新标准英语六年级下册M8U1Why do you have cups on your head
六年级下册英语教案-Module 8Unit 1 Why do you have cups on y

六年级下册英语教案-Module 8Unit 1 Why do you have cups onyour heads | 外研版(三起)一、教学目标•理解课文内容,掌握重要词汇和句型。
•能够使用“Why do you have…on your head?”这个问句询问他人的着装。
二、教学重难点1.重点词汇与短语的掌握:party, hat, mask, cup, whistle, badge, dress up, excited;2.句型:“Why do you have…on your head?”,“Is it a…?”以及对其回答的肯定、否定和其他回答方式的运用;3.能力培养:学习听、说、读、写四种基本能力,能够在交流中用英语描述自己的着装以及评价他人的着装。
三、教学过程A. 活动11.教师出示图片,引导学生阅读图片并进行讨论:图片中人们为什么戴帽子、面具、盘子、口哨、标志等物品?他们可能在参加什么活动?2.让学生发表自己的看法,并与其他同学讨论其想法的合理性。
B. 活动21.班级中几个同学依次分享他们打算参加晚会的着装准备。
在分享过程中,教师可以引导他们使用简单的肯定和否定方式和疑问句询问同学的服装,并提供更多的评价词汇,如beautiful, fun, interesting等。
2.让学生练习使用疑问句和肯定否定回答表达自己的看法,并帮助他们熟悉和掌握“How do you think of…?”这个句型。
C. 活动31.教师出示课本上的对话,让学生跟读,并边读边讨论贾斯汀、希瑟、汤姆等人为什么戴上了不同的物品。
D. 活动41.教师出示课本上的问题,并和学生一起讨论问题的答案与可行性。

Daming told him, they _p_la_n_n_e_d_ to play a _b_a_s_e_b_a_ll__ game. Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps. But Lingling brought some _c_u_p_s__. So they put the cups on their heads and all laughed _m__o_re_.
A. They are wearing cups on their on their heads. B. They are wearing caps on their on their heads.
2. What did they plan to do?
A. They planned to play a basketball game. B. They planned to play a baseball game.
Module 8

Module 8Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads?教材分析本模块的教学内容主要是在学习why和because的用法,特别是其在现在进行时态中的运用。
三、情感目标1. 鼓励学生勇于面对学习英语中所犯的错误,培养学生勇于面对困难的勇气和信心。
2. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励敢于开口说英语,不怕犯错误。
3. 培养学生自主学习英语的能力,以及用英语思维分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及做事要养成仔细认真的习惯。
教学重点及难教学重点:掌握重点词汇和句型;点能用“Why …?”对不理解的事情进行询问并回答。
课时教学目标一、知识目标1. 学生能掌握并运用单词baseball, cup, planned, mistake并能区分单词cup, cap.2. 学生能够能运用Why do you have cups on your heads?Why are you laughing? 等句型来询问不理解的事情的原因,同时巩固之前学习的四种时态。
M8U1Why do you have cups on your heads六年级英语下册外研版三起

Why do you put cups on your heads? Why are you laughing?
Listen and fill
They ___________ to play a baseball game. Amy ________ Lingling to bring some caps for the game. But
Lingling made mistakes with English
make mistakes 犯错误
“It’s easy to make mistakes with English words,” Sam said.
said 说
Then what happened? Sam smiled. smile
Watch and think
1. Why do they have the cups on their heads?
Because Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps. But she brought some cups.
2. Why are they laughing?
baseball uniform baseball bat
baseball glove baseball cap
I like playing baseball.
Where is his bag?
Watch and answer
Why can’t he see the bag?
Why can’t he see the bag? Because it’s under the bed.
Read and complete
六年级下册英语教案-Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on

六年级下册英语教案-Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cupson your heads?教学目标1.能听懂并运用句型“Why do you have…on your…?”2.掌握词汇:cup, bowl, hat, cap, umbrella等。
教学重点1.能听懂并运用句型“Why do you have…on your…?”2.掌握词汇:cup, bowl, hat, cap, umbrella等。
教学步骤Step 1:自我介绍(7分钟)老师进行简单的自我介绍,以便更好地交流。
Step 2:引入课题(5分钟)老师呈现一幅图片,图片上有两个孩子头上戴着杯子,然后问:“Why do you have cups on your heads?”过程中,老师注意正确的语音语调,尤其是疑问句。
Step 3:词汇学习(10分钟)老师呈现图片,让学生看图片并学习其中的生词:cup, bowl, hat, cap, umbrella等。
Step 4:听力训练(15分钟)老师播放一段对话录音,学生仔细听,然后回答问题:“Why does Sally have a bowl on her head?”等。
Step 5:口语练习(20分钟)老师让学生分为小组,然后进行口语练习,让学生两两搭档,互相提问:“Why do you have a hat on your head?”等问题,让学生练习使用“Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. / Because it’s raining outside.”等句型进行回答。
六年级下册英语说课稿-Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on

六年级下册英语说课稿-Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads∣外研社(一起)一、教材分析本篇说课主要针对外研社(一起)六年级下册英语教材中的Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads进行说明。
二、教学目标1. 知识目标•了解英国的一些传统文化习俗。
2. 能力目标•通过阅读和听说训练,提高学生的英语交流能力和语感。
3. 情感目标•了解和尊重不同国家的文化差异。
三、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点•学习英国的一些传统文化。
2. 教学难点•学生在听说训练中可能会遇到一些难度,需要多加练习。
四、教学过程1. 整体设计本课采用口语为主、听说读写并重的教学方法,通过小组讨论、听说训练和语音练习等方式来激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的英语交流能力。
2. 具体内容(1)导入(5分钟)通过引入英国的一些传统文化,来引起学生的兴趣,提高他们的学习积极性。

Module 8 Unit 1
Why do you have cups on your heads?
It’s easy to make mistakes with English.
cap cup
Listen and find : Where is Ms Smart’s bag?
Why have they got cups on their heads?
Brought some cups for the game.
Asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game.
P3 :Are they going to play baseball like this?
What are they doing? What can you see?
They are laughing. They have got cups on their heads.
What are they going to do? (listen and answer)
They are going to play
No, they aren’t.
Because Sam has got caps in his bag.
Why are they laughing?
Because they have got cups on their heads.
Why have they got cups on
their heads?
Because Lingling made a mistake with English words.
Why have they got caps now?
六年级英语M8 U1 Why do you have cups on your head 教学设计

六年级英语M8 U1 Why do you have cups on your head?教学内容:1课时教学课型:新授课Module8 Unit1一、【教学目标】知识目标:1.掌握并运用单词:cup,plan - planned,baseball,more,smile - smiled,mistake,said并能够区分单词cup, cap.2.学生能听懂会说why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing?等句型并能在实际情景中运用技能目标:1.能正确、流利地朗读课文。
二、【教学重难点】重点:能用“Why …?”对不理解的事情进行询问并回答。
难点: 综合运用一般现在时态、现在进行时态和一般过去时态。
四、【教学流程】Step 1: Warm up(热身运动)1. Greetings.2. Sing a song: head shoulders knees and toes[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]3. Listen and do: Touch your head/ hand/ …Put your … on/ under/…Step 2: Presentation (新课呈现)Activity 1 Look, listen and say.1. 出示图片,生观察描述:What’s in the picture?2. 播放本部分动画,生尝试理解内容。
3. 指名回答:Where’s the bag? Who put it there?4. 播放动画,学生跟读。
5. 分角色练读对话。
Activity 2 Listen and read.1.观察图片,回答问题:What’s on their head? Are they happy?2.自读课文第一段,划一划:What are Sam’s questions?3.出示Sam的两个问题:Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing?a)出示图片及单词:cup 杯子,提示字母u发/ʌ/, laugh 笑,提示au字母组合发/a:/,带读b)点拨用法:○1“Why + 一般疑问句”用来询问原因、理由。
六年级下M8U1Why do you have cups on your head

plan to do sth. on your head baseball game play baseball make mistakes 计划做某事 在你们的头上 棒球比赛 打棒球 犯错误
温馨提示 why和because
• 1.why表示“为什么”,用来询问原因,一 般要用because…来回答。 • Why don’t you go to school? • Because it’s Sunday.
They went to the playground and played baseball.
a cap /æ /
a cup /ʌ/
Can you say?
cup cap meet big pig here sheep ship two horse
hear too/to house
Act 1 Listen and answer: Where is Sam’s bag?
It’s under his bed.
Why are they laughing? Do you want to know?
Listen to Paragraph 1, 2 and choose. ( ( ( ) 1. Why are they laughing? Because they’re __________ . A. sad. B. happy. C. tired. ) 2. What have they got on their heads?
Let’s play
Guess the words
六年级下册英语教案-Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads∣外研社一起

Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your he ads?交际活动,学生在情境中掌握教学内容。
【知识目标】1、学习并掌握新单词cup, c lassmate, baseball, brought, more, mistake, word 。
2、学习新句型:Why do you have cups on your heads?Why are you laughing?3、能听说读写本课的单词以及熟练地朗读课文。
【能力目标】结合课文内容,会使用特殊疑问why 来进行提问。
【教能用“Why …?”对不理解的事情进行询问并回答。
Tape recorder, Multimedia 课前准备Step 1 Warm-up1. Greeting with the students.2. Free talk:Do you know differences between “cup” and “cap”?引导学生们区分cup和cap,自然地引入本课内容。
3. Look, listen and say:课件呈现Part 1的图片,询问同学们:Why can’t Sam see his bag?After listening, teacher asks one student to answer the question: Because it’s under his bed.Step 2 Presentation1. T: Sam and his fri ends are going to play baseball. But there’s something wrong with them. Now open your book and look at these pictures. What are they doing?2. Listen and answer. Then discuss in groups.What are Sam’s classmates doing?They are having cups on their heads and laughing.3. Read the text and answer.Q1: What did they plan to do?They planned to play a baseball game.Q2: What did Amy ask Lingling to do?Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps fo r the game.Q3: Why are they laughing?Because Lingling brought cups.4. Watch and answer.Q1: What’s in Sam’s bag?There were baseball caps in Sam’s bag.Q2: What did they do at last?Then they went to the playground and played baseball together.5. Listen and follow, then read the text in groups.6. Retell the text.Step 3 Practice1. Listen and say:教学Part 3:(1)Talk about the pictures.(2)学生整体听读,注意语音语调。
六年级下册Module 8 Unit 1Why do you have your cups on your head

Module 8 Unit 1Why do you have your cups on your head?一、教学目标知识与能力目标1. 学习并掌握新单词cup,classmate,baseball,brought,m ore,mistake,word。
2. 学习新句型:Why do you have cups on your heads?Why are you laughing?3. 能听说读写本课的单词以及熟练地朗读课文。
三、教学难点:能用“Why …?”对不理解的事情进行询问并回答。
四、课前准备1. 教具准备:智慧课堂设备、worksheet、图片2. 场景准备:进行合理的分组,将教室布置成适合进行活动的布局。
五、教学过程1、创设情境1. 请学生观看视频。
2. 请学生回答歌曲主人公高兴以及不高兴的理由。
3. 如果学有余力,学生可以学习跟唱这首歌曲。
4. 学生分组演唱,看哪一组唱得好。
2、启发思考1. 教师承接上一环节,介绍本课的主题是原因的问答。
2. 教师拿出不同表情的图片,请学生回答这些表情的原因。
3. 以小组为形式,写下答案,请代表发言4. 教师核查纠正学生的语法和拼写,并看哪一组做得更好。
3、自主或小组探究Collect sentences1. 老师请学生看到关键句子,请学生尝试翻译这些句子。
3. 学生利用学的结构进行造句练习。
Ask and answer1. 学生仔细观看课文,或者聆听对话录音。
2. 小组内进行阅读,寻找ppt上的答案,写在worksheet上。
3. 小组展示答案,进行核对。
Read and write1. 小组配合,依照图片和旁边的单词,造出对应的对话。
教案2:M8 U1 Why do you have cups on your heads(英语 六下 外研三起)

课题:Unit1 Why do you have 课型: 自学+展示+反馈课 cups on your heads? 学习目标: 1、听、说、读、写本模块单词。 2、能流利读出本模块对话并能正确回答与对话有关的问题。 3、询问别人为什么做某事。 时间预设: 第一关:10 分 第二关:20 分 第三关:10 分 第一关:根据汉语意思写单词。
杯子 帽子 为什么
因为 笑 错误
的单词,询问别人 为什么高兴、 难过、
第二关:听录音根据课文内容回答问题。并找出 “why”和过去式单词,用红
音,第一遍听录音 时解决部分生词读
(1)What are they doing?
音问题。听完第二 遍后,小组合作完 成第二关。回答问 going to do?
(3)Why are they laughing ?
(4)What did Lingling hear?
(5)What did Amy say?
第三关:翻译句子。 1、怎么了?你们为什么笑? 翻译时要注意 2、我不明白。 时态, 用词要准确。

( F )3.Jake went to a sea yesterday. ( F )4.There were ships at the farm.
( F )5.Jake was sad because his friend laughed at him.
Try to find more similar words and read them.
Make sentences with It’s easy to make mistakes with…
Module 8 Unit 1
Why do you have cups on your heads?
Why do they have cups on their heads? Because….
Because they planned to play a baseball game. Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game.but Lingling brought some cups.
Yesterday we went on a school trip to a farm. I was very happy. I said I want to see a ship. Everyone looked surprised and I didn’t know why. My teacher said,” Jake, we are going to go to a farm, not to a lake or a sea. There are no ships on the farm” Then I knew my mistake. I wanted to say ”ship”. It was very funny. My friend laughed. Then we all said the words” ship,sheep”! ( F )1.Jake lives in China.
六年级英语下U1 Why do you have cups on your heads教案外研版一起

M8U1 Why do you have cups on your heads?教学设计内容分析:知识结构分析:学生已经学习过一般现在时和一般过去时及动词过去式,why的用法也学过。
本单元通过创设询问原因的情境,学习新单词和句型,能够熟练听说读写本单元词汇,能准确认读、书写目标句型Why do you have cups on your heads?能熟练运用目标语句对不理解的事情进行询问,能用过去式的语言对过去发生的事情进行描述。
学情结构分析:1)学生能自己学会的:say,more, come into the classroom,bring some caps,go to the playground 2)合作能够学会的:cup,(plan)planned,baseball,smile,have cups,play a baseball game,laugh more,归纳情感类形容词以及一般现在时、一般过去时及动词过去式3)需要教师点拨的:mistake, make mistakes, be easy to do sth. 能运用所学句型用why询问原因并用because说明原因。
流利度表达流畅、无卡顿得体度动作和表情自然、生动教学辅助希沃白板、课文视频、PPT教学方法Situational Teaching Method, Task Based Teaching Method etc学习过程Warm up:1.Look and answerT:There are some pictures of different people.So, let’s talk about them!2.引出目标语句Why...... Because......1.抛出问题:Why are they laughing?Do you want to know?Let the students listen and answer.区分单词cup和cap1.播放课文的动画,让学生观看回答问题:Listen Part1 and answerWhat are they wearing on their heads?2.Listen Part2 and answerWhat did they plan to do?What did Amy want Lingling to bring?What did Lingling bring?3.Listen Part3 and answerWhat has Sam got in his bag? What did they do at last?3.播放课文动画,让学生跟读,纠正语音语调。
六年级英语下册教案-Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on

六年级英语下册教案-Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cupson your heads(1)-外研版教学目标1.能够听、说、读、写词汇:cup, ear, mouth, nose, eye, hat, head, know, reason。
2.能够听、说、读、写句型:Why do you have cups on your heads? We have them on our heads because they are hats.3.能够运用所学词汇和句型,描述图片中的人物和情景。
教学重点1.熟练掌握词汇:cup, ear, mouth, nose, eye, hat, head, know, reason。
2.熟练掌握句型:Why do you have cups on your heads? We have them on our heads because they are hats。
教学过程Step 1 Revision1.复习上一单元所学的日常用语和句型。
Step 2 Presentation1.出示图片,引导学生观察图片中人物和情景,直到学生了解图片内容。
2.引导学生提出问题:“Why do you have cups on your heads?”3.教授新词汇,包括cup, ear, mouth, nose, eye, hat, head, know, reason。
Step 3 Practice1.让学生两人一组,互相问答:“Why do you have cups on your heads?”2.一名学生回答:“We have them on our heads because they are hats。

Look and think.
What is in Sam’s bag?
Look and say.
Sam came into the classroom and saw some friends there. Where are they? They are in the classroom.
Look and think.
What was in Sam’s bag?
There were baseball caps.
Read and answer.
What did they do at last ? They put the caps on.
went to
played baseball
They planned to play a baseball game.
Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps
But Lingling brought some cups. They put the cups on their heads.
Watch and find.
What did he ask?
Watch and find.
Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing?
Read and answer.
Why do they have cups on their heads?
1.Retell the story to your parents or friends. 2. Use “Why are you...? Because...” to write a

3. Ask and answer.课本活动四。
Why are you laughing?
B:BecauseI’m happy.
sleeping running
tired afraid
A: Why are you _______?
B:BecauseI’m ______.
3.运用Why are you --?I’m ---创设情境编写一段对话。
S: They are laughing.
2.Listen andanswer.
Why do they have cuBiblioteka s on their heads?
Why are they laughing?
What’s in Sam’s bag?
What did they do at last?
3. Listen and repeat.
Step1: Warmingup.
1.Greeting .(师生打招呼)
2. Sing a song.
If you are happy.
Step2: Leadingin.
一、知识目标:掌握并运用单词:cup, planned, baseball, more, smile, mistake, with, said并能够区分单词:cup、cap.能运用Why do you have cups on your heads? Why are you laughing?等句型来询问不理解的事情的原因,并能用过去式的语言对过去发生的事情进行描述。
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Let’s learn
1.Listen and find“why”.
Underline(画线)the sentences.
Let’s learn
2. Listen and answer.
1. Why
are they laughing?
2. What did they plan to do?
3. What was in Sam’s bag?
1. They planned to play a _____ game. A. basketball B. baseball C. football 2. Amy asked Lingling to bring some ______. A. cups B. caps C. cars
3. But Lingling brought some ______. A. cups B. caps C. cars
bring 带来,拿来
3. But Lingling brought some ______. A. cups B. caps C. cars
a cap /æ /
a cup /ʌ/
Listen and answer.
plan 计划
1. They planned to play a _____ game. A. basketball B. baseball C. football
• 1.why表示“为什么”,用来询问原因,一 般要用because…来回答。 • Why don’t you go to school? • Because it’s Sunday.
• 2.because表示“因为”,用来回答why的问句。
• Why are you late? • Because I get up late.
Review past tense words.
3. 遇到老大乱变身:
come——came 来 see——saw 看 have——had 有 tell——told 告诉 bring——brought 带来,拿来 say——said 说 are——were 是 go——went 走
温馨提示 why和because
Why is she sleeping?
Because she is tired.
Why is he running?
Because he is afraid.
Why are they laughing? Do you want to know?
4. What did they do at last?
1. Why
are they laughing?
Because Lingling made a mistake. 2. What did they plan to do?
They planned to play a baseball game. 3. What was in Sam’s bag? There were baseball caps.
laughing ?(laugh) 1. Why are you ________ 2. We are going to _____ have a baseball team.(have) 3. Amy said“Bring cups for the baseball game”.So ought these cups.(bring) Ibr ________ 4. It’s easy to ______ make a mistake with English?.(make) say saidcaps. (say) 5. I didn’t ____cups, I ____ play 6. They plan _____ __( plan) to _____ ( play) a game. ned
1.熟练朗读M8、M8U1单词及课文。(辅导 课过关) 2.完成课本P46(4)及M8U1练习一张。
Why are ou laughing? Because I am happy.
Why is he crying?
Because he is sad.
Review newsay words. Listen and out the words.
cup 杯子 planned 计划(plan的过去式) baseball 棒球 more 更强烈的 smile 微笑 mistake 错误 make mistakes 犯错误 with 与…有关 said 说(say的过去式)
Why? Listen and answer. Because…
plan 计划
1. They planned to play a _____ game. A. basketball B. baseball C. football
ask 请、求
2. Amy asked Lingling to bring some ______. A. cups B. caps C. cars
Review past tense words.
1. 遇到老大不变身:
put——put 放 read——read 阅读 2. 遇到老大结尾加ed,以e结尾的直接加d:
smile——smiled 微笑 ask——asked 请、求 laugh——laughed 大笑 open——opened 打开 shout——shouted 大叫 play——played 玩
4. What did they do at last?
They went to the playground and played baseball.
plan to do sth. on your heads baseball game play baseball make mistakes 计划做某事 在你们的头上 棒球比赛 打棒球 犯错误
How many past tense words can you find?
smile 微笑 open 打开 are 是
say 说
shout 叫 play 玩 go 走
Pay attention to …
smile easy make mistakes with word opened shouted playground 微笑 简单的 犯错误 与…有关 词汇 打开(open的过去式) 叫(shout的过去式) 操场
Brainstorming about the pictures.
In the classroom. cup head
They are laughing.
Module 8 Unit 1
Why do you have cups on your heads?
Listen and answer.
ask 请、求
2. Amy asked Lingling to bring some ______. A. cups B. caps C. cars
bring 带来,拿来
3. But Lingling brought some ______. A. cups B. caps C. cars
How many past tense words can you find?
come 来 see 看 have 有
ask 请、求
tell 告诉
plan 计划
bring 带来
laugh 大笑
put 放
Pay attention to …
classroom cup their head laugh told planned baseball then put more 教室 杯子 他们的 头 大笑 告诉(tell的过去式) 计划(plan的过去式) 棒球 接着 放 更强烈地
Can you say?
cup cap big pig sheep ship horse
meet here too
meat hear too/to house