Word clustering Smaller models Faster training.ppt
1. 收集和准备数据集:准备用于训练和测试的英文文本数据集。
2. 数据预处理:对收集到的英文文本数据进行预处理,包括去除停用词(如a, an, the等),标点符号,数字和特殊字符等。
3. 特征提取:将每个文本样本转化为特征向量表示,常用的方法有词袋模型(bag-of-words model)或者TF-IDF(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)。
4. 训练模型:使用训练数据集,利用朴素贝叶斯分类算法进行模型训练。
5. 预测和评估:使用训练好的模型对新的未知文本进行分类预测。
6. 模型调优:根据评估结果,根据需要调整模型的参数,如平滑参数(smoothing parameter)等,重新进行训练和评估。
7. 应用模型:根据经过调优的模型,可以对新的未知文本进行实时分类预测,例如对新闻文章进行分类,垃圾邮件过滤等。
Skip-gram 是一种用于训练词向量(Word Embeddings)的模型,属于自然语言处理(NLP)领域。
背景:在自然语言处理中,为了让计算机能够理解和处理文本,我们通常需要将单词转换为向量形式,这被称为词嵌入(Word Embedding)。
Skip-gram 模型:Skip-gram 模型的基本思想是从一个给定的单词中,尝试预测它周围的上下文单词。
具体来说,对于给定的一个中心单词,Skip-gram 模型试图通过训练学习到一个能够预测该中心单词周围上下文单词的条件概率分布。
简单示例:假设我们有以下句子:以及我们选择一个中心单词作为输入,比如选择 "sat"。
Skip-gram 模型的目标是预测 "sat" 周围的上下文单词,比如 "The", "cat", "on", "the", "mat"。
2.模型结构: Skip-gram 模型包含一个输入层和一个输出层。
输入层接收中心单词的独热编码(one-hot encoding),输出层产生上下文单词的条件概率分布。
结果:Skip-gram 模型通过这样的训练过程,得到的词向量使得具有相似语义的单词在向量空间中更加接近。
一、引言人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称AI)作为一门跨学科的研究领域,旨在开发智能机器,使其能够模拟人类的思维和行为。
二、现实应用1. 机器学习机器学习是AI的核心技术之一,通过让机器学习大量数据并从中提取规律,使其能够自动进行任务执行和决策。
2. 自然语言处理自然语言处理是让计算机理解和处理人类语言的技术,包括语音识别、语义分析、机器翻译等。
随着语音助手的普及,如苹果的Siri 和亚马逊的Alexa,自然语言处理技术得到了广泛应用,为人们提供了更加便捷的交互方式。
三、未来发展1. 强人工智能强人工智能是指具有与人类智能相媲美甚至超越人类智能的机器。
2. 人机融合人机融合是指人类与机器之间的深度合作和互补关系。
一、词向量的基本概念词向量(Word Vector)是指把单词映射到一个实数向量上的过程。
A. Sigmoid
C. Softmax
B. Hinge损失
1. ABD
2. ABD
3. ACD
4. ABC
5. AB
6. ABC
8. ABC
9. ABC
10. ABC
11. ABC
12. ABCD
13. ABC
14. ABC
15. ABCD
16. ABC
17. ABCD
18. ABC
19. ABC
20. ABC
2. ReLU
D. K近邻算法
B. Sigmoid激活函数
C. ReLU激活函数
D. Softmax激活函数
此外,还可以使用额外的特征工程方法来增强模型的表示能力,例如使用word embeddings(如Word2Vec、GloVe等)或使用预训练的词向量作为输入。
中英文语义向量模型Language is a fundamental aspect of human communication and cognition, allowing us to express our thoughts, ideas, and experiences. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need to understand and navigate different languages has become more crucial than ever. One area of language research that has gained significant attention in recent years is the study of semantic vector models, which aim to capture the meaning and relationships between words in a language.Semantic vector models are a class of computational models that represent words or phrases as high-dimensional vectors, where the relative positions of these vectors in the vector space reflect the semantic similarities and differences between the corresponding words or phrases. These models are based on the distributional hypothesis, which states that words with similar meanings tend to appear in similar contexts. By analyzing the patterns of word co-occurrence in large text corpora, semantic vector models can learn the underlying semantic relationships between words and represent them in a compact and efficient manner.One of the most well-known and widely used semantic vector models is the Word2Vec model, developed by researchers at Google in 2013. Word2Vec takes a large corpus of text as input and learns a vector representation for each word, such that words with similar meanings are positioned closer together in the vector space. This allows for the exploration of semantic relationships, such as analogies (e.g., "king" is to "queen" as "man" is to "woman") and clustering of semantically related words.While the Word2Vec model has been successfully applied to a wide range of natural language processing tasks, it was primarily developed and trained on English language data. As the world becomes more multilingual, there is a growing need to extend these semantic vector models to other languages, including Chinese, which is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.Developing semantic vector models for the Chinese language presents several unique challenges. Unlike English, which is an alphabetic language, Chinese is a logographic language, where each character represents a distinct word or concept. This means that the underlying semantic relationships in Chinese may be more complex and nuanced than in English, requiring different approaches to capture the linguistic nuances.One approach to developing semantic vector models for Chinese is to leverage the rich linguistic information inherent in Chinese characters. Each Chinese character can be decomposed into smaller components, known as radicals, which often carry semantic or phonetic information. By incorporating these character-level features into the vector representation, researchers have been able to improve the performance of Chinese semantic vector models on a variety of tasks, such as word similarity, analogy, and text classification.Another challenge in developing Chinese semantic vector models is the lack of large, high-quality text corpora that are readily available for training. Unlike English, which has a wealth of online resources and digital text, the availability of Chinese language data can be more limited, particularly for specialized domains or regional variations. To address this, researchers have explored techniques such as cross-lingual transfer learning, where pre-trained English models are adapted and fine-tuned to the Chinese language, leveraging the similarities and differences between the two languages.Despite these challenges, the development of Chinese semantic vector models has seen significant progress in recent years. Researchers have proposed various approaches, such as incorporating character-level information, leveraging multilingualcorpora, and exploring transfer learning techniques, to create more accurate and robust Chinese semantic vector models.One notable example is the Chinese Glove (C-GloVe) model, developed by researchers at Tsinghua University. C-GloVe builds upon the successful GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation) model, which was originally developed for English, and adapts it to the Chinese language. By incorporating character-level information and leveraging a large-scale Chinese text corpus, C-GloVe has been shown to outperform other Chinese semantic vector models on a range of language tasks, including word similarity, analogy, and text classification.Another example is the Tencent AI Lab Embedding (TenSENT) model, developed by researchers at Tencent, one of the largest technology companies in China. TenSENT is a multilingual semantic vector model that covers a wide range of languages, including Chinese, English, and several other languages. By leveraging a large multilingual corpus and advanced training techniques, TenSENT has demonstrated impressive performance on cross-lingual tasks, such as machine translation and cross-lingual information retrieval.The development of Chinese semantic vector models has not only contributed to the advancement of natural language processing for the Chinese language but has also had broader implications for thefield of computational linguistics. By exploring the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the Chinese language, researchers have gained valuable insights into the nature of language and the underlying principles of semantic representation.Furthermore, the availability of accurate and robust Chinese semantic vector models has opened up new possibilities for cross-cultural collaboration and understanding. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate across language barriers is crucial. Semantic vector models can serve as a bridge, allowing researchers, businesses, and individuals to better understand and navigate the linguistic and cultural differences between Chinese and other languages.In conclusion, the development of Chinese semantic vector models is an important and ongoing area of research that has significant implications for the field of natural language processing and beyond. By leveraging the unique characteristics of the Chinese language and exploring novel approaches to semantic representation, researchers have made significant strides in creating more accurate and robust models that can enhance our understanding and use of language in a globalized world.。
莱文斯坦 聚类算法-概述说明以及解释
莱文斯坦聚类算法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述莱文斯坦聚类算法是一种基于字符串相似度的聚类方法,通过计算字符串之间的莱文斯坦距离来确定它们的相似程度,进而将相似的字符串聚合在一起。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三个部分。
1.3 目的莱文斯坦聚类算法是一种基于编辑距离的聚类方法,旨在利用文本、字符串等数据之间的相似度来实现有效的聚类。
2.正文2.1 什么是莱文斯坦聚类算法:莱文斯坦聚类算法是一种基于字符串相似度的聚类算法。
自然语言处理中的文本聚类模型自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)是人工智能领域的一个重要分支,旨在使计算机能够理解和处理人类语言。
例如,Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)是一种常用的主题模型算法,它可以将文本聚类为具有相似主题分布的类别。
例如,基于卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)和循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network,RNN)的文本聚类模型,可以在不同层次上捕捉文本的局部和全局信息,从而提高聚类的准确性和效果。
其中最著名的一种是LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)模型。
1. 数据预处理:这是任何文本分析项目的第一步,包括清理(删除停用词、标点符号等)、标准化(例如,将文本转换为小写)和分词(将文本分解为单独的单词或n-grams)。
2. 特征提取:这一步涉及从文本数据中提取有用的特征。
3. 聚类算法:一旦有了特征向量,就可以使用各种聚类算法来对文本进行分组。
4. 评估和解释:最后,需要评估聚类的质量,并解释每个聚类的含义。
WordEmbedding理解⼀直以来感觉好多地⽅都吧Word Embedding和word2vec混起来⼀起说,所以导致对这俩的区别不是很清楚。
其实简单说来就是word embedding包含了word2vec,word2vec是word embedding的⼀种,将词⽤向量表⽰。
1.最简单的word embedding是把词进⾏基于词袋(BOW)的One-Hot表⽰。
把词汇表中的词排成⼀列,对于某个单词 A,如果它出现在上述词汇序列中的位置为 k,那么它的向量表⽰就是“第 k 位为1,其他位置都为0 ”的⼀个向量。
对于这两个问题,第⼀个问题的解决⽅式是ngram,但是计算量很⼤,第⼆个问题可以通过共现矩阵(Cocurrence matrix)解决,但还是⾯临维度灾难,所以还需降维。
cbow是给定上下⽂来预测中⼼词,skip-gram是通过中⼼词预测上下⽂,两者所⽤的神经⽹络都只需要⼀层hidden layer.他们的做法是:cbow:将⼀个词所在的上下⽂中的词作为输⼊,⽽那个词本⾝作为输出,也就是说,看到⼀个上下⽂,希望⼤概能猜出这个词和它的意思。
1. 预训练的通用词向量:这些词向量是在大规模语料上预训练得到的,可以用于各种自然语言处理任务。
2. 微调的词向量:在一些特定任务中,由于语境的不同或者词语含义的变化,通用的预训练词向量可能无法完全满足需求。
1. 特征选择:由于文本特征通常来自于单词、词组、文档等单元,可能存在大量冗余或无用的特征,影响分类效果。
2. 特征转换:对于分类特征稀疏的文本,可以采取词袋模型或TF-IDF模型进行特征表示。
3. 特征嵌入:特征嵌入是将原始文本特征映射到低维稠密向量空间中的方法。
4. 处理长文本:长文本往往包含大量的冗余信息,影响分类效果。
自然语言处理中的文本聚类方法评估指标自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,简称NLP)是人工智能领域中一项重要的技术,它致力于使计算机能够理解和处理人类语言。
常用的聚类准确性指标包括调整兰德指数(Adjusted Rand Index,简称ARI)、互信息(Mutual Information,简称MI)和Fowlkes-Mallows 指数(Fowlkes-Mallows Index,简称FMI)等。
Fowlkes-Mallows 指数是一种结合了精确度和召回率的指标,它考虑了聚类结果中的真阳性、假阳性和假阴性等因素。
常用的聚类稳定性指标包括Jaccard系数(Jaccard Coefficient)和兰德指数(Rand Index)等。
随着大数据和机器学习技术的不断发展,马尔科夫随机场(Markov Random Fields, MRF)作为一种强大的概率图模型,也逐渐成为文本分类任务中的一种重要工具。
Algorithms for bigram and trigram word clustering
Speech Communication24199819–37Algorithms for bigram and trigram word clustering1¨Sven Martin),Jorg Liermann,Hermann Ney2¨Lehrstuhl fur Informatik VI,RWTH Aachen,UniÕersity of Technology,Ahornstraße55,,D-52056Aachen,GermanyReceived5June1996;revised15January1997;accepted23September1997AbstractIn this paper,we describe an efficient method for obtaining word classes for class language models.The method employs an exchange algorithm using the criterion of perplexity improvement.The novel contributions of this paper are the extension of the class bigram perplexity criterion to the class trigram perplexity criterion,the description of an efficient implementation for speeding up the clustering process,the detailed computational complexity analysis of the clustering algorithm,and, finally,experimental results on large text corpora of about1,4,39and241million words including examples of word classes,test corpus perplexities in comparison to word language models,and speech recognition results.q1998Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.Zusammenfassung¨In diesem Bericht beschreiben wir eine effiziente Methode zur Erzeugung von Wortklassen fur klassenbasierte Sprachmodelle.Die Methode beruht auf einem Austauschalgorithmus unter Verwendung des Kriteriums der Perplexi-¨¨tatsverbesserung.Die neuen Beitrage dieser Arbeit sind die Erweiterung des Kriteriums der Klassenbigramm-Perplexitat zum¨Kriterium der Klassentrigramm-Perplexitat,die Beschreibung einer effizienten Implementierung zur Beschleunigung des¨Klassenbildungsprozesses,die detaillierte Komplexitatsanalyse dieser Implementierung,und schließlich experimentelle¨¨¨Ergebnisse auf großen Textkorpora mit ungefahr1,4,39und241Millionen Wortern,einschließlich Beispielen fur erzeugte¨Wortklassen,Test Korpus Perplexitaten im Vergleich zu wortbasierten Sprachmodellen und Erkennungsergebnissen auf Sprachdaten.q1998Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.´´Resume´´` Dans cet article,nous decrivons une methode efficace d’obtention des classes de mots pour des modeles de langage.´´`´´Cette methode emploie un algorithme d’echange qui utilise le critere d’amelioration de la perplexite.Les contributions ´`´nouvelles apportees par ce travail concernent l’extension aux trigrammes du critere de perplexite de bigrammes de classes,la ´´´´´´description d’une implementation efficace pour accelerer le processus de regroupement,l’analyse detaillee de la complexite´´calculatoire,et,finalement,des resultats experimentaux sur de grands corpus de textes de1,4,39et241millions de mots,)Corresponding author.Email:martin@informatik.rwth-aachen.de.1This paper is based on a communication presented at the ESCA Conference EUROSPEECH’95and has been recommended by the EUROSPEECH’95Scientific Committee.2Email:ney@informatik.rwth-aachen.de.0167-6393r98r$19.00q1998Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.Ž.PII S0167-63939700062-9()S.Martin et al.r Speech Communication 24199819–3720incluant des exemples de classes de mots produites,de perplexites de corpus de test comparees aux modeles de langage de ´´`mots,et des resultats de reconnaissance de parole.q 1998Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.´Keywords:Stochastic language modeling;Statistical clustering;Word equivalence classes;Wall Street Journal corpus1.IntroductionThe need for a stochastic language model in speech recognition arises from Bayes’decision rule Ž.for minimum error rate Bahl et al.,1983.The word sequence w ...w to be recognized from the se-1N quence of acoustic observations x ...x is deter-1T mined as that word sequence w ...w for which the 1N Ž<.posterior probability Pr w ...w x ...x attains 1N 1T its maximum.This rule can be rewritten in the form <arg max Pr w ...w P Pr x ...x w ...w ,4Ž.Ž1N 1T 1N w ...w 1NŽ<.where Pr x ...x w ...w is the conditional 1T 1N probability of,given the word sequence w ...w ,1N observing the sequence of acoustic measurements Ž.x ...x and where Pr w ...w is the prior proba-1T 1N bility of producing the word sequence w ...w .1N The task of the stochastic language model is to provide estimates of these prior probabilities Ž.Pr w ...w .Using the definition of conditional 1N probabilities,we obtain the decomposition:N<Pr w ...w sPr w w ...w .Ž.Ž.Ł1N n 1n y 1n s 1For large vocabulary speech recognition,these conditional probabilities are typically used in the Ž.following way Bahl et al.,1983.The dependence of the conditional probability of observing a word w n at a position n is assumed to be restricted to its Ž.immediate m y 1predecessor words w q n y m 1...w .The resulting model is that of a Markov n y 1chain and is referred to as m -gram model.For m s 2and m s 3,we obtain the widely used bigram and trigram models,respectively.These bigram and tri-gram models are estimated from a text corpus during a training phase.But even for these restricted mod-els,most of the possible events,i.e.,word pairs and word triples,are never seen in training because there are so many of them.Therefore in order to allow for events not seen in training,the probability distribu-tions obtained in these m -gram approaches are smoothed with more general ually,Ž.these are also m -grams with a smaller value for m or a more sophisticated approach like a singleton Ždistribution Jelinek,1991;Ney et al.,1994;Ney et .al.,1997.In this paper,we try a different approach for smoothing by using word equivalence classes,or word classes for short.Here,each word belongs to exactly one word class.If a certain word m -gram did not appear in the training corpus,it is still possible that the m -gram of the word classes corresponding to these words did occur and thus a word class based m -gram language model,or class m -gram model for short,can be estimated.More general,as the number of word classes is smaller than the number of words,the number of model parameters is reduced so that each parameter can be estimated more reliably.On the other hand,reducing the number of model pa-rameters makes the model coarser and thus the pre-diction of the next word less precise.So there has to be a tradeoff between these two extremes.Typically,word classes are based on syntactic semantic concepts and are defined by linguistic ex-perts.In this case,they are called parts of speech Ž.POS .Generalizing the concept of word similarities,we can also define word classes by using a statistical criterion,which in most cases,but not necessarily,is maximum likelihood or,equivalently,perplexity ŽJelinek,1991;Brown et al.,1992;Kneser and Ney,.1993;Ney et al.,1994.With the latter two ap-proaches,word classes are defined using a clustering algorithm based on minimizing the perplexity of a class bigram language model on the training corpus,which we will call bigram clustering for short.The contributions of this paper are:Øthe extension of the clustering algorithm from the bigram criterion to the trigram criterion;Øthe detailed analysis of the computational com-plexity of both bigram and trigram clustering algorithms;Øthe design and discussion of an efficient imple-mentation of both clustering algorithms;Øsystematic tests using the 39-million word Wall Street Journal corpus concerning perplexity and()S.Martin et al.r Speech Communication24199819–3721Table1List of symbolsW vocabulary sizeu,Õ,w,x words in a running text;usually w is the word under discussion,r its successor,y its predecessor and u the predecessor toÕw word in text corpus position nnŽ.S w set of successor words to word w in the training corpusŽ.P w set of predecessor words to word w in the training corpusŽ.Ž.SÕ,w set of successor words to bigramÕ,w in the training corpusŽ.Ž.PÕ,w set of predecessor words to bigramÕ,w in the training corpusG number of word classesG:w™g class mapping functionwg,k word classesŽ.N training corpus sizeB number of distinct word bigrams in the training corpusT number of distinct word trigrams in the training corpusŽ.N P number of occurrences in the training corpus of the event in parenthesesŽ.F G log-likelihood for a class bigram modelbiŽ.F G log-likelihood for a class trigram modeltriPP perplexityI number of iterations of the clustering algorithmŽ.Ž.G P,wÝ1i.e.,number of seen predecessor word classes to word wg:NŽg,w.)0Ž.Ž.G w,PÝ1i.e.,number of seen successor word classes to word wg:NŽw,g.)0y1Ž.Ž.W PÝG P,w i.e.,average number of seen predecessor word classesP w wy1Ž.Ž.W PÝG w,P i.e.,average number of seen successor word classesw P wŽ.Ž.G P,P,wÝ1i.e.,number of seen word class bigrams preceding word wg,g:NŽg,g,w.)01212Ž.Ž.G P,w,PÝ1i.e.,number of seen word class pairs embracing word wg,g:NŽg,w,g.)01212Ž.Ž.G w,P,PÝ1i.e.,number of seen word class bigrams succeeding word wg,g:NŽw,g,g.)01212b absolute discounting value for smoothingŽ.N g number of distinct words appearing r times in word class grŽ.G g,P number of distinct word classes seen r times right after word class grÕÕŽ.G P,g number of distinct word classes seen r times right beforeword class gr w wŽ.G P,P number of distinct word class bigrams seen r timesrŽ.b g generalized distribution for smoothingwclustering times for various numbers of word classes and initialization methods;Øspeech recognition results using the North Ameri-can Business corpus.The original exchange algorithm presented in thisŽ. paper was published in Kneser and Ney,1993with good results on the LOB corpus.There is a differentŽ. approach described in Brown et al.,1992employ-ing a bottom-up algorithm.There are also ap-Žproaches based on simulated annealing Jardino and .Adda,1994.Word classes can also be derived fromŽan automated semantic analysis Bellegarda et al., .Ž1996,or by morphological features Lafferty and.Mercer,1993.The organization of this paper is as follows: Section2gives a definition of class models,explains the outline of the clustering algorithm and the exten-sion to a trigram based statistical clustering criterion.Section3presents an efficient implementation of the clustering algorithm.Section4analyses the computa-tional complexity of this efficient implementation. Section5reports on text corpus experiments con-cerning the performance of the clustering algorithm in terms of CPU time,resulting word classes and training and test perplexities.Section6shows the results for the speech recognition experiments.Sec-tion7discusses the results and their usefulness to language models.In this paper,we introduce a large number of symbols and quantities;they are summa-rized in Table1.2.Class models and clustering algorithmIn this section,we will present our class bigram and trigram models and we will derive their log()S.Martin et al.r Speech Communication 24199819–3722likelihood function,which serves as our statistical criterion for obtaining word classes.With our ap-proach,word classes result from a clustering algo-rithm,which exchanges a word between a fixed number of word classes and assigns it to the word class where it optimizes the log likelihood.We will discuss alternative strategies for finding word classes.We will also describe smoothing methods for the class models trained,which are necessary to avoid zero probabilities on test corpora.2.1.Class bigram modelsWe partition the vocabulary of size W into a fixed number G of word classes.The partition is repre-sented by the so-calledclass or category mapping function G :w ™g Ž.w mapping each word w of the vocabulary to its word class g .Assigning a word to only one word class is w a possible drawback which is justified by the sim-plicity and efficiency of the clustering process.For the rest of this paper,we will use the letters g and k Ž.for arbitrary word classes.For a word bigram Õ,w Ž.we use g ,g to denote the corresponding class Õw bigram.For class models,we have two types of probabil-ity distributions:Ž<.Øa transition probability function p g g which 1w Õrepresents the first-order Markov chain probabil-ity for predicting the word class g from its w predecessor word class g ;ÕŽ<.Øa membership probability function p w g esti-0mating the word w from word class g .Since a word belongs to exactly one word class,we have )0if g s g ,w <p w g Ž.0½s 0if g /g .w Therefore,we can use the somewhat sloppy notation Ž<.p w g .0w For a class bigram model,we have then:<<<p w Õs p w g P p q g .1Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.0w 1w ÕNote that this model is a proper probability function,and that we make an independency assumption be-tween the prediction of a word from its word class and the prediction of a word class from its predeces-sor word classes.Such a model leads to a drastic Žreduction in the number of free parameters:G P G y .Ž<.Ž.1probabilities for the table p g g ,W y G 1w ÕŽ<.probabilities for the table p w g ,and W indices 0w for the mapping G :w y g .w For maximum likelihood estimation,we construct Ž.the log likelihood function using Eq.1:N<F G slog Pr w w ...w Ž.Ž.Ýbi n 1n y 1n s f<s N Õ,w P log p w ÕŽ.Ž.ÝÕ,w<s N w P log p w g Ž.Ž.Ý0w w<qN g ,g P log p g g 2Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÕw 1w Õg ,g ÕwŽ.with N P being the number of occurrences of the event given in the parentheses in the training data.To construct a class bigram model,we first hypothe-size a mapping function G .Then,for this hypothe-sized mapping function G ,the probabilities Ž<.Ž<.Ž.p w g and p g g in Eq.2can be estimated 0w 1w Õby adding the Lagrange multipliers for the normal-ization constraints and taking the derivatives.This Ž.results in relative frequencies Ney et al.,1994:N w Ž.<p w g s ,3Ž.Ž.0w N g Ž.w N g ,g Ž.Õw <p g g s.4Ž.Ž.1w ÕN g Ž.ÕŽ.Ž.Using the estimates given by Eqs.3and 4,we Ž.can now express the log likelihood function F G bi for a mapping G in terms of the counts:<F G s N Õ,w P log p w ÕŽ.Ž.Ž.Ýbi Õ,wN w Ž.s N w P logŽ.ÝN g Ž.w wN g ,g Ž.Õw q N g ,g P logŽ.ÝÕw N g Ž.Õg ,g ÕwsN g ,g P log N g ,g Ž.Ž.ÝÕw Õw g ,g Õwy 2P N g P log N g Ž.Ž.Ýgq N w P log N w 5Ž.Ž.Ž.Ýw()S.Martin et al.r Speech Communication 24199819–3723s N w log N w Ž.Ž.ÝwN g ,g Ž.Õw qN g ,g log .6Ž.Ž.ÝÕw N g N g Ž.Ž.Õw g ,gÕwŽ.Ž.In Brown et al.,1992the second sum of Eq.6isinterpreted as the mutual information between the word classes g and g .Note,however,that the Õw derivation given here is based on the maximum likelihood criterion only.2.2.Class trigram modelsConstructing the log likelihood function for the class trigram model<<<p w u ,Õs p w g P p g g ,g 7Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.0w 2w u Õresults in<F G s N w P log p w g Ž.Ž.Ž.Ýtri 0w wqN g ,g ,g Ž.Ýu Õw g ,g ,g u Õw<P log p g g ,g .8Ž.Ž.2w u ÕŽ.Taking the derivatives of Eq.8for maximum likelihood parameter estimation also results in rela-tive frequencies N g ,g ,g Ž.u Õw <p g g ,g s9Ž.Ž.2w u ÕN g ,g Ž.u ÕŽ.Ž.Ž.and,using Eqs.3,7–9:<F G sN u ,Õ,w P log p w u ,ÕŽ.Ž.Ž.Ýtri u ,Õ,wN w Ž.s N w P logŽ.ÝN g Ž.w wN g ,g ,g Ž.u Õw q N g ,g ,g P logŽ.Ýu Õw N g ,g Ž.u Õg ,g ,g u ÕwsN g ,g ,g P log N g ,g ,g Ž.Ž.Ýu Õw u Õw g ,g ,g u ÕwyN g ,g P log N g ,g Ž.Ž.Ýu Õu Õg ,g u Õy N g P log N g q N w P log N w Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÝw w g wws N w log N w Ž.Ž.ÝwN g ,g ,g Ž.u Õw qN g ,g ,g log.Ž.Ýu Õw N g ,g N g Ž.Ž.u Õw g ,g ,g u Õw10Ž.2.3.Exchange algorithmTo find the unknown mapping G :w y g ,we w will show now how to apply a clustering algorithm.The goal of this algorithm is to find a class mapping function G such that the perplexity of the class model is minimized over the training corpus.We use an exchange algorithm similar to the exchange algo-Žrithms used in conventional clustering ISODATA Ž..Duda and Hart,1973,pp.227–228,where an observation vector is exchanged from one cluster to another cluster in order to improve the criterion.In the case of language modeling,the optimization Ž.criterion is the log-likelihood,i.e.,Eq.5for the Ž.class bigram model and Eq.10for the class trigram model.The algorithm employs a technique of local optimization by looping through each element of the set,moving it tentatively to each of the G word classes and assigning it to that word class resulting in the lowest perplexity.The whole procedure is repeated until a stopping criterion is met.The outline of our algorithm is depicted in Fig.1.We will use the term to remo Õe for taking a word out of the word class to which it has been assigned in the previous iteration,the term to mo Õe for insert-ing a word into a word class,and the term to exchange for a combination of a removal followed by a move.For initialization,we use the following method:Ž.we consider the most frequent G y 1words,and each of these words defines its own word class.The remaining words are assigned to an additional word class.As a side effect,all the words with a zero Ž.unigram count N w are assigned to this word class and remain there,because exchanging them has no effect on the training corpus perplexity.The stopping criterion is a prespecified number of iterations.In addition,the algorithm stops if no words are ex-changed any more.()S.Martin et al.r Speech Communication 24199819–3724Fig.1.Outline of the exchange algorithm for word clustering.Thus,in this method,we exploit the training corpus in two ways:1.in order to find the optimal partitioning;2.in order to evaluate the perplexity.An alternative approach would be to use two different data sets for these two tasks,or to simulate unseen events using leaving-one-out.That would result in an upper bound and possibly in more robust word classes,but at the cost of higher mathematical Ž.and computational expenses.Kneser and Ney,1993employs leaving one out for clustering.However,the improvement was not very significant,and so we will use the simpler original method here.An effi-cient implementation of this clustering algorithm will be presented in Section 3.parison with alternati Õe optimization strate -giesIt is interesting to compare the exchange algo-rithm for word clustering with two other approaches described in the literature,namely simulated anneal -Ž.ing Jardino and Adda,1993and bottom-up cluster -Ž.ing Brown et al.,1992.In simulated annealing ,the baseline optimization strategy is similar to the strategy of the exchange algorithm.The important difference is according to the simulated annealing concept that we accept tem-porary degradations of the optimization criterion.The decision of whether to accept a degradation or not is made dependent on the so called cooling parameter.This approach is usually referred to as Metropolis algorithm.Another difference is that the words to be exchanged from one word class to another and the target word classes are selected by the so-called Monte Carlo ing the correct cooling parameter,simulated annealing converges to the global optimum.In our own experimental tests Ž.unpublished results ,we made the experience that there was only a marginal improvement in the per-plexity criterion at dramatically increased computa-Ž.tional costs.In Jardino,1996,simulated annealing is applied to a large training corpus from the Wall Street Journal,but no CPU times are given.In Ž.addition in Jardino and Adda,1994,the authors introduce a modification of the clustering model allowing several word classes for each word,at least in principle.This modification,however,is more related to the definition of the clustering model and not that much to the optimization strategy.In this paper,we do not consider such types of stochastic class mappings.The other optimization strategy,bottom-up clus -Ž.tering ,as presented in Brown et al.,1992,is also Ž.based on the perplexity criterion given by Eq.6.However,instead of the exchange algorithm,the authors use the well-known hierarchical bottom-up Žclustering algorithm as described in Duda and Hart,.1973,pp.230and 235.The typical iteration step here is to reduce the number of word classes by one.This is achieved by merging that pair of word classes for which the perplexity degradation is the smallest.This process is repeated until the desired number of word classes has been obtained.The iteration process is initialized by defining a separate word class for Ž.each word.In Brown et al.,1992,the authors describe special methods to keep the computational complexity of the algorithm as small as possible.Obviously,like the exchange algorithm,this bottom up clustering strategy achieves only a local optimum.Ž.As reported in Brown et al.,1992,the exchange algorithm can be used to improve the results ob-tained by bottom-up clustering.From this result and our own experimental results for the various initial-Žization methods of the exchange algorithm see Sec-.tion 5.4,we may conclude that there is no basic performance difference between bottom-up cluster-ing and exchange clustering.()S.Martin et al.r Speech Communication 24199819–37252.5.Smoothing methodsŽ.Ž.Ž.On the training corpus,Eqs.3,4and 9are well-defined.However,even though the parameter estimation for class models is more robust than for word models,some of the class bigrams or trigrams in a test corpus may have zero frequencies in the training corpus,resulting in zero probabilities.To avoid this,smoothing must be used on the test corpus.However,for the clustering process on the training corpus,the unsmoothed relative frequencies Ž.Ž.Ž.of Eqs.3,4and 9are still used.To smooth the transition probability,we use the method of absolute interpolation with a singleton Ž.generalized distribution Ney et al.,1995,1997:N g ,g y bŽ.Õw <p g g s max 0,Ž.1w Õž/N g Ž.Õbq G y G g ,P PP b g ,Ž.Ž.Ž.0Õw N g Ž.ÕG P ,P Ž.1b s,G P ,P q 2P G P ,P Ž.Ž.12G P ,g Ž.1w b g s,Ž.w G P ,P Ž.1with b standing for the history-independent discount-Ž.ing value,g g ,P for the number of word classes r ÕŽ.seen r times right after word class g ,g P ,g for Õr w the number of word classes seen r times right before Ž.word class g ,and g P ,P for the number of w r distinct word class bigrams seen r times in the Ž.training corpus.b g is the so-called singleton w Ž.generalized distribution Ney et al.,1995,1997.The same method is used for the class trigram model.To smooth the membership distribution,we use the method of absolute discounting with backing off Ž.Ney et al.,1995,1997:N w y b Ž.°g Õif N w )0,Ž.N g Ž.w ~<p w g sŽ.0w b 1g w N g PPif N w s 0,Ž.Ž.Ýr w ¢N g N g Ž.Ž.w 0w r )0N G Ž.1w b s,g w N g q 2P N g Ž.Ž.1w 2w N g [1,Ž.Ýr w XXŽ.w :g s g ,N w s rw w with b standing for the word class dependent g w Ž.discounting value and N g for the number of r w words appearing r times and belonging to word class g .The reason for a different smoothing w method for the membership distribution is that no singleton generalized distribution can be constructed from unigram counts.Without singletons,backing Ž.off works better than interpolation Ney et al.,1997.However,no smoothing is applied to word classes with no unseen words.With our clustering algo-rithm,there is only one word class containing unseen words.Therefore,the effect of the kind of smoothing used for the membership distribution is negligible.Thus,for the sake of consistency,absolute interpola-tion could be used to smooth both distributions.3.Efficient clustering implementationA straightforward implementation of our cluster-ing algorithm presented in Section 2.3is time con-suming and prohibitive even for a small number of word classes G .In this section,we will present our techniques to improve computational performance in order to obtain word classes for large numbers of word classes.A detailed complexity analysis of the resulting algorithm will be presented in Section 4.3.1.Bigram clusteringŽ.We will use the log-likelihood Eq.5as the criterion for bigram clustering,which is equivalent to the perplexity criterion.The exchange of a word between word classes is entirely described by alter-ing the affected counts of this formula.3.1.1.Efficient method for count generationŽ.All the counts of Eq.5are computed once,stored in tables and updated after a word exchange.As we will see later,we need additional counts N w ,g s N w ,x ,11Ž.Ž.Ž.Ýx :g s gx N g ,w sN Õ,w 12Ž.Ž.Ž.ÝÕ:g s gÕ()S.Martin et al.r Speech Communication 24199819–3726Fig.2.Efficient procedure for count generation.describing how often a word class g appears right after and right before,respectively,a word w .These counts are recounted anew for each word currently under consideration,because updating them,if nec-essary,would require the same effort as recounting,and would require more memory because of the large tables.Ž.Ž.For a fixed word w in Eqs.11and 12,we need to know the predecessor and the successor words,which are stored as lists for each word w ,and the corresponding bigram counts.However,we ob-serve that if word Õprecedes w ,then w succeeds Õ.Ž.Consequently,the bigram Õ,w is stored twice,once in the list of successors to Õ,and once in the list of predecessors to w ,thus resulting in high memory consumption.However,dropping one type of list would result in a high search effort.Therefore we keep both lists,but with bigram counts stored only in the list of ing four bytes for the counts and two bytes for the word indexes,we reduce the memory requirements by 1r 3at the cost of a minor Ž.search effort for obtaining the count N Õ,w from the list of successors to Õby binary search.The Ž.Ž.count generation procedure for Eqs.11and 12is depicted in Fig. perplexity recomputationŽ.We will examine how the counts in Eq.5must be updated in a word exchange.We observe that removing a word w from word class g and moving w it to a word class k only affects those counts of Eq.Ž.5that involve g or k ;all the other counts,and,w consequently,their contributions to the perplexity remain unchanged.Thus,to compute the change in Ž.perplexity,we recompute only those terms in Eq.5which involve the affected counts.We consider in detail how to remove a word from word class g .Moving a word to a word class k isw similar.First,we have to reduce the word class unigram count:N g [N g y N w .Ž.Ž.Ž.w w Then,we have to decrement the transition counts from g to a word class g /g and from an w w arbitrary word class g /g by the number of times w w appears right before or right after g ,respectively:;g /g :N g ,g [N g ,g y N g ,w ,13Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.w w w ;g /g :N g ,g [N g ,g y N w ,g .14Ž.Ž.Ž.Ž.w w w Ž.Changing the self-transition count N g ,g is a bit w w more complicated.We have to reduce this count by the number of times w appears right before or right after another word of g .However,if w follows w Ž.itself in the corpus,N w ,w is considered in both Ž.Ž.Eqs.11and 12.Therefore,it is subtracted twice from the transition count and must be added once for compensation:N g ,g [N g ,g y N g ,w Ž.Ž.Ž.w w w w w y N w ,g q N w ,w .15Ž.Ž.Ž.w Ž.Finally,we have to update the counts N g ,w and w Ž.N w ,g :w N g ,w [N g ,w y N w ,w ,Ž.Ž.Ž.w w N w ,g [N w ,g y N w ,w .Ž.Ž.Ž.w w Ž.We can view Eq.15as an application of the inclusion r exclusion principle from combinatorics Ž.Takacs,1984.If two subsets A and B of a set C ´are to be removed from C ,the intersection of A and B can only be removed once.Fig.3gives an inter-pretation of this principle applied to our problem of count updating.Viewing these updates in terms of the inclusion r exclusion principle will help to under-stand the mathematically more complicated update formulae for trigram clustering.。
1. K-Means聚类
对于文本数据,通常使用TF-IDF向量或Word Embedding作为输入特征。
2. 层次聚类
3. 基于密度的聚类
4. 主题模型
5. 神经网络聚类
embedding 评测方法
embedding 评测方法Embedding评测方法引言在自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)领域中,embedding是指将文本或词语映射为连续向量的技术。
一、人类评估(Human Evaluation)人类评估是最直观也是最可信的embedding评测方法之一。
二、内部评估(Intrinsic Evaluation)内部评估是一种基于任务的评估方法,通过将embedding应用于特定的NLP任务,如词性标注、命名实体识别等,来评估其在该任务上的性能。
三、外部评估(Extrinsic Evaluation)外部评估是一种基于上下文的评估方法,通过将embedding应用于更高级的NLP任务,如文本分类、机器翻译等,来评估其在这些任务上的性能。
与内部评估相比,外部评估更能反映embedding 在实际应用中的实际效果。
四、词类比任务(Word Analogy Task)词类比任务是一种常用的embedding评测方法,其目标是通过给出一组类比问题,如"man:woman::king:?",来评估embedding 对词语之间的语义关系的理解程度。
WRM 一种基于单词相关度的文档聚类新方法
WRM:一种基于单词相关度的文档聚类新方法伍赛*杨冬青*韩近强*张铭*王文清+冯英+(*北京大学信息与科学技术学院北京100871)(+北京大学图书馆中国高等教育文献保障系统管理中心北京 100871)(wsai@)摘要目前大多数的搜索引擎如Google、百度等,查询的结果都是按照重要度排序然后分页地显示给用户。
关键字文档聚类,单词相关度,单词向量空间模型WVM,向量空间模型VSM,TF/IDF,聚类引擎中图法分类号TP311WRM: A Novel Document Clustering Method Based on Word RelationWu Sai* Yang Dong-Qing* Han Jin-Qiang*Zhang Ming* Wang Wen-Qing+ Feng Ying+ (*School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing, China, 100871) (+Administrative Center for China Academic Library & Information System Room 607, Peking University LibraryBeijing, China, 100871)Abstract The most popular search engines, such as Google and Baidu, answer users’ queries as lists of ranked results according to importance. But in some cases the most “important” is not the most useful for the user. A user has to look through several pages to get what he wants. Trying to classify the results is a good idea to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose a novel clustering method based on the word relation WRM, which is different from the traditional VSM method. Experiment results show that our method WRM is not only very effective but also efficient.Keywords Document Clustering, Word Relation, Word Vector Model (WVM), Vector Space Model (VSM) , TF/IDF, Clustering Engine1. 引言*面对网络资源爆炸式的激增,越来越多的人选择使用搜索引擎来帮助他们找到所需资源。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Clustering: how to get them
Models are potentially huge – similar in size to training data
• Largest part of commercial recognizers
Sophisticated variations can be slow to learn
• Maximum entropy could take weeks, months, or years!
The Trigram Approximation
Assume each word depends only on the previous two words
P(“the|… whole truth and nothing but”) P(“the|nothing but”)
Trigrams, continued
Find probabilities by counting in real text: P(“the | nothing but”)
C(“nothing but the”) / C(“nothing but”)
Smoothing: need to combine trigram P(the | nothing but) with bigram P(the | nothing) with unigram P(the) – otherwise, too many things you’ve never seen
Overview: Word clusters solve problems -- Smaller, faster
Background: What are word clusters
Word clusters for smaller models
• Use a clustering technique that leads to larger models, then prune
What are word clusters?
CLUSTERING = CLASSES (same thing) What is P(“Tuesday | party on”) Similar to P(“Monday | party on”) Similar to P(“Tuesday | celebration on”) Put words in clusters:
Word clustering: Smaller models, Faster training
Joshua Goodman Microsoft / Microsoft Research
Quick Overview
What are language models What are word clusters How word clusters make language models
• Up to 3 times smaller at same perplexity
Word clusters for faster training of maximum entropy models
• Train two models, each of which predicts half
as much. Up to 35 times faster training
Clustering: automatic
Build them by hand
• Works ok when almost no data
Part of Speech (POS) tags
• Tends not to work as well as automatic
Automatic Clustering
• Swap wo minimize perplexity
• WEEKDAY = Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, … • EVENT=party, celebration, birthday, …
Putting words into clusters
One cluster per word: hard clustering
• WEEKDAY = Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, … • MONTH = January, February, April, May, June, …
• Smaller • Faster
A bad language model
A bad language model
A bad language model
A bad language model
What’s a Language Model
For our purposes today, a language model gives the probability of a word given its context P(truth | and nothing but the) 0.2 P(roof | and nuts sing on the) 0.00000001 Useful for speech recognition, hand writing, OCR, etc.
Perplexity: standard measure of language model accuracy – lower is better
• Corresponds to average branching factor of model
Trigram Problems