INDUSTRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY行业科技1 钠冷快堆严重事故钠冷快堆(sodium -cooled fast reactor, SFR )是一种由液态金属钠冷却的核反应堆。
然而,钠冷快堆堆芯解体严重事故(core disruptive accident ,CDA )可以快速引入巨大的正反应性,引起功率激增和燃料破碎,事故发生时间尺度达到秒量级,给核电站安全带来毁灭性的打击[2-3]。
导致钠冷快堆发生堆芯解体严重事故的主要原因是未能紧急停堆的预测瞬态事故(anticipated transient without scram ,ATWS ),而无保护失流(unprotected loss of flow ,ULOF )是典型的ATWS 事故。
在熔融池形成和膨胀过程中,如果控制棒导管管壁破损,一部分液钠将可能注入熔融燃料池中并发生剧烈的相互作用(fuel -coolant interaction ,FCI )[4]。
活跃的FCI 依然会产生较大的瞬态压力峰,从而引发熔融池剧烈晃动(sloshing ),导致燃料聚集(fuel compaction),存在再临界(re -criticality )的危险[5-7],其过程如图1所示。
激活策略说明ID:79 激活策略说明:Hong Kong and Macau Apple Channel Default activation policyID:306 激活策略说明:Hong Kong CSL(香港CSL合约机)、ID:260 激活策略说明:Hong Kong Smar Tone(香港数码通合约机)ID:235 激活策略说明:Retail Unlock(香港直营店激活策略)ID:251 激活策略说明:China Unicom(中国联通合约机,可原生4G)ID:2181 激活策略说明:China Unicom N53/N49 Unlock Policy(中国联通无合约)ID:2181 激活策略说明:China Unicom N53 Unlock Policy(中国联通无合约)ID:2182 激活策略说明:China Telecom N51/N48 Locked Policy(中国电信)ID:10 激活策略说明:UnlockID:2179 激活策略说明:China Unlocked Policy-N49/N53-2013(国行A1530激活策略)ID:2179 激活策略说明:China Open Distribution N53/N49 Unlocked Policy(新国行A1530激活策略ID:23 激活策略说明:US AT&T Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands Activation PolicyID:411 激活策略说明:China Telecom Locked(中国电信机)ID:51 激活策略说明:US GSM Country Default PolicyID:252 激活策略说明:China Apple Channel Default activation policyID:2079激活策略说明:Japan KDDI N42/N48/N51 Activation Policy(日版AU有锁机)ID:2096 激活策略说明:France N42 Apple Channel FlexActivation PolicyID:2090激活策略说明:France Orange N42ID:2018激活策略说明:US Sprint Multi-Mode CommercialID:219 激活策略说明:HK ResellerID:58 激活策略说明:APAC ServiceID:2009激活策略说明:US Verizon Multi-Mode commercial,UMTS VF NLlocked(Verizon的合约机ID:2023 激活策略说明:US Verizon LTE MM N51/N48/N42Activation Policy(V版三网激活策略) ID:2098 激活策略说明:US CDMA Service Picker-N42-2012ID:2087激活策略说明:US Verizon LTE MM N51/N48/N42 Service PolicyID:2082 激活策略说明:US Sprint N42 Locked Activation Policy(Sprint版有锁机)ID:2082 激活策略说明:US Sprint N42 Unlocked Activation PolicyID:2230 激活策略说明:Apple Channel Multi-Mode Unlock Policy(日版A1453三网无锁激活策略ID : 2013 激活策略说明:US Verizon LTE MM Except US CDMA N51/N48/N4ID:2192 激活策略说明:Macau China Telecom Unlocked Policy(澳门版三网激ID:2049 激活策略说明:US Cricket Communications Activation Policy(美国Cricket运营商激活策ID:302 激活策略说明:UK TMobile OrangeID::2186 激活策略说明:Japan NTT DOCOMO Activation Policy(日版DOCOMO有锁)vation policy国联通无合约)行A1530激活策略)ed Policy(新国行A1530激活策略)Activation Policyy(日版AU有锁机)VF NLlocked(Verizon的合约机)tion Policy(V版三网激活策略)print版有锁机)y(日版A1453三网无锁激活策略)8/N42Activation Policy(V版G网激活限制美国镜外CDMA功能)三网激活策略,暂时关闭FDD-LTE)olicy(美国Cricket运营商激活策略,美国境内激活无锁,境外激活有锁)(日版DOCOMO有锁)。
Page1LV215-1: Revision Date 02-2009Electrical/Electronic Requirements of HV ConnectorsEdition 1-Feb. 2009This SR 215-1 was created by WG 4.3.3 of the German car manufactures高压连接器电气/电子要求第一版-2009年2月此SR 215-1由德国汽车制造企业WG 4.3.3创建Page2 LV215-1: Revision Date 02-2009PrefaceThis standard was put together in its present version by representatives from the car manufacturers Audi, AG, BWM AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG and Volkswagen AG.This standard is deposited as a word file in the standardization department of Audi AG.This standard does not claim to be complete. Car manufactures are always free to require additional inspections according to the respective state of the art.Since the individual car manufacturers can make changes, if necessary, inspections may not be performed using this standard. Instead, the supplier must ensure that the currently valid internal standard of the car manufacturer is at his disposal. Deviations from the present standard are represented in italics in the internal standards. If modifications of individual inspection points should become necessary in individual cases, they must be coordinated separately between the responsible technical department and the corresponding manufacturer.The inspection report of the cable manufacturers is recognized provided that the inspections have been performed by an independent institute accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Acceptance of the inspection reports does not give rise to an automatic release. 前言来自汽车制造厂Audi, AG, BWM AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG and Volkswagen AG的代表已经将该标准整合到他们目前的版本里。
大龄未婚男性的男男性行为及其对公共安全的意义:基于中国农村性别失衡背景的研究发现杨雪燕1,伊莎贝拉·阿塔尼2,李树茁1(1.西安交通大学公管学院人口与发展研究所,陕西西安710049;2.法国国立人口研究中心,法国巴黎75020)摘要:基于2008年安徽省CH 市JC 区的调查数据,通过与同年龄段已婚男性的对比,对性别失衡背景下中国农村大龄未婚男性的男男性行为发生率及其影响因素进行了分析。
关键词:大龄未婚男性;男男性行为;性取向;无保护性行为;公共安全中图分类号:C92-3文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-9753(2012)05-0058-10The Homosexual Behaviors of Forced Male Bachelors and Its Implications onPublic Security :Findings from Sex Imbalance in Rural ChinaYANG Xue -yan 1,ATTANE Isabelle 2,LI Shuzhuo 1(1.Institute for Population and Development Studies ,School of Public Policy and Administration ,Xi'an Jiaotong University ,Xi'an 710049;2,French National Demographic Researches ,Paris 75020,France )Abstract :Using the data from the survey conducted in JC district ,CH City in Anhui Province ,this study analyzed the homosexual behaviors of forced male bachelors and the influential factors in comparison to married men with same a-ges.It was found that ,the sex imbalance in China does lead to the higher homosexual behaviors occurrence ;among the groups who reported homosexual experiences ,there is a high occurrence of unprotected sex ;compared with married men ,the knowledge about AIDS and STDs of bachelors are much poorer ,which will exert profound negative impacts on public security.The paper ends with the policy implications for conclusions ,limitations of this study and future direc-tions for improvement.Key words :forced male bachelors ;homosexual behaviors ;sexual orientation ;unprotected sex ;public security收稿日期:2011-10-19修回日期:2012-01-16基金项目:本研究获得教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”(IRT0855)和法国国立人口研究中心(INED )“性别失衡与人口社会后果研究”(项目号:2009-CV -0017)的共同资助。
戴尔 Latitude E6420 和 E6420 ATG 所有者手册说明书
Dell Latitude E6420 和 E6420 ATG 所有者手册管制型号 P15G管制类型 P15G001, P15G002注、警告和严重警告备注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
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BS 8434-2-2003+A2-2009 电缆着火完整性评定的试验方法.应急电路中使用的无防护型小型电缆试验.BS EN 50200
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Methods of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric cables —
备战高考英语单句语法填空专题复习:专题02 冠词(原卷版)
专题02 冠词距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。
第01组1. —Mary, who’s ________ man over there?—He’s my uncle, ________ English professor.2. (2016·浙江省·历年真题)______ prize for the winner of the competition is ______ two-week holiday in Paris.3. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)When did your family begin to raise dogs for ______blind?4. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)It's really ______ comfort to the professor that his son has been admitted to ______ Harvard University.5. (2019·重庆市市辖区·月考试卷)Take your time—it's just ______ short distance from here to ______ restaurant.6. Confucius Temple, world cultural heritage, is about 65 kilometres south of Mount Tai.7. (2010·山东省·历年真题)If we sit near ______ front of the bus, we'll have ______ better view.8. (2022·重庆市市辖区·单元测试)Carl is studying ______ food science at college and hopes to open up ______meat processing factory of his own one day.9. (2013·福建省·历年真题)The "Chinese Dream" is ______ dream to improve people's well-being and ______ dream of harmony, peace and development.10. (2020·陕西省·历年真题)In order to find ______ better job, he decided to study ______ second foreign language.11. (2021·黑龙江省鹤岗市·期末考试)As ______ consequence of all his hard training, Paul was able to take ______ lead in the race.12. (2019·天津市市辖区·单元测试)For him ______ stage is just ______ means of making a living.13. (2010·北京市·历年真题)First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get ______ second chance to make ______ first impression.14. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)We can never expect ______ bluer sky unless we create ______ less polluted world.15. (2014·江西省·历年真题)They chose Tom to be ______ captain of the team because they knew he was ______ smart leader.16. (2020·山东省济南市·单元测试)What______ useful robot! It can work like a human servant.17. (2022·天津市市辖区·模拟题)Unfortunately, ______ stone hit him on ______ head and he got injured.18. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)We are flying at ______ altitude of 6,000 meters and perhaps we will get there at ______ midnight.19. (2019·宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市·月考试卷)The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into ______ night.20. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)Jumping out of ______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ______ exciting experience.21. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)Chinese President Xi Jinping held a welcoming ceremony for US President Obama at ______ Great Hall of the People in Beijing, ______ capital of China, on November 12, 2014.22. (2020·天津市市辖区·模拟题)—Which of the two stories do you like better?— ______ shorter one, of course. I think it's really ______ most interesting one.23. (2012·全国·历年真题)He missed ______ gold in the high jump, but will get ______ second chance in the long jump.24. —I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.—It is not your fault. With ______ rush-hour traffic and ______ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.25. (2009·浙江省·历年真题)I don't understand what the engineer means, but I've got ______ rough idea of ______ project plan.第02组1. Don't worry too much about making ______ mistakes. They are ______ natural part of learning.2. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)It's reported that customers could start using their phones to buy ______coffee in some stores, which is ______ first pay-by-phone practice in the USA.3. (2022·全国·同步练习)The experiment proved to be ______ failure, but "failure goes before success".4. (2019·天津市市辖区·单元测试)In communication, a smile is usually ______ strong sign of a friendly and ______ open attitude.5. (2020·陕西省·其他类型)Everything comes with ______ price;there is no such ______ thing as a free lunch in the world.6. (2019·天津市市辖区·单元测试)It's ______ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them ______ pleasure.7. (2022·全国·同步练习)I was told that ______10:15 flight would take us to Shanghai in time to reach Fudan University.8. (2010·四川省·历年真题)In ______ most countries, a university degree can give you ______ flying start in life.9. (2021·澳门特别行政区·单元测试)There are over 58,000 rocky objects in ______ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto ______ earth.10. (2022·全国·同步练习)It's not ______ first time that Henan TV Station has gained attention with its charming videos highlighting traditional Chinese culture.11. (2021·湖北省·同步练习)I took ______ international English speaking course in a training school this term.12. (2014·重庆市·历年真题)I can't tell you ______ way to the Wilson 's because we don't have ______ Wilson here in the village.13. (2019·天津市市辖区·单元测试)My neighbor Molly is very kind-hearted. She usually volunteers to help ______ poor in our community out of ______ sympathy.14. —Annette has been complaining about ______ traffic keeping her awake at night.— Yes, there is ______ heavy traffic on the road near the residential community.15. Some people fear that ______ air pollution may bring about changes in ______ weather around the world.16. (2015·浙江省·历年真题)Jane's grandmother had wanted to write ______ children's book for many years, but one thing or another always got in ______ way.17. As ______ rule, apples are sold by ______ weight and eggs by ______ dozen.18. Going to the dentist's does not necessarily have to be ______ awful experience.19. (2021·江西省宜春市·单元测试)—It is reported that there is ______ big breakthrough in the cancer treatment. —If only my son could be brought back to ______ life.20. (2015·重庆市·历年真题)I just heard ______ bank where Dora works was robbed by ______ gunman wearing a mask.21. (2021·北京市·期末考试) beautiful rose garden planted ten years ago by my father grows wonderfully.22. Mr. Brown, when you were not in the office just now, ______ Mr. White called and said he wants to see you this afternoon.23. From the Han Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, the Silk Road enjoyed ______ history of about 1,500 years.24. "Fall" as a name for the season between summer and winter came about sometime in the 1500s, which is ______shortened version of the very poetic phrase "the fall of leaves".25. It can be seen as ______ unique application of wireless technology.第03组1. To our relief, although the experiment took us five months, it turned out ______ great success.2. A company called ROLI began selling Seaboard, an electronic keyboard in 2013, which does not have ______ same white and black keys as a piano. Instead it is made from soft and rubbery materials.3. (2021·江苏省徐州市·单元测试)I hope one day we can enjoy ______ satisfaction of having all the housework done by a robot.4. When Mom and Dad aren't at hand, over 30% of kids would like to hear ______ bedtime story from famous people like Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe.5. Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but ______ manner of traveling.6. Through the training, my daughter understands ______ value of hard work and becomes more diligent.7. (2021·江苏省徐州市·单元测试)I saw a wallet in the back of my truck. I picked it up. A quick thought of just taking ______ thing flew across my mind, but my parents' voice appeared in my head and told me otherwise.8. I can't stand the way his mother leads him around by ______ nose like that and tells him what to do!9. Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger airplane, was designed to make airports less busy by reducing ______ number of planes which was on the increase in the sky.10. (2021·江苏省徐州市·同步练习)Congratulations! You have just taken your first step towards ______ new and improved you!11. Millions of species are being killed in such a short time that even ______ fittest can't survive.12. This style of farming lasted for quite a long time. Then, with ______ rise of science, changes began.13. It is a pity that not all the collections are open to the public, but the Louvre is well worth paying ______ visit to.14. Those passageways, with ______ total length of 59 kilometers, enable antelopes and other animals to cross the railway freely.15. Actions that can be taken to prevent infection from ______ animal source include avoiding unnecessary unprotected contact with animals, washing hands after contact with animals or animal products, and ensuring that animal products are cooked thoroughly before they are consumed.16. (2021·江苏省徐州市·单元测试)A recent survey has found that the number of ______ unemployed is increasing in the country.17. (2021·江苏省徐州市·同步练习)I want to go to the party, but on ______ other hand I ought to be studying.18. The plum trees are ______ first to flower even as the snow is melting(融化). They represent the promise of spring and a renewal of life.69. "For ______ sake of the children, I think I can work in the teaching center for another 10 years," Yang says.20. ______ majority of British women adopt their husband's surname when they marry.21. When we got a call saying she was short-listed, we thought it was ______ joke.22. (2021·北京市市辖区·同步练习)To ______ certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.23. (2021·江苏省徐州市·单元测试)Once in ______ while, Jack goes with us to the movies on Saturday night.24. (2021·江苏省徐州市·单元测试)This has created a "throwaway society" which is ______ waste of the earth's resources.25. (2020·江苏省南京市·单元测试)The idiom "in the black" also conveys the good meaning that a business is making ______ profit.第04组1. (2021·江苏省徐州市·单元测试)I acquired ______ good knowledge of that after I read the description in the museum.2. (2021·河北省石家庄市·月考试卷)Easter is ______ important religious and social festival for Christians around the world.3. Gu Ai Ling, (1) 18-old-year girl, established herselfin just two years of international competition, winning her first World Cup event in 2019 before claiming gold medals (3) both big air (大跳台) and halfpipe (U型场地) at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games.4. (2021·江苏省徐州市·单元测试)The AI border guard scan travellers' faces to find out if the passenger might be lying. A human security guard will take over if the lie-detecting software detects ______ security risk. 5.(2022秋•和平区校级期中)The heavy rain lasted 3 hours on ______ end and came to ______ end when the class was over.6.(2022春•南开区期中)Li Hua has ________ good knowledge of many foreign languages,and one of them is English which is ________ language spoken by many people in the world.7.(2022春•浉河区校级月考)_____Internet helps friendships.8.(2021秋•和平区校级月考)For our future generation,we must show respect for ________ nature,increasing ________ amount of waste we recycle.9.(2022秋•济宁期末)It was real shock to hear that the factory would have to close. 10..(2022秋•东莞市期末)Those brave soldiers feel it honour as well as a duty to serve their country. 11.(2022秋•二道区校级期末)Psychologists and doctors are working together to look after the various needs of t elderly.12.(2023春•北碚区校级期中)injured in the earthquake were immediately rushed to hospital in an ambulance.13.(2023春•九台区校级期中)Virtual worlds offer us alternative vision of how society might work. 14.(2023春•南岗区校级月考)My mission was to relieve Emma,Canadian specialist in infectious diseases at the end of her posting.15.(2023春•萨尔图区月考)Sales incomes of restaurants and hotel chains rose 16.4 percent and 30.6 percent on a yearly basis,respectively (分别地).16.(2022秋•南岗区校级期末)His childhood was difficult because his father was alcoholic.17.(2022秋•怒江州期末)Lei Feng set example to us teenagers in serving people heart and soul. 18.(2023春•北碚区校级月考)As the price of gas rises at alarming rate,new energy vehicles are in greater demand.19.(2022秋•焉耆县校级期末)As result,the outstanding young man became a famous astronomer. 20.(2022秋•北碚区校级期末)One of my roommates in college worked as editor in the publishing house next to my apartment but we never came across each other.21.(2022秋•浉河区校级期末)Having a bad boss is more than annoyance.22.(2023•东莞市校级开学)She is honest girl so she is popular among classmates.23..(2022秋•东莞市校级期末)They are proud to be first generation in their family to attend college. 24.(2022秋•西城区期末)When you come across difficult word in the text,try to guess what it means first before looking it up.25.(2022秋•茂名期末)It has been found that parents ' words and deeds have effect on their children.高考质量提升是一项系统工程,涉及到多个方面、各个维度,关键是要抓住重点、以点带面、全面突破,收到事半功高考质量提升是一项系统工程,涉及到多个方面、各个维度,关键是要抓住重点、以点带面、全面突破,收到事半功倍的效果。
Syntax积分及其优缺点1 前言近年来,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,我国冠心病的发病率和死亡率也逐年升高,并呈现患者年轻化趋势。
随着药物支架的广泛应用,PCI的治疗范围不断突破禁区[1] ,而微创技术、更加完善的术后护理,也使得部分病人对CABG的接受度得以提高,应该说两种手术方法都是安全和有效的,但又有各自的优缺点。
到目前为止,何种病人适合何种术式,尚无定论[4] 。
结果一经公布,立即受到世界的瞩目[6, 7]。
因此,本文将就SYNTAX的实验设计、计分方法、主要试验结果及其局限性进行综述,以期为正确解读和应用SYNTAX 积分方法和为我国血管成形术的选择有一个较客观的标准提供理论依据。
2 SYNTAX实验设计研究在欧美84家医院进行,共入选来自欧洲和美国的3075例左主干和/或三支病变患者。
Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2020, 10(4), 382-389Published Online April 2020 in Hans. /journal/aphttps:///10.12677/ap.2020.104049The Relationship between Sexy OnlineSelf-Presentation and High SexualRisk Behaviors among Men WhoHave Sex with Men: The MediatingEffect of Sexual Sensation SeekingXiaohui Wang, Yong ZhengFaculty of Psychology, Southwest University, ChongqingReceived: Feb. 27th, 2020; accepted: Apr. 7th, 2020; published: Apr. 14th, 2020AbstractObjective: To explore the relationship between sexy online self-presentation and high-risk sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men in GSN apps and the mediation role of sexual sensa-tion seeking. Methods: 683 MSM men who had sex with men were investigated by using sexy on-line self-presentation scale, high-risk sexual behaviors questionnaire and sexual sensation seek-ing scale. Results: 1) There was a significant positive correlation between sexy online self-presentation, sexual sensation seeking, and the number of MCSP; and there was a significant negative correla-tion between sexy online self-presentation and unprotected anal intercourse; a significant positive correlation between sexual sensation seeking and the number of MCSP, and a significant negative correlation between sexual sensation seeking and receptive unprotected anal intercourse. 2) Sexy online self-presentation can positively predict sexual sensation seeking, and the number of the number of MCSP, and can negatively predict receptive unprotected anal intercourse. 3) Sexual sensation seeking plays a partial mediating role between sexy online self-presentation and the number of male temporary sexual partners, and a complete mediating role between sexual sensa-tion seeking and receptive unprotected anal intercourse. Conclusion: Sexuality seeking plays a partial mediating role between sexy online self-presentation and the number of MCSP, and a com-plete mediating role between sexy online self-presentation and receptive unprotected anal inter-course.KeywordsMen Who Have Sex with Men, High-Risk Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Sensation Seeking,Sexy Online Self-Presentation王晓卉,郑涌男男性行为者网络性自我展示与高危性行为的关系:性感觉寻求的中介作用王晓卉,郑 涌西南大学心理学部,重庆收稿日期:2020年2月27日;录用日期:2020年4月7日;发布日期:2020年4月14日摘 要目的:探讨男男性行为者在在社交网络软件中的性自我展示与高危性行为之间的关系以及性感觉寻求在其中的中介作用。
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高考英语语法词汇专项突破:01-1非谓语动词高考真题百题专项训练(2-1)+答题卡(原卷版)第一组:高考真题非谓语动词专项训练50题姓名:__________ 班级: _________ 限时:40分钟分数:____________用括号内单词的正确形式填入空白处。
(2024年浙江高考1月卷)However, if you’re shopping for one, buying extra ______ (benefit) 【考题1】from price reductions doesn’t make sense.【考题2】(2024年浙江高考1月卷)Over the last two years, some supermarkets have started selling chicken or salad in packs ______ (design) with two halves containing separate portions (份).【考题3】(2023▪全国乙卷)From Buddhist temples to museums, narrow hutong to royal palaces, it is home to more than 3,000 years of glorious history even down to its layout, with the city keeping its carefully (build) system of ring roads.【考题4】(2021新高考I卷)But that’s how nature is — always leaving us (astonish).【考题5】(2021新高考II卷)I was so (excite) when he wrote back to me.【考题6】(2017•浙江)I gave him a quick hug and went back into the seating area, leaving him with a _____________ (surprise) smile.【考题7】(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷)Shanghai may be the _____ (recognize) home of the soup dumplings but food historians will actually point you to the neighbouring canal town of Nanxiang as Xiao long bao’s birthplace.【考题8】(2023年新高考Ⅰ卷) They talk to the flood of international tourists and to ______ (visit) Chinese zookeepers who often come to check on the pandas, which are on loan from China.【考题9】(2023·全国乙卷)_______ (visit) several times over the last 10 years, I was amazed by the co-existence of old and new,and how a city was able to keep such a rich heritage (遗产) while constantly growing.【考题10】(2018·北京)Ordinary soap, _________(use)correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively.【考题11】(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷)No matter where I buy them, one steamer is rarely enough, yet two seems greedy, so I am always left _______ (want) more next time.【考题12】(2020·新课标II卷)They make great gifts and you see them many times______ (decorate) with red envelopes and messages of good fortune.【考题13】(2023新高考I卷)Nanxiang aside, the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin, allowing them____(lift) out of the steamer basket without allowing them tearing or spilling any of their contents.【考题14】(2022全国甲卷)A visually-challenged man from Beijing recently hiked (徒步) 40 days to Xi’an, as a first step (journey) the Belt and Road route (路线) by foot.【考题15】(2022年浙江1月卷)That approach brought Cobb's air travel last year down by 75%, and she plans 110 (continue)the practice.【考题16】(2023▪全国甲卷)For thousands of years, people have told fables (寓言) (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom.【考题17】(2022新高考全国I卷)The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that were previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority_______ (increase)effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management.【考题18】(2022全国乙卷)(strengthen)the connection with young people, the event included a number of public promotional activities on social media, inviting twenty-nine tea professionals from around the world to have thirty-six hours of uninterrupted live broadcasts.【考题19】(2022新高考全国II卷)He pushed a chair onto the balcony, and climbed up (see) them.【考题20】(2021浙江6月卷)Mary’s sister, Frances Todd Wallace, often came over (plant)flowers in the front yard.【考题21】(2020浙江6月卷)Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology______ (change) lives.【考题22】(2023新高考I卷)To eat one, you have to decide whether (bite) a small hole in it first, releasing the stream and risking a spill (溢出),or to put the whole dumpling in your mouth, letting the hot soup explode on your tongue.【考题23】(2018·北京) During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ (share) a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes.【考题24】(2021全国甲卷)It is possible(walk) or bike the entire 14 kilometers.【考题25】(2021全国乙卷)Activities there range from whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodations aim (have) a low impact on the natural environment.【考题26】(2020·海南·高考真题)These days, it is not unusual for 10-to 12-year-olds to publish their own websites or for second and third graders (begin)computer classes.【考题27】(2023▪全国乙卷)As a photographer, I have spent the last two years (record) everythingI discovered.【考题28】(2023▪全国甲卷)However, Carson’s theme is a more weighty 39 (warn) about environmental destruction.【考题29】(2021全国甲卷)After (spend) some time looking at all the defensive equipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action and what better than to ride on a piece of history!【考题30】(2021全国乙卷)Minimize the impact of (visit) the place.【考题31】(2022全国乙卷)It can help to build a community with a (share) future for mankind,” he said.【考题32】(2022年浙江6月卷)Through touch, the one thing gallery signs tell you not (do).【考题33】(2020浙江1月卷)The median(中位数的)age of an American in 1950 was 30-today it is 41 and is expected (increase) to 42 by 2050.【考题34】(2019新课标II卷)Picking up her "Lifetime Achievement" award,proud Irene declared she had no plans _____________(retire)from her 36-year-old business.【考题35】(2022•新高考Ⅰ卷)When he saw a young child hanging from a sixth-floor apartment balcony (阳台), Henry ran one hundred metres, jumped over a 1.2-metre fence, and held out his arms to catch the ______ (fall) child.(2024九省联考普通高考适应性测试.短文填空.44)He knows that computers are here _________【考题36】(stay) and that they will not disappear. However, he believes that the practice with fountain pens helps students to focus, to write faster, and they can feel proud of themselves.【考题37】(2022全国甲卷)Inspired by the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation 73 (hold) in Beijing, Cao decided to cover the route by hiking as a tribute (致敬) to the ancient Silk Road.【考题38】(2020新课标III卷)And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds____________ (surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears.【考题39】(2018·全国III)I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid ________ (look) directly into his eyes so he doesn't feel __________ (challenge).【考题40】(2022年浙江6月卷)Blind people recognize shapes with their (exist) senses, in a way similar to that of (sight )people, says Ella Striem-Amit, a Harvard scientist.【考题41】(改编自2019年天津3月卷,6) ______ (study) volcanoes for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.【考题42】(2017•江苏)Many Chinese brands,____________________(develop) their reputation over centuries, are facing new challenges from the modern market.【考题43】(2019·全国II)When we got a call __________ (say) she was short-listed, we thought it was a joke.【考题44】(2023▪全国甲卷)Behind the simple style, however, is a serious message (intend) for everyone.【考题45】(2022年浙江6月卷)Blind people recognize shapes with their existing senses, in a way similar to that of _____ (sight )people, says Ella Striem-Amit, a Harvard scientist.【考题46】(2021浙江1月卷)Tn 1985,urban men and women in more than three quarters of the countries ________ (study) had higher BMIs than men and women in rural areas.【考题47】(改编自2009天津卷)_________ (complete) the project in time,the staff were working at weekends.【考题48】(2022·新高考I卷)The Chinese government recently finalized a plan to set up a Giant Panda National Park(GPNP). ______ (cover)an area about three times the size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country.【考题49】(2023·1月新高考浙江卷)In the Ming Dynasty, the center was the Forbidden City, ____ ____ (surround)in concentric(同心的)circles by the Inner City and Outer City.【考题50】(2023·全国甲卷)“There was once a town in the heart of America, where all life seemed to enjoy peaceful co-existence with its surroundings,” her fable begins, (borrow) some familiar words from many age-old fables.高考英语语法词汇专项突破:高考真题百题专项训练非谓语动词(2-1)答题卷姓名:__________ 班级: _________ 限时:40分钟得分:____________第一组:高考真题非谓语动词专项训练50题(满分100分,每题2分,限时40-45分钟)1183521936320374213852239623407244182542926431027441128451229461330471431481532491633501734。
ElcomSoft产品目录2009 - ELCOMSOFT
ELCOMSOFT产品目录2009密码确认与密码恢复成立于1990年,ElcomSoft有限公司(以下简称为称为ElcomSoft)是一家私有软件公司, 总部在于俄罗斯, 莫斯科。
丢失密码或没有忘记密码的恢复手段就干扰办公室工作流程及造成严重损害.Elcomsoft公司的获奖的密码恢复软件采用强大的算法正在不断增强,使企业和最终用户继续使用他们的贵重数据. ElcomSoft是微软金牌认证合作伙伴以及英特尔软件合作伙伴计划成员,俄罗斯密码学协会成员,计算机安全协会成员,以及共享软件联盟终身会员.lcomSoft是值得引以自豪。
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IRIS INSTRUMENTSSYSCAL Proresistivity & IP equipmentfor SOUNDING, IMAGINGand MONITORINGR E S I S T I V I T Y S O U N D I N G A N D I M A G I N G S Y S T E MPC SOFTWARE:- ELECTRE Pro: sequence management - PROSYS II: data transfer, process, display - COMSYSPro: control of SYSCAL by PC - SYSMAR: continuous acquisition - PROCESSING: x2ipi (w/seq manag.) - INTERPRETE: ERTLab (w/seq manag.)Res2/3Dinv, IX1D, Winsev2D interpreted resistivity section400 readings, 5’ measuring timeSYSCAL Pro Switch 48ELECTRODE ARRAYSdepth / line lengthsignal strengthlateral resolutionfield set upWenner Sclumb20%regularregularregularDipole Dipole20%weakbestregularPole Dipole35%mediumgoodmediumPole Pole90%bestweakweakSYSCAL Pro Switch4872961205m spacingtotal line length2 seg x 24 elect240m4 seg x 18 elect360m6 seg x 16 elect480m12 seg x 10 elect600m10m spacingtotal line length4 seg x 12 elect480m8 seg x 9 elect720m12 seg x 8 elect960m24 seg x 5 elect1 200mSYSCAL Pro Switch for resistivity imagingSYSCAL Pro Switch 48 multi-electrodeequipmentAutomatic (or manual) numbering of electrodesAutomatic (or manual) generationof the sequence ofreadingsVisualization of the investigation points 2D IMAGING (1 LINE)3D IMAGING(SEVERAL PARALLEL LINES)apparent resistivity profiles, PROSYS II2040SYSCAL Pro Switch for resistivity monitoringField PCSYSCAL Pro for resistivity soundingSYSCAL Pro options and accessoriesBOREHOLE CABLES for hole-to-hole surveysERTLab3D interpretation softwareSYSCAL ProP11 P9 P7 P5 P3 P1 C1 C2 P2 P4 P6 P8 P102mSYSCAL ProGPS pulling cableelectric cableSYSCALProP11 P9 P7 P5 P3 P1 C1 C2 P2 P4 P6 P8 P10spacing10m 20m 30m 0m interpreted resistivity sectionIRIS Instruments, 1 avenue Buffon, BP 6007, 45060 ORLEANS Cedex 2, FRANCETel:+33238638100Fax:+33238638182E-mail:****************************:SYSCAL Pro for continuous land surveySYSCAL Pro for river and sea surveyDYNAMIC ACQUISITION for LAND SURVEYS• The SYSCAL Pro can be usedwith a specific cable pulled on the ground by a light vehicle, for acontinuous acquisition of resistivity readings. • The cable features 13 cylindricalstainless steel electrodes (8cm diameter, 25cm length, 4.2kg) at 2m spacing :- 2 for transmitting the current, - 11 for simultaneously measuring ten potential channels.• A PC continuously records the 10resistivity values and the GPS data, displays profiles in real time• Recommended electrode array:reciprocal Wenner Schlumberger• Penetration depth: about 5m • Best conditions: wet grounds • Acquisition speed: typ. 3km/helectrodesDYNAMIC ACQUISITION for RIVER & SEA SURVEYS• The SYSCAL Pro can be usedwith a specific cable pulled on the surface of water (lake, river or sea) by a light boat, for a continuous acquisition ofresistivity readings.• The cable features 13 cylindricalgraphite electrodes (4cm diameter, 10cm length) at 5m spacing :- 2 for transmitting the current, - 11 for simultaneously measuringten potential channels.• A PC continuously records the 10resistivity / IP values and the GPS data, displays profiles in real time• GPS track vizualisation onGoogle Earth• Recommended electrode array:reciprocal Wenner Schlumberger• Penetration depth: about 15mwith a 100m total length cable• Acquisition speed: typ. 3km/helectrode floatstainless steel current electrodeSYSCAL Pro Deep Marine is a SYSCALPro dedicated to measurement in sea water:• with outputs of 50V, 50A , 2500W • for higher penetration• for higher speed (up to 10km/h)• with reciprocal Wenner-Schlumb & dip-dipIt uses the same graphite electrode cable as the SYSCAL Pro for the measurement of the potential, but stainless steel electrodes for the current (5cm diameter, 30cm length)It can be used with a cable of 25m spacing between electrodes (total cable length 350m), for a depth of penetration of about 60mcable with graphite electrodesCurrent electrode of SYSCAL Pro Deep Marineinterpreted resistivity sectionPCGPSSYSCAL ProCABLEGPStrack。
vpam brv 2009 防弹标准
主题:VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准是一种用于测试和认证防弹材料和装备的标准,旨在确保其在现实世界的使用中具有必要的安全性和可靠性。
一、背景1. VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准的制定背景VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准是由德国的Bundesverband der Deutschen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie e.V. (BDSV)和德国联邦警察联盟(Bundeskriminalamt)联合制定的。
它是基于EN 1063、EN 1522和STANAG 4569等现有的防弹标准,并结合了实际使用场景和需求,旨在提高防弹材料和装备的实战性能。
2. VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准的目的VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准的主要目的是为防弹材料和装备的制造商、供应商和用户提供统一的测试方法和认证标准,确保其符合特定的防护等级要求,具有较高的防弹性能和可靠性。
二、测试内容和流程1. 防弹材料的测试内容VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准对防弹材料的测试内容包括对材料的抗冲击性能、穿透性能和防护等级的评定。
2. 防弹装备的测试内容VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准对防弹装备的测试内容主要包括防弹衣、防弹头盔、防弹盾等各类防弹装备。
3. 测试流程VPAM BRV 2009 防弹标准规定了详细的测试流程和操作规范,包括测试设备的选用、测试样品的准备、测试环境的控制、测试数据的采集和分析等。
学号:0704240209防水材料2009~ 2010学年秋季学期学院:材料科学与工程学院专业班级: 高分子07-2班姓名: 王凌云How to waterproof fabric: leather shoes, clothing, and moreWaterproofing leather is one of the easiest ways to extend its life. Learn what products are out there and how you can protect your favorite leathers.Water and leather do not mix. Leather that has been dampened or exposed to excessive amounts of moisture, loses its natural oils, leaving you with stained, dry, stiff material.Waterproofing involves applying a surface coat to leather that will help to preserve its quality, workmanship and value. When you waterproof something, you're providing a barrier that water cannot penetrate.KNOW YOUR LEATHERThere are several different types of leather which are used in making many different products. It is of utmost importance to know which type of leatheryou're dealing with. Harsh silicone sprays and waxes, for example, cannot be used on thin, delicate split leathers. Likewise, you would receive inadequate waterproofing protection from a nubuck leather coating if you applied it to a work or hiking boot.HOW MUCH PROTECTION DO YOU NEED?How much protection you want to apply to your leather is up to you. Items that will be used outdoors frequently in damp or wet conditions should be treated with maximum protection. Boots and shoes worn during cold winter months, most often benefit from heavy oils, waxes and dressings. Dress gloves, nubuck shoes, and suede coats that are only exposed to a minimal amount of moisture need not be treated in the same way.COLOR CHANGESBefore waterproofing anything, it's always best to perform a "spot check" Many leather cleaners and protectors can change the color or texture of leather. Finda small patch of leather and treat the spot, allowing it to soak in overnight. If you're satisfied with the result, go ahead and treat the rest of the product. NOTE ABOUT DELICATE LEATHERSSplit leathers, such as suede and nubuck, should never be treated traditional oils, waxes or silicone sprays. Heavy duty oils and waxes change the color and texture of delicate leathers. When shopping for an appropriate waterproofing product for these leathers, look for one that specifically states it can treat nubuck and suede.DRESSINGS, OILS AND WAXESHeavy duty dressings and waterproofing oils and waxes are sold as brush-on or rub-on products. They are usually oil based and combine tanning agents (to help extend the life of your leather) with waterproofing agents (that bond to the material). This type of waterproofing works well on products containing mixed ingredients (nylon and leather), heavy work and hiking boots, baseball and softball mitts, and other outdoor leathers. Many heavy oils, such as mink oil, also condition leather, leaving your product soft and supple.SPRAYSSprays are a bit more convenient than dressings and take significantly less time to apply. Silicone sprays repel water and give material a slippery feel. Oil based silicone spray is perfect for boots, shoes, jackets, mittens and other garments. Water based silicone spray can be used on more delicate leathers, like suede and nubuck, car seats, office furniture, briefcases and thin garments. Because silicone does change the texture of the leather, you may not appreciate the slippery quality on your favorite baseball glove.Acrylic copolymer sprays are best used on split or nappy leathers. This type of spray covers leather well, but remains flexible and still allows the material to breathe. This is a good covering for nubuck and suede.HOW OFTEN DO YOU NEED TO TREAT LEATHER?No matter what type of treatment you use, you will need to reapply it from time to time. All forms of waterproofing rub off eventually, leaving your leather unprotected. Outdoor leathers should be treated four times per year. Most other items need only be treated twice a year.APPLYING WAXES, OILS AND DRESSINGSWaxes, oils and dressings are sold as a fairly solid material. They can be applied with a soft cotton rag or shoe brush. To reap the benefits of this type of product, follow these guidelines:1. Remove all excess dirt and debris from the leather you want to coat. Pay careful attention to seams and stitching. Leather can be brushed or scrubbed.2. Using a clean cloth or brush, apply a generous amount of product on all areas of the leather. Be sure to thoroughly coat seams.3. Using a brush or cloth, work product into the leather as evenly as possible.4. Using a clean rag, wipe off excess oil, wax or dressing from the leather.5. Allow to stand overnight.SPRAYS1. Clean leather you will be treating with a soft cloth.2. Hold can 6 inches away from leather and spray an even coat over material.3. Allow leather to dry completely.4. Repeat, as necessary.。
安装指南:ArmorBlock 防护 I O 设备 Net Safety 模块说明书
Release Notes ArmorBlock Guard I/O DeviceNet Safety ModulesCatalog Numbers 1732DS-IB8XOBV4, 1732DS-IB8The IP rating (degree of protection) has changed from IP67 to IP64 due to a change in our manufacturing process.Review your application requirements and suitability for use of these products. If you have any questions, contact your Rockwell Automation Sales Representative.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using its products. At /support/, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit /support/.Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your product up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.Allen-Bradley, ArmorBlock Guard I/O, and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.United States1.440.646.3434Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any technical support issues.United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor in order to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.Copyright © 2009 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.。
(Based on Contraceptive Technology 18th edition and Pocket Guide 2007-2009)Effectiveness: 99% with perfect use; 92.0% with typical useMechanism: The Ortho Evra Patch delivers estrogen and progestin daily to prevent pregnancy. Advantages/Benefits:∙Nothing to do daily, each patch lasts for 1 week∙May bath, swim and do normal activities∙Your ability to become pregnant returns after you stop using the patchDisadvantages/Risks:∙May experience breakthrough bleeding∙Use a back up method for 3 days when use first (initial) patch∙Must remove and replace weekly∙May experience skin irritation at site of patch, some nausea, and/or breast tenderness∙Women who weigh more than 198 pounds are not good candidates for the patch (decreased effectiveness)∙Avoid use if blood clots, heart problems, severe blood pressure problems, diabetes with circulation problems, headaches with abnormal neurological findings, immobilization due tomajor surgery, breast cancer, undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding, liver disease,pregnancy, allergy to any component of the product, and/or smoker over the age of 35 yearsold∙“Hormones from patches applied to the skin get into the blood stream and are removed from the body differently than hormones from birth control pills taken by mouth. You will beexposed to about 60% more estrogen if you use ORTHO EVRA than if you use atypical birth control pill containing 35 micrograms of estrogen.In general, increasedestrogen exposure may increase the risk of side effects. However, it is not known if there aredifferences in the risk of serious side effects based on the differences between ORTHOEVRA and a birth control pill containing 35 micrograms of estrogen. Talk to your healthcareprovi der about how this information relates to your use of ORTHO EVRA.” (Ortho-McNeilPharmaceutical, Inc.)∙No protection against STD’s or HIV. (Use a condom if at risk)∙Do not use if breastfeedingFPEM-8 Revised 11/07P age 1 of 2(continued)Instructions:∙Review this sheet carefully and report any questions or concerns to your health care provider∙It is usually recommended that the first patch be placed on the first day o f your period or the Sunday following the start of your period. If you use the Sunday you start you will need touse back up method for 7 days. Each patch lasts for 7 days∙Apply new patch once a week on the same day for 3 weeks in a row. During 4th week do not wear a patch and your period will occur. At end of that week start another cycle of patches∙Apply patches in different areas of the body each week in the cycle∙Be aware that there is an increased risk of pregnancy if the patch-free time is longer than one week as instructed.∙Do not skip patches, even if periods are irregular∙Store at room temperature away from extreme heat, cold and moisture∙Apply to clean, dry skin and avoid irritated (red) skin and the breast area∙Only wear one patch at a time∙Do not apply creams, powders, band-aids, tattoos, or makeup where the patch is placed∙If patch comes off for more than 24 hours use back up method and may consider emergency contraception (if you had unprotected sex)∙When you remove a patch, fold it in half and place in waste can. Do not flush it∙Report the following problems:▪A bdominal pain (severe)▪C hest pain (severe), cough, shortness of breath or sharp pain when breathing in▪H eadache (severe), dizziness, weakness, or numbness, especially if one sided▪E ye problems (vision loss or blurring), speech problems▪S evere leg pain (calf or thigh)FPEM-8Revised 11/07Page 2 of 2。
1.华硕迅驰2全能机型F8Vr蓝色版到货/诺顿2009实现智能全防护 [J],
2.智能全防护极速新体验——诺顿网络安全特警2009有奖试用活动反馈 [J],
3.智能全防护极速新体验诺顿网络安全特警2009 [J],
4.智能全防护极速新体验诺顿网络安全特警2009 [J],
5.智能全防护极速新体验诺顿2009简体中文版发布 [J], 小非
3)数据线控制隔离卡:调整各硬盘跳线方式,更改隔离卡连接到主板上的IDE插槽;如果是SATA硬盘,更改隔离卡连接到主板上的SATA插槽,并将BIOS中相应选项设置为“SATA ONLY”;使用尽量短的数据线;如果是IDE硬盘可以尝试使用DM33数据线。
4)电源线控制隔离卡:如果是两块SATA硬盘,尽量将两块硬盘连接到主板上的呈对角的SATA插槽上,并将BIOS中相应选项设置为“SATA ONLY”;如果是IDE硬盘,更改硬盘、光驱的跳线方式,以及在IDE线上的位置,两个硬盘跳线不一定一致。
5)在BIOS寻找“Hard Disk Drive”或“IDE Hard Drive”选项设为硬盘设备为第一选项。
3 问题二:硬盘正确识别但操作系统无法启动解决方法: 1.移除隔离卡,单独启动内外网硬盘,如不能启动则问题与隔离卡无关,使用杀毒软件在DOS状态下清查硬盘的引导扇区,清除引导区病毒,或者重新安装操作系统。
4.更换连接主板的SATA 串口座问题三:安装隔离卡后无法出现切换界面解决方法:将硬盘的电源线和数据线都拔掉,即不接硬盘,将隔离卡平稳插入PCI插槽,先不上螺丝固定。
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国防科技大学2008—2009学年春季学期《系统工程原理》考试试卷(A )卷考试形式: 闭卷 考试时间: 150 分钟 满分: 100 分。
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 得 分 评阅人注意:1、所有答题都须写在此试卷纸密封线右边,写在其它纸上一律无效。
得分一、判断题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)本题注意:对的打√ ,错的打ⅹ 。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101、 系统工程与系统科学的区别是,前者是工程技术,后者是基础理论。
4、 应用层次分析法时,要求判断矩阵必须具有完全一致性。
5、 投入产出表的第I 象限反映了各部门总产品中用于最终产品的那部分情况。
6、 Delphi 法是民意测验方法,一般一次就可以得到结果。
7、 指数平滑预测法中,如对初始数据正确性有疑问时,平滑常数的值宜取小一些。
8、 宋健人口模型是一个离散时间的状态空间模型。
10、 一个网络图中,只能有一个起点和一个终点。
学号: 姓名: 学院: 年级: 专业:------------------------------------------------- 密 - 封 - 线 ------------------------------------------------------得分二、单选题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。
)1、一般系统论的创始人是( )。
A.贝塔朗菲B.普利高津C.哈肯D.维纳2、不属于霍尔三维结构的是( )。
A.时间维B.知识维C.逻辑维D.过程维 3、下列不是系统建模应遵循的原则的是( )。
A.切题、清晰B.精度要求适当C.尽量使用标准模型D.尽量包含所有细节 4、系统分析的基本要素不包括( )。
A.目标、可行方案、费用 B.费用、模型、效果 C.方法、工具、分析人员D.效果、准则、结论5、层次分析法是( )。
A. 一种纯定量分析方法 B. 一种纯定性分析方法C. 一种能将定性分析方法与定量分析相结合的系统分析方法D. 以定性为主,兼顾定量的分析方法6、系统中元素i e 的可达集()i R e ,先行集()i A e ,则i e 为最上级单元的条件为( )。
A. ()()()i i i R e R e A e =∪ B. ()()()i i i R e R e A e =∩ C .()()()i i i A e R e A e =∩D. ()()()i i i A e R e A e =∪7、以下预测方法中,不属于因果关系预测方法的是( )A.状态空间分析B.一元线性回归法C.趋势外推法D.二元非线性回归法8、评价指标综合时,如果要求各项指标尽可能取得较好的水平,才能使总体的评价值较高,则应采用( )。
A.基于加法规则的加权平均法 B.基于乘法规则的加权平均法 C.主次兼顾法D.分层序列法得分三、填空题(共11小题,每空1分,共20分)1. 系统是由( )和( )的若干组成部分结合的具有特定功能的( )。
2. 二战期间,( )的广泛应用是系统工程产生和发展的重要因素。
3. 系统工程的目的是实现( )。
4. 按是否描述系统的内部特性可以将系统模型分类为( )和( )。
5. 对系统建模的要求可以概括为三条,即( )、( )和( )。
6. 如果在经济系统中,总产量X=(x 1,x 2,…,x n )T 已经确定,且已知直接消耗系数矩阵为A ,则最终产量Y=(y 1,y 2,…,y n )T =( )。
7. 用和积法进行AHP 计算时,判断矩阵A 为n 阶,所求的特征向量为[]12,,,n W W W W =",则判断矩阵的最大特征根max λ为( )。
8. 系统评价中,将各项指标数量化之后,还必须使之( )才方便进行综合评价。
9. 时间序列的特征主要表现为( )、( )、( )、( )等四个方面。
10. 效用曲线一般用( )的方法来构造。
11. 网络图是由( )、( )组成的。
号: 姓名: 学院: 年级: 专业:------------------------------------------------ 密 - 封 - 线 ------------------------------------------------------ 9、当线性回归模型的相关系数r=0时,说明自变量与因变量之间( )。
A.不存在线性关系B.存在其他关系C.一定没有任何关系D.存在线性关系 10、以下关于关键路线说法不正确的是( )。
得分四、简答题(共2小题,每小题5分,共10分)()I A−1、简述投入产出分析中,列昂节夫逆阵1−的第i列元素的经济含义是什么。
答:1、为估算某军工企业的年产值y (单位:百万)与其固定资产1x (单位:百万)、职工人数 2x (单位:人)的关系,统计了近14年的数据,所得数据如下表所示。
1x 41 45 51 52 59626972788090 92 98 1032x49 58 62 71 62747174798485 94 91 95y 28 39 41 44 43505157636670 76 80 84经验表明,y 与1x ,2x 存在线性相关关系,试求经验回归方程,并估计当1x ,2x 分别为105,100时的y 值。
(注:计算结果采用四舍五入,保留两位小数) 附:可能用到的统计数据1411ii x=∑1421ii x=∑141i i y =∑ 14121i ii xx=∑14211ii x=∑14221ii x=∑1411ii i xy =∑1421iii xy =∑992 1049 792 77829 75542 81151 60520 62380解:得分五、分析计算题(共3小题,1、2小题15分,3小题20分,共50分): 姓名: 学院: 年级: 专业:------------------------------------------- 密 - 封 - 线 ------------------------------------------------------2、某石油公司考虑在某地钻井,结果可能出现3种情况(即3种客观状态),即无油(1s )、少油(2s )和富油(3s )。
石油公司估计,3种状态出现的概率分别是1()P s =0.5,2()P s =0.3,3()P s = 0.2 。
(注:计算结果采用四舍五入,保留四位小数)解:学号: 姓名: 学院: 年级: 专业:------------------------------------------------- 密 - 封 - 线 ------------------------------------------------------3、某工程任务分解如下表所示(时间单位:周):作业代号先行作业 悲观时间可能时间乐观时间 平均时间A —— 8 5 2B —— 5 4 3C A 17 9 7D B 12 8 4E AB 11 8 5F D 7 5 3G DE 8 3.5 2 HCG116.55要求:(1) 绘制该工程的计划网络图;(7分) (2) 计算每道作业的平均作业时间;(3分)(3) 用图上计算法确定该工程的工期和关键路线;(2分) (4) 分别计算在23、26周内完成该工程的概率;(5分) (5) 欲使按期完成该工程的概率达到98%,则工期应规定为多少周?(3分) (注:计算结果采用四舍五入,保留两位小数)附正态分布表:Z0.20 0.42 0.500.690.76 1.00 1.25 1.27 1.52 2.06 2.50P(Z) 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.690.760.780.840.890.900.93 0.98 0.99解:姓名: 学院: 年级: 专业:------------------------------------------ 密 - 封 - 线 ------------------------------------------------------。