《物体的形态》单元检测题(含答案)新版三年级科学上册诊断自测题第四单元《物体的形态》学校:__________ 班级:__________ 姓名:__________ 等级:__________一、填空1.像水、牛奶、醋这样的物体是液体,像空气这样的物体是气体。
(3分)抚.动( ) 萦.绕( ) 晶莹剔.透( )(2)根据拼音写汉字。
(3分)晨xī() lǒng()罩méng()胧(3)找出文段中的错别字并改正。
(3分)______改为______ ______改为______ ______改为______2.下列句子有语病的一项是(5分)( )A.董卿在主持《朗读者》节目时,旁征博引,妙语连珠,令广大观众目不暇接。
3.下列对人物描写方法判断有误的一项是(5分)( )A.我心里默念道:“这是我的叔叔,父亲的弟弟,我的亲叔叔。
(动作描写)4.下列文学常识表述有误的一项是(5分)( )A.鲁迅,原名周树人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人,中国伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家,代表作有小说集《呐喊》《彷徨》《故事新编》,散文诗集《野草》等。
第四单元语文单元测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,加点字的读音完全正确的一项是:A. 蹑手蹑(niè)脚B. 恣意(zì)妄为C. 锲(qì)而不舍D. 黝黑(hēi)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 通过这次活动,使我们认识到了团结的力量。
B. 他不仅勤奋好学,而且成绩优异。
C. 这篇文章的中心思想是关于环保的重要性。
D. 我们一定要防止类似事件不再发生。
3. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的一项是:A. 春天来了,万物复苏。
B. 月光洒在湖面上,波光粼粼。
C. 太阳从东方升起,照亮了大地。
D. 风儿轻轻吹过,树叶沙沙作响。
4. 下列成语使用正确的一项是:A. 他做事总是不假思索,真是不拘一格。
B. 这次比赛,他的表现真是出类拔萃。
C. 他虽然年过花甲,但仍然老当益壮。
D. 他们俩是青梅竹马,从小一起长大。
5. 下列句子中,使用了排比修辞手法的一项是:A. 他既聪明又勤奋,既善良又勇敢。
B. 春天的花开了,夏天的果实成熟了,秋天的树叶黄了,冬天的雪花飘落了。
C. 他不仅学习好,而且体育成绩也优秀。
D. 我们热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱生活。
6. 下列诗句中,属于唐代诗人李白的作品是:A. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
B. 红豆生南国,春来发几枝。
C. 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。
D. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。
7. 下列句子中,使用了夸张修辞手法的一项是:A. 他跑得像风一样快。
B. 他的力气大得可以举起一头牛。
C. 她的声音像银铃一样清脆。
D. 他的心像石头一样硬。
8. 下列成语中,表示比喻事物发展变化快的成语是:A. 一落千丈B. 一日千里C. 一曝十寒D. 一蹴而就9. 下列句子中,使用了对偶修辞手法的一项是:A. 风声雨声读书声,声声入耳。
B. 他既聪明又勤奋,既善良又勇敢。
C. 他虽然年过花甲,但仍然老当益壮。
D. 我们热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱生活。
自测1:单选题1. The ________ is the person or group who is actually performing the work of the projectA. project sponsorB. project managerC. project teamD. project stakeholder答案:C. project team解析:根据题干可知,问题询问的是实际执行项目工作的人或团队是谁。
根据管理英语的相关内容,可以确定答案为C. project team。
2. The major characteristic of______ is its harmonious relations between the buyer and the seller, who work together for mutual benefits.A. market competitionB. division of laborC. cooperationD. contract答案:D. contract解析:题目要求选出与买方和卖方为了互利而共同努力展开合作的描述。
根据题意可以推断,答案应该是D. contract即合同。
自测2:填空题1. Miss Wang works as a(n) ________ in a state-owned enterprise.答案:manager解析:根据题干可知,问题询问的是王小姐在国有企业中的职位。
2. In order to ________ quality, the company has introduced a series of new measures.答案:improve解析:根据题干可知,问题询问的是为了提高质量,公司已经采取了一系列的新措施。
第四单元 我会努力的 单元测试 (含答案)
A.①④⑤②③ B.③②①⑤④C.④⑤③①② D.④③①⑤②6.请选出以下各项交际语言中运用得体的一项()(3分)A.今日亲聆诸位先贤的高论,真是茅塞顿开。
11. 第一个发明了望远镜。
精品解析:部编人教版八年级语文下册 第4单元单元测试题(解析版)
第四单元检测(时间:90分钟满分:100分)一、积累与运用1. 下列加点字的注音全部正确的一项是()A. 襁.褓(qiǎng)禁.锢(jìn)叱咤.风云(chà)不知所措.(cuò)B. 祈.祷(qǐ)萦.绕(yíng)断壁残垣.(yuán)引颈.受戮(jǐng)C. 枷.锁(jiā)踱.步(duó)怏.怏不乐(yàng)既往不咎.(jiù)D. 贮.蓄(zhù)拙.劣(zhuō)相形见绌.(zhuō)囊.萤映雪(náng)【答案】C【解析】试题分析:字音重点考核多音字、形声字、形似字、音近字、方言、生僻字等。
2. 下列各项中,没有错别字的一项是()A. 他克尽职守,默默奉献三十年。
B. 海鲜夜宵大排档,恭候光临!C. 本店有凉绊黄瓜、香菇青菜、蒜泥菠菜等菜肴。
D. 最后的拼搏阶段就是要像篮球冲满气、汽车加满油一样。
3. 下列句子变换后意思发生变化的一项是()A. 原句:如果宇宙没有生命,怎么会从中开出灿烂的生命之花?改写句:如果宇宙没有生命,就不会从中开出灿烂的生命之花。
B. 原句:傅雷的家书每一封都凝聚着他对祖国、对儿子深厚的爱。
C. 原句:多少年过去了,风儿把山顶岩石的表层化作了泥土,瘠薄而细密。
D. 原句:传统教育的目的并不是寻求新知识,而是适应一个固定的社会制度。
(每题10分)题目1获得题干— What's the fare to the museum?— _________________.选择一项:A. Five milesB. Five o'clockC. Five dollars反馈正确答案是:Five dollars题目2获得题干— What do you usually do in your spare time? — _________________.选择一项:B. Yes, it’s my favorite timeC. No, I'll never do that反馈正确答案是:Reading题目3获得题干It's bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 选择一项:B. mannerC. behavior反馈正确答案是:behavior题目4获得题干As the busiest woman there, she made ______________ her duty to look after all the other people's affairs in that town.A. itB. thisC. that反馈正确答案是:it题目5获得题干The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ______________ the desert.A. coveredB. to coverC. covering反馈正确答案是:信息文本二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)题目6正确获得50.00分中的50.00分标记题目题干选择题Charity is a concept which dates back to Biblical times, when helping the poor was something that rich people basically did to make themselves feel good. Social work has its roots in charity, as it originally began around the time of the industrial revolution when there were many poor people and society was seeking a way of dealing with the poor and social problems. Although social work began as charity work, it has expanded a lot and needs to be seen from a completely different perspective.Modern-day social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with the problems arising from various types of “social fear” (“social phobias”) and discrimination such as sexism, racism, and dis crimination against an individual due to his age, or mental or physical disabilities. Social workers deal with the consequences of these discriminations as well as consequences that arise from sexual abuse, drug abuse, and various other problems.Social work provides an important service to society. Individuals and families in need of help are the focus of it, and are re ferred to as clients. Social workers help clients live a productive life in their own community. In order to reach this goal, they often enlist the assistance of family members, relatives, local religious leaders, and other influential members of the community. Although institutionalization may be necessary at times, it is a temporary solution. Social workers usually serve in the front line, and reach out to the clients soon after problems occur. The goal is to help clients return to normal life in a natural setting.1. The charity originally means to 回答正确正确答案是:A获得2.00分中的2.00分.A. help the poor that makes the rich feel good.B. help clients return to normal life.C. serve the whole society.2. When does social work begin?回答正确正确答案是:A获得2.00分中的2.00分A. around the time of the industrial revolutionB. Biblical timesC. modern time3. Modern-day social work deals with the following problems except 回答正确正确答案是:C获得2.00分中的2.00分?A. povertyB. racismC. education4. In order to help clients live a productive life, social workers can turn to the assistance of 回答正确正确答案是:B获得2.00分中的2.00分.A. governmentB. family membersC. businessmen5. Which statement about social work is NOT True?回答正确正确答案是:C获得2.00分中的2.00分A. Social work roots from charity.B. Social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with various social fear and discrimination.C. Social work is that the rich people want to help the poor people.。
人教版数学五年级上学期第四单元测试一.选择题1.(2020春•新田县期中)足球比赛通过掷硬币确定谁开球,任意掷一次,下面的说法正确的是() A.正面朝上的可能性大B.反面朝上的可能性大C.正、反面朝上的可能性一样大2.(2019秋•丰台区期末)布袋里放了5个球:〇〇〇●●,任意摸一个再放回,小明连续摸了4次都是白球.如果再摸一次,认为下面说法正确的是()A.可能摸到黑球B.一定能摸到黑球C.摸到黑球的可能性大 D.不可能再摸到白球3.(2019秋•和平区期末)给一个正方体的每个面分别涂上红色或黄色,要使掷出的红色面朝上的可能性比黄色面朝上的可能性大,可以把()个面涂成黄色.A.2 B.3 C.4 D.64.(2019秋•大兴区期末)下面有4个袋子,每个袋子中分别装有8个小球(小球除颜色外完全一样).小聪选择其中一个袋子进行摸球试验,每次任意摸出一个球,记录结果后再放回袋子摇匀.他一共摸了40次,摸出红球29次,黄球11次.小聪选择的袋子最有可能的是()A.B.C.D.5.(2019秋•铜官区期末)下列事件中,能用“一定”描述的是()A.今天是星期一,明天是星期日B.后天刮大风C.地球每天都在转动D.小强比他爸爸长得高6.(2019秋•无棣县期末)下面四个袋子中装的都是一些黄球和蓝球,摸出黄球算获奖,哪个袋子获奖的可能性大.()A.6个黄球,3个蓝球B.4个黄球,4个蓝球C.3个黄球,4个蓝球D.8个黄球,10个蓝球二.填空题7.(2019秋•武川县期末)一个小正方体的一个面上写有数字“1”,两个面上写有数字“2”,三个面上写有数字“3”.抛起这个正方体,落下后数字朝上的可能性最大,数字朝上的可能性最小.8.(2019秋•铜官区期末)把6个红球、3个黄球和1个蓝球装在一个盒子里,任意摸出一个球,可能有种结果,摸到球的可能性最小.9.(2019秋•肃州区期末)纸袋里有2种颜色的球,在一次摸球游戏中,摸出红球12次,摸出黄球3次,纸袋里球可能多些,球可能少.10.(2019秋•广饶县期末)盒子里有白球8个、红球3个、黄球1个,任意摸一个,摸到的可能性最大,摸到的可能性最小.11.(2019秋•长安区期末)一个袋子里,混装着2只红袜子,3只黄袜子、8只灰袜子和3只黑袜子,从中任意摸一只,摸到色袜子的可能性最大,摸到袜子的可能性最小,摸到的可能性相等的袜子是色和色.三.判断题12.(2019秋•永州期末)王老师练习投篮,前面三次都投中了,第四次一定能投中.(判断对错) 13.(2018秋•涧西区期末)有9张分别标有数字1~9的卡片,任意抽出一张,抽出单数和双数的可能性一样大.(判断对错)14.(2019秋•隆昌市校级期中)甲袋中有10个白球,乙袋中有2个白球,则从甲袋中取出白球的可能性比乙袋大.(判断对错)15.(2019秋•成华区期末)每次都是将球摇匀后从盒中任意摸出一个,再放回盒里.前20次均摸到红球.由此可知:盒里一定只有红球.(判断对错)16.(2019秋•通榆县期末)盒子里有12个白球,8个黄球,摸到黃球的可能性大.(判断对错)四.应用题17.(2019•保定模拟)下面的柜子里,每格都有1顶帽子,共有2顶红帽子、3顶黄帽子、8顶白帽子和3顶黑帽子,任意打开一格.(1)取出哪种颜色帽子的可能性最大?(2)取出哪种颜色帽子的可能性最小?(3)取出哪两种颜色帽子的可能性相等?18.(2019•永州模拟)在小明,小红,小刚中挑选2人去扫地,1人去擦黑板,那么小明去扫地的可能性大还是去擦黑板的可能性大?19.从5米远处向“磁性靶”扔磁性飞镖,落在黑色区域得2分,落在灰色区域得3分,落在白色区域得5分,小民连续扔中两次,你能写出他所有可能的得分情况吗?20.(2018秋•徐州期末)笑笑把下面的四张扑克牌打乱后反扣在桌上,从中任意摸出两张,然后把扑克牌上的数相加,会得到多少个不同的和?(把可能出现的结果一一列举出来)21.爸爸、妈妈和天天手中藏了2粒或3粒坚果,每人试着猜出所有人手中坚果的总粒数,猜对了就算赢.你知道哪些数字出现的次数比较多?三人手中坚果的总粒数可能是多少?五.操作题22.(2019秋•丹江口市期末)按要求涂一涂(提示:用彩笔).(1)指针可能停在红色、黄色和蓝色区域,停在黄色区域的可能性最大,停在蓝色区域的可能性最小.(2)指针可能停在红色、黄色和蓝色区域,停在红色和黄色区域的可能性一样大,停在蓝色区域的可能性较小.23.(2018秋•新华区期末)如图,在圆盘上涂上红、蓝两种颜色,使指针停在红色区域的可能性大.六.解答题24.(2019春•黄冈期末)从袋子里任意摸出一个球,结果会怎样?用线连一连.25.(2019秋•荥阳市期中)把8张卡片放入纸袋,随意摸一张,要使摸出数字“2”的可能性最小,摸出数字“6”的可能性最大,卡片上可以是什么数字?请你填一填.26.(2019•保定模拟)李大爷家有一个长方形的院子(如图),几个小朋友在玩足球,随意踢一下足球,等球停下后.足球停在阴影部分的可能性大,还是停在空白部分的可能性大?为什么?27.(2019秋•朔城区期末)王少栋和陈凌用转盘做游戏,指针停在红色区域算王少栋赢,停在黄色区域算陈凌赢.(1)用号转盘,陈凌赢的可能性大;(2)用1号转盘,输的可能性大;(3)用号转盘,两人赢的可能性相等;(4)用号转盘,陈凌不可能赢.28.(2018秋•黄冈期末)龙一鸣从布袋中摸铅笔的统计结果如下表(铅笔除颜色外,其他都完全相同,龙一鸣每次摸出1支记下颜色后,再放回去).记录次数红铅笔14蓝铅笔24龙一鸣:布袋中蓝铅笔的支数比红铅笔多的可能性大.龙一鸣的看法对吗?为什么?答案与解析一.选择题1.(2020春•新田县期中)足球比赛通过掷硬币确定谁开球,任意掷一次,下面的说法正确的是() A.正面朝上的可能性大B.反面朝上的可能性大C.正、反面朝上的可能性一样大【解答】解:根据分析可知,任意掷一次,正、反面朝上的可能性一样大.故选:C.2.(2019秋•丰台区期末)布袋里放了5个球:〇〇〇●●,任意摸一个再放回,小明连续摸了4次都是白球.如果再摸一次,认为下面说法正确的是()A.可能摸到黑球B.一定能摸到黑球C.摸到黑球的可能性大 D.不可能再摸到白球【解答】解:布袋里放了材质大小都一样的3个白球2个黑球,任意摸一个再放回,小明连续摸了4次都是白球后袋子里面仍然有黑球和白球,所以再摸一次,黑球、白球都有可能;所以,如果再摸一次,摸到的球可能是黑球.故选:A.3.(2019秋•和平区期末)给一个正方体的每个面分别涂上红色或黄色,要使掷出的红色面朝上的可能性比黄色面朝上的可能性大,可以把()个面涂成黄色.A.2 B.3 C.4 D.6【解答】解:由分析可知:可以5个面涂红色,黄色涂1个面;4个面涂红色,黄色涂2个面;故选:A.4.(2019秋•大兴区期末)下面有4个袋子,每个袋子中分别装有8个小球(小球除颜色外完全一样).小聪选择其中一个袋子进行摸球试验,每次任意摸出一个球,记录结果后再放回袋子摇匀.他一共摸了40次,摸出红球29次,黄球11次.小聪选择的袋子最有可能的是()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:29>11根据小聪摸球的结果判断,他选择的袋子最有可能的是B.故选:B.5.(2019秋•铜官区期末)下列事件中,能用“一定”描述的是()A.今天是星期一,明天是星期日B.后天刮大风C.地球每天都在转动D.小强比他爸爸长得高【解答】解:A、今天是星期一,明天是星期日,这是不可能事件,所以不能用“一定”描述,故选项错误;B、后天刮大风,这是随机事件,可能发生,所以不能用“一定”描述,故选项错误;C、地球每天都在转动,这是确定事件.所以能用“一定”描述,故选项正确;D、小强比他爸爸长得高,这是随机事件,可能发生,所以不能用“一定”描述,故选项错误.故选:C.6.(2019秋•无棣县期末)下面四个袋子中装的都是一些黄球和蓝球,摸出黄球算获奖,哪个袋子获奖的可能性大.()A.6个黄球,3个蓝球B.4个黄球,4个蓝球C.3个黄球,4个蓝球D.8个黄球,10个蓝球【解答】解:A、6个黄球,3个蓝球,黄球的个数>蓝球的个数,摸出黄球的可能性大,即获奖的可能性大;B、4个黄球,4个蓝球,黄球的个数=蓝球的个数,摸出黄球、蓝球的可能性,即获奖与不获奖可能性相等;C、3个黄球,4个蓝球,黄球的个数<蓝球的个数,摸出黄球的可能性大小,即获奖的可能性小;D、8个黄球,10个蓝球,黄球的个数<蓝球的个数,摸出黄球的可能性大小,即获奖的可能性小.故选:A.7.(2019秋•武川县期末)一个小正方体的一个面上写有数字“1”,两个面上写有数字“2”,三个面上写有数字“3”.抛起这个正方体,落下后数字3朝上的可能性最大,数字1朝上的可能性最小.【解答】解:因为数字“3”有3个,数字“2”有2个,数字“1”有1个,3>2>1,所以抛起这个正方体,落下后数字“3”朝上的可能性最大,落下后数字“1”朝上的可能性最小.故答案为:3,1.8.(2019秋•铜官区期末)把6个红球、3个黄球和1个蓝球装在一个盒子里,任意摸出一个球,可能有3种结果,摸到蓝球的可能性最小.【解答】解:盒子里有3种颜色的球,所以任意摸出一个,有3种可能;6>3>1,红球的个数最多,所以摸到红球的可能性大;蓝球的个数最少,所以摸到蓝球的可能性最小;故答案为:3,蓝.9.(2019秋•肃州区期末)纸袋里有2种颜色的球,在一次摸球游戏中,摸出红球12次,摸出黄球3次,纸袋里红球可能多些,黄球可能少.【解答】解:因为12>3,所以纸袋里红球可能多些,黄球可能少.故答案为:红,黄.10.(2019秋•广饶县期末)盒子里有白球8个、红球3个、黄球1个,任意摸一个,摸到白球的可能性最大,摸到黄球的可能性最小.【解答】解:因为8>3>1,所以从这个盒子里任意摸一球,摸出白球的可能性最大;摸到黄球的可能性最小.故答案为:白球;黄球.11.(2019秋•长安区期末)一个袋子里,混装着2只红袜子,3只黄袜子、8只灰袜子和3只黑袜子,从中任意摸一只,摸到灰色袜子的可能性最大,摸到红袜子的可能性最小,摸到的可能性相等的袜子是黄色和黑色.【解答】解:因为红色袜子只数最少,灰色袜子只数最多;所以摸到灰色袜子的可能性最大,摸到红袜子的可能性最小;因为黄色袜子与黑色袜子只数相同;所以摸到的可能性相等的袜子是黄色和黑色.故答案为:灰,红,黄,黑.12.(2019秋•永州期末)王老师练习投篮,前面三次都投中了,第四次一定能投中.×(判断对错) 【解答】解:王老师练习投篮,前面三次都投中了,第四次一定能投中,说法错误,前面三次都投中了,第四次可能能投中,属于不确定性事件中的可能性事件;故答案为:×.13.(2018秋•涧西区期末)有9张分别标有数字1~9的卡片,任意抽出一张,抽出单数和双数的可能性一样大.×(判断对错)【解答】解:有9张分别标有数字1~9的卡片,任意抽出一张,抽出单数和双数的可能性一样大,说法错误.故答案为:×.14.(2019秋•隆昌市校级期中)甲袋中有10个白球,乙袋中有2个白球,则从甲袋中取出白球的可能性比乙袋大.×(判断对错)【解答】解:假设甲乙两袋中都只有白球,没有其它颜色的球,所以从甲袋中取出白球的可能性是10÷10=1,从乙袋中取出白球的可能性是2÷2=1,1=1;则从甲袋中取出白球的可能性比乙袋相等,所以原题说法错误.故答案为:×.15.(2019秋•成华区期末)每次都是将球摇匀后从盒中任意摸出一个,再放回盒里.前20次均摸到红球.由此可知:盒里一定只有红球.×(判断对错)【解答】解:前20次均摸到红球的可能性达到100%,说明红球占的数量多,盒里不一定只有红球,如:一共100个球,99红球,白球1个,判断盒里一定只有红球,说法错误.故答案为:×.16.(2019秋•通榆县期末)盒子里有12个白球,8个黄球,摸到黃球的可能性大.×(判断对错) 【解答】解:盒子里装有12个白球和8个黄球,12>8,白球的数量大于黄球的数量,所以摸出白球的可能性大,故本题说法错误,故答案为:×.四.应用题17.(2019•保定模拟)下面的柜子里,每格都有1顶帽子,共有2顶红帽子、3顶黄帽子、8顶白帽子和3顶黑帽子,任意打开一格.(1)取出哪种颜色帽子的可能性最大?(2)取出哪种颜色帽子的可能性最小?(3)取出哪两种颜色帽子的可能性相等?【解答】解:8>3=3>2>1,所以:(1)取出白帽子的可能性最大.(2)取出红帽子的可能性最小.(3)取出黄帽子和黑帽子的可能性相等.18.(2019•永州模拟)在小明,小红,小刚中挑选2人去扫地,1人去擦黑板,那么小明去扫地的可能性大还是去擦黑板的可能性大?【解答】解:2>1所以去扫地的可能性大,答:小明去扫地的可能性大.19.从5米远处向“磁性靶”扔磁性飞镖,落在黑色区域得2分,落在灰色区域得3分,落在白色区域得5分,小民连续扔中两次,你能写出他所有可能的得分情况吗?【解答】解:两次可能的得分如下(第一个数字表示第一次得分,第二个数字表示第二次的得分):2、2;2、3;2、5;3、2;3、3;3、5;5、2;5、3;5、5.一共有9种可能,总分可能为4分、5分、6分、7分、8分、10分.20.(2018秋•徐州期末)笑笑把下面的四张扑克牌打乱后反扣在桌上,从中任意摸出两张,然后把扑克牌上的数相加,会得到多少个不同的和?(把可能出现的结果一一列举出来)【解答】解:从中任意摸出两张,然后把扑克牌上的数相加,最小的和是5(2+3=5),最大的和是9(4+5=9),因为9﹣5+1=5(个),所以会得到5个不同的和:5、6、7、8、9.答:会得到5个不同的和.21.爸爸、妈妈和天天手中藏了2粒或3粒坚果,每人试着猜出所有人手中坚果的总粒数,猜对了就算赢.你知道哪些数字出现的次数比较多?三人手中坚果的总粒数可能是多少?【解答】解:按照爸爸、妈妈和天天的顺序,所有的可能情况有:3、3、3;3、3、2;3、2、3;2、3、3;3、2、2;2、3、2;2、2、3;2、2、2.分别求和得:3+3+3=9(颗);3+3+2=8(颗);3+2+2=7(颗);2+2+2=6(颗).所以8和7出现的次数比较多,三人手中坚果的总粒数可能是9颗、8颗、7颗和6颗.答:8和7出现的次数比较多,三人手中坚果的总粒数可能是9颗、8颗、7颗和6颗.五.操作题22.(2019秋•丹江口市期末)按要求涂一涂(提示:用彩笔).(1)指针可能停在红色、黄色和蓝色区域,停在黄色区域的可能性最大,停在蓝色区域的可能性最小.(2)指针可能停在红色、黄色和蓝色区域,停在红色和黄色区域的可能性一样大,停在蓝色区域的可能性较小.【解答】解:如图:23.(2018秋•新华区期末)如图,在圆盘上涂上红、蓝两种颜色,使指针停在红色区域的可能性大.【解答】解:指针停在红色区域的可能性大,如图:六.解答题24.(2019春•黄冈期末)从袋子里任意摸出一个球,结果会怎样?用线连一连.【解答】解:25.(2019秋•荥阳市期中)把8张卡片放入纸袋,随意摸一张,要使摸出数字“2”的可能性最小,摸出数字“6”的可能性最大,卡片上可以是什么数字?请你填一填.【解答】解:如下图所示:(答案不唯一)26.(2019•保定模拟)李大爷家有一个长方形的院子(如图),几个小朋友在玩足球,随意踢一下足球,等球停下后.足球停在阴影部分的可能性大,还是停在空白部分的可能性大?为什么?【解答】解:由分析可知,足球停在阴影部分和停在空白部分的可能性一样大,因为阴影部分和空白部分的面积相等.27.(2019秋•朔城区期末)王少栋和陈凌用转盘做游戏,指针停在红色区域算王少栋赢,停在黄色区域算陈凌赢.(1)用②号转盘,陈凌赢的可能性大;(2)用1号转盘,陈凌输的可能性大;(3)用④号转盘,两人赢的可能性相等;(4)用③号转盘,陈凌不可能赢.【解答】解:(1)要使陈凌赢的可能性大应该选择黄色区域面积比红色区域面积多的转盘.观察发现②号盘符合.(2)①号盘红色区域面积大,黄色区域面积小,陈凌输的可能性大.(3)要使两人赢的可能性相等,应选择红色黄色面积相等的转盘,观察发现④号盘符合.(4)要使陈凌不可能赢,应选没有黄色区域面积的,观察发现③号盘符合要求.故答案为:②、陈凌、④、③.28.(2018秋•黄冈期末)龙一鸣从布袋中摸铅笔的统计结果如下表(铅笔除颜色外,其他都完全相同,龙一鸣每次摸出1支记下颜色后,再放回去).记录次数红铅笔14蓝铅笔24龙一鸣:布袋中蓝铅笔的支数比红铅笔多的可能性大.龙一鸣的看法对吗?为什么?【解答】解:龙一鸣的看法对理由:龙一鸣从布袋中摸出红色铅笔14次,摸出蓝色铅笔24次,摸出蓝色铅笔的次数比摸出红色铅笔的可能性大的多.。
(8分)huī huáng() xiāo huǐ() qīn luè()hóng wěi() bāo lǎn() jū shù()qián rù() xiàng zhēng()二、在括号里选择恰当的字音或字形,打“√”。
(4分)抖擞(shǒu sǒu)雕塑(suò sù)倾(泄泻)波(澜斓)打搅(jiǎo ráo)隐瞒(mán mǎn)步(履覆)(矛予)盾三、用“\”划去括号里不正确的词语或加点字不正确的解释。
1.( )30=65=18( )=9÷( )=( )(填带分数)=( )(填小数)。
15分=( )时 65 dm 2=( )m 2 4500 mL =( )dm 30.85 m 3=( )m 33.把一个最简分数的分子缩小为原来的16,分母扩大为原来的7倍后是235,原来这个分数是( );79的分母加上63,要使分数的大小不变,分子应加上( );一个分数分子与分母的和是90,将分数约分后是213,原来这个分数是( )。
4.把5千克糖果平均分给四个班的小朋友,平均每个班分得这些糖果的( ),每个班分得糖果( )千克。
5.书法小组有男生16人,女生12人,女生人数是男生人数的( ),男生人数是书法小组总人数的( )。
6.分数单位是110的最大真分数是( ),最小假分数是( ),最小带分数是( )。
718918 611613 891920 71258 549879560.78395038498.3648的分子和分母的最大公因数是( ),化成最简分数是( )。
9.A 和B 是相邻的两个自然数,它们的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。
10.258化成假分数是( ),它的分数单位是( ),它有( )个这样的分数单位,把它化成小数是( )。
3.4个是( ),1里面有( )个。
4.8和16的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。
5.一袋大米吃去了,是把()看作单位“1”,平均分成()份,( )占其中的3份。
6.====8÷( )=2÷57.分母是8的最大真分数是( ),分母是8的最小假分数是( )。
8.的分数单位是( ),再加上( )个这样的分数单位就是2。
(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)1.把7克糖溶在100克水中,水的质量占糖水的( )。
小学下册英语第四单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The puppy is very ______ (playful).2.Sarah is a ______. She enjoys writing stories.3.The ____ has a friendly demeanor and enjoys being petted.4.What is the main language spoken in Spain?A. FrenchB. SpanishC. ItalianD. PortugueseB5.The cat is ________ on the sofa.6.What do we call the main ingredient in soup?A. BrothB. WaterC. VegetablesD. MeatA Broth7.My uncle tells the best __________ (笑话).8.We like to eat ___ (pizza).9.I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others by __________.10.Chemical engineering involves applying principles of chemistry to design processes for producing _____.11.What do you call a person who writes stories?A. AuthorB. EditorC. PublisherD. LibrarianA12.My grandma loves to bake ____ (bread).13.What is the name of the planet closest to the sun?A. VenusB. EarthC. MercuryD. MarsC14.What is the capital of the Philippines?A. ManilaB. BangkokC. JakartaD. Hanoi15.What do we call the time when the daylight is the shortest?A. EquinoxB. SolsticeC. Lunar phaseD. EclipseB Solstice16.The ________ is known for its beautiful feathers.17.The _______ (The Russian Revolution) marked the end of imperial rule in Russia.18. A __________ is a reaction that involves a change in temperature.19.The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or _____.20.She is wearing a lovely ___. (necklace)21.The cake is ________ (sweet) and delicious.22.The __________ is a famous historical site in Cambodia. (吴哥窟)23.The _______ of a plant can be smooth or rough.24.The cat is under the ______ (table).25.What is 30 - 15?A. 10B. 12C. 15D. 1826.What do you call a large area of land covered with grass?A. DesertB. PrairieC. ForestD. SwampB27.They are _______ (singing) a song.28.The _______ (老虎) has sharp claws.29.I think kindness should be practiced every day. Even small gestures can make a big difference. I try to be kind by __________ to those around me.30.What do we call the study of the human mind?A. PsychologyB. SociologyC. PhilosophyD. AnthropologyA Psychology31.In _____ (南非), you can see the Big Five animals.32.What is a synonym for "fast"?A. QuickB. SlowC. TiredD. Lazy33.The main component of essential oils is _____.34.My best friend loves to ________ (旅行).35.What do we drink in the morning?A. JuiceB. SoupC. BreadD. RiceA36.The tortoise moves very ______ (慢).37.I want to go to the ________.38.The leaves fall gently from the _______ in autumn, creating a beautiful sight.39.How many colors are in a traffic light?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five40.An exothermic reaction releases ______.41.I like to ______ (参与) in charity events.42. A chemical change produces substances with different ______.43.The _____ (狐狸) is known for its cleverness.44. mountains are located in ________ (南美洲). The Apol45.The flamingo gets its pink color from its diet of ______ (甲壳类).46.What instrument do you blow into to play?A. FluteB. GuitarC. PianoD. DrumA47.My brother is very __________ (友好) to his peers.48.I can’t wait for the flowers to ______ (盛开).49.The chemical symbol for bismuth is ______.50.What do we call a person who writes books?A. AuthorB. PainterC. MusicianD. Director51.I have a ______ for school. (schedule)52.The ______ is a vital part of agriculture.53.What do you call a person who catches fish?A. FishermanB. FarmerC. HunterD. GathererA54.What do we call the time when the sun sets?A. SunriseB. SunsetC. DuskD. TwilightB55.We should always _____ (尊重) nature and its resources.56.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Los AngelesC. Washington,D.C.D. ChicagoC Washington, D.C.57.The _____ (大象) is a gentle giant.58.What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?A. Mickey MouseB. Jerry MouseC. Stuart LittleD. Tom CatA59.Carbon atoms can form long _____ of molecules.60.What do we call the sound made by a cow?A. MooB. BaaC. QuackD. Roar61.The __________ (历史的回忆) enriches our understanding.62.____(Glaciers) can shape valleys over thousands of years.63.I saw a ______ (小鸟) building a nest in the tree. It was very ______ (专注).64.My sister can ______ (sing) beautifully.65.The __________ of a substance is how much space it takes up.66.What do we use to write?A. SpoonB. PencilC. PlateD. Cup67.What is the main ingredient of the sun?A. OxygenB. HydrogenC. HeliumD. Carbon68.My favorite storybook is ______.69.The ancient Egyptians celebrated ________ to honor their deities.70.I find it ________ (有趣) to learn about space.71.The capital of Saint Lucia is ________ (卡斯特里).72.The reaction of an acid with a carbonate produces ______.73.What is the name of the famous artist known for his abstract art?A. PicassoB. Van GoghC. MonetD. Rembrandt74.Gardeners use _______ to help plants grow.75.The __________ is a small area that is surrounded by a larger area.76.The sky is _______ (蓝色的) today.77.I have a toy _______ that can spin fast.78.Every morning, I listen to _______ (音乐类型) while getting ready. It makes me feel _______ (形容词).79.The ________ can be seen jumping around.80.What is the name of the famous British rock band known for songs like "Bohemian Rhapsody"?A. The Rolling StonesB. The WhoC. QueenD. The BeatlesC81.The ______ (生长季节) is essential for crop production.82.I have a toy ________ that I built.83.I love to watch ______ movies with my family.84.What is the main ingredient in a hamburger?A. BreadB. CheeseC. MeatD. All of the aboveD85.The ____ loves to dig tunnels and create homes underground.86.The puppy is very ________.87.Star clusters can be either open or _______ clusters.88.I like to race my _________ (玩具车) with my friends at the park.89.We visit the ______ (历史公园) to learn about our heritage.90.The ____ has a long, slender body and slithers on the ground.91.I have a ___ of crayons. (box)92.What is the name of the famous mountain in South America?A. AndesB. RockiesC. AlpsD. Himalayas93.In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue to find a new __________. (航道)94.Many trees lose their ______ in the fall. (许多树在秋天掉落叶子。
小学上册英语第4单元自测题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the capital of South Africa?A. Cape TownB. JohannesburgC. PretoriaD. Durban答案:C2.The ice cream is ___ (cold/warm).3. A saturated solution can be created by adding solute until no more can be ______.4.The smallest particle of an element is an ______.5.What is the smallest continent?A. AsiaB. AfricaC. AustraliaD. Europe答案:c6.The ______ is known for her research.7. A ____(data analysis) informs strategy and planning.8.My cousin is a fabulous ____ (singer).9.What do you call a young female chimpanzee?A. InfantB. PupC. CubD. Kit答案: A10.We can _____ (plant) trees to help the environment.11.We enjoy _____ (fishing) in the lake.12.My pet hamster is very ______ (活泼).13.The area where an oceanic plate meets a continental plate is called a ______.14.My brother loves __________ (看电影).15.We visit the ______ (图书馆) for research.16.I have _____ (ten/twenty) fingers.17.The _____ (氛围) created by plants can uplift spirits.18.What is the name of the holiday in February?A. HalloweenB. Valentine's DayC. ChristmasD. New Year答案: B19.He is helping his dad in the ___. (garage)20.ts can ______ (吸收) pollutants from the air. Some pla21. A __________ is a geological feature that can affect human settlements.22.What do we call a person who studies the relationship between humans and technology?A. TechnologistB. SociologistC. AnthropologistD. Environmental Scientist答案: A23.I want to _____ (travel/go) to the beach.24.The ______ (果皮) protects the fruit inside.25.The chemical formula for lithium hydroxide is ______.26.My friend is a great __________ (摄影师) with a creative eye.27.The symbol for barium is _____.28.Meteor showers occur when Earth passes through a trail of _______.29.Which is the fastest land animal?A. HorseB. CheetahC. LionD. Elephant答案:B.Cheetah30.It is hot in the ___. (summer)31. A butterfly’s wings are covered in tiny ______.32.The rabbit's burrow is a safe ______ (地方) to live.33.The city of Pyongyang is the capital of _______.34.The tree is ______ (full) of ripe fruit.35.The otter is playful in the ________________ (水).36.I enjoy making mini _________ (玩具) with my friends.37.The garden is _______ (blooming) with flowers.38.The leaves are ______ (绿色) in color.39.The _______ of a tree is called its trunk.40.My sister enjoys participating in ____ (theater).41.ts can help control ______ naturally without chemicals. (某些植物可以自然控制害虫,而无需化学药品。
小学上册英语第4单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The chemical symbol for cadmium is __________.2.The Earth's crust is continuously changing due to ______.3.The ________ (地方美食) represents our culture.4.n Wall was a symbol of the __________ (冷战). The Berl5.An endothermic reaction absorbs ______.6.My favorite fruit is ___. (banana)7.My dad is a ________.8.My friend is a _____ (记者) who covers important stories.9.The capital of Cyprus is __________.10.What is the main ingredient in mashed potatoes?A. RiceB. PotatoesC. CornD. CarrotsB11.I can _____ (dance/sing) very well.12. A chemical reaction that produces gas can be identified by the formation of _____ bubbles.13.The capital of Kazakhstan is __________.14.What is the opposite of 'sweet'?A. SourB. BitterC. SaltyD. SpicyA15.What is the capital of Finland?A. HelsinkiB. TallinnC. OsloD. Stockholmpounds can be classified as ionic or ______.17.My dad loves __________ (历史).18.What is the term for a baby elephant?A. CubB. CalfC. PupD. KidB Calf19.My pet _____ (鹦鹉) can talk.20.environmental education) promotes awareness and action. The ____21.Which animal is known for its trunk?A. LionB. ElephantC. TigerD. BearB Elephant22.What is the capital of England?英国的首都是什么?A. ParisB. LondonC. BerlinD. MadridB23.The _____ is the distance between two points in space.24.What is the process of water vapor turning into liquid called?A. EvaporationB. PrecipitationC. CondensationD. SublimationC25. A _____ (自然) habitat supports diverse plants.26.In a chemical reaction, the reactants are on the ______ side of the equation.27.My mom enjoys __________ (旅行) to new places.28.The garden has many _____ (flowers/plants).29.We celebrate ______ (Christmas) in December.30.I love _____ (花) in the spring.31.My sister is a __________ (舞者).32.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Tower BridgeC. London EyeD. Buckingham PalaceA33.The _______ of a wave can be affected by the medium it travels through.34.The hawk soars high in the _______ (天空).35.The alligator swims in the _____.36.Metals are typically ______ conductors of electricity.37.What is the main source of energy for the Earth?A. WindB. WaterC. SunD. CoalC38.We can see _______ in the rainforest.39.What is the color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. WhiteD. RedB40.The ________ is a small animal that loves to burrow.41. A ______ (生态友好的方法) can lead to better practices.42.The ancient Romans spoke ______ (拉丁语).43.I want to be a ________ when I grow up.44.What is the sound a dog makes?A. MeowB. RoarC. BarkD. MooC45. A __________ is a mixture that can be separated by centrifugation.46. A _______ is a type of chemical reaction that consumes energy.47.What do you call a story that is made up?A. Non-fictionB. BiographyC. FictionD. HistoryC48.What is the opposite of empty?A. FullB. LightC. HeavyD. DarkA49.What is the name of the famous detective known for solving mysteries?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sherlock HolmesC. Miss MarpleD. Sam Spade50.What is the capital of Argentina?A. SantiagoB. Buenos AiresC. LimaD. BogotáB51.My toy ____ is always ready for adventure! (玩具名称)52.How many players are on a baseball team?A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 1253.I enjoy ________ ( gardening) in my free time.54.What kind of animal is an octopus?A. MammalB. FishC. ReptileD. MolluskD55.Which shape has four equal sides?A. TriangleB. CircleC. SquareD. Rectangle56.My uncle loves to __________ (分享) his travel stories.57. A __________ is a low-lying coastal area.58.Eclipses occur due to the alignment of the sun, moon, and ______.59.I love to explore nature. One of my favorite places to hike is __________.60. A ____(team-building exercise) fosters collaboration.61.The _____ (狼) is a symbol of wilderness.62.I have a blue ________.63.The _______ (海龟) swims in the ocean.64. A _______ can measure the temperature of a gas.65. A __________ is a city that is not the capital but is important for trade.66.She has a nice ________.67.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Greece?A. AthensB. MycenaeC. DelphiD. All of the above68.What is the capital of the Seychelles?A. VictoriaB. MahéC. PraslinD. La Digue69.Some plants can grow in _______ conditions.70. A ______ is a natural feature that can influence weather.71.I enjoy exploring new ______ (地方), especially historical sites.72.The chemical formula for isobutyric acid is ______.73.In nature, every plant has its own __________ (角色).74.The ______ (自然) world is full of wonders related to plants.75.My dad _____ the car every Saturday. (washes)76.What is the name of the common game played with marbles?A. JacksB. MarblesC. Snakes and LaddersD. ChessB77.The chemical formula for glycine is ______.78.The chemical formula for ferric oxide is ______.79.The ________ was a famous philosopher who influenced Western thought.80.I love building with my ________ (乐高) sets every weekend.81.What do we call the changes in the weather over a long period?A. ClimateB. WeatherC. SeasonD. Forecast82.Where does Santa Claus live?A. North PoleB. South PoleC. AustraliaD. New York83.The ________ (花瓣) are often colorful.84.I like to help my ______ in the kitchen. (我喜欢在厨房帮助我的______。
国家开放大学(电大)商务英语4单元自测4答题须知:1. 答题时,请将选项写在题后的括号内,如 (A)。
2. 所有答案必须填写在答题纸上,不得直接在试题上做答。
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4. 答题时间为90分钟。
第一部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的(A、B、C和D)四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Passage 1Many parents are concerned that their children spend too much time watching television. They believe that too much television can have a negative effect on their child's education and development. However, television can also have a positive influence on children. The key is to find a balance between television and other activities.Television can be a valuable educational tool. Educational programs, such as documentaries and science shows, can provide children with knowledge and information about the world around them. They can learn about different cultures, animals, and scientific phenomena. In addition, there are programs that focus on developing cognitive and social skills, such as problem-solving and teamwork.To ensure that television has a positive impact, it is important for parents to set limits on television viewing. They can establish a schedule that includes a variety of activities, such as outdoor play, reading, and creative play. In addition, parents can select high-quality and educational programs for their children to watch. They can also watch television with their children and discuss the content, encouraging critical thinking and media literacy.Television can be both a blessing and a curse for children. With proper guidance and moderation, it can be a valuable source of information and entertainment.1. What is the main concern of many parents regarding their children and television?(A) That it affects their education(B) That it discourages physical activity(C) That it promotes obesity(D) That it interferes with social skills2. According to the passage, what can children learn from educational programs?(A) Different cultures(B) Physical play(C) Teamwork skills(D) Problem-solving techniques3. How can excessive television watching affect children's health?(A) It can lead to obesity.(B) It can interfere with schoolwork.(C) It can discourage critical thinking.(D) It can promote sedentary lifestyle.4. What can parents do to ensure that television viewing has a positive impact on their children?(A) Set limits on television viewing.(B) Select low-quality programs for their children.(C) Ignore the content of the programs.(D) Let children watch television alone.5. What should parents do to make television viewing more beneficial for their children?(A) Engage in outdoor play.(B) Read with their children.(C) Encourage sedentary lifestyle.(D) Discourage critical thinking.Passage 2To maintain a healthy balance, individuals should practice digital detoxes, where they take breaks from technology. This can involve unplugging from devices for a certain period of time or engaging in offline activities, such as exercising, reading books, or spending timewith loved ones. It is important to prioritize human connections and engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being.In conclusion, while technology has its benefits, it is essential to use it in moderation. By finding a balance between technology usage and offline activities, individuals can lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.6. According to the passage, what is one advantage of technology?(A) It provides convenience.(B) It promotes isolation.(C) It causes eye strain.(D) It creates stress and anxiety.7. What is one negative effect of excessive technology use?(A) Addiction(B) Efficiency(C) Real-life experiences(D) Quality of life(A) Taking breaks from technology(B) Constantly keeping up with the latest trends(C) Avoiding human connections(D) Engaging in screen time constantly9. What can individuals do to practice digital detoxes?(A) Engaging in screen time constantly(B) Prioritizing human connections(C) Unplugging from devices for a certain period of time(D) Neglecting offline activities10. What is the main idea of the passage?(A) Technology has numerous benefits.(B) Technology should be used excessively.(C) Technology should be avoided.(D) Technology should be used in moderation.第二节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的(A、B、C和D)四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
(每题10分)题目1正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干— What's the fare to the museum? — _________________. 选择一项:A. Five milesB. Five o'clockC. Five dollars反馈正确答案是:正确答案是:Five dollars Five dollars题目2正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干— What do you usually do in your spare me? — _________________. 选择一项:A. ReadingB. Yes, it’s my favorite timeC. No, I'll never do that反馈正确答案是:正确答案是:Reading Reading题目3正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干It's bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. 选择一项:A. actionB. mannerC. behavior反馈正确答案是:正确答案是:behavior behavior题目4正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干As the busiest woman there, she made ______________ her duty to look a er all the other people's affairs in that town. 选择一项:A. itB. thisC. that反馈正确答案是:正确答案是:it it题目5正确获得10.00分中的10.00分标记题目题干The wild flowers looked like a so orange blanket ______________ the desert. 选择一项:A. coveredB. to coverC. covering反馈正确答案是:正确答案是:covering covering标记题目信息文本二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)题目6正确获得50.00分中的50.00分标记题目题干选择题Charity is a concept which dates back to Biblical mes, when helping the poor was something that rich people basically did to make themselves feel good. Social work has its roots in charity, as it originally began around the me of the industrial revolu on when there were many poor people and society was seeking a way of dealing with the poor and social problems. Although social work began as charity work, it has expanded a lot and needs to be seen from a completely different perspec ve. Modern-day social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with the problems arising from various types of “social fear” (“social phobias”) and discrimina on such as sexism, racism, and dis crimina on against an individual due to his age, or mental or physical disabili es. Social workers deal with the consequences of these discrimina ons as well as consequences that arise from sexual abuse, drug abuse, and various other problems. Social work provides an important service to society. Individuals and families in need of help are the focus of it, and are re ferred to as clients. Social workers help clients live a produc ve life in their own community. In order to reach this goal, they o en enlist the assistance of family members, rela ves, local religious leaders, and other influen al members of the community. Although ins tu onaliza on may be necessary at mes, it is a temporary solu on. Social workers usually serve in the front line, and reach out to the clients soon a er problems occur. The goal is to help clients return to normal life in a natural se ng. 1. The charity originally means to 回答回答正确正确正确答案是:正确答案是:A A 获得2.00分中的2.00分.A. help the poor that makes the rich feel good. B. help clients return to normal life. C. serve the whole society. 2. When does social work begin?回答回答正确正确正确答案是:正确答案是:A A获得2.00分中的2.00分A. around the me of the industrial revolu on B. Biblical mes C. modern me 3. Modern-day social work deals with the following problems except 回答回答 正确正确正确答案是:正确答案是:C C获得2.00分中的2.00分A. poverty B. racism C. educa on 4. In order to help clients live a produc ve life, social workers can turn to the assistance of 回答回答正确正确正确答案是:正确答案是:B B获得2.00分中的2.00分.A. government B. family members C. businessmen 5. Which statement about social work is NOT True?回答回答 正确正确 正确答案是:正确答案是:C C获得2.00分中的2.00分A. Social work roots from charity. B. Social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with various social fear and discrimina on. C. Social work is that the rich people want to help the poor people. 。
zhǔn bèi zhīzhūchōng zhuàng piāo liúqiáng bìpiào liang jīèchībǎo2.先把词语补充完整,然后根据意思选词填空:自言( )( ) 四()八()百发( )( ) ()面( )方七手( )( )窗明( )( )(1)自己跟自己说话;独自低声说话。
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第一套题:1.—They are testing the3D printer.Don’t you come and see it?—What?选项:Where is it displayed?2.—Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy3D printer?选项:I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.3.—What do you want to be?选项:I would study computer science than dancer.4.Flowers grow well in a warm climate.Similarly,technology____in a harmonious society.选项:flourishes5.Someone invented the3D printer many years ago,____I don’t remember who.选项:but6.B-D-C-E-A第二套题:1.—3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.—____Maybe its functions are questionable.选项:Really?2.—Do you like that technology exhibition?—Yes,I like it very much..选项:It shows me the impressive magic power of3D printing.3.—They are testing the3D printer.Don’t you come and see it?—What?选项:Where is it displayed?4.She's not very optimistic____the development of3D printing.选项:about5.This3D printer was designed____produce snacks.选项:to6.F-T-F-F-T第三套题1.—3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.—____Maybe its functions are questionable.选项:Really?2.—Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy3D printer?选项:I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.3.—Do you like that technology exhibition?—Yes,I like it very much.选项:It shows me the impressive magic power of3D printing4.3D printing is just at the beginning stage.It is not____.选项:mature5.____the new law is used one day,I hope it will not punish people using3D printers for personal purposes.6.A-B-A-B-C第四套题:1.—What do you want to be?选项:I would study computer science than dancer. 2.—Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy3D printer?选项:I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.3.—3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.—____Maybe its functions are questionable.选项:Really?4.Touch-____3D maps help the blind too much.选项:responsive5.She’s been interested in computer science____she was eight.选项:since6.F-T-F-F-T。
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智 慧 的 火 花 由此 点 燃 , 灵 魂 也 因此 不 断地 深化 。 在 这 个信 息爆 炸 的 时代 , 我 们 怎 能 不 精
忸( n i l 3 ) 怩 间( j i O n ) 歇 掂( d i a n) 量 隽( j Q n ) 永
2 . 下 列各句 中, 加 点 词 语 使 用 不 当 的一 项 是 ( ) 。( 2 分) A. 将 军 目光炯 炯 , 嗓 门洪 亮 , 慷 慨 激 昂 地 给 起 义 战 士 作 了一 番 战前 动 员 。
特 有 的精 神 大 餐 。 D. 大 吊水 瀑 布 从 两 峰 间 喷 泻 而 出 , 披 岩而下 , 跌 宕有力 , 声 如惊雷 , 势 若 天 河 。 坠 入 潭 底 时水 石 相 击 , 珠飞玉碎 , 甚为壮观 。
3 . 下列各句 中 , 标 点 符 号 使 用 有 误 的一 项 是 ( ) 。( 2 分) A. “ 是 我 的— — ” 她 气 汹 汹地 嚷 了半 句 , 就扭过脸去 。
CH U ZH0 N G S HEI 、 I G S Hl Jl E
第 四单元 自测题
( 满分 : 1 0 0 分 时间: 1 0 0 分钟 ) 姚 祥 贵 基础练兵场 ( 共2 0 分)
( 一) 基础知识 。
1 . 下 列汉字的字音 、 字 形 完 全 正 确 的 一组 是 (
B. 人 生 道 路 上 有 许 多磕 磕 绊 绊 , 我 们 要 始 终 记 住 两 个 字 — — 坚 强 。这 样 , 我 们 才 有 可 能 成 为 最 后 的赢 家 。 c . 晚会 气 氛 十分 火 爆 , 那 铿 锵 悦 耳 的梆 子 腔 , 让 在 场 的所 有 观 众 都 享 受 了一 份 燕 赵
( 二) 综 合 性 学 习 。学 校 开 展 “ 走进 名 著 ” 综 合 性 学 习活 动 , 请你参加并完成4 ~ 7 题。
4 . 对 出下 面这 副对 联 的 下联 。 ( 2 分) 上联 : 回首 往 昔 , 经 典 成 就 无 数 雅 士
下联 :
5 . 读 右 边 的漫 画 , 说说其寓意 。( 2 分)
心 选 择 阅读 的 书 籍 呢 ?
( 1 ) 末 尾 句 并 不 能 作 为 全 段 的 总 结语 , 请 你 为本 段 文 字 重 新 拟 写 一 句 结 语 。 ( 1 分) ( 2 ) 语 段 中还 有 两 处 病 句 , 找 出来 并 在 原 文 中 加 以修 改 。( 2 分) 8 . 仔 细 阅读 下 列 材 料 , 说说我们该如何正确地看待 “ 国学 热 ” 。( 4 分)
A. 执拗 ( n i O ) B . 磅( p 6 n g) 礴 c . 抿( mf n ) 嘴 D . 镜 匣( x i a) 睿( r u 1 ) 智 虔( q i 6 n ) 诚 鸿鹄( h 0 ) 害臊( s d o)
) 。( 2 分)
琦( q f ) 丽 曙( s h Q ) 光 分摊 ( t O n ) 皎( j i O o ) 洁
B .我 拼 命 忍 住 笑 , 随 便 地 问他 是 哪里 人 ?他 没 回答 , 脸涨得像个关公 。 c . 白鹭 的 本 身 不 就 是 一 首 优 美 的歌 吗 ?— — 不 , 歌 未 免 太 铿锵 了 。 D. 它是 “ 一首精巧的诗” , “ 一 首 韵 在 骨 子 里 的散 文诗 ” , 言 有尽 而 意 无 穷 。
材料二 : “ 看到 孩 子 有 模 有 样 地 将 这 么 多篇 拗 口的《 论语》 文 选一 字 不 差 地 背诵 下 来 ,
真 的很 开 心 , ” 一位 家长 笑 着说 , “ 背 诵 讲 的 是 童 子 功 。只要 她 背 下 来 了 , 长 大后 会 慢 慢 懂 的 。退 一 步 , 哪 怕 纯粹 从 习文 的 角度 来 看 , 也是有益 的” 。 材料三 : 经 史子 集 中 的 一 些价 值 取 向 , 在 当年 是 一 种 创 新 , 但 如今 已成 糟 粕 , 比如“ 非 礼 勿动 ” 的“ 礼” 是 君 臣父子 那一 套 的 礼 俗 , 与现代社会格格 不入 ; 而且 , 礼 节 不 能替 代 法 律 , 礼 信 忠 恕 不 能 与 现 代 契约 精 神 相 违 背 。
材料一 : 记 者 的 一 位 亲 戚 曾பைடு நூலகம் 加 过 国 学培 训 班 , 收 费 高 昂 。记 者 本 人 也 有 幸 旁 听 过
次讲 授 , 授 课 老 师 是 一 位 来 自福 建 某 商 业 协会 的 女 士 。在 给 学 生及 家长 耐 心 讲 解 了 图
章 的 来龙 去 脉 、 鉴 赏知 识 之 后 , 老 师就 大谈 起 了 图章 的 收 藏 价 值 、 市场行情 , 并 顺 理 成 章 地推销起产 品来。
只 要 有 一 颗 火 热 的 心在 , 只要热 爱生活 , 上帝对他就是平等 的。
7 . 按 要 求 修 改 下 面 的语 段 。 ( 3 分) 儿 时, 在 书 的 熏 陶下 , 我 慢 慢 向往 起 《 童话 故 事》 中令 人 心 驰 神 往 的 美 丽世 界 。 在 那 个
世界里 , 有善 良的 白雪 公 主 , 有神 秘 的嫦 娥 奔 月 , 也 有 着 牛 郎 织 女 的 幸 福 美 满 。渐 渐 地 我
6 . 仿 照示 例 , 写一段话 , 向 同学 推 荐 一 本 你 最 喜 欢 看 的课 外 书 。( 3 分) 示例 : 我 向 大 家推 荐 《 平 凡 的世 界 》 。 它 以 孙 少安 和 孙 少平 两 兄 弟 为 中心 , 刻 画 了从
1 9 7 5 年到 1 9 8 5 年 间 中 国社 会 各 阶层 众 多普 通 人 的 形 象 ,深 刻 地 展 示 了普 通 人 在 大 时 代 历 史进 程 中所 走 过 的艰 难 曲折 的 道 路 。 它 告诉 我 : 人, 无论 在 什 么位 置 , 无论 多 么 贫 寒 ,