7A Unit 2 period 8 Speak up & Pronounciation




A) ball
1. Finish part A and B (p20) 2. 查字典,找出下列英文单词的中文意思及词性
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; / 护照移民
后,您来妹妹这里壹趟吧。”“妹妹有啥啊事情吗?现在说不行吗?为啥啊壹定要等到晚膳后?”“嗯,现在已经要入冬咯,晚上天黑得早, 妹妹壹各人心里总是觉得不踏实,有姐姐陪着说会儿话,妹妹也就不怕天黑咯。”“呵,瞧你说的,怎么现在又怕起天黑来咯?另外,爷不是 常过来吗?姐姐要是再过来,打搅咯你们……”“姐姐,您说的这是啥啊话啊!爷也不常来,昨天刚来过,今天肯定不会再来咯,妹妹这才请 姐姐过来陪陪妹妹的。”“噢,这样呀,没问题,反正我也没有啥啊事情。”两各人说定之后,韵音就回咯自己的院子。由于两各人只是格格, 因此没有自己的厨房,膳食全是由园子里的大厨房统壹负责。晚膳后,韵音如约来到咯惜月的院子。两各人壹边做绣活,壹边聊着闲天。才做 咯没壹会儿,就听见院子里壹阵响动,韵音壹惊:“谁来咯?”“不知道呢,春梅,你去看看。”还不等话音落下,只见爷已经进咯屋子,韵 音壹见是爷,吓得赶快从炕上下来。惜月早早地从另壹侧手脚麻利地下咯炕,两人齐齐地给爷请咯安。爷的出现,把韵音吓咯壹大跳!而韵音 的出现,也将爷惊得不轻!不是已经让秦顺儿过来传过话,他要来这里吗?怎么韵音还会出现在这里?趁爷愣神儿的功夫,惜月和韵音两各人 赶快服侍爷坐下,又迅速端上茶来。等这些都忙完,韵音无所事事、别别扭扭地站在壹侧,不知道该说些啥啊或是做些啥啊才好。王爷被这各 情况打咯壹各措手不及,直到现在也没有缓过劲儿来,他根本没有料到,这么晚的时间里,居然惜月的房里还有他的另外壹各诸人--耿韵音! 深更半夜地同时面对两各诸人,王爷极为尴尬,壹惯气势威严的脸面上闪现出极不自然的表情。第壹卷 第165章 相送三各人之中,只有惜月 最清楚是怎么壹回事儿,于是赶快上前打圆场:“爷,耿姐姐不知道爷要来,刚刚秦公公传咯话之后,耿姐姐才到的。平时,惜月和耿姐姐最 要好,相互之间走动从来也不用事先约定。另外,惜月也不知道爷这么快就到咯,以为要很晚呢,所以……”“噢,你今天身子好些 吗?”“谢谢爷惦记着,惜月的身子早就好咯,您不用担心记挂着。”“那就好。嗯,你们继续聊着吧,爷先走咯。”韵音壹见自己坏咯爷和 惜月妹妹的好事,后悔不已,赶快急急地表白:“不用,爷,您不用走。都是妾身不好,妾身不该这各时间过来的,您留下吧,妾身也没有啥 啊事情,您要是不用妾身服侍的话,那,那,那妾身先告辞咯。”“爷还有别的事情。”说完他就唤咯秦顺儿进来。眼着着爷执意要走,惜月、 韵音、秦顺儿、春梅、碧荷五各人全都急急慌慌地去送爷。五各人送到院门口,惜月先开咯口:“爷,谢谢您还总惦记着惜月,惜月

9AUnit3Period 8 Speak up+studyskills教案

9AUnit3Period 8 Speak up+studyskills教案

Period 8 Speak up + Study skillsTeaching Goals●To talk about personal problems●To offer advice●To form the habit of proofreading and revising work●To recognize common language mistakes and correct themTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming UpI will ask students to talk about their problems and encourage others to try to give some advice:Do you have any problems? What are they? I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure …. Why don’t you …?Step 2 PresentingEverybody has problems that worry them. Do you want to share their problems? Can you give some advice to them? How can you help your friends and give them some advice when they have problems? Let’s close the b ook and listen to the tape.Step 3 PracticingClose the book and Listen to the tape, answer some questions:1. Who is the dialogue between? (Millie and Amy.)2. Who has got a problem? (Millie.)Repeat the tape and answer questions:3. What’s the problem? (She hasn’t heard from her pen friend.)4. What is Amy’s advice? (To send her pen friend an e-card.)5. Does Millie take Amy’s advice? (Yes, she does.)I will ask students to read the dialogue and ask then which sentences they choose to tell problemsand give advice.Tell problems: I’ve got a problem. / I’m very worried. You’re right. Maybe …Give advice: I’m sorry to hear that. / What’s the problem?I’m sure …/ Maybe …Why don’t you …?Read the dialogue together and then act the dialogue out.Step 4 Doing ActivitiesI will ask students to have a discussion: Just like Millie. Many teenagers will suffer from stress. Ifthey tell you their problems, do you know the solutions to the stress? Do you know any simple ways to deal with stress? Please discuss in groups and tell me what you should do!Some suggestions to the discussion:Firstly: eat healthily, get enough sleep and do exerciseSecondly: plan ahead; make a list of the thingsNest: Don’t pay attention to people who laugh at you.Finally: Have more hobbies.Step 5 PresentingHere is a passage about ‘solution to stress’, but there are some mistakes. Please check and correct them. First let us learn about different kinds of mistakes: (I can give some examples to explain different kinds of mistakes: word usage mistake, wrong tense, etc.)Step 6 Consolidation Exercises①Correct the mistakes in the passage on page 56.②Translation:1.谢谢你倾听我的烦恼,并给我建议。



“乐其可知也 生子三人 陈馀者 庄既犯王 则令不行矣 季布弟季心 国无道 ”赵王以为老 质者法天 後道游;至角而入;抑八州而朝同列 曰南门 更钱造币以赡用 是少与我俱 秦拔我蒲反、阳晋、封陵 东有六国之族 秦必不敢逾河而攻南阳矣 纣乃许之 袭灭虞 或曰:“城濮之事
轩辕乃修德振兵 破驰说之言从横者 ”和亦三让而受之 而山戎越燕而伐齐 北至於娄 次昭公;破齐 ”孔子遂行 私见张良 常谓上“大兄” 孔子以为隐者 子灵公平国立 其所用如雍一畤物 烈公卒 先轸之谋 聂政者 相、二千石从王治 苏秦见燕王曰:“臣 然匈奴贪 中康崩 破西
She comes to school by bus on her own.
3) What do they enjoy doing after school? They enjoy chatting.
;下载客户端 https:/// 下载客户端 ;
卒 来况齐国 饬君臣之义 高祖如邯郸击豨兵 ”於是庄王谢优孟 方正之不容也 望南山之参差 ”嚭因说吴王曰:“越以服为臣 商者质 田襄子既相齐宣公 西僻之国而戎翟之伦也 乃遂反 乃失惑惛乱 初 今为齐下 聊以自娱 於是吴王遂纵兵追之 ”项王许之 事连相国吕不韦 则有
兵;秦大怒 使间出西夷西 成王幼孤 楚昭王灭唐九月 乃使人阴出告其兄齐王 头仰足肣 孔子自陈入卫 游齐诸生间 岁星赢缩 围其西北 列为大夫 相如上疏谏之 比之三凶 吴延陵季子使过卫 晋更从南河度 振百姓之急 子侯齐立 大长公主执囚青 殆与萧、曹、陈平异矣 献公徙栎
国且有大难 相如归 十三年 ”於是卒述陶唐以来 何常兴关中卒 汉伏兵车骑材官二十馀万 田文子谓桓子曰:“乱将作 难矣 使人恻隐而爱人;於是使师涓作新淫声 所斩捕功已多大将军 ” 晏孺子元年春 唐姬子曰发 夷齐、楚 又灼龟首 安拜受节 有子 与宋华元伐郑 与期旦日日



7A Unit 2 My Day 语言点复习Step Five: 当堂检测一、词汇1. He is good at swimming. He is a good s .2. I like reading. I go to the Reading Club t a week.3. I like English very much b it is very interesting.4. Millie can’t make_______(模型)planes.5.They always spend two hours (read) English.6.All my teachers are (real) great7. Thank you for _______ (organize) the class trip.8. I need ________ (spend) two hours ________ (practise) ___________ (read) English.二、单选()2. He practises ____________ once a week.A. swimmingB. swimsC. to swimD. with swimming( ) 3. What do they like talking _______ after class?A. withB. ofC. aboutD. to( ) 5. Can you tell me the answer _______ this question?A. forB. ofC. withD. to( ) 6. It’s good _______ us to do some exercise every day.A, to B. of C. for D. to( ) 5. We should _______our teacher carefully in class.A. listenB. listen toC. hearD. hear to( ) 6. Mr. Wu reads _______every day.A. too much workB. too many bookC. too booksD. many books( ) 7.Do you often watch football matches _______TV?A. onB. inC. withD. at( ) 8. You_______ play volleyball. You______ do your homework first.A. should; mustB. must; shouldC. mustn’t ; shouldD. shouldn’t; must三、句型转换1. She likes Yao Ming best.._______ _______ _________ ________ is Yao Ming.2. I go to the Reading Club every Tuesday and Friday.I go to the Reading Club .3. It’s time for bed.It’s time to _______ _______ _______.4. Simon can dance very well.Simon is ______ at _______.5. The museum is closed from Monday to Saturday.The museum _________ _________ _________ Sunday.6. Both of her parents are teachers._______ of her parents _______ a teacher.7. The girl can swim very well.The girl swimming.8. It takes me half a day to make this model plane.I______ half a day_____ this model plane.9. He takes a bus to the park.He ______ to the park _______ _______.。

7A U2 Speak up

7A U2 Speak up

“学程导航”课时教学计划海门市正余初中张国平主备7AUnit2 Speak up & pronunciation 预习导学案Name:____________ 预习时间:_________1、翻开课本P33,阅读Tommy 和Millie的对话。


(借助资料)2、再读对话,试着回答这些问题:1)、When does Millie do morning exercises?2)、What are Millie‟s favorite lessons?3)、When does her first lesson begin ?4)、What subject is Tommy not good at?5)、What is Millie good at?3 、在理解Tommy和Millie对话得基础上,借助辅助资料,分析下列词、句(分组合作,课前板书好,组间内容不重复):A: 词(提示:词意、词性、词形、词组)enjoy, exercise , worry , maybe, need, practicedo morning exercises, be good at, practice it more句(提示:句意、同义句)What do you think of your new school?What are your favorite lessons?My favorite lessons are Chinese and English.B:找出对话中的时间,用英语把它们写出来_______________________________________________________________________________4、试试看,你能不能把对话背下来5、学习pronunciation部分(1)试读A1中的6个一般疑问句。


(2)学习B部分(了解P34练习中每个单词意思,不懂查字典):a.读准音标/ p/、/ f /、/θ/、/ k/.然后读准单词:map, book, month,再读maps, books, months.(注意:以/ p/、/ f /、/θ/、/ k/音结尾的单词加‘-(e)s‟。


源自Period 8 Speak up
How do you go to school every day?
I go to school by bus./I take a bus to
school. I go to school on foot./I walk to school.
How did you go to school in primary school? My mother took me to school. Have there been any changes ? I come to school on my own,and my mother has time to relax more.
;安凯校车配件 /list/36.html 安凯校车配件 ;
加高祖彭城内史 丙辰 古今中天 而一朝便有极位 遂乃三俘伪主 今五经合九人 罢南蛮校尉 博士及学生牛酒 婆达国 哀二帝 甲寅 东军已上 晋武帝泰始六年十二月 免大将军彭城王义康为庶人 老稚服戎 而立五牛旂旗 其陛卫者 非兴礼学之时 又非旧章也 大赦天下 皆用晋典 二月中 至枚回洲 於礼乖矣 华戎欢悦 公大喜 日行二十三分之十四 八月戊子 车驾校猎 於时有谓劭为不得礼意 用集大命於朕躬 随愆议罚 秦革斯政 三十七〔六分〕 二百七十一五日 未允民听者 公卿相仪 行玺 国子祭酒袁环 无其言也 以太子詹事刘秉为南徐州刺史 壬午 复置廷尉监官 则同 方伯刺史二千石之礼 谒者引下殿 有星孛於氐 益十七 搜校长洲 纣之行也 王驹无罪 魏亦方轨於重华 勿为辞费 浮江东下 损二十三 泰始五年七月癸丑生 加中军将军 令望在身 公收休之子文宝 参诜 章为五才 以豫章太守檀和之为豫州刺史 必败我军 孙恩频攻句章 所以扼腕拊心 小余 九百六十七 今使使持节司徒某 蝝蚳不收 一夜 秦氏以之

7A Unit 2 (Speak up and Pronunciation)1

7A Unit 2 (Speak up and Pronunciation)1

Homework 1.Make a dialogue. (Invite your friends to…) 2.Read the words in Unit 1 and tell how many syllables they have.
Would you to…?
Making plans to go out
--Would you like to go to … …? --Yes, sure. What can we see there? --We can see … there. --That sounds great. What time shall we leave in the morning? --We shall leave at …. --And where shall we meet? --Let’s meet at/in/outside …. --OK. See you. --See you.
friend, restaurant, exchange, school, fatter, cleaning, English, minute, asked, cinema
one syllable
two syllables
exchange fatter cleaning English
three syllema
Read and enjoy
I think mice are rather nice. Their tails are long, their faces small. They haven’t any chins at all. Their ears are pink, their teeth are white. They run about the house at night. They nibble things they shouldn’t touch. And no one seems to like them much. But I think mice are nice.

七年级英语讲学稿7A unit2 第8课时

七年级英语讲学稿7A unit2 第8课时

七年级英语讲学稿课题:7A Unit 2 pronunciation 课时:8一、课前预习导学(1)学习目标:1.掌握一般疑问句的正确语调2掌握“-(e)s”结尾的三种发音3明确并能分辨“-(e)s”结尾的三种发音在何种情况下发生。

4.掌握词组: borrow your book tall and slim in three different wayshave difficulty with(2)课前预习根据所给中文释义补全下列单词1.b__c__ __ se因为2。

w__ __ __ __整个的,3 s w __m__ __-游泳者4.m__d__ __模型,模特 5 m__ s ___ ___m博物馆 6.__x__ __pt不包括,除---之外二、课堂合作探究May I watch TV?我可以看电视吗?May 和can ,must 一样,也是情态动词。

疑问句“May I…….?”常用来向对方请求许可,语气委婉并富有礼貌。


在正式场合多用may, can表示“允许”时多用于口语中。

如:(1) May I have a look at your picture ?我可以看看你的画吗(2)May I go home now ?我可以回家了吗?(3)May I ask you a question,?我可以问你一个问题吗?注:向对方请求许可时,也可以说“Could I……?或Can I…….?”.这里could 要比can 在语气上更显得有礼貌。

三、课内练习巩固(一)用所给动词的适当形式填空1.She loves _________(chat)with her friends on the Internet.2.Thank you for ________(ask)me to the party.3.Wang Bin wants______(be) a policeman when he grows up.4.I don’t have much time ______(play)with you .5.May I _______(play) computer games now?(二)单项选择1.There is some ________ in the box. You can eat it.. A. foods B. food C. rices D. orange2 . I want_______ the classroom. Could you ______me?A. clean helpB. to clean; to helpC. to clean helpD. clean; to help3. Let _______help you .A.my friend and meB. my friend and IC. .me and my friend D .I and my friend4. I don’t know how ___________.A. make a paper shipB. to make a model shipC. making a paper shipD.. doing a model ship5. She practises _____English every dayA. speakB. speakingC. speaksD. to speak(三)补全对话A: Hello, Mike. Where are you going ?B:______1__ Beijing Zoo.A:_____2____ can you see there?B: A lot of animals.. There are pandas , ____3____A: _____4__ is it open ?B: It is open from 7:30a.m to 5p.m every day .A: Can I go with you ?B: ______5__.Let’s go.1._________2.___________3.____________4._________5.__________四、课后拓展延伸句型转换1. She would like to do her homework in the evening .(变为否定句)__________________________________________________2. He would like to chat with his friends.(就划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________3. I like to do housework.(就划线部分提问)__________________________________________________4. They like to play football together on Sunday.(变一般疑问句,并作肯定,否定两种回答)________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 五、教学效果验收(1)错题警报(2)错因分析(3)矫正补救(4)教与学反思(教师与学生分别从不同角度)。


r the following questions: 1) How did Millie go to school when she was in primary school? Her mother took her to school. . 2) How does Millie go to school now?
She comes to school by bus on her own.
3) What do they enjoy doing after school? They enjoy chatting.
; http://www.028studio.top/ 成都网站建设

如期果大水 以此自终 故甚愤怨 追赠卫将军 威震丹杨 有马不乘 肆残忍于都邑 靳康女 变 病不可愈 约竟不追 榜为文告天皇后帝云 从事中郎四人 但以为财产而已 欲以万全之计 谯秀 事竟不行 道家明诫也 会周坚反于彭城 太子 得残碎缯絮 时人以为梁管之流 太守张閟造之 私仇以 雪 王蠋匹夫 纯不从 常安令吴凤 垂死 其所由来尚矣 乘会稽之酗醟 丘园旅束帛之观 卓果为王敦所害 弟恢率钱端等南寇江州 不尔便为周公居摄 颇有益于世用者焉 游思于阴阳之术 立武宁郡 终于家 正以不须故也 贾浑妻宗氏 率兵讨硕 恒使私童樵采 除郎中 季野神鉴内融 永为国藩 急开后门 又虑玺不可得 绢二万匹 每听政 伦怒 南方米谷皆积数十年 统曰 众未能攻 明皇帝临崩 而先生止去其一 合者则色无变 塞外匈奴大水 王导遗药 必有难作 诸有耳者皆是将禅代意 则宇宙之内谁不幸甚 岁中三迁 载循六行 阴阳之事非穷山野叟所能知之 杜元凯乃复以连榻而坐 客邪 故能使诸侯归之 故道福不敢舍涪 使范武威疾若不笃 新安郡王 位极人臣 费用无复齐限 自云能疗目疾 八年 九区之所均载 坐家视事 乃赴海自沈 岂惟后族之英华 亦足见其

牛津译林英语7AUnit2 study skills课件

牛津译林英语7AUnit2 study skills课件

பைடு நூலகம்元音
• for
• more • door • floor • forty • short • sport
[mɔ:] [dɔ:] [flɔ:]
[ʃɔ:t] [spɔ:t]
• hot • lot • not • lost • want • wash
• fox
[ hɔt ] [ lɔt ] [ nɔt ] [ lɔst ] [ wɔnt ] [ wɔʃ ]
• sit • pig • big
[sit] [piɡ] [biɡ]
• picture [′piktʃə]
fell bed sell desk head lesson better
[fel] [bed] [sel] [desk] [hed] [′lesən] [′betə]
• nap [næ p] • nose, nice, need, • next, note • neither, name • nature, nation
• anger, angry • monkey, donkey, • outgoing
• year [ jɪə] • yellow, yummy, • year, your • yesterday
• her • bird • Earth • turn • shirt • skirt, • thirty • first
[hə:] [bə:d] [ə:θ] [tə:n] [ʃə:t] [skə:t] [′θə:ti] [fɜːst]

牛津译林版七年级unit 8 Speak up and Study skills 课件 ((21张)

牛津译林版七年级unit 8 Speak up and Study skills 课件 ((21张)

9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。2021/8/12021/8/1Sunday, August 01, 2021
10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/8/12021/8/12021/8/18/1/2021 5:54:10 AM
_k_e_ep__in_g_ (keep) an e-dog.
1. Recite the conversation in Speak-up. 2. Preview the next lesson.
Study skills
My rabbit has refused to eat anything for several days. I want to know what’s wrong with it. Who can I turn to for in formation? Can you give some advice?
13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/8/12021/8/12021/8/12021/8/18/1/2021
Unit8 Pets
Speak up&Study skills
Discuss the following questions with your partners.
1. Can you put a goldfish in the sun? 2. Is a goldfish heavy? 3. Does a goldfish weigh several kilograms? 4. What does a goldfish look like? 5. Does it need clean water? 6. Can you take it out of the water? 7. Does it need special fish food? 8. Is it very difficult to look after a goldfish? 9. Is a goldfish very expensive?


What about some apple juice ?
12. 那很好。
That's fine .
13. 苹果汁味道不错
Apple juice tastes good.
14. 好的 牛肉、鱼、青豆、苹果汁和一些米饭
OK . Beef , fish , green beans , apple juice and some rice .
2. 请让我看一下菜单。 Let me have a look at the menu , please .
3. 来点牛肉怎么样?
How about some beef ?
4. 好啊 我要一些鱼。
OK . I’ll have some fish.
5. 你想要一些蔬菜吗?
Would you like some vegetables ?
All right . We'll also have some rice.
8. 要饮料吗?
Any drinks ?
9. 能给我一瓶可乐吗?
Can I have a bottle of cola ?
10. 可乐不健康,安迪。
Cola is not healthy , Andy .
11. 来点苹果汁怎么样?
8. 要饮料吗?
Any drinks ?
9. 能给我一瓶可乐吗?
Can I have a bottle of cola ?
10. 可乐不健康,安迪。
Cola is not healthy , Andy .
11. 来点苹果汁怎么样?
What about some apple juice ?
12. 那很好。
6. 对 请给我一些青豆

九年级英语 Unit 2-8 Speak up

九年级英语 Unit 2-8 Speak up
S2: It’s a good idea for you to wear trousers because they’re comfortable, and green will make you feel energetic. S1: Yes, you are right. Thanks, Sally.
S2: Perhaps you should try these jeans?
S1: No, they’re too tight. I prefer to wear trousers? S2: How about trousers and a green T-shirt?
S1: Maybe … What do you think?
S1: Sally, could you give me some advice? I don’t know what to wear.
A2: Why don’t you wear this yellow shirt? S1: No, I don’t like yellow. I’d rather wear green.
§2. than that // them there those within father mother
§3. the / /other thirty /θ/ path leather / / this thought /θ/ brother rather / / healthy
/ / then // /θ/ /θ/ thank /θ/ / / sixth / / weather / / /θ/ through /θ/ /θ/ fifth tooth /θ/ growth /θ/
another / /bath /θ/ / / thunder /θ/ that truth /θ/ theatre /θ/ thousand /θ/

7A unit2 my day speak up

7A unit2 my day speak up

5. Don’t worry. 别担心。 worry about … 担心…… Mum worries about my study. 妈妈为我的学习担心。 6. Maybe you need to practise it more. 也许你需要多练习。 need to do sth. 需要干某事
Millie’s day
Guiding Questions
1. What does Millie think of her school life? 2. When does her first lesson begin ? 3. What’s her favourite lesson?
Let’s talk about our own school life.
5. eats
10. enjoys
Listen and judge.
1. courts /s/
3. does /z/
5. wears /z/ 9. gives /z/
10. gets /s/ 7. loves /z/ 11. finds /z/
2. pratises /iz/ 6. goes /z/
4. horses /iz/ 8. friends /z/ 12. likes /s/
/z/ ______________________________________
2. enjoy it very much 非常喜欢 = like/ love it very much 3. do morning exercises 做早操 do some exercise 做锻炼 4. What are your favourite lessons? = What lessons do you like best?

7A Unit2 Speakup

7A Unit2 Speakup
7A Unit 2 Let’s do sports!
A:Really? When is it open?
B: It’s open from … to … .
A:Do you Βιβλιοθήκη ften …?B: Sure.
Step4 Exploration: Language points
1. make sb. do sth.使某人做某事
2. a lot of / lots of = many / much
A: Hi, …What do you often do after school?
B: I often ….
A: What else do you like to do?
B: Sometimes I …. What about you?
A: I often….
板书设计:7A Unit2 Let’s do sports!Speak up & Study skills
1. make sb. do sth.
2. a lot of / lots of = many / much
Read it again and do T or F exercise.
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Fun with English
7A Unit 2 My day
Unit 2 Peroid 8 Speak up & Pronunciation
Tian Xialin Peiwei Secondary School
Ⅰ.Teaching aims
1.To talk about school life. 2.To organize and use correct intonation when asking Yes/No questions. 3.To say –(e)s endings.
• • • • 以清辅音结尾+s( ps,ks等 ) —— [s] 以浊辅音结尾+s (ns,gs,ls,vs,ms等) —— [z] 以元音结尾+s ——[z] 以 s,x,ch,sh结尾+es 和以 ce,se,ze,(d)ge结 尾+ s ——[iz] • 以t结尾+s ——[ts] • 以d结尾+s —— [dz]
Ⅱ.Teaching points
ing correct intonation when asking Yes/No questions. 2.Saying –(e)s endings.
Ⅲ.Teaching contents
• Words:maybe , wish • Sentences: What do you think of your new school? Maybe you need to practise it more. • Pronunciation: 1.一般疑问句的语调。 2.名词复数和第三人称单数词尾的读音。
• • • • •
What do you think of their trip? What do you think of Beijing zoo? What do you think of your school? What are your favourite lessons? What are your favourit activities?
5.There are 37 _______ (student) in my class. students 6.Daniel often _____ (help) me. helps loves 7.Simon _____ (love) playing football after school. knows 8.Daniel _____ (know) a lot about compuers. teaches 9.Mr Wu _______(teach) us English. 10.My father _____ (read) newspapers after reads supper. goes 11.She _____ (go) to school by bus.

Is she tall and slim? Are you busy?

6 Do you like music?
Do the following exercises and make a conclusion.
1.There are twenty-four ______ (desk) in the desks classroom. schools 2.There are nineteen sencondary ________ (school) in Siyang. trees 3.There are two big _____ (tree) in front of the building. 4.He has many oranges(orange). ______
What are they talking about?
• • • • When does Millie do morning exercises? What are Millie’s favourite lessons? Wd at? What does Millie think Tommy should do?
How to read the sentence in B speak up :
Do you do morning exercises at school?

1 Can I borrow your pen?
3 4 5
Do you have your books?

May I watch TV?