Evaluation of Coefficients for the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases Model
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弹性地基梁法中地基反力系数的新解法New Solution of subgrade reaction Coefficient in Elastic Foundation Beam Method 刘嘎LIU Ga摘弹性地基梁理论在工程中应用很广,但其地要:素有关,这些因素决定了地基反力系数k 是一2.1改进Vla so v 地基上梁计算模型基反力系数的确定很不容易。
在改进Vla so v 双参数个不容易确定的指标[1~2]。
为此,人们进行了大量地基模型基础上,通过拟合处理,得到了弹性地基梁法中地基反力系数的解析表达式,从理论上阐述了其的试验和理论研究,如Bio t (1937)、Ve sic 与地基和梁的特性、及梁的挠曲变形相关的性质。
参(1963)、Ba rd e n (1962)以及Wo ino wsky 数分析结果表明,地基反力系数与梁的长细比、地基(1967)等[2],提出了若干个计算地基反力系数刚度以及地基厚度密切相关;对于长梁(),地的经验公式,但各种确定基床系数的方法都有基反力系数变化不大。
值关键词:弹性地基梁;地基反力系数;改进Vla so v 模型得注意的是,以上工作均根据弹性地基梁理论展开,而T e rza g hi (1955)提出了目前仍广泛采中图分类号:TU471.2用的现场载荷板实测地基反力系数的方法[5],文献标识码:B李伟等则进一步阐述了通过荷载试验确定地基文章编号:1008-0422(2009)05-0195-03反力系数的修正方法[6]。
针对Winkle r 方法不能考虑弹性地基连续1引言性的缺点,Pa ste rna k [7]和Vla so v [8]分别提出了双在公路、隧道以及建筑工程中,弹性地基梁参数地基模型。
Va lla b ha n 等对Vla so v 地基模理论被广泛采用,其具体的应用范围涉及路基型进行了改进[9~11]。
2nd Annual International Conference on Energy, Environmental & Sustainable Ecosystem Development (EESED 2016) Simulation on stream flow and nutrient loadings in Meilingwatershed, Taihu Lake Basin, based on SWAT modelLan-Lan Song a, b, † and Jun-Liang Jin ba State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources andHydraulic Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098, Chinab Research Center for Climate Change, MWR.Nanjing, 210029, China†E-mail:*******************.cnA distributed watershed hydrologic model, SWAT was applied to simulate stream flowand nutrient loadings (TN, NO3-, TP) in Meiling watershed, which is sub-watershed ofTaihu Lake Basin. Model parameters were calibrated and validated using the measureddata. The results were satisfactory; the evaluation coefficients for daily calibration were:Person’s correlation coefficient is 0.73, Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient is 0.63. The simulateddaily mean value of TN and TP were 1.545kg/ha and 0.025 kg/ha, close to the measuredvalue, viz. 1.901 kg/ha and 0.043 kg/ha respectively, suggesting the validity of SWAT.The simulation provides better understanding on stream flow and nutrient loading inresponse to agricultural tillage operation and natural rainfall.Keywords: Non-Point Source Pollution; Taihu Lake Basin; Nutrient Load; SWAT.1. IntroductionChina has undergone a rapid change and economic growth, especially in thepopulated and developed region of Taihu Lake basin. With the rapid economicdevelopment and population increase, more and more pollutant releasedeteriorated the lake water quality. In 1998, the government took the ‘EmissionControl’ action to control point source of Taihu Lake. But there is no significantimprovement by comparing water quality between 1998 and 1999[1]. Thisshows that non-point source contaminants are probably the major causes. Non-point sources contribute to excess phosphorus and nitrogen in surface waterwhich can further excessive algae and aquatic plant growth in urban andagricultural streams. Excess algal growth and decomposition can lead to waterodor and taste problems, fish kills, and other environmental and aesthetic† Work partially supported by by grant 41401024,41401026,41330854,41371063 of National NaturalScience Foundation of China and grant 2016YFA0601501,2016YFC0401501 National KeyResearch and Development Plan..problems[2]. Eutrophication was recognized as a pollution problem in Taihu Lake. Surveys showed that the area of algal bloom amounted to 760 km2, accounting for 1/3 of total lake area in April and May 2007[3]. Taihu Lake basin has major water management problems related to pollution originating from agriculture linked mostly to fertilization and application of pesticides. Agriculture can have a detrimental effect on water quality leading to acute problems such as erosion, salinization, and diffuse pollution by nutrients and pesticides[4]. Therefore, elevated N and P levels have been identified in the hillside of Taihu Lake Basin.Contaminant transfer via runoff is a complex function of rainfall timing, antecedent hydrology, slope and soil characteristics and of the properties of the contaminant under consideration. A number of models were reviewed in terms of their potential for predicting diffuse-source transfer, such as ANSWERS[5;6]; SWATCATCH[7], and SWAT[8]. Of these, SWAT was considered to be a best-achieve model which is a physically based, continuous time model[9] and a well-established model for analyzing the impacts of land management practices on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds[10;11].as diffuse source pollution control of land use and management is a key procedure, SWAT offer flexibility for defining and valuating sustainable and low environmental impact farming practices[12]. In recent decade, it has been preliminarily applied to some watersheds in china(i.e. East River[13], Yellow River[14], Luohe River[15], Honghu[16], Taihu Lake[17]and Poyang Lake[18]). The simulation for Taihu Lake is deemed to fail to predict accurately the monthly-runoff partly due to the lack of detailed artificial river network data[19].The paper perform the SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) in Meiling water shed to evaluate how much effect agricultural tillage management have on water resources.2. Study AreaLocated about 9 km from Lake Taihu, Meiling water shed(119º51'E and 31º20'N) area is 122ha (Figure 1). The terrain is higher in the south and the maximum and minimum altitude is 60m and 3m, respectively. T he region is ‘subtropical monsoon’, warm and wet. The mean annual rainfall is about 1177mm, although it shows high intra- and inter-annual variability. The mean temperature is 15.7°C , with the highest temperature of 28.3°C in summer. The frost free periods and growth period are estimated to be 240d and 250d, respectively.Land use is most dedicated to silviculture and husbandry at the foot slope of the mountains and in the terraces. The internal plains extending northeast are the areas for rice and dry land. The slope land is planted with Chinese nut, tea andorchard. The fir tree and bamboo are in the high altitude hillside. About 75% of the basin is under cultivation. About 91% of the soils are yellow-brown soil, with the rest being paddy soil. There is no discharge of industrial and municipal waste water within the study area.Fig. 1. This is the caption for the figure. If the caption is less than one line then it needs to be manually centered.2.1. MethodologyA free-flow rectangular overflow weir were built at the out let to monitoring flow and water quality. Daily soil moisture from the automatic data loggers (TD Divers)was obtained from May 25 to Oct 13, 2006. Daily precipitation and rainfall duration are recorded by the auto rain monitors. Daily temperature was recorded from Jan to Oct. 2006.2.1.1. Principles of SWAT modelSWAT was developed to simulate a number of different physical processes in a basin. The hydrologic cycle as simulated by SWAT is based on the water balance equation. The simulated hydrological processes include surface runoff (SCScurve number or Green and Ampt infiltration equation), percolation, lateral flow, groundwater flow from shallow aquifers to streams, evapotranspiration (Hargreaves, Priestley-Taylor or Penman Monteith method), snowmelt, transmission losses from streams(Muskingum routing method) and water storage and losses from ponds.2.1.2. SWAT model input dataFive major datasets were required: land use map, soil map, a digital topographic map, digital river network, and a climatic database. DEM and land use were measured with accuracy of 1×1m(Figure 1).According DEM, 4 sub basins were obtained with 5-ha-threshold-area value. A 20% threshold for land use and a 10% threshold for soil type were used, which finally resulted in 14 HRUs. F our types of land use: vegetable field, dry land, bamboo, and Chinese nut, were chosen forthe runoff test plots. Soil samples from these runoff test plots were analyzed(Table 1).During post- and pre-rainfall, TN and TP were analyzed of soil sin run off plots. D ates of fertilizer applications of each cropping system were recorded(Table 2). During rainfall, the water samples were collected every 10 minutes in four runoff plots and analyzed N and P concentration.Table 1. Main characteristic of considered soil typesSoil name Yellow-brown soil Paddy soilClay (% fine fraction) 18.9 23.8Silt (% fine fraction) 58.2 64.5Sand (% fine fraction) 22.9 11.7Organic content (% weight) 1.9 1.3Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.3 1.2Total porosity (%) 52.8 53.2Field moisture capacity (%) 47.9 47.5Wilting coefficient (%) 31.2 34.3Soil hydrologic group B CTable 2. Fertilizer of Meiling Watershedsites Time offertilizationquantity of fertilizer / kg·ha-1crops Elemental Nitrogen Elemental phosphorousRice field Jun. 5, 2006 115.73 58.25rice Jun. 26, 2006 57.50 5.75Jul. 30, 2006 31.00 2.25Vegetable field April 10,2006 600.00 168.75 Pumpkin,eggplant, waterspinachJul. 11,2006 230.00 0.00Sept. 5,2006 625.00 500.00 garlicDry land Jun. 10, 2006 251.25 78.75 Corn, bean 2.2. Results and discussion2.2.1. Model calibration and validationFrom May 25 to Jul. 15, 2006 was selected as calibration period. T he model was manually calibrated by optimizing Pearson’s correlation coefficient(r) and Nash-Sutcliffe’s efficiency(NSE). The calibration goal of NSE>0.5 and r>0.8 were attained on a daily time step, which indicates that the model accurately simulates temporal changes as well(Table 3). A sensitivity analysis found SCS curve number (CN2), effective hydraulic conductivity in main channel (CH_K2), base flow recession coefficient (ALPHA_BF), the soil evaporation compensation factor (ESCO),the available water capacity (SOL_AWC), base flow alpha factor(ALPHA_BF)and groundwater delay (GW_DELAY) were sensitive parameters(Table 4).Table 3. Statistical indexes for the daily flow during calibration and validationperiodsCalibration (daily) validation (daily) r 0.73 0.85NSE 0.63 0.90Table 4. Initial and final values for the calibrated variablesParameters Initial value Final valueCN2 Initial SCS curve number for moisture condition II CN2+10ESCO 0.95 1CH_K2 0 60SOL_AWC AWC AWC+0.04ALPHA_BF 0.048 0.01GW_DELAY 31 1Visually from Figure 2, a good adjustment is observed except in peak rainfall. A single rainstorm occurred on July 5 and July 8 with 24 h rainfalls amounting over 50mm. The measured peak flow of outlet showed that the lag time was less than 4 h. while recording the water level of weir at each 30 min, this may ignored the change of storm rainfall and implied a significant error in the calculation of input.From Jul. 15 to Oct. 13, 2006 was validation period. r values improved during validation period (Table 4). There is a significant increase in runoff volume deviation. These deviations are mainly explained that there are a few2.2.2. Nutrients dataThe nutrient species simulated by SWAT includes NO3-, DP, ORG-N, and ORG-P. checking the initial concentrations of the nutrients in the soil is the first step of nutrient calibration(.chm, .sol input files). SWAT simulates N and P cycle fore very HRU. The decay, mineralization, and nitrification parameters were adjusted in calibration. Simulated and measured average daily nutrients load were listed from Jun. 17 to Jul. 23 after fertilizer application(Table 5).Except TP was under-predicted, the others are greater than 0.40. In china, most of suburbs of soil phosphorus content were more than25mg/kg of critical level. Therefore, phosphorus load was lower than the measured value. The simulated daily mean value of TN and TP were 1.545kg/ha and 0.025 kg/ha, close to the measured value, viz. 1.901 kg/ha and 0.043 kg/ha respectively, which verdict that the simulation was basically acceptable.Table 5. Comparison on simulated and measured average daily and annual load of TN,NO3- and TP in 2006Nutrients TN NO3-TPdaily average load (Measured value, kg/ha) 1.901 0.243 0.043daily average load (Simulated value, kg/ha) 1.545 0.240 0.025Annual average load (Measured value, kg/ha) 269.9 34.5 6.1Annual average load (Simulated value, kg/ha) 219.3 34.1 3.6r 0.77 0.43 0.36NSE 0.72 0.40 0.103. ConclusionsThe hydrological model SWAT was applied to a part of the Taihu Lake basin. The measured data from Meiling watershed was used to assess the performance in simulating hydrologic and water quality responses. SWAT was rather successful in reproducing water flow and showed good performance in the study area as a whole with r value over 0.80 on daily scales for both calibration and validation periods. However, the performance was poor when simulation high flows, especially in high intensity rain events.The model was able to predict the range of nutrient load in surface water. Daily nutrient output varied mostly due to surface runoff and agricultural tillage operation, e.g. fertilizer application time and crop rotation system. By SWAT and field experiment, the estimations demonstrated that TP, TN and NO3- load agreed well with the measured data.The interface of SWAT is user-friendly, and most of parameters are automatically generated from GIS data or other information and relatively easy to adjust with proper instruction. But the SWAT can’t model sub-daily runoff, sediment and nutrient losses during very high intensity rain events. This is recommended for further studies to time scale from daily to sub-daily which makes SWAT to be used more widely.This study set the platform for future studies where the calibrated and validated SWAT can be used to Taihu hilly areas and evaluate agriculture tillage operation to reduce erosion and nutrient losses from the watershed. The other alternative land management practices such as land use conversions, which also cause better regional environmental quality, were not modeled. 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1剐,而£值与风速的大小有关,因度模拟结果的跳跃性变化.初步分析表明,这可能此,在某个风速范围内,大气扩散参数在数值上可是由于在中性情况下,莫宁霍夫长度£对于稳定能发生很大的变化.对此,还有待进一步的研究.p暴3{醚爱d∞p岳3趟笺宝05It)15202530354045500246S1012141618202224262930东西方向距离(km)南北方向距离(km)图5以上海化工园中心为轴心,4种方案观测期间东西和南北2条轴线上的平均浓度Figure5Surfaceconcentrationsoneast·-westandnorth·-southaxescenteredbytheShanghaiChemicalIndustryPark,simulatedwiththefourschemesduringobservationperiod+AERMOD+Tub-Obs+NEPA—o—Briggs基于AERMOD模式的大气扩散参数方案比较研究作者:夏思佳, 王勤耕, XIA Si-jia, WANG Qin-geng作者单位:南京大学环境学院,污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,江苏,南京,210093刊名:中国环境科学英文刊名:CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE年,卷(期):2009,29(11)1.杨洪斌;张云海;马雁军朝阳地区大气扩散参数计算分析[期刊论文]-环境保护科学 2006(01)2.Hoμghton D D Handbook of applied meteorology 19853.Golder D Relations among stability parameters in the surface layer[外文期刊] 1972(01)4.EPA-454/R-03-004.AERMOD:description of model formulation (draft)5.HJ/T 2.2-1993.环境影响评价技术导则-大气环境6.EPA/86-02.The AUSPLUME Gaussian-plume dispersion model7.EPA-454/er's guide for the industrial source complex (ISC3) dispersion models,Volume Ⅱ:Description of model algorithms8.Taylor G I Diffusion by continuous movements[外文期刊] 19219.Draxler R R Determination of atmospheric diffusion parameters 197610.Irwin J S Estimating plume dispersion-a recommended generalized scheme 197911.Briggs G A Diffusion estimation for small emissions,Report ATDL-106 197312.Hall D J;Spanton A M;Bennett M Evaluation of new generation atmospheric dispersion models[外文期刊] 2008(01)13.江磊;黄国忠;吴文军美国AERMOD模型与中国大气导则推荐模型点源比较[期刊论文]-环境科学研究 2007(03)14.赵蔚南票地区大气扩散参数实测计算[期刊论文]-气象与环境学报 2006(03)15.顾永瑞;张彤用我国各地实测资料拟合的高架源大气扩散参数 1994(03)16.Irwin J S Estimating plume dispersion-a comparison of several sigma schemes 1983(01)17.Mohan M;Siddiqut T A An evaluation of dispersion coefficients for use in air quality models 199718.CERC ADMS 3 user guide version 3.2 edition 200419.Scire J S;Strimaitis D G;Yamartino R J A user's guide for the CALPUFF dispersion model (version 5) 199920.Gifford F A Use of routine meteorological observations for estimating atmospheric dispersion 1961(04)本文链接:/Periodical_zghjkx200911001.aspx。
Parents agreeing to participate were given the option to complete the survey with assistance from the research assistant or to complete the survey independently before discharge.给同意参与的家长一个选择,在研究助理的帮助下完成调查,还是在出院前独立完成调查。
Parents were instructed to seal their completed survey an envelope that was retrieved by the research assistant.父母们被要求把他们完成的调查密封成一个被研究助理取回的信封The FCCS scoring was redesigned in Phase 2 to link importance and consistency in a single score based on the degree of match between parents’importance and consistency ratings of each aspect of nursing care.FCCS的评分标准在第二阶段被重新设计,基于父母的重要性和对护理工作的各个方面的的协调性匹配程度,为重要性与协调一致性设置了单一评分标准。
A match between parent expectations and nursing care occurred if the consistency rating for an item was the same as the importance rating for that item (e.g., scored 1 on importance and 2 on consistency).当一个项目的协调一致性和重要性的比率一样时,父母的期望和护理匹配了。
斯维尔计算中外窗传热系数计算结果无对应限制英文版Title: "No Corresponding Restrictions on the Calculation Results of Thermal Transmittance Coefficients for Internal and External Windows Using Sver Calculation"In the field of building energy efficiency, the accurate calculation of thermal transmittance coefficients (U-values) for windows is crucial. These coefficients determine how well a window insulates, affecting the overall thermal performance of a building. One commonly used method for calculating U-values is the Sver calculation, which is based on a combination of theoretical models and empirical data.Recently, however, there has been some confusion regarding the interpretation of Sver calculation results for internal and external windows. Specifically, there are no clear cut-off values or restrictions on the acceptable range of U-values obtained through this method. This lack of guidance canlead to uncertainty and inconsistency in the evaluation of window performance.To address this issue, it is important to understand the limitations and assumptions of the Sver calculation method. The Sver method is designed to provide a rapid, approximate estimate of U-values based on a limited set of input parameters. It does not account for all factors that may affect window performance, such as frame material, glazing type, and installation quality. Therefore, the results obtained through this method should be treated as indicative rather than definitive.Furthermore, it is essential to recognize that window performance is influenced by a variety of factors beyond just the U-value. Other important considerations include solar heat gain, visible transmittance, and condensation resistance. Therefore, when evaluating window options, it is crucial to consider these additional factors alongside the U-value.In conclusion, while the Sver calculation method can provide a useful estimate of window thermal transmittance coefficients,it should not be relied upon as the sole criterion for evaluating window performance. In the absence of specific restrictions or cut-off values, it is important to consider a comprehensive range of factors when making decisions about window selection and installation.中文版标题:“斯维尔计算中外窗传热系数计算结果无对应限制”在建筑节能领域,准确计算窗户的传热系数(U值)至关重要。
护士心理资本量表的编制及信效度检验一、本文概述Overview of this article护士作为医疗团队的重要成员,其心理状态和工作表现对医疗服务质量和患者满意度具有深远的影响。
As an important member of the medical team, nurses have a profound impact on the quality of medical services and patient satisfaction through their psychological state and work performance. Therefore, understanding and evaluating the psychological capital of nurses is of great significance for improving their work efficiency, improving the quality of medical services, and maintaining their physical and mental health. This article aims to develop a psychological capital scale for nurses and test its reliability and validity, in orderto provide a scientific and effective tool for evaluating and managing the mental health of nurses.具体而言,本文将首先回顾现有的心理资本理论及相关量表,结合护士的职业特点和实际需求,构建护士心理资本的理论框架。
A4s Receiving CardDocument Version: V1. 2 .0Copyright © 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a registered trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.StatementYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. Any problem in use or a n y good suggestion, please contact us through ways provided in the document. We will do our utmost to solve the problems and adopt the suggestions after evaluation as soon as possible.Specifications Change HistoryChange HistorySpecifications Contents23Features (3)3.1 Improvement in Display Effect .....................................................................................................................33.2 Improvement in Maintainability (3)3.3 Improvement in HardwareReliability (4)3.4 Improvement in SoftwareReliability (5)4 Hardware (6)4.1 Appearance .................................................................................................................................................. 64.2Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................ (6)4.3 Indicators .......................................................................................................................................... (7)4.4 Definition of Data Interface( Top ) (8)4.1.1 24-Group ParallelData (8)4.1.2 64-Group SerialData ...............................................................................................................................114.1.3 Extended FunctionsDesign (14)5 Firmware Update (16)6 Applications (17)7 Specifications (18)A Abbreviation (19)B Terms (20)XI'AN NOVASTAR LTD. 1 Safety1 S afety This chapter illustrates safety of the A4s receiving card to ensure the product ’sstorage, transport, installation and use safety. Safety instructions are applicable to allpersonnel who contact or use the product. First of all, pay attention to following points.●Read through the instructions. ●Retain all instructions. ● Comply with all instructions.Storage and Transport Safety●Pay attention to dust and water prevention. ●Avoid long-term direct sunlight. ●Do not place the product at a position near fire and heat. ●Do not place the product in an area containing explosive materials. ●Do not place the product in a strong electromagnetic environment. ●Place the product at a stable position to prevent damage or personal injury caused by dropping. ● Save the packing box and materials which will come in handy if you ever have tostore and ship the product. For maximum protection during storage and shipping,repack the product as it was originally packed at the factory. Installation and Use Safety ●Only trained professionals may install the product. ●Plugging and unplugging operations are prohibited when the power is on. ●Ensure safe grounding of the product. ●Always wear a wrist band and insulating gloves. ● Do not place the product in an area having frequent or strong shake.XI'AN NOVASTAR TECHCO.,● Perform dust removing regularly.● Contact NovaStar for maintenance at any time, rather than have the productdisassembled and maintained by non-professionals without authorization.●Replace faulty parts only with the spare parts supplied by NovaStar.2 Overview 2 O verview A4s is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar, featuring small size andlarge loading capacity with a single card loading up to 256 x 256(PWM IC) pixels. A4s supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration by working with NovaLCT and NovaCLB to realize calibration on each pixel. It can effectively remove colordifference and greatly improve LED display image consistency, presenting smootherimages to users. In addition, it also supports image rotation in 90° increments,creating richer images and improving visual experiences. Software and hardware designs of the A4s concern the user deployment as well asoperating and maintenance scenarios, enabling easier deployment, more stableoperating and more efficient maintenance. Advanced hardware design: ●The small-size hardware design is applicable to scenarios of small cabinet space and small pixel pitch. ●Use high-density connector which is resistant to dust and vibration and features high stability and high reliability. ● Assembly network transformer features simple design and improved magneticcompatibility, helping user ’s products to successfully pass the EMCauthentication.Useful software design: ●Support for LVDS transmission (Supported by dedicated firmware program). ● Support for smart module (Supported by dedicated firmware program).Specifications 3 Features● Support for 3D function.● Support for pre-stored image setting of the receiving card.● Support for module Flash management.● Supports monitoring voltage and temperature of itself without using otherperipherals.● Support for monitoring of Ethernet cable communication status (Supported bydedicated firmware program).● Support for 5-pin LCD module.●Support for image rotation in 90° increments.Specifications3.2Improvement inMaintainability3Features 3.1Improvement in Display Effect3.3Improvement in Hardware ReliabilityProduct images provided in this file are for reference only, and the actual productsshall prevail.Models of the high-density receptacle and plug used by A4s are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Model of high-density connector4.2 Dimensions4.3 Indicators4.4 Definition of Data Interface ( Top ) 4.4.1 24-Group Parallel Data4.4.2 64- G roup Serial Dataonly one interface from either the Recommended Smart Module Interface or the Recommended Module Flash Interface at the same time.5 Firmware Update6 Application sInput voltage DC 3.3 V –5.5 V Rated current0.5 ARated power consumption 2.5 W Operating temperature -20°C –70°C Storage temperature Operating humidity 10%RH –90%RHDimensions 70.0 mm × 45.0 mm × 7.3 mm Net weight 17.3 g● RoHS● EMC Class B- 25 °C – 125 °C 6ApplicationsA4s is applied to LED display synchronous system which is generally composed of the LED display, HUB board, receiving card, video controller and controller peripheral. The receiving card is connected to the display over a HUB board.Synchronous system requires connecting a computer to display the compute r ’ s images and texts on the LED screen. Structure of the synchronous system is as shown in the following figure.5Firmware UpdateStep 1 Visit www.novastar.tech to download the firmware update package and save it to PC.Step 2 Run NovaLCT and choose User > Advanced Synchronous System User Login tolog in. Step 3 Type the secret code " admin " to enter the program loading page.Step 4 Click Browse to select the program (the firmware update package you saved on PC)path and then click U pdate .Step 5 Click Refresh to check current hardware version information.Certification sfications 7SpecificationsA Abbre viationB TermsBT ermsCalibration coefficient Calibration system generates a group of values for each LED lamp, including information about brightness and chroma. After display calibration, the calibration values of each lamp are just the calibration coefficient. Smart module The smart module is composed of Flash and MCU.Flash could store calibration coefficients and lamp panel information. MCU could communicate with the receiving card to realize monitoring over temperature, voltage and wiring communication status, Working with the driver chip, A4s supports open circuit detection on LED.The smart module could make monitoring unit smaller, requiring no independent monitoring card and saving cabinet space.AAbbreviationE EMC Electro m a gnetic CompatibilityF FPGA Field - P rogrammable Gate ArrayL LED Light Emitting Diode MMCU Microcontroller Unit R RCFG Receiving Card Configuration。
阿尔茨海默病生命质量测评量表(QOL-AD)中文版研制与初步应用 中文摘要
目的 : ( 1 )按照量表的跨文化适应程序,翻译和修订阿尔茨海默病生命质量测评量表 (QOL-AD) ,形成中文版阿尔茨海默病生命质量测评量表; (2)以太原市阿尔茨海默病患 者为研究对象,对修订后的中文版阿尔茨海默病生命质量测评量表进行信度和效度考评并 对其进行修正, 形成最终量表, 使其更广泛的应用于临床疗效评价; (3) 使用中文版 QOL-AD 调查山西省太原市阿尔茨海默病患者的生命质量以及影响因素。 方法: (1)英文版 QOL-AD 的翻译、回译和跨文化调适过程采用 Brislin 翻译模式修订版, 形成中文版 QOL-AD; (2)采用分层整群抽样,抽取太原市三级甲等医院 3 家,大型社区 3 个,共 200 名阿尔茨海默病患者进行调查研究。采用条目分布考察法、变异系数、t 检验 和相关分析进行条目的分析和筛选; (3)采用内容效度、校标效度和区分效度来评价量表 的效度;选用重测信度、分半信度和内部一致性检验量表的信度; (4)按照认知状况对 AD 患者分组,研究认知对 QOL-AD 信度和效度的影响; (5)对 QOL-AD(患者版)得分和 QOL-AD(照料者版)得分进行 t 检验,比较其差别有无统计学意义; (6)使用中文版的 QOL-AD 调查太原市阿尔茨海默病患者生命质量,并对其生命质量的影响因素进行单因素 和多因素分析。 结果: (1)通过 Brislin 翻译模式和项目的分析与筛选,确定中文版 QOL-AD 由 13 个 条目组成; (2)效度检验结果:①内容效度:本量表由国外原有量表翻译而来,并且请各 领域专家再次评定,评定结果认为该量表具有较好的内容效度;②校标效度:QOL-AD 得 分(患者版)与 ADL、SF-36(生理机能 PF) 、SF-36(生理职能 RP) 、GDS、SF-36(精神 健康 MH) 、 SDS、 SAS、 CBS 的相关系数分别为-0.239、 0.288、 0.269、 -0.211、 0.290、 0.185、 0.194、0.227,QOL-AD 得分(照料者版)与 ADL、SF-36(生理机能 PF) 、SF-36(生理 职能 RP) 、 GDS、 SF-36 (精神健康 MH) 、 SDS、 SAS、 CBS 的相关系数分别为-0.179、 0.129、 0.211、0.135、0.107、-0.266、-0.164、-0.142;③区分效度:按照 Moca 得分将患者分四组, 低分组和其他组比较均有统计学意义; (3)信度检验结果:①重测信度:QOL-AD 中文版 总分的组内相关系数为 0.835;②分半信度:QOL-AD(患者版)分半信度系数为 0.674, QOL-AD(照料者版)分半信度系数为 0.841;③内部一致性:QOL-AD(患者版)的 系 数为 0.659,QOL-AD(照料者版)的 系数为 0.869。计算各条目与总分的相关系数显示: QOL-AD(患者版)各条目与总分间的相关系数在 0.285-0.590 之间;QOL-AD(患者版) 各条目与第 13 条间的相关系数在-0.470-0.860 之间;QOL-AD(照料者版)各条目与总分 间的相关系数在 0.231-0.815 之间;QOL-AD(照料者版)各条目与第 13 条间的相关系数 在-0.095-0.155 之间; (4)认知功能对 QOL-AD 影响:中高分组 QOL-AD(患者版与校标之间的相关系数有意义的较多;低分组和中低分组 QOL-AD(照料者版)得分与校 标之间的相关系数均有两个有统计学意义。中高分组和高分组 QOL-AD(患者版)分半信 度系数和 Cronbach α系数均较高;低分组和中低分组 QOL-AD(照料者版)分半信度系 数和 Cronbach α系数均较高, 除高分组分半信度系数外, 其余分组信度系数均在 0.7 以上。 (5)太原市阿尔茨海默病患者生命质量得分现状: QOL-AD量表总分的最大值为39.00, 最小值为14.00,均数为28.78,标准差为4.29。转化成为百分制后,最大值为75.00,最小 值为25.00,均数为55.35,标准差为8.26。QOL-AD(患者版)得分和QOL-AD(照料者版) 得分t检验发现照料者报告的生命质量比患者报告的生命质量得分高; (6) 单因素分析显示: 阿尔茨海默病患者生命质量影响因素有退休后第二职业、喝茶、控制饮食、听力、视力、 做家务情况、参加公益活动情况、业余爱好、体育活动、娱乐活动。多重线性回归分析表 明阿尔茨海默病患者的生命质量影响因素分别为夫妻关系、限制饮食、喝茶、参加居民区 公益活动、做家务情况和性格。 结论:本研究翻译并修订了阿尔茨海默病生命质量量表(QOL-AD) ,形成了中文版阿尔茨 海默病生命质量量表(QOL-AD) ,并在此基础上完成了中文版 QOL-AD 的建构工作。对 QOL-AD 中文版信效度研究表明,QOL-AD 内容效度、校标效度、区分效度、重测信度、 分半信度、内部一致性都达到了心理测量学的要求。QOL-AD(患者版)不适用于认知功 能严重损坏的患者,QOL-AD(照料者版)适用于各种认知功能的阿尔茨海默病患者。照 料者报告生命质量得分稍高于患者报告得分。太原市阿尔茨海默病患者生命质量较差,影 响因素较多,据此可有针对性的提高阿尔茨海默病患者的生命质量。 关键词:阿尔茨海默病;生命质量;量表
SWETs(Standards for the Worth of Evaluation Techniques)是一种评估评估方法质量的标准。
1. 相关性(Relevance):评估方法是否与研究目标和问题相关?
2. 准确性(Accuracy):评估方法是否能准确地测量所要评估的内容?
3. 可重复性(Reproducibility):评估方法在不同情境下是否能得到一致的结果?
4. 敏感性(Sensitivity):评估方法是否能检测到有意义的变化?
5. 特异性(Specificity):评估方法是否能区分不同的概念或现象?
6. 内部一致性(Internal consistency):评估方法的各个部分是否相互关联,形成一个整体?
7. 外部一致性(External consistency):评估方法与其他类似方法的测量结果是否一致?
8. 可靠性(Reliability):评估方法在多次使用后是否仍然能得出相同的结果?
9. 有效性(Validity):评估方法是否能真实地反映所要评估的现象?
10. 实用性(Practicality):评估方法是否易于实施和使用?。
MRI 具有良好的软组织分辨力,能分辨肿瘤内黏液、纤维化、软骨基质、出血等病理组织学改变[1],在腮腺疾病的诊断中具有明显优势。
常规MRI 主要依据形态学对肿瘤进行诊断;而DWI 是目前唯一能观察活体水分子微观运动的成像方法,其定量参数ADC 值可对病变定量分析,以往文献[2]中ADC 值多用平均值,而肿块的最小ADC 值(ADC min 值)能减少囊变坏死灶对ADC 值的影响,为临床提供更准确的定量信息。
笔者收集2016年2月至2018年6月河南科技大学第二附属医院经病理组织学证实为腮腺混合瘤80例及腺淋巴瘤50例的临床及MRI 资料,旨在探讨常规MRI 联合ADC min 值鉴别诊断腮腺混合瘤与腺淋巴瘤的价值。
1.2仪器与方法采用Siemens Skyra 3.0T MRI扫描仪,头颈联合线圈。
所有患者均行常规MRI 平扫及DWI 检查。
常规MRI 扫描序列为横轴位TSET 1WI (TR 620ms ,TE 11ms )、TSE -DIXON T 2WI (TR 3160ms ,TE 82ms ),矩阵320×280;冠状位STIR T 2WI (TR 3400ms ,TE 84ms ),矩阵320×320;视野24cm ×24cm ,层厚5mm ,层距1mm 。
DWI :采用轴位单次激发自旋平面回波(ss -EPI )序列,TE 55ms ,TR3850ms ,矩阵256×192,视野24cm ×24cm ,层厚DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1672-0512.2020.03.013[通信作者]杨静,E -mail :。
·药师与药学服务·基于德尔菲法构建药师视角下慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者分级管理标准Δ张若彬 1, 2*,吴秋惠 1,曹馨瑞 1, 3,陈琮玲 1, 2,张晋萍 1 #(1.南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院药学部,南京 210008; 2.中国药科大学基础医学与临床药学学院,南京 211198;3.南京中医药大学鼓楼临床医学院,南京 210029)中图分类号 R 95 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2024)07-0860-06DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2024.07.16摘要 目的 构建药师视角下的慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD )患者分级管理标准。
方法 以金字塔分层分级管理模型为框架,通过文献研究,初步编制COPD 患者分级管理标准的指标,设计函询问卷,并采用德尔菲法对18名专家进行两轮函询,确定分级管理标准的内容。
结果 2轮专家函询的问卷回收率均为100%,专家的权威系数均为0.903,各指标的肯德尔和谐系数为0.279、0.189,最终构建的COPD 患者分级管理标准包括25个分层指标和17个药学分级管理指标。
结论 基于德尔菲法构建的COPD 患者分级管理标准具有较好的科学性和可靠性,能为我国药师进行COPD 患者的分级管理提供参考依据。
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病;分级管理;德尔菲法;药师Establishment of hierarchical management standard in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from the perspective of pharmacists based on Delphi methodZHANG Ruobin 1, 2,WU Qiuhui 1,CAO Xinrui 1, 3,CHEN Congling 1, 2,ZHANG Jinping 1(1. Dept. of Pharmacy ,Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital , the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School , Nanjing 210008, China ;2. School of Basic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy , China Pharmaceutical University , Nanjing 211198, China ;3. Drum Tower Clinical College , Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine , Nanjing 210029, China )ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE To develop a standard of hierarchical management for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD ) from the perspective of pharmacists. METHODS The triangle hierarchical management model was used as the framework. Through literature research , the indicators of the hierarchical management standard for COPD patients were preliminarily compiled. A questionnaire was designed and administered to 18 experts , and Delphi method was conducted in two rounds to determine the contents of the standard. RESULTS The response rates for both rounds of expert consultation were 100%, with both authority coefficients of experts of 0.903 and Kendall coordination coefficiens of 0.279 and 0.189 for each indicator. The final established standard of hierarchical management for COPD patients included 25 stratified indicators and 17 pharmaceutical hierarchical management indicators. There were 9, 8 and 8 indicators in the high-risk , medium-risk , and stable layers , respectively , considering three aspects : disease , medication , and self-management level. The corresponding first-level , second-level , and third-level pharmaceutical management included 6, 6 and 5 indicators , respectively , including inhalation technical guidance , medication adherence guidance , treatment monitoring , and follow-up , etc. CONCLUSIONS The standard of hierarchical management for COPD patients established by Delphi method is scientific and reliable , which can provide a referencefor pharmacists to carry out hierarchical management of COPD patients in China.KEYWORDSchronicobstructivepulmonarydisease ;hierarchical management ; Delphi method ;pharmacistΔ 基金项目南京大学中国医院改革发展研究院课题项目(No.NDYGN 2023032)*第一作者硕士研究生。
Mass attenuation coefficient(质量衰减系数)
Tables of X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficientsand Mass Energy-Absorption Coefficientsfrom 1 keV to 20 MeV forElements Z = 1 to 92and 48 Additional Substances of DosimetricInterest*J. H. Hubbell+ and S. M. SeltzerRadiation and Biomolecular Physics Division, PML, NIST© 1989, 1990, 1996 copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the United States of America. All rights reserved. NIST reserves the right to charge for these data in the future.AbstractTables and graphs of the photon mass attenuation coefficient μ/ρ and the mass energy-absorption coefficient μen/ρ are presented for all of the elements Z = 1 to 92, and for 48 compounds and mixtures of radiological interest. The tables cover energies of thephoton (x-ray, gamma ray, bremsstrahlung) from 1 keV to 20 MeV. The μ/ρ values are taken from the current photon interaction database at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the μen/ρ values are based on the new calculations by Seltzer described in Radiation Research 136, 147 (1993). These tables of μ/ρ and μen/ρreplace and extend the tables given by Hubbell in the International Journal of Applied Radiation andIsotopes 33, 1269 (1982).Note on NIST X-ray Attenuation DatabasesTable of Contents1.Introduction2.X-Ray Mass Attenuation CoefficientsTable 1. Material constants for elemental media.Table 2. Material constants and composition for compounds and mixtures.Values of the mass attenuation coefficient and the mass energy-absorptioncoefficient as a function of photon energy, for:Table 3.[Data] elemental media.Table 4.[Data] compounds and mixtures.3.The Mass Energy-Absorption Coefficient4.Summary5.ReferencesX-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients1. IntroductionThe present compilation is an extension of the recent calculationsof Seltzer (1993), and is intended to replace the values of μ/ρ and μen/ρ given in Hubbell (1982) which have been widely used as reference data in radiation shielding and dosimetry computations. The present tables differ from those in Hubbell (1982) in the following respects:1.Instead of providing results for only 40 selected elements with atomicnumbers spanning Z = 1 to 92, now all 92 elements are included.2.Instead of using a common energy grid from 1 keV to 20 MeV,without photoelectric absorption edges (K, L1, etc.), now all edgeenergies are included and identified, and values of μ/ρ and μen/ρ aregiven just above and below each edge to facilitate accurateinterpolation.3.Somewhat different values for the atomic photoeffect cross sectionhave been used for Z = 2 to 54. The 1982 compilation was based onthe application of renormalization factors given by Scofield (1973) tohis calculated values of the cross section. Although Scofield (1973)calculated the cross sections for all Z≥ 2, he gave renormalizationfactors only for 2 ≤Z≤ 54. An evaluation by Saloman et al. (1988)compared the Scofield theoretical values with the measured-valuedatabase, and concluded that overall agreement was better withoutthis renormalization. The present work therefore uses the"un-renormalized" Scofield (1973) theoretical values of thephotoeffect cross section for all elements Z≥ 2. The analytical resultsused for Z = 1 are the same as those used in the 1982 compilation.4.For compounds and mixtures, values for μ/ρ can be obtained bysimple additivity, i.e., combining values for the elements according to their proportions by weight. To the extent that values for μen/ρ areaffected by the radiative losses (bremsstrahlung production,annihilation in flight, etc.) suffered during the course of slowingdown in the medium by the electrons and positrons that have been setin motion, simple additivity is no longer adequate. The 1982compilation ignored such matrix effects (they tend to be small atphoton energies below 20 MeV); in the present tables they have beentaken into account.A narrow beam of monoenergetic photons with an incident intensity I o, penetrating a layer of material with mass thickness x and density ρ, emerges with intensity I given by the exponential attenuation law(eq 1)Equation (1) can be rewritten as(eq 2)from which μ/ρ can be obtained from measured values of I o, I and x.Note that the mass thickness is defined as the mass per unit area, and is obtained by multiplying the thickness t by the density ρ, i.e., x = ρt.The various experimental arrangements and techniques from which μ/ρ can be obtained, particularly in the crystallographic photon energy/wavelength regime, have recently been examined and assessed by Creagh andHubbell (1987, 1990) as part of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) X-Ray Attenuation Project. This has led to new tables of μ/ρ in the 1992 International Tables for Crystallography (Creagh and Hubbell, 1992). The current status of μ/ρ measurements has also been reviewed recentlyby Gerward (1993), and an updated bibliography of measured data is available in Hubbell(1994).Present tabulations of μ/ρ rely heavily on theoretical values for the total cross section per atom, σtot, which is related to μ/ρ according to(eq 3) In (eq 3), u (= 1.660 540 2 × 10-24 g Cohen and Taylor 1986) is the atomic mass unit (1/12 of the mass of an atom of the nuclide 12C), A is the relative atomic mass of the target element, and σtot is the total cross section for an interaction by the photon, frequently given in units of b/atom (barns/atom), where b = 10-24 cm2.The attenuation coefficient, photon interaction cross sections and related quantities are functions of the photon energy. Explicit indication of this functional dependence has been omitted to improve readability.The total cross section can be written as the sum over contributions from the principal photon interactions,(eq 4) where σpe is the atomic photoeffect cross section, σcoh and σincoh are the coherent (Rayleigh) and the incoherent (Compton) scattering cross sections, respectively, σpair and σtrip are the cross sections for electron-positron production in the fields of the nucleus and of the atomic electrons, respectively, and σph.n. is the photonuclear cross section.Photonuclear absorption of the photon by the atomic nucleus results most usually in the ejection of one or more neutrons and/or protons. This interaction can contribute as much as 5 % to 10 % to the total photon interaction cross section in a fairly narrow energy region usually occurring somewhere between 5 MeV and 40 MeV, depending on where the giant resonance of the target nuclide falls (see, e.g., Hayward, 1970; Fuller and Hayward,1976; and Dietrich and Berman, 1988; also the illustrative tablesin Hubbell, 1969, 1982). The effects of this interaction can be observed in measurements of the total attenuation coefficient (see, e.g., Gimm and Hubbell, 1978). However, this cross section has not been included in previous tabulations because of the difficulties due to (a) the irregular dependence of both the magnitude and resonance-shape of the cross section as a function of both Z and A; (b) the gaps in the available information, much of which is for separated isotopes or targets otherwise differing from natural isotopic mixtures; and (c) the lack of theoretical modelsfor σph.n. comparable to those available for calculations of the other cross sections of interest. The practice of omitting the contribution of the photonuclear cross section in tables of the mass attenuation coefficient has been continued in this work, along with the neglect of other less-probable photon-atom interactions, such as nuclear-resonance scattering andDelbrück scattering.Our results for the elements are given in Table 3 for elements Z = 1 to 92 and photon energies 1 keV to 20 MeV, and have been calculated according to(eq 5) Values for the relative atomic mass A of the target elements were taken from Martin (1988) and can be extracted from the values of Z/A givenin Table 1;values for the individual contributing cross sections are those found in the current NIST database (see Berger and Hubbell, 1987), as outlined below.Atomic photoeffect. For photon energies from 1 keV to 1.5 MeV, values of the photoelectric cross section, σpe, are those calculated by Scofield (1973), based on his solution of the Dirac equation for the orbital electrons moving in a static Hartree-Slater central potential. No renormalization was performed using those factors given by Scofield for the elements with Z = 2 to 54 to convert to values expected from a relativistic Hartree-Fock model. This represents a break with the practice by Hubbell (1977, 1982)and Hubbell et al. (1980) in which this renormalization had been done.Electron-positron pair and triplet production cross sections. Cross sections for the production of electron-positron pairs (e-, e+) in the field of the atomic nucleus, σpair, and for the production of triplets (2e-, e+) in the field of the atomic electrons, σtrip, are taken from the compilation of Hubbell etal. (1980). Their synthesis combined the use of formulas from Bethe-Heitler theory with various other theoretical models to take into account screening, Coulomb, and radiative corrections. Different combinations were used in the near-threshold, intermediate and high-energy regions to obtain the best possible agreement with experimental cross sections (Gimm and Hubbell, 1978).Mixtures and compounds. Values of the mass attenuation coefficient, μ/ρ,for the 48 mixtures and compounds (assumed homogeneous) are givenin Table 4,and were obtained according to simple additivity:(eq 6)X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients3. The Mass Energy-Absorption Coefficient, μen/ρThe methods used to calculate the mass energy-absorption coefficient, μen/ρ, are described perhaps more clearly through the use of an intermediate quantity, the mass energy-transfer coefficient, μtr/ρ.The mass energy-transfer coefficient,μtr/ρ, when multiplied by the photon energy fluence ψ (ψ = ΦE, where Φ is the photon fluence and E the photon energy), gives the dosimetric quantity kerma. As discussed in depthby Carlsson (1985), kerma has been defined (ICRU Report 33, 1980) as (and is an acronym for) the sum of the k inetic e nergies of all those primary charged particles r eleased by uncharged particles (here photons) perunit ma ss. Thusμtr/ρ takes into account the escape only of secondary photon radiations produced at the initial photon-atom interaction site, plus, by convention, the quanta of radiation from the annihilation of positrons (assumed to have come to rest) originating in the initial pair- andtriplet-production interactions.Hence μtr/ρ is defined as(eq 7) In (eq 7), coherent scattering has been omitted because of the negligible energy transfer associated with it, and the factors f represent the average fractions of the photon energy E that is transferred to kinetic energy of charged particles in the remaining types of interactions. Theseenergy-transfer fractions are given by(eq 8) where X is the average energy of fluorescence radiation (characteristicx rays) emitted per absorbed photon;(eq 9) where is the average energy of the Compton-scattered photon;(eq 10)where mc2 is the rest energy of the electron; and(eq 11)The fluorescence energy X in (eq 8), (eq 9), and ( 11) depends on the distribution of atomic-electron vacancies produced in the process under consideration and is in general evaluated differently for photoelectric absorption, incoherent scattering, and triplet production. Moreover, X isassumed to include the emission of "cascade" fluorescence x rays associated with the complete atomic relaxation process initiated by the primary vacancy, the significance of which has been pointed out by Carlsson (1971). As only the characteristics of the target atom are involved in calculating μtr/ρ, the mass energy-transfer coefficient for homogeneous mixtures and compounds can be obtained in a manner analogous to that for μ/ρ:(eq 12)The mass energy-absorption coefficient involves the further emission of radiation produced by the charged particles in traveling through the medium, and is defined as(eq 13) The factor g in (eq. 13) represents the average fraction of the kinetic energy of secondary charged particles (produced in all the types of interactions) that is subsequently lost in radiative (photon-emitting) energy-loss processes as the particles slow to rest in the medium. The evaluation of g is accomplished by integrating the cross section for the radiative process of interest over the differential tracklength distribution established by the particles in the course of slowing down. In the continuous-slowing-down approximation, the tracklength distribution is replaced by the reciprocal of the electron or positron total stopping power of the medium. Even assuming Bragg additivity for the stopping power (that now appears in the denominator of the integral), simple additivity for μen/ρ or - as suggested by Attix (1984) - for g is formally incorrect. When the numerical values of g are relatively small, the errors in μen/ρ incurred by using simple additivity schemes are usually small, a consequence partially mitigating the use additivity, particularly for photon energies below 20 MeV. However, additivity has not been used in the present work.For the values of μen/ρ given in Table 3 and Table 4, the evaluationof g takes into explicit account (a) the emission of bremsstrahlung,(b) positron annihilation in flight, (c) fluorescence emission as a result of electron- and positron-impact ionization, and (d) the effects on these processes of energy-loss straggling and knock-on electron production as the secondary particles slow down (i.e., of going beyond thecontinuous-slowing-down approximation). This scheme thus goes beyond that of ICRU Report 33 (1980) which, perhaps by oversight, formally includes only (a) above, and of previous work, which usually includes (a) and (b).For the calculation of g, the radiative (bremsstrahlung) stopping powers used are based on the results by Seltzer and Berger (1985, 1986) and Kim et al.(1986), and are very slightly different from the values used in ICRU Report 37 (1984). The collision stopping powers, evaluated according to the prescriptions in ICRU Report 37 (1984), include departures from simple Bragg additivity due to chemical-binding, phase, and density effects, as reflected in the choice of the mean excitation energy I and density ρ for the medium. These departures from Bragg additivity for the stopping power of the matrix can result in discernable differences in the massenergy-absorption coefficient, such as between those for water vapor and liquid.Further details of the calculations are given in Seltzer (1993) and will not be repeated here. Instead, a summary of expressions used for the calculationof g is given below. The formulas include the integration over the initial particle spectra, and have been generalized to include mixtures and compounds.Photoelectric Absorption. The radiative losses for the photoelectrons have been evaluated according to(eq 14) where μpe/ρ is the total photoeffect mass attenuation coefficient for an incident photon of energy E in the medium, (μpe/ρ)n,i is the corresponding coefficient for the n th atomic electron subshell of the i th elemental constituent, B n,i is the binding energy of that subshell, and(eq 15)is the total radiative yield. The total radiative yield has been evaluated as the sum of two components. The bremsstrahlung yield,Y b(T), is the mean fraction of the initial kinetic energy T of an electron (or positron) that is converted to bremsstrahlung energy as the particle slows down to rest; and the x-ray energy yield,Y x(T), usually very much smaller than Y b(T), is the mean fraction of the initial kinetic energy converted to fluorescence emission due to ionization by the electron (or positron) in the course of slowing down. The very small radiative losses for the associated Auger electrons have been neglected.Incoherent (Compton) Scattering. For incoherent scattering(eq 16) where S(q,Z i) is the incoherent scattering factor, taken from the compilation of Hubbell et al. (1975), dσKN/d E′ is the Klein-Nishina cross section differential in the Compton-scattered photon energy E′,E min = E/(1 +2E/mc2) is the minimum energy of the scattered photon (corresponding to 180° scattering), and Y(T) is the total radiative yield.Pair and Triplet production. The radiative losses from electrons and positrons created in the pair and triplet processes, including the effects of positron annihilation in flight, have been evaluated according to:(eq 17) where P pair,i(T+)d T+ is the probability that the positron from apair-production interaction with the i th constituent atom will have a kinetic energy between T+ and T+ + d T+, Y-(T-) and Y+(T+) are the total radiation yields for the electrons and positrons, respectively, and η(T+) is the correction for positron annihilation in flight. Pair spectra have been evaluated using Bethe-Heitler theory in conjunction with screening and Coulomb corrections. The annihilation-in-flight correction has been derived on the basis outlined in Berger (1961), and has been evaluated using thetwo-quanta annihilation-in-flight cross section of Bethe (1935) plus estimates for the one-quantum annihilation-in-flight cross section. Computation of g trip proceeds similarly, but using the threshold for triplet production of 4 mc2 instead of 2 mc2 in (eq 17), and usingthe Wheeler-Lamb(1939) expressions for the screening corrections to the triplet spectra.Abstract|Introduction|Mass Atten. Coef.|Mass Energy-Absorp.Coef. |Summary|ReferencesX-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients4. SummaryValues of the mass attenuation coefficient, μ/ρ, and the massenergy-absorption coefficient, μen/ρ, for photon energies 1 keV to 20 MeV, including all absorption edges, are given for all elements Z = 1 to 92in Table 3 and for 48 compounds and mixtures of radiological interestin Table 4. Graphs ofμ/ρ and μen/ρ are presented for all materials included in Tables 3 and 4. 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Search Site12,720 entries Calculus and Analysis > Special Functions > Gamma Functions Calculus and Analysis > Special Functions > Named Integrals Calculus and Analysis > Special Functions > Product Functions Gamma FunctionThe (complete) gamma function is defined to be an extension of the factorial to arguments. It is related to the factorial bya slightly unfortunate notation due to Legendre which is now universally used instead of Gauss's simpler (Gauss 1812; Edwards 2001, p. 8). everywhere except at, -1, -2, ..., and the residue atisThere are no points at which.There are a number of notational conventions in common use for indication of a power of a gamma functions. While authors such as Watson (1939) use (i.e., using a trigonometric function-like convention), it is also common to write . for(Euler's integral form)The complete gamma function can be generalized to the upper and lower incomplete gamma function .Min MaxRe Register for Unlimited Interactive Examples >>Im ReplotPlots of the real and imaginary parts of in the complex plane are illustrated above.Wolfram Research Demonstrations Site Integrator Tones Functions Site Wolfram Science more…Download Complete Documentation >>Find 171 formulas about the Gamma Function at -55-55(8)(9)If is an integer, 2, 3, ..., then(10)(11)so the gamma function reduces to the factorial for a positive integer argument.A beautiful relationship betweenand the Riemann zeta functionis given by(12)for(Havil 2003, p. 60).The gamma function can also be defined by an infinite product form (Weierstrass form )(13)where is the Euler-Mascheroni constant (Krantz 1999, p. 157; Havil 2003, p. 57). This can be written(14)where(15)(16)for, where is the Riemann zeta function (Finch 2003). Taking the logarithm of both sidesof (◇),(17)Differentiating,(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)where is the digamma function and is the polygamma function . th derivatives are given in terms of the polygamma functions , , ..., .The minimum valueoffor real positiveis achieved when(26)(27)This can be solved numerically to give (Sloane's A030169; Wrench 1968), which has continued fraction [1, 2, 6, 63, 135, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 38, ...] (Sloane's A030170). At ,achieves the value 0.8856031944... (Sloane's A030171), which has continued fraction [0, 1, 7, 1, 2, 1, 6, 1, 1, ...] (Sloane's A030172).The Euler limit form is(28)so(29)(30)(31)(32)(Krantz 1999, p. 156).One over the gamma functionis an entire function and can be expressed as(33)where is the Euler-Mascheroni constant and is the Riemann zeta function (Wrench 1968). An asymptotic series for is given by(34) Writing(35) the satisfy(36) (Bourguet 1883, Davis 1933, Isaacson and Salzer 1943, Wrench 1968). Wrench (1968) numerically computed the coefficients for the series expansion about 0 of(37) The Lanczos approximation gives a series expansion for for in terms of an arbitrary constant such that .The gamma function satisfies the functional equations(38)(39) Additional identities are(40)(41)(42)(43)Using (40), the gamma function of a rational number can be reduced to a constant times or . For example,(44)(45)(46)(47) For ,(48) Gamma functions of argument can be expressed using the Legendre duplication formula(49) Gamma functions of argument can be expressed using a triplication formula(50) The general result is the Gauss multiplication formula(51) The gamma function is also related to the Riemann zeta function by(52) For integer , 2, ..., the first few values of are 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, ... (Sloane's A000142). For half-integer arguments, has the special form(53)where is a double factorial. The first few values for , 3, 5, ... are therefore(54)(55)(56), , ... (Sloane's A001147 and A000079; Wells 1986, p. 40). In general, for a positive integer, 2, ...(57)(58)(59)(60) Simple closed-form expressions of this type do not appear to exist for for a positive integer . However, Borwein and Zucker (1992) give a variety of identities relating gamma functions to square roots and elliptic integral singular values, i.e., elliptic moduli such that(61)where is a complete elliptic integral of the first kind and is the complementary integral. M. Trott (pers. comm.) has developed an algorithm for automatically generating hundreds of such identities.(62)(63)(64)(65)(66)(67)(68)(69)(70)(71)(72)(73)(74)(75)(76)(77)(78)(79)(80)(81)(82)Several of these are also given in Campbell (1966, p. 31).A few curious identities include(83)(84)(85)(86)(87)(88)(89) of which Magnus and Oberhettinger 1949, p. 1 give only the last case,(90) and(91)(Magnus and Oberhettinger 1949, p. 1). Ramanujan also gave a number of fascinating identities:(92)(93) where(94)(95)(Berndt 1994).Ramanujan gave the infinite sums(96)(97) and(98)(99)(Hardy 1923; Hardy 1924; Whipple 1926; Watson 1931; Bailey 1935; Hardy 1999, p. 7).The following asymptotic series is occasionally useful in probability theory (e.g., theone-dimensional random walk):(100) (Graham et al. 1994). This series also gives a nice asymptotic generalization of Stirling numbers of the first kind to fractional values.It has long been known that is transcendental (Davis 1959), as is (Le Lionnais 1983; Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 138), and Chudnovsky has apparently recently proved thatis itself transcendental (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 138).There exist efficient iterative algorithms for for all integers (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 137). For example, a quadratically converging iteration for (Sloane'sA068466) is given by defining(101)(102) setting and , and then(103)(Borwein and Bailey 2003, pp. 137-138).No such iteration is known for (Borwein and Borwein 1987; Borwein and Zucker 1992; Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 138).SEE ALSO:Bailey's Theorem, Barnes G-Function, Binet's Fibonacci Number Formula, Bohr-Mollerup Theorem, Digamma Function, Double Gamma Function, Fransén-Robinson Constant Gauss Multiplication Formula, Incomplete Gamma Function, Knar's Formula, Lambda Function, LanczosApproximation, Legendre Duplication Formula, Log Gamma Function, Mellin's Formula, Mu Function, Nu Function, Pearson's Function, Polygamma Function, Regularized Gamma Function, Stirling's Series, Superfactorial. [Pages Linking Here]RELATED WOLFRAM SITES:/GammaBetaErf/Gamma/,/GammaBetaErf/LogGamma/REFERENCES:Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (Eds.). 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河南农业科学,2021,50(1):134-141Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciencesdoi :10.15933/ki.1004-3268.2021.01.017收稿日期:2020-06-29基金项目:江苏省现代农业(水禽)产业技术体系项目(JATS [2020]361);江苏省属公益类科研院所自主科研项目(BM2018026)作者简介:刘宏祥(1985-),男,江苏扬州人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事家禽遗传育种与资源保护研究㊂E -mail:lhxatyz@通信作者:李慧芳(1974-),女,山西盂县人,研究员,博士,主要从事家禽遗传育种与资源保护研究㊂E -mail:lhfxf_002@太湖鹅4个群体保种效果的遗传评价刘宏祥1,王㊀健2,宋卫涛1,朱春红1,陶志云1,徐文娟1,章双杰1,李慧芳1(1.江苏省家禽科学研究所,江苏扬州225125;2.江苏农牧科技职业学院,江苏泰州225300)摘要:为全面了解太湖鹅品种在江苏省保种效果动态变化过程,并与浙江省太湖鹅的保种情况进行比较,采用简化基因组测序方法对江苏太湖鹅群体(TS ㊁TC ㊁TK )以及浙江太湖鹅群体(TZ )的群体遗传参数进行系统比较分析㊂结果发现,与前2个世代相比,由于采用了严格的家系等量随机选配法以及适当进行种群间种用个体的相互引进,TC ㊁TK 群体近交系数分别下降到0.0875和0.0753;遗传结构分析和主成分分析均表明,TZ 群体独立于其他3个群体之外,且出现明显分化,TZ 群体与TS 群体的遗传分化系数(F st )达到了0.0515,近交系数为0.1107,明显高于江苏省太湖鹅群体㊂TZ 群体与TS 群体的选择信号分析发现,脂肪酸代谢相关通路的基因受到了选择㊂以上结果表明,江苏省太湖鹅群体保种效果较好,家系等量随机选配法以及适当血缘交换可以避免近交系数上升㊂关键词:鹅;太湖鹅;遗传评价;简化基因组;保种;选择信号;富集分析中图分类号:S835㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1004-3268(2021)01-0134-08Genetic Evaluation for Breed Conservation Effect ofFour Populations of Taihu GooseLIU Hongxiang 1,WANG Jian 2,SONG Weitao 1,ZHU Chunhong 1,TAO Zhiyun 1,XU Wenjuan 1,ZHANG Shuangjie 1,LI Huifang 1(1.Jiangsu Institute of Poultry Sciences,Yangzhou 225125,China;2.Jiangsu Agri-animal Husbandry Vocational College,Taizhou 225300,China)Abstract :In order to fully understand the dynamic change process of breed conservation effect of Taihu goose in Jiangsu Province and compare with that in Zhejiang Province,the genetic parameters of Taihu goose populations in Jiangsu (TS,TC,TK )and Zhejiang Province (TZ )were analyzed by simplified genome sequencing.The results showed that compared with the previous two generations,the inbreeding coefficients of TC and TK populations decreased to 0.0875and 0.0753,respectively,due to the using of strict stemma equimultiple random select cross method and appropriate introduction of breeding-use individuals between different populations;the genetic structure analysis and principal component analysis showed that TZ population was independent of the other three populations,and differentiated significantly.The genetic differentiation coefficient(F st )of TZ and TS population reached 0.0515,and the inbreeding coefficient was 0.1107,which was significantly higher than that of populations in Jiangsu Province.The selection signature analysis of TZ and TS population showed that the genes for fatty acid metabolism related pathway were selected.The results showed that the effect of Taihu goose population conservation was better in Jiangsu Province,and the increase of inbreeding coefficient could be avoided by stemma㊀第1期刘宏祥等:太湖鹅4个群体保种效果的遗传评价equimultiple random select cross method and appropriate blood exchange.Key words:Goose;Taihu goose;Genetic evaluation;Simplified genome;Breed conservation;Selection signature;Enrichment analysis㊀㊀畜禽遗传资源是畜牧生产和可持续发展的基础,也是满足未来不可预见需求的种质资源基因库[1]㊂我国畜禽遗传资源是世界上最丰富的[2],大部分地方品种与国外的一些专用品种(品系)相比,具有适应性强㊁耐粗饲㊁抗病力强㊁繁殖力高以及肉质好等优点[3]㊂但随着外来品种以及品种改良的冲击,一些地方品种逐步处于濒危状态[4]㊂太湖鹅是江浙地区比较重要的地方鹅种,以体型小㊁产蛋多而闻名,并被列入国家级保护名录[5]㊂由于受到外来品种的冲击,以及近亲交配导致的品种衰退,太湖鹅数量持续下降,目前主要保存在多个原种场以及国家级水禽基因库(江苏)(以下简称基因库)中[6]㊂笔者所在课题组前期对不同世代的太湖鹅江苏原种场和基因库中的太湖鹅遗传结构及保种效果进行检测,发现2个太湖鹅群体的近交系数均有所上升[7]㊂其后江苏原种场与基因库改进了保种方法,实行严格的家系等量随机选配法㊂鉴于此,利用简化基因组测序技术对太湖鹅种群江苏原始群体(TS)㊁2个世代后江苏原种场全体(TC)㊁国家级水禽基因库(江苏)群体(TK)以及浙江原种场群体(TZ)进行系统比较分析,以期全面了解江苏省太湖鹅群体改进后的保种效果以及浙江省的保种情况,为江浙地区太湖鹅保种策略的进一步改进提供理论依据㊂1㊀试验方法1.1㊀供试动物采集TS群体(江苏省家禽科学研究所保存)㊁TC群体㊁TK群体以及TZ群体血样各10个㊂TS群体血样为2007年在江苏原种场所采血样,TC群体㊁TK群体和TZ群体血样分别于2019年采集㊂2007年国家级水禽基因库(江苏)从太湖鹅江苏原种场引进保种,因此,TS群体可视为TC群体㊁TK群体的祖先群体㊂1.2㊀试验方法1.2.1㊀ddRAD简化基因组测序㊀常规酚-氯仿法提取基因组DNA,利用ddRAD建库方式[8]构建长度在300~500bp的pair-end文库,进行简化基因组测序㊂1.2.2㊀参考基因组比对与单核苷酸多态性(SNP)检测㊀使用BWA软件[9]对短序列reads与鹅参考基因组(https:///assembly/ GCA_002166845.1/)比对得到Clean reads,使用Samtools软件[10]对Clean reads进行去重复,GATK 软件[11]进行局部重比对㊁碱基质量校正等预处理㊂碱基质控条件包括Q20(正确率99%的碱基数目比例)>95%,ddRAD depth(双酶切基因测序的覆盖深度)>60%,SNP call rate(在所有群体中单核苷酸多态性检出率)>70%[7]㊂最后使用GATK软件进行SNP检测㊂1.3㊀数据处理使用PopGen32软件[12]计算平均杂合度㊁近交系数(F IS)㊁群体分化指数(F st)和核苷酸多样性(θπ),使用Admixture软件[13]进行群体结构分析;使用GCTA软件(https:///software/ gcta/#Overview)进行主成分分析(Principal component analysis,PCA),得到样品的主成分聚类情况;利用Treemix软件推断多个群体分化和基因交流情况;使用PLINK软件[14]进行选择信号分析,其中以100kb为窗口㊁10kb为步长计算基因组上不同区域的F st和θπ值㊂2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀太湖鹅4个群体基因组SNP鉴定经过数据质控,在4个太湖鹅群体中平均鉴定出SNP数目为181876个,其中NW_013185654.1和NW_013185655.1染色体上鉴定到的SNP数量最多,分别为13139个和12966个㊂SNP位点在染色体上的数量及密度分布分别见图1和图2㊂2.2㊀群体内遗传多样性分析根据变异位点对群体遗传学参数进行统计分析(表1)㊂由表1可知,TS群体㊁TC群体㊁TK群体和TZ群体杂合度分别为0.2495㊁0.2255㊁0.2182和0.2110㊂TC群体㊁TK群体和TZ群体杂合度明显低于TS群体,核酸多样性也低于TS群体㊂与TS 群体相比,TC群体和TK群体的F IS明显上升㊂TZ 群体的杂合度最低,且近交系数明显高于TC群体和TK群体㊂531河南农业科学第50卷图1㊀太湖鹅各染色体上鉴定到的SNP 数量Fig.1㊀Numbers of SNP identified in each chromosome of Taihugoose图2㊀太湖鹅各染色体上SNP 密度分布Fig.2㊀Density distribution of SNP in each chromosome of Taihu goose表1㊀太湖鹅4个群体遗传多样性参数统计Tab.1㊀Statistics of genetic diversity parameters offour Taihu goose populations群体Population 杂合度Heterozygosity 核苷酸多样性θπ近交系数F IS TS 0.24950.24840.0243TC 0.22550.24720.0875TK0.21820.23590.0753TZ0.21100.23720.11072.3㊀群体间遗传分化分析通过滑窗分析,计算不同组合F st 平均值(表2)㊂群体间F st 值越高,说明群体间序列的差异越大㊂TZ 群体与TS㊁TC 和TK 群体的F st 值分别为0.0515㊁0.0498和0.0486,明显高于其他3个群体间的F st 值㊂TS 和TC 群体间的F st 值最小,为0.0325㊂631㊀第1期刘宏祥等:太湖鹅4个群体保种效果的遗传评价表2㊀太湖鹅不同群体间F st比较Tab.2㊀Comparison of Fstbetween different populationsin Taihu goose群体Population TS TC TK TZ TS10.03250.04450.0515 TC10.04250.0498 TK10.0486 TZ12.4㊀群体间遗传结构分析群体遗传结构指遗传变异在物种或群体中的一种非随机分布[15]㊂按照地理分布或亲缘关系可将一个群体分为若干亚群,处于同一亚群内的不同个体亲缘关系较近,而亚群与亚群之间则亲缘关系稍远㊂群体结构分析结果表明,k=2时,4个群体可以明显分为2类,TS群体㊁TK群体和TC群体之间享有较多的血统,TZ群体单独分为一类,但与TC群体享有少量血统(图3)㊂A:4个群体不同k值下的群体结构,每种颜色代表1个分组;B:不同k值下群体结构的CV值曲线㊂CV误差越小,越接近于群体本身的结构状态A:The population structure of four groups with different k values,each color represents a group;B:The CV curve of the population structure with different k values.The smaller the CV error is,the closer it is to the structural state of the population itself图3㊀太湖鹅群体结构聚类图Fig.3㊀Cluster graph of population structure in Taihu goose2.5㊀群体PCA分析对4个群体进行PCA分析,并利用前3个主成分对群体进行分层(图4)㊂PCA分析结果表明,TZ 群体单独聚在一起,而TS群体㊁TC群体和TK群体聚为一类,这与群体遗传结构分析结果一致㊂2.6㊀基因流分析在群体遗传学上,基因流(Gene flow,也称基因迁移)是指从一个物种的一个种群向另一个种群引入新的遗传物质,从而改变群体基因库的组成㊂通过基因交流向群体中引入新的等位基因,是一个非常重要的遗传变异来源,影响群体遗传多样性,产生新的性状组合㊂基因流分析结果表明,TK群体与TC群体有少量的迁移,即发生基因交流情况(图5)㊂PC1为主成分1,PC2为主成分2,PC3为主成分3,图中每个点代表1个样品,每组样品用不同颜色和形状表示PC1,PC2and PC3are the main component1,2and3,respectively. Each point in the figure represents a sample,and each group ofsamples is represented by different colors and shapes图4㊀太湖鹅4个群体的PCA分析Fig.4㊀PCA analysis of four Taihu goose populations731河南农业科学第50卷箭头方向指群体间发生的迁移事件,热图表示迁移事件的迁移权重(颜色越深表示权重越大)The arrow direction refers to the migration events between populations,and the heat map indicates the migration weight of the migration events(the darker color indicates the greater the weight)图5㊀太湖鹅基因流分析Fig.5㊀Gene flow analysis of Taihu goose2.7㊀选择信号分析选择群体间分化较大的TS 群体和TZ 群体进行选择信号分析㊂结合θπ比率和F st 值,选择前5%的区域(图6),筛选到了161个区域,与这些区域重叠(包括部分重叠和完全重叠)的基因中注释到了343个基因㊂GO 富集分析结果表明,与TS 群体相比,TZ 群体生物学过程(Biological process)中富集到的受选择基因主要集中在代谢过程(Metabolic process)㊁细胞进程(Cellular process)以及生物学调控(Biological regulation)3个条目(图7)㊂KEGG 富集分析结果(图8)表明,与TS 群体相比,TZ 群体受选择基因主要集中在脂肪酸代谢相关的5个通路中,包括亚油酸代谢通路㊁甘油磷脂代谢通路㊁不饱和脂肪酸生物合成通路㊁花生四烯酸代谢通路㊁α亚麻酸代谢通路㊂图6㊀太湖鹅TS 群体和TZ 群体的比较选择信号Fig.6㊀Selection signature of populations comparison of TS and TZ in Taihu goose831㊀第1期刘宏祥等:太湖鹅4个群体保种效果的遗传评价1.胞外区域;2.细胞;3.细胞膜;4.细胞连接;5.闭膜腔;6.囊括蛋白复合物;7.细胞器;8.其他器官;9.其他器官部分;10.胞外区域部分;11.细胞器部分;12.细胞膜部分;13.突触部分;14.超分子复合物;15.催化活性;16.结构分子活性;17.转运蛋白活性;18.结合;19.抗氧化活性;20.转运受体活性;21.翻译调控因子活性;22.分子转导活性;23.分子功能调控;24.转录调控活性;25.繁殖;26.免疫系统过程;27.行为;28.代谢过程;29.细胞增殖;30.细胞过程;31.繁殖过程;32.生物黏附;33.信号传导;34.多细胞组织过程;35.发育过程;36.生长;37.移动;38.色素沉积;39.生物节律过程;40.应激应答;41.定位;42.多器官过程;43.生物调控;44.细胞组分组构或发源;45.细胞聚合;46.解毒作用1.Extracellular region;2.Cell;3.Membrane;4.Cell junction;5.Membrane-enclosed lumen;6.Protein-containing complex;an-elle;8.Other organism;9.Other organism part;10.Extracellular region part;anelle part;12.Membrane part;13.Synapse part;14.Supramolecular complex;15.Catalytic activity;16.Structural molecule activity;17.Transporter activity;18.Binding;19.Antioxi-dant activity;20.Cargo receptor activity;21.Translation regulator activity;22.Molecular transducer activity;23.Molecular function reg-ulator;24.Transcription regulator activity;25.Reproduction;26.Immune system process;27.Behavio;28.Metabolic process;29.Cellproliferation;30.Cellular process;31.Reproductive process;32.Biological adhesion;33.Signalling;34.Multicellular organismal process;35.Developmental process;36.Growth;37.Locomotion;38.Pigmentation;39.Rhythmic process;40.Response to stimulus;41.Localization;42.Multi-organism process;43.Biological regulation;44.Cellular component organization or biogenesis;45.Cellaggregation;46.Detoxification图7㊀受选择基因GO 富集条目Fig.7㊀GO enrichment items of selectedgenes图8㊀受选择基因KEGG 富集得分Fig.8㊀KEGG enrichment score of selected genes931河南农业科学第50卷3㊀结论与讨论种群遗传多样性的研究是保护生物学研究的主要内容之一[16]㊂制定科学合理的保护策略需要建立在对物种遗传多样性成分了解的基础上,而基于DNA序列变异的分析策略则成为研究物种遗传多样性的主流方法,也是衡量遗传结构和监测保种效果的主要手段㊂前期笔者所在课题组对TS群体㊁TC群体㊁TK 群体进行了简化基因组测序[7],分析了TC群体㊁TK 群体的保种效果㊂为全面了解太湖鹅品种在江苏省保种效果动态变化过程以及与浙江省的保种情况比较,本试验利用简化基因组测序对TS群体㊁TC群体㊁TK群体以及TZ群体进行了系统比较分析㊂前期研究发现,TC群体和TK群体的近交系数分别为0.1409和0.1315[7]㊂本研究发现,2个世代后的TC群体和TK群体的近交系数分别降低到0.0875和0.0753㊂由于前期2个群体都进行了严格的家系等量随机选配,近交系数的降低说明该方法在小群保种中具有一定的效果㊂该方法在张学余等[17]对狼山鸡的保种中得到了证实,其采用家系等量随机选配法使得近交系数下降了65%㊂另外,2018年TC群体适当引入了TK群体的血统,这可能也是TC 群体近交系数变小的一个因素,该迁移事件的发生在基因流分析中也得到了体现㊂TZ群体近交系数较高,达到了0.11,说明与江苏省太湖鹅群体相比,浙江原种场群体需要适当增加保种群数量,以及引入其他地区太湖鹅血统,条件允许下可以使用家系等量随机选配法,避免近交系数持续上升㊂群体结构分析㊁PCA分析均表明,江苏省3个太湖鹅群体(TS㊁TC㊁TK)聚为一类,而TZ群体单独聚为一类;群体间遗传分化分析表明,TZ群体与TS㊁TC和TK群体分化系数均达到0.05左右,属于中度分化[18]㊂这些结果说明,由于地理位置的差异,浙江原种场太湖鹅群体与江苏省太湖鹅群体差别较大㊂对群体间分化程度最高的TZ和TS2个群体进行基于F st和θπ比率的选择信号分析,并对受选区域关联的基因进行GO和KEGG功能富集分析,发现与脂肪酸代谢相关的通路得到了富集㊂该通路在课题组前期TC群体与TS群体比较中也得到了富集[7],说明在不同地区保种过程中这些通路的基因受到选择是普遍且不可避免的㊂在保种过程中群体大小是有限的,即使没有受到突变㊁选择和迁移的影响,随机漂变等因素也会使得群体的某些基因频率发生变化[19],最终某些基因受到选择㊂本研究及前期研究均发现,脂肪酸代谢相关的基因得到选择,这可能更多与保种环境的饲养条件㊁营养水平和疾病控制等因素的变化有关[20]㊂综上,江苏省太湖鹅群体保种效果较好,家系等量随机选配法以及适当血缘交换可以避免近交系数上升㊂参考文献:[1]㊀樊斌,李奎,彭中镇,等.湖北省三品种猪27个微卫星座位的遗传变异[J].生物多样性,1999,7(2):91-96.FAN B,LI K,PENG Z Z,et al.Genetic variation of27microsatellite loci in three Hubei indigenous pig breeds[J].Chinese Biodiversity,1999,7(2):91-96. 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3 General requirements for the performance evaluation3.1 Responsibilities and resourcesThe manufacturer takes the responsibility for the initiation and/or the conduct of a performance evaluation study. He shall define the responsibility and the interrelation of all personnel who manageand conduct the performance evaluation of IVD MDs, particularly for personnel who need theorganisational freedom and authority toa) assess the validity of test results and data already available;b) specify performance claims which shall be further examined or confirmed;c) specify and document the evaluation plan and the test procedures;d) prepare the evaluation report.The manufacturer shall appoint a co-ordinator with overall responsibility of the performance evaluationstudy. The co-ordinator shall himself assure that adequate resources are available. The investigatorshall ensure that the evaluation plan is followed at his location and that the study is appropriatelyreviewed from an ethical point of view.3.2 DocumentationThe documentation of the performance evaluation study shall contain the files relating to clauses 3 to7 of this standard and shall be part of the technical documentation of the IVD MD.3.3 Final assessment and reviewThe co-ordinator shall assess and document which performance claims are met, state whether claimsare not met and give recommendations for corrective actions, where necessary.The responsible management of the manufacturer shall make sure that the results of the performanceevaluation study and the recommendations for corrective actions are carefully considered and properlydocumented before issuing a declaration of conformity.4 Organisation of a performance evaluation study 4.1 PreconditionsBefore starting a performance evaluation study it shall be ensured by the co-ordinator thata) the performance claims of the IVD MD which are the subject of the study are specified;b) the IVD MD has been manufactured under controlled production processes and conditions;c) the IVD MD to be evaluated meets the quality control release specifications;d) a sufficient number of samples of the IVD MD can be provided during the entire period of theperformance evaluation study;e) all legal requirements for performance evaluation studies are met;f) the investigator(s) is (are) adequately skilled and trained to conduct the study and the necessaryresources are available.4.2 Evaluation planThe evaluation plan shall state the purpose on scientific, technical or medical grounds, the scope ofthe evaluation, the structure and organization of the study and the number of devices concerned.Defining the objective of the study, the co-ordinator shall have assessed which performance claimsare already verified by data or scientific literature.The evaluation plan shall be designed to minimise the requirements for invasive sampling. In the caseof IVD MDs for self-testing it shall be ensured that the evaluation plan is appropriate and acceptable tousers and the information provided shall be clear and easily understood.The evaluation plan shall specifya) that the investigator(s) is (are) adequately skilled and trained to use the IVD MD;b) the list of laboratories or other institutions taking part in the performance evaluation study; for selftesting,the location and number of lay persons involved;c) the time-table;d) the necessary minimum number of probands from whom specimens are collected by invasiveprocedures in order to adequately assess the performance of the IVD MD;e) instructions for use including a description of the conditions of use;f) the performance claims (e.g. analytical sensitivity, diagnostic sensitivity, analytical specificity,diagnostic specificity, accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility) to be validated;g) the format of performance study records.4.3 Sites and resourcesIn general, the performance study procedure(s) shall be carried out under conditions reflecting therelevant intended conditions of use.The co-ordinator shall take the responsibility for the proper conduct of the performance evaluationstudy at all sites. All investigators shall be named.The co-ordinator shall ensure adequate competence and skill at all sites involved and that thenecessary resources are available.Where lay persons are involved in a performance evaluation study of an IVD MD for self-testing, thelocation of the study and the number of persons shall be given. The co-ordinator shall specify thecriteria for the selection of a representative panel.Especially for studies involving lay persons it shall be ensured that these persons do not receiveadditional information on the use of the IVD MD apart from that which is provided with the IVD MDwhen it is placed on the market because the comprehension of the manufacturer's instructions for useis one of the important aspects of the study. lt shall also be ensured that the untrained person(s) donot receive any additional information or help, e. g. from a tutor, other than the training specified andprovided by the manufacturer in the instructions for use.4.4 Basic design informationThe co-ordinator shall provide the investigator(s) with sufficient information in order to understand thefunction and application of the IVD MD and, where necessary, the investigator shall make himselffamiliar with the IVD MD and its application. The information provided shall include a statement thatthe device in question conforms with the requirements of the Directive 98/79/EC apart from those to beevaluated.4.5 Experimental designThe experimental procedures to validate each performance claim subject to the performanceevaluation study shall be documented in the evaluation plan.Special consideration in performance evaluation studies ofreagents/kits shall be given, whereapplicable, to the following:– specification of type (e.g. serum, plasma, urine) and properties (e.g. concentration range, ageand sex of the proband population) of specimens appropriate to the intended use;– probands to be enrolled;– suitability, stability and volume of specimens and specimen exclusion criteria;–blind procedures, where necessary;– reagent stability;– inclusion of common interfering factors, caused by specimen condition or thepathological/physiological status of the specimen donor or treatment; – conditions for use which can be reasonably anticipated; special attention shall be paid to theconditions of use by lay persons;– selection of an appropriate reference measurement procedure and reference material ofhigher order, where available;– determination of the status of specimens (for qualitative tests with a nominal or ordinal scale);– calibration procedures, including traceability, where appropriate;– appropriate means of control;– limitations of the test;– criteria for re-examination and data exclusion;– availability of additional information concerning the specimen or donor if follow-up ofunexpected results is required;– appropriate measures to reduce risk of infection to the user.Where the study is intended to validate the performance claims of an instrument special considerationshall be given additionally to the following:– maintenance and cleaning;– carry-over effects;– software validation.NOTE For the investigation of the technical aspects of instruments, other standards can be relevant.4.6 Performance study recordsThe performance study records shall– refer to the experimental procedures in the evaluation plan;– be unequivocally identifiable;– contain or refer to all results and related relevant data;– be part of the technical documentation of the IVD MD.The protection of all confidential data shall be ensured.4.7 Observations and unexpected outcomesSpecial attention shall be paid to observations and unexpected outcomes, e. g. drop outs, outliers,instability of sample or reagent signal etc., non-reproducibility, non-correlation of results to thereference or to the diagnostic pattern, defects or breakdowns, software errors, or error signals.Any deviation from the defined procedures shall be recorded. In the case of IVD MDs for self-testing,the investigator or tutor shall duly note any difficulty or question a user may have and any deviationfrom the mode of application of the IVD MD as described by the manufacturer.Any such observation shall be properly recorded. The co-ordinator shall, together with the investigator,trace the cause whenever possible. The result shall be recorded and shall be part of the evaluationreport.Where the validity of the examinations already performed may be questionable because of anidentified source of error the tests shall be repeated after exclusion of that cause.Where a misuse or misinterpretation of the instructions for use has been the cause and where anunexpected risk inherent to the product design or the mode of application has been identified this shallbe clearly stated.The proposals of the investigator(s) and the co-ordinator for any improvement of the IVD MD and/or itsapplication shall be recorded.4.8 Evaluation reportThe co-ordinator shall establish an evaluation report. It shall contain a description of the study, ananalysis of the results together with a conclusion on the performance claims investigated.The report shall also discuss any unexpected outcomes which have occurred. It shall identify thecause whenever possible and give recommendations for corrective actions to be taken, wherenecessary.If several studies have been conducted for one IVD MD, a single summarizing report may beestablished.5 Modifications during the performance evaluation studyWhere the manufacturing process has been changed it shall be checked whether the performanceclaims of the IVD MD still conform to those which had been set initially. Otherwise the validity of theexaminations already performed shall be questioned and the evaluation plan shall be revisedaccordingly.Where design changes are introduced, the evaluation plan shall be revised.6 Re-evaluationIn case of changes to the design or manufacturing process of the IVD MD, the performance evaluationstudy shall be repeated as far as necessary, to ensure that the intended use and the performanceclaims of the IVD MD placed on the market are adequately evaluated. This re-evaluation may refer to documented results of a preceding evaluation insofar as these are considered valid and transferable after critical review.7 Protection and safety of probandsThe removal, collection and use of tissues, cells and substances of human origin is governed, inrelation to ethics, by the principles laid down in the Convention of the Council of Europe for theprotection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology andmedicine and by any national regulations on this matter.In any case, the results obtained from a specimen by means of the IVD MD under evaluation shall notbe used for other purposes than for performance evaluation, unless ethical reasons, fully supported bya responsible medical professional, suggest the contrary. In such a case the medical professionalassumes complete responsibility.3 性能评估的一般要求3.1 责任和谋略生产商负责性能评估研究的开始和/或引导。
【总页数】1页(P94-94)【关键词】因子;因数;乘积;乘数【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O156.1【相关文献】1.Anisotropies of the g-factor tensor and diamagnetic coefficient incrystal-phase quantum dots in InP nanowires [J], Shiyao Wu;KaiPeng;Sergio Battiato;Valentina Zannier;Andrea Bertoni;Guido Goldoni;Xin Xie;Jingnan Yang;Shan Xiao;Chenjiang Qian;Feilong Song;SibaiSun;Jianchen Dang;Yang Yu;Fabio Beltram;Lucia Sorba;Ang Li;Bei-beiLi;Francesco Rossella;Xiulai Xu2.The influences of environmental factors on the air-sea coupling coefficient [J], Yanmin Zhang;Yifan Wang;Yunhua Wang;YiningBai;Chaofang Zhao3.Evaluation of vertical impact factor coefficients for continuous and integral railway bridges under high-speed moving loads [J], AnandM.Gharad;Ranjan S.Sonparote4.系数(coefficients)、因数或因子(factors) [J],5.Experimental Study on Influencing Factors of Resistance Coefficient and Residual Resistance Coefficient in Oilfield Z [J], Xinran Wang;Lizhen Ge;Dong Liu;Qin Zhu;Bin Zheng因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Two gray gas components were found adequate in [4, 6] whereas three components were employed in [3, 5-7]. A second order polynomial and six gray gas components were utilized for carbon dioxide in [8]. Four gray gases were employed in [9] for water vapor. Incorporation of four or more gray gases in the zone method may result in significant computational effort. Since the temperature and partial pressure-path length product ranges varied over which the coefficients are applicable, it is not meaningful to compare the magnitudes of the absorption and polynomial coefficients, the order of polynomials, as well as the number of gray gas components and emissivities. There exists, therefore, a lack of well-defined and representative coefficients for employment in the weighted sum of gray gases model. This deficiency is partially attributed to the absence of representative total emissivity and absorptivity values. The objective of this investigation is to develop a set of absorption and polynomial coefficients for the weighted sum of gray gases model. Emphasis is placed on acquiring coefficients for carbon dioxide and water vapor, as well as mixtures of these gases for a wide range of partial pressurepath length products and temperatures. This investigation also examines the number of gray gas components and polynomial orders required to represent the total emissivity and absorptivity values, taking into account the intended application of evaluation of radiant exchange. In order to develop these coefficients, total emissivities and absorptivity values must be available. Radiative gas property models capable of yielding total emissivity and absorptivity values are examined first. From this discussion, a model is selected to provide the total properties. Following this, the weighted sum of gray gases model and procedure for computing the coefficients are briefly described. This discussion is then succeeded by that for the results of this investigation. Radiative Gas Property Models Radiative gas property models which yield total emissivities and absorptivities may be conveniently classified into four general categories associated with narrow-band models [10], exponential wide-band models [11, 12], weighted sum of gray gases models [3-9], and charts and correlations [1, 2, 10, 11, 13-17]. It should be noted that some methods may rely on results of other models. Comparisons of total emissivities and absorptivities evaluated from the various models are available in [8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18]. A total emissivity chart prepared by
T. F. Smห้องสมุดไป่ตู้th
Professor. Mem.ASME
Evaluation of Coefficients for the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases Model .
The weighted sum of gray gases model postulates that total emissivity and absorptivity may be represented by the sum of a gray gas emissivity weighted with a temperature dependent factor. The gray gas emissivity is expressed in terms of a temperature-independent absorption coefficient, absorbing gas partial pressure, and path length. The weighting factors are given by polynomials in gas temperature with associated polynomial coefficients. For absorptivity, a second polynomial for the irradiation temperature is introduced. A regression scheme is employed to fit the model to total emissivity and absorptivity values obtained from the exponential wide-band model. Absorption and polynomial coefficients are reported for carbon dioxide, water vapor, and mixtures of these gases. The model with these coefficients more accurately represents the total properties over a wider range of temperatures and partial pressure-path length products than previously available coefficients.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division and presented at the 20th ASME/AIChE National Heat Transfer Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 2-5, 1981. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division, October 1,1981. Paper No. 81-HT-55.
Z. F. Shen
Research Assistant.
J. N. Friedman
Research Assistant. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Introduction Evaluation of radiant exchange within a gas as well as between a gas and surrounding surfaces may be accomplished by the zone method [1]. The zone method is attractive since the computational effort associated with the spectral and spatial integrations common to radiant exchange analyses is minimized by introduction of the weighted sum of gray gases model for the radiative properties of total emissivity and absorptivity. This model represents these properties by a summation of a number of terms, each given by the multiplication of a weighting factor and a gray emissivity. The weighting factors are expressed in terms of polynomials in temperature with associated coefficients. Gray gas emissivities are expressed in terms of a temperature independent gray gas absorption coefficient and the product of the partial pressure of the absorbing gas and path length. Total emissivity and absorptivity may then be evaluated once absorption and polynomial coefficients are available. In several energy systems, radiant exchange in gases resulting from combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel is to be evaluated. The systems generally exist at a total pressure of one atmosphere and exhibit temperatures ranging from about 600 to 2400 K. The gases contain carbon dioxide and water vapor where the radiant participation by these gases depends on several parameters of which gas and irradiation temperatures, total and absorbing gas partial pressures, and path lengths are the most important. Partial pressures of carbon dioxide and water vapor are near 0.1 atm for stoichiometric combustion of oil and 0.1 and 0.2 atm, respectively, for stoichiometric combustion of methane [2]. The path length range is approximately 0.1 to 10 m as characteristic of combustion chambers and boilers. The partial pressure-path length products, therefore, acquires values from 0.01 to 10 atm-m. Values for absorption and polynomial coefficients must be available for these cited parameteric ranges as well as for carbon dioxide, water vapor, and mixtures of these gases. Absorption and polynomial coefficients are available from several sources [3-9]. Coefficients reported in [3-7] are applicable for Pw/Pc = 1. In addition, coefficients were also presented in [4-6] for Pw/Pc = 2. For these coefficients, Pc = 0.1 atm and P r = 1 atm. Linear and third-order polynomials were utilized in [4-6] and [3, 7], respectively.