Note 10




札记范文10篇200字英文回答:1. First Note.> "The mind is a beautiful thing. It can take us to places we've never been before, and it can help us to seethe world in a whole new light. But the mind can also be a dangerous place, especially if we let it get the best of us. Our thoughts have the power to control us, and if we're not careful, they can lead us down a dark path. That's why it's so important to be mindful of our thoughts and to make sure that they're serving us in a positive way."中文回答:1. 札记一。

> 人的心灵是一件美丽的东西。





2. Second Note.> "Life is a gift, and we should cherish every moment of it. But life can also be tough, and there will be times when we feel like giving up. But it's important to remember that we're not alone, and that there are people who care about us and want to help us through tough times. So ifyou're feeling down, don't be afraid to reach out for help. There are people who love you and want to support you."中文回答:2. 札记二。




如果对Redmi Note系列有了解的⽤户肯定知道,旗舰技术的下放普及是其最⼤的特点,从Note 7⾸次将4800万⾼像素下沉到999元价位,Note 8⾸发6400万像素,将市⾯上3000-4000元的旗舰配置普惠⼤众,到Redmi Note 9将⼀亿像素镜头成功普及到中端市场。

在5⽉26⽇正式发布了Note 10 Pro,依旧是熟悉的千元定位,熟悉的同价⾼配,在显⽰、设计和硬件配置更是做出了更加全⾯的升级,此次旗舰处理器以及双通道UFS3.1的配置对 Note 系列来说,性能实现了突破性飞跃。

接下来我就为⼤家送上这款备受⽤户注⽬的Redmi Note 10 Pro的详细的评测。

Redmi Note 10 Pro详细评测旗舰感设计⽴体光栅⼯艺⾸先还是看下外观。

设计⽅⾯,此次Redmi Note 10 Pro发布为⽤户提供三种不同的配⾊,分别是:星沙、⽉魄、幻青。





电竞级变速⾼刷屏Note 10 Pro 在同级⾸次采⽤康宁⼤猩猩 Victus 玻璃,这是迄今为⽌最新的⼤猩猩玻璃⾯板。

相⽐ GG6 玻璃,拥有 1.5 倍的抗摔性能和 2 倍的耐刮花性能提升,为屏幕提供更为完备的顶级保护,⼩⾦刚品质再次升级。



RedmiNote10和RedmiNote10pro有什么区别?RedmiNote10和RedmiNote10pro都是很不错的红⽶⼿机,都是5⽉25⽇刚发布的⼿机,那么RedmiNote10和RedmiNote10pro有什么区别?RedmiNote10和RedmiNote10pro哪个更值得⼊⼿?接下来⼀起来参考参考吧~ RedmiNote10和RedmiNote10pro区别对⽐:1、外观对⽐Redmi Note10 Pro采⽤了⼀块6挡变速⾼刷率LCD屏,⽀持120Hz刷新率,且⾸次⽀持DCI-P3⾊域,具有25%⾊彩扩充+360°光感⾃动亮度+阳光、夜光屏,不仅可以做到使⽤省电,⽽且逐帧对应智能适配,舒适显⽰。


edmi Note10采⽤了⼀块6.5英⼨⼤⼩的FHD+全⾼清居中打孔⾼刷屏,并具有90Hz四档变速与1080P⾼清分辨率,智能匹配适宜刷新率,不仅降低使⽤功耗,⽽且画质更加稳定流畅,提供⽉影、⽵⽯青、晴⼭蓝、星云灰四种配⾊。

2、拍照对⽐Redmi Note10 Pro后置采⽤6400万像素⾼清主摄+800万像素超⼴⾓镜头+200万像素微距镜头。



Redmi Note10采⽤800万像素前置⼈像相机,后置采⽤长矩形摄像模组,模组内部包括4800万像素主摄+200万像素AI镜头⾼清双摄,⽀持AI相机5.0,可智能识别27种拍摄场景,且⽀持超级夜景、全景模式、延迟摄影、定时连拍等功能。

3、续航对⽐Redmi Note10 Pro内置5000mAh⼤容量电池,且⽀持67W超级快充。

Redmi Note10充电⽅案为5000mAh容量⼤电池+18W快充。

满⾜⽤户基本需求哦4、配置对⽐Redmi Note10 Pro搭载天玑1100芯⽚(6nm⼯艺制程),配备UFS3.1+WiFi6,⾸发旗舰级VC液冷散热,具有X线性马达、⽀持NFC3.0以及新⼀代蓝⽛协议。




2、三星galaxynote10是三星旗下手机,搭载骁龙855处理器,标配256gb存储空间,8gb内存,内置3500mah电池,配备6.3英寸动态amoled显示屏,分辨率1080 p(401 pi)。







5.三星a70配备了前置3200万像素单摄像头、后置3500万-500万-800万像素三摄像头、骁龙sm6150(骁龙675)、内置4500mah电池和6/8 128gb存储空间。











4.不同三星手机的备忘录名称是不一样的,包括s memo,s note,smart memo。









此外,荣耀Note10还支持Histen 5.0 3D音效技术,通过调整音频参数,可以获得更好的音质效果。













此外,荣耀Note10还支持GPU Turbo技术,可以提升游戏运行的流畅度和稳定性。







LM79L05A中文资料及电路图LM79L05A中文资料介绍Electrical Characteristics 电气特性(MC79L05A/LM79L05A KA79L05)(VI=-10V, IO=40mA, CI=0.33ìF, CO=0.1μF,0℃≤TJ≤+125℃, unless otherwise specified除非另有说明)Parameter 参数Symbol 符号 Conditions 测试条件最小典型最大单位 Output Voltage输出电压VO TJ=+25 ℃ - 4.8 - 5.0 - 5.2 V Line Regulation 线性调整率(Note1) ΔVO TJ=+25 ℃ -7.0V≥VI≥-20V - 15 150 mV -8V≥VI≥-20V - - 100 mV Load Regulation 负载调整率(Note1) ΔVO TJ=+25 ℃ 1.0mA ≤ IO ≤ 100mA - 20 60 mV 1.0mA ≤ IO ≤ 40mA - 10 30 mV Output Voltage输出电压 VO -7.0V≥VI≥-20V, 1.0mA ≤ IO ≤ 40mA - 4.75 - - 5.25 V VI=-10V, 1.0mA ≤ IO ≤ 70mA - 4.75 - - 5.25 V Quiescent Current 静态电流IQ TJ=+ 25 ℃ - 2.0 5.5 mA TJ=+125 ℃ - - 6.0 Quiescent Current Change 静态电流变化 with line ΔIQ -8V≥VI≥-20V - - 1.5 mA with load ΔIQ 1.0mA ≤ IO ≤ 40mA - - 0.1 mA Output Noise Voltage 输出噪声电压VN TA=+25℃,10Hz ≤ f ≤ 100KHz - 30 - μV Ripple Rejection 纹波抑制RR f=120Hz, -8V≥VI≥-18V TJ=+25℃ 41 60 - dB Dropout Voltage 电压差VD TJ=+25℃ - 1.7 - VNote1. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in VO due to heating effects must be taken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.LM79L05A引脚图及功能极限参数:Parameter参数Symbol 符号Value 数值单位Input Voltage输入电压 (for VO = -5V, -8V) VI-30V(for VO = -12V to -18V)-35(forVO = -24V)-40Operating Junction T emperature Range结温工作范围TJ0~ +125℃Storage Temperature Range储存温度范围TSTG-65~ +150℃图1 LM79LXXX引脚排列图LM79L05A电路图介绍:图2 LM79LXXX内部电路图图3 LM79LXXX典型测试电路图图4 正负电压对称输出电路图5 LM78LXXX TO-92封装图片图6 LM78LXXX 8-SOP贴片封装图片图7 LM78LXXX SOT-89贴片封装图片。

附录-Note10:matlab 中fminunc、fmaxunc的用法

附录-Note10:matlab 中fminunc、fmaxunc的用法


今天来介绍一种方法,是基于matlab 自带函数fminunc 、fmaxunc 来计算的,它的计算方式更加简洁高效,只需解一个目标函数。

一、无约束(无条件)的最优化使用fminunc 函数 (un-condition)1) 可用于任意函数求最小值问题( 即只能求最小值 )。

如求最大值:()()1ˆˆarg max H u w w w w -=d R d (1)取反,则等效为求最小值:()()()1ˆˆarg min H u w w w w -=-d R d (2)这个过程不影响自变量w.2) 代码格式x = fminunc(@func, x0);[x,fval] = fminunc(@func, x0);[x,fval,exitflag] = fminunc(@func, x0);必须预先把函数存入到一个程序中 ,(所编的程序一定是只有个参数,则 当为多元函数时,则x(1),x(2), x(3) … 分别代表每个自变)。

其中:fval 为函数的最小值;x0为自变量初始向量,一般不影响结果;exitflag 为退出标志,当它大于0时表示函数收敛于x,当它 0x 100exitflag > 0exitflag >⎧⎪⇒=⎨⎪<⎩,函数收敛于,一般等于,函数不收敛,函数不收敛 (所以解完题后还必须判断的值是否 ,以决定结果的正误/有效性)最好返回三个结果 (3) 函数存在最值的条件:在闭区间连续,存在导数等(说明有很多函数不存在最值:有大、有小、有大小、都无)*^exitflag -- 可以是任意函数、任意n 元函数求最小值最后一定要看看的值(判断结果是否有效 所以结果最好返回三个结果函数可以用内联函数inline('expression')(程序中的...可要可不要,一般还是不要吧)二、f minbnd(‘@func’, x1, xn) 求函数在区间[x1, xn]的最小值三、有约束条件的最优化问题使用fmincon 函数 (condition)1) 可用于任意函数求最小值问题( 即只能求最小值 )。



Key Structures
if 引导的条件:条件句主要用来询问或谈论将来可 能的事情,主句中是将来时。条件句中,将来时通 常用现在时表示,即:主将从现。 Eg. If he is out ,I‟ll call tomorrow. Eg. You‟ll miss the train if you don‟t hurry. Eg. If he is working , I won‟t disturb him. Eg. If I have time, I‟ll be writing to him tomorrow. 有时主句主语可以省略:(祈使句) Eg. If you make a mistake , correct it . Eg. If you don‟t like the food , don‟t eat it .
fail v. 失败 反义:succeed fail in sth 在…方面失败 fail to do sth 不能,没有做到 eg. I passed (in) mathematics but failed in French. 我的数学及格但法语没及格。 eg. She failed to reach the final. 她没能进入决赛。
sign 2) n.记号,符号。 3) n. 手势语,手语(如聋哑人用的) sign language 手势语言 body language 肢体语言 4) . v. 签名 Sign your name here, please. 请在这签上你的名字。 5) v. 做手势通知 sign off 广播、电视结束当天的播送 sign on 广播、电视开始当天的播送
4) 音符 whole 全音符 half 二分音符 quarter 四分音符 eighth 八分音符



LMV431/LMV431A/LMV431BLow-Voltage (1.24V)Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorsGeneralDescriptionThe LMV431,LMV431A and LMV431B are precision 1.24V shunt regulators capable of adjustment to 30V.Negative feedback from the cathode to the adjust pin controls the cathode voltage,much like a non-inverting op amp configu-ration (Refer to Symbol and Functional diagrams).A two resistor voltage divider terminated at the adjust pin controls the gain of a 1.24V band-gap reference.Shorting the cath-ode to the adjust pin (voltage follower)provides a cathode voltage of a 1.24V.The LMV431,LMV431A and LMV431B have respective ini-tial tolerances of 1.5%,1%and 0.5%,and functionally lends themselves to several applications that require zener diode type performance at low voltages.Applications include a 3V to 2.7V low drop-out regulator,an error amplifier in a 3V off-line switching regulator and even as a voltage detector.These parts are typically stable with capacitive loads greater than 10nF and less than 50pF.The LMV431,LMV431A and LMV431B provide performance at a competitive price.Featuresn Low Voltage Operation/Wide Adjust Range (1.24V/30V)n 0.5%Initial Tolerance (LMV431B)n Temperature Compensated for Industrial Temperature Range (39PPM/˚C for the LMV431AI)n Low Operation Current (55µA)n Low Output Impedance (0.25Ω)n Fast Turn-On Response n Low CostApplicationsn Shunt Regulator n Series Regulatorn Current Source or Sink n Voltage Monitor n Error Amplifiern 3V Off-Line Switching RegulatornLow Dropout N-Channel Series RegulatorConnection DiagramsTO92:Plastic Package10095801Top ViewSOT23-510095844*Pin 1is not internally connected.*Pin 2is internally connected to Anode pin.Pin 2should be either floating or connected to Anode pin.Top ViewSOT23-310095867Top ViewAugust 2003LMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B Low-Voltage (1.24V)Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulators©2003National Semiconductor Corporation Symbol and FunctionalDiagrams1009585910095860Simplified Schematic10095803L M V 431/L M V 431A /L M V 431B 2Ordering InformationPackageTemperatureRange Voltage TolerancePart Number Package Marking NSC DrawingTO92Industrial Range −40˚C to +85˚C1%LMV431AIZ LMV431AIZ Z03A 1.5%LMV431IZ LMV431IZ Commerial Range 0˚C to +70˚C0.5%LMV431BCZ LMV431BCZ 1%LMV431ACZ LMV431ACZ 1.5%LMV431CZ LMV431CZ SOT23-5Industrial Range −40˚C to +85˚C1%LMV431AIM5N08A MF05A 1%LMV431AIM5X N08A 1.5%LMV431IM5N08B 1.5%LMV431IM5X N08B Commercial Range 0˚C to +70˚C0.5%LMV431BCM5N09C 0.5%LMV431BCM5X N09C 1%LMV431ACM5N09A 1%LMV431ACM5X N09A 1.5%LMV431CM5N09B 1.5%LMV431CM5X N09B SOT23-3Industrial Range −40˚to +85˚C0.5%LMV431BIMF RLBMF03A0.5%LMV431BIMFX 1%LMV431AIMF RLA1%LMV431AIMFXDC/AC Test Circuits for Table and Curves10095804FIGURE 1.Test Circuit for V Z =V REF10095805Note:V Z =V REF (1+R1/R2)+I REF •R1FIGURE 2.Test Circuit for V Z >V REF10095806FIGURE 3.Test Circuit for Off-State CurrentLMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B3Absolute MaximumRatings(Note 1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +150˚COperating Temperature Range Industrial (LMV431AI,LMV431I)−40˚C to +85˚C Commercial (LMV431AC,LMV431C,LMV431BC)0˚C to +70˚C Lead TemperatureTO92Package/SOT23-5,-3Package (Soldering,10sec.)265˚C Internal Power Dissipation (Note 2)TO920.78W SOT23-5,-3Package 0.28W Cathode Voltage35VContinuous Cathode Current −30mA to +30mA Reference Input Current range−.05mA to 3mA Operating ConditionsCathode VoltageV REF to 30VCathode Current 0.1mA to 15mA Temperature range LMV431AI−40˚C ≤T A ≤85˚C Thermal Resistance (θJA )(Note 3)SOT23-5,-3Package 455˚C/W TO-92Package161˚C/WDerating Curve (Slope =−1/θJA )10095830LMV431C Electrical CharacteristicsT A =25˚C unless otherwise specified Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max UnitsV REF Reference VoltageV Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA (See Figure 1)T A =25˚C 1.222 1.241.258T A =Full Range1.211.27V V DEVDeviation of Reference Input Voltage Over Temperature (Note 4)V Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA,T A =Full Range (See Figure 1)412mV Ratio of the Change in Reference Voltage to the Change in Cathode VoltageI Z =10mA (see Figure 2)V Z from V REF to 6VR 1=10k,R 2=∞and 2.6k −1.5−2.7mV/V I REF Reference Input CurrentR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞I I =10mA (see Figure 2)0.150.5µA∝I REF Deviation of Reference Input Current over TemperatureR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞,I I =10mA,T A =Full Range (see Figure 2)0.050.3µA I Z(MIN)Minimum Cathode Current for Regulation V Z =V REF (see Figure 1)5580µA I Z(OFF)Off-State CurrentV Z =6V,V REF =0V (see Figure 3)0.0010.1µA r ZDynamic Output Impedance (Note 5)V Z =V REF ,I Z =0.1mA to 15mA Frequency =0Hz (see Figure 1)0.250.4ΩL M V 431/L M V 431A /L M V 431B 4LMV431I ElectricalCharacteristicsT A =25˚C unless otherwise specified Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Units V REF Reference VoltageV Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA (See Figure 1)T A =25˚C 1.222 1.241.258V T A =Full Range1.2021.278V DEVDeviation of Reference Input Voltage Over Temperature (Note 4)V Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA,T A =Full Range (See Figure 1)620mV Ratio of the Change in Reference Voltage to the Change in Cathode VoltageI Z =10mA (see Figure 2)V Z from V REF to 6VR 1=10k,R 2=∞and 2.6k −1.5−2.7mV/VI REF Reference Input CurrentR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞I I =10mA (see Figure 2)0.150.5µA∝I REF Deviation of Reference Input Current over TemperatureR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞,I I =10mA,T A =Full Range (see Figure 2)0.10.4µA I Z(MIN)Minimum Cathode Current for Regulation V Z =V REF (see Figure 1)5580µA I Z(OFF)Off-State CurrentV Z =6V,V REF =0V (see Figure 3)0.0010.1µA r ZDynamic Output Impedance (Note 5)V Z =V REF ,I Z =0.1mA to 15mA Frequency =0Hz (see Figure 1)0.250.4ΩLMV431AC Electrical CharacteristicsT A =25˚C unless otherwise specified Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Units V REF Reference VoltageV Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA (See Figure 1)T A =25˚C 1.228 1.241.252V T A =Full Range1.2211.259V DEVDeviation of Reference Input Voltage Over Temperature (Note 4)V Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA,T A =Full Range (See Figure 1)412mV Ratio of the Change in Reference Voltage to the Change in Cathode VoltageI Z =10mA (see Figure 2)V Z from V REF to 6VR 1=10k,R 2=∞and 2.6k −1.5−2.7mV/VI REF Reference Input CurrentR 1=1k Ω,R 2=∞I I =10mA (see Figure 2)0.150.50µA∝I REF Deviation of Reference Input Current over TemperatureR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞,I I =10mA,T A =Full Range (see Figure 2)0.050.3µA I Z(MIN)Minimum Cathode Current for Regulation V Z =V REF (see Figure 1)5580µA I Z(OFF)Off-State CurrentV Z =6V,V REF =0V (see Figure 3)0.0010.1µA r ZDynamic Output Impedance (Note 5)V Z =V REF ,I Z =0.1mA to 15mA Frequency =0Hz (see Figure 1)0.250.4ΩLMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B5LMV431AI ElectricalCharacteristicsT A =25˚C unless otherwise specified Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max UnitsV REF Reference VoltageV Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA (See Figure 1)T A =25˚C 1.228 1.241.252T A =Full Range1.2151.265V V DEVDeviation of Reference Input Voltage Over Temperature (Note 4)V Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA,T A =Full Range (See Figure 1)620mV Ratio of the Change in Reference Voltage to the Change in Cathode VoltageI Z =10mA (see Figure 2)V Z from V REF to 6VR 1=10k,R 2=∞and 2.6k −1.5−2.7mV/V I REF Reference Input CurrentR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞I I =10mA (see Figure 2)0.150.5µA∝I REF Deviation of Reference Input Current over TemperatureR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞,I I =10mA,T A =Full Range (see Figure 2)0.10.4µA I Z(MIN)Minimum Cathode Current for Regulation V Z =V REF (see Figure 1)5580µA I Z(OFF)Off-State CurrentV Z =6V,V REF =0V (see Figure 3)0.0010.1µA r ZDynamic Output Impedance (Note 5)V Z =V REF ,I Z =0.1mA to 15mA Frequency =0Hz (see Figure 1)0.250.4ΩLMV431BC Electrical CharacteristicsT A =25˚C unless otherwise specified Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max UnitsV REF Reference VoltageV Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA (See Figure 1)T A =25˚C 1.234 1.241.246T A =Full Range1.2271.253V V DEVDeviation of Reference Input Voltage Over Temperature (Note 4)V Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA,T A =Full Range (See Figure 1)412mV Ratio of the Change in Reference Voltage to the Change in Cathode VoltageI Z =10mA (see Figure 2)V Z from V REF to 6VR 1=10k,R 2=∞and 2.6k −1.5−2.7mV/V I REF Reference Input CurrentR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞I I =10mA (see Figure 2)0.150.50µA∝I REF Deviation of Reference Input Current over TemperatureR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞,I I =10mA,T A =Full Range (see Figure 2)0.050.3µA I Z(MIN)Minimum Cathode Current for Regulation V Z =V REF (see Figure 1)5580µA I Z(OFF)Off-State CurrentV Z =6V,V REF =0V (see Figure 3)0.0010.1µA r ZDynamic Output Impedance (Note 5)V Z =V REF ,I Z =0.1mA to 15mA Frequency =0Hz (see Figure 1)0.250.4ΩLMV431BI Electrical CharacteristicsT A =25˚C unless otherwise specified Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max UnitsV REF Reference VoltageV Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA (See Figure 1)T A =25˚C 1.234 1.241.246T A =Full Range1.2241.259V V DEVDeviation of Reference Input Voltage Over Temperature (Note 4)V Z =V REF ,I Z =10mA,T A =Full Range (See Figure 1)620mV Ratio of the Change in Reference Voltage to the Change in Cathode VoltageI Z =10mA (see Figure 2)V Z from V REF to 6VR 1=10k,R 2=∞and 2.6k −1.5−2.7mV/V I REFReference Input CurrentR 1=10k Ω,R 2=∞I I =10mA (see Figure 2)0.150.50µAL M V 431/L M V 431A /L M V 431B 6LMV431BI ElectricalCharacteristics(Continued)T A=25˚C unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units∝IREFDeviation of Reference Input Currentover Temperature R1=10kΩ,R2=∞,I I=10mA,T A=Full Range(see Figure2)0.10.4µAI Z(MIN)Minimum Cathode Current forRegulation V Z=V REF(see Figure1)5580µAI Z(OFF)Off-State Current V Z=6V,V REF=0V(see Figure3)0.0010.1µAr Z Dynamic Output Impedance(Note5)V Z=V REF,I Z=0.1mA to15mAFrequency=0Hz(see Figure1)0.250.4ΩNote1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Electrical specifications do not apply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditions.Note2:Ratings apply to ambient temperature at25˚C.Above this temperature,derate the TO92at6.2mW/˚C,and the SOT23-5at2.2mW/˚C.See derating curve in Operating Condition section..Note3:T J Max=150˚C,T J=T A+(θJA P D),where P D is the operating power of the device.Note4:Deviation of reference input voltage,V DEV,is defined as the maximum variation of the reference input voltage over the full temperature range.See following:LMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B7LMV431BI ElectricalCharacteristics(Continued)10095807The average temperature coefficient of the reference input voltage,∝V REF ,is defined as:Where:T 2−T 1=full temperature change.∝V REF can be positive or negative depending on whether the slope is positive or negative.Example:V DEV =6.0mV,REF =1240mV,T 2−T 1=125˚C.Note 5:The dynamic output impedance,r Z ,is defined as:When the device is programmed with two external resistors,R1and R2,(see Figure 2),the dynamic output impedance of the overall circuit,r Z ,is defined as:L M V 431/L M V 431A /L M V 431B 8Typical PerformanceCharacteristicsReference Voltage vs.Junction TemperatureReference Input Current vs.Junction Temperature1009585010095862Cathode Current vs.Cathode Voltage 1Cathode Current vs.Cathode Voltage 21009585110095852Off-State Cathode Current vs.Junction Temperature Delta Reference Voltage PerDelta Cathode Voltage vs.Junction Temperature1009586310095861LMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B9Typical PerformanceCharacteristics(Continued)Input Voltage Noise vs.Frequency1009585310095845Test Circuit for Input Voltage Noise vs.FrequencyLow Frequency Peak to Peak Noise1009585410095864Test Circuit for Peak to Peak Noise (BW=0.1Hz to 10Hz)Small Signal Voltage Gain and Phase Shift vs.Frequency1009585510095846Test Circuit For Voltage Gain and Phase Shift vs.FrequencyL M V 431/L M V 431A /L M V 431B 10Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Reference Impedance vs.Frequency1009585610095847Test Circuit for Reference Impedance vs.FrequencyPulse Response 11009585710095848Test Circuit for Pulse Response 1Pulse Response 21009585810095849Test Circuit for Pulse Response 2LMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B11Typical PerformanceCharacteristics(Continued)LMV431Stability Boundary Condition1009586810095869Test circuit for V Z =V REF 10095870Test Circuit for V Z =2V,3VPercentage Change in V REF vs.Operating Life at 55˚C10095866Extrapolated from life-test data taken at 125˚C;the activation energy assumed is 0.7eV.L M V 431/L M V 431A /L M V 431B 12Typical ApplicationsSeries Regulator Output Control of a Three Terminal Fixed Regulator1009581610095817Higher Current Shunt Regulator Crow Bar1009581810095819 Over Voltage/Under VoltageProtection Circuit Voltage Monitor1009582010095821LMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B13Typical Applications(Continued)Delay Timer Current Limiter or Current Source1009582210095823Constant Current Sink10095824LMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B14Physical Dimensionsinches(millimeters)unless otherwise notedSOT23-5Molded Small Outline Transistor Package (M5)NS Package Number MF05ASOT23-3Molded Small Outline Transistor Package (M3)NS Package Number MF03ALMV431/LMV431A/LMV431B15Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)TO-92Plastic Package NS Package Number Z03ALIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES ORSYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.National Semiconductor Americas Customer Support Tel:1-800-272-9959National SemiconductorEurope Customer Support CenterFax:+49(0) Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Support SemiconductorJapan Customer Support Center Tel:81-3-5639-7560L M V 431/L M V 431A /L M V 431B L o w -V o l t a g e (1.24V )A d j u s t a b l e P r e c i s i o n S h u n t R e g u l a t o r sNational does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.。

























红⽶note10对⽐红⽶note10pro哪款值得买?在红⽶的发布会上,红⽶note10与红⽶note10pro正式发布了,很多⼩伙伴在纠结这两款同样拥有着超⾼性价⽐的⼿机,哪个更值得购⼊呢?⼩编为⼤家带来了这两款的对⽐,⼀起看看吧!红⽶note10和红⽶note10pro区别:外观⽅⾯:背⾯两款⼿机都采⽤了家族式的设计,但在⼯艺上,Note10 Pro采⽤的⽴体光栅⼯艺,塑造出了独特的3D⽴体纹理,使得该机更具线条美感。

⽽Redmi Note10没有特殊⼯艺加持,因此背⾯表现普普通通,不像Note10 Pro那样,有旗舰机的味道,特别像⼩⽶11雷军签名版的外观。


Redmi Note10 Pro的屏幕显然更强,6.6英⼨显⽰屏⽀持120Hz六档变速⾼刷新率,⽽且还⾸次在这个价位段加⼊了DCI-P3⾊域显⽰,使得屏幕素质得到了明显提升。

Redmi Note10的屏幕虽然也不错,拥有90Hz四档变速刷新率,也拥有1080P⾼清分辨率,但没有DCI-P3⾊域,所以想要更出⾊的屏幕感受,可以考虑Pro机型。

另外,虽然两款⼿机都是居中挖孔,但Redmi Note10 Pro的孔径要明显更⼩⼀些,这也是可以理解的,毕竟Note10的价格更便宜,成本限制了最终的形态吧!影像⽅⾯:Redmi Note10 Pro后置为6400万像素⾼清主摄,还有800万像素超⼴⾓和200万像素微距镜头。


续航和快充⽅⾯:两款⼿机都配备了5000mAh⼤电池,可以很好地保证⼿机的续航能⼒,不过Redmi Note10 Pro⽀持旗舰级别的67W快充,Note10依然是18W快充。

核⼼配置⽅⾯:Redmi Note10 Pro配备了天玑1100芯⽚,还有UFS 3.1和WiFi6,并加⼊了VC液冷散热、X轴线性马达、NFC 3.0以及新⼀代蓝⽛5.2协议,连接快且稳定。

三星Galaxy Note10+手机快速参考指南说明书

三星Galaxy Note10+手机快速参考指南说明书

Quick ReferenceGuideGH68-50894APrinted in KoreaAbout your phoneUSB/Audio portCamerasFlash+-VolumeImages shown are of the Galaxy Note10+ and are for reference only.Set up your phoneYour SIM card may be pre-installed.Note: Use only Samsung-approvedcharging devices and accessories.Samsung accessories are designedfor your device to maximize batterylife. Using other accessories mayvoid your warranty and may causedamage.Before turning on your phone,charge it fully.Charge your deviceGet help transferring contacts,photos and other content fromyour old phone at/smartswitchBackup and restoreSIM/microSD™ trayUse the tool to open the SIM/microSDcard tray.Place the SIM card and if applicable theoptional microSD card into the tray withthe gold contacts facing down.CameraS PenSamsung CareSamsung Premium CarePick the time and place and a teammember will meet you to set up,troubleshoot, repair, or replace yourproduct. Enroll at /us/support/premium-careLearn more• Use Tips and help to access the usermanual on how to use your phone. Toopen, from Settings tap Tips andhelp .Get to know your product:• Access solutions, videos, tips, andmore at /us/support• Find support that’s convenient on yourdevice with the Samsung Membersapp. Download and install it fromGoogle Play™ store.Contact us:• Ask questions and share solutionswith other Samsung customers at• Get support at /us/support/contact or call us at1.800.SAMSUNG• Find a service location near you at/us/support/service/locationsSide key(Power/Bixby)• Power on:Long press• Short press:Lock screen• Long press:Bixby Voice• Double press:Launch camera• Power off:Long press withVolume down©2019 Samsung Electronics America, Inc. Samsung and Galaxy Note are both t rademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Screen images simulated. Appearance of phone may vary.1Wireless v oice, d ata a nd m essaging s ervices c ompatible with most major U.S. GSM and CDMA networks. Visit for more information on your device. Support for certain features and services such as VoWiFi and hotspot, vary by wireless service provider. See provider for compatibility details.Press and hold the S Pen button to open an app remotely.A single press, double press, or agesture can capture a photo, navigate, scroll and more.To enable S Pen Air actions, remove the S Pen and tap Settings > Air actions .S Pen buttonPush the S Pen inward and, then pull it out.When you remove the S Pen,Air command launches.Unleash the S PenGet creative with the S PenThere's no limit to the S PenWrite and draw directly into emails or the calendar, as well as Word, ExcelPowerPoint ®, and PDF documents.Air CommandAir Command gives you access to signature S Pen features.Create note : Create customized notes.View all notes : View all notes created.Smart select : Outline and crop anything on the screen and freely edit or share.Screen write : Capture a screen image and write or draw on it.Live message : Create live messages and GIFs.Translate: Hover the S Pen over a word to view its definition and pronunciation.PENUP : Use the S Pen to draw, color, edit, and share live drawings .Add shortcuts : Select an app or function to add to the Air Command menu.View photos Capture Take photoCamera modesGallerySwipe left or right to select a mode Toggle cameraSwitch between the back and front camerasStandard (leaf), Wide (tree), and Ultra wide (forest)Scene optimizerGet more of the scene, by tapping the leaf, tree or forest iconRecognize subjects in photos and automatically enhance the quality。

黑胶唱盘也要好电源 评GOLD NOTE PST-10 黑胶唱盘专用外置电源

黑胶唱盘也要好电源 评GOLD NOTE PST-10 黑胶唱盘专用外置电源

Vital Phcin □黑胶乐缘黑胶唱盘也要好电源评 GOLD NOTE PST-10黑胶唱盘专用外置电源文/剑萍产品代理:昌业音响大家都知道纯净而充沛的电源是音响系统好声的基 础,所以各种滤波器、再生电源都很常见。

对于单件器材 而言,通常是配上考究的分体式外置电源,不少H i-E n d 级 的放大器、转盘、解码器都会见到这样的配置。

意大利G O LD N O T E —向致力于提供独立的外置电源给旗下器材升级,例如适用于P -1000前置放大器、C D -1000M K II 激光唱 机、D S -1000数字播放器、P H -1000唱头放大器的P S U - 1250/P S U -1000外置电源(曾在1月刊评测过),适用于P H -10唱头放大器的P S U -10外置电源,适用于D S -10—体机的P S U -10 E V O 外置电源等。

这些外置电源我都使用过,它们的效果都是非常明显的,简单概括就是—“纯净背景、提升动态、增强力度",可令器材表现起码改善 40%以上i 这次G O LD N O T E 最新推出供旗下黑胶唱盘升级之用的P S T -10外置电源,唱盘也可以玩外置电源?记得以 前曾有几个品牌会用,但不多见,因此我自然很感兴趣。

P S T -10的整体思路和P S U -10是一样的,也采用了 G O LD N O T E 标志性的“双扼流圈”设计,就是一只扼流圈用于模拟部分,另一只扼流圈用于驱动正、负电源,以消 除电源中的干扰和噪声。

P S T -10内部共有4只变压器,其 中3只用于电源供应部分,1只用于滤波。

P S T -10有4组稳56压,电压波动不超过0.05%,线路/共模噪声抑制比>80d B。

P ST-10共有18V/26V/34V三组电压输出,适用于G O L D N O T E旗下的M E D IT E R R A N E O、G IG L IO、P IA N O S A、V A L O R E 425黑胶唱盘。



人教版初中英语听课笔记范文10篇Lesson Note 1: Unit 1 Lesson 1 - GreetingsIn this lesson students will learn basic greetings in English such as "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", and "Good evening". The teacher will start the class by greeting the students and having them respond with the appropriate greeting. Students will then practice greeting each other in pairs. The teacher will model different scenarios such as meeting a friend, meeting a teacher, and meeting a stranger, and have students role play these situations. To wrap up the lesson, the teacher will have a few students come to the front of the class and greet the rest of the class. This will allow the teacher to assess the students' understanding and provide feedback. Overall, this lesson focuses on familiarizing students with common English greetings and providing them opportunities to practice using them in simple conversational situations.Lesson Note 2: Unit 1 Lesson 2 - Introducing YourselfIn this lesson students will learn how to introduce themselves in English. The teacher will begin by modeling a self-introduction, including name, age, where they are from, and one interesting factabout themselves. Students will then practice introducing themselves to the class. The teacher will provide a sentence frame to guide the students "Hello my name is ___ I am ___ years old I am from ___ and I like ___." After the individual introductions, the teacher will have students introduce their classmates to the rest of the class. This will allow students to practice both introducing themselves and others. To wrap up, the teacher may have a small group activity where students have to interview each other and then introduce their partner to the class. This lesson focuses on giving students confidence in presenting personal information about themselves in English.Lesson Note 3: Unit 2 Lesson 1 - Talking about FamilyIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to family members and practice describing their own families. The teacher will begin by presenting flashcards with different family member vocabulary words and having students repeat after them. The teacher will then model describing their own family, including the names and ages of family members. Students will then work in pairs to interview each other about their families and prepare to introduce their partner's family to the class. As a wrap up activity, the teacher will call on random students to come to the front and introduce their partner's family to the class. This lesson aims to build students' confidence in using family-related vocabulary and describing their personal family situations in English.Lesson Note 4: Unit 2 Lesson 2 - Talking about PetsIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to common pets and practice describing the pets they have at home. The teacher will begin by showing images of different pets and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing their own pet, including the pet's name, type, color, and a few personality traits. Students will then work in small groups to discuss the pets they have at home and prepare to introduce one of their group member's pets to the class. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random groups to come to the front and introduce one of their group member's pets to the class. This lesson focuses on expanding students' pet-related vocabulary and giving them opportunities to practice describing the pets in their lives.Lesson Note 5: Unit 3 Lesson 1 - Talking about Daily RoutinesIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to daily routines and practice describing their own daily schedules. The teacher will begin by presenting a list of common daily activities and having students repeat them. The teacher will then model describing their own daily routine using sequencing words like "first", "then", "after that", and "finally". Students will then work individually to write out their own daily schedules and prepare to present them to the class. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random students to come to the front and describe their daily routines to the class. This lessonaims to build students' ability to talk about their daily lives and use sequencing language in English.Lesson Note 6: Unit 3 Lesson 2 - Telling TimeIn this lesson students will learn how to tell time in English. The teacher will begin by presenting analog and digital clock images and having students practice saying the time shown. The teacher will then model phrases for asking and telling the time, such as "What time is it?" and "It's 3:15." Students will then work in pairs to practice asking and telling the time. As a wrap up, the teacher may have a classroom clock that they use to call out different times and have students write down the time in their notebooks. This lesson focuses on giving students the language skills to communicate about the time in English.Lesson Note 7: Unit 4 Lesson 1 - Talking about HobbiesIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to common hobbies and practice describing their own interests. The teacher will begin by presenting images of different hobbies and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing their own hobbies, including why they enjoy those activities. Students will then work individually to write about their top 3 hobbies. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random students to share one of their hobbies with the class. This lesson aims to build students' confidence in using hobby-related vocabulary and discussing their personalinterests in English.Lesson Note 8: Unit 4 Lesson 2 - Talking about Likes and DislikesIn this lesson students will learn how to express likes and dislikes in English. The teacher will begin by presenting a list of common likes and dislikes, such as "I like playing basketball" and "I don't like spicy food", and having students repeat after them. The teacher will then model having a conversation about likes and dislikes with a volunteer student. Students will then work in pairs to interview each other about their likes and dislikes. As a wrap up, the teacher may have students share one thing they like and one thing they dislike with the class. This lesson focuses on giving students the language skills to communicate their personal preferences in English.Lesson Note 9: Unit 5 Lesson 1 - Talking about the WeatherIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to weather and practice describing the current weather conditions. The teacher will begin by presenting images of different weather phenomena and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing the weather, using phrases like "It's sunny", "It's raining", and "It's cold outside." Students will then work in small groups to discuss the current weather and prepare to present a weather report to the class. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random groups to come to the front and deliver a short weather report to the class. This lesson aims to build students' ability to discuss weather-relatedtopics in English.Lesson Note 10: Unit 5 Lesson 2 - Talking about SeasonsIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to the four seasons and practice describing the characteristics of each season. The teacher will begin by presenting images of the four seasons and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing the weather, activities, and clothing associated with each season. Students will then work individually to write a short paragraph describing their favorite season. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random students to share their paragraphs with the class. This lesson focuses on expanding students' seasonal vocabulary and giving them opportunities to describe seasonal changes in English.。



六年级英语文具用品单选题60题1. I have a new _____. It's blue.A. penB. pencilC. rulerD. eraser答案:A。



题干说“new”新的,“blue”蓝色的,通常笔有多种颜色,而尺子、橡皮颜色较单一,所以选 A 钢笔。

2. My sister likes to draw with a _____.A. crayonB. markerC. scissorsD. glue答案:A。




3. I need to write a letter. I'll use a _____.A. bookB. notebookC. paperD. envelope答案:D。




4. We cut the paper with a _____.A. penB. knifeC. sharpenerD. stapler答案:B。




5. Look at my desk. There is a _____ on it.A. bagB. boxC. pencil caseD. schoolbag答案:C。



(冀教版)五年级英语上册《Unit 2 Lesson 10》教学设计设计

(冀教版)五年级英语上册《Unit 2 Lesson 10》教学设计设计

(冀教版)五年级英语上册《Unit 2 Lesson 10》教学设计一、教学目标1.能够听、说、认读并正确拼写本课时的单词:book, notebook, ruler, pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener, schoolbag, pencil case, calculator2.能够熟练使用句型:What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…3.能够用英语描述自己的学习用品。

二、教学内容本课时主要涵盖词汇、发音、语法、听力、口语等方面的内容,包括: 1. 单词:book, notebook, ruler, pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener, schoolbag, pencil case, calculator。

2. 句型:What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an… 3. 描述学习用品。


2.熟练掌握句型“What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…”。


四、教学难点1.熟练运用句型“What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…”进行简单的对话交流。



2.示例教学法:教师可以拿起自己的书或其他学习用品,示范使用“What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an…”句型,让孩子们模仿练习。


六、教学过程Step 1: 自我介绍(5分钟) - 教师向学生介绍自己的学习用品,如:book, notebook, ruler, pencil, pen等。

日历表2027日历台历 中文版 横向排版 带周数 带节假日调休 周日开始 [012]

日历表2027日历台历 中文版 横向排版 带周数 带节假日调休 周日开始 [012]
廿四 7
初二 14
初九 21
小满 28
廿三 4
劳动节 8
初三 15
初十 22
十七 29
廿四 5
2027年 NOTE:
第23周 第24周 第25周 第26周 第27周 第28周
廿五 6
芒种 13
初九 20
父亲节 27
廿三 4
廿六 7
初三 14
初三 7
立冬 14
十七 21
廿四 28
十一月 5
万圣节 8
十一 15
十八 22
小雪 29
初二 6
初五 9
消防日 16
十九 23
廿六 30
初三 7
初六 10
十三 17
二十 24
廿七 1
初四 8
初七 11
十四 18
廿一 25
感恩节 2
初五 9
公祭日 20
廿三 27
三十 3
初三 7
大雪 14
十七 21
廿四 28
腊月 4
初四 8
十一 15
十八 22
冬至节 29
初二 5
初五 9
十二 16
十九 23




⼩⽶note怎么刷win10 win10⼩⽶note刷机包⽤法
上半年微软开发者⼤会宣布将联合⼩⽶推出搭载Win10 Mobile系统的⼿机,如今真的如愿以偿了。



7⽉30⽇,微软Windows Phone企划管理部企业副总裁Joe Belfiore(乔北峰),在微博上晒出了刷上Win10 ⼿机版的⼩⽶4⼿机,并暗⽰新版10240系统很快到来。




”随后有微博⽹友询问⼩⽶Note什么时候能刷?林斌则表⽰,“下⼀个⽀持的机型就会是⼩⽶ Note。

尽管Windows与安卓与iOS⼀起被并成为三⼤移动操作系统,但全球使⽤Windows Phone的⽤户还不到1%。

为改变Windows ⼿机市场占有率太低的尴尬局⾯,微软与⼩⽶联⼿推出搭载Win10⼿机版的⼩⽶⼿机被双⽅视作是重要的合作。










檔 號 Reference: GF/gk/89888
指明編號 2/2008 (修訂) (2008 年 7 月) Specification No. 2/2008 (Revision) (July 2008)
註: 在此樣本表格內填報的資 料全屬虛構,如有雷同, 實屬巧合。
AR1 表 格
公 司 編 號 Company Number
(註 Note 8)
1 公 司 名 稱 Company Name
公司編號及公司名稱必須與「公司 註冊證書」或最近期的「公司更改 名稱證書」所述的相同。
2 商 業 名 稱 Business Name
Hale Waihona Puke 註: 請提交整份表格(即第 1-8 頁),包 括載有不適用項目的資料頁,未使 用的續頁除外。
身 份 證 明 Identification
香港身份證號碼 Hong Kong Identity Card Number
(註 Note 17) (註 Note 17) (註 Note 18)
b 護照 Passport
簽 發 國 家 Issuing Country
號 碼 Number
港 元 1,000 港 元 1,000
第 二 頁 Page 2
AR1 表 格
公 司 編 號 Company Number
(註 Note 13) 10 有 股 本 公 司 的 成 員 詳 情 Details of Member(s) of a Company Having a Share Capital
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Latent Variable Model
Consider the regression function for Yit given Zi1 , Zi2 , Ai . We shall assume that Zis is relevant only for s = t: E (Yit |Zi1 , Zi2 , Ai ) = g (Zit , Ai ), so we have an exclusion restriction on Zis for s = t. This is usually called the strict exogeneity assumption. This may be a strong restriction in some situations where you would expect current outcome Y to depend on lagged outcomes or future outcomes. Ai should therefore be a catch-all term for all omitted variable effects. In addition, we shall impose the following functional form restriction: E (Yit |Zi1 , Zi2 , Ai ) = β0 + β1 Zit + Ai , 1
Harvard Economics Ec 1126
Tamer - November 17, 2015 Note 10 - Panel Data
Panel Data 1 Introduction: Omitted Variable Bias
Consider a random sample from a population of families with twins. The observation Wi on family i consists of (Yi1 , Yi2 , Zi1 , Zi2 ) for i = 1,...,n, where Yit is a measure of earnings for twin t and Zit is a measure of education for twin t (t = 1,2). There is an additional variable Ai , which corresponds to family background measures like family wealth and parents’ education. This variable is not observed (not in the data set). We assume that (Wi , Ai ) are independent across i, with the same joint distribution for all i (so the collection of variables in (Wi , Ai ) are jointly i.i.d.). We are interested in the regression function E (Yit |Zit , Ai ) The problem is that Ai is not observed. There is some structure on the latent variable Ai : the same latent variable appears in the regression function for both of the twins. The next section develops a latent variable model that adds additional restrictions that are sufficient to obtain consistent estimates of the regression function in (1) you should label the regression function above as (1) to be clear. Ashenfelter and Krueger [2] use data on twins to deal with omitted-variable bias.
Harvard Economics Ec 1126
Tamer - November 17, 2015 Note 10 - Panel Data
so that the variables enter in a simple linear fashion, with no interactions or higher order polynomial terms. Here, we could have the betas depend on t, but for simplicity, we assume that they are time homogenous (in this case, they are twin-homogenous, since t denotes twin). Also, the (latent variable) model above can be written as Yit = β0 + β1 Zit + Ai +
is a measure of rainfall and other weather conditions
in year t. Note that Ai is correlated with Xit through the derived demand for labor (the amount of labor needed on farm i naturally depends on the soil quality of farm i), and so a regression function for Yit that does not include Ai will not have the production function elasticity as the coefficient on Xit . This is the omitted variable bias motivation for the use of panel data. Another example is taken from Stock and Watson (2015) and illustrates the danger of omitted variable bias. Let yit be Traffic Fatality Rate (# of traffic deaths in that state in that year, per 10000 state residents), and xit is the beer tax in state i and year t and there are other variables. We could always regress Y on X for a given year. For example, For 1988, we get F atalityRate = 1.86 + .44BeerT ax where the standard error for BeerTax is (.13). So, here should we conclude that the predictive effect of higher taxes is more fatalities? Not necessarily since as Stock and Watson say “these
with E ( it |Zi1 , Zi2 , Ai ) = 0, which is a restatement of strict exogeneity, regardless of the functional form of the regression function. We shall refer to the regression function in the equation above as a structural regression function. Here “structural” just means that the coefficients in these equations are of direct interest. In particular, β2 is the partial (predictive) effect of education on earnings, holding constant Ai . This regression function does not have a sample counterpart, since Ai is not observed. The restrictions built into the equation above provide a structural model, which allows us to obtain the coefficients from linear predictors that do have sample counterparts. For example, suppose Yit is the log of output for farm i in year t, while Xit would be log of labor employed on firm i in year t, the variable Ai is a measure of soil quality and other location aspects that are not changing over time, and