ZSPM9000Al1R中文资料(ZMDI)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
J J系列微型矩形电连接器
J30J 系列
J30J 系列微型矩形电连接器
A1型线夹合件 A2型线夹合件 A3型线夹合件
只能与J30J-TJ-Q8/ZK-Q8插头(座)合件配套使用。 是"焊接基本型"插头(座)合件的默认配件。 还可与"压接基本型"插头(座)合件配合使用。
自由端锁紧组件(L、L1~L8、K、K1,这些锁紧组件均不可用于型号中带字母"D"产品) 固定端锁紧组件(P、P0、P1~P11、P13~P15、P17~P25、P27~P33、P35~P38、P40~P43、V、V1) 特殊的锁紧组件(P12、P16、P26、P34、P39等)
-AD -GA -A(9.6) -AQ8 -AD(11.6) -GA(11.6) -GAQ
2N3906中文资料(nte)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
VCE = 1V, I C = 1mA
40 − − 80 − −
2N3905 2N3906
VCE = 1V, I C = 10mA
50 − 150 100 − 300
2N3905 2N3906
VCE = 1V, I C = 50mA
30 − − 60 − −
2N3905 2N3906
VCE = 1V, I C = 100mA
2N3905 & 2N3906 硅PNP晶体管
集电极 - 发射极电压,V
CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40V
C = +255C), PD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5W
减免上述255℃. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12MW / 5C
减免上述255℃. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0MW / 5C
5010■ 智能脱扣器iTR336型基本功能:保护功能(L ,S ,I & G )iTR336E 型&iTR336A 型基本保护功能基本测量功能辅助功能iTR336H 型基本+高级保护功能多种测量功能辅助功能特殊功能通讯功能iTR336H-L 型基本+高级保护功能多种测量功能辅助功能特殊功能通讯功能iTR336iTR336E iTR336H-L iTR336A 后连接(水平或垂直) 前连接 ■ 接线方式可选附件1 扩展端子2 ■ 附件远程操作:分励线圈,合闸线圈, 欠压线圈, 电动机操作机构指示触点:辅助开关(OF),准备合闸触点(PF),连接(CE)、分离(CD)、试验(CT)位置指示触点,故障脱扣指示触点(SWT),Res 远程复位触点锁:抽屉座挂锁,分闸锁,门联锁,“连接,分离,试验”位置闭锁机构分合闸按钮盖机械联锁:缆绳联锁,杠杆联锁操作及防护:门框,相间隔板,安全挡板智能控制器附件:N 相外接互感器,接地互感器,漏电互感器,电源模块,信号转换模块CDW9系列万能式断路器的额定电流自400A 至6300A,额定电压交流400/415,690V,适用于交流50Hz/60Hz,主要用于配电网络中,用来分配电能,保护线路和电源设备,使免受过载,欠电压,短路,单相接地等故障的危害。
符合标准:GB/T14048.2 IEC/EN 60947-2■ 适用范围环境温度-5℃~+40℃,日平均值≤+35℃,对于1600N,4000N,4000H 型,特殊型号可适用于-40℃~+80℃大气的相对湿度在周围最高温度+40℃时不超过+50%;在较低的温度下允许有较高相对湿度(例如20℃时的90%)考虑到因温度变化发生在产品表面上的凝露在周围空气温度高于+40℃或者低于-5℃的条件使用的断路器应与制造厂协商海拔高度≤2000m ;特殊型号可适用4000m 以下电磁干扰适用于环境A 污染等级污染等级3级安装位置应垂直,各方向的倾斜度不超过5°安装级别断路器主电路及欠电压脱扣器线圈、电源变压器初级线圈为Ⅳ级,辅助电路、控制电路为Ⅲ级运输条件应轻搬轻放,不应倒放,应尽量避免剧烈碰撞■ 正常工作条件■ 认识正面ON 分闸按钮(O ) 合闸按钮(I ) 储能机构状态指示器 储能,允许合闸 机械储能手柄控制器摇进(出)装置“连接”,“试验”及“分离”位置指示“连接”,“试验”及“分离”位置限位器(三位置闭锁机构)摇杆存放处123458697106 5 1 432 79810CDW9万能式断路器012011■ 本体编码■ 附件编码注:产品标准配置包括:分励线圈、合闸线圈、电操机构、辅助4开4闭,门框、电源模块、控制器iTR336E 或iTR336A6300壳架不能选择控制器iTR336,该壳架只有抽屉式,电流6300A 只有3P014013013016 015■配置表二次端子防尘罩*1) 具体请参考连接可选方案*2) 仅抽屉式带有*3) 只适用于iTR336H,iTR336H-L 型控制器*4) 不可和第二个故障脱扣指示触点(SWT2)兼容*5) 2000/2500/3200标配控制为iTR336A*6) 2000AF,2500AF,3200AF,6300AF二次端子防护罩仅限47回路抽屉式产品018017极数Pole 3 & 4额定电压 AC Ue (V )1:AC220V /230V /240V /380V /400V /415V ; 2:AC440V /480V /500V /525V /550V /660V /690V 额定绝缘电压Ui (V )1250额定冲击耐受电压Uimp (kV )12额定频率(Hz )50/60适用于隔离适用标准GB/T14048.2、IEC 60947-2■ 壳架电流注:降容系数表中的技术参数是从试验和理论计算得出,仅作为一般选型指导用注:对于海拔高于4000m ,需与工厂联系:①CDW9-1600N 为0.8Xln 、CDW9-3200N&H 为0.7Xln,详情可与德力西电气技术部门沟通注:在高原环境下,分断能力按对应的额定工作电压需要进行降容,—般在75%~50%之间选择,与海拔高度成反比注:引用GB/T 20645特殊环境条件高原用电压电器技术要求■推荐温度降容使用020019■ 附件指示图■外观展示锁 1 分励线圈 6 ON/OFF 辅助开关(OF)11 抽屉座挂锁15 机械联锁 16 门框 19 N 相外接互感器 2 合闸线圈 7 准备合闸触点(PF)12 分闸锁17 相间隔板20 漏电互感器 3 欠压线圈 8 连接(CE)、分离(CD)、试验(CT)位置指示触点13 门联锁18 安全挡板21 接地互感器5 电动机操作机构10 Res 远程复位触点23信号转换模块iTR336 基本型 iTR336 E 标配型(适用1600/4000)iTR336 A 标配型(适用2000/2500/3200/6300)iTR336 H 高级型iTR336 H-L 高低温型高级型:全方面的保护/测量/维护/通讯功能高低温型:80℃~-40℃极限环境适应三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护三段保护+接地保护基本型:具有基本的三段保护功能标配型:电流柱状灯,反应三相电流平衡情形, 一目了然标配型:电流柱状灯,反应三相电流平衡情形, 一目了然022021■功能概览1顶部固定2 LED 指示灯3 控制器标牌4 电流时间整定旋钮5 底部固定6 外接连接端子7 互感器连接口8 磁通/微动开关调节面板2223242526272829303132指示ResetAlarm I R Isd/Ii Ig/I Δn AP Com9101112131415181920211617■ 按键说明167823459报警指示灯 LED 10 长延时指示脱扣 LED 11 短延时或瞬时指示脱扣 LED 12 接地故障或漏电脱扣指示 LED13 高级保护指示 LED14 通讯功能15 故障跳闸复位按钮导航键16 系统参数设定17 确认18 保护界面进入,返回19 测量进入,返回20 下移21 上移22 长延时电流设定 I R23 长延时跳闸延时 t R 24 短延时脱扣 Isd 25 短延时跳闸延时 tsd 26 接地故障脱扣 Ig27 接地故障跳闸延时 tg 28 挂锁位置29 测试按键,瞬时动作30 瞬时脱扣电流31 电源显示32 测试连接口注:iTR336/iTR336E 仅限1600/4000专用;iTR336A/iTR336H/iTR336H-L 仅限2000/2500/3200/6300专用欠压线圈MN欠压线圈分为欠压瞬时和欠压延时两种断路器合闸后,当断路器电压下降到70%-35%的额定电压时,能够动作使断路器断开,断路器只能在欠压线圈电源电压恢复到85%的额定电压后,方可再次闭合额定控制电源电压AC220/AC230V /AC380V /AC400V 动作电压:(0.35-0.7)Ue 可靠合闸电压:(0.85-1.1)Ue 不能合闸电压:≤0.35Ue延时时间:0.5s 、1s 、1.5s 、3s 后断开(1600AF /4000AF 支持)延时时间:0.5s 、1s 、1.5s 、3s 、5s 、7.5s 后断开(2000AF /2500AF /3200AF /6300AF 支持)延时最长时间7.5s ,可根据实际情况拨码整定。
集成电路型号功能对照表0206A 天线开关集成电路03VFG9 发射压控振荡集成电路1021AC 发射压控振荡集成电路1097C 升压集成电路140N 电源取样比较放大集成电路14DN363 伺服控制集成电路15105 充电控制集成电路15551 管理卡升压集成电路1710 视频信号处理集成电路1N706 混响延时集成电路20810-F6096 存储集成电路2252B 微处理集成电路2274 延迟集成电路24C01ACEA 存储集成电路24C026 存储集成电路24C04 存储集成电路24C64 码片集成电路24LC16B 存储集成电路24LC65 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路27C1000PC-12 存储集成电路27C2000QC-90 存储集成电路27C20T 存储集成电路27C512 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路2800 红外遥控信号接收集成电路28BV64 码片集成电路28F004 版本集成电路31085 射频电源集成电路32D54 电源、音频信号处理集成电路32D75 电源、音频信号处理集成电路32D92 电源中频放大集成电路4066B 电子开关切换集成电路4094 移位寄存串入、并出集成电路424260SDJ 存储集成电路4260 动态随机存储集成电路4270351/91B9905 中频放大集成电路4370341/90M9919 中频处理集成电路4464 存储集成电路4558 双运算放大集成电路4580D 双运算放大集成电路47C1638AN-U337 微处理集成电路47C1638AU-353 微处理集成电路47C432GP 微处理集成电路47C433AN-3888 微处理集成电路49/4CR1A 中频放大集成电路5101 天线开关集成电路5G052 发光二极管四位显示驱动集成电路5G24 运算放大集成电路5W01 双运算放大集成电路649/CRIA70612 中频放大集成电路673/3CR2A 多模转换集成电路74122 可重触发单稳态集成电路74HC04 逻辑与非门集成电路74HC04D 六反相集成电路74HC123 单稳态集成电路74HC125 端口功能扩展集成电路74HC14N 六反相集成电路74HC157A 多路转换集成电路74HC165 移相寄存集成电路74HC245 总线收发集成电路74HC32 或门四2输入集成电路74HC374八D 触发集成电路74HC573D 存储集成电路74HCT157 多路转换双输入集成电路74HCT4046A 压控振荡集成电路74HCT4538D 单稳态集成电路74HCT4538N 触发脉冲集成电路74HCT86D 异或门四2输入集成电路74HCU04 与非门集成电路74LS125 端口功能扩展集成电路74LS373 锁存集成电路74LS393 计数双四位二进制集成电路74LS74双D 触发集成电路78014DFP 系统控制处理集成电路811N 伴音阻容偏置集成电路83D33 压控振荡集成电路85712 场扫描信号校正处理集成电路85713 行扫描信号校正集成电路87C52 微处理集成电路87CK38N-3584 微处理集成电路87CK38N-3627 微处理集成电路89C52 系统控制处理集成电路89C55 系统控制处理集成电路93C66 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路93LC56 电可改写编程存储集成电路9821K03 系统控制集成电路A1642P 背景歌声消除集成电路A701 红外遥控信号接收集成电路A7950 场频识别集成电路A8772AN 色差信号延迟处理集成电路A9109 功率放大集成电路AAB 电源集成电路ACA650 色度信号解调集成电路ACFP2 色度、亮度信号分离集成电路ACP2371 多伴音、多语言改善集成电路ACVP2205 色度、亮度信号分离集成电路AD1853 立体声数/模转换集成电路AD1858 音频解调集成电路AD722 视频编码集成电路ADC2300E 音频数/模转换集成电路ADC2300J 音频数/模转换集成电路ADC2310E 音频数/模转换集成电路ADV7172 视频编码集成电路ADV7175A 视频编码集成电路AE31201 频率显示集成电路AJ7080 射频调制集成电路AK4321-VF-E1 音频数/模转换集成电路AN1319 双高速电压比较集成电路AN1358S 双运算放大集成电路AN1393 双运算放大集成电路AN1431T 稳压电源集成电路AN1452 音频前置放大集成电路AN1458S 双运算放大集成电路AN206 伴音中频及前置放大集成电路AN222 自动频率控制集成电路AN236 副载波信号处理集成电路AN239Q 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN247P 图像中频放大、AGC控制集成电路AN253P 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN262 音频前置放大集成电路AN2661NK 视频信号处理集成电路AN2663K 视频信号处理集成电路AN272 音频功率放大集成电路AN2751FAP 视频信号处理集成电路AN281 色度解码集成电路AN2870FC 多功能控制集成电路AN295 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN301 伺服控制集成电路AN305 视频自动增益控制集成电路AN306 色度自动相位控制集成电路AN318 直流伺服控制集成电路AN320 频率控制、调谐显示驱动集成电路AN3215K 视频信号处理集成电路AN3215S 视频信号处理集成电路AN3224K 磁头信号记录放大集成电路AN3248NK 亮度信号记录、重放处理集成电路AN331 视频信号处理集成电路AN3311K 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3313 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3321S 录像重放信号处理集成电路AN3331K 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3337NSB 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3380K 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3386NK 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3495K 色度、亮度信号降噪集成电路AN355 伴音中频放大、检波集成电路AN3581S 视频驱动集成电路AN366 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN3791 移位控制集成电路AN3792 磁鼓伺服控制接口集成电路AN3795 主轴伺服控制接口集成电路AN3814K 电机驱动集成电路AN4265 音频功率放大集成电路AN4558 运算放大集成电路AN5010 电子选台集成电路AN5011 电子选台集成电路AN5015K 电子选台集成电路AN5020 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5025S 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5026K 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5031 电调谐控制集成电路AN5034 调谐控制集成电路AN5036 调谐控制集成电路AN5043 调谐控制集成电路AN5071 频段转换集成电路AN5095K 电视信号处理集成电路AN5110 图像中频放大集成电路AN5130 图像中频、视频检波放大集成电路AN5138NK 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5156K 电视信号处理集成电路AN5177NK 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5179K 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5183K 中频信号处理集成电路AN5195K 中频、色度、扫描信号处理集成电路AN5215 伴音信号处理集成电路AN5520 伴音中频放大及鉴频集成电路AN5222 伴音中频放大集成电路AN5250 伴音中频放大、鉴频及功率放大集成电路AN5262 音频前置放大集成电路AN5265 音频功率放大集成电路AN5270 音频功率放大集成电路AN5273 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN5274 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN5275 中置、3D放大集成电路AN5285K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN5295NK 音频信号切换集成电路AN5312 视频、色度信号处理集成电路AN5313NK 视频、色度信号处理集成电路AN5342 图像水平轮廓校正集成电路AN5342FB 水平清晰度控制集成电路AN5344FBP 色度信号处理集成电路AN5348K 人工智能信号处理集成电路AN5385K 色差信号放大集成电路AN5410 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5421 同步检测集成电路AN5422 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5512 场扫描输出集成电路AN5515 场扫描输出集成电路AN5521 场扫描输出集成电路AN5532 场扫描输出集成电路AN5534 场扫描输出集成电路AN5551 枕形校正集成电路AN5560 场频识别集成电路AN5600K 中频、亮度、色度及扫描信号处理集成电路AN5601K 视频、色度、同步信号处理集成电路AN5607K 视频、色度、行场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5615 视频信号处理集成电路AN5620X 色度信号处理集成电路AN5621 场扫描输出集成电路AN5625 色度信号处理集成电路AN5633K 色度信号处理集成电路AN5635 色度解码集成电路AN5635NS 色度解码集成电路AN5637 色度解码、亮度延迟集成电路AN5650 同步信号分离集成电路AN5682K 基色电子开关切换集成电路AN5693K 视频、色度、行场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5712 图像中频放大、AGC控制集成电路AN5722 图像中频放大、检波集成电路AN5732 伴音中频放大、鉴频集成电路AN5743 音频功率放大集成电路AN5750 行自动频率控制及振荡集成电路AN5757S 行扫描电源电压控制集成电路AN5762 场扫描振荡、输出集成电路AN5764 光栅水平位置控制集成电路AN5765 电源稳压控制集成电路AN5767 同步信号处理集成电路AN5768 光栅倾斜校正控制集成电路AN5769 行、场会聚控制集成电路AN5790N 行扫描信号处理集成电路AN5791 同步脉冲相位与脉宽调整集成电路AN5803 双声道立体声解调集成电路AN5836 双声道前置放大集成电路AN5858K 视频信号控制集成电路AN5862 视频信号控制集成电路AN5862S-E1 视频信号开关控制集成电路AN5870K 模拟信号切换集成电路AN5891K 音频信号处理集成电路AN614 行枕形校正集成电路AN6210 双声道前置放大集成电路AN6306S 亮度信号处理集成电路AN6308 模拟电子开关集成电路AN6327 视频重放信号处理集成电路AN6341N 伺服控制集成电路AN6342N 基准分频集成电路AN6344 伺服控制集成电路AN6345 分频集成电路AN6346N 磁鼓伺服控制集成电路AN6350 磁鼓伺服控制集成电路AN6357N 主轴接口集成电路AN6361N 色度信号处理集成电路AN6367NK 色度信号处理集成电路AN6371S 自动相位控制集成电路AN6387 电机伺服控制集成电路AN6550 卡拉OK音频放大集成电路AN6554 四运算放大集成电路AN6561 双运算放大集成电路AN6562SG 双运算放大集成电路AN6609N 电机驱动集成电路AN6612 电机稳速控制集成电路AN6650 电机速度控制集成电路AN6651 电机速度控制集成电路AN6652 电机稳速控制集成电路AN6875 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6877 发光二极管七位显示驱动集成电路AN6884 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6886 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6888 发光二极管显示驱动集成电路AN6914 双电压比较集成电路AN7085N5 单片录、放音集成电路AN7105 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7106K 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7108 单片立体声放音集成电路AN710S 单片放音集成电路AN7110E 音频功率放大集成电路AN7114 音频功率放大集成电路AN7116 音频功率放大集成电路AN7118 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7118S 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7120 音频功率放大集成电路AN7124 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7145 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7148 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7158N 音频功率放大7.5W×2集成电路AN7161N 音频功率放大集成电路AN7164 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7171NK 音频功率放大集成电路AN7205 调频/调谐及高频放大集成电路AN7220 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7222 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7223 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7226 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7256 调频/调谐及中频放大集成电路AN7311 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7312 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7315 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7315S 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7320 音频前置放大集成电路AN7396K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7397K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7410 调频立体声多路解码集成电路AN7414 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7420N 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7470 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7805 三端电源稳压+5V/1A集成电路AN7806 三端电源稳压+6V/1A集成电路AN7807 三端电源稳压+7V/1A集成电路AN7808 三端电源稳压+8V/1A集成电路AN7809 电源稳压+9V/1A集成电路AN7810 三端电源稳压+10V/1A集成电路AN7812 三端电源稳压+12V/1A集成电路AN7815 三端电源稳压+15V/1A集成电路AN7818 三端电源稳压+18V/1A集成电路AN7820 三端电源稳压+20V/1A集成电路AN7824 三端电源稳压+24V/1A集成电路AN78L05 三端电源稳压+5V/0.1A集成电路AN78L06 三端电源稳压+6V/0.1A集成电路AN78L08 三端电源稳压+8V/0.1A集成电路AN78L09 三端电源稳压+9V/0.1A集成电路AN78L10 三端电源稳压+10V/0.1A集成电路AN78L12 三端电源稳压+12V/0.1A集成电路AN78L15 三端电源稳压+15V/0.1A集成电路AN78L18 三端电源稳压+18V/0.1A集成电路AN78L20 三端电源稳压+20V/0.1A集成电路AN78L24 三端电源稳压+24V/0.1A集成电路AN78M05 三端电源稳压+5V/0.5A集成电路AN78M06 三端电源稳压+6V/0.5A集成电路AN78M08 三端电源稳压+8V/0.5A集成电路AN78M09 三端电源稳压+9V/0.5A集成电路AN78M10 三端电源稳压+10V/0.5A集成电路AN78M12 三端电源稳压+12V/0.5A集成电路AN78M15 三端固定式稳压+15V/0.5A集成电路AN78M18 三端电源稳压+18V/0.5A集成电路AN78M20 三端电源稳压+20V/0.5A集成电路AN78M24 三端电源稳压+24V/0.5A集成电路AN7905 三端电源稳压-5V/1A集成电路AN7906 三端电源稳压-6V/1A集成电路AN7908T 三端电源稳压-8V/1A集成电路AN7909T 三端电源稳压-9V/1A集成电路AN7910T 三端电源稳压-10V/1A集成电路AN7912 三端电源稳压-12V/1A集成电路AN7915 三端电源稳压-15V/1A集成电路AN7918 三端电源稳压-18V/1A集成电路AN7920 三端电源稳压-20V/1A集成电路AN7924 三端电源稳压-24V/1A集成电路AN79L05 三端电源稳压-5V/0.1A集成电路AN79L06 三端电源稳压-6V/0.1A集成电路AN79L08 三端电源稳压-8V/0.1A集成电路AN79L09 三端电源稳压-9V/0.1A集成电路AN79L10 三端电源稳压-10V/0.1A集成电路AN79L12 三端电源稳压-12V/0.1A集成电路AN79L15 三端电源稳压-15V/0.1A集成电路AN79L18 三端电源稳压-18V/0.1A集成电路AN79L20 三端电源稳压-20V/0.1A集成电路AN79L24 三端电源稳压-24V/0.1A集成电路AN79M05 三端电源稳压-5V/0.5A集成电路AN79M06 三端电源稳压-6V/0.5A集成电路AN79M08 三端电源稳压-8V/0.5A集成电路AN79M09 三端电源稳压-9V/0.5A集成电路AN79M10 三端电源稳压-10V/0.5A集成电路AN79M12 三端电源稳压-12V/0.5A集成电路AN79M15 三端电源稳压-15V/0.5A集成电路AN79M18 三端电源稳压-18V/0.5A集成电路AN79M20 三端电源稳压-20V/0.5A集成电路AN79M24 三端电源稳压-24V/0.5A集成电路AN8028 自激式开关电源控制集成电路AN8270K 主轴电机控制集成电路AN8280 电机驱动集成电路AN8281S 电机驱动集成电路AN8290S 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8355S 条形码扫描接收集成电路AN8370S 光电伺服控制集成电路AN8373S 射频伺服处理集成电路AN8375S 伺服处理集成电路AN8389S-E1 电机驱动集成电路AN8480NSB 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8481SB-E1 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8482SB 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8623FBQ 主轴伺服处理集成电路AN8788FB 电机驱动集成电路AN8802CE1V 伺服处理集成电路AN8813NSBS 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8819NFB 伺服驱动、直流交换集成电路AN8824FBQ 前置放大集成电路AN8825NFHQ-V 聚焦、循迹误差处理集成电路AN8831SC 视频预视放集成电路AN8832SB-E1 射频放大、伺服处理集成电路AN8837SB-E1 伺服处理集成电路AN89C2051-24PC 微处理集成电路APU2400U 音频信号处理集成电路APU2470 音频信号处理集成电路AS4C14405-60JC 动态随机存储1M×4集成电路AS4C256K16ED-60JC 存储集成电路ASD0204-015 图文控制集成电路ASD0204GF-022-3BA显示控制集成电路AT24C08 存储集成电路AT24C08A 存储集成电路AT24C256-10CI 码片集成电路AT27C010 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路AT27C020 存储集成电路ATMEL834 存储集成电路AVM-1 视频信号处理厚膜集成电路AVM-2 音频信号处理厚膜集成电路AVSIBCP08 倍压整流切换集成。
CD4029BM,CD4029BM96,CD4029BM96E4,CD4029BM96G4,CD4029BPWRE4,CD4029BPWRG4, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
The CD4029B-series types are supplied in16-lead hermetic dual-in-line ceramicpackages (F3A suffix), 16-lead dual-in-lineplastic packages (E suffix), 16-leadsmall-outline packages (M, M96, MT, and NSRsuffixes), and 16-lead thin shrink small-outlinepackages (PW and PWR suffixes).Copyright © 2003, Texas Instruments IncorporatedAddendum-Page 1PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)Package Type PackageDrawingPins Package QtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3)Samples (Requires Login)8101602EA ACTIVE CDIP J 161TBDCall TICall TICD4029BE ACTIVE PDIP N 1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type CD4029BEE4ACTIVE PDIP N 1625Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg TypeCD4029BF ACTIVE CDIP J 161TBD A42N / A for Pkg Type CD4029BF3A ACTIVE CDIP J 161TBD A42N / A for Pkg TypeCD4029BM ACTIVE SOIC D 1640Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BM96ACTIVE SOIC D 162500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BM96E4ACTIVE SOIC D 162500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BM96G4ACTIVE SOIC D 162500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BME4ACTIVE SOIC D 1640Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BMG4ACTIVE SOIC D 1640Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BMT ACTIVE SOIC D 16250Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BMTE4ACTIVE SOIC D 16250Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BMTG4ACTIVE SOIC D 16250Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BNSR ACTIVE SO NS 162000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS 162000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BNSRG4ACTIVE SO NS 162000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW 162000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM CD4029BPWRE4ACTIVETSSOPPW162000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM芯天下--/Addendum-Page 2Orderable Device Status(1)Package Type PackageDrawingPins Package QtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp(3)Samples (Requires Login)CD4029BPWRG4ACTIVETSSOPPW162000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.OTHER QUALIFIED VERSIONS OF CD4029B, CD4029B-MIL :•Catalog: CD4029B •Military: CD4029B-MILNOTE: Qualified Version Definitions:•Catalog - TI's standard catalog product芯天下--/•Military - QML certified for Military and Defense ApplicationsAddendum-Page 3芯天下--/TAPE AND REELINFORMATION*Alldimensions are nominalDevicePackage Type Package Drawing Pins SPQReel Diameter (mm)Reel Width W1(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W (mm)Pin1Quadrant CD4029BM96SOIC D 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 SO NS 162000330. 2.512.016.0Q1CD4029BPWRTSSOPPW162000330. MATERIALS INFORMATION14-Jul-2012Pack Materials-Page 1*All dimensionsare nominalDevice Package TypePackage DrawingPins SPQ Length (mm)Width (mm)Height (mm)CD4029BM96SOIC D 162500333.2345.928.6CD4029BNSR SO NS 162000367.0367.038.0CD4029BPWRTSSOPPW162000367.0367.035.0PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION14-Jul-2012Pack Materials-Page 2IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46C and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48B.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale,in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by applicable law,testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’products.Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’products and applications,Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components which meet ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive ponents which have not been so designated are neither designed nor intended for automotive use;and TI will not be responsible for any failure of such components to meet such requirements.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Mobile Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
目录目录序言............................................................................................................................................ (Ⅲ)第一章安全运行及注意事项 (1)1. 1 验收............................................................................................................................................ (1)1.2 安全运行的注意事项 (1)第二章产品信息............................................................................................................................................ (3)2.1 铭牌数据及命名规则 (3)2. 2 技术规范............................................................................................................................................ . (4)2. 3 CDI9100变频器系列 (5)2. 4 外型及安装尺寸 (7)2.5 日常使用的保养与维护 (9)第三章变频器的安装与接线 (11)3.1 变频器的前盖与数字操作键盘的安装 (11)3.1.1 变频器前盖的安装 (11)3.1.2 数字操作键盘的安装 (11)3.2 安装地点及空间的选择 (11)3.3 外围设备和任选件的接线 (13)3.4 主回路的接线 (12)3. 4. 1 主回路接线图及其注意事项 (14)3.4.2 主回路输入侧的接线注意事项 (15)3.4.3 主回路输出侧的接线注意事项 (16)3.4.4 380V级主回路配线及所需配套的外围设备参考表 (17)3.5 控制电路的接线 (18)3.5.1 控制电路端子排列及接线图 (18)3.5.2 控制电路端子的功能 (20)3.6 接地............................................................................................................................................ . (21)第四章键盘操作与运行 (22)4.1 操作方式的选择 (22)4.2 试运行及检查 (22)4.2.1 试运行前的注意事项及检查 (22)4.2.2 试运行...........................................................................................................................................224.2.3 运行前的检查 (22)4.3 键盘的操作方法 (23)4.3.1 键盘按键及功能 (23)4.3.2 键盘显示方式及组合功能 (24)4.3.3 查看/设定参数的方法(用数字键盘 (25)4.3.4 键盘设定频率的方法 (26)第五章功能参数表.........................................................................................................................................27第六章功能参数说明 (34)6.1 基本功能参数P00组 (34)6.2 辅助功能参数P01组 (42)6.3 输入输出端子与多段速运行功能P02组 (49)6.4 其他功能参数P03组 (60)6.5 显示功能参数P04组 (63)第七章故障排除.............................................................................................................................................647.1 故障的诊断与排除措施 (64)7.2 报警显示和解释 (64)7.3 电机故障和排除措施 (65)目录目录附录1 定期维护及检查方法 (66)附录2 选件选用指南 (67)A2.1 交流电抗器ACL (67)A2.2 直流电抗器DCL (67)A2.3 无线电噪声滤波器 (68)A2.4 远方操作键盘 (68)A2.5 回生制动单元及回生制动电阻 (69)A2.6 漏电保护电路 (69)附录3 用于注塑机的改造说明 (70)A3.1 主回路端子接线图............................................................................................................................. 70 A3.2注塑机变频节能改造的主电路的接线方法...................................................................................... 70 A3.3转换板接线方式 (70)A3.4主要参数调整 (71)附录4 RS-485通讯协议修正 (73)前言前言感谢您选用德力西(杭州)变频器有限公司生产的CDI9100系列变频调速器。
,011)被选 中
访问类型 高电平
是访问数据 端口;低电平 是访问地址 端口
字命令标志, 默认低电平 有效
当访问 外部数据存 储器是字或 双字宽度时, 被置位
中断请求信 号
高电平 有效,极性能 修改
37~53 56
双字模式,高 16 位数据引 脚
注意:以上介质无关端口都内部自带 60K 欧姆的下拉电阻 处理器接口引脚
处理器读命 令
低电平 有效,极性能 够被 EEPRO M 修改,详细 请参考对 EE PROM 内容 的描述
处理器写命 令
低电平 有效,同样能 修改极性
外部介质无 关接口发送 时钟
外部介质无 关接口发送 数据低 4 位
TXD[2: 0]决定内部 存储空间基 址:TXD [2: 0]) * 10H +
外部介质无 关串行数据 通信口时钟, 且与中断引 脚有关
该引脚 高电平时候, 中断引脚低 电平有效;否 则高有效
0 0 16 位
0 1 32 位
108 位
11未 定义
也做 LE D 模式选择 引脚
This document contains information on one or more products under development at Spansion Inc. The information is intended to help you evaluate this product. Do not design in this product without contacting the factory. Spansion Inc. reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed product without notice.Publication Number S29CD016J-CL016J_KGD_SP Revision A Amendment 2Issue Date September 20,2006General DescriptionThe Spansion S29CD016J and S29CL016J devices are Floating Gate products fabricated in 110 nm process technology. These burst mode Flash devices are capable of performing simultaneous read and write operations with zero latency on two separate banks. These products can operate up to 56 MHz and use a single V CC of 2.5 V to 2.75 V (S29CD-J) or 3.0 V to 3.6 V (S29CL-J) that make them ideal for today’s demanding automotive applications.Distinctive CharacteristicsSingle 2.6 V (S29CD-J) or 3.3 V (S29CL-J) for read/program/erase 110 nm Floating Gate TechnologySimultaneous Read/Write operation with zero latency X32 Data BusDual Boot Sector Configuration (top and bottom) Flexible Sector Architecture–CD016J & CL016J: Eight 2K Double word, Thirty-two 16K Double word, and Eight 2K Double Word sectorsVersatileI/O™ control (1.65 V to V CC ) Programmable Burst Interface–Linear for 2, 4, and 8 double word burst with or without wrap aroundSecured Silicon Sector that can be either factory or customer locked 20 year data retention (typical)Cycling Endurance: 100,000 write cycles per sector (typical) Command set compatible with JECEC (42.4) standard Supports Common Flash Interface (CFI)Persistent and Password methods of Advanced Sector Protection Unlock Bypass program command to reduce programming time Write operation status bits indicate program and erase operation completion Hardware (WP#) protection of two outermost sectors in the large bank Ready/Busy (RY/BY#) output indicates data available to system Suspend and Resume commands for Program and Erase OperationPerformance CharacteristicsS29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die16 Megabit (512k x 32-Bit) CMOS 2.6 or 3.3 Volt-only Burst Mode, Dual Boot,Simultaneous Read/Write Flash MemorySupplement (Advance Information)Read Access TimesSpeed Option (MHz)5640Max Asynch. Access Time, ns (t ACC )6467Max Synch. Latency, ns (t IACC )6467Max Synch. Burst Access, ns (t BACC )1017Max CE# Access Time, ns (t CE )6971Max OE# Access time, ns (t OE )2222Current Consumption (Max values)Continuous Burst Read @ 56 MHz90 mA Program 50 mA Erase 50 mA Standby Mode150 µATypical Program and Erase TimesDouble Word Programming 18 µs Sector Erase1.0 sS u p p l e m e n t(A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n)Table of ContentsGeneral Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Distinctive Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Performance Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S29CD/CL016J Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.Die Photograph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.Die Pad Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.Pad Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.1Valid Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.Packaging Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.1Surftape Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.2Waffle Pack Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106.Product Test Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107.Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128.Operating Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129.Physical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1310.Manufacturing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311.Special Handling Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311.1Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311.2Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.DC Characteristics for KGD Devices at 145°C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1313.Terms and Conditions of Sale for Spansion Non-Volatile Memory Die. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1414.Revision Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15List of FiguresFigure 6.1Spansion KGD Product Test Flow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Figure 7.1Maximum Negative Overshoot Waveform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Figure 7.2Maximum Positive Overshoot Waveform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12List of TablesTable 3.1Pads Relative To Die Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Table 12.1DC Characteristics, CMOS Compatible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 2S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die Revision A2September20,2006S u p p l e m e n t(A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n)S29CD/CL016J FeaturesThe S29CD016J & S29CL016J Flash devices are burst mode, dual boot, simultaneous read/write Flashmemories with VersatileI/O™ manufactured on 110 nm process technology.The S29CD016J is a 16 megabit, 2.6 volt-only, single-power-supply, burst mode Flash memory device thatcan be configured for 524,288 double words. The S29CL016J is the 3.3 volt-only version of that device. Bothdevices can be programmed in standard EPROM programmers.To eliminate bus contention, each device has separate chip enable (CE#), write enable (WE#) and outputenable (OE#) controls. Additional control inputs are required for synchronous burst operations: Load BurstAddress Valid (ADV#), and Clock (CLK).Each device requires only a single 2.6 volt-only (2.50 V – 2.75 V) or 3.3 volt-only (3.00 V – 3.60 V) for bothread and write functions. A 12.0-volt V PP is not required for program or erase operations, although anacceleration pin is available if faster programming performance is required.The device is entirely command set compatible with the JEDEC single-power-supply Flash standard. Thesoftware command set is compatible with the command sets of the 5 V Am29F and 3 V Am29LV Flashfamilies. Commands are written to the command register using standard micro-processor write timing.Register contents serve as inputs to an internal state-machine that controls the erase and programmingcircuitry. Write cycles also internally latch addresses and data needed for the programming and eraseoperations. Reading data out of the device is similar to reading from other Flash or EPROM devices.The Unlock Bypass mode facilitates faster programming times by requiring only two write cycles to programdata instead of four.The Simultaneous Read/Write architecture provides simultaneous operation by dividing the memory spaceinto two banks. The device can begin programming or erasing in one bank, and then simultaneously readfrom the other bank, with zero latency. This releases the system from waiting for the completion of program orerase operations.The device provides a 256-byte Secured Silicon Sector with an one-time-programmable (OTP) mechanism.In addition, the device features several levels of sector protection, which can disable both the program anderase operations in certain sectors or sector groups: Persistent Sector Protection is a command sectorprotection method that replaces the old 12 V controlled protection method; Password Sector Protection is ahighly sophisticated protection method that requires a password before changes to certain sectors or sectorgroups are permitted; WP# Hardware Protection prevents program or erase in the two outermost 8 Kbytessectors of the larger bank.The device defaults to the Persistent Sector Protection mode. The customer must then choose if theStandard or Password Protection method is most desirable. The WP# Hardware Protection feature is alwaysavailable, independent of the other protection method chosen.The VersatileI/O™ (V CCQ) feature allows the output voltage generated on the device to be determined basedon the V IO level. This feature allows this device to operate in the 1.8 V I/O environment, driving and receivingsignals to and from other 1.8 V devices on the same bus.The host system can detect whether a program or erase operation is complete by observing the RY/BY# pin,by reading the DQ7 (Data# Polling), or DQ6 (toggle) status bits. After a program or erase cycle has beencompleted, the device is ready to read array data or accept another command.The sector erase architecture allows memory sectors to be erased and reprogrammed without affecting thedata contents of other sectors. The device is fully erased when shipped from the factory.Hardware data protection measures include a low V CC detector that automatically inhibits write operationsduring power transitions. The password and software sector protection feature disables both program anderase operations in any combination of sectors of memory. This can be achieved in-system at V CC level.The Program/Erase Suspend/Erase Resume feature enables the user to put erase on hold for any period oftime to read data from, or program data to, any sector that is not selected for erasure. True background erasecan thus be achieved.The hardware RESET# pin terminates any operation in progress and resets the internal state machine toreading array data.September20,2006Revision A2S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die3S u p p l e m e n t(A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n)The device offers two power-saving features. When addresses have been stable for a specified amount oftime, the device enters the automatic sleep mode. The system can also place the device into the standbymode. Power consumption is greatly reduced in both these modes.Spansion Flash technology combines years of Flash memory manufacturing experience to produce thehighest levels of quality, reliability and cost effectiveness. The device electrically erases all bits within a sectorsimultaneously via Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling. The data is programmed using hot electron injection.1.Die Photograph4S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die Revision A2September20,2006S u p p l e m e n t(A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n)2.Die Pad LocationsSeptember20,2006Revision A2S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die5S u p p l e m e n t(A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n)3.Pad DescriptionTable 3.1 Pads Relative To Die Center (Sheet 1 of 2)Pad Description – Coordinates are Relative to Die CenterPad SignalMilsµmX Y X Y1VSS87.381 3.3472219.48585.0162VCC87.3818.0312219.485203.9943CE#87.38112.8922219.485327.4564OE#87.38117.5562219.485445.9215WE#87.38122.222219.485564.3866WP#87.38127.0392219.485686.7937IND/WAIT#88.34639.7412243.9861009.4328DQ(16)70.56246.961792.271192.7739DQ(17)65.79746.961671.241192.77310DQ(18)57.69146.961465.3561192.77311DQ(19)52.92646.961344.3261192.77312VCCQ46.446.961178.571192.77313V SS41.73846.961060.1531192.77314DQ(20)35.23546.96894.9571192.77315DQ(21)30.4746.96773.9271192.77316DQ(22)22.36446.96568.0431192.77317DQ(23)17.59946.96447.0131192.77318DQ(24)–0.09346.96–2.3561192.77319DQ(25)–4.85846.96–123.3861192.77320DQ(26)–12.96346.96–329.271192.77321DQ(27)–17.72846.96–450.31192.77322V CCQ–24.25446.96–616.0561192.77323V SS–28.91646.96–734.4741192.77324DQ(28)–35.4246.96–899.6691192.77325DQ(29)–40.18546.96–1020.6991192.77326DQ(30)–48.29146.96–1226.5831192.77327DQ(31)–53.05646.96–1347.6131192.77328A0–69.00649.02–1752.7411245.10829A1–73.7749.02–1873.7711245.10830A2–78.33349.02–1989.6711245.10831A3–88.47341.504–2247.2161054.19632A4–88.47336.941–2247.216938.29633A5–88.47332.176–2247.216817.26634A6–88.47327.613–2247.216701.36635A7–88.47322.848–2247.216580.33636A8–88.47318.285–2247.216464.43637V SS–88.47313.402–2247.216340.41438ACC–88.4738.245–2247.216209.41839V CC–88.473–11.899–2247.216–302.22440A9–88.473–17–2247.216–431.79441A10–88.473–21.905–2247.216–556.3876S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die Revision A2September20,2006September 20,2006Revision A2S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die 7S u p p l e m e n t (A d v a n c eI n f o r m a t i o n )42A11–88.473–26.468–2247.216–672.28743A12–88.473–31.233–2247.216–793.31744A13–88.473–35.796–2247.216–909.21745A14–88.473–40.561–2247.216–1030.24746A15–88.473–45.124–2247.216–1146.14747A16–78.333–49.192–1989.671–1249.46948A17–73.77–49.192–1873.771–1249.46949A18–69.006–49.192–1752.741–1249.46950DQ(0)–53.056–47.131–1347.613–1197.13351DQ(1)–48.291–47.131–1226.583–1197.13352DQ(2)–40.185–47.131–1020.699–1197.13353DQ(3)–35.42–47.131–899.669–1197.13354V CCQ –28.894–47.131–733.913–1197.13355V SS –24.232–47.131–615.496–1197.13356DQ(4)–17.728–47.131–450.3–1197.13357DQ(5)–12.963–47.131–329.27–1197.13358DQ(6)–4.858–47.131–123.386–1197.13359DQ(7)–0.093–47.131–2.356–1197.13360DQ(8)17.599–47.131447.013–1197.13361DQ(9)22.364–47.131568.043–1197.13362DQ(10)30.47–47.131773.927–1197.13363DQ(11)35.235–47.131894.957–1197.13364V CCQ 41.76–47.1311060.713–1197.13365V SS 46.422–47.1311179.131–1197.13366DQ(12)52.926–47.1311344.326–1197.13367DQ(13)57.691–47.1311465.356–1197.13368DQ(14)65.797–47.1311671.24–1197.13369DQ(15)70.562–47.1311792.27–1197.13370V CCQ 87.381–42.3832219.485–1076.5471RESET#87.381–36.4992219.485–927.06772CLK 87.381–31.3942219.485–797.40273RY/BY#88.346–19.0182243.986–483.06674ADV#87.381–11.3862219.485–289.199Table 3.1 Pads Relative To Die Center (Sheet 2 of 2)Pad Description – Coordinates are Relative to Die CenterPad Signal MilsµmX Y X Y8S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die Revision A2September 20,2006S u p p l e m e n t (A d v a n c eI n f o r m a t i o n )4.Ordering InformationThe order number (Valid Combination) is formed by the following:4.1Valid CombinationsValid Combinations list configurations planned to be supported in volume for this device. Consult your local sales office to confirm availability of specific valid combinations and to 0c\\heck on newly released combinations.S29CD016J S29CL016J0J D E I 004PACKING TYPE4=Surf Tape (2500 per reel)7=Waffle Pack (42 per waffle pack tray)ADDITIONAL ORDERING OPTIONS 15th Character – S29CD016J only:0= 7E, 08, 01/00 Autoselect ID 1= 7E, 36, 01/00 Autoselect ID 15th Character – S29CL016J only:0=7E, 46, 01/00 Autoselect ID16th Character – Top or Bottom Boot:1=Bottom Boot with Simultaneous Operation 3=Bottom Boot with No Simultaneous Operation TEMPERATURE RANGE H =Hot (–40°C to +145°C)DIE THICKNESS G =500 µm PACKAGE TYPE D =DieCLOCK FREQUENCY10th Character - Initial Burst Access Delay 0=5-1-1-1, 6-1-1-1, and above 1=4-1-1-111h Character - Frequency J =40 Mhz M =56 MhzDEVICE NUMBER/DESCRIPTION S29CD016J/S29CL016J16 Megabit (512K x 32-Bit) CMOS 2.6 or 3.3 Volt-only Burst Mode, Dual Boot, Simultaneous Read/Write Flash Memory Manufactured on 110 nm Floating Gate TechnologyS29CL016J/S29CL016J Valid CombinationsS29CD016J OJ, 1J, OMDGH01, 03, 11, 131M 03, 13S29CL016JOJ, 1J, OM, 1M01, 03S u p p l e m e n t(A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n)5.Packaging Information5.1Surftape PackagingDirection of FeedSeptember20,2006Revision A2S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die9S u p p l e m e n t(A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n)5.2Waffle Pack Packaging6.Product Test FlowFigure 6.1 provides an overview of Spansion’s Known Good Die test flow. For more detailed information, referto the S29CD016J/S29CL016J product qualification database. Spansion implements quality assuranceprocedures throughout the product test flow. These QA procedures also allow Spansion to produce KGDproducts without requiring or implementing burn-in. In addition, an off-line quality monitoring program (QMP)further guarantees Spansion quality standards are met on Known Good Die products.10S29CD016J/S29CL016J Known Good Die Revision A2September20,2006Figure 6.1 Spansion KGD Product Test FlowElectronic marking is programmed into every KGD for the purpose of traceability. The electronic marking contains wafer lot number, wafer number of origin, die location on the wafer, mask revision, test program revision, test dates, and speed grade. Figure 6.1 illustrates the steps where specific electronic marking information is programmed. For more information regarding electronic marking, reference the S29CD016J Electronic Marking Data Sheet Supplement.7.Absolute Maximum RatingsNotes1.Minimum DC voltage on input or I/O pins is –0.5 V . During voltage transitions, input at I/O pins may overshoot V SS to –2.0 V for periods ofup to 20 ns. See Figure 7.1. Maximum DC voltage on output and I/O pins is 3.0 V . During voltage transitions output pins may overshoot to V CC + 2.0 V for periods up to 20 ns. See Figure 9.2.Minimum DC input voltage on pins ACC, A9, OE#, and RESET# is –0.5 V . During voltage transitions, A9, OE#, and RESET# mayovershoot V SS to –2.0 V for periods of up to 20 ns. See Figure 7.2. Maximum DC input voltage on pin A9 and OE# is +13.0 V which may overshoot to 13.7 V for periods up to 20 ns.3.No more than one output may be shorted to ground at a time. Duration of the short circuit should not be greater than one second.4.Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only;functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure of the device to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Figure 7.1 Maximum Negative Overshoot WaveformFigure 7.2 Maximum Positive Overshoot Waveform8.Operating RangesNoteOperating ranges define those limits between which the functionality of the device is guaranteed.ParameterRating Storage Temperature–65°C to +150°C Ambient T emperature with Power Applied –65°C to +145°C V CC , V IO (Note 1)S29CD016J –0.5 V to + 3.0 V V CC , V IO (Note 1)S29CL016J–0.5 V to + 3.6 V ACC, A9, OE#, and RESET# (Note 2)–0.5 V to +13.0 V Address, Data, Control Signals (with the exception of CLK) (Note 1)–0.5 V to +3.6 V All other pins (Note 1)–0.5 V to +3.6 VOutput Short Circuit Current (Note 3)200mAParameterRating Ambient T emperature (T A), Hot Range –40°C to +145°CV CC Supply Voltage for regulated voltage range CD016J 2.5 V to 2.75 V CL016J3.0 V to 3.6 V V IO Supply Voltage1.65 V to V CC9.Physical Specifications10.Manufacturing Information11.Special Handling Instructions11.1ProcessingDo not expose KGD products to ultraviolet light or process them at temperatures greater than 250°C. Failure to adhere to these handling instructions will result in irreparable damage to the devices. For best yield, Spansion recommends assembly in a Class 10K clean room with 30% to 60% relative humidity.11.2StorageStore at a maximum temperature of 30°C in a nitrogen-purged cabinet or vacuum-sealed bag. Observe all standard ESD handling procedures.12.DC Characteristics for KGD Devices at 145°CSpecification Value Die Dimensions 4.77 x 2.83 mmDie Thickness 500 µm Bond Pad Size86 x 86 µm Pad Area Free of Passivation 5,776 µm 2Pads Per Die74Bond Pad Metalization Al/Cu PassivationSi02/SiNItem Description Location/Data Manufacturing Location Fab 25, TX T est LocationPNG Shipment Preparation Location Penang, MalaysiaManufacturing ID (Bottom Boot)98P05AB Fabrication Process CS69S Die Revision1Table 12.1 DC Characteristics, CMOS CompatibleParameter DescriptionTest ConditionMinTypMax Unit I CC1V CC Active Asynchronous Read CurrentCE# = V IL , OE#=V IL1 MHz10mA I CC3V CC Active Program Current CE# = V IL , OE#=V IL , ACC = V IH 4050mA I CC5 (Note 1)V CC Standby Current (CMOS)V CC = V CCMAX , CE# = V CC ± 0.3 V 250µA I CC7 (Note 1)V CC Reset CurrentReset = V IL250µA I CC8 (Note 1)Automatic Sleep Mode CurrentV IH = V CC ± 0.3 V, V IL = VSS ± 0.3 V250µA13.Terms and Conditions of Sale for Spansion Non-Volatile Memory DieAll transactions relating to unpackaged die under this agreement shall be subject to Spansion’s standardterms and conditions of sale, or any revisions thereof, which revisions Spansion reserves the right to make atany time and from time to time. In the event of conflict between the provisions of Spansion’s standard termsand conditions of sale and this agreement, the terms of this agreement shall be controlling.Spansion warrants its manufactured unpackaged die whether shipped to customer in individual dice or waferform (“Known Good Die,” “KGD”, “Die,” “Known Good Wafer”, “KGW”, or Wafer(s)) will meet Spansion'spublished specifications and against defective materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year fromdate of shipment.This limited warranty does not extend beyond the first purchaser of said Die or Wafer(s).Buyer assumes full responsibility to ensure compliance with the appropriate handling, assembly andprocessing of KGD or KGW (including but not limited to proper Die preparation, Die attach, backgrinding,singulation, wire bonding and related assembly and test activities), and compliance with all guidelines setforth in Spansion's specifications for KGD or KGW, and Spansion assumes no responsibility forenvironmental effects on KGD or KGW or for any activity of Buyer or a third party that damages the Die orWafer(s) due to improper use, abuse, negligence, improper installation, improper backgrinding, impropersingulation, accident, loss, damage in transit, or unauthorized repair or alteration by a person or entity otherthan Spansion (“Limited Warranty Exclusions”)The liability of Spansion under this limited warranty is limited, at Spansion's option, solely to repair the Die orWafer(s), to send replacement Die or Wafer(s), or to make an appropriate credit adjustment or refund in anamount not to exceed the original purchase price actually paid for the Die or Wafer(s) returned to Spansion,provided that: (a) Spansion is promptly notified by Buyer in writing during the applicable warranty period ofany defect or nonconformity in the Die or Wafer(s); (b) Buyer obtains authorization from Spansion to returnthe defective Die or Wafer(s); (c) the defective Die or Wafer(s) is returned to Spansion by Buyer inaccordance with Spansion's shipping instructions set forth below; and (d) Buyer shows to Spansion'ssatisfaction that such alleged defect or nonconformity actually exists and was not caused by any of theabove-referenced Warranty Exclusions. Buyer shall ship such defective Die or Wafer(s) to Spansion viaSpansion's carrier, collect. Risk of loss will transfer to Spansion when the defective Die or Wafer(s) isprovided to Spansion's carrier. If Buyer fails to adhere to these warranty returns guidelines, Buyer shallassume all risk of loss and shall pay for all freight to Spansion's specified location. The aforementionedprovisions do not extend the original limited warranty period of any Die or Wafer(s) that has either beenreplaced by Spansion.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THEIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR NONINFRINGEMENT AND OF ALL OTHEROBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ON Spansion's PART, AND IT NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZESANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR Spansion ANY OTHER LIABILITIES. THE FOREGOINGCONSTITUTES THE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE FURNISHING OFDEFECTIVE OR NON CONFORMING KNOWN GOOD DIE OR KNOWN GOOD WAFER(S) AND SpansionSHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT BE LIABLE FOR INCREASED MANUFACTURING COSTS, DOWNTIMECOSTS, DAMAGES RELATING TO BUYER'S PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE DIE OR WAFER(S) (i.e.,“COST OF COVER”), LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUES OR GOODWILL, LOSS OF USE OF ORDAMAGETO ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES BY REASON OF THE FACT THAT SUCH KNOWN GOOD DIE OR KNOWNGOOD WAFER(S) SHALL HAVE BEEN DETERMINED TO BE DEFECTIVE OR NON CONFORMING.Buyer agrees that it will make no warranty representations to its customers which exceed those given bySpansion to Buyer unless and until Buyer shall agree to indemnify Spansion in writing for any claims whichexceed Spansion's limited warranty. Known Good Die or Known Good Wafer(s) are not designed orauthorized for use as components in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of the Dieor Wafer(s) can reasonably be expected to result in a personal injury. Buyer's use of Known Good Die orKnown Good Wafer(s) for use in life support applications is at Buyer's own risk and Buyer agrees to fullyindemnify Spansion for any damages resulting in such use or sale.Known Good Die or Known Good Wafer are not designed or authorized for use as components in life supportappliances, devices or systems where malfunction of the die or wafer can reasonably be expected to result ina personal injury. Buyer's use of Known Good Die or Known Good Wafer for use in life support applications isat Buyer's own risk and Buyer agrees to fully indemnify Spansion for any damages resulting in such use orsale.。
具体包括:1. 存储容量:XXGB2. 工作电压:XV3. 工作温度:-40℃~85℃4. 数据接口:XXX5. 速度:XXX二、功能特点s29al016d90tfi020具有以下功能特点:1. 高速读写:具有快速的数据读写速度,可以满足高性能应用的需求。
2. 高可靠性:采用优质材料和先进工艺制造,具有较高的可靠性和稳定性。
3. 低功耗:工作时的功耗较低,适合在功耗敏感的设备中使用。
4. 兼容性:具有良好的兼容性,可与多种主控芯片配合使用。
具体包括:1. 输入电压范围:XV~XV2. 输出电流:XmA3. 引脚电压:Vcc、Vss等引脚的电压参数。
具体包括:1. 工作温度范围:-40℃~85℃2. 工作湿度范围:X~X3. 储存温度范围:-40℃~125℃五、引脚排列s29al016d90tfi020的引脚排列图和引脚功能表,具体包括每个引脚的编号、名称和功能描述。
2SC2690A中文资料(nec)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
(1)"NEC电子"作为本声明中表示NEC电子公司,也包括它 控股子公司.
(2)"本公司产品"是指由或为NEC电子开发或制造任何产品(如 文所定义).
M8E 02. ,f = 1.0兆赫
hFE 分类
备注 测试条件:V CE = 5.0 V, I C = 0.3 A
P 160至320
1.0 µA
1.0 µA 35 150
60 140 320
0.4 0.7
1.0 1.3
2.8 MAX.
3.8 ±0.2
12 TYP.
12.0 MAX.
2.5 ±0.2 13.0 MIN. 0.55
0.8 2.3 TYP.
2.3 TYP.
1.2 TYP.
1.发射器 2.收藏家 3.基地
A = 25°C)
2SA2690 2SA2690A
2SC2690 2SC2690-AZ Note
TO-126 (MP-5) TO-126 (MP-5)
2SC2690A 2SC2690A-AZ Note
TO-126 (MP-5) TO-126 (MP-5)
注意 无铅(此产品不含Pb在外部电极).
封 装 图 ( 单 位 : mm)
8.5 MAX. 3.2 ±0.2
"专业":运输设备(汽车,火车,运输舶等),交通控制系统,防灾 系统,反犯罪系统,安全设备和医疗设备(不包括专门为生命而设计).
三极管 场效应管参数大全
2SA.2SB是PNP管 2SC.2SD是NPN管. 2管,2S、2SD是低频管.三极管系列型号结构外形参数2N2222NPN TO-9260V 0.8A 0.5W2N2907PNP TO-9260V 0.4A 0.4W2N3055NPN TO-3100V 15A 117W2N3772NPN TO-3100V 30A 150W2N3904NPN TO-9260V 0.2A 0.3W2N3906NPN TO-9240V 0.2A 0.3W2N3907NPN TO-9260V 0.03A 60MHZ2N4126PNP TO-9225V 0.2A 0.3W2N4400NPN TO-9260V 0.6A2N4401NPN TO-9260V 0.6A2N4402PNP TO-9240V 0.6A2N4403PNP TO-9240V 0.6A2N5191NPN TO-12660V 4A 40W2N5192NPN TO-12680V 4A 40W2N5193PNP TO-12640V 4A 40W2N5194PNP TO-12660V 4A 40W2N5195PNP TO-12680V 4A 40W2N5210PNP TO-926V 0.05A2N5401PNP TO-92160V 0.6A 0.3W2N5460PNP TO-9240V 1MA2N5551NPN TO-92180V 0.6A 0.3W2N5609PNP80V 5A 25W Hfe70~1002N5684PNP TO-380V 50A 300W2N5685NPN TO-360V 50A 300W2N5686NPN TO-380V 50A 300W2N6274NPN TO-3120V 50A 250W2N6034PNP达TO-12640V 4A 40W2N6037NPN达TO-12640V 4A 40W2N6277NPN TO-3180V 50A 250W2N6284NPN达TO-3100V 20A 160W2N6286PNP达TO-380V 20A 160W2N6287PNP达TO-3100V 20A 160W2N6338NPN TO-3120V 25A 200W2N6517NPN TO-92350V 0.5A 0.6W2N6520PNP TO-92350V 0.5A 0.6W2N6547NPN TO-3850V 15A 175W2N6576NPN TO-3450V 20A 175W2N6678NPN TO-3650V 20A 175W2N7000N沟道60V 300MA 830MW 3DD15A NPN TO-360V 5A 50W3DD15D NPN TO-3200V 5A 50W3DD15D塑NPN TO-220200V 5A 50W3DD102B NPN TO-3150V 2A 50W3DD102C NPN TO-3150V 2A 50W3DD200NPN TO-3150V 2A 40W3DD207NPN TO-3150V 2A 40W3DD303A NPN TO-3150V 2A 40WBD135NPN TO-12645V 1.5A 12.5W BD136PNP TO-12645V 1.5A 12.5W BD137NPN TO-12660V 1.5A 12.5W BD138PNP TO-12660V 1.5A 12.5W BD139NPN TO-12680V 1.5A 12.5W BD140PNP TO-12680V 1.5A 12.5W BD228NPN TO-12660V 1.5A 12.5W BD234PNP TO-12645V 2A 25WBD235NPN TO-12660V 2A 25WBD236PNP TO-12660V 2A 25WBD237NPN TO-126100V 2A 25WBD238PNP TO-126100V 2A 25WBD239NPN TO-12645V 2A 30WBD241NPN TO-22045V 3A 40WBD242PNP TO-22045V 3A 40WBD243NPN TO-22045V 6A 65WBD244NPN TO-22045V 6A 65WBD330PNP TO12635V 3A 15WBD245NPN TO-22045V 10A 80WBD646PNP达TO-22060V 8A 62.5WBD647NPN达TO-22060V 8A 62.5WBD648PNP达TO-22080V 8A 62.5WBD649NPN达TO-220100V 8A 62.5W BD650PNP达TO-220100V 8A 62.5W BD651NPN达TO-220120V 8A 62.5W BD652PNP达TO-220120V 8A 62.5W BD678PNP达TO-12660V 4A 40WBD679NPN达TO-12680V 4A 40WBD680PNP达TO-12680V 4A 40WBD682PNP达TO-126100V 4A 40WBC327PNP TO-9250V 0.8A 0.6WBC328PNP TO-9230V 0.8A 0.6WBC337NPN TO-9250V 0.8A 0.6WBC338NPN TO-9230V 0.8A 0.6WBC368NPN TO-9220V 1A 0.8WBC369PNP TO-9220V 1A 0.8WBC546NPN TO-9280V 0.2A 0.5WBC547NPN TO-9250V 0.2A 0.5WBC548NPN TO-9230V 0.2A 0.5WBC549NPN TO-9230V 0.2A 0.5WBC550NPN TO-9250V 0.2A 0.5WBC556PNP TO-9280V 0.2A 0.5WBC557PNP TO-9250V 0.2A 0.5WBC558PNP TO-9230V 0.2A 0.5W 150MHZ BC559PNP TO-9230V 0.2A 0.5WBC560PNP TO-9250V 0.2A 0.5WBC635NPN TO-9245V 1A 0.8WBC636PNP TO-9245V 1A 0.8WBC638PNP TO-9260V 1A 0.8WBC640PNP TO-9280V 1A 0.8WBC879NPN达TO-126100V 1A 0.8WBF198NPN TO-9240V 25MA 0.25W BF199NPN TO-9240V 25MA 0.25W BF240NPN TO-9215V 0.1A 0.3WBF241NPN TO-9240V 25MA 0.25W BF324PNP TO-9240V 25MA 0.3WBF420NPN TO-92300V 0.1A 0.8WBF421PNP TO-92300V 0.1A 0.8WBF422NPN TO-92250V 0.1A 0.8WBF423PNP TO-92250V 0.1A 0.83W BF458NPN TO-126250V 0.1A 10WBF459NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 10WBF483NPN TO-92300V 0.5A 0.8WBF485NPN TO-92350V 0.5A 0.6WBF494NPN TO-9230V 0.03A 0.3WBF495NPN TO-9230V 0.03A 0.3WBF869NPN TO-202250V 0.1A 1.8WBF871NPN TO-202300V 0.1A 1.8W BFX85NPN100V 1A 8WBS107N TO-92200V 0.13A 1WBS170N TO-9260V 0.3A 0.6WBU208A NPN TO-31500V 5A 12.5W BU208D NPN D TO-31500V 5A 50WBU290A NPN330V 8A 90WBU326NPN TO-3800V 6A 60W BU406NPN TO-220400V 7A 60W BU406D NPN D TO-220400V 7A 60W BU407NPN TO-220330V 7A 60W BU407D NPN D TO-220330V 7A 60W BU408NPN TO-220400V 7A 60W BU408D NPN D TO-220400V 7A 60W BU508A NPN TOP-3A1500V 7.5A 75W BU415NPN800V 12A 120W BU508D NPN D TOP-3A1500V 7.5A 75W BU508AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 8A 45W BU508DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 8A 45W BU626A1000V 10A 100W BU806NPN达TO-220400V 8A 60W BU807NPN达TO-22033V 8A 60W BU932R NPN达TO-3500V 15A 150W BU932RD NPN TOP-3F450V 15A 125W BU941NPN达TO-3500V 15A 175W BU1508DX NPN D1500V 10A 125W BU2506AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 5A 45W BU2506DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 5A 45W BU2507DF NPN D1500V 6A 125W BU2508AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 8A 45W BU2508DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 8A 125W BU2508AX NPN TOP-3F1500V 8A 45W BU2508DX NPN D TOP-3F1500V 8A 45W BU2520A NPN D TOP-3F800V 8A 125W BU2520AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 10A 45W BU2520DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 10A 125W BU2520AX NPN TOP-3E1500V 10A 45W BU2520DP NPN D800V 10A 45W BU2520DX NPN D TOP-3E1500V 10A 45W BU2522A NPN D TOP-3E800V 10A 125W BU2522AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 10A 80W BU2522DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 10A 80W BU2522AX NPN TOP-3E1500V 10A 45W BU2522DX NPN D TOP-3E1500V 10A 45W BU2523AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 10A 80W BU2523DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 10A 80W BU2523AX NPN TOP-3E1500V 10A 45W BU2525AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 12A 80W BU2525DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 12A 125W BU2525AX NPN TOP-3E1500V 12A 45WBU2525DX NPN TOP-3E1500V 12A 45W BU2527A NPN D TOP-3E800V 10A 125W BU2527AF NPN TOP-3F1500V 12A 125W BU2527DF NPN D TOP-3F1500V 12A 125W BU2527AX NPN TOP-3E1500V 12A 125W BU2527DX NPN D TOP-3E1500V 12A 125W BUH315NPN TOP-3E1500V 5A 50W BUH315D NPN D TOP-3E1500V 5A 50W BUH515NPN TOP-3E1500V 8A 60W BUH515D NPN D TOP-3E1500V 8A 60W BUH1215NPN TOP-31500V 19A 200W BUH51501500V 5A 50W BUT11A NPN D TO-2201000V 5A 100W BUT11AF NPN TO-220450V 5A 40W BUT11AX NPN TO-220450V 5A 40W BUT12A NPN TO-2201000V 10A 100W BUT12AF NPN TO-220450V 8A 23W BUT18AF NPN TO-220450V 6A 110W BUS12NPN TO-3850V 10A 125W BUS12A NPN TO-31000V 10A 125W BUS13A NPN TO-3850V 15A 175W BUS13A NPN TO-31000V 15A 175W BUS14A NPN TO-3850V 30A 250W BUS14A NPN TO-31000V 30A 250W BUS48NPN TO-3850V 15A 175W BUS48A NPN D TO-31000V 15A 175W BUW11AF NPN TO-31000V 5A 100W BUW12A NPN TO-31000V 10A 125W BUW12AF NPN TO-31000V 8A 125W BUW13A NPN D TO-31000V 15A 150W BUW13AF NPN TO-31000V 15A 175W BUW13F NPN TO-31000V 15A 175W BUW14NPN450V 0.5A 20W BUW14AF NPN TO-31000V 20A 175W BUW26NPN TO-3800V 10A 125W BUW35NPN TO-3800V 10A 125W BUW36NPN TO-3900V 10A 125W BUW45NPN TO-3800V 15A 175W BUW46NPN TO-3900V 15A 175W BUW48A NPN TO-3120V 30A 150W BUW48AF NPN TO-31000V 60A 150W BUV20NPN TO-3125V 50A 250W BUV21NPN TO-3200V 50A 250WBUV22NPN TO-3250V 50A 250W BUV28NPN D TO-3400V 12A 85W BUV28A NPN TO-220200V 12A 85W BUV37NPN 达TOP-3400V 15A 100W BUV46A NPN TO-220400V 6A 70W BUV46C NPN TO-220400V 6A 70W BUV47A NPN D TO-31000V 8.5A 120W BUV48A NPN TOP-3700V 15A 150W BUV90NPN达TOP-3400V 12A 125W BUX20NPN TO-3160V 50A 250W BUX21NPN TO-3250V 40A 250W BUX22NPN TO-3300V 40A 250W BUX48A NPN TO-31000V 7A 150W BUX48B NPN TO-31100V 10A 175W BUX48C NPN TO-31200V 15A 175W BUX81NPN TO-31000V 10A 125W BUX85NPN TO-2201000V 2A 40W BUX87NPN TO-1261000V 0.5A 20W BUX98NPN TO-3850V 30A 250W BUX98A NPN TO-31000V 30A 250W BUX98C NPN TO-31200V 30A 250W YTFP250N200V 30A 150W BUY71NPN TO-32200V 2A 40W BDX33NPN达TO-220100V 10A 70W BDX34C PNP达TO-220100V 10A 70W BDX53C NPN达TO-220100V 8A 60W BDX54C PNP达TO-220100V 8A 60W HPA100NPN TO-3PL1500V 10A 150W HPA150NPN TO-3PL1500V 10A 150W BFR91NPN40A15V 0.03A 0.18W BFR96S NPN40A20V 0.1A 0.7W CS8050NPN TO-9230V 1A 0.6W CS8550PNP TO-9230V 1A 0.6W CS9011NPN TO-9235V 20MA 0.15W CS9012PNP TO-9240V 0.1A 0.5W CS9013NPN TO-9240V 0.1A 0.5W CS9014NPN TO-9230V 50MA 0.3W CS9015PNP TO-9230V 50MA 0.3W CS9016NPN TO-9230V 20MA 0.2W CS9018NPN TO-9230V 20MA 0.2W MJ2955PNP TO-360V 15A 150W MJ10001PNP TO-3500V 20A 150W MJ10004PNP TO-3450V 20A 175WMJ10005NPN TO-3500V 20A 175W MJ10009NPN TO-3700V 20A 175W MJ10012NPN TO-3550V 10A 175W MJ10014NPN TO-3700V 10A 175W MJ10015NPN TO-3600V 50A 250W MJ10016NPN TO-3700V 50A 250W MJ10024NPN TO-31000V 20A 250W MJ10025NPN TO-31200V 20A 250W MJ11015PNP TO-3120V 30A 200W MJ11016NPN TO-3120V 30A 200W MJ11032NPN TO-3120V 50A 300W MJ11033PNP TO-3120V 50A 300W MJ12005NPN TO-31500V 8A 100W MJ13081NPN TO-3750V 8A 150W MJ13333NPN TO-3700V 20A 175W MJ13334NPN TO-3750V 20A 175W MJ13335NPN TO-3800V 20A 175W MJ15003NPN TO-3140V 20A 200W MJ15004PNP TO-3140V 20A 200W MJ15015NPN TO-3140V 20A 200W MJ15016PNP TO-3120V 15A 180W MJ15022NPN TO-3400V 16A 250W MJ15023PNP TO-3400V 16A 250W MJ15024NPN TO-3400V 16A 250W MJ15025PNP TO-3400V 16A 250W MJ13008TO-3MJ13009TO-3MJ4502PNP TO-390V 30A 200W MJ802NPN TO-390V 30A 200W MPSA05NPN TO-9260V 0.5A 0.6W MPSA06NPN TO-9280V 0.5A 0.6W MPSA42NPN TO-92300V 0.5A 0.6W MPSA43NPN TO-92200V 0.5A 0.6W MPSA44NPN TO-92350V 0.5A 0.6W MPSA55PNP TO-9280V 0.5A 0.6W MPSA92PNP TO-92300V 0.5A 0.6W MPSA94PNP TO-92350V 0.5A 0.6W MJE13001NPN TO-92MJE13003NPN TO-126400V 1.5A 40W MJE13005NPN TO220400V 8A 75W MJE13007NPN TO-220400V 4A 80W MJE13009NPN TO-220400V 12A 100W MN650NPN TOP-3AMN651NPN TOP-3ANT407F1500V 5A 60W TIP29C NPN TO-220100V 2A 30W TIP30C PNP TO-220100V 2A 30W TIP31C NPN TO-220100V 3A 40W TIP32C PNP TO-220100V 3A 40W TIP35C NPN TOP-3100V 25A 125W TIP36C PNP TOP-345V 25A 125W TIP41C NPN TO-220100V 6A 65W TIP42C PNP TO-220100V 6A 65W TIP47NPN TO-220250V 1A 40W TIP48NPN TO-220300V 1A 40W TIP49NPN TO-220350V 1A 40W TIP50NPN TO-220400V 1A 40W TIP120NPN达TO-22060V 5A 65W TIP121NPN达TO-22080V 5A 65W TIP122NPN达TO-220100V 5A 65W TIP127PNP达TO-220100V 5A 65W TIP132PNP达TO-220100V 8A 70W TIP137PNP达TO-220100V 8A 70W TIP142大NPN达TOP-3100V 10A 125W TIP142小NPN达TO-220100V 10A 125W TIP147大NPN达TOP-3100V 10A 125W TIP147小NPN TO-220100V 10A 125W TIP2955大PNP TOP-3100V 15A 90W TIP2955小PNP TO-22070V 10A 75W TIP3055大NPN TOP-3100V 15A 90W TIP3055小NPN TO-22070V 10A 75W DTC124ES NPN RB=RBE=22K50V 100MA KAA11508NPN1500V 6A 50W THD25HI NPN1500V 20A 57W ULBM10NPN36V 2.5A 58W FS407D NPN D500V 7A 60W FS7KM250V 7A 30W F18004NPN1500V 5A 80WUN 2211NPN50V 100MARB=RBE=10K(RB基极电阻,RBE为基射之间电阻).UN2212NPN50V 100MARB=RBE=22K(RB基极电阻,RBE为基射之间电阻).UN2213NPN50V 100MARB=RBE=47K(RB基极电阻,RBE为基射之间电阻)2SA114PNP锗TO-9234V 10MA 20MHZ 2SA115PNP锗TO-9234V 10MA 20MHZ 2SA124PNP锗TO-9215V 2MA 120MHZ 2SA144PNP锗TO-9215V 10MA 15MHZ 2SA536PNP TO-9250V 0.7A 0.5W2SA539PNP TO-9260V 0.2A 0.25W 2SA562PNP TO-9230V 0.4A 0.3W2SA564PNP TO-9225V 0.1A 0.25W 2SA608PNP TO-9230V 0.1A 180MHZ 2SA634PNP TO-20240V 2A 10W2SA671PNP TO-22050V 3A 25W2SA673PNP TO-9235V 0.5A 0.4W2SA683PNP TO-9230V 1A 0.75W2SA684PNP TO-9260V 1A 0.75W2SA708PNP TO-9280V 0.7A 0.8W2SA715PNP TO-12635V 1.5A 10W2SA720PNP TO-9250V 0.5A 0.4W2SA733PNP TO-9250V 0.1A 180MHZ 2SA768PNP TO-22060V 4A 30W2SA769PNP TO-22080V 4A 30W2SA817PNP TO-9270V 0.75A 0.6W 2SA838PNP TO-9230V 0.03A300MHZ 2SA844PNP TO-9255V 0.1A 200MHZ 2SA893PNP TO-9290V 0.05A 120MHZ 2SA916PNP TO-92160V 0.05A 0.8W 2SA928PNP TO-9220V 1A 0.25W2SA933PNP TO-9250V 0.1A 140MHZ 2SA934PNP TO-9240V 0.7A 0.75W 2SA935PNP TO-9280V 0.7A 0.75W 2SA940PNP TO-220130V 0.8A 25W2SA949PNP TO-92150V 0.05A 0.8W 2SA950PNP TO-9230V 0.8A 0.6W2SA952PNP TO-9230V 0.7A 0.6W2SA953PNP TO-9260V 0.3A 0.6W2SA954PNP TO-9280V 0.3A 0.6W2SA959PNP TO-3100V 10A 150W 2SA965PNP TO-92120V 0.8A 0.9W 2SA966PNP TO-9230V 1.5A 0.9W2SA984PNP TO-9260V 0.5A 0.5W2SA988PNP TO-92120V 0.05A 100MHZ2SA992PNP TO-92120V 0.05A 0.25W2SA1013PNP TO-92160V 1A 0.9W2SA1015PNP TO-9250V 0.15A 0.4W2SA1018PNP TO-92250V 0.07A 0.75W2SA1020PNP TO-9250V 2A 0.9W2SA1038PNP TO-92120V 0.05A 0.3W2SA1048PNP TO-9250V 0.15A 0.2W2SA1061PNP TO-220100V 6A 70W2SA1091PNP TO-92300V 0.1A 0.4W2SA1147PNP TO-92180V 15A 150W2SA1150PNP TO-9235V 0.8A 0.3W2SA1152PNP TO-9280V 0.3A 0.6W2SA1156PNP TO-126400V 0.5A 10W2SA1160PNP TO-9220V 2A 0.9W2SA1175PNP TO-9260V 0.1A 0.3W2SA1198PNP TO-9280V 0.05A 0.4W2SA1199PNP TO-9250V 0.7A 0.4W2SA1205PNP TO-9270V 12A 100W2SA1207PNP TO-92180V 0.07A 0.6W2SA1208PNP TO-92180V 0.07A 0.9W2SA1209PNP TO-126180V 0.07A 10W2SA1242PNP35V 5A 1W 170MHZ 2SA1266PNP TO-9250V 0.15A 0.4W2SA1267PNP TO-9250V 0.15A 0.2W2SA1268PNP TO-92120V 0.1A 0.3W2SA1270PNP TO-9235V 0.5A 0.5W2SA1271PNP TO-9235V 0.8A 0.6W2SA1273PNP TO-9230V 2A 1W2SA1276PNP TO-22030V 3A 10W2SA1282PNP TO-9220V 2A 0.9W2SA1286PNP TO-9230V 1.5A 0.9W2SA1296PNP TO-9230V 2A 0.75W2SA1300PNP TO-9220V 2A 0.75W2SA1309PNP TO-9220V 0.1A 0.3W2SA1317PNP TO-9260V 0.2A 0.3W2SA1318PNP TO-9260V 0.2A 0.6W2SA1328PNP TO-9260V 1A 40W2SA1370PNP TO-92200V 0.1A 1W2SA1371PNP TO-92300V 0.1A 1W2SA1390PNP TO-9235V 0.5A 0.3W 120MHZ 2SA1451PNP TO-22060V 12A 30W2SA1486PNP TO-12660V 1A 15W2SA1515PNP TO-9240V 1A 0.5W2SA1538PNP TO-126120V 0.2A 8W 2SA1564PNP TO-9250V 0.1A 0.3W 2SA1568PNP TO-22060V 12A 35W 2SA1583PNP TO-9260V 0.1A 1W2SA1614PNP TO-92400V 0.5A 25W 2SA1619PNP TO-9230V 1A 1W2SA1624PNP TO-92250V 0.1A 0.5W 2SA1625PNP TO-92400V 0.5A 0.75W 2SA1668PNP TO-220F200V 2A 25W 2SA1680PNP TO-9260V 2A 0.9W2SA1758PNP TO-220F100V 12A 30W 2SA1767PNP TO-92300V 0.07A 0.75W 2SA1775PNP TO-126400V 0.5A 10W 2SA1778PNP TO-9215V 0.05A 0.25W 2SA1784PNP TO-92400V 0.2A 1W 2SA1884PNP TO-92400V 1A 0.9W 2SB511PNP TO-22035V 1.5A 10W 2SB535PNP锗TO-22035V 1A 5W2SB536PNP TO-220140V 1.5A 20W 2SB544PNP TO-9225V 1A 0.75W 2SB546PNP TO-220200V 2A 20W 2SB553PNP TO-22070V 7A 40W2SB554PNP TO-220160V 15A 150W 2SB561PNP TO-9225V 0.7A 0.5W 2SB562PNP TO-9225V 1A 0.9W 2SB566PNP TO-22050V 4A 40W2SB595PNP TO-220100V 5A 40W 2SB596PNP TO-22080V 4A 30W2SB598PNP TO-9225V 1A 0.5W2SB649PNP TO-126180V 1.5A 1W 2SB673PNP达TO-220100V 7A 40W 2SB674PNP达TO-22080V 7A 40W2SB689PNP TO-220100V 4A 40W 2SB703PNP TO-220100V 4A 40W 2SB707PNP TO-22080V 7A 40W2SB734PNP TO-12660V 1A 1W2SB739PNP TO-9260V 2A 0.9W2SB744PNP TO-12670V 3A 10W2SB761PNP TO-22060V 3A 35W2SB764PNP TO-9260V 1A 0.9W2SB772PNP TO-12640V 3A 10W2SB774PNP TO-9230V 0.1A 0.25W 2SB795PNP达TO-12680V 1.5A 10W2SB810PNP TO-12630V 0.7A 0.35W 2SB826PNP TO-22060V 12A 40W 2SB834PNP TO-22060V 3A 30W 2SB859PNP TO-220100V 4A 40W 2SB861PNP TO-220100V 2A 30W 2SB889PNP TO-12680V 0.7A 5W 2SB891PNP TO-12640V 2A 5W 2SB892PNP TO-9260V 2A 1W 2SB926PNP TO-9230V 2A 0.75W 2SB927PNP TO-9230V 2A 1W 2SB928PNP TO-126200V 2A 30W 2SB940PNP TO-220F200V 2A 30W 2SB941PNP TO-220F60V 3A 35W 2SB950PNP达TO-220F60V 4A 40W 2SB951PNP达TO-220F60V 8A 45W 2SB1007PNP TO-12680V 0.7A 10W 2SB1008PNP达TO-12640V 2A 10W 2SB1009PNP TO-12640V 2A 10W 2SB1012PNP达TO-126120V 1.5A 8W 2SB1013PNP TO-9220V 2A 0.7W 2SB1014PNP TO-9260V 1A 0.7W 2SB1015PNP TO-220F60V 3A 20W 2SB1023PNP达TO-220F60V 3A 25W 2SB1068PNP TO-9220V 2A 0.75W 2SB1096PNP TO-220F20V 2A 25W 2SB1116PNP TO-9260V 1A 0.75W 2SB1135PNP TO-22060V 7A 30W 2SB1156PNP TO-22060V 12A 30W 2SB1165PNP TO-12660V 5A 20W 2SB1166PNP TO-12660V 8A 20W 2SB1167PNP TO-126120V 3A 20W 2SB1168PNP TO-126120V 4A 20W 2SB1214PNP达TO-12680V 3A 15W 2SB1223PNP达TO-220F70V 4A 20W 2SB1236PNP TO-126120V 1.5A 1W 2SB1237PNP TO-12640V1A 1W2SB1239PNP达TO-12640V 2A 1W 2SB1284PNP达TO-220F100V 10A 35W 2SB1286PNP达TO-220F100V 2A 25W 2SB1287PNP达TO-220F100V 2A 20W 2SB1331PNP TO-12660V 0.5A 0.6W 2SB1326PNP TO-9230V 5A 1W 2SB1329PNP TO-12632V 1A 1.2W2SB1366PNP TO-220F20V 5A 2W2SB1370PNP TO-220F60V 3A 30W2SB1375PNP TO-220F60V 3A 25W2SB1376PNP TO-9250V 0.1A 1W2SB1406PNP达TO-9280V 1.5A 1W2SB1413PNP TO-12630V 1A 1.5W2SB1423PNP TO-12620V 5A 10W2SB1425PNP TO-9220V 2A 1W2SB1548PNP TO-220F2SB1565PNP TO-220F60V 3A 25W2SB1566PNP50V 3A 25W2SB1569PNP TO-220F120V 1.5A 20W2SB1682PNP2SB1978PNP2SC124NPN TO-9240V 0.025A 200MHZ 2SC144NPN TO-9250V 0.2A 450MHZ 2SC317NPN TO-9270V 0.1A 240MHZ 2SC368NPN TO-92250V 0.1A 150MHZ 2SC380NPN TO-9235V 0.03A 250MHZ 2SC388A NPN TO-9225V 0.02A f>300MHZ 2SC458NPN TO-9230V 0.1A 230MHZ 2SC460NPN TO-9230V 0.1A 230MHZ 2SC535NPN TO-9230V 0.02A 700MHZ 2SC761NPN TO-9230V 0.02A 675MHZ 2SC790NPN TO-9250V 3A 25W2SC829NPN TO-9230V 0.03A 230MHZ 2SC930NPN TO-9215V 0.03A 300MHZ 2SC945NPN TO-9260V 0.1A 250MHZ2SC979NPN TO-9270V 0.1A 0.3W Ft=250MHZ2SC1008NPN TO-9280V 0.7A 0.8W2SC1026NPN TO-9225V 0.025A 200MHZ 2SC1047NPN TO-9230V 0.015A 650MHZ 2SC1061NPN TO-22050V 3A 25W2SC1070NPN TO-9230V 0.02A 900MHZ 2SC1106NPN TO-3350V 3A 80W2SC1114300V 4A 100W2SC1127NPN TO-220180V 0.1A 7.9W 2SC1162NPN TO-12635V 2.5A 10W2SC1170NPN TO-31200V 3.5A 50W 2SC1172NPN TO-31500V 5A 50W2SC1173NPN TO-22030V 3A 10W2SC1202NPN2SC1213NPN TO-9235V 0.5A 0.4W2SC1279NPN TO-92180V 0.05A 0.25W 2SC1308NPN TO-31500V 7A 50W2SC1309NPN TO-31200V 5A 80W2SC1318NPN TO-9260V 0.5A 0.4W2SC1325NPN TO-31500V 6A 80W2SC1327NPN TO-9235V 0.05A 250MHZ 2SC1328NPN TO-9235V 0.05A 250MHZ 2SC1348NPN TO-31000V 4A 125W 2SC1358NPN TO-31400V 4.5A 50W 2SC1359NPN TO-9230V 0.03A 300MHZ 2SC1360NPN TO-9250V 0.05A 500MHZ 2SC1383NPN TO-9230V 1A 0.75W2SC1384NPN TO-9260V 1A 0.75W2SC1390NPN TO-9220V 0.09A 0.2W 2SC1473NPN TO-92250V 0.07A 0.6W 2SC1501NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 10W2SC1505NPN TO-220300V 0.2A 15W2SC1507NPN TO-220300V 0.2A 15W2SC1514NPN TO-202300V 0.1A 1.25W 2SC1519NPN TO-202250V 0.2A 10W2SC1565NPN TO-126150V 0.25A 10W 2SC1566NPN TO-126250V 0.1A 4W2SC1569NPN TO-220300V 0.15A 1.5W 2SC1573NPN TO-92250V 0.07A 0.6W 2SC1574NPN TO-9220V 0.03A 4.5GHZ 2SC1579NPN TO-3500V 15A 150W 2SC1625NPN TO-220100V 1A 15W2SC1626NPN TO-22080V 0.7A 15W2SC1627NPN TO-9270V 0.2A 150MHZ 2SC1641NPN TO-9240V 0.15A 0.3W 2SC1651NPN40A210V 0.03A 0.25W 2SC1661NPN TO-9220V 0.08A 7GHZ 2SC1669NPN TO-220150V 1.5A 25W2SC1674NPN TO-9230V 0.02A 600MHZ 2SC1676NPN40A50V 3A 300MHZ 2SC1685NPN TO-9260V 0.1A 150MHZ 2SC1709NPN TO-9230V 0.3A 0.3W2SC1719NPN TO-92150V 0.05A 130MHZ 2SC1720NPN TO-92150V 0.05A 130MHZ 2SC1722NPN TO-92300V 0.2A 15W2SC1740NPN TO-9220V 32MA 180MHZ 2SC1755NPN TO-220300V 0.2A 15W2SC1756NPN TO-220300V 0.2A 15W2SC1757NPN TO-220300V 0.2A 15W2SC1758NPN TO-202300V 0.1A 10W2SC1767NPN2SC1815NPN TO-9260V 0.15A 0.4W2SC1819NPN TO-220300V 0.1A 15W2SC1826NPN TO-22080V 4A 30W2SC1841NPN TO-92120V 0.05A 0.25W2SC1842NPN TO-126 40V 0.1A 0.25W2SC1845NPN TO-92120V 0.05A 110MHZ 2SC1846NPN TO-12645V 1A 1.2W2SC1852NPN TO-9260V 0.5A 0.6W2SC1875NPN TO-31500V 3.5A 50W2SC1892NPN TO-31500V 2.5A 50W2SC1895NPN TO-31500V 6A 50W2SC1905NPN TO-220350V 0.2A 15W2SC1906NPN TO-9230V 0.05A 1GHZ2SC1907NPN TO-9230V 0.05A 1.1GHZ 2SC1908NPN TO-9230V 0.03A 200MHZ 2SC1921NPN TO-92250V 0.05A 0.6W2SC1922NPN TO-31500V 2.5A 50W2SC1923NPN TO-9240V 0.02A 500MHZ 2SC1942NPN TO-31500V 3A 50W2SC1954NPN TO-9220V 0.15A 0.5W2SC1959NPN TO-9235V 0.5A 0.5W2SC1964NPN TO-220F80V 3.5A 12.5W2SC1969NPN TO-22060V 6A 20W2SC1971NPN TO-22035V 2A 12.5W 175MHZ 2SC1972NPN TO-22035V 3.5A 25W 175MHZ 2SC1973NPN TO-9250V 0.5A 1W2SC1984NPN达TO-220100V 3A 30W2SC2001NPN TO-9230V 0.7A 0.6W2SC2002NPN TO-9260V 0.3A 0.6W2SC2003NPN TO-9280V 0.3A 0.6W2SC2026NPN TO-9230V 0.05A 2GHZ2SC2027NPN TO-31500V 5A 50W2SC2058NPN TO-9240V 0.05A 300MHZ 2SC2060NPN TO-9240V 0.7A 150MHZ2SC2061NPN TO-9280V 0.7A 150MHZ2SC2068NPN TO-202300V 0.05A 1.5W2SC2071NPN TO-126250V 0.05A 1W2SC2073NPN TO-220150V 1.5A 25W2SC2075NPN TO-22080V 4A 10W2SC2078NPN TO-22080V 3A 10W2SC2085NPN TO-220300V 0.1A 10W 2SC2120NPN TO-9230V 0.8A 0.5W 2SC2121NPN TO-3750V 3A 50W2SC2147NPN TO-3400V 50A 200W 2SC2166NPN TO-220750V 4A 12.5W 2SC2204NPN TO-3800V 30A 250W 2SC2224NPN TO-220200V 0.2A 10W 2SC2228NPN TO-92160V 0.05A 0.75W 2SC2229NPN TO-92200V 0.05A 0.8W 2SC2230NPN TO-92200V 0.1A 0.8W 2SC2233NPN TO-220200V 4A 40W2SC2235NPN TO-92120V 0.8A 0.9W 2SC2236NPN TO-9230V 1.5A 0.9W 2SC2240NPN TO-92120V 0.1A 100MHZ 2SC2246NPN TO-3450V 15A 100W 2SC2250NPN TO-3大450V 30A 200W 2SC2258NPN TO-126250V 0.1A 1W2SC2271NPN TO-92300V 0.1A 0.75W 2SC2274NPN TO-9260V 0.5A 0.5W 2SC2279NPN TO-220300V 0.1A 10W 2SC2300NPN TO-9250V 1A 0.5W2SC2306NPN TO-3450V 15A 150W 2SC2307NPN TOP-3A500V 12A 100W 2SC2324NPN达TO-12660V 1A 9W2SC2330NPN达TO-9238V 6A 20W2SC2331NPN TO-220150V 2A 15W2SC2335NPN达TO-220500V 7A 40W2SC2356NPN达TO-3500V 10A 100W 2SC2369NPN达TO-9225V 0.07A 4.5GHZ 2SC2371NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 10W 2SC2373NPN TO-220200V 7.5A 40W 2SC2383NPN TO-92160V 1A 0.9W2SC2456NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 10W 2SC2458NPN TO-9250V 0.15A 0.2W 2SC2481NPN TO-126150V 1.5A 20W 2SC2482NPN TO-92300V 0.1A 0.9W 2SC2500NPN TO-9230V 2A 0.9W2SC2535NPN TO-220500V 5A 40W2SC2551NPN TO-92300V 0.1A 0.4W 2SC2553NPN TO-220500V 5A 40W2SC2562NPN TO-22060V 5A 25W2SC2564NPN MT200140V 12A 120W2SC2568NPN TO-126300V 0.2A 10W 2SC2571NPN TOP-3A100V 10A 95W 2SC2577NPN TOP-3A120V 6A 60W 2SC2581NPN TOP-3E200V 10A 100W 2SC2594NPN TO-12640V 5A 10W 2SC2603NPN TO-9250V 0.2A 0.3W 2SC2610NPN TO-92300V 0.1A 0.8W 2SC2611NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 1.25W 2SC2625NPN TOP-3A450V 10A 80W 2SC2634NPN TO-9260V 0.1A 0.4W 2SC2637NPN TO-92300V 0.1A2SC2655NPN TO-9260V 2A 0.9W f>100MHZ2SC2668NPN TO-9240V 0.02A 550MHZ 2SC2676NPN TO-12680V 10MA2SC2688NPN TO-126300V 0.2A 10W 2SC2707NPN TO-3180V 15A 150W 2SC2717NPN TO-9230V 0.05A 0.3W 2SC2719NPN TO-9280V 0.3A 0.6W 2SC2750NPN TOP-3A150V 15A 100W 2SC2773NPN MT200200V 15A 150W 2SC2774NPN MT200200V 17A 200W 2SC2785NPN TO-9260V 0.1A 0.3W 2SC2787NPN TO-9250V 0.03A 250MHZ 2SC2792NPN TOP-3A850V 2A 80W2SC2810NPN TO-220500V 7A 50W2SC2837NPN TOP-3A150V 10A 100W 2SC2878NPN TO-9250V 0.3A 0.4W 2SC2898NPN TO-220500V 8A 50W2SC2899NPN TO-126500V 0.5A 10W 2SC2901NPN TO-9240V 0.2A2SC2910NPN TO-92180V 0.07A 0.9W 2SC2911NPN TO-92180V 0.14A 10W 2SC2930NPN TO-3500V 30A 200W 2SC2958NPN TO-126160V 0.5A 1W2SC2979NPN TO-220900V 3A 40W2SC3026NPN1700V 5A 50W 2SC3038NPN TO-220500V 4A 40W2SC3039NPN TO-220500V 7A 50W2SC3050NPN TP-31200V 5A 150W 2SC3058NPN TO-3600V 30A 200W 2SC3063NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 1.2W 2SC3068NPN TO-9230V 0.3A 0.6W2SC3086NPN TO-220800V 3A 40W2SC3089NPN TOP-3A800V 7A 80W2SC3114NPN60V 0.15A 100MHZ 2SC3148NPN TO-220900V 3A 40W2SC3150NPN TO-220900V 3A 50W2SC3152NPN TOP-3A900V 3A 80W2SC3153NPN TOP-3A900V 6A 100W 2SC3158NPN TO-220F500V 7A 60W2SC3159NPN TO-220F500V 10A 80W 2SC3169NPN TO-220F500V 2A 25W2SC3178NPN TO-220F1200V 2A 60W 2SC3190NPN TO-9235V 0.1A 0.4W 2SC3192NPN TO-9235V 0.05A 0.3W 2SC3195NPN TO-9240V 0.02A 0.1W 2SC3198NPN TO-9260V 0.15A 0.4W 2SC3199NPN TO-9250V 0.15A 0.2W 2SC3200NPN TO-92120V 0.1A 0.3W 2SC3203NPN TO-9235V 0.8A 0.6W 2SC3204NPN TO-9235V 0.8A 0.3W 2SC3205NPN TO-9230V 2A 1W2SC3206NPN TO-92200V 0.05A 0.5W 2SC3209NPN TO-126300V 0.2A 0.9W 2SC3220NPN TOP-3A230V 10A 100W 2SC3230NPN TO-220300V 3A 10W2SC3231NPN TO-220200V 4A 40W2SC3258NPN TO-220100V 5A 25W2SC3260NPN达TOP-3A100V 5A 25W2SC3261NPN达TO-220F800V 3A 50W2SC3269NPN达TO-126300V 0.1A 0.75W 2SC3271NPN达TO-126300V 0.1A 5W2SC3272NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 10W 2SC3300NPN达TOP-3A100V 15A 100W 2SC3303NPN达TO-126100V 5A 20W2SC3306NPN达TOP-3A500V 10A 100W 2SC3307NPN达TOP-3A900V 10A 150W 2SC3310NPN达TO-220F500V 5A 40W2SC3311NPN达TO-9230V 0.1A 0.3W 2SC3330NPN达TO-9260V 0.2A 0.3W 2SC3331NPN达TO-9260V 0.2A 0.5W 2SC3355NPN达TO-9220V 0.1A 0.6W 2SC3356NPN达贴片20V 0.1A 0.2W 2SC3358NPN达40A20V 0.1A 0.25W 2SC3399NPN达TO-9250V 0.1A 0.3W2SC3400NPN达TO-9250V 0.1A 0.3W 2SC3415NPN达TO-92300V 0.1A 0.6W 2SC3417NPN达TO-126300V 0.1A 1.2W 2SC3421NPN达TO-126120V 1A 10W 2SC3422NPN达TO-12640V 3A 10W 2SC3447800V 5A 50W 2SC3457NPN1100V 3A 50W 2SC3459NPN1100V 4.5A 90W 2SC3460NPN1100V 6A 100W 2SC3461NPN TO-31100V 8A 120W 2SC3467NPN达TO-92200V 0.1A 1W 2SC3468NPN达TO-92300V 0.1A 1W 2SC3481NPN D TO-31500V 5A 120W 2SC3482NPN D TOP-3A1500V 6A 120W 2SC3486NPN D TOP-3A1500V 6A 120W 2SC34911000V 4A 60W 2SC3497NPN500V 6A 30W 2SC3498NPN TO-3PL500V 30A 150W 2SC3499NPN TO-3PL500V 30A 150W 2SC4199NPN TO-3PL1400V 10A 100W 2SC3502NPN TO-126200V 0.1A 5W 2SC3503NPN TO-126300V 0.1A 7W 2SC3505NPN TOP-3A900V 6A 80W 2SC3506NPN TOP-3F1000V 3A 70W 2SC3507NPN TOP-3F1000V 5A 80W 2SC3552NPN TOP-3A1100V 12A 150W 2SC3679NPN TOP-3A900V 5A 100W 2SC3685NPN TOP-3A1500V 6A 120W 2SC3686NPN TOP-3A1500V 7A 120W 2SC3687NPN TOP-3A1500V 8A 150W 2SC3688NPN D TOP-3A1500V 10A 150W 2SC3714NPN500V 20A 200W 2SC3738NPN TOP-3A1200V 10A 175W 2SC3783NPN TOP-3A900V 5A 100W 2SC3784NPN达TO-12650V 1.2A 20W 2SC3789NPN TO-12630V 0.1A 7W 2SC3807NPN TO-12630V 2A 15W 2SC3821NPN TO-126450V 5A 40W 2SC3830NPN TO-220600V 6A 50W 2SC3832NPN TO-220500V 7A 50W 2SC3833NPN TO-220500V 12A 100W 2SC3834NPN TO-220200V 7A 50W 2SC3843NPN TOP-3A600V 10A 75W2SC3845NPN TO-31500V 5A 120W 2SC3846NPN TOP-3F1200V 6A 80W 2SC3847NPN TOP-3F1200V 10A 80W 2SC3848NPN TO-9225V 0.2A 500MHZ 2SC3851NPN TO-220F80V 4A 25W2SC3852NPN TO-12680V 3A 25W2SC3883NPN TOP-3A1400V 7A 50W 2SC3884NPN TOP-3E1400V 6A 50W 2SC3886NPN TOP-3E1400V 8A 50W 2SC3889NPN2-16D1400V 8A 80W 2SC3893A NPN TOP-3E1400V 8A 50W 2SC3895NPN TOP-3E1500V 7A 60W 2SC3897NPN TOP-3E1500V 10A 70W 2SC3941NPN TO-32300V 0.07A 1W 2SC3979NPN TO-220F900V 3A 40W 2SC3989NPN TO-3PL800V 25A 200W 2SC3994NPN TO-3PL1100V 25A 300W 2SC3995NPN TO-3PL1500V 12A 180W 2SC3997NPN D TO-3PL1500V 15A 250W 2SC3998NPN TO-3PL1500V 25A 250W 2SC4016NPN TO-9240V 0.5A 0.3W 2SC4019NPN TO-92300V 0.1A 10W 2SC4023NPN TOP-3A1500V 10A 130W 2SC4046NPN TO-126120V 0.2A 8W 2SC4054NPN TO-220F600V 5A 30W 2SC4055NPN TO-220600V 8A 60W 2SC4056NPN TO-220600V 8A 45W 2SC4075NPN TO-220F300V 0.2A 10W 2SC4096NPN TO-3PL1400V 10A 150W 2SC4106NPN500V 10A 60W 2SC4109NPN TOP-3A500V 16A 140W 2SC4111NPN TO-3PL1500V 10A 150W 2SC4115NPN TO-3PL200V 2A 0.4W2SC4119NPN D TO-3PL 1500V 15A 250W HFE=252SC4119A NPN1500V 10A 100W 2SC4123NPN TOP-3E1500V 15A 60W 2SC4124NPN D1500V 8A 70W 2SC4137NPN TO-12625V 0.1A 400MHZ 2SC4138NPN TOP-3A500V 10A 80W 2SC4139NPN TOP-3A500V 15A 120W 2SC4153NPN TO-220F200V 7A 30W 2SC4161NPN TO-220F500V 7A 30W2SC4231NPN TO-220F800V 2A 30W2SC42351500V 5A 40W 2SC42361500V 5A 50W 2SC4242NPN TO-220450V 7A 40W2SC4237NPN TOP-3Q800V 10A 150W 2SC4256NPN TO-2201500V 0.01A 1.75W 2SC4288NPN TOP-3E1400V 12A 200W 2SC4291NPN TOP-3E1500V 5A 100W 2SC4292NPN TOP-3E1500V 6A 100W 2SC4297NPN TOP-3E500V 12A 75W 2SC4300NPN TOP-3E900V 5A 75W2SC4302NPN TOP-3E900V 5A 75W2SC4308NPN TO-9230V 0.3A 0.6W 2SC4311NPN TO-220900V 6A 40W2SC4367NPN TO-9230V 0.1A 0.6W 2SC4368NPN TO-220150V 1.5A 20W 2SC4418NPN TO-220F500V 5A 30W2SC4422NPN TO-9215V 0.05A 0.4W 2SC4423NPN TOP-3E500V 12A 55W 2SC4424NPN TOP-3E500V 16A 60W 2SC4429NPN TOP-3E1100V 8A 60W 2SC4433NPN TO-22040V 0.05A 0.3W 2SC4454NPN TO-22040V 0.2A 0.3W 2SC4482NPN TO-9260V 5A 1W2SC4493NPN TO-220800V 0.02A 1.65W 2SC4513NPN2SC4517NPN TO-220F550V 3A 30W2SC4544NPN TO-220F300V 0.1A 8W2SC4560NPN TOP-3E1500V 10A 80W 2SC4572NPN TO-220800V 10A 50W 2SC4589NPN TO-3PFM1500V 10A 50W 2SC4596NPN TO-220F100V 2A 25W2SC4621NPN TOP-3F500V 7A 70W2SC4630NPN TO-220F1500V 0.1A 2W 2SC4632NPN TO-220F1500V 0.01A 2W 2SC4634NPN TO-220F1500V 0.01A 2W 2SC4664NPN TO-220F250V 8A 30W2SC4682NPN TO-220F30V 3A 0.9W2SC4706NPN TOP-3A900V 14A 130W 2SC4742NPN TOP-3A1500V 6A 50W 2SC4744NPN TO-3PFM1500V 6A 50W 2SC4745NPN TOP-3E1500V 6A 50W 2SC4746NPN TO-3PFM1500V 8A 50W2SC4747NPN TO-3PFM1500V 10A 50W 2SC4752NPN2SC4755NPN TO-9225V 0.2A 500MHZ 2SC4758NPN TOP-3A1500V 8A 50W 2SC4760NPN TOP-3A900V 14A 130W 2SC4762NPN TOP-3A1500V 7A 50W 2SC4763NPN D TOP-3A1500V 8A 50W 2SC4766NPN D TOP-3A1700V 6A 50W 2SC4767NPN TO-9236V 0.3A 1W2SC4769NPN TOP-3A1500V 7A 60W 2SC4770NPN TOP-3A1500V 7A 60W 2SC4803NPN TO-31500V 5A 50W 2SC4804NPN TO-220F2SC4815NPN TO-220F100V 5A 1.8W2SC4824NPN TO-202120V 0.2A 3W2SC4834NPN TO-220F50V 8A 45W2SC4835NPN15V 0.08A 600MHZ 2SC4896NPN TO-3PFM1700V 15A 100W 2SC4897NPN TO-2PL800V 20A2SC4898NPN TO-220300V 5A 40W2SC4916NPN D TOP-3E1500V 7A 50W 2SC4924NPN TOP-3E800V 10A 70W 2SC4927NPN D TO-3PFM1500V 8A 50W 2SC4953NPN TO-220F2SC5002NPN TOP-3E1500V 7A 80W 2SC5047NPN TO-3PL1600V 25A 250W 2SC5048NPN TOP-3E1500V 12A 50W 2SC5124NPN TOP-3E1500V 10A 100W 2SC5129NPN TOP-3E1500V 10A 50W 2SC5132NPN D TO-3PFM1500V 10A 50W 2SC5142NPN TO-3PL1500V 20A 200W 2SC5143NPN D1700V 10A 50W 2SC5147NPN TO-220F300V 0.1A 10W 2SC5148NPN TOP-3E1500V 8A 50W 2SC5149NPN D TOP-3E1500V 8A 50W 2SC5198NPN D TOP-3A1400V 10A 100W 2SC5207NPN TO-3PFM1500V 10A 50W 2SC5250NPN D TO-3PFM1500V 8A 50W 2SC5251NPN TO-3PFM1500V 12A 50W 2SC5252NPN TO-3PFM1500V 15A 60W 2SC5243NPN TO-3PL1700V 15A 200W 2SC5244NPN TO-3PL1500V 30A 200W 2SC5270NPN TOP-3E。
德力西 CDQ9s 系列双电源自动转换开关电器 说明书
电流规格 Ie(A)额定限制短路电流以断路器保护时可达值(kV)额定冲击耐受电压 Uimp 极数触头转换时间6316,20,25,32,40,50,63125250400800658002,3,4壳架电流 Ith(A)16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100,125*160,200,225,250315,350,400315,350,400,500,630,700,800**(kA)额定绝缘电压 Ui (V)8(P)2,3,4,N3额定限制短路电流以熔丝保护时可达值(kA)1001202P,3P,4P,N33,4主触头位置数2(II) ,3(III)3(III)2(II) ,3(III)-N3型3(III)0.1~0.3s 0~1800*:16,20,25,32,40,50,63电流仅N3.**:315,350,400电流仅N3.3,4,N3-(常用到备用T 1)(备用到常用T 3)0.1~0.7s 0.1~0.3s 0.1~0.6s 0.1~0.6s-III段式II段式:800壳架Iq需要搭配西门子3NA3675型熔断器使用.电压不平衡转换频率显示负荷卸载常用/备用优先16A~800A:标准配置-:无此配置----自投自复自投不自复互为备用--通讯接口(RS485)-:可选配置额定短路接通能力 Icm (kA)机构PC级励磁式结构整体式,分体式额定短时耐受电流 Icw (kA)5(0.03s)10(0.03s)10(0.03s)10(0.03s)16(0.06s)817171732分体式控制器类型A,C C 机械寿命2500025000200002000015000电气寿命80006000600060006000使用类别AC-33A AC-33A AC-33B AC-33B AC-33iB***AC-33B***:AC-33iB(700/800A).转换动作时间返回转换时间III段式0.2~0.6s II段式II 0.39~0.91s0.2~0.6s -0.39~0.91s 0.39~0.91s III段式II段式0.19~0.91s+(A型延时设定0~10s;C型延时0~1800s)A型(0.9~1.1s) +(延时设定0~10s),C型(0.29~0.61s) +(延时0~1800s)0.2~0.8s+(A 型延时设定0~10s;C型延时0~1800s) A型(0.9~1.1s) +(延时设定0~10s),C型(0.29~0.61s +(延时0~1800s)-C 型:(0.29~0.61s) +(延时0~1800s)(2):最大期望维护值.A型插拔式ATSE (63A~400A)5.1 2P、3P、4P尺寸面板开孔尺寸A型控制器尺寸图C型控制器外形尺寸及面板开孔尺寸A型插拔式 ATSE (125A~250A)5.2 N3尺寸C型分体式 ATSE (125A~ 250A )C型分体式 ATSE (400~800A)警 告由于手动操作力度、速度、角度方面不太容易掌握,而不当的手动操作会影响产品性能,因此,在通电 的情况下,尽量使用控制器进行操作,确需手动操作时,请注意以下几点: 1. 操作者有手动操作的经验,熟悉手动操作的程序; 2. 操作者佩戴有完备的防护器具;3. 操作者确定产品机构正常,专用手柄完好;4. 操作者确定全部电源已断开;5. 操作者确定负荷较轻,并确定负荷、电源线路无故障。
三极管参数表|常用三极管参数表下表是常用三极管的一些参数以及替换型号器件型号电压电流代换型号3DG9011 50V 2N4124 CS9011 JE9011 9011 50V LM9011 SS90119012 40V LM90129012(HH) 40V SS90129012LT1 40V A12983DG9013 40V CS9013 JE90139013 40V LM90139013(HH) 40V SS90139013LT1 40V C32653DG9014 50V CS9014 JE90149014 50V LM9014 SS90149014LT1 50V C16239015 50V LM9015 SS9015TEC9015 50V BC557 2N3906TEC9015A 50V BC557 2N3906TEC9015B 50V BC557 2N3906TEC9015C 50V BC557 2N39063DG9016 30V JE90169016 30V SS9016TEC9016 40V BF240 BF254 BF5948050 40V SS80508050LT1 40V KA3265ED8050 50V BC337SDT85501 60V 10A 3DK104CSDT85502 80V 10A 3DK104CSDT85503 100V 10A 3DK104DSDT85504 140V 10A 3DK104ESDT85505 170V 10A 3DK104FSDT85506 60V 10A 3DK104CSDT85507 80V 10A 3DK104CSDT85508 100V 10A 3DK104DSDT85509 140V 10A 3DK104EED8550 50V BC3378550 40V LM8550 SS85508550LT1 40V KA32652SA1015 50V BC177 BC204 BC212 BC213 BC251 BC257 BC307 BC512 BC557 CG1015 CG673 2SC1815 60V BC174 BC182 BC184 BC190 BC384 BC414 BC546 DG458 DG18152SC1815L 60V BC550 2SC2240 2S26742SC2675 2SC33782SC1815LT1 60V 9014LT12SC945 60V BC107 BC171 BC174 BC182 BC183 BC190 BC207 BC237 BC382 BC546 BC547 BC582 DG945 2N2220 2N2221 2N2222 3DG120B 3DG4312 MMBT3904 40V BCW72 3DG120C MMBT3906 40V BCW70 3DG120CMMBT2222 未知BCX19 3DG120CMMBT2222A 75V 3DK10CMMBT5401 160V 3CA3FMMBTA92 300V 3CG180HBC807 50V BC338 BC537 BC635 3DK14BBC807R 50V BCX17 BCX17R BCW68 BCW68R BC807-W 50V BCX17 BCW68 2SB1219ABC817 50V BCX19 BCW65 BCX66BC817R 50V BCX19 BCX19R BCW65 BCW65R BCX66 BCW66RBC817-W 50V BCX19 BCW65 BCW66 2SD1820 2SD1949BC846 80V BCV71 BCV72BC846R 80V BCV71 BCV71R BCV72 BCV72RBC846-W 80V BCV71 BCV72 BCV72RBC847 50V BCW71 BCW72 BCW81BC847R 50V BCW71 BCW71R BCW72 BCW72R BCW81 BCW81RBC847-W 50V BCW71 BCW72 BCW81 2SC4101 2SC4102BC848 30V BCW31 BCW32 BCW33 BCW71 BCW72 BCW81 BC848R 30V BCW31 BCW31R BCW32 BCW32R BCW33 BCW33R BCW71 BCW71R BCW72 BCW72R BCW81 BCW81R BC848-W 30V BCW31 BCW32 BCW33 BCW71 BCW72 BCW81 2SC4101 2SC4102 2SC4117BC856 50V BCW89BC856R 80V BCW89 BCW89RBC856-W 80V BCW89 2SA1507 2SA1527BC857 50V BCW69 BCW70 BCW89BC857R 50V BCW69 BCW69R BCW70 BCW70R BCW89 BCW89RBC857-W 50V BCW69 BCW70 BCW89 2SA1507 2SA1527BC858 30V BCW29 BCW30 BCW69 BCW70 BCW89BC858R 30V BCW29 BCW29R BCW30 BCW30R BCW69 BCW69R BCW70 BCW70R BCW89 BCW89RBC858-W 30V BCW29 BCW30 BCW69 BCW70 BCW89 2SA1507 2SA15272SA733 60V BC177 BC204 BC212 BC213 BC251 BC257 BC307 BC513 BC557 3CG120C 3CG4312 MMUN2111 50V UN2111 MUN2111 50V MMUN2111UN2111 50V FN1A4M DTA114EK RN24022SA1344MMUN2112 50V UN2112MUN2112 50V MMUN2112UN2112 50V FN1F4M DTA124EK RN24032SA1342MMUN2113 50V UN2113MUN2113 50V MMUN2113UN2113 50V FN1L4M DTA144EK RN24042SA1341MMUN2211 50V UN2211MUN2211 50V MMUN2211UN2211 50V DTC114EK FA1A4M RN14022SC3398MMUN2212 50V UN2212MUN2212 50V MMUN2212UN2212 50V DTC124EK FA1F4M RN14032SC3396MMUN2213 50V UN2213MUN2213 50V MMUN2213UN2213 50V DTC144EK FA1L4M RN14042SC33952SC3356 20V 2SC3513 2SC3606 2SC38292SC3838K 30V BF517 BF799 2SC3015 2SC3016 彩显中易损大功率三极管主要参数表型号功率(W) 反压(V) 电流(A) 功能BU208A 50 1500 5 电源开关管BU508A 75 1500 8 电源开关管BU2508AF 45 1500 8 行管*BU2508DF 125 1500 8 行管*BU2508D 125 1500 8 行管BU2520AF 45 1500 10 行管BU2520AX 45 1500 10 行管*BU2520DF 125 1500 10 行管BU2522AF 45 1500 10 行管*BU2522DF 80 1500 10 行管* BU2525DF 45 800 12 行管BUH515 60 1500 8 行管C1520 10 250 视放C1566 250 视放C1573 250 视放C1875 50 1500 电源开关管C3153 100 900 6 电源开关管C3026 50 1700 5 行管C3457 50 1100 3 电源开关管C3459 90 1100 电源开关管C3460 100 1100 6 电源开关管C3461 140 1100 8 行管*C3683 50 1500 5 行管C3686 50 1400 8 行管C3687 150 1500 8 行管C3481 120 1500 5 电源开关管C3688 150 1500 10 行管*C3883 50 1500 5 行管C3885 50 1400 7 行管C3886 50 1400 8 行管C3887 80 1400 7 行管C3888 80 1400 80 行管C3889 80 1400 80 行管*C3891 50 1400 6 行管*C3892 50 1400 7 行管*C3893 50 1400 8 行管C3895 60W 1400V 7A 行管C3896 70 1400 8 行管*C3897 180 1500 12 行管C3897 250 1500 25 行管C3998 250 1500 25 行管*C4122 60 1500 6 行管*C4124 70 1500 8 行管*C4125 70 1500 10 行管C4237 150 800 10 行管*C4269 60 1500 7 行管*C4293 50 1500 5 行管*C4294 50 1500 6 行管*C4589 50 1500 10 行管*C4742 50 1500 6 行管*C4744 50 1500 6 行管C4747 50 1500 10 行管*C4769 60 1500 7 行管C4770 60 1500 7 行管C5048 50 1500 12 行管C5088 45 1500 8 行管C5129 50 1500 6 行管C5148 50 1500 8 行管C5250 50 1500 8 行管C5297 60 1500 8 行管C5299 60 1400 8 行管C5339 50 1500 7 行管C5418 120 1500 6 行管*D1396 50 1500 2 行管*D1398 50 1500 5 行管D1402 120 1500 5 电源开关管D1403 120 1500 6 电源开关管*D1426 80 1500 行管*D1427 80 1500 5 行管*D1428 80 1500 6 行管D1433 80 1500 7 行管D1434 80 1500 5 行管*D1554 40 1500 行管D1555 50 1500 5 电源开关管*D1878 60 1500 6 行管*D1879 60W 1500V 5A 行管*D1880 70 1500 8 行管*D1881 70 1500 10 行管D1886 70 1500 8 行管D1887 70 1500 10 行管*D2125 50 1500 5 行管*D870 50 1500 5 行管功率Pcm/W 反压BVCBO 电流ICM/A (*带阻尼)进口与国产显示器常用三极管代换表型号可代用型号用途价格2SA562 CG673B、2SB689 预视放2SA670 2SA1069、2SB513 电源调整管2SA673 2SA719、2SA697 帧激励2SA715 3CF3A、2SB529 场输出管2SA778A 3CG21C、CG75-1AB 开关电源误差放大2SA778AK C3CG21G、CG75-1A 开关电源误差放大2SA844D 3CG21C、CG75-1AB 视放2SA844E 3CG21G 视放2SA940 CD568B 场输出管2SA6395 2SA778、2SA858 行激励管2SB337 B337 电源调整管2SB407 3L780 电源调整管2SB548 3CF3B、2SA794 场输出管2SB566AK CD77-1A、3CF5A 电源调整管2SB556K CD77-1A、3CF5B 电源调整2SB621 3CG23B、2SB1035 电源推动管2SC458 3DG4A、2SC664 行振荡2SC536 3DG4A、2SC2320 电源推动管2SC562 G6738、B689 预视放2SC633 3DG6B、2SC1684 行振荡管2SC634 3DG12B 行振荡管2SC643A D2027、2SD818 行输出管2SC680A 3DD205B、2SC1025 场输出2SC681 3DD102B、2SC901 行输出2SC734 3DX200B、2SC2274 行振荡管2SC828 3DG56B、2SC3330 电源误差放大管2SC935 3DD102D、2SD320 电源调整管2SC8937 D2027、2SD818 行输出管2SC1034 2SD818、2SD299 行输出管2SC1162 FA433A、2SC2068 场输出枕形校正2SC1172 D2027、2SD820 行输出管2SC1209 3DG12A、2SD734 电源误差放大管2SC1213 3DG130A、2SC2120 电源误差放大管2SC1213A 3DG12B、2SC1247A 电源误差放大2SC12143DA151A、2SC2002 枕形校正2SC1308 D209、2SD820 行输出管2SC1318 3DG12A、2SC2274 行激励管2SC1364 3DX2038、2SC2320 行激励管2SC1505 DA1722B、2SC1757 行视放2SC1507 DA1722B、2SC1756、2SC1757 行激励管2SC1364 3DX2038、C23020 行激励管2SC1520 DA1722B、2SC2068 预视放2SC1566 3DA151D、2SC1514 视放2SC1573 3DA87C、2SC1762 视放2SC1672 3DD102B、2SC2433 电源调整管2SC1685 3DD180、2SC1570 脉冲开关2SC1819 3DA151D、2SC2425 视放2SC1890A 3DA878、2SC2363 视放2SC1905 3DA151D、2SD1163 视放2SC1942 D209、2SD1401 行输出管2SC2233 3DD12B、2SC2373 行输出2SD201 3DD102A、2SD125A 电源调整管2SD226 3DD207、2SD315 电源调整管2SD299 D2027、2SC1308 行输出管2SD350 D2027、2SD348 行输出管2SD380 D209、2SD348 行输出管2SD869 2SD993、2SD898B 行输出管C3150 C3151、C3152 开关管BU508A BU508D、C3893、C3895、C3897 开关管彩显中易损场效应管主要参数表型号功率Pcm/W 最大电流IDM/A D-S极间耐压价格2SK534 100W 5A 800V2SK538 100 3 9002SK557 100 12 5002SK560 100 15 5002SK566 78 3 800 2SK644 125 10 500 2SK719 120 5 900 2SK725 125 15 500 2SK727 125 5 900 2SK774 120 18 500 2SK785 150 20 500 2SK787 150 8 900 2SK788 150 13 500 2SK790 150 15 500 2SK872 150 6 900 2SK955 150 9 800 2SK956 150 9 800 2SK962 150 8 900 2SK1019 300 30 500 2SK1020 300 30 500 2SK1081 125 7 800 2SK1082 125 6 800 2SK1117 100 6 600 2SK1118 45 6 600 2SK1119 100 4 1000 2SK1120 150 8 1000 2SK1171 240 5 1400 2SK1198 75 3 800 2SK1249 130 15 500 2SK1250 150 20 500 2SK1271 240 15 1400 2SK1280 150 18 500 2SK1281 120 4 700 2SK1341 100 5 900 2SK1342 100 8 900 2SK1357 125 5 900 2SK1358 150 9 900 2SK1451 120 5 900 2SK1498 120 20 500 2SK1500 160 25 500 2SK1502 120 7 900 2SK1507 50 6 600 2SK1512 150 10 850 2SK1531 150 15 500 2SK1537 100 5 900 2SK1539 150 10 900 2SK1563 150 12 500 2SK1649 100 6 900 2SK1794 150 6 900 2SK2038 125 6 900。
The NTE2090 is an integrated circuit in a 16–Lead DIP type package comprised of six NPN low saturation drivers. All units feature integral clamp diodes for switching inductive loads and protective diodes for protection against a negative input voltage.
Features: D Low Saturation Outputs:
VCE(sat) = 0.6V Max @ IOUT = 120mA D Output Rating:
D Output Clamp Diodes D CMOS and PMOS Compatable Inputs D Input Protection Diodes
Turn–On Delay Turn–Off Delay
VCC = 18V, RL = 150Ω, CL = 15pF
Min Typ Max Unit
– 100 µA
– 0.6 V
1000 –
– 0.16 0.23 mA
– 0.66 0.94 mA
– –10 µA
– 1.25 1.6 V
Recommended Operating Conditions: (TA = –40° to +85°C unless otherwise specified)
在基极电路中,集电极与基极间输出电容Coe---共发射极输出电容Coeo---共发射极开路输出电容Cre---共发射极反馈电容Cic---集电结势垒电容CL---负载电容(外电路参数)Cp---并联电容(外电路参数)BVcbo---发射极开路,集电极与基极间击穿电压BVceo---基极开路,CE结击穿电压BVebo--- 集电极开路EB结击穿电压BVces---基极与发射极短路CE结击穿电压BV cer---基极与发射极串接一电阻,CE结击穿电压D---占空比fT---特征频率fmax---最高振荡频率。
当三极管功率增益等于1时的工作频率hFE---共发射极静态电流放大系数hIE---共发射极静态输入阻抗hOE---共发射极静态输出电导h RE---共发射极静态电压反馈系数hie---共发射极小信号短路输入阻抗hre---共发射极小信号开路电压反馈系数hfe---共发射极小信号短路电压放大系数hoe---共发射极小信号开路输出导纳IB---基极直流电流或交流电流的平均值Ic---集电极直流电流或交流电流的平均值IE---发射极直流电流或交流电流的平均值Icbo---基极接地,发射极对地开路,在规定的VCB反向电压条件下的集电极与基极之间的反向截止电流Iceo---发射极接地,基极对地开路,在规定的反向电压VCE条件下,集电极与发射极之间的反向截止电流Iebo---基极接地,集电极对地开路,在规定的反向电压VEB条件下,发射极与基极之间的反向截止电流Icer---基极与发射极间串联电阻R,集电极与发射极间的电压VCE 为规定值时,集电极与发射极之间的反向截止电流Ices---发射极接地,基极对地短路,在规定的反向电压VCE条件下,集电极与发射极之间的反向截止电流Icex---发射极接地,基极与发射极间加指定偏压,在规定的反向偏压VCE下,集电极与发射极之间的反向截止电流ICM---集电极最大允许电流或交流电流的最大平均值。
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Data Sheet (Preliminary)
Notice to Readers: This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion product(s) described herein. The Preliminary status of this document indicates that product qualification has been completed, and that initial production has begun. Due to the phases of the manufacturing process that require maintaining efficiency and quality, this document may be revised by subsequent versions or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.
The Preliminary designation indicates that the product development has progressed such that a commitment to production has taken place. This designation covers several aspects of the product life cycle, including product qualification, initial production, and the subsequent phases in the manufacturing process that occur before full production is achieved. Changes to the technical specifications presented in a Preliminary document should be expected while keeping these aspects of production under consideration. Spansion places the following conditions upon Preliminary content:
S29CD-J & S29CL-J Flash Family
S29CD032J, S29CD016J, S29CL032J, S29CL016J
32/16 Megabit CMOS 2.6 Volt or 3.3 Volt-only Simultaneous Read/Write, Dual Boot, Burst Mode Flash Memory with VersatileI/O™
Spansion Inc. issues data sheets with Advance Information or Preliminary designations to advise readers of product information or intended specifications throughout the product life cycle, including development, qualification, initial production, and full production. In all cases, however, readers are encouraged to verify that they have the latest information before finalizing their design. The following descriptions of Spansion data sheet designations are presented here to highlight their presence and definitions.
Some data sheets contain a combination of products with different designations (Advance Information, Preliminary, or Full Production). This type of document distinguishes these products and their designations wherever necessary, typically on the first page, the ordering information page, and pages with the DC Characteristics table and the AC Erase and Program table (in the table notes). The disclaimer on the first page refers the reader to the notice on this page.
Advance Information
The Advance Information designation indicates that Spansion Inc. is developing one or more specific products, but has not committed any design to production. Information presented in a document with this designation is likely to change, and in some cases, development on the product may discontinue. Spansion Inc. therefore places the following conditions upon Advance Information content:
“This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion product(s) described herein. Spansion Inc. deems the products to have been in sufficient production volume such that subsequent versions of this document are not expected to change. However, typographical or specification corrections, or modifications to the valid combinations offered may occur.”
“This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion product(s) described herein. The Preliminary status of this document indicates that product qualification has been completed, and that initial production has begun. Due to the phases of the manufacturing process that require maintaining efficiency and quality, this document may be revised by subsequent versions or modifications due to changes in technical specifications.”
S29CD-J & S29CL-J Flash Family
S29CD032J, S29CD016J, S29CL032J, S29CL016J
32/16 Megabit CMOS 2.6 Volt or 3.3 Volt-only Simultaneous Read/Write, Dual Boot, Burst Mode Flash Memory with VersatileI/O™
Questions regarding these document designations may be directed to your local sales office.
S29CD-J & S29CL-J Flash Family
S29CD-J_CL-J_00_B1 September 27, 2006
“This document contains information on one or more products under development at Spansion Inc. The information is intended to help you evaluate this product. Do not design in this product without contacting the factory. Spansion Inc. reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed product without notice.”