汉钟压缩机参数表 (2)
LB低温型压缩机机型压缩机电机油充注量油加热器强度试验质量排气量50Hzm3/h转速50Hzr/min润滑方式类别启动方式电压(V)50Hz绝缘等级保护L W bar KgLB-100/ LB-100-P 1062950 压差式供油3相2极鼠笼式感应电动机部分绕阻启动380 F级PTC+PT1004.530035248/233LB-140/ LB-140-P 139 7 290/275LB-180/ LB-180-P 179 7.5 310/295LB-200/ LB-200-P 198 10 440/420LB-230/ LB-230-P 224 10 460/440LB-250/ LB-250-P 257 10.5 464/446LB-280/ LB-280-P 275 11 474/454 LB-360-P 366 - - 370LB-410-P 416 - - 416 注:上表中所有的额定功率不等于压缩机的最大功率;请根据Hanbell选机程序确认压缩机在各种工况下的额定电流、最大持续运行电流值来选择接触器,电源线以及熔断保护元件。
3 电源线 L 连接到电源插座(220 V-240 V,50/60 Hz)。
4 记录纸支架(仅KX-FT926/KX-FT929) L 在本使用说明书的所有插图中,可能未全部标出记录纸支架。
5 [EXT]插孔 L 如果有制动塞,则将其取下。
6 电话分机(未附带)
1. 安装和快速入门
5 4
四信F2924-D DS电力级DTU使用说明书
F2924-D/DS 使用说明书此说明书适用于下列型号产品:客户热线:400-8838-199电话:+86-592-6300320传真:+86-592-5912735网址:地址:厦门集美软件园三期A06栋11层F2924-D/DS 使用说明书文档版本密级V1.0.0产品名称:F2924-D/DS共30页型号产品类别F2924-D 电力级DTUF2924-DS电力级DTU(含加密芯片)文档修订记录日期版本说明作者2019-08-13V1.0.0初始版本CPYAdd:厦门市集美区软件园三期诚毅大街370号A06栋11层著作权声明本文档所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由厦门四信通信科技有限公司拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。
Add:厦门市集美区软件园三期诚毅大街370号A06栋11层目录第一章产品简介 (2)1.1产品概述 (2)1.2产品特点 (2)1.3产品规格 (3)第二章安装 (6)2.1概述 (6)2.2开箱 (6)2.3安装与电缆连接 (6)2.4电源说明 (9)2.5指示灯说明 (9)第三章参数设置 (11)3.1界面说明 (11)3.2配置选项说明 (12)3.2.1“本地串口设置”项: (12)3.2.2“本地串口2设置”项: (13)3.2.3“DTU工作模式设置”项:..............................................错误!未定义书签。
1310 1550
插入损耗/n=30 14 12 10
1310nm 1550nm
6 4 2 0 0 0. 02 0. 04 0. 06 0. 08 0. 10 0. 12 0. 14 0. 16 插入损耗 ( dB)
6 4 2 0 47 49 51 53 55 57 回损 ( dB) 59 61 ( dB
Fujikura Confidential 4
机械连接隔离件 单芯固定子
连接工具 切割刀
FMSECOEZ-KIT025 酒精 毛刷 酒精棉
Fujikura Confidential 5
Fujikura Confidential 6
保护套特点 :
• 重量超轻 • 一触式闭锁 • 防水
• Insertion Loss • Return Loss
• Twist Test • Pull Test • Impact Test • Durability Test • Vibration Test
• Thermal Aging
• Humidity Test • Thermal Cycle
遵照 IEC 61300-2标准
Fujikura Confidential 19
可靠性测试数据 (机械连接子) 环境适应性测试
Test Heat cycles High temperature Low temperature Humidity cycles Heat and humidity test Salt spray Water immersion Wavelength 1310nm 1550nm 1310nm 1550nm 1310nm 1550nm 1310nm 1550nm 1310nm 1550nm 1310nm 1550nm 1310nm 1550nm Insertion Loss Mean 0.05dB 0.04dB 0.05dB 0.04dB 0.05dB 0.04dB 0.05dB 0.04dB 0.05dB 0.04dB 0.05dB 0.04dB 0.05dB 0.04dB Mx a 0.10dB 0.08dB 0.09dB 0.08dB 0.11dB 0.07dB 0.09dB 0.08dB 0.12dB 0.10dB 0.08dB 0.07dB 0.11dB 0.10dB Change 0.04dB 0.04dB 0.04dB 0.03dB 0.04dB 0.03dB 0.03dB 0.02dB 0.06dB 0.05dB 0.02dB 0.02dB 0.05dB 0.03dB Return Loss Mean 53.8dB 56.4dB 54.0dB 56.5dB 53.5dB 55.1dB 53.9dB 55.7dB 53.9dB 56.2dB 54.0dB 56.6dB 54.1dB 56.6dB Min 42.5dB 43.3dB 46.8dB 47.5dB 37.7dB 39.2dB 40.3dB 42.2dB 43.5dB 44.8dB 49.1dB 50.4dB 49.4dB 50.5dB
贴片元件标记对应型号资料贴片元件标记对应型号资料标记型号生产厂家封装引脚数1HR 2SD2185 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1HS 2SD2185 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1IR 2SB1440 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1IS 2SB1440 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1KQ 2SD2210 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1KR 2SD2210 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1KS 2SD2210 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1S 2SD2413 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1U 2SB1589 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1V 2SD2441 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1XQ 2SB1599 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1XR 2SB1599 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1YQ 2SD2457 松下MiniP3-F1 3 1YR 2SD2457 松下MiniP3-F1 3 2A 2SC5712 東芝SC-63 32AR 2SC5026 松下MiniP3-F1 3 2AS 2SC5026 松下MiniP3-F1 3 2C 2SC5713 東芝SC-63 32E 2SC5714 東芝SC-63 32ER 2SD2459 松下MiniP3-F1 3 2ES 2SD2459 松下MiniP3-F1 3 3D 2SC5819 東芝SC-63 33E 2SC5785 東芝SC-63 34D 2SA2069 東芝SC-63 34E 2SA2066 東芝SC-63 34F 2SA2059 東芝SC-63 34G 2SC2060 東芝SC-63 37O 2SA1621 東芝SC-59 37Y 2SA1621 東芝SC-59 3A 2SC2413K ROHM SC-59A 3 A 2SC4098 ROHM 3A1 1SS272 東芝SC-61 4A3 1SS181 東芝SC-59 3A3 1SS300 東芝SC-70 3A4 1SS319 東芝SC-61 4A4 1SS383 東芝4A5 1SS384 東芝SOT-343 4A5 1SS391 東芝SC-61 4A6 HN2S01F 東芝SC-74 6A6 HN2S01FU 東芝SC-88 6 A7 1SS402 東芝SOT-343 4A9 1SS294 東芝SC-59 3AL 2SA1971 東芝SC-63 3AL 2SC5307 東芝SC-63 3AN 2SC2532 東芝SC-59 3 AO 2SA2880 東芝SC-63 3 AQ 2SB766 松下MiniP3-F1 3 AR 2SB766 松下MiniP3-F1 3 AS 2SB766 松下MiniP3-F1 3 AU 2SB804 NEC SC-62 3AV 2SB804 NEC SC-62 3AW 2SB804 NEC SC-62 3AY 2SA2880 東芝SC-63 3B 2CS4081 ROHM 3B 2SC2412K ROHM SC-59A 3 B3 1SS184 東芝SC-59 3B3 1SS301 東芝SC-70 3B9 1SS311 東芝SC-59 3B9 1SS397 東芝SC-70 3BD 1SS271 東芝SC-59 3BE 1SV172 東芝BF 1SS268 東芝SC-59 3BG 1SS269 東芝SC-59 3BH 1SS295 東芝SC-59 3BO 2SA1200 東芝SC-63 3 BQ 2SB766A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 BR 2SB766A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 BS 2SB766A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 BU 2SD1005 NEC SC-62 3BU DA228K ROHM SC-59 3 BU DA228U ROHM SC-70 3 BV 2SD1005 NEC SC-62 3BW 2SD1005 NEC SC-62 3BY 2SA1200 東芝SC-63 3C 2SC2411K ROHM SC-59A 3C 2SC4097 ROHM 3C1 1SS352 東芝C1 1SS387 東芝C3 1SS226 東芝SC-59 3C9 1SS307 東芝SC-59 3CEO 2SC3325 東芝SC-59 3 CEY 2SC3325 東芝SC-59 3CG 2SA1163 東芝SC-59 3CK 2SD999 NEC SC-62 3CL 2SD999 NEC SC-62 3CM 2SD999 NEC SC-62 3CO 2SC2881 東芝SC-63 3CO 2SC4209 東芝SC-59 3CQ 2SB767 松下MiniP3-F1 3 CR 2SB767 松下MiniP3-F1 3 CY 2SC2881 東芝SC-63 3CY 2SC4209 東芝SC-59 3D 2SA1037KLN ROHM SC-59A 3 D3 1SS187 東芝SC-59 3DG 2SC2713 東芝SC-59 3DK 2SB798 NEC SC-62 3DL 2SB798 NEC SC-62 3DM 2SB798 NEC SC-62 3DO 2SA1201 東芝SC-63 3DQ 2SB789 松下MiniP3-F1 3 DR 2SB789 松下MiniP3-F1 3 DY 2SA1201 東芝SC-63 3E3 1SS190 東芝SC-59 3EK 2SD1001 NEC SC-62 3EL 2SD1001 NEC SC-62 3EM 2SD1001 NEC SC-62 3EO 2SC2882 東芝SC-63 3EQ 2SB789A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 ER 2SB789A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 EX 2SD2402 NEC SC-62 3EY 2SC2882 東芝SC-63 3EY 2SD2402 NEC SC-62 3EZ 2SD2402 NEC SC-62 3F 2SA1037K ROHM SC-59A 3 F 2SA1576 ROHM 3F3 1SS193 東芝SC-59 3F5 1SS250 東芝SC-59 3F5 1SS370 東芝SC-70 3F5 1SS403 東芝SOD-323 2F9 1SS321 東芝SC-59 3FK 2SB800 NEC SC-62 3FL 2SB800 NEC SC-62 3FM 2SB800 NEC SC-62 3FO 2SA1202 東芝SC-63 3FX 2SB1571 NEC SC-62 3FY 2SA1202 東芝SC-63 3FY 2SB1571 NEC SC-62 3FZ 2SB1571 NEC SC-62 3G3 1SS196 東芝SC-59 3G3 2SA1455K ROHM SC-59A 3 GK 2SD1615 NEC SC-62 3GL 2SD1615 NEC SC-62 3GM 2SD1615 NEC SC-62 3 GO 2SC2883 東芝SC-63 3 GP 2SD1615A NEC SC-62 3 GQ 2SD1615A NEC SC-62 3 GX 2SD2403 NEC SC-62 3GY 2SC2883 東芝SC-63 3GY 2SD2403 NEC SC-62 3GZ 2SD2403 NEC SC-62 3H9 1SS344 東芝SC-59 3HK 2SD1006 NEC SC-62 3HL 2SD1006 NEC SC-62 3HM 2SD1006 NEC SC-62 3 HO 2SA1203 東芝SC-63 3HP 2SD1007 NEC SC-62 3HQ 2SD1007 NEC SC-62 3HR 2SD1007 NEC SC-62 3HR 2SB956 松下MiniP3-F1 3 HS 2SB956 松下MiniP3-F1 3 HX 2SB1572 NEC SC-62 3HY 2SA1203 東芝SC-63 3HY 2SB1572 NEC SC-62 3HZ 2SB1572 NEC SC-62 3I9 1SS336 東芝SC-59 3IK 2SA1463 NEC SC-62 3IL 2SA1463 NEC SC-62 3IO 2SC3515 東芝SC-63 3IQ 2SB1073 松下MiniP3-F1 3 IR 2SC3515 東芝SC-63 3IR 2SB1073 松下MiniP3-F1 3 J 2SC2059K ROHM SC-59A 3J 2SC4099 ROHM 3J9 1SS337 東芝SC-59 3JO 2SA1384 東芝SC-63 3JR 2SK208 東芝SC-59 3JR 2SA1384 東芝SC-63 3K DA221 ROHM SC-75A 3K DA204U ROHM SC-70 3K DA204K ROHM SC-59 3K9 1SS348 東芝SC-59 3KA 2SC4409 東芝SC-63 3KD 2SC4541 東芝SC-63 3KK 2SB805 NEC SC-62 3KL 2SB805 NEC SC-62 3KM 2SB805 NEC SC-62 3KP 2SB806 NEC SC-62 3KQ 2SB806 NEC SC-62 3KR 2SB806 NEC SC-62 3L 2SC2412KLN ROHM SC-59A 3 L9 1SS349 東芝SC-59 3LA 2SA1681 東芝SC-63 3LD 2SA1736 東芝SC-63 3LK 2SD1000 NEC SC-62 3LL 2SD1000 NEC SC-62 3LM 2SD1000 NEC SC-62 3MK 2SB799 NEC SC-62 3 ML 2SB799 NEC SC-62 3 MM 2SB799 NEC SC-62 3 MO 2SC2873 東芝SC-63 3 MY 2SC2873 東芝SC-63 3 N9 1SS372 東芝SC-70 3 N9 1SS374 東芝SC-59 3 NA 2SK1273 NEC SC-62 3 NB 2SK1586 NEC SC-62 3 NC 2SK1485 NEC SC-62 3 ND 2SK1583 NEC SC-62 3 NE 2SK1585 NEC SC-62 3 NF 2SK1587 NEC SC-62 3 NG 2SK1588 NEC SC-62 3 NH 2SK1584 NEC SC-62 3 NI 2SK1586 NEC SC-62 3 NJ 2SK2111 NEC SC-62 3 NK 2SC2780 NEC SC-62 3 NL 2SC2780 NEC SC-62 3 NM 2SC2780 NEC SC-62 3 NO 2SA1213 東芝SC-63 3 NO 2SK1592 NEC SC-62 3 NP 2SK1593 NEC SC-62 3 NQ 2SK1959 NEC SC-62 3 NR 2SK1960 NEC SC-62 3 NS 2SK2109 NEC SC-62 3 NT 2SK2110 NEC SC-62 3 NV 2SK2112 NEC SC-62 3 NW 2SK2159 NEC SC-62 3 NX 2SK2857 NEC SC-62 3 NY 2SA1213 東芝SC-63 3 O9 1SS377 東芝SC-59 3 O9 1SS378 東芝SC-70 3 O9 1SS385 東芝SC-75 3 O9 1SS385F 東芝SC-81 3 OK 2SC3736 NEC SC-62 3 OL 2SC3736 NEC SC-62 3PA 2SJ179 NEC SC-62 3PB 2SJ197 NEC SC-62 3PC 2SJ199 NEC SC-62 3PD 2SJ205 NEC SC-62 3PE 2SJ207 NEC SC-62 3PF 2SJ208 NEC SC-62 3PH 2SJ206 NEC SC-62 3PO 2SC2884 東芝SC-63 3 PO 2SJ212 NEC SC-62 3PP 2SJ213 NEC SC-62 3PQ 2SJ355 NEC SC-62 3PR 2SJ356 NEC SC-62 3PY 2SC2884 東芝SC-63 3 QO 2SC2714 東芝3R12 UMR12N ROHM SC-88 6 R23 2SC3356 Q NEC SC-59 3 R24 2SC3356 R NEC SC-59 3 R25 2SC3356 S NEC SC-59 3 R9 1SS392 東芝SC-59 3R9 1SS393 東芝SC-70 3RQ 2SD1280 松下MiniP3-F1 3 RR 2SD1280 松下MiniP3-F1 3 RS 2SD1280 松下MiniP3-F1 3 S2 1SS315 東芝SC-59 3S9 1SS394 東芝SC-59 3SA 2SC2982 東芝SC-63 3SK 2SC3554 NEC SC-62 3SL 2SC3554 NEC SC-62 3SM 2SC3554 NEC SC-62 3 SO 2SA1162 東芝SC-59 3T9 1SS396 東芝SC-59 3TA 2SA1314 東芝SC-63 3TA 1SV231 東芝1-1E1A 2TB 2SA1314 東芝SC-63 3TC 2SA1314 東芝SC-63 3TE 2SD1702 NEC SC-62 3TF 2SD1702 NEC SC-62 3TL 2SC3617 NEC SC-62 3TM 2SC3617 NEC SC-62 3TQ 2SD1699 NEC SC-62 3TQ 2SD1119 松下MiniP3-F1 3 TR 2SD1699 NEC SC-62 3TR 2SD1119 松下MiniP3-F1 3 UK 2SC3618 NEC SC-62 3UL 2SC3618 NEC SC-62 3UM 2SC3618 NEC SC-62 3VK 2SD1950 NEC SC-62 3VL 2SD1950 NEC SC-62 3VM 2SD1950 NEC SC-62 3 VR 2SD968A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 VS 2SD968A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 VY 2SJ106 東芝SC-59 3W 2SD1383K ROHM SC-59A 3 W3 FMW3 ROHM 5X9 1SS398 東芝SC-59 3XK 2SD1614 NEC SC-62 3XL 2SD1614 NEC SC-62 3XM 2SD1614 NEC SC-62 3 XN 2SD1784 東芝SC-63 3 XR 2SD875 松下MiniP3-F1 3 XS 2SD875 松下MiniP3-F1 3 YB 2SK680A NEC SC-62 3YK 2SB1115 NEC SC-62 3YL 2SB1115 NEC SC-62 3YM 2SB1115 NEC SC-62 3YP 2SB1115A NEC SC-62 3 YQ 2SB1115A NEC SC-62 3 YQ 2SD874A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 YR 2SD874A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 YS 2SD874A 松下MiniP3-F1 3 Z7 2SK2549 東芝SC-63 3Z8 2SJ360 東芝SC-63 3Z9 2SJ465 東芝SC-63 3ZA 2SK2615 東芝SC-63 3ZB 2SK2963 東芝SC-63 3 ZC 2SK2964 東芝SC-63 3 ZD 2SK2992 東芝SC-63 3 ZE 2SJ508 東芝SC-63 3ZF 2SJ511 東芝SC-63 3ZG 2SK3471 東芝SC-63 3 ZK 2SB1114 NEC SC-62 3 ZL 2SB1114 NEC SC-62 3 ZM 2SB1114 NEC SC-62 3 ZO 2SA1182 東芝SC-59 3 ZQ 2SD874 松下MiniP3-F1 3 ZR 2SD874 松下MiniP3-F1 3 ZS 2SD874 松下MiniP3-F1 3 ZX 2SB1628 NEC SC-62 3 ZY 2SB1628 NEC SC-62 3 ZZ 2SB1628 NEC SC-62 3。
Installation Instructions Air Flow SwitchCatalog Number(s) 1414-CPN10APWAB,1414-CPN10APQAB, 1414-CPM10APWABAbout Air Flow Switch (AFS)The AFS is a general purpose airflow proving switch designed for HV AC and energy management applications. It may be used to sense positive, negative or differential air pressure.The plated housing contains a diaphragm, a calibration spring and a snap-acting SPDT (NC) switch.The sample connections located on each side of the diaphragm accept a .25” OD tubing via the integral compression and nut.An enclosure cover guards against accidental contact with the live switch terminal screws and the set point adjusting screw. The enclosure cover will accept a .5”conduit connection. The AFS (1414-CPM10APW AB) has a reset button located onthe top surface of the enclosure cover.Publication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 20052 Air Flow SwitchImportant User InformationSolid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at) describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.Publication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 2005Air Flow Switch 3Publication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 2005Install Air Flow SwitchSelect a mounting location which is free from vibration. The AFS pressure switch MUST be mounted with the diaphragm in any vertical plane in order to obtain the lowest specified operating set point. Avoid mounting with the sample lineconnections in the “UP” position. Surface mount via the two 3/16” diameter holes in the integral mounting bracket. The mounting holes are 3 7/8” apart.Figure 1 DimensionsAir Sampling ConnectionThe AFS is designed to accept sample lines of .25” OD tubing by means of ferrule and nut compression connections. Locate the sampling probe a minimum of 1.5 duct diameters down stream from the air source. Install the sampling probe as close to the air stream as possible. The low pressure side is designated by the stamped ‘LOW’ on the housing of the diaphragm.•Positive Pressure Only: Connect the sample line to the LOW side and the HIGH side remains open to atmosphere.•Negative Pressure Only: Connect the sample line to the HIGH side and the LOW side remains open to atmosphere.•Two Negative Samples: Connect the higher negative sample to the HIGH side and the lower negative sample to the LOW side.•Two Positive Samples: Connect the higher positive sample to the LOW side and the lower positive sample to the HIGH side.•One Positive and One Negative Sample: Connect the positive sample to the LOW side and connect the negative sample to the HIGH side.4 Air Flow SwitchPublication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 2005Figure 2 Alarm or ControlField AdjustmentFrom lowest operating point several turns of the adjusting screw are necessary to engage the calibration spring. No change in set point will occur until the spring is engaged. For higher set points continue turning screw in a clockwise direction. It may be useful to connect a manometer in parallel with the switch when adjusting, as the final operating point can be noted for future reference. Please see specifications for actual ranges and set point information.SpecificationsAir Flow Switch SpecificationsSpecification 1414-CPN10APWAB 1414-CPN10APQAB 1414-CPM10APWAB Sample Media AirAirAirMounting Position Diaphragm in any vertical planeDiaphragm in any vertical plane Diaphragm in any vertical planeField Adjustable Range.05, ±.02” w.c. to 12” w.c..05, ±.02” w.c. to 2” w.c..40, ±.06” w.c. to 12” w.cSwitch DifferentialProgressive, increasing from approximately .02± .01” w.c. at minimum set point, to approximately .8” w.c. at maximum set point.Progressive, increasing from 0.02± 0.01” w.c. at minimum set point to approximately 0.1” w.c. at maximum set point.Progressive, increasing from approximately .06± .01” w.c. at minimum set point, to approximately .8”w.c. at maximum set point.Maximum Pressure .5” (0.03 bar).5” (0.03 bar).5” (0.03 bar)OperatingTemperature Range-40°C … 82.2°C (-40°F…180°F)-40°C … 82.2°C (-40°F…180°F)-40°C … 82.2°C (-40°F…180°F)Air Flow Switch 5Publication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 2005Life100,000 cycles/min. at 5psi max pressure each cycle and at max electrical load.100,000 cycles/min. at 5psi max pressure each cycle and at max electrical load.600 cycles/min. at 5psi max pressure each cycle and at max electrical load.Electrical Rating300 va pilot duty at 115…277vac, 10 amp, non-inductive, 277 vac, 60Hz.300 va pilot duty at 115…277vac, 10 amp, non-inductive, 277 vac, 60Hz.300 va pilot duty at 115…277vac, 10 amp, non-inductive, 277 vac, 60Hz.Contact Arrangement SPDTSPDTSPDTElectrical Connections Screw top terminals with cup washersScrew top terminals with cup washers Screw top terminals with cup washers Sample Line ConnectionsFerrule and nut compression typeconnectors that accept .25” OD rigid tubing.Ferrule and nut compression type connectors that accept .25” OD rigid tubing.Ferrule and nut compression type connectors that accept .25” OD rigid tubing.Automatic/Manual ResetAutomaticAutomaticManualAir Flow Switch SpecificationsSpecification 1414-CPN10APWAB 1414-CPN10APQAB 1414-CPM10APWAB6 Air Flow SwitchPublication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 2005Air Flow Switch 7 Publication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 2005All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders, and are hereby acknowledged.Publication 1414-IN003A-EN-P - October 2005PN 40055-233-01(1)Copyright © 2005 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.。
日本 JIS S58C SUP3 — — SUP6 SUP7 — SUP10
法国 NF XC55 — — — 55S6 61S7 — 50CV4
德国 DIN C60 — — — 55Si7 65Si7 — 50CrV4
第 5 页,共 28 页
国家 中国 标准号 GB
— 5152 — 3140H 3316 3325 3330 80B20 — 4340
英国 BS 708A37 — — — — — 735A30 — 527A60 — 640M40 — 653M31 — — 905M39 871M40
日本 JIS SCM3 — — — — — SUP10 — SUP9 — SNC236 — SNC631H SNC631 — SACM645 SNCM439
法国 NF — — XC10 XC10 XC12 XC18 — XC32 XC38TS XC38H1 XC45 XC48TS XC55 XC55 XC12 XC18 XC32 40M5 — XC48
德国 DIN C10 C10 — C10,CK10 C15,CK15 C22,CK22 CK25 — C35,CK35 — C45,CK45 CK53 — C60,CK60 14Mn4 — — 40Mn4 — —
20CrMn 20XГCA
30CrMnSiA 30XГCA
20CrNi3A 20XH3A
30CrNi3A 30XH3A
合金结 构钢
美国 ASTM 4135 — — — 6120 6140 6150
DWU1052 DHD1052项目器技术用户手册说明书
Technical User Manual020-000857-01Q Series DWU1052/DHD1052ProjectorDWU1052/DHD1052 User's Manual (detailed) Operating Guide – Technical Supported signals for COMPUTER INResolution (H x V)Signal mode H. frequency(kHz)V. frequency(Hz)Rating720 x 400TEXT37.985VESA 640 x 480VGA (60Hz)31.559.9VESAVGA (72Hz)37.972.8VESAVGA (75Hz)37.575VESAVGA (85Hz)43.385VESA 800 x 600SVGA (56Hz)35.256.3VESASVGA (60Hz)37.960.3VESASVGA (72Hz)48.172.2VESASVGA (75Hz)46.975VESASVGA (85Hz)53.785.1VESA 832 x 624Mac 16” mode49.774.5-1024 x 768XGA (60Hz)48.460VESAXGA (70Hz)56.570.1VESAXGA (75Hz)6075VESAXGA (85Hz)68.785VESA 1152 x 8641152 x 864 (75Hz)67.575VESA 1280 x 768W-XGA (60Hz)47.760VESA 1280 x 8001280 x 800 (60Hz)49.760VESA 1280 x 1024SXGA (60Hz)6460VESASXGA (75Hz)8075VESASXGA (85Hz)91.185VESA *1 1366 x 768WXGA (60Hz)47.759.8VESA 1440 x 900WXGA+ (60Hz)55.959.9VESA 1600 x 900WXGA++ (60Hz)6060VESA 1680 x 1050WSXGA+ (60Hz)65.360VESA 1600 x 1200UXGA (60Hz)7560VESA 1920 x 1080Full HD (60Hz)67.560VESA *2 1920 x 1200W-UXGA (60Hz)Reduced Blanking7460VESA *1) Only for DHD1052 *2) Only for DWU1052(continued on next page)Supported signals for HDMI / HDBaseTResolution (H x V)Signal mode H. frequency(kHz)V. frequency(Hz)Rating720 x 400TEXT37.985VESA 640 x 480VGA (60Hz)31.559.9VESAVGA (72Hz)37.972.8VESAVGA (75Hz)37.575VESAVGA (85Hz)43.385VESA 800 x 600SVGA (56Hz)35.256.3VESASVGA (60Hz)37.960.3VESASVGA (72Hz)48.172.2VESASVGA (75Hz)46.975VESASVGA (85Hz)53.785.1VESA 832 x 624Mac 16” mode49.774.5-1024 x 768XGA (60Hz)48.460VESAXGA (70Hz)56.570.1VESAXGA (75Hz)6075VESAXGA (85Hz)68.785VESA 1152 x 8641152 x 864 (75Hz)67.575VESA 1280 x 768W-XGA (60Hz)47.760VESA 1280 x 8001280 x 800 (60Hz)49.760VESA 1280 x 1024SXGA (60Hz)6460VESASXGA (75Hz)8075VESASXGA (85Hz)91.185VESA 1366 x 768WXGA (60Hz)47.759.8VESA 1440 x 900WXGA+ (60Hz)55.959.9VESA 1600 x 900WXGA++ (60Hz)6060VESA 1400 x 1050SXGA+ (60Hz)65.260VESA 1680 x 1050WSXGA+ (60Hz)65.360VESA 1600 x 1200UXGA (60Hz)7560VESA *1 1920 x 1200W-UXGA (60Hz)Reduced Blanking7460VESA *1) Only for DWU1052(continued on next page)Resolution (H x V)Signal mode H. frequency(kHz)V. frequency(Hz)Rating720(1440) x 480i480i15.760CEA 720(1440) x 576i576i15.650CEA 720 x 480p480p31.560CEA 720 x 576p576p31.350CEA 1280 x 720p720p (50Hz)37.550CEA720p (60Hz)4560CEA 1920 x 1080i1080i (50Hz)28.150CEA1080i (60Hz)33.860CEA 1920 x 1080p1080p (50Hz)56.350CEA1080p (60Hz)67.560CEA (continued on next page)Supported signals for DVI-DResolution (H x V)Signal mode H. frequency(kHz)V. frequency(Hz)Rating720 x 400TEXT37.985VESA 640 x 480VGA (60Hz)31.559.9VESAVGA (72Hz)37.972.8VESAVGA (75Hz)37.575VESAVGA (85Hz)43.385VESA 800 x 600SVGA (56Hz)35.256.3VESASVGA (60Hz)37.960.3VESASVGA (72Hz)48.172.2VESASVGA (75Hz)46.975VESASVGA (85Hz)53.785.1VESA 832 x 624Mac 16” mode49.774.5-1024 x 768XGA (60Hz)48.460VESAXGA (70Hz)56.570.1VESAXGA (75Hz)6075VESAXGA (85Hz)68.785VESA 1152 x 8641152 x 864 (75Hz)67.575VESA 1280 x 768W-XGA (60Hz)47.760VESA 1280 x 8001280 x 800 (60Hz)49.760VESA 1280 x 1024SXGA (60Hz)6460VESASXGA (75Hz)8075VESASXGA (85Hz)91.185VESA 1366 x 768WXGA (60Hz)47.759.8VESA 1440 x 900WXGA+ (60Hz)55.959.9VESA 1600 x 900WXGA++ (60Hz)6060VESA 1400 x 1050SXGA+ (60Hz)65.260VESA 1680 x 1050WSXGA+ (60Hz)65.360VESA 1600 x 1200UXGA (60Hz)7560VESA *1 1920 x 1200W-UXGA (60Hz)Reduced Blanking7460VESA *1) Only for DWU1052(continued on next page)Resolution (H x V)Signal mode H. frequency(kHz)V. frequency(Hz)Rating720(1440) x 480i480i15.760CEA 720(1440) x 576i576i15.650CEA 720 x 480p480p31.560CEA 720 x 576p576p31.350CEA 1280 x 720p720p (50Hz)37.550CEA720p (60Hz)4560CEA 1920 x 1080i1080i (50Hz)28.150CEA1080i (60Hz)33.860CEA 1920 x 1080p1080p (50Hz)56.350CEA1080p (60Hz)67.560CEA (continued on next page)Supported signals for SDI/DIGITAL1Resolution (H x V)Signal mode H. frequency(kHz)V. frequency(Hz)Rating720 x 480i480i15.760SMPTE 720 x 576i576i15.650SMPTE 1280 x 720p720p (50Hz)37.550SMPTE720p (60Hz)4560SMPTE 1920 x 1080i1080i (50Hz)28.150SMPTE1080i (60Hz)33.860SMPTE 1920 x 1080sf1080i (25Hz)28.150SMPTE1080i (30Hz)33.860SMPTE 1920 x 1080p1080p (50Hz)56.350SMPTE1080p (60Hz)67.560SMPTE Only support 3G-SDI Level-A signal.NOTE• Be sure to check jack type, signal level, timing and resolution before connecting this projector to a PC.• Some PCs may have multiple display screen modes. Use of some of these modes is not possible with this projector.• Depending on the input signal, full-size display may not be possible in some cases. Refer to the number of display pixels above.• The signal is converted to the projector’s panel resolution before being displayed. The best display performance is achieved if the resolutions of the input signal and projector panel are identical.• Automatic adjustment may not function correctly with some input signals.• The image may not be displayed correctly when the input sync signal is a composite sync or a sync on G.• The illustrations in this manual are for illustrative purposes. They may differ slightly from your projector.A•V • H/V. sync. signal: TTL level (positive/negative)• Composite sync. signal: TTL level<Component video signal>• V ideo signal: Y with composite sync, Analog, 1.0±0.1Vp-p, 75Ω terminatedCb/Pb, Analog, 0.7±0.1Vp-p, 75Ω terminated Cr/Pr, Analog, 0.7±0.1Vp-p 75Ω terminated• System: 480i@60, 480p@60, 576i@50, 720p@50/60, 1080i@50/60, 1080p@50/60Pin SignalPin Signal1Video Red, Cr/Pr 9(No connection)2Video Green, Y 10Ground 3Video Blue, Cb/Pb 11(No connection)4(No connection)12A : SDA (DDC data) B : (No connection)5Ground13H. sync / Composite sync.6Ground Red, Ground Cr/Pr 14V. sync.7Ground Green, Ground Y 15A : SCL (DDC clock)B : (No connection)8Ground Blue, Ground Cb/PbNOTICE ►Use the cables with straight plugs, not L-shaped ones, as the input ports of the projector are recessed.►Only the signal that is input from the COMPUTER IN can be output from the MONITOR OUT port.DVI-DDVI-D jack (digital to digital)PinSignalPinSignalPinSignal1T.M.D.S. Data2 -9T.M.D.S. Data1 -17T.M.D.S. Data0 -2T.M.D.S. Data2 +10T.M.D.S. Data1 +18T.M.D.S. Data0 +3T.M.D.S. Data2/4 Shield 11T.M.D.S. Data1/3 Shield 19T.M.D.S. Data0/5 Shield 4-12-20-5-13-21-6DDC Clock 14+5V Power22T.M.D.S. Clock Shield 7DDC Data 15Ground (for +5V)23T.M.D.S. Clock +8-16Hot Plug Detect24T.M.D.S. Clock -E CPin SignalPin SignalPin Signal1T.M.D.S. Data2 +8T.M.D.S. Data0 Shield 15SCL 2T.M.D.S. Data2 Shield 9T.M.D.S. Data0 -16SDA3T.M.D.S. Data2 -10T.M.D.S. Clock +17DDC/CEC Ground 4T.M.D.S. Data1 +11T.M.D.S. Clock Shield 18+5V Power 5T.M.D.S. Data1 Shield 12T.M.D.S. Clock -19Hot Plug Detect6T.M.D.S. Data1 -13CEC7T.M.D.S. Data0 +14Reserved (N.C. on device)G CONTROL D-sub 9pin plug* A bout the details of RS-232C communication,refer to the next section.Pin SignalPin SignalPin Signal1(No connection)4(No connection)7RTS 2RD 5Ground 8CTS3TD6(No connection)9(No connection)• System: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAL-M, PAL-N, NTSC4.43, PAL(60Hz)FRJ-45 jackPin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1HDBaseT0+4HDBaseT2+7HDBaseT3+2HDBaseT0-5HDBaseT2-8HDBaseT3-3HDBaseT1+6HDBaseT1-I LAN RJ-45 jackPin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal1TX+4-7-2TX-5-8-3RX+6RX-REMOTE CONTROL K IN, L OUTØ3.5 stereo mini jackM SDI/DIGITAL1BNC jack x1• S D/HD/3G-SDI signal, Digital, 0.8V±10%, 75Ω terminated• System:SD-SDI signal: conforming to SMPTE ST 259-C standardYCBCR 4:2:2 10-bit480i, 576iSingle link HD-SDI signal: conforming to SMPTE ST 292 standardYPBPR 4:2:2 10-bit720p@50/60, 1080i@50/60, 1080sf@25/30 3G-SDI Level-A signal: conforming to SMPTE ST 424 standardYPBPR 4:2:2 10-bit1080p@50/60RS-232C cable(cross)CD (1) (1) - RD(2) (2) RD TD (3) (3) TD DTR (4) (4) - GND (5) (5) GND DSR (6) (6) - RTS (7) (7) RTS DTS (8) (8) CTSRI (9)(9) -When the projector connects to the computer by RS-232C communication, the projector can be controlled with RS-232C commands from the computer.For details of RS-232C commands, refer to RS-232C Communication / Network command table (&21).Connection1.Turn off the projector and the computer.2. Connect the projector's CONTROL port and the computer's RS-232C port with a RS-232C cable (cross). Use the cable that fulfi lls the specifi cationshown in fi gure.3.Turn the computer on, and turn the projector on after the computer has started up.4. Set the COMMUNICATION TYPE to OFF in the COMMUNICATION menu of the OPTION - SERVICE menu.CONTROL port of the projectorRS-232C port of the computerCommunication settings1. Protocol19200bps, 8N12. Command format(h shows hexadecimal)Byte Number0123456789101112Command ActionHeader DataHeadercode PacketDatasizeCRCflag Action TypeSettingcode L H L H L H L H L H L H<SET>Change setting todesired value [(cL)(cH)]by [(bL)(bH)].BEh EFh03h06h00h (aL)(aH)01h00h(bL)(bH)(cL)(cH)<GET>Read projectorinternal setup value [(bL)(bH)] .(aL)(aH)02h00h(bL)(bH)00h00h<INCREMENT>Increment setup value[(bL)(bH)] by 1.(aL)(aH)04h00h(bL)(bH)00h00h<DECREMENT>Decrement setup value[(bL)(bH)] by 1.(aL)(aH)05h00h(bL)(bH)00h00h<EXECUTE> Run acommand [(bL)(bH)].(aL)(aH)06h00h(bL)(bH)00h00h [Header code] [Packet] [Data size]Set [BEh, EFh, 03h, 06h, 00h] to byte number 0 to 4.[CRC flag]For byte number 5 and 6, refer to RS-232C Communication / Networkcommand table(&21).[Action]Set functional code to byte number 7 and 8.<SET> = [01h, 00h], <GET> = [02h, 00h], <INCREMENT> = [04h, 00h]<DECREMENT> = [05h, 00h], <EXECUTE> = [06h, 00h]Refer to the Communication command table (&above).[Type] [Setting code]For byte number 9 to 12, refer to RS-232C Communication / Networkcommand table(&21).3. Response code / Error code(h shows hexadecimal)(1) A CK reply: 06hWhen the projector receives the Set, Increment, Decrement or Executecommand correctly, the projector changes the setting data for the specified item by [Type], and it returns the code.(2) N AK reply: 15hWhen the projector cannot understand the received command, the projector returns the error code.In such a case, check the sending code and send the same command again.(3) E rror reply: 1Ch + 0000hWhen the projector cannot execute the received command for any reasons, the projector returns the error code.In such a case, check the sending code and the setting status of the projector.(4) D ata reply: 1Dh + xxxxhWhen the projector receives the GET command correctly, the projector returns the response code and 2 bytes of data.NOTE • For connecting the projector to your devices, read the manual for each devices, and connect them correctly with suitable cables.• Operation cannot be guaranteed when the projector receives an undefined command or data.• Provide an interval of at least 40ms between the response code and any other code.• The projector outputs test data when the power supply is switched ON, and when the lamp is lit. Ignore this data.• Commands are not accepted during warm-up.• When the data length is greater than indicated by the data length code, the projector ignores the excess data code. Conversely when the data length is shorter than indicated by the data length code, the projector returns the error code to the computer.orFor HDBaseT connection - CAT-5e or greater- shielded type (connectors included) - straight cable - single cableWhen the projector connects to the network, the projector can be controlled with RS-232C commands from the computer with web browser.For details of RS-232C commands, refer to RS-232C Communication / Network command table (&21).Connection1.Turn off the projector and the computer.2. If you use wired LAN, connect the projector's LAN or HDBaseT TMport to the computer's LAN or HDBaseT port with a LAN cable. Use the cable that fulfi llsthe specifi cation shown in fi gure. If you use wireless LAN, insert the USB wireless adapter into the WIRELESS port of the projector.3.Turn the computer on, and turn the projector on after the computer has started up.NOTE • If data is transferred using wireless and wired LAN at the same time, the projector may not be able to process the data correctly.Communication PortThe following two ports are assigned for the command control.TCP #23TCP #9715Configure the following items from a web browser when command control is used. Port SettingsNetwork Control Port1 (Port: 23)Port openClick the [Enable] checkbox to open [NetworkControl Port1 (Port: 23)] to use TCP #23.Default setting is EnableAuthenticationClick the [Enable] check box for the[Authentication] setting when authenticationis required.Default setting is Disable.Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715)Port openClick the [Enable] check box to open [NetworkControl Port2 (Port: 9715)] to use TCP#9715.Default setting is Enable.AuthenticationClick the [Enable] check box for the[Authentication] setting when authenticationis required.Default setting is Enable.When the authentication setting is enabled, the following settings are required. Security SettingsNetwork Control AuthenticationPasswordEnter the required authentication password.Confirm this setting is the same for [NetworkControl Port1 (Port: 23)] and [NetworkControl Port2 (Port: 9715)].Default setting is blank.Re-enterAuthenticationPasswordCommand control settings[TCP #23]1. Command formatSame as RS-232C communication, refer to RS-232C Communication command format.2. Response code / Error code(h shows hexadecimal)Four of the response / error code used for TCP#23 are the same as RS-232C Communication (1)~(4). One authentication error reply (5) is added.(1) A CK reply : 06hRefer to RS-232C communication (&14).(2) N AK reply : 15hRefer to RS-232C communication (&14).(3) E rror reply : 1Ch + 0000hRefer to RS-232C communication (&14).(4) D ata reply : 1Dh + xxxxhRefer to RS-232C communication (&14).(5) A uthentication error reply : 1Fh + 0400hWhen authentication error occurs, the projector returns the error code.[TCP #9715]1. Command formatThe commands that some datum are added to the head and the end of the ones of TCP#9715 are used.Header Data length RS-232C command Check sum Connection ID0×020×0D13 bytes 1 byte 1 byte [Header]02, Fixed[Data Length]RS-232C commands byte length (0×0D, Fixed)[RS-232C commands]Refer to RS-232C Communication command format (&13).[Check Sum]This is the value to make zero on the addition of the lower 8 bits from the header to the checksum.[Connection ID]Random value from 0 to 255 (This value is attached to the reply data).NOTE • Operation cannot be guaranteed when the projector receives an undefined command or data.• Provide an interval of at least 40ms between the response code and any other code.• Commands are not accepted during warm-up.NOTE • For the transmission of the second or subsequent commands, the authentication data can be omitted for the same connection.2. Response code / Error code (h shows hexadecimal)The connection ID is attached for the TCP#23's response / error codes are used. The connection ID is the same as the sending command format.(1) ACK reply: 06h + ××h(××h : connection ID)(2) NAK reply: 15h + ××h(3) Error reply: 1Ch + 0000h + ××h (4) Data reply: 1Dh + xxxxh + ××h(5) Authentication error reply: 1Fh + 0400h + ××h (6)P rojector busy reply: 1Fh + ××××h + ××h When the projector is too busy to receive the command, the projector returns the error code.In such a case, check the sending code and send the same command again.Automatic Connection BreakThe TCP connection will be automatically disconnected after there is no communication for 30 seconds after being established.AuthenticationThe projector does not accept commands without authentication successwhen authentication is enabled. The projector uses a challenge response type authentication with an MD5 (Message Digest 5) algorithm.When the projector is connected to a LAN, a random 8 bytes will be returned if authentication is enabled. Bind this received 8 bytes and the authentication password, and digest the data with the MD5 algorithm, and add it in front of the commands to send.Following is a sample of authentication process. Authentication password: password (example) Random 8 bytes: a572f60c (example)1) S elect a projector and receive the random 8 bytes from the projector. → a572f60c2)B ind the random 8 bytes and the authentication password. → a572f60cpassword3)D igest this bound with MD5 algorithm. → e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde4)A dd this code in front of the commands and send the data. → e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde + [command].5)W hen the sent data is correct, the command will be performed and the reply data will be returned. Otherwise, an authentication error will be returned.This projector is equipped with NETWORK BRIDGE function.When the projector connects to the computer by wired or wireless LAN communication, an external device that is connected with this projector by RS-232C communication can be controlled from the computer as a network terminal. For details, see the 7. Network Bridge function in the Network Guide.NOTE • If data is transferred using wireless and wired LAN at the same time, the projector may not be able to process the data correctly.Connection1. If you use wired LAN, connect the computer's LAN port and the projector'sLAN port with a LAN cable. Use the cable that fulfi lls the specifi cation shown in fi gure. If you use wireless LAN, insert the USB wireless adapter into the projector's WIRELESS port.2. Connect the projector's CONTROL port and the RS-232C port of the devicesthat you want to control with a RS-232C cable.3. Turn the computer on, and turn the projector on after the computer hasstarted up.4. Set the COMMUNICATION TYPE to NETWORK BRIDGE in theCOMMUNICATION menu of the OPTION - SERVICE menu.Communication settingsFor communication setting, use the COMMUNICATION menu in the OPTION - SERVICE menu.Item ConditionBAUD RATE4800bps / 9600bps / 19200bps / 38400bpsData length8 bit (fixed)PARITY NONE/ODD/EVENStart bit 1 bit (fixed)Stop bit 1 bit (fixed)Transmission method HALF-DUPLEX/FULL-DUPLEXNOTE • For connecting the projector to your devices, read the manual for each devices, and connect them correctly with suitable cables.• Turn off the power and unplug both the projector and other devices before connecting them.• For details of Transmission method, refer to 7.4 Transmission method in the Network Guide.Names Operation Type Header CRCCommand Data Action Type Setting codePower SetTurn off BE EF0306 002A D301 0000 6000 00Turn on BE EF0306 00BA D201 0000 6001 00GetBE EF0306 0019 D302 0000 6000 00[Example return]00 00 01 00 02 00[Off] [On] [Cool down]Input Source SetCOMPUTER IN BE EF0306 00FE D201 0000 2000 00 LAN BE EF0306 00CE D501 0000 200B 00HDMI 1BE EF0306 000E D201 0000 2003 00HDMI 2BE EF0306 006E D601 0000 200D 00DVI-D BE EF0306 00AE D401 0000 2009 00HDBaseT BE EF0306 00AE DE01 0000 2011 00 SDI/DIGITAL 1 BE EF0306 005E DE01 0000 2012 00 VIDEO BE EF0306 006E D301 0000 2001 00Get BE EF0306 00CD D202 0000 2000 00Error Status GetBE EF0306 00D9 D802 0020 6000 00 [Example return]00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00[Normal] [Cover error] [Fan error] [Lamp error]04 00 05 00 07 00 08 00[Temp error] [Air flow error] [Cold error] [Filter error] 0F 00 10 00 13 00 23 00 [Shutter error] [Lens Shift error] [Lamp-1 warning] [Lamp-2 warning]41 00[Humidity error]40 00, 42 00, 43 00, 44 00, 50 00, 51 00, 54 00, 55 00, 56 00[Other error]52 00 53 00 60 00[Color Wheel error] [Dynamic Iris error] [AC blackout error]FOCUS Increment BE EF0306 006A 9304 0000 2400 00 Decrement BE EF0306 00BB 9205 0000 2400 00ZOOM Increment BE EF0306 0096 9204 0001 2400 00 Decrement BE EF0306 0047 9305 0001 2400 00LENS SHIFT - V Increment BE EF0306 00D2 9204 0002 2400 00 Decrement BE EF0306 0003 9305 0002 2400 00LENS SHIFT - H Increment BE EF0306 002E 9304 0003 2400 00 Decrement BE EF0306 00FF 9205 0003 2400 00LENS SHIFTCENTERINGExecute BE EF0306 00B8 9306 0004 2400 00 LENS SHIFTDEFAULTPOSITIONExecute BE EF0306 00D4 9506 0019 2400 00LENS MEMORYINDEX Set1BE EF0306 004B 9201 0007 2400 002BE EF0306 00DB 9301 0007 2401 003BE EF0306 002B 9301 0007 2402 00 Get BE EF0306 0078 9202 0007 2400 00Action Type Setting code LENS MEMORYLOADExecute BE EF0306 00E8 9006 0008 2400 00 LENS MEMORYSAVEExecute BE EF0306 0014 9106 0009 2400 00 LENS MEMORYCLEARExecute BE EF0306 0050 9106 000A 2400 00 LENS MEMORYFOCUSGet BE EF0306 0028 9102 000B 2400 00 LENS MEMORYZOOMGet BE EF0306 005C 9002 000C 2400 00 LENS MEMORYLENS SHIFT - VGet BE EF0306 00A0 9102 000D 2400 00 LENS MEMORYLENS SHIFT - HGet BE EF0306 00E4 9102 000E 2400 00 LENS MEMORYLENS TYPE Get BE EF0306 0018 9002 000F 2400 00MAGNIFYGet BE EF0306 007C D202 0007 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 001A D204 0007 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 00CB D305 0007 3000 00MAGNIFY Position HGet BE EF0306 00C8 D702 0010 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 00AE D704 0010 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 007F D605 0010 3000 00MAGNIFY Position VGet BE EF0306 0034 D602 0011 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 0052 D604 0011 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 0083 D705 0011 3000 00FREEZE SetNORMAL BE EF0306 0083 D201 0002 3000 00FREEZE BE EF0306 0013 D301 0002 3001 00Get BE EF0306 00B0 D202 0002 3000 00SHUTTER SetOFF BE EF0306 00F3 9301 0005 2400 00ON BE EF0306 0063 9201 0005 2401 00 Get BE EF0306 00C0 9302 0005 2400 00PbyP/PIP SetOFF BE EF0306 003E 2601 0010 2300 00PbyP BE EF0306 00AE 2701 0010 2301 00PIP BE EF0306 005E 2701 0010 2302 00 Get BE EF0306 000D 2602 0010 2300 00PbyP MAIN SIZE SetSMALL BE EF0306 00F2 0701 0011 237F 00MIDDLE BE EF0306 0002 4601 0011 2380 00LARGE BE EF0306 0092 4701 0011 2381 00Get BE EF0306 00F1 2702 0011 2300 00Action Type Setting codePbyP RIGHT SOURCE SetCOMPUTER IN BE EF0306 0086 2701 0012 2300 00 HDMI 1BE EF0306 0076 2701 0012 2303 00HDMI 2BE EF0306 0016 2301 0012 230D 00DVI-D BE EF0306 00D6 2101 0012 2309 00HDBaseT BE EF0306 00D6 2B01 0012 2311 00 SDI / DIGITAL 1BE EF0306 0026 2B01 0012 2312 00 VIDEO BE EF0306 0016 2601 0012 2301 00Get BE EF0306 00B5 2702 0012 2300 00PbyP MAIN AREA SetLEFT BE EF0306 007A 2601 0013 2300 00RIGHT BE EF0306 00EA 2701 0013 2301 00Get BE EF0306 0049 2602 0013 2300 00PbyP LEFT SOURCE SetCOMPUTER IN BE EF0306 00F2 2601 0015 2300 00 HDMI 1BE EF0306 0002 2601 0015 2303 00HDMI 2BE EF0306 0062 2201 0015 230D 00DVI-D BE EF0306 00A2 2001 0015 2309 00HDBaseT BE EF0306 00A2 2A01 0015 2311 00 SDI / DIGITAL 1 BE EF0306 0052 2A01 0015 2312 00 VIDEO BE EF0306 0062 2701 0015 2301 00Get BE EF0306 00C1 2602 0015 2300 00PIP POSITION SetTOP LEFT BE EF0306 0002 2301 0001 2300 00 TOP RIGHT BE EF0306 0092 2201 0001 2301 00 BOTTOM LEFT BE EF0306 0062 2201 0001 2302 00 BOTTOM RIGHT BE EF0306 00F2 2301 0001 2303 00 Get BE EF0306 0031 2302 0001 2300 00PIP MAIN AREA SetPRIMARY BE EF0306 0032 2201 0005 2300 00 SECONDARY BE EF0306 00A2 2301 0005 2301 00 Get BE EF0306 0001 2202 0005 2300 00PIP PRIMARY SOURCE SetCOMPUTER IN BE EF0306 00CE 2301 0004 2300 00 HDMI 1BE EF0306 003E 2301 0004 2303 00HDMI 2BE EF0306 005E 2701 0004 230D 00DVI-D BE EF0306 009E 2501 0004 2309 00HDBaseT BE EF0306 009E 2F01 0004 2311 00 SDI / DIGITAL 1 BE EF0306 006E 2F01 0004 2312 00 VIDEO BE EF0306 005E 2201 0004 2301 00Get BE EF0306 00FD 2302 0004 2300 00PIP SECONDARY SOURCE SetCOMPUTER IN BE EF0306 0046 2301 0002 2300 00 HDMI 1BE EF0306 00B6 2301 0002 2303 00HDMI 2BE EF0306 00D6 2701 0002 230D 00DVI-D BE EF0306 0016 2501 0002 2309 00HDBaseT BE EF0306 0016 2F01 0002 2311 00 SDI / DIGITAL 1 BE EF0306 00E6 2F01 0002 2312 00 VIDEO BE EF0306 00D6 2201 0002 2301 00Get BE EF0306 0075 2302 0002 2300 00PbyP/PIPSWAPExecute BE EF0306 0001 2706 0016 2300 00Action Type Setting codePbyP / PIP FRAME LOCK SetLEFT / PRIMARY BE EF0306 004A 2701 0017 2300 00 RIGHT /SECONDARY BE EF0306 00DA 2601 0017 2301 00 Get BE EF0306 0079 2702 0017 2300 00PICTURE MODE SetSTANDARD BE EF0306 0083 F501 00BA 3006 00NATURAL BE EF0306 0023 F601 00BA 3000 00CINEMA BE EF0306 00B3 F701 00BA 3001 00DYNAMIC BE EF0306 00E3 F401 00BA 3004 00 BOARD(BLACK)BE EF0306 00E3 EF01 00BA 3020 00 BOARD(GREEN)BE EF0306 0073 EE01 00BA 3021 00 WHITEBOARD BE EF0306 0083 EE01 00BA 3022 00 DAYTIME BE EF0306 00E3 C701 00BA 3040 00 DICOM SIM.BE EF0306 0073 C601 00BA 3041 00USER-1BE EF0306 00E3 FB01 00BA 3010 00USER-2BE EF0306 0073 FA01 00BA 3011 00USER-3BE EF0306 0083 FA01 00BA 3012 00Get BE EF0306 0010 F602 00BA 3000 00BRIGHTNESSGet BE EF0306 0089 D202 0003 2000 00 Increment BE EF0306 00EF D204 0003 2000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 003E D305 0003 2000 00BRIGHTNESSResetExecute BE EF0306 0058 D306 0000 7000 00CONTRASTGet BE EF0306 00FD D302 0004 2000 00 Increment BE EF0306 009B D304 0004 2000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 004A D205 0004 2000 00CONTRASTResetExecute BE EF0306 00A4 D206 0001 7000 00GAMMA Set1 DEFAULT BE EF0306 0007 E901 00A1 3020 001 CUSTOM BE EF0306 0007 FD01 00A1 3010 002 DEFAULT BE EF0306 0097 E801 00A1 3021 002 CUSTOM BE EF0306 0097 FC01 00A1 3011 003 DEFAULT BE EF0306 0067 E801 00A1 3022 003 CUSTOM BE EF0306 0067 FC01 00A1 3012 004 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00F7 E901 00A1 3023 004 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00F7 FD01 00A1 3013 005 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00C7 EB01 00A1 3024 005 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00C7 FF01 00A1 3014 006 DEFAULT BE EF0306 0057 EA01 00A1 3025 006 CUSTOM BE EF0306 0057 FE01 00A1 3015 007 DEFAULT BE EF0306 00A7 EA01 00A1 3026 007 CUSTOM BE EF0306 00A7 FE01 00A1 3016 008 DEFAULT BE EF0306 0037 EB01 00A1 3027 008 CUSTOM BE EF0306 0037 FF01 00A1 3017 00Get BE EF0306 00F4 F002 00A1 3000 00Action Type Setting codeUser GAMMA Point 1Get BE EF0306 0008 FE02 0090 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 006E FE04 0090 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 00BF FF05 0090 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 1 ResetExecute BE EF0306 0058 C206 0050 7000 00User GAMMA Point 2Get BE EF0306 00F4 FF02 0091 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 0092 FF04 0091 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 0043 FE05 0091 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 2 ResetExecute BE EF0306 00A4 C306 0051 7000 00User GAMMA Point 3Get BE EF0306 00B0 FF02 0092 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 00D6 FF04 0092 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 0007 FE05 0092 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 3 ResetExecute BE EF0306 00E0 C306 0052 7000 00User GAMMA Point 4Get BE EF0306 004C FE02 0093 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 002A FE04 0093 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 00FB FF05 0093 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 4 ResetExecute BE EF0306 001C C206 0053 7000 00User GAMMA Point 5Get BE EF0306 0038 FF02 0094 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 005E FF04 0094 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 008F FE05 0094 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 5 ResetExecute BE EF0306 0068 C306 0054 7000 00User GAMMA Point 6Get BE EF0306 00C4 FE02 0095 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 00A2 FE04 0095 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 0073 FF05 0095 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 6 ResetExecute BE EF0306 0094 C206 0055 7000 00User GAMMA Point 7Get BE EF0306 0080 FE02 0096 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 00E6 FE04 0096 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 0037 FF05 0096 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 7 ResetExecute BE EF0306 00D0 C206 0056 7000 00User GAMMA Point 8Get BE EF0306 007C FF02 0097 3000 00 Increment BE EF0306 001A FF04 0097 3000 00 Decrement BE EF0306 00CB FE05 0097 3000 00User GAMMAPoint 8 ResetExecute BE EF0306 002C C306 0057 7000 00。
The PXI-1050 and PXI-1052 have differentiated designs that make them ideally suited for different environments. For benchtop use, the PXI-1052 has supporting feet that easily tilt up. You can also set the feet to level the chassis with the benchtop, or completely remove them. The PXI-1050 comes with removable rubber feet for benchtop applications. Both chassis offer mounting points located on each side of the chassis, to which you can attach optional rack-mount kits. You can also use them to recess the PXI-1050 or PXI-1052 chassis in your instrument cabinet. The PXI-1052 is well suited for portable applications, with a built-in carrying handle. It also has the SCXI high-voltage analog back plane (HVAB) built in. All of these configurations can be assembled or disassembled without accessing the interior of the chassis.
fisher 1051 与1052 型尺寸为33 的膜片旋转式执行机构
书号 5620 2006 年 7 月
1051 与 1052 型尺寸为 33 的执行机构
1051与1052型尺寸为33的弹簧-膜片式执行机构用于 转轴式阀体上进行调节或开关场合的应用控制。1051型 可用来进行无定位器的开关场合的控制操作,或进行有 定位器的调节场合的控制操作。1052型用一个可调整弹 簧座来控制弹簧的压力。它可用来进行无定位器的开关 场合的控制操作,或者可用来进行有或没有定位器的调 节场合的控制操作,这取决于操作运行的条件。
安装……………………………………………………3 执行机构的安装与改变执行机构的安装 ........... 5 F 与 G 式安装的匹配 ................................... 5 H 式安装的匹配 ........................................... 6 J 式安装的匹配 ........................................... 7 1052 型弹簧压力的调整 ................................... 9 初始压力 ........................................................... 9 行程范围 ......................................................... 10
H 式安装(图 11)是与非费希尔产品和用户提供的安 装支架与阀轴联轴器配合使用的。它包含具有若干螺纹 孔的一个安装表面以连接和固定用户提供的安装支架。 一个带扁平面的 22.2 毫米(7/8 英寸)凸出短轴用销钉 连接到连杆上,并用来将执行机构与被操作的设备偶 合。第二个凸出短轴可以安装在连杆的相对端上作为扳 手操作的伸长段使用(用于紧急情况的超控),或作为 连接手动执行机构的一个手段使用(见图 14)。凸出短 轴可提供标准的与相反的结构(见图 12),以构成安装 位置与执行机构动作合乎要求的正确操作(见图 2)。
Unit: mm
M Di ain sc te on na tin nc ue e/ d
• High forward current transfer ratio hFE • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat)
or m
1 000 0.15 11
IC = 10 µA, IE = 0 IC = 1 mA, IB = 0 IE = 10 µA, IC = 0
Collector-emitter voltage (Base open) Emitter-base voltage (Collector open)
Collector-base cutoff current (Emitter open)
VCB = 20 V, IE = 0 VCE = 20 V, IB = 0
Collector-emitter cutoff current (Base open) Forward current transfer ratio
Unit V V V µA µA V pF
Publication date: March 2003
This product complies with the RoHS Directive (EU 2002/95/EC).
120 Ta = 25°C
This product complies with the RoHS Directive (EU 2002/95/EC).
Honeywell 两轴磁传感器HMC1052 说明书
低功耗小包装尺寸高性能高精度芯片上的带供电电压低于1.8V带10针的小型表贴外形(SMOP),尺寸3mm x 3mm x 1mm灵敏度达1mv/v/Oe,,检测磁场范围达±60e近乎完美的正交双轴感应(误差<0.01˚),且灵敏度互相匹配,消除了指向误差有专利的,位于芯片上的置位/复位带,减少了温度漂移影响,非线性误差,也减少了大磁场存在引起的信号输出损失。
特点和益处HMC1052基本操作HMCI052是一个双轴线性磁传感器,象其它HMC10XX 系列传感器,每个传感器都有一个由磁阻薄膜合金组成的惠斯通桥。
敏感元件A 和B,共存于单硅芯片中,完全正交,且参数匹配。
敏感元件A 和B,都有这两个带。
若需要偏置带,可以用另一种封装的HMCI052.低电压置位/复位电路1)允许电容充电至供电电压(约1秒钟)2)短暂的闭合SW1,产生一个>0.5A 的置位脉冲3)等待1ms 稳定,然后测量输出(Out+) - (Out-)HMCI052规格参数桥路供电电压桥路电阻工作温度储存温度磁场量程线性误差磁滞误差重复误差桥路偏置灵敏度带宽偏置带电阻偏置带电阻温度系数偏置带常数置位/复位带电阻置位/复位电流置位/复位带电阻温度系数干扰磁场灵敏度温度系数桥偏置温度系数桥电阻温度系数X,Y灵敏度比例X,Y轴非正交度最大暴露磁场条件桥路电流=1mA满量程最佳拟合曲线±1 gauss±3 gauss±6 gauss±3G,3个来回±3G,3个来回磁场=置位脉冲后0高斯置位/复位电流=0.5A从OFFSET+到OFFSET-测量-40 到125˚C直流电,磁场施加于敏感轴向从S/R+到S/R-测量2µs电流脉冲-40 到125˚C-40 到125˚C-40 到125˚C桥电压5V,-40到125˚C-40 到1250C对零输出无长期影响最小值1.8-40-55-62099典型值2.510000.±11.051539001040.53700-3000±5002500101最大值20125150+61030.0110000单位VOhm˚C˚CG%量程%量程%量程mV/VmV/V/gaussMHzΩppm/˚CmA/gaussΩAmpppm/˚Cgaussppm/˚Cppm/˚Cppm/˚C%degreegauss引脚图磁传感器电路外形symbol A A1b D E1e E L1Millimeters Min - BSC 4.750.95 BSCMax x 10E-3Min2.05.91141142.0 BSC 18737.4Max 435.911.8122122199Arrow indicates direction of applied field that generates a positive output voltage after an Iset.GND (B)1OUT+ (B)2GND2 (A)3OUT+ (A)4VBRIDGE 510OUT- (A)9GND1 (A)8S/R-7OUT- (B)6S/R+bA商斯达公司是美国公司中国区一级代理商,长期致力于世界先进的传感和控制技术的推广及应用,专业代理推广世界著名品牌 的传感及控制元件,为客户提供最优的技术解决方案。
CAT24WC256 是一个256K 位串行CMOS E2PROM 内部含有32768 个字节每字节为8 位
CATALYST 公司的先进CMOS 技术实质上减少了器件的功耗CAT24WC256 有一个64 字节页写缓冲器
该器件通过I2C 总线接口进行操作
管脚名称 功能
A0 A1 地址输入
CAT24WC256 读操作的初始化方式和写操作时一样仅把R/W 位置为1 有三种不同的读操作方式
的地址计数器内容为最后操作字节的地址加1 也就是说如果上次读/写的操作地址为N 则立即
2 在数据传送过程中当时钟线为高电平时数据线必须保持稳定状态不允许有跳变时钟线
时钟线保持高电平期间数据线电平从高到低的钟线保持高电平期间数据线电平从低到高的跳变作为I2C 总线的停止信号
主器件通过发送一个起始信号启动发送过程然后发送它所要寻址的从器件的地址8 位从器件地
址的高5 位固定为10100 见图5 接下来的2 位A1 A0 为器件的地址位最多可以连接4 个器件
到同一总线上这些位必须与硬连线输入脚A1 A0 相对应从器件地址的最低位作为读写控制位1
表示对从器件进行读操作0 表示对从器件进行写操作在主器件发送起始信号和从器件地址字节后
读的地址从地址N+1 开始如果N=E 此处E=32767 则计数器将翻转到0 且继续输出数据CAT24WC256
接收到从器件地址信号后R/W 位置1 它首先发送一个应答信号然后发送一个8 位字节数据主
0.08MPa 24 小时不渗漏 爆破盖 300 ± 20%KPa 超压爆破 整定油速 1.0m/S ± 10% 或 1.2m/S ± 10%
ZXJY-1(额定电流大于 600A 或分接开关用于工业变时必须配在线净油装置)
CMD 型有载分接开关技术数据
8 水平
耐受电压(1.2/50 µs)
按绝缘水平分为:B、C、D、DE 四种规格
150 万次
30 万次
12 切换开关 油室
密封性能 超压保护
CMD 型分接开关头部法兰有标准式和左右布置式两种结构方式(详见附图 31),电流等于或大 于 1000A 的分接开关只有左右布置方式,而电流等于或小于 600A的分接开关两种结构可选其一,用 户可根据需要选择合适的头部法兰结构方式。
CMD 型有载分接开关技术数据
上海华明电力设备制造有限公司 HM0.154.1901
设备最高电压 Um
72.5 126 170 252
表 3 分接开关对地绝缘水平
额定外施耐受电压 (50Hz,1min) 140 230 325 460
(单位:kV) 额定雷电冲击耐受电压 (全波 1.2/50 μ s)
350 550 750 1050