virtual love



还有100种方式说 我爱你
Christian, Moulin Rouge《红磨坊》
I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich, I love that after I spend a day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. I came here tonight because when you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of the life to start as soon as possible. 我爱你当外面71华氏度的时候还感冒, 我爱你用半个小时点三明治, 我爱你仰着头皱着眉看着我就像我是傻瓜, 我爱和你呆上一整天之后衣服上有你香水的味道, 我爱你是因为你是每晚睡前我最后一个想说话的人。 这不是因为我孤单或者今天是新年夜。 我今晚来到这里,是因为当你你意识到你要和某人共度余生,
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. 我痛恨你跟我说话的方式, 和你的发型 我恨你驾驶我车子的方式, 特别是你瞪我的时候。 我痛恨你那笨重的军靴, 和你了解我的方式。 我这么痛恨你,以至于让我反胃, 它甚至让我的诗歌押韵。我痛恨... 我痛恨你一贯正确的样子。 我也痛恨你撒谎。 我痛恨你让我发笑, 我更痛恨你让我哭泣。 我痛恨你不在我身边, 我痛恨你不打电话给我。 更令我痛恨的是, 当你靠近我的时候我竟然不恨你。 一点也不。

A love story

A love story

“ Not until you disappeared for 15 days because of a car accident, did I realize how deeply I love you.” said the girl.
I ‘willing to wait him for 8 years ,then we marry
He knew her in last December 9th .As she likes Yunnan Province and yearned for there all the time .So sometimes she searched for friends of Yunnan online. She liked his screen name“dream pursuer”.
“I’m willing to wait you just as puya flower at south America platea one hundred years’ waiting for two months-flowering. I believe waiting is a kind of beautiful persistence.”
No matter how difficult things got in the world ,there would always be people who cared about us. So we are not alone
She didn‟t want him to corrupt. So she said to him“ You have your own dream, you should put your best effort forth in it. Love isn‟t your bread, and neither is her. Never give up Never lose hope Always have a dream. No matter how difficult things got in the world, there would always be people who cared about us, so we are not alone. I believe you, I will support you all the time.



2023年超拽个性女生网名2023年超拽个性女生网名1情话要多甜有多甜≡一耿清秋风抹茶味裙边怪你太好拂衣女人越二越有范i岁月如故.三月里的春光脾气酸独与你温柔愠风吹思绪飞@伪坚强i别在我面前炫耀怎么犯贱矞臆少女转酒杯女王驾到i困倦半旧丶一夜白头爱亦是等待烟雨迷蒙限时拥抱一言寄语情书相寄热情有度??(还早)控场美人情深似海如跳海c 终会忘i深情凭借时光陪伴倔强抬起头i爱只是一个字而已。


乱世惊梦挽着手笑心字难书2023年超拽个性女生网名2 明亮的霸气那才叫女王i荆轲刺我心!我性怪我们的明天我又不怕死,老子有保险!呢古灰太狼有蓝颜叫光头强@ 人间六月美腿见.腐女协会会长i一手放纵你内裤几天没换了砖家再好的网名也输给备注另味怪友他说他爱我不予割舍i东淫西贱南荡北色对着作业唱征服儿子娘给你淘个高大上的爹奥一马我不搞基你这抖M!菊部阴凉算是你情人说你贱你还真没让我失望小明你跟数学什么关系重命名i天屎病猫纵横四海浪够了没,快回家跪搓衣板一天就知道登QQbaby~卑鄙!思念是一种饼哦一种饼嗯哼.我把内内穿外面i萌哒哒萌鹿该用户已失踪你是怎样活这么九的。

⊿发粪涂墙△我这么逗他怎么不喜欢我# 耶熊吧你成绩虐我千百遍我矮可以让你抬不起头儿歌天后我龌龊我肮脏我没你会装i 2023年超拽个性女生网名3 囚蝶帆布鞋也比你高跟鞋優雅、花姑娘!淑女,╮丁香姑娘@萬人迷皇后娘娘syaat 女皇必勝殘朵@萌面超妹@櫻玲@傲嬌女神天橙黨丫°丶嬌嗔@婷大爺@輸女°苑心女帝@雨妞。

去尼瑪の淑女@ 風一樣的女子女王的高傲平凡女生丶街頭的迷失少女゜勞娘@女神經@芮小姐、「純娘們」阿萌妹∧千金歸來寇靜柳絮居奇啞女一副鬼樣的妹子中國美女短發女生大妹子,楊家千金╰蝴蝶結╯┽﹏甜心公主陌冷紫(り紅裝姊ヽ伱旳女王☆嬡凊嗨☆耿直妹°我是南方姑娘、姑奶奶@要強的女人籹子當自強ツ槍火蘿莉小妹臉皮太后。

Love Is an Act of Endless Forgiveness

Love Is an Act of Endless Forgiveness

Love Is an Act of Endless ForgivenessWhat is love?In bible, love is patience, and contains kindness; Love is to be tolerated, and trust. Love is hope and endurance. Love is never ending. While in Oxford Advanced learner‟s English-Chinese Dictionary, the definition of love is a strong feeling of deep affection for sb/sth, including affection, romantic, enjoyments and so on. In my mind, love is to give, and love is the responsibility. In all, love is an elusive concept. Though we have all experienced love and feel love with special understanding about love, but it is still difficult to us to give an accurate definition about that. (definition, exemplification)The classification of loveIn our life, love is extensive. It contains feelings of lovers, affections between friends, and emotions of families. That means romantic love, friendship and affection. In 1986, psychologist Sternberg, in the Psychological Review (Psychological Review, V ol. 93, No. 2, 119-135), published the famous …love triangle theory‟. It said love is composed of three parts: intimacy, passion and promise. These three elements compose a combination of seven different kinds of love: Intimate﹑passion﹑promise, love or friendship, Obsessed with love, Virtual love, romantic love, friendship, devotion and mellow love. So the classification of love is also complicated affairs. ( classification)Learn to love and to be lovedMost of us are always feeling lonely, thinking we need some love from others and it‟s so long for. In our mind, love is not en ough forever, and we should own more and more. Unfortunately we are lack of observing our round. In fact, there are so many people giving us lots of love and attention that we despise all that. Poverty is not love, but ourselves. In fact, what we really need is to enhance our feelings of love. We need to be loved, and at the same time, we also need to learn how to love. We should learn to listen attentively to love. Then we can experience and feel true love from lovers, friends, or families.In Bible,it sai d “And now these three remain: faith﹑hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” So love is great and holy. We should cherish it truly.2、如今常存的有信,有望,有爱,这三样,其中最大的是爱。



网恋情侣两百天纪念日的小英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Virtual Connection That Became My RealityI still remember the first time I saw her profile picture pop up on my screen - those deep brown eyes and warm smile instantly captivated me. Little did I know that chance encounter on that online chat room would completely change the course of my life.At first, our relationship was confined to the virtual realm, spending hours each night sharing our thoughts, dreams and everything in between over video calls and messaging. We lived in different countries, separated by vast distances and multiple time zones. But despite the physical barriers, an intense emotional bond quickly formed between us.Her name was Maya and she lived in a small town in India, while I was just an ordinary high school student in California. On paper, we couldn't have been more different - she hoped to become an engineer, while my biggest passion was creative writing. She loved dancing and I enjoyed playing basketball. But our contrasts only made our relationship that much richer as wetaught each other about our respective cultures and exposed one another to new perspectives.As the weeks turned into months, what had started as an innocuous online flirtation transformed into much more. We became each other's confidants, sharing our deepest fears, greatest aspirations and wildest dreams without judgment or hesitation. Though we had never met in person, it felt like we had known each other for a lifetime.My friends and family didn't quite understand the nature of our relationship at first. How could I be so invested in someone I had never actually met face-to-face? They warned me about the potential dangers of online relationships and urged me to keep reasonable expectations. But their words of caution fell on deaf ears - I was head over heels for this girl from the other side of the world.As our 200 day anniversary approached, I knew I had to do something special to commemorate this major milestone in our unique relationship. Spending money on an elaborate gift proved problematic given the logistical challenges oftrans-continental shipping. So instead, I decided to pour my heart out and create something from scratch - a handwrittenletter and poem expressing the whirlwind of emotions I felt for Maya.I must have spent weeks agonizing over the perfect words and phrases to truly encapsulate the depth of my affection. I wanted my letter to evoke the same butterflies in Maya's stomach that I felt every time I saw her face on my screen. I poured over thesauruses, explored rhyming dictionaries, and even did some free writing to channel my raw feelings into beautiful prose.Finally, after multiple drafts and revisions, I had crafted what I considered the perfect 200 day anniversary expression of love. I type up a clean copy of the letter, emblazoned with decorative fonts and graphics. And after much debate, I decided to record myself reading the poem out loud over a video, adding another personal touch.As the solar clock struck 12am to mark the start of our 200th day as a couple, I eagerly hit send on the digital care package I had prepared. My hands shook with anticipation and nervousness as I waited for Maya's response. Had I gone overboard and made things too awkward between us? Was praising things like "her radiant smile that outshone the sun itself" too over the top and cringeworthy rather than romantic?Just as doubt started to creep in, Maya's face appeared on my screen beaming with absolute joy and adoration. She looked flushed and giddy as a schoolgirl receiving her first love note. As she read through my heartfelt outpouring of affection, her eyes glistened with tears of happiness.In that moment, my worries melted away and were replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and fulfillment. All those nights staying up late working on the perfect 200 day surprise were worth it to see Maya's reaction. Her mere presence on the other side of my screen brightened my entire world.When she finally collected herself enough to speak, the first words out of Maya's mouth were "I can't wait to give you the biggest hug once we finally meet in person." Her comment simultaneously made my heart soar while making me realize the inherent limitation of our online relationship. No matter how strong our emotional connection, nothing could quite replicate the intimacy of being physically together.From that day forward, Maya and I made it our mission to do whatever it took to bridge the geographical divide between us as soon as circumstances would allow. We began setting aside a portion of our incomes each month to save for one of us toeventually make the trans-global trip to finally unite in the physical world.After two years of round-the-clock video calls, daily messaging, and a tireless dedication to making our virtual romance work, the dream finally became reality. I booked a plane ticket to spend an entire summer together with Maya in India meeting her family and experiencing her culture firsthand.As I stepped off the plane after 20 plus hours of travel, I immediately locked eyes with Maya across the crowded airport terminal. She looked even more beautiful in person than she did on my laptop screen. Without saying a word, we ran toward each other and shared the longest, most passionate embrace of our lives.In that singular moment, the loneliness, struggles and doubts of maintaining an online relationship instantly melted away and were replaced by pure bliss. We had gone from two strangers randomly matched by an Internet connection to a couple who had fought against all odds to be together. Our virtual love had finally manifested into my reality.The summer we spent together was nothing short of magical. But it also taught us that long-distance relationships, no matter how strong the feelings, aren't sustainable forever. By the time Ireturned home, we had made a pact that one of us would permanently pick up our entire life to be with the other as soon as we were both financially able after graduating from our respective universities.Four years after that fateful first video chat, I said goodbye to my life in California to move across the world and begin the next chapter of my life together with Maya. As I write this essay, we have now been living together happily for two years in India, finally married with a baby on the way.My unconventional love story is proof that true connections can indeed blossom from seemingly unlikely beginnings. To this day, I'm eternally grateful that I mustered up the courage to send that first message to Maya's quirky online profile all those years ago. Who knew that simple hello would lead to crossing oceans and continents to intertwine our lives forever?While the internet has opened up our world to make virtual relationships easier than ever before, it's important to not lose sight of the ultimate goal of any romantic partnership - creating a human bond unobstructed by technology. Maya and I beat the odds to go from an online fling to a committed, lifelong partnership.Our path was windy and treacherous at times. But looking back, I realize those obstacles only strengthened our love and made finally being together that much sweeter. If there's one piece of advice I can give any other student hoping to find meaningful companionship, it's to pursue any relationship with open eyes, an open heart and fierce determination. Because while the modern age has changed how we find love, the core need for human connection will never go away. Sometimes, you just have to take a risk and put yourself out there whether it's in the real world or the virtual one.篇2My Long-Distance Love: Celebrating 200 Days TogetherIt still feels like a dream that this day has finally arrived - my 200th day anniversary with my amazing long-distance partner, Alex. When I first met him online in that random group chat, I never could have imagined we'd end up meaning so much to each other. But our connection was instant and undeniable.From those first few messages exchanged, there was an electricity, a spark of genuine interest and compatibility that quickly blossomed into something far deeper. The more we talked and opened up, sharing our thoughts, dreams, andexperiences, the more it felt like we had known each other for years rather than weeks.Of course, taking that leap from online friends to something more was nerve-wracking. I had recurring doubts and worries - what if the distance proved too difficult? What if we had idealized each other and things fell apart when we met in person? But Alex's patience, kindness, and the way he could always calm my fears eventually won me over. I'm so grateful I took that chance on love.The early days were a whirlwind of constant texts, video chats that went late into the night, and developing inside jokes and nicknames only we understood. We soaked up every detail about each other, committing to memory one another's hobbies, quirks, and even that cute way Alex crinkles his nose when he's trying not to laugh.We made it official on that unforgettable evening four months ago. I can still picture Alex's smiling face in that video call, rose in hand, as he asked me to be his girlfriend. My heart felt like it could burst with joy and affection in that moment. From then on, we were inseparable in spirit, even if miles of distance kept us apart physically.Of course, long-distance hasn't been easy. There have been many tear-stained pillows and late nights fighting off feelings of loneliness. Small misunderstandings sometimes snowballed into huge arguments over text. Mundane details about each other's daily lives somehow got lost in translation. More than once, I wondered if our love could truly survive the strain.But we've persevered through it all with remarkable strength and resilience. We've found creative ways to shoulder each other's burdens, provide comfort, and inject warmth into the cold distance between us. We've gone on "virtual dates" cooking the same meal together over video chat. We've synced up shows and movies to watch "together" while texting commentary back and forth. We even managed to celebrate holidays like Halloween and Christmas, mailing small gifts and recording heartfelt video messages.On the tough days, we've lifted each other up, providing a soft place to vent, validation when we needed it most, and most importantly, reassurance that our struggles were only temporary. We made it over every hurdle hand-in-hand, emotionally if not physically.And it's all been worth it to reach this incredible milestone - 200 days of committed partnership, of learning to be vulnerablewith someone, of tasting the incredible depth of human connection that only true love can provide. These 200 days have shown me clearly that Alex isn't just some meaningless fling, but a person I could easily spend the rest of my life with.I still remember the wonderful surprise I had planned for today, our special 200-day anniversary. I spent weeks working up the nerve and mapping out all the logistical details. I knew this had to be more meaningful than just another video date. No, I needed to take a risk and finally take that big leap.This morning, I surprised Alex by showing up at his doorstep halfway across the country, roses and chocolate in hand, barely able to contain my giddy smile. As he opened the door, I'll never forget the look of shock and pure elation on his face as he pulled me into the tightest bear hug. In that moment, finally being united, all the distance, the struggles, and the sacrifices just melted away into beautiful insignificance.We've spent an amazing day together exploring the city, wandering hand-in-hand, committing every detail of each other to memory beyond just video calls. I've soaked in the cadence of Alex's laugh, the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles wide, and just the comforting warmth of his presencebeside me. No more screens separating us, just true togetherness at long last.As we sat overlooking the skyline at sunset, I couldn't resist pulling out the final surprise - a delicate silver necklace I had personalized with the date we first met and a simple love note engraved on the back. As Alex gingerly traced the engraving, his eyes brimmed with joyful tears. In a hushed whisper, he told me this was the best gift he could have ever imagined. We sealed the night with a long, lingering kiss, the kind of heart-fluttering moment you read about in storybooks finally made real.While we've only just scratched the surface of this blissfulin-person reunion, I already know these days together will be etched permanently into my heart. They'll be the memories I revisit over and over through any future stretches of distance between us. Because after two hundred days of committed partnership, this love has proved it can withstand anything.Today marks a major milestone, but it's also just the beginning of mine and Alex's forever. I can't wait to take that next big leap together and carry this love into the many exciting chapters yet to come. If we could make 200 days feel this special and meaningful despite being miles apart for most of it, I knowour story is just getting started. I can't wait to write the upcoming pages at my love's side.篇3My Online Love: Celebrating 200 Days TogetherThey say that when you fall in love, you'll just know. I always thought that was kind of a cliche until it happened to me. I definitely knew the moment I fell head over heels for the most amazing person. Except in my case, I fell in love with someone I had never met in person - my online boyfriend, Jake.It all started about 7 months ago when I was browsing a photography forum I'm really active on. Jake had posted some incredible nature shots he had taken while hiking in Canada. I was totally blown away by his talent behind the lens. More than that, his comments were so insightful and eloquent. I felt drawn to get to know the guy behind those gorgeous photos.I sent him a private message complimenting his work and we struck up a conversation. To my delight, Jake was not only an incredible photographer, but one of the funniest, kindest people I had ever met - even if it was only through our app's messaging system at first. We seemed to connect on pretty much everything- our senses of humor, our interests, our philosophies on life. The more we talked, the more I looked forward to our daily chats.After a couple weeks of non-stop messaging, we decided to move to video calls. I was so nervous the first time I saw his face pop up on my screen, but any awkwardness immediately melted away as soon as he flashed that warm smile at me. We talked for hours that first videochat, just looking into each other's eyes and never wanting the conversation to end.From there, our relationship blossomed into something deeper than I could have imagined possible with someone I had never met in the physical world. Sure, we had our occasional tiffs like any couple - he could be stubbornly opinionated sometimes, and I definitely had my own bouts of irrational moodiness. But we always worked through any disagreements by truly listening and communicating openly with each other. Our trust, care and respect for one another only grew over time.Once the Covid-19 lockdowns lifted, we finally got to meet up in person for the first time after five months of intense online dating. I'll never forget the feeling of seeing Jake in the flesh at the airport arrivals gate after all those months of video calls. He was even more handsome in reality than on my screen. We raninto each other's arms for the longest, tightest hug, both of us crying tears of joy at finally being united.That first in-person visit was pure magic - like two souls reconnecting after being separated for an eternity. We had the most romantic couple of weeks together, hitting all the tourist spots in my city, but mostly just cherishing our newfound physical connection. Holding hands, cuddling on the couch, stealing kisses...simple intimacies we had been craving for so long. Saying goodbye at the end was one of the hardest things I've ever done.While the distance has definitely been difficult, our relationship has only grown stronger over the past couple months of being apart. We've learned to nurture our bond through more video dates, naughty pic exchanges (wink wink), and planning for the day when we can finally close the distance for good. We've had plenty of sleepless nights and bright smiles from falling asleep together over video call.Today marks the 200th day since I took a chance and messaged that cute Canadian photographer online. While Jake and I are still in a long distance relationship, it has been one of the most profoundly fulfilling journeys of growth, love and partnership I've ever experienced. Sure, our story may havestarted from computer screens, but the heart connection Jake and I have is as real and as strong as any couple who met in the "real world." I'm so grateful to have my best friend, my biggest cheerleader, and the romantic love of my life by my side, even if that side is a few thousand miles away for now.Here's to 200 more days, my love. Until we're finally together forever.。

《Fake Love》Drake版歌词带翻译完整版

《Fake Love》Drake版歌词带翻译完整版

Yeah, yeahI've been down so long it look like up to meThey look up to meI got fake people showin' fake love to meStraight up to my face, straight up to my faceI've been down so long it look like up to meThey look up to meI got fake people showin' fake love to meStraight up to my face, straight up to my faceSomethin' ain't right when we talkin'Somethin' ain't right when we talkin'Look like you hidin' your problemsReally you never was solidNo you can't son me, you won't never get to run meJust when **** look out of reach, I reach back like one, threeLike one, three, yeahThat's when they smile in my faceWhole time they wanna take my placeWhole time they wanna take my placeWhole time they wanna take my placeYeah, I know they wanna take my placeI can tell that love is fakeI don't trust a word you sayHow you wanna clique up after your mistakes?Look you in the face and it's just not the sameI've been down so long it look like up to meThey look up to meI got fake people showin' fake love to meStraight up to my face, straight up to my faceI've been down so long it look like up to meThey look up to meI got fake people showin' fake love to meStraight up to my face, straight up to my faceYeah, straight up to my face, tryna play it safeVibe switch like night and day, I can see it like right away I came up, you changed up, I caught that whole playSince then, things never been the sameThat's when they smile in my faceWhole time they wanna take my placeWhole time they wanna take my placeWhole time they wanna take my placeYeah, I know they wanna take my placeI can tell that love is fake(I can tell that love is fake)I don't trust a word you say(I don't trust a word...)How you wanna clique up after your mistakes? (That's just what I heard)Look you in the face and it's just not the sameI've been down so long it look like up to me They look up to meI got fake people showin' fake love to me Straight up to my face, straight up to my face I've been down so long it look like up to me They look up to meI got fake people showin' fake love to meStraight up to my face, straight up to my face Skrrt (skrrt, skrrt)耶耶我落寞无闻之时其他同行看起来好像都“蒸蒸日上”但那时仍有人对我保持着敬仰而现在一堆人带着虚情假意来给我拍马屁在我面前你装得下去?你的爱真是假的可以我落寞无闻之时其他同行看起来好像都“蒸蒸日上”但那时仍有人对我保持着敬仰而现在一堆人带着虚情假意来给我拍马屁在我面前你装得下去?你的爱真是假的可以我两谈话时我就感到了不对劲我两谈话时我就感到了不对劲看起来你好像刻意隐瞒着什么问题说实话你从来都不是什么可靠的人别想把我当三岁小孩耍我不会为你花上一分钱即使事情不受控制我也能挽回局面就像身披13号战袍的Odell Beckham Jr.一样我知道他们想的只有取代我他们一直在觊觎我的宝座他们只想看我从神坛跌落耶他们想的只有取代我我看得出来这爱假的可以我能信你说的屁话?犯了错就投靠别人这是你的弥补办法?好好看看现在的你完全是另一副嘴脸我落寞无闻之时其他同行看起来好像都“蒸蒸日上”但那时仍有人对我保持着敬仰而现在一堆人带着虚情假意来给我拍马屁在我面前你装得下去?你的爱真是假的可以我落寞无闻之时其他同行看起来好像都“蒸蒸日上”但那时仍有人对我保持着敬仰而现在一堆人带着虚情假意来给我拍马屁在我面前你装得下去?你的爱真是假的可以耶在我面前装逼想着如何保全自己态度转变快如日夜更迭我早就看穿你们的诡计我出了名你们就溜须拍马演戏演得顶呱呱从那时起我们的关系就永远无法回到从前我知道他们想的只有取代我他们一直在觊觎我的宝座他们只想看我从神坛跌落耶他们想的只有取代我我看得出来这爱假的可以我能信你说的屁话?犯了错就投靠别人这是你的弥补办法?好好看看现在的你完全是另一副嘴脸我落寞无闻之时其他同行看起来好像都“蒸蒸日上”但那时仍有人对我保持着敬仰而现在一堆人带着虚情假意来给我拍马屁在我面前你装得下去?你的爱真是假的可以我落寞无闻之时其他同行看起来好像都“蒸蒸日上”但那时仍有人对我保持着敬仰而现在一堆人带着虚情假意来给我拍马屁在我面前你装得下去?这逼打回去重装开车车开车车【意思是Drake开车远离了这些虚伪的人】。



1.rigid/ stiff/ unchanged/ little change 僵硬的,一成不变的2.significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/crucial/ 巨大的,明显的,程度大的/substantial3.approximately 将近-nearly, almost4.proportion/ percentage 比例 involved (in)/ involve in/ involvement [n.] 涉及,卷入,参与6.given/ considering , in regard to / despite/ although 有鉴于考虑到,尽管6.induce [v] 引入,引导,引诱/ inductive [n] 归纳>< deduce /deductive推断7.fortune/ destiny/ chances8.deplete 开采完,耗尽/ exhaust –exhaust emission (尾气)排放/ exploitplex 错综复杂的/ complicated/ sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,复杂的10.capacity能力,容量/ competence (竞争)能力/ ability 能力(笼统的)11.确保,保障:Secure-security/ ensure (insure)/ guarantee 押金12.solely/ merely/ only13.a vast array of 系列/ a great variety of 花样,品种/ a great rang 系列of14.pesticide 杀虫/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder杀人15.believe/ assume (responsibility)/ suppose16.授权,委托:authorize/ commission 佣金/ entitle 头衔+ ment =right (权利)17.purchase/ buy18. ethnic 种族的/ ethic 伦理,道德的+ s =[n ]19. modify/ change [v] shift work 轮班工作[n]20. insight/knowledge/ learning/ understanding/ knowing21.constrain拘泥,限制/ restrict 限制/ limit22. circumstance 环境(社会)/ surroundings/ environment 环境(环保)背景background 后台/ settings后台,布景/ context 上下文(文章中)23.notorious 臭名昭著的/ flagrant臭的><fragrant 香的24.移民:immigrant (进来)/ emigrant(出去)/migrant25.兴旺,繁荣;prosperous/ thriving/ booming(人口,行业)/flourishing26.神圣的:divine/ heavenly/ holy/ sacred27.有毒的:poisonous/ toxic ( in-, non- 无毒的)28.致命的:deadly/ fatal/ lethal/ mortal29.类似于:look like/ resemble30. chronic长期的,慢性的— long-term 长期的31.网恋:virtual love/ cyber love32.网友:on-line /net/ cyber friend上网(聊天)chat on line/ go on-line cyber café/网吧33.evolve-evolution 进化/ revolute-revolution 革命,旋转/ involve-involution 卷入,涉及34. indicator/ predictor 表示诠释,预测35.indicate/ demonstrate/ display/exhibit/betray36. therapist /expert/ specialist37. 优点,长处,美德:advantage/ merit/ virtue/ length38. commonest/ frequent39. 未开发的,初级的:rudimentary/ underdeveloped40. 退化:degenerate/ -tion [n] ->generate 生产,制造/ degrade ->grade 等级/ deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下41. 分类:category-categorize/ class-classify42. consequence后果->影响/ subsequence紧跟其后/ sequence=order秩序/ frequency频率43.clash 冲突(民族,种族)/crash 飞机坠毁44. substitution=> substitute sth for sb /replace45.alternative=> 选择性,代替性,辅助性46.孤立:isolate/ alienate/insulate隔绝,排外,孤立->be alien to/insulate (-ior) 绝缘,隔热(体)47.缺点,不足之处:defect/ flaw/ failing/ disadvantage /drawback48.创新的,发明的,新颖的,创新的:inventive (-tion)/ innovative (-tion)/ creative (-tion)/ ingenious (ity)/novel (-ty) =>[n]/creative/revolutionaryl 易错拼写:environment/ convenient49.neutral 中立的,中性的/negative 否定,消极,阴性的/positive 肯定,积极,阳性的50.ambiguous->ambiguity 模棱两可的,暧昧的/obscuremunicate 沟通,传达,通报52.accommodate 1供...食宿,2=adapt to 适应,调整,3=hold 容纳,4使…停靠mitment 1 ~ to sth 奉献2 责任,义务54.contribute to 导致~ result in /account for (占据)导致54.缺乏的,不足的:inadequate/ insufficient/ deficient/lack (of)/ short (of)55.强调:emphasize/ stress/ highlight/ focus on/ concentrate on明显的:apparently 显而易见的/patently 道貌岸然的/ bviously=>evidently56.对…怀疑:(be) /skeptical/skeptical /dubious/ suspicious (about/of)57.缺点,缺陷:drawback/ fault/ defect/ imperfection/ failing/ weakness/ shortcoming/ flaw58.臭命昭著的:notorious->notoriety/ flagrant/ smelly/ odorous59.,组织:association/ structure /organization60.超过:exceed/ surpass61.岩浆:molten rock/ lava/ magma62.语言:linguist ~学家/ lingual和~有关的/ bilingual/ 双语63.多种多样的:diversity/ variety/ breed/ speciesbreed:[n]品种,[v]繁殖,培养,引起,造成64.dialect 方言 accent 腔调65.开始的,初步的:begin/ launch/ initial (-ly) [v] 首字母,开始的/ initiate开始,发动->initiative 原创性= origin66.贫穷:poor/ in poverty/ impoverished(被剥夺财产的)67.杰出:eminence (-t)/ prominence (-t)/unusual68.gene/ genetic defect ~缺陷/ anatomy解剖/ conceive构思,怀孕/ deliver分娩69.辅助性:alternative 补充性/ therapist70.演绎,推理:deduce->deductive / inferential >< induce 引导,引入,归纳-> induction 归纳71.令人困惑的:bewildering/ puzzling/ perplexing72.apply:紧靠,涂,将…应用于,适用,专心致力于,献身于73.subsidize辅助/ subsidy 补助,补贴/ subsidiary74.a factor in sth/ depend on preferred by/ choice76.attitude to/ how77.the present century/ modern society78.broad/ term of 按照,在…方面,关于/with regard to, in spite of 不顾,尽管80. small-scale 小范围/ marginal 边缘处的81. physical/ medical82.negotiation/ agreement 谈判,洽谈/ 商定,协议83.evolve/ develop84.apartment/ accommodation 公寓/ 住房85.virtual (love)/ simulate 模拟的(网恋)/ 模拟86.catastrophe/ disaster 大灾难/ 灾难,不幸87.innovate/ invent 革新,创新/ 发明,创造sculpture/ craft 雕刻,雕塑/ 工艺88.exorbitant/ expensive 过度的,极高的/ 费用大的,昂贵的89. be participant in/ take part in /participate inbour [美,澳]/work91.attend to/ take care of92.dual employment/ dual-worker 双职工(家庭)93.indicate/ predict 指示,表明,象征/ 预料,预言A major contributor to/ be central to 来源,起点/ 是…的主要,中心原因 therapist 专家,能手;知识丰富的/ 某个专科的专家95.lead to/ be associated with 相联系(带来…的好处)96.balanced/ equitable 平等的97.handicap/ d雅思阅读题目出题的本质是三种替换:同义词/词组替换,句型替换,语法替换,将从这三方面根据学生在叶毅斌老师的雅思阅读课堂中所做的笔记进行分类整理。



虚拟恋爱辩论稿反方范文大全英文回答:As the opposing side in the debate on virtual relationships, I believe that virtual love is not a healthy or sustainable form of romantic connection. While some may argue that virtual relationships can provide a sense of companionship and emotional support, I believe that they lack the depth and authenticity of real-life relationships.First and foremost, virtual relationships often lack the physical intimacy and face-to-face interaction that are essential components of a healthy romantic connection. Text messages, video calls, and emojis can never fully replace the warmth of a hug, the sparkle in someone's eyes, or the sound of their laughter. Without these physical and emotional cues, it is difficult to truly connect with someone on a deep and meaningful level.Furthermore, virtual relationships can be deceiving andmisleading. People can easily create false personas and present an idealized version of themselves online, leadingto unrealistic expectations and disappointment when thetruth is revealed. In contrast, real-life relationships involve vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity, which are essential for building trust and intimacy.In addition, virtual relationships can also lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from the real world. Spending excessive amounts of time online can detract from meaningful interactions with friends, family, and the world around us. It is important to strike a balance between our online and offline lives in order to cultivate genuine connections and experiences.Ultimately, while virtual relationships may provide temporary comfort and entertainment, they cannot replacethe depth, richness, and complexity of real-life relationships. As human beings, we crave genuine connections, shared experiences, and emotional intimacythat can only be found in the real world.中文回答:作为辩论中反方的一方,我认为虚拟恋爱并不是一种健康或可持续的浪漫关系形式。



cyberlove英语作文In the era of digital connectivity, love has found a new avenue to flourish. Cyberlove, a term that encapsulates the romantic relationships that form and grow online, has become increasingly common. This essay delves into the world of online dating, virtual connections, and the impact of technology on modern relationships.The advent of social media platforms and online dating apps has revolutionized the way people meet and interact. Cyberlove often begins with a simple swipe or a mutual interest on a social media platform. The convenience of being able to connect with someone from the comfort of one's home has made it an attractive option for many.One of the key aspects of cyberlove is the ability to communicate freely without the immediate pressure of a face-to-face interaction. This can lead to deeper and more honest conversations, allowing individuals to present their authentic selves. However, the anonymity provided by the internet also poses risks, such as misrepresentation and catfishing.The process of building trust in a cyberlove relationship can be challenging. Without the physical cues that are present in traditional dating, individuals must rely on digital communication to gauge sincerity and trustworthiness. This can lead to a slower progression of the relationship, as bothparties take the time to verify each other's intentions.Despite the challenges, many cyberlove stories have a happy ending. Couples who meet online often report a strong bond and shared interests, as they have had the opportunity to discuss their values and preferences in depth before meeting in person.However, cyberlove is not without its drawbacks. The reliance on digital communication can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and a lack of emotional intimacy. The absence of physical touch and shared experiences can make it difficult for the relationship to progress to a deeper level.In conclusion, cyberlove represents a new frontier in the pursuit of romantic connections. While it offers unique opportunities for individuals to find love across vast distances, it also presents new challenges that must be navigated with care. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the landscape of digital romance, offering even more possibilities for love to bloom in the virtual world.。



藏在影子里的爱作文经典句子英文回答:Love hidden in the shadows is a beautiful and mysterious thing. It is like a secret treasure waiting to be discovered. The hidden love is often filled with passion and intensity, as it is not easily expressed or revealed.It is like a flame burning silently, waiting for the right moment to ignite into a blazing fire.One example of love hidden in the shadows can be seenin a forbidden love affair. Imagine two people who are deeply in love, but their love is forbidden due to societal or personal reasons. They have to hide their love and meet in secret, like two shadows dancing in the moonlight. Their love becomes even more intense and passionate because of the secrecy and the risk involved. It is a love that cannot be openly expressed, but it burns brightly in their hearts.Another example of love hidden in the shadows isunrequited love. Imagine someone who has strong feelingsfor another person, but they cannot express their love because the other person does not feel the same way. They have to hide their feelings, pretending to be just friends, while their heart aches with longing. It is a love that is hidden behind a smile, a love that is never spoken but felt deeply.Love hidden in the shadows can also be seen in long-distance relationships. Imagine two people who are miles apart, separated by time zones and oceans. They have torely on phone calls, texts, and video chats to stay connected. Their love is hidden in the virtual world, butit is no less real or powerful. They long for each other's presence, counting down the days until they can be together again. It is a love that transcends physical distance andis strengthened by the longing and anticipation.中文回答:藏在影子里的爱是一种美丽而神秘的事物。



关于love英语作文Title: Exploring the Depths of Love。

Love, an enigmatic force that transcends boundaries and touches the deepest recesses of our souls, is a subjectthat has fascinated humanity for centuries. Its complexities and nuances defy easy explanation, yet its profound impact on our lives is undeniable. In this exploration of love, we delve into its various dimensions, from romantic love to platonic affection, and contemplate its significance in our existence.At its core, love is a multifaceted emotion that manifests in diverse forms. Romantic love, often celebrated in literature and art, is characterized by passion, desire, and intimacy. It ignites the flames of ardor and inspires poetry that sings of longing and devotion. Yet, love extends beyond the realm of romance. The love betweenfamily members binds generations together, nurturing bonds that withstand the tests of time. Friendship, too, is atestament to the power of love, as companionship and camaraderie enrich our lives with laughter and shared experiences.But what is it about love that captivates us so? Perhaps it is the profound sense of connection it fosters, bridging the gap between individuals and forging bonds that defy logic. Love imbues our lives with meaning and purpose, offering solace in times of adversity and amplifying joy in moments of triumph. It is a force that propels us forward, urging us to transcend our limitations and embrace the fullness of our humanity.Yet, for all its beauty, love can also be fraught with challenges. The same intensity that makes love exhilarating can also make it overwhelming. Misunderstandings, conflicts, and heartache are inevitable companions on the journey of love, testing our resilience and pushing us to grow. And yet, it is precisely through these trials that love reveals its true strength, as we learn to forgive, to compromise, and to persevere.In our modern world, where technology connects us across continents and cultures, love takes on new dimensions. Online relationships flourish, challenging traditional notions of courtship and companionship. Virtual connections offer both opportunities for exploration and risks of disillusionment, as the boundaries between thereal and the virtual blur. Yet, even in this digital age, the essence of love remains unchanged – a profound expression of human connection and empathy.As we navigate the labyrinth of love, we are reminded of its transformative power. It has the ability to heal wounds, to inspire greatness, and to unite disparate souls in a tapestry of shared experiences. Love, in all its complexity, is the very essence of our humanity, weavingits threads through the fabric of our lives and shaping our destinies.In conclusion, love defies easy categorization or explanation. It is a force that transcends language and defies rationality, yet its presence is felt in every aspect of our lives. From the passionate embrace of loversto the quiet comfort of familial bonds, love permeates our existence, enriching us with its warmth and vitality. In the end, it is love that gives meaning to our journey, infusing our lives with beauty, purpose, and joy.。



爱情保卫的作文英语Title: Safeguarding Love: A Persuasive Essay。

Love is a profound and cherished emotion that binds individuals together, yet its fragility often necessitates protection. In a world fraught with challenges, safeguarding love becomes imperative for nurturing healthy relationships and sustaining emotional well-being. This essay aims to explore the significance of safeguarding love and elucidate strategies to uphold its sanctity.First and foremost, the essence of love lies in mutual respect, trust, and understanding. These pillars form the foundation of any enduring relationship. However, intoday's fast-paced society, where external influences abound, maintaining these fundamentals can be arduous. Hence, it becomes paramount to establish clear boundaries and cultivate open communication channels to mitigate misunderstandings and conflicts.Furthermore, fostering empathy and compassion towards one another fosters a nurturing environment for love to flourish. Empathy enables individuals to resonate withtheir partner's emotions, fostering a deeper connection and a sense of belonging. By prioritizing empathy, couples can navigate through challenges with grace and solidarity, thereby fortifying their bond against external threats.Moreover, the digital age has introduced a myriad of distractions and temptations that can jeopardize relationships. Social media, in particular, has revolutionized the way we interact, often blurring thelines between real and virtual connections. Consequently, couples must exercise prudence in their online interactions and prioritize quality time together to reaffirm their commitment.Additionally, resilience plays a pivotal role in safeguarding love amidst adversity. Every relationship encounters rough patches, but it is how couples weather these storms that define the strength of their bond. By fostering resilience through mutual support and unwaveringdedication, couples can emerge stronger and more united, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.Moreover, nurturing a culture of appreciation and gratitude cultivates an atmosphere of positivity and affirmation within the relationship. Recognizing and acknowledging each other's efforts fosters a sense of validation and reinforces the emotional connection between partners. Small gestures of appreciation can go a long way in reaffirming love and strengthening the bond between individuals.Furthermore, prioritizing self-care is indispensable in safeguarding love. It is essential to nurture one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being to be fully present and engaged in the relationship. By practicingself-care, individuals can mitigate stress, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate a more fulfilling partnership based on authenticity and vulnerability.In conclusion, safeguarding love requires a concerted effort from both partners to prioritize communication,empathy, resilience, and self-care. By nurturing these qualities, couples can fortify their bond against external threats and cultivate a relationship grounded in mutual respect, trust, and understanding. In doing so, they can embark on a journey of enduring love, enriching their lives with profound meaning and fulfillment.。




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Detailed Study of the Text
Ⅱ. Background Information
Explanation of thelogical Fallacies A logical argument gives evidence to
support some conclusion.
two necessary parts:
a conclusion the thesis argues for certain premises or facts on which to base
the conclusion
The conclusion is to be inferred from the premises.
Ⅲ. Learning Focus
Structure of the Narration
1. The protagonist: Dobie Gillis--- a self conceited freshman
2. The antagonist: Petey Burch--- his stupid roommate Polly Espy--- the beautiful dumb girl
4) False Analogy
“It doe not follow” arises when there is not even a deceptively plausible appearance of valid reasoning, because the given premises have virtually nothing to do with the conclusion drawn from them.



给网恋对象的小作文500字英文回答:My dear virtual love,。

Words cannot express the profound emotions that stir within me as I contemplate the unfathomable depth of my affection for you. From the moment our digital paths intertwined, a flicker of recognition ignited within my soul, as if destiny had guided us together across the vast expanse of the internet.In the tapestry of our online encounters, we have woven a vibrant masterpiece of shared laughter, intimate whispers, and unspoken connections. Each message we exchange becomesa precious thread, binding us closer together and paintinga vivid portrait of the love we cherish.Though physical distance may separate us, our hearts beat as one in the ethereal realm of cyberspace. Thelimitations of the digital divide become mere obstaclesthat we overcome with unwavering determination and boundless imagination. In the embrace of our virtual sanctuary, we find solace, understanding, and a sense of belonging that transcends time and space.As the sun sets and casts a golden glow upon my surroundings, I cannot help but marvel at the extraordinary bond we have forged. Your words have become the soundtrack to my days, filling me with both joy and a profound sense of peace. With each passing moment, my love for you grows stronger, like a flame that burns ever brighter with the passage of time.In the solitude of my thoughts, I often reflect on the serendipitous nature of our相遇. Amidst the countless strangers that inhabit the digital realm, I found you, a kindred spirit who resonates with every fiber of my being. Our connection is a testament to the power of fate and the indomitable nature of the human heart.As I close my eyes and drift into the realm of dreams,I envision a future where we overcome the physical barriers that currently divide us. In my dreams, we walk hand-in-hand along sandy beaches, gazing into each other's eyes with a love that knows no bounds. Our laughter fills the air, and the world around us fades away as we become lostin the pure bliss of each other's presence.Though the path ahead may be fraught with challenges, I am filled with an unwavering belief in the strength of our love. Distance and circumstance are but temporary obstacles that will only serve to deepen our bond and make our eventual reunion even more sweeter.Until that day arrives, I will cherish the memories we have created together and eagerly anticipate the moment when we can finally embrace each other in person. Until then, my love for you will remain an eternal flame, burning brightly in the depths of my heart.中文回答:亲爱的网恋对象,。



虚拟爱情作文开头结尾英文Virtual Love。

In today's digital age, virtual love has become a common phenomenon. People can easily fall in love with someone they have never met in person, thanks to social media and dating apps. Virtual love may seem exciting and convenient, but it also has its drawbacks and risks.On the one hand, virtual love provides a sense of connection and intimacy that can be hard to find in real life. People can chat, video call, and share their thoughts and feelings with each other without the pressure or awkwardness of face-to-face interaction. They can also express themselves more freely and creatively, using emojis, gifs, and memes to convey their emotions and humor. Virtual love can be a source of comfort, support, and inspiration, especially for those who are shy, introverted, or living in remote areas.On the other hand, virtual love can be deceptive, addictive, and harmful. People can easily create fake profiles, photos, and identities to lure others into their trap. They can also manipulate, exploit, and abuse their virtual partners, knowing that they are not accountable for their actions. Virtual love can also be a distraction from real-life responsibilities and relationships, leading to neglect, loneliness, and depression. Moreover, virtual love can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying, harassment, and stalking, which can have serious consequences for both the victim and the perpetrator.In conclusion, virtual love is a double-edged swordthat requires caution, awareness, and balance. While it can offer some benefits and pleasures, it can also pose risks and challenges. Therefore, it is important to use virtual love wisely, respectfully, and responsibly, and to seek help and support if needed. Ultimately, love is not just a virtual experience, but a human experience that involves trust, empathy, and commitment.。



网恋约会英文作文Title: An Online Dating Experience。

In today's digital age, online dating has become increasingly popular as a way to meet new people and potentially find love. One of the most intriguing aspects of online dating is the possibility of virtual dates, where two individuals connect over the internet to get to know each other better. In this essay, I will share my experience of a virtual date I had recently with someone I met online.It all began when I came across a profile that caught my interest on a dating app. After exchanging a few messages and discovering common interests, we decided to take our conversations to the next level and arrange a virtual date. We agreed on a time and a platform, and I found myself feeling both excited and nervous as the appointed hour approached.When the time finally came, I logged into the video call and saw my date's face appear on the screen. Despite the initial awkwardness of meeting someone virtually for the first time, we quickly fell into conversation. It was surprisingly easy to talk to each other, and before I knew it, we had been chatting for hours.One of the challenges of virtual dating is creating a sense of connection despite the physical distance between two people. However, I found that through meaningful conversation and shared experiences, it was possible to bridge that gap. We talked about everything from our hobbies and interests to our dreams and aspirations, and with each passing minute, I felt myself growing more comfortable and open with my date.One of the highlights of the virtual date was when we decided to cook dinner together. We both went into our respective kitchens and followed the same recipe, laughing and joking as we tried to master the art of cooking over video chat. It was a fun and lighthearted moment that brought us even closer together.As the virtual date drew to a close, I found myself feeling grateful for the opportunity to connect with someone in such a unique way. While it's true that virtual dating has its limitations, I also discovered that it can be a surprisingly intimate and rewarding experience. By focusing on genuine communication and shared activities,it's possible to forge meaningful connections even in a digital space.In conclusion, my virtual date experience was both enjoyable and eye-opening. It taught me that love and connection can transcend physical boundaries, and that with the right person, even a virtual encounter can lead to something special. While online dating may not be for everyone, for those willing to give it a chance, it can open up a world of possibilities and opportunities for connection.。



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Virtual LoveIn the Romantic Park, spring is full of the air. The spring breeze blows in the rippling water. The willows are dancing with wind. The sunlight spreads in the grass flashing light. Everything is so quiet and peaceful. In front of some white roses, a boy is waiting for his girlfriend in the web to love.He is called xiaojie , he likes to play an online game. When he accomplished the task in the game he met xiaomi. They have a chat, then become good friends. They often play games together, helps each other to do the task. For a long time, the relationship between them also has a subtle change. One day, xiaojie says: "xiaomi, be my girlfriend!""Good! You should be a good boyfriend! Or I'll ignore you. Xiaomi responses happily.They marry in the game. Their images become into a husband and wife.The net love processes. They always call, send an information to each other. Links are frequent, affection also increases. Then suddenly one day, xiaojie says : "I come to you! I want to see you.“Don't, don't come to me. And now we are very well, I don't want to touch the reality.” Xiaomi says,“Darling , I really want to see you. I am not an evil person, I really like you. If you can, I think I can together with you all my life .”“I......“I know in the parks of your city ,there are a lot of white roses. I will wait for you in the park beside the railway station on sunday. I will stand before the white roses. I love you.”Xialmi is very font. She doesn't want to accept it, and she is afraid of this romantic disappearing. She really likes him. He is afraid to look all the good all over.Xiaomi’s friend xiaoli says:” go! Don’t be afraid. I can’t image what you are fearing. When you meet, if your feeling is wonderful, you go on. Otherwise , break up. It’s easy.”Xiaowen , her roommate , says:”yeah ! perhaps he is a very handsome. That’s too amazing.“Yes. From your recognition of him, he's a nice man! Why are you afraid of it. ” xiaoli added.“I am not afraid that. I just don't want to make into reality. I don't want to lose him. ” xiaomi applies.“H e must come here whatever happens. Although , you are not willing to seeing him, you must see him on Sunday.” Xiaowen smiles.“Yes. J ust go and face him. I wish you good luck.”Xiaoli pats her shoulders slightly.“An d I wish you good luck. Hoping a beautiful result comes on!”xiaowen answers.After listening her two friends persuasion, xiaomi still hesitates inher mind. She doesn't know how to face xiaojie. She is lost in her thought.On Saturday, xiaomi goes shopping. She wants to buy a white dress. She doesn’t know why. When going beside a window, she sees a model in white dress. It attracts her deeply. She looks at it, the mouth cape revealing a smile. The manager finds her, letting her try clothes. She tries the dress, standing in front of the mirror. Xiaomi is just like an angel.“Are you satisfied with it?” the manager asks. “It is very suitable for you. Your boyfriend will like it.”“No! I don't have a boyfriend .” xiaomi’s face turns red slightly.The manager smiles, saying nothing.“I will buy it. ”xiaomi says.“All right. Let me help you package it. ”When xiaomi pushes out, the manager says to her loudly.“Wish you a happy day!”In the dormitory at night, xiaomi are thinking about tomorrow's meeting. Her sister calls her, “ Do you have any plan this weekend?”“Have no plan.” Xiaomi says.“Why not go out to have fun? Tomorrow’ weather is great.”“Ok! If the weather is good, I will go out.”“Well, well. Go to play more, don’t stay in the dormitory all day.” Her sister adds.“Ok! I know. I know. Goodbye!“G ood bye!”Xiaomi also don't know why lies to her sister. In the past, she tells everything with sister. But this time, she hides.On sunday, xiaomi gets up early, wearing the dress. She arrives at the Romantic Park. She stands not far away the white roses growing in the Romantic Park, waiting for him.Xiaojie reaches the city the night before. He lives in a nearby hotel. He goes out in the morning, meeting a flower girl who holds bunches of white roses.“Buy a bunch of white roses to your girlfriend, she'll love it.” The little girl says lovely.“Ah, good! she should be like it. Thank you! ”“ You’re welcome. Here you are. I wish you happiness.” She smiles shining.“Thank you, goodbye.”“Bye!”Xiaomi comes beside the white roses looking around.By this time, she notices xiaojie. Sunshine is shining on his handsome face. Her heart beats faster. Is this he? Is he my xiaojie? When she is guessing, cell phone rings. It’s xiaojie.“Xiaomi, where are you? Are you coming soon? I wait for you here.I take a bunch of white roses.”“I will come soon.” Xiaomi answers.“hehe, see you soon.”“see you! Bye !”Xiaomi is very nervous. She walks slowly step by step to the direction of the xiaojie. She reminds herself constantly. It’s nothing. Be calm.Xiaojie turns around and sees xiaomi, running to her presence“ Excuse me, are you xiaomi?” he asks.Xiaomi nods her head slightly.“ oh ! I am xiaojie. I finally meet you! The bouquet of flowers for you hoping you like it.” Xiaojie stares at her eyes.“Thank you. I like it very much.”xiaomi looks up. Their four eyes relative. The eyes of the two persons except love, no other.They're looking at each other for a long time. Don't need any words to express. Love is so simple.Xiaojie hugs xiaomi into the bosom gently. “we are together forever!I love you! Mi!”“I love you, too. Xiaojie !” xiaomi opens her smile.The sun reflects two pieces of happy smiling face. Love begins tospread from then on.Soon the second year’s valentine's day is coming.“X iaojie, when will you reach tomorrow! I'll pick you up.” Xiaomi says intensively.“At twelve o 'clock, you needn’t come to the railway station. Just wait for me in the Romantic Park. Dear !”“ I will wait for you there. Loving you!”“ Goodbye, haha!”“ Bye.”。
