Self-consistent equation for an interacting Bose gas
A Chebyshev criterion for Abelian integrals
A Chebyshev criterion for Abelian integrals
M. Grau, F. Man˜osas and J. VБайду номын сангаасlladelprat
Departament de Matem`atica, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain
Departament de Matem`atiques Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Departament d’Enginyeria Inform`atica i Matem`atiques,
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
XH = −Hy∂x + Hx∂x and Y = P ∂x + Q∂y.
Then, see [17, 20] for details, the first approximation in ε of the displacement function of the Poincar´e map of Xε is given by (1) with ω = P dy − Qdx. Hence the number of isolated zeros of I(h), counted with multiplicities, provides
Zeros of Abelian integrals are related to limit cycles in the following way. Consider a small deformation of a Hamiltonian vector field Xε = XH + εY, where
simultaneous equation method
Simultaneous Equation MethodIntroductionIn mathematics, simultaneous equations play a crucial role in solving real-world problems and modeling various phenomena. The simultaneous equation method is a powerful technique used to find solutions for a system of equations. This method involves solving multiple equations together to determine the values of unknown variables. In this article, we will explore the simultaneous equation method in detail and discuss its applications.Understanding Simultaneous EquationsDefinitionSimultaneous equations, also known as a system of equations, are a set of equations that share the same variables. The solutions of these equations simultaneously satisfy each equation in the system. The general form of simultaneous equations can be written as:a1x + b1y = c1a2x + b2y = c2Here, x and y are the variables, while a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, and c2 are constants.Types of Simultaneous EquationsSimultaneous equations can be classified into three types based on the number of solutions they have:1.Consistent Equations: These equations have a unique solution,meaning there is a specific set of values for the variables thatsatisfy all the equations in the system.2.Inconsistent Equations: This type of system has no solution. Theequations are contradictory and cannot be satisfied simultaneously.3.Dependent Equations: In this case, the system has infinitely manysolutions. The equations are dependent on each other and represent the same line or plane in geometric terms.To solve simultaneous equations, we employ various methods, with the simultaneous equation method being one of the most commonly used techniques.The Simultaneous Equation MethodThe simultaneous equation method involves manipulating and combining the given equations to eliminate one variable at a time. By eliminating one variable, we can reduce the system to a single equation with one variable, making it easier to find the solution.ProcedureThe general procedure for solving simultaneous equations using the simultaneous equation method is as follows:1.Identify the unknow n variables. Let’s assume we have n variables.2.Write down the given equations.3.Choose two equations and eliminate one variable by employingsuitable techniques such as substitution or elimination.4.Repeat step 3 until you have a single equation with one variable.5.Solve the single equation to determine the value of the variable.6.Substitute the found value back into the other equations to obtainthe values of the remaining variables.7.Verify the solution by substituting the found values into all theoriginal equations. The values should satisfy each equation.If the system is inconsistent or dependent, the simultaneous equation method will also lead to appropriate conclusions.Applications of Simultaneous Equation MethodThe simultaneous equation method finds applications in numerous fields, including:EngineeringSimultaneous equations are widely used in engineering to model and solve various problems. Engineers employ this method to determine unknown quantities in electrical circuits, structural analysis, fluid mechanics, and many other fields.EconomicsIn economics, simultaneous equations help analyze the relationship between different economic variables. These equations assist in studying market equilibrium, economic growth, and other economic phenomena.PhysicsSimultaneous equations are a fundamental tool in physics for solving complex problems involving multiple variables. They are used in areas such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.OptimizationThe simultaneous equation method is utilized in optimization techniques to find the optimal solution of a system subject to certain constraints. This is applicable in operations research, logistics, and resource allocation problems.ConclusionThe simultaneous equation method is an essential mathematical technique for solving systems of equations. By employing this method, we can find the values of unknown variables and understand the relationships between different equations. The applications of this method span across various fields, making it a valuable tool in problem-solving and modeling real-world situations. So, the simultaneous equation method continues to be akey topic in mathematics and its practical applications in diverse disciplines.。
Exact metric for the exterior of a global string in the Brans-Dicke theory
a rXiv:g r-qc/9827v13Feb1998Exact metric for the exterior of a global string in the Brans-Dicke theory B.Boisseau ∗,and B.Linet †Laboratoire de Math´e matiques et Physique Th´e orique CNRS/UPRES-A 6083,Universit´e Fran¸c ois Rabelais Facult´e des Sciences et Techniques Parc de Grandmont 37200TOURS,France Abstract We determine in closed form the general static solution with cylindrical symmetry to the Brans-Dicke equations for an energy-momentum tensor corresponding to the one of the straight U(1)global string outside the core radius assuming that the Goldstone boson field takes its asymptotic value.1Introduction Topological defects could be produced at a phase transition in the early universe [1,2].Their nature depends on the symmetry broken in the field theory under consideration.A class of topological defects are the global defects as the global strings which are not finiteenergy.So,a static,straight U(1)global string in general relativity has a metric which is not asymptotically Minkowskian [3,4,5,6].Indeed,the spacetime has necessarily a physical singularity at a finite proper distance of the axis [4]giving constraints on the abundance of the global strings in the early universe [7].The explicit metric outside the core radius within the approximate theory in which the Goldstone boson field takes its asymptotic value has been obtained by Cohen and Kaplan [3]and it presents a curvature singularity at a finite proper distance.It is widely accepted that a gravitational scalar field,beside the metric of the spacetime,must exist in the framework of the present unified theories.These scalar-tensor theories of gravitation take their importance in the early universe where it is expected that the coupling to matter of the scalar field would be as same order as the one of metric althought the scalar coupling is negligeable in the present time.Now topological defects are producedduring vacuum phase transitions in the early universe,therefore several authors studied the static solutions generated for instance by a straight U(1)gauge string in the Brans-Dicke theory[8,9],in the scalar-tensor theories with matter minimally coupled[10]or in the dilaton theories[11].Of course the scalarfield is supposed massless because in the massive case the theory is pratically general relativity for distance much larger than the range of the scalarfield.Recently,Sen et al[12]studied the static,straight U(1)global string in the Brans-Dicke theory but they did not arrive to determine in closed form the general solution outside the core radius of the straight U(1)global string.Also,we take up again the problem of the determination of the exact solution outside the core radius in the case where the Goldstone bosonfield takes its asymptotic value.The gravitationalfield variables of the Brans-Dicke theory are the metricˆgµνof the spacetime and a scalarfieldˆφ.The matter is minimally coupled toˆgµνand its energy-momentum tensorˆTµνis conserved.Nevertheless,it is now well-known that it is more convenient to use a non-physical metric gµνand a new scalarφdefined by1ˆgµν=exp(2αφ)gµνandˆφ=2ω+3in terms of the usual Brans-Dicke parameterω.We also introduce a non-physical source Tµνdefined byTµν=exp(2αφ)ˆTµν.(2) We describe the straight U(1)global string by a static,cylindrically symmetric space-time.Consequently,we can write the non-physical metric in the formds2=dρ2+g2(ρ)dz2+g3(ρ)dϕ2−g4(ρ)dt2(3) in the coordinate system(ρ,z,ϕ,t)withρ>0and0≤ϕ<2πwhere the functions g2,g3 and g4are strictly positive.The scalarfield depends only onρ.Under our assumptions, the form of the energy-momentum tensorˆTµνoutside the core radius of the U(1)global string yieldsTρρ=T z z=T t t=−Tϕϕ=−σ(ρ)(4) where the strictly positive functionσis to be determined forρ>ρC,ρC being the core radius.As noticed by Gibbons et al[13],form(4)corresponds also to aσ-model with vanishing potential and having a target space with closed geodesics.The purpose of this work is to give the general expression of static metrics with cylin-drical symmetry and the scalarfield which are the solutions to the Brans-Dicke equationswith a source having the algebraic form (4).Intheparticularcase ofa straight U(1)global string,metric (3)must exhibit the boost invariance,i.e.g 2=g 4.The plan of the work is as follows.In Section 2,we give the basic equations of our problem which are to be solved.The explicit solutions are obtained in Section 3.We discuss in Section 4the singularities of the solutions and the existence of black hole solutions.We add in Section 5some concluding remarks.2Gravitational field equationsIn terms of the non-physical metric g µνand the scalar field φintroduced by relations (1),the Brans-Dicke equations areR µν=2∂µφ∂νφ+8πG (T µν−12Rg µν=2∂µφ∂νφ−g µνg γδ∂γφ∂δφ+8πG T µν.(8)For metrics (3)with source (4),equation (7)reduces todσg 3dg 3dρwhose the general solution has the formσ(ρ)=σ0g 3(ρ)(9)where σ0is an arbitrary positive constant.We are now in a position to write down the gravitational field equations.In equation(5),the components R z z ,R ϕϕand R t t of the Ricci tensor give firstlydg 2dg 2dρ u dρ=−4σ0u exp(2αφ)dρ u dρ=0(12)where u denotes the square root of the determinant,u 2=g 2g 3g 4.Secondly,the scalar equation(6)iswrittenasd dρ=ασ0u exp(2αφ)g 2g 3dg 2dρ+1dρdg 4g 4g 2dg 4dρ=−4σ0exp(2αφ)dρ 2.(14)We have a system of five differential equations for g 2,g 3,g 4and φwhich are compatible since we have taken a T µνsatisfying identically the integrability condition (7).In order to solve these equations we introduce a new radial coordinate r related to ρby u (ρ)dr dr1dr =0,(17)dg 3dg 3dr1dr =0,(19)d 2φg 2g 3dg 2dr +1dr dg 4g 4g 2dg 4dr =−4σ0g 2g 4exp(2αφ)+4 dφαφ(23)where g 03and K 3are arbitrary constants.Hereafter we denote g 3by g .We have now to distinguish two cases.3.1Case K2=0and K4=0In the case where K2=0and K4=0,metric(16)reduces tods2=g(r)dr2+dz2+g(r)dϕ2−dt2(24) in rescaled coordinates r,z and t.It remains three equations of system(17-21).Equation (21)leads todφσ0exp(αφ)(25) and from this equation(20)is automatically satisfied.We can integrate equation(25)and we get the expression of the scalarfieldexp(2αφ)=1µ2g02g04g3(x)dx2+g02x1−w dz2+g3(x)dϕ2−g04x1+w dt2.By a rescaling of the coordinates x,z and t,we can put this metric in the following form ds2=g(x)dx2+x1−w dz2+g(x)dϕ2−x1+w dt2.(29) The energy-momentum tensor keeps form(4)andσis given by(9).It is convenient to write directly thefield equations(5)and(6)for metric(29);we thus obtain1x2+g′g2−g′′g2−g′′xg=4σ0exp(2αφ),(31)1the other components being identically verified.Moreover relation(23)is now written asg(x)=g0x c exp −4xy′=2α2σ0exp y(35) for the unknowm function y.In the appendix,we give the explicit expression of the common solutions to the differential equations(34)and(35)by setting C=α2(1−w2+2c).To summarise this,the desired metric(29),for a given w and g0,and the scalarfield φdepends on three constants C1,C2and n because we express c in terms of n and w.A convenient classification of the solutions is to use the sign of n;we obtain thereby for n>0g(x)=g0x(2/α2−1/2+w2/2+2n2/α2)[|Z(x)|]4/α2φ(x)=−1α(ln x+ln|Z(x)|)(37)with Z(x)=C1+C2ln x C2=0 and for n<0g(x)=g0x(2/α2−1/2+w2/2−2n2/α2)[|Z(x)|]4/α2φ(x)=−14.1Case K2=0and K4=0We write down the physical metric(1)associated with metric(24)where the function g is given by(27)dˆs2=g0α2σ0(r−k)2 dz2−dt2 (39)with−∞<r<∞in principle.It is obvious that the Riemann tensor of metric(39) diverges at r=k.So,there exists two intervals of definition of the metric:−∞<r<k and k<r<∞.The point r=k is at afinite proper distance in the two domains r<k and r>k since the values of the proper radial coordinate,respectively given by the integralsr(−r+k)2/α2−1exp(Kr/2)dr and r(r−k)2/α2−1exp(Kr/2)drarefinite as r→k.We see from(26)that the scalarfield is also singular at r=k. 4.2Case K2=0or K4=0In this case the physical metric(1)associated with metric(29)has the formdˆs2=g(x)Z2(x)dz2−x−1+wg(x)5ConclusionWe have explicitly found the general static solution with cylindrical symmetry to the Brans-Dicke equations with a source having the algebraic form(4).There are two classes of solutions:metrics(39)and metrics(40).The general static metric describing a straight global string outside the core radius is obtained by requiring that g2=g4.We write down the physical metric(1)for the two classes.Firstly,we have directly metric(39)dˆs2=g0α2σ0(r−k)2 dz2−dt2 ,ˆφ=α2σ0x2Z2(x) g(x) dx2+dϕ2 +x dz2−dt2 ,ˆφ=1xy′=2α2σ0exp y,(44)2x2y′′−2xy′−x2y′2+C=0(45) where C is a constant.Wefirstly solve equation(45).By means of the change of functiony(x)=−2ln x−2ln|Z(x)|,(46) we derive the Euler equationx2Z′′+xZ′−[1+11.If1+C/4>0then we getZ(1)(x)=C(1)1x n+C(1)2x−n with n=−1−C/4(50) where C(3)1and C(3)2are constants of integration.We now verify that solutions(48-50)satisfy the second equation(44).Wefind that this is true if the following constraints on the constants of integration are satisfied −4C(1)1C(1)2n2=α2σ0(C(2)2)2=α2σ0 (C(3)1)2+C(3)2)2 n2=α2σ0.(51)References[1]Kibble,T.W.B.(1976).J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.9,183.[2]Vilenkin,A.,and Shellard,E.P.S.(1994).Cosmic Strings and Other TopologicalDefects(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press).[3]Cohen,A.G.,and Kaplan,D.B.(1988).Phys.Lett.B,215,67.[4]Gregory,R.(1988).Phys.Lett.B,215,663.[5]Harari,D.,and Sikivie,P.(1988).Phys.Rev.D,37,3438.[6]Gibbons,G.W.,Ortiz,M.E.,and Ruiz Ruiz,F.(1989).Phys.Rev.D,39,1546.[7]Larson,S.L.,and Hiscock,W.A.(1997).Phys.Rev.D,56,3242.[8]Gundlach,C.,and Ortiz,M.E.(1990).Phys.Rev.D,42,2521.[9]Barros,A.,and Romero,C.(1995).J.Math.Phys.,36,5800.[10]Guimar˜a es,M.E.X.(1997).Class.Quantum Grav.,14,435.[11]Gregory,R.,and Santos,C.(1997).Phys.Rev.D,56,1194.[12]Sen,A.A.,Banerjee,N.,and Banerjee,A.(1997).Phys.Rev.D,56,3706.[13]Gibbons,G.W.,Ortiz,M.E.,and Ruiz Ruiz,F.(1990).Phys.Lett.B,240,50.[14]Harari,D.,and Polychronakos,A.P.(1990).Phys.Lett.B,240,55.[15]Kamke,E.(1983).Differentialgleichungen:L¨o sungsmethoden und 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(0,2) 插值||(0,2) interpolation0#||zero-sharp; 读作零井或零开。
0+||zero-dagger; 读作零正。
1-因子||1-factor3-流形||3-manifold; 又称“三维流形”。
AIC准则||AIC criterion, Akaike information criterionAp 权||Ap-weightA稳定性||A-stability, absolute stabilityA最优设计||A-optimal designBCH 码||BCH code, Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codeBIC准则||BIC criterion, Bayesian modification of the AICBMOA函数||analytic function of bounded mean oscillation; 全称“有界平均振动解析函数”。
BMO鞅||BMO martingaleBSD猜想||Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture; 全称“伯奇与斯温纳顿-戴尔猜想”。
B样条||B-splineC*代数||C*-algebra; 读作“C星代数”。
C0 类函数||function of class C0; 又称“连续函数类”。
CA T准则||CAT criterion, criterion for autoregressiveCM域||CM fieldCN 群||CN-groupCW 复形的同调||homology of CW complexCW复形||CW complexCW复形的同伦群||homotopy group of CW complexesCW剖分||CW decompositionCn 类函数||function of class Cn; 又称“n次连续可微函数类”。
A survey of Hirota's difference equations
BEC-BCS crossover, phase transitions and phase separation in polarized resonantly-paired su
arXiv:cond-mat/0607803v2 [cond-mat.supr-con] 23 Jan 2007
Background and Motivation
One of the most in the study of degenerate atomic gases has been the observation1–9 of singlet paired superfluidity of fermionic atoms interacting via an s-wave Feshbach resonance10–18 . A crucial and novel feature of such experiments is the tunability of the position (detuning, δ ) of the Feshbach resonance, set by the energy of the diatomic molecular (“closed-channel”) bound state relative to the open-channel atomic continuum, which allows a degree of control over the fermion interactions that is unprecedented in other (e.g., solid-state) contexts. As a function of the magnetic-field controlled detuning, δ , fermionic pairing is observed to undergo the Bose-Einstein condensate to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BEC-BCS) crossover19–29 between the Fermi-surface momentum-pairing BCS regime of strongly overlapping Cooper pairs (for large positive detuning) to the coordinate-space pairing BEC regime of dilute Bosecondensed diatomic molecules (for negative detuning). Except for recent experiments30–35 that followed our original work36 , and a wave of recent theoretical37–83 activity, most work has focused on the case of an equal mixture of two hyperfine states (forming a pseudo-spin 1/2 system), observed to exhibit pseudo-spin singlet superfluidity near an s-wave Feshbach resonance. Here we present an extensive study of such systems for an unequal number of atoms in the two pairing hyperfine states, considerably extending results and calculational details beyond those reported in our recent Letter36 . Associating the two pairing hyperfine states with up (↑) and down (↓) projections of the pseudo-spin 1/2, the density difference δn = n↑ − n↓ between the two states is isomorphic to an imposed “magnetization” m ≡ δn (an easily controllable experimental “knob”), with the chemical potential dif-
Flavoring the gravity dual of N=1 Yang-Mills with probes
´ Carlos N´ un ˜ ez † 1 , Angel Paredes ∗
† 2
and Alfonso V. Ramallo ∗
Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
US-FT-3/03 MIT-CPT/3441 hep-th/0311201
November 2003
1 2
nunez@ 3
The gauge/string correspondence, an old proposal due to ’t Hooft [1], is now well understood in the context of maximally supersymmetric super Yang-Mills (SYM) theories. Indeed, the so-called AdS/CFT correspondence is a conjectured equivalence between type IIB string theory on AdS5 × S 5 and N = 4 SYM theory [2]. In the large ’t Hooft coupling limit, the N = 4 SYM theory is dual to the type IIB supergravity background corresponding to the near-horizon geometry of a stack of parallel D3-branes, whose metric is precisely that of the AdS5 × S 5 space. There are nowadays a lot of non-trivial tests of this duality (for a review see [3]). The extension of the gauge/string correspondence to theories with less supersymmetries is obviously of great interest. A possible way to obtain supergravity duals of SYM theories with reduced supersymmetry is to consider branes wrapping supersymmetric cycles of CalabiYau manifolds [4]. In order to preserve some supersymmetry the normal bundle of the cycle within the Calabi-Yau space has to be twisted [5]. Gauged supergravities in lower dimensions provide the most natural framework to implement this twisting. In these theories the gauge field can be used to fiber the cycle in which the brane is wrapped in such a way that some supersymmetries are preserved. In this paper we will restrict ourselves to the case of the supergravity dual of N = 1 SYM. This background, which corresponds to a fivebrane wrapping a two-cycle, was obtained in ref. [6] from the solution found in ref. [7] representing non-abelian magnetic monopoles in four dimensions. The geometry of this background is smooth and leads to confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. Actually, if only the abelian part of the vector field of seven dimensional gauged supergravity is excited, one obtains a geometry which is singular at the origin and coincides with the smooth one at large distances, i.e. in the UV. Therefore, the singularity at the origin is resolved by making the gauge field non-abelian, in complete analogy to what happens with the resolution of the Dirac string by the ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole. Moreover, as argued in ref. [8], the same mechanism that de-singularizes the supergravity solution also gives rise to gaugino condensation. Based on this observation, the NSVZ beta function can be reproduced at leading order [9, 10, 11]. Other aspects of this supergravity dual have been studied in ref. [12](for a review see [13]). Most of the analysis carried out with the background of [6] do not incorporate quarks in the fundamental representation which, in a string theory setup, correspond to open strings. In order to introduce an open string sector in a supergravity dual it is quite natural to add Dbrane probes and see whether one can extract some information about the quark dynamics. As usual, if the number of brane probes is much smaller than those of the background, one can assume that there is no backreaction of the probe in the bulk geometry. In this paper we follow this approach and we will probe with D5-branes the supergravity dual of N = 1 SYM. The main technique to determine the supersymmetric brane probe configurations is kappa symmetry [14], which tells us that, if ǫ is a Killing spinor of the background, only those embeddings for which a certain matrix Γκ satisfies Γκ ǫ = ǫ . (1.1)
Numerical relativity with the conformal field equations
In order to understand the physical content of the theory of general relativity, it is desirable to both mathematically understand its solutions and observationally understand the physical phenomena for which the theory is relevant. The latter effort typically requires predictions from the theory, both qualitative and quantitative – such as gravitational wave templates or binary pulsar deceleration parameters. The lack of genericity in available exact solutions then naturally leads to the use of approximation methods such as post-Newtonian approximations, perturbation theory or numerical analysis, which allows very general non-perturbative approximations. Concrete solutions do however also play an important role in the quest for a mathematical understanding of the solution space. The experience gained from such solutions can suggest theorems, test conjectures, or lead to the discovery of previously unknown phenomena. For some particularly interesting examples see [1], [2] or [3]. The construction and study of solutions, be it with approximate or exact methods, obviously profits from a sound mathematical basis in the form of well-posed equations, analytic estimates and the likes. Eventually – hopefully – it will also profit from observational evidence! In the following I will discuss a particular approach to the numerical solution of the Einstein field equations, which addresses the problems associated with the treatment of asymptotic regions by conformal compactification. The interest in asymptotic regions is rooted in the problem of describing isolated systems. Physical intuition suggests that many astrophysical processes (whether
Self-consistent field theories for complex fluids
phase separation is then inhibited, the chains still have a tendency to rearrange themselves so as to allow like monomers to pack next to each other. Depending on the temperature, block size etc., this may lead to “microphase separation”, i.e, the formation of ordered mesoscopic structures – of lamellae, ordered micelle arrays, bicontinuous structures[10] – which can be viewed as ordered arrays of interfaces in a sense. The properties of those materials strongly depend on the topology and can be quite unusual[11, 12]. Copolymers are also used as effective compatibilizers in homopolymer blends. Added in small amounts, they reduce the interfacial tension between the homopolymer phases[13], and dynamically prevent the coalescence of droplets[14, 15]. Increasing the copolymer concentration results again in the formation of mesoscopically structured microphase-separated phases[16, 17]. Other prominent examples for inhomogeneous complex fluids are self aggregating amphiphilic systems, e.g., mixtures of oil, water and soap, or lipidwater systems. At high enough amphiphile concentration, they build ordered structures which are very similar to the above mentioned copolymer mesophases[18, 19]. The study of lipids in water is particularly interesting because of the close connection to biological physics. Indeed, bilayers of lipid molecules are a major ingredient of biological membranes and thus omnipresent in any living organism. Complex fluids are typically made of chemically complicated, large molecules. They are usually characterized by a variety of competing length scales – in the case of polymer melts the size of the monomers vs. the extension of whole molecules, in the case of amphiphilic systems also the correlation within and between the self aggregated structures – and by the presence of additional, conformation and/or orientational, degrees of freedom. A full treatment in atomistic detail is in most cases out of reach of today’s supercomputers. On the other hand, the apparent complexity of the systems actually contributes to a simplification of the physics on a coarse-grained level. Due to the large number of possible interactions between molecules, microscopic details average out to a large extent. A few characteristic attributes of the molecules are often responsible for the main features of a substance. For example, the properties of polymeric materials are determined mostly by the chain character and the flexibility of the polymers; amphiphilic systems are characterized by their affinity of the amphiphiles to both polar and nonpolar environments, and by their orientation at interfaces. This motivates the study of idealized simplified models, which account only for the main properties of the molecules and absorb the microscopic details in a few, effective parameters[20, 21, 22, 41, 42]. A second important point is that dense macromolecular systems are often unusually well described by mean field approximations. Since large molecules interact with many others, the effective interaction range in the limit of high molecular weight is very large, and according to a simple Ginzburg type argument, the critical region in which concentration fluctuations become important is very small as a r2 [cond-mat.soft] 26 Aug 1998
). Its spatial components
H.C. Pauli
Fig. 1. | The Hamiltonian matrix for a SU(N)-meson and a harmonic resolution K = 4. Only vertex diagrams are included. Zero matrices are marked by a dot ( ).
In canonical eld theory the four components of the energy-momentum vector P commute and are constants of the motion. In the front form of Hamiltonian ~ dynamics 1] they are denoted 2] by P = (P + ; P?; P ? ). Its spatial compo+ are independent of the interaction and diagonal in momen~ nents P? and P tum representation. Their eigenvalues are the sums of the single particle moP ~ P~ menta, P + = p+ and P? = p?. Each single particle has four-momentum p = (p+ ; p? ; p?) and sits on its mass-shell p p = m2 . Each particle state ~ \q" is then characterized by six quantum numbers q = (p+ ; p? ; ; c; f ): the ~ three spatial momenta, helicity, color and avor. The temporal component
Bose Glass in Large N Commensurate Dirty Boson Model
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9811121v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t a t -m e c h ] 9 N o v 1998Bose Glass in Large N Commensurate Dirty Boson Model M.B.Hastings Physics Department,Jadwin Hall Princeton,NJ 08544hastings@ The large N commensurate dirty boson model,in both the weakly and strongly commensurate cases,is considered via a perturbative renormalization group treatment.In the weakly commensurate case,there exists a fixed line under RG flow,with varying amounts of disorder along the line.Including 1/N corrections causes the system to flow to strong disorder,indicating that the model does not have a phase transition pertur-batively connected to the Mott Insulator-Superfluid (MI-SF)transition.I discuss the qualitative effects of instantons on the low energy density of excitations.In the strongly commensurate case,a fixed point found previously is considered and results are obtained for higher moments of the correlation functions.To lowest order,correlation functions have a log-normal distribution.Finally,I prove two interesting theorems for large N vector models with disorder,relevant to the problem of replica symmetry breaking and frustration in such systems.I.INTRODUCTION The dirty boson problem,a problem of repulsively interacting bosons in a random potential,has been the subject of much theoretical work [1].In the zero temperature quantum problem,the system can undergo a phase transition between a Bose glass phase and a superfluid phase.An action that may be used to describe this transition is d d x dt +∂x φ(x,t )∂t φ(x,t )+w (x )φφ+g (particles to occupy each localized state.There exist excitations involving adding or removing one particle from these states,and these excitations lead to the diverging susceptibility.However,it is clear that the Bose glass phase is very similar to the Griffiths phase,in that both involve regions offinite size.In the Griffiths phase one needs regions of arbitrarily large size,while in the Bose glass phase one only needs regions large enough to support a localized state,with a nonvanishing number of particles occupying that state,in order to produce the diverging susceptibility characteristic of the phase.In a system in which the disorder is irrelevant at the purefixed point,so that thefluctuations in U(x)and w(x)scale to zero, one will stillfind a Bose glass phase as there will,with low probability,exist regions that can give rise to these localized states.Thus,the interesting question to answer is not whether the Bose glass phase exists,but whether there exists afixed point at whichfluctuations in w(x)are weak,so that the critical exponents are near those of the pure MI-SF transition.The most likely alternative would be governed by the scaling theory of Fisher,which has very different critical exponents[1,3].We will refer to this scaling theory as the phase-only transition,as one assumesfluctuations in the amplitude of the order parameter are irrelevant at the critical point.Recently,a large N generalization of equation(1)was considered in the restricted case w(x)=0 [4].We will refer to this case as the strongly commensurate case,while the situation in which w(x) vanishes on average,but has nonvanishingfluctuations will be known as the weakly commensurate case. We consider a system defined by the partition functionδ(x,tφi(x,t)∂xφi(x,t)+∂tφi(x,t)∂tφi(x,t))(3) Here,we have,for technical simplicity later,replaced the quartic interaction by aδ-function.For most of the paper,aδ-function interaction will be used.However,for generality in the last section,we will return to quartic interactions.The disorder in U(x)will be replaced,in theδ-function case,by weak fluctuations inσ2.We will considerσ2=σ20+δσ2whereσ20is a constant piece used to drive the system through the phase transition andδσ2is afluctuating piece.The advantage of the large N formulation of the problem is that for anyfixed realization of the problem one may exactly solve by system byfinding the solution of the self-consistency equationσ2(x)= x,t=0|(−∂2x−∂2t+w(x)∂t+λ(x))−1|x,t=0 (4) orσ2(x)= dω x,t=0|(−∂2x+ω2+iw(x)ω+λ(x))−1|x,t=0 (5) whereλ(x)is a Lagrange multiplierfield for enforce theδ-function constraint on the length of the spins. After solving the self-consistency equation,any correlation function can be found simply byfinding the Green’s function of a non-interactingfieldφwith action d d x dtIn equation(4),we assume that the Green’s function on the right-hand side has been renormalized by subtracting a divergent quantity.Specifically,we will take a Pauli-Villars regularization for the Green’s function,and take the regulator mass to be very large,while adding an appropriate divergent constant to σ2on the left-hand side.The cutofffor the regulator is completely different from the cutoffforfluctuations inδσ2that will be used for the RG later;the cutofffor the regulator will be much larger than the cutoffforfluctuations inδσ2and w(x),and will be unchanged under the RG.In the previous work,exact results were obtained for the critical exponents for average quantities. In the present paper,I willfirst consider the problem in which w(x)=0,although w(x)vanishes on average(the weakly commensurate dirty boson problem).I will consider general problems of the large N system with terms linear in the time derivative.Next,a lowest order perturbative RG treatment will be used to consider critical behavior.Instanton corrections to the perturbative treatment will be briefly discussed after that.Returning to the strongly commensurate case,previous results on thefixed point will be extended to give results for higher moments of the correlation functions.Finally,as a technical aside,we consider the large N self-consistency equation in frustrated systems,and demonstrate that the self-consistency equation always has a unique solution,as well as considering the number of spin components needed to form a classical ground state in frustrated systems.II.BOSE GLASS IN THE LARGE N LIMITConsider the following simple0+1dimensional problem,at zero temperature(β→∞):[dφi(t)]tδ(φi∂tφi+A2π1√4( 12π1β1Then,the self-consistency equation can always be solved using positiveλ,but in the zero-temperature limit of the problem one willfind that one needsλto be of order1σ2(x)= dω x,t=0| −∂2x+ω2+λ(x) −1)|x,t=0 (12) one could define another problem,withfluctuations inδσ2only up toΛ−δΛ,with self-consistency equation(1−δΛΛc2L)∂2x+(1+δΛπD/2Γ(D−2)Γ(d/2)Λd−4. The results above,to one loop,were obtained by considering the large wavevectorfluctuations inλdue to the large wavevectorfluctuations inδσ2,and thenfinding how they renormalize the self-energy and vertex.To lowest order,one obtains thefluctuations inλby inverting a polarization bubble.That is,one expands the self-consistency equation to linear order inλto solve for large wavevectorfluctuations inλas a function offluctuations inδσ2.Onefinds then thatδσ2(p)=c−11p D−4λ(p)+ (14)From this,we obtainfluctuations inλat wavevectorΛwhich,to lowest order,are Gaussian with mean-square L.Seefigures1,2,and3.For more details,see previous work[4].It may easily be seen that,to lowest order,the addition of the term w(x)does not produce any additional large wavevectorfluctuations inλ,as equation(14)is still true to lowest order in w(x)and λ(x).However,the term w(x)can produce a renormalization of the self-energy.Seefigure4.The result is to produce a term in the self-energy equal toΣ(p,ω)=−δΛω2 k2=Λ2d d−1k1Λω2W c4+ (16)where c4=Λd−22πd/2Λc3L).Note that the renormalization of the w(x)term is equal to the renormalization of theω2andλ(x)terms in the self-consistency equation.Putting all the terms together,wefind that with a lowered cutoffΛ−δΛ,the renormalized theory is described by the new self-consistency equation5(1−δ3)σ2(x)= dω x,t=0| −(1+δ2)∂2x+(1+δ4)ω2+i(1+δ3)w(x)ω+(1+δ3)λ(x) −1)|x,t=0(17)whereδ3=δΛΛc2L,andδ4=δ3+δΛ2)to make the coefficientsin front of theω2and∂2x terms the same,rescalingλ,and then rescaling the spatial scale to return the cutofftoΛwefind˜σ2(x)= dω x,t=0| −∂2x+ω2+i˜w(x)ω+λ(x) −1)|x,t=0 (18) where˜σ2=(1−δ3+δ2+δ4−δ2Λ)σ2(x)(19)˜w(x)=i(1+δ3−δ2+δ2−δ4d lnΛ=1+ǫ−c3L+c2L+Wc4d lnΛ=ǫ−2c3L+2c2L+W c4(22) d ln Wd lnΛ=1+ǫLet us consider the effect of1/N corrections on this line.To lowest order in1/N,for weak disorder,the1/N corrections only modify the naive scaling dimensions in the RGflow.The scaling dimension ofφφis changed by an amountη=32.Thus,1/N corrections will change the RG equations to2Nd ln S=−ǫ+2c3L−2c2L−W c4(25)d lnΛThen,wefind that SW is growing under the RGflow,and the system goes offto a differentfixed point. The most reasonable guess then is that in a system withfinite N(including physical systems with N=1), the transition is not near the MI-SF transition,but is instead of another type,perhaps the phase-only transition.Other authors have shown that,in some cases,the phase-only transition is stable against weak commensuration effects[3].IV.INSTANTON CALCULATIONSUnfortunately,the ability to carry out instanton calculations in this system is rather limited. It will not be possible to calculate the action for the instanton with any precision,but we will at least present some arguments about the behavior of the instanton.The idea of the calculation is to look for configuration of w(x)andσ2(x)(these configurations are the“instantons”),such that the self-consistency equation cannot be solved without including contributions from zero energy states,as discussed in section 2.Let usfirst consider the case in2+1dimensions.Let us assume that we try to produce such states in a region of linear size L.Looking at the lowest energy state in this region,one would expect that the contribution of spatial gradient terms in the action would lead to an energy scale of order L−1.The linear term w(x)ωin the action will become important,and produce such a zero energy state,when w(x)ωbecomes of orderω2.This implies occurs when w(x)is of orderω,which implies w(x)≈L−1.For some appropriate configuration of w(x),assuming quadraticfluctuations in w(x)with strength of order W, we will have an action S instanton∝ w2(x)corrections even in the simplest d=2case,the task of combining instanton andfluctuation corrections is presently hopeless.V.HIGHER MOMENTS OF THE GREEN’S FUNCTIONHaving considered the weakly commensurate case,and found nofixed point in physical systems, we return to the strongly commensurate case with W=0,and consider the behavior of higher moments of the Green’s function.A lowest order calculation will show log-normalfluctuations in the Green’s function.Let usfirst consider the second moment of the Green’s function.That is,we would like to compute the disorder average of the square of the Green’s function between two points,which we may write as G(0,x)2 .We may Fourier transform the square to obtain G2(p,ω) .Now,one may,when averagingover disorder,include terms in which disorder averages connect the two separate Green’s function.At lowest order,there is no low-momentum renormalization of the two Green’s function propagator,beyond that due to the renormalization of each Green’s function separately.Seefigure6.That is,if one imagines the two Green’s functions entering some diagram,with both Green’s functions at low momentum,going through a sequence of scatterings,and exiting,again with both Green’s functions at low momentum, one does not,to lowest order,find any contribution with lines connecting the two Green’s function.The reason for this is that at this order we will only join the Green’s functions with a single line,along which one must have momentum transfer of orderΛ.This then requires that some of the ingoing or outgoing momenta must be of orderΛ.One does,however,find a contribution which we may call a renormalization of the vertex.See figure7.In order tofind the second moment of the Green’s function,one must start both Green’s functions at one point,and end both Green’s functions at another point.Near the point at which both Green’s functions start,one may connect both lines with a single scattering offofλ,at high wavevector of orderΛ.Then,one can have a large momentum of orderΛcirculating around the loop formed,while the two lines that leave to connect to the rest of the diagram still have low momentum.This then replaces the two Green’s function vertex,which we will refer to as V2,by a renormalized vertex.The result of the above contribution is that the two Green’s function vertex V2is renormalized under RGflow asd ln V2Note the factor of2in front of c3L,as the second moment of the Green’s function gets renormalized at both vertices.One must insert the value of L at thefixed point into the above equation to obtain the behavior of the second moment.For higher moments,the calculation is similar.In this case,one must,for the n-th moment, renormalize a vertex V n.The result isd ln V n2c3L=n(n−1)2arises as at each stage of the RG one may connect any one of the lines in the vertex V n to any other line in the vertex.There are n(n−1)However,physically speaking,as N→∞,the discreteness of particle number on each site disappears,and the system becomes unfrustrated.We will now show this precisely.Consider a problem at non-zero temperature,so that there is a sum over frequenciesω.Consider an arbitrary single particle Hamiltonian H0,defined on a V-site lattice,so that the self-consistency equation involvesfindingλi,where i ranges from1to V,such thatσ2i+ j M ijλj= ω i|(H0+λi+iA iω+B iω2)−1|i (30) Here,σ2i is a function of site i,and A i and B i are functions of site i defining the local value of the linear and quadratic terms in the frequency.The matrix M ij is included to represent the effects of a quartic interaction.For the problem to be physically well defined,M ij must be positive definite.The proof that equation(30)has only one solution proceeds in two steps.First we note that if H0vanishes,then the equation obviously only has one solution withλ≥0.Next,we will show that as H0varies,λi varies smoothly,and therefore any arbitrary H0can be deformed smoothly into a vanishing H0,leading to a unique solution forλi for arbitrary H0.Consider small changesδH0andδλi.In order for the self-consistency equation to remain true, if we definev i=− ω i|(H0+λi+iA iω+B iω2)−1δH0(H0+λi+iA iω+B iω2)−1|i (31) we must havev i= ω i|(H0+λi+iA iω+B iω2)−1δλi(H0+λi+iA iω+B iω2)−1|i + j M ijλj(32) The right hand side of equation(32)defines a linear function onδλi.If it can be shown that this function is invertible,then the theorem will follow.However,we have thatTr(δλi ω(H0+λi+iA iω+B iω2)−1δλi(H0+λi+iA iω+B iω2)−1)>0(33) due to the well known fact that second order perturbation theory always reduces the free energy of a quantum mechanical system with a Hermitian Hamiltonian atfinite temperature.We also have,as discussed above,that M ij is positive definite.Thus,the linear function onδλi defined above is a sum of positive definite functions,and hence positive definite.Therefore,it is invertible and the desired result follows.This result is interesting considering the phenomenon of replica symmetry breaking.It has been noticed by several authors that large N infinite-range spin glass models do not exhibit replica symmetry breaking within a meanfield approximation,both in the classical and quantum cases[8].Although those calculations were based on the absence of unstable directions,in the large N limit,forfluctuations about the replica symmetric state,it is possible that the real reason for the absence of replica symmetry breaking is the uniqueness of the solution of the self-consistency equation,as shown above.10A second interesting question,having begun to consider possible glassy behavior in the large N limit,has to do with the nature of the ground state in the classical limit.If we drop all terms inω,to produce a classical problem,and ask for the classical ground state,for some arbitrary bare Hamiltonian H0,one may ask how many of the N available spin components will be used.In this case,consider Hamiltonian H0,which is a V-by-V matrix in the case where there are V sites.First consider the case in which H0is a real Hermitian matrix.Since we are considering arbitrary Hamiltonians H0,we can,without loss of generality,constrain all spins to be the same length.We can find the classical ground state by looking for solutions of the self-consistency equationσ2= i|(H0+λi)−1|i (34) in the limit asσ2→∞.In this limit,the right-hand side will be dominated by zero energy states(more precisely,states that tend to zero energy asσ2tends to infinity)of the operator H0+λ.If the system has k of these states,the ground state of the system will use k of the spin components.If the system needs to use all k of these components to form a ground state,that is,ignoring the case in which a state using k spin components is degenerate with a state using fewer components,then even under small deformations of H0the system will use k spin components in the ground state.Then,under these small deformations, H0+λwill still have k zero eigenvalues.To produce k zero eigenvalues for all real Hermitian matrices in a neighborhood of a given Hermitian matrix H0requires k(k+1)/2free parameters.The elements ofλprovide these parameters.Since there V of these elements,wefind that k(k+1)/2≤V,and the number√of spin components needed to form the classical ground state is at mostV,although the factor2would change.This is analogous to the different universality classes in random matrix theory[9].Finally,we make one note on the number of parameters available to solve the self-consistency equation.There are V free parameters. However,self-consistency requires solving V independent equations,so the number of variables matches the number of equations.By considering the number of parameters requires to produce zero eigenvalues of H0+λ,we were able to obtain a bound on the number of zero eigenvalues.Still,one might wonder if there are enough free parameters to produce multiple zero eigenvalues and still solve the self-consistency equations,as it appears that one would then need k(k+1)/2+V free parameters.However,if there are k zero eigenvalues,by considering the different ways of populating the zero energy states(that is, considering the different ways in which the eigenvalues tend towards zero asσ2tends toward infinity) one obtains an additional k(k+1)/2parameters,so the number of parameters available always matches the number of equations.We can extend this theorem to look at metastable states.Suppose a configuration of spins is a local extremum of the energy H0,forfixed length of spins.Then,since the derivative of the energy vanishes,onefinds that a matrix(H0+λi)must have a number of zero eigenvalues equal to the number ofspin components used.Suppose that for small deformations of H0there is still a nearby local minimum, as one would like to require for a stable state.Then,one can argue that the number of spin components k used in the state obeys k(k+1)/2≤V.This second theorem may be of interested in considering the onset of replica symmetry breaking. If we have a system in a large volume and large N limit,one must ask in which order the limits are taken. If the N→∞limit is takenfirst,there will be no replica symmetry breaking.However,if the infinite volume limit is takenfirst,there may be replica symmetry breaking.If one has N≥2k max,where k max is the largest k such that k(k+1)/2≤V,then there are no local minima other than the ground state. This follows because,as shown above,a local extremum of the energy,φi,will use at most k max spin components,and the ground state,φgr i,can be constructed using a different set of k max spin compoents.√Then starting fromφi,onefinds that deforming the state along the pathFIG.1.Polarization bubble.Thick lines represent either scattering vertex offλor scattering vertex used to defineσ2in self-consistency equation.FIG.2.Self-energy correction due tofluctuations inλ.Joining the thick lines in a loop denotes averagingλover disorder inσ2.Momentum of orderΛflows around loop.FIG.3.Vertex correction due tofluctuations inλ.This represents both renormalization of vertex defining scattering offofλand renormalization of vertex definingσ2in self-consistency equation.FIG.4.Renormalization ofω2term due tofluctuations in w(x).The vertices with thin lines represent scattering offof w(x)∂t,while the joining of the vertices represents averaging w(x)over disorder.FIG.5.Renormalization of vertex for w(x)due tofluctuations inλ.FIG.6.Possible contribution to propagation of two Green’s functions,both in same realization of disorder.This is used to compute second moment of the Green’s function.This diagram does not lead to any renormalization of low momentum behavior.FIG.7.Renormalization of vertex in computing higher moments of Green’s function.Two Green’s functions start at the same point.After Fourier transforming,this implies that they start with given total momentum.By includingfluctuations inλ,with momentum of orderΛrunning around the loop,one can define a renormalized vertex.。
From which we have
当四面体无限缩小时, V 0
V XN X l x m yx n zx S
When the tetrahedron is made infinitesimal, the quotient will approach zero
过P点取图示四面体PABC为隔离体, 其三个面平行于坐标面,各面上的 应力分量如图所示,当四面体无限 缩小时,则趋近于P点
C z
将斜面ABC上 的应力分解 为XN、YN、ZN, 斜面ABC的外 法线为N,其 方向余弦为:
y x
cos(N , x) l cos(N , y ) m cos(N , z ) n
Formulate the equilibrium
yx x ( x dx) x ( yx dy)dz.dx x y yx ( yx dy)dz.dx yx dz.dx y zx ( zx dz)dx.dy zx dx.dy 0 z
3 2 xz 3xz 4 y, yz z , xz z ( y 2 4) 2
yx x zx X y2 4 y2 4 0 0 x y z
y y
xy x
z xz yz Z 0 z x y
写作业对话英语Teacher: Good morning, class! Today, we're going to practice a dialogue about doing homework.Student A: Good morning, Mr. Smith.Teacher: How was your homework assignment last night? Did you manage to finish it?Student A: Yes, I did. But I had some trouble with the math problems.Teacher: That's alright, let's go through them together. What specifically did you find challenging?Student A: The algebraic equations were a bit confusing.Teacher: Alright, let's start with the first one. Remember, to solve an equation, you need to isolate the variable. What was the equation?Student A: It was 2x + 5 = 17.Teacher: Great. Now, to isolate x, what should you do first?Student A: I should subtract 5 from both sides of the equation.Teacher: Exactly! So, what's 17 minus 5?Student A: That's 12.Teacher: Good job. Now you have 2x = 12. What's the next step?Student A: I need to divide both sides by 2.Teacher: Correct! And what do you get when you do that?Student A: I get x = 6.Teacher: Well done! You've successfully solved the equation. Now, try applying the same steps to the rest of the problems.Student A: Thank you, Mr. Smith. I think I understand itbetter now.Teacher: You're welcome. Remember, practice is key. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. And don't forget to review your homework before the next class.Student A: I will, and I'll make sure to prepare for the next lesson.Teacher: Excellent. Keep up the good work. Class dismissed!This dialogue demonstrates a typical interaction between a teacher and a student discussing homework difficulties andsolutions. It's important for students to feel comfortable asking for help and for teachers to guide them through the problem-solving process.。
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Self-consistent equation for an interacting Bose gas
Philippe A. Martin Institute of Theoretical Physics Swiss Federal Institute for Technology Lausanne CH-1015, Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland Jaroslaw Piasecki Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Ho˙ za 69 00 681 Warsaw, Poland February 2, 2008
where ρ is the particle density, β is related to the temperature T by β = 1/kB T , kB denotes the Boltzmann constant, and f0 (β, ρ) is the free energy of the non-interacting Bose gas. Differenciating with respect to ρ yields the relation µ0 (β, ρ) = µmf (β, ρ) − aρ (3) between the chemical potential µ0 (β, ρ) of the free gas and the chemical potential µmf (β, ρ) of the mean-field gas as functions of the density. Since the grand canonical densities ρ0 of the free gas and the density ρmf of the mean-field gas, considered as functions of the respective chemical potentials, are the inverse functions of µ0 (β, ρ) and µmf (β, ρ) at fixed β , (3) is equivalent to the self-consistent equation ρmf (β, µ) = ρ0 (β, µ − aρmf (β, µ)) In (4) 1 ρ0 (β, µ) = (2πλ2 )3/2 eβµq 3/2 q =1 q
The interest for a better understanding of Bose-Einstein condensation has been strongly stimulated in recent years by the beautiful experimental observations of condensates of cold atoms in traps [1,2]. Concerning rigorous results on the existence of Bose-Einstein condensation in an interacting gas with pair interactions, we quote the work of Lieb and Seiringer [3]. The authors show the existence of off-diagonal long-range order in the ground state of a system of Bose particles confined by an external potential in the dilute limit in which the Gross-Pitaewski equation becomes exact. S¨ uto shows condensation for the trapped gas at non zero temperature [4]. In [5] Lauers, Verbeure and Zagrebnov prove the existence of a BoseEinstein phase transition for the homogeneous gas under the assumption that there is an energy gap at the bottom of the one-particle spectrum. However, to our knowledge, there is still no proof of Bose-Einstein condensation in the interacting gas when there is no trap and no gap. In the present work we revisit this venerable many-body problem with a new point of view, the technique of quantum Mayer graphs. In order to provide orientation and motivation for our approach we recall some facts pertaining to the mean-field 1 Bose gas at an heuristic level. The Hamiltonian of N Bose particles in a volume Λ interacting with a constant
which is the well known formula for the grand canonical density of the free gas with (6) λ=h ¯ β/m representing the thermal wavelength [6]. The series (5) converges for µ ≤ 0, so that the self-consistent equation (4) is meaningful whenever ν ≡ µ − aρmf (β, µ) ≤ 0, namely for µ ≤ µc where the critical chemical potential µc is given by µc − aρmf (β, µc) = 0. Thus µc has the value µc = aρ0,c (β ) where ρ0,c (β ) = ρ0 (β, µ = 0) is the critical density of the free gas. 3
Abstract We consider interacting Bose gas in thermal equilibrium assuming a positive and bounded pair potential V (r ) such that 0 < drV (r ) = a < ∞. Expressing the partition function by the Feynman-Kac functional integral yields a classical-like polymer representation of the quantum gas. With Mayer graph summation techniques, we demonstrate the existence of a self-consistent relation ρ(µ) = F (µ − aρ(µ)) between the density ρ and the chemical potential µ, valid in the range of convergence of Mayer series. The function F is equal to the sum of all rooted multiply connected graphs. Using Kac’s scaling Vγ (r) = γ 3 V (γr ) we prove that in the mean-field limit γ → 0 only tree diagrams contribute and function F reduces to the free gas density. We also investigate how to extend the validity of the self-consistent relation beyond the convergence radius of Mayer series (vicinity of Bose-Einstein condensation) and study dominant corrections to mean field. At lowest order, the form of function F is shown to depend on single polymer partition function for which we derive lower and
Here we use ”mean field” in the sense of van der Waals, that is collective effects of a long range interaction. The same word is also used in the context of the dilute limit [3] leading to the Gross-Pitaewski regime. In fact, in the latter case, the situation is the opposite: dominant effects of the interaction are due to rarefied local binary collisions.