



Flexstation 3主要技术指标如下:1. 光学系统:Flexstation 3采用了高灵敏度的光学系统,能够实现快速、精准的荧光信号检测。


2. 液体处理系统:Flexstation 3配备了先进的液体处理系统,能够实现微升级别的液体加样和混合。


3. 自动化控制系统:Flexstation 3具有强大的自动化控制系统,能够实现实验过程的自动化控制和数据采集。


4. 数据分析软件:Flexstation 3配备了专业的数据分析软件,能够实现对实验数据的快速、全面的分析和处理。


5. 应用领域:Flexstation 3主要应用于药物筛选、蛋白质相互作用研究、细胞功能研究等领域。


通过上述介绍,我们可以看出Flexstation 3在光学系统、液体处理系统、自动化控制系统、数据分析软件和应用领域等方面具有较高的技术指标,能够满足科研工作者对实验数据快速、准确、可靠获取的需求,为生命科学研究提供了强大的技术支持。

Flexstation 3在荧光探测方面拥有很高的灵敏度和分辨率。


这种技术使得Flexstation 3能够准确地检测微量的荧光信号,而且可以在不同波长范围内进行检测,包括荧光染料的激发和发射波长。

Philips 5000 系列电动刮胡炫效精密刀片电压感应 360度弹性刮胡头部 集成可展开剃须头部

Philips 5000 系列电动刮胡炫效精密刀片电压感应 360度弹性刮胡头部 集成可展开剃须头部

S5885/69scheren, zacht voor de huid SkinIQ-technologieDe Philips 5000-serie zorgt voor een krachtige scheerbeurt en scheert nu nog meer haar per beweging*. Het scheerapparaat is uitgerust met geavanceerde SkinIQ-technologie en detecteert en past zich aan uw haardichtheid aan voor meer huidcomfort.Een krachtige scheerbeurtKrachtige prestaties bij elk gebruikOntworpen voor precisie en scheerefficiëntieFlexibele scheerkoppen volgen uw gezichtscontourenSkinIQ-technologiePast zich aan uw baard aan voor moeiteloos scherenVoor makkelijk scherenGrondige reiniging in slechts 1 minuut voor hygiënisch scherenTot wel 60 minuten draadloos scheren na volledig opladen1 uur oplaadtijd en 5 minuten snel opladenLED-display op het scheerapparaat met intuïtieve bedieningspictogrammenScheer nat, droog en zelfs onder de douchePrecisietrimmer geïntegreerd in het handvatDuurzaamheidHandig op te ladenKenmerkenSteelPrecision -mesjesDe SteelPrecision -mesjes maken tot wel 90.000 knipbewegingen per minuut , scheren glad en meer haar per beweging *. De 45hoogwaardige messen zijn zelfslijpend en gemaakt in Europa .Power A dapt -sensorDe intelligente gezichtshaarsensor meet de haardichtheid 250 keer per seconde . De technologie past het scheervermogen dynamisch en automatisch aan voor moeiteloos en zacht scheren .360-D flexibelescheerhoofdenVolledig flexibele scheerkoppen draaien 360°om uw gezichtscontouren te volgen . Ervaar optimaal huidcontact voor een grondige en comfortabele scheerbeurt .Hair -Guide -precisiescheerhoofdenDe nieuwe vorm van de scheerhoofden is speciaal ontwikkeld voor precisie . Het oppervlak is verbeterd methaargeleidingskanalen , die zijn ontworpen om haar in een e ffectieve scheerpositie te brengen .Draadloze Quick CleanPodMet de krachtige schoonmaakpod reinigt en smeert u uw scheerapparaat grondig in slechts 1 minuut , zodat het langer optimaal blijft presteren . De pod is 10x e ffectiever dan reiniging met water **. Het is de kleinste schoonmaakpod ter wereld , zodat u hetapparaat eenvoudig kunt opbergen en overal kunt gebruiken .Nat &droogKies een scheerroutine die bij u past . Met Wet & Dry kunt u kiezen voor een comfortabele droge scheerbeurt of een verfrissende natte scheerbeurt . U kunt met gel of schuim scheren ,zelfs onder de douche .UitklapbaretrimmerMaak uw look compleet met de uitklapbare precisietrimmer van het scheerapparaat . Deze is geïntegreerd in de behuizing van hetscheerapparaat en dit de perfecte manier om uw snor en bakkebaarden te onderhouden .60 minuten draadloosscherenTot wel 60 minuten draadloos gebruik na één keer volledig opladen van de batterij .1 uuroplaadtijdLaad uw scheerapparaat in slechts 1 uurvolledig op met de krachtige en energiezuinige lithium -ionbatterij . Hebt u haast ? Sluit uw scheerapparaat 5 minuten aan op netstroom en u hebt genoeg vermogen voor 1 volledige scheerbeurt .SpecificatiesA ccessoiresOnderhoud: ReinigingsborsteltjeQuick Clean Pod: Ja, Inclusief 4 cartridges Geïntegreerde uitklapbare trimmer: Yes Reizen en opslag: ReisetuiUSB-A-kabel meegeleverd: Stroomadapter niet meegeleverdVermogenA utomatisch voltage: 5 VOpladen: Volledig opladen in 1 uur, Snel opladen in 5 minutenGebruikstijd: 60 minuten Batterijtype: Li-ionEnergieverbruik in stand-by: 0,04 WMaximaal energieverbruik: 9 WOntwerpKleur: Midnight blauw/zwartHandvat: Rubberen greepScheerhoofden: HoekigService2 jaar garantieVervangend scheerhoofd SH71: Elke 2 jaarvervangen met SH71ScheerresultatenContourvolgend: 360-D flexibelescheerhoofdenScheersysteem: SteelPrecision-mesjesSkinIQ-technologie: Power A dapt-sensorGebruiksgemakNat & droog: Nat en droog te gebruikenReiniging: Open metéén druk op de knop,Volledig wasbaarDisplay: LED-display, Indicatie voor batterijopladen, ReisslotOpladen: Opladen via USB-A* Getest in vergelijking met Philips-serie 3000.* *scheerresten na gebruik van reinigingsvloeistof in plaatsvan water in de cassette© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.A lle rechten voorbehouden.Specificaties kunnen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving worden gewijzigd. Handelsmerken zijn het eigendom van Koninklijke Philips N.V. en hun respectieve eigenaren.Publicatiedatum2023‑10‑20Versie: 11.11.1E A N: 87 20689 00804 4 。










【红海MINI版】红海Mini静音版散热器现在不少朋友都想装备一套HT PC平台,或者是那种小体积的主机,这时候小型散热器就更加重要了。






ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet 中文说明书

ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet 中文说明书

当启动该功能,当带上面罩呼吸时,自动启动治疗。当脱下 面罩后几秒钟,自动停止治疗。
该选项显示您的面罩类型设置。如果您使用不止一种面罩, 更换面罩时,调节设置。
Run Warmup
该选项允许您在开始治疗之前预热水,可以在治疗之前空气 变暖或者湿润。
第 11 页
重新组装 当水箱和水管完全干燥后,您可以重新组装机器。
1. 把空气管牢固的连接到机器后面的出气口。 2. 打开水箱,加入室温的蒸馏水,不要超过最高水位线。 3. 合上水箱,把水箱插入设备另外一端。 4. 把空气管另外一端牢固的连接到面罩上。
第 13 页
该设备记录了您的治疗数据,您的医师可以进行修改。数据可以无线的或者通过 数据卡传递给医师。 无线
2. 检查空气管,如果有任何洞或裂缝,更换空气管。 3. 检查空气滤棉,每 6 个月更换 1 次。如果有洞或者有灰尘或脏东西堵
住,请经常更换空气棉。 更换过滤棉:
1. 打开过滤棉盖子,拿走旧的过滤棉。过滤棉是不可清洗或者重新使用 的。
2. 放置新的过滤棉,并盖上盖子。确认过滤棉总是可以阻止水和灰尘进入 机器。
清洗。 2. 凉干水箱和空气软管,不要直接晒到太阳,也不要加热。 3. 用干布搽试设备外部。
第 12 页
检查 定期检查水箱,空气管和空气过滤棉,防止有任何损坏。
1. 检查水箱: 如果有泻漏或者有破裂或凹陷请更换。 如果密封垫破裂或者老化,请更换。 以醋水比例为 1:10 的溶液祛除白色粉末沉淀。
该设备记录了您的治疗数据。为了把您的数据传递给您的治疗医生,不要拔下电 源。但是,您可以把您的设备设置在节能模式上节能。 进入节能模式


















YBX3系列隔爆型三相异步电动机(机座号:80~400)产品样本代号:0AP.138.0147南阳防爆集团股份有限公司2012年10月27 日目 录1. 2.防爆基础知识 ............................................................. 2 产品概述 .. (2)3. 型号说明 ................................................................. 3 4. 结构说明 ................................................................. 3 使用条件 ................................................................. 4 技术数据 ................................................................. 4 结构及安装和外形尺寸 ..................................................... 6 订货指南 .. (9)隔爆型无铠格兰接头 (17)隔爆型铠装格兰接头 (18)5. 6. 7. 8.附录 A附录 B1. 防爆基础知识 1.1电气设备分类I I 类 除煤矿外的其他爆炸性气体环境用电气设备。

I I 类爆炸性气体的特性进一步分类为: IIA 、IIB 、IIC 。

I I 类常见可燃性气体、蒸气、温度组别举例见表 1III 类 用于除煤矿以外的爆炸性粉尘环境,III 类再分类:IIIA 类:可燃性飞絮 ; IIIB 类:非导电性粉尘;IIIC 类:导电性粉尘;表 1级 组别别T1T2 T3T4 甲烷、醋酸乙烷、丙烷、 丁醇、丁烷、乙醇、 环己烷、戊烷、已烷、庚 乙醛IIA 苯乙烯、苯、二甲苯、 丙烯、乙苯、甲醇、 烷、辛烷、煤油、甲苯、一氧化碳 丙醇 柴油、车用汽油、癸烷 丙炔、环丙烷、焦炉煤 环氧乙烷、乙烯、 二甲醚、四氢糠醚、 乙基甲基醚、 丁烯醛、丙烯醛、硫化氢 二乙醚、四氟乙烯IIBIIC 气 氢 1,2-环氧丙烷乙炔1.2不同温度组别对应表面最高温度见表 2表 2T1 爆 炸 性 混 合 物 组 别 T2 T3 T4 电机表面最高允许温度(℃)户外 户内440 450290 300190 200125 1351.3防爆原理隔爆型“Ex d ”电机是防爆电机的一种形式,其原理是将设备在正常运行时,将可能 产生火花、电弧或危险高温的部件置于隔爆外壳内,隔爆外壳能承受内部压力而不致损坏, 并能保证内部的火焰气体通过间隙传播时,降低能量,不足以引爆壳外的气体。



IndexAccessoriesInstallation................................. 105ACCESSORY (Ignition KeyPosition)....................................... 50AddingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 145Brake Fluid............................... 147Clutch Fluid.............................. 149Engine Coolant......................... 140Engine Oil.................................. 135Manual Transmission Fluid... 146Power Steering Fluid .............. 149Windshield Washer Fluid....... 144Additional Safety Information .... 16Door Locks.................................. 17Driving with Pets....................... 17Seat-back Position..................... 16Storing Cargo Safely................. 17Additives, Engine Oil................... 137AdjustmentsMirrors......................................... 61Seats.............................................. 53Steering Wheel (45)Airbag (SRS)................................... 10Air Cleaner.................................... 150Air Conditioning............................. 72Maintenance.............................. 158Usage............................................ 72Air Outlets (Vents)......................... 72Air Pressure, Tires ...................... 160Alcohol and Drugs.......................... 24Alcohol in Gasoline........................ 98Antenna, Cleaning........................ 178Antifreeze...................................... 140Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)Description................................. 212Indicator Light .................. 34, 119Operation................................... 118Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock.............................................. 50Appearance Care.......................... 177Ashtray............................................. 66Audio System.................................. 79Automatic Speed Control............. 46Automatic Transmission............ 112Capacity, Fluid.......................... 210Checking Fluid Level.............. 145Shifting....................................... 112Shift Lever Positions (112)BatteryCharging System Light............. 33Jump Starting........................... 193Maintenance.............................. 153Specifications............................ 211Before Driving................................ 97Belts, Seat.......................................... 5Body Repair................................... 183BrakesAnti-lock System (ABS).......... 118Break-in, New Linings.............. 98Fluid............................................ 147Light, Burned-out.................... 170Parking......................................... 63System Indicator........................ 33Wear Indicators........................ 117Brakes, ABSDescription................................. 212Operation................................... 118System Indicator ................ 34, 119Shift Lock Release (116)CONTINUEDIndexBraking System............................ 117Break-in, New Car ......................... 98Brightness Control,Instruments................................. 43Brights, Headlights........................ 42Bulb ReplacementBack-up Lights......................... 170Brake Lights............................. 170Front Parking Lights.............. 166Front Side Marker Lights...... 167Headlights................................. 165High-mount Brake Light........ 169License Plate Lights................ 172Rear Side Marker Lights........ 171Specifications............................ 211Turn Signal Lights .................. 168Bulbs, Halogen (165)Cables, Jump Starting With....... 194Capacities Chart........................... 210Carbon Monoxide Hazard ............ 25Cargo, Loading............................. 106Cassette PlayerCare (94)Operation..................................... 87CAUTION, Explanation of............ ii Certification Label....................... 208Chains............................................. 164Change OilHow to........................................ 138When to...................................... 129Changing a Flat Tire................... 187Changing Engine Coolant........... 142Charging System Indicator .. 33, 198Check Engine Light ............... 34, 199CheckingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 145Battery Condition..................... 153Brake Fluid............................... 147Clutch Fluid.............................. 149Engine Belts.............................. 159Engine Coolant......................... 140Engine Oil.................................. 135Fuses........................................... 201Manual Transmission Fluid... 146Power Steering Fluid .............. 149Checklist, Before Driving........... 108Child Safety..................................... 18Cigarette Lighter (65)Cleaner, Air................................... 150CleaningAluminum Wheels.................... 179Antenna...................................... 178Carpeting ................................... 181Exterior...................................... 178Fabric.......................................... 181Interior....................................... 181Leather....................................... 181Seat Belts................................... 181Vinyl............................................ 181Washing ..................................... 178Waxing....................................... 179Windows..................................... 182CLEAN Light................................. 94Clock, Setting the........................... 64Clutch Fluid................................... 149CO in the Exhaust ........................ 218Cold Weather, Starting in........... 110Compact Spare.............................. 186Consumer Information................ 223Controls, Instruments and............ 29CoolantAdding........................................ 141Checking.................................... 140Proper Solution.........................140IndexTemperature Gauge.................. 40Corrosion Protection................... 182Crankcase Emission ControlSystem........................................ 218Cruise Control Operation.............. 46Customer Relations Office (223)DANGER, Explanation of.............. ii Dashboard........................................ 30Daytime Running Lights.............. 42Dead Battery, What to Do .......... 193Defects, Reporting Safety............ 26Defogger, Rear Window ............... 58Defrosting the Windows............... 78DEXRON® II AutomaticTransmission Fluid.................. 146Dimensions.................................... 210Dimming the Headlights............... 42DipstickAutomatic Transmission........ 145Engine Oil.................................. 135Directional Signals......................... 43Disabled, Towing Your Car If... 206Disc Brake Wear Indicators. (117)Disposal of Used Oil..................... 140DoorsLocking and Unlocking............. 51Power Door Locks...................... 51DOT Tire Quality Grading......... 216Downshifting, 5-speed ManualTransmission............................. 111Driving........................................... 107Economy.................................... 104In Bad Weather......................... 120In Foreign Countries.. (99)Economy, Fuel.............................. 104Emergencies on the Road........... 185Battery, Jump Starting ........... 193Changing a Flat Tire............... 187Charging System Indicator.... 198Check Engine Light................. 199Checking the Fuses................. 202Low Oil Pressure Indicator.... 197Malfunction Indicator Lamp.. 199Manually Closing Moonroof .. 200Overheated Engine.................. 195Emergency Brake.. (63)Emergency Flashers...................... 58Emission Controls........................ 218EngineBelts............................................ 159Check Light........................ 34, 199Coolant Temperature Gauge... 40Malfunction IndicatorLamp ................................. 36, 199Oil Pressure Indicator ....... 35, 197Oil, What Kind to Use ............. 136Overheating............................... 195Specifications............................ 210Ethanol in Gasoline........................ 99Evaporative EmissionControls...................................... 218Exhaust Fumes............................... 25Expectant Mothers, Use of Seat Belts by........................................... 8Exterior, Cleaning the.. (178)Fabric, Cleaning........................... 181Fan, Interior (74)CONTINUEDIndexFan, Radiator.................................. 27Features, Comfort andConvenience................................ 71Filling the Fuel Tank.................. 100FiltersFuel............................................. 151Oil................................................ 138First Gear, Shifting...................... 1115-speed Manual Transmission,Checking Fluid Level.............. 1465-speed Manual Transmission,Shifting the............................... 111Flashers, Hazard Warning ........... 58Flat Tire, Changing a.................. 187FluidsAutomatic Transmission........ 145Brake.......................................... 147Clutch......................................... 149Manual Transmission.............. 146Power Steering......................... 149Windshield Washer.................. 144FM Stereo RadioReception..................................... 81Folding Rear Seat.......................... 57Foreign Countries, Driving in...... 99Four-way Flashers. (58)Four Wheel Steering (4WS)Description................................ 214Indicator Light........................... 35Operation.................................... 119Front End, Towing byEmergency Wrecker............... 206Fuel................................................... 98Fill Door and Cap ..................... 100Filter........................................... 152Gauge............................................ 38Octane Requirement................. 98Oxygenated................................. 98Tank, Filling the ...................... 100Fuses, Checking the .. (201)Gas Mileage, Improving.............. 104Gasohol.............................................98Gasoline............................................ 98Filter........................................... 151Gauge........................................... 40Octane Requirement................. 98Tank, Filling the ...................... 100Gas Station Procedures (100)GaugesEngine Coolant Temperature.. 40Fuel............................................... 40Gearshift Lever PositionsAutomatic Transmission........ 1125-speed ManualTransmission......................... 111Glass Cleaning ............................... 182Glove Box. (64)Halogen Headlight Bulbs............ 165Hazard Warning Flashers ............ 58HeadlightsDaytime Running Lights.......... 42High Beam Indicator................. 35High Beams, Turning on.......... 42Low Beams, Turning on........... 42Reminder Chime........................ 42Replacing Halogen Bulbs ....... 165Turning on.................................. 42Heating and Cooling...................... 72High Altitude, Starting at........... 110High-Low Beam Switch................ 42Hood, Opening the........................101IndexHorn.................................................. 49Hot Coolant, Warning about...... 141Hydraulic Clutch.......................... 149Hydroplaning (121)Identification Number,Vehicle....................................... 208If Your Car Has to be Towed .... 206IgnitionKeys.............................................. 49Switch........................................... 50Timing Control System........... 219Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel............................................. 31Infant Restraint.............................. 19Inflation, Proper Tire.................. 160Inside Mirror................................... 61Inspection, Tire............................. 161Instrument Panel............................ 30Instrument Panel Brightness....... 43Interior Cleaning.......................... 181Interior Lights................................ 68Introduction. (i)Jacking up the Car....................... 189Jack, Tire....................................... 187Jump Starting.. (193)Keys (49)Label, Certification...................... 208Lane Change, Signaling................ 43Lap/Shoulder Belts.......................... 6Leaking of Exhaust into Car........ 25Lighter, Cigarette.......................... 65LightsBulb Replacement.................... 165Indicator....................................... 31Parking......................................... 42Turn Signal................................. 43Loading Cargo.............................. 106LOCK (Ignition Key Position)..... 50LocksAnti-theft Steering Column (50)Fuel Fill Door............................ 102Glove Box.................................... 64Power Door.................................. 50Trunk............................................ 52Low Coolant Level....................... 140Lower Gear, Downshiftingto a............................................... 111Low Oil Pressure Indicator.. 33, 197Lubricant SpecificationsChart........................................... 210Luggage.. (106)Maintenance.................................. 127Periodic Items........................... 132Record................................ 131 - 132Schedule............................ 129 - 130Manual Transmission................. 111Manual Transmission Fluid....... 146Maximum Shift Speeds...... 112, 115Meters, Gauges............................... 36Methanol in Gasoline..................... 95Mirrors, Adjusting. (60)CONTINUED。

orthophos xg 附加说明

orthophos xg 附加说明

Dear customer,
Your X-ray unit has been delivered with up to date documents. However, some modifications not yet listed in your Unit Manual may apply to your system. To keep your documents up to date with regard to official inspections, please insert this paper into your Unit Manual behind the register „Operating Instructions“
Hazardous Substance
Other parts of the system
Table 2: GALILEOS Comfort PLUS / Comfort / Compact
Hazardous Substance
D 3352.
2Байду номын сангаасHazardous Substances
2 Hazardous Substances
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Addendum to Operating Instructions
Table 1: ORTHOPHOS XG 3D / Ceph, ORTHOPHOS XG 3Dready / Ceph, ORTHOPHOS XGPlus DS / Ceph, ORTHOPHOS XG 5 / 5 DS / Ceph, ORTHOPHOS XG 3 / 3 DS



R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装简介R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装由R-Steam Mini电池和小飞鱼迷你雾化器组成。

R-Steam Mini电池最大功率可达80瓦;搭配小飞鱼迷你雾化器,预装1.2欧双发核芯,带给你醇厚的口感和超大烟雾!产品配置1 x R-Steam Mini 80瓦温控电池盒子1 x 小飞鱼迷你雾化器1 x BM2 (预装) – 1.2欧双发核芯1 x BM2 - 0.6欧双发核芯1 x 可替换玻璃管1 x USB线1 x说明书配件包产品参数R-Steam Mini 80瓦温控电池盒子尺寸:82x38x22.3 毫米重量:120克输出功率:1-80瓦输出电压:0.8-9.0伏静态电流: <500微安充电电压/电流:5伏/1安阻值范围:0.06-2.0欧姆(温控模式)/0.1-3.0欧姆(功率模式)温度范围:100-315摄氏度(200-600华氏度)材质:锌合金小飞鱼迷你雾化器材质:不锈钢尺寸:22x48.5毫米重量:38.5克容量:2毫升接口:510产品验真1.打开电脑或者手机浏览器,访问 SMOK 官方产品验真查询网址:/support/2.刮开包装盒上产品防伪标签上的涂层,得到 16 位数字字母组合防伪码。

其中 4位为一组,在产品验真页面,顺序输入防伪码,点击验真查询按钮,稍等片刻,即可得到查询结果。


产品保修R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装保修周期为:自购买之日起 6 个月。

在6个月的保修期内,产品出现任何非人为造成的故障所导致的产品无法正常使用,均可以凭《R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装用户服务卡》,联系SMOK 授权经销商和零售店进行进一步的产品售后服务。

《R-Steam小飞鱼迷你套装用户服务卡》是用户享受SMOK 产品售后服务保障的重要凭证,请务必保存好此卡片,请仔细阅读服务卡上面的信息,并正确填写相关信息。





For high-precision small-format flatbed printing market, It can be used on such as mobile phones, tablet computers, watches, glasses and other small commodities for digital inkjet printing, truly achieve the realistic effects of "What You See Is What You Get ". And it presents colorful bump effect and improve product quality and feel.2,支持白色打印功能,最高打印精度可达2880dpi,使用自主知识产权,led uv灯使用寿命高达3年以上。

It can support white printing functioin, The maximum print accuracy reach to 2880dpi,with proprietary intellectual property rights.The life of led uv lamp is more than three years.细节图:Details picture1,工业级设计,采用直线型静音导轨,稳定性高——工业级打印平台,直线型静音导轨,实现平稳打印,不左右摇摆,不重影走位,轻松达到高精度打印要求;Industrial design, using straight mute rail, high stability - industrial grade printing platform, straight mute rail, which can give smooth printing without swing around,banding, easy to achieve high precision printing requirements;2,高节能LED UV灯固化系统——采用先进的冷式紫外固化,智能照射,长寿命、低功耗,一年可省4万元,三年可省12万;High energy-saving LED UV light curing systems - Adopt advanced cooled UV curing, intelligent exposure, long life, low power consumption, It can save 40,000RMB a year and 120,000RMB 3 years;3,照片级输出精度,色彩纷繁——采用晶体微压电式喷头,可打印1024×1024dpi影像级精度;Photo-output precision, color intricate –Micro piezo electric printhead can print 1024 × 1024dpi image-level accuracy.4,无需制版,全彩一次成像——支持白墨、光油、彩墨同步打印,一次成型,超低废品率;No plate,full-color imaging - support white ink, varnish, color ink synchronous printing, molding, low scrap rate.5,3d羽化技术——先进的墨滴控制方式及高容错式羽化技术相结合,确保输出品质更加完美,可适应更多特殊材料打印输出;3D eclosion technology——Combined advanced dot control with high fault-tolerant eclosion technology,ensure a more perfect quality with more special materials.6,智能高度调节系统——小车高度实时可调,双高度调节控制,最大可调高度达9cm;Intelligent height adjustment system –cartridge height adjustable, dual height adjustment control, the maximum adjustable height is up to 9cm7,colprint专为平板机多重应用定制的软件——专为平板机各类拓展式应用定制的rip软件,插件式安装方式,可直接在coreldraw、photoshop等各设计软件中直接使用,操作简单,功能强大。

Airmar TRIDUCER 产品说明书

Airmar TRIDUCER 产品说明书

35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 122000#17-1205B744V , B744VL,SS544V , B66V , B66VL50 kHz,120 kHz, 120 kHz Dual Beam, 150 kHz, 170 kHz, 200 kHz, 235 kHz,50/200 kHz Dual Frequency,50 kHz & 200 kHz Dual FrequencyU.S. Patent No. 4,898,029U.S. Patent No. 5,186,050Canadian Patent No. 1,313,775Australian Patent No. 605,281Japanese Patent No. 1851014Airmar TRIDUCER ® multisensors incorpo-rate a revolutionary self-closing valve to min-imize water flow into the boat when thepaddlewheel insert is removed. “Gushers” are eliminated with this simple to maintain valve.Fins provide on either side of the paddlewheel for more accurate speed measurement in cross-flow conditions.Combined with our fairing, installation is made simple. Made of urethane, the fairing will never swell or rot, and the unique cutting guide allows safer, more accurate cutting with a band saw. High speed fairings are provided with a corrosion resistant bolt to secure the fairing and prevent rotation.Specifications• Hall-effect device senses paddlewheel rotation• Unitary paddlewheel bearing assures exact alignment and minimal rotational friction• Corrosion-proof shaft for long life in saltwater• Alignment key for easy speed/temperature assembly removal and insertion in difficult access locations • Replaceable valve assembly• Polished paddlewheel shaft for quick start up • Surge and reverse polarity protection• Shielded cable to minimize noise pick-up and emission • Designed to meet CE requirements • Dual O-rings for superior sealing• Retaining pin and safety chain secures paddlewheel and plug inserts • Installation requires a 51mm (2") diameter hole • Fairing is supplied standard with SS544V • Blanking plug included• Standard cable length: 10 m (33')• Weight:B744V 2.5 kg (5.5 lb.)B744VL 2.6 kg (6.4 lb.)SS544V 3.1 kg (6.8 lb..)B66V 2.7 kg (6.0 lb.)B66VL 3.1 kg (6.8 lb.) Options• Two wire speed sensor circuit• Thermistor or semiconductor temperature sensor • Urethane fairingB744V , B744VL: High speed #33-353-01B66V , B66VL: Standard #33-029• Pulse division circuitry or other pulse rates • CS4500 correlation speed/temperature insertSelf-closing valve ...checks water flow when paddlewheel insert is removedNew B744V and long stem B744VL offer flush mounting in streamlined fairings and accommodate ceramics up to 44 mm (1.75 " ) in diameter including the popular 50/200 kHz modelSS544 includes a streamlined fairing and is designed specifically for isolatedmounting to steel and aluminum hulls. It accommodates ceramics up to 44 mm (1.75 " ) in diameterNew streamlined fairings for B744V , B744VL, and SS544V provide much improved echosounding at speeds above 20 knots and greatly reduce dragVersatile B66V and long stem B66VL mounts frequencies varying from 50 kHz to 200 kHz including dual beam 120 kHz and dual element 50 kHz & 200 kHz Optional paddlewheel-less speed/temperature sensor uses echo correlation technologySS544VB66V B66VLB744VThe Latest Evolution in TRIDUCER ™ Multisensor TechnologyAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 132000#17-1205SpeedThe TRIDUCER ® multisensor provides accurate speed measurement over the widest boat speed range of any thru-hull paddlewheel transducer.The combination of a hydrodynamic paddlewheel and paddlewheel cav-ity, housing and fairing projection through the boundary layer and fins on either side of the paddlewheel gives an unmatched linearity.TemperatureVarious temperature sensing devices can be incorporated in the housing including ther-mistor and semiconductor types. See the “Temperature” section for more detailed information including thermal time constants.ShieldingInside the TRIDUCER ® multisensor housing, shielding is used to eliminate interference between the speed and depth sensors. A shielded cable and separately shielded speed and temperature conductors are used to pre-vent mutual interference. The bronze housing also functions as a shield. Refer to wiring dia-gram beginning on p 35 for shielding details.Applications • Fiberglass or wood hulls onlyNotes• Replaces B44, B50, B55, and B56 models• For Parts and Accessories see pages p2 through p4Single Connector/Dual Connector SystemsThe piezoceramic element, speed, and temperature cir-cuitry are all within the bronze housing. The removable paddlewheel insert contains no circuitry. The magnetic field sensor to measure speed is mounted in the housing in close proximity to the rotating paddlewheel. A single con-nector system is generally used when depth, speed, and temperature will be processed in a single instrument or when two instruments are within 1m (40") of each other. When depth and speed/temperature functions will be pro-cessed in separate instruments, our cable can be split and two connectors can be applied.All signals are transmitted via a multi-conductor cable with a high quality thermoplastic rubber jacket forimproved resistance to cutting, pinching, and degradation from petroleum distillates. C144 cable is used in single element TRIDUCER ® multisensors. Dual element multi-sensors use C145 cable.New Specifications 11. Refer to “Sensor Design Fundementals” for more detailed information.Speed range 22. Requires correction for non-linearity below 3 knots (3MPH).1–44 knots (1–50 MPH)LinearityRefer to Airmar Technical Data CatalogPulse rate (B744V ,B744VL,SS544V)19,000 ppnm 3 (5.7 Hz/knot) with high speed fairing 21,500 ppnm 3 (6.0 Hz/knot) without fairing 3. ppnm = pulses per natical mile.Pulse rate (B66V , B66VL)21,500 ppnm 3 (6.0 Hz/knot) with standard fairing 21,500 ppnm 3 (6.0 Hz/knot) without fairing Supply voltage 5–25 VDC Supply current: “OFF”“ON” 2.3 mA 8 mA at 5 VDC Circuitry: standardoptional 3 wire format 2 wire format Unicurve® type thermistor10,000 ohmsHull Thickness LimitsModelMinimumMaximumB744V with fairing —26 mm (1")without fairing 6 mm (1⁄4")72 mm (2 7⁄8")B744VL with fairing 6 mm (1⁄4")87 mm (3 3⁄4")without fairing 35 mm (1 3⁄8")133 mm (5 1⁄4")SS544V with fairing —14 mm (1⁄2")B66V with fairing —25 mm (1”)without fairing 6 mm (1⁄4")70 mm (2 3⁄4") B66VL with fairing 30 mm (1 1⁄8")87 mm (3 3⁄4")without fairing70 mm (2 3⁄4")133 mm (5 1⁄4")35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 142000#17-1205NewB744VSS544V High-speed SS544VFairingFairingB744V, B744VL High-speedAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 152000#17-1205insert and Paddlewheel plugblanking B66V, B66VLStandard Fairing35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 162000#17-1205TRIDUCER ® MultisensorfinsAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 172000#17-1205B744VExploded View35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 182000#17-1205Note: See page m 1 for footnotes.* Unbalanced ImpedanceP ERFORMANCE D ATAFrequency 1 – Airmar Piezoceramic Designator 250 kHz – C 120 kHz – B 120 kHz – C 120 kHz – M Dual Beam Element Material 3/ Diameter (mm)PZT/L / 51PZT/37PZT/51PZT/L /19PZT/L /55Beam Width at –3 dB 46°16°12°35°14°Q (fr/∆ f @ –3 dB)4182121915Rated RMS Power (W)600300600100600Voltage Responses: Transmit/Receive 5 (dB)156/–175161/–181166/–174152/–188167/–180Figure of Merit (Insertion Loss)6 (dB)–27–25–18–37–16Balanced Impedance 7:Resistance, Rp (ohm)Capacitance, C p (pF)28012260150615*150*08601,5102,200*4,100*S eries Impedance [R – jX]8 (ohm)280 – j0250 – j40150 – j20300 – j310110 – j50Acoustic Window MaterialUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneFREQUENCY AVAILABILITY by HOUSING TYPECeramic DesignationBeam Width @–3dBHousingB744VB744VLSS544VB66VB66VL50 kHz – C 46°••120 kHz – B 16°•••120 kHz – C 12°••120 kHz – M (dual beam)35° & 14°••150 kHz – A 19°•••170 kHz – A 12°••200 kHz – G 8°••200 kHz – Hlq 8°••200 kHz – U 11°•••235 kHz – B 11°•••235 kHz – D7°••50/200 kHz – A (dual frequency)45° & 12°•••50 kHz – C & 200 kHz – B(dual frequency)46° & 13°••AIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 192000#17-1205Note: See page m1 for footnotes.P ERFORMANCE D ATAFrequency 1 – Airmar Piezoceramic Designator 2235 kHz – B 235 kHz – D 50/200kHz – A50 kHz – C & 200 kHz – B Element Material 3/Diameter (mm)PZT /36BT /51PZT/44PZT/ L / 51BT/28Beam Width at –3 dB 11°7°45°12°46°13°Q (fr/∆ f @ –3 dB)4251628311822Rated RMS Power (W)350600600600600250Voltage Responses: Transmit/Receive 5 (dB)165/–186169/–185155/–174164/–184156/–175162/–187Figure of Merit (Insertion Loss)6 (dB)–21–16–31–21–27–26Balanced Impedance 7:Resistance, Rp (ohm)Capacitance, C p (pF)350370190410280125104101,4407207200560S eries Impedance [R – jX]8 (ohm)330 – j70220 – j180175 – j40360 – j130280 – j0450 – j160Acoustic Window MaterialUrethaneUrethane UrethaneUrethaneUrethaneNote: See page m 1 for footnotes.*Unbalanced ImpedanceP ERFORMANCE D ATAFrequency 1 – Airmar Piezoceramic Designator 2150 kHz – A 170 kHz – A 200 kHz – G 200 kHz – Hlq 11200 kHz – U Element Material 3/Diameter (mm)PZT/27PZT/51BT/51PZT/51BT/38Beam Width at –3 dB 19°12°8°8°11°Q (fr/∆ f @ –3 dB)4232529722Rated RMS Power (W)200500600600375Voltage Responses: Transmit/Receive 5 (dB)160/–185172/–184167/–182163/–182164/–185Figure of Merit (Insertion Loss)6 (dB)–27–17–16–19–22Balanced Impedance 7:Resistance, Rp (ohm)Capacitance, C p (pF)4007012370865510*55001,1201,2001,930*S eries Impedance [R – jX]8 (ohm)380 – j8070 – j0290 – j150325 – j420300 – j250Acoustic Window MaterialUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethane。



1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2
商用无线,稳定性差 .............................................................................................................. 5 商用 WIFI 的宣传功能实用性差.............................................................................................. 5 微信公众号、手机点餐等快速兴起 ...................................................................................... 5 没有稳定的售后服务体系 ...................................................................................................... 5
连锁门店无线安全性设计 .................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6
信锐无线解决方案 .......................................................................................................................... 7

Gentex 9123 9223 系列光电烟感120VAC和220VAC,9V电池备份,单 多站烟感

Gentex 9123 9223 系列光电烟感120VAC和220VAC,9V电池备份,单 多站烟感

9123 / 9223 SeriesPhotoelectric Smoke Alarm120 VAC and 220 VAC with 9V Battery Back-Up Single/Multiple Station Smoke Alarm 24 units per carton, 34 pounds per cartonApplicationsThe 9123/9223 Series of photoelectric smoke alarms is designed for residential andcommercial residential applications, including homes, apartments, hospitals, hotelsand motels. Available in several different models, the 9123/9223 Series is engineeredto virtually eliminate nuisance alarms and deliver outstanding performance whereverreliable fire protection is required.The 9123/9223 Series is provided with a 9V alkaline battery for back-up in the eventbuilding power is lost. The Gentex 9123/9223 Series provides an exclusive patentedthree-position test feature that simulates a 0.85% and 3.5% actual smoke conditionin full compliance with NFPA 72 and UL Standards. Options include self-restoring135°F integral or isolated heat thermals and Form A/Form C dry contacts for remoteannunciation.The 9123/9223 smoke alarms are ANSI/UL 217 and ANSI/UL 1730 listed and arewarranted for one year from date of purchase.Standard Features• Available in 120VAC and 220VAC models with 9V battery back-up• Photoelectric smoke sensing technology• Horn frequency 3100 Hz (nominal)• 90dBA temporal 3 evacuation piezo horn• Nominal 2.5% sensitivity• Patented three-position test switch• Relays operate on battery back-up• Quick-disconnect wiring harness• Interconnect with Gentex tandem capable smoke alarms• Non-latching (self restoring) alarm• 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio• Pulsing LED sensing chamber• Fully insect screened• Easy Wash® on-site maintenance washing program• Red LED pulses every 30 seconds, green LED for AC power on• Mounting hardware adapts to standard junction boxes• Dust cover to prevent contamination during installation•Low or missing battery indicator• One year warranty from date of purchaseProduct Listings• ANSI/UL 217 and ANSI/UL 1730 Listed• BS+A/MEA #285-91-E• BFP (City of Chicago)• MSFM Listing #1929• Hong Kong FSD Listed (9223 Series only)Product Compliance• NFPA 72• IBC/IFC/IRC• Quality Management System is certified to:ISO 9001:20089123 / 9223 SeriesModel Part Number Voltage (VAC)Integral135ºF ThermalIsolated135ºF ThermalTandemUp To 12 UnitsTandemUp To 6 UnitsForm A/CContacts9123917-0012-002120 VAC•9123T917-0013-002120 VAC••9123H917-0014-002120 VAC••9123F917-0015-002120 VAC••9123TF917-0017-002120 VAC•••9123HF917-0016-002120 VAC•••9223917-0032-002220 VAC•9223T917-0033-002220 VAC••9223H917-0034-002220 VAC••9223F917-0035-002220 VAC••9223TF917-0037-002220 VAC •••9223HF917-0036-002220 VAC•••Notes• Series available in round configuration only• When testing 9123 Series, it may take up to 16 seconds longer for smoke alarm to go in or out of alarm mode• It is recommended that 9123/9223 Series smoke alarmbe tested weekly• Refer to Technical Bulletin 002 for Easy Wash® on site washing instructions• Units produce a temporal 3 audible alarm Electrical SpecificationsOperating Voltage (9123) ................................................120 VAC, 60 Hz Operating Voltage (9223) ................................................220 VAC, 50 Hz Operating Current .............................................................0.045 amps Operating Current (Relay Options) ..............................0.070 amps Operating Ambient Temp Range .................................40°F to 100°F Alarm Horn Rating .............................................................90dBA at 10 feet Nominal Sensitivity ...........................................................2.5% obscuration “F” Auxiliary Relay ..............................................................1 Form A and1 Form C (0.6 amp)“T” Integral Thermal (Self-Restoring) ..........................135°F at 50 feet “H” Isolated Thermal Form A (Self-Restoring) .........135°F at 50 feet Size ..........................................................................................Diameter: 6.5” OA(5.75” at base)Depth: 2.625”Secondary Power Source ................................................Alkaline 9V battery Duracell® MN 16049123 / 9223 Series - Photoelectric Smoke AlarmTandem Wiring DiagramRelay ModelsModels: 9123F, 9123TF, 9223F, 9223TF Isolated Thermal withOptional Accessory ContactsModels: 9123H, 9123HF, 9223H, 9223HFLimitations• Maximum of 12 alarms (9123, 9123T, 9123H, 9223, 9223T, 9223H) may be connected together• Do not exceed 125 ft. between each alarm• Do not exceed 1125 ft. between the first and last alarm • Note: Gentex smoke alarms can not be interconnected to alarms from other manufacturers• A maximum of six (6) alarms with a relay may be tandem interconnected (9123F, 9123TF, 9123HF, 9223F, 9223TF, 9223HF)Caution• RED/YELLOW wire to be capped when not in use • This wire is for tandem connection only • Do not connect to any other circuitRelay Contacts Rated Load Resistive• 1.0 AMP @ 24 VDC• 0.6 AMP @ 125 VAC MAX • 0.3 AMP @ 220 VAC MAXBRN Smoke Alarm Heat SensorAccess ContactsAlarm Contacts Tandem PowerH F O n l yBRN GRAY GRAY YEL ORN BLU VIO VIO/BLK RED/YEL BLKWHTGRAY Supervision WiresAccess ContactsAlarm ContactsTandem PowerGRAY YELORN BLUVIO VIO/BLK RED/YEL BLK WHTQuickDisconnect Type Plug123123123120 Volts 60 HzElectrical BoxElectrical BoxNeutralWHT TandemRED /YEL To additionalGentex smoke alarmsHot BLKElectrical BoxSmoke AlarmSmoke AlarmSmoke AlarmThe photoelectric smoke alarm shall be a Gentex model 9123/ 9223 or approved equal which shall provide at least the following features and functions.• Nominal sensitivity shall be 2.5%• The alarm shall utilize an infrared LED sensing circuit which pulses in 4 to 5 second intervals when subjected to smoke. After 2 consecutive pulses in smoke, the alarm will activate.• The alarm shall have a 9V alkaline battery as a back-up in the event building power is lost.• The 9V battery impedance shall be verified by the circuitof the smoke alarm.• The alarm shall provide an indicator when the batteryis low in power, or high impedance, or is missing.• The alarm shall provide minimum 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio in the optics frame to assure stability of operation in environments of high RF and transient conditions.• The sensing chamber shall be fully screened to prevent entrance of small insects, thus reducing the probabilityof false alarms.• A temporal 3 piezo alarm rated at 90dBA at 10ft.• A visual LED monitor (condition indicator) will slowpulse in normal operation and rapid pulse in alarm.• An easily accessible test knob shall be provided. The test knob in the TEST position will simulate an actual smoke condition of approximately 3.5% causing the detector to alarm within 20-36 seconds. It will also have the capability of testing to 0.85% as arequired minimum. A magnetic switch closure or other switch closure, or smoke generating equipment which does not scatter the light beam or test sensitivity is not sufficient,as indicated in National Code.• The detector shall have interconnect capabilities of up to 12 units or 6 units with relay.• The alarm shall have interconnection capabilities of12 units on 9123/9123T/9123H/9223/9223T/9223H andshall have interconnection capabilities of 6 units on9123F/9123TF/9123HF/9223F/9223TF/9223HF.• The manufacturer shall provide other compatible alarm models with the following optional features: a) 135°F isolated thermal with normally opened contact for remote connection to local alarm or annunciator; b) 135°F integral thermal; c) auxiliary Form A/Form C relay contacts for initiating remote functions and annunciation; d) relay option that is capable of activation by tandem interconnect wire. Thermal sensor shall be self-restoring.• Unit must be ANSI/UL 217 and ANSI/UL 1730 listed for both wall and ceiling mount.• Unit shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories.All equipment shall be completely factory assembled, wired and tested, and the contractor shall be prepared to submit a certified letter testifying to this condition. Alarms which do not meet all of the requirements of this specification will not be considered.9123 / 9223 Series Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Architect & Engineering Specifications。



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竞品显示屏: 1. 8寸屏 2. 触摸不良多? 3. 换屏?元
PRO3S+主机: 1. 丢失或损坏,手机或平板
代替;维修600元。 2. 换新主机价格1500元
竞品显示屏: 1. 8寸屏? 2. 触摸不良多? 3. 换屏?元
PRO3S+主机: 1. 丢失或损坏,手机或平板
代替;维修600元。 2. 换新主机价格1500元
PRO3S+接头: 1. 维修率少 2. 容易更换 3. 维修300元,更换500元
竞品主机: 1. 丢失或损坏,必须购买。 2. 价格?元
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X-431 PRO 3S+
PRO3S+显示屏: 1. 触摸不良少 2. 维修600元
PRO3S+主机: 1. 丢失或损坏,手机或平板



直击新利器,秦瑟X3电击枪作者:暂无来源:《轻兵器》 2010年第15期解春莲王江涛何海泰瑟X3电击枪高调亮相2009年7月10日,在泰瑟国际公司总部,3名泰瑟职员自愿充当新型泰瑟X3电击枪试验的人体目标。




















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产品手册产品描述一:X3A系列X3A series描述Discription1、2013款豪华版高精度压电写真机;2013 deluxe peizo electronic inkjet printer withhigh resolution.2、进口THK高速静音导轨,更高精度、更长寿命、更低噪音;Imported high speed and quiet THK guide rail,higher precision,longer life,lower noise.3、高精度交流伺服电机控制,品质更稳定,效率更出色;Controlled by AC servo motor with high resolution, more stablility,better performance.4、智能嵌入式彩色液晶屏控制系统,性能更突出,技术更领先;Intelligent embedded color LCD screen control system,more outstanding performance, more advanced technology.5、拥有6种以上可变墨滴打印技术,最高可达2880dpi;More than 6 kinds of variable dot printing technology,up to 2880dpi.6、单喷头或双喷头配置,可满足更高打印精度和更快打印速度的更多需求;Single printhead or double printheads can satisfy more demands with higher resolutioin and speed.7、采用VSDT可变墨滴技术,最小墨滴3.5PL,最大27PL,体现完美打印品质;Adopt VSDT variable dot technonlogy,the smallest dot is 3.5PL,the biggest is 27PL,which achieve the perfect printing quality.8、配备LED灯照明系统,便于实时查看打印过程中的画面品质。

Equipped with LED lighting system,which can check the performance during printing at any time.**:率先支持windows 7/64bit操作系统The first one to support windows 7/64bit operating system**:可选择更先进的USB3.0控制系统More advanced USB3.0 control system is selectable细节图:Details picture1、控制系统采用yilijet新一代控制技术,支持工业级光纤模块,保证更稳定、更高速的数据传输;Control system----Adopt yilijet new generation control system and support industrial fiber module,which make sure more stable and higher speed data transferring.2、交流伺服电机——先进的交流伺服控制技术,保证更高精度打印,更好稳定性能以及更长的使用寿命;AC servo motor——Advanced AC servo control technology,make sure high precision printing,higher stability and longer lifetime.3、THK超静音导轨X3系列机器全部使用非国产THK超高精度静音导轨,进口的THK产品相对拥有好的高速静音导轨,更高精度、更长寿命、更低噪音THK ultra-quiet guide rail All of X3 series use imported THK ultra-quiet and high speed guide rail,higher precision,longer life and lower noise.4、3D羽化技术——先进的墨滴控制方式及高容错式羽化技术相结合,确保输出品质更加完美,可适应更多特殊材料打印输出;3D eclosion technology——Combined advanced dot control way and high tolerance eclosion technology,make sure to output more perfect quality with more special medias.5、喷头色序可变技术可通过软件调整同一喷头内色序排列,可满足专色输出或应对喷头老化带来的品质缺陷,从而延长喷头实际使用寿命。

Variable color sequence for printhead technology——You can change color sequence in one heads using software,to satisfy spot color output or solve quality defects from nozzle aging and to extend the real life of printhead.6、HFS智能控制式加热风干系统——方便灵活的打印干燥系统,无论使用的是水性墨水或弱溶剂墨水,都可根据环境温度和材料情况随时调控加热温度,并能实现加热角度调节;Intelligent controlled heating and fan system——convenient and flexible dry system, no matter you use water-based or eco-solvent ink, You can adjust the heating temperature and heating angle according to different media and the temperature of environment.7、模具化制造,外观精美——机身采用德国进口设备加工制造,配以专业的模具配件制造工艺,保证了整机和配件更好的一致性和更高的稳定性;Mould manufacturing,Beautiful appearance------The body of printer is manufactured by Germany equipments.with professional mould manufacturing technology,which can ensure better consistency and stability between the printer and the spare parts.8、多触点式压纸——全新的多点式接触方式,采用整根直径20mm进纸辊,结合高精度模具化制造,充分保证了多种材质进纸精度和稳定性。

Multi-contact point paper clamp---Newest multi point contact style, with diameter 20mm feed axis, combined high precision mould manufacturing to ensure the precision and stability of all kinds of materials.9、卡匣式供墨系统——简单的卡匣式墨盒供墨系统,稳定、方便,支持外接式连续式大供墨方案,可保持更长时间工作不频繁添加墨水。

Block brake type ink supply system---Simple block brake type cartridge ink supply system, stable,convenient,support external and continuous bulk ink system,which can work longer time without adding ink.10.、本机根据需求支持升级为LED UV 卷对卷打印设备The printer support to update to LED UV roll to roll printing machine according to the demand.实例展示:Instances户内外广告艺术品复制影楼写真墙纸礼品包装Indoor and outdoor advertisement,artwork copy,Studio portrait,wallpaper,gift packing.户内外广告、影楼写真、艺术品复制、墙纸墙贴制作、礼品包装制作Indoor and outdoor advertisement,Studio portrait,artwork copy,wallpaper and wall stickers make,gift packing and gift make.1,照片级输出精度,满足各种彩色画面输出;Photo output precision satisfied all kinds of color picture output.2,画面细腻,色彩艳丽,还原一个更加多彩的世界;Exquisite picture and vivid color return to a more colorful world.3,可打印丝绸、宣纸、油画布、墙纸等各种特殊材质。

It can print silk,chinese art paper,canvas,wallpaper and so on.建议以上用户选用x3a suggest the above customers choose X3A户内广告应用适用x3a(水性) Indoor advertise application use X3A(water based)户外(弱溶剂)应用适用x3a(油性) outdoor advertise application use X3A(eco solvent) 中型广告商业务流程Medium advertiser business process客户——接单——设计方案、icc ——XENONS设计部/公司设计部——制作部——cp-3000喷切一体机/X3A压电写真机(水性墨水)/X3a压电写真机(油性墨水)/x8126微压电弱溶剂写真机——应用领域(标签、标贴、墙贴服饰热转印、pop车身贴广告、衣服/户内广告、商超展示广告、展览海报、墙纸/户外广告、墙纸灯箱广告、展览展示广告、软膜/)户内外高清广告、灯箱、车身贴广告、墙纸、软膜——公司储运部Customer——deal——solution,icc——XENONS design department/ company design department——production department——CP-3000 cut and print machine/X3A piezo electric inkjet printer (water-based ink) / X3A piezo electric inkjet printer (eco solvent ink)/X8126 piezo electric eco solvent inkjet printer——application fields (label,labeling,clothing thermal transfer,pop vinyl advertisement,clothes/indoor advertisement,supper markets advertisement, signs, indoor advertisement,supper market display advertising, exhibition poster, wall paper/ outdoor advertisement, Wallpaper flex advertisement,exhibition advertisement,piamater/ indoor and outdoor advertisement,flex banner, vinyladvertisement,wallpaper,piamater)---company storage and transportation department.二:X2A系列/P2系列X2A series/P2 series描述Description1、2013款升级版高精度压电写真机;1. 2013 updated version of high accuracy piezoelectric inkjet printer.2、采用特殊配方铝镁合金制作的打印平台,强度更大、台面精度高,经久耐用,可完美还原2880dip打印精度;2. Adopt special produced aluminum-magnesium alloy printing platform, more strength, high precision, durable and restore 2880dip printing precision.3 、拥有高精度伺服电机控制系统,实现更高打印精度、更快打印速度;3. With high precision servo motor control system to achieve high precision print and faster print speed.4 、采用yilijet的高速USB2.0+控制系统,速率高达480M/S,可稳定支持多头喷头全速度打印4. Adopt yilijet high speed USD2.0+control system, velocity rate up to 480M/S, stably support multi head printing with full speed.5、拥有6种以上可变墨滴打印技术,最高可达2880dip;5. With six or more variable droplet printing technology up to 2880dip.6、单喷头或双喷头配置,可满足更高打印精度和更快打印速度的更多需求;6. Match with single or double head can meet the request of higher printing precision and faster printing speed.7、采用VSDT可变墨滴技术,最小墨滴3.5PL,最大27PL,体现完美打印品质;7. Adopt VSDT variable droplet technology, the smallest drop is 3.5PL and the max is 27PL, reflect the perfect print quality.8 、支持Wasatch、photoprint、maintop多种RIP软件。
