得力 S32 DZ32 DZ92 DL92系列扫描仪用户手册 说明书
5. 保养及维修扫描仪.................................................. 5-1
5.1 清理扫描仪玻璃镜片 ....................................... 5-1 5.2 清洁自动进纸装置 .......................................... 5-2 5.3 耗材更换 ..................................................... 5-3
速技能机械 产品系列 说明书
怺㊧強薦遊 &揖化好某強薦遊
・ 材 质 :铸铝 ・加工内容:钻削、攻丝 ・使用机械:钻削动力头《风电式》ES3P、
同步攻丝动力头STB-L、台钻式支架 ・交纳国家:巴西
■ 钻削动力头与同步攻丝动力头的加工实例
怺㊧強薦遊 &揖化好某強薦遊
速技能 钻削动力头・同步攻丝动力头
① 优异防水性!
■ 钻削动力头与同步攻丝动力头的加工实例
怺㊧強薦遊 &揖化好某強薦遊
・ 材 质 :铸铝 ・加工内容:钻削、攻丝 ・使用机械:钻削动力头《风电式》ES3P、
同步攻丝动力头STB-L ・交纳国家:泰国
动力头在加工原点的情况下,如果空气被切断或发生停电, 主轴与主轴套也不会落下,以免发生因落下造成的事故。 没有工件、工具的破损,操作者安全。
D 公司产品 没有此机能
■ 产品系列
欧师傅、优耐美、谢兰系列微型机床标书参数图片名称参数欧师傅砂带机OSF-A20 特点:砂带工作台可调整至90度垂直方向;双工作台设计空载转速(砂带):7.6m/s(砂盘):2400RPM砂带尺寸:100 X 914mm砂盘直径:152mm工作台尺寸:158 X 225mm工作台倾斜范围:0º -45º电压:220V,50Hz欧师傅线锯床OSF-S10 特点:工作台可调整角度;工作速度可调;安全防护设计电机功率:90W,230V/50Hz主轴转速:400~1600RPM工作台尺寸:380X250mm工作台倾斜范围:-15~45度最大切削高度:50mm;最大切割宽度:406mm锯片尺寸:133 X 2.6 X 0.25mm欧师傅砂轮机OSF-A10 特点:可进行刀具研磨电压:220V频率:50Hz空载转速:2850RPM 电机功率:1/3HP砂轮外径:125mm厚度;16mm孔径:13mm欧师傅台钻OSF-D10 最大钻孔直径:13mm工作台尺寸:160 X 160mm 立柱直径:Φ46mm底座尺寸:314 X 200 mm电机功率:350W,230V/50Hz 空载速度:580~2650RPM调速档位:5 speeds欧师傅带锯OSF-S20 特点:工作台可调整角度线速度:14.5m/s功率:250W最大切削厚度:40mm最大切削宽度:150mm工作台可调角度:0~45度工作台尺寸:240 X 200mm 锯片尺寸:1085 X 3.5mm欧师傅木工车床OSF-L10 特点:操作灵活、简便;带有低压释放的人性化IP54安全开关最大工件加工长度:330mm最大工件加工直径:250mm功率:350W空载转速:500~3500RPM欧师傅小型车床OSF-L20 特点:可以自动走刀;安全保护装置马达转速:150-3000RPM功率:350W最大工件加工长度:250mm床身最大工件回转直径:140mm主轴孔径:11mm主轴锥度;MT1尾架套筒锥度:MT1净重:19kg包装箱尺寸:450 X 370 X 250mm欧师傅小型钻铣床OSF-M10 最大钻孔直径:16mm最大铣削能力(平铣):50mm最大铣削能力(立铣):16mmX轴行程:220mmY轴行程:160mmZ轴行程:210mm主轴锥度;MT2/M10主轴转速:100-3000RPM主轴手动升降行程:175mm工作台尺寸:400 X 120mmT型槽尺寸/长度/数量:10mm/35mm/3 电机功率:500W/ 230V/50Hz净重:60kg包装箱尺寸:510 X 450 X 760mm欧师傅线锯床OSF-S30 特点:安全/强力工作模式切换,特有供风集尘系统,工作台快速装卸,无级调速一体式旋钮,适用多种锯条;安全防护设计电机功率:DC24V 60W,AC 230V/50Hz 主轴转速:500~1650RPM工作台尺寸:220X220mm最大加工高度:60mm;最大加工吼深:240mm锯条尺寸:133 X 2.6 X 0.25mm优耐美锯床UJS-001 特点:特殊安全设计,只锯材料不锯手;直线、曲线任意切割锯条冲程:4mm(不伤手)台面尺寸:90×90mm马达:直流12V,2A;功率:24W转速:12000RPM变压器:输入A.C.220-240V 50-60Hz输出直流12V,12A内附过温自动保护装置。
西门子SIMOCODE pro电机管理系统说明书
/simocodeSIMOCODE proFlexible, modular, integrated –the way modern motor management should be.SIMOCODE pro offers multifunctional, solid-state full motor protection. The motor management system monitors, protects and controls constant-speed motors and enables the implementa-tion of predictive maintenance. It does not wait for a problem to occur before shutting down the motor, but establishes a level of transparency in advance to avoid shutdowns and improve productivity. SIMOCODE pro delivers detailed operating, service and diagnostic data across the entire process. SIMOCODE is easy to use, requires no advanced engineering, and integrates into virtually any automation system. SIMOCODE pro communicates via PROFIBUS and PROFINET, Modbus RTU, EtherNet/IP and OPC UA.For 30 years, SIMOCODE pro has been controlling and monitoring low-voltage, constant-speed motors all over the world. For plant reliability, SIMOCODE is used to keep motors running. And with its Cloud-based connection, SIMOCODE gives you more transparency and power.With both the SIMOCODE pro GeneralPerformance and SIMOCODE pro HighPerformance device classes, we offerscalable, flexible solutions for industrialcontrols and plant optimization in thecontext of Industry 4.0.3SIMOCODE pro – General Performance:Ideal for the entry levelThe smart and compact motor management system for direct-on-line, reversing, and star-delta (wye-delta) starters or for controlling a motor starter protector or soft starter. The basic system includes a current measuring module and the basic unit for overload or thermistor motor protection, for example. Communication with the automation level takes place via PROFIBUS/PROFINET. Optional additions include an operator panel and an expansion module that allows additional inputs/ outputs, ground-fault detection and temperature measure-ment to be realized. SIMOCODE pro – High Performance:The fully professional solution for every motorThe SIMOCODE pro High Performance motor management system is variable, intelligent and can be adapted individually to suit any requirement. The basic system includes a module for measuring current (and optionally also voltage), as well as a basic unit, and is suitable for removing pump blockages, for example. Communication with the automation level takes place via PROFIBUS or Modbus RTU, via Ethernet with the PROFINET or EtherNet/IP protocols, and also via OPC UA. The optional expansion modules include separate current/voltage measuring modules for dry-running protection, an operator panel with display, a ground-fault module, a temperature module, standard digital modules, fail-safe digital modules and an analog module.SIMOCODE pro – Modern motor management: scalable and modularTwo device series form the core of the multifunctional SIMOCODE pro motor man-agement system: General Performance and High Performance. The devices in both series incorporate all essential motor protection, monitoring and control functions– including data transparency through the Cloud connection. SIMOCODE pro General Performance is your entry into modern motor management and addresses standard motor applications. SIMOCODE pro High Performance features up to five expansion modules, including fail-safe modules, and offers additional measured variables. Findout how you can take advantage of the two SIMOCODE pro device series in all areasof the automation industry.4SIMOCODE pro Safety:Fail-safe expansion modulesVarious modules are available for SIMOCODE pro for theextended protection of personnel, machines and the envi-ronment. These guarantee the safety-related shutdown ofmotors and meet all the requirements of the standards.The advantages:• F unctional switching and fail-safe shutdown withoutmanual wiring or additional effort• S afety function parameters can be flexibly configured• T ransfer of meaningful diagnostic data to thecontrol system• L ogging of errors for detailed evaluation•Fail-safe shutdown via PROFIsafe or locallyHighPerformanceSIMOCODE pro V PN SIMOCODE pro V EIP SIMOCODE pro V PB SIMOCODE pro V MR Current / voltagemeasuring moduleOperator panel with displaymax. 5 / 7 expansionmodulesSafetyExtended control functions(e.g. positioner, pole-changing starter)GeneralPerformance SIMOCODE pro V PN GP SIMOCODE pro SCurrent measuring moduleOperator panel1 expansion moduleBasic control functions(e.g. direct-on-line/reversing start)5Every water utility operator is familiar with the problems of a blocked pump – and the possible consequences: environmental harm, damage due to flooding, and dangers to health as a result of lifting and cleaning pumps. This is compounded by the financial impact of plantdowntimes. SIMOCODE pro monitors the current and active power of the pump motor – and derives the pumpstatus from them. If a defined threshold value is exceeded, SIMOCODE pro autonomously reverses the rotational direction of the pump in order to dislodge deposits on the impeller blades.Say goodbye to blocked pumps with SIMOCODE pro – the modular, compact motor management system that tackles the challenge by automatically reversing the pump. SIMOCODE pro can be retrofitted in existing plants.Remove pump blockages and increase availability.6Reliable monitoring – dry-running protection redesigned.Conventional dry-running monitoring with a sensor Active power-based dry-running protectionReliable dry-running protection is a must in many applications in the chemical industry. SIMOCODE pro reliably prevents the dry running of centrifugal pumps in order to preclude hazardous situations and completely redefines dry-running protection for pumps inSensors on centrifugal pumps in hazardous areas are often prone to high installation and maintenance costs. The solu-tion: Using active power-based dry-running detection, SIMO-CODE pro monitors the active electrical power consumption of the pump motor and thus the status of the pump – with-out the need for additional monitoring devices or sensors to be installed. The new technology ensures reliable explosion protection in accordance with ATEX and IECEx criteria and saves costs and time for commissioning and maintenance.Your benefits through active power-based dry-running protection Earlier fault detection• D irect conclusions concerning the flow rate can be drawnfrom the active power consumption of the pump motor • R eliable prevention of dry running of the pump andtherefore less damage to the pump Cost and time savings• N o maintenance effort due to the elimination ofmechanical wear of the sensors • No additional sensor requiredReduction of hardware• N o need for additional sensors and mechanicalcomponents • Simplified engineering Reliable monitoring of the system• Compliance with ATEX and IECEx criteria• R eliable and automatic pump shutdown in the event ofunacceptable operating conditions7With the OPC UA industrial M2M communication protocol, SIMOCODE pro provides an additional communication interface that is independent of the automation system.The open and supplier-independentcommunication via OPC UA guaran-tees the direct exchange of data withHMI panels or SCADA systems. Motor,process and plant data is thereforeavailable without any losses, wher-ever it is needed: at the device, butalso in the control room for diagnosticpurposes. As part of the digital revo-lution and the efforts to evaluate vastquantities of data even more quickly,all motor data from SIMOCODE procan be transmitted by the most directroute to the Cloud using OPC UA.The data can then be used moreintensively and in a targetedfashion – without the need forany intervention in the motor control.The result: Plant availability andefficiency are increased, because youcan run analyses, improve energyconsumption, or even optimize theentire process. SIMOCODE pro speaks to everyone –including the Cloud.BenefitsThanks to OPC UA, SIMOCODE facilitatessimple and convenient integrationinto Cloud-based solutions, e.g. SiemensMindSphere with so many advantages:• D ata provision in the Cloud for cross-plant,reliable diagnostics• C onvenient and reliable processoptimization• P lant-wide access to control data,process values and readings withoutcomplex engineering effort• P redictive maintenance, energy datamanagement and resource optimization• E ffective protection against manipulation(security)Digitalization for more economicaloperation: SIMOCODE pro withOPC UA8SIMOCODE ES Software:For diagnostics and simple configu-ration, including in the TIA Portal SIMOCODE ES provides you with the software for the configuration, startup, operation and diagnosis of SIMOCODE pro. The software isbased on the central Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) engi- neering framework, providing an integrated, efficient and intuitive solution for all automation tasks. SIMOCODE ES offers you a host of advantages, including convenient configuration in the device view, graphical commissioning using drag and drop functions, online access to signal states and clear measurementcurves for diagnostic purposes.BenefitsSIMOCODE pro is your reliable data supplier for maximum process quality. The motor management system offers:• Transparency into your process • Data analysis and simulation• S ecure data storage and transmission • Visualization and recommendation(s)• I ncreased availability of components • Optimization of energy consumption • Maximization of process efficiencyThe convenient way to optimumprocess guidance: The integration of SIMOCODE pro into SIMATIC PCS 7Using standardized blocks and face-plates, SIMOCODE pro can very easily be integrated into the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system. This makes it extremely easy to integrate service and diagnostic data from the motor manage-ment system into higher-level process control systems, for example.The result: A high level of transparency throughout the plant, enabling faults to be detected at an early stage or pre- vented from occurring altogether. In general, the greater density of informa-tion in the control system enables you to achieve not only greater transparency, but also higher process quality.9SIMOCODE pro system overview – high performanceSiemens Industry, Inc. 5300 Triangle Parkway Norcross, GA 300921-866-663-7324*******************Subject to change without prior notice All rights reservedOrder No.: CPBR-SMPR-0219Article No. DFCP-B10220-00-7600 Printed in USA© 2019 Siemens Industry, Inc.SoftwareThe technical data presented in this document is based on an actual case or on as-designed parameters, and therefore should not be relied upon for any specific application and does not constitute a performance guarantee for any projects. Actual results are dependent on variable conditions. Accordingly, Siemens does not make representations, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the content contained herein. If requested, we will provide specific technical data or specifications with respect to any customer’s particular applications. Our company is constantly involved in engineering and development. For that reason, we reserve the right to modify, at any time, the technology and product specifications contained herein.。
接线方式: YZ:电源和信号航空插座 Y0:信号航空插座 00:无航空插座 connection: YZ:Power and signal circular connector Y0:Signal circular connector only 00:No circular connector
18(Motor □360)
堵转时输出转矩: 识别数字即为所指 1P 识别数字* 为所指 1P /RFNHGURWRUPRWRUWRUTXH : 1PIRUVL]H
25'(5&2'((;$03/(8)5% <0 K E 0RWRUW\SH8) 1PUSP 9DFVHUYRIDQFRoling,UHVROYHU761(VDIHW\EUDNHsignal circular connector only, ZLWK.H\RQVKDIWstandard feet
最大值/Maximum Values
最大转矩/Max. Torque
最大电流/Max. Current (peak value)
380V时最大速度 Max. Saturation Speed @ 380Vac 480V时最大速度 Max. Saturation Speed @ 480Vac
最大机械速度/Max. Mechanical Speed
JBr [Kgcm²]
电机增加的长度/ddditional motor lenght Lenght [mm]
通讯产品 ................................................................................................................................. 3/229
AS-interface ................................................................................................................................. 3/229 ET200 电机起动器 ........................................................................................................................ 3/235 SIMOCODE.................................................................................................................................. 3/237
SIRIUS 继电器产品.......................................................................................................... 3/223
热敏电阻电机保护继电器 3RN ....................................................................... 3/223
AXTOR硬盘参数一览表1硬盘系列 (Product Series) 型号 (Model) 容量 (Capacity) 转速 (RPM) 转/分钟平均寻道时间 (Ave Seek Time) 内部传输速率缓存(Cache Buffer) 接口(Interface) 单碟容量碟片数量 Max Safe Shock Block DualWave Processor金钻七代D740X 6L080J4 80GB 7200 <8.5ms 54.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA133 40GB 2 Yes Yes Yes6L060J3 60GB 7200 <8.5ms 54.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA133 40GB 2 Yes Yes Yes6L040J2 40GB 7200 <8.5ms 54.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA133 40GB 1 Yes Yes Yes6L020J1 20GB 7200 <8.5ms 54.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA133 40GB 1 Yes Yes Yes星钻三代D540X-4D 4G160J8 160GB 5400 <9.0ms 43.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA133 40GB 4 Yes Yes Yes 4G120J6 120GB 5400 <9.0ms 43.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA133 40GB 3 Yes Yes Yes4D080H4 80GB 5400 <12ms 43.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 40GB 2 Yes Yes Yes4D060H3 60GB 5400 <12ms 43.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 40GB 2 Yes Yes Yes4D040H2 40GB 5400 <12ms 43.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 40GB 1 Yes Yes Yes4D020H1 20GB 5400 <12ms 43.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 40GB 1 Yes Yes Yes金钻六代 Diamond Max Plus 60 5T060H6 60GB 7200 <8.7ms 57MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 20GB 3 Yes Ye s Yes5T040H4 40GB 7200 <8.7ms 57MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 20GB 2 Yes Yes Yes5T030H3 30GB 7200 <8.7ms 57MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 20GB 2 Yes Yes Yes5T020H2 20GB 7200 <8.7ms 57MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 20GB 1 Yes Yes Yes5T010H1 10GB 7200 <8.7ms 57MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 20GB 1 Yes Yes Yes美钻一代 531DX 2R015H1 15GB 5400 <15ms 49.7MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 30GB 1 Yes Yes Yes2R010H1 10.2GB 5400 <15ms 49.7MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 20GB 1 Yes Yes Yes硬盘系列 (Product Series) 型号 (Model) 容量(Capacity) 转速 (RPM)转/分钟平均寻道时间 (Ave Seek Time) 内部传输速率缓存(Cache Buffer) 接口(Interface) 单碟容量碟片数量 Max Safe Shock Block DualWave Processor美钻二代541DX 2B020H1 20GB 5400 <12ms 46.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 40GB 1 Yes Yes Yes2B015H1 15GB 5400 <12ms 46.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 40GB 1 Yes Yes Yes2B010H1 10GB 5400 <12ms 46.4MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 40GB 1 Yes Yes Yes星钻二代536DX 4W100H6 100GB 5400 <11ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 33.3GB 6 Yes Yes Yes 4W080H6 80GB 5400 <11ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 33.3GB 6 Yes Yes Yes4W060H4 60GB 5400 <11ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 33.3GB 4 Yes Yes Yes4W040H2 40GB 5400 <11ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 33.3GB 2 Yes Yes Yes4W030H2 30GB 5400 <11ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 33.3GB 2 Yes Yes YesMAXTOR硬盘参数一览表2硬盘系列 (Product Series) 型号 (Model) 容量 (Capacity) 转速 (RPM) 转/分钟平均寻道时间 (Ave Seek Time) 内部传输速率缓存(Cache Buffer) 接口(Interface) 单碟容量碟片数量 Max Safe Shock Block DualWaveProcessor钻石十代Diamond Max 60 36147H8 61470MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 4 Yes Yes Yes 34610H6 46100MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 3 Yes Yes Yes钻石十代Diamond Max VL30 33073H4 30735MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 2 Yes Yes Yes 32049H3 20490MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 2 Yes Yes Yes32305H3 23050MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 2 Yes Yes Yes31536H2 15367MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes31369H2 13690MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes31024H2 10240MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes30840H2 8400MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes30768H1 7683MB 5400 <9ms 40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes30680H1 6800MB 5400<9ms 40.8MB 512KBUDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes30510H15100MB 5400 <9ms40.8MB 512KB UDMA100 15.3G 1Yes Yes Yes金钻四代Diamond Max Plus 4054098H840,980MB 7200 <9ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 10.2G 4 Yes Yes Yes53073H6 30,735MB 7200 <9ms 43.2MB/sec 2MBUDMA100 10.2G 3 Yes Yes Yes52732H6 27,320MB 7200 <9ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 10.2G 3 Yes Yes Yes 52049H4 20,490MB 7200 <9ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 10.2G2 Yes Yes Yes51536H3 15,367MB 7200 <9ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 10.2G 2 Yes Yes Yes 51369H3 13,690MB7200 <9ms 43.2MB/sec 2MBUDMA100 10.2G 2 Yes Yes Yes51024U2 10,245MB7200 <9ms 43.2MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 10.2G 1 Yes Yes Yes硬盘系列 (Product Series) 型号 (Model) 容量 (Capacity) 转速 (RPM) 转/分钟平均寻道时间 (Ave Seek Time) 内部传输速率缓存(Cache Buffer) 接口(Interface) 单碟容量碟片数量 Max Safe Shock Block DualWaveProcessor星钻一代Diamond Max 80 98196H881,960MB 5400 <9ms 46.7MB 2MB UDMA100 20.5G 4Yes Yes Yes96147H6 61,470MB 5400 <9ms 46.7MB 2MB UDMA100 20.5G 3 Yes Yes Yes星钻一代Diamond Max VL4034098H4 40980MB 5400 <9.5ms 46.7MB 2MB UDMA100 20.5G2 Yes Yes Yes33073H3 30730MB 5400 <9.5ms46.7MB 2MB UDMA100 20.5G 2 Yes YesYes32049H2 20490MB 5400 <9.5ms 46.7MB 2MB UDMA100 20.5G 1 Yes Yes Yes31535H2 15350MB 5400 <9.5ms 46.7MB 2MB UDMA100 20.5G 1 Yes Yes Yes31024H1 10240MB 5400<9.5ms 46.7MB 2MB UDMA100 20.5G 1 Yes YesYes金钻五代Diamond Max Plus 4054610H6 46,100MB 7200 <8.7ms 49.5MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 15.3G 3 Yes Yes Yes54098H6 40,980MB 7200 <8.7ms 49.5MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 15.3G 3 Yes Yes Yes 53073H4 30,730MB 7200 <8.7ms 49.5MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 15.3G 2 Yes Yes Yes 52049H3 20,490MB 7200 <8.7ms 49.5MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 15.3G 2 Yes Yes Yes 51536H2 15,360MB 7200 <8.7ms 49.5MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes 51369H2 13,690MB 7200 <8.7ms 49.5MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes 51023H2 10,230MB 7200 <8.7ms 49.5MB/sec 2MB UDMA100 15.3G 1 Yes Yes Yes。
翻译:未来世界 日期:18 年 12 月 8 日
完全集成的微型模块 –940nm 激光 vcsel –vcsel 驱动器-测距传感器与先进的嵌入式微控制器 – 快速, 准确的距离范围 –测量绝对范围达 2 米 –报告的范围是独立的目标反射率 –可在高红外环境光水平下运行 –先进的嵌入式光学交叉通话补偿, 简化覆盖玻璃选择 眼睛安全 –符合最新标准 iec 60825-1: 2014-第三版的 1 级激光 设备集成 –单反射组件 –无需额外的光学元件 –单电源 –用于设备控制和数据传输的 i2c 接口 –xod 演 (重置) 和中断 gpio –可编程 i2c 地址
5 性能。 .................................................................................................................................... - 21 5.1 测量条件。................................................................................................................. - 21 5.2 最大测距距离。......................................................................................................... - 22 5.3 测距精度。................................................................................................................. - 23 -
德国斯莱尔自动化有限公司 定功遥控器技术数据清单文件400说明书
Technical DataDefinite Purpose Contactor SpecificationsBulletin Number 400Topic PageProduct Overview2Coil and Auxiliary Contact Technical Data2 (3)Specifications4Approximate Dimensions5 (7)Additional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.Resource DescriptionIndustrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system. Product Certifications website, Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.Y ou can view or download publications at /literature/. T o order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.Coil Technical Data — 20/25…40 A, 1- and 2-Pole Contactors20/25…40 A One-Pole Contactors20/25…40 A Two-Pole Contactors Nominal AC Coil Voltage [V]24120208/24027748024120208/240277480Minimum Pickup Volts 18881772213841888177221384Drop-Out Volts Range6...1520...7040...14050...165150 (270)6...1520...7040...14050...165150 (270)Nominal Inrush VA50 Hz 3131313131333333333360 Hz28282828283030303030Nominal Sealed VA50 Hz666668888860 Hz55555 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5Nominal DC Resistance (Ω)18420180025003050112371000160030502Rockwell Automation Publication 400DP-TD001A-EN-P400 Definite Purpose ContactorsSpecificationsNumber of Poles FLA Rating[A]Arc CoverStandard Termination Certifications120 (30)Optional#10-32 screw with 1/4in.QC 40Box lug(option available to accept ring terminals)220 (30)#10-32 screw with 1/4in.QC 40Box lug(option available to accept ring terminals)320 (30)Standard#10-32 screw with 1/4in.QC40Box lug(option available to accept ring terminals)350, 60StandardBox lug(option available to accept ring terminals)75, 90Standard420 (30)Standard#10-32 screw with 1/4in.QC 40Box lug(option available to accept ring terminals)3Rockwell Automation Publication 400DDP-TD001A-EN-PSpecifications400 Definite Purpose ContactorsCoil Technical Data — 20/25…40 A, 3-Pole ContactorsNominal Coil Voltage24120208/240277347480Minimum Pickup Voltage [V]1888177220277384Drop-Out Voltage [V]6...1520...7040...14050...18585...225150 (270)Nominal Inrush VA 50 Hz 65656565656560 Hz 606060606060Nominal Sealed VA 50 Hz Hz666666Nominal DC Resistance (Ω)718072090013302425Coil Technical Data — 20/25…40 A, 4-Pole ContactorsNominal AC Coil Voltage [V]24120208/240277347480Minimum Pickup Voltage [V]1888177220277384Drop-Out Voltage [V]6...1520...7040...14065...18585...225150 (270)Nominal Inrush VA 50 Hz 62626262626260 Hz 606060606060Nominal Sealed VA 50 Hz 99999960 Hz777777Nominal DC Resistance (Ω)615060075012052195Auxiliary Contacts — 20/25…40 A, 3-and 4-Pole Contactors♣Contact rating single-circuit N.O. or N.C.:[V]120240480600Current [A]Break3.0 1.50.750.6Make 30157.56Continuous10101010∆Contact rating SPDT:10 A, 1/3 Hp, 125 or 250V AC;1/2 A, 125V DC;1/4 A, 250V DC;4 A 120V AC on lamp loadCoil Technical Data — 50…90 A, 3-Pole ContactorsNominal AC Coil Voltage [V]24120208/24027748050 &60 A75 &90 A 50 &60 A 75 &90 A 50 &60 A 75 &90 A 50 &60 A 75 &90 A 50 &60 A 75 &90 A Minimum Pickup Voltage [V]18189388177177235220374384Drop-Out Voltage [V]6…156…1520…7020…7040…13540…11050…18065…185120…286150…270Nominal Inrush VA 50 Hz 14028514028514028514028514028560 Hz 132240132240132240132240132240Nominal Sealed VA50 Hz 2042204220422042204260 Hz14271427142714271427Nominal DC Resistance (Ω)2.40.634515.618063.528084852255Auxiliary Contacts — 50…90 A, 3-Pole Contactors♣Contact rating single-circuit N.O. or N.C.:[V]120240480600Current [A]Break 3.0 1.50.750.6Make 30157.56Continuous10101010∆Contact rating SPDT:10 A, 1/3 Hp, 125 or 250V AC;1/2 A, 125V DC;1/4 A, 250V DC;4 A, 120V AC on lamp load400 Definite Purpose Contactors Specifications20/25…40 FLA 1- and 2-PoleLine and Load Terminals#10-32 screw or box lugWire Size#10-32 screw #16…8 AWG(stranding must be split for #8 wire)Box Lug#14…4 AWG Mechanical Life 1 000 000 operations Electrical Life250 000 operationsRecommended Tightening Torque #10-32 screw25 lb•in Box lug40 lb•inQuick Connects Powerterminals Dual 0.250 QC (2)Coil terminals1-Pole: Quad 0.250 QC2-Pole: Dual or Quad 0.250 QCArc Cover OptionalInsulation System130 °C Class B Temperature Range-40…+65 °C (-40…+150 °F)Mounting Position Vertical All positions Horizontal Base down onlyWeight1-Pole2-Pole 0.5 lb0.6 lb20/25…40 FLA 3-PoleLine and Load Terminals#10-32 screw or box lugWire Size#10-32 screw#16…8 AWG(stranding must be split for #8 wire)Box Lug#14…4 AWGMechanical Life 1 000 000 operationsElectical Life250 000 operationsRecommendedTighteningTorque#10-32 screw25 lb•inBox lug40 lb•inQuickConnectsPowerterminals Dual 0.250 QC (2)Coil terminals Quad 0.250 QCArc Cover StandardInsulation System130 °C Class BTemperature Range-40…+65 °C (-40…+150 °F)MountingPositionVertical All positionsHorizontal Base down onlyWeight 1 lb50…60 FLA 3-PoleLine and Load Terminals Box lugWire Size#14…2 AWG Mechanical Life500 000 operations Electrical Life250 000 operations RecommendedTightening Torque50 lb•inQuick Connects Powerterminals Dual 0.250 QC (2)Coil terminals#6-32 screw and 0.250 QC (2)Arc Cover StandardInsulation System130 °C Class B Temperature Range-40…+65 °C (-40…+150 °F)Mounting Position Vertical All positions Horizontal Base down onlyWeight 2 lb75…90 FLA 3-PoleLine and Load Terminals Box lugWire Size#14…1/0 AWGMechanical Life500 000 operationsElectrical Life100 000 operationsRecommendedTightening Torque50 lb•inQuickConnectsPowerterminals Dual 0.250 QCCoil terminals#6-32 screw and 0.250 QC (2)Arc Cover StandardInsulation System130 °C Class BTemperature Range-40…+65 °C (-40…+150 °F)MountingPositionVertical All PositionsHorizontal Base down onlyWeight 4 lb20/25…40 FLA 4-PoleLine and Load Terminals#10-32 screw or box lugWire Size#10-32 screw#16…8 AWG(stranding must be split for #8 wire)Box lug#14…4 AWGMechanical Life 1 000 000 operationsElectrical Life250 000 operationsRecommendedTighteningTorque#10-32 screw25 lb•inBox lug40 lb•inQuickConnectsPowerterminals Dual 0.250 QCCoil terminals Dual 0.250 QC (2)Arc Cover StandardInsulation System130 °C Class BTemperature Range-40…+65 °C (-40…+150 °F)MountingPositionVertical All positionsHorizontal Base down onlyWeight 1.5 lb4Rockwell Automation Publication 400DP-TD001A-EN-PApproximate Dimensions400 Definite Purpose Contactors Dimensions shown in inches. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.20/25…40 FLA 1- and 2-Pole3.32.4452.5412.1max.2.3131.6252.00.8751.6250.215Typ. 43.3 2.4452.612.1max.2.3130.8751.6251.6252.00.215Typ. 420/25…40 FLA 3-Pole3.003.392.00max.2.971.78 40.203Typ. 4 3.253.750.1252.3750.203Typ. 20.455Dia.5Rockwell Automation Publication 400DDP-TD001A-EN-P6Rockwell Automation Publication 400DP-TD001A-EN-P400 Definite Purpose ContactorsApproximate Dimensions75 and 90 FLA 3-Pole20/25…40 FLA 4-Pole.21Dimensions shown in inches. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.50 and 60 FLA 3-Pole7Rockwell Automation Publication 400DDP-TD001A-EN-PApproximate Dimensions400 Definite Purpose ContactorsDimensions shown in inches. Dimensions are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.DIN Rail AdaptorsTerminationsStandard on DP25 andDP30#10-32 combination Phillips, slotted and 5/16hex head #12 washerSpecial on DP25,DP30, and DP40#10-32 Sems screw with pressure plate40 FLA Lug #14…4 AWG 50 and 60 FLA Lug #14…2 AWG75 and 90 FLA Lug #14…1/0 AWGAllen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, and LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.T rademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Publication 400DP-TD001A-EN-P - August 2014Copyright © 2014 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Important User InformationRead this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required tofamiliarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Documentation FeedbackY our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400。
NMMS7.E235342Power Conversion Equipment Certified for Canada Page BottomPower Conversion Equipment Certified for CanadaSee General Information for Power Conversion Equipment Certified for CanadaPARKER HANNIFIN GMBH ELEKTROMECHANICAL DIV EUROPE E235342 AUTOMATION GROUPROBERT-BOSCH-STRASSE 2277656 OFFENBURG, GERMANYOpen type brushless AC Motor, "HiDrive Series -", Model(s) HID, may be followed by X, followed by 16 or 25, followed by C, D, S, may be followed by E, H, S, may be followed by y1, y2, y3, may be followed by R \, may be followed by zzzOpen type brushless AC Motor, "HiDrive Series -", Model(s) HID, may be followed by X, followed by 35 or 45, followed by C, D, S, may be followed by E, H, S, may be followed by y1, y2, y3, may be followed by R \, may be followed by zzzOpen type brushless AC Motor, "HiDrive Series-", Model(s) HID, may be followed by X, followed by 2, 5, or 8, followed by C, D, or S, may be followed by E, H, S, may be followed by y1, y2, y3, may be followed by R \, may be followed by zzzOpen type brushless AC Motor Drives, "HPD Series", Model(s) HPD2N, HPD5NOpen type brushless AC Motor drives, "HPD Series", Model(s) HPD8NOpen type brushless AC Motor Drives, "SLVD Series", Model(s) SLVD, followed by 1, 2, 5 or 7, followed by PR, followed by - or R, may be followed by \xxxOpen type brushless AC Motor Drives, "SLVD-N Series", Model(s) SLVD, followed by 1, 2, 5, 7, followed by N, followed by S, C, D, may be followed by E, H, F may be followed by Y1, may be followed by R, may be followed by zzz where zzz is any alphanumeric charactersOpen type brushless AC Motor Drives, "SPD Series", Model(s) SPD2, SPD5, SPD8Open type brushless AC Motor Drives, "SPD-N Series", Model(s) SPD, followed by X, followed by 2, 5 or 8, followed by N, followed by S, C, or D may be followed by E, H, may be followed by Y1, may be followed by R \, may be followed by zzzOpen type brushless AC Motor Drives, "TWIN Series", Model(s) TWIN2, TWIN5, TWIN8Open type brushless AC Motor Drives, "TWIN-N Series", Model(s) TWIN, followed by X, followed by 2, 5 or 8, followed by N, followed by S, C or D, may be followed by E or H, may be followed by Y1, may be followed by R \, may be followed by zzz.Open type brushless AC Motor Drives, Model(s) SLVD, followed by 10,15,17 followed by N, followed by S, C or D, may be followed by E, H, F may be followed by Y1, may be followed by zzz where zzz is any alphanumeric characters.Open Type, A.C. Brushless Motor Servo-Drives, Model(s) HPD followed by 2, 5, 8 or 16,followed by N.Power conversion equipment, Model(s) K DER 03, K DER 05, K DER 07, K DER 10Power conversion equipment, "Series 635", Model(s) 635 03, 635 05, 635 07, 635 10Power conversion equipment, "Series 637x (x denotes software version), Model(s) K D6R023, K D6R027, K D6R043, K D6R047, KD6R063, K D6R067, K D6R103, K D6R107, K D6R163, K D6R167, K D6R223, K D6R227, K D6R303, K D6R307Last Updated on 2011-03-02Questions? Print this page Notice of Disclaimer Page TopCopyright © 2011 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright © 2011 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®"。
西马仕sx90 声纳系统技术规格书说明书
IntroductionThe technical specifications summarize the main functional and operational characteristics of the Simrad SX90system,as well as information related to power requirements,physical properties and environmental conditions.NoteIn Simrad,we are continuously working to improve the quality and performance of our products.Technical specifications may therefore be changed without prior notice. Performance specificationsThe performance specifications summarize the main functional and operational characteristics of the Simrad SX90.Operational frequency•Selectable:20to30kHz in steps of1kHzOperational range•Range steps,standard:150to4500meters •Range steps,optional:150to8000metersTilt and tip functionality•Tilt:+10to-60degrees in1degree steps •Tip:+10to-90degreesTransmission•Number of transmitter channels:256•Transmission modes:–360degrees omnidirectional–180degrees vertical •Pulse modes:–CW(Continuous Wave)–Hyperbolic FM(Frequency Modulation) ("Chirp")Reception•Number of receiver channels:256•Gain functions:–TVG(Time Varied Gain)–AGC(Automatic Gain Control)–RCG(Receiver Controlled Gain)•Digital filters:–Ping-to-Ping Filter–Noise filter–FM Correlation filterEcho presentations•Number of colours:16or64•Display resolution:Minimum1280x1024 pixels•Colours:Weak,Normal or Strong •Palettes:Choice of colour palettes to fit ambient light conditionsBeams•Horizontal transmission:360degrees •Horizontal reception:8,5to13degrees •Vertical transmission:7to10,5degrees •Vertical reception:7.4to11.4degreesBeam widths•User selected:Narrow,Normal or WideStabilisation•Roll stabilisation:Automatic,±20degreesSimrad SX90 Technical specifications•Pitch stabilisation:Automatic,±20degrees •Interface to optional peripheral motion reference unit supportedInterfaces•Serial lines:Five serial lines(RS-232/RS-422/RS-485)•Transceiver Unit:Ethernet•Optional interfaces:–Scientific output(Ethernet)–RAW data output for scientific research (Ethernet)Hull Unit and transducer•Stroke length:–With SX92hull unit:1.2meters–With SX93hull unit:1.6meters–With SX95hull unit:1.0meters •Maximum vessel speed:–With SX92hull unit:24knots–With SX93hull unit:20knots–With SX95hull unit:12knots •Maximum lowering and retrieval speed:Same as maximum vessel speed •Transducer:–Shape:Cylindrical–Number of individual elements:256User interface•Main control:Dedicated operating panel with direct access to all main functions •Secondary control:Comprehensive menu system•Menu languages:Greek,Turkish,Chinese, English,French,Icelandic,Italian,Japanese, Korean,Norwegian,Russian,Spanish •Operating Panel backlight:Controlled from the menu•Optional equipment:The SX90can be controlled from a standard computer mouse or trackball Weights and outline dimensions The weights and outline dimension characteristics summarize the physical properties of the Simrad SX90system.NoteRelevant drawings can be found in the SX90 Installation manual,or downloaded from our website.•/sx90Colour displayThe colour display is not a part of the SX90 scope of supply,and it is not manufactured by Simrad.Refer to the documentation provided by the manufacturer.Processor Unit•Make and model:Simrad Enix•Depth:385mm•Width:479,6mm(fits in a19”rack)•Height:177mm•Weight:approximately16kgOperating Panel•Depth:165mm•Width:385mm•Height:51mm•Weight:4kgTransceiver Unit•Depth:665mm(with shock absorbers)•Width:605mm(with transducer plug)•Height:750mm(with shock absorbers)•Weight:75kgHull Unit and transducer•Flange diameter:760mm•Height:–SX92total:2990mm–SX92above trunk:2120mm–SX93total:3390mm–SX93above trunk:2520mm–SX95total:2519mm–SX95above trunk:1645mm •Weight:–SX92:approximately850kg–SX93:approximately900kg–SX95:approximately500kg •Transducer:–Diameter:382mm–Weight:81kgPower specificationsThe power specifications summarize the supply power requirements for the Simrad SX90system. Colour displayThe colour display is not a part of the SX90 scope of supply,and it is not manufactured by Simrad.Refer to the documentation provided by the manufacturer.Processor Unit•Make and model:Simrad Enix•Voltage requirement:115/230Vac/47to63 Hz/single phase•Maximum voltage deviation:15%•Maximum transient:20%of nominal voltage, recovery time3s•Power consumption:Approximately500W@ 230VacOperating PanelNot applicable.This unit is not powered by AC mains.Operating Panel Power Supply•Voltage requirement:115/230Vac/47–63Hz/ single phase,nominal•Maximum voltage deviation:15%•Maximum transient:20%of nominal voltage, recovery time3s•Power consumption:Approximately10V ATransceiver Unit•Voltage requirement:230Vac/47–63Hz/ single phase•Maximum voltage deviation:15%•Maximum transient:20%of nominal voltage, recovery time3s•Power consumption:Approximately600V AHull Unit and transducer•Voltage requirement:230/380/440Vac/47to 63Hz/3-phase•Maximum voltage deviation,230Vac:15%•Maximum voltage deviation,380/440Vac:340 to485Vac•Maximum transient:20%of nominal voltage, recovery time3s•Power consumption:–SX92and SX93:approximately3000V A –SX95:approximately1100V AEnvironmental specificationsThe environmental specifications summarize the temperature and humidity requirements for the Simrad SX90system.Colour displayThe colour display is not a part of the SX90 scope of supply,and it is not manufactured by Simrad.Refer to the documentation provided by the manufacturer.Processor Unit•Make and model:Simrad Enix•Operational temperature:–15to+55degrees Celcius•Storage temperature:–20to+70degrees Celcius•Relative humidity:10to95%relative non-condensingOperating Panel•Operational temperature:0to+50degrees Celcius•Storage temperature:–40to+70degrees Celcius•Relative humidity:5to95%relative non-condensingOperating Panel Power Supply •Operational temperature:0to+50degrees Celcius•Storage temperature:–40to+70degrees Celcius•Relative humidity:5to95%relative non-condensingTransceiver Unit•Operational temperature:0to+50degrees Celcius•Storage temperature:–40to+70degrees Celcius•Relative humidity:5to95%relative non-condensingHull Unit and transducer•Operational temperature:0to+50degrees Celcius•Storage temperature:–20to+40degrees Celcius •Relative humidity:5to95%relative non-condensingImportantThe transducer must not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time.Minimum requirements for display Unless specifically ordered,the SX90is not provided with a display.This item must then be purchased locally.You can use one or two displays on your SX90 Processor Unit computer depending on personal and operational preferences.Note that both displays will offer the same sonar presentation.It is important to make sure that the chosen display model meets the technical system requirements.Make sure that the display design and construction allow for marine use,easy access to cables,and a safe installation.The minimum requirements are:•Resolution:Minimum1280x1024pixels.•Video interface:Must match the video output formats provided by the computer.The SX90Processor Unit offers video output on DVI,HDMI and VideoPort formats.•Physical size:Depends on personal and operational preferences.The SX90software supports9:16displays.。
Modicon Quantum 32 O 型号 140DDO35300 产品数据表说明书
D i s c l a im er : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sProduct data sheetCharacteristics140DDO35300discrete output module Modicon Quantum - 32 O solid stateMainRange of productModicon Quantum automation platform Product or component type Dc discrete output module Discrete output number32ComplementaryGroup of channels 4 groups of 8Discrete output logic Positive logic (source)Addressing requirement 2 output words Discrete output voltage 24 V DC Output voltage limits 19.2...30 VAbsolute maximum output 56 V for 1.3 s decaying pulse Voltage drop0.4 V 0.5 A Maximum load current16 A per module 16 A per module 4 A per group 4 A per group Surge current <= 5 A for 0.0005 s Response time <= 1 ms at state 0 to state 1<= 1 ms at state 1 to state 0Leakage current 0.4 mA 30 VLoad inductance Inductance(H) = 0.5/((current(A))² x (switching frequency(Hz))) 50 Hz Fault indication Blown fuseLoss of field power Associated fuse rating3 A each point 3 A each point 5 A per group 5 A per groupIsolation between channels and bus 1780 Vrms DC for 1 minute Isolation between group 500 Vrms DC for 1 minuteProtection typeInternal output protection by 5 A fuse per groupPower dissipation 1.75 W + (0.4 V x total module load current)Marking CELocal signalling1 LED green bus communication is present (Active)1 LED red external fault detected (F)32 LEDs green input status Bus current requirement 330 mA 330 mA Module format Standard Product weight0.45 kgEnvironmentProduct certificationsABS BV C-Tick DNVFM Class 1 Division 2GL GOST RINA RMRSSafety certification non interfering StandardsCSA C22.2 No 142UL 508Resistance to electrostatic discharge 4 kV contact conforming to IEC 801-28 kV on air conforming to IEC 801-2Resistance to electromagnetic fields 10 V/m 80...2000 MHz conforming to IEC 801-3Ambient air temperature for operation 0...60 °C Ambient air temperature for storage -40...85 °CRelative humidity 95 % without condensation Operating altitude<= 5000 mOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 0848 - Schneider Electric declaration of conformity Schneider Electric declaration of conformity REAChReference not containing SVHC above the threshold Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold Product environmental profileAvailableProduct environmental Product end of life instructionsAvailableEnd of life manualContractual warrantyWarranty period18 monthsDimensions DrawingsRacks for Modules MountingDimensions of Modules and Racks(1) 2 slots (2) 3 slots (3) 4 slots (4) 6 slots (5)10 slots (6)16 slotsConnections and Schema24 Vdc Discrete Output Source Module Wiring Diagram。
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它具有超低功耗、夜光键盘、独立密码、韦根输出、输出短路保护、门磁报警、防拆报警、开门按钮、门铃接口、安全级别设置等强大功能,使用非常方便,2 34 管理员操作恢复出厂设置:机器断开电源,按下#键不松开手,然后通电,机器“嘀嘀”两声后松手。
4.1 修改管理员密码:按注:管理员密码为6~8位任意数字,请妥善保管好。
4.2 添加用户:4.2.1连续增加卡:按4.2.2指定卡号增加:按注:自动增加时,用户ID号由本机自动产生,范围是1~2000,并从小到大搜索。
Philips Series 9000 电子剃须刀 S9031 21 产品说明书
S9031/21in every passCuts up to 20% more hair* in a single passThe Shaver 9000 is our most advanced shaver yet. The unique contour detecttechnology offers exceptional coverage over every contour of your face, and the V-Track system guides hairs into the best cutting position for the closest results.Easy to useShaver can be rinsed clean under the tapIntuitive icons make the functions easy to use50 minutes cordless shaving after a one-hour chargeWith 2 year guaranteeA comfortable shaveGet a comfortable dry or refreshing wet shave with A quatecDesigned for perfectionBlades perfectly guide hairs into position for a close shaveHeads flex in 8 different directions for a superb resultGet the most of your shaverClick-on trimmer for perfect mustache and sideburn trimmingHighlightsV -Track precision bladesystemGet the prefect close shave . The V -Track Precision Blades gently positions each hair in the best cutting position , even the flat laying and di fferent length of hairs . Cuts 30% closer in less strokes leaving your skin in great condition .8-directionContourDetectHeadsFollow every contour of your face and neck with 8-directional ContourDetect heads . You 'll catch 20% more hairs with every pass .Resulting in an extremely close , smooth shave .A quatec Wet &DryChoose how you prefer to shave . With the A quatec Wet & Dry seal , you can opt for a quick yet comfortable dry shave . Or you can shave wet – with gel or foam – even under the shower .SmartClick precisiontrimmerClick on our skin -friendly Precision Trimmer to finish your look . It ’s ideal for maintaining your mustache and trimming your sideburns .3 level LEDdisplayThe intuitive display shows relevantinformation , enabling you to get the best performance out of your shaver : - 3-level battery and travel lock indicators - Cleaning Indicator - Battery Low Indicator -Replacement Head Indicator 50 minutes of cordlessshavingOur advanced charging system gives you two convenient options : charge for one hour and you ’ll get 50 minutes of running time , or do a quick charge for one full shave . A ll 9000 Series Shavers contain a powerful energy -e fficient ,long -lasting lithium -ion battery . They are designed to operate only in cordless mode , to ensure you ’ll always be safe when shaving with water , even under the shower .Fully washableshaverSimply open the shaver head to rinse it thoroughly under the tap .Built tolastWe back this Philips shaver with a 2-year guarantee . Our 9000 Series Shavers are designed for performance and durability ,promising you an extremely close shave time after time .SpecificationsA ccessoriesSmartClick: Precision trimmerPouch: Travel pouchSoftwareSoftware update: Philips offers relevant software updates for a period of 2 years after the date of purchasePowerA utomatic voltage: 100-240 VBattery Type: Lithium-ionRun time: 50 min / 17 shavesCharging: 1 hour full charge, Quick charge for 1 shaveStand-by power: 0.1 WMax power consumption: 9 W DesignColor: Black SatinHandle: Ergonomic grip & handlingConsumer Trade ItemHeight: 23Width: 16Length: 7.2Net Weight: .423Gross Weight: .612GTIN: 8710103702290Country of origin: NLHarmonized system code: 851010Outer CartonHeight: 24.5Width: 15.2Length: 16.7Gross Weight: 1.338GTIN: 18710103702297ServiceReplacement head: Replace every 2 yrs withSH902-year guaranteeShaving PerformanceShaving system: V-Track Precision BladeSystem, Super Lift & Cut A ctionContour following: 8-directionContourDetectHeadsSkinComfort: A quaTec Wet & DryEase of useCleaning: Fully washableDisplay: 3 level battery indicator, Cleaningindicator, Battery low indicator, Replaceshaving heads indicator, Travel lock indicator* Cuts up to 20% more hair - versus SensoTouch© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A ll Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2023‑09‑18 Version: 5.0.1E A N: 87 10103 70229 0 。
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6 轮廓图。................................................................................................................................. - 25 7 激光安全注意事项。............................................................................................................. - 28 8 包装和标签。......................................................................................................................... - 29 -
翻译:未来世界 日期:18 年 12 月 8 日
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1270 nm ~ 1610 nm DFB LD MODULES DL-5300S-CXX0 Series 2.5 Gbps CWDM MQW-DFB LD PIGTAIL
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* FEATURES
² 18-wavelength CWDM: from 1270 nm to 1610 nm, each Step 20 nm
² High reliability, long operation life
² 0 ºC ~+70 ºC operation
² Speed up to 2.5 Gbps
² Single frequency operation with high SMSR
² Build-in InGaAs monitor
OC-3, OC-12, OC-48 and Gigabit CWDM Optical communication system
DL-5300S-CXX0 series are MQW-DFB laser diodes that provide a durable, single frequency oscillation with emission wavelength from 1270 nm to 1610 nm CWDM, each step 20nm.
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit I th Threshold Current CW 10 20 mA
I OP Operating Current CW, I th+20mA 35 50 mA
V OP Operating V oltage CW, I th+20mA 1.2 1.5 V
P f Optical Output Power
Part No: DL-532XS- CXX0
DL-533XS- CXX0 CW, I F= I th+20mA
-- mW
λc Center Wavelength CW, I th+20mA λ-3λλ+2nm SMSR Side Mode Suppression Ratio CW, I th+20mA 30 35 dB
t r, t f Rise And Fall Times I F=I th, I th+20mA,20~ 80% 150 ps
ΔP f / P f Tracking Error APC, 0~+70 ºC - - ±1.5 dB
I m PD Monitor Current CW, I th+20mA,V RD=1V 50 μA
I D PD Dark Current V RD=5V 10 nA
C t P
D Capacitance V RD=5V, f=1MHz 10 15 pF Note: Central CWDM wavelength is from 1270 nm to 1610 nm, each step 20 nm.
Symbol Parameter Ratings Unit
P o Optical Output Power (532XS/533XS) 1.5/3 mW
V RL LD Reverse V oltage 2 V
V RD PD Reverse V oltage 10 V
I FD PD Forward Current 1.0 mA
T opr Operating Temperature 0~+70 ºC
T stg Storage Temperature -40~+85 ºC