City-Scale Landmark Identification on Mobile Devices
Test Paper 1 ability abstract accountant accuracyacidaction activityactoradult adventure advertisements advertising adviceageagency agreement agricultureaidaimairallergyalley allowance alteration altitude ambition ambulance amount analysis analystangeranimalankleanswer Antarctica ape appearance architect architecture area argument aristocrat armyartarticle aspirin assignmentatlasaudienceauditoriumauthorauthorityaverageawardbachelorbackgroundbacteriabadgebadmintonbackpackbaldnessbandbandagebandsbankbanquetbasebasementbasesbasisbathbatteriesbatterybeachbeardbeatsbeautybedbedroombed sheetbedsitbehaviorsbeltbenefitbeveragebibliographybicyclebillbiologistbirdbirthblanketblastblockblouseboardboarderboatbonebowlbowlingbranchbreakfastbrickbridgebrochuresbuildingbungalowburgerburglarbuscabTest Paper 2cabinetcablecafécafeteriacageCambridgecamelcameracamp campus candidate candle canteen capital capsule carbon care career carpet carving cashier castle category cathedral cause cave cents century certificate chair chance chancellor channel chapter character charge charity chart chat checklist checks cheese chemist’s chest chick chicken child chin chocolate choice church cinema circlecity clarity cleanercleaningclientcliffsclimateclinicclockclothclothingclubcoachcoast codecokecolacolleague collegecomedycommercialscommutercompanioncompanycomplaintcomplexcomputerconcertconclusionconditionconferencesconfidenceconfirmationcongestionconquerorconquestconversationconservationconstructionconsultantconsumptioncontact containercontaminantscontaminationcontentcontinentcontractcontractscontroversyconveniencecooperationcopcopycorporationcorpsecorrespondencecostcostumecotcottagecoughcouncilcountrycoursecrack craftcreamcreditcreekcrimecrisiscrocodilecropcultivationculturecupcupboardcurtaincustomercutlerycyclecyclingdamagedangerdatadatedaydeadlinedebateTest Paper 3debtdecadedecisiondeclinedecorationsdelaydelegatedelight delivery demonstration dentist department deposit depth description desert design designer desiredesks destination detaildiary dictationdietdining dinner dioxide direction director disagreement disaster discipline disco discomfort discos discount discovery diseasedish disposal dispute distance divorce document documentarydonationdonkeydraftdramadrawdrawerdrinkdrinkingdriverdrivingdrugdrumduedurationdustdutyeagleeareasteatingeconomyeditoreducationelbowelderelectricityelementselevatoremotionemperoremployeeemployerencyclopediaendingenergiesengineengineerentranceepidemicequipmentethiceveningeventevidenceexaminationexampleexceptionexchangeexcitementexcursionexcuseexercisesexhibitionexistenceexistingexpansionexpenseexperimentexpertexplanationexplosionexpositionexposureextensionfacilityfactorfactoryTest Paper 4 faculty failure falconfanfarefarm farmer farming fashionfatfeastfeatherfeaturefeedbackfellowshipfemaleferriesfestival fieldfigurefilmfindingfingerfirmsfishfishingflagflashflatflightfloodfloodingflourflourishflowflufly forest forestry form formula fortnight fortune foyer freedom freezer freshman fruitfur furniture future gallery gap garage garbage garden gasoline gender germ gesture glass goal goldgolf grade grades graduate graduates grain grass green ground group growth guest guide gulfguygym habit handhandballhandbookshandlinghandouthatheadacheheadinghealthhearingheartheatinghenherbheroheroesheroinehikehikinghinthintshistorianhithitshobbyholidayhorsehospitalhouseworkhousinghouseholdshourTest Paper 5hotelhotline ]hunthuntingideaidentificationidentityimageimpactimportsinabilityincomingindexindustryinfectioninfluenceinformationinjectioninjuryinlandinsectinsomniainstituteinstitutioninstructioninstructorinstrumentinterestInternetinterviewerintroductioninvestigatorinvestmentirrigationislandisolationitemjacketjamjawjeansjournaljudgejuicejunctionjuniorkeeperkelpkeywordkidkingkioskkitkitchenkitsknifeknowledgekoalalablakelamplandlandmarklandscapelanguagelaptoplaserlavalawyerlayerlecturelecturerleisurelemonlenderlengthlessonletterlevellibraryliftlightlinelionlistsloanlocationlocklossloungeloyaltylucklunchlungmachinemagazine maidmail majority making male manager mane manufacture map margin mark market marketingmarshmastermatmatchingmaterialmaturitymaximummealmeasuremeasurementmeatmediamedicationmedicinemediummethodmicrophonemigrationmilemileagemilkminemineralmillminimumminutemixturemodelmoneymonopolymonthmoodmoralitymosquitomotelmountainTest Paper 6 moustache mouthmovie muscle museum music musical musiciannapnature naught=nought necknet newspaper nightnoisenorth northeast northwestnosenotenoticenurse nursery nursing nutnutrition objectiveoccasionoccupantoceanoculistointmentoption orderordinaryorganizeroriginal outlineoverdraftownerownershipOxfordpackagepagepaintpaintingpairpa;palacepanicpaperparcelparentparkparkingparticipantpassagespassengerpastimepatientpaymentpedestrianpensionpensionerspercentperformerperfumeperiodperiodicalperkpermitpersonpersonalitypetpetrolpetroleumphilosopherphotophotographphysicianphysicspianistpianopicnicpicturepiepillpinkplaceplacementplanplannersplansplantplantingplasticplateplayerplaygroundpleasurepocketpointpolicepollpollutantpollutepollutionportpositionpostpostgraduateparticularsTest Paper 7potteriespower powerpoint precaution precision preference preposition prescription presentation preservation president prevention printing priority privacyprize problem product production professors profit project promotion prone property prospectus protein psychiatrist psychologist psychotherapy publication pump purpose purse quality quantity quarter question radar radiator radio railwayrainrainfall range rankratrateratsrayreaderreadingreasonreceptionreciperecorderrecordingrecreationrecruitrecyclingrefereereferencereflectancereformrefugeregionregulationrelationrelationshiprelaxationreliefreligionremarkremovalrenewalrentrentalrepetitionreplacementreportreproduceresearchreservationreserveresidenceresidentresourcerespondentresponserestaurantresultretirementreturnreviewrevisionriceriderridersriskriverrobotrockrocketroleTest Paper 8roommatesrouterulesafarisafetysailsailingsaladsaladssalarysalesaltsamplesandalsatellitesaucesavingscalescandalscandalsscarscentscheduleschemescholarscholarshipsciencescientistscorescriptsculptureseaseasonseatsecondsecretarysectionsectorselectionselectionsseminarsensesentenceservantservicesewagesewersexshadesheepsheetshelfshellsheltership shoeshopliftersshoppershortageshowersidesightsignsignaturesilencesimulationsinglesitesizeskatingskeleton skillskinskirt slang slave sleep sleeping slip smell smoke smoking snacksoil solution sound source south southeast southwest space speaker speaking speed spending spider sponsor spoons sportsman spot stability stack stage stair standard star starter starting state statement station status steak steam stepstingstockstomachstomachachestonestorestorystrategystrengthstrikestylesubjectsubmitsubsidysuburbsugarsuitsunshieldsupervisorsupportssurfacesurgeonsurnamesurprisesurveysurvivalsweaterswitchswitchessymptomsyndicatesyrupsystemtabletablettapetaxTest Paper 9taxiteateacherteachingteamjargontermtechnologyteethtelephonetelescopetelevisiontempertempletexttexturegalaxythefttheorytherapisttherapythesisthiefthievesthinkingthirdthoughtthreatthrillertickettidetidestiletimbertimetitletoastertoilettomatotonetooltoptopictotaltouchingtourtouringtourismtouristtoweltowertowntracktractortradetramtragedytrailertrainingtrendtraveltravelertreatmenttriptribetributetributesTrinitytrolleytroubletubetunnelstuitiontunetunestutortypeumpireunderstandingutensiluniformunionuniversityusagevacancyvacationvalueparticularsvarietyvegetablevelvetvetvideo view village vinegar visa visitor vitamin vocation volunteer volunteers waist waiter walk walking wall world warming washing wasp waste wasteland water wavewax wealth weapon weather weeds week weekday weekend weight welfare west wetland whale wheel width willows windwing word workforce working wound writing year yoga youth zero。
| 首页 | 文章 | 图片 | 下载 | 留言|您现在的位置: 地理信息系统世界() >> 文章 >> 地理信息(GIS) >> GIS相关资料 >> [专2009年城市地理信息系统标准指南--基本术语 热城市地理信息系统标准指南--基本术语[ 作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:1179 更新时间:2004-12-01 文章录入:ken ] 这里列出的是本书中使用的最主要的基本术语,其解释适用于本书,按汉语拼音顺序排列。
标准化审查(Standardization Examination)由标准化管理机构组织有关专家或专业技术人员,依据有关标准、规范、文件的标准化要求,对信息系统建设的各论证、审查的过程。
标准体系(Standard system)一定范围内的标准、办法、规定等按其内在联系形成的科学的有机整体。
标准体系表(Digrams of Standard Syst 准体系内的标准,按照一定形式排列起来的图表。
标识码(Identification Code)在要素分类的基础上,用以对某一类数据中某个实体进行唯一标识的代码。
城市地理信息(Urban Geographic lnformation)城市地理信息是城市中一切与地理分布有关的各种地理要素图形信息、属性信息及其相互间空间关系信息的总称。
城市地理信息系统(Urban Geographic lnformation System)简称“UGIS”。
福州滨海新区位于福州城市发展东拓南进的主要发展轴上,是18个国家级新区之一,距离福州老城区中心约40 km;它邻近福州长乐国际机场,其主要发展轴西连莲花山,东临台湾海峡,背山面海,景色宜人。
滨海新区CAZ 核心区共计4个地块,总用地面积约14万 m 2,建筑面积约50万 m 2。
其地下空间设计充分利用区域规划要素,采取多种设计策略,将CAZ 核心区高强度开发、轨道交通枢纽门户、地下环路系统等利用片区统筹的方式为实现立体城市提供空间,对有限的空间资源进行最大限度的利用(见图2)。
1 CBD 与CAZ 之概念辨析美国社会学家伯吉斯(Burgess)基于他创建的城市同心圆模型在1923年提出了中央商务区(central business district, CBD)的概念。
但随着城市的不断发展,CBD 也暴露出越来越多的问题:城市中心区地价、物价飞涨,居民大量流失,“有商无民”现象不断加剧;中央商务区白天“钟摆式通勤”,夜晚与周末成为“死城”;城市中心区零售商业比重大幅下降。
这些问题都导致传统摘要 文章以福州滨海新区CAZ(central activities zone)核心区为实践案例,探讨TOD 一体化开发下的城市中央活动区地下空间设计策略。
首先对CBD 与CAZ 进行概念辨析,进而阐述了该项目设计的总体理念;在此基础上梳理了滨海新区CAZ 核心区地下基盘系统、交通换乘枢纽、低碳地下空间三个设计要点,总结相关城市设计与建筑设计经验。
中国临床实用医学2014年10月第5卷第5期C hina Clin Pract Med,October2014,Vol.5,No.51述评曲面断层摄影与锥形束CT在正畸诊断中的应用杜原宏 口腔正畸学作为口腔医学的一个分支学科,已经历了百余年的发展历史。
回顾过去40年来正畸领域的诸多进展,诊断方面,曲面断层摄影(O PG)与锥形束C T(C B CT)已广泛应用于口腔牙种植领域;矫治方面,直接粘合技术、钛合金矫治弓丝及直丝弓矫治器等技术也日趋成熟,形成了独具特色的治疗体系,对患者日常功能活动的影响也降低到可以容忍和适应的程度。
囿于篇幅,笔者将仅就O PG与C B C T在口腔正畸诊断方面的应用范围及优缺点作一概述。
一、O PG的优缺点及应用范围 O PG是应用窄缝及圆弧轨道体层摄影原理,通过一次成像,在一张胶片上获得摄有全部牙及周围组织总影像的一种简单、快捷的技术。
由于O PG 操作简便、检查范围广,患者从治疗开始到完成期间牙齿发育和萌出过程可以确实地被估计,且低放射剂量对青少年有利,一次曝光即可显示全口牙齿、颌骨、鼻腔、上颌窦及颞下颌关节等解剖结构的影像,对颌骨的形态结构、牙的生长发育情况、颌骨病变、畸形,全口牙周病时牙槽骨吸收程度的观察等较为满意,因此正畸治疗中往往选择O PG作为检查手段。
O PG在正畸方面的应用范围:(1)缺失牙、阻生牙及治疗牙的检查:①埋伏牙(多为第三磨牙);②多生牙(如上颌前牙、下颌前磨牙);③牙根残留;④根尖透射区;⑤缺失牙;⑥各类修复体的检查;⑦牙髓治疗的检查。
二、C B C T的优缺点及应用范围 与传统C T比较,C B C T有如下优势:(1)扫描范围灵活,可以扫描特定的诊断区域,也可以扫描全部的颅面部。
街区源于英语“block”一词。当前专 业界对“block”的翻译则分为两类:“街廓” 译法与“街区”译法。街廓译法中:“街廓 的含义是指由城市街道(或者道路)红线围合 而成的城市用地集合,内部包含建筑、绿 化、设施等。”而街区是指若干个街廓的组 合。[1]街区译法中:“街区是指由城市道路划 分的建筑地块,也是构成居民生活和城市 环境的面状单元。”[2]由概念可知两者的研究 对象基本一致,都是指道路围合的城市用 地及用地内的建筑与环境,两者的不同在 于街廓似乎更注重城市物质空间形态的描 述,而街区则更具社会学内涵,更注重环境 的意义与场所精神。依据对“block”的理 解,本文将其翻译为街区。街区是城市物质 空间环境的基本构成单元,街区尺度是影 响城市物质空间形态的重要因子,而合理 街区尺度的塑造也是城市设计的重要目标。
街区是城市设计的重要研究对象。城 市设计在街区层面的作用主要体现为:在 上层次规划的指引下,建构先进的设计理 念,通过多元的街区组合模式合理布置街 区,以形成有序、有机的空间结构;将现状 街区进行细化与整合,形成尺度适宜的街 区;整治街区的土地使用功能,以适应市场 经济发展的需求;确立街区内部土地使用 的空间模式与建筑体量,通过空间的围合 与穿插、建筑的高低与错落,形成层次丰 富,形态多样的空间环境。 1.2 街区的类型
2 街区尺度的影响因素 “尺度是人类自身衡量客观世界和主观
世界相关关系的一种准则”[3],是指事物给 人的感知意象与真实大小之间的关系。街 区尺度是人们对街区进行测量与感知的准 则,是阐释和解析城市物质空间形态的技 术工具,也是城市设计方案是否合理的重
城市规划 外文翻译英语词汇总结
草图Draft drawing/sketch平面Plan总平面master plan剖面Section立面Elevation正立面Façade透视图Perspective轴测图Axonometric view示意图/分析图Diagram地图分析/制图mapping/ mapping diagram图表chart/table容积率floor area ratio覆盖率Coverage城市设计Urban design; civic design区域规划Regional planning总体规划comprehensive planning/ master planning/ overall planning 分区规划District planning/ zoning act控制性详细规划Regulatory Plan修建性详细规划Site planning (constructive-detailed planning)场地规划Site planning近期建设规划Immediate planning步行轴Walking axis概念设计conceptual design方案设计schematic design扩初设计design development详细设计、细部设计Detail Design城市化Urbanization城市生态Urban ecology城市农业urban farming/ urban agriculture经济能量来源Economy energy sources可持续发展Sustainable development历史性城市的保护规划Preservation Plan of historic cities旧城更新、改造-Urban Regeneration/Urban Revitalization/Retrofitting Plan 城市再开发-Urban Redevelopment开发区Development area城市化水平Urbanization level城市群Urban Agglomeration/ Metropolitan Area/ Metropolitan Coordinating Region/mega region城市系统Urban system卫星城市(城镇)Satellite town/ affiliate township城市基础设施Urban infrastructure市政基础设施Municipal Infrastructure绿色基础设施Green Infrastructure生态基础设施Ecological Infrastructure居民点Settlement城市City市Municipality; city城镇Town城市管理区域Administrative region of a city商业区Commercial district民政区域Civil district居住区规划Residential area planning护林区Ranger district绿地Percentage of greenery coverage绿化覆盖率Ratio of green space绿地率Landscaping within factory工厂绿化Landscaping of square广场绿化Landscaping of residential area居住区绿化Improved vegetation & wildlife谷底植栽场Landscaping around public building公共建筑绿化Indoor garden室外绿化Urban green 城市绿化Urban green space system城市绿化系统Public green space公共绿地Park公园Green belt 绿地Specified green space专用绿地Green buffer防护绿地空间(建筑)Parlor客厅Washroom; toilet卫生间、洗手间Balcony阳台、包厢Bathroom浴室Cabinet橱柜Courtyard building庭院建筑Dining-room ; dining hall餐厅Entrance入口Kitchen厨房Roof屋顶Kid room儿童房Dollhouse儿童游乐室Living room起居室Pavilion亭、阁Private garden私家花园Resident住宅Shared zone共享空间Toilet洗手间Servants hall用人房Scale比例Element要素、自然环境conference center会议中心Retail shop零售商店Theatre剧院园林景观Arbor乔木Shrub灌木Band stone铺石Car park below地下车库Carved paving bands曲线形铺地Cartilage Garth 庭园Courtyard identification sign标志牌Courtyard 庭院Fall瀑布Feature景色Footpath步道Garden bridge园桥Garden and park园林Herbage草本植物Liana藤本植物Natural cut stone砌石Pave铺地Pavilion 亭、阁Pavilion on terrace榭Planting植被Planting beds 花坛Plaza大广场Platform台Deck promenade栈道Pole lights灯柱Pool小水池Sculpture雕塑常用的景观英文参考1.主入口大门/岗亭(车行& 人行)MAIN ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE main entrance gate/guard house (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN ) for vehicle& pedestrian2.次入口/岗亭(车行& 人行)2ND ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE 2nd entrance gate/guard house (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )3.商业中心入口ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING CTR. Entrance to shopping ctr.4.水景WATER FEATURE water feature5.小型露天剧场MINI AMPHI-THEATRE mini amphitheatre6.迎宾景观-1WELCOMING FEATURE-1 welcoming feature-17.观景木台TIMBER DECK (VIEWING) timber deck (viewing)8.竹园BAMBOO GARDEN bamboo garden9.漫步广场WALKWAY PLAZA walkway plaza10.露天咖啡廊OUT DOOR CAFE out door cafe11.巨大迎宾水景-2GRAND WELCOMING FEATURE-2 grand welcoming feature-2 12.木桥TIMBER BRIDGE timber bridge13.石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台ROCK'SCAPE WATERFALL'S rock's cape waterfall's GROTTO/ VIEWING TERRACE grotto/ viewing terrace14.吊桥HANGING BRIDGE hanging bridge15.休憩台地(低处)LOUNGING TERRACE (LOWER ) lounging terrace (lower ) 16.休憩台地(高处)LOUNGING TERRACE (UPPER ) Lounging terrace (upper )17.特色踏步FEATURE STEPPING STONE feature stepping stone18.野趣小溪RIVER WILD river wild19.儿童乐园CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND children's playground20.旱冰道SLIDE Slide21.羽毛球场BADMINTON COURT badminton court 网球场Tennis court 22.旱景DRY LANDSCAPE dry landscape23.日艺园JAPANESE GARDEN Japanese garden24.旱喷泉DRY FOUNTAIN dry fountain25.观景台VIEWING DECK viewing deck26.游泳池SWIMMING POOL swimming pool27.极可意JACUZZI JacuzziWADING POOL wading pool29.儿童泳池CHILDREN'S POOL children's pool30.蜿蜒水墙WINDING WALL winding wall31.石景雕塑ROCK SCULPTURE rock sculpture32.中心广场CENTRAL PLAZA central plaza33.健身广场EXERCISE PLAZA exercise plaza34.桥BRIDGE bridge35.交流广场MEDITATING PLAZA meditating plaza36.趣味树阵TREE BATTLE FORMATION tree battle formation 37.停车场PARING AREA paring area38.特色花架TRELLIS trellisSCULPTURE TRAIL sculpture trail40.(高尔夫)轻击区PUTTING GREEN putting green41.高尔夫球会所GOLF CLUBHOUSE golf clubhouse42.每栋建筑入口ENTRANCE PAVING TO UNIT entrance paving to unit43.篮球场BASKETBALL COURT basketball court44.网球场TENNIS COURT tennis court45.阶梯坐台/种植槽TERRACING SEATWALL/PLANTER terracing seat wall / planter 46.广场MAIN PLAZA main plaza47.森林、瀑布FOREST GARDEN WATERFALL forest garden waterfall48.石景园ROCKERY GARD。
低幅度复杂断层三维地震构造精细解释李香雪【摘要】针对目标区块受紫金山岩体侵入影响,断层断距小、延伸短,并且该区西部地层平缓、构造幅度低,导致准确识别小断层和落实低幅度构造难度大的情况,运用连井对比分析技术、常规解释技术和三维立体解释技术来确保断层和层位的解释可靠性.目标区为含煤系地层,发育4+5号和8+9号2套较稳定的煤层,根据这2套较稳定煤层的地震反射标志层的同相轴特征,进行合成地震记录标定,并识别出标志层,以建立井震格架为基础,从连井骨干剖面开始解释,到加密解释的方法,进行层位、断层解释.最后利用Landmark速度分析建立速度场进行时—深转换,并利用双狐地质成图软件进行深度域构造成图,识别出紫金山及外围低幅度构造单元,为摸清该区块油气勘探有利区带提供重要的理论依据,对提高油气勘探效益具有实际意义.%The target block affected the Zijinshan pluton intrusion,and the fault distance is small and the extension is short,and the strata in the study area isflat,low amplitude structure,so accurate identification minor fault and implementation of low amplitude structure is ing the well tie correlation analysis technology、conventional interpretation technology and three-dimensional interpretation technology to ensure the reliability of interpretation of fault and horizon.The target area is coal-bearing strata,the developing of two sets of more stable coal seam,which are 4 +5# and 8 +9#,and according to the characteristics of the two sets of the stable coal seam of the in-phase axis of the seismic reflection marker layer in the area,the synthetic seismogram is calibrated and the marker layer is identified.On the basis of the well seismic frame,the interpretation of thehorizon and fault is carried out from the interpretation of the shaft section of the well and the interpretation of the encryption.Finally,using the Landmark velocity analysis to establish velocity field of time-depth conversion,and using the DoubleFox software to make the structure mapin depth domain,to identify the Zijinshan mountain and the low amplitude structural of peripheral,which provides an important theoretical basis for finding out the favorable zone of oil and gas exploration in thisblock,which is of great particular significance for improving oil and gas exploration benefit.【期刊名称】《中州煤炭》【年(卷),期】2017(039)005【总页数】5页(P91-95)【关键词】低幅度;复杂断层;构造解释;紫金山;煤系地层【作者】李香雪【作者单位】中联煤层气有限责任公司,北京100016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P631.4研究区块为石炭—二叠系煤系地层发育,烃源岩条件好,储层为低孔、低渗砂岩,具有致密砂岩气成藏条件。
英语作文 介绍伦敦
London,the vibrant capital city of the United Kingdom,is a place where history and modernity intertwine seamlessly.Known for its iconic landmarks,rich cultural heritage, and diverse population,it is a city that never fails to captivate visitors from around the globe.History and Architecture:The history of London dates back to Roman times,and its architectural marvels reflect this rich past.The Tower of London,a historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames,is a testament to the citys medieval past.The Gothic grandeur of Westminster Abbey,where many British monarchs have been crowned,stands as a symbol of the nations religious and royal history.Landmarks:No visit to London is complete without seeing the Big Ben,the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament,which chimes every hour.Adjacent to it is the Westminster Bridge, offering stunning views of the London skyline.The London Eye,a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames,provides a panoramic view of the city.Cultural Attractions:London is a hub of arts and culture.The British Museum houses a vast collection of world art and artifacts,while the Tate Modern and the National Gallery showcase contemporary and historical art,respectively.The West End is famous for its theatre scene,with numerous plays and musicals being performed regularly.Parks and Green Spaces:Despite being a bustling metropolis,London offers numerous green spaces for relaxation and recreation.Hyde Park,one of the largest parks in the city,is a favorite spot for picnics,sports,and leisurely strolls.The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew are a mustvisit for nature lovers,featuring a diverse range of plant species from around the world.Transportation:Londons public transportation system is extensive and efficient,making it easy to navigate the city.The London Underground,commonly known as the Tube,is one of the oldest underground railway systems in the world.Buses,taxis,and bicycles are also popular modes of transportation.Diversity and Food:Londons multiculturalism is reflected in its cuisine.From traditional British fish and chips to international delicacies,the city offers a culinary adventure.Borough Market is a foodies paradise,where one can sample a variety of street food from around the world.Economy and Business:London is a global financial center,home to the London Stock Exchange and numerous multinational corporations.The citys business district,Canary Wharf,is a symbol of Londons economic prowess.Education:The city is also a center for higher education,with prestigious institutions such as the University of London,Imperial College London,and the London School of Economics.In conclusion,London is a city that offers a unique blend of history,culture,and modernity.Whether you are a history buff,a food enthusiast,or a lover of the arts, London has something for everyone.Its charm lies in the ability to cater to a wide range of interests and preferences,making it a truly global city.。
小学上册英语第五单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which animal is known for its speed?A. TortoiseB. CheetahC. ElephantD. SlothB Cheetah2.How many months are there in a year?A. TenB. ElevenC. TwelveD. Thirteen3.What is the opposite of hot?A. ColdB. WarmC. DryD. Wet4.My favorite season is ______ (春天). Everything comes back to ______ (生命).5.The weather is so __________ that I can’t decide what to wear. (变化无常的)6.What do we call the process of taking in food and nutrients?A. DigestionB. IngestionC. AbsorptionD. MetabolismB7.In ancient times, people used the stars for ______.8.My _______ (狗) loves to chase balls.9. A __________ is formed by the action of glaciers over time.10.The country famous for its castles is ________ (法国).11.The __________ is known for its ancient monuments.12.I enjoy participating in sports. My favorite sport is __________ because it keeps me active and teaches teamwork. I practice __________ times a week with my teammates.13. A dolphin is a playful _______ that swims in the ocean.14.My best friend's family has a _______ (动物). 它的性格很 _______ (形容词).15. A chemical change can be identified by changes in color, temperature, or the formation of _____.16.What fruit is known as the "king of fruits"?A. MangoB. AppleC. DurianD. Banana答案:C17.My dad encourages me to be __________ (创造性的) in my projects.18.My teacher is . (我的老师是。
⼈脸识别英⽂专业词汇gallery set参考图像集Probe set=test set测试图像集face renderingFacial Landmark Detection⼈脸特征点检测3D Morphable Model3D形变模型AAM (Active Appearance Model)主动外观模型Aging modeling⽼化建模Aging simulation⽼化模拟Analysis by synthesis 综合分析Aperture stop孔径光标栏Appearance Feature表观特征Baseline基准系统Benchmarking 确定基准Bidirectional relighting 双向重光照Camera calibration摄像机标定(校正)Cascade of classifiers 级联分类器face detection⼈脸检测Facial expression⾯部表情Depth of field 景深Edgelet⼩边特征Eigen light-fields本征光场Eigenface特征脸Exposure time曝光时间Expression editing表情编辑Expression mapping表情映射Partial Expression Ratio Image局部表情⽐率图(,PERI) extrapersonal variations类间变化Eye localization,眼睛定位face image acquisition ⼈脸图像获取Face aging⼈脸⽼化Face alignment⼈脸对齐Face categorization⼈脸分类Frontal faces 正⾯⼈脸Face Identification⼈脸识别Face recognition vendor test⼈脸识别供应商测试Face tracking⼈脸跟踪Facial action coding system⾯部动作编码系统Facial aging⾯部⽼化Facial animation parameters脸部动画参数Facial expression analysis⼈脸表情分析Facial landmark⾯部特征点FacialDefinition Parameters⼈脸定义参数Field of view视场Focal length焦距Geometric warping⼏何扭曲Street view街景Head pose estimation头部姿态估计Harmonic reflectances谐波反射Horizontal scaling⽔平伸缩Identification rate识别率Illumination cone光照锥Inverse rendering逆向绘制技术Iterative closest point迭代最近点Lambertian model朗伯模型Light-field光场Local binary patterns局部⼆值模式Mechanical vibration机械振动Multi-view videos多视点视频Band selection波段选择Capture systems获取系统Frontal lighting正⾯光照Open-set identification开集识别Operating point操作点Person detection⾏⼈检测Person tracking⾏⼈跟踪Photometric stereo光度⽴体技术Pixellation像素化Pose correction姿态校正Privacy concern隐私关注Privacy policies隐私策略Profile extraction轮廓提取Rigid transformation刚体变换Sequential importance sampling序贯重要性抽样Skin reflectance model,⽪肤反射模型Specular reflectance镜⾯反射Stereo baseline ⽴体基线Super-resolution超分辨率Facial side-view⾯部侧视图Texture mapping纹理映射Texture pattern纹理模式Rama Chellappa读博计划:1.完成先前关于指纹细节点统计建模的相关⼯作。
中图分类号 TU984.11+3 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1003-739X (2024)03-0087-04 收稿日期 2023-07-17摘 要 作为代表城市形象活力和空间品质的典型区域,滨水公共空间可能存在活力与空间品质不匹配的问题,与城市的发展不协调。
关键词 滨水公共空间 品质 活力 耦合协调度Abstract Waterfront public spaces, as representative areas reflecting a city's vitality and spatial quality, often exhibit a mismatch between their vitality and spatial quality, which is not aligned with the overall city development. This study examines the Funan River area in Chengdu's Second Ring Road as a case study and develops an evaluation system for waterfront public space quality, focusing on recreational service quality and spatial environment quality. The analysis reveals a local imbalance between spatial quality and vitality in the study area, primarily attributed to inadequate supply and capacity for quality enhancement to support the population's vitality. Based on these findings, targeted strategies are proposed to enhance the quality and vitality of urban waterfront public spaces, and to serve as a foundation for improvement efforts.Keywords Waterfront public space, Quality, Vitality, Coupling coordination degree城市滨水公共空间品质与活力协调度研究——以成都市二环内府南河滨水公共空间为例The Coordination Between the Quality and Vitality of Urban Waterfront Public Space:The Case of Funan River Within the Second Ring Road of Chengdu秦轲垚 | Qin Keyao 严 祥 | Yan Xiang 熊杰熙 | Xiong Jiexi 罗 隽 | Luo Jun随着城市化进程的发展,公共空间建设关注的重点也转向品质提升。
The research of RFID technology and the bus stops automatically What is the RFID?RFID is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency Identification, called electronics label .RFID recognition is a non-contact automatic identification technology, RFID signal through its automatic target recognition and access to relevant data, identify work without manual intervention, it can work in various environments. RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and can identify multiple tags, the operation is fast and convenient.RFID is a technology which uses radio communication between tags and readers to automatically identify the locations of items. In a networked environment of RFID readers, enormous data are generated from the proliferation of RFID readers. The raw data generated from the readers cannot be directly used by the application because it consists of enormous volume of data duplication, false positive, and false negative. Thus, the RFID data repositories must cope with a number of quality issues. These data quality issues include data redundancy, false positive, and false negative. Poor data quality has adverse effects at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels of an organization. This is especially true in the healthcare field where cost pressures and the desire to improve patient care drive efforts to integrate and clean organizational data.What is the basic component of RFID?The most basic RFID system consists of three parts:Tag:Tag consists of components and chips, each Tag has only electronic coding, adhere to the object for identifiering target;Reader:read (sometimes also can write) label information equipment,it canbe designed for portable or fixed;Antenna: Transmit radio frequency signals between in the label and reader. What is the basic principle of RFID technology ?The basic principle of RFID technology is not complex: Label into the field, Receive radio frequency signals from reader collision, with all the energy stored in a chip of the product information (passive tag, there is no source label or labels ), Oractively to send a frequency signals (active tag and to label or labels );to read information and understanding of the decoder after the central information systems to carry out the relevant data processing.Basic working process of the RFID systemThe RFID system of basic workflow is: reader through the antenna send certain frequencies of RFID signals, when the RFID card to enter the antenna working area induced current, RF cards gain energy to be activated,RF cards will own coding information through the card built-in transmitting antenna send out, System receiving aerial from RF card from the carrier signal, the antenna of a regulator to the reader, the reader to receive a signal and demodulates and decodes to the system to deal with the relevant ; the main system based on logic, determine the legality of smart cards, in different settings make the appropriate treatment and control signals control and direction of movement. In the coupling between inductors and electromagnetic way , communication process (FDX, HDX, SEQ)、From RF card to the reader of data transmission of the load method (modulation, reverse scattering, high time harmonics) and frequency, from the contact method transmission a fundamental difference, but all the reader in principle, and the decision of the design structures are very similar. all the reader is a simple matter of high frequency and control unit two basic module. high frequency interface includes both transmitters and receivers, its functions include: to produce high-frequency transmit power to start and provide RF card energy. To launch signal used to send data to RF cards, Receive and demodulation of high frequency signals from RF cards. Different RFID system with some difference frequency interface design, the system frequency inductive coupling interface diagram shown.quartzoscillatormodulator output stage amplifier antband passamplifier output stage TXD RXDReaders of the control unit features include: communicate with the application software, Application software and to execute the order of radio frequencies ;control and communication from the principle of the lord;signal of the decoding. to some specific systems are the collision, the algorithm to RF card reader, and to the transfer of data encryption and decryption, as well as on radio frequencies and the reader's authentication for an additional function.The RFID system is a key and distance of the parameters. At present, the price of long-distance RFID system is very expensive, thus to improve their reading for distance of the method is very important. Influence factors of distance and RF card reader, including antenna working frequency of RF output power, reader's reception sensitivity, RF card power, antenna and the resonant circuit Q value, antenna, RF card reader and the direction of the coupling, and RF card itself of energy and send information energy etc. Most of the system of writing is read and write different, read the distance is about 40% to 80%.The application of RFID system(1)Application in healthcareLocalization of patients, staff, supplies and equipment is very important for healthcare centers to improve service, save costs, and reduce risks. Pilot projects in hospitals demonstrate that RFID localization is a valuable approach. LANDMARC, an RFID localization system (Li et al. 2004), has been applied to facilitate the management of hospitals and other organizations in case of emergency. The system operates at the frequency of 308MHz, and is composed of active tags, landmark tags, readers, and communication devices. The position of an active tag can be determined by comparing the signal strength detected and the signal strengths of landmark tags. Using this system to monitor the infectious patients can reduce the number of healthcare professionals and ensure timely response for emergency. Meanwhile, integrated business systems and services (IBSS) announced a success pilot study for using RFID technology to locate assets and personnel at a large healthcare facility in Chicago (O’Connor 2005). Emory Healthcare successfu lly deployed 2.45GHz active RFID devices to track infusion pumps and other high-value equipment to improve asset management and utilization (O’Connor 2007). Note that the last two healthcareapplications do not employ localization algorithms, instead, they estimate the object location based on the detection from a nearby sensor. The accuracy of location can be improved by integrating localization algorithms.(2)Application in construction material managementTracking the location of construction resources enables effortless progress monitoring and supports real-time sensing of construction status. Jaselskis and ElMisalami (2003) developed a prototype RFID tracking system for improving the material procurement process on a construction site. Furthermore, Song et al. (2007) developed a method to locate materials on construction sites. The method requires a eld supervisor be equipped with an RFID reader and a GPS receiver. The GPS receiver provides the absolute position information of the supervisor, while the position of the material relative to the supervisor can be determined from the multiple communications between the reader and the tag attached to the materials.The bus is automatically stops the background and significanceThe people of car out for provides convenient service, while the bus stops directly affect the quality of the service. Traditional stops by the crew artificially, and in this way because of its poor and working intensity effect is too great, in many big ci ties have been eliminated. In recent years, with the development of science and technology progress and microcomputer technology in many fields has been widely used. In the acoustic field, with various pronunciation chip microcomputer technology ,can complete combined speech synthesis technology, makes the car stops controller is realized for citizens becomes possible, and thus provide a more personalized service. In view of the traditional bus stops system deficiency, combined with the use of public transport vehicle characteristics and practical operating environment, the design of a single-chip microcomputer control bus stops system automatically.The bus stops the design of automatic device is mainly to compensate for changing the traditional voice stops device must have driver control can work backward way, pitted ,automatic station broadcasts six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide mor e humanized more perfect service.The characteristics of the system and advantageThis system greatly improve the accuracy of bus stops, and reliability.Improving the service quality of the bus system. Promote the city economic developm ent and harmonious development of traffic changes. Made up for changing thetraditional voice stops device must have driver control can work means, in the bus sto ps behind when the station broadcasts, automatic six-foot-tall service term for the public and provide more humanized more perfect service.The present status of intelligent city bus stopsIn the process of informationization in China, a city's public transportation industry becomes the measuring level and a reference point of urban civilization for informationization as an important window. The developing level of public transportation not only represents the image of a city, but also relates with everyone in the city. The Broadcasting System for Bus well embodies services and careness for passengers.At present, the Broadcasting System installed on the bus is still operated manually with push-button, which may have potential safety hazard. In order to control the speed of each bus, Public Transport Company has to send a worker to record the time when the buses in the same line arrive at the station. The television installed on each bus transmits the same programme all day, which hardly satisfies every passenger. So the cost of advertisements broadcasted on the TV can' t drop. Based on the studies on present public transportation system, the dissertation aims to design the multi-function automatic broadcasting system for bus, which technologically combines ARM with RFID. RFID is a kind of non-contact automatic identification technology; it identifies and obtains the corresponding data automatically through the RF signal. This system can not only realize the basic function of automatic broadcasting but also do attendance checking for buses’arrival time as well. At the same time, it has realized Play AD at Real-Space-a new kind of advertising on the bus, thus enhencing the informationization level of public transpotation industry,reducing management costs, satisfing most passangers favors, improving the serving and operating level of automatic broadcasting and then makes the city more beautiful.ConclusionRFID plays an essential role in all the subdomains of the applications inhealthcare applications. The effectiveness in cleaning the RFID data in healthcare sectors remains a concern, even though a number of literary works are available.To a maximum, the dirty data that are read may even leads to patients’ death. The errors need to be cleansed in an effective manner before they are subjected to warehousing. Current solutions to correct missed readings usually use time window filtering. A serious issue is that a single static window size cannot compensate for missed readings while capturing the dynamics of tag motion. An adaptive time window filtering cannot deal with the condition that tags are always moving.In this paper, we have proposed algorithms to clean the anomalies false positive, missed readings, and duplications. It is decided to record all the values associated with each tag event for future reference otherwise too much valid data will be lost.Finally, the management can analyze the data and filter by applying business rules based on the requirement. The proposed algorithms predict and clean the anomalies based on the integration of middleware and deferred. Our experimental result proved that our algorithms predicts and removes the anomalies in an effective manner compared to the existing works. Thus, it will pave the way for an effective means of data warehousing system that will keep the RFID data safe for future mining.RFID技术及公交自动报站的研究RFID是什么?RFID射频识别的缩写,被称为电子标签。
When writing an essay about a city in English,it is essential to consider various aspects that make the city unique.Here are some key points to include:1.Introduction:Start with a brief introduction to the city,mentioning its name,location, and some general characteristics that make it stand out.2.History:Discuss the historical background of the city.This could include its founding, significant events,or periods of growth and development.3.Geography and Climate:Describe the citys geographical features,such as its position relative to natural landmarks,its elevation,and the surrounding landscape.Also,mention the climate,which can influence the citys culture and lifestyle.4.Economy:Talk about the citys economic activities.This could include major industries, business sectors,and the overall economic health of the city.5.Culture and Lifestyle:Describe the cultural aspects of the city,such as its art,music, festivals,and traditions.Also,discuss the lifestyle of its residents,including their daily routines,leisure activities,and social interactions.6.Architecture and Landmarks:Highlight the citys architectural styles and famous landmarks.This could include historical buildings,modern skyscrapers,or iconic structures that are recognized worldwide.7.Transportation and Infrastructure:Describe the citys transportation systems,including public transit,roads,and any unique transportation methods.Also,mention the citys infrastructure,such as utilities and public services.cation and Healthcare:Discuss the educational institutions and healthcare facilities in the city.Mention the quality of education and healthcare services available to its residents.9.Challenges and Opportunities:Address any challenges the city faces,such as pollution, traffic congestion,or social issues.Also,discuss the opportunities for growth and development,including new projects or initiatives.10.Personal Experience:If applicable,share your personal experiences or observations about the city.This can add a personal touch to your essay and make it more engaging.11.Conclusion:Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points and reflecting onwhat makes the city special or noteworthy.Remember to use descriptive language and vivid imagery to bring the city to life in your writing.Additionally,ensure that your essay has a clear structure,with smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the readers interest.。
小学上册英语第5单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The fish swims in the _________. (水池)2.Gravity pulls objects toward the _______.3.The ______ (果汁) of some fruits is very refreshing.4.I like to draw _______ (我喜欢画_______).5.What is the capital of Palau?A. NgerulmudB. KororC. AiraiD. Melekeok6.What do you call a person who speaks two languages?A. BilingualB. MonolingualC. PolyglotD. TranslatorA7.When a solid dissolves in a liquid, it forms a ______.8.I enjoy ___ (playing) soccer with my friends.9.What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. The Statue of LibertyB. Christ the RedeemerC. The ThinkerD. The Great Sphinx10.I can play with my ________ (玩具类型) anywhere.11.The chemical formula for -pentanol is ______.12. A _____ (猫) can be very affectionate and loving.13.The _____ (果树) is full of ripe fruit.14.The _____ (蜜蜂) is busy collecting nectar.15.What is the capital of El Salvador?A. San SalvadorB. TegucigalpaC. ManaguaD. Guatemala CityA San Salvador16._____ (wildflower) grow in nature without help.17.What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?A. BishkekB. OshC. Jalal-AbadD. Tokmok18.The ancient Romans used ________ for building strong structures.19.Which animal is known for its long neck?A. GiraffeB. ElephantC. HorseD. RhinoA20.She is _______ (snuggling) with her cat.21.The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games every _____ years.22.How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. TwelveB23.The element with the symbol Au is ______.24.What is the primary color of the sun?A. GreenB. BlueC. YellowD. RedC25.My _____ (外公) lives in another city.26.The __________ (历史的回味) lingers in our minds.27. A _______ (小龙) is a mythical creature that many kids love.28.I enjoy _______ (参加) nature walks.29.The pH scale measures how ______ a solution is.30.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. SugarB. CocoaC. FlourD. Milk31.The __________ is the part of a plant that supports the leaves.32.The _______ can be very large or very small.33.The ____ has a long neck and reaches high branches.34.I have a ___ (funny) story to tell.35.What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. KilimanjaroB. K2C. EverestD. AlpsC36.My grandma makes the best ______. (我奶奶做的______最好。
UACDC(University of Arkansas Community Design Center 阿肯色州立大学社区设计中心)
How to Use This Manual 如何使用本手册? Environmental planning typically enjoys success in natural settings, but the real challenge for developing sustainable cities is ensuring ecosystem integrity within urban contexts. Naturally-determined ecosystems have been irrevocably altered by human activity. Indeed, the greatest ongoing problem in planning involves designing within human-dominated ecosystems. After all, 80% of the US population now lives in urban areas. Low Impact Development: A Design Manual for Urban Areas introduces general audiences to designing landscapes for urban stormwater runoff—a primary source of watershed pollution. This manual can be reviewed episodically, much like a lifestyle publication, or read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding. The goal is to motivate awareness and implementation of LID in a wide cross-section of stakeholders, from property owners to municipal governments that regulate infrastructure development. Though not exhaustive in its coverage of LID techniques (i.e., you will not be able to engineer a LID project from this manual), this manual does provide a holistic framework in which a novice homeowner and an experienced developer can each find an equally transformative role to enact. 环境规划倾向于自然环境方面的成功,但是可持续城市开发的真正挑战是确保生态系统与城 市背景的融合。由于人类的活动,自然决定的生态系统已经被不可逆转地改变了。的确,规 划中正在发生的问题是牵涉到以人类为主导的生态设计。毕竟,目前美国人口的 80%生活 在城市地区。城市地区低景观开发设计手册向普通的读者介绍了为城市暴雨径流(水域的首
英语作文模板介绍城市Introduction:When introducing a city in an English composition, it is important to provide a comprehensive overview that capturesthe essence of the place. A well-structured essay should include details about the city's geography, history, culture, economy, and notable landmarks. Here is a template to helpyou write an engaging and informative essay about a city.Paragraph 1: Introduction- Begin with a captivating opening sentence that highlightsthe city's most intriguing aspect.- Introduce the city's name and its general location.- Mention the city's size and population to give a sense of scale.Example:"Nestled between the majestic mountains and the sparkling sea, lies the vibrant city of San Francisco, a bustling metropolis known for its iconic landmarks and diverse culture. With a population of over 800,000 residents, San Francisco is a city that never sleeps."Paragraph 2: History- Provide a brief historical background of the city.- Discuss significant events that shaped the city's development.- Mention any historical figures associated with the city.Example:"Founded in 1776 by Spanish colonists, San Francisco has a rich history that includes the Gold Rush era and the devastating 1906 earthquake. Throughout its history, the city has been a hub for innovation and progress, attracting visionaries like the famous inventor, Nikola Tesla."Paragraph 3: Geography and Climate- Describe the city's geographical features, such as rivers, mountains, or coastal areas.- Explain the climate and how it affects the city's lifestyle and activities.Example:"San Francisco is characterized by its hilly terrain and the iconic Golden Gate Bridge that spans the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. The city enjoys a Mediterranean climate with mild, wet winters and dry, warm summers, making it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts."Paragraph 4: Culture and Lifestyle- Discuss the city's cultural diversity and how it influences the city's lifestyle.- Mention the city's art, music, and culinary scenes.- Highlight any festivals or events that are unique to the city.Example:"A melting pot of cultures, San Francisco boasts a vibrant arts scene with numerous galleries and theaters. The city isalso famous for its diverse culinary offerings, ranging from traditional seafood to international cuisines. Annual events like the San Francisco International Film Festival and the Chinese New Year Parade showcase the city's rich cultural heritage."Paragraph 5: Economy and Infrastructure- Outline the city's economic strengths and major industries. - Describe the city's infrastructure, includingtransportation and public services.Example:"San Francisco is a global leader in technology and innovation, home to Silicon Valley and numerous tech start-ups. The city's economy is bolstered by a strong service sector and tourism industry. Efficient public transportation, including the iconic cable cars and the BART system, makes navigating the city both convenient and enjoyable."Paragraph 6: Conclusion- Summarize the key points discussed in the essay.- End with a memorable statement that encapsulates the city's appeal.Example:"In conclusion, San Francisco is a city of contrasts, where modern innovation meets historic charm. Its rich history, diverse culture, and thriving economy make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a truly unique urban experience."Remember to personalize the template with specific details about the city you are writing about. This will make your essay more engaging and informative for your readers.。
小学三年级下册英语刷题卷(答案和题解)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.Which of these is a body part?A. BookB. ChairC. HandD. Table2.I __________ (wake) up early this morning because I __________ (need) to finish my homework. I __________ (eat) breakfast quickly and __________ (leave) for school. When I __________ (arrive) at school, my friends __________ (wait) for me. We__________ (talk) about the homework before class __________ (begin). I __________ (like) talking with my friends.3.What is your favorite fruit?A. BananaB. BedC. TableD. Book4.Which of these animals can fly?A. ElephantB. CatC. BirdD. Fish5.I _______ (was / were / is) in the park yesterday.6.I ______ (love) going to the park on weekends. Last Saturday, I ______ (go) there with my family. We ______ (play) basketball and ______ (have) a great time. My little brother ______ (ride) his bike around the park while I ______ (run) with my friends. After playing, we ______ (sit) on the grass and ______ (eat) some snacks.7.What is the weather l ike today? It’s ________.A. rainyB. rainC. to rainD. raining8.How many legs do most spiders have?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 89.If you are traveling to another country, what do you need?A. A passportB. A bookC. A pencilD. A map of your town10.Which of these is a famous tower?A. Eiffel TowerB. Big BenC. Leaning Tower of PisaD. All of the above11.Which of these is a type of tree?A. OakB. ChairC. TableD. Lamp12.Which of these is used to measure length?A. WatchB. ScaleC. RulerD. Spoon13.Which animal can swim?A. TigerB. ElephantC. FishD. Dog14.I _______ (walk) to school every day.15.What do we use to write on paper?A. SpoonB. PenC. PlateD. Fork16.He _______ (have) a cat.17.I _______ my homework at the moment.18.Which one is a shape?A. CircleB. SpoonC. CarD. Dog19.You and your friends are sitting in a circle. You take turns to tell a story. What activity are you doing?A. ReadingB. WritingC. Playing a gameD. Listening to music20.Which of these is used to drink liquids?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Cup21.During the summer holidays, I like to ______. I often go to the park with my friends and we play ______. We also bring a ball and play ______. After playing, we sit under a tree and eat some ______. It’s a great way to enjoy the sunny weather!22.He _______ (be) tall and strong.23.Tom is studying hard for his English test. He has been practicing his vocabulary every day. Today, he is reviewing the words for the __________. He is learning the names of different __________ like "cat," "dog," and "bird." Tom also needs to study his __________, which help him form sentences. After studying, he plans to take a short__________ to relax before continuing his review.24.I ______ (wake) up at 7:00 AM every day. After I ______ (brush) my teeth, I______ (eat) breakfast with my family. My brother ______ (not like) eggs, but I ______ (love) them. We usually ______ (leave) the house at 8:00 AM to go to school.25.She _______ (not, like) to go swimming.26.We _______ (eat / eats / eating) lunch at 12:30 PM.27.I like to draw pictures of animals. My favorite animals to draw are __, __, and __. I use different colors like __, __, and __ to make my pictures bright and colorful. Sometimes, I draw pictures of my __ as well. Drawing is one of my favorite hobbies!28.Which of these is a type of animal?A. DogB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair29.What do we use to draw?A. ScissorsB. PencilC. KnifeD. Spoon30.Which one is used for drawing?A. PencilB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Plate31.I __________ (wake) up at 7:00 AM every day. After I __________ (brush) my teeth, I __________ (eat) breakfast. Yesterday, I __________ (have) cereal and toast. My brother __________ (eat) pancakes. After breakfast, we __________ (go) to school. Today, I __________ (study) English, math, and science. I __________ (like) all my subjects.32.My sister _______ (not enjoy) reading books.33.Which of these is a school subject?A. SwimmingB. MathC. SoccerD. Pizza34.Which sentence uses a preposition correctly?A. The book is on the table.B. The book on is the table.C. The table is on the book.D. The book is the on table.35.Which one is a type of fish?A. SalmonB. LionC. ElephantD. Dog36.Which of the following is a school subject?A. HistoryB. PizzaC. SpoonD. Television37.I _______ (study) English at school.38.They _______ (not like) cold weather.39.Which of these is a time of day?A. MondayB. MorningC. SummerD. December40.Which of these is a body part?A. NoseB. SpoonC. BookD. Chair41.What is the plural form of "book"?A. BookiesB. BooksC. BookesD. Bookes42.This is my _______ pen.A. yoursB. mineC. theirD. my43.Which one of these is a holiday?A. MondayB. SaturdayC. ChristmasD. Thursday44.We _______ (be) at home now.45.What is the opposite of "day"?A. AfternoonB. MorningC. NightD. Evening46.We _______ (not / have) any homework today.47.My best friend Sarah _______ (have) a birthday party last weekend. We _______ (go) to her house to celebrate. There _______ (be) a big cake and many decorations. We _______ (play) games, and everyone _______ (have) a great time. Sarah _______ (receive) many gifts, and she _______ (thank) everyone for their presents. After the party, we _______ (take) some pictures to remember the day. It _______ (be) a fun party.48.In the __________ (1), it is very __________ (2). I like to wear my __________ (3) jacket when I go outside. Sometimes, it __________ (4) and I need to bring my__________ (5). My friends and I like to play __________ (6) together when it is cold. We also drink __________ (7) to keep warm.49.What is the correct translation for "apple"?A. 香蕉B. 苹果C. 橙子D. 葡萄50.What do you wear on your feet?A. HatB. ShoesC. ScarfD. Gloves (答案及解释)。
wayfinding signage system design
wayfinding signage system design"Wayfinding signage system design" refers to the process of designing and implementing a system of signs and indicators that help people navigate and find their way within a physical environment, such as a building, campus, or city. The goal of wayfinding signage system design is to provide clear, consistent, and easy-to-understand information that helps people move efficiently and safely through the space.The design of a wayfinding signage system typically involves several key elements, including:1. Research and analysis: The designer conducts a thorough analysis of the physical environment, including its layout, landmarks, and traffic patterns, to identify the most important information and navigation routes that need to be conveyed through the signage system.2. Sign types and placement: Based on the research and analysis, the designer selects the appropriate types of signs, such as directional signs, informational signs, and identification signs, and determines their placement throughout the environment to ensure maximum visibility and effectiveness.3. Graphic design: The designer creates the visual design of the signs, including the use of colors, fonts, symbols, and images, to convey the information in a clear and visually appealing way.4. Testing and evaluation: Before implementing the signage system, the designer conducts testing and evaluation to ensure that the signs are effective and easy to understand, and makes any necessary adjustments.5. Installation and maintenance: Once the signage system has been designed and tested, it is installed throughout the environment and maintained over time to ensure its continued effectiveness.A well-designed wayfinding signage system can enhance the user experience, increase safety and efficiency, and improve the overall navigation of a physicalenvironment.。
小学下册英语第一单元全练全测(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I love to watch ______ on weekends.2.What do we call a triangle with all sides of different lengths?A. EquilateralB. IsoscelesC. ScaleneD. Right答案: C3.My uncle works as a __________. (医生)4.I think being kind is important. I show kindness by __________.5.The children are _______ (在玩耍) outside.6.What is the term for the study of the universe beyond Earth?A. AstronomyB. AstrologyC. CosmologyD. Geology答案: A7. A _______ is a large area of land that is covered with trees.8.The teacher tells a ______ (funny) story.9.The raccoon is known for its ______ (聪明) and dexterity.10.I love to ______ (分享) my toys.11.The process of erosion is accelerated by ______.12. A ________ (植物分类) helps in identification.13.What do we call the art of folding paper into shapes?A. OrigamiB. PaintingC. SculptingD. Drawing答案:A14.The girl is very ________.15.My favorite _____ is a bright blue kite.16.The ______ provides a habitat for many species.17.The ______ (生态) plays a role in the survival of many species.18.I love to watch ______ at night. (stars)19. A _______ is a reaction that produces light and heat.20.I enjoy playing with my ______. (我喜欢和我的______一起玩。
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Online Detection of Unusual Events in Videos via Dynamic Sparse Coding
Bin Zhao1 Li Fei-Fei2 Eric P. Xing1
Mellon University 2Stanford University
Results (PCIs & PFIs)
Recall of the top one image as a function of α. (a) Without GPS. (b) With GPS. In both cases, the optimum lies close to α = 1.2 and gets within less than 1% of the theoretical maximum.
3、 Feature Extraction (Upright Feature Key points)
4、Query Images
Examples from the set of 803 query images taken With a variety of different camera phones by several different people in San Francisco.
Locations of Images
(a) Locations of 1.7 million database images and 803 query images. All 803 query images are taken with actual camera phones in downtown San Francisco. 596 of the query images had real GPS readings associated with them. GPS readings were simulated for the remaining 207 query images using a Gaussian error model estimated from the real GPS readings. (b) Errors in 596 real GPS coordinates.
Difference from General Algorithm
Search (Combining PCI and PFI)
Suppose The inlier counts after geometric verification (GV) for the top n candidates are { Npci,1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , Npci,n } for PCIs and { Npfi,1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , Npfi,n } for PFIs. Then { Npci,1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ,������Npci,n , αNpfi,1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , αNpfi,n } Final Retain the top n candidates out of the 2n candidates. NOTE Study which value of α optimizes the retrieval performance below.
Results (PCIs only)
For database of 1.06M PCIs and 803 query images. (a) Recall versus number of top database candidates in shortlist for 95% precision. The solid and dashed curves are post and pre geometric verification (GV) results, respectively. (b) Precision versus recall for ranging from 0 to 100.
Lane Detection Result
Data Collecting System
Mobile Mapping Vehicle
1、 Pre-processing
histogram equalization
2、From Panoramas to Perspective Images
Results (PFIs only)
For database of 638k PFIs and 803 query images. (a) Recall versus number of top database candidates in shortlist for 95% precision. The solid and dashed curves are post and pre GV results, respectively. (b) Precision versus recall for ranging from 0 to 100.
Search (GPS-Constrained )
(2) A single ANN tree is trained for the whole city and GPS simply determines which database images are scored. Advantages (more): • The single tree can use the full trees memory. In experiments, we found that using a large tree for the whole city gives better retrieval performance than using many small trees for separate location cells. • Although we use a hard cutoff for the geographic search neighborhood here, we note that database images can be included according to a probability distribution (e.g. Gaussian) centered on the current GPS coordinate. • For improved performance, dynamic adjustment of the neighborhood size is possible when there exists reliable information about the GPS error variance. NOTE GPS alone is not enough for landmark identification, as there are 230 different buildings on average within a 300 meter radius.
f = p + dn
p is the intersection point, n is its normal direction and d is the distance to it. In total, 1.06M PCIs are generated. A PFI will be generated only if an intersection point is found and the angle between the viewing direction and the normal at the int∘. In total, 638k PFIs are generated.
Information of Images
• PCI: the field of view, center of projection, camera orientation, visibility mask, and building label. • PFI: the warping plane parameters p, n and d additionally given. • Query Image: its building label and GPS tag, and specifying if the GPS tag is real or simulated.
(a) Panoramic images
(b) The corresponding building mask generated from 3D building models of the city
Eq (1)
(c) Perspective Central Image (PCI)
(d) Perspective Frontal Image (PFI)
Search (GPS-Constrained )
(1) The database is divided into different location cells and a separate approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) tree is trained for each cell. Disadvantages: • In a practical system, two separate databases must be maintained on the server, for queries sent with and without GPS information, thereby doubling the memory requirement. • If there are cells location cells and the total memory allocated to the ANN trees is trees, the tree for each cell can only use trees/cells memory on average, thereby limiting the size (e.g. depth of an ANN tree) and distinctiveness of each tree’s vocabulary. • There may be boundary issues when transitioning between location cells.