



binarysearch使用方法Binary search是一种常见的查找算法,它能够在有序的数据集合中快速定位目标元素的位置。

本文将一步一步地介绍binary search的使用方法,帮助读者理解和掌握该算法。

第一步:了解binary search的原理首先,我们需要了解binary search的原理。

Binary search的基本思想是将有序集合分成两部分,然后判断目标元素位于哪个子集合中,再递归地在子集合中继续进行查找,直到找到目标元素或者确定目标元素不存在。




第二步:实现binary search算法了解binary search的原理之后,我们需要实现该算法。

下面是一个基于递归的二分查找算法的示例代码(使用Python语言):def binary_search(arr, target):low = 0high = len(arr) - 1while low <= high:mid = (low + high) 2if arr[mid] == target:return midelif arr[mid] < target:low = mid + 1else:high = mid - 1return -1这段代码中,`binary_search`函数接受两个参数:一个有序的数组`arr`和目标元素`target`。





在sap 之abap语⾔中,有B INARY SEARCH这个查找条件。

使⽤read table 来读取内表时,使⽤B INARY SEARCH可以⼤⼤的提⾼查找的效率,为什么呢?学过数据库的⼈会知道,“⼆分查找”法,其实这个B INARY SEARCH就是这样⽅法来查找的。

书中也许会说,在使⽤BINARY SEARCH时,必须要先对内表排序,道理就是这样,因为我们知道,使⽤⼆分查找,⼀定要先排序,原因就是这些了。


假设:8 3 5 1 7 6 4 2 这样⼀个序列

排序后为 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
第⼀次查找到4 和5 ,和6 ⽐较,发现6>5,则在5和8之间查找。





CBinary是MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)中的一个类,用于处理二进制数据。



2. SetData和GetData:SetData方法用于设置二进制数据,GetData方法用于获取二进制数据。

3. GetSize:获取二进制数据的大小。

4. Load和Save:Load方法从文件或流中加载二进制数据,Save 方法将二进制数据保存到文件或流。

5. Append和Insert:Append方法用于在二进制数据末尾追加新的数据,Insert方法用于在指定位置插入数据。

6. Remove和Clear:Remove方法用于删除指定位置处的数据,Clear方法用于清空所有数据。

7. Find和FindLast:Find方法用于在二进制数据中查找指定的



























逆向工程中的二进制文件分析和调试技术1. 背景介绍逆向工程(Reverse Engineering)指的是通过研究已有的软件或硬件系统,了解原理并重构出一个与之相同或相似的系统的过程。



2. 二进制文件分析二进制文件是计算机处理信息的最基本形式。


常用的二进制文件分析工具有IDA Pro和Ghidra等。

2.1 IDA ProIDA Pro是一个功能强大的反汇编器,可以将机器语言文件转化为易于阅读和理解的汇编语言代码。

通过IDA Pro进行逆向工程,可以检查二进制文件的代码结构和流程,在程序错误及漏洞的排查中具有非常大的帮助作用。

2.2 GhidraGhidra是美国国家安全局(NSA)开发的一款开源逆向工具。

虽然相对于IDA Pro来说,Ghidra的功能并不是非常强大,但它免费且开源,传统的逆向工程和反汇编过程都可以用Ghidra完整实现。

3. 二进制文件调试二进制文件调试是逆向工程中的一种常见方法,可以在软件开发中对程序进行错误查找、修复和代码优化。


3.1 GDBGDB是一种常用的、强大的Unix和Linux下的调试器,可以针对正在运行的程序或者已经存在的二进制文件进行调试。

它支持多种编程语言,如C、C ++、Objective-C、Ada、Python等。

3.2 OllyDbgOllyDbg是基于Windows操作系统的一种视窗化图形调试工具,可以在二进制文件调试工作中实现单步调试功能,并具有相对直观的界面和一系列诸如“搜索函数”、“内存查看器”、“运行时注入”等插件来增强功能。

4. 结合实际案例进行讲解为了更好地理解二进制文件分析和调试技术的应用,我们以一个简单的实际分析案例来进行讲解。



MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)是微软提供的一套用于Windows应用程序开发的C++类库。




2. GetLength():获取二进制数据的长度。

3. GetValue():获取二进制数据的值。


4. SetValue():设置二进制数据的值。


5. Compare():比较两个二进制对象的值。

6. Concat():将两个二进制对象连接在一起。

7. SubBinary():截取二进制对象的一部分,返回一个新的二进制对象。

8. Reverse():反转二进制数据的顺序。

9. Find():在二进制数据中查找指定的值或模式。







使用qdatastream写入原始二进制数据的几点注意事项【原创实用版】目录1.引言2.qdatastream 的概述3.写入原始二进制数据的注意事项a.数据类型的选择b.数据存储位置的确定c.数据大小的计算d.数据的写入顺序4.结论正文【引言】在计算机科学中,原始二进制数据是一种最基本的数据形式。



qdatastream 是一个非常有用的工具,它可以帮助用户方便地将数据写入到二进制文件中。

然而,在使用qdatastream 写入原始二进制数据时,需要注意一些事项。

【qdatastream 的概述】qdatastream 是 Qt 框架中的一个类,用于读写二进制数据。

它提供了一个高级的 API,可以方便地处理原始二进制数据。

使用 qdatastream,用户可以轻松地将数据写入到文件中,或者从文件中读取数据。

【写入原始二进制数据的注意事项】在使用 qdatastream 写入原始二进制数据时,需要注意以下几点:a.数据类型的选择在写入数据之前,需要确定数据的类型。










【结论】总的来说,使用 qdatastream 写入原始二进制数据时,需要注意数据类型的选择、数据存储位置的确定、数据大小的计算以及数据的写入顺序。

Belling BL24CM1A 1M位 EEPROM 产品说明书

Belling BL24CM1A 1M位 EEPROM 产品说明书

Features⚫Compatible with all I2C bidirectional data transfer protocol⚫Memory array:–1024 Kbits (128 Kbytes) of EEPROM–Page size: 256 bytes–Additional Write lockable page⚫Single supply voltage and high speed:–⚫Random and sequential Read modes⚫Write:–Byte Write within 5 ms–Page Write within 5 ms–Partial Page Writes Allowed⚫Write Protect Pin for Hardware Data Protection ⚫Schmitt Trigger, Filtered Inputs for Noise Suppression⚫High-reliability–Endurance: 4 Million Write Cycles–Data Retention: 100 Years⚫Enhanced ESD/Latch-up protection–HBM 8000V⚫8-lead PDIP/SOP/TSSOP/UDFN/WLCSP packagesDescription⚫The BL24CM1A provides 1048576 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory (EEPROM), organized as 131072 words of 8 bits each.⚫The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential. ⚫The BL24CM1A offers an additional page, named the Identification Page (256 bytes). The Identification Page can be used to store sensitive application parameters which can be (later) permanently locked in Read-only mode.Pin ConfigurationNC A1 A2 GNDVCCWPNCA1A2GNDNCA1A2GNDVCCWPVCCWP 1234876512341234876587658-lead PDIP8-lead SOP8-lead TSSOPSCLSDASCLSDASCLSDAWLCSPSDA VccSCLA2A1NCGNDWPNCA1A2GNDVCCWP12348765UDFNSCLSDAPin DescriptionsPin Name Type Functions A1-A2I Address Inputs SDA I/O Serial Data SCL I Serial Clock Input WP I Write ProtectGND P Ground VccPPower SupplyBlock DiagramSTART STOP LOGICSERIAL CONTROLLOGICSCL SDAGNDVcc DEVICE ADDRESS COMPARATORLOADCCMPDATA WORD ADRESS COUNTERLOADINCX DECODERY DECODER SERIAL MUXEEPROMENDATA RECOVERY HIGH VOLTAGE PUMP/TIMINGDOUT/ACKNOWLEDGEDINDOUTA1A2WPDEVICE/PAGE ADDRESSES (A2 and A1): The A2 and A1 pins are device address inputs that are hard wirefor the BL24CM1A. Four 1M devices may be addressed on a single bus system (device addressing is discussedin detail under the Device Addressing section).SERIAL DATA (SDA): The SDA pin is bi-directional for serial data transfer. This pin is open-drain driven and may be wire-ORed with any number of other open-drain or open- collector devices.SERIAL CLOCK (SCL): The SCL input is used to positive edge clock data into each EEPROM device and negative edge clock data out of each device.WRITE PROTECT (WP): The BL24CM1A has a Write Protect pin that provides hardware data protection. The Write Protect pin allows normal read/write operations when connected to ground (GND). When the Write Protection pin is connected to Vcc, the write protection feature is enabled and operates as shown in the following Table 2.Table 1Figure 1WP Pin Status BL24CM1AAt VCC Full(1024K)ArrayAt GND Normal Read/Write OperationsTable 2Functional Description1. Memory OrganizationBL24CM1A, 1M SERIAL EEPROM: Internally organized with 512 pages of 256 bytes each, the 1M requires a 17-bit data word address for random word addressing.2. Device OperationCLOCK and DATA TRANSITIONS: The SDA pin is normally pulled high with an external device. Data on the SDA pin may change only during SCL low time periods (see Figure 2). Data changes during SCL high periods will indicate a start or stop condition as defined below.START CONDITION: A high-to-low transition of SDA with SCL high is a start condition which must precede any other command (see Figure 3).STOP CONDITION: A low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high is a stop condition. After a read sequence, the stop command will place the EEPROM in a standby power mode (see Figure 3).ACKNOWLEDGE: All addresses and data words are serially transmitted to and from the EEPROM in 8-bit words. The EEPROM sends a "0" to acknowledge that it has received each word. This happens during the ninth clock cycle.STANDBY MODE: The BL24CM1A features a low-power standby mode which is enabled: (a) upon power-up and (b) after the receipt of the STOP bit and the completion of any internal operations.MEMORY RESET: After an interruption in protocol, power loss or system reset, any two-wire part can be reset by following these steps:1. Clock up to 9 cycles.2. Look for SDA high in each cycle while SCL is high.3. Create a start condition.DATA STABLEDATA STABLEDATA CHANGESDASCLFigure 2. Data ValiditySDASCLSTARTSTOPFigure 3. Start and Stop DefinitionSCL DATA INDATA OUTSTARTACKNOWLEDGE189Figure 4. Output Acknowledge3. Device AddressingThe 1M EEPROM devices all require an 8-bit device address word following a start condition to enable the chip for a read or write operation (see Figure 5)The device address word consists of a mandatory "1", "0" sequence for the first four most significant bits as shown. This is common to all the Serial EEPROM devices.The 1M EEPROM uses A2 and A1 device address bits and one world address bit to allow as much as four devices on the same bus. These 2 device address bits must be compared to their corresponding hardwired input pins. The A2 and A1 pins use an internal proprietary circuit that biases them to a logic low condition if the pins are allowed to float.The eighth bit of the device address is the read/write operation select bit. A read operation is initiated if this bit is high and a write operation is initiated if this bit is low.Upon a compare of the device address, the EEPROM will output a "0". If a compare is not made, the chip will return to a standby state.MSB LSB1010A2A1B16R/WB15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0Figure 5. Device Address and two 8-bit data word addressDATA SECURITY: The BL24CM1A has a hardware data protection scheme that allows the user to write protect the entire memory when the WP pin is at VCC.4. Write OperationsBYTE WRITE: A write operation requires two 8-bit data word address following the device address word and acknowledgment. Upon receipt of this address, the EEPROM will again respond with a "0" and then clock in the first 8-bit data word. Following receipt of the 8-bit data word, the EEPROM will output a "0" and the addressing device, such as a microcontroller, must terminate the write sequence with a stop condition. At this time the EEPROM enters an internally timed write cycle, tWR, to the nonvolatile memory. All inputs are disabled during this write cycle and the EEPROM will not respond until the write is complete (see Figure 6).SDA LINE STARTDEVICEADDRESSWRITEMSBLSBR/WACKFIRST WORDADDRESSSECOND WORDADDRESSACKLSBACKLSBACKLSBSTOPDATAFigure 6. Byte WritePAGE WRITE: The Page Write mode allows up to 256 bytes to be written in a single Write cycle. A page write is initiated the same as a byte write, but the microcontroller does not send a stop condition after the first data word is clocked in. Instead, after the EEPROM acknowledges receipt of the first data word, the microcontroller can transmit up to 255 more data words. The EEPROM will respond with a “0” after each data word received. The microcontroller must terminate the page write sequence with a stop condition (see Figure 7).ST A R TDEVICEADDRESSWRITEMSBLSBR/WACKFIRST WORDADDRESSSECOND WORDADDRESSACKLSBACKLSBACKSTOPDATA(n)ACKACKDATA(n+1)DATA(n+1)SDALINEFigure 7. Page WriteThe data word address lower eight bits are internally incremented following the receipt of each data word. The higher data word address bits are not incremented, retaining the memory page row location. When the word address, internally generated, reaches the page boundary, the following byte is placed at the beginning of the same page. If more than 256 data words are transmitted to the EEPROM, the data word address will "roll over" and previous data will be overwritten.WRITE IDENTIFICATION PAGE: The Identification Page (256 bytes) is an additional page which can be written and (later) permanently locked in Read-only mode. It is written by issuing the Write Identification Page instruction. This instruction uses the same protocol and format as Page Write (into memory array), except for the following differences:•Device type identifier = 1011b•MSB address bits B16/B8 are don't care except for address bit B10 which must be "0".LSB address bits B7/B0 define the byte address inside the Identification page.If the Identification page is locked, the data bytes transferred during the Write Identification Page instruction are not acknowledged (NoAck).ACKNOWLEDGE POLLING: Once the internally timed write cycle has started and the EEPROM inputs are disabled, acknowledge polling can be initiated. This involves sending a start condition followed by the device address word. The read/write bit is representative of the operation desired. Only if the internal write cycle has completed will the EEPROM respond with a "0", allowing the read or write sequence to continue.5. Read OperationsRead operations are initiated the same way as write operations with the exception that the read/write select bit in the device address word is set to "1". There are three read operations: current address read, random address read and sequential read.CURRENT ADDRESS READ:The internal data word address counter maintains the last address accessed during the last read or write operation, incremented by one. This address stays valid between operations as long as the chip power is maintained. The address "roll over" during read is from the last byte of the last memory page to the first byte of the first page. The address "roll over" during write is from the last byte of the current page to the first byte of the same page. Once the device address with the read/write select bit set to "1" is clocked in and acknowledged by the EEPROM, the current address data word is serially clocked out. The microcontroller does not respond with an input "0" but does generate a following stop condition (see Figure 8).ST A R TDEVICEADDRESSREADMSBLSBR/WACKSTOPDATANOACKSDALINEFigure 8. Current Address ReadRANDOM READ:A random read requires a "dummy" byte write sequence to load in the data word address. Once the device address word and data word address are clocked in and acknowledged by the EEPROM, the microcontroller must generate another start condition. The microcontroller now initiates a current address read by sending a device address with the read/write select bit high. The EEPROM acknowledges the device address and serially clocks out the data word. The microcontroller does not respond with a "0" but does generate a following stop condition (see Figure 9)STA R TDEVICEADDRESSWRITEMSBLSBR/WACK1st,2nd WORDADDRESSACKLSBSTOPDATA(n)DEVICEADDRESSSTARTREADACKNOACK DUMMY WRITESDALINEFigure 9. Random ReadSEQUENTIAL READ: Sequential reads are initiated by either a current address read or a random address read. After the microcontroller receives a data word, it responds with an acknowledge. As long as the EEPROM receives an acknowledge, it will continue to increment the data word address and serially clock out sequential data words. When the memory address limit is reached, the data word address will "roll over" and the sequential read will continue. The sequential read operation is terminated when the microcontroller does not respond with a "0" but does generate a following stop condition (see Figure 10).DEVICE ADDRESS READR/WACKACKACKACKSTOP DATA(n)DATA(n+1)DATA(n+2)DATA(n+x)NOACKSDALINEFigure 10. Sequential ReadREAD IDENTIFICATION PAGE: The Identification Page (256 bytes) is an additional page which can be written and (later) permanently locked in Read-only mode.The Identification Page can be read by issuing an Read Identification Page instruction. This instruction uses the same protocol and format as the Random Address Read (from memory array) with device type identifier defined as 1011b. The MSB address bits B16/B8 are don't care, the LSB address bits B7/B0 define the byte address inside the Identification Page. The number of bytes to read in the ID page must not exceed the page boundary (e.g.: when reading the Identification Page from location 10d, the number of bytes should be less than or equal to 246, as the ID page boundary is 256 bytes)LOCK IDENTIFICATION PAGE: The Lock Identification Page instruction (Lock ID) permanently locks the Identification page in Read-only mode. The Lock ID instruction is similar to Byte Write (into memory array) with the following specific conditions:Device type identifier = 1011bAddress bit B10 must be ‘1’; all other address bits are don't careThe data byte must be equal to the binary value xxxx xx1x, where x is don't careElectrical CharacteristicsAbsolute Maximum Stress Ratings:⚫DC Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to +6.5V⚫Input / Output Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GND-0.3V to VCC+0.3V⚫Operating Ambient Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40℃ to +85℃⚫Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65℃ to +150℃⚫Electrostatic pulse (Human Body model) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8000VComments:Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to this device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of this device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied or intended. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.DC Electrical CharacteristicsApplicable over recommended operating range from: TA = -40℃to +85℃, VCC = +2.0V to +5.5V (unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Condition Supply Voltage V CC1 2.0- 5.5V-Supply Current VCC=5.0V I CC1-0.260.5mA READ at 400KHZSupply Current VCC=5.0V I CC2-0.280.5mA WRITE at 400KHZSupply Current VCC=5.0V I SB1-0.030.5μA V IN=V CC or V SSInput Leakage Current I L1-0.10 1.0μA V IN=V CC or V SSOutput Leakage Current I LO-0.05 1.0μA V OUT=V CC or V SSInput Low Level V IL1-0.3-V CC×0.3V V CC=1.7V to 5.5VInput High Level V IH1V CC×0.7-V CC+0.3V V CC=1.7V to 5.5VOutput Low Level VCC=1.7V V OL1--0.2V I OL=2.1mAOutput Low Level VCC=5.0V V OL2--0.4V I OL=3.0mATable 3Pin CapacitanceParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ConditionInput/Output Capacitance(SDA)C I/O--8pF V IO=0VInput Capacitance(A1,A2,SCL)C IN--6pF V IN=0VTable 4AC Electrical CharacteristicsApplicable over recommended operating range from TA = -40℃ to +85℃, VCC = +2.0V to +5.5V, CL = 1 TTL Gate and 100 pF (unless otherwise noted)Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Clock Frequency,SCL f SCL --400--1000KHZ Clock Pulse Width Low t LOW 1.3--0.5--μs Clock Pulse Width High t HIGH 0.6--0.26--μs Noise Suppression Time t I --50--50ns Clock Low to Data Out Valid t AA --0.9--0.45μs Time the bus must be free before a new transmission can start t BUF 1.3--0.5--μs Start Hold Time t HD:STA 0.6--0.25--μs Start Setup Time t SU:STA 0.6--0.25--μs Data In Hold Time t HD:DAT 0--0--μs Data in Setup Time t SU:DAT 100--100--ns Input Rise Time(1)t R --0.3--0.12μs Input Fall Time(1)t F --0.3--0.12μs Stop Setup Time t Su:STO 0.6--0.25--μs Data Out Hold Time t DH 50--50--ns Write Cycle Time t WR - 3.55- 3.55ms 5.0V,25℃,Byte Mode(1)Endurance4M--4M--Write CycleParameterSymbol 2.0V ≤V CC ﹤2.5V 2.5V ≤V CC ﹤5.5V UnitsNotes:1. This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.2. AC measurement conditions: RL (connects to VCC): 1.3 kInput pulse voltages: 0.3 VCC to 0.7 VCC Input rise and fall time: 50 nsInput and output timing reference voltages: 0.5 VCCThe value of RL should be concerned according to the actual loading on the user's system.Table 5Bus TimingSCLSDA_INSDA_OUTt SU.STAt HD.STAt LOW t Ft HIGHt LOWt HD.DATt SU.DATt Rt SU.STOt BUFt DHt AAFigure 11. SCL: Serial Clock, SDA: Serial Data I/OWrite Cycle TimingtWR(1)ACKSTOP CONDITIONSTART CONDITIONSCLSDAWord nFigure 12. SCL: Serial Clock, SDA: Serial Data I/ONotes:The write cycle time tWR is the time from a valid stop condition of a write sequence to the end of the internal clear/write cycle.Package InformationPDIP Outline Dimensionsb2eLAA2ceA E1COMMON DIMENSIONS (Unit of Measure=mm)SYMBOL MIN NOM MAX A 3.60 3.80 4.00A2 3.20 3.30 3.40b 0.44-0.53b2c 0.24-0.32D 6.156.35 6.55e eA eB 7.62-9.30L2.54BSC 7.62BSC1.52BSC3.00BSCeBDEBe A A1DE1LΦSYMBOL MIN NOM MAXA 1.35- 1.75A10.10-0.23 B0.39-0.48 C0.21-0.26D 4.70 4.90 5.10E1 3.70 3.90 4.10E 5.80 6.00 6.20eL0.50-0.80Φ0"-8"1.27BSCCOMMON DIMENSIONS(Unit of Measure=mm)CE1E Top ViewD ebA1A Side ViewL1LEnd ViewSYMBOL MIN NOM MAXD 2.90 3.00 3.10E 6.20 6.40 6.60E1 4.30 4.40 4.50A-- 1.20A10.05-0.15b0.21-0.30eL0.450.600.75L10.65BSC1.00REFCOMMON DIMENSIONSUnit of Measure=mmPIN 1 DOT BY MARKINGTOP VIEWb eLD2E2ED A3AA1PIN #1 IDENTIFICATIONCHAMFERPKG REF MIN NOM MAX A 0.500.550.60A10.00-0.05A3D 1.95 2.00 2.05E 2.95 3.00 3.05b 0.200.300.40D2 1.25 1.40 1.50E2 1.15 1.30 1.40eCOMMON DIMENSION(MM)UT:ULTRA THIN 0.15REF0.50BSCBOTTOM VIEWSIDE VIEWWLCSPEG GA2A A1be1FFe 2eSYMBOL MIN NOM MAX A 0.4250.4650.505A10.1700.1900.210A20.2550.2750.295D 1.944 1.964 1.984E 1.4801.500 1.520e e1e2e3b F 0.5290.5490.569G0.2300.2500.2700.500BSC 0.500BSC 1.000BSC 0.270BSC 0.866BSC DMarking DiagramSOPBL24CM1ASSSSSPSSSSS : Lot IDTSSOPBL24CM1ASSSSSSSSSS : Lot IDUDFNBLFAYYWWYY: yearWW :weekWLCSPAYWY:The last digits of the yearW:week code.Y1...345 (90)Year2011...201320142015 (20192020)W A…Y Z a…y zWeek1...252627 (5152)Ordering InformationBL 24C M1 A-PA R CFeatureS: Standard (default, Pb Free RoHS Std.)C: Green (Halogen Free)Packing typeR: Tape and ReelT: TubePackage TypePA: SOP-8LSF: TSSOP-8LNT: UDFN-8LCS: WLCSPDA: PDIP-8LGenerationA: A VersionDensityM1: 1MbitProduct Family24C: IIC Interface EEPROMRevision historyVersion 1.00 BL24CM1AInitial versionVersion 1.01 BL24CM1AAdd WLCSP and UDFN Package informationVersion 1.02 BL24CM1AUpdate the Package Information。

c语言二进制文件字节序 -回复

c语言二进制文件字节序 -回复







大端序(Big Endian)指的是将高位字节存储在低位地址,低位字节存储在高位地址;小端序(Little Endian)则相反,将低位字节存储在低位地址,高位字节存储在高位地址。






c#include <stdio.h>int main() {unsigned short value = 0x1234;FILE *file = fopen("data.bin", "wb");fwrite(&value, sizeof(value), 1, file);fclose(file);return 0;}运行这段代码后,我们会得到一个名为`data.bin`的二进制文件。

现在,我们使用十六进制查看器打开这个文件,可以看到它的内容是`34 12`。




binarylogclient 原理

binarylogclient 原理

BinaryLogClient 是 MySQL 中的一个组件,用于读取二进制日志(Binary Log)文件。

二进制日志是 MySQL 数据库中用于记录数据更改(如 INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE 等操作)的一种日志文件,用于实现数据库的复制和恢复等功能。

BinaryLogClient 的工作原理可以概括为:
1. 监听日志文件变化:BinaryLogClient 不断监听 MySQL 服务器上的二进制日志文件,一旦有新的日志文件生成或原有日志文件被修改,就会触发相应的逻辑处理。

2. 读取和解析日志数据:BinaryLogClient 会从二进制日志文件中读取并解析相关数据。

具体来说,它会读取每一行记录,解析出记录中的相关信息(如 SQL 语句、时间戳等),并存储在内部的数据结构中以供后续使用。

3. 分发和应用日志数据:BinaryLogClient 将解析出的日志数据分发给相应的组件或系统进行处理。

例如,它可以将日志数据发送给 Slave 节点,用于复制数据;也可以将日志数据发送给备份系统,用于数据恢复等。

总的来说,BinaryLogClient 的主要作用是读取并处理二进制日志文件,为其他组件或系统提供数据来源。




⼆进制⽇志(binarylog)介绍与调整1、⼆进制⽇志(binary log)介绍 ⼆进制⽇志(binary log):记录数据库⾥的数据被修改。

(insert,update,delete,create,drop,alter)的相关语句; 作⽤:增量数据恢复和主从复制;2、⼆进制⽇志(binary log)调整[root@db01-51 ~]# mysql -S /data/3306/mysql.sock -e "show variables like '%log_bin%';"+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+| Variable_name | Value |+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+| log_bin | ON |记录binlog开关| log_bin_basename | /data/3306/oldboy-bin || log_bin_index | /data/3306/oldboy-bin.index |binlog⽂件| log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF || log_bin_use_v1_row_events | OFF || sql_log_bin | ON |临时不记录binlog开关(增量恢复)某个时间点某些语句不记录binlog+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+临时不记录binlog(增量恢复)做主从同步的时候关闭会出现错误mysql> set session sql_log_bin = OFF;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> show variables like '%log_bin%';+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+| Variable_name | Value |+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+| log_bin | ON || log_bin_basename | /data/3306/oldboy-bin || log_bin_index | /data/3306/oldboy-bin.index || log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF || log_bin_use_v1_row_events | OFF || sql_log_bin | OFF |+---------------------------------+-----------------------------+6 rows in set (0.00 sec) binlog⽂件切割的条件: a.数据库重启⾃动切割binlog为新⽂件。






该函数的原型如下:```cFILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode);```其中,`filename`是要打开的文件的路径和名称,`mode`指定文件打开模式。

对于读取二进制文件,可以使用"rb"模式打开文件:```cFILE* file = fopen("example.bin", "rb");```对于写入二进制文件,可以使用"wb"模式打开文件:```cFILE* file = fopen("example.bin", "wb");```2.读取文件读取二进制文件的一个常见方法是使用fread函数。

该函数的原型如下:```csize_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE* file);```其中,`ptr`是一个指向用于存储读取数据的缓冲区的指针,`size`是每个数据项的大小(以字节为单位),`count`是要读取的数据项的数量,`file`是要读取的文件指针。

以下示例展示了如何读取一个保存了整数数组的二进制文件:```c#include <stdio.h>int maiFILE* file = fopen("example.bin", "rb");if (file == NULL)printf("文件打开失败!");return 1;}int data[5];fread(data, sizeof(int), 5, file);for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)printf("%d\n", data[i]);}fclose(file);return 0;```3.写入文件写入二进制文件的一个常见方法是使用fwrite函数。




1. 事务:LMDB使用MVCC(多版本并发控制)机制来实现数据的读写。


2. B树:LMDB使用B树数据结构来组织数据,这种结构能够快速地查找、插入和删除数据,保证了数据的高效性。

3. 内存映射文件:LMDB将数据文件映射到内存中,这样可以减少IO操作,加快数据的读写速度。

4. 写时复制:LMDB采用写时复制技术来实现事务的原子性和一致性。















发⽣问题时,客户端捕获到的异常堆栈是这样的:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationExceptionHResult=0x8013150CMessage=ObjectManager 发现链接地址信息的数⽬⽆效。



Binary通信协议1. 介绍Binary通信协议是一种用于在计算机网络中进行数据传输的协议。



2. 原理Binary通信协议基于二进制编码,将数据转换为连续的0和1的序列进行传输。



3. 特点•高效性:相比文本通信协议,Binary通信协议在传输效率上更高。





4. 应用场景Binary通信协议广泛应用于各种领域,特别是在需要高效传输大量数据的场景中。

以下是一些常见的应用场景:4.1 互联网通信在互联网通信中,Binary通信协议被广泛应用于各种网络协议和标准中。


4.2 数据存储与传输Binary通信协议也常用于数据存储与传输领域。


4.3 嵌入式系统在嵌入式系统中,由于资源有限且对性能要求较高,Binary通信协议被广泛应用。


5. 实现方式实现Binary通信协议有多种方式,以下是一些常见的实现方式:5.1 自定义二进制格式可以根据具体需求自定义二进制格式,并编写相应的编码和解码逻辑。




ms.asm mc2.c.386 int sum(int i){.model flat int k = i;extrn c m:near int j = 0;public _start int s = 0;.code for(j=1;j<=k;j++) s+=j;_start: return s;mov ax,cs }mov ds,axcall m int e = 1;stop: int f = 2;jmp stop int ar[6000000L];end _startextern void m(){int d;long c;c=1;2、分别编译成obj文件ml /c /coff ms.asm //指定生成coff格式的obj文件cl /c /Fomc.obj mc2.c //指定生成的obj文件名为mc.objlink /subsystem:windows ms.obj mc.obj //这里使用32位的链接器,要设好lib路径现在得到ms.obj mc.obj ms.exe 三个文件3、分析一下源代码,显然程序入口点是_start(在使用/coff参数进行编译时必须有下划线),在汇编中调用了C中的m函数,这是需要重定位的。


4、现在利用VC6自带的dumpbin.exe工具,生成解析文件:dumpbin /all ms.obj>msobj.txtdumpbin /all mc.obj>mcobj.txtdumpbin /all ms.exe>msexe.txt现在得到三个解析文件,下面逐个分析******************************************************************************* *msobj.txt******************************************************************************* Microsoft (R) COFF Binary File Dumper Version 5.12.8078Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.Dump of file ms.objFile Type: COFF OBJECTFILE HEADER valueS14C machine (i386) //机器类型为3863 number of sections //ms.obj文件有三节41AABB57 time date stamp Mon Nov 29 14:01:59 2004B2 file pointer to symbol table //符号表的文件偏移是 0B2HB number of symbols //共 0BH=11 个符号0 size of optional header0 characteristics//第一节的头部SECTION HEADER #1.text name0 physical address0 virtual addressD size of raw data //原始数据长度为 0DH=13 个字节8C file pointer to raw data //其在文件内的偏移为 8Ch9A file pointer to relocation table //其重定位表在文件内的偏移为9Ah0 file pointer to line numbers1 number of relocations //需重定位的项有 1 项0 number of line numbers60300020 flagsCode //这是一个代码段4 byte alignExecute ReadRAW DATA #1 //这里列出了原始数据,恰好 13=0DH 个字节00000000: 66 8C C8 66 8E D8 E8 00 00 00 00 EB FE f..f.........|-->这是偏移7的位置,查下面的重定位表知道它需要重定位。







例如:```cFILE *fp;fp = fopen("file.bin", "rb");```这将打开名为file.bin的二进制文件,并返回一个文件指针。




例如,我们可以读取10个整数到一个整型数组中:```cint buffer[10];fread(buffer, sizeof(int), 10, fp);```在写入二进制文件时,我们可以使用fwrite函数。


例如,我们可以写入一个整数数组到二进制文件中:```cint buffer[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};fwrite(buffer, sizeof(int), 10, fp);```完成读取和写入操作后,需要关闭文件。













这两个成员函数的原型为istream& read(char *buffer,int len);ostream& write(const char * buffer,int len);字符指针buffer指向内存中⼀段存储空间。


调⽤的⽅式为:a. write(p1,50);b. read(p2,30);上⾯第⼀⾏中的a是输出⽂件流对象,write函数将字符指针p1所给出的地址开始的50个字节的内容不加转换地写到磁盘⽂件中。

在第⼆⾏中,b是输⼊⽂件流对象,read 函数从b所关联的磁盘⽂件中,读⼊30个字节(或遇EOF结束),存放在字符指针p2所指的⼀段空间内。

[例] 将⼀批数据以⼆进制形式存放在磁盘⽂件中。

#include <fstream>using namespace std;struct student{char name[20];int num;int age;char sex;};int main( ){student stud[3]={"Li",1001,18,'f',"Fun",1002,19,'m',"Wang",1004,17,'f'};ofstream outfile("stud.dat",ios::binary);if(!outfile){cerr<<"open error!"<<endl;abort( );//退出程序}for(int i=0;i<3;i++)outfile.write((char*)&stud[i],sizeof(stud[i]));outfile.close( );return 0;}⽤成员函数write向stud.dat输出数据,从前⾯给出的write函数的原型可以看出:第1个形参是指向char型常变量的指针变量buffer,之所以⽤const声明,是因为不允许通过指针改变其指向数据的值。

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used in the Measurement Studio, CVI, and console C examples.
The generic files call some externally defined C functions that are
specific for the development environment, such as the PlotWaveform
32 bit fetch = -2,147,484,468 to 2,147,484,467
For devices like the NI 5911 with up to 21 bits of resolution, you will need
to fetch 32-bit data. Fetching 8-bit data would be away resolution!
stored on onboard memory. Refer to the sample width example for more details
on this feature.
File Locations and Responsiblities:
Each NI-SCOPE example for CVI includes a directory of files specific to
displayed on the front panel of this example.
Another feature of this example is the while loop surrounding only Initiate
Acquisition and Fetch. This is the most efficient way to repeatedly acquire
The driver always fetches binary data from the digitizer using DMA.
Typically you will fetch scaled data, which is a double (8 byte) floating
point number in units of volts. However, it is faster to fetch the binary
data values constant for each fetch type, regardless of the device resolution,
as follows:
8 bit fetch = -128 to 127
16 bit fetch = -32,768 to 32,767
For devices like the NI 5620 and NI 5122 with 14 bits of reslution, there is
rarely a reason to fetch anything but 16-bit data.
For some devices it is possible to change the width of the data before it is
Finally, notice that the binary data size parameter changes which Fetch
function is used. The only difference is the size of the binary data
returned from the driver. For 8-bit devices such as the NI 5102 and NI
that example. In addition, each example project includes a generic .c
and .h file located in the cvi\samples\niScope\common directory. These
generic files include all the NI-SCOPE specific programming, and they are
5112, there is rarely a reason to fetch anything but 8-bit data. If you
fetch 16- or 32-bit data from these devices, the data is shifted left and
the least order 8 or 16 bits are always zero. This makes the min and max
function that displays the acquired waveform. In CVI, these functions
are located in the .c file for the example. This file implements the
GUI using CVI controls.
Example: Binary Acquisition
Recommended Input Signal: 100 kHz, 8 Vpp, sine wave
Devices Supported: Refer to NI Example Finder
CVI Description:
This example demonstrates fetching binary data instead of scaled data.
waveforms. However, the configuration of the digitizer, such as the
sampling rate and vertical range, cannot be changed while the example is
data, which is a signed 8-, 16-, or 32- bit integer. Then you can scale
the data to voltage using the gain and offset scaling parameters returned
by the Fetch function in the wfmInfo structure. The scaling factors are