


壳体பைடு நூலகம்油



商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明固定电阻 85332900 - 002 固定的,额定功率>20W晶⽚电阻 85332900 - 003 固定的,额定功率>20W电阻 85333100 - 001 绕线可变的,额定功率≤20W电阻器 85333100 - 002 绕线可变的,额定功率≤20W可变电阻 85333100 - 003 绕线的,额定功率≤20W可变电阻器 85333100 - 004 绕线的,额定功率≤20W可调电阻 85333100 - 005 绕线可变的,额定功率≤20W 碳模可变电阻器 85333100 - 006 绕线的,额定功率≤20W 微调电阻 85333100 - 007 绕线可变的,额定功率≤20W 电位器 85333900 - 001 绕线可变的,额定功率>20W电阻 85333900 - 002 绕线可变的,额定功率>20W可变电阻 85333900 - 003 绕线的,额定功率>20W半可变电阻 85334000 - 001 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器变阻器 85334000 - 002 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器电位器 85334000 - 003 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器电阻 85334000 - 004 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器电阻器 85334000 - 005 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器电阻碳棒 85334000 - 006 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器功率热敏电阻 85334000 - 007 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器光敏电阻 85334000 - 008 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器晶⽚电阻 85334000 - 009 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器聚焦电位器 85334000 - 010 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器开关电位器 85334000 - 011 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器可变电阻 85334000 - 012 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器可变电阻器 85334000 - 013 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器可调电阻 85334000 - 014 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器⽔泥电阻 85334000 - 015 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器碳膜电阻 85334000 - 016 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器微调电阻 85334000 - 017 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器修整电位器 85334000 - 018 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器修正电位器 85334000 - 019 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器旋转型可变电阻 85334000 - 020 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器压敏电阻 85334000 - 021 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器⾳量电位器 85334000 - 022 ⾮绕线式,可变电阻器变阻⽚ 85339000 - 001 电阻、电位器的零件电阻基体 85339000 - 002 电阻、电位器的零件电阻芯⽚ 85339000 - 003 电阻、电位器的零件电阻芯⼦ 85339000 - 004 电阻、电位器的零件⾦属座 85339000 - 005 电阻、电位器的零件碳膜⽚ 85339000 - 006 电阻、电位器的零件外壳 85339000 - 007 电位器零件PCB板 85340010 - 001 四层以上印刷电路PCB*板 85340010 - 002 四层以上印刷电路电路板 85340010 - 003 四层以上印刷电路多层线路板 85340010 - 004 四层以上印刷电路六层线路板半成品 85340010 - 005 -四层以上的印刷电路 85340010 - 006 -线路板 85340010 - 007 四层以上印刷电路印刷板 85340010 - 008 四层以上印刷电路印刷电路 85340010 - 009 四层以上印刷电路印刷线路 85340010 - 010 四层以上印刷电路印刷线路板 85340010 - 011 四层以上印刷电路电极板 85340090 - 001 四层及以下的印刷电路电路板 85340090 - 002 四层及以下的印刷电路电路底板 85340090 - 003 四层及以下的印刷电路电⼦线路板 85340090 - 004 四层及以下的印刷电路多层线路板 85340090 - 005 四层及以下的印刷电路控制线路板 85340090 - 006 四层及以下的印刷电路双层线路板 85340090 - 007 -四层线路板 85340090 - 008 -玩具电路板 85340090 - 009 四层及以下的印刷电路玩具线路板 85340090 - 010 四层及以下的印刷电路线路板 85340090 - 011 四层及以下的印刷电路印刷板 85340090 - 012 四层及以下的印刷电路印刷电路 85340090 - 013 四层及以下的印刷电路印刷电路板 85340090 - 014 四层及以下的印刷电路保险管 85351000 - 001 ⽤于电压>1000V⾃动断路器 85352100 - 001 1000V六氟化硫断路器 85352900 10 001 含组合电器⾃动断路器 85352900 90 001 ⽤于电压≥72.5KV断续开关 85353000 - 001 ⽤于电压>1000V隔离开关 85353000 - 002 ⽤于电压>1000V避雷器 85354000 - 001 ⽤于电压>1000V避雷针 85354000 - 002 ⽤于电压>1000V插头 85359000 - 001 ⽤于电压>1000V过压保护器 85359000 - 002 ⽤于电压>1000V接线盒 85359000 - 003 ⽤于电压>1000V开关 85359000 - 004 ⽤于电压>1000V空⽓开关 85359000 - 005 ⽤于电压>1000V连接器 85359000 - 006 ⽤于电压>1000V保险胆 85361000 - 001 ⽤于电压≤1000V保险管 85361000 - 002 ⽤于电压≤1000V保险盒 85361000 - 003 ⽤于电压≤1000V。


另外,宽裕的输入电压范围400V ± 20% (高达–35% @70%额定负载),和输入频率范围50 / 60Hz ± 10%,可使UPS在恶劣的电网中,正常工作。
IP 20 (符合IEC60529)

进口 国产 型号对照表

进口 国产 型号对照表

序号进口件型号零件名称国产型号1 828904-1 防水栓 MFD006-42 1-1393449-1 保险 1393449-13 140760-4 端子 DJ622-D6.3C4 144431-1 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A-15 144998-5 护套 DJ7041K-3.5-216 160759-3 端子 DJ624-D6.3A7 160762-1 端子 DJ611-2.8*0.5A~B8 160824-6 端子 DJ621-A6.3C9 160869-5 端子 DJ612-6.3A10 160870-3 端子 DJ621-A6.3A11 170032-2 端子 DJ626-D6.0B12 170032-5 端子 DJ626-6.3C13 170233-1 端子 DJ624-D6.3B14 170340-1 端子 DJ6118-6.0B15 170341-1 端子 DJ6118-6.0B16 170341-3 端子 DJ6118-6.0B17 170349-1 端子 DJ6118-6.0A18 170384-1 端子 DJ626-6.0A19 170384-2 端子 DJ626-6.0A20 170452-1 端子 DJ6210-6.3A21 170454-1 端子 DJ6210-6.3B22 170454-2 端子 DJ6210-6.3A23 171630-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8A24 171631-1 端子 DJ614-G1.8A25 171661-1 端子 DJ613-2×0.6A26 171662-1 端子 DJ623-2*0.6A27 171809-1 护套 DJ7015-6.3-2128 172131-1 护套 DJ7034-6-1129 172134-1 护套 DJ7042-6-2130 173630-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8S31 173631-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8A32 173633-1 端子 DJ614-G1.8A33 173645-1 端子 DJ614-G1.8A34 173716-1 端子 DJ6210-1.2A35 174195-1 护套 DJ7012-6-1136 174198-1 护套 DJ7022-6.3-2137 174202-1 护套 DJ7042-6-2138 174204-1 护套 DJ7068-6.3-2139 174259-2 护套 DJ7046-2-1140 174353-7 保险 DJ7026-2-21锁件41 174357-2 护套 DJ7026-2-2142 174465-1 护套 DJ7101-1.8-2143 175090-1 端子 DJ622-4.8*0.8B45 179631-1 护套 DJ7163-1.8-2146 180464-1 端子 DJ627-D6.3B47 180984-5 护套 DJ7019-6.3-2148 282080-1 护套 DJ7021-1.5-2149 282087-1 护套 DJ7031-1.5-2150 282088-1 护套 DJ7041-1.5-2151 282089-1 护套 DJ7051-1.5-2152 282103-1 护套 DJ7011-1.5-1153 282106-1 护套 DJ7041-1.5-1154 282107-1 护套 DJ7051-1.5-1155 282109-1 端子 DJ611-1.5*0.8A56 282110-1 端子 DJ624-1.8A57 282189-1 护套 DJ7023-3.5-2158 282191-2 护套 DJ7033-3.5-2159 282192-1 护套 DJ7043-3.5-2160 282403-1 端子 DJ624-1.8S61 282404-1 端子 DJ611-1.5*0.8A62 282438-1 端子 DJ624C-1.8A63 2-964302-1 端子 LC968H.1.1-4LC968H.1.1-3 护套 LC968H.1.1-364 345208-1 端子 DJ624-G1.8A65 348793-3 护套 DJ7023-1.8-2166 348794-3 护套 DJ7022-1.8-1167 353376-3 端子 DJ221-2S68 353377-7 护套 DJ3021-2-2169 353378-7 护盖 DJ3021-2-21-170 368047-1 护套 DJ7166-2-2171 368049-1 保险 DJ7166-2-2072 368290-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-173 368293-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-374 368294-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-575 368297-1 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-676 368333-1 上盖 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-2177 368501-1 护套 DJ7042-1.8-2178 368510-1 护套 DJ7201-1.8-1179 368511-1 护套 DJ7201-1.8-2180 368546-1 护套 DJ7062-1.8-2181 776001-1 端子 DJ624B-1.8B82 828840-1 护套 DJ7033-6.3-2183 936201-1 护套 DJ7163-2.2-2184 936211-1 护套 DJ7163-2.2-1185 962835-1 端子 DJ621-E9.5*1.2C86 962875-2 端子 DJ623-E1.5A88 962881-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A89 962882-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A90 962883-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A91 962884-2 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A92 962885-1 端子 DJ613-2.8*0.8A93 963293-1 防水栓 MFD005-494 963530-1 防水栓 MFD001-895 963887-2 黄端子 DJ628A-6.3B96 964273-2 端子 DJ623B-E3.5B97 964284-2 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A-198 964286-2 端子 DJ623-E3.5A/S99 964328-1 端子 DJ6218-E6.3C100 969042-1 端子 DJ6218-E6.3B101 N0174612 端子 DJ612-6.3B102 N904890大众号端子 DJ615-4.8*0.8B103 N907327大众号端子 DJ629-6.3*0.8A/B104 IJO919321大众号护套 DJ7032-4.8-21105 357919321大众号护套 DJ7032-4.8-11106 1-967644-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-1-21107 610 360 护套 DJ7161-1-21108 610 360锁件护套 DJ7161-1-20109 4-1437287-5(安普号) 护套 DJ3241-1-21110 174 047-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7201-1-21111 329959718 护套 DJ7022-1.2-21112 1205 2634(德尔福) 护套 DJ7023-1.2-20113 1205 2644(德尔福) 护套 DJ7023-1.2-21114 1216 2188(德尔福) 护套 DJ7024-1.2-21115 1216 2193(德尔福) 护套 DJ7025-1.2-21116 1205 2485(德尔福) 护套 DJ7032-1.2-20117 1211 0293(德尔福) 护套 DJ7032-1.2-21118 PCD0006 护套 DJ7033-1.2-21119 PCD0015 护套 DJ7033-1.2-21120 1207 8090(德尔福) 护套 DJ7035-1.2-21121 174966-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7041-1.2-21122 1216 2144(德尔福) 护套 DJ7042-1.2-21123 1216 2834(德尔福) 护套 DJ7044-1.2-21124 PCD0010 护套 DJ7046-1.2-21125 PCD0004.2 护套 DJ7046-1.2-21126 156544 护套 DJ7151-1.2-21127 156544 锁件 DJ7151-1.2-21 128 179054-6(安普号) 锁件 DJ7161-1.2-20129 179054-6(安普号) 护套 DJ7161-1.2-21130****0250(德尔福) 护套 DJ7161F-1.6-21132 282103-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7011-1.5-11 133 282080-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-1.5-21 134 282104-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-1.5-11 135 282087-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7031-1.5-21 136 282105-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7031-1.5-11 137 282088-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7041-1.5-21 138 282106-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7041-1.5-11 139 444515-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7045-1.5-21 140 282089-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7051-1.5-21 141 282107-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7051-1.5-11 142 282090-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7061-1.5-21 143 282108-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7061-1.5-11 144 15326423(德尔福) 护套 DJ7042-1.5-11 145****0826(德尔福) 护套 DJ7042-1.5-15 146 348794-3(安普号) 护套 DJ7022-1.8-11 147 174922-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7042-1.8-21 148 444046-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7044-1.8-21 149 7123-8365(矢崎号)护套 DJ7062-1.8-21 150 7157-4588-10(矢崎号)护套 DJ7101-1.8-20 151 7183-4000(矢崎号)护套 DJ7101-1.8-21 152 179631-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-1.8-21 153****0888护套 DJ7181-1.8-21 154 174 936-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7201-1.8-11 155 174 952-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7201-1.8-21 156 MG60396(吉士号) 护套 DJ7043-1.8-21 157 348793-3(安普号) 护套 DJ7023-1.8-21 158 MG640322(吉士号) 护套 DJ7021-1.8-11 159 MG640320(吉士号) 护套 DJ7021-1.8-21 160 MG630326-7(吉士号) 护套 DJ7021-1.8-10/20 161 MG640337(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-1.8-11 162 MG610335(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-1.8-21 163 MG630338-7(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-1.8-10/20 164 174352-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-21165 174353-7(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-20166 174354-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-11167 174355-7(安普号) 护套 DJ7026-2-10168 6180-1181(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-2-21169 368049-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7166-2-20170 368047-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7166-2-21171 6180-1181(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-2-21172****1520(矢崎号)护套 DJY7021-2-21173 6242-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJY7021-2-11174 6242-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJY7011-2-11176 353378-2(安普号) 护套 DJ3021-2-21-1177 174655-2(安普号) 护套 DJ7106-2-21178 11848 锁件 DJ7023-2.2-20179 11148 护套 DJ7023-2.2-21180 11074 锁件 DJ7024-2.2-10181 11074 护套 DJ7024-2.2-11182 11074 卡套护套 DJ7024-2.2-11-1 183 11074 密封圈护套 DJ7024-2.2-12 184 7283-7029(矢崎号)锁件 DJ7024-2.2-20185 7283-7029(矢崎号)护套 DJ7024-2.2-21186 82821-47020(矢崎号)护套 DJ7026-2.2-20187 7283-1096-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7026-2.2-21 188 6189-0443(矢崎号)护套 DJ7031-2.2-21189 6189-0443(矢崎号)锁件 DJ7031-2.2-20190 6189-0443(矢崎号)密封圈 DJ7031-2.2-22 191 11841 护套 DJ7044-2.2-21192 936269-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7063-2.2-20193 936268-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7063-2.2-21194 11780 护套 DJ7064-2.2-21195 10801 护套 DJ7104-2.2-21196 936203-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-10/20 197 936211-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-11198 936201-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-21199 936211-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7163-2.2-11装配体200 62343-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJ7011-2.3-11201 6243-1011(矢崎号)护套 DJY7011-2.3-11 202 6188-0375(矢崎号)护套 DJY7121-2.3-11 203 6181-2594(矢崎号)护套 DJY7121-2.3-21204 6185-0510(矢崎号)护套 DJY7161-2.3-21 205 6188-0353(矢崎号)护套 DJY7161-2.3-11 206 61890763(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-2.3-21207 69181659(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-2.3-20208 61890154(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-2.3-21209 69180358(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-2.3-20210 6189-0552(矢崎号)护套 DJ7024-2.3-21211 69181260(矢崎号)护套 DJ7024-2.3-20212 MG620153(吉士号KET) 护套 DJ7061-2.3-11213 MG610152(吉士号) 护套 DJ7061-2.3-21214 MG620053(吉士号) 护套 DJ7081-2.3-11215 MG610054(吉士号) 护套 DJ7081-2.3-21216 MG620055(吉士号) 护套 DJ7101-2.3-11217 MG610056(吉士号) 护套 DJ7101-2.3-21218 15326614(德尔福) 护套 DJ7033-2.8-21219 1532 6905(德尔福) 护套 DJ7063-2.8-21锁件220 7.865.362北京格瑞特护套 DJ7081A-2.8-21 221 8.078.121北京格瑞特护套 DJ7081A-2.8-21 222 610207-5(安普号) 护套 DJ7021-3-21223 7123-1933-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-3-21 224 7157-6830-20(矢崎号)护套 DJ7032-3-20 225 15318080(德尔福) 护套 DJ7022-3-21226 12147502(德尔福) 护套 DJ7022-3-20227 4F0440-0000 护套 DJ7044-3-21228 321665507(武汉友德)护套 DJ7112-3-21229 321665515(武汉友德)护套 DJ7092-3-21230 321665556(武汉友德)护套 DJ7052-3-21231 282189-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7023-3.5-21 232 037906240G 护套 DJ7022-3.5-21 233 357972752 护套 DJ7024-3.5-21 234 357972762 护套 DJ7024-3.5-11 235 443906233 护套 DJ7031-3.5-21 236 282246-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7031A-3.5-21 237 282191-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7033-3.5-21 238 144998-5(安普号) 护套 DJ7041K-3.5-21 239 282192-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7043-3.5-21 240 282092-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7551-3.5-21 241 963534-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7553-3.5-21 242 1.928.403,736(BOSCH-4) 护套 DJ7042-3.5-21 243 7282-7041-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7041-4.8-11 244 10990(矢崎号)护套 DJ7041-4.8-21 245 321751042(武汉友德)护套 DJ7032-5.5-21 246 321750960(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022-5.5-21 247 7.865.176(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7011-5.5-21 248 MG610 263(吉士号) 护套 DJ7023-6-21249 7122-2810(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-6-11250 7123-2810(矢崎号)护套 DJ7012-6-21251 7122-2820(矢崎号)护套 DJ7022-6-11252 7122-2830(矢崎号)护套 DJ7034-6-11253 7123-2830(矢崎号)护套 DJ7031-6-21254 7123-2840(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-6-21255 7122-2840(矢崎号)护套 DJ7042-6-11256 7123-2860(矢崎号)护套 DJ7062-6-21257 1JO 906 233(大众号)护套 DJ7033-6.3-21258 MG640 188-4(吉士号) 护套 DJ7025-6.3-21259 MG630 537-7(吉士号) 护套 DJ7025-6.3-20260 10214 护套 DJ70225-6.3-21 261 MG610 043(吉士号) 护套 DJ70226-6.3-21 262 443 972 995 护套 DJ7052-6.3-21263 8250-6P 护套 DJ7067-6.3-21264 7123-9028(矢崎号)护套 DJM7021-6.3-21265 1JO 971.971(大众号)护套 IJO 971.971266 171 959 999 护套 171 959 999267 7.865.270(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7041-6.5-21268 8.078.118(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7041-6.5-25269 7.865.166(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7061-6.5-21270 8.078.103(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7061-6.5-25271 10838 护套 DJ7021-8-11272 10839 护套 DJ7021-8-21273 321683518灰(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022A-8-11274 321683500黑(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022C-8-11275 321683526棕(武汉友德)护套 DJ7022B-8-11276 7122-4129-90(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-11277 7157-6420-80(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-10278 7123-4123-30(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-21279 7157-6421-80(矢崎号)护套 DJ7021-9.5-20280 94509-5610(矢崎号)护套 DJY7061-1281 7225-2483-90(矢崎号)护套 DJY7132-1282 7225-2482(矢崎号)护套 DJY7161-1283 7123-1550-90(矢崎号)护套 DJ7181-2/6-21284 7123-1421(矢崎号)护套 DJ7221-2/6-21285 4G0880-0000 护套 DJ7081-2.3/6-11286 4F0860-0000 护套 DJ7081-2.3/6-21287 368290-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-1 288 368333-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-3 289 368293-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-4 290 368294-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-5 291 368297-1(安普号) 护套 DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-6 292 6098-1998(矢崎号)护套 DJ7171-1.2/2.2-21 293 6098-1164(矢崎号)护套 DJ7181-1.2/2.2-21 294 7.865.193(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7141-1.8/2.8-21 295 8.078.117(北京格瑞特)护套 DJ7141-1.8/2.8-20 296 C82711-87726 护套 82711-87726297 3724285J11 护套 SXK-H2-7298 C82711-87729 护套 82711-87730299 3724400J81 护套弹簧卡头300 C2711-87728 护套 82711-87725301 3724273J11 护套 SXK-H1-7302 C82711-87725 护套 82711-87728303 C82711-87723 护套 82711-87723304 C82711-87724 护套 82711-87724305 C82711-87730 护套 82711-87729306 7147-8749(矢崎号)护套 JZ-XK-05307 255-3510-0010 护套 JZ-XK-06308 455-4455-0080 护套 JZ-XK-07309 DJ7032-6-21(7.865.110) 护套 DJJ7033-6.3-21 310 DJ7051-6-21(7.865.113) 护套 DJJ7054-6.3-21 311 1725003 保险盒三路分电器盒312 SL-3P 护套 DJD031-1313 1393449-1(安普号) 护套 1393449-1314 730 517-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-1A315 173 716-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6210-1.2A316 1210 3881(德尔福) 端子 DJ624-1.2A317 1204 8074(德尔福) 端子 DJ625-1.2A318 1212 9484(德尔福) 端子 DJ626-1.2A319 8100-0544(矢崎) 端子 DJ629-1.2T320 7116-4231-02(矢崎) 端子 DJ629-D1.2T321 1212 4075(德尔福) 端子 DJ627-1.2A322 962 876-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-E1.5A323 282 109-1(安普号) 端子 DJ611-1.5×0.8A324 7116-1305(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F1.5B325 173 645-1(安普号) 端子 DJ614-G1.8A326 7116-1486-02(矢崎) 端子 DJ622-1.8A327 282 466-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624C-1.8B328 776 001-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624B-1.8B329 173 631-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624-G1.8A330 ST730495-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-1.8A331 ST740484-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ611-1.8A332 171 662-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-2×0.6A333 171 661-1(安普号) 端子 DJ613-2×0.6A334 730 365-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-G2×0.6S335 730 366-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-G2×0.6A336 1500-0110(德尔福) 端子 DJ621A-G2×0.6A337 7116-4027(矢崎) 端子 DJ621A-F2.2×0.6C338 1500 0105(德尔福) 端子 DJ612-2.2×0.6A339 8230-4408(矢崎) 端子 DJ612-2.2×0.6C340 7114-4021(矢崎) 端子 DJ611-F2.2×0.6A341 7116-4020(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F2.2×0.6S342 7116-4021(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F2.2×0.6A343 7116-4022(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-F2.2×0.6B344 ST730 676-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ622-F2.2×0.6A 345 7114-4025(矢崎) 端子 DJ611A-2.2×0.6A346 7114-4026(矢崎) 端子 DJ611A-2.2×0.6B347 7116-4025(矢崎) 端子 DJ621A-F2.2×0.6A348 8100-3808(矢崎) 端子 DJ622A-2.2×0.6A349 740 367-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ611-2.3×0.6S350 8230-4282(矢崎) 端子 DJ611-2.3×0.6B351 8240-4862(矢崎) 端子 DJ625A-2.3S352 1530-4722(德尔福) 端子 DJ612-2.8×0.8A353 1530-4720(德尔福) 端子 DJ612-2.8×0.8B354 1530-4724(德尔福) 端子 DJ623-2.8×0.8A355 N904 886.02 端子 DJ613-2.8×0.8A356 8240-4050(矢崎) 端子 DJ623-E2.8×0.5B 357 N904 886.02(大众号)端子 DJ616-2.8×0.8A 358 962841-1(安普号) 端子 LC968H.1.1-4359 142754-1(安普号) 端子 DJ614-2.8*0.8A360 740 187-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ611-3×0.6B361 730 383-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-F3×0.6A362 730 186-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-F3×0.6B363 925590-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6232-E3A364 144 431-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A-1365 144 432-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623B-E3.5B-1366 928 781-1(安普号) 端子 DJ611-3.5A367 185 026-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-E3.5A/S368 185 027-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623-E3.5B/S369 2-964 286-1(安普号) 端子 DJ623B-E3.5A/S 370 ST730 646-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ624-4.8×0.8C 371 7116-4036(矢崎) 端子 DJ624-4.8×0.8B 372 ST740 633-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ613-4.8×0.8C 373 1500-0177(德尔福) 端子 DJ622-4.8×0.8A 374 54-0160430-7(安普号) 端子 DJ622-D4.8B 375 7114-2631(矢崎) 端子 DJ6118-6.0B 376 7114-2630(矢崎) 端子 DJ6118-6.0A 377 7116-2640(矢崎) 端子 DJ626-6.0A378 7116-2641(矢崎) 端子 DJ626-6.0B379 7116-2642(矢崎) 端子 DJ626-6.0C380 170 032-1(安普号) 端子 DJ626-D6B381 N 017 852.04(大众号)端子 DJ624-D6.3B 382 154 717-1(安普号) 端子 DJ624-D6.3C 383 NO17 851 3(大众号) 端子 DJ624- D6.3A 384 N907 326.01(大众号)端子 DJ6218-E6.3A 385 N907 327.01(大众号)端子 DJ6218-E6.3B 386 N907 966.01(大众号)端子 DJ6218-E6.3C 387 NO17 491 9(大众号)端子 DJ628-6.3B388 170 454-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6210-6.3B389 171 632-1(安普号) 端子 DJ6211-6.3B390 ST730 468-1(吉士号) 端子 DJ6212-6.3A391 ST730 469-1(吉士号) 端子 DJ6212-6.3B392 ST730 411-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-C6.3A393 730 188-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ621-F6.3A394 170 032-5(安普号) 端子 DJ626-6.3395 927 847-2(安普号) 端子 DJ6232-E6.3A396 0-0928962-3(安普号) 端子 DJ612-6.3B397 MT025-23200 端子 O124601398 MT025-23300 端子 O124602399 S7730267-3 端子 O124603400 160 861-1(安普号) 端子 DJ627-D6.3A401 963887-2(安普号) 端子 DJ628A-6.3B402 2-0180464-1(安普号) 端子 DJ627-D6.3B403 8100-0452(矢崎) 端子 DJ627-7.8×0.8D404 8100-2980(矢崎) 端子 DJ627-7.8×0.8E405 8100-0507(矢崎) 端子 DJ611F-8×0.8D406 8100-0508(矢崎) 端子 DJ611F-8×0.8E407 17116-3250(矢崎) 端子 DJ621-9.5408 17114-3250(矢崎) 端子 DJ611-9.5409 1540 1440(德尔福) 端子 DJ221-1.8A410 353376-3(安普号) 端子 DJ221-2S411 1437284-9(安普号) 端子 DJ221-1S412 SN860-99280A 端子 DJD035-2413 SN860-99362A 端子 DJD036-2414 42511 端子 QR-P005-TR415 1500 0601(德尔福) 端子 DJY7161-2416 7125-1481(矢崎) 端子 DJY7162-2417 ST710504-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZL6B418 ST710505-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZL6C419 ST710506-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZL6C420 ST710507-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZR6C421 ST710559-3(吉士号) 端子 DJ471A-ZR8C422 1-13-3-062(上海金亭) 端子 1214 6365423 1-13-3-066(上海金亭) 端子 1533 5993424 8100-1236 (矢崎) 端子 24601-6.3A21B425 8240-4242 (矢崎) 端子 24601-6.3A21C426 PP0338401(南通号) 端子 DJJ7042-4.8/6.3-21 427 I2670J1 端子 20061201428 311045 端子 20061202。

120-SAE AMS 4045_L

120-SAE AMS 4045_L

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2.1 铭牌说明 ................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 型号说明 ................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.3 订货代号说明.......................................................................................................................................... 2 3. 士林变频器介绍 ............................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 电气规格 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 3.2 一般规格(变频器特性)................



法国(RADIO-ENERGIE)雷恩编码器常用型号:RKA190-PSDV-1418-PV1650-SD55RCO100M-S2-1612-SW-30-SC010-R2RCM58S-32057-S3009RCI444RS-1024-JBX1-S101RCI120T25X2N1CR10000S20MRCM58-B1A1G-0016-DR23RCM58-SS2-18-00-36-10SC-R4RCI580136S002RCI580136S002-30CRCI90TS01024SJBX3,RCI115TSCT11024S11,RCI115TSCT22048S11RCI90TS-01024-S-T45RCI90TS-1000-S-0081RCI90TS-1000-M-S005RCI90T-HSA4-1024-S005+ RCI90T-HSA4-0050-S007+RCOE01RO1480BR(模块式编码器)RCI90T-HSA4-1024-S005+ RCI90T-HSA4-0050-S007(模块式编码器)RCI444R FS11 4 2048JBX2RCI444R-001024-012-SA010RCI444R-002048-012-SA010RCI444R-1000-S175RCI58B BS15 2 04096 CA02RCI58B HS15 2 01024 23C1(插头式)RE.0110S1CB0.005CARE.0444R1B0.04CA003ALT02C08507042+RE.0444R1CB0.2CA+联轴器125V100TT05-03 100MN23-7170H-CR-22MC/1000/20M/A0009401/10-10AHM916//5SSG//131//B06//S6R1//615EZAMH5_14//P-SS-G-13B12D5-S6R050ASH930 5CP G 13 C7R150ASH9305CPG13C7R100CD50-1500-L005-OP10CD80MEC-204.8-L005-P10CM12H-1024-006 1024HTLCMB1350-01000-M420-AL001-H030CP14L2.1-Φ11/2.1-Φ16PIF1111 5G5MC 100 BRPIF1111 5G5MC BR 01024BRPIF11R11 5G5MC 01024BRPIH12-425G5MC1024CR020PIH5-12/5GTMC/2048/CR020R81H-1024-255170-HR-A3RCH5848R/1024-00112HZRCI.58.GHM5.10.2G2.Z.2500.G3.B.01.1RCI160TS-T50-1024-JBX1-S10C + C350A01RCI160TS-TA8-500-JBX3-TL350-S25CRCI16TS-TK35-1024-JBX3-LH200-S101RCI40C-081KTL-E10RCI40TS-1024-S105RCI444R FS11 4 1024 JBX1RCI444R FS11 4 1200 JBX1RCI444R FS11 4 2048JBX1RCI510-2048S005RCI58B BS15 2 01024 23C1(插头式)RCI58B BS15 2 01024 CA01RCI58B BS15 2 01024 CA02RCI58B BS15 2 02048 CA02RCI58B HS15 2 02048 23C1(插头式)RCI58B-BS15-2-01024-23C1(配母插头加2米电缆)RCI58B-BS15-2-01024-CA0210-30VDC HTLRCI58B-HS12-2-01024 23C1RCI58B-HS12-2-10000 23C1RCI58B-HS12-2-2800 23C1RCI58B-HS14-2-01024-CA01RCI58C-BS05-01024-CR020RCI58C-FS3-F-1024-1RCI58T FS10 S 01024 CA02(电缆式)RCI58T-21105-2048RCI58T-HS12-S-01024-CA02-S002RCI58T-HS14-1-01024-CA02RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA02-S001RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA05-S001RCI58T-HS14-S-01024-CA05-S005RCI58TS-1024-S105-IP67RCI58TS-HS14-C-01024-CA01RCI90B HS20 1 01024 CA02RCI90B HS25 1 1024 CA02RCI90B HS30 1 01024 23C1(插头式)RCI90B HS30 1 01024 CA01RCI90B HS30 1 01024 CA02RCI90B HS42 1 01024 CA02RCI90C-100-00102-RCI90C-1BVD-1024-51-S1RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F1+9416RCI90C-1BVD-1024-F1+9416RCI90C-1EVD-1024-51-S002RCI90-GHW945-1024-S016-BL200RCI90TS-02500-S001RCI90TS-HS16-C-01000-CA02-S001RCI90TS-HS16-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S001RCI90TS-HS20-C-01024-CA01-S002RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-23A0-F150-S007RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S002RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA02-S001RCI90TS-T5HD-1024-E1-S000RCM90SS-TC20-25-S003RCO 058 R 06 2 9 BR 00600 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 01024 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 02048 I1RCO 058 R 06 5 9 BR 04096 I1RCO 058 R 06 8 9 BR 00200 I1RCO E01R O 0825 BRRCO E01R O 1480 BRRCO INT 444 R - Shaft end 11x30 mmRCO-058-R0689 BR-200I1RCOE01 RO950BRRCOE01 RO990BRRHI115-FS01-1024-S023RKL-200-A42-S10RM170H//CR//22MC//1000//30M//A009RMF510-5DP-PGR-6425SRMF510-PROF-001S152-129 EBD00656TYPE-115110080705-1024-GM028-DC24VASF5-10//5CPG//13//C6B//KF001AVS58N-011K1ROGN-0012CMF15-11-5533-1024-BR-A91COM 20337-AMI10H-16//5533//1024//BGR//LH150I5H14-5533-1024-CR2000-AMI5F-10-5533-01024-CR2000-A075PCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDCPCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDC**h5**通轴PCIPE-11M+MPCE553301024BGR1024HTL,UB=10...30VDC**s5**非通轴PCIPE-5880GS + RCOE-S1416BR-2KBDP + RCOS-HO825BR **PIF11R1159BR001024I//RF006PIF510-PG5MC-4096DR//MK016PIF510-PG5MC-4096-DR//MK016PKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-1H200-SD25 DC12-30VPREO-1416-C300105(含GSD软件)RC19B HS30 1 01024 CA03RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCI190-GHW930-2G29-5000-G3R010RCI444R 11 59BR 00 1024 I1RCI444R1159BR00/1024/I1RCI444R1159BR00/500/I1RCI444R-FS11-01024-4-BJX1-T115RCI444r-fS11-1000-4-JBX1RCI444R-FS11-1024-SB103+9401RCI444R-FS11-S-01024-JBX1RCI58B-00460RCI58B-FS10-S-01024-CA01RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI58T-16-02048-S102RCI58TB-T3-1024-S05RCI90 GHW9205 G59 1024 G6 RXXIRCI90C-1BVA-4096-F1+9416RCI90C-T359-1000-BR-S115/BF150RCI90T-HS30-S-01024-CA05-S002RCI90TS-38-01024-S104RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-F150-S104RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCM58C-1BESA-1312-S1+9416RCM90SS-T30-25-S005+接头3米电缆+附件RCM9-12T//BGB//13B16//XTR00-S003RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCS5S-S10-13-SG100+9401RCDW-25KM-HLS25 拉线盒RCOF-42875F-5093RPEO-1418-C900115RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)M5F10-5-P-25-CR2000RONE-50025-4768K(SN:7726805 )RONE-160758DNRONE-70047-2269K(SN:8014109)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704715)RCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD** 9445/018-D20RCOF-D1416-TS20057RCI090-C01-NH-D00-1024-003RCON-TS105-SS10200RCOF-D0016-TT10024RCON-DEKX3-S819115RCOF-42875F-5093( SN:704704 )RCOE-4K6B-200216RCI58TS-HS14-00020-CA01-S103RCI90TS-T30-1024-S003RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F150RCI90TS-T30-1024-S003RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S102RCI100TP-S36T-1024-CR20-F0150RCI90T-11045-415-APRCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 *** RKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-LH200-SD25RCI58T-00130/1024RCI58T-HS14-01024-CA01-S106RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI58B-00125/1024RCM9SP-TA5-325-S138RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-23C1-S101RCI100TS-200451DRCI58B-FS10-S-01024-CA01FRABA—项目型号OCD58-33058UCD58-303600DOCD58-300610BRCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2M9F12P-1313-DR-S101COI-60157-1KBH-S101RCI90TS-HS30-C-01000-CA02-S002RCOE-4K6B-200216(增量)RCDW-25KM-HLS25(拉绳)RCOF-42875F-5093(增量)RPEO-1418-C900115(绝对)RCI58EEX-1024-S12103RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI58TS-H10-S037RCI125-1024HT007-T150AC1501-2C10-5PG-0013-26AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8AC1500-T12-5SG-1212-26AC1500-B15-5F-1213-8RCI90C-1BVD-1024-51-S1**soRCI58TS-HS14-C-01024-CA01MRE-32SP061FKBRCI158B-D0460配套弹片RCI158B-D0460HTL-2048-M60-S0013RCI115-1024-M2303RCI58B-HS12-SS2083RCM90SP-T30-SS12GCCI58-20674-SS103RCOF-6K4B-DV0418RCOF-1313-CS9182RCOE-1215V-PD6530I5H-1024-DRRCI160-T20-NH-BR-10204-TX150RCM58-2C10-5F-1213-8RCM58-B10-5SG-0812-28RCI160-T35-NH-BR-10204-TX200RCM58SP-PROF-001RCON-1416-PV3004 (SN:505423)SLJ-11/11RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI58TS-T4-01024-CA05-S002RDON-T0025-TS20031AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8-S1RCS9SP-HA03-13G-S207RCON-TP1416-DF2015RKA190-PPSB-01316-BGR-LH200-SD25 AC1500-B12-5PG-1213-16-S07RCI100TS-P20035DRCM58SP-M10-SS1213UCD58-303600DRCI100TS-200451DOCD58-300610BPIF-1000-C05DRCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-23C1-S101 RE.0588US1CB0.06CARCM9SP-TA5-325-S138RCM5-SP-T20-1312-S106RCON-DEKX3-S819115 (SN:605327) RCOF-42875F-5093( SN:704704 ) RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810) RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)CC1400-4T6-65-300-26RCOF-D1416-TS20057 (SN:805321)RCI090-C01-NH-D00-1024-003 (SN:201404093568) RCON-TS105-SS10200 (SN:505421)RCOF-D0016-TT10024 (SN:605701)9445/018-D20RCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD**RCM9SP-TA5-325-S138CC1601-4T60-23-2048-26RCM90SP-T20-1312-S106**OD**RCI90TS-HS20-C-01024-CA01-S002CC1401-2C6-23-2048-16CC1501-2C10-65-1024-26RONE-50025-4768K(SN:7726805 )RONE-160758DN (SN:9920115)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704715)AC1501-2C10-5F-1213-8AC1500-T12-5SG-1212-26AC1500-B15-5F-1213-8CC1610-4T60-23-26-S001RCI90C-01430RCI58TS-T4-01024-CA05-S002PIF11R115G5MC01024BR11RF001RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCOE-4K6B-200216 (SN:7526810)RCDW-25KM-HLS25 (SN:12010C08P)RCOF-42875F-5093(SN:704915)RPEO-1418-C900115 (SN:704950)RCI58EEX-1024-S12103(防爆编码器)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI90TX-1024-S30105 (含附件)RCI90T-11045-415-AP (含插头带线)RCI58T-00130/1024RCI90TS-T30-T-1024-S003RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI58C-1BVA-1024-F2COI-60157-1KBH-S101RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCM9120E-1416-S107RCI90C-1BVA-1024-F2RCI190-HA05-S-01024-23C1-F350-S007 *** CC1900E-4S30-65-1024-29-HSCC1900E-4S45-65-1024-29-HSRCI190-HA05-S-01024-JBX3-F250-S007 *** AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-26AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-26AC1501-2C10-5SB-1213-28AC1500-B10-5F-1213-8CC1900-4T16-65-01024-26CC1900-4T25-65-01024-26CC1500-4T14-65-04096-26CC1500-4T14-65-01024-26CC1210-4T38-65-04096-26COM20232-PG/1212/S102RCI58C-FS10-S-01024-CA02-S001RKA190-1200DN-PB25-ST175RCI58T-HS14-1024-S002RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA02-S001 QXPC 3550RCI90C-02146OCD58-33058RCI58B-00125/1024RCI90TS-HS30-C-01024-CA01-S001RCM912-1316-S102M9F12-5SG-1312-DR278K0096RCI510-2048S005RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI90TS-HS16-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S001 RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-S117RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-JBX3-F150-S005 COM 20337-AMCOM 20337-AMRCM90SP-T20-1319-CT12R-S107 **SD** MI16H-45//5533//2048//BGR//LH300+ES100 RCM90SP-T16-25-S005EL115A1000S8/24L11X3MRRCI90TS-T30-T-1024-S003CD230-MEC-12000-300-L001+-OP10+PHM510-1312 RCI90TS-HS25-C-01024-23A0-F150-S007RKI-C-F150RCI90C-1BVA-4096-F1+9416CC1500-4T10-65-1024-26。



不适用于 36 伏以下的冷藏-冷冻组合机 仅限于 36 伏以上, 升≥容积>150 升的压缩式 500 家用型冷藏箱 不适用于 36 伏以下的压缩式家用型冷藏箱 不适用于 36 伏以下的器具、设备家用型冷藏箱 仅限于 36 伏以上,容积≤500 升的电气吸收式家 用型冷藏箱 不适用于 36 伏以下的柜式冷冻箱



富士宝电磁炉故障维修代码富士宝机器型号S192,P190 ,P230,P260、340,P202B、202C、205C、S201A,P191B ,S203A,E200A,H251C,P206C, H208C, P70故障代码显示:E2:传感器开路及附件。















KT60-B系列PTC热敏电阻ULROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm)d 产品型号 R0(Ω) (V) (A) I hold(A) Fig. A B C DKT60-0035B 15~30 60 2 0.035 1 7.4 12.7 3.6 5.1KT60-0100B 2.50~4.50 60 40 0.10 1 7.4 12.7 3.6 5.1KT60-0170B 2.00~3.20 60 40 0.17 1 7.4 12.7 3.6 5.1KT60-0200B 1.83~2.84 60 40 0.20 1 7.4 12.7 3.6 5.1KT60-0250B 1.25~1.95 60 40 0.25 1 7.4 12.7 3.6 5.1KT60-0300B 0.88~1.36 60 40 0.30 1 7.4 13.0 3.6 5.1KT60-0400B 0.55~0.86 60 40 0.40 1 7.6 13.5 3.6 5.1KT60-0500B 0.42~0.67 60 40 0.50 1 7.9 13.7 3.6 5.1KT60-0650B 0.31~0.48 60 40 0.65 1 9.7 14.5 3.6 5.1KT60-0750B 0.25~0.40 60 40 0.75 1 10.4 15.2 3.6 5.1KT60-0900B 0.20~0.31 60 40 0.90 1 11.7 15.8 3.6 5.1KT60-1100B 0.15~0.25 60 40 1.10 2 13.0 18.0 3.6 5.1KT60-1350B 0.12~0.19 60 40 1.35 2 14.5 19.6 3.6 5.1KT60-1600B 0.09~0.14 60 40 1.60 2 16.3 21.3 3.6 5.1KT60-1850B 0.08~0.12 60 40 1.85 2 17.8 22.9 3.6 5.1KT60-2500B 0.05~0.08 60 40 2.50 2 20.8 25.4 3.6 10.2KT60-3000B 0.04~0.06 60 40 3.00 2 23.9 29.0 3.6 10.2KT60-3750B 0.03~0.05 60 40 3.75 2 27.5 31.5 3.6 10.2KT120-BBR系列PTC热敏电阻 UL ROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm)d 产品型号 R0(Ω) (V) (A) I hold(A) Fig. A B C DKT120-0550BBR 0.50~0.90 120 20 0.55 1 10.0 10.0 2.0 5.5KT120-0750BBR 0.30~0.60 120 20 0.75 1 10.0 10.0 2.0 5.5KT120-1000BBR 0.20~0.40 120 20 1.00 1 14.0 14.0 2.0 5.5KT120-1600BBR 0.10~0.25 120 20 1.60 1 14.0 14.0 2.0 5.5KT30-B系列PTC热敏电阻ULROHSKT16-B系列PTC热敏电阻 UL ROHS 电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm)d 产品型号 R0(mΩ) (V) (A) I hold(A) Fig. A B C DKT30-0900B 70~120 30 40 0.90 2 7.4 12.2 3.6 5.1KT30-1100B 50~100 30 40 1.10 2 7.4 14.2 3.6 5.1KT30-1350B 40~80 30 40 1.35 2 8.9 13.5 3.6 5.1KT30-1600B 30~70 30 40 1.60 2 8.9 15.2 3.6 5.1KT30-1850B 30~60 30 40 1.85 2 10.2 15.7 3.6 5.1KT30-2500B 20~40 30 40 2.50 2 11.4 18.3 3.6 5.1KT30-3000B 20~50 30 40 3.00 1 11.8 17.3 3.6 5.1KT30-4000B 10~30 30 40 4.00 1 14.0 20.1 3.6 5.1KT30-5000B 10~30 30 40 5.00 1 14.0 24.9 3.6 10.2KT30-6000B 5~20 30 40 6.00 1 16.5 24.9 3.6 10.2KT30-7000B 5~20 30 40 7.00 1 19.1 26.7 3.6 10.2KT30-8000B 5~13 30 40 8.00 1 22.0 29.2 3.6 10.2KT30-9000B 5~11 30 40 9.00 1 25.0 29.7 3.6 10.2电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm)d 产品型号 R0(mΩ) (V) (A) I hold(A) Fig. A B C DKT16-3000B 38~65 16 100 3.0 1 7.1 11.0 3.6 5.1KT16-4000B 21~39 16 100 4.0 1 8.9 12.8 3.6 5.1KT16-5000B 15~23 16 100 5.0 1 10.5 14.3 3.6 5.1KT16-6000B 10~18.5 16 100 6.0 1 10.7 17.1 3.6 5.1KT16-7000B 7.5~13 16 100 7.0 1 11.2 19.7 3.6 5.1KT16-8000B 5.6~11 16 100 8.0 1 13.0 20.9 3.6 5.1KT16-9000B 4.7~9.2 16 100 9.0 1 14.0 21.7 3.6 5.1KT16-10000B 4.0~7.1 16 100 10.0 1 16.5 25.1 3.6 5.1KT16-11000B 3.7~6.2 16 100 11.0 1 17.5 26.0 3.6 5.1KT16-12000B 3.3~6.0 16 100 12.0 1 17.5 28.0 3.6 10.2 KT16-14000B 2.6~5.0 16 100 14.0 1 23.5 28.0 3.6 10.2KT15/30-D 系列PTC 热敏电阻 UL ROHSKT15/20-D 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(m Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT15-1200D 85~160 15 100 1.20 1 22.1 5.2 1.0 4.0 KT15-1750D 50~90 15 100 1.75 1 23.1 5.2 1.0 4.0 KT30-2000D 30~60 30 100 2.00 1 23.4 11.0 1.1 5.0 KT30-3500D 17~31 30 100 3.50 1 31.8 13.5 1.1 6.0 KT30-4200D12~24301004.20132.413.61.16.0电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(m Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT15-1700D 44~78 15 100 1.70 1 21.0 4.0 1.0 3.0 KT15-1900D 39~72 15 100 1.90 1 22.1 5.5 1.0 4.0 KT15-2600D 20~42 15 100 2.60 1 23.1 5.5 1.0 4.0 KT15-3800D 13~26 15 100 3.80 1 26.0 7.5 1.0 5.0 KT20-4500D 11~20 20 100 4.50 1 26.0 10.5 1.0 6.0 KT20-5500D 9~16 20 100 5.50 1 37.0 7.5 1.0 5.0 KT20-6000D 7~14 20 100 6.00 1 26.0 14.5 1.0 6.0 KT20-7300D6~12201007.30129. 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(m Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT12-1700DL 18~32 12 100 1.70 1 23.2 3.9 0.8 2.6 KT12-1750DL 16~31 12 100 1.75 1 24.5 3.3 0.8 2.6 KT12-2300DL 12~18 12 100 2.30 1 23.1 5.3 0.8 4.0 KT12-2100DL18~30121002.10126. 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHSKT16-DL 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHSKT250系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(m Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT15-0700DL 100~200 15 100 0.70 1 22.1 5.2 1.2 4.0 KT24-1000DL 70~130 24 100 1.00 1 23.1 5.2 1.0 4.0 KT24-1800DL 40~68 24 100 1.80 1 26.0 5.2 1.0 4.0 KT24-1900DL 30~57 24 100 1.90 1 23.4 11.0 1.1 5.0 KT24-2600DL 25~42 24 100 2.60 1 26.0 11.9 1.0 6.0 KT24-3000DL 15~31 24 100 3.00 1 31.8 13.5 1.1 6.0 KT24-3400DL16~27241003.40126.电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(m Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT16-1100DL 38~70 16 100 1.1 1 25.7 2.9 1.0 2.4 KT16-1700DL 30~52 16 100 1.70 1 17.5 7.4 1.0 4.0 KT16-1750DL 29~51 16 100 1.75 1 23.2 3.7 1.0 3.0 KT16-2000DL 22~39 16 100 2.00 1 23.1 4.5 0.8 3.0 KT16-2100DL 18~30 16 100 2.10 1 23.1 5.3 0.8 4.0 KT16-2400DL14~26161002.40126.电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C KT250-090 10~18 250 3 0.09* 1 5.0 4.0 2.2 KT250-110 6~12 250 3 0.11* 1 5.5 5.5 2.2 KT250-145 5~9 250 3 0.145 1 6.0 6.0 2.2 KT250-1801.2~2.025030.18110.06.42.2KT250-B 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHSKT265-BL 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT250-090B 10~18 250 3 0.09* 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-110B 5~12 250 3 0.11* 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-120B 5~11 250 3 0.12 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-145B 5~9 250 3 0.145 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-180B 1.2~2.0 250 3 0.18 1 11.2 14.0 4.5 5.1 KT250-200B 3.0~6.0 250 3 0.2 2 10.0 10.0 4.5 5.1 KT250-400B 1.0~3.0 250 3 0.4 2 14.0 14.0 4.5 5.1 KT250-600B 0.6~2.0 250 3 0.4 2 16.0 16.0 4.5 10.2 KT250-800B0.4~1.025030.4220.020.4.510.2电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT265-050BL 18.5~31.0 265 1.0 0.05 2 8.3 12.9 4.0 5.1 KT265-080BL 7.4~12.0 265 1.2 0.08 2 8.3 12.9 4.0 5.1 KT265-120BL 3.0~6.5 265 1.2 0.12 2 8.3 12.9 4.0 5.1 KT265-160BL 2.5~4.1 265 2.0 0.16 2 9.9 13.8 4.0 5.1 KT265-250BL 1.30~2.10 265 3.5 0.25 1 9.6 18.8 4.2 5.1 KT265-330BL 0.77~1.24 265 4.5 0.33 1 11.4 19.0 4.2 5.1 KT265-400BL 0.60~0.97 265 5.5 0.44 1 11.5 20.9 4.2 5.1 KT265-550BL0.45~0.732657.00.5511421.74.55.1KT600-B 系列PTC 热敏电阻 UL ROHSKT250-BL/U/T 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c外形外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D E KT250-020BL 80.0~160 250 3 0.02 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-030BL 60.0~120 250 3 0.03 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-035BL 40.0~80 250 3 0.035 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-050BL 30.0~60 250 3 0.05 2 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-060BL 22.0~32.0 250 3 0.06 2 6.5 12.0 4.5 5.1 KT250-080BL 14.0~22.0 250 3 0.08 2 6.5 12.0 4.5 5.1 KT250-085BL 12.0~22.0 250 3 0.085 1 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-120BL 6.0~12.0 250 3 0.12 1 6.5 12.0 4.5 5.1 KT250-145BL 5.0~9.0 250 3 0.145 1 6.5 12.6 4.5 5.1 KT250-110T 7.5~9.5 250 3 0.11 5 5.8 7 3.0 5.0 2.8 KT250-120T 6.5~12.0 250 3 0.12 3 9.5 4.0 7.5 /KT250-080U 14~22 250 3 0.08 6 5.1 9.7 3.8 5.1 KT250-090U 10~18 250 3 0.09 6 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.1 KT250-110U 6~12 250 3 0.11 7 5.5 5.5 4.0 5.1 KT250-120U 6~12 250 3 0.12 7 5.5 5.5 4.0 5.1 KT250-145U 5~9 250 3 0.145 4 6 10 4.0 5.1 KT250-180U1.2~2.025030.18410.电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号 R 0(Ω) (V )(A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT600-110B 8~16 600 3 0.11 1 8.5 12.6 6.0 5.1 KT600-150B 6~12 600 3 0.15 2 13.5 12.6 6.0 5.1 KT600-160B4~1060030.16213.512.66.05.1KT-SMD Ⅰ系列PTC 热敏电阻 UL ROHSKT-SMD Ⅱ系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHS电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号R 0(Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT30-0100SMD Ⅰ 1.60 30 10 0.10 1 4.7 3.4 1.4 1.0 KT60-0140SMD Ⅰ 1.50 60 10 0.14 1 4.7 3.4 1.4 1.0 KT30-0200SMD Ⅰ 0.80 30 10 0.20 1 4.7 3.4 1.4 1.0 KT15-0500SMD Ⅰ 0.15 15 40 0.50 1 4.7 3.4 1.0 1.0 KT13-0750SMD Ⅰ 0.11 13.2 40 0.75 1 4.7 3.4 1.0 1.0 KT6-1100SMD Ⅰ 0.04 6 40 1.10 1 4.7 3.4 1.0 1.0 KT6-1250SMD Ⅰ 0.04 6 40 1.25 1 4.7 3.4 1.4 1.0 KT6-1500SMD Ⅰ0.046401.5014.电阻 耐压a 耐流b 维持电流c 外形 外形尺寸(mm )d 产品型号R min (Ω) (V ) (A ) I hold (A ) Fig. A B C D KT30-0050SMD Ⅱ 3.60 30 10 0.05 1 3.45 2.80 1.25 0.80 KT6-0350SMD Ⅱ 0.32 6 40 0.35 1 3.45 2.80 1.00 0.80 KT13-0500SMD Ⅱ 0.25 13.2 40 0.50 1 3.45 2.80 1.00 0.80 KT6-0750SMD Ⅱ 0.11 6 40 0.75 1 3.45 2.80 1.00 0.80 KT6-1100SMD Ⅱ 0.06 6 40 1.10 1 3.45 2.80 1.40 0.80 KT6-1500SMD Ⅱ0.046401.5013.452.802.250.80KT15-C/CL 系列PTC 热敏电阻UL ROHS最大电压 最大电流 维持电流 动作电流 电阻 电阻 外形 最大动作时间 外形尺寸 (mm)产品型号(V DC ) (A DC ) (A ) (A ) R 0 (m Ω) R 1 (m Ω) Fig. (Sec @ A)A (max.)B (min.) C(Typ.) KT15-1800CL 15 40 1.8 5.0 15-35 60 1 5.0@ 10.0 12.0 8.1 0.3 KT15-2100CL 15 40 2.1 5.0 14-25501 5.0@ 10.0 14.6 6.30.3KT15-2500CL-1 15 40 2.5 5.0 15-35 60 1 5.0@ 10.0 16.0 10.0 0.3 KT15-2500CL-4 15 40 2.5 5.0 15-30 60 1 5.0@ 10.0 16.3 10.0 0.3 KT15-2600CL 15 40 2.6 5.0 14-30 55 1 5.0@ 901 10.0@ 10.0 16.0 10.0 0.3。



4000196517接头 1614 7062 00EA5123C190999 4000196518接头 1614 8076 00EA5123C190999 4000196530空气滤清器芯 1621 0547 99EA5123C190999 4000196661油过滤器 1614 7273 99EA5123C190999 4000196662油过滤器 1614 8065 99EA5123C190999 4000212157油冷却器 1614866408EA5123C190999 4000212158油冷却器 1621203508EA5123C190999 4000243079备件包 GA250W-7.5EA5123C190999 4000243086空气冷却器 1614866308EA5123C190999 4000243087空气冷却器 1621208308EA5123C190999 4000243093油分离器滤芯 1614952100EA5123C190999 4000243094油滤清器 1614727300EA5123C190999 4000247024空气滤清器 1030097900EA5123C190999 4000256341抱箍 0347 6121 00EA5123C190999 4000263034软管组件 1045 0574 8235 42EA5123C190999 4000263035软管组件 1065 0574 8235 56EA5123C190999 4000263036软管组件 1066 0574 8235 56EA5123C190999 4000263037软管组件 1067 0574 8235 56EA5123C190999 4000263038软管组件 1068 0574 8235 56EA5123C190999 4000263039异形钢管 1069 0574 8235 56EA5123C190999 4000268540COM2模块 1900 0701 82EA5123C190999 4000268541PROFIBUS模块 1900 0701 91EA5123C190999 4000268542SIOE模块 1900 0701 45EA5123C190999 4000268543安全阀 0830 1008 14EA5123C190999 4000268544活塞 2255 2813 00EA5123C190999 4000268545减振垫 1619 5318 02EA5123C190999 4000268546联轴器 2255 0196 04EA5123C190999 4000268547联轴器 2255 0196 13EA5123C190999 4000268548螺塞 2250 2528 00EA5123C190999 4000268549密封垫圈 0661 1000 31EA5123C190999 4000268550平键 0337 0009 12EA5123C190999 4000268551卸荷阀组件 1614 9008 80EA5123C190999 4000269493温度传感器 1089 0574 40EA5123C190999 4000272014软管连接件维修包 2906 0572 00EA5123C190999 40002720158000小时维修包 2906 0593 00EA5123C190999 40002720164000小时维修包 2906 0592 00EA5123C190999 4000272017油过滤器维修包 2906 0199 00EA5123C190999 4000272018排污阀维修包 2901 0301 00EA5123C190999 4000272019油冷却器油管 1621 2027 00EA5123C190999 4000272020油冷却器油管 1621 2085 00EA5123C190999 4000272021钢管 1614 9634 00EA5123C190999 4000272022过滤器壳体 1614 9515 00EA5123C190999 4000296288O型圈 0663 2106 20EA5123C190999 4000296289单向阀 2254 5324 00EA5123C190999 4000296290断油阀 1614 9185 80EA5123C1909994000296291阀 2255 2751 00EA5123C190999 4000296292阀盖组件 1614 9177 80EA5123C190999 4000296293阀体 1614 6425 00EA5123C190999 4000296294螺栓 0147 1417 03EA5123C190999 4000296295密封垫圈 0661 1000 25EA5123C190999 4000296296压缩弹簧 2254 8075 00EA5123C190999 4000296297最小压力阀 1614 9523 80EA5123C190999 4000340057密封环 1619 6142 00EA5123C190999 4000355696O型圈 0663 2106 11EA5123C190999 4000355697O型圈 0663 2106 12EA5123C190999 4000355698O型圈 0663 2106 15EA5123C190999 4000355699O型圈 0663 2108 12EA5123C190999 4000355700O型圈 0663 2109 68EA5123C190999 4000355701O型圈 0663 2109 71EA5123C190999 4000355702O型圈 0663 9868 00EA5123C190999 4000355703O型圈 6163 2109 73EA5123C190999 4000355704密封垫 1619 6143 00EA5123C190999 4000365521O型圈 0663210968EA5123C190999 4000365522导向保护罩 1092008700EA5123C190999 4000365523空气冷却器 1621490618EA5123C190999 4000365524滤芯 1621507500EA5123C190999 4000365525软管 1621499800EA5123C190999 4000365526软管 1621499900EA5123C190999 4000365527软管组件 1621489800EA5123C190999 4000378883O型圈 0663 2106 17EA5123C190999 4000394074软管组件 1621489900EA5123C190999 4000394075油冷却器 1621493508EA5123C190999 4000396477排污管 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Eaton 9E20KI 商品说明说明书

Eaton 9E20KI 商品说明说明书

酒店厨师长聘用协议4篇篇1酒店厨师长聘用协议甲方(单位):__________酒店乙方(个人):__________鉴于甲方为其酒店需要聘用一名经验丰富、技术过硬的厨师长,乙方具备相关专业知识和工作经验,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:一、乙方的基本情况乙方姓名:__________性别:__________出生年月:__________籍贯:__________联系方式:__________身份证号:__________二、聘用岗位及工作内容1. 甲方聘用乙方担任酒店厨师长一职,主要负责酒店厨房的管理、食材采购、菜品调配和厨房员工的培训等工作。

2. 乙方应当认真履行自己的职责,保证酒店每日的菜品质量和口味,确保食品安全和厨房卫生。

3. 乙方应当积极配合甲方的安排,根据酒店的经营需要,适时调整菜单和推出新品,提升餐饮业务的盈利水平。

三、工作地点及工作时间1. 乙方的工作地点为__________酒店厨房,工作时间为每周___天,每天工作___小时。

2. 乙方应当严格遵守酒店的工作制度,如有需要临时加班或出差等情况,应当尽职尽责地完成工作任务。

四、薪酬待遇1. 甲方将按照市场行情和乙方的工作表现,合理确定乙方的薪酬水平。

2. 乙方的薪酬将在每月__日发放,薪酬发放以甲方规定的形式和方式为准。

五、保密义务1. 乙方在任职期间,应当保守酒店的商业秘密,不得泄露给第三方,否则将承担相应的法律责任。

2. 乙方在离职后,仍需对所掌握的酒店机密信息和经营资料保密,不得擅自传播或使用。

六、协议期限及解除协议1. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为___年。

2. 在合同有效期内,如有一方需要解除协议,应提前___个月书面通知对方。

3. 在协议期满时,双方可协商续签新的协议,如有必要可以调整薪酬待遇和工作内容等条款。

七、其他事项1. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行约定,并以书面形式作为补充协议。

2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。


EASIAX® Manual Cable Preparation Tool for FSJ1-50A and FSJ4-50B coaxial cable
Product Classification
Product Type Product Brand Ordering Note
Tool EASIAX Plus® CommScope® non-standard product
Mechanical Specifications
Torque Value
0 in lb | 0 N-m
Packaging and Weights
Height, packed Width, packed Length, packed Packaging quantity
93.98 mm | 3.7 in 76.2 mm | 3 in 50.8 mm | 2 in 1
Page 1 of 2
Regulatory Compliance/Certifications
Classification Below maximum concentration value Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance Compliant Compliant
Weight, gross
0.27 kg | 0.595 lb



Eaton 190021Eaton Moeller® series PKZM4 Motor-protective circuit-breaker, Ir=32 - 40 A, Screw terminals, Terminations: IP00Especificaciones generalesEaton Moeller® series PKZM4 Motor-protective circuit-breaker1900214015081880171160 mm140 mm55 mm 1.136 kgCE Marked RoHS conform PKZM4-40-EAProduct Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Model CodeTurn buttonPhase failure sensitive Three-pole 11 kW 20 kW 690 V 690 V 40 A32 A 40 A eaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-pkzm4-characteristic-curve.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-tripping-characteristic-pkzm4-characteristic-curve.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-pkzm4-characteristic-curve-002.epsDA-DC-00004961.pdfDA-DC-00004952.pdfeaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm4-dimensions.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-circuit-breaker-pkzm4-dimensions.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-circuit-breaker-pkzm4-3d-drawing.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm4-3d-drawing.epsDA-CE-ETN.PKZM4-40-EAeaton-manual-motor-starters-transformer-pkzm0-wiring-diagram.epsIL034047ZUeaton-motors-starters-pkzm4-motor-protective-circuit-breaker-instruction-leaflet-il03407012z.pdfActuator type Functions Number of poles Rated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz Rated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 Hz Rated operational voltage (Ue) - minRated operational voltage (Ue) - maxRated uninterrupted current (Iu)Overload release current setting - minOverload release current setting - maxCharacteristic curveDeclarations of conformityDibujoseCAD modelEsquemas eléctricosInstrucciones de montajemCAD modelEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaDA-CD-pkzm4 DA-CS-pkzm4。



Eaton 190020Eaton Moeller® series PKZM4 Motor-protective circuit-breaker, Ir=24 - 32 A, Screw terminals, Terminations: IP00General specificationsEaton Moeller® series PKZM4 Motor-protective circuit-breaker1900204015081880164160 mm140 mm55 mm 1.136 kgCE Marked RoHS conform PKZM4-32-EAProduct Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Model CodeTurn buttonPhase failure sensitive Three-pole 7.5 kW 15 kW 690 V 690 V 32 A25 A 32 A Save time and space thanks to the new link module PKZM0-XDM32ME Motor Starters in System xStart - brochureSwitching and protecting motors - catalogProduct Range Catalog Switching and protecting motorseaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-pkzm4-characteristic-curve-002.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm4-characteristic-curve.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-pkzm4-characteristic-curve.epsDA-DC-00004961.pdfDA-DC-00004952.pdfeaton-manual-motor-starters-circuit-breaker-pkzm4-dimensions.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm4-dimensions.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-pkzm4-3d-drawing.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-circuit-breaker-pkzm4-3d-drawing.eps eaton-general-ie-ready-dilm-contactor-standards.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-mounting-3d-drawing-002.epsDA-CE-ETN.PKZM4-32-EAActuator type Functions Number of poles Rated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz Rated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 Hz Rated operational voltage (Ue) - minRated operational voltage (Ue) - maxRated uninterrupted current (Iu)Overload release current setting - minOverload release current setting - maxBrochuresCataloguesCharacteristic curveDeclarations of conformityDrawingseCAD modelEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaIL034047ZUeaton-motors-starters-pkzm4-motor-protective-circuit-breaker-instruction-leaflet-il03407012z.pdf WIN-WIN with push-in technology DA-CD-pkzm4DA-CS-pkzm4eaton-manual-motor-starters-transformer-pkzm0-wiring-diagram.epsInstallation instructions Installation videosmCAD model Wiring diagrams。



4000 3500 3000 Forward Current [A] 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.6 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6 Forward Voltage [V] ITSM [kA]
Th [°C] 190 170 150 130 110
60° 90° 120° 180°
70 50 0 500
1000 IF(AV) [A]
PF(AV) [W] 2500
DC 180° 120° 90°
60° 30°
0 0 500 1000 IF(AV) [A] 1500 2000
Tj [°C]
Repetitive peak reverse voltage Non-repetitive peak reverse voltage Repetitive peak reverse current V=VRRM
1230 1170 10.1 510 x 1E3 25 175 175 1.30 0.87 0.330
A A kA A²s V V mohm
I² t V V r
t rr Q rr I rr Reverse recovery time Reverse recovery charge Peak reverse recovery current 175 µs µC A
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Highly Active Iron and Cobalt Catalysts for the Polymerization of EthyleneBrooke L.Small,†Maurice Brookhart,*,†andAlison M.A.Bennett‡Department of Chemistry,Uni V ersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Chapel Hill,North Carolina27599-3290DuPont Central Research and De V elopment Experimental Station,Wilmington,Delaware19880-0328Recei V ed January20,1998Study of the polymerization of olefins by soluble,well-defined transition metal complexes is an ever-growing area.While most attention has been focused on early transition metal d0and lanthanide d0f n systems,1recently late metal Pd(II)-and Ni(II)-catalyst systems incorporating R-diimine ligands have been reported which convert both ethylene and R-olefins to high molar mass polymers.2Unique features of these systems include the ability to produce highly branched polymers from ethylene and to copolymerize ethylene with certain polar monomers using the Pd(II)catalysts.Most late metal systems produce low molecular weight oligomers from ethylene and particularly R-olefins.The key to high polymer production using the aryl-substituted R-di-imine systems is the incorporation on the aryl rings of bulky ortho substituents that greatly retard the rate of chain transfer.We report here the synthesis of tridentate Fe(II)and Co(II)complexes incorporating bulky substituted arylimine moieties and demon-strate that these are extremely active and long-lived catalysts for the polymerization of ethylene.The tridentate ligands used in this study are pyridine diimine ligands of general structures1-3prepared by the Schiff-base condensation of2equiv of the desired aniline with2,6-diacetylpyridine.The precatalysts,formed by addition of the ligand to the appropriate hydrated or anhydrous metal salt(Scheme1),are neutral Fe(II)and Co(II)complexes{[(2,6-ArN d C(Me))2C5H3N]MX2}(Ar)2,6-C6H3(i-Pr)2,1;2,6-C6H3-Me2,2;2-C6H4(t-Bu),3;M)Fe,a;Co,b;X)Cl-,Br-,NO3-). Figure1shows the X-ray crystal structure for2,6-bis[1-(2,6-diisopropylphenylimino)ethyl]pyridineiron(II)chloride(1a).3The structure for2,6-bis[1-(2-tert-butylphenylimino)ethyl]pyridinecobalt-(II)chloride(3b)is shown in the Supporting Information.4Both complexes are pentacoordinate with pseudo-square-pyramidal geometry,the most notable features being the nearly perpendicular arrangement in both complexes of the aryl rings relative to the square plane as well as the syn conformation of the tert-butyl groups in plexes1a-b,2a-b,and3a-b are paramagnetic,high-spin species,as indicated by magnetic sus-ceptibility measurements.5Both the crystallographic data and the magnetic susceptibility measurements are consistent with the results reported for similar complexes lacking ortho substituents on the aryl rings.6The active catalysts are generated in situ in toluene by the addition of modified methylalumoxane(MMAO,g300equiv) to the precursors in the presence of ethylene(Scheme1).Data for the polymerizations of ethylene are summarized in Table1.7 All of the catalysts reported convert ethylene to highly linear polyethylene(PE)as determined by differential scanning calo-rimetry(T m values133-139°C).8In contrast to the Ni(II)-and Pd(II)-diimine catalysts,no branching is observed,even with the bulkiest ligands at high temperatures and low ethylene pressures. However,the polymer molecular weights vary dramatically with modifications in ligand,metal,and concentration of activator.Like the Ni(II)and Pd(II)systems,increasing the steric bulk of the ortho aryl substituents increases molecular weight.For example, the tetraisopropyl-substituted Fe system(1a/MMAO,Table1, entry1)yields a polymer with a peak MW of71K,while the†University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.‡DuPont Central Research and Development.(1)(a)Brintzinger,H.H.;Fischer, D.;Muelhaupt,R.;Rieger, B.; Waymouth,R.M.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.Engl.1995,34,1143.(b)Ziegler Catalysts:Recent Scientific Inno V ations and Technological Impro V ement;Fink,G.,Muelhaupt,R.,Brintzinger,H.H.,Eds.;Springer-Verlag:Berlin, 1995.(c)Bockman,M.J.Chem.Soc.,Dalton Trans.1996,255.(d)Coates, G.W.;Waymouth,R.M.In Comprehensi V e Organometallic Chemistry II; Abel,E.W.,Stone,F.G.A.,Wilkinson,G.,Eds.;Hegedus,L.,Vol.Ed.; Pergamon Press:1995;Vol.12;pp1193-1208.(e)Yang,X.;Stern,C.L.; Marks,T.J.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1994,116,10015.(f)Crowther,D.J.; Baenzinger,N.C.;Jordan,R.F.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1991,113,1455.(2)(a)Johnson,L.K.;Killian,C.M.;Brookhart,M.S.J.Am.Chem.Soc. 1995,117,6414.(b)Killian,C.M.;Tempel,D.J.;Johnson,L.K.;Brookhart, M.S.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1996,118,11664.(3)Crystal data of1a:triclinic,P1h,blue;a)8.7953(6)Å,b)9.8587-(6)Å,c)20.9583(13)Å;V)1646.45(18)Å3;Z)2;R)0.060;GOF) 2.52.(4)Crystal data of3b:triclinic,P1h,gold;a)12.7329(7)Å,b)15.7633-(8)Å,c)15.8220(8)Å;V)3138.5(3)Å3;Z)4;R)0.084;GOF)2.90.(5)Magnetic susceptibilities(µeff,BM)were determined for the following complexes:1a,5.54;2a,5.22;3a,5.00;1b,4.55;2b,4.67;3b,4.65.See Supporting Information for experimental details.(6)(a)Edwards,D.A.;Edwards,S.D.;Martin,W.R.;Pringle,T.J.; Thornton,P.Polyhedron1992,11,1569.(b)Goldschmied,E.;Stephenson, N.C.Acta Crystallogr.1970,B26,1867.(c)Reiff,W.M.;Erickson,N.E.; Baker,W.A.,Jr.Inorg.Chem.1969,8,2019.(7)Nearly equivalent activities are observed when the corresponding Fe(III)complexes(prepared from ligands1-3and the corresponding FeX3 hydrates)are activated with MMAO.(8)All methyl groups visible by13C NMR are attributable to end groups; there are less than0.4methyl branches per1000carbons.Heat of fusion data from the DSC traces indicates very high crystallinity(226J/g vs170J/g for commercialHDPE).Figure1.X-ray crystal structure of1a.Selected bond distances(Å) and angles(deg):Fe(1)-N(1),2.222(4);Fe(1)-N(2),2.091(4);Fe(1)-N(3), 2.225(5);Fe(1)-Cl(1), 2.3173(19);Fe(1)-Cl(2), 2.2627(17); Cl(1)-Fe(1)-Cl(2),117.58(7);N(1)-Fe(1)-Cl(1),100.57(12);N(3)-Fe(1)-Cl(1),102.47(12);N(2)-Fe(1)-Cl(1),94.52(13);N(1)-Fe(1)-N(3),140.23(16);N(1)-Fe(1)-N(2),73.67(16).Scheme14049J.Am.Chem.Soc.1998,120,4049-4050S0002-7863(98)00210-8CCC:$15.00©1998American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web04/14/1998tetramethyl system(2a/MMAO,entry2)shows the peak MW at 33K.9For comparison of the cobalt analogues,see entries7and 8.Generally,the iron systems produce higher molecular weight materials relative to their cobalt analogues(entries1vs7and2 vs8),but the tert-butyl-substituted systems do not exhibit this trend(entry3vs9).For the iron systems in particular,increasing the amount of activator leads to broadened polydispersities and bimodal behavior (Figure2).This observation is consistent with the proposal that chain transfer to aluminum is a viable route for the formation of low molecular weight materials early in the polymerization.10,11 Thus,by using large amounts of activator or short reaction times, predominantly low molecular weight polymers are made(see GPC trace c,Figure2).In the case of the iron catalysts,the turnover frequencies(TOFs) increase with ethylene pressure as shown by the60°C runs (entries16-18)where TOFs are4.8×106/h at200psig,7.0×106/h at400psig,and11.8×106/h at600psig,thus establishingthat the rate of chain growth is dependent on ethylene concentra-tion.In contrast,the TOFs of the cobalt analogues at50°C showlittle dependence on ethylene pressure under these conditions s3.9×105/h at200psig,4.0×105/h at400psig,and4.8×105/h at 600psig(entries13-15).The activities of the iron catalysts areremarkably high;TOFs of greater than107/h can be achieved at60°C and600psig C2H4(entry18)which corresponds to3.3×105kg PE/mol Fe‚h!These activities are thus comparable to themost active Ziegler-Natta systems.12The cobalt complexesgenerally exhibit activities that are an order of magnitude lowerthan their iron analogues.The catalysts are stable at elevatedtemperatures as demonstrated by runs19and20.In these casesactivation with an increased catalyst loading resulted in rapidexotherms to90and130°C,respectively.These temperaturesremained constant for the duration of each run.In summary,using the previously examined Ni(II)and Pd(II) R-diimine catalysts as a guide,we have prepared new iron(II) and cobalt(II)catalysts based on tridentate pyridine bis-imine ligands in which the imine moieties are bulky ortho-substituted aryl imines.These catalysts are robust and extremely active for polymerization of ethylene to linear,high-density polyethylene. To the best of our knowledge,these are the first reported iron-based homogeneous catalysts for ethylene polymerization.Mecha-nistic studies are in progress.Acknowledgment is made to DuPont and the National Science Foundation for funding.Supporting Information Available:Crystal structure data for1a and 3b,syntheses of ligands and complexes,magnetic susceptibility data, polymerization procedures,and polymer characterization data(selected GPC and DSC traces;13C NMR data)(30pages,print/PDF).See any current masthead page for ordering information and Web access instructions.JA9802100(9)Bimodal behavior is sometimes observed with a low MW fraction dueto chain transfer(see text).If a distinct low MW fraction is not observed, then low molecular weight shoulders or tails are seen.Thus,the best measure of the molecular weight of the high MW fraction is the peak MW.See Supporting Information for sample gpc traces.(10)As an alternative explanation for bimodal behavior,a referee suggested the existence of two catalytic species whose ratios vary with changing Al:Fe ratios.However,we have shown by1H NMR that the end groups of the low M N materials are saturated,which supports chain transfer via transmetalation.(11)(a)Marques,M.V.;Nunes,P.C.;Tait,P.J.T.;Dias,A.R.J.Polym. Sci.-A.1993,31,219.(b)Komiya,S.;Katoh,M.;Ikariya,T.;Grubbs,R.H.; Yamamoto,T.;Yamamoto,anomet.Chem.1984,260,115.(12)(a)Spaleck,W.;Ku¨ber,F.;Winter,A.;Rohrmann,J.;Bachmann,B.; Antberg,M.;Dolle,V.;Paulus,anometallics1994,13,954.(b)Alt, H.G.;Milius,W.;Palackal,anomet.Chem.1994,472,113.(c) Gianetti,E.;Nicoletti,G.M.;Mazzocchi,R.J.Polym.Sci.-A.1985,23,2117.Table1.Results of Ethylene Polymerization by1a-b,2a-b,and3a-b in Tolueneentry catalyst a loading(µmol)pressure(psig)temp(°C)reaction length(min)yield(g)peak b MW TOF c(×10-6/h) 11a 1.1152550 3.09710000.12 22a 1.2152550 2.78330000.10 33a 1.3152550 2.88810000.10 41a0.615050 1.35190000.09 52a0.615050 1.17150000.08 63a0.715050 1.36560000.09 71b 1.4152550 1.20240000.04 82b 1.6152550 2.9914000.08 93b 1.2152550 1.001830000.04101b0.8150500.45430000.02112b0.9150500.5937000.03123b 1.015050 1.36v.high d0.06131b8.020*******.5113000.39141b7.9400501217.597000.40151b8.0600501221.689000.48161a0.6200601012.826600 4.8171a0.5400601017.3276007.0181a0.5600601028.53110011.8191a 1.3600901046.6174007.6202a 4.260012510107.69000 5.5a All of the precursor complexes were activated with MMAO.b Entries1-6exhibit bimodal molecular weight distributions.c Entries1-6and19-20are likely mass transport limited.d The sample was notsoluble.Figure2.Activator effect on molecular weight(catalyst1a/MMAO,25°C,15min,1atm ethylene):(a)300equiv of Al,M N)20900,M W)135000;(b)1500equiv of Al,M N)709,M W)52400;(c)4500equivof Al,M N)390,M W)9570.4050J.Am.Chem.Soc.,Vol.120,No.16,1998Communications to the Editor。
