Online training manual

T_Basic_ch.doc 2005-08-25 14:01Training:培训手册(中文)1994 - 2005 COPA-DATA GmbHTraining manual---CN 2Contents目录Training:培训手册 (1)概要 (4)第一项工程 (4)创建一个新的工作平台 (4)创建新工程 (4)工程配置 (6)驱动器 (7)选择和配备驱动器 (7)模拟驱动器 (8)数据类型 (9)创建一个新的简单数据类型 (9)创建新的结构数据类型 (12)变量 (13)创建新的简单变量 (13)创建新的结构变量 (16)模板 (18)创建新的模板 (18)图片 (19)新建图片 (19)图片元件 (20)矢量元件(矢量) (20)功能 (23)功能管理 (23)动态元件 (25)文本按钮 (25)图片功能 (26)数值 (27)条线图 (28)趋势图 (29)仪表 (30)运行(在线操作) (31)启动运行 (31)Training manual---CN 3停止运行 (32)工程的拓展和变更 (32)重新载入 (33)替换一个工程 (33)改变设定值 (33)显示变量状态 (33)运行中重新加载变更 (34)间接图片寻址 (35)脚本结构 (36)功能项“发送值到硬件” (36)脚本自动启动 (37)运行 (38)Training manual---CN 4概要创建工程---定义变量---创建模板和图片—静态和动态单元第一项工程创建一个新的工作平台我们正创建一个新的子目录,此目录适合每个新的工作平台所以,所有重要的文件都可以存放在一个目录下• 选择”文件”菜单里面的”新建”在工作台的属性页面,你可以键入工作台的路径和名称.输入,, C:\”作为路径再输入名称,,工作台”如果此目录不存在,那么在确认了对话框入口后,点击ok来创建目录C:\EXAMPLE,与此同时WORKSPACE.WSP6也已经写入到目录中.创建新工程• 选择”文件”菜单里面的”新建”在工作台的属性页面,你可以键入工作台的路径和名称. 当键入工程名称时,所键入的值将设置为默认目录名.输入工程名” PRO1”,同时认可了默认路径.Training manual---CN 5下面的目录结构在编辑器里创建如同数据库目录般,工作台,工程和编辑器文件的目录能够被快速创建.用户定义的目录能按自己的意Training manual---CN 6愿短时间被创建运行目录在运行第一次启动时就被创建,也就是说,第一时间创建运行文件.如果一个新的工程在运行过程中,配有报警或CEL(顺序事件列表)条目,那么zenOn软件自动创建一个新的子目录,并给计算机和工程设定名称.如C:\EXAMPLE\COMPUTERNAME\PROJECT). 目录中的报警或是CEL 条目以BIN文件的形式存储.目录结构和所包含的文件(即使是扩展文件,如*.bmp, *.jpg, *.txt)不许手改.这些文件借助工程管理中的通道”文件”插入到工程,然后自动拷贝到适当的目录中,并存储在工程数据库里.工程配置• 在工程管理中选择工作平台仔细观察后,会发现工程一列归属于这个工作台.• 在详细的列表中选择工程"PRO1"此时工程"PRO1"的属性在属性窗口显示,并可以在窗口直接编辑属性.在接下来的联系中,我们会经常用动这个属性窗口.他通常提供了3种视图,可以通过顶部图标的切换来选择不同的视图.Quick view快速浏览只显示最重要的属性Group view群组浏览所有属性都在逻辑组里显示All全部属性没有组的形式, 显示所有属性.• 借助第二个图标可以切换到群组浏览• 打开”常规”部分Training manual---CN 7• 将”主窗口类型”的属性,更改为”无标题/全屏”所以,运行的可编程窗口将不带标题栏显示.在属性窗口的下游部分,你可以发现属性选择的一些简短的帮助.如果帮助无法显示,打开属性的关联菜单并激活通道”描述”“打开图片“的属性是定义图片,当运行开始时,“打开图片“也会自动被打开.迄今为止,由于我们还没有画一幅图片,所以属性一直时空的.只要我们在工程里创建了第一幅图片,那么他的名称就会自动被加入.驱动器为了实现同数据源的通讯(PLC领域bus总线,等),必须链接到驱动器上.根据工程对驱动器的需求(通过 )和他们的过程变量必须创建.举例说, 就如同我们现在没有PLC,但是我们要用一台模拟驱动器,他可以自动更改变量的值.难道我们要用像西门子系列的驱动器,没有PLC 连接,只会得到错误的信息.选择和配备驱动器• 在工程管理里,通过鼠标右击激活”变量”的关联菜单.• 选择菜单里的”新建驱动...”驱动器选择的对话框现在是开着的.Training manual---CN 8• 一直向下滚动列表”有效驱动器”,直到你找到”zenOn系统驱动器”为止.• 点击模拟驱动器. 在显示的:”定义驱动器”的对话框里写进”驱动器名”. 点击”OK”确认选择项模拟驱动器COPA-DATA公司对此驱动器进行开发,通常用于模拟值所用的变量和数据与西门子系列的PLC是兼容的.模拟器是由四个确定的变量完成控制的. 因此0到3为变量的存储地址. 这些变量的内容是模式,最大值,最小值,步距(如:步距10表示.模拟驱动计数器从最小值0开始0,10,20,30 以此类推直到最大值1000)Marker 0变量0模式0...模拟停止1...模拟打开 (上升) / 默认值2...模拟打开 (下降)Training manual---CN 93...模拟打开 (升和降)Marker 1变量1 上限0 到65535 默认=1000Marker 2变量2 下限0 到65535 默认=0Marker 3变量3 步距0 到65535 默认=10数据类型变量一方面基于驱动器目标类型,另一方面则基于数据类型.根据所选择驱动器来确定驱动器目标类型. 我们的模拟驱动器类似于西门子S5系列驱动器.我们通常谈及的数据类型是独立于驱动器之外的. 不是所有的驱动器都支持所有数据类型. 只有选择适合你自己驱动器的数据类型才是用用的.另外,预定义数据类型允许创建自己的数据类型. 有两种可能的数据类型 简单数据类型和结构数据类型创建一个新的简单数据类型•在项目管理打开“变量“• 用鼠标右键激活“数据类型的关联菜单.“ • 选择菜单里的”新建简单数据类型”Training manual---CN 10• 在名称栏输入新的简单数据类型名称”FILL L ” • 选择数据基本类型” UINT ”点击"完成"来完称数据类型的创建,现在数据类型的列表中是有效的.• 在列表中选择数据类型"Fill level"现在的属性窗口能看到"Fill level"的属性,我们可以对其属性进行必须的修改.• 打开组的"描述"和”值计算”项.• 在上面的图标中改变数据类型的属性: "最小整数", "十进制", "PLC 值范围" and "线性值调整”PLC 值的范围 例如:fill level 的数字值是12位或16位PLC线性值调整例如:工程中fill level 的模拟值设定是按照PLC值的范围来设定的.范围是最小01,最大6553,51我们现在就定义数据库"Fill level"的限定.• 在属性窗口点,用鼠标右键点击"限定"项.• 在相关菜单中选择”限定插入”.这样就创建了一个命名为”限定[1]”新项.• 打开名为”限定[1]”的项.• 在上面显示的图表中改变限定的属性.• 为数据库"Fill level"创建三个以上的限定限定2: 2000,最小,深蓝色,没有报警 限定3: 4500,最小,暗红色,没有报警限定45500,最大,亮红,报警创建新的结构数据类型• 在项目管理那打开“变量“• 用鼠标右键激活“数据类型的关联菜单.“• 选择菜单里的”新建结构数据类型”• 在名称栏输入新的结构数据类型名称"Valve".完成结构数据类型的创建后,会打开一个对话框.在此对话框里可以创建最初的结构单元.• 在名称栏输入新的结构单元名称"位置".• 选择数据基本类型"USINT". 这个数据类型将被嵌入进去.如果基本数据类型已经嵌入到结构数据类型中,那么数据类型的属性在结构单元中将不受基本数据类型的限制而自由变更.结构单元完成后,结构数据类型在列表中就生效了.现在,我们将为这个数据类型再创建一个结构单元.• 用鼠标右键激活结构类型"Valve"的右键菜单.“• 选择菜单里的”新建结构单元”• 为结构数据类型"Valve"创建另一个结构单元自动/手动:布尔位;嵌入变量过程变量是数据源(PLC,现场总线等)和控制系统之间接口为了实现对过程的检测校对以及开环和闭环控制,过程数据的交换是必须的.一方面是设定点的输入值,另一方面对过程数据的监控管理.过程数据及设定是用来定义单一过程的,输入的变量和参数在变量列表里相互交换.创建新的简单变量• 在项目管理里用鼠标右键激活右键菜单的”变量”.• 选择菜单”新建变量...”已打开的创建变量的对话框.• 输入"H1_Tank1"名称.• 选择数据类型"Fill level".• 确认完成后点击"完成".变量已经添加到变量列表中,变量在项目管理里的有详细的描述. "Fill level"的所有数据类型的属性都是在变量中预定义的. 所选择的变量可以在属性窗口检测和改动• 打开"变量"部分• 如上面图表所示,可以更改变量的属性.名称名称必须是唯一的鉴定名称可能不是唯一的偏移量文字偏移量变量服务器用来显示值按下列属性创建另一个变量.命名模式数据类型UINT偏移量0 信号分辨率:0..3测量范围 0..3?变量服务器用来预定义模拟特性.创建另外3个模拟变量.参照更深层的属性列表.变量列表工程管理的全面浏览应该有两个入口.过程变量采用合理的名称,这样可以使得浏览变得非常方便.现在按照下列设定对模拟驱动器创建新的变量."H1_Tank2", "H2_Tank1" 和 "H2_Tank2"具有与"H1_Tank1"相同的属性,他们偏移量地址分别为12,21和22 . 可以更改2号变量到"Hall 2"的确认.创建新的结构变量现在我们将创建更多的变量,但这次是用到结构数据类型.按上面描述的去处理.• 输入"值"名称.• 选择数据类型"值".• 设定变量"Dim 0"为数组型变量"Array dimensions",且变量值为4.选择一个结构数据类型,设定两个以上的有效变量.• 激活”自动寻址”选项.• 忽律”每个数据类型设定新偏移量”,根据协议的默认设定”激活所有单元”.现在,成功设定了4值的变量 (组变量=4),这里四个值是由两个变量组成()工程管理中的变量列表如下详细列出:模板画图前首先创建模板每幅图片都是以模板为基础模板是基于window技术下的.大致设定如下…♦ 模板尺寸=图片尺寸♦ 图片在屏幕上的位置完成.这样一个通用的版面被创建.提供了大量的优势:♦ 一致图片结构贯穿整个工程♦ 尺寸与位置只能定义一次♦ 改变模板将改变基于模板的全部图片.♦ 模板的功能专门提及(关闭模板,硬拷贝,等等)通常最少创建两个模板1个模板用在主画面1个模板用于吧条创建新的模板• 打开工程管理的”图片”,选择”模板”• 点击右键菜单里的”新模板”项创建新的模板名为“模板_0”的模板是自动创建的. 在属性窗口可以改变模板的设定.模板的尺寸按当前屏幕分辨率默认设定. 现在我们改动这些设定,这样在屏幕的顶部和底端会留下部分空间. 顶部的空间用于状态览,底部空间用于创建吧条.• 按上面所示改动模板的属性. •创建名为”吧条”的模板,用来标识吧条. 模板的尺寸自左/顶 0/700延伸到 右/底 1024/768 .图片一个图片就是一个可以预定义属性的窗口. 每幅图片都是以模板为基础新建图片• 在工程管理中选择”图片”项.• 点击右键菜单里的”新图片”项创建新的图片名为“图片_0”的图片是自动创建的. 在属性窗口可以改变图片的设定.• 在”通用”部分输入图片名”开始图片”并确认该图片属于”标准”window 类.• 在”模板”组中确认,图片与”过程图片”的模板是关联的.• 在工程管理的总览中用鼠标双击图片名来打开新建的图片,或打开关联菜单并选择”打开图片”项.• 现在创建名为” Hall”的图片当然,该图片同样要链接到”过程图片”的模板中.现在创建名为”BB-Start”的图片.模板”吧条”链接到此图片.图片元件一般来说图片中有两种不同类型的元件可以用.Vector elements矢量元件在运行时元件的外观都是保持一致的.Dynamic elements动态元件在运行时元件改变了他们的外观(通常依靠变量值).矢量元件(矢量)文本现在在” START_PIC”内输入文本• 打开菜单"Vect”元件• 选择矢量元件”文本”• 点击鼠标左键,在图片上画文本单元(矩形) ” START_PIC” 3cm 高和7cm宽.文本元件用选择标记标识着.单元的参数现在可以在属性窗口更改如果希望更改属性,只需在图片中选择元件,轻点鼠标右键就可以了.这样属性在属性窗口就是有效的了.对于所有的元件,这个程序都是有效地.• 在”描述/文本”写入的,将是第一个工程.现在我们将为文本单元创建一个新的字体.• 在工程管理中选择”字体”项.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”新建字体”.定义字体的标准对话框现在已经打开.• 现在选择”亚洲粗体24”,点击”ok”确定选择.工程管理的详细列表中显示”新字体1”,并且在属性窗口显示新字体的属性.• 将字体命名为”名称”.选择的字体可以被用于所有相关文本单元中.现在就在我们的文本单元种应用此字体.• 在启动画面中选择文本单元,并且在属性窗口打开选择的”标题”.• 选择属性列表右列的”字体”项.字体选择对话框已经打开.• 选择字体”标题”• 点击图表首个图片,可以作为启动画面自动保存到工程配置里.功能新图片可以通过吧条打开.另外,我们将为不同的窗口提供适当的吧条.借住功能可以运行此工程.功能管理功能列表可提供所有有效的变量函数.• 在工程管理中选择”功能”.在工程管理的详细列表中,可以看到空的函数列表.你在这里所创建的函数将被列出.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”新建功能”.预定义函数的对话框打开.函数将在各个区域内分类.首先,我们将创建关闭运行的函数.• 打开”应用函数”部分.• 选择”退出程序”函数,并点击ok确认选择.现在该函数已经存放在工程管理的功能列表中,可在属性窗口中更改.因为函数没有更多的参数,所以可以在这里对函数进行定义.接下来,我们将创建切换画面的函数.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”新建功能”.• 打开”图片函数”部分.• 选择”图片切换”函数,并点击ok确认选择.函数必须配有参数,此时输入必要函数参数的对话框将自动打开.函数要求图片以一个参数的形式打开.• 选择”启动”图片,并点击ok确认选择.无需更多的参数设定,所以函数定义结束.为图片”BB-Star”和”Hall”创建相应的图片切换函数.动态元件不同于矢量元件,动态元件是改变他们运行时的外观.动态元件习惯被用作显示变量值或是执行功能.文本按钮首先我们将创建”BB-Start”吧条按钮,来实现图片"Start Pic" 和"Hall”之间的切换.• 打开图片” BB-Start”.• 自动态元件菜单里选择”文本按钮”命令. 元件• 点击鼠标左键,可以在画板上画出动态元件” BB_START”(1.5 cm 高和 3 cm 宽)• 在属性窗口打开”文本”单元.• 第一行输入文本”启动”,第二行输入文本” Alt S”.• 现在切换到”元件”部分.• 点击属性列表右列的”功能”项.功能选择对话框已经打开.• 选择该函数”图片切换-启动”. • 点击属性列表右列的”组合键”项.定义组合键的对话框已经打开.在运行过程中,你可以通过点击按钮或是按组合键来执行功能.• 点击输入区键入组合键"Alt S",并点击组合键. • 确认”ok ”.•为图片”Hall ”创建一个相应的按键,配有文本"Hall 1" , "Alt 1"和对应的组合键. 创建另一个功能键”退出程序”,配有文本”退出”和” Alt E ”的组合键.我们为按钮文本提供了自定义的字体,并将此字体应用到工程的所有按钮中. 如果改变字体的尺寸和其他属性,马上就会自动影响到所有按钮.图片功能每幅图片都可以与函数链接,图片打开与关闭时,功能自动执行.借助此功能,我们可以在启动画面上打开吧条• 在工程管理中选择”图片”.• 在工程管理的详细列表中选择图片”启动画面”.• 在属性窗口打开”综合/功能”部分.• 在”启动功能”里面选择”图片切换”.列表的”BB-启动”.不管何时启动画面在运行窗口是打开的,匹配的吧条也是打开的.数值• 打开”启动画面”.• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”数值”命令.• 鼠标左键按住”数值”,在”启动画面”里画一个动态元件 (ca.2 cm 高和 5 cm 宽).变量选择的对话框打开.• 在对话框”变量选择”突出变量”模式”并按下”确定按钮”.• 在属性窗口激活”显示单元”选项.• 为了改变动态元件的尺寸,点击某一标记(鼠标显示双箭头,按下鼠标左键,移动鼠标就可以改变元件的尺寸.)• 为了移动动态的元件,你可以点击他(鼠标变做十字交叉箭头),按下鼠标左键,拖动元件到新的位置.• 点击标识• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”条形图”命令.• 按下鼠标左键,在图片”Hall”内画一个动态元件(ca.7 cm 高和 3 cm 宽).• 在对话框”变量选择”突出变量” H1_Tank1”并按下”确定按钮”.• 在”颜色”选项设定”条行吧”为蓝色.正常情况下吧条颜色保持一致.如果超出限定,其颜色就被定义的限定色所替代.趋势图• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”趋势图”命令.• 按下鼠标左键,在图片”Hall”内画一个动态元件(15 cm 高和 20 cm 宽).动态元件不会立即查询一个变量.因为,有更多的变量选择,这些变量都可以用在单元上.• 鼠标右键点击进入属性窗口,打开关联菜单.• 选择”插入曲线图表”.• 在对话框”变量选择”突出变量” H1_Tank1”并按下”确定按钮”.• 重复上面程序操作,选择变量 "H1_Tank2".现在可在属性窗口找到新项”曲线”• 在属性窗口依次打开”曲线”和”曲线[1]”部分.• 改变”曲线图信息文本”为"Tank 1".• 改变”曲线[2]”文本为"Tank 2".仪表• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”趋势图”命令.• 按下鼠标左键,在图片”Hall”内画一个动态元件(15 cm 高和 20 cm 宽).• 在对话框中选择” H1_Tank2”变量”,并按下”确定按钮”.• 在属性窗口依次打开”外形”和”比例”部分..• 设定”主刻度”为1000,设定”子刻度”为200.刻度值标识:每1000用长刻度标记,每200用短刻度标识.这样,就可以在运行时间看到我们的工程了.运行(在线操作)启动运行有四种运行方式:• 命令,菜单选项”运行”.• 点击按钮用来设定值的标准对话框已经打开,允许你改变变量的值.• 将变量”上限”值设定为65535,点击OK关闭对话框.• 将变量”步宽”值设定为1000,点击OK关闭对话框.在吧条按钮里面,借助按钮”启动图片”和”Hall 1”,可以实现两个过程图之间的切换.• 切换到图片"Hall 1",观察此时动态单元的变化.模拟器切换到开状态,条形图的移动将无法移动.• 返回到”启动画面”.• 将变量”模式”值设定为0,点击OK关闭对话框.• 返回到图片"Hall 1",观察此时动态单元的变化.停止运行• 按”退出”按钮关闭运行.如果未定义关闭运行按钮,或者是窗口标题的吧条是无效的,还可以用组合键"Alt F4"关闭运行. 工程的拓展和变更重新载入我们现在要了解的就是“重新载入“工程.“重新载入“允许我们不必关闭或重启而实现工程的变更.此功能允许运行期间在编辑器内做改动.这些改动将在运行时被重新加载.• 右击”功能”函数选择”新功能”项.• 在打开的窗口中,选择”应用功能”里的”重新载入”功能.在属性窗口,参数右边的默认项是”改变目标对象”.也就是说在执行此功能时,不是全部从新加载而是仅目标对象做改动.• 打开图片” BB-Start”.• 创建新按钮”重新加载”,执行”重新加载”功能.• 运行.• 点击窗口任务条或组合键” Alt Tab”返回编辑界面.紧接着,我们将学习如何应用”重新载入”功能.替换一个工程改变设定值• 打开”启动画面”.• Select the numerical value element for the "Mode".• 在属性窗口打开”设定值”部分.• 改变属性,将”设定值”改换到”元件”.改动“模式“变量值时,运行过程标准对话框将不再被打开.我们可以在单元中直接输入设定值.显示变量状态• 在属性窗口打开”外形”部分.• 激活属性”显示状态”不管何时与PLC的链接断开,动态元件都可以随时给出指示.在元件的右上方显示出一个有色彩的正方形.正方形可以有两种不同的颜色.invisible不显示与PLC链接.red红色驱动器与PLC之间连接被中断.blue蓝色zenOn与驱动器之间连接被中断.运行情况下用鼠标右键点击元件,并保持一段时间的按力,变量的状态将被显示出来.运行中重新加载变更在重新加载变更前,我们必须保存图片,接着创建新的运行文件.• 点击标识间接图片寻址在间接图图片寻址的帮助下,图片可以被重复利用.在打开前提下,这个功能性允许图片变量和功能被替换.对于相同的设备只需创建一幅图片,该图片可以在不同的设定变量或不同的图片切换功能下被打开.• 创建一个新的功能”图片切换”.• 选择图片” Hall”,点击”OK”确认选择.选择图片zenOn时就发现,图片早就包含了变量或函数.所以另一个对话框自动打开.在对话框“替换链接“下面可以看到变量和功能都已包含在图片中.(图片 Hall没有功能.)双击一行可以替换单变量但是如果在工程中有一个通用的结构变量名,那么我们就可以替换整个群组.• 一个源输入"H1*".• 一个目标输入"H2*".• 按下”接受”键,并点击”是的”信息确认.如果替换法是目的,那么目前在部分对话框下部可以检查.在举例过程中,所有变量开始全名为"H1"的都被变量以"H2"开始的全名所替换.• 点击”确定”关闭对话框并且点击”是的”回答接下来的两个提示.• 在图片"BB-Start"里创建了新按钮命名为"Hall 2",并执行刚创建的此功能.脚本结构如果合成几个函数,可以按定义的顺序执行(类似批处理文件),他们将被输入到脚本中.这里有些系统固有的脚本名,他们在系统开启和停止时自动执行.AUTOSTART自动开始在操作启动图片前,脚本已经自动执行运行启动了.AUTOEND自动结束脚本自动执行关闭运行.现在我们可以在自动开始脚本里自动完成上限值和模拟器驱动增量的设定.因此我们首先需要适当的功能.功能项“发送值到硬件”• 创建新功能.• 打开”变量-功能”部分.• 选择功能”发送变量到硬件”.• 选择”上限”变量,并点击ok确认选择.由于此功能需要附加的参数,所以又有新对话框开启.• 值设定为65535.• 激活选项”导向硬件”.选现生效,运行里根本不会给用户改变值的机会,输入的设定值就被直接发送到硬件(=PLC).为变量”增量”定义功能”发送值到硬件”,并设定值为100.脚本自动启动>• 在工程管理中选择”脚本”.• 在详细列表中打开右击菜单并选择”新建脚本”.• 并设定新脚本的名称”自动启动”.点击脚本名前的”+”标识,打开脚本”自动启动”的功能列表.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”添加功能”.功能多项选择对话框已经打开.。
IPC-A-610C Training Manual-forem

ESD 定义
3.1 。定义和术语 静电释放(ESD)是一种由静电源产生的电能进入电子组件后迅速放电的现象。 当电能与静电敏感元件接触或接近时会对元件造成损伤。静电敏感(ESDS) 元件就 是容易受此类高能放电影响的元件。元件对ESD的敏感程度取决于其材料及结构。元 件越小,运算速度越快,就越为敏感。 电气过载(EOS)是某些额外出现的电能导致元件损害的结果。这种损害的来源 很多,如: 电力生产设备和操作与处理过程中产生的ESD。 ESDS 元件会因不正确的操作或处理失效或产生元件性能的改变。这种失效可分 为即时和延时两种,即时失效可以重新测试,修理或报废;而延时失效的结果却严重 很多: 即使产品已经通过了所有的检验与测试,仍有可能在送到客户手中失效。 对于ESDS 元件进行电路保护性设计和包装是很重要的。在生产区域,一些接触 ESDS元件的操作常常使用未经保护的电子组件(如测试夹具)ESDS 元件只有在静电 防护区(EPA)内的EOS/ESD的安全工作台上才可以从防静电包装中取出。
IPC-610C 培训手册
2.9 。焊接起始面 焊接起始面是指印制电路板用于焊接的那一面。通常是印制电路板进行波峰焊, 浸焊或拖焊的辅面。印制电路板采用手工焊接时,焊接起始面也可能是主面。 2.10。焊接终止面 焊接终止面是指印制电路板焊锡流向的那一面。通常是印制电路板进行波峰焊, 浸焊或拖焊的主面。印制电路板采用手工焊接时,焊接起始面也可能是辅面。 2.11 。 电气间隙 本材料中,除非绝缘导体(例如图形,材料,部件,残留物)间的最小间距称之 为“最小电气间隙” ,并非在设计标准,或已通过标准,或受控文件中已作出定义。 绝缘材料必须保证足够的电气隔离。 2. 12。冷焊连接 是指一种呈现很差的润湿性,表面出现灰暗色,疏松的焊点。出现这种现象是由 于焊锡中杂质过多,焊接前表面沾污及(或者)焊接过程中热量不足而导致的。 2.13。浸析 是指焊接过程中基底金属或涂覆层的流失或扩散。

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参考: 培训手册塑性基础 (6-41) 双线性随动强化 (BKIN)

• 单击 [Add Temperature] 增加另一个温度列 • T1 = 0 时 EX = 12e6 • T2 = 500 时 EX = 8e6 • 在T1 和T2时 PRXY = 0.3 • [确定]
– 或者输入如下命令: – /prep7
MPTEMP,1,0 MPTEMP,2,500 MPDATA,EX,1,1,12e6 MPDATA,EX,1,2,8e6 MPDATA,PRXY,1,1,0.3 MPDATA,PRXY,1,2,0.3
– 或输入如下命令:
• 1b. 启动 ANSYS 交互模式, 在指导者指定的工 作目录中以 “BKIN” 作为工作名
• 2.定义弹性常数和温度表
– Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models… – 在材料模型界面中, 依次双击 Structural … Linear …
Basic Structural Nonlinearities 11.0
• 步骤: • 1a. 清除数据库
– Utility Menu > File > Clear & Start New
• [确定] • [是]
– Utility Menu > File > Change Jobname …
• 用 “BKIN” 作为工作名 • [确定]
Training Manual
Basic Structural Nonlinearities 11.0
PT200 Training Manual(chinese)

PT-200 学习手册PSI(sz)Panasonic SH Industrial Sales(Shenzhen) Co., LtdFA DepartmentSES*本手册由松下电器机电(深圳)有限公司版权所有任何单位和个人未经允许不得进行转让及拷贝NO项目详细内容课时1PT200概要1)PT200功能特性2)PT200支持设备3)模拟线概念2PT200基本操作1)启动&退出2)登录用户模式及操作权限说明3)菜单介绍工具(Tool box)FilerEvent ViewerLine MonitorProduct ViewerVirtual Line ConfigurationParts Library EditorLine Convertor帮助(Help box)维护(Maintenance box)设置(Setup box)3PT200数据编辑1)生成Group Folder, 生成Lot2)PT File, MC File概念3)启动编辑器基本设置(Basic setting)Board dataBlock dataBlock attribute dataData expansionMount dataData check功能设置(Function setting)Feeder layout listArrangement informationEach setting打印(Print)启动库(Star library)Part libraryNozzle libraryFeeder library数据保存(Saving data)Overwriting dataVersion upNO项目详细内容课时4数据传输1)下传(Download)2)上传(Upload)5数据其它操作1)数据输出(Exporting data)2)数据输入(Importing data)3)数据列表在机器上(MC List)4)用软盘保存数据(Save to FD)5)数据删除(Data delete)6)虚拟线数据查看(Virtual Line data)6Part Library1)启动元件库2)元件查找3)新元件生成4)元件信息说明5)元件复制,删除操作7Line Convertor1)数据输入(Import data)MC data importCAD data import2)数据编辑(Editor)PCB dataSetting data3)条件设置(Assign terms)Feeder assignNozzle assignOther assign terms4)数据输出(Export)输出到PT输出到HD输出到FD学习要领1、程式的制作和优化最好在Line Convertor 中完成,虽然Filer 中也可完成,但其无法显示完成后的虚拟效果,通常Filer 用来管理和修改程式。

Training manualCOPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reserved 培训手册V8R1培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedPage 2A. 简介版权所有版权所有 (c) 2015 年 5 月 IGE-XAO 。
未经 IGE-XAO(25 bld Victor Hugo, Immeuble Le Pythagore, BP 90312 31 773 COLOMIERS CEDEX FRANC) 书面授权,不得以任何形式和任何方法复制、转录、保存或翻译本手册的任何部分。
培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedA. 简介Page 3目录A简介 12 A.1. 工作区12 A.2. THE SEE ELECTRICAL 窗口 13 A.2. 文件和文件夹16 B 新建工作区 17 C绘制电路图 21 C.1. 创建页面1 21 C.2. 网格22 C.3. 绘制页面 123 C.4.缩放局部图纸的操作30 D 绘制电路图的第二页 32 D.1. 创建页面2 32 D.2. 绘制页面 232 D.3. 在页面2上复制现有元素41 E 部件名锁定 52 F绘制电缆 53 F.1.1.全自动定义电缆名56 G 电路图的其他处理 57 G.1. 使用交叉索引符号 59 G.2. 使用信息文本符号 60 G.3. 端子排自动编号 61 G.4.页面索引63 H 超链接 66 H.1. 管理超链接66 I 圈红 67 J打印 69 J.1.打印69 K 修订管理 72 L 数据库列表 73 M图形列表77 M.1. 生成图形列表 77 M.2. 定义默认页面信息80 M.3. 一步生成所有需要的图形列表 80培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedPage 4A. 简介N插入其他文档81 O 创建组件83 O.1. 创建一个组件 83 O.2. 更改已有符号 88 O.2.1. 删除元素 88 O.2.2. 添加元素 89 O.2.3. 添加文本 89 O.2.4. 移动文本 91 O.3. 图形处理 94 O.4. 使用可用组件97 O.5. 关于特殊组件和创建它们的信息 99 O.5.1. 触点 99 O.5.2. 端子99 O.5.3. 多层端子 (标准版) 100 O.5.4. 连接器100 O.5.5. 交叉引用符号 102 O.5.6. 信息文本符号102 O.5.7. 具有辅助触点的组件102 O.5.7.a. 带有交叉索引文本的符号 102 O.5.7.b. 带有图形触点的组件103 O.5.7.c. 带有辅助触点的组件-示例 103 O.5.8. PLC 组件 105 O.5.8.a. PLC 组件示例 105 O.5.9. 智能黑盒符号 108 O.6. 电缆符号109 O.6.1. 创建用户自定义的电缆符号 109 O.6.2. 创建用户自定义的电缆 110 O.6.3. 电缆设置112 O.7. 关于插入组件的信息113 O.7.1.a. 继电器线圈 113 O.7.1.b. 端子113 O.7.1.c. 分配组件名称 113 O.8. 关于符号库的信息 115 O.8.1. 新建数据库 115 O.8.1. 目录和名称 115 O.8.2. 使用符号文件夹 115 O.8.3. 使用数据库中的符号 115 O.8.4. 使用数据库中的符号117 O.8.5. 连接到模块的符号库/显示或隐藏符号库 117 P组 119P.1. 创建组 119 P.2. 拆解123 P.3. 电动机端子和类似组件 123 P.4.连接器: 使用插头和插座124 Q 模板和标准图纸的基本操作 125培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedA. 简介Page 5Q.1. 创建标准图纸 126 Q.2. 定义标准表的设置 129 Q.3. 创建页面模板 136 Q.4. 创建工作区模板137 Q.5. 快速索引模板和标准图纸139 R创建图形列表模块 140 R.1. 创建图形列表模块 140 R.2. 格式化图形列表142 R.3.为图形列表生成封面图纸149 S 外部数据传输 150 S.1. DWG/DXF/DXB 格式的数据传输 150 S.2.图像传输151 T 以标准水平处理工作区152 T.1. 交叉索引附加选项 152 T.2. PLC 标准版功能152 T.2.1. 使用PLC 数据库 152 T.3. 添加和删除页面153 T.4. 复制同一工作区中的单个页面 154 T.4.1. 通过弹出菜单 155 T.4.2. 通过拖放功能155 U 触点镜像和类型数据库 157 U.1. 对类型数据库进行操作 158 U.2. 在电路图中使用类型 164 U.3. 附加辅助触点和子类型167 V 类型库中组件管理的附加信息 170 V.1. 辅助触点/连接器/继电器组件 170 V.2. 电缆管理 170 V.3. 连接器管理 172 V.4. PLC 通道定义 174 V.5. 黑盒175 V.5.1. 将类型分配给智能黑盒符号 175 V.5.2. 从通道信息创建黑盒 176 V.6. 双连接文本处理176 V.7. 多层端子和它们的通道定义177 W 类型数据库的附加功能 178 W.1. 类型数据库中的查找和复制 178 W.2. 完成组件179 W.3. 使用组件浏览器 181 W.4. 导入导出设备数据 182 W.5. 修改项目中现有的类型 183 W.6. 从类型数据库显示设备信息 183 W.7. 定义用于项目的类型数据库183培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedPage 6A. 简介X 在数据库列表里的简单编辑 185 Y电线属性 186 Y.1. 电线方向 186 Y.2. 更改目标 188 Y.3. 定义链接 190 Y.4. 图形电线编号 191 Y.5. 信号属性193 Y.6. 不使用信号属性 194 Y.7. 查看和改变电线属性 195 Y.8.定义电线文本的位置195 Z 端子矩阵198 Z.1. 生成端子矩阵 198 Z.2. 处理多层端子 200 Z.3. 创建端子矩阵模板 201 Z.3.1. 常规信息201 Z.3.2. 绘制与各个端子相关的图形—适用于所有端子的几何图形 206 Z.3.1. 绘制与各个端子相关的图形 — 一个图形适用于一种端子 208 Z.4. 一个页面生成多个端子条211 AA 带图形的电缆平面图215 AA.1. 创建带图形的电缆平面图217 AA.2. 为带图形的电缆平面图创建模板 217 AA.3. 显示电缆平面图中未使用的电缆芯 219 AA.4. 在盒子中使用目标219 AA.5. 带屏蔽信息的电缆平面图219 BB布线表224 BB.1. 电线 224 BB.2. 布线表224 BB.2.1. 图形化的布线表 226 BB.2.1. 创建一个Excel/Text 文件 227 BB.3. 电线零件 232 CC 创建文件夹结构 233 DD功能和位置236 DD.1. 使用BOOK NUMBERS 的工作241 EE高级功能/位置和产品管理242 EE.1. 功能/位置和产品管理 242 EE.2. 使用嵌套外观248 FF数据库列表的复杂处理252 FF.1. 产品编辑器 252 FF.1.1. 端子编辑器 252 FF.1.2. 电缆编辑器 254 FF.1.3. 连接器编辑器 254培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedA. 简介Page 7FF.1.4. 信号编辑器 254 FF.2. 电线编辑器254 FF.2.1. PLC I/O 编辑器 255 FF.2.2. 连接器编辑器 255 FF.2.3. 功能/位置编辑器 255 FF.2.4. 文档编辑器 255 FF.2.5. 批注列表 256 GG项目的高级处理257 GG.1. 项目中的导航 257 GG.2. 自动生成连接 258 GG.3. 正交布线259 GG.4. 电位编号的高级功能 262 GG.5. 复制页面 264 GG.5.1. 通过复制/粘贴复制单一页面 264 GG.5.2. 通过拖放复制单页 265 GG.5.3. 一步复制多个页面和文件夹(COPYP) 266 GG.6. 更改页面模板269 GG.7. 高级版的PLC 功能 271 GG.7.1. PLC 符号地址自动编号 271 GG.7.2. 导入PLC 分配列表 271 GG.8. 一步生成图形列表 272 HH自定义工作区/页面信息274 II 自定义工作区结构 277 II.1. 隐藏不需要的数据库列表和图形列表 277 II.2. 重新排列工作区树中的文档 278 JJ用户自定义SQL 查询280 JJ.1.1. 在工作区管理器中为增加一个数据库列表创建SQL 查询 280 JJ.1.2. 自定义图形列表的公式 285 KK带图形的端子平面图287 KK.1. 生成带图形的端子平面图287 KK.2. 为带图形的端子平面图创建模板 288 KK.2.1. 绘制与每个端子相联系的图形 292 KK.2.2. 将电缆按照电缆芯分组进行绘制 292 KK.2.3. 端子两边绘制电缆/图形 294 KK.2.4. 显示上一页/下一页被使用的电缆芯 295 KK.2.5. 带图形的端子平面图的符号 297 KK.3. 在盒中使用目标 297 LL连接器矩阵和连接器平面图298 LL.1. 生成连接器矩阵298 LL.2. 为连接器矩阵创建模板 299 LL.3. 每页显示多个连接器 299 LL.4. 连接器平面图302培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedPage 8A. 简介MM端子排图片平面图303 MM.1. 生成端子排图片平面图 303 NN 电缆端子排平面图 306 OO产品接线图307 OO.1. 为产品接线图创建模板308 PP 视图,简表 313 QQ设备列表313 QQ.1. 如何为设备列表生成符号316 QQ.2. 将设备列表符号附到类型数据库的类型中 320 QQ.3. 页面模板的生成 320 QQ.4. 导航322 RR多芯323 RR.1. 多芯的使用323 SS通过数据库编辑器插入不在图纸中的组件325 SS.1. 不在图纸中的组件编辑器 325 SS.2. 通过端子编辑器插入备用或接地端子 328 SS.2.1. 处理不在图纸中的电缆 329 SS.3. 在图纸(选择列表)中插入不在图纸中的组件符号 330 TT列表和标签编辑器332 TT.1. 创建标签模板 332 TT.1.1. 模板标签文件 337 TT.1.2. 更改标签模板 337 TT.1.3. 打印标签 337 TT.2. 创建页面模板 337 TT.2.1. 列表模板文件340 TT.2.2. 列表标题(文本对象) 341 TT.2.3. 标题行 341 TT.2.4. 组标题 341 TT.2.5. 组页脚行 341 TT.2.6. 数据行 341 TT.2.7. 页脚行341 TT.2.8. 列表页脚行(文本对象) 342 TT.3. 编辑列表342 TT.3.1. 更改列标题(标题行)342 TT.3.2. 更改列表(字号、字段顺序、添加或删除字段) 344 TT.3.3. 更改列表标题 345 TT.3.4. 含提问的列表标题 346 TT.3.5. 含生成日期的列表标题 348 TT.3.6. 在列表中筛选349 TT.3.6.a. 制造商的零件列表 349 TT.3.6.b. 无端子的零件列表 350 TT.3.7. 计算 351培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedA. 简介Page 9TT.3.7.a. 订单成本的计算 351 TT.3.8. 行编号 353 TT.4. 为列表和标签定义SQL 查询 354 TT.4.1. 连接两个列表355 TT.4.1.a. 连接电缆列表和电缆线列表中的信息 355 TT.4.2. 筛选双记录359 TT.4.2.a. 页面上的功能/位置列表 360 TT.4.3. 对列表进行排序 360 TT.4.3.a. 排序列表 360 TT.4.3.b. 电缆长度求和361 TT.4.3.c. 线槽和导轨的长度计算 363 TT.4.4. 多次打印标签364 TT.4.5. 含定义内容的组件名称标签 365 TT.5. ACCESS 数据库 365 TT.6. 列表和标签的命令和语句摘要 366 TT.6.1. SQL 语句 366 TT.6.1.a. Select366 TT.6.1.b. Select Distinct 367 TT.6.1.c. Join – 子句 367 TT.6.1.d. Order by368 TT.6.1.e. Where/Where not 368 TT.6.1.f. Union All369 TT.6.1.g. 大写字母/小写字母 370 TT.6.1.h. 逻辑操作符370 TT.6.1.i. Relational Operators 370 TT.6.2. 列表和标签中的命令 370 TT.6.2.a. 条件: If371 TT.6.2.b. Upper$/Lower$ 371 TT.6.2.c. Val 371 TT.6.2.d. Fstr$371 TT.6.2.e. AskString$371 TT.6.2.f. Len, Left$, Right$ 372 TT.6.2.g. 关系操作符 372 TT.7. 翻译一个工作区 372 TT.7.1. 同时展示几个翻译 375 TT.7.2. 部分字符串的翻译 375 TT.7.3. 在表格中升级翻译文本 375 TT.7.4. 在翻译数据库中查找文本 376 TT.7.5. 替换一个工作区中的源语言 379 UU2D 机柜布局模块380 UU.1. 绘制机柜布局图 380 UU.1.1. 机柜模块 380 UU.1.2. 无机柜模块 389 UU.2. 使用图层 392 UU.3. 标注393 UU.4. 电路图和机柜之间的对照 396 VV实用工具399培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedPage 10A. 简介VV.1. 压缩项目399 VV.2. 重新组织工作区 401 VV.3. 归档工作区401 WW设置402 WW.1. 系统设置 402 WW.2. 工作区属性 402 WW.3. 电路图属性 403 WW.4. 页面属性 404 WW.5. 自定义界面405 WW.5.1. 快速访问工具栏 406 WW.5.2. 定义热键 407 WW.5.3. 用户定义类别 407 XX 命令浏览器 413 YY自动成图模块419 YY.1. 介绍419 YY.2. 创建符号(组) 419 YY.3. 页面模板422 YY.4. EXCEL 电子表格423 YY.4.1. 项目数据 (项目信息) 423 YY.4.2. 页面数据 (页面信息) 424 YY.4.3. 选择符号 (符号) 424 YY.4.4. 定义别名425 YY.5. 电路图的自动生成 426 YY.5.1. 自动成图命令 426 ZZ 打开数据模块 435 AAA智能识图模块438 AAA.1. 扫描图纸工具438 AAA.1.1. 一步导入多个扫描图纸438 AAA.1.1. 用白色区域遮盖扫描符号( "BKSymbol"命令) 440 AAA.2. 使DXF/DWG 导入的图纸更加智能化的工具 441 AAA.2.1. 定义样式(“PATTERNSDEFINE”命令)441 AAA.2.2. 管理和修改样式,分配文本(“PATTERNSSHOW”命令)443 AAA.2.3. 识别样式 ("RecognizeDrawingPatterns" 和 "RecognizeWorkspacePatterns" 命令) 445 AAA.2.4. 显示所有逻辑元素 445 BBB键盘快捷键-总览 446COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reserved A. 简介Page 11培训手册COPYRIGHT © 2015 IGE+XAO. All rights reservedPage 12A. 简介逐步使用本培训手册,您将获得 SEE Electrical 的经验。

Contents (内容) 2345666788889101011允许玩家开启暂停 或档案菜单。
用于 重设击球。
利用探查相机和 快进预览击球。
用于查看 高尔夫球场 地图。
用于跳过 动画和 回放。
用于移除 旗帜/旗杆长查看推杆预览。
允许玩家查看帮助 允许玩家在使用探查 相机时拉远镜头。
真实击球:+ 左操作杆用于调整 左曲与右曲。
+ 右操作杆 用于调整 杆面角度与 迎角。
方向键 Z 和 X 向后拉摇杆然后前推 即可挥杆。
按 左右移动来 点击 Controller Overview (控制器概览)允许玩家在使用探查 相机时推近镜头。
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质量手册培训内容记录范文Quality manual training is an essential part of ensuring that employees understand the importance of quality management within an organization. 质量手册培训是确保员工了解组织内质量管理重要性的关键部分。
This training should cover a range of topics, including the purpose of the quality manual, how to use it effectively, and the importance of following its guidelines. 这项培训应涵盖多个主题,包括质量手册的目的,如何有效使用以及遵循其准则的重要性。
By providing this training, organizations can ensure that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain and improve quality standards. 通过提供这种培训,组织可以确保员工掌握维持和提高质量标准所需的知识和技能。
One of the key benefits of quality manual training is that it helps to create a culture of quality within an organization. 质量手册培训的一个关键好处是帮助在组织内创造出质量文化。
By educating employees on the importance of quality management and providing them with the tools to uphold these standards, organizations can instill a sense of pride and accountability in their workforce. 通过教育员工了解质量管理的重要性并为他们提供维持这些标准的工具,组织可以在工作人员中灌输自豪感和责任感。
GCS 培训手册

GCS Training Manual 全球控制系统培训手册 VITEK® 2 Compact SE Training 药敏® 2紧凑型东南培训 Basic Microbiology 基本微生物1. System Environment 1。
系统环境 Chapter 1.1 System Aim and Positioning 第1.1章制度的目标和定位 Summary 摘要General Overview 一般概述 Using the System 使用系统 System Overview系统概述 User Interface 用户界面Chapter 2.1 Primary Components 第2.1章的主要组成部分 Observa 观测资料 System Contents 系统目录 Spare Parts 备件3. System Installation系统安装 Installation Prerequisites安装先决条件 Installation Procedure安装程序 Conclusion 结论4. System Maintenance 系统维护 Maintaining the Instrument 维持仪器 Preventative Maintenance 预防性维护Alignment Procedures 对齐程序 User Maintenance 用户维护 Troubleshooting and Repair 故障诊断和 Software 软件Repair Procedures 章维修程序 Disassembly / Reassembly拆卸/重组 Hands-on Troubleshooting动手疑难解答 Content:内容:6. Supporting the System 支持系统 GCS Portal全球控制系统门户 Support Tools支持工具 Previous experience 以往的经验Welcome and Introduction欢迎与介绍 for optimal training conditions最佳训练条件 Introductions介绍 Job position招聘职位Let's introduce ourselves 让我们自我介绍 Working rules 工作规则 Health and safety behavior 健康和安全的行为Logistic organization: 物流组织: Schedule, cafeteria, telephone, breaks, shuttle 附表,食堂,电话,休息,穿梭.Room organization 室组织 Respect the time-table 尊重时间表 Knowledge assessments 知识评估 Training Manual培训手册Evaluation of the training and trainees 评价培训和学员 Training Materials 培训教材 Microbiology Workbook微生物工作簿Please limit mobile phone usage to break/lunch times请您在午餐时间使用移动电话 Objectives目标 Reference Manua参考手册VITEK 2 COMPACT Service Manual 药敏2紧凑型服务手册 SE Tools CD 东南工具CD System Aim and Positioning系统目标和定位VITEK 2 COMPACT Instrument Users Manual药敏2紧凑型仪器用户手册 BCI Specifications Manual脑机接口规范手册BCI Operators Manual 脑机接口操作员手册 This Weeks Agenda这周议程 Overview of class Training Agenda 培训课程概述Basic Microbiology基本微生物 General Overview 概述 Using the System 使用系统 System Aim and Positioning制度的目标和定位System Purpose系统的目的 Understand how the Compact system is utilized了解如何利用契约制度 Customer Utilization 客户利用Know who our competitors are 了解谁是我们的竞争对手 Instrument Design Goals 仪器设计目标 More space efficient 更为节省空间Understand what kind of testing is done on the Compact 了解什么类型的测试完成的契约 Customer Utilization 客户利用Understand our place in the diagnostics market 了解我们在市场上的诊断 Testing in Pharmaceutical settings 测试制药设置The VITEK 2 Compact system is an automated diagnostic system for Identification (ID) and Anti-microbial Susceptibility Testing (AST). 药敏2紧凑型是一种自动诊断系统识别(ID)和抗微生物药敏试验(AST)的系统 Simplicity of operation 操作简单 Test Kits检测试剂盒Replacement system for VITEK Sr. and VITEK 32 systems 替换老系统和药敏32微生物鉴定系统 Veterinary labs 兽医实验室The Compact system is commonly used in 在紧凑的系统通常用于 Industry labs工业实验室 Allows trending of result允许结果趋势Hospital labs ,Testing of patient specimens 医院实验室病人标本检测 Providing time and cost savings为节省时间和成本Testing for contamination in food products 检测食品中污染 Environmental testing环境试验 Our Mission我们的使命Pathogenic testing of animal samples 动物致病性试验样本 Benefits the laboratory by: 有利于实验室: Identification鉴定Rapidly performs most of the routine Identification and Susceptibility testing 快速执行的大部分日常鉴定药敏试验 Yeast酵母Allowing integration of data to the Laboratory Information System 允许数据集成到实验室信息系统 Susceptibility 易感性Results in quicker, more accurate treatments for the patient在更快,更准确的治疗结果,病人 64 well plastic card 64 well塑料卡Pre-printed, unique barcode 预印,独特的条形码 Color-coded,Pre-inserted transfer tube颜色编码,预转管插入 AST-YS 同工酶伊苏Interrupts molded into card 中断模压到卡 Categories of test kits类检测试剂盒 Custom cards also available也可定制卡Gram Negative革兰阴性 Gram Positive革兰氏阳性 BCL (Industry only)首创置业(业内唯一) GPXX Anti-fungal Yeast抗真菌酵母Gram Negative革兰阴性 AST-GNXX同工酶GNXX Gram Positive革兰氏阳性 AST-GPX同工酶 Worldwide Bacteriology Market全球细菌学市场Maintaining a front-line position in the worldwide fight against infectious diseases 保持一个前线在全球防治传染病的斗争的立场ID Kit Set Up Procedure 编号包设置程序 Objectives目标是 Understand how tests are setup and processed了解如何测试设置和处理Know the workflow choices customers can use了解工作流程的选择,客户可以使用1. Aseptically add 3.0ml of sterile saline (aqueous 0.45-0.5% NaCl, pH 5.0 – 7.2) into a clear plastic test tube (12x75mm).无菌添加到一个透明的塑料试管无菌生理盐水3.0毫升(0.45-0.5%氯化钠水溶液,pH值5.0 - 7.2)(12x75mm)。

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(完整word版)Online Training Manual 美语发音视频教程

Session One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR TipsYour mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss. Your tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.R at the beginning of wordsRockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceR sentenceThe round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.R at the end of words or after a vowelCarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYearTurnPoorR in the middle of wordsVeryDirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneR BlendsR is the strongest sound of the blend.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of wordsTrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakR blends in the middle of wordsSubtractWaitressNutritionAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayR practice sentencesThe story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.W TipsPractice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound. W SentenceWhat will we do?Comparing R and WRick – WickRight – WhiteRemember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once. W at the beginning of wordsWhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingW in the middle of wordsAlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodW practice sentencesThe wind from the west was very wet. (Notice very has a /v/ sound)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Q words (produced as a KW sound)QuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltChoirParagraph PracticeRay was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingV oicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, creating a buzzing sound. Say Ahhhh. Can you feel the vibrations in your neck? All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not.Paired Consonants:P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZThree rules for S&Z endingsRule 1If a word ends in a sound that is unvoiced (such as P, T, K, F), you add an unvoiced /S/Examples:1 cup,2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)1 cat,2 cats (the t in cat is unvoiced, so just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksI stop, he stopsRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 Pages1 Bus2 Buses1 Lunch2 LunchesI Raise, He RaisesI Brush, He BrushesI Push, He PushesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 Days1 Shoe,2 ShoesI Fly, He Flies1 Game,2 Games1 Head,2 Heads1 Train,2 Trains1 Song,2 SongsSome common words where S’s are pronounced as Z’sIs (This is good)His (His mom is Mary)As (As the phone rang)Was (It was raining)These (These are my children)Those (Those are my books)Easy (This is easy)Because (Because we were late.)Paragraph PracticeNotice that all voiced S/Z sounds are underlined.Another z ippy, z appy, cra z y day come s to a clo s e. A s we z oom up to Joe’s snoo z e z one, Z oe Jone s of Z odiac Z oo play s with her z ipper.Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges intojuice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Session Three1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundFlat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThanksThickThunderThursdayThinkUnvoiced TH at the middle of wordsAnythingBathmatToothpickAthleticMouthwashUnvoiced TH at the end of wordsBathNorthBeneathFourthSouthThe V oiced TH SoundV oiced TH at the beginning of wordsThe (The book)That (That house)They (They came over)Them (Give them water)There (There it is)This (This is my nose)Those (Those boys are good)These (These are my parents)V oiced TH in the middle of wordsClothingLeatherMotherAnotherWeatherNorthernV oiced TH at the end of wordsSmoothBatheBreathePractice PhrasesThis and thatA tableclothWinter clothingAthens, GreeceThat’s the oneHer skin is smoothThirty Day’s noticeA famous authorHere and thereFalse teethThread the needleA thoughtful giftThunder and lighteningThumbs upPractice SentencesThelma arrived in town last Thursday.I’m having trouble threading this needle.I need thirty three thick thermometers.The thing they like best about Athens is the weather. This thrilling novel was written by a famous author. He will be through with his work at three-thirty. Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.They thought they were going to Northern Spain.Which tablecloth shall we use for the party?That was the thirty-third theatre to open.THR BlendsThread (thread the needle)Throw (throw the ball)Throat (my throat is sore)Thrill (a thrilling ride)Three (three more days)Threw (yesterday he threw the ball)Throne (the king sits on a throne)Paragraph PracticeNurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver thirty three boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletin boards with thumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to insure their worthiness; otherwise they needed to be thrown away.TH ExceptionsAlthough the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T.ThomasThompsonTheresaThailandThamesEstherThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D.Examples:Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better BedderButter BudderV oiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butt er’s bi tter. If I put it in my batter, it’ll make my batter bitter.Session Four1. Consonant ‘F’2. Consonant ‘V’3. The Unvoiced ‘SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘ZSH’ SoundConsonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Practice Words with ‘F’FootFindFinallyFamilyFreedomLaughTelephoneSymphonyRoughPractice SentencesDo you feel like a physical wreck?Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue?Have you had enough of feeling rough?Why don’t you fight fever with Pharaoh’s Friend.A medicine that is tough on Flu.Practice Words with ‘V’V ote (is not Wote)VineOvenEvaluateV oiceTravelRiverEveryGloveAliveLeaveComparing F and VFeel – VealSafe – SaveFat – VatFine – VineFace – VaseFan – VanFoul – V owelProof – ProvePractice PhrasesA famous athleteA food vendorThe Foreign ServiceSummer vacationV ocabulary testOver the rainbowOur first victoryHarvard UniversityHusband and wifeVery well donePractice Sentences1.Her promotion in the firm was well deserved.2.There was only one survivor on the island.4.Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.5.The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists.6.Dave gave me his car so that I could driv e on New Year’s E ve.3.There were several dents in the rear fender.7.Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket.NOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH SoundTo make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice wordsBeginningSheSugarSureShadowSheepShirtShoeShapeChicagoChefMiddleNationMotionMissionSpecialReputationOfficialMachineFishingInsuranceSunshineOceanTissueAdditionSubtractionEndRushDishEstablishSplashIrishFreshFinishSH SentencesThe fishing trip was planned and we left to go to the ocean.Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar?Sharon gave a special performance.He will be stationed in Washington, D.C, the nat ion’s capital.She went to a fashion show after taking a shower.She sells seashells by the seashore.The social club was praised for their cooperation.SH PracticeJoe’s weather ma chine shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore.Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.The V oiced ZSH SoundThe Voiced ZSH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added.ZSH practice wordsMiddleUsual(U→zshu→al)UnusualUsuallyVisionVisualConclusionAsiaVersionDivisionCasualTelevisionEndBeigeMassagePrestigePractice SentencesIt’s not unu sual for people to study division in Asia.I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion.The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building.List things that are appropriate for each column. Then say them out loud in full sentences for practice.Example: It’s usually hot in the summer.It’s unusual for me to be late for an appointment.UsuallyUnusualHot in the summerLate for appointmentsSession Five1. Consonant LL Tips:Your bottom jaw should be as wide open as possible.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keepi ng your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue.L at the beginning of wordsLunchLocalLondonLearnLargeLifeLobbyLibraryLuckyLiftLaughLongL in the middle of wordsInflationBelieveV olumeGlueElevatorSolvePullingFloodDeleteElectAliveColorL at the end of a wordTo produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement. (Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.)Practice wordsWillBallTallCallSmallControlBowlAppleMiraclePowerfulControlFinancialPeopleL SentencesThe lollipop fell into the cool water.Her driver’s license was pulled out of the blue golf bag. Blake’s bowling ball fell under his tools.Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.The school was a mile away from the hill.The golf club was made of steel.Al’s goal was to play baseball with Carol.A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list. It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.FL Blend PoemA flea and a fly, flew up in a flue.Said the flea, “Let us fly!”Said the fly, “Let us flee!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Practice using WillWill you empty the garbage?Will you ask her to clean the kitchen?Will you prepare a meal for the children?When will you begin your studies at college?When will she purchase the dress for her wedding? Why will he ask them to stay late at work?Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?How will they know if our flight is delayed?Where will the child be going next year?Where will they put all of the pillows?What will she do with the millions of dollars she won? Comparing R and LRed - LedRick - LickReef - LeafRear - LearRest - LessGrass - GlassCrime - ClimbFree - FleeL and R CombinationsSeal ringToll roadAlreadyCivil rightsRailroadRivalryCoral reefJewelrySchoolroomGravel roadSession Six1.Word EndingsMake sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully. Don’t drop off or shorten the endings!P endingsI hope the group will sleep on the ship.The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap?B endingsWe cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.T endingsKate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.The sailboat came into the port to join the fleet.What bait will make the fish bite? A cricket or a piece of meat?D endingsFred will decide which sled should be painted red.David tried to send a refund back to England.He could not hide his report card behind the chalk board.Three rules for ED endingsMany verbs that are in the past tense end in ED. (Example: Today I walk, yesterday I walked)Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an Unvoiced TExample:Jump →jumped. (pronounced jump T)Walk →Walked yesterday I walked. (pronounced walk T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample:Rub →Rubbed Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed. (pronounced rub-D)Clean →Cleaned I cleaned the kitchen.Pour →Poured I poured the milk.Scrub →Scrubbed I scrubbed the floor.Tag →Tagged I tagged the clothing.Spill →Spilled I spilled the juice.Trim →Trimmed I trimmed the tree.Move →Moved I moved to California.Buzz →Buzzed The clock buzzed all night.Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced EDExample:Lift →Lifted Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.Heat →Heated I heated up my dinner.V ote →V oted He voted this morning.Hand →Handed He handed me his report.Trade →Traded I traded in my old car.Add →Added She added some information.All voiced D endings are underlined to help you remember to add voi cing.Bob raked the leaves and then started to wash his car. He then loaded up the dishwasher and finished washing his dishes.Susan spilled her drink on the spotted rug.She cleaned it up with a napkin, which wasted a lot of time.He thanked me and offered me money, if I picked up the used equipment.Three Nasal Sounds: M N NGPractice Ng endingsRingSingThingBringPractice sentencesI have a feeling that she is working too much.She has been wearing a hearing aid so that she could sing.He is looking forward to speaking at the Thanksgiving celebration. Session Seven1. CH sound2. The American J sound (DG)3. Consonant HCH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-chAmerican J V oiced as in J-u-dgeCh at the beginning of wordsChinaCherryChargeChocolateChallengeCheeseChunkChairmanCh in the middle of wordsKey chainLunch boxRichardPictureTeacherFortuneNatureBeach ballCh at the end of wordsDetachTeachPorchMarchPatchWrenchCoachApproachCh exerciseChop-chop, children, it’s Charlie’s Kitchen adventure!Today, Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.American J at the beginning of wordsJuiceJumpJuggleJuryJapanGiantGeneticJuniorGenerateGermanAmerican J in the middle of wordsAlgebraLegendMagicSubjectDigestRejoiceObjectiveMajestyEducateSuggestionAmerican J at the end of wordsAgeCollegePostageStagePledgeVillageAveragePageCourageKnowledgeAmerican J exerciseA German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant, who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.Consonant HWhen an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream.Practice: Ha... Ha… Ha.H at the beginning of wordsHandHideHopeHairHouseHarvardHoneyHappyWhoWholeH word pairsOld- HoldIs- HisIt- HitAt- HatArm- HarmIll- HillAte- HateAs- HasH in the middle of wordsAheadBehaveAnyhowInhaleDownhillDehydrateWholeheartedOverhaulH exerciseHe thought that he should….He thought that he should wash the car.He thought that he should thank his teacher.He thought that he should watch television.He thought that he should use the telephone.He thought that he should shut the door.He thought that he should breathe deeply. (V oiced TH)He thought that he should tell the truth.Henry the hungry hippo, who hogged a huge heap of one hundred hamburgers, has had hiccups for one whole week.Session Eight1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IThe best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.Front V owels: (From high to low)EE - I - AE - EH – A [ i:] [ i ] [ ei ] [ e ] [ æ ]EE - I - AE - EH - AEE - I - AE - EH - AEE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het(nonsense word)A as in HatHeat - Hate - Het - HatBack V owels: (From high to low)OO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot (nonsense word)Boot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotComparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.Heat – HitKeen – KinDeal – DillSeek – SickSeen – SinReap – RipTeal - TillBean –Been (Bean is high. I ate a bean. Been is low. I have been here.)Feed Seen TeenI’ve been buying beans.EE V owel SoundRemember, smile and think high.SeeMeEachEvenKeyGreenTreeVeryHappySoftlyMaryBusyFinallyCountryEE PracticeSpeeding on the FreewayHappily eating cheeseHe and SheSkiing very RapidlyShe sees a monkey eating honey. We see a pony stealing money. Who can he see? It must be me!I V owel SoundBitBillLiftFizzKitchenBuildBiggerChimpFifthListenBusinessFistDisplayLiveFishDiscussFigFiftyBeenEE and I PracticeThe beans have been cooking since six o’clock. Sit in that seat by the window.We ate our meal, by the mill.The seal will live in the ocean.Tim’s team grinned after seeing the green field. Pip and Pete shipped the sheep cheaply.Those bins are for Bill’s beans.Does Jim still stea l Jill’s jeans?The girls put concrete on Ji ll’s sneakers.Pick cherries at their peak or you will eat the pits. He hit the baseball and felt the heatHe hit the baseball and felt the heatSession Nine1. Vowel OW2. Vowel AEV owel OThe Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE O V owel SoundOpenOatmealBlownBoldOwnerPhoneColdRobeCoachRotateLoanSlowRoadO PracticeHow did you know that?I don’t know where the hole is on the coat.Does Joe know how to drive on the road?I need to blow my nose when I have a cold.Has it ever snowed in Rhode Island?Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio. This low is no joke. So folks, don’t go out without coats! Woke and WontPractice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke = WOW + KWon’t = WOW + ‘NTI want the ball.I won’t give you the ball.She wants to sleep.She woke up.He wants to buy a car.He won’t buy a car.They want to speak with you.He won’t speak with you.V owel AEAgeAidEightAbleChainDateEighteenFakeLazyMadeBabyGainChangeGaveNationDayPaperAngelBasicAE PracticeThe ape gave the trainer a cane.David began shaving when he was eighteen.The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.The baby snake lived in a painted cage.My neighbors basement was changed from blue to beige.Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with Lazy Day Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day! The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee TexasUtahVermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Session Ten1. Vowel OO2. Vowel UH3. Vowel EHOO V owel Sound BlueBoothNewsJuiceLoosenRulerFoodChooseMoodMovingLoopKnewToothSmoothPoolMoonShoesZooGrewOO PracticeThe room in the school was very cool.Tuesday at noon in the studio.Viewing the moon on June nights.Do you remember the woman who lived in a shoe?She hadn’t a clue w hat to do when her family grew.Well, through your help, they are moving in June into two big boots.Double OO words that are pronounced as UHFood has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)UH Vowel Sound (that are spelled with OO)FootTookCookShookStoodGoodLookBookWoolSwooshLower vowel (Uh)Would you help me?Hollywood, CaliforniaWould you please order the wood from Hollywood?Very good!UH Practice (All OO sounds are in boldface, all UH sounds are underlined.) He took a good look under the hood and found a flute.Julie enjoys good books after school.He put his foot in the new boot.She took her students to the brook to wash their shoes.We pulled him out of the swimming pool.The fool ate until he was full.EH V owel SoundsEggGetFriendEntranceBetterHealthyLettuceWrenchSpreadBestReadyEveryRedExitCheckFenceHeadsetNecklaceWealthEH PracticeResting on the edge of the bed.Ten letters from the enemy.Dennis will enter the festival.The message was given to the chef.Hello again, friends! Let’s do a w eather check. Well, whoever said temperatures are getting better, better get ready to spend a wet weekend in Tennessee.Session Eleven1. V owel AU as in Out2. V owel AH as in Top3. V owel A as in HatA V owel SoundBackDadFaxValueSatHatchJacketTaxiAppleCatchRabbitA PracticeThe fat cat wore a jacket.Pack your sack and bring your magnet.He sang about an actor named Jack.AU Vowel SoundThis is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood.Begin this sound wi th the A sound as in hat…Then, slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA –wn…TA – wnDowntown DowntownAU PracticeNowHouseRoundLoudGownSoundOuchOutFoundSouthOunceReboundMouthBounceFlowerThousandSpoutCountAU PracticeThe brown couch is downstairs.Her house is on the South side of the mountain.I was proud of the sounds that came out of my mouth.Are VS OurAre (Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our(Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.)Our meeting is in one hour.Think of the word Our as having two syllables.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way). Are/Our Practice SentencesAre you going to our house?Sales are down, but our projections for next year are very good.Our plans will be changing in the next hour.Are you sure that our meeting will be an hour late?AH V owel SoundO words that are pronounced with AHHotTopStopProbablyFollowNotBlobSockMopProductSolveProblemAH Practice (AH sounds are underlined)Bob opened the box and followed the instructions.Tom put some cotton, rocks and a doorknob in his locker.My mom made a concrete model of a hockey rink.Session Twelve1. Tongue TwistersF, W, V oiced ZFuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?V oiced VVincent vowed vengeance very viciously.PPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?。

Practical operation training
By simulating actual work scenarios, conducting practical operations and team collaboration training, we aim to cultivate the practical skills and teamwork spirit of new employees.
Training methods and approaches
Use of online learning management systems (LMS) to provide courses, videos, and materials for self-study
E-learning Platforms
Job related training
The training should be closely aligned with the job requirements and responsibilities of the new employees
The training program should be flexible, allowing for individong new employees
The company lies in a continuous learning approach, providing opportunities for employees to develop their skills and knowledge through their employment
Blending different methods resources active participation and enhancement retention of information

Session One1.Consonant R2.Consonant WR TipsYour mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss. Your tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.R at the beginning of wordsRockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceR sentenceThe round rooste rushed into the wrong road.R at the end of words or after a vowelCarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYearTurnPoorR in the middle of wordsVeryDirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneR BlendsR is the strongest sound of the blend.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of wordsTrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakR blends in the middle of wordsSubtractWaitressNutritionAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayR practice sentencesThe story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover truck. Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.W TipsPractice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound.W SentenceWhat will we do?Comparing R and WRick –WickRight –WhiteRemember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once. W at the beginning of wordsWhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingW in the middle of wordsAlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodW practice sentencesThe wind from the west was very wet. (Notice very has a /v/ sound)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Q words (produced as a KW sound)Question(完整word版)OnlineTrainingManual美语发音视频教程QuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltChoirParagraph PracticeRay was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at theGrand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred ’ s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all aroundthe world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride.Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be theperfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and waspainted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.Session Two1.Voicing2.Consonant pairs3.Consonant S4.Consonant Z VoicingVoicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, creating a buzzingsound. Say Ahhhh. Can you feel the vibrations in your neck? All vowels are voiced.Some consonants are voiced, some are not.Paired Consonants:P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZThree rules for S&Z endingsRule 1If a word ends in a sound that is unvoiced (such as P, T, K, F), you add anunvoiced /S/Examples:1 cup,2 cups(the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)1 cat,2 cats(the t in cat is unvoiced, so just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksI stop, he stopsRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 Pages1 Bus2 Buses1 Lunch2 LunchesI Raise, He RaisesI Brush, He BrushesI Push, He PushesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant(like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicingthroughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ. Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz(correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 Days1 Shoe,2 ShoesI Fly, He Flies1 Game,2 Games1 Head,2 Heads1 Train,2 Trains1 Song,2 SongsSome common words where S ’ s are pronounced as Z’sIs (This is good)His (His mom is Mary)As (As the phone rang)Was (It was raining)These (These are my children)Those (Those are my books)Easy (This is easy)Because (Because we were late.)Paragraph PracticeNotice that all voiced S/Z sounds are underlined.Another zippy, zappy, crazy day comes to a close. As we zoom up to Joe’ssnooze zone, Zoe Jones of Zodiac Zoo plays with her zipper.Last week, Jim ’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges intojuice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Session Three1.The Unvoiced TH Sound2.The Voiced TH Sound3.THR Blends4.Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundFlat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretchout the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThanksThickThunderThursdayThinkUnvoiced TH at the middle of wordsAnythingBathmatToothpickAthleticMouthwashUnvoiced TH at the end of wordsBathNorthBeneathFourthSouthThe Voiced TH SoundVoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThe (The book)That (That house)They (They came over)Them (Give them water)There (There it is)This (This is my nose)Those (Those boys are good)These (These are my parents)Voiced TH in the middle of wordsClothingLeatherMotherAnotherWeatherNorthernVoiced TH at the end of wordsSmoothBatheBreathePractice PhrasesThis and thatA tablecloth Winterclothing Athens,Greece That ’ sthe one Her skin issmoothThirty Day’ s noticeA famous authorHere and thereFalse teethThread the needleA thoughtful giftThunder and lighteningThumbs upPractice SentencesThelma arrived in town last Thursday.I ’ m having trouble threading this needle.I need thirty three thick thermometers.The thing they like best about Athens is the weather. This thrilling novel was written by a famous author. He will be through with his work at three-thirty. Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.They thought they were going to Northern Spain.Which tablecloth shall we use for the party?That was the thirty-third theatre to open.THR BlendsThread (thread the needle)Throw (throw the ball)Throat (my throat is sore)Thrill (a thrilling ride)Three (three more days)Threw (yesterday he threw the ball)Throne (the king sits on a throne)Paragraph PracticeNurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver thirty three boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. Theythought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. Thiswas thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers requiredauthorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletinboards with thumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health ofthe athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to insure their worthiness; otherwise they needed to be thrown away.TH ExceptionsAlthough the following words are spelled with a‘ TH’ , they are pronounced as a T.ThomasThompsonTheresaThailandThamesEstherThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like aD.Examples:Water Wader(the whole word is voiced)Better BedderButter BudderVoiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butt er ’ s tterbi. If I put it in my batter, it ’makell my batter bitter.Session Four1.Consonant ‘ F’2.Consonant ‘ V’3. The Unvoiced ‘ SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘ ZSH’ SoundConsonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Practice Words with F’ ‘FootFindFinallyFamilyFreedomLaughTelephoneSymphonyRoughPractice SentencesDo you feel like a physical wreck?Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue?Have you had enough of feeling rough?Why don’ t you fight fever with Pharaoh’ s Friend.A medicine that is tough on Flu.Practice Words with‘ V’Vote(is not Wote)VineOvenEvaluateVoiceTravelRiverEveryGloveAliveLeaveComparing F and VFeel –VealSafe –SaveFat –VatFine –VineFace –VaseFan –VanFoul –VowelProof –ProvePractice PhrasesA famous athleteA food vendorThe Foreign ServiceSummer vacationVocabulary testOver the rainbowOur first victoryHarvard UniversityHusband and wifeVery well donePractice Sentences1.Her promotion in the firm was well deserved.2.There was only one survivor on the island.4.Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.5.The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists.6.Dave gave me his car so that I could drive on New Year ’3.There were several dents in the rear fender.7.Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket.NOT OF. BUT OV .The Unvoiced SH SoundTo make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice wordsBeginningSheSugarSureShadowSheepShirtShoeShapeChicagoChefMiddleNationMotionMissionSpecialReputationOfficialMachineFishingInsuranceSunshineOceanTissueAdditionSubtractionEndRushDishEstablishSplashIrishFreshFinishSH SentencesThe fishing trip was planned and we left to go to the ocean.Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar?Sharon gave a special performance.He will be stationed in Washington, D.C, the nation ’ s capital.She went to a fashion show after taking a shower.She sells seashells by the seashore.The social club was praised for their cooperation.SH PracticeJoe’ s weather chinema shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore.Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.The Voiced ZSH SoundThe Voiced ZSH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added.ZSH practice wordsMiddleUsual(U →zshu→ al)UnusualUsuallyVisionVisualConclusionAsiaVersionDivisionCasualTelevisionEndBeigeMassagePrestigePractice SentencesIt ’ s not unusual for people to study division in Asia.I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion.The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building.List things that are appropriate for each column. Then say them out loud in full sentences for practice.Example: It ’ s usually hot in the summer.It ’ s unusual for me to be late for an appointment.UsuallyUnusualHot in the summerLate for appointmentsSession Five1. Consonant LL Tips:Your bottom jaw should be as wide open as possible.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.Produce the‘ L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “ LA, LA, LA ” , keeping your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue.L at the beginning of wordsLunchLocalLondonLearnLargeLifeLobbyLibraryLuckyLiftLaughLongL in the middle of wordsInflationBelieveVolumeGlueElevatorSolvePullingFloodDeleteElectAliveColorL at the end of a wordTo produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement. (Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open,may be helpful for practicing.)Practice wordsWillBallTallCallSmallControlBowlAppleMiraclePowerfulControlFinancialPeopleL SentencesThe lollipop fell into the cool water.Her driver’ s license was pulled out of the blue golf bag. Blake ’ s bowling ball fell under his tools.Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.The school was a mile away from the hill.The golf club was made of steel.Al ’s goal was to play baseball with Carol.A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list.It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.FL Blend PoemA flea and a fly, flew up in a flue.Said the flea,“ Let us fly!”Said the fly,“ Let us flee!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Practice using WillWill you empty the garbage?Will you ask her to clean the kitchen?Will you prepare a meal for the children?When will you begin your studies at college?When will she purchase the dress for her wedding?Why will he ask them to stay late at work?Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?How will they know if our flight is delayed?Where will the child be going next year?Where will they put all of the pillows?What will she do with the millions of dollars she won? Comparing R and LRed - LedRick - LickReef - LeafRear - LearRest - LessGrass - GlassCrime - ClimbFree - FleeL and R CombinationsSeal ringToll roadAlreadyCivil rightsRailroadRivalryCoral reefJewelrySchoolroomGravel roadSession Six1.Word EndingsMake sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully. Don drop off or shorten the endings!P endingsI hope the group will sleep on the ship.The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap?B endingsWe cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.T endingsKate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.The sailboat came into the port to join the fleet.What bait will make the fish bite? A cricket or a piece of meat?D endingsFred will decide which sled should be painted red.David tried to send a refund back to England.He could not hide his report card behind the chalk board.Three rules for ED endingsMany verbs that are in the past tense end in ED. (Example: Today I walk, yesterday I walked)Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an Unvoiced TExample:Jump → jumped. (pronounced jump T)Walk → Walked yesterday I walked. (pronounced walk T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample:Rub → Rubbed Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed.(pronounced rub-D)Clean → Cleaned I cleaned the kitchen.Pour → Poured I poured the milk.Scrub → Scrubbed I scrubbed the floor.Tag → Tagged I tagged the clothing.Spill → Spilled I spilled the juice.Trim → Trimmed I trimmed the tree.Move → Moved I moved to California.Buzz → Buzzed The clock buzzed all night.Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced EDExample:Lift → Lifted Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.Heat → Heated I heated up my dinner.Vote → Voted He voted this morning.Hand → Handed He handed me his report.Trade →Traded I traded in my old car.Add → Added She added some information.All voiced D endings are underlined to help you remember to add voi cing.Bob raked the leaves and then started to wash his car. He then loaded up the dishwasher and finished washing his dishes.Susan spilled her drink on the spotted rug.She cleaned it up with a napkin, which wasted a lot of time.He thanked me and offered me money, if I picked up the used equipment.Three Nasal Sounds: M N NGPractice Ng endingsRingSingThingBringPractice sentencesI have a feeling that she is working too much.She has been wearing a hearing aid so that she could sing.He is looking forward to speaking at the Thanksgiving celebration. Session Seven1.CH sound2.The American J sound (DG)3.Consonant HCH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-chAmerican J Voiced as in J-u-dgeCh at the beginning of wordsChinaCherryChargeChocolateChallengeCheeseChunkChairmanCh in the middle of wordsKey chainLunch boxRichardPictureTeacherFortuneNatureBeach ballCh at the end of wordsDetachTeachPorchMarchPatchWrenchCoachApproachCh exerciseChop-chop, children, it’ s Charlie’ s Kitchen adventure!Today, Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.American J at the beginning of wordsJuiceJumpJuggleJuryJapanGiantGeneticJuniorGenerateGermanAmerican J in the middle of wordsAlgebraLegendMagicSubjectDigestRejoiceObjectiveMajestyEducateSuggestionAmerican J at the end of wordsAgeCollegePostageStagePledgeVillageAveragePageCourageKnowledgeAmerican J exerciseA German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant, who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.Consonant HWhen an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream.Practice: Ha... Ha⋯Ha.H at the beginning of wordsHandHideHopeHairHouseHarvardHoneyHappyWhoWholeH word pairsOld- HoldIs- HisIt- HitAt- HatArm- HarmIll- HillAte- HateAs- HasH in the middle of wordsAheadBehaveAnyhowInhaleDownhillDehydrateWholeheartedOverhaulH exerciseHe thought that he should⋯.He thought that he should wash the car.He thought that he should thank his teacher.He thought that he should watch television.He thought that he should use the telephone.He thought that he should shut the door.He thought that he should breathe deeply(Voiced. TH)He thought that he should tell the truth.Henry the hungry hippo, who hogged a huge heap of one hundred hamburgers, has had hiccups for one whole week.Session Eight1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IThe best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.Front Vowels: (From high to low)EE - I - AE - EH –A[ i:][ i ][ ei ][ e ][ ? ]EE-I-AE-EH-AEE-I-AE-EH-AEE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het (nonsense word)A as in HatHeat - Hate - Het - HatBack Vowels: (From high to low)OO- Uh - Oh - Aw -Ah OO - Uh - Oh - Aw- Ah OO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot (nonsense word)Boot - Book - Boat - Bought –BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought –BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought –BotComparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.Heat –HitKeen –KinDeal –DillSeek –SickSeen–SinReap –RipTeal - TillBean –Been (Bean is high. I ate a bean. Been is low. I have been here.)Feed Seen TeenI’ve been buying beans.EE Vowel SoundRemember, smile and think high.SeeMeEachEvenKeyGreenTreeVeryHappySoftlyMaryBusyFinallyCountryEE PracticeSpeeding on the FreewayHappily eating cheeseHe and SheSkiing very RapidlyShe sees a monkey eating honey. We see a pony stealing money. Who can he see? It must be me!I Vowel SoundBitBillLiftFizzKitchenBuildBiggerChimpFifthListenBusinessFistDisplayLiveFishDiscussFigFiftyBeenEE and I PracticeThe beanshave been cooking since six o’ clock. Sit in that seat by the window.We ate our meal, by the mill.The seal will live in the ocean.Tim’teams grinned after seeing the green field.Pip and Pete shipped the sheep cheaply.Those bins are for Bill beans’. sDoes Jim still steal Jill jeans?’The girls put concrete on Jill ’sneakers.Pick cherries at their peak or you will eat the pits.He hit the baseball and felt the heatHe hit the baseball and felt the heatSession Nine1.Vowel OW2.Vowel AEVowel OThe Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWEO Vowel SoundOpenOatmealBlownBoldOwnerPhoneColdRobeCoachRotateLoanSlowRoadO PracticeHow did you know that?I don ’ t know where the hole is on the coat.Does Joe know how to drive on the road?I need to blow my nose when I have a cold.Has it ever snowed in Rhode Island?Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio.This low is no joke. So folks, don’ t go out without coats! Woke and WontPractice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke = WOW + KWon’ t = WOW + ‘ NTI want the ball.I won ’ t give you the ball.She wants to sleep.She woke up.He wants to buy a car.He won’ t buy a car.They want to speak with you.He won’ t speak with you.Vowel AEAgeAidEightAbleChainDateEighteenFakeLazyMadeBabyGainChangeGaveNationDayPaperAngelBasicAE PracticeThe ape gave the trainer a cane.David began shaving when he was eighteen.The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.The baby snake lived in a painted cage.My neighbors basement was changed from blue to beige.Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with Lazy Day Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day!The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee TexasUtah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin WyomingSession Ten1.Vowel OO2.Vowel UH3.Vowel EHOO Vowel Sound Blue BoothNewsJuiceLoosenRulerFoodChooseMoodMovingLoopKnewTooth SmoothPoolMoonShoesZooGrewOO PracticeThe room in the school was very cool.Tuesday at noon in the studio.Viewing the moon on June nights.Do you remember the woman who lived in a shoe?She hadn ’ t a cluehatw to do when her family grew.Well, through your help, they are moving in June into two big boots. Double OO words that are pronounced as UHFood has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)UH Vowel Sound (that are spelled with OO)FootTookCookShookStoodGoodLookBookWoolSwooshLower vowel (Uh)Would you help me?Hollywood, CaliforniaWould you please order the wood from Hollywood?Very good!UH Practice (All OO sounds are in boldface, all UH sounds are underlined.) He took a good look under the hood and found aflute .Julie enjoys good books afterschool.He put his foot in the new boot .She took herstudents to the brook to wash their shoes.We pulled him out of the swimming pool.The fool ate until he was full.EH Vowel SoundsEggGetFriendEntranceBetterHealthyLettuceWrenchSpreadBestReadyEveryRedExitCheckFenceHeadsetNecklaceWealthEH PracticeResting on the edge of the bed.Ten letters from the enemy.Dennis will enter the festival.The message was given to the chef.Hello again, friends! Let’eathersdo checkw. Well, whoever said temperatures are getting better, better get ready to spend a wet weekend in Tennessee.Session Eleven1.Vowel AU as in Out2.Vowel AH as in Top3.Vowel A as in HatA Vowel SoundBackDadFaxValueSatHatchJacketTaxiAppleCatchRabbitA PracticeThe fat cat wore a jacket.Pack your sack and bring your magnet.He sang about an actor named Jack.AU Vowel SoundThis is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood. Begin this sound wi th the A sound as in hat ⋯ Then,slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA –wn⋯ TA –wnDowntown DowntownAU PracticeNowHouseRoundLoudGownSoundOuchOutFoundSouthOunceReboundMouthBounceFlowerThousandSpoutCountAU PracticeThe brown couch is downstairs.Her house is on the South side of the mountain.I was proud of the sounds that came out of my mouth.Are VS OurAre (Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our (Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.)28Our meeting is in one hour.Think of the word Our as having two syllables.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way).Are/Our Practice SentencesAre you going to our house?Sales are down, but our projections for next year are very good.Our plans will be changing in the next hour.Are you sure that our meeting will be an hour late?AH Vowel SoundO words that are pronounced with AHHotTopStopProbablyFollowNotBlobSockMopProductSolveProblemAH Practice (AH sounds are underlined)Bob opened the box and followed the instructions.Tom put some cotton, rocks and a doorknob in his locker.My mom made a concrete model of a hockey rink.Session Twelve1. Tongue TwistersF, W, Voiced ZFuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn ’ t fuzzy, was he? Voiced VVincent vowed vengeance very viciously.PPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?。

线上英语培训计划书I. IntroductionIn today's globalized world, English has become the lingua franca of business, education, and communication. As a result, the demand for high-quality English language skills has never been higher. This proposal outlines a comprehensive online English training program that aims to provide effective and convenient language learning opportunities for individuals of all ages and proficiency levels.II. Program ObjectivesThe primary objectives of the online English training program are as follows:1. To improve participants' overall English language proficiency, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.2. To enhance participants' confidence and fluency in using English in various real-life situations, such as work, travel, and social interactions.3. To provide personalized and flexible learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of individual participants.4. To offer a range of engaging and interactive learning materials and activities to keep participants motivated and committed to their language learning journey.5. To enable participants to achieve internationally recognized English language certifications, such as TOEFL, IELTS, and Cambridge English exams.III. Program Structure and CurriculumThe online English training program will be divided into several levels, ranging from beginner to advanced, to accommodate participants with different language proficiency levels. Each level will consist of various modules, focusing on different language skills and topics. The curriculum will be designed to align with international English language standards and will incorporate authentic materials, such as articles, videos, and audio clips, to expose participants to real English language usage.The program's curriculum will cover the following key areas:1. Vocabulary and Grammar: Participants will learn and practice essential vocabulary and grammar structures to build a strong foundation for effective communication.2. Speaking and Listening: Participants will engage in speaking and listening activities to improve their pronunciation, comprehension, and conversational skills.3. Reading Comprehension: Participants will read and analyze a variety of texts, including articles, short stories, and essays, to enhance their reading comprehension and critical thinking abilities.4. Writing Skills: Participants will develop their writing skills by producing different types of written texts, such as emails, essays, and reports, with a focus on accuracy, coherence, and organization.5. Exam Preparation: Participants aiming to obtain English language certifications will receive targeted preparation and practice for specific exams, including test-taking strategies and simulated practice tests.IV. Instructional MethodologyThe online English training program will utilize a blended learning approach, combining self-paced online study materials with live virtual instruction led by qualified and experienced English language teachers. Participants will have access to a dedicated online learning platform, where they can access educational resources, communicate with instructors and peers, and track their progress.The instructional methodology will leverage various interactive and multimedia tools, such as video lectures, audio recordings, interactive exercises, and virtual classrooms, to create engaging and dynamic learning experiences. In addition, participants will receive ongoing feedback and support from instructors to monitor their performance and address any learning challenges they may encounter.V. Participant Support and AssessmentTo ensure the success and satisfaction of participants, the online English training program will provide comprehensive support services, including:1. Individual Learning Plans: Participants will receive personalized learning plans based on their language proficiency levels, learning goals, and availability, to tailor the program to their individual needs.2. Regular Progress Monitoring: Participants' progress will be regularly assessed through quizzes, assignments, and assessments to track their improvement and to identify areas for further development.3. Academic Advising: Participants will have access to academic advisors who can provide guidance and recommendations on their language learning journey, including study strategies and resources.4. Technical Support: A dedicated technical support team will be available to assist participants with any technical issues they may encounter while using the online learning platform.VI. Technology and InfrastructureThe online English training program will utilize state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure to deliver seamless and high-quality online learning experiences. This will include a user-friendly and interactive online learning platform that is accessible on multiple devices, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. The platform will feature advanced learning management systems, video conferencing tools, and communication channels to facilitate effective collaboration and communication among participants, instructors, and support staff.In addition, the program will adhere to the highest standards of data security and privacy to ensure the confidentiality and protection of participants' personal information and learning records.VII. Marketing and RecruitmentTo attract potential participants and promote the online English training program, a comprehensive marketing and recruitment strategy will be developed, which may include the following activities:1. Digital Marketing: Utilizing social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing to reach and engage with target audiences.2. Content Creation: Producing informative and engaging content, such as blog posts, infographics, and videos, to showcase the program's benefits and features.3. Partnerships and Collaborations: Establishing partnerships with educational institutions, language learning centers, and corporate organizations to promote the program and recruit participants.4. Referral Programs: Encouraging current participants to refer friends, family, and colleagues to join the program through incentive-based referral programs.VIII. Program Evaluation and Quality AssuranceTo maintain the program's quality and effectiveness, regular evaluations and quality assurance measures will be implemented to assess the program's impact and gather feedback from participants, instructors, and stakeholders. This may include conducting participant surveys, focus group discussions, and performance evaluations to identify areas for improvement and innovation.IX. Timeline and BudgetThe online English training program will be launched with a phased approach, starting with the development of the program curriculum and learning materials, followed by the recruitment and training of instructors, and the implementation of the online learningplatform. A detailed timeline and budget will be developed to ensure the successful and timely launch of the program while adhering to financial constraints and resource allocation. X. ConclusionIn conclusion, the implementation of an online English training program will provide individuals with a convenient and effective avenue to enhance their English language skills, regardless of their geographic location or time constraints. By integrating innovative instructional methodologies, comprehensive support services, and advanced technology, the program aims to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that will empower participants to achieve their language learning goals and aspirations.。

接待员英文培训计划IntroductionAs a receptionist, you play a crucial role in creating a positive first impression and providing excellent customer service to our guests. This training program is designed to enhance your skills and knowledge, and provide you with the tools you need to excel in your role.ObjectivesThe main objectives of this training program are:1. To enhance your communication skills, including effective listening, verbal and non-verbal communication, and telephone etiquette.2. To provide you with the knowledge and skills to handle customer inquiries, complaints, and requests professionally and efficiently.3. To improve your organizational and multitasking abilities, including time management, scheduling, and administrative tasks.4. To familiarize you with our company's policies, procedures, and systems, as well as the products and services we offer.5. To develop your problem-solving and decision-making skills, and how to handle difficult or challenging situations.Training ScheduleThe training program will consist of both theoretical and practical components, and will be conducted over a period of 4 weeks, with a combination of in-person and online training sessions. The schedule will be as follows:Week 1: Basic Receptionist Skills- Introduction to the role of a receptionist- Communication skills and customer service excellence- Telephone etiquette and handling customer inquiries- Introduction to our company's products and servicesWeek 2: Administrative and Organizational Skills- Time management and multitasking- Scheduling and appointment management- Records management and data entry- Introduction to relevant software and systemsWeek 3: Handling Customer Inquiries and Complaints- Dealing with difficult customers and challenging situations- Problem-solving and decision-making- Complaint resolution and customer satisfaction- Role-play and scenario-based trainingWeek 4: Company Policies and Procedures- Introduction to our company's policies and procedures- Emergency procedures and safety protocols- Final assessment and evaluationTraining MethodsThe training program will utilize a variety of methods to ensure a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. These may include:- Classroom-style training sessions with presentations, discussions, and interactive activities- Role-playing exercises and scenario-based training to practice real-life situations- On-the-job training and shadowing experienced receptionists to gain practical experience - Online learning modules and resources for independent study and reinforcement of concepts- Assessments and evaluations to measure progress and identify areas for improvementIn addition to the scheduled training sessions, you will also be provided with a training manual and resources that you can refer to for further learning and development. Assessment and EvaluationThroughout the training program, your progress will be monitored through assessments and evaluations. This may include written tests, practical demonstrations, and feedback from trainers and supervisors. At the end of the program, you will undergo a final assessment to ensure that you have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to perform your role effectively.ConclusionThis training program aims to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in your role as a receptionist. We are committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to succeed, and we encourage you to take full advantage of this training opportunity. We look forward to seeing you grow and thrive in your role, and to contributing to the success of our company through excellent customer service.。

Build the model Obtain the modal solution 转向谱分析类型
• • • • 退出并重新进入求解阶段 指定新分析:谱分析 分析选项 阻尼
Training Manual
• 分析选项
Training Manual
– – – – – 建立模型 获得模态解 转向谱分析 定义响应谱 求解并查看结果
Training Manual
Training Manual
• 用来描述理想化系统对激励响应的曲线,此响应 可以是加速度、速度、位移和力; • 响应谱反映了激励的频率特征,因而可用于计算 结构对相同激励的响应。一般步骤如下:
• 是模态分析延伸,用于计算结构 对地震及其它随机激励的响应; • 计算在每个固有频率处的给定谱 值的结构最大响应. 这个最大响应 作为模态的比例因子. • 将这些最大响应进行组合来给出 结构的总的响应.
Training Manual
• 谱分析的替代方法是瞬态分析,二者区别为:
1 2 3 4
• 如果地基在频率f1下激励,那 这四个系统的响应记录如图所 示. • 现在增加第二个激励f3 并记录 位移响应. 则系统1与系统3会 分别达到它们的峰值. • 如果一个一般的包含多个频率 的激励施加,并只记录峰值响 应, 就会得到一条曲线. 这就 是谱曲线或称之为响应谱曲线.
Training Manual
第二部分 随机振动
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