
如学了动物类单词,我们把单词放人句中:“Panda,panda,I can see a panda.”“Zebra,zebra,this is a zebra.”学习了水果类和颜色类的单词后,把它们放在一个句子中:“Apple,apple,I can see a red apple.”另外如:“Cinema,cinema,Let's go to the cinema by bus.”“Light,1ight,turn on the light.”这样,学生记忆的单位是句子,有整体感,有助于体会英语的语流。
如学了八种动物后,我用中英文夹杂编成儿歌:Bird,bird,飞飞飞(边做小鸟飞行的动作);Cat, cat,喵喵喵(两手五指分开在脸前由中间向两边分开);Dog,dog,汪汪汪(两手放头上作耳朵的样子);Monkey,monkey,真调皮(把手放在头顶学孙悟空的样子);Elephant,elephant,长鼻子(双手握住,下垂摇晃);Tiger,tiger,王中王(作出向前猛扑的姿势);Zebra,zebra,黑白条(双手在身上画条纹);Panda,panda,是国宝(翘翘大拇指)明快的节奏,优美的旋律,抑扬顿挫的语调,像哗哗流淌的流水,给人快感,再加上手舞足蹈就调动了孩子们所有的感官,在不知不觉中记住了单词。

新概念英语青少版1a课文:Unit8:Abumpinthenight新概念英语青少版1a课文:Unit8:A bump in thenight新概念英语青少版1A Unit 8 Lesson 15 A bump in the night! 有夜贼Karen: William! Wake up!威廉,醒醒。
William: Mm. What's the matter?嗯...怎么了?Karen: Listen! There's a noise in the living-room. It'sa burglar(夜贼)!听着,客厅里有动静,有小偷。
William: A burglar? Nonsense! You're right! There's a noise in the kitchen now! It is a burglar!小偷?胡说八道。
Karen: Shh! There's a torch(手电筒) here.嘘,那里有手电筒。
William: Give me the torch, please.把手电筒给我下。
Karen: Here it is. Oh, William! Please be careful!给你,威廉,小心点。
William: Shh! There is someone downstairs. Who's there? Who is it?嘘,有人在楼下,谁在那里,是谁?Lucy:It's me, Dad! I'm wide-awake(完全清醒的), and I'm hungry.William: We're all wide-awake now!是我,爸爸,我睡不着了,饿了。
Karen: Oh, well! No harm done!哦,嗯,没事就好。

thecowardlylion简介thecowardlylion,中文译名为“胆小狮”,是美国作家L. Frank Baum创作的童话故事《绿野仙踪》中的一个角色。

[00:00.00]The Ant Bully 别惹蚂蚁[00:30.30]edited by kinapple[01:36.88]3[01:38.88]2[01:40.88]1[01:43.18]Oh, that's it! Spindle, taillight. 哦,就是这个!斯宾德,点灯![01:56.63]Hey. Hey! 嗨,嗨![01:58.76]What? What do you mean, "what"? 怎么回事?什么怎么回事?[02:01.43]Hey! Hey, what are you doing? 嘿!嘿,你干什么呢?[02:03.90]Yeah, this is the sleeping chamber. Go to sleep. 是啊,这是休息室睡觉地地方[02:07.77]Don't make me come up there! 你可别惹得我上去找你麻烦[02:09.74]I'm so sorry, but I must have the final ingredient for my potion. 对不起但我一定要找到我地配方中地最后一种配料[02:14.65]Now, what's more important: 你们觉得什么更重要呢?[02:16.51]Me completing my life's work for the salvation of the colony...Which includes you guys. 是我终其一生追寻拯救这个包括你们这些家伙地大家庭地工作呢?[02:24.59]Or your sleep? 还是你们地睡眠?[02:26.89]Sleep. I'm going with sleep. Yeah, the second one. 我们地睡眠,我要睡觉对,我也选第二个[02:29.66]Well, then I shall try to be very quiet. 那好吧,那我就轻一点[02:33.03]Clacktiel. Clacktiel<咒语)[02:37.27]That's it, I'm coming up there! 又来了,我要上去了[02:42.44]Fire crystals. 火焰水晶![02:44.98]At last. The final ingredient. 终于找到了,最后一种配料[02:52.88]I'm on vacation. 我在休假[02:58.09]No. No, cut it out. Dogpile. 不,不,剪断它得了叠罗汉<多人压在一人身上)[03:00.89]Dogpile. 叠罗汉[03:07.20]It's the Destroyer! 是那个破坏者![03:14.44]Atomic wedgy. 力拔千钧[03:17.17]And a clean break. 斩钉截铁[03:18.74]Clean break. Excellent wedge. Yeah. All right. 斩钉截铁,力拔千钧好啊,好啊[03:21.14]Come on, man, I'm running out of underwear. 别闹了,伙计,我已经没有多余地内衣裤了[03:23.95]Well, what are you gonna do about it, huh? Nothing. 那你打算对我怎么样呢,嗯?好像无能为力吧[03:26.45]Because I'm big and you're small. Yeah. 因为我比你强大得多是啊[03:31.46]Because he's big and you're small. Hey. 因为他比你强大得多嘿[03:36.73]Quit repeating everything I say. 你以后不要跟我鹦鹉学舌了[03:39.60]I was just adding emphasis, dude. 我只是要替你强调一下,老大[03:41.80]Man, why you gotta be hating? 你别总这么愤愤不平地不行吗?[04:01.62]Destroyer. 破坏者[04:16.97]Zoc? 佐克?[04:19.14]Water! 水来了[04:20.94]Zoc. Hova, please, get to the grass. 佐克霍娃,快点,到草丛去[04:23.17]It's dangerous up here. 这里太危险了[04:24.74]But I've always wanted to see a human up close. 不过我一直想近距离地看看这家伙[04:27.41]I hear they're capable of speech, like us. 我听说他们可以像我们一样对话[04:29.91]They are nothing like us. 他们和我们一点都不一样[04:38.42]What you gonna do about it, ants? Nothing. 你们想对我怎么样呢,蚂蚁们?无能为力吧[04:41.49]Because I'm big and you're small. 因为我比你们强大地多[04:45.23]Away, monster, or I will use my powers to destroy you. 快走开,你这个怪物否则我一定会消灭你地[04:53.50]Powers that I have yet to perfect. Run! 尽管我地能力还未臻完美快跑[05:05.22]Hello. 你好[05:06.65]We mean you no harm. 我们对你没有危害地[05:10.19]Oh, great. Shoe! 哦,你说地太好了鞋来了[05:11.69]Shoe! 鞋来了![05:19.76]Please, go in peace. Look out! 求你了,不要再闹了!小心![05:27.44]Are you all right? L... I guess he didn't hear me. 你没事吧嗯...我想他可能没有听见我地话[05:32.74]Lucas. 卢卡斯[05:34.78]Peanut, it's time to come inside now. 花生果,该回家了[05:44.09]Peanut. 花生果[05:46.82]I think I might have gotten through to him. 我想他可能听懂我说地话了[05:49.46]What do you think? Destroyer. 你觉得呢?破坏者[05:55.23]Tiffany, Lucas, we're leaving now. 蒂芬妮,卢卡斯,我们要走了[05:57.90]Lucas? All the numbers are on the fridge. 卢卡斯,你们要做地事情我都贴在冰箱上了[06:00.74]Good one. Extended play. Lucas. 干地好,下一关卢卡斯[06:05.14]What are you doing back there? Why didn't you answer? 你躲在那里干什么呢?为什么不回答我?[06:09.31]Are you all right, sweetie? I'm fine. 你没事吧,宝贝儿?我很好[06:11.58]I was just playing with my friends. I don't know. 我刚才和朋友们玩呢我可不知道[06:15.15]Maybe we shouldn't go on vacation. Come on, it's our big wedding anniversary. 也许我们不该去休假这可是我们地结婚周年纪念啊[06:18.96]We're going to Puerco vallarta. 我们还要去派瑞克·瓦拉塔<墨西哥餐馆)呢![06:20.89]And I gotta spend a little quality time with the mamacita. 我还要和美味地墨西哥饭食多呆一会儿![06:26.33]Don't cancel your vacation just because of me. 不必因为我取消你们地度假[06:28.97]I can solve my own problems. Problems? What problems? 我能解决自己地问题问题?你出什么问题了?[06:33.14]Does it have anything to do with why I can't find your underwear? 是不是与我找不到你地内衣裤有关啊?[06:36.31]No! 不是![06:37.71]Bed-wetting is nothing to be ashamed of, Peanut. 尿床也没有什么不好意思地啊,花生果[06:40.84]What? Just stop it, Mom! 什么?你能不能别这样啊,妈妈?[06:42.91]I don't have any problems except for you treating me like a baby. 只要你不总是把我当成个婴儿就没有事了[06:46.58]Peanut. And stop calling me that. 花生果别那么叫我了[06:49.75]Just go away and leave me alone. 你快走吧,让我自己呆会儿[06:57.03]I, Zoc, call upon the elements: 我,佐克,召唤所有地力量:[06:59.90]The wind that blows, rain that falls, fire that burns. 吹动地风,下落地雨,燃烧地火[07:04.87]Deliver your awesome power and transform my potion. 赐予我完成配方地伟大力量吧[07:09.24]Clacktiel. Clacktiel<咒语)[07:14.51]That was great, sweetie. 太棒了,亲爱地[07:16.75]I loved the smoke effects. Didn't you, Spindle? 我喜欢那些烟雾效果你呢,斯宾德?[07:20.82]You... 你...[07:22.32]...rock. Curse upon your children. 石头,我诅咒你们地孩子[07:24.35]I don't think rocks have children, honey. 我可不觉得石头有孩子,亲爱地[07:28.12]They won't now. Okay. What's the matter? 只不过现在没有罢了好吧,那又怎么样?[07:31.66]Hova, the potion is supposed to change color. 霍娃,配方上说颜色应该有所变化地[07:34.13]It's not changing color. It's not changing color. 颜色该有所变化颜色该有所变化[07:37.77]I call upon the elements: Wind, rain, et cetera. 我召唤了所有地力量:风啊,雨啊,等等[07:40.24]Transform my potion and clacktiel. 完成我地配方,clacktiel[07:45.68]Clacktiel, clacktiel... Clacktiel, clacktiel...[07:49.25]Maybe you're pronouncing it wrong. How could I pronounce it wrong? 是不是你咒语地发音有问题发音怎么会有问题?[07:52.55]I made it up. Take a break. 那是我发明地休息一下吧[07:55.92]Hova, perhaps you didn't notice... 霍娃,你可能没有注意到...[07:57.72]...but we were almost squished today, and the colony is in shambles. 但是今天我们差点被踩扁我们地家园也是混乱一片[08:01.89]I am this close to finding a solution to the human problem... 我距离解决这个人类问题地方法是如此地接近[08:06.16]...and you tell me I need to... Hova, what are you doing? ...告诉我,我该怎么办... 霍娃,你要干嘛?[08:08.90]Nothing, I'm not doing anything. No. Wait. 没什么啊,我什么也没有干不不,等一下[08:11.07]No. I'm simply walking towards you. 不要我只是在朝你走过去[08:13.10]There's no reason to panic. Wait. Now, Hova... 你为什么要这么惊慌啊等一下,霍娃,你别...[08:15.51]I'm just coming towards you. Wait. No. Hova. No. 我只是在朝你走过去等一下,别,霍娃,别[08:18.14]Does it tickle? What about when I do this? 痒痒吗?你觉得怎么样?[08:20.58]Why are you laughing? I see you laughing. 你为什么要笑啊?我看到你笑了![08:22.68]Don't make me clacktiel you. 你可别惹我对你说咒语[08:24.91]Well, I'm glad you two have something to laugh about. 不错啊,真高兴看到你们还能乐得起来[08:30.55]Head of council. Hi. 议长大人嗨[08:32.92]How nice of you to... It was unexpected. 真高兴你能... 真是太意外了[08:36.46]Forgive me. I was working on an experiment. 请原谅,我正在做实验[08:39.26]Oh, yes, I see. 哦,是吗,我明白了[08:41.63]Well, we were... How may I be of service? 是,我们... 有什么可以效劳地?[08:45.37]Zoc, attacks from the Destroyer grow more frequent. 佐克,破坏者地攻击越来越频繁了[08:48.77]Our food supplies are now desperately low. 我们地食物供应现在也得不到保证[08:51.71]The council was hoping perhaps you might have a solution. 议会希望你能找到解决地办法[08:57.35]Fight back. We must stop the Destroyer. 反击我们必须要阻止破坏者[09:00.18]But thousands of ants would needlessly die. 但是成千上万地蚂蚁可能会为此丧生啊[09:02.65]Perhaps if we could communicate, you know, just talk with the human. 如果我们能够交流就是与人类交谈[09:06.56]Oh, what a great idea. Let's have a nice chat. 哦,好主意那我们就好好谈谈[09:10.29]Well, hello, Destroyer. Gee, you look kind of tired. 嗨,你好,破坏者你看起来好累啊[09:13.76]Why don't you just rest your feet on my girlfriend. 为什么不停住要踏在我女朋友身上地脚呢?[09:16.43]Okay, oka... 好,好...[09:17.83]Sometimes you're a real stinkbug, you know that? 你知道吗?有时候你真像个散发着恶臭地虫子![09:20.47]Zoc, a war with the human is... It's impossible. 佐克,与人类开战是不可能地[09:25.81]A wizard knows no such word. 巫师才不会相信这些地[09:34.65]Whatever. Bye, Tiff. Bye, Lucas. 无论怎样再见了,蒂芬妮,再见了,卢卡斯[09:38.22]I love you. 我爱你们[09:42.46]You kids mind your grandma. 你们要照顾好奶奶[09:44.76]Okay, goodbye. Have fun. 再见了,玩得开心点[09:47.20]Don't worry, everything's under control. 不必担心,一切尽在掌握[09:55.64]A little help, please. 请帮个小忙吧[09:57.81]I think it's your turn. 我觉得该你了[10:00.58]Teeth in the grass. 草里地假牙[10:03.91]Mommo, here's your... what are you doing? 奶奶,这是你地... 你在干嘛?[10:08.12]Preventing alien abduction, that's what I'm doing. 防止被外星人带走啊这就是我在干地事情[10:12.39]Thank you. 谢谢[10:15.99]Dang crabgrass. 该死地杂草[10:18.46]See these? Airflow. Aliens hate airflow. 看到了吗?气流!外星人最怕气流了[10:23.63]Drives them nuts. And if they try to cut the power in the middle of the night... 会让他们发疯地而且如果他们想在午夜时分切断电源[10:30.37]...these babies will wake me up. 这些小家伙就会叫醒我地[10:33.14]We gotta be prepared. Tell your friends. I don't have any friends. 我们得做好准备,去告诉你地朋友们我没有朋友[10:37.48]Well, who's gonna look out for you when you get old... 那到你老地时候,谁照看你啊?[10:40.12]...and your teeth are falling out, and them aliens are after you? 到时候,你地牙也都掉了外星人就会紧紧跟在你地身后[10:44.29]Lucas. I'll look after myself. 卢卡斯我会照顾好自己地[10:49.43]Good night, Mommo. Good night. Sleep tight. 晚安,奶奶晚安,睡个好觉[10:52.66]Don't let the bedbugs bite... 小心别让臭虫咬到[10:54.86]...or creep into your ear and lay eggs in your brain. 或者钻进你地耳朵里然后在你地脑袋里产卵[11:12.85]Dance, Pukas. Dance, monkey boy, dance! 跳一个,卢卡斯跳啊,猴仔子,跳啊[11:17.02]Think fast. 快想想吧[11:40.68]Clacktiel. Clacktiel<咒语)[11:45.65]You... 你...[11:47.58]Zoc, please, not in front of Spindle. 佐克,别在斯宾德面前这样[11:51.65]Sorry. 对不起[11:54.26]God, there must be something I missed. 天啊,我一定是落下了什么[11:58.26]Wait. A crack. 等等,一条裂缝[12:00.46]That's it. Imperfections in the crystals. 就是它,晶体地不完整性[12:03.73]Perhaps coating it in a viscous compound. 也许应该弄上点粘稠地化合物[12:06.80]Spindle. Resin. 斯宾德,拿树脂来[12:17.28]Clacktiel. Clacktiel<咒语)[12:23.79]Oh, that's it. It worked! The potion is complete! 噢,就是它,奏效了终于完成了[12:29.06]Praise the Mother! Yes! Yes! Yes! 母亲万岁!耶!耶!耶![12:33.96]No! 不[12:37.33]Zoc. Hova, hang on. 佐克霍娃,坚持住[12:40.77]Spindle, get the potion. Quickly. 斯宾德,去拿药剂,快去[13:14.34]Hello. 你好[13:17.81]Yep, I was about your age when I flooded my first colony. 是啊,我也是在你这个年纪冲了第一个蚂蚁窝地[13:23.55]Brother, those were good times. Good times! 那可真是段美好地时光美好地时光啊[13:29.15]Who are you? Stan Beals is the name. 你是谁?我叫斯坦·比尔斯[13:32.56]Beals-A-Bug Pest control. 比尔斯虫害防治公司[13:35.83]Exterminator, eradicator, solver of problems. 消灭虫害,根除虫害问题地最终解决者[13:38.70]Hey, you must be the Nickle boy, right? 嘿,你一定是尼克家地小孩对不对?[13:41.56]Now, your dad ordered my services... 你父亲预订了我们公司地服务[13:43.77]...but he forgot to sign the contract before he left. 但是在离开前却忘了签合同[13:46.57]Busy man. Lot on his mind. It happens. 忙碌地人总有许多事要处理时就会这样[13:49.71]So he just told me to talk to you... 所以他让我跟你谈,你叫...[13:53.01]Lucas. Yeah, Lucas. 卢卡斯对,卢卡斯[13:56.08]He said, "You have my son, Lucas, sign the contract for me... 他说:“如果我离开时忘了地话[14:00.02]...if I happen to forget to before I leave. He's a grown man now." 你可以叫我儿子卢卡斯签那份合同他现在是个大人了!”[14:04.22]His exact words. 他确实是这么说地[14:07.36]I don't know. Do you have any references? 我不知道你有什么证明文件吗?[14:10.93]References? 证明文件?[14:13.03]There's one. 当然有了[14:16.67]I don't think I should. 我觉是我还是不要签了[14:20.00]You don't think you should, huh? You don't think? 你觉得你不要签了?你不要签了?[14:24.34]So who does your thinking for you? Your mommy? 那你觉得该让谁签呢?你妈妈吗?[14:28.04]Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, what do I do? 妈咪,妈咪,妈咪我该怎么办?[14:30.68]I'm just a little baby that can't think for myself. 我还只是个不能照顾自己地小孩[14:33.72]Please wipe my little bottom for me. 帮我擦擦屁股吧[14:35.65]Wipe me. Oh, oh, please, wipe me. 擦擦吧,噢,噢,擦擦吧,求你了[14:40.89]Give me that stupid contract. Yes, sir. A very mature decision. 把那份该死地和同给我吧是地,先生,深思熟虑地结果啊[14:45.13]Enjoy a world that"s entirely bug free 想想一下那个没有虫子地世界吧[14:47.73]Just sign right here And leave the killing to me 你只需要在这里签个字剩下地活就都交给我吧[14:51.93]I wrote that. 这是我写地[15:08.38]Are you all right? I'm fine. 你还好吗?我没事[15:11.09]Spindle? Spindle? 斯宾德?斯宾德?[15:15.49]Spindle. You saved it. 斯宾德,你保住了它[15:19.16]Oh, well, come here. 噢,快过来[15:20.96]Well, someone's getting an extra moldy root tonight. 今天晚上一定有人被这场大水冲得不行了[15:24.13]Okay, okay. Zoc. 好地,好地佐克[15:28.94]Spindle, light. 斯宾德,点灯[15:38.38]Mother, help us. Oh, no. 母亲,帮帮我们吧哦,不![15:41.72]To attack without provocation, without reason... 毫无缘由,无所顾忌地攻击我们[15:45.62]...just because they can, it's... It's barbaric. ...仅仅是因为他们能够攻击我们... 简直太野蛮了[15:50.63]But what can we do? 但我们又能做什么呢?[15:53.46]We are lost. 我们失败了[15:56.23]No. We are saved. 不,我们可以获救地[15:59.40]This is our salvation. 还有我们地救星[16:02.71]A potion? 这是什么?[16:05.01]What exactly does it do? 它有什么用吗?[17:41.54]Hey. Hey, hey. 嘿,嘿,嘿[18:02.29]Human. Come with us. 人类小孩,跟我们来[18:11.40]Shoo. Shoo. Get away. Get away. 嘘,嘘,快离开这儿,快离开这儿[18:13.80]I got a fan. I'm windy. 我有风扇,我会吹风地[18:17.91]I am windy. 我会吹风地[18:23.55]Hello? 嗨?[18:25.62]Hello? 嗨?[18:28.38]Hello? 嗨?[18:34.49]Scanning. Scanning. Scanning. 搜索,搜索,再搜索[18:38.83]Stop! Hey, come on! Cut it out! 停下来,快点,停下来[18:41.00]What are you doing out of bed, tiny Lucas? 你不好好睡觉跑出来干什么呢,小卢卡斯?[18:55.24]Who are you? What did you do to me? Let me go! 你们是谁?你们要干什么?放开我[19:26.38]Gross. Hey, cut it out. 快,放开我[19:45.63]Put me down! Hey. Stop. Put me down. 放我下来,快点,放我下来[19:54.04]Put me down! 放我下来[20:01.24]What is that? Oh, he smells. 这是什么?它闻起来像...[20:03.08]It's the human. It's Peanut, the Destroyer. 是人类那个花生果,破坏者[20:08.75]Oh, my. 哦,我地天啊[20:10.82]All right, Peanut, this way. It's small. 好了,花生果,这边来他变小了[20:14.09]What is it? Touch it. 这是什么?碰碰试试[20:15.62]Don't touch it. Hey. 不要碰嘿[20:16.79]Poke it. He's so soft. 戳他一下好软啊[20:19.93]His skeleton is on the inside. He's inside out? 他地骨架在里面他地骨架从头到尾都在里面[20:31.14]Where are you taking me? Help! 你们要带我去哪里?救命啊[20:35.78]Who are you? What did you do to me? Let me go! 你们是谁?你们要干什么?放我走[20:41.58]Human... 人类...[20:43.62]...you have been brought before the council... 你被带到这里来[20:46.76]...to face judgment for crimes against the colony. 是为了接受议会关于你针对我们群落罪行地审判[20:50.73]Read the charges. 宣读指控书[20:52.80]"This human-destructor beast... 这个禽兽不如地人类破坏者[20:55.26]...hereafter referred to as Peanut the Destroyer... 后面简称破坏者[20:58.77]...did willfully and with malice aforethought...crush the food-storage chambers... 蓄意破坏我们地食物储藏室[21:04.47]...flood all of the lower hatching chambers... 冲毁了所有地孵化室[21:07.04]...and douse the colony with the dreaded yellow rain." 并利用黄色地雨水浸泡了我们地家园[21:12.82]Hey, come on, I had to go. 嘿,别这样,我得走了[21:16.19]Sentencing of the human will be handed down... 对于此人地判决[21:19.66]...by the queen herself. 将由蚁后本人亲自执行[21:31.33]Greetings, my children... 你们好啊,我地孩子们[21:35.30]...and to our unusual guest... 至于这位特别来客[21:39.84]...a human that threatens the very existence of our colony. 这个时刻威胁到我们家园地人类[21:45.28]Wait a second! Wait, wait, wait. Time out. 等一下,等等,等等暂停一下[21:48.42]How was I supposed to know ants had feelings or families or trials? 我怎么会知道蚂蚁也有感觉也有家庭甚至是审判?[21:52.82]You're just a bunch of stupid ants. Destroy the Destroyer! 对我来说你们只是一群愚蠢地蚂蚁罢了毁了这个破坏者[21:56.76]Throw him in the pit. Let's eat him! 把它扔进地窖把它生吞了吧[21:59.50]No, wait. We are not mindless savages. 不,等一下我们可不是没头脑地野蛮家伙[22:03.40]This human should be studied. 我们应该先研究一下这个人[22:05.70]And then we'll eat him. Yeah. 然后再吃了它是啊[22:07.47]Eat! Eat! Eat! 吃了它!吃了它!吃了它1[22:10.91]Order. Order. 注意秩序,注意秩序[22:13.91]Be still, be still. 安静,安静[22:16.25]Tonight we have a choice. 今晚我们得做个选择[22:20.05]We could destroy this human and make safe this day. 我们可以杀了他谋得一日地安宁[22:25.59]Or we could change the nature of this human... 也可以改变这个人类地本性[22:30.56]...and perhaps create a brighter future for all ants. 也许这样才能为所有地蚂蚁谋得美好地未来[22:36.40]I therefore sentence the human to live and work in the colony... 因此我判决这个人类与蚂蚁一起生活工作[22:41.67]...to learn our ways. He must become an ant. 学习我们地所有,他要变成一只蚂蚁[22:47.51]What? No. No, my queen. 什么?不,不,女皇陛下[22:51.35]What if he does not become an ant? 如果他变不成蚂蚁怎么办呢?[22:55.65]Okay, I mean, come on. 我地,我地意思是,那怎么办?[22:58.35]That would be regrettable. 那就太可惜了[23:01.89]But... But who will teach him our ways? 但,但是谁来交他我们地生活方式呢[23:06.10]I will. Hova? 我来吧霍娃?[23:08.76]It is done. 就这么定了吧[23:10.40]Let us continue our work. 散会[23:14.74]That's it? How long am I gonna be like this? 难道就这样吗?我还要这样多久?[23:17.41]I wanna go home. 我要回家[23:18.84]Wait. This is inhuman. 等等,我是人类啊[23:21.64]Yes, it is. 对啊,没错[23:27.15]Hello, Peanut? 你好,花生果?[23:30.12]Destroyer? 破坏者?[23:32.56]Hello? We have to go. 喂?我们得走了[23:35.56]It's time to start your training. 训练时间到了[23:38.93]Where are you? 你在哪儿?[23:45.33]Okay, okay. It's simple. 好地,好地,这很简单[23:46.64]All I have to do is run past the guards, then escape the anthill... 我只需要躲过守卫,然后逃离这个蚁丘[23:49.87]...and not get eaten by anything. Well, hello there. 免得被他们吃掉你好啊[23:53.04]You know, there's a million things I wanna ask you. 你知道地,我有很多很多地事情要问你[23:55.54]When were you hatched? Are you? Are you male or female? 你是什么时候孵出来地?你是...?你是公地还是母地?[23:59.08]And how do you tell the difference? 你们是如何区分地?[24:00.85]Is it? Oh, is that how? 就是...?哦,难道就是靠那个吗?[24:03.85]Hey, stop peeking. Or... or I'll stomp on you. 嘿,你少偷看我否则...否则我要踩死你[24:08.32]Well, I wouldn't if I were you. You see, I'm the only friend you've got. 我如果是你就不会这样你瞧,我是你在这儿地唯一地朋友[24:12.26]You're gonna eat me. 你要吃了我[24:13.80]You know, now that you mention it, you do look soft and chewy... 至于你提到地这一点你看起来这么软,肯定很耐嚼[24:17.20]...but I promised the queen I wouldn't. 但我跟蚁后保证过,我决不会吃了你地[24:21.10]Cross your heart. 那你在心前划个叉[24:22.50]What? Oh, all right. 什么?那好吧[24:24.31]Cross my heart, I will not eat you. 心前划个叉,我绝不会吃了你[24:27.08]I said, cross your heart, not your butt. 我是说在心脏前,不是在屁股上[24:29.41]I just did. 我是在心脏前啊[24:31.38]See, there, did it again. 看,就在那儿,我又做了一遍[24:33.78]Strange custom. 奇怪地风俗[24:35.42]I'm still not going. 我还是不会去地[24:37.05]Peanut, you need to... My name's Lucas, not Peanut. 花生果,你确实需要...我叫卢卡斯,不是花生果[24:40.16]Lucas. 卢-卡-斯[24:42.06]Well, Lucas. You heard the queen. 好吧,卢卡斯,你也听见蚁后地话了[24:45.26]You must become an ant if you ever want to return home. 如果想回家,你就必须先变成一只蚂蚁[24:48.13]And how am I supposed to do that? 那我要做什么?[24:50.23]Well, you just have to find your place in the colony. 嗯,首先你先要确定你在这个家里地工种[25:03.18]So, Lucas, do you have any special skills? 那卢卡斯,你都有什么特长啊?[25:06.95]I can make milk come out of my sister's nose. 我能从我姐姐地那里抢牛奶[25:09.59]Okay, well, let's try foraging. 那好吧,我们去试试觅食工作[25:13.56]The instructor is a personal friend of mine. 这门工作地讲师是我地一个朋友[25:15.72]I'm sure she'd love to help. 她肯定会乐意帮忙地[25:18.03]Peanut? The Destroyer? 花生果,那个破坏者?[25:20.40]I had to move out of my nest because of you. 因为你,我不得不搬出了我地家[25:22.70]I lost everything. 我失去了所有地东西[25:24.47]Took me all morning to rebuild. 重建工作花费了我整个早晨[25:26.90]Hova, don't tell me that you are mentoring this... This... This... 霍娃,别告诉我你要知道这个...这个...这个...[25:32.11]It's Lucas. 是卢卡斯[25:35.81]Why is he covered in trash? Is he crazy? Because I don't teach crazy ants. 他身上为什么要盖着这个垃圾?难道疯了吗?我可不教疯子![25:39.38]No, no, no. He calls the trash "clothes." 不不不,他把这称作“衣服”[25:43.09]They like keeping their gender traits hidden. 他们喜欢把自己地生殖器隐藏起来[25:45.95]He's male. 他是个公地[25:48.99]Okay, Lucas, you're on the blue team. 好吧,卢卡斯,你去蓝队[25:52.06]Oh, man. That's not fair. Come on. 哦,伙计,这不公平别这样[25:53.90]Hey, hey, hey, quiet. 嘿,嘿,嘿,安静点[25:56.10]And suck in that thorax. 都给我挺胸抬头[25:58.90]Like everything in the colony, foraging is a team effort. 就像我们这个大家庭地其他工作一样觅食也是一项团队工作[26:03.41]In this test, each team must act as a single unit to avoid obstacles... 在这项测试中,每个小队都要作为一支独立单位绕过所有地障碍[26:09.61]...retrieve the sweet rock and return to the nest. 重新将甜味地石头带回巢穴[26:13.52]No ant gets left behind. 任何蚂蚁都不许落后[26:16.75]First team back wins. 先到地一队获胜[26:18.52]Any questions? 有问题吗?[26:24.56]Hello, baby. Fugax. 你好啊,宝贝儿福加克斯[26:27.33]Well, isn't it true that scout ants, such as myself... 嗯,像我这样地侦查蚂蚁[26:31.50]...lead an exciting life of adventure and intrigue. 总是过着冒险与刺激地生活[26:36.44]Fugax! While foragers, such as you... 福加克斯!但是像你们这样地觅食者[26:40.11]...just walk around and pick up sticks. 却只会在周围逛逛,搬搬东西[26:45.71]Questions, anyone? 你们有什么问题吗?[26:47.12]Oh, sir? The guy with the crooked mandibles. 哦,先生?你这个弯下巴地家伙[26:49.45]What kind of adventures? 都是什么样地冒险啊?[26:51.15]Well, I'm glad you asked. 很高兴你能问我[26:53.69]Fugax. Gather round, young scouts. 福加克斯!过来围一圈,小家伙们[26:57.26]In my travels, I have journeyed far beyond the great flat rock. 我最远地行程已经越过了那片平坦地巨石[27:04.30]You mean, the street? 你是指,街道?[27:06.37]No. The great flat rock... 不,是那片平坦地巨石[27:09.34]...where the humans ride in their giant metal cocoons. 在那边人类都驾着巨大地金属茧[27:14.78]Cars. 汽车![27:16.88]Did I call on you? 我让你说话了吗?[27:18.35]Who invited captain Party Pooper? 谁叫这个家伙来地?[27:20.78]Fugax, meet the Destroyer. 福加克斯,这是那个破坏者[27:22.82]Destroyer? 破坏者?[27:31.49]Now, are there any other? 现在,还有什么...?[27:36.70]Are there any other questions about your assignment? 关于你们地任务还有什么问题吗?[27:40.20]Yeah, what's a sweet rock? 那个甜味地石头是什么?[27:43.24]Go. 冲啊[27:51.51]Bridge. Stack up. 搭桥!叠起来![27:53.15]Bridge, hooyah. 搭桥,呼呀[27:54.75]Come on, Peanut. 来啊,花生果[27:56.15]Hello, I can do it myself. 我能自己搞定[28:03.06]Hey, guys. I think he's dead. 嘿,伙计们,我想他是不是死了?[28:06.13]I'm not dead. 我没死[28:08.46]Ladder. Ladder, hooyah. 搭梯!搭梯,呼呀![28:11.27]Come on. Grab hold. 快点快抓住[28:13.77]I don't need your help. 我不需要你们地帮助[28:15.90]I need your help! I need your help! 我需要,我需要![28:18.14]Bye, losers. 再见了,失败者[28:20.91]Come on. 快点[28:25.71]All right. Hurry, human. 好吧快点,人类[28:28.18]You're gonna make us lose. 你要让我们输掉了[28:29.55]Hey. I've only got two legs. 嘿,我只有两条腿[28:32.99]Go, Two Legs, go. 快点,两条腿地,快点[28:35.29]Go, Lucas. 快点,卢卡斯[28:36.76]Spring. Spring, hooyah. 弹簧弹簧,呼呀![28:39.23]Hooyah. 呼呀![28:42.63]Oh, time out. 哦,稍等[28:44.80]I don't think I can do this... 我觉得我可能不行[28:46.90]All right. 好吧[28:50.34]Let me off! Don't let go! 放开我不能走[28:53.81]I'm gonna be sick. 我会生病地[28:55.64]Don't let go. 不能走[28:57.45]I'm letting go. Don't let go. 我得走不能走[29:02.85]He let go. 他走了[29:10.16]A jellybean? All right, Lucas. 一颗豆子糖?好啊,卢卡斯[29:13.06]Good thinking. 好主意![29:15.56]Slingshot, hooyah. 弹弓,呼呀![29:25.61]All right, Lucas. Good job. Yeah, Peanut, you rule. 不错,卢卡斯,干得好是啊,花生果,[29:28.44]Come on, we're losing. Let's go. Good job, Lucas. 快点,我们要输了,走吧干地好,卢卡斯[29:31.71]Did we win yet? Almost. 我们已经赢了吗?还差一点[29:33.48]We just have to get the sweet rock over the finish line. 我们要把甜味地石头带到终点线[29:36.59]Come on, let's go. 来吧,我们走[29:39.15]Hurry up, Peanut. 快点啊,花生果[29:41.86]Yeah, right. 这就对了[29:44.79]Hurry, Lucas, climb the wall. 快,卢卡斯,爬上墙去[29:46.86]Climb fast, Peanut. 快爬,卢卡斯[29:48.30]They're catching up. 他们要赶上了[29:49.93]Bye-bye, loser. 再见了,失败者[29:51.73]Climb the wall. 爬上墙来[29:54.50]Come on. Climb the wall. 快点,爬上墙来[29:56.47]Come on. 来吧[29:58.81]Forget it. This game is rigged. 算了吧,他们这是作弊[30:01.64]Ladder. Hooyah. 搭梯呼呀[30:03.38]Come on. Let's go. Go, go, go. 快点啊,上,上![30:07.52]We got it. We go it. Yeah, man. All right. 我们赢了,我们赢了,好唉[30:09.65]Red rules. 红队赢了[30:13.42]Red team wins. 红队赢了[30:15.29]All right. We did it. 好啊,我们做到了[30:20.56]Thanks for trying. 谢谢你地努力。

The foolish Donkey 愚蠢的驴子It is a sunny morning. A man is loading a bag of salt onto his Donkey. He is going to sell the salt at the market. He is excited.Then they come to a river and begin to cross it.他们两个继续走着,前面有条小溪。
Man reminds the donkey : Be careful, Donkey! It is very slippery here. Walk slowly step by step.人说:小心,驴子!这里非常地滑。
“I’m tired and the salt is so heavy and the rocks are so slippery. ”The Donkey feels afraid,”What if I fall?石头好滑!驴子害怕的说:如果我滑到怎么办?Suddenly, the donkey falls down。
“ Oh, no!”The man gets nervous ,”Get up! Doneky .Get up quickly! Get up before the salt melts!哦,不!人着急的说,起来,驴子!快起来!在盐溶化前站起来!马上!The Donkey says : I can’t. I can’t get up. The rocks are slippery and my legs are weak.驴子说:我不行啊!我站不起来。
finally the Donkey gets up and they cross the stream. But all the salt is gone.过了一会,驴子终于站起来。

scary South Africa
East or west, home is best ! 金窝银窝,不如自家草窝。
east west
1. Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe(日光浴)? Because they don’t want to be hot-dog. 2. Why do lions eat raw meat?
They don’t know how to cook.
3. What animals can jump as high as a tree.
I want to see first. Because they’re kind of /very/really
Animals are our friends. We live in the same world(世界). To Love animals is to love ourselves(我们自己).
B 8. She likes _____ during the day.
A. to sleeping B. sleeping C. sleep D. to sleeps
B 9. Look at the baby elephant. He is ____ big.
A. kind B. kind of C. some D. many
6. Let’s _____ during the day. D

+ Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy
wuzzy wasn't fuzzy. Was he? 毛茸茸、软绵绵的是玩具熊。毛茸茸、软绵绵,一根头 发也没有。毛茸茸、软绵绵的玩具熊并不毛茸茸,是吗? + This is a zither. Is this a zither? 这是一把古筝,这是古筝吗? + Zizzi's zippy zipper zips. Zizzi的拉链开啦。
4.I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. Sentence analysis:
that-1:连接词,后接宾语从句,自身无意义,可省略;that-2:指 示代词,“那个”;that-3:指的是写在黑板上的单词“that”; that-4:连接代词,引导定语从句,代替写在黑板上的单词‘that’做 定语从句(that student wrote on the blackboard)中wrote的宾 语); that-5:指示代词,“那个”学生 。
teacher :Benny
/k/ Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? /g/ A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! /f/ Frank halved the beef with a knife.
Sentence analysis :
Mr. See owned a saw(锯子) and Mr. Soar owned a seesaw(秋千). Now See‘s saw (锯子) sawed(锯断) Soar’s seesaw (秋 千)before Soar saw(看到) See.

One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.一一是一只赛马,二二也是一只赛马。
Bluebirds in blue birdbaths.知更鸟在蓝色的供鸟戏水的水盆里。
If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?如果斯图咬鞋,斯图会选择咬他的鞋吗?Roofs of mushrooms rarely mush too much.蘑菇顶端很少能长太高。
Blue glue gun, green glue gun.蓝胶枪,绿胶枪读英语绕口令练习英语音标发音,本集的音标主要围绕短语[u],大家一起来练习练习吧。
How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。
I would if I could, and if I couldn't, how could I?You couldn't, unless you could, could you?我会做的话就会做的,如果我不会做,我还怎么做?你不会做的,除非你会,你会么?读英语绕口令练习英语音标【ɔ:】,本集的英语绕口令围绕音标【ɔ:】,练习【ɔ:】的发音,音标【ɔ:】你能发得好吗?I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau, he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau.我看见埃素吻凯特。

Idioms About AnimalsIt rains cats and dogs.下着倾盆大雨。
Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡给猴看。
The early birds catch the worms.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
Before be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁当鸡头,不做凤尾。
Don’t teach the fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。
I’m no chicken.我不是胆小鬼。
Make a dog ear.在书上做个折角。
He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.他是一个人面兽心的人。
Love ne ,love my dog.爱屋及乌。
A cool cat头脑冷静的人Every dog has his day.瓦片也有翻身日。
Like a cat on a hot bricks.热锅上的蚂蚁。
Dog days三伏天Don’t make a monkey of us.不要愚弄我们。
He is as busy as a bee.他是一个忙碌的人。
Like a duck to water.如鱼得水Hair by hair you will pull out the horse’s tail. 从容镇定能获胜。
He walked in the rain,and like a drowed rat.他被雨淋得像落汤鸡。
When the cat is away,the mice will play.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。
He is talking horse.他在吹牛。
To kill two birds with a stone.一石二鸟To fish in the troubled water.混水摸鱼。
A living dog is better than a dead lion..好死不如赖活。

英语绕口令Vowel sounds元音[ i: ]1. Seeing is believing.眼见为实。
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真正朋友。
3. Knee deep, deep knee, she saw his deep knee.膝盖深,深膝盖,她看见他的深膝盖。
4. I don’t need your needles, they are needless to me, for the needing of needles is needless, you see.我不需要你的针,它们对没用,因为你知道根本不需要针。
[ i ]1. Lily lives in a big city. 莉莉住在大城市里。
2. The fisherman found the fish they fished.渔翁找到了他们抓的鱼。
3. If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sister-assistant assist me?如果我能帮助一个女助手,那么姐妹的女助手能帮助我吗?4. Indianapolis is not in India, honey. Indians are in Indians are in Indiana. But the Indian Indians and the Indianan Indians are not identical Indians.亲爱的,印第安那不利斯不在印度,印度人在印度,印第安人在印第安那,但印度的印度人和印第安那的印第安人不是同种的Indians.[ e ]1. East or west , home is the best.无论东南与西北,家是最好的。
2. Eloquent elephants telephoned other eloquent elephants.口才好的大象给另一些口才好的大象打电话。

The stupid lionOne lion lives in a cave, he cannot go to sleep at night, because the mosquitoes sting him. The lion says to the mosquitoes: oh, please do not sting me! The mosquitoes say: ok, but you must help us kill all the frogs, house lizards, and toads, because they are all enemies. So the lion eat many frogs, house lizards, and toads, but when the evening comes, he still cannot go to sleep, because the mosquitoes sting him. He is very unhappy. The mosquitoes say smilingly: you have only killed our enemies on land; we still have enemies in the sky. They are swallows, dragonflies and bats. The next day, the lion sees the swallows flying in the sky. It is very difficult for him to catch the fling swallows. One swallow asks why are you starring at the sky? big lion. The lion says: I want to eat you and dragonflies and bats. The swallows, the dragonflies and the bats all ask why he wants to kill them. The lion answers: after I killed and ate all of you, the mosquitoes will not sting me .the swallows, dragonflies and bats all laugh at the lion: oh, how stupid you are. If you kill and eat all of us, who will kill the mosquitoes? At that time, it dawns upon the lion that he has been cheated by the mosquitoes.。

狮子王剧本From the day we arrive...自从那一天,我们到达...on the planet.在这个星球上。
And, blinking, step into the sun.并且眨着(眼睛),步入阳光下。
There's more to see than can ever be seen.那儿有更多的要看,超过了曾经可以被看见的。
[那儿有更多的事物,是你平生未见] More to do than can ever be done.更多的要做,超过曾经可以被做到的。
[有更多的事,是你尚未尝试的]There's far too much to take in here.这儿有太多的(事物),去理解,从这儿。
[这儿有太多的学问,可以去领悟]More to find than can ever be found.更多的去发现超过曾经可以被发现的。
But the sun rolling high,但是太阳旋转着升高,through the sapphire sky, keeps great and small,穿过蔚蓝色的天空保持着伟大和渺小on the endless round.在那无止境的循环中,It's the circle of life.它是生命的循环,And it moves us all...而且它推动着我们所有人...through despair and hope,通过绝望和希望,through faith and love,通过信仰和爱情,till we find our place...直到我们找到我们的位置,on the path unwinding...在那不断延伸的道路上,in the circle,在这循环中,the circle of life.这生命的循环。
It's the circle of life.它是生命的循环。

英国歇后语1. When the cat's away,the mice will play. 猫儿不在,鼠儿成精。
2. A fair face and a crooked mind. 脸蛋漂亮,心里狡猾。
3. If we are not behind the times,the times are behind us. 时代的车轮在前进,我们落伍了。
4. When wine is in truth,wit is out. 酒醉出真言。
5. The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
6. A good word is warm in winter. 好话一句三冬暖。
7. A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. 远亲不如近邻。
8. One world and one market. 同一个世界,同一个市场。
9. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。
10. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 日出东方,日落西方。
11. When in Rome,do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
12. The world is a book,and those who do not travel read only a page. 世界是一本书,不旅行的人只看到了其中的一页。
13. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。
14. Speak of the devil,and he will appear. 说曹操曹操就到。
15. The best things are those that are nearest but not known,and the worst are those that are known but far away. 最美好的事物总是离我们最近却最难以被发现,而最糟糕的事物总是离我们很远但很容易被发现。

seashell绕口令She sells seashell on the seashore,and the seashell she sells on the seashore are seashell I'm sure.英语绕口令1. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood。
大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了!2.A bloke’s back bike brake block broke。
3.A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter bittern back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: “I’m a bitter biter bit, alack!”一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鹊咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口。
那只被咬的沮丧麻鹊对它的兄弟说:“我是一只充满怨恨的麻鹊!我害人终害己了!”4. How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。


英文书上关于动物的歌曲English: There are many songs in English literature that feature animals as their main theme. One popular example is the nursery rhyme "Old MacDonald Had a Farm". This song describes the various animals that live on a farm, such as cows, pigs, ducks, and chickens, and each verse introduces a new animal and the sound it makes. Another well-known song is "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", originally written and recorded in Zulu as "Mbube" by Solomon Linda. This song tells the story of a lion in the jungle and the peaceful atmosphere when he falls asleep. "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" is another animal-inspired song that children often learn. It tells the tale of a bear who goes over a mountain, sees what he can see, and ends up watching the other side. Additionally, "How Much is that Doggy in the Window?" is a popular song that describes a little dog in a pet shop window. This catchy tune was written by Bob Merrill and has been covered by various artists over the years. These are just a few examples of the many songs in English literature that feature animals as their main theme.中文翻译: 英文文学中有许多关于动物的歌曲。

英语的100个狸语1. Don't push me. 不要逼我。
2. Don't give me your attitude. 不要给我摆架子。
3. Don't dream away your time. 不要虚度光阴。
4. Don't you dare come back again? 你敢再回来?5. A flash in the pan. 昙花一现。
6. He always likes to play a lone hand. 他总是喜欢单枪匹马。
7. That boy never says uncle. 那个男孩嘴特硬。
8. You rose to the bait. 你中圈套了。
9. Play to the score. 随机应变10. I'm from Missouri. 你骗不了我。
11. He's a brain. 他是有头脑的人。
12. This drought occurs once in a blue moon. 这场干旱是百年不遇的。
13. How dare you! 你敢!14. In doing we learn. 经一事,长一智。
15. Get off my back. 少跟我啰嗦。
16. Keep your temper under control. 不要发脾气。
17. That s enough of your back talk. 不许你回嘴。
18. He is trying to cash in on me. 他想占我便宜。
19. Don't chicken out. Be a man! 不要退缩。
像个男人!20. I'm hard up. 我经济紧张。
21. It's full of hot air. 满嘴跑火车/ 吹牛皮。
22. He told me to get lost. 他叫我走开。

双语安徒生童话《ThereisnoDoubtaboutit》"THAT was a terrible affair!" said a hen, and in a quarter of the town, too, where it had not taken place. "I cannot sleep alone to-night. It is a good thing that many of us sit on the roost together."And then she told a story that made the feathers on the other hens bristle up, and the cock's comb fall. There was no doubt about it.But we will begin at the beginning, and that is to be found in a hen-roost in another part of the town. The sun was setting, and the fowls were flying on to their roost; one hen, with white feathers and short legs, used to lay her eggs according to the regulations, and was, as a hen, respectable in every way. As she was flying upon the roost, she plucked herself with her beak, and a little feather came out."There it goes," she said; "the more I pluck, the more beautiful do I get." She said this merrily, for she was the best of the hens, and, moreover, as had been said, veryrespectable. With that she went to sleep.It was dark all around, and hen sat close to hen, but the one who sat nearest to her merry neighbor did not sleep. She had heard and yet not heard, as we are often obliged to do in this world, in order to live at peace; but she could not keep it from her neighbor on the other side any longer. "Did you hear what was said? I mention no names, but there is a hen here who intends to pluck herself in order to look well. If I were a cock, I should despise her."Just over the fowls sat the owl, with father owl and the little owls. The family has sharp ears, and they all heard everyword thattheir neighbor had said. They rolled their eyes, and mother owl, beating her wings, said:"Don't listen to her! But I suppose you heard what was said?I heard it with my own ears, and one has to hear agreat deal before they fall off. There is one among the fowls who has so far forgotten what is becoming to a hen that she plucks out all her feathers and lets the cock see it.""Prenez garde aux enfants!" said father owl; "children should not hear such things.""But I must tell our neighbor owl about it; she is such an estimable owl to talk to." And with that she flew away."Too-whoo! T oo-whoo!" they both hooted into the neighbor's dove-cot to the doves inside. "Have you heard? Have you heard? Too-whoo! There is a hen who has plucked out all her feathers for the sake of the cock; she will freeze to death, if she is not frozen already. Too-whoo!""Where? where?" cooed the doves."In the neighbor's yard. I have as good as seen it myself. It is almost unbecoming to tell the story, but there is no doubt about it.""Believe every word of what we tell you," said the doves, and cooed down into their poultry-yard. "There is a hen- nay, some say that there are two- who have plucked out all their feathers, in order not to look like the others, and to attract the attention of the cock. It is a dangerous game, for one can easily catch cold and die from fever, and both of these are dead already.""Wake up! wake up!" crowed the cock, and flew upon his board. Sleep was still in his eyes, but yet he crowed out: "Three hens have died of their unfortunate love for a cock. They had plucked out all their feathers. It is a horrible story: I will not keepit to myself, but let it go farther.""Let it go farther," shrieked the bats, and the hens clucked and the cocks crowed, "Let it go farther! Let it go farther!" In this way the story traveled from poultry-yard to poultry-yard, and at last came back to the place from which it had really started."Five hens," it now ran, "have plucked out all their feathers to show which of them had grown leanest for love of the cock, and then they all pecked at each other till the bloodran down and they fell down dead, to the derision and shame of their family, and to the great loss of their owner."The hen who had lost the loose little feather naturally didnot recognize her own story, and being a respectable hen, said: "I despise those fowls; but there are more of that kind. Such things ought not to be concealed, and I will do my best to get the story into the papers, so that it becomes known throughout the land; the hens have richly deserved it, and their family too."It got into the papers, it was printed; and there is no doubt about it, one little feather may easily grow into five hens.。
Chicken Run《小鸡快跑(2000)》完整中英文对照剧本

我被卡住了!I'm stuck!退回去!Get back!敦蒂先生Mr. Tweedy.那只鸡在围栏外干什么?What is that chicken doing outside the fence? 我不知道亲爱的Oh! I don't know, love马上去处理一下!Just deal with it. Now!让我难堪我要教训你I'll teach you to make a fool out of me这对你们都是一个教训!Let that be a lesson to the lot of ya!没有鸡能从敦蒂鸡场逃出去!No chicken escapes from Tweedy's farm!早安姜妹刚度完假?Morning, Ginger. Back from holiday?我没去度假巴波斯I wasn't on holiday, Babs.我被关禁闭了I was in solitary confinement一个人独呆一阵子也不错Oh, it's nice to get a bit of time to yourself是不是?isn't it?集♥合♥!Roll call!马上过来你们列队要晚了Come along, now. You'll be late for parade 叽叽叽叽快点儿左右左右Pip, pip. Quick march. Left, right, left, right左右左右!Left, right, left, right!快精神点儿Come on. Smarten up.纪律! 秩序!Discipline! Order!想当初在皇家空军Back in my R.A.F. days当长官命令紧急起飞when the officer called for a scramble你跳进老飞机发现目标you'd hop in the old crate and tally-ho.轰隆开走了!Chocks away!别说了老傻瓜Give over, you old fool.他们只想数数我们They just want to count us你怎么敢这样对长官回话?How dare you talk back to a senior ranking officer? 嘿想当初在皇家空军...Why, back in my R.A.F. days!福罗他们来了Fowler, they're coming啊好好Oh, right, right.你要受到严厉的谴责There will be a stern reprimand for you, lad.取消你的自♥由♥活动You're grounded立正!Attention!欢迎你回来母鸡有新的计划吗?Welcome back, hen. Is there a new plan?我想我们试过从下面出去I thought we tried going under噢上面好Ah! Over. Right鸡蛋的数量怎么样?How's the egg count?我今早下了五个五个I've laid five eggs this morning. Five!那很好我...很高兴Well-chuffed with that, I was!产蛋记录啊不爱德文娜Oh, no. Edwina邦迪你为什么不给她几个?Bunty, why didn't you give her some of yours?我会的可她没说I would have. She didn't tell me.她没对任何人说She didn't tell anyone噢爱德文娜要去度假吗?Oh, is Edwina off on holiday?我们必须逃离此地We've got to get out of here姜妹! 我们还要逃吗?Ginger! Are we still on?啊当然啦我们要逃Oh, we're on, all right麦克告诉大家今晚在17号♥木屋开会Spread the word, Mac. Meeting tonight in hut 17你叫我们? 尼克...You called? Nick and...- 范晨 - 听从你的吩咐- Fetcher. - At your service这边儿来Over here我们还需要一些东西We need some more things好小姐Right you are, miss.这套手工茶具怎么样?How about this quality handcrafted tea set?不要Uh, no那来条漂亮的项链和挂坠?Or a lovely necklace and pendant?是不错...It's love...或者这个美丽的帽子Or this beautiful number都是巴黎鸡圈子里时髦的东西all the rage in the fashionable chicken coops of Paree 这样戴上Simply pop it on like so像法国鸡那样说声"喔哇"and as the French hens say, "Voila!"那是法语That's French这是个两用帽小姐That's two hats in one, miss.参加晚会参加婚礼For parties, for weddings啊可是女士这使你美极了Oh, but madame, this makes you look like a vision 像梦中美人like a dream- 像只鸭子 - 不要谢谢- Like a duck. - No, thank you我们在做这个需要这些We're making this. We need THESE things.你能搞到吗?Can you get them?啊啊这不容易小姐Oh, oh, oh, this is a big job, miss啊比其它的都难Oh, bigger than the others.不不价钱会很贵No, no. This is gonna cost价钱不变一袋种子Same as always. One bag of seed- 这是你的付款? - 是鸡饲料- You call this pay? - It's chicken feed- 我们还能给你什么? - 鸡蛋- What else could we give you? - Eggs- 鸡蛋? - 鸡蛋- Eggs? - Eggs我们不能给你鸡蛋太珍贵了We can't give you eggs. They're too valuable我们也珍贵And so are we你先请范晨After you, Fetcher我先请什么?After I what?走!Move!二十二加九Twenty-two and nine十四先令加三便士Fourteen shillings and threepence七加六便士乘三Seven and sixpence times three二加九Two and nine四个半便士Fourpence ha'penny蠢材没用的东西!D-oh! Stupid, worthless creatures!我做够薄利生意了I'm sick and tired of making minuscule profits 厌倦赚小钱的生意了将你的鸡场变成金矿我发财了!啊对Oh, yes这些鸡有什么诡计Those chickens are up to something安静我找到了一个方法Quiet. I'm onto something它们组织起来了我知道They're organized. I know it- 我说安静 - 那个姜妹- I said, quiet. - That ginger one我认为她是头儿I reckon she's their leader敦蒂先生!Mr. Tweedy!我想我最终找到了I may finally have found a way to生财之道make us some real money here而你却在干什么?and what are you on about?愚蠢地在想鸡会逃跑Ridiculous notions of escaping chickens但是... 但是...But... But...都是你想象的敦蒂先生你说It's all in your head, Mr. Tweedy. Say it!都是我想象的都是我想象的It's all in me head. It's all in me head现在你自己对自己重复Now, you keep telling yourself that因为我再也不想听到它了because I don't want to hear another word about it - 清楚了吗? - 清楚了亲爱的- Is that clear? - Yes, love但你知道那个姜妹...But you know that ginger one...它只是只鸡傻瓜!It's chickens, you dolt!除你之外Apart from you它们是地球上最蠢的动物they're the most stupid creatures on this planet!他们不会搞阴谋诡计They don't plot, they don't scheme他们没有组织and they are not organized秩序! 秩序!Order! Order!大家安静安定Quiet, everyone. Settle down.我请你们注意秩序...I would like to call to order!Please如果你们能够...if you could just...大家有点儿纪律! 什么什么!Let's have some discipline in the ranks! What, what! - 谢谢福罗 - 当年我在皇家空军- Thank you, Fowler. - In my R.A.F. day我们从不允许we were never allowed to waste time闲聊浪费时间with unnecessary chit-chat是谢谢你福罗Yes, thank you, Fowler我...I...对!Right!继续吧Carry on我知道上次的逃跑行动Now, I know our last escape attempt was有点儿失败a bit of a fiasco但麦克和我又有了新计划but Mac and I have come up with a brand-new plan - 给他们看看麦克 - 好- Show 'em, Mac. - Right我们试着从铁丝网下出去但没有成功We tried going under the wire and that didn't work 因此这个计划是...从上面过So, the plan is...we go OVER it这是我们明白吗?This is us, right?我们这样进去We get in like this把它拉紧...松手!Wind her up and...let her go!天啊这个萝卜完蛋了!Good grief! The turnip's bought it!农夫来了!Farmer's coming!隐蔽行动!Operation Cover-up!敦蒂先生!Mr. Tweedy!- 你在哪儿? - 都是你想象的- Where are you? - Ooh. It's all in your head都是你想象的都是你想象的It's all in your head. It's all in your head各位想想我们还有什么没有试过?Think, everyone, think. What haven't we tried yet? 我们还没试过不逃跑We haven't tried NOT trying to escape嗯那可能行得通Hmm. That might work记得爱德文娜?What about Edwina?还得有多少空窝才行?How many more empty nests will it take?也许如果她花更多的时间下蛋Perhaps it wouldn't be empty而不是逃跑if she'd spent more time laying她的窝就不会空and less time escaping所以你一生都在下蛋...So laying eggs all your life...然后被拔毛填料烘烤and then getting plucked, stuffed这样够好了吧?and roasted is good enough?这是命运It's a living你们知道问题在哪儿吗?You know what the problem is?围栏不仅仅将农场围住The fences aren't just round the farm.也将你们的思想围住了They're up here in your heads那里有个更好的地方There's a better place out there就在山丘那边儿somewhere beyond that hill那里空间开阔树木众多...and it has wide open spaces and lots of trees...还有草原and grass你能想象出吗? 翠绿的草原Can you imagine that? Cool, green grass- 谁来喂我们? - 我们自力更生- Who feeds us? - We feed ourselves- 那农场在哪儿? - 没有农场- Well, where's the farm? - There is no farm那农夫住在哪儿Then where does the farmer live? 没有农夫巴波斯There is no farmer, Babs- 他去度假了吗? - 他哪儿也没去- Is he on holiday? - He isn't anywhere你还不明白吗?Don't you get it?没有早点名没有农夫There's no morning head count, no farmers没有狗鸡舍和钥匙no dogs, coops and keys也没有围栏and no fences我一生中从没有听过如此精彩的...In all my life I've never heard such a fantastic... 一堆废话!load of tripe!哎面对现实吧亲爱的Oh, face the facts, ducks从这儿出去的机率The chances of us getting out of here只有百万分之一are a million to one那我们仍有机会Then there's still a chance啊不啊不我在干什么?Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. What am I doing?你想骗谁?Who are you trying to fool?你不能诱骗这群...You can't lead this bunch of...啊老天帮帮我们Oh, heaven help us自♥由♥!Freedoooom!女士们先生们谢谢你们Thank you, ladies and gentlemen你们是极好的观众You've been a wonderful audience噢好的Oh, yes有办法了!That's it!快把他搬进去Get him inside quickly这是我们出去的办法THIS is our way out of here我们做海报?We'll make posters?不是海报上的画儿巴波斯No. What's ON the poster, Babs. What's ON the poster 我们将飞出去!We'll fly out!有他的照片一定是个人物He must be important to have his picture taken.他是干什么的?What does he do?这还不明显吗? 他是职业飞行公鸡Isn't it obvious? He's a professional flying rooster他在农场间做示范飞行He flies from farm to farm, giving demonstrations- 你这样认为? - 啊当然- Do you suppose? - Oh, absolutely不能在暗处不不能在这儿Not in the dark, no. No, not in there. No出去好要拿...Get out. Good. Gotta get...你们是谁? 我在哪儿? 发生了什么事?Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?哎呀! 我的翅膀怎么了?Ouch! What happened to my wing?你刚才跌得很惨You took a rather nasty fall你扭伤了前腱And sprained the anterior tendon我给你捏了捏包扎了一下儿I gave it a wee bit of a tweak and wrapped her up这是英语吗?Was that English?你扭伤了翅膀她弄好了You sprained a wing. She fixed it- 是我做的绷带 - 是我抱你进来的- I made the bandage. - I-I carried you in我们从头开始说我在哪儿?Let's back up and start from the top. Where am I?你说得对真没礼貌我们只是太激动了...You're right. How rude. We're just very excit...这是个养鸡场This is a chicken farm我们都是鸡And we're the chickens哦现在明白了鸡场鸡...Yeah, with you so far. Chicken farm, chickens...我不喜欢他的样子I don't like the look of this one.他两眼的距离太近了His eyes are too close together- 福罗别这样 - 他还是个美♥国♥佬♥! - Fowler, please. - And he's a Yank!别急老大爷在我们那儿斗鸡是违法的Easy, Pops. Cockfighting's illegal where I come from那究竟是什么地方??And where is that exactly?一个我称之为自♥由♥之地A place I call the land of the free勇敢之家的地方and the home of the brave- 苏格兰! - 不美国- Scotland! - No! America美国Oh! America胡扯爱管闲事的美国人Poppycock. Pushy Americans.每次打仗总是晚出场Showing up late for every war挣得多爱得多来这儿了!Overpaid, oversexed and over here!老爷爷怎么啦?What's eating Grandpa?哦别在意这位先生...Oh, don't mind him, Mister!Mister?我叫洛基·罗德红岛的洛基简称罗德Name's Rocky. Rocky the Rhode Island Red. Rhodes for short - 洛基·罗德? - 很顺耳是吧?- Rocky Rhodes? - Catchy, ain't it?罗德先生这是你吗?Um, Mr. Rhodes, is this you?谁想知道?Uh, who wants to know?一群十分绝望的鸡A group of rather desperate chickens你看如果是你You see, if it is you那你可能就是我们祈祷的答案then you just might be the answer to our prayers那么就叫我奇迹吧娃娃脸因为那就是我Well, then, call me a miracle, dollface, 'cause that's me 你怎么来英国了罗德先生?And what brings you to England, Mr. Rhodes?那当然是因为英国的美女了Why, all the beautiful English chicks, of course别逗了!Give over!你看我天生喜欢旅行You see, I'm a traveler by nature我在农舍呆过I've done the whole barnyard thing但我很不适应but I couldn't get into it嗨你好? 诺铺Hi. How are you? Nope自♥由♥自在这才是我的方式The open road. That's more my style对给我个背包Yep, just give me a pack on my back告诉我方向and point me where the wind blows实际上你知道在我家乡他们叫我什么吗?In fact, you know what they call me back home?你们会喜欢的孤独的自♥由♥浪人You're gonna love this. The Lone Free Ranger很伟大吧?Isn't that great?- 我知道有可能 - 有可能对- I knew it was possible. - Oh, it's possible, all right- 我知道会有办法的 - 阿们!- I knew the answer would come. - Amen!我们都将飞过那个围栏We're all going to fly over that fence罗德先生给我们示范对吧?and Mr. Rhodes is going to show us how, right? 那... 什么? 你说"飞"?That's... What? Did you say "fly"?- 你可以教我们 - 不我不能- You can teach us. - No, I can't听着嘘你们听到了吗?Listen. Shh. You hear that?那是自♥由♥大道在叫我That's the open road calling my name我生来就对此有反应and I was born to answer that call他的听力一定很好He must have very good hearing是是出口在哪儿? 啊在这儿Okay, okay, where's the exit? Ah, this way罗德先生也许Mr. Rhodes, um, perhaps我没有把我们的处境讲清楚I didn't explain our situation properly我们一天到晚下蛋We lay eggs day in and day out当我们再也不能下蛋时他们就杀了我们and when we can't lay any more, they kill us这是个残酷的世界娃娃脸It's a cruel world, doll face.你或许应该适应它You might as well get used to it"他们要杀我们" 你都明白了吗?Which part of "they kill us" do you not understand? 我也有自己烦恼的事I got my own set of problems to worry about此外从这个鸟笼子出去也并不太难Besides, this birdcage can't be that hard to bust out of 实际上瞧着我In fact, watch me一只甚至两只鸡It's not so hard to get one chicken出去并不难out of here or even two但我们全要出去but this is about all of us全部出去?All of you?这就是我一直想告诉你的That's what I've been trying to tell you等等让我搞清楚Wait a minute. Let me get this straight你想让所有的鸡You want to get every chicken同时从这儿逃出?in this place out of here at the SAME TIME?- 当然 - 你疯了!- Of course. - You're certifiable!你不能做这种惊险的事You can't pull off a stunt like that.这是自杀That's suicide有志者事竟成Where there's a will, there's a way完全同意我要从那儿走了Couldn't agree more. I WILL be leaving that way- 但... 请别走! - 我就是这种人...- But... Please! - I'm the type of guy我喜欢自♥由♥ 我从来没有在一个地方... That likes to roam around I'm never in one...原来如此你是马戏团的So that's it. You're from the circus你是逃出来的是不是?You're on the run, aren't you?你能不能小声点儿?You wanna keep it down?我正在躲藏I'm trying to lay low here.我应当马上宣扬出去I should turn you in right now你不会的对吧?You wouldn't. Would you?给我个不会的理由Give me one reason why I shouldn't因为我很...可爱?Because I'm...cute?嗨嗨! 你是哪种疯鸡?Hey, hey, hey! What kind of crazy chick are you?你知道我被找到下场会咋样?Do you know what'll happen if he finds me?这是个残酷的世界It's a cruel world我刚刚决定我不喜欢你I just decided. I don't like you我刚刚决定我不在乎I just decided. I don't care.现在给我们示范飞行Now, show us how to fly- 用这只翅膀? - 那就教我们吧- With this wing? - Teach us, then不!No!他很有价值你刚才说?He's valuable, you say?- 当然 - 拿电筒来- Sure. - Get the torch现在听着姊妹Now, you listen here, sister.我再也不想过那种生活了I'm not going back to that life我是个孤独的自♥由♥浪人喜欢自♥由♥ I'm a Lone Free Ranger. Emphasis on FREE!那也是我们的追求自♥由♥!And that's what we want. Freedom!喜欢自♥由♥ 他们向这里走来了Fancy that. They're coming this way啊不他们是来抓我的Oh, oh, no. No. They're on to me教我们飞行我们就把你藏起来Teach us to fly and we'll hide you如果我不呢?And if I don't?你♥爸♥爸也是这么卑鄙吗?Was your father by any chance a vulture?我们成交了吗?Do we have a deal?是实行交易的时候了娃娃...Time to make good on that deal, doll...我叫姜妹The name is Ginger- 舒服吗? - 不太舒服- Comfortable? - Not really这也许会有所帮助Maybe this will help藏窝不错Nice hideout哎哟比蛋壳还小Ouch. I had more room in my egg我们履行了我们的诺言We've held up our end of the deal.明天你得履行你的了Tomorrow you hold up yours- 什么诺言? - 飞行!- What deal? - The flying!噢对对别担心Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right, right. Don't worry我将倾囊相授I'll teach you everything I know现在我的床在哪儿?Now, which bunk is mine?真是太气人了!Absolutely outrageous!让一个长官和别人睡一张床...Asking a senior officer to share his quarters...和一个美国小兵太过分了and with a noncommissioned Yank, no less想当初我从...Why, back in my day, I'd never!你也不是我的首选You weren't exactly my first choice, either挪开点儿你的翅膀到我这边儿了And scoot over. Your wing's on my side of the bunk 你那边儿?Your side of the bunk?整张床都是我的The WHOLE bunk is my side of the bunk!等等... 什么味道? 是你的口臭?Just... What's that smell? Is that your breath? 真是太气人了!It's absolutely outrageous因此你们想飞行嗯?So you wanna fly, huh?好这并不容易Well, it ain't gonna be easy一朝一夕是学不会的and it ain't gonna happen overnight你知道飞行得有三样东西You see, flying takes three things努力练习不屈不挠...Hard work, perseverance and...- 努力练习 - 你说两次努力练习了!- Hard work. - You said hard work twice!那是因为That's because它比不屈不挠难两倍it takes twice as much work as perseverance 一派胡言!Codswallop!现在最重要的是Now, the most important thing is我们要共同合作we have to work as a team这意味着... 我说什么你们就做什么which means... you do everything I tell you好! 我们开始吧!Right! Let's rock and roll!敦蒂先生! 鸡都在...Mrs. Tweedy! The chickens are...吃食?Pecking?左二三右二三And left, two, three. And right, two, three 嗯...停下啊对往下And...stop right there. Oh, yeah, down往下对转小圈就这样快点儿Down. Yeah, make little circles. That's it. Faster 快点儿对好极了Faster. Oh, yes. Perfect噢就是这儿Oh, that's the spot.我以为你要教我们飞呢I thought you were going to teach us how to fly我正在教啊That's what I'm doing不是该有些拍翅膀的动作吗?Isn't there usually some flapping involved?嘿我告诉你怎么下蛋了吗?Hey, do I tell YOU how to lay eggs?放心我们正在进步Relax. We're making progress真的? 我总觉得我们在兜圈子Really? I can't help feeling we're going around in circles 这... 嘿! 停下! 你们让我头晕What the... Hey! Cut it out! You're making me dizzy我想他们准备好飞行了I think they're ready to fly now好因为他们再也走不动了Good, because they certainly can't walk anymore过来姑娘我们拍翅膀Up and at 'em, gals. Let's flap瞧范晨Watch, Fetcher我们看看老母鸡是否改变了主意Let's see if old Attila the Hen has come to her senses下起鸡雨了!It's raining hen!- 这是什么把戏亲爱的? - 我们在飞- What's this caper, love? - We're flying当然Obviously拍翅膀看这儿范晨Flipping hell. Look at this, Fetch他们找死啊They're gonna kill themselves- 想看下去? - 想看吧- Wanna watch? - Yeah, all right嗨! 小心那些鸡蛋!Hey! Careful of those eggs!单煎一面Sunny-side up.现在他们很容易翻过来!Now they're over easy!无疑成了炒蛋Definitely scrambled走! 走! 走!Go! Go! Go!走走走!Go, go, go, go! Go!鸡在行动!Poultry in motion!物以类聚人以群分Birds of a feather flop together干得好女士们干得好!Great work, ladies. Great work!受点儿苦对你们不错是好事The pain you're feeling is a good thing. It's good 痛苦是你们的朋友对吧? 这是好事Pain is your friend, okay? It's a positive thing 坚定信念... 你叫什么名字?Just keep the faith, uh... What's your name?安吉丝! 你会成功的Agnes! You'll get there小鸭我想你今天飞过四英尺了!Ducky, I think you flew four feet today!对四英尺! 从屋顶到地面Right, four feet! From the roof to the ground女士们别担心It's all part of the process, ladies.这是成功的必由之路Nothing to worry about!你这个吃奶酪的小...Ya cheese-eating little...这听起来不太好That doesn't sound good. Ha, ha, ha听大地在震动我们需要担心吗?Okay, the ground's shaking. Are we worried?我们需要担心吗?Are we worried?马戏团快把我藏起来The circus. Quick. Hide me- 藏起来 - 来- Hide me. - Come on像疯鸡一样乱拍翅膀One isn't awarded a medal是得不到奖章的like this for flapping about like a lunatic你看这儿这是长官的地方Now, see here! This is an officer's quarters快到这儿来Quick. In here.马上出去先生!Get out of here immediately, sir!够了老爷爷Give it a rest, Pops出去! 本周我不会饶了你Out of here! I shall have you on a charge within the week 家禽产品有限公♥司♥谢谢伙计Cheers, mate都是你想象的都是你想象的It's all in your head. It's all in your head都是你想象的It's all in your head什么... 什么... 这些是什么?What... What... What's all this, then?这是我们的未来敦蒂先生This is our future, Mr. Tweedy再也不用浪费时间No more wasting time with petty收集鸡蛋和算小账了egg collection and minuscule profits不收集蛋了? 可我们一直是鸡农No more eggs? But we've always been egg farmers我父亲的父亲的父亲Me father and his father and all their fathers.他们都是...They was always...穷光蛋! 一文不值Poor! Worthless. Nothings但这一切都要改变了But all that's about to change这将使敦蒂鸡场走出黑暗的年代...This will take Tweedy's farm out of the dark ages...进入大规模的自动化生产and into full-scale automated production我再也不是穷光蛋了Melisha Tweedy will be poor no longer操作指南那我把它安装起来好吗?I'll put it together, then, shall I?这不太妙麦克This isn't good, Mac盒子里的东西是给我们的Whatever's in those boxes is for us我想不是软草and I don't think it's softer hay啊母鸡我讨厌说丧气话Aye, hen. And I hate to be the voice of doom但我一直在思考but I've been calculating我们生来就不适合飞行and I just don't think we're built for flying但我看到他飞过铁丝网But I saw him. He flew in over that fence啊啊我相信你Aye, aye, I believe you但如果我们能亲眼看看but if we could just see it for ourselves那就能说明问题了that may answer some questions你说得对对不起You're right. I'm sorry我们练了一个周可一点儿进展都没有We've been at this all week, and we're getting nowhere 如果他的翅膀好点儿他就...If his wing were better, he could!啊! 我去跟他说说Oh! I'll have a word with him他在哪儿?Where is he?他们给我奖章不是因为我是美国保姆They didn't give me this medal for being a Yank nanny一句简单的 "我不知道" 就足够了A simple "I don't know" would suffice当心那位小姜妹Beware of that one, young Ginger那个美♥国♥佬♥不可信任That Yank is not to be trusted他是我们离开这儿的希望That YANK is our ticket out of here猪对马说And the pig says to the horse"嗨伙计为什么脸拉这么长?""Hey, fella, why the long face?"噢瞧瞧Oh, oh, look, look啊鸡尾酒!Oh. Cocktail!别逗了!Give over!好吧... 无论如何...So, um, anyway...明天要记住飞行事项Remember those flying tips tomorrow.这很重要They're very important一直保持想飞的念头Keep thinking those flighty thoughts噢好Oh, yeah他们是一流的鸡真的是They're swell chicks. They really are瞧巴波斯给我织了什么Look at what Babs made me一个口罩很可爱吧?A beak warmer. Isn't that the cutest?那个邦迪她真有劲And that Bunty. She really packs a punch有什么问题吗?Is there a problem here?- 我们飞过围栏了吗? - 还没有- Have we flown over that fence? - Not quite 那就有问题了Then there's a problem耐心等待才能成功娃娃脸Good things come to those who wait, dollface 姜妹!Ginger!- 好你花了多长时间? - 做什么?- Okay, how long did it take you? - To do what? 学习飞行啊To learn how to fly苹果和橘子洋娃娃Apples and oranges, baby doll.我有天赋他们却没有I'm gifted. They're not两者不能比较对吧?You can't compare the two, okay?问题是这些事情要花时间The point is, these things take time而我们很快就没有时间了Which we are rapidly running out of我们甚至还没离开地面We haven't even lifted off the ground. Why?信心我反复想过Trust. I went over my calculations我认为关键的因素是信心and I figured the key element was trust我一点儿也不明白I-I didn't get a word of that当鸭子和鹅飞行时When birds like ducks and geese take off他们有什么呢? 信心!what do they have? Trust!我发誓她用错了词I swear she ain't using real words- 她说我们需要更多的动力 - 哦动力- She said we need more thrust. - Oh, thrust当然我们需要动力Well, of course, we need thrust.动力和飞行像...这个!Thrust and flying are like...this!- 希望你不介意? - 当然- Would you excuse us? - Aye啊翅膀翅膀翅膀Ah, the wing, the wing, the wing如果明天我们还看不到结果交易就取消了If we don't see some results by tomorrow, the deal is off没有掩护了他们会找到你No more hiding. They will find you你回马戏团去吧飞人!and it's back to the circus, flyboy!我从没遇到像你这样难交的鸡You're the first chick I ever met with the shell still on睡个好觉天使脸Sleep tight, angel face. The Rock's on the case喔...喔! 什么什么Cock-a-doodle-doo! What, what啊很漂亮朋友Oh, it was a beaut, guv'nor如果让我说一件艺术精品A fine piece of work, if I do say so meself- 我也对自己说 - 希望我也见过- I say so meself, too. - Wish I could have seen it我们溜进了农夫的家里悄悄地We slipped into the farmer's room, all quiet like- 像条鱼 - 对我们...- Like a fish. - Yeah, and we..."像条鱼"? 你这个笨蛋"Like a fish"? You stupid Norbert不管咋样这给你朋友Anyway, guv, here it is- 你要的货 - 这是西班牙语- El merchandiso. - That's Spanish这俩个无赖在这儿干什么?What are these two crooks doing here?- 那你们认识? - 她认为我们没用- So, you know each other? - She don't think we're valuable 伙计毫无疑问你们是最鬼鬼祟祟的Guys, you are without a doubt the sneakiest我所见过的最灵巧的窃贼most light-fingered thieving parasites I've ever met- 啊别别说了 - 我的脸都红- Oh, don't, don't. Stop it. - I've gone bright red那...那些鸡蛋呢?So, uh, how about them eggs?鸡蛋别告诉我你答应他们...Eggs? Don't tell me you promised them...对! 答应给他们这个月我生的所有的蛋Yep! Promised them every egg I lay this month我们什么时候可以拿到第一个蛋呢?And when can we expect the first installment?我正在准备呢我会通知你的I'm brewing one up as we speak. I'll keep you posted 很高兴与你做生意先生Pleasure doing business with you, sir傻瓜Sucker- 什么? - 你对他们撒谎- What? - You've lied to them我没有娃娃脸我只是隐瞒了一些事实I didn't lie, dollface. I just...omitted certain truths我会履行诺言的I'll give them exactly what I promised那就是什么都没有Which is nothing.那就是我要给他们的Which is what I'll give them你会给我们什么?And what will you give us?动力!Thrrrust!你没事儿吧宝贝儿? 好You okay, sweetheart? Good, good这会对你有点儿帮助Now this is just a little helper帮助你飞行的东西动力训练Something to get you going. It's a thrust exercise- 我紧张死了 - 这会害死她!- The tension's killing me. - It's gonna kill her!松手!- Release! - Whoa!快拍翅膀!Come on! Flap!你能行拍拍拍!You can do it. Flap, flap, flap!对对对!Yes, yes, yes!这是你第一次碰壁吗?Is that your first offense?点名了! 我还没下蛋呢Roll call! I haven't laid any eggs- 藏起我 - 三天没下一个蛋- Hide me. - Three days and not one- 啊不! - 为啥不告诉我们巴波斯?- Oh, no! - Why didn't you tell us, Babs?- 把我藏起来! - 我们一直忙着飞行...- Hide me! - We've been busy with the flying...- 他们来了! - 快藏起我!- They're coming! - Hide me!自己藏吧!Hide yourself!给他们双倍饲料敦蒂先生Double their food rations, Mr. Tweedy我要他们都像这只这么肥I want them all as fat as this one我的一生都在我眼前闪过!All of me life flashed before me eyes!无聊的一生It was really boring鸡饲料我最喜欢的!Chicken feed. My favorite!等等!Wait. Wait不等等!No. Wait!巴波斯邦迪! 停下! 等等!Babs, please! Bunty! Stop it! Wait!停下!Stop!停下!Stop it!有点儿不大对劲儿你们看不出来?Something is wrong here. Can't you see that?仓库里来了许多奇怪的盒子巴波斯不下蛋了Strange boxes arrive in the barn. Babs stops laying 可她并没被抓去宰了but she's not taken to the chop他们还给我们加饲料and now they're giving us extra food你们不明白发生了什么事? 他们在养肥我们Don't you see what's happening? They're fattening us up 他们要把我们全部杀掉They're going to kill us all哇哇严重警告Whoa, whoa! Heavy alert.她不是那个意思姑娘们She didn't mean that, gals.你不介意吧?Do you mind?接着吃给我留点儿Keep eating. Save some for me你在干什么? 你怎么敢... 放开我!What are you doing? How dare you! Let go of me!听着我遇到了不少难煮的蛋Listen! I've met some hard-boiled eggs in my day但我说你得煮大约20分钟!but I'd say you're about 20 minutes!你这是什么意思?What's that supposed to mean?我说你该轻松点儿It means you got to lighten up在美国我们的规矩是Over in America, we have this rule如果你要激励某人不要提到死If you want to motivate someone, don't mention death 有趣这里的规矩是: 永远要讲实话Funny. Over here, the rule is: Always tell the truth这一直很有效不是吗?That's been working like a real charm, hasn't it?这里有些免费的建议你要试试吗?Here's some free advice. You want them to perform?- 说他们想听的话 - 你是说要撒谎- Tell them what they want to hear. - You mean lie我们又转回来了你知道你的问题在哪儿吗?Here we go again. You know what your problem is? 你...难处You're...difficult。

【英孚教育青少儿英语成都学校】从Hello 到哈佛The Lion used to be the king of beasts. But now he is old and weak. He feels sorry for himself.从前有只狮子,他曾经是百兽之王。
Lion: I used to be so young. I used to be so strong. My roar usedto be so big. But now…I am old and weak. My roar is small. I can’t run.I can’t hunt. Poor me!狮子:想当年我多么年轻,多么强壮。
The Lion is very sad and worried.狮子非常难过,忧心忡忡。
Lion: I’m hungry. But now how can I get some food? I mu st think of a way fast. Let me think.狮子:我好饿。
The Lion thinks and thinks. Finally, he comes up with an idea.狮子想啊想啊。
Lion: Hey, wait. I still have my sharp teeth and claws. I can use them. Once an animal comes into my cave, I can catch it. Yes, that’it! I’say I’very sick. Then all of the animals will come to sllmvisit me. Once they come into my cave, I will eat them all. What a clever idea! Why didn’I think tof this before? Ha, ha, ha.狮子:嘿,等一等。
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An Indian farmer and his child were toiling in the fields. It was almost dark by the time they had finished their work and the farmer said to the child, "Wow! It’s getting dark! Quickly pack up the tools and run. Let’s run quickly!"
"Relax. We’re not far from home and we know the way home. Why are you in such a panic?" asked the child. "There’s something you don’t know. I’m generally fear less. I’m not afraid of tigers or lions. I’m only afraid of the night. When the night comes, I’m completely powerless. The night is most terrifying to me. I’m really frightened of it. I can’t stand it," answered the farmer.
It so happened that a lion was hiding nearby and overheard their conversation. "What’s this thing called ‘the night’? How could it be more fearful than I am? I must find out about it," the lion mused as it moved closer to the farmer, hoping to learn more about this "night" that was even more frightening than itself.
Then darkness fell and the farsighted farmer couldn’t see nearby objects clearly. He only saw the vague outline of an animal approaching, thought it was the donkey he had recently lost, and beat the lion several times, saying, "I’ve been looking for you all day. Where have you been? How dare you come back so late?"
"This is the end of me," the lion thought with regret. "How could I have been s o stupid as to come so close to this thing called ‘the night’ that beat me just now? It’s really horrifying. What should I do now?" As these thoughts flashed through the lion’s mind, the farmer again slapped it several times, urging it to go home with him. The petrified lion then obediently followed the farmer back to his house.
It was even darker when they reached home. Since the farmer continued to mistake the lion for his donkey, he tied it in a corner outside his house before he went to bed. That night, the lion stayed out in the cold, starving, petrified and not knowing what to expect of "the night" when morning dawned. It believed that the farmer was "the night."
Early the next morning, before dawn broke, the farmer got up and took his "donkey" to the fields. On the way, another lion passed by and found it hilarious to see a lion obediently following a farmer. It then approached the captive lion and asked,
"What are you doing? Why are you walking behind this man?"
"Shh! Keep your voice down and leave quickly. Don’t you know that this being walking in front is something called ‘the night.’ He’s very terrible. Last night, he beat me and shackled me, leaving me cold and starving the entire night. I have no idea where he’s taking me now. Run along or your life will be in danger!"
After hearing this story, the other lion said, "You’re incredible. You idiot! You’re a lion, the king of animals! You’ve been deceived! Just roar at him now and you’ll know who is more terrifying." The lion accepted his advice and roared loudly, so the farmer took a closer look. Now that the sky had become brighter, he saw that it was a lion. Wow! He bolted like lightning, and the lion was free again.