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I. 翻译短语10’






II. 用所给词的适当形式填空10’每空一分

1.Our school has three ____________ (party) this term.

2.Alice ___________ (eat) bread for breakfast every day.

3.Eric and Allan ___________ (like) hamburgers.

4.--- _______your mother ___________ (play) sports ?

---No, she _________(do ,not)

5.September is the ___________ (nine) month of the year.

6.---How about ___________ (have) an apple ?


7.Sports stars eat ___________ ( good) .

8.---How much ____________ (be) this pair of shoes ?

---$12 .

III. 单项选择30’

( )1. I think apples are _______. And I have one apple every day.

A. healthy

B. well

C. fun

D. fat

( )2. ---What is on the table ?

---Some ______and _______ .

A. bread ; banana

B. hamburger; eggs

C. strawberries ; pear

D. tomatoes ; chicken ( )3.---Does Jane play sports every day ?

---Yes. She wants ________ healthy.

A. to be

B. be

C. to is

D. get

( )4.---_____is the bag ?

---It’s only 50 yuan.

A. What color

B. How

C. What

D. How much

( )5.One hat is 15 dollars , so two hats are ________ dollars.

A. twelve

B. thirteen

C. thirty

D. Twenty

( )6.---Look at these socks. They are only $16.

--- OK. ____________ .

A. I’ll sell them.

B. I’ll take it.

C. I’ll take them.

D. I’ll like it.

( )7.---Let’s _______TV at home.

--- That sounds _________.

A. watching ; good

B. watch ;well

C. to watch ; good

D. watch ;great

--( )8.--- ______do we have ________dinner today, Mum ?

--- Rice and chicken.

A. Where ; /

B. What ; for

C. How ; about

D. What ; about

( )9.---What ______do you like ?

---I like ping-pong , but I only watch _______on TV.

A. sports ;they

B. sports ; them

C. Sport ; it

D. Sport ; them

( )10.---What is the month after June?

---It is ____________ .

A. February

B. March

C. July

D. April

( )11. --- __________ is your grandfather ,Sue ?

--- He is 70 .

A. How

B. What

C. How old

D. How much

( )12.Our School Day is ____September. It is _____September 22nd .

A. in ; in

B. on ; on

C. in ; on

D. on ; in

( )13.Mary ________a bag _______ school .

A. need ; at

B. need ; for

C. needs ;at

D. needs ; for

( )14.---Do you know the girl in the hat ?

--- ______________.

A. Yes, I am

B. Y es , she is

C. Yes , I know

D. Yes , I do

( )15.---______________.

--- Yes, please. I need a hat.

A.Excuse me.

B. Can I help you ?

C. Hello .

D. What do you want ?

IV. 选出合适的句子补全对话,将序号填在下面的表格里,期中有两项是多余的。10’

A. What do you want to do ?

B. It is the newest(最新的)style this year.

C. What color does your son like ?

D. How much is it ?

E. Can I help you ?

F.. Excuse me.

G. Sorry, we don’t have any green ones.

A: Good afternoon! _______1______

B: Y es, please. I want a sweater for my son.


B: Er, green, I think. Do you have a green one ?

A:_______3_____ But how about this blue one ?

B: Sorry, I don’t like its style (款式)。

A: That’s all right. Hmm... How about this one ? ______4_______

B: It looks very nice.________5______

A: 35 dollars.

B:OK. I’ll take it.
