mA△V OUT负载调节V IN=7V,1mA≤I OUT≤30mA -100mV V DIF跌落电压I OUT=1mA -100 -mVI SS静态电流V IN=7V,空载- 2 3 µA ΔV OUT/(ΔV IN* V OUT) Line Regulation 6V≤V IN≤30V,I OUT=1mA -0.2 -%/V V IN输入电压---30 VΔV OUT /ΔTa 温度系数V IN=7V,I OUT=10mA,0℃≤Ta≤70℃-+0.75 -mV/℃■应用电路1、基本电路2、高输出电流稳压电路1 3275X X-1V IN V ou tG N DC210uF C110uFV in V out75XX-13、短路保护电路75XX-14、提高输出电压电路(1)75XX-1V OUT=Vxx(1+R2/R1)+Iss*R2 5、提高输出电压电路(2)75XX-1V OUT=Vxx+VD16、电流调节电路75XX-1IOUT = VXX/RX + ISS 7、双端输出电路75XX-175XX-1注示:“××”代表输出电压■ 封装信息LDO 高压稳压器LDO高压稳压器SOT-23-3LDO高压稳压器UMW R UMW 75XX。
























ES(测深仪) 俊禄ES(测深仪) 宁禄ES(测深仪) 宁禄ES(测深仪) GPS海图仪 GPS海图仪
FR-2115B MD-3642T RADAR(雷达) FR-8062 M1942 M1945 M1835 M1832 RL80C-5S FAR-2117 FAR-2127 FAR-2827 ARPA RADAR(带ARPA雷达) FAR-2837S JMA-3910 JMA-7725 JMA-5310 FURUNO//RDPM PM-31 JUNLU//DIGITAI GYRO REPEATERDGR 501 RT-10 SART(雷达应答器) S4 SAR-9 EPS-406 S-EPIRB(卫星示位标) E5 EB-10 SES-C(卫星C站) FELCOM-15 SES-C(卫星C站) STR-1500C SES-C(卫星F站) FELCOM-70 SES-C(卫星M站) TT-3064A FELCOM-15 SSAS SSAS(保安报警系统) FELCOM16 SSAS TT-3000SSA SSAS FS-1503 FS-1570 FS-2570 MF/HF SSB(单边带)
DS-80 换能器 DS-80用换能器 FE-700机换能器 广州通达//VHF ANT. REMOTE DISPLAY UNIT 支架 NKG-800打印机原配电源线 GPS分配盒



















15. 串行口 ...............................................................................................................................55 15.1 模式 0....................................................................................................................56 15.2 模式 1....................................................................................................................56 15.3 模式 2....................................................................................................................58 15.4 模式3.....................................................................................................................59 15.5 贞错误检测............................................................................................................59 15.6 多机通信 ...............................................................................................................60





常用开关电源芯片大全第1章DC-DC电源转换器/基准电压源1.1 DC-DC电源转换器1.低噪声电荷泵DC-DC电源转换器AAT3113/AAT31142.低功耗开关型DC-DC电源转换器ADP30003.高效3A开关稳压器AP15014.高效率无电感DC-DC电源转换器FAN56605.小功率极性反转电源转换器ICL76606.高效率DC-DC电源转换控制器IRU30377.高性能降压式DC-DC电源转换器ISL64208.单片降压式开关稳压器L49609.大功率开关稳压器L4970A10.1.5A降压式开关稳压器L497111.2A高效率单片开关稳压器L497812.1A高效率升压/降压式DC-DC电源转换器L597013.1.5A降压式DC-DC电源转换器LM157214.高效率1A降压单片开关稳压器LM1575/LM2575/LM2575HV15.3A降压单片开关稳压器LM2576/LM2576HV16.可调升压开关稳压器LM257717.3A降压开关稳压器LM259618.高效率5A开关稳压器LM267819.升压式DC-DC电源转换器LM2703/LM270420.电流模式升压式电源转换器LM273321.低噪声升压式电源转换器LM275022.小型75V降压式稳压器LM500723.低功耗升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器LT107324.升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT161525.隔离式开关稳压器LT172526.低功耗升压电荷泵LT175127.大电流高频降压式DC-DC电源转换器LT176528.大电流升压转换器LT193529.高效升压式电荷泵LT193730.高压输入降压式电源转换器LT195631.1.5A升压式电源转换器LT196132.高压升/降压式电源转换器LT343333.单片3A升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT343634.通用升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT346035.高效率低功耗升压式电源转换器LT346436.1.1A升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT346737.大电流高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器LT378238.微型低功耗电源转换器LTC175439.1.5A单片同步降压式稳压器LTC187540.低噪声高效率降压式电荷泵LTC191141.低噪声电荷泵LTC3200/LTC3200-542.无电感的降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC325143.双输出/低噪声/降压式电荷泵LTC325244.同步整流/升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340145.低功耗同步整流升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340246.同步整流降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340547.双路同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC340748.高效率同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC341649.微型2A升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC342650.2A两相电流升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC342851.单电感升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC344052.大电流升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC344253.1.4A同步升压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC345854.直流同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器LTC370355.双输出降压式同步DC-DC电源转换控制器LTC373656.降压式同步DC-DC电源转换控制器LTC377057.双2相DC-DC电源同步控制器LTC380258.高性能升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1513/MAX151459.精简型升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1522/MAX1523/MAX152460.高效率40V升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1553/MAX155461.高效率升压式LED电压调节器MAX1561/MAX159962.高效率5路输出DC-DC电源转换器MAX156563.双输出升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1582/MAX1582Y64.驱动白光LED的升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX158365.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1642/MAX164366.2A降压式开关稳压器MAX164467.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1674/MAX1675/MAX167668.高效率双输出DC-DC电源转换器MAX167769.低噪声1A降压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1684/MAX168570.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX169871.高效率双输出降压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX171572.小体积升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX1722/MAX1723/MAX172473.输出电流为50mA的降压式电荷泵MAX173074.升/降压式电荷泵MAX175975.高效率多路输出DC-DC电源转换器MAX180076.3A同步整流降压式稳压型MAX1830/MAX183177.双输出开关式LCD电源控制器MAX187878.电流模式升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX189679.具有复位功能的升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX194780.高效率PWM降压式稳压器MAX1992/MAX199381.大电流输出升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX61882.低功耗升压或降压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX62983.PWM升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX668/MAX66984.大电流PWM降压式开关稳压器MAX724/MAX72685.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX756/MAX75786.高效率大电流DC-DC电源转换器MAX761/MAX76287.隔离式DC-DC电源转换器MAX8515/MAX8515A88.高性能24V升压式DC-DC电源转换器MAX872789.升/降压式DC-DC电源转换器MC33063A/MC34063A90.5A升压/降压/反向DC-DC电源转换器MC33167/MC3416791.低噪声无电感电荷泵MCP1252/MCP125392.高频脉宽调制降压稳压器MIC220393.大功率DC-DC升压电源转换器MIC229594.单片微型高压开关稳压器NCP1030/NCP103195.低功耗升压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP1400A96.高压DC-DC电源转换器NCP140397.单片微功率高频升压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP141098.同步整流PFM步进式DC-DC电源转换器NCP142199.高效率大电流开关电压调整器NCP1442/NCP1443/NCP1444/NCP1445100.新型双模式开关稳压器NCP1501101.高效率大电流输出DC-DC电源转换器NCP1550102.同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP1570103.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器NCP5008/NCP5009 104.大电流高速稳压器RT9173/RT9173A105.高效率升压式DC-DC电源转换器RT9262/RT9262A106.升压式DC-DC电源转换器SP6644/SP6645107.低功耗升压式DC-DC电源转换器SP6691108.新型高效率DC-DC电源转换器TPS54350109.无电感降压式电荷泵TPS6050x110.高效率升压式电源转换器TPS6101x111.28V恒流白色LED驱动器TPS61042112.具有LDO输出的升压式DC-DC电源转换器TPS6112x 113.低噪声同步降压式DC-DC电源转换器TPS6200x114.三路高效率大功率DC-DC电源转换器TPS75003115.高效率DC-DC电源转换器UCC39421/UCC39422116.PWM控制升压式DC-DC电源转换器XC6371117.白光LED驱动专用DC-DC电源转换器XC9116118.500mA同步整流降压式DC-DC电源转换器XC9215/XC9216/XC9217119.稳压输出电荷泵XC9801/XC9802120.高效率升压式电源转换器ZXLB16001.2 线性/低压差稳压器121.具有可关断功能的多端稳压器BAXXX122.高压线性稳压器HIP5600123.多路输出稳压器KA7630/KA7631124.三端低压差稳压器LM2937125.可调输出低压差稳压器LM2991126.三端可调稳压器LM117/LM317127.低压降CMOS500mA线性稳压器LP38691/LP38693128.输入电压从12V到450V的可调线性稳压器LR8129.300mA非常低压降稳压器(VLDO)LTC3025130.大电流低压差线性稳压器LX8610131.200mA负输出低压差线性稳压器MAX1735132.150mA低压差线性稳压器MAX8875133.带开关控制的低压差稳压器MC33375134.带有线性调节器的稳压器MC33998135.1.0A低压差固定及可调正稳压器NCP1117136.低静态电流低压差稳压器NCP562/NCP563137.具有使能控制功能的多端稳压器PQxx138.五端可调稳压器SI-3025B/SI-3157B139.400mA低压差线性稳压器SPX2975140.五端线性稳压器STR20xx141.五端线性稳压器STR90xx142.具有复位信号输出的双路输出稳压器TDA8133143.具有复位信号输出的双路输出稳压器TDA8138/TDA8138A144.带线性稳压器的升压式电源转换器TPS6110x145.低功耗50mA低压降线性稳压器TPS760xx146.高输入电压低压差线性稳压器XC6202147.高速低压差线性稳压器XC6204148.高速低压差线性稳压器XC6209F149.双路高速低压差线性稳压器XC64011.3 基准电压源150.新型XFET基准电压源ADR290/ADR291/ADR292/ADR293151.低功耗低压差大输出电流基准电压源MAX610x152.低功耗1.2V基准电压源MAX6120153.2.5V精密基准电压源MC1403154.2.5V/4.096V基准电压源MCP1525/MCP1541155.低功耗精密低压降基准电压源REF30xx/REF31xx156.精密基准电压源TL431/KA431/TLV431A第2章AC-DC转换器及控制器1.厚膜开关电源控制器DP104C2.厚膜开关电源控制器DP308P3.DPA-Switch系列高电压功率转换控制器DPA423/DPA424/DPA425/DPA4264.电流型开关电源控制器FA13842/FA13843/FA13844/FA138455.开关电源控制器FA5310/FA53116.PWM开关电源控制器FAN75567.绿色环保的PWM开关电源控制器FAN76018.FPS型开关电源控制器FS6M07652R9.开关电源功率转换器FS6Sxx10.降压型单片AC-DC转换器HV-2405E11.新型反激准谐振变换控制器ICE1QS0112.PWM电源功率转换器KA1M088013.开关电源功率转换器KA2S0680/KA2S088014.电流型开关电源控制器KA38xx15.FPS型开关电源功率转换器KA5H0165R16.FPS型开关电源功率转换器KA5Qxx17.FPS型开关电源功率转换器KA5Sxx18.电流型高速PWM控制器L499019.具有待机功能的PWM初级控制器L599120.低功耗离线式开关电源控制器L659021.LINK SWITCH TN系列电源功率转换器LNK304/LNK305/LNK30622.LINK SWITCH系列电源功率转换器LNK500/LNK501/LNK52023.离线式开关电源控制器M51995A24.PWM电源控制器M62281P/M62281FP25.高频率电流模式PWM控制器MAX5021/MAX502226.新型PWM开关电源控制器MC4460427.电流模式开关电源控制器MC4460528.低功耗开关电源控制器MC4460829.具有PFC功能的PWM电源控制器ML482430.液晶显示器背光灯电源控制器ML487631.离线式电流模式控制器NCP120032.电流模式脉宽调制控制器NCP120533.准谐振式PWM控制器NCP120734.低成本离线式开关电源控制电路NCP121535.低待机能耗开关电源PWM控制器NCP123036.STR系列自动电压切换控制开关STR8xxxx37.大功率厚膜开关电源功率转换器STR-F665438.大功率厚膜开关电源功率转换器STR-G865639.开关电源功率转换器STR-M6511/STR-M652940.离线式开关电源功率转换器STR-S5703/STR-S5707/STR-S570841.离线式开关电源功率转换器STR-S6401/STR-S6401F/STR-S6411/STR-S6411F 442.开关电源功率转换器STR-S651343.离线式开关电源功率转换器TC33369~TC3337444.高性能PFC与PWM组合控制集成电路TDA16846/TDA1684745.新型开关电源控制器TDA1685046.“绿色”电源控制器TEA150447.第二代“绿色”电源控制器TEA150748.新型低功耗“绿色”电源控制器TEA153349.开关电源控制器TL494/KA7500/MB375950.Tiny SwitchⅠ系列功率转换器TNY253、TNY254、TNY25551.Tiny SwitchⅡ系列功率转换器TNY264P~TNY268G52.TOP Switch(Ⅱ)系列离线式功率转换器TOP209~TOP22753.TOP Switch-FX系列功率转换器TOP232/TOP233/TOP23454.TOP Switch-GX系列功率转换器TOP242~TOP25055.开关电源控制器UCX84X56.离线式开关电源功率转换器VIPer12AS/VIPer12ADIP57.新一代高度集成离线式开关电源功率转换器VIPer53第3章功率因数校正控制/节能灯电源控制器1.电子镇流器专用驱动电路BL83012.零电压开关功率因数控制器FAN48223.功率因数校正控制器FAN75274.高电压型EL背光驱动器HV8265.EL场致发光背光驱动器IMP525/IMP5606.高电压型EL背光驱动器/反相器IMP8037.电子镇流器自振荡半桥驱动器IR21568.单片荧光灯镇流器IR21579.调光电子镇流器自振荡半桥驱动器IR215910.卤素灯电子变压器智能控制电路IR216111.具有功率因数校正电路的镇流器电路IR216612.单片荧光灯镇流器IR216713.自适应电子镇流器控制器IR252014.电子镇流器专用控制器KA754115.功率因数校正控制器L656116.过渡模式功率因数校正控制器L656217.集成背景光控制器MAX8709/MAX8709A18.功率因数校正控制器MC33262/MC3426219.固定频率电流模式功率因数校正控制器NCP165320.EL场致发光灯高压驱动器SP440321.功率因数校正控制器TDA4862/TDA486322.有源功率因数校正控制器UC385423.高频自振荡节能灯驱动器电路VK05CFL24.大功率高频自振荡节能灯驱动器电路VK06TL第4章充电控制器1.多功能锂电池线性充电控制器AAT36802.可编程快速电池充电控制器BQ20003.可进行充电速率补偿的锂电池充电管理器BQ20574.锂电池充电管理电路BQ2400x5.单片锂电池线性充电控制器BQ2401xB接口单节锂电池充电控制器BQ2402x7.2A同步开关模式锂电池充电控制器BQ241008.集成PWM开关控制器的快速充电管理器BQ29549.具有电池电量计量功能的充电控制器DS277010.锂电池充电控制器FAN7563/FAN756411.2A线性锂/锂聚合物电池充电控制器ISL629212.锂电池充电控制器LA5621M/LA5621V13.1.5A通用充电控制器LT157114.2A恒流/恒压电池充电控制器LT176915.线性锂电池充电控制器LTC173216.带热调节功能的1A线性锂电池充电控制器LTC173317.线性锂电池充电控制器LTC173418.新型开关电源充电控制器LTC198019.开关模式锂电池充电控制器LTC400220.4A锂电池充电器LTC400621.多用途恒压/恒流充电控制器LTC400822.4.2V锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电控制器LTC405223.可由USB端口供电的锂电池充电控制器LTC405324.小型150mA锂电池充电控制器LTC405425.线性锂电池充电控制器LTC405826.单节锂电池线性充电控制器LTC405927.独立线性锂电池充电控制器LTC406128.镍镉/镍氢电池充电控制器M62256FP29.大电流锂/镍镉/镍氢电池充电控制器MAX150130.锂电池线性充电控制器MAX150731.双输入单节锂电池充电控制器MAX1551/MAX155532.单节锂电池充电控制器MAX167933.小体积锂电池充电控制器MAX1736B接口单节锂电池充电控制器MAX181135.多节锂电池充电控制器MAX187336.双路输入锂电池充电控制器MAX187437.单节锂电池线性充电控制器MAX189838.低成本/多种电池充电控制器MAX190839.开关模式单节锂电池充电控制器MAX1925/MAX192640.快速镍镉/镍氢充电控制器MAX2003A/MAX200341.可编程快速充电控制器MAX712/MAX71342.开关式锂电池充电控制器MAX74543.多功能低成本充电控制器MAX846A44.具有温度调节功能的单节锂电池充电控制器MAX8600/MAX860145.锂电池充电控制器MCP73826/MCP73827/MCP7382846.高精度恒压/恒流充电器控制器MCP73841/MCP73842/MCP73843/MCP73844 647.锂电池充电控制器MCP73861/MCP7386248.单节锂电池充电控制器MIC7905049.单节锂电池充电控制器NCP180050.高精度线性锂电池充电控制器VM7205。



链式辘脚机(MB5004D)零件手册PartsManual常州智谷机电科技有限公司CHANGZHOU WISDOM &VALLEY ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD在使用本设备之前请先阅读本零件手册Please read the operation manual of the touch screen interface before using the device 请将本零件手册放在便于查阅的地方保管Please keep this operation manual of touch screen interface in convenient place forreferen2020.07版本信息/Version2022.10版本信息目录1、机壳部件 (1)2、面线挺线部件 (3)3、油盘部件 (5)4、上轴部件 (7)5、针杆部件 (9)6、链式下轴部件 (11)7、压脚部件 (13)8、弯针部件 (15)9、分离器部件 (17)10、剪线部件 (19)11、正向拉筒部件 (21)12、反向拉筒部件 (23)13、过线部件 (25)14、润滑部件 (27)15、拖布轮部件 (29)16、拖布轮下轴传动部件 (32)17、机架部件 (34)18、电控箱部件 (36)19、线架部件 (38)20、气动部件 (40)序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330100200辘脚机机头12同1辘脚机机头0 3060202000116内六角圆柱头螺钉M10*164 4025003301003008橡胶塞1 502500330100400机头左盖板组件1 602500330100500安装压板1 7060401000008圆形平垫圈-C级Φ3*7*15 8060202000022内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*102 902500330100600防油板1 1002500330100700磁铁连接件1 11060203000034内六角平圆头螺钉M3*101 1202500330100800磁铁1 13060203000011开槽沉头螺钉M3*61 1402500330105300传感器安装座1 15060202000026内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*161 16051001600008X向定位传感器1 17060204000057内六角平端紧定螺钉M3*41 1802500330101600橡胶塞3 1902500330101200针距弹簧按钮1 20060204000052内六角凹端紧定螺钉M4*121 2102500330101800上油标盖板1 22060403000003碟形弹性垫片Φ41 23060302000002金属六角锁紧螺母M41 24051001600038油标管1 2502500330103100机壳后右盖板1 26060201000007十字槽盘头螺钉M4*1014 2702500330103000机壳后左盖板1 2802500330907600拖布轮上盖板1 2902500330904600拖轮罩壳1 3002500330905000罩壳连接件1 31060202000002开槽圆柱头螺钉M3*42 3202500330907500电机外壳1 3302500330102100上轴中套1 3402500330102200上轴密封圈4 35051001600191反向孔用挡圈4 3602500330102300针杆摆轴套1 3702500330102400下轴中套1 3802500330100900吹气安装板1 39060203000062内六角沉头螺钉M5*82 4002500330101000吹气配件1 41060403000004碟形弹性垫片4 42060302000003金属六角锁紧螺母M6143上轴中套组件044下轴中套组件0序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330102500缝台盖板1 2060202000110开槽圆柱头螺钉M5*124 302500330101600橡胶塞1 402500330102600面线拨线气缸连接座1 502500*********面线拨线气缸连接板1 6060202000114开槽圆柱头螺钉M4*161 7060202000008开槽圆柱头螺钉M4*61 802500330102800面线拨线气缸安装座1 9060202000077内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*161 10060401000022圆形平垫圈-C级Φ6*16*1.61 11060403000005内外齿锁紧垫圈M61 12051001600137面线拨线气缸1 13060202000040内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*121 14050201112007流速调节阀1 1502500330102900面线拨线气缸拨线叉1 16060202000022内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*101 17060301000006六角螺母M31序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330104900底座后连接板1 2050201203027圆柱销6M6*204 3060202000079内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*203 402500330105000底座前连接板1 5060202000075内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*121 602500330103500油盘1 7060202000080内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*254 8051001600039O型圈4 902500330104100上减震垫4 1002500330204500油盘下防震垫4 1102500330103900油盘橡胶套1 12051001600051密封垫3 1302500330104300油盘隔套2 1402500330104000减震垫2 15051001600042平垫圈2 16060202000238内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*401 17060202000067内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*451 1802500330103200盖线板1 1902500330100700磁铁连接件1 20060401000008圆形平垫圈-C级Φ3*7*18 21060203000034内六角平圆头螺钉M3*101 2202500330100800磁铁1 23060203000011开槽沉头螺钉M3*61 2402500330100500安装压板1 25060202000037内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*83 26050201025001宝塔接头1 27050100322001油盒1 28060202000037内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*84 2902500330105100海绵1序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330201900针杆定位座1 202500330202000针杆上套1 302500330202100针杆下套1 5051001600015针杆1 402500330202800针夹头1 7060204000047内六角平端紧定螺钉M4*41 6051001600105机针18针杆定位座组件0序号物料编码物料名称台用量1051001600055压脚1 2060202000035内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*61 302500330300500压脚连接板1 402500330300400压脚连接定位块1 502500330300800压脚连接定位销1 6051001600113内六角平端紧定螺钉1 7051001600001压脚气缸1 8050201110016快插接头2 902500330300900压脚气缸连接销1 1002500330300300压脚气缸座1 11060203000055内六角沉头螺钉M4*102 12051001600113内六角平端紧定螺钉1 1302500330300100压脚气缸座连接板1 14060202000059内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*162 15060401000069大垫圈φ5*16*12 16060302000006六角法兰面锁紧螺母M52 1702500330300200连接板1 18060202000009开槽圆柱头螺钉M4*82 19060401000013圆形平垫圈-C级Φ4*10*12 20051001600112连接板螺钉1 21060302000009六角法兰面锁紧螺母M6136378、弯针部件序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330600800连接件1 2060202000056内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*124 3060401000018圆形平垫圈-C级Φ5*12*1.24 402500330600900安装底座1 502500*********定位板1 602500330601200右卷边器组件1 7060202000153开槽圆柱头螺钉M4*54 802500330601500左卷边器组件1 902500330601100气缸滑动板1 10050201115324气缸111同10气缸滑动柄1 12060204000047内六角平端紧定螺钉M4*41 13060202000045内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*252 14060402000002标准型弹簧垫圈Φ42 15060401000013圆形平垫圈-C级Φ4*10*12 16050201110016快插接头2序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330600800连接件1 2060202000056内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*124 3060401000018圆形平垫圈-C级Φ5*12*1.24 402500330600900安装底座1 502500*********定位板1 602500330601500左卷边器组件1 7060202000153开槽圆柱头螺钉M4*52 802500330601400右卷边器组件1 902500330601800反向左拉筒垫块1 10060203000038内六角平圆头螺钉M4*162 1102500330601100气缸滑动板1 12050201115324气缸113同12气缸滑动柄0 14060204000047内六角平端紧定螺钉M4*41 15060202000045内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*252 16060402000002标准型弹簧垫圈Φ42 17060401000013圆形平垫圈-C级Φ4*10*12 18050201110016快插接头2序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330700600过线板C1 2060203000043内六角平圆头螺钉M5*104 302500330701100夹线器底座23-102500330701200夹线器2 402500330701500气缸安装板1 502500330700800过线板E1 602500330700400气缸安装座2 7051001600139面线挺线气缸1 8050201112007流速调节阀1 902500330700500过线钩2 10060203000035内六角平圆头螺钉M3*62 11060202000045内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*254 120603010000441型六角螺母M41 13060401000016圆形平垫圈-C级Φ5*10*0.81 1402500330700700过线板D1 1502500330701600夹线器调节座1 1602500330702500中线钩1 17060204000010内六角凹端紧定螺钉M4*51 18050201110016快插接头1 19051001600189O型圈1 20051001600066密封垫1 21051001600190顶针1 2202500330701700夹线器组件1 23060204000037内六角平端紧定螺钉M4*61 24060202000022内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*102 2502500330702000针杆上过线器组件1 26060202000008开槽圆柱头螺钉M4*61 2702500330700900过线板F1 28060203000042内六角平圆头螺钉M4*82 29051001600195绕线过线组件1 30060204000045内六角平端紧定螺钉M5*81 3102500330102000挠线器剪刀1 3202500330101900绕线器组件1 33051001600040开槽圆柱头螺钉3 3402500330701300过线板H1 3502500330701000过线板G1 3602500330700300松线杆1 37060202000010开槽圆柱头螺钉M5*101 3802500330700200过线板B1 39051001600022开槽螺钉2 4002500330700100过线板A1 41051001600138底线气缸1 42050201109002紧固接头1序号物料编码物料名称台用量1上轴油线1 2051001600069油嘴63针杆摆动架上进油前管14针杆摆动架上进油管油线1 5051001600070毛毡2 6060204000054内六角平端紧定螺钉M5*627针杆摆动架下进油管18针杆摆动架下进油管油线1 902500330800100油盒1 10060202000043内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*161 11051001600074内螺纹万向T型接头112下轴进油管113下轴油线1 14051001600071下轴油标油嘴215下轴油标进油管1 1602500330800300油标座1 17051001600039O型圈1 18051001600072油标镜1 19051001600073橡胶套120分离器传动边杆油管121分离器传动边杆油管定型条122分离器传动边杆油线1 23060204000037内六角平端紧定螺钉M4*6524分离器传动轴油管125分离器传动轴油管定型条126分离器传动轴油线127分离器传动销油管128分离器传动销油管定型条129分离器传动销油线130弯针连杆油管131弯针连杆油管定型条132弯针连杆油线133弯针曲柄油管134弯针曲柄定型条135弯针曲柄油线1 3602500330105600油盘挡油板1序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330905100上下调位板1 2060401000024圆形平垫圈-C级Φ6*12*1.22 3060101000004六角头螺栓M6*202 402500330905200前后调位板1 5060202000056内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*122 602500330905300安装板2 7060204000086内六角凹端紧定螺钉M5*82 8060101000014六角头螺栓M6*251 9060301000009六角螺母-C级M61 1002500330900100拖轮气缸安装座1 11060202000100内六角圆柱头螺钉M8*501 12060403000002蝶形弹性垫片Φ84 13060301000011六角螺母-C级M81 14051001600140拖布轮气缸1 15051001600188圆柱销1 16060204000037内六角平端紧定螺钉M4*61 17050201110044快插接头2 1802500330901500气缸连接1 1902500330901800气缸杆固定套1 20051001600080固定套连接铆钉1 2102500330901700固定套连接销1 2202500330901600连接杆31 2302500330901900气缸接头连接板垫圈2 2402500330901200回形圈1 25060101000011六角头螺栓M6*121 26060401000024圆形平垫圈-C级Φ6*12*1.21 2702500330900800小轮1 2802500330902000上轮销1 29060203000043内六角平圆头螺钉M5*101 3002500330900900大轮1 3102500330902100下轮销1 32060203000044内六角平圆头螺钉M5*121 3302500330403500下轮垫圈1 3402500330901000小盖板1 35060201000096十字槽沉头螺钉M3*51 3602500330901300拖轮调节块1 3702500330900600拖轮张紧轮1 3802500330900700张紧轮安装轴1 39060504000007开口挡圈Φ72 40060204000047内六角平端紧定螺钉M4*41 41051001600096螺杆1 4202500330902400张紧轮弹簧1 4302500330902500调压螺母2 44060301000007六角螺母-C级M41 4502500330902300张紧条销1 46060204000090内六角平端紧定螺钉M5*81 47051001600192螺杆1 48060301000009六角螺母-C级M62序号物料编码物料名称台用量4902500330900500拖轮同步轮1 5002500330902600万向节连接杆1 51060204000066内六角平端紧定螺钉M6*52 5202500330901400拖轮盖板右1 5302500330902700上盖板螺钉套1 54060202000045内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*251 55051001600076送料同步带1序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500330705400万向节联轴器组件1 2060204000016内六角平端紧定螺钉M5*54 302500330902600万向节连接杆1 402500330903300装轴块1 502500*********紧固块1 6060101000014六角头螺栓M6*251 7060401000024圆形平垫圈-C级Φ6*12*1.24 802500330903000轴架1 902500330903200上变速链轮1 10060204000081内六角平端紧定螺钉M6*102 11051001600110上变速链1 1202500330903800下变速链轮1 1302500330907700下变速齿轮1 14060202000043内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*163 1502500330903700支撑块套筒1 16060202000081内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*301 17060202000074内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*103 1802500330103300右支撑块1 1902500330907000铜套1 20060202000100内六角圆柱头螺钉M8*504 2102500330903900拖布轮下轴1 2202500330907800传动轴小齿轮1 23060204000049内六角平端紧定螺钉M6*82 2402500330904400电机架1 25060101000062六角头螺栓M6*182 26051001600159电机1 27060202000057内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*144 2802500330904500电机小同步轮1 29060204000035内六角平端紧定螺钉M6*64 30051001600045电机同步带1 3102500330904100带轮垫圈1 3202500330904000电机带轮1 3302500330904200轴挡圈1 34060204000101内六角平端紧定螺钉M6*52 3502500330103400左支撑块1 3602500330907000铜套1 3702500330904300送布变速大链轮1 38060204000102内六角锥端紧定螺钉M5*52 39051001600025送布链1 4002500330401900送布链轮1 4102500330904700调位架1 42060401000019圆形平垫圈-C级Φ5*12*1.52 43060202000059内六角圆柱头螺钉M5*162 4402500330904900张紧轮135序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500331000100下机架组件12同1支撑板紧固器组件3060204000098内六角平端紧定螺钉M12*251 402500331001300支撑紧固垫块1 502500331000200踏板连接组件2 6060202000077内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*162 7060401000024圆形平垫圈-C级Φ6*12*1.22 8060302000009全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母M64 902500331000400踏板1 1002500331000300踏板联动件1 11060203000049内六角平圆头螺钉M6*162 12051001600081平顶万向轮2 13060402000005标准型弹簧垫圈Φ80 14060202000091内六角圆柱头螺钉8 15051001600083平顶单向轮2 16060401000055圆形平垫圈Φ8*14*0.58 17060202000091内六角圆柱头螺钉M8*128 18051001600082可调节支撑脚4 19060301000039六角薄螺母M14*1020同1上机架面板组件2102500331000600机头杂物盒1 22060204000099内六角平端紧定螺钉M8*301 23060403000002蝶形弹性垫片Φ83 24060302000007防松螺母M81 25051001600156拉箱开关组件1 26060203000043内六角平圆头螺钉M5*108 27060302000006全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母M54 28051001600086控速器组件1 29051001600087挂钩1 30051001600088六角法兰面螺母1 31060401000013圆形平垫圈-C级Φ4*10*11 32060101000078六角头螺栓M12*251 33060401000047圆形平垫圈-C级Φ12*24*21 3402500331001500显示屏支架11718序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500331000900电控箱1 2060203000106内六角平圆头螺钉M4*126 3060401000013圆形平垫圈-C级Φ4*10*14 402500331001100电控箱盖板1 5060203000042内六角平圆头螺钉M4*88 602500331001000电控箱挡板1 702500331001200风扇过滤网60x602 8060203000060内六角沉头螺钉M5*108 9060301000008六角螺母-C级M58 10050500405001选择开关1 11051001600134防水接头1 12050200803004驱动器1 13050500103003开关电源1 14060202000037内六角圆柱头螺钉M3*84 15050400902002R型线夹1 16060201000073十字槽盘头螺钉M4*101 1702500341001400电控箱电路板安装板1 1802500341001600驱动器安装板119、线架部件序号物料编码物料名称台用量102500331000700气动组件安装板1 2060203000134内六角平圆头螺钉M6*102 3051001600085线架组件1 4051001600134防水接头1 502500331000800大盖板1 6051001600089合页组件2 7060202000053内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*812 8060401000013圆形平垫圈-C级Φ4*10*117 90603020000021型全金属六角锁紧螺母M412 10051001600090门吸组件2 11060203000035内六角平圆头螺钉M3*68 12060401000008圆形平垫圈-C级Φ3*7*18 13060301000006六角螺母-C级M38 14060202000077内六角圆柱头螺钉M6*164 15060401000024圆形平垫圈-C级Φ6*12*1.24 16060301000009六角螺母-C级M64序号物料编码物料名称台用量2051001600125快换接头1 3050201113001螺旋管(吹尘管)1 4050201004001SM型快速接头M81 5050800101001吹尘枪1 6051001600121手滑阀1 7051001600146调压过滤器1 8060201000030十字槽盘头螺钉M5*101 9051001600145快换接头4 11051001600130四通快速接头1 13051001600124三通快速接头2 15051001600122二通快速接头3 17051001600131快换接头1 18050201104046汇流板1 19060202000046内六角圆柱头螺钉M4*302 20050201123006消音器2 21051001600128电磁阀4 25051001600129三通快速接头2 38051001600123快速接头1 39051001600132电磁阀1 43051001600127电磁阀与侧面托架1 44060201000007十字槽盘头螺钉M4*102 45051001600126快速接头1 50050201112003流速调节阀3 59051001600037减压阀3 60050201110044快插接头3 74050400902002R型线夹1 75060201000073十字槽盘头螺钉M4*101 76051001600157伸缩管Φ16灰1 77051001600158Φ14黑伸缩管1 0510********压力表40510********LED灯1050201001001PM型快速接头M810510********电线插针式接头1。






【互换兼容】SN65LBC184D【6LB184的原厂(中文)资料数据手册脚功能参数封装】摘要:电子镇流器(Electrical ballast)是镇流器的一种,是指采用电子技术驱动电光源,使之产生所需照明的电子设备。




0 引言电子镇流器是新型节能产品,不仅能带动一些照明灯具,还可以和一些紫外灯结合在一起,对于空气净化和水源净化都有着非常大的作用。



1 AVR单片机介绍1.1 AVR单片机的特点与以往的8位单片机相比,AVR单片机采用Harvard结构,也就是程序总线和数据总线分开,并采用两级流水线,具备1MIPS/MHz的高速运行处理能力。


大部分AVR片上资源丰富:带E2PROM、PWM、RTC、SPI、UART、TWI、ISP、AD、Analog Comparator、WDT等单元模块。

1.2 AVR单片机的PWM功能AVR单片机的定时器功能强大,以Atmega48为例,它有两个8位定时器和一个16位定时器,都具有硬件PWM功能。



8B 彩行1500V6A120WD1403 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A120WD1415 NPN 28B 功放电源开关100V7A40Wβ=6000 达林顿D1416 NPN 28B 功放电源开关80V7A40Wβ=6000(达林顿)D1426 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12D1427 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12 D1428 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12 RRRRD1431 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=20D1433 NPN 28B 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1439 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=8D1541 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=20D1545 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A50Wβ=20D1547 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1554 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12D1555 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12D1556 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12 D1559 NPN BCE 达林顿功放100V20A100Wβ=5000/B1079D1590 NPN 28 达林顿功放150V8A25W β=15000D1632 NPN 28B 彩行1500V4A70WD1640 NPN 29 达林顿功放120V2A1.2W β=4000-40000D1651 NPN SP 彩行1500V5A60W3MHZD1710 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A50WD1718 NPN 28C 音频功放180V15A3.5W20MHZD1762 NPN BCE 音频功放开关60V3A25W90MHZ /B1185D1843 NPN BCE 低噪放大50V1A1WD1849 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1850 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1859 NPN 50A 音频80V0.7A1W120MHZD1863 NPN 50A 音频120V1A1W100MHZD1877 NPN 30 彩行1500V4A50W(带阻尼)D1879 NPN 30 彩行1500V6A60W(带阻尼)D1887 NPN 30 彩行1500V10A70WD1930 NPN 21 达林顿达林顿100V2A1.2Wβ=1000D1975 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150W B1317 D1978 NPN 21 达林顿120V1.5A0.9Wβ=30000D1980 NPN 61B 达林顿100V2A10Wβ=1000-10000 |D1981 NPN ECB 达林顿100V2A1WD1993 NPN 45B 音频低噪55V0.1A0.4WD1994A NPN ECB 音频驱动60V1A1WD1997 NPN 45B 激励管40V3A1.5W100MHZD2008 NPN ECB 音频功放80V1A1.2WD2012 NPN BCE 音频功放60V3A2W3MHZD2136 NPN ECB 功放80V1A1.2WD2155 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150WD2256 NPN 46 达林顿功放120V25A125Wβ=2000-20000D2334 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80WD2335 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A100W 1ED2349 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管D2374 NPN BCED2375 NPN BCED2388 NPN EBC 达林顿90V3A1.2WD2445 NPN BCE 彩行1500V12.5A120WD2498 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A50WD2588 NPN BCE 点火器用DK55 NPN BEC 开关400V4A60WBC307 PNP 21a 通用50V0.2A0.3WBC327 PNP CBE 低噪音频50V0.8A0.625W COM BC337BC337 NPN 21a 音频激励低噪50V0.8A0.625W COM BC327 BC338 NPN 21a 通用激励50V0.8A0.6BC546 NPN 21a 通用80V0.2A0.5WBC547 NPN CBE 通用50V0.2A0.5W300MHZBD135 NPN 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD136 PNP 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD137 NPN 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5WBD138 PNP 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5wBD139 PNP 29 音频功放80V1.5A12.5WBD237 NPN 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD238 PNP 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD243 NPN 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD244 PNP 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD681 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBD682 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBF458 NPN 29 视放250V0.1A10WBU208A NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5WBU208D NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5W (带阻尼) *BBU323 NPN 28 达林顿功放450V10A125WBU406 NPN 28 行管400V7A60WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75WBU508D NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75W (带阻尼)BU806 NPN 28 功放400V8A60W DAR-LBU932R NPN 12 功放500V15A150WBU1508DX NPN 28 开关功放BU2506DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V7A50W /600NSBU2508AF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /6BU2508AX NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /600NSBU2508DF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W/600NS(带阻尼)lBU2508DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V8A50W/600NS(带阻尼)BU2520AF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W 1/50BU2520AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A150W 1/500NSBU2520DF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W1/500NS(带阻)BU2520DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A50W/600NS (带阻)BU2522AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /350NS BU2522AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /3BU2525AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /35BU2525AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2527AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150WBU2532AW NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150W(大屏)BUH515 NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80WBUH515D NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80W(带阻尼)BUS13A NPN 12 开关功放1000V15A175 BUS14A NPN 12 开关功放1000V30A250W BUT11A NPN 28 开关功放1000V5A100W %j+} G-lU+FBUT12A NPN 28 开关功放450V10A125WBUV26 NPN 28 音频功放开关90V14A65W /250nsBUV28A NPN 28 音频功放开关225V10A65W /250nsBUV48A NPN 30 音频功放开关450V15A150WBUW13A NPN 30 功放开关1000V15A150WBUX48 NPN 12 功放开关850V15A125W 8BUX84 NPN 30 功放开关800V2A4BUX98A NPN 12 功放开关400V30A210W5MHZDTA114 PNP 10K-10K 160V0.6A0.625W(带阻)DTC143 NPN 录像机用4.7K-4.7KHPA100 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HPA150 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HSE830 PNP BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZHSE838 NPN BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZ COP/MJ4502MN650 NPN BCE 行管1500V6A80WMJ802 NPN 12 音频功放开关90V30A200WMJ2955 PNP 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ3055 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V15A115W MJ4502 PNP 12 音频功放开关90V30A200W COP/MJMJ10012 NPN 12 达林顿400V10A175WMJ10015 NPN 12 电源开关400V50A200WMJ10016 NPN 12 电源开关500V50A200W MJ10025 12 电源开关850V20A250W MJ11032 NPN 12 电源开关120V50A300WMJ11033 PNP 12 电源开关120V50A300WMJ13333 NPN 12 电源开关400V20A175WMJ15024 NPN 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00)MJ15025 PNP 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00)MJE340 NPN 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE350 PNP 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE2955T PNP BCE 音频功放开关60V1075W2MHZMJE3055T NPN BCE 音频功放开关70V1075W2MHZMJE5822 PNP BCE 音频功放开关500V8AMJE9730 NPN BCE 8gU or4U }MJE13003 NPN 29 功放开关400V1.5A14WMJE13005 NPN 28 功放开关400V4A60W "u:OzMJE13007 NPN 28 功放开关1500V2.5A60WSE800TIP31C NPN BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZ TIP32C PNP BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZTIP35C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP36C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP41C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP42C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP102 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A2W wwTIP105 28 音频功放开关TIP122 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W TIP127 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W DARLTIP137 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A70W DARLTIP142 NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-LTIP142大NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-LTIP147 PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L 0TIP147大PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L 0TIP152 电梯用TL431 21 电压基准源UGN3120 SGO 霍尔开关UGN3144 SGO 霍尔开关60MIAL1 电磁/微波炉1000V60A300WT30G40 NPN BCE 大功率开关管400V30A300W5609 COML:56105610 COML:56099626 NPN21 通用三极管系列品名极性管脚功能参MPS2222A NPN 21 高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ9011 NPN EBC 高频放大50V30mA0.4W150MHz9012 PNP 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625W9013 NPN EBC 低频放大50V0.5A0.625W9013 NPN 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625W9014 NPN EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ9015 PNP EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ9018 NPN EBC 高频放大30V50MA0.4W1GHZ8050 NPN EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ8550 PNP EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ2N2222 NPN 4A 高频放大60V0.8A0.5W25/200NSβ=452N2222A NPN 小铁高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ2N2369 NPN 4A 开关40V0.5A0.3W800MHZ2N2907 NPN 4A 通用60V0.6A0.4W26/70NSβ=2002N3055 NPN 12 功率放大100V15A115W 2N3440 NPN 6 视放开关450V1A1W15MHZ )l#J:i S D2N3773 NPN 12 音频功放开关160V16A150W COP 2N66092N3904 NPN 21E 通用60V0.2Aβ=100-4002N3906 PNP 21E 通用40V0.2Aβ=100-4002N5401 PNP 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100M2N5551 NPN 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MH2N5685 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V50A300W2N6277 NPN 12 功放开关180V50A250W2N6609 PNP 12 音频功放开关160V15A150W COP 2N3773D2553 1700V 8A 50WD1556 1500V 6A 50W。

MPT6038C PT19-21C-TR8规格书

MPT6038C PT19-21C-TR8规格书
SMD Low Power LED
15-13D/R6GHBHC-A01/2T 15-22SURSYGC/S530-A2/TR8 15-22SURSYGC/S530-A3/E3/TR8 15-22/S2GHC-A01/2T 15-22/R6BHC-A06/2T 15-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8 15-21SURC/S530-A3/TR8 15-21UYC/S530-A3/TR8 15-21UYC/S530-A2/TR8 15-21/Y2C-CQ1R2B/2T 15-21/T7D-JQ2S1PY/2T 15-21/T1D-APQHY/2T 15-21/W1D-APQHY/2T 15-21SURC/S530-A2/TR8 15-21UYOC/S530-A3/TR8 15-21UYOC/S530-A2/TR8 15-21/GHC-YR1S1/2T 15-215UYOC/S530-A2/TR8 15-215/BHC-AN2Q1/2T 15-215/Y5C-AP2R1L/2T 15-215/R6C-AP1Q1L/2T 15-215/G7C-BN1P2B/2T 15-21/BHC-AN1P2/2T 15-22VYVGC 15-23B/R6G6HBHC-A01/2T IR15-21C/L10/TR8 PD15-22C/TR8ÿYLÿ PD15-22B/TR8 PT15-21B/TR8 PT15-21C/TR8 PT26-21B/TR8 GT197 12-11/BHC-ZL1M2QY/2C 12-22/BHR6C-A01/2C 12-22/G6R8C-A30/2T Revision 12-22/G6BHC-C31/2C :3 12-22/R6GHC-A30/2C LifecyclePhase: 12-21C/W1D-AR1S2/2C 12-21C/GHC-YR2T1/2C

MM181 引擎机身与风扇组件清单说明书

MM181 引擎机身与风扇组件清单说明书

PARTS LISTMM181CONTENTS1. FRAME & BLOWER ....................................................1 ~ 42. ENGINE (Cylinder, Crankcase) ....................................5 ~ 83. ENGINE (Carburetor, Air Filter) .................................9 ~ 124. ACCESSORIES ...........................................................13 ~ 145. OPTIONAL PARTS .....................................................15 ~ 162019. 07.P/N 524307-11. MM181Ref. No. Part No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks 1-1 352828 MM181 11-2 274534 Engine 1 TK065D-KG221-3 128142 Bolt 6 M6x301-4 125404 Gasket 11-5 127295 Screw 3 M5x16(P-type)1-6 108634 Ground Wire 1 AVS0.5Bx1201-7 128143 Sheet 11-8 125405 Fan Case (Engine Side) 11-9 127718 Fan Case (Frame Side) 1 Incl.101-10 119160 Collar 11-11 119161 Rubber Band 11-12 130420 Tapping Screw 10 M5x251-13 120615 Buffer 21-14 128908 Fan 11-15 128910 Ring 11-16 128911 Bolt 4 M6x401-17 125755 Throttle Ass'y 1 Incl.18-271-18 125782 Throttle Lever Ass'y 1 Incl.19,201-19 125756 Throttle 11-20 125757 Throttle Wire Ass'y 11-21 118811 Grip 11-22 127297 Screw 2 M5x201-23 122609 Band 1 Incl.24-271-24 122414 Holder, (A) 11-25 122416 Holder, (B) 11-26 127298 Nut 1 M61-27 127299 Knob Bolt 1 M6x301-28 126049 Clamp 11-29 127300 Screw 1 M5x181-30 127723 Chemical Tank 11-31 127729 Joint 11-32 108629 Packing 11-33 127810 Cap 11-34 127798 Hose 1 6x9x150L1-35 127727 Hose 1 6x9x600L1-36 112530 Hose Band 21-37 125370 Hose Clamp 11-38 101834 Cover 11-39 131152 Strainer 11-40 128351 Cap, Chemical Tank 1 Incl.411-41 103194 Packing 11-42 101915 Inner Cap 11-43 125765 Backpack Frame B 11-44 127301 Bolt 4 M6x20(SM)1-45 127228 Nut 4 M6- 2 -1. MM181Ref. No. Part No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks 1-46 129216 Shoulder Strap Ass'y 1 -09.2016.1-46A 278018 Shoulder Strap Ass'y 1 10.2016.-1-47 101877 Buffer 11-48 120616 Collar 11-49 120617 Packing 11-50 127228 Nut 3 M61-51 127513 Cushion Pad 1 -09.2016.1-51A 278020 Cushion Pad 1 10.2016.-1-52 126758 Screw 2 M6x81-53 106352 Packing 2 5.5x16xt1.51-54 100749 Fastener 2 #71-55 131498 Fuel Tank Ass'y 1 Incl.56-671-56 131493 Fuel Tank 11-57 289046 Tank Cap Ass'y 1 Incl.581-58 287058 Gasket 11-59 131292 Fuel Tube Ass'y 1 Incl.60-651-60 131291 Pipe 11-61 267328 Fuel Filter Ass'y 11-62 131290 Over Flow Pipe 11-63 261590 Breather 11-64 268065 Grommet 11-65 261117 Clip 21-66 261117 Clip 11-67 131328 Clamp 11-68 125561 Screw 2 M5x141-69 277166 Label 11-70 130600 Label 11-71 266959 Label 1 Caution1-72 125747 Label 11-73 121132 Label 1 Caution1-74 278014 Rod 1 10.2016.-- 4 -2. MM181ENGINE (Cylinder, Crankcase)3740- 5 -Ref. No. Part No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks 2-1 274534 Engine 1 TK065D-KG222-2 426073 Cylinder 12-3 426074 Gasket 12-4 426075 Plate 22-5 426076 Crankcase 12-6 426077 Crankcase 12-7 419524 Pin 22-8 426078 Bearing 2 #6303C32-9 419527 Oil Seal 22-10 416110 Bolt, Socket 4 5x202-11 426079 Bolt 4 5x402-12 416111 Screw 4 4x82-13 426080 Piston 12-14 649322 Piston Pin 12-15 426081 Piston Ring Set 12-16 649325 Bearing 12-17 426082 Crankshaft Ass'y 12-18 426083 Spacer 22-19 419536 Snap Ring 22-20 426084 Shroud 12-21 426342 Shroud 12-22 419543 Screw 1 5x122-23 426086 Cover 12-24 419529 Screw 12-25 426087 Flywheel 12-26 419554 Nut 1 10mm2-27 419549 Key 12-28 426090 Ignition Coil Ass'y 1 Incl.29-322-29 426088 Spark Plug Cap 12-30 426089 Tarminal 12-31 426093 Grommet 12-32 426094 Tube 12-33 419552 Bolt 2 4x142-34 426091 Lead Wire 12-35 426092 Spark Plug 1 BPMR7A-92-36 426346 Recoil Starter Ass'y 1 Incl.37-472-37 944502 Plate 12-38 426344 Retainer 12-39 426345 Starter Case 12-40 998437 Grip 12-41 426347 Reel 12-42 419586 Rope 12-43 944978 Thrust Washer 12-44 426348 Spiral Spring 12-45 426349 Spring 1- 6 -2. MM181ENGINE (Cylinder, Crankcase)3740- 7 -Ref. No. Part No. Part Name Q'ty Remarks 2-46 416177 Screw 12-47 426350 Washer 12-48 419588 Screw 42-49 419583 Starting Pulley 1 Incl.50-522-50 419581 Pawl 22-51 944226 Snap Ring 22-52 416281 Spring 2- 8 -- 9 -3. MM181ENGINE (Carburetor, Air Filter)3-1 426096 Gasket 13-2 426095 Gasket 23-3 426343 Reed Valve Ass'y 1 Incl.4-6 3-4 419560 Reed Valve 13-5 419562 Stopper 13-6 419564 Screw 2 3x123-7 577361 Screw 4 M5x253-8 426098 Carburetor Ass'y 1 Incl.9-28 3-9 649338 Bracket 13-10 577179 Screw 23-11 598415 Arm 13-12 624532 Washer 13-13 577175 Snap Ring 13-14 577182 O-Ring 13-15 649349 Main Jet 1 #55.53-16 634350 Gasket 13-17 577185 Diaphragm 13-18 649339 Gasket 13-19 634357 Diaphragm 13-20 649343 Cover 13-21 649348 Screw 43-22 649346 Body 1 Incl.23-28 3-23 624430 Filter 13-24 624432 Screw 13-25 624431 Float Valve 13-26 624434 Spring 13-27 624429 Lever 13-28 624433 Pin 13-29 426099 Air Filter Element Ass'y 13-30 426102 Cap 13-31 426108 Bolt 23-32 426100 Case Ass'y 1 Incl.33-35 3-33 426104 Valve 13-34 426103 Lever 13-35 419577 Screw 1 3x103-36 423452 Screw 2 5x55 3-37 423450 O-Ring 13-38 426101 Gasket 13-39 426106 Maffler Ass'y 1 Incl.40,41 3-40 426105 Spark Arrester 13-41 416161 Screw 13-42 426107 Bolt 2 6x203-43 419529 Screw 13-44 419555 Case 13-45 419556 Throttle Cable 1ENGINE (Carburetor, Air Filter)3-46 419590 Label 13-47 415374 Priming Pump 13-48 419579 Clamp 13-49 419580 Clamp 23-50 649368 Tube 1 2.3x5x93 3-51 415375 Tube 1 3x6x145ACCESSORIES4-1 123413 Flexible Pipe 14-2 127724 Pipe Ass'y 1 Incl.3,44-3 122395 Swivel Pipe 14-4 122400 Straight Pipe 1 510L4-5 127710 Mist Nozzle Ass'y 14-6 129303 Cock Ass'y 1 Incl.74-7 145952 O-Ring 1 P164-8 129307 Hose 1 9x12x25 4-9 132236 Diffusion Slit 14-10 128188 Clamp Ass'y 1 #854-11 128189 Clamp Ass'y 1 #1054-12 128220 Mist Hose Ass'y 1 Incl.13-17 4-13 101872 Mist Cock Ass'y 14-14 019285 O-Ring 1 P114-15 102324 Vinyl Pipe 1 9x12x780L 4-16 024410 Vinyl Pipe 1 9x12x700L 4-17 043972 Hose Band 24-18 043972 Hose Band 24-19 127099 Box Spanner 14-20 127720 Band 24-21 277167 Instruction Manual 1 MM181OPTIONAL PARTS5-1 127789 Pipe Band 15-2 106721 Swivel Pipe 15-3 106762 Straight Pipe 1 370L5-4 106725 Bent Pipe 15-5 024412 Mist Nozzle Ass'y 1 Incl.6-15 5-6 029749 Mist Nozzle 15-7 024801 Nozzle Tip 15-8 024802 Nozzle Cap 15-9 087499 Screw 1 M3x125-10 024803 Collar,Nozzle Head 15-11 024800 Clamp Ring 15-12 024804 Nut 1 M60x1.5 5-13 024811 Stopper 15-14 024805 Cock 15-15 011345 O-Ring 1 P125-16 125184 Band Ass'y 1 Incl.17-20 5-17 123132 Holder, (A) 15-18 123134 Holder, (B) 15-19 127298 Nut 1 M65-20 127299 Knob Bolt 1 M6x305-21 128898 Instruction Manual 15-22 129312 Mist Slit Y 15-23 129315 Mist Slit S 15-24 089591 Screw 2 M3x65-25 129659 Assembly Procedure 1。



W77IE58 Data Sheet8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table of Contents-1.GENERAL DESCRIPTION (2)2.FEATURES (2)3.PIN CONFIGURATIONS (3)4.PIN DESCRIPTION (4)5.BLOCK DIAGRAM (6)6.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (7)7.MEMORY ORGANIZATION (9)7.1Instruction (28)7.2Instructiion Timing (37)7.3Power Management (44)7.4Reset Conditions (46)7.5Reset State (47)8.PROGRAMMABLE TIMERS/COUNTERS (51)9.TIMED ACCESS PROTECTION (67)10.ON-CHIP FLASH EPROM CHARACTERISTICS (69)11.SECURITY BITS (71)12.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (72)12.1Absolute Maximum Ratings (72)12.2 D.C. Characteristics (72)12.3 A.C. Characteristics (73)13.TIMING WAVEFORMS (77)14.TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS (79)14.1Expanded External Program Memory and Crystal (79)14.2Expanded External Data Memory and Oscillator (80)15.PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (81)15.140-pin DIP (81)15.244-pin PLCC (81)16.VERSION HISTORY (82)Publication Release Date:October 20, 20051. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe W77IE58 is a fast 8051 compatible microcontroller with a redesigned processor core without wasted clock and memory cycles. As a result, it executes every 8051 instruction faster than the original 8051 for the same crystal speed. Typically, the instruction executing time of W77IE58 is 1.5 to 3 times faster then that of traditional 8051, depending on the type of instruction. In general, the overall performance is about 2.5 times better than the original for the same crystal speed. Giving the same throughput with lower clock speed, power consumption has been improved. Consequently, the W77IE58 is a fully static CMOS design; it can also be operated at a lower crystal clock. The W77IE58 contains 32 KB Flash EPROM, and provides operating voltage from 2.7V to 5.5V. All W77IE58 types also support on-chip 1 KB SRAM without external memory component and glue logic, saving more I/O pins for users’ application usage if they use on-chip SRAM instead of external SRAM.2. FEATURES•8-bit CMOS microcontroller•High speed architecture of 4 clocks/machine cycle runs up to 25 MHz•Pin compatible with standard 80C52•Instruction-set compatible with MCS-51•Four 8-bit I/O Ports•One extra 4-bit I/O port and Wait State control signal (available on 44-pin PLCC/QFP package) •Three 16-bit Timers•12 interrupt sources with two levels of priority•On-chip oscillator and clock circuitry•Two enhanced full duplex serial ports•32 KB Flash EPROM•256 bytes scratch-pad RAM• 1 KB on-chip SRAM for MOVX instruction•Programmable Watchdog Timer•Dual 16-bit Data Pointers•Software programmable access cycle to external RAM/peripherals• Packages:− DIP 40: W77IE58− PLCC 44: W77IE58P− Lead Free (RoHS) DIP 40: W77I058A25DL− Lead Free (RoHS) PLCC 44: W77I058A25PL3. PIN CONFIGURATIONSPublication Release Date: October 20, 20054. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Description, continued* Note: TYPE I: input, O: output, I/O: bi-directional.Publication Release Date: October 20, 20055. BLOCK DIAGRAM6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe W77IE58 is 8052 pin compatible and instruction set compatible. It includes the resources of the standard 8052 such as four 8-bit I/O Ports, three 16-bit timer/counters, full duplex serial port and interrupt sources.The W77IE58 features a faster running and better performance 8-bit CPU with a redesigned core processor without wasted clock and memory cycles. it improves the performance not just by running at high frequency but also by reducing the machine cycle duration from the standard 8052 period of twelve clocks to four clock cycles for the majority of instructions. This improves performance by an average of 1.5 to 3 times. The W77IE58 also provides dual Data Pointers (DPTRs) to speed up block data memory transfers. It can also adjust the duration of the MOVX instruction (access to off-chip data memory) between two machine cycles and nine machine cycles. This flexibility allows the W77IE58 to work efficiently with both fast and slow RAMs and peripheral devices. In addition, the W77IE58 contains on-chip 1KB MOVX SRAM, the address of which is between 0000H and 03FFH. It only can be accessed by MOVX instruction; this on-chip SRAM is optional under software control.The W77IE58 is an 8052 compatible device that gives the user the features of the original 8052 device, but with improved speed and power consumption characteristics. It has the same instruction set as the 8051 family, with one addition: DEC DPTR (op-code A5H, the DPTR is decreased by 1). While the original 8051 family was designed to operate at 12 clock periods per machine cycle, the W77IE58 operates at a much reduced clock rate of only 4 clock periods per machine cycle. This naturally speeds up the execution of instructions. Consequently, the W77IE58 can run at a higher speed as compared to the original 8052, even if the same crystal is used. Since the W77IE58 is a fully static CMOS design, it can also be operated at a lower crystal clock, giving the same throughput in terms of instruction execution, yet reducing the power consumption.The 4 clocks per machine cycle feature in the W77IE58 is responsible for a three-fold increase in execution speed. The W77IE58 has all the standard features of the 8052, and has a few extra peripherals and features as well.I/O PortsThe W77IE58 has four 8-bit ports and one extra 4-bit port. Port 0 can be used as an Address/Data bus when external program is running or external memory/device is accessed by MOVC or MOVX instruction. In these cases, it has strong pull-ups and pull-downs, and does not need any external pull-ups. Otherwise it can be used as a general I/O port with open-drain circuit. Port 2 is used chiefly as the upper 8-bits of the Address bus when port 0 is used as an address/data bus. It also has strong pull-ups and pull-downs when it serves as an address bus. Port 1 and 3 act as I/O ports with alternate functions. Port 4 is only available on 44-pin PLCC/QFP package type. It serves as a general purpose I/O port as Port 1 and Port 3. The P4.0 has an alternate function WAIT which is the wait state control signal. When wait state control signal is enabled, P4.0 is input only.Serial I/OThe W77IE58 has two enhanced serial ports that are functionally similar to the serial port of the original 8052 family. However the serial ports on the W77IE58 can operate in different modes in order to obtain timing similarity as well. Note that the serial port 0 can use Timer 1 or 2 as baud rate generator, but the serial port 1 can only use Timer 1 as baud rate generator. The serial ports have the enhanced features of Automatic Address recognition and Frame Error detection.Publication Release Date: October 20, 2005TimersThe W77IE58 has three 16-bit timers that are functionally similar to the timers of the 8052 family. When used as timers, they can be set to run at either 4 clocks or 12 clocks per count, thus providing the user with the option of operating in a mode that emulates the timing of the original 8052. The W77IE58 has an additional feature, the watchdog timer. This timer is used as a System Monitor or as a very long time period timer.InterruptsThe Interrupt structure in the W77IE58 is slightly different from that of the standard 8052. Due to the presence of additional features and peripherals, the number of interrupt sources and vectors has been increased. The W77IE58 provides 12 interrupt resources with two priority level, including six external interrupt sources, timer interrupts, serial I/O interrupts.Data PointersThe original 8052 had only one 16-bit Data Pointer (DPL, DPH). In the W77IE58, there is an additional 16-bit Data Pointer (DPL1, DPH1). This new Data Pointer uses two SFR locations which were unused in the original 8052. In addition there is an added instruction, DEC DPTR (op-code A5H), which helps in improving programming flexibility for the user.Power ManagementLike the standard 80C52, the W77IE58 also has IDLE and POWER DOWN modes of operation. The W77IE58 provides a new Economy mode which allow user to switch the internal clock rate divided by either 4, 64 or 1024. In the IDLE mode, the clock to the CPU core is stopped while the timers, serial ports and interrupts clock continue to operate. In the POWER DOWN mode, all the clock are stopped and the chip operation is completely stopped. This is the lowest power consumption state.On-chip Data SRAMThe W77IE58 has 1K Bytes of data space SRAM which is read/write accessible and is memory mapped. This on-chip MOVX SRAM is reached by the MOVX instruction. It is not used for executable program memory. There is no conflict or overlap among the 256 bytes Scratchpad RAM and the 1K Bytes MOVX SRAM as they use different addressing modes and separate instructions. The on-chip MOVX SRAM is enabled by setting the DME0 bit in the PMR register. After a reset, the DME0 bit is cleared such that the on-chip MOVX SRAM is disabled, and all data memory spaces 0000H−FFFFH access to the external memory.7. MEMORY ORGANIZATIONThe W77IE58 separates the memory into two separate sections, the Program Memory and the Data Memory. The Program Memory is used to store the instruction op-codes, while the Data Memory is used to store data or for memory mapped devices.Program MemoryThe Program Memory on the W77IE58 can be up to 64 Kbytes long. There is also on-chip ROM which can be used similarly to that of the 8052, except that the ROM size is 32 Kbytes. All instructions are fetched for execution from this memory area. The MOVC instruction can also access this memory region. Exceeding the maximum address of on-chip ROM will access the external memory.Data MemoryThe W77IE58 can access up to 64Kbytes of external Data Memory. This memory region is accessed by the MOVX instructions. Unlike the 8051 derivatives, the W77IE58 contains on-chip 1K bytes MOVX SRAM of Data Memory, which can only be accessed by MOVX instructions. These 1K bytes of SRAM are between address 0000H and 03FFH. Access to the on-chip MOVX SRAM is optional under software control. When enabled by software, any MOVX instruction that uses this area will go to the on-chip RAM. MOVX addresses greater than 03FFH automatically go to external memory through Port 0 and 2. When disabled, the 1KB memory area is transparent to the system memory map. Any MOVX directed to the space between 0000H and FFFFH goes to the expanded bus on Port 0 and 2. This is the default condition. In addition, the W77IE58 has the standard 256 bytes of on-chip Scratchpad RAM. This can be accessed either by direct addressing or by indirect addressing. There are also some Special Function Registers (SFRs), which can only be accessed by direct addressing. Since the Scratchpad RAM is only 256 bytes, it can be used only when data contents are small. In the event that larger data contents are present, two selections can be used. One is on-chip MOVX SRAM , the other is the external Data Memory. The on-chip MOVX SRAM can only be accessed by a MOVX instruction, the same as that for external Data Memory. However, the on-chip RAM has the fastest access times.Figure 1. Memory MapPublication Release Date: October 20, 2005Figure 2. Scratchpad RAM/Register AddressingSpecial Function RegistersThe W77IE58 uses Special Function Registers (SFRs) to control and monitor peripherals and their Modes.The SFRs reside in the register locations 80-FFh and are accessed by direct addressing only. Some of the SFRs are bit addressable. This is very useful in cases where one wishes to modify a particular bit without changing the others. The SFRs that are bit addressable are those whose addresses end in 0 or 8. The W77IE58 contains all the SFRs present in the standard 8052. However, some additional SFRs have been added. In some cases unused bits in the original 8052 have been given new functions. The list of SFRs is as follows. The table is condensed with eight locations per row. Empty locations indicate that there are no registers at these addresses. When a bit or register is not implemented, it will read high.Publication Release Date: October 20, 2005 Table 1. Special Function Register Location Table F8 EIPF0 BE8 EIEE0 ACCD8 WDCOND0 PSWC8 T2CON T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H TL2TH2 C0 SCON1 SBUF1 ROMMAP PMR STATUSTA B8 IP SADEN SADEN1B0 P3A8 IE SADDR SADDR1A0 P2 P498 SCON0 SBUF90 P1 EXIF88 TCON TMODTL0 TL1 TH0 TH1 CKCON 80 P0 SP DPL DPH DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCONNote: The SFRs in the column with dark borders are bit-addressable.A brief description of the SFRs now follows.Port 0Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0Mnemonic: P0 Address: 80hPort 0 is an open-drain bi-directional I/O port. This port also provides a multiplexed low orderaddress/data bus during accesses to external memory.Stack PointerBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0SP.7 SP.6 SP.5 SP.4 SP.3 SP.2 SP.1 SP.0Mnemonic: SP Address: 81hThe Stack Pointer stores the Scratchpad RAM address where the stack begins. In other words, italways points to the top of the stack.Data Pointer LowBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0DPL.7DPL.6DPL.5DPL.4DPL.3DPL.2 DPL.1 DPL.082hMnemonic:DPL Address:This is the low byte of the standard 8052 16-bit data pointer.Data Pointer HighBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0DPH.6DPH.5DPH.4DPH.3DPH.2 DPH.1 DPH.0 DPH.783hDPH Address:Mnemonic:This is the high byte of the standard 8052 16-bit data pointer.Data Pointer Low1Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0DPL1.7DPL1.6DPL1.5DPL1.4DPL1.3DPL1.2 DPL1.1 DPL1.084hMnemonic:DPL1 Address:This is the low byte of the new additional 16-bit data pointer that has been added to the W77IE58. The user can switch between DPL, DPH and DPL1, DPH1 simply by setting register DPS = 1. The instructions that use DPTR will now access DPL1 and DPH1 in place of DPL and DPH. If they are not required they can be used as conventional register locations by the user.Data Pointer High1Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0DPH1.1DPH1.0DPH1.6DPH1.5DPH1.4DPH1.3DPH1.2DPH1.785hDPH1 Address:Mnemonic:This is the high byte of the new additional 16-bit data pointer that has been added to the W77IE58. The user can switch between DPL, DPH and DPL1, DPH1 simply by setting register DPS = 1. The instructions that use DPTR will now access DPL1 and DPH1 in place of DPL and DPH. If they are not required they can be used as conventional register locations by the user.Data Pointer SelectBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0DPS.0- - - - - - -DPS Address:86hMnemonic:DPS.0: This bit is used to select either the DPL, DPH pair or the DPL1, DPH1 pair as the active Data Pointer. When set to 1, DPL1, DPH1 will be selected, otherwise DPL, DPH will be selected. DPS.1-7: These bits are reserved, but will read 0.Publication Release Date: October 20, 2005 Power ControlBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SM0D SMOD0- - GF1 GF0 PD IDLMnemonic: PCON Address: 87hSMOD : This bit doubles the serial port baud rate in mode 1, 2, and 3 when set to 1.SMOD0: Framing Error Detection Enable: When SMOD0 is set to 1, then SCON.7(SCON1.7)indicates a Frame Error and acts as the FE(FE_1) flag. When SMOD0 is 0, thenSCON.7(SCON1.7) acts as per the standard 8052 function.GF1-0: These two bits are general purpose user flags.PD:Setting this bit causes the W77IE58 to go into the POWER DOWN mode. In this mode all the clocks are stopped and program execution is frozen. IDL: Setting this bit causes the W77IE58 to go into the IDLE mode. In this mode the clocks to theCPU are stopped, so program execution is frozen. But the clock to the serial, timer andinterrupt blocks is not stopped, and these blocks continue operating.Timer CondtrolBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0Mnemonic: TCON Address: 88hTF1:Timer 1 overflow flag: This bit is set when Timer 1 overflows. It is cleared automatically when the program does a timer 1 interrupt service routine. Software can also set or clear this bit. TR1:Timer 1 run control: This bit is set or cleared by software to turn timer/counter on or off. TF0:Timer 0 overflow flag: This bit is set when Timer 0 overflows. It is cleared automatically when the program does a timer 0 interrupt service routine. Software can also set or clear this bit. TR0:Timer 0 run control: This bit is set or cleared by software to turn timer/counter on or off. IE1: Interrupt 1 edge detect: Set by hardware when an edge/level is detected on INT1. This bit iscleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to only if the interrupt was edgetriggered. Otherwise it follows the pin.IT1: Interrupt 1 type control: Set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/ low level triggeredexternal inputs.IE0: Interrupt 0 edge detect: Set by hardware when an edge/level is detected on INT0. This bit iscleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to only if the interrupt was edgetriggered. Otherwise it follows the pin.IT0:Interrupt 0 type control: Set/cleared by software to specify falling edge/ low level triggeredexternal inputs.Timer Mode ControlBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0TIMER1 TIMER0Mnemonic: TMOD Address: 89hGATE: Gating control: When this bit is set, Timer/counter x is enabled only while pin is highand TRx control bit is set. When cleared, Timer x is enabled whenever TRx control bit is set.C T /: Timer or Counter Select: When cleared, the timer is incremented by internal clocks. When set, the timer counts high-to-low edges of the Tx pin.M1, M0: Mode Select bits:M1 M0 Mode0 0 Mode 0: 8-bits with 5-bit prescale.0 1 Mode 1: 18-bits, no prescale.1 0 Mode 2: 8-bits with auto-reload from THx1 1 Mode 3: (Timer 0) TL0 is an 8-bit timer/counter controlled by the standard Timer 0control bits. TH0 is a 8-bit timer only controlled by Timer 1 control bits. (Timer 1)Timer/counter is stopped.Timer 0 LSBBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0TL0.7 TL0.6TL0.5TL0.4TL0.3TL0.2 TL0.1 TL0.0Mnemonic: TL0 Address: 8AhTL0.7-0: Timer 0 LSBTimer 1 LSBBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0TL1.7 TL1.6TL1.5TL1.4TL1.3TL1.2 TL1.1 TL1.0Mnemonic: TL1 Address: 8BhTL1.7-0: Timer 1 LSBTimer 0 MSBBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0TH0.7 TH0.6TH0.5TH0.4TH0.3TH0.2 TH0.1 TH0.0Mnemonic: TH0 Address: 8ChTH0.7-0: Timer 0 MSBPublication Release Date: October 20, 2005 Timer 1 MSBBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TH1.7 TH1.6TH1.5TH1.4TH1.3TH1.2 TH1.1 TH1.0Mnemonic: TH1 Address: 8DhTH1.7-0: Timer 1 MSBClock ControlBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 WD1 WD0 T2M T1M T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 Mnemonic: CKCON Address: 8EhWD1-0: Watchdog timer mode select bits: These bits determine the time-out period for the watchdogtimer. In all four time-out options the reset time-out is 512 clocks more than the interrupt time- out period.WD1 WD0 Interrupt time-out Reset time-out 0 0 217 217 + 512 0 1 220 220 + 512 1 0 223 223 + 512 1 1 226 226 + 512T2M: Timer 2 clock select: When T2M is set to 1, timer 2 uses a divide by 4 clock, and when set to0 it uses a divide by 12 clock.T1M: Timer 1 clock select: When T1M is set to 1, timer 1 uses a divide by 4 clock, and when set to0 it uses a divide by 12 clock.T0M: Timer 0 clock select: When T0M is set to 1, timer 0 uses a divide by 4 clock, and when set to0 it uses a divide by 12 clock.MD2-0: Stretch MOVX select bits: These three bits are used to select the stretch value for the MOVXinstruction. Using a variable MOVX length enables the user to access slower external memory devices or peripherals without the need for external circuits. The RD or WR strobe will be stretched by the selected interval. When accessing the on-chip SRAM, the MOVX instruction is always in 2 machine cycles regardless of the stretch setting. By default, the stretch has value of 1. If the user needs faster accessing, then a stretch value of 0 should be selected.MD2 MD1 MD0 Stretch value MOVX duration0 0 0 0 2 machine cycles0 0 1 1 3 machine cycles (Default)0 1 0 2 4 machine cycles0 1 1 3 5 machine cycles1 0 0 4 6 machine cycles1 0 1 5 7 machine cycles1 1 0 6 8 machine cycles 1 1 1 7 9 machine cyclesPort 1Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0P1.7 P1.6 P1.5 P1.4 P1.3 P1.2 P1.1 P1.090hAddress:Mnemonic:P1P1.7-0: General purpose I/O port. Most instructions will read the port pins in case of a port read access, however in case of read-modify-write instructions, the port latch is read. Some pinsalso have alternate input or output functions. This alternate functions are described below:P1.0: T2 External I/O for Timer/Counter 2P1.1: T2EX Timer/Counter 2 Capture/Reload TriggerP1.2: RXD1 Serial Port 1 ReceiveP1.3: TXD1 Serial Port 1 TransmitP1.4: INT2 External Interrupt 2External Interrupt 3P1.6: INT4 External Interrupt 4P1.7:INT5External Interrupt 5External Interrupt FlagBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 091hMnemonic:EXIF Address:IE5: External Interrupt 5 flag. Set by hardware when a falling edge is detected on INT5.IE4: External Interrupt 4 flag. Set by hardware when a rising edge is detected on INT4.IE3: External Interrupt 3 flag. Set by hardware when a falling edge is detected on .IE2: External Interrupt 2 flag. Set by hardware when a rising edge is detected on INT2.XT/RG: Crystal/RC Oscillator Select. Setting this bit selects crystal or external clock as system clock source. Clearing this bit selects the on-chip RC oscillator as clock source. XTUP(STATUS.4)must be set to 1 and XTOFF (PMR.3) must be cleared before this bit can be set. Attempts toset this bit without obeying these conditions will be ignored. This bit is set to 1 after a power-on reset and unchanged by other forms of reset.RGMD: RC Mode Status. This bit indicates the current clock source of microcontroller. When cleared, CPU is operating from the external crystal or oscillator. When set, CPU is operating from theon-chip RC oscillator. This bit is cleared to 0 after a power-on reset and unchanged by otherforms of reset.RGSL: RC Oscillator Select. This bit selects the clock source following a resume from Power Down Mode. Setting this bit allows device operating from RC oscillator when a resume from PowerDown Mode. When this bit is cleared, the device will hold operation until the crystal oscillatorhas warmed-up following a resume from Power Down Mode. This bit is cleared to 0 after apower-on reset and unchanged by other forms of reset.Publication Release Date: October 20, 2005 Serial Port ControlBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SM0/FE SM1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI RI Mnemonic: SCON Address: 98hSM0/FE: Serial port 0, Mode 0 bit or Framing Error Flag: The SMOD0 bit in PCON SFR determineswhether this bit acts as SM0 or as FE. The operation of SM0 is described below. When used as FE, this bit will be set to indicate an invalid stop bit. This bit must be manually cleared in software to clear the FE condition.SM1: Serial port Mode bit 1:SM0 SM1 Mode Description Length Baud rate 0 0 0 Synchronous 8 4/12 Tclk 0 1 1 Asynchronous 10 variable 1 0 2 Asynchronous 11 64/32 Tclk 1 1 3 Asynchronous 11 variable SM2: Multiple processors communication. Setting this bit to 1 enables the multiprocessorcommunication feature in mode 2 and 3. In mode 2 or 3, if SM2 is set to 1, then RI will not be activated if the received 9th data bit (RB8) is 0. In mode 1, if SM2 = 1, then RI will not be activated if a valid stop bit was not received. In mode 0, the SM2 bit controls the serial port clock. If set to 0, then the serial port runs at a divide by 12 clock of the oscillator. This gives compatibility with the standard 8052. When set to 1, the serial clock become divide by 4 of the oscillator clock. This results in faster synchronous serial communication.REN: Receive enable: When set to 1 serial reception is enabled, otherwise reception is disabled. TB8:This is the 9th bit to be transmitted in modes 2 and 3. This bit is set and cleared by software as desired. RB8:In modes 2 and 3 this is the received 9th data bit. In mode 1, if SM2 = 0, RB8 is the stop bit that was received. In mode 0 it has no function. TI: Transmit interrupt flag: This flag is set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, orat the beginning of the stop bit in all other modes during serial transmission. This bit must be cleared by software.RI:Receive interrupt flag: This flag is set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, or halfway through the stop bits time in the other modes during serial reception. However the restrictions of SM2 apply to this bit. This bit can be cleared only by software.Serial Data BufferBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0SBUF.7SBUF.6SBUF.5SBUF.4SBUF.3SBUF.2 SBUF.1 SBUF.099hMnemonic:SBUF Address:SBUF.7-0: Serial data on the serial port 0 is read from or written to this location. It actually consists of two separate internal 8-bit registers. One is the receive resister, and the other is thetransmit buffer. Any read access gets data from the receive data buffer, while write accessis to the transmit data buffer.Port 2Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 P2.4 P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0Address:A0hP2Mnemonic:P2.7-0: Port 2 is a bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. This port also provides the upper address bits for accesses to external memory.Port 4Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0P4.0P4.1- - - - P4.3P4.2A5hAddress:P4Mnemonic:P4.3-0: Port 4 is a bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-ups. P4 can’t use bit-addressable instruction(SETB or CLR).Interrupt EnableBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0EA ES1 ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0A8hAddress:Mnemonic:IEEA: Global enable. Enable/disable all interrupts except for PFI.ES1: Enable Serial Port 1 interrupt.ET2: Enable Timer 2 interrupt.ES: Enable Serial Port 0 interrupt.ET1: Enable Timer 1 interruptEX1: Enable external interrupt 1ET0: Enable Timer 0 interruptEX0: Enable external interrupt 0Publication Release Date: October 20, 2005 Slave AddressBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Mnemonic: SADDR Address: A9hSADDR: The SADDR should be programmed to the given or broadcast address for serial port 0 towhich the slave processor is designated.Slave Address 1 Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Mnemonic: SADDR1 Address: AAh SADDR1: The SADDR1 should be programmed to the given or broadcast address for serial port 1 towhich the slave processor is designated.Port 3Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 P3.3 P3.2 P3.1 P3.0 Mnemonic: P3 Address: B0hP3.7-0: General purpose I/O port. Each pin also has an alternate input or output function. Thealternate functions are described below.P3.7 RD Strobe for read from external RAMP3.6 WR Strobe for write to external RAMP3.5 T1 Timer/counter 1 external count inputP3.4 T0 Timer/counter 0 external count inputP3.3 INT1 External interrupt 1P3.2 INT0 External interrupt 0P3.1 TxD Serial port 0 outputP3.0 RxD Serial port 0 inputInterrupt PriorityBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - PS1 PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 Mnemonic: IP Address: B8hIP.7: This bit is un-implemented and will read high.PS1: This bit defines the Serial port 1 interrupt priority. PS = 1 sets it to higher priority level.PT2: This bit defines the Timer 2 interrupt priority. PT2 = 1 sets it to higher priority level.PS: This bit defines the Serial port 0 interrupt priority. PS = 1 sets it to higher priority level.PT1: This bit defines the Timer 1 interrupt priority. PT1 = 1 sets it to higher priority level.PX1: This bit defines the External interrupt 1 priority. PX1 = 1 sets it to higher priority level.PT0: This bit defines the Timer 0 interrupt priority. PT0 = 1 sets it to higher priority level.PX0: This bit defines the External interrupt 0 priority. PX0 = 1 sets it to higher priority level.Slave Address Mask EnableBit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Address:B9hSADENMnemonic:SADEN: This register enables the Automatic Address Recognition feature of the Serial port 0. Whena bit in the SADEN is set to 1, the same bit location in SADDR will be compared with theincoming serial data. When SADEN.n is 0, then the bit becomes a "don't care" in thecomparison. This register enables the Automatic Address Recognition feature of the Serialport 0. When all the bits of SADEN are 0, interrupt will occur for any incoming address.Slave Address Mask Enable 1Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Address:BAhSADEN1Mnemonic:SADEN1:This register enables the Automatic Address Recognition feature of the Serial port 1. Whena bit in the SADEN1 is set to 1, the same bit location in SADDR1 will be compared with theincoming serial data. When SADEN1.n is 0, then the bit becomes a "don't care" in thecomparison. This register enables the Automatic Address Recognition feature of the Serialport 1. When all the bits of SADEN1 are 0, interrupt will occur for any incoming address.Serial Port Control 1Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0SM0_1/FE_1 SM1_1SM2_1REN_1TB8_1RB8_1 TI_1 RI_1C0hAddress:Mnemonic:SCON1SM0_1/FE_1: Serial port 1, Mode 0 bit or Framing Error Flag 1: The SMOD0 bit in PCON SFR determines whether this bit acts as SM0_1 or as FE_1. the operation of SM0_1 isdescribed below. When used as FE_1, this bit will be set to indicate an invalid stop bit.This bit must be manually cleared in software to clear the FE_1 condition.。

电子控制系统手册 - ELC-PV28NNDR ELC-PV28NNDT说明书

电子控制系统手册 - ELC-PV28NNDR   ELC-PV28NNDT说明书

ELC-PV28NNDR ELC-PV28NNDTELC that is micro, multi-functional, and with various instructionsInstruction SheetWARNINGx This instruc ion sheet only provides introductory information on electrical specification, functions, trouble-shoo ing and peripherals. For more information, please refer to “ELC System Manual ”.x This is an OPEN TYPE Controller. The ELC should be kept in an enclosure away from airborne dust, humidity, electric shock risk and vibration. Also, it is equipped with protective methods such as some special tools or keys to open the enclosure, so as to avoid the hazard to users and the damage to the ELC.x Never connect the AC main circuit power supply to any of the input/output terminals, as it will damage the ELC. Check all the wiring prior to power up. To avoid any electromagnetic noise, make sure the ELC is properly grounded. DO NOT touch terminals when power on.x Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance wi h Class І, Division 2 wiring methods – Article 501-10(B)(1) of he National Electrical Code.x Suitable for use in Class І, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D or non-hazardous loca ions only. x Explosion hazard - Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class І, Division 2.x Explosion hazard - DO NOT disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off or he area is known to be non hazardous. x Ambient temperature 55°C.xOperating Temperature Code T4A.1INTRODUCTION1.1 Model Name Explanation & PeripheralsThank you for choosing Eaton Logic Controller (ELC) series products. The ELC-PV series are 28-point (16 inputs + 12 outputs) controllers offering various instructions and 16K Steps program memory to connect with ELC series extension models which includes digital input/ output (max. 512 input/ output extension points), analog modules (A/D, D/A transforma ion and temperature units) and all kinds of new high-speed extension modules. Its 4-grouphigh-speed (200KHz) pulse outputs and the two new 2-axis interpola ion instructions satisfy all kinds of applications. ELC-PV is small in size and easy to install.1.2 Product Profile & Outline12345671410981312117039031718161560201921Unit: mm1 Status indicators of POWER, RUN, BAT LOW and ERROR2 COM1(RS-232) (Rx) indicator3 COM2(RS-485) (Tx) indicator 4/O point indicators 5 RUN/STOP switch6 VR0: Start-up by M1178/D1178 corresponding value7 VR1: Start-up by M1179/D1179 corresponding value 8/O terminal 9 COM1(RS-232) port10 D N rail clip11 Extension module positioning hole12 Extension port for wire to connect extension module/unit 13 D N rail track (35mm) 14 Extension unit clip15 RS-485 communication port (Master/Slave) 16 DC Power input17 3 pin removable terminal (standard component) 18 Power input cable (standard accessory)19 New high-speed extension module connection port 20 Nameplate21 Direct fastening hole2SPECIFICATIONStemSpecificationNoteOperation control method Stored program; cyclic scanning systemI/O control methodBatch processing and refresh /O status when ENDinstruction is executed With instruction that can immediately refresh I/O status Operation processing speed Basic instruction (min. 024 us) Application instruction Program language Instruction + ladder diagram + SFC With step instructionProgram capacity 15,872 STEPSSRAM + rechargeable battery + Flash Instruction type32 basic sequential instructions (including step ladder instructions)193 application instructionstemSpecificationNoteR e l a y (b i t )X External input relay X0 ~ X377, octal encoding; 256 points Total512 points Corresponds to external input pointsYExternal output relayY0 ~ Y377, octal encoding; 256 points Corresponds to external output pointsMAuxiliary relayGeneral purposeM0 ~ M499, 500 points (*2) Total4,096pointsThe contact can be On/Off in theprogram.Latched M500 ~ M999, 500 points (*3) M2000 ~ M4095, 2,096 points (*3) Special purposeM1000 ~ M1999, 1,000 points (part for latched)T Timer100 msT0 ~ T199, 200 points (*2) Total 256 points Timer indicated by TMR instruction. If timing reaches its target the T contact of the same No. will be On.T192 ~ T199 for subroutineT250 ~ T255, 6 accumulative points (*4) 10 ms T200 ~ T239, 40 points (*2)T240 ~ T245, 6 accumulative points (*4) 1 ms T246 ~ T249, 4 accumulative points (*4) C Counter16-bit counting up C0 ~ C99, 100 points (*2) Total253pointsCounter indicated by CNT (DCNT)instruction. If counting reaches itstarget, the C contact of the sameNo. will be On.C100 ~ C199, 100 points (*3) 32-bit counting up/downC200 ~ C219, 20 points (*2) C220 ~ C234, 15 points (*3)32-bit high-speedcounting up/downC235 ~ C244, 1 phase 1 input, 10 points (*3)C246 ~ C249, 1 phase 2 inputs, 4 points (*3)C251 ~ C254, 2 phase 2 inputs, 4 points (*3)S Step points InitialS0 ~ S9, 10 points (*2)Total 1,024 pointsUsed for SFCLatched area setup Start: D1214ΰK500α End: D1215ΰK899αFor zero returnS10 ~ S19, 10 points, used with IST instruction (*2)General purposeS20 ~ S499, 480 points (*2) Latched S500 ~ S899, 400 points (*3) For alarmS900 ~ S1023, 124 points (*3) R e g i s t e r (w o r d d a t a )T Present value in timer T0 ~ T255, 256 pointsWhen timing reaches the target, the contact continuity of timer appears. CPresent value in counterC0 ~ C199, 16-bit counter, 200 pointsWhen counting reaches the target, the contact continuity of counter appears.C200 ~ C254, 32-bit counter, 53 points DData registerGeneral purposeD0 ~ D199, 200 points (*2) Total 10,000 points Memory area for data storage can be used for special indirect indication.Latched D200 ~ D999, 800 points (*3) D2000 ~ D9999, 8,000 points (*3) Special purpose D1000 ~ D1999, 1,000 points For Indirect indicationE0 ~ E7, F0 ~ F7, 16 points (*1) N/A File register0 ~ 9,999 (10,000 points) (*4) Extension register for data storage I n d e xN For main control loop N0 ~ N7, 8 points Control point for main control loop PFor CJ, CALL instructions P0 ~ P255, 256 pointsPosition index of CJ and CALLII n t e r r u p t i o n s u b r o u t i n eExternal interruptionI0000/I0001(X0), I1000/I1001(X1), I2000/I2001(X2), I3000/I3001(X3), I4000/I4001(X4), I5000/I5001(X5),6 points (01: rising-edge trigger; 00: falling-edge trigger) Position index for interruption subroutineTime interruption I601~I699 (1ms), I701~I799 (1ms), I801~I899 (0.1ms) Interruption when high-speed counting reaches its target I010, I020, I030, I040, I050, 060, 6 points Interruption during pulse outputI110, I120, I130, I140, 4 points Interruption during communicationI150, I160, I170, 3 pointsC o n s t a n tK Decimal K-32,768 ~ K32,767 (16-bit operation)K-2,147,483,648 ~ K2,147,483,647ΰ32-bit operation αH HexH0000 ~ HFFFF (16-bit operation), H00000000 ~ HFFFFFFFF (32-bit operation) FFloating pointDisplaying floating points by the length of 32 bits with IEEE754 standard ±1.1755 × 10-38 ~ ±3.4028 × 10+38Serial communication ports (program write in/read out) COM1: RS-232; COM2: RS-485 (can be master or slave); COM1 and COM2 can be used at the same time Potentiometer / RTC Built-in 2 points VR / Built-in RTCSpecial extension moduleRight-side extension module and PB series share all modules (max. 8 modules extendable) Left-side can be connected with new high-speed extension modules (max. 8 module extendable)*1: Non-latched area cannot be modified.*2: The preset non-latched area can be modified into latched area by set ing up parameters. *3: The preset latched area can be modified into non-latched area by setting up parameters. *4: The fixed latched area cannot be modified.After the 24V DC power is switched off, the data in the latched area is stored in SRAM memory which is powered by he rechargeable battery. When the battery is damaged or cannot be changed, the data in the program and latched area will be lost. If the user needs to permanently save the data in he latched area in the program and device D, please refer to “Flash ROM permanently saved and recover mechanism ” as stated below. Permanently saved mechanism:The user can use ELCSoft (Options -> ELC<=>Flash) to indicate whether to permanently store the data in the latched area in the program (including password) and device D in Flash ROM memory (new indicated data will replace all data previously saved in the memory). Recover mechanism:If the rechargeable battery is in low voltage, resulting in the loss of data in the program, ELC will automatically restore he data in the latched area in the program and device D of Flash ROM into SRAM memory (M1176 = On) next time when 24V DC is re-powered. The ERROR LED flashing will remind the user that if the recorded program is able to resume its execution, the user only needs to shut down and re-power the ELC once to restart its operation (RUN).3ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSInput pointTypeCurrent Motion levelResponding timeDC (Sink or Source)24VDC 5mAX0~X7,X12~X13,X16~X17Off On Ї165VDCX10~X11,X14~X15Off On Ї18.5VDCX0~X17 On Off І8VDCApprox. 10 ms (can be adjusted within the range of 10 ~ 60 ms by D1020 and D1021)Output pointType Current Voltage Max. loadingRespondingtimeMechani-cal life Electrical life relay-R1.5A/1 point (5A/COM)250VAC,Ї30VDC75VA (inductive) 90 W (resistive)Approx. 10 ms2×107times (without load)1.5×105times (5A 30VDC) 5×105 times (3A 120VAC)3×104 times (5A 250VAC)transistor-TGeneral: 0.3A/1 point @40ºCHigh-speed: І1kHz, 0.3A/1 point @ 40ºC; ≥ 1kHz,30mA/1point@40 ºC30VDCMax. 10kHz for Y5, Y7, Y10 ~ Y13Off On 20us On Off 30usMax. 200kHz for Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y6Off On 0.2us On Off 0.2us4MODEL NAME & I/O CONFIGURATION5INSTALLATION & WIRING5.1 Mounting & WiringThe ELC can be secured to a cabinet by using the DIN rail of 35mm in height and 75mm in depth. When mounting ELC to DIN rail, be sure to use he end bracket to stop any side-to-side movement of ELC and reduce the chance of wires being loose. A small retaining clip is at the bottom of ELC. To secure ELC to DIN rail, place the clip onto he rail and gently push it up. To remove it, pull the retaining clip down and gently remove ELC from DIN rail, as shown in figure 1.Please use M4 screw (see figure 2) according to the dimension of the product. Please install ELC in an enclosurewith sufficient space around it to allow heat dissipation (see figure 3).9053.270101109.4D > 50 mmFigure 1Figure 2 (Unit: mm)Figure 35.2 Wiring1. Use 22-16AWG (1.5mm) single or multiple core wire on I/O wiring terminals. Thespecification of the terminal is shown in the figure on the left. The ELC terminalscrews shall be tightened to 1.95 kg-cm (1.7 in-lbs).2. DO NOT place the I/O signal wires and power supply wire in the same wiring duct.3. Use 60/75 ºC copper wires only.DO NOT install ELC in an environment with:1. Dust, smoke, metallic debris, corrosive or flammable gas2. High temperature, humidity3. Direct shock and vibration5.3 Power Input WiringThe power input of ELC-PV series is DC. When operating ELC-PV series, please make sure that:1. The power is connected to the two terminals, 24VDC and 0V, and the range of power is 20.4VDC ~28.8VDC. If the power voltage is less than 20.4VDC, ELC will stop running, all outputs will go “Off” andERROR indicator will flash continuously.2. A power shutdown of less than 10 ms will not affect the operation of ELC. However, power shutdown timethat is too long or a drop of power voltage will stop the operation of ELC and all outputs will go “Off”. When the power supplied again, ELC will automatically return to its operation. (Please be aware of the latched auxiliary relays and registers inside ELC when programming.)DC power input5.4 Input point wiringThere are two types of DC inputs, SINK and SOURCE.5.5 Output point wiring5.6 Relay (R) contact circuit wiring5.7 Transistor (T) contact circuit wiring6 TRIAL RUN■Preparation1. Prior to applying power, please verify that the power lines and the input/output wiring are correct. And beadvised not to supply 110V AC or 220V AC into he I/O terminals, or it might short-circuit the wiring and would cause direct damage to the ELC.2. After using the peripheral devices to write the program into he ELC and that the ERROR LED of the ELCis not on, it means that the program in use is legitimate, and it is now waiting for the user to give the RUN command.3. Use ELC-HHP to execute the forced On/Off test of the output contact.■Operation & test1. If the ERROR indicator does not flash, you can use the RUN/STOP switch or a peripheral device(ELC-HHP or ELCSoft) to give a RUN instruction. The RUN indicator should be continuously on at thistime. That the RUN indicator does not flash indicates ELC has no program in it.2. When ELC is in operation, use ELC-HHP or ELCSoft to monitor the set value or temporarily saved valuein timer (T), counter (C), and register (D) and force On/Off of output contacts. That the ERROR indicator is on (not flashes) indicates that part of the program exceeds the preset time-out. In this case, you have to set the RUN/STOP switch as STOP first, check special register D1008 and obtain the location in theprogram where time-out takes place. Please refer to he WDT instruction to solve this problem.■Operation of ELC basic sequential instruc ions & application instruc ions1. The basic sequential instructions and application instructions of ELC-PV series are compatible with allELC series ELCs. See Eaton “ELC System Manual” for relevant information.2. All ELC series ELCs are compatible with ELC-HHP handheld programming panel, ELCSoft ladderdiagram for program editing and exclusive transmission cables to connect with ELC-PV for programtransmission, ELC control, program monitoring and so on.7 TROUBLESHOOTINGBased on the indicators on the front panel, please check the following for errors:☼POWER indicatorWhen ELC is powered, the POWER LED indicator on the front panel will be on (in green). If this indicator is not on or the ERROR indicator keeps flashing when ELC is powered indicates that the power supply +24V are insufficient or DC power supply 24V is overloaded. In this case, change another 24V DC power supply. If the indicator is still off at this time, your ELC is malfunctioned. Send your ELC back to your distributor for repair.☼RUN indicatorCheck your ELC status. When ELC is running, this indicator will be on. You can use ELC-HHP, the ladder diagram editing program or the switch on the panel to RUN or STOP ELC.☼ERROR indicatorIf you enter illegal program into ELC or use instructions or devices that exceed their range, this indicator will flash (approx. every 1 second). When this happens, you have to obtain the error code from D1004 and save the address where the error occurs in register D1137 (if the error is a general circuit error, the address of D1137 will be invalid). Find out the cause of the error, amend the program and resend the program to ELC. If you cannot connect to ELC and this indicator keeps flashing quickly (approx. every 0.2 second), it means that the 24VDC power voltage is insufficient. Please check if the 24V DC is overloaded.If the ERROR indicator is on, you have to check the special relay M1008. If M1008 is on indicates that the execution time of program loop exceeds the preset time-out (in D1000). In this case, turn the RUN/STOP switch to STOP, check the special register D1008 and obtain the location in the program where the time-out takes place. Please refer to the WDT instruction to solve this problem. After amending the program, you only need to resend the program to stop the indicator from flashing. If the indicator still keeps flashing at this time, switch off he power and check if there is any interference existing or conductive matter inside ELC.For details of error codes (in D1004, hex coding), see “ELC System Ma nual: Programming”.☼BAT.LOW indicatorThe rechargeable lithium-ion battery in ELC-PV is mainly used on the latched procedure and data storage.The lithium-ion battery has been fully charged in the factory and is able to retain the latched procedure and data storage for 12 months. If ELC-PV has not been powered and used for more than 12 months, the battery will be out of power upon normal consumption and the procedure and data will be lost.The lithium-ion battery has longer life span than ordinary battery; therefore there is no need to change battery very frequently. You can charge the battery at any time without having to worry about a decrease in chargeability.You can also recharge the battery even when there is still power in the battery.Please be aware of the date of manufacturing; the charged battery can sustain for 12 months from this date. If you find that the BAT.LOW indicator stays on after ELC is powered, the battery voltage is low and the battery is being charged. ELC-PV has to remain on for more than 24 hours to fully charge the battery. If the indicator turns from on to “flash” (every 1 second), it indicates that the battery cannot be charged anymore. Please correctly process your data in time and send the ELC back to Eaton for changing a new battery.Precision of calendar timer:At 0̓C/32̓F, less than –117 seconds error per month.At 25̓C/77̓F, less than 52 seconds error per month.At 55̓C/131̓F, less than –132 seconds error per month.☼Input indicatorOn/Off of input point is indicated by input indicator or monitored by ELC-HHP. When the action condition of the input point is true, this indicator will be on. If abnormality is identified, check if the indicator and input circuit are normal. Use of electronic switch with too much electricity leakage often results in unexpected actions of the input point.☼Output indicatorOn/Off of output point is indicated by the output indicator. When the output indicator (On/Off) does notcorrespond to the action of its load, please be aware of the following:1. The output contact may be melted or blocked due to an over loaded or short-circuited load, which will resultin poor contact.2. If you are suspicious that he output point may execute an undesired action, check the output wiring circuitand whether the screw is properly tightened.。



FHD99,FHD181,FHD184风华贴片开关二极管规格书(SOT-23)!Switching DiodeSwitching DiodeFHD181DESCRIPTION & FEATURES 概述及特點 SOT-23Low forward voltage 低正向壓降Fast reverse recovery time 快恢復時間Ultra High Speed Switching Application 超高速開關應用PIN ASSIGNMENT 引腳說明PIN NUMBER 引腳序號PIN NAME 管腳符號 SOT-23FUNCTION 功能 C 1 Cathode C 2 Cathode A 3 AnodeMAXIMUM RATINGS(T a =25℃) 最大額定值Characteristic 特性參數 Symbol 符號Rating 額定值 Unit 單位Maximum (Peak) Reverse Voltage 峰值反向電壓V RM 85 Vdc Reverse Voltage 反向電壓 V R 80 Vdc Peak Forward Current 正向峰值電流 I FM 300 mAdc Average Forward Current 正向平均電流 I O 100 mAdc Surge Current 浪湧電流(10ms ) I FSM 2 A Power Dissipation 耗散功率P D 225 mW Junction Temperature 結溫T j 150 ℃ Stora ge T emperature Range 儲存溫度T stg -55~150 ℃DEVICE MARKING 打標 FHD181=A3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 電特性(T A =25℃ unless otherwise noted 如無特殊說明,溫度為25℃)Characteristic 特性參數Symbol 符號 Test Condition 測試條件 Min 最小值Type 典型值Max 最大值Unit單位V F1 I F =1mAdc — 0.61 — VV F2 I F =10mAdc — 0.74 — VForward Voltage 正向電壓 V F3 I F =100mAdc — 0.92 1.20 V Reverse Voltage Leakage Current反向漏電流I R V R =80Vdc ——0.5 μAdcTotal Capacitance 電容C T V R =0,f=1.0MHz —2.2 4.0 pF Reverse Recovery Time反向恢復時間 t rr I F =10mA — 1.6 4.0 nS!Switching DiodeSwitching DiodeFHD184DESCRIPTION & FEATURES 概述及特點 SOT-23Low forward voltage 低正向壓降Fast reverse recovery time 快恢復時間Ultra High Speed Switching Application 超高速開關應用PIN ASSIGNMENT 引腳說明PIN NUMBER 引腳序號PIN NAME 管腳符號 SOT-23FUNCTION 功能 A 1 Anode A 2 Anode C 3 CathodeMAXIMUM RATINGS(T a =25℃) 最大額定值Characteristic 特性參數 Symbol 符號Rating 額定值 Unit 單位Maximum (Peak) Reverse Voltage 峰值反向電壓V RM 85 Vdc Reverse Voltage 反向電壓 V R 80 Vdc Peak Forward Current 正向峰值電流 I FM 300 mAdc Average Forward Current 正向平均電流 I O 100 mAdc Surge Current 浪湧電流(10ms ) I FSM 2 A Power Dissipation 耗散功率P D 225 mW Junction Temperature 結溫T j 150 ℃ Storage T emperature Range 儲存溫度T stg -55~150 ℃DEVICE MARKING 打標 FHD184=B3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 電特性(T A =25℃ u nless otherwise noted 如無特殊說明,溫度為25℃) Characteristic特性參數Symbol 符號 Test Condition 測試條件 Min 最小值Type 典型值Max 最大值Unit單位V F1 I F =1mAdc — 0.60 — VV F2 I F =10mAdc — 0.72 — VForward Voltage 正向電壓 V F3 I F =100mAdc — 0.90 1.20 V Reverse Voltage Leakage Current反向漏電流I R V R =80Vdc ——0.5 μAdcTotal Capacitance 電容 C TV R =0,f=1.0MHz — 0.9 3.0 pF Reverse Recovery Time反向恢復時間 t rr I F =10mA — 1.6 4.0 nS!Switching DiodeSwitching DiodeFHD991DESCRIPTION & FEATURES 概述及特點 SOT-23Low forward voltage 低正向壓降Fast reverse recovery time 快恢復時間Ultra High Speed Switching Application 超高速開關應用PIN ASSIGNMENT 引腳說明PIN NUMBER 引腳序號PIN NAME 管腳符號SOT-23 FUNCTION 功能 A 1 AnodeC 2 CathodeC/A 3 Cathode /Anode MAXIMUM RATINGS(T a =25℃) 最大額定值CHARACTERISTIC 特性參數 Symbol 符號Rating 額定值 Unit 單位Continuous Reverse Voltage 連續反向電壓V R 70 Vdc PeakForward Current 正向峰值電流 I F 200 mAdcPeak Forward Surge Current 正向最大浪湧電流I FM(surge) 500 mAdc THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS 熱特性CHARACTERISTIC 特性參數 Symbol 符號Max 最大值 Unit 單位Total Device Dissipation FR-5 Board(1) T A =25℃ PD 225 mW Total Device Dissipation Alumina Substrate,(2) T A =25℃總耗散功率氧化鋁襯底P D 300 mWJunction and Storage Temperature 結溫和儲存溫度T J ,T stg 150, -55 ~150℃ 1. FR-5=1.0×0.75×0.062in, printed-circuit board.2. Alumina=0.4×0.3×0.024in, 99.5%alumina DEVICE MARKING 打標 FHD99=A7ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 電特性(T A =25℃ unless otherwise noted 如無特殊說明,溫度為25℃) Characteristic 特性參數Symbol 符號 Test Condition測試條件Min最小值Type 典型值 Max 最大值Unit 單位V R =70Vdc —— 2.5 V R =70Vdc,T j =150℃ —— 50 Reverse Voltage Leakage Current 反向漏電流I R V R =25Vdc,T j =150℃——30 μA Reverse Breakdown Voltage反向擊穿電壓V (BR)I BR =100μAdc 70 —— VdcI F =1mAdc —— 715 I F =10mAdc—— 855 I F =50mAdc —— 1000 Forward Voltage 正向電壓V FI F =150mAdc—— 1250 mV Diode Capacitance 電容 C D V R =0,f=1.0MHz —— 1.5pFForward Recovery Voltage正向恢復電壓V FR I F =10mAdc,t r =20ns—— 1.75 Vdc Reverse Recovery Time 反向恢復時間 t rrI F =I R =10mAdc,R L =100Ω ——6.0 nS。






图9瞬态特性图(过冲幅度)图10 瞬态特性图(恢复时间)T D—瞬态延迟时间;T R—瞬态恢复时间;T r—总瞬态恢复时间第 2 页共2页一.试验目的测试被测电源的显示可见角度是否正常二.适用范围本方法适用于28系列直流电源产品视角项目的测试。






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