Ugly Duckling things_18






1. Aesop’s FablesAesop’s Fables is a collection of stories that teach moral lessons through animal characters. Some of the most well-known stories include “The Tortoise and the Hare,” “The Ant and the Grasshopper,” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”2. The Ugly Duckling“The Ugly Duckling” is a classic story about a young swan who is mistreated by his duckling siblings because he looks different. However, as he grows up, he realizes that he is actually a beautiful swan.3. The Giving Tree“The Giving Tree” is a heartwarming story about a tree that loved a boy and gave him everything she had. The tree gave the boy apples to eat, branches to swing on, and even her trunk tobuild a boat. In the end, the tree was left as only a stump, but was still happy because she had made the boy happy.4. The Lion and the Mouse“The Lion and the Mouse” is an Aesop fable that teaches the lesson that even small creatures can do great things. In the story, a tiny mouse saves a big lion from a hunter’s trap, and thelion then spared the mouse’s life.5. The Three Little Pigs“The Three Little Pigs” is a classic story that teaches the lesson that hard work and perseverance are important. The three little pigs all built houses, but only the pig who worked hard and built his house of bricks was able to protect himself from the big bad wolf.6. The Boy Who Cried Wolf“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is a story about a boy who played tricks on the people in his village by pretending there was a wolf when there wasn’t. When a real wolf later appeared, the boy cried out for help, but no one believed him.7. The Emperor’s New Clothes“The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a classic story that teaches the lesson that pride can lead to foolishness. In the story, an emperor is fooled by two weavers who claim to make him clothes that only wise people can see. The emperor parades around naked, believing he is wearing beautiful clothes, until a child points out the truth.8. The Frog Prince“The Frog Prince” is a fairy tale about a prince who was turned into a frog by a witch. The prince can only be transformed back into a human if a young princess agrees to marry him. The princess agrees and the prince is returned to his human form.9. Little Red Riding Hood“Little Red Riding Hood” is a classic fairy tale about a little girl who is sent to visit her grandmother. On the way, she is approached by a wolf who convinces her to take a different path. The wolf eats the grandmother, but Little RedRiding Hood is saved by a huntsman who kills the wolf.10. The Pied Piper of Hamelin“The Pied Piper of Hamelin” is a famous story about a piper who is hired by the town of Hamelinto rid it of its rat infestation. When the town refuses to pay the piper, he plays his flute and leads all the town’s children away.11. Beauty and the Beast“Beauty and the Beast” is a fairy tale about a young woman who falls in love with a beast. The Beast was once a prince, but was cursed by a witch. The woman’s love breaks the curse and the beast turns back into a prince.12. The Princess and the Pea“The Princess and the Pea” is a fairy tale about a prince who wants to marry a princess. The prince’s mother puts a pea under 20 mattresses and 20 feather beds on which the princess must sleep. The princess complains about the discomfort and the queen knows that she is a real princess.13. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is a classic fairy tale about a beautiful princess who runs away from her wicked stepmother and takes shelter with seven dwarfs. The stepmother sends a poison apple to Snow White, but she is saved by the prince who falls in love with her.14. Hansel and Gretel“Hansel and Gretel” is a classic fairy tale about two children who are abandoned by their parents in the woods. They come across a candy house, which belongs to an evil witch who plans to eat them. They trick the witch and escape.15. The Little Mermaid“The Little Mermaid” is a fairy tale about a mermaid who falls in love with a human prince. She gives up her life in the sea and becomes human to be with him, but in the end, he marries someone else and she dies.16. The Velveteen Rabbit“The Velveteen Rabbit” is a beautiful story about a toy rabbit who longs to be a real rabbit.Through the love of a child, he eventually becomes real.17. The Steadfast Tin Soldier“The Steadfast Tin Soldier” is a story about a toy tin soldier who falls in love with abeautiful paper ballerina. The soldier faces many obstacles, including being swallowed by a fish, to be with her.18. The Nutcracker“The Nutcracker” is a classic Christmas story about a girl named Clara who receives a nutcracker from her godfather on Christmas Eve. The nutcracker turns into a prince and Clara goes on a magical adventure to a land of sweets.In conclusion, English stories are not only a great tool for expanding vocabulary and learning grammar, but also carry valuable lessons in life. These 18 stories are timeless classics that willnot only inspire language learning but also nourish the mind and soul.。



单本绘本(28)阿文的小毯子爱心树蹦猜猜我爱多爱你大猩猩第五个鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕跟屁虫好饿的小蛇和我一起玩花婆婆活了一百万次的猫鲸鱼狼婆婆妈妈心,妈妈树妞妞的鹿角七只瞎老鼠亲爱的小鱼晴朗的一天让路给小鸭子失落的一角失落的一角遇见大圆满是谁嗯嗯在我的头上苏菲的杰作天空在脚下爷爷一定有办法约瑟夫有件旧外套月亮,你好吗系列经典绘本(344)不一样的卡梅拉(10)我想去看海我想有颗星星我想有个弟弟我去找回太阳我爱小黑猫我能打败怪兽我要捞到朗朗我不要被吃掉我好喜欢她我要救回贝里奥贝贝熊系列丛书(86)01 怕黑02 见啥要啥03 礼貌待人04 恶梦05 傻大胆儿06 恶作剧07 电视迷08 知足常乐09 作业的烦恼10 和父母相处11 在奶奶家12 难忘的生日13 南瓜比赛14 钱的学问15 对待陌生人16 新邻居17 坏习惯18 搬家19 实话实说20 受人冷落21 上学22 学校的烦恼23 爱护环境24 科学饮食25 凌乱的房间26 朋友之交27 去医院28 女孩靠边29 小霸王30 难忘的假日31 睡袋晚会32 遇见圣诞熊33 母亲节的惊喜34 麻烦的家务活35 睡前大战36 玩具迷37 舞台怕不怕38 妹妹的假条39 成绩单大麻烦40 学会理财41 找回轻松42 看牙医43鸟蜜蜂和贝贝熊44 抱抱别生气45 甩开嫉妒心46 宠物真麻烦47 自己做做看48 自己画画看49 自己试试看50 自己种种看51 安全第一52 新朋友53 我爱小金鱼54 广告的诱惑55 父亲节的惊喜56 意外的情人节57 鹦鹉学舌58想想需要它们的人59 我来帮帮你60 爱上足球61 谁的错62 临时妈妈63 熊王国的工作64 棒球选拔赛65 闹别扭66 森林里的幽灵67不给糖果就捣蛋68 蜂蜜不见了69 妈妈的新工作70 去野营71 电脑大麻烦72 代课老师73 开车去旅行74 甜蜜的晚餐75 勤劳的新邻居76 万圣节幽灵77 家庭新成员78 家庭运动会79 爸爸讲故事80 妈妈不在家81 生病的日子82 复活节彩蛋83 宠物总动员84 森林大冒险85 赛车冠军86 阁楼里的宝藏青蛙弗洛格的成长故事(12)我就是喜欢我找到一个好朋友弗洛格和陌生鸟儿在歌唱弗洛格是个英雄弗洛格找宝藏弗洛格去旅行弗洛格吓坏了爱的奇妙滋味冬天里的弗洛格难过的弗洛格特别的日子聪明豆系列(30)咕噜牛咕噜牛小妞妞小房子变大房子城里最漂亮的巨人小海螺和大鲸鱼女巫扫帚排排坐愿望树小熊孵蛋我永远爱你忘了说我爱你猫头鹰喔喔呼火龙爸爸戒烟记乱七八糟的变色龙小猪变形记长大做个好爷爷小憨抱抱小狗阿疤想变羊小老鼠分果果你是我最好的朋友狐狸爸爸鸭儿子狮子烫头发我们是一家美宝的魔法花园当我们同在一起看我,看我噼哩啪啦打屁股如果嗅嗅丢了小羊睡不着雪孩子一只很饿很饿的小猪小兔汤姆(16)汤姆去海滩汤姆上幼儿园汤姆挨罚汤姆的小妹妹汤姆走丢了汤姆住院汤姆搬家汤姆恋爱了汤姆去农场汤姆和伤心的鲁鲁汤姆的外公去世了汤姆的生日汤姆最好的朋友汤姆的噩梦汤姆尿床了汤姆无聊的时候神奇校车(24)01 在人体中游览02 地球内部探秘03 追寻恐龙04 漫游电世界05 奇妙的蜂巢06 迷失在太阳系07 探访感觉器官08 穿越飓风09 海底探险10 水的故事11 光的魔法12 腐烂小分队13 愉快飞行14 光与植物15 把热留住16 有趣的食物链17 探寻蝙蝠18 穿越雷电19 拜访企鹅20 巡航北极21 逃离巨鲨22 走进微生物23 跟踪昆虫24 怒海赏鲸我是彩虹鱼(5)1我是彩虹鱼2彩虹鱼和大鲸鱼 3 条纹鱼得救了 4 彩虹鱼得救了 5 我才不怕呢嘟嘟和巴豆(10)我会回家过圣诞节新朋友迷人的奥碧儿你是我的阳光送给嘟嘟的礼物两个好朋友独一无二快下雪吧世界之巅真希望你们在这儿儿童之友(21)拔萝卜不可思议的小刀大河马洞古利和古拉轰隆轰隆喵骄骄的王冠老奶奶的汤匙米奇拉摩奇拉咚咚木匠和鬼六三只小猪色拉和魔法店神奇的水彩神奇的竹笋我没生病消防车吉普达小达摩和小天狗小猫小象散步小真的长头发雪姑娘我们的爱(6)暴风雨来了大熊小熊小熊的特别愿望我是这样地爱你我好想你蜂蜜山宫西达也(9)01 好饿的老狼和猪的小镇02 今天运气怎么这么好03 喵呜04 你看起来好像很好吃05 你真好06 青蛙小弟睡午觉07 我是霸王龙08 一只小猪和一百只狼09 永远永远爱你花格子大象艾玛(10)艾玛与风艾玛踩高跷艾玛打雪杖艾玛找回绒毛熊花格子大象艾玛艾玛遇见怪家伙艾玛捉迷藏艾玛和蝴蝶艾玛过化装节艾玛和韦伯暖暖心第一辑(4)01 一个长上天的大苹果02 是谁在门外03 亨利爷爷找幸运04 大熊有一个小麻烦彼得兔系列(6)彼得兔的故事夹心布丁卷两只坏耗子塞西丽儿歌松鼠金坚果的故事小猫毛毛的故事莫根森动物故事(10)吉芙和拉芙猪小小手套公寓搞怪的小食人兽们快睡吧宝贝丛林里的放屁声巴尔萨历险记龟兔赛跑小食人兽和对头姐姐们香蕉大发现鼹鼠的故事(11)01 鼹鼠是个小画家02 鼹鼠和伙伴们03 鼹鼠和电视04 鼹鼠做裤子05 鼹鼠和宇宙飞船06 鼹鼠和雪人07 鼹鼠当医生08 鼹鼠和雨伞09 鼹鼠和玩具汽车10 鼹鼠和老鹰11 鼹鼠和兔子小猪唏哩呼噜(5)快乐屋 给宝贝儿一个有故事的童年帮宝贝儿爱上阅读 让宝贝儿受益终生01 小猪唏哩呼噜历险记 02 小猪唏哩呼噜当保镖05 小猪唏哩呼噜和蛇 06 小猪唏哩呼噜卖橘子08 小猪唏哩呼噜生日礼物蓝色小考拉系列(10)01 蓝色小考拉的每一天 02 蓝色小考拉去海滩 03 蓝色小考拉肚子饿04 蓝色小考拉自己穿衣 05 蓝色小考拉上街去 06 蓝色小考拉会数数07 蓝色小考拉玩颜色 08 蓝色小考拉有礼貌 09 蓝色小考拉爱唱歌10 蓝色小考拉认形状噼哩啪拉系列(7)我要拉巴巴我去刷牙我要洗澡你好草莓点心车来了我喜欢游泳淘气宝宝系列(12)01 小熊的哈欠 02 小象的大便 03 小猫的嗝04 鼹鼠爸爸的鼾声 05 小熊的喷嚏 06 小鼹鼠尿床07 松鼠的眼泪 08 猪爸爸的屁 09 小熊的尾巴10 小鼹鼠吸手指 11 小熊的肚脐 12 小熊散步兔子小白系列(10)01 小白想妈妈 02 小白尿床了03 小白生病了 04 小白藏猫猫05 小白去游泳 06 小白迷路了07 小白乘火车 08 小白过生日09 小白生气了 10 小白上幼儿园小艾和小象系列(3)01 真好吃 真好吃02 胳肢 胳肢03 没了 没了 啪小狗卡皮(12)小狗卡皮_嘎嘎 小狗卡皮_蝴蝶 小狗卡皮_蝴蝶小狗卡皮_轮滑 小狗卡皮_喵喵 小狗卡皮_秋千小狗卡皮_沙堡 小狗卡皮_沙堡 小狗卡皮_玩具小狗卡皮_下雨了 小狗卡皮_小表弟 小狗卡皮_野餐小熊宝宝系列(15)01你好 02拉巴巴03午饭 04睡觉05大声回答“哎” 06尿床了07洗澡 08刷牙09我会穿短裤啦 10收起来排好队一个接一个12谁哭了13散步14好朋友15过生日Best Animal Songs(18)01. Talk to the Animals 2:3202. Six Little Ducks 2:0903. Old MacDonald Had a Zoo 2:4004. Kookaburra 3:2005. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?06. Chick-Chick-Chick-Chick-Chicken 2:2007. The Lion Sleeps Tonight 2:5808. How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? 2:3709. The Pet Shop 2:26 10. Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends 3:2611. Turkey in the Straw 2:5612. Had a Little Rooster 4:0213. Three Little Kittens 3:2214. Little Bo Peep 1:5915. Three Little Fishies 3:1816. Mary Had a Little Lamb 2:4417. Rockin' Robin 2:5218. Going to the Zoo 3:50我的第一本英文儿歌书(32)01 To Market, to Market02 Three Little Monkey03 Pease Porridge Hot04 Rock-a-Bye,Baby05 The Eentsy, Weentsy Spider06 Hickor, Dickory, Dock07 I’m a Little Teapot08 Mable Mable, Set the Table09 The Muffin Man10 I Can Sing a Rainbow11 London Bridge Is Falling Down12 Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town13 We Wish You a Merry Christmas14 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star15 In a Cottage in a Wood16 Cinderrella 17 Are You Sleeping ?18 What’s This?19 How’s the Weather?20 Animal Talk21 The Farmer in the Dell22 The Wheels on the bus23 Rain, Rain, Go Away24 Pat-a-cake25 Row, Row, Row Your Boat26 Clap Your Hands27 Old MacDonald Had a Farm28 This is the Way29 Sally’s Wearing a R ed Hat30 Where Is Daddy?31 If You’re Happy32 I Am a Pretty Little Dutch GirlEarlyreads(29)(LEVEL 1) 01 Dorothy(LEVEL 1) 02 The Enormous Turnip (LEVEL 1) 03 A Trip to the Safari Park Safari_Park_audio(LEVEL 1) 04 The_Ugly_Duckling (LEVEL 2) 01 Little_Red_Riding_Hood (LEVEL 2) 02 The Mad Teacher (LEVEL 2) 03 Mowgli learns to swim (LEVEL.3) 01 Bugaboo.the.Wicked.Witch (LEVEL.3) 02 Cinderella(LEVEL.3) 03 The.Jungle.Book (LEVEL.3) 04 The.Little.Mermaid (LEVEL.3) 05 (LEVEL.4) 01 Aesop's.Fables (LEVEL.4) 02 Dracula.and.His.Family (LEVEL.4) 03 (LEVEL.4) 04 Freddy.Finds.the.Thief (LEVEL.4) 05 puter.Mouse (LEVEL.4) 06 07 Sleeping.Beauty(LEVEL.4) 08 Space.Monsters(LEVEL.4) 09 Christmas.Fun(LEVEL.4) 10 Festivals!(LEVEL.5) 01 Aladdin3(LEVEL.5) 02 Ali.Baba.and.the.Forty.Thieves (LEVEL.5) 03 The.Canterville.Ghost (LEVEL.5) 04 Nasreddin.T en.Stories (LEVEL.5) 05 Snow.White.and.the.Seven.Dwarfs (LEVEL.5) 06 Two.Monsters(LEVEL.5) 07 Zed.the.Magician迪士尼双语小影院101忠狗101 Dalmatians阿拉丁Aladdin爱丽丝梦游仙境Alice in Wonderland 听美女与野兽Beauty and the Beast 仙履奇缘Cinderella 花木兰Mulan小飞侠Peter Pan木偶奇遇记Pinocchio睡美人Sleeping Beauty白雪公主Snow White狮子王The Lion King美人鱼The Little Mermaid飞屋环游记Up玩具总动员Toy Story超人总动员The Incredibles赛车总动员Cars机器人总动员WALL·E海底总动员Finding Nemo迪士尼英语图解词典米奇妙妙屋智慧双语故事大家一起去兜风Let's Take a Drive 布鲁托的最佳表现Pluto Is Best 米妮的快乐野餐会Minnie's Picnic高飞向前冲Go, Goofy, Go米奇的野外大冒险Mickey Finds His Way唐老鸭失踪的狮子Donald's Lost Lion热气球奇妙之旅Up, Up, and Away黛丝医生Dr.Daisy小熊维尼温馨双语故事百亩林历险记Winnie's Big Day 小豆爱妈妈I Love You, Mother维尼的蜂蜜大战Winnie's Honey Tree小猪皮杰的烦恼Winnie's Honey Tree维尼小园丁Winnie's Garden Surprise风儿吹,风筝飞A Windy Day屹耳,生日快乐Happy Birthday, Eeyore逃跑的彩蛋Winnie's Egg Hunt 迪士尼完美公主双语故事集勇敢大营救--胜利大营救Snow White to the Rescue勇敢大营救--最勇敢的马Buttercup the Brave勇敢大营救--爱丽儿勇救小海豚Ariel Saves a Friend勇敢大营救--词汇表V ocabulary友情大魔法--白雪公主和友情魔法Snow White and the Magic of Friendship 友情大魔法--费立的朋友A Friend for Phillipe友情大魔法--仙蒂和失踪的老鼠Cinderella and the Lost Mice友情大魔法--词汇表V ocabulary智慧珍宝之谜--智慧皇冠之谜Aurora and the Diamond Crown智慧珍宝之谜--茉莉公主和女王的宝石Jasmine and the Queen’s Jewel智慧珍宝之谜--最特别的礼物A Special Gift智慧珍宝之谜--词汇表V ocabulary自信的神奇力量--创意蛋糕师The Best Baker自信的神奇力量--冠军诞生记A Winning Team自信的神奇力量--爱丽儿和蓝宝石项链Ariel and the Blue Jewel自信的神奇力量--词汇表V ocabulary小熊维尼启智科普故事集神秘水坑大追踪--神秘水坑大追踪Where Does the Rain Puddle Go? 神秘水坑大追踪--什么东西水上浮Does It Float?神秘水坑大追踪--神奇的地球引力Why Don’t Things Fall Up?神秘水坑大追踪--花园成长日记How Does Your Garden Grow?神秘水坑大追踪--词汇表V ocabulary人人都爱下雨天--人人都爱下雨天Why Does It Rain?人人都爱下雨天--赶走雾气大作战Why Is the Day All Gray? 人人都爱下雨天--丢失的太阳公公Where Does the Sun Go at Night?人人都爱下雨天--什么季节你最爱What’s Your Favorite Season?人人都爱下雨天--词汇表V ocabulary隐身高手变变变--隐身高手变变变Who’s Hiding?隐身高手变变变--动物王国建筑师How Do You Make That Web?隐身高手变变变--动物本领大不同How Do You Hop So High?隐身高手变变变--他们都是夜猫子Why Aren’t You Asleep?隐身高手变变变--词汇表V ocabulary虫子军团捣蛋鬼--虫子军团捣蛋鬼How Are Bugs Helpful?虫子军团捣蛋鬼--千奇百怪的语言What’s That Sound?虫子军团捣蛋鬼--椅子变形记Is My Chair Getting Smaller?虫子军团捣蛋鬼--我的肚子会说话What’s That Rumbly in My Tummy?虫子军团捣蛋鬼--词汇表V ocabulary小熊维尼左脑游戏总动员&米奇右脑游戏总动员美食之旅Yummy Foods 四季回忆Fun for All Seasons动物搜索We Love Animals生日惊喜Birthday Surprise时尚派对Fashion Party 脏屋变身Let's Clean Up寻宝行动Treasure Hunt身体探秘Learning About Myself 赛车总动员冒险双语故事维修队救援行动Pit Crew to the Rescue 精彩接力赛The Relay Race 公路旅行历险记Road Trip Adventure非常撞车事件Crash Course甜蜜的家Home, Sweet Home修理厂保卫战The Rust Bucket Derby沙漠越野赛Dust-up in the Desert快车道上的闪光灯Fame in the Fast Lane 小熊维尼EQ双语故事维尼爱帮忙Pooh Helps Out 噩梦不可怕Pooh's Bad Dream好胜的跳跳虎Tigger Hates to Lose小豆的新保姆Roo's New Babysitter 米奇妙妙屋IQ双语故事数字大追捕Mickey's Math Roundup 神秘的包裹Pete's Surprise营救圣诞老人Mickey Saves Santa野营大考验Mickey's Campout 迪士尼乐动英语跟我一起唱Sing Along with Me 亲友大联欢Friends and Family动物小合唱Animals时钟响当当Time and Seasons游戏大比拼Let's Play世界真奇妙Places 泡泡剑桥儿童英语故事阅读1级01 Introduction02 What's in the Box?03 One Teddy Bear All Alone04 Blowing Bubbles05 Where's Woolly?06 Walking in the Jungle07 Fishy Numbers08 Recite Fishy Numbers09 A song Fishy Numbers 10 My Pet11 My Dog's Party12 Afloat in a Boat13 Five Green Monsters14 Four Scary Monsters15 Incy Wincy Spider16 Recite Incy Wincy Spider17 A song Incy Wincy Spider18 Looking for Dragons19 That's Me!20 The Picnic21 Dirty Dog22 Three Spotty Monsters23 Hickory, Dickory, Dock24 Recite Hickory,Dickory,Dock25 A song Hickory,Dickory,Dock泡泡剑桥儿童英语故事阅读2级01 Introduction02 Lucy's Box03 Dan's Box04 What's the Time?05 Please, Miss Miller!06 The Raven and the Fox07 The Lion and the Mouse08 This is the Register09 Wayne's Box10 Bad Boy, Billy!11 The Tortoise and the Hare12 The Moonlit Owl13 Everyone is Reading14 Everyone is Doing Maths15 A song The Gingerbread Man16 The Gingerbread Man17 The Clever Tortoise18 Here Comes Everyone19 Not Yet, Nathan!20 Billy's Box成语故事大全(335)335指鹿为马334招摇过市333朝三暮四332昭然若揭331辗转反侧330斩草除根329运筹帷幄328越俎代庖327欲加之罪何患无辞 326欲盖弥彰325鹬蚌相争324鱼目混珠323愚公移山322有志竟成321有恃无恐320饮鸩止渴319饮醇自醉318异军突起317以一当十以小人之心度君子之腹 315以身试法314倚强凌弱313倚门倚闾312以貌取人311一网打尽310一丝不苟309一身是胆308一日千里307一丘之貉306一去不复还290先声夺人289先发制人 288未可厚非287为虎作伥286围魏救赵285唯命是从284妄自尊大283望洋兴叹282望门投止281望梅止渴280望尘莫及279万事俱备只欠东风278玩物丧志277纸上谈兵276完璧归赵275退避三舍274推心置腹273痛饮黄龙272痛心疾首271痛定思痛270同心同德269同工异曲268同仇敌忾267天真烂漫266天衣无缝重于泰山,轻于鸿毛264天罗地网263天经地义262螳螂捕蝉261因势利导260义无反顾259贪小失大258贪得无厌257贪多务得256众志成城255泰山压卵254太公钓鱼愿者上钩253所向无敌252所向无前251四面楚歌250四海之内皆兄弟249四分五裂248司马昭之心247死灰复燃246水深火热245水落石出244水滴石穿243守株待兔242视死如归241世外桃园240势如破竹239噬脐何及238舐犊情深237食言而肥236识时务者为俊杰235十行俱下234食不甘味233失之毫厘232尸位素餐231师出无名230盛气凌人229伤风败俗228杀鸡焉用牛刀227丧心病狂226丧家之犬225三生有幸224三顾茅庐223三寸之舌222塞翁失马221人非圣贤孰能无过220孺子可教219专心致志218日不假给217忍辱负重216任人唯贤215人自为战214人言可畏213人琴俱亡212人心如面211人人自危210人弃我取209群策群力208犬牙交错207曲高和寡206取而代之205趋炎附势204青云直上203倾国倾城202青出于蓝201秦镜高悬200秦晋之好199惴惴不安198前功尽弃197前车之鉴196千变万化195起死回生194杞人忧天193旗鼓相当192骑虎难下191奇货可居190七纵七擒189欺世盗名188破镜重圆187破釜沉舟186扑朔迷离185璞玉浑金184平易近人183萍水相逢182鹏程万里181赔了夫人又折兵 180抛砖引玉179呕心沥血178怒发冲冠177玩火自焚176宁为玉碎不为瓦全175鸟尽弓藏174难兄难弟173南州冠冕172南辕北辙171南山可移170南柯一梦169木人石心168明修栈道暗渡陈仓167明哲保身166明察秋毫165明目张胆164名落孙山163名正言顺162毛遂自荐161马首是瞻160马革裹尸159洛阳纸贵158罗雀掘鼠157论功行赏156鹿死谁手155乐极生悲154乐此不疲153乐不可支152老马识途151劳苦功高150狼狈为奸149滥竽充数148脍炙人口147口若悬河146口蜜腹剑145空中楼阁成语故事大全(335)144空前绝后 143空洞无物 142刻舟求剑 141开天辟地 140开门揖盗 139开卷有益 138开诚布公 137卷土重来 136居安思危 135举棋不定 134举案齐眉 133举足轻重 132鞠躬尽瘁 131疾风知劲草 130金城汤池 129金石为开 128金玉其外 127近水楼台 126尽善尽美 125嗟来之食 124鸡虫得失 123鸡犬升天122鸡犬不宁 121鸡口牛后 120将勤补拙 119狡兔三窟 118骄奢淫逸 117见利忘义 116家有敝帚 115家徒四壁 114家鸡野雉 113鸿鹄之志112哄堂大笑111后来之秀110后生可畏109讳莫如深108黄粱一梦107画蛇添足106捉襟见肘105画龙点睛104画虎类犬103画饼充饥102悔之无及101悔过自新100挥汗成雨099狐假虎威098怙恶不悛097管鲍之交096管中窥豹095挂羊头卖狗肉094孤注一掷093肝脑涂地092鼓盆之戚091各自为政090各得其所089感激涕零088高屋建瓴087高阳酒徒086高山流水085改过自新084防微杜渐083返老还童082翻然改图081罪不当罚080发蒙振落079发奸擿伏078二桃杀三士077尔虞我诈076恶贯满盈075滴水穿石074德高望重073得意忘形072得心应手071得过且过070箪食瓢饮069箪食壶浆068大义灭亲067大逆不道066大公无私065大腹便便064大笔如椽063打草惊蛇062出人头地061出奇制胜060出类拔萃059出尔反尔058赤膊上阵057惩前毖后056惩一儆百055逐鹿中原054程门立雪053乘风破浪052城狐社鼠051城门失火殃及池鱼050长驱直入049车载斗量048车水马龙047才高八斗046沧海桑田045草木皆兵044草菅人命043草船借箭042残杯冷炙041博士买驴040不可同日而语039不可坏救药038不可多得037不堪回首036不合时宜035不伦不类034不寒而栗033不得要领032不打不相识031不耻下问030不逞之徒029宾至如归028别无长物027别有天地026别开生面025标新立异024毕恭毕敬023背水一战022杯弓蛇影021抱薪救火快乐屋给宝贝儿一个有故事的童年020包藏祸心 019半途而废 018班门弄斧 017半部论语 016百折不挠 015百丈杆头014百闻不如一见013百感交回012百发百中011百川归海010白头如新009拔帜易帜008拔山举鼎007拔苗助长006八面威风005安然无恙004贪生怕死003按兵不动002安步当车001爱屋及乌儿童百科全书(157)001 太阳妈妈和她的儿女002 永不熄灭的天灯—恒星003 美丽的银河004 天外来客—流星和陨石005 夜晚的向导—北斗七星006 拖着尾巴的星星—慧星007 地球的伙伴—月亮008 天空为什么是蓝色的9复杂多变的天气-云雾风雨雪010 闪电和雷011 大陆的舞台__高原012 地球的聚宝盆__盆地013 地球的屋架__山地014 荒芜浩瀚的沙漠015 汪洋大海中的陆地__岛屿016 大海的故事017 走在地上的水__河流18世界上最大最深的海洋-太平洋019 京杭大运河020 世界第一大湖泊__里海21世界最高的地方__珠穆朗玛峰022 天上的大水帘__安赫尔瀑布023 世界上最长的河__尼罗河024 毒虫之冠__蜈蚣025 危害庄稼的蝗虫026 传播疾病的蚊子027 精明的建筑师__蜜蜂028 萤火虫的尾巴为什么会发光029 飞蛾为什么要扑火030 蟋蟀的生活031 吃竹子的国宝__大熊猫032 金毛青面的金丝猴033 兽中之王__老虎034 牡丹为王的故事035 中华民族的象征__梅花036 花中西施__杜鹃037 四季长青的月季花038 葵花为什么向着太阳转039 太阳的孩子__棉花040 黑色的花儿为什么少见041 千年难开花的铁树042 沙漠生灵__仙人掌043 孔子044 鲁班045 屈原046 扁鹊047 蔡伦048 华佗049 诸葛亮050 王曦之与王献之051 陶渊明052 祖冲之053 吴道子054 李白055 苏东坡056 李清照057 文天祥058 马可波罗059 哥伦布060 米开朗基罗061 李时珍062 塞万提斯063 柏拉图064 伽俐略065 瓦特066 莫扎特067 贝多芬068 雨果069 安徒生070 达尔文071 诺贝尔072 门捷列夫073 爱迪生074 泰戈尔075 高尔基076 居里夫人077 贝尔德078 莱特兄弟079 爱因斯坦080 毕加索081 鲁迅082 满园花开的文学世界083 《诗经》084 《史记》085 唐诗086 宋词087 《窦娥冤》088 中国四大古典名著089 《祝福》090 《荷马史诗》091 《伊索寓言》092 《一千零一夜》093 《神曲》094 《格林童话》095 《人间喜剧》096 《骑鹅施行记》097 《卖火柴的小女孩》098 《老人与海》099 《二泉映月》100 《摇蓝曲》101 《英雄交响曲》102 《小狗圆舞曲》103 中国民间舞蹈104 京剧与四大名旦105 《天鹅湖》106 《茶花女》107 《清明上河图》108 《奔马图》109 《最后的晚餐》110 《花园中的圣母》111 《向日葵》112 兵马俑113 神奇的金字塔114 美神维纳斯115 大卫雕像116 长城117 雅典卫城118 奥斯卡金像奖119 奥林匹克运动会120 人类的始祖121 人与动物有什么不同122 中华民族的祖先123 驯服洪水的大禹王124 国家是怎么来的125 古埃及文明的象征126 世界上第一部完整的法典127 商纣灭亡与周朝的建立128 群雄纷争的战国时代129 少年有为的亚历山大帝130 中国历史上第一个皇帝131 秦朝修建的万里长城132震动罗马帝国的斯巴达克起义儿童百科全书(157)133 古罗马之父134 被火山埋没的文明135 共创贞观之治的君臣136 中国唯一的女皇帝137 传播文明的阿拉伯帝国138 不断征战的查理曼帝国139 陈桥兵变与宋朝的建立140 成吉思汗统一蒙古141 地跨欧亚非的奥斯曼帝国142 敞开大门的明朝143 英国“羊吃人”的圈地运动144 朝鲜历史上的抗日战争145 神勇机智的康熙大帝146 伟大而平凡的彼德大帝147 美国首任总统华盛顿148 法兰西皇帝拿破仑149 为废奴而战的平民总统150明治维新与东方强国日益形成151 奇特的“垂帘听政”152 鸦片战争与近代中国153 辛亥革命与中华民国的建立154人类历史上的两次世界性战争155 新中国的诞生156 改革开放的中国157 我们今天的世界光复最好的幼儿百科(16)0101 奇妙的声音-昆虫的叫声0102 奇妙的声音-鸟兽的叫声0103 奇妙的声音-交通工具的声音0104 奇妙的声音-交通篇0201 我会唱DoReMe-010202 我会唱DoReMe-020203 我会唱DoReMe-我爱读唐诗01 0204 我会唱DoReMe-我爱读唐诗02 0301 我会说ABC-010302 我会说ABC-020303 我会说ABC-030304 我会说ABC-040401 有趣的童话故事-狐狸与白鹤0402 有趣的童话故事-老公公的饭团0403 有趣的童话故事-奇妙的扇子0404 有趣的童话故事-小红帽阶梯百科(581)010101 澳洲原住民010102 酸和碱010103 广告和营销010104 非洲010105 非洲史010106 中部非洲010107 东部非洲010108 西北非洲010109 中南非洲010110 西部非洲010201 非洲野生生物010202 空气010203 飞行器010204 机场010205 飞船和气球010206 亚历山大大帝010207 南北战争010208 美国独立战争010209 两栖动物010210 盎格鲁撒克逊人010301 动物行为010302 动物010303 南极洲010304 食蚁兽、树獭和犰狳010305 蚁与白蚁010306 考古010307 建筑学010308 北极海010309 阿根廷、智利和乌拉圭010401 武器和盔甲010402 美术史010403 节肢动物010404010405 亚洲史010406 中亚010407 亚洲野生生物010408 亚述帝国010409 太空人010501 天文学010502 田径运动010503大西洋010504 大气层010505 原子和分子010506 澳大拉西亚和大洋洲010507 澳洲010508 澳洲史010509 澳洲野生生物010510 阿兹提克人010601 巴比伦帝国010602 獾、水獭和臭鼬010603 芭蕾舞010604 球类运动010605 波罗地海沿岸诸国010606 蛮族010607 蝙蝠010608 熊010701 披头四010702 蜂和黄蜂010703 贝多芬010704 甲虫010705 比利时010706 贝宁帝国010707 脚踏车和摩托车010708 大爆炸010709 生物学010710 鸟类010801 猛禽010802 黑死病010803 黑洞010804 西蒙·玻利瓦尔010805 玻利维亚和巴拉圭010806 书籍010807 脑与神经系统010808 巴西010809 桥梁010810 勃朗特三姐妹010901 青铜器时代010902 佛陀010903 野牛010904 蝽010905 建筑010906 蝶和蛾010907 拜占廷帝国010908 凯撒大帝010909 骆驼011001 照相机011002 伪装和保护色011003 露营和远足011004 加拿大011005 加拿大史011006 加勒比海011007 加勒比地区史011008 肉食植物011009 汽车011010 卡通011101 城堡011102 猫011103 高加索地区诸共和国011104 洞穴011105 洞穴野生生物011106 细胞011107 塞尔特人011108 中美洲011109 中美洲史011110 查理曼011201 查文文化011202 化学011203 西洋棋和其他棋类011204 儿童文学011205 基督教011206 教堂011207 城市020101 气候020102 服装与时尚020103 云020104 煤020105 海岸020106 代码和密码020107 颜色020108 哥伦布020109 武技运动020201 彗星和小行星020202 电脑020203 孔子020204 保育020205 大陆020206 科克020207 珊瑚礁020208 蟹和其他甲壳类动物020209 手工艺020210 犯罪与惩罚020301 鳄鱼阶梯百科(581)020302 乌鸦020303 十字军东征020304 晶体和宝石020305 玛丽·居里020306 自由车运动020307 水坝020308 舞蹈020309 达尔文020310 鹿和羚羊020401 丹麦020402 沙漠020403 沙漠野生动物020405 狄更斯020406 消化020407 恐龙020408 疾病020409 迪斯尼020410 狗020501 戏剧020502 药物020503 鸭、鹅和天鹅020504 染料和颜料020505 耳与听觉020506 地球020507 地震020508 地球科学020509 生态学和生态系统020510.厄瓜多尔和秘鲁020601 爱迪生020602 教育020603 卵020604 古埃及020605 爱因斯坦020606 电020607 电磁020608 电子学020609 元素020610 大象020701 伊莉莎白一世020702 帝国020703 能量020705 伊特拉斯坎人020706 欧洲020707 欧洲史020708 中欧020709.欧洲联盟020710 欧洲野生生物020801 进化020802 探险020803 眼睛与视觉020804 农业020805 农业史020806 蕨类植物020807 节日020808 封建制度020809 电影与电影制作020810 芬兰020901 火020902 急救020903 鱼020904 渔业020905 旗帜020906 蚊蝇020907 动物的飞行020908 飞行史020909 不会飞的鸟020910 花021001 食物021002 食物网与食物链021003 足球021004 力与运动021005 森林021006 化石021007 法国021008 法国史021009 班哲明·富兰克林021010 法国大革命021101 弗洛伊德021102 摩擦力021103 蛙和蟾蜍021104 果实和种子021105 家具021106 星系021107 伽利略021108 甘地021109 嘉宝021110 园林021201 气体021202 遗传学021203 地质学021204 德国021205 德国史021206 杰罗尼莫021207 长颈鹿021208 冰河作用021209 玻璃021210 神奇021301 珍·古铎021302 禾草、灯心草和莎草021303 蚱蜢、蝗虫和蟋蟀021304 草原野生动物021305 万有引力021306 经济大恐慌021307 大辛巴威021308 古希腊021309 希腊和保加利亚021401 成长和教育021402 波斯湾诸国021403 枪炮021404 笈多帝国021405 体操021406 健康021407 心脏和循环系统021408 热量和温度021409 剌猬和其他食虫目动物021410 鹭、鹳和火鹤021501 冬眠021502 印度教021503 河马021504 历史021505 西台人021506 大屠杀021507 圣地历史021508 神圣罗马帝国021509 荷尔蒙和内分泌系统021510 马术021511 马021601 医院021602 房屋与住宅021603 人体021604 人类进化021605 百年战争阶梯百科(581)021606 猎狗021607 免疫和淋巴系统021608 印加人021609 印度和斯里兰卡021610 印度史030101 印度洋030102 印尼030103 工业革命030104 印度河谷文明030105 资讯科技030106 昆虫030107 发明030108 伊朗与伊拉克030109 爱尔兰030110 爱尔兰史030201 铁和钢030202 回教030203 回教帝国030204 岛屿030205 岛屿野生生物030206 以色列030207 意大利030208 意大利史030209 日本030210 日本史030301 爵士乐030302 水母、海葵和海绵030303 耶稣030304 艾米·詹森030305 犹太教030306 袋鼠和其他有袋目动物030307 高棉帝国030308 马丁·路德·金030309 翠鸟和犀鸟030310 风筝030401 骑士与纹章030402 南北韩030403 忽必烈030404 湖河野生动物030405 湖泊030406 语言030407 镭射和全像摄影030408 法律030409 李奇家族030501 光030502 林奈030503 狮子和其他野生猫科动物030504 液体030505 文学030506 蜥蜴030507 肺和呼吸030508 简单机械030509 麦哲伦030510 磁030601 马来西亚和新加坡030602 马利帝国030603 哺乳动物030604 曼德拉030605 毛利人和玻里尼西亚人030606 地图和地图测绘030607 沼泽和湿地野生生物030608 数学030609 物质030701 孔雀帝国030702 马雅人030703 医学030704 医学史030705 中世纪欧洲030706 梅特勒。



The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭It was so beautiful out on the country, it was summer- the wheat fields were golden, the oats were green, and down among the green meadows the hay was stacked. There the stork minced about on his red legs, clacking away in Egyptian, which was the language his mother had taught him. Round about the field and meadow lands rose vast forests, in which deep lakes lay hidden. Yes, it was indeed lovely out there in the country.In the midst of the sunshine there stood an old manor house that had a deep moat around it. From the walls of the manor right down to the water's edge great burdock leaves grew, and there were some so tall that little children could stand upright beneath the biggest of them. In this wilderness of leaves, which was as dense as the forests itself, a duck sat on her nest, hatching her ducklings. She was becoming somewhat weary, because sitting is such a dull business and scarcely anyone came to see her. The other ducks would much rather swim in the moat than waddle out and squat under the burdock leaf to gossip with her.But at last the eggshells began to crack, one after another. "Peep, peep!" said the little things, as they came to life and poked out their heads."Quack, quack!" said the duck, and quick as quick can be they all waddled out to have a look at the green world under the leaves. Their mother let them look as much as they pleased, because green is good for the eyes."How wide the world is," said all the young ducks, for they certainly had much more room now than they had when they were in their eggshells."Do you think this is the whole world?" their mother asked. "Why it extends on and on, clear across to the other side of the garden and right on into the parson's field, though that is further than I have ever been. I do hope you are all hatched," she said as she got up. "No, not quite all. The biggest egg still lies here. How much longer is this going to take? I am really rather tired of it all," she said, but she settled back on her nest."Well, how goes it?" asked an old duck who came to pay her a call."It takes a long time with that one egg," said the duck on the nest. "It won't crack, but look at the others. They are the cutest little ducklings I've ever seen. They look exactly like their father, the wretch! He hasn't come to see me at all." "Let's have a look at the egg that won't crack," the old duck said. "It's a turkey egg, and you can take my word for it. I was fooled like that once myself. What trouble and care I had with those turkey children, for I may as well tell you, they are afraid of the water. I simply could not get them into it. I quacked and snapped at them, but it wasn't a bit of use. Let me see the egg. Certainly, it's a turkey egg. Let it lie, and go teach your other children to swim.""Oh, I'll sit a little longer. I've been at it so long already that I may as well sit here half the summer.""Suit yourself," said the old duck, and away she waddled.At last the big egg did crack. "Peep," said the young one, and out he tumbled, but he was so big and ugly.The duck took a look at him. "That's a frightfully big duckling," she said. "He doesn't look the least like the others. Can he really be a turkey baby? Well, well! I'll soon find out. Into the water he shall go, even if I have to shove him in myself." Next day the weather was perfectly splendid, and the sun shone down on all the green burdock leaves. The mother duck led her whole family down to the moat. Splash! she took to the water. "Quack, quack," said she, and one duckling after another plunged in. The water went over their heads, but they came up in a flash, and floated to perfection. Their legs worked automatically, and they were all there in the water. Even the big, ugly gray one was swimming along."Why, that's no turkey," she said. "See how nicely he uses his legs, and how straight he holds himself. He's my very own son after all, and quite good-looking if you look at him properly. Quack, quack come with me. I'll lead you out into the world and introduce you to the duck yard. But keep close to me so that you won't get stepped on, and watch out for the cat!"Thus they sallied into the duck yard, where all was in an uproar because two families were fighting over the head of an eel. But the cat got it, after all."You see, that's the way of the world." The mother duck licked her bill because she wanted the eel's head for herself. "Stir your legs. Bustle about, and mind that you bend your necks to that old duck over there. She's the noblest of us all, and has Spanish blood in her. That's why she's so fat. See that red rag around her leg? That's a wonderful thing, and the highest distinction a duck can get. It shows that they don't want to lose her, and that she's to have special attention from man and beast. Shake yourselves! Don't turn your toes in. A well-bred duckling turns his toes way out, just as his father and mother do-this way. So then! Now duck your necks and say quack!"They did as she told them, but the other ducks around them looked on and said right out loud, "See here! Must we have this brood too, just as if there weren't enough of us already? And-fie! what an ugly-looking fellow that duckling is! We won't stand for him." One duck charged up and bit his neck."Let him alone," his mother said. "He isn't doing any harm.""Possibly not," said the duck who bit him, "but he's too big and strange, and therefore he needs a good whacking.""What nice-looking children you have, Mother," said the old duck with the rag around her leg. "They are all pretty except that one. He didn't come out so well. It's a pity you can't hatch him again.""That can't be managed, your ladyship," said the mother. "He isn't so handsome, but he's as good as can be, and he swims just as well as the rest, or, I should say, even a little better than they do. I hope his looks will improve with age, and after a while he won't seem so big. He took too long in the egg, and that's why his figure isn't all that it should be." She pinched his neck and preened his feathers. "Moreover, he's a drake, so it won't matter so much. I think he will be quite strong, and I'm sure he will amount to something.""The other ducklings are pretty enough," said the old duck. "Now make yourselves right at home, and if you find an eel's head you may bring it to me."So they felt quite at home. But the poor duckling who had been the last one out of his egg, and who looked so ugly, was pecked and pushed about and made fun of by the ducks, and the chickens as well. "He's too big," said they all. The turkey gobbler, who thought himself an emperor because he was born wearing spurs, puffed up like a ship under full sail and bore down upon him, gobbling and gobbling until he was red in the face. The poor duckling did not know where he dared stand or where he dared walk. He was so sad because he was so desperately ugly, and because he was the laughing stock of the whole barnyard.So it went on the first day, and after that things went from bad to worse. The poor duckling was chased and buffeted about by everyone. Even his own brothers and sisters abused him. "Oh," they would always say, "how we wish the cat would catch you, you ugly thing." And his mother said, "How I do wish you were miles away." The ducks nipped him, and the hens pecked him, and the girl who fed them kicked him with her foot.So he ran away; and he flew over the fence. The little birds in the bushes darted up in a fright. "That's because I'm so ugly," he thought, and closed his eyes, but he ran on just the same until he reached the great marsh where the wild ducks lived. There he lay all night long, weary and disheartened.When morning came, the wild ducks flew up to have a look at their new companion. "What sort of creature are you?" they asked, as the duckling turned in all directions, bowing his best to them all. "You are terribly ugly," they told him, "but that's nothing to us so long as you don't marry into our family."Poor duckling! Marriage certainly had never entered his mind. All he wanted was for them to let him lie among the reeds and drink a little water from the marsh. There he stayed for two whole days. Then he met two wild geese, or rather wild ganders-for they were males. They had not been out of the shell very long, and that's what made them so sure of themselves."Say there, comrade," they said, "you're so ugly that we have taken a fancy to you. Come with us and be a bird of passage. In another marsh near-by, there are some fetching wild geese, all nice young ladies who know how to quack. You are so ugly that you'll completely turn their heads."Bing! Bang! Shots rang in the air, and these two ganders fell dead among the reeds. The water was red with their blood. Bing! Bang! the shots rang, and as whole flocks of wild geese flew up from the reeds another volley crashed. A great hunt was in progress. The hunters lay under cover all around the marsh, and some even perched on branches of trees that overhung the reeds. Blue smoke rose like clouds from the shade of the trees, and drifted far out over the water.The bird dogs came splash, splash! through the swamp, bending down the reeds and the rushes on every side. This gave the poor duckling such a fright that he twisted his head about to hide it under his wing. But at that very moment a fearfully big dog appeared right beside him. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his wicked eyes glared horribly. He opened his wide jaws, flashed his sharp teeth, and - splash, splash - on he went without touching the duckling."Thank heavens," he sighed, "I'm so ugly that the dog won't even bother to bite me."He lay perfectly still, while the bullets splattered through the reeds as shot after shot was fired. It was late in the day before things became quiet again, and even then the poor duckling didn't dare move. He waited several hours before he ventured to look about him, and then he scurried away from that marsh as fast as he could go. He ran across field and meadows. The wind was so strong that he had to struggle to keep his feet.Late in the evening he came to a miserable little hovel, so ramshackle that it did not know which way to tumble, and that was the only reason it still stood. The wind struck the duckling so hard that the poor little fellow had to sit down on his tail to withstand it. The storm blew stronger and stronger, but the duckling noticed that one hinge had come loose and the door hung so crooked that he could squeeze through the crack into the room, and that's just what he did.Here lived an old woman with her cat and her hen. The cat, whom she called "Sonny," could arch his back, purr, and even make sparks, though for that you had to stroke his fur the wrong way. The hen had short little legs, so she was called "Chickey Shortleg." She laid good eggs, and the old woman loved her as if she had been her own child.In the morning they were quick to notice the strange duckling. The cat began to purr, and the hen began to cluck."What on earth!" The old woman looked around, but she was short-sighted, and she mistook the duckling for a fat duck that had lost its way. "That was a good catch," she said. "Now I shall have duck eggs-unless it's a drake. We must try it out." So the duckling was tried out for three weeks, but not one egg did he lay.In this house the cat was master and the hen was mistress. They always said, "We and the world," for they thought themselves half of the world, and much the better half at that. The duckling thought that there might be more than one way of thinking, but the hen would not hear of it."Can you lay eggs?" she asked"No.""Then be so good as to hold your tongue."The cat asked, "Can you arch your back, purr, or make sparks?""No.""Then keep your opinion to yourself when sensible people are talking."The duckling sat in a corner, feeling most despondent. Then he remembered the fresh air and the sunlight. Such a desire to go swimming on the water possessed him that he could not help telling the hen about it."What on earth has come over you?" the hen cried. "You haven't a thing to do, and that's why you get such silly notions. Lay us an egg, or learn to purr, and you'll get over it.""But it's so refreshing to float on the water," said the duckling, "so refreshing to feel it rise over your head as you dive to the bottom.""Yes, it must be a great pleasure!" said the hen. "I think you must have gone crazy. Ask the cat, who's the wisest fellow I know, whether he likes to swim or dive down in the water. Of myself I say nothing. But ask the old woman, our mistress. There'sno one on earth wiser than she is. Do you imagine she wants to go swimming and feel the water rise over her head?""You don't understand me," said the duckling."Well, if we don't, who would? Surely you don't think you are cleverer than the cat and the old woman-to say nothing of myself. Don't be so conceited, child. Just thank your Maker for all the kindness we have shown you. Didn't you get into this snug room, and fall in with people who can tell you what's what? But you are such a numbskull that it's no pleasure to have you around. Believe me, I tell you this for your own good. I say unpleasant truths, but that's the only way you can know who are your friends. Be sure now that you lay some eggs. See to it that you learn to purr or to make sparks.""I think I'd better go out into the wide world," said the duckling."Suit yourself," said the hen.So off went the duckling. He swam on the water, and dived down in it, but still he was slighted by every living creature because of his ugliness.Autumn came on. The leaves in the forest turned yellow and brown. The wind took them and whirled them about. The heavens looked cold as the low clouds hung heavy with snow and hail. Perched on the fence, the raven screamed, "Caw, caw!" and trembled with cold. It made one shiver to think of it. Pity the poor little duckling! One evening, just as the sun was setting in splendor, a great flock of large, handsome birds appeared out of the reeds. The duckling had never seen birds so beautiful. They were dazzling white, with long graceful necks. They were swans. They uttered a very strange cry as they unfurled their magnificent wings to fly from this cold land, away to warmer countries and to open waters. They went up so high, so very high, that the ugly little duckling felt a strange uneasiness come over him as he watched them. He went around and round in the water, like a wheel. He craned his neck to follow their course, and gave a cry so shrill and strange that he frightened himself. Oh! He could not forget them-those splendid, happy birds. When he could no longer see them he dived to the very bottom. and when he came up again he was quite beside himself. He did not know what birds they were or whither they were bound, yet he loved them more than anything he had ever loved before. It was not that he envied them, for how could he ever dare dream of wanting their marvelous beauty for himself? He would have been grateful if only the ducks would have tolerated him-the poor ugly creature.The winter grew cold - so bitterly cold that the duckling had to swim to and fro in the water to keep it from freezing over. But every night the hole in which he swam kept getting smaller and smaller. Then it froze so hard that the duckling had to paddle continuously to keep the crackling ice from closing in upon him. At last, too tired to move, he was frozen fast in the ice.Early that morning a farmer came by, and when he saw how things were he went out on the pond, broke away the ice with his wooden shoe, and carried the duckling home to his wife. There the duckling revived, but when the children wished to play with him he thought they meant to hurt him. Terrified, he fluttered into the milk pail, splashing the whole room with milk. The woman shrieked and threw up her hands ashe flew into the butter tub, and then in and out of the meal barrel. Imagine what he looked like now! The woman screamed and lashed out at him with the fire tongs. The children tumbled over each other as they tried to catch him, and they laughed and they shouted. Luckily the door was open, and the duckling escaped through it into the bushes, where he lay down, in the newly fallen snow, as if in a daze. But it would be too sad to tell of all the hardships and wretchedness he had to endure during this cruel winter. When the warm sun shone once more, the duckling was still alive among the reeds of the marsh. The larks began to sing again. It was beautiful springtime.Then, quite suddenly, he lifted his wings. They swept through the air much more strongly than before, and their powerful strokes carried him far. Before he quite knew what was happening, he found himself in a great garden where apple trees bloomed. The lilacs filled the air with sweet scent and hung in clusters from long, green branches that bent over a winding stream. Oh, but it was lovely here in the freshness of spring!From the thicket before him came three lovely white swans. They ruffled their feathers and swam lightly in the stream. The duckling recognized these noble creatures, and a strange feeling of sadness came upon him."I shall fly near these royal birds, and they will peck me to bits because I, who am so very ugly, dare to go near them. But I don't care. Better be killed by them than to be nipped by the ducks, pecked by the hens, kicked about by the hen-yard girl, or suffer such misery in winter."So he flew into the water and swam toward the splendid swans. They saw him, and swept down upon him with their rustling feathers raised. "Kill me!" said the poor creature, and he bowed his head down over the water to wait for death. But what did he see there, mirrored in the clear stream? He beheld his own image, and it was no longer the reflection of a clumsy, dirty, gray bird, ugly and offensive. He himself was a swan! Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan's egg.He felt quite glad that he had come through so much trouble and misfortune, for now he had a fuller understanding of his own good fortune, and of beauty when he met with it. The great swans swam all around him and stroked him with their bills. Several little children came into the garden to throw grain and bits of bread upon the water. The smallest child cried, "Here's a new one," and the others rejoiced, "yes, a new one has come." They clapped their hands, danced around, and ran to bring their father and mother.And they threw bread and cake upon the water, while they all agreed, "The new one is the most handsome of all. He's so young and so good-looking." The old swans bowed in his honor.Then he felt very bashful, and tucked his head under his wing. He did not know what this was all about. He felt so very happy, but he wasn't at all proud, for a good heart never grows proud. He thought about how he had been persecuted and scorned, and now he heard them all call him the most beautiful of all beautiful birds. The lilacs dipped their clusters into the stream before him, and the sun shone so warmand so heartening. He rustled his feathers and held his slender neck high, as he cried out with full heart: "I never dreamed there could be so much happiness, when I was the ugly duckling."。



1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE UGL Y DUCKLINGby Hans Christian AndersenIT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the goldencorn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered inthe Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. Thecorn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midstof which were deep pools. It was, indeed, delightful to walk aboutin the country. In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-houseclose by a deep river, and from the house down to the water sidegrew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them alittle child could stand upright. The spot was as wild as the centreof a thick wood. In this snug retreat sat a duck on her nest, watchingfor her young brood to hatch; she was beginning to get tired of hertask, for the little ones were a long time coming out of their shells,and she seldom had any visitors. The other ducks liked much betterto swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and situnder a burdock leaf, to have a gossip with her. At length one shellcracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creaturethat lifted its head and cried, "Peep, peep." "Quack, quack," said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and lookedabout them on every side at the large green leaves. Their motherallowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is goodfor the eyes. "How large the world is," said the young ducks, whenthey found how much more room they now had than while they were inside the egg-shell. "Do you imagine this is the whole world?" asked the mother; "Wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyondthat to the parson's field, but I have never ventured to such adistance. Are you all out?" she continued, rising; "No, I declare, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long this is to last, Iam quite tired of it;" and she seated herself again on the nest."Well, how are you getting on?" asked an old duck, who paid hera visit."One egg is not hatched yet," said the duck, "it will not break.But just look at all the others, are they not the prettiest littleducklings you ever saw? They are the image of their father, who isso unkind, he never comes to see.""Let me see the egg that will not break," said the duck; "I haveno doubt it is a turkey's egg. I was persuaded to hatch some once, and after all my care and trouble with the young ones, they were afraid ofthe water. I quacked and clucked, but all to no purpose. I could notget them to venture in. Let me look at the egg. Yes, that is aturkey's egg; take my advice, leave it where it is and teach the other children to swim.""I think I will sit on it a little while longer," said the duck;"as I have sat so long already, a few days will be nothing.""Please yourself," said the old duck, and she went away.At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth crying, "Peep, peep." It was very large and ugly. The duck stared at it and exclaimed, "It is very large and not at all like the others. Iwonder if it really is a turkey. We shall soon find it out, however when we go to the water. It must go in, if I have to push it myself."On the next day the weather was delightful, and the sun shone brightly on the green burdock leaves, so the mother duck took her young brood down to the water, and jumped in with a splash. "Quack, quack," cried she, and one after another the little ducklings jumped in. The water closed over their heads, but they came up again in an instant, and swam about quite prettily with their legs paddling under them as easily as possible, and the ugly duckling was also in the water swimming with them."Oh," said the mother, "that is not a turkey; how well he uses his legs, and how upright he holds himself! He is my own child, and he is not so very ugly after all if you look at him properly. Quack,quack! come with me now, I will take you into grand society, and introduce you to the farmyard, but you must keep close to me or you may be trodden upon; and, above all, beware of the cat."When they reached the farmyard, there was a great disturbance, two families were fighting for an eel's head, which, after all, wascarried off by the cat. "See, children, that is the way of the world,"said the mother duck, whetting her beak, for she would have likedthe eel's head herself. "Come, now, use your legs, and let me seehow well you can behave. You must bow your heads prettily to thatold duck yonder; she is the highest born of them all, and hasSpanish blood, therefore, she is well off. Don't you see she has a red flag tied to her leg, which is something very grand, and a great honorfor a duck; it shows that every one is anxious not to lose her, as shecan be recognized both by man and beast. Come, now, don't turn your toes, a well-bred duckling spreads his feet wide apart, just likehis father and mother, in this way; now bend your neck, and say'quack.'"The ducklings did as they were bid, but the other duck stared, and said, "Look, here comes another brood, as if there were not enoughof us already! and what a queer looking object one of them is; wedon't want him here," and then one flew out and bit him in the neck."Let him alone," said the mother; "he is not doing any harm.""Yes, but he is so big and ugly," said the spiteful duck "and therefore he must be turned out.""The others are very pretty children," said the old duck, with the rag on her leg, "all but that one; I wish his mother could improve hima little.""That is impossible, your grace," replied the mother; "he is not pretty; but he has a very good disposition, and swims as well oreven better than the others. I think he will grow up pretty, andperhaps be smaller; he has remained too long in the egg, and therefore his figure is not properly formed;" and then she stroked his neckand smoothed the feathers, saying, "It is a drake, and therefore notof so much consequence. I think he will grow up strong, and able to take care of himself.""The other ducklings are graceful enough," said the old duck. "Now make yourself at home, and if you can find an eel's head, you canbring it to me."And so they made themselves comfortable; but the poor duckling, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and looked so ugly, wasbitten and pushed and made fun of, not only by the ducks, but by allthe poultry. "He is too big," they all said, and the turkey cock,who had been born into the world with spurs, and fancied himself really an emperor, puffed himself out like a vessel in full sail,and flew at the duckling, and became quite red in the head with passion, so that the poor little thing did not know where to go, andwas quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by the whole farmyard. So it went on from day to day till it got worse and worse. The poor duckling was driven about by every one; even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him, and would say, "Ah, you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get you," and his mother said she wished he had never been born. The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat him, andthe girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet. So at last heran away, frightening the little birds in the hedge as he flew overthe palings."They are afraid of me because I am ugly," he said. So he closed his eyes, and flew still farther, until he came out on a large moor, inhabited by wild ducks. Here he remained the whole night, feeling very tired and sorrowful.In the morning, when the wild ducks rose in the air, they staredat their new comrade. "What sort of a duck are you?" they all said, coming round him.He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. "You are exceedingly ugly," said the wild ducks, "but that will not matter if you do not want to marry one ofour family."Poor thing! he had no thoughts of marriage; all he wanted was permission to lie among the rushes, and drink some of the water on the moor. After he had been on the moor two days, there came two wild geese, or rather goslings, for they had not been out of the egglong, and were very saucy. "Listen, friend," said one of them to the duckling, "you are so ugly, that we like you very well. Will you gowith us, and become a bird of passage? Not far from here is another moor, in which there are some pretty wild geese, all unmarried. Itis a chance for you to get a wife; you may be lucky, ugly as you are.""Pop, pop," sounded in the air, and the two wild geese fell dead among the rushes, and the water was tinged with blood. "Pop, pop," echoed far and wide in the distance, and whole flocks of wild geese rose up from the rushes. The sound continued from every direction, for the sportsmen surrounded the moor, and some were even seated on branches of trees, overlooking the rushes. The blue smoke from the guns rose like clouds over the dark trees, and as it floated awayacross the water, a number of sporting dogs bounded in among the rushes, which bent beneath them wherever they went. How they terrified the poor duckling! He turned away his head to hide it under hiswing, and at the same moment a large terrible dog passed quite near him. His jaws were open, his tongue hung from his mouth, and his eyes glared fearfully. He thrust his nose close to the duckling,showing his sharp teeth, and then, "splash, splash," he went intothe water without touching him, "Oh," sighed the duckling, "how thankful I am for being so ugly; even a dog will not bite me." Andso he lay quite still, while the shot rattled through the rushes,and gun after gun was fired over him. It was late in the day beforeall became quiet, but even then the poor young thing did not dare to move. He waited quietly for several hours, and then, after looking carefully around him, hastened away from the moor as fast as he could. He ran over field and meadow till a storm arose, and he could hardly struggle against it. Towards evening, he reached a poor little cottage that seemed ready to fall, and only remained standing because it could not decide on which side to fall first. The storm continued soviolent, that the duckling could go no farther; he sat down by the cottage, and then he noticed that the door was not quite closed in consequence of one of the hinges having given way. There was therefore a narrow opening near the bottom large enough for him to slip through, which he did very quietly, and got a shelter for the night. A woman, a tom cat, and a hen lived in this cottage. The tom cat, whom the mistress called, "My little son," was a great favorite; he could raisehis back, and purr, and could even throw out sparks from his fur if it were stroked the wrong way. The hen had very short legs, so she was called "Chickie short legs." She laid good eggs, and her mistressloved her as if she had been her own child. In the morning, the strange visitor was discovered, and the tom cat began to purr, and the hen to cluck."What is that noise about?" said the old woman, looking round the room, but her sight was not very good; therefore, when she saw the duckling she thought it must be a fat duck, that had strayed from home. "Oh what a prize!" she exclaimed, "I hope it is not a drake, for then I shall have some duck's eggs. I must wait and see." So the duckling was allowed to remain on trial for three weeks, but there were no eggs. Now the tom cat was the master of the house, and the hen was mistress, and they always said, "We and the world," for they believed themselves to be half the world, and the better half too. The duckling thought that others might hold a different opinion on the subject, but the hen would not listen to such doubts. "Can you lay eggs?" she asked. "No." "Then have the goodness to hold your tongue." "Can you raise your back, or purr, or throw out sparks?" said the tom cat. "No." "Then you have no right to express an opinion when sensible people are speaking." So the duckling sat in a corner, feeling very low spirited, till the sunshine and the fresh air cameinto the room through the open door, and then he began to feel sucha great longing for a swim on the water, that he could not helptelling the hen."What an absurd idea," said the hen. "You have nothing else to do, therefore you have foolish fancies. If you could purr or lay eggs,they would pass away.""But it is so delightful to swim about on the water," said the duckling, "and so refreshing to feel it close over your head, whileyou dive down to the bottom.""Delightful, indeed!" said the hen, "why you must be crazy! Askthe cat, he is the cleverest animal I know, ask him how he wouldlike to swim about on the water, or to dive under it, for I will notspeak of my own opinion; ask our mistress, the old woman- there isno one in the world more clever than she is. Do you think she wouldlike to swim, or to let the water close over her head?""You don't understand me," said the duckling."We don't understand you? Who can understand you, I wonder? Do you consider yourself more clever than the cat, or the old woman? I willsay nothing of myself. Don't imagine such nonsense, child, and thankyour good fortune that you have been received here. Are you not in awarm room, and in society from which you may learn something. Butyou are a chatterer, and your company is not very agreeable. Believeme, I speak only for your own good. I may tell you unpleasanttruths, but that is a proof of my friendship. I advise you, therefore,to lay eggs, and learn to purr as quickly as possible.""I believe I must go out into the world again," said the duckling."Yes, do," said the hen. So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance. Autumn came, and the leaves in the forest turned to orange and gold. then, as winter approached, the wind caught them as they fell and whirled them inthe cold air. The clouds, heavy with hail and snow-flakes, hung low in the sky, and the raven stood on the ferns crying, "Croak, croak." It made one shiver with cold to look at him. All this was very sad forthe poor little duckling. One evening, just as the sun set amidradiant clouds, there came a large flock of beautiful birds out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen any like them before. They were swans, and they curved their graceful necks, while their soft plumage shown with dazzling whiteness. They uttered a singular cry, as they spread their glorious wings and flew away from those cold regions to warmer countries across the sea. As they mounted higher and higher in the air, the ugly little duckling felt quite a strange sensation as he watched them. He whirled himself in the water like a wheel, stretched out his neck towards them, and uttered a cry so strange that it frightened himself. Could he ever forget those beautiful, happy birds; and when at last they were out of his sight,he dived under the water, and rose again almost beside himself withexcitement. He knew not the names of these birds, nor where they had flown, but he felt towards them as he had never felt for any other bird in the world. He was not envious of these beautiful creatures, but wished to be as lovely as they. Poor ugly creature, how gladlyhe would have lived even with the ducks had they only given him encouragement. The winter grew colder and colder; he was obliged to swim about on the water to keep it from freezing, but every nightthe space on which he swam became smaller and smaller. At length it froze so hard that the ice in the water crackled as he moved, andthe duckling had to paddle with his legs as well as he could, tokeep the space from closing up. He became exhausted at last, and lay still and helpless, frozen fast in the ice.Early in the morning, a peasant, who was passing by, saw what had happened. He broke the ice in pieces with his wooden shoe, and carried the duckling home to his wife. The warmth revived the poor little creature; but when the children wanted to play with him, the duckling thought they would do him some harm; so he started up in terror, fluttered into the milk-pan, and splashed the milk about the room. Then the woman clapped her hands, which frightened him still more. He flew first into the butter-cask, then into the meal-tub,and out again. What a condition he was in! The woman screamed, and struck at him with the tongs; the children laughed and screamed, andtumbled over each other, in their efforts to catch him; but luckily he escaped. The door stood open; the poor creature could just manage to slip out among the bushes, and lie down quite exhausted in the newly fallen snow.It would be very sad, were I to relate all the misery and privations which the poor little duckling endured during the hard winter; but when it had passed, he found himself lying one morningin a moor, amongst the rushes. He felt the warm sun shining, and heard the lark singing, and saw that all around was beautiful spring. Then the young bird felt that his wings were strong, as he flapped them against his sides, and rose high into the air. They bore him onwards, until he found himself in a large garden, before he well knew how it had happened. The apple-trees were in full blossom, and the fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the stream which wound round a smooth lawn. Everything looked beautiful, in the freshness of early spring. From a thicket close by came three beautiful white swans, rustling their feathers, and swimming lightly over the smooth water. The duckling remembered the lovely birds, and felt more strangely unhappy than ever."I will fly to those royal birds," he exclaimed, "and they willkill me, because I am so ugly, and dare to approach them; but itdoes not matter: better be killed by them than pecked by the ducks,beaten by the hens, pushed about by the maiden who feeds the poultry, or starved with hunger in the winter."Then he flew to the water, and swam towards the beautiful swans. The moment they espied the stranger, they rushed to meet him with outstretched wings."Kill me," said the poor bird; and he bent his head down to the surface of the water, and awaited death.But what did he see in the clear stream below? His own image; no longer a dark, gray bird, ugly and disagreeable to look at, but a graceful and beautiful swan. To be born in a duck's nest, in a farmyard, is of no consequence to a bird, if it is hatched from aswan's egg. He now felt glad at having suffered sorrow and trouble, because it enabled him to enjoy so much better all the pleasure and happiness around him; for the great swans swam round the new-comer, and stroked his neck with their beaks, as a welcome.Into the garden presently came some little children, and threw bread and cake into the water."See," cried the youngest, "there is a new one;" and the rest were delighted, and ran to their father and mother, dancing and clapping their hands, and shouting joyously, "There is another swan come; a new one has arrived."Then they threw more bread and cake into the water, and said, "Thenew one is the most beautiful of all; he is so young and pretty."And the old swans bowed their heads before him.Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do, he was so happy, and yet not at all proud. He had been persecuted and despised for his ugliness, and now he heard them say he was the most beautiful of all the birds. Even theelder-tree bent down its bows into the water before him, and the sun shone warm and bright. Then he rustled his feathers, curved his slender neck, and cried joyfully, from the depths of his heart, "Inever dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was an ugly duckling."THE END.。



旁白:It is warm, A mother duck lies on the grass, waiting for the birth of her children.鸭妈妈:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m tired. Hi friends come here!Friends: I’m coming what happened?鸭妈妈:My baby borned!Friends: wow let’s have a look!小鸭1:Wow, what a beautiful world!”小鸭子2 hello I am a little duck, how beautiful I am.小鸭子3:hello I’m coming ,look at the sunshine and flowers, it’s great.小鸭子4:nice to meet you, look at the beautiful word.合说mom I love you鸭妈妈I love you too.Music。

舞蹈鸭妈妈:咦?Why is it still a baby not crack?鸭宝宝们:let’s have a look together!Music…丑小鸭舞蹈丑小鸭:Hi, friends! Nice to meet you!小鸭2:Wow, my feather is so white, your feather is gray小鸭3:Look! His mouth is so big that he can swallow the whole pond near our home. 瞧!她的嘴巴那么大,可吞下我们家门口的池塘了。

合唱you are a very ugly duck EIEIO mouth could be so angry EIEIO quack quack quack quack quack quack cry too much appalling EIEIO丑小鸭:Dear mum, Life is unfair to me,Dear mum, Life is unfair to me. I’m ugly. But it’s not my fault. Mum do you think I am really ugly?鸭妈妈:no my beautiful child , you are so cute .丑小鸭:Nobody loves me, they all tease me .I’m really sad .. 鸭妈妈:oh my dear child ,don’t worry. Play with your sisters please come on 。

丑小鸭 英文剧本

丑小鸭 英文剧本

丑小鸭the ugly ducklingOnce upon a time, there was a pond by a farm. Many animals lived there. There were forses, chickens, geese, and lots of ducks. A mother duck was sitting on her eggs in her nest. She sat on them for a long time. She kept them safe and warm.Finally, the eggs hatched. One by one, the baby ducklings stuck out their heads.Peep, peep, peep!Are you our mother?Yes, I am your mother. I’m so happy to see you.The world is so big!This is not the world. This is just the pond. The world is much bigger than the pond. There is also the farm and the field. There is so much to see.Suddenly, mother duck saw something in her nest.Oh, my! One egg has not hatched. And I look how big it is. I guess I’m not done yet.So she sat back down to keep the last egg warm. One of the older ducks came to visit mother duck.I heard your eggs hatched. What cute little ducklings you have. But why are you still sitting on your nest?I still have one egg left. See?Hmmm, that is too big for a duck egg. I think it is a turkey egg. Don’t waste your time with it.No, I must be a good mother duck. I’m sure it will hatch soon.Just then , the egg cracked. It rocked back and forth, and the crack got bigger and bigger. Suddenly, a head stuck out. Soon, two wings came out, then two long legs, then a whole baby bird. But this duckling looked different from the other ducklings. This one was gray. Mother duck’s other babies were white. And the new duckling’s beak and legs were black. The other ducklings had yellow beaks and legs. Also, mother duck’s other babies were all cute. But this duckling was ugly.Good morning, ma’am. Are you my mother?Awwww. He may be ugly, but he’s very nice. Yes, dear, I am your mother. And these are your brothers and sisters. Now we will all go to the pond and meet the other ducks.Mother duck waddled to the pond, and all the ducklings followed her in a line. When she got to the pond, mother duck jumped in. splash,splash, splash. All the little ducklings followed her into the pond. They all swam after her, even ugly duckling.Well, you’re not a turkey. Turkeys can’t swim, and you swim very well. You must be a duck. Let’s go , children. Stay in line.Mother duck led her children to the farm. All the other ducks were there swimming and looking for food. They were very happy to see motherduck’s new babies. But they didn’t like ugly duckling.What is he? He doesn’t look like a duck.I don’t know what he is . I’ve never seen anything so ugly.I don’t want him playing with my ducklings.He doesn’t belong here. We should chase him away.Suddenly, the angry duck bit ugly duckling on the neck.Ow! Mama, that hurt!Leave my baby alone. He didn’t do anything to you .He’s ugly,and we don’t like him.He may not be cute, but he’s very nice. And he’s a very good swimmer. We don’t care. We don’t want to look at him. Send him away.The other ducks agreed. Even the other baby ducklings agreed with the angry duck.You’re so ugly. You can’t be our brother.See how cute we are! You don’t look like us at all.You should go away.No one wants you here.Children , stop saying such mean things. Be nice to your brother.But ugly duckling thought they were right.I don’t belong here. Nobody likes me. I’m going to run away.Chapter 2He ran to the pond and jumped in. He swam and swam until he came to aswamp. It was late, so ugly duckling went to sleep in the tall grass. He was very sad and lonely. The next morning, he woke up and saw some strange ducks. These ducks weren’t white like the farm ducks. They were green and brown with spots on their wings. They were wild ducks. When they saw ugly duckling, they waddled over to him.Hello there. What are you?I’m a duck, I think. What are you?We’re wild ducks. We live here in the swamp. Where do you live?I used to live by the farm, but I was too ugly. Nobody liked me, so I ran away.Well, you’re right. You are an ugly duck. But you can stay with us. We like you.Ugly duckling was so happy. He finally found some friends.Thank you! Thank you very much!What was that noise?Oh, no! it’s hunters. Quickly , everyone fly away!The hunters were firing their guns. The wild ducks flew away, but ugly duckling was too small to fly. The hunters fired their guns for a long time. Some of the wild ducks got shot and fell to the ground. Big dogs ran to the dead ducks and carried them away. Ugly duckling was so frightened. He hid in the grass until everything was quiet. When he came out, all the wild ducks were gone. He was alone again.My new friends are gone. What will I do now? ugly duckling swam across the swamp until he came to a wide field. Suddenly, a storm rolled in. the wind was very strong. It picked him up and blew him across the field to a small house. Just then, and old woman opened the door.My goodness, what a storm! What’s this? A poor , little duckling. Are you lost, little one?Well, that’s ok. You can stay with us. I live with a cat and a hen. They will be your new friends.The kind old woman took him into the house. There was a fat hen sitting in a nest, and a striped cat lying near the fire place.Hello. It’s nice to meet you.What are you?I’m a duck.A duck? Well , you’re the ugliest duck I’ve ever seen. I’m a hen. I lay eggs for the old lady’s breakfast. Can you lay eggs?No, I don’t think so.I’m a cat. I sit on the old lady’s lap and purr. Can you purr?No, I can’t purr. But I can swim very well.Swimming? Who cares about swimming? You can’t do anything useful. No, hen. He can be useful. I’m hungry, and I can eat him. That is useful. The cat jumped at ugly duckling, but the little bird was too quick.He ran out of the door and across the field. He ran and ran until he cameto a quiet lake.The lake was beautiful. The water was blue and clear , and tall trees grew nearby.Ugly duckling lived by himself on the lake. He missed his mother, but he was happy that no one bothered him there.Chapter 3A long time passed. Spring became summer, then summer became fall. The trees by the lake turned bright yellow and red. The wind became colder and colder.Then one day, ugly duckling had some visitors. He saw a flock of the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. They were as big as geese, but they were as white as the clouds. They swam gracefully across the lake. Ugly duckling wanted to say hello, but he was afraid.I am too ugly. They would not like me . those birds are so beautiful. I wish I was like them. He hid under a bush until the beautiful birds flew away. That night, it got very ,very cold. Snow began to fall, and the lake froze into ice. Ugly duckling swam and swam to stay warm. But it wasn’t enough. He froze in the ice and couldn’t move.The next morning, the sun came out. It shined brightly on the fresh snow. It was a beautiful sight, but ugly duckling couldn’t see it . his eyes were frozen shut. A farmer was walking by the lake that morning. He saw the frozen duckling and ran over to him.Aww. You poor, little thing. You are so cold. I will help you . you will be warm in my house. My children will take good care of you. The farmer broke the ice around ugly duckling. Then he wrapped him up in his scarf and carried him home.Children, look what I found.What is it, papa?It’s a little duckling. He was frozen on the lake. Let’s put him by the fire. Then he will be warm.I’ll get a blanket for him.The farmer put the blanket by the fire. Then he put ugly duckling on the blanket to get warm. Slowly, he began to warm up. He could move his wings and legs again. Then he woke up.Look! He’s alive!Hooray! I want to pet him.No, me first. I want to pet him.No, he didn’t. he gave him to both of us.The children reached for ugly duckling. They only wanted to play with him, but he did not understand. He thought they wanted to hurt him. He was very scared. He flapped his wings as hard as he could , and flew out the door.Aww, the duckling flew away.That’s alright, children. He’s a wild bird. He’ll be ok.Tommy scared him. That’s why he flew away.Did not.Did tooChapter 4Ugly duckling flew back to his lake. He felt safe there. Finally winter turned into spring. The days were warmer, the trees turned green again, and the flowers bloomed.One morning, the beautiful white birds came back to the lake. Ugly duckling had been sad and alone for so long. He decided to try to make friends. He swam up to one of the white birds.Hello. Welcome to my lake. what kind of bird are you?We’re swans. Don’t you know what swans are?Swans? That’s a beautiful name. may I be your friend?Well, of course.Really? You like me , even if I’m ugly?You’re not ugly. You’re very handsome.This surprised ugly duckling. All his life, everyone said he was ugly. Now a beautiful swan said he was handsome. He looked down at the water.When he saw his reflection, he was even more surprised. He was not ugly! He was a swan!What happened to me? I was gray and ugly. Now I have beautiful whitefeathers.Of course. All our babies are gray. When we grow up, our feathers become white. We must fly away soon. Would you like to fly with us? Yes , please. But could we visit the farm first? I’d like to say good-bye to my mother.The swans flew away from the lake, and ugly duckling flew with them. Soon they landed in the pond by the farm. All the animals stared at the beautiful swans swimming in their pond. Ugly duckling found mother duck and swam over to her.Hello mother, do you remember me ? I’m your ugly duckling who ran away.You are? I’m so happy to see you again. Look at how big you’ve grown. You’re not a duck after all . what are you?I’m a swan. I wanted to say good-bye to you, before I flew away with the other swans.You can stay with us on the farm. I missed you when you ran away. No, I will stay with my new friends. I want you to know that I am very happy now.Thank you for being a good mother to me . good bye.Fly safely, my son. I’m glad you are happy. Good bye .The swans flew away to their summer home. One day, some children came to the lake with bread. They broke the bread into pieces , and fedthe pieces to the swans.Look! There’s a new swan.He’s so graceful. He’s the most beautiful swan of them all.But ugly duckling was not proud. He remembered how he felt when he was ugly. He was never mean to anyone because of how they looked.A few years later, he married a lady swan. When their eggs hatched, their babies were gray and ulgy. But ugly duckling smiled. He knew they would grow up to be beautiful swans like him.。





下面是店铺整理的英语童话故事丑小鸭,欢迎大家阅读!英语童话故事丑小鸭The Ugly DucklingLong ago, in a farmyard many miles away, a Mother Duck sat on her nest. She was waiting for her eggs to hatch. Each day she proudly looked at them. There were six eggs, which meant six little ducklings to teach to swim.One sunny spring morning, the first egg began to crack..'Tap, tap, tap,' went the duckling inside, trying to get out. Mother Duck watched as the egg cracked open and out popped a fluffy duckling."One," said Mother Duck proudly.The next day, the second egg hatched and out popped another fluffy duckling."Two," said Mother Duck proudly.On the third day, duckling number three hatched."That leaves just three," said Mother Duck.On the fourth and fifth day, ducklings number four and five hatched."That leaves just one," said Mother Duck, as she settled on her nest. Her ducklings gathered around her.But on the sixth day nothing happened. Nor on the seventh."How strange," said Mother Duck on the seventh day. "It should have hatched by now."One of the farmyard chickens wandered by."Oh," she said. "You're still there I thought you'd be on thepond by now.""It's this last egg," said Mother Duck. "It hasn't hatched yet.""Let me see," said the chicken. "Well no wonder. It looks like a goose egg to me. You'll be here for a long time.""Oh dear," said Mother Duck. "I have my five little ducklings to teach to swim. What shall I do? I can't leave it.""Aah well," said the chicken, and she wandered off.The goose heard that one of her eggs was in Mother Duck's nest."Is it true?" she asked, as she puffed up to the nest. "Do you have one of my eggs?""I think so," said Mother Duck. They both looked in the nest."Huh," said the goose. "That's not mine. It looks more like that absent-minded turkey's egg."As they looked, they suddenly heard the faint tapping. The shell was breaking."We'll soon see," said the goose.They watched and waited."Oh," said the goose."Oh, dear," said Mother Duck, as she looked at the sixth duckling. It looked most strange, it was straggly and grey where its brothers and sisters were fluffy and yellow. It was also bigger than them.It quacked as it saw its mother."Well, if it's a turkey," said the goose, "it won't swim."Mother Duck hurried her ducklings to the pond. She waddled in and listened. Splash! Splish! Splosh! Splash! Splish! She turned and looked. All six ducklings followed her in the water."Oh, well," she said. "He can swim. He is definitely not a turkey."The sixth duckling was very good at swimming, and was soon swimming better than his brothers and sisters.Back at the farmyard, things did not go well for the little duckling. Everyone called him an ugly duckling. The chickens laughed at him, the turkeys chased him and the geese hissed at him.Soon even his brothers and sisters would not talk to him, but when his mother turned away, he was very sad. He decided to leave the farmyard.One sunny morning, he walked out of the farmyard and didn't look back. He wandered away, looking for somewhere new to live.When he'd been walking a while he came to a large lake. There were some ducks swimming on it.He swam up to them."May I stay on this lake?" he asked."Of course," said the ducks. "We'll be moving on soon. Why don't you join us, if you're on your own?""Thank you," said the duckling.The duckling stayed on the lake and day by day he grew bigger. One day he looked up to see some large white birds flying gracefully over the lake."They're beautiful," he whispered, and then sighed. "I wonder who they are?"One day the ducks came to see him."It's autumn, and we're going now," they told him, "join us if you want to."Some ducks began to fly up to leave, but suddenly loud bangs were heard. Two of the ducks fell from the sky. Others flew up in fright, and more fell as more bangs were heard.The duckling ran and hid. He found a bush and stayed there until the noise had died down. When it was quiet he sadly left the lake and headed away over the fields.He came to another lake and there he stayed. Winter was coming and he was alone. As the days grew colder, he found that it was harder to find food.The one morning he woke and found that he couldn't move. The lake had frozen and he was stuck in the ice. The day passed and the duckling was giving up hope of being found. But late in the afternoon a man walking his dog saw him. He broke the ice, and the duckling was free. He ran across the ice and hid. He didn't dare to go on the ice again.Winter passed, spring came, and the ice melted.The duckling stretched his wings and found that they were strong enough to carry him. He flew upon and over the lake, high above the trees and fields. He should have been very happy, but he was not because he felt so lonely.A few days later, he looked up to see the large white birds he had seen in the autumn. They looked beautiful as they landed on the lake. The duckling admired their glossy white feathers and long necks. He swan over to take a closer look at them."Please," he said shyly. "Will you tell me who you are. You are so beautiful and I am so ugly. I've never seen anybody like you.""Ugly," cried one of the white birds. "How silly!""We're swans," said another. "Why do you think you're ugly? Look at yourself in the water."The duckling looked and caught sight of his own reflection. He gasped in surprise, for instead of seeing a fat, grey duckling he saw a swan with a long elegant neck and a bright orange bill. "I'm like you," he cried. "I'm a swan, too.""Definitely," said the swan, with a smile."Does that mean I can stay with you, and not live alone?""Of course," said the swans.At that moment two children ran down to the lake. "Ooh, look!" they cried. "The swans are back and there's a new one, too. Isn't he beautiful!"The ugly duckling stretched his neck and ruffled his feathers with pride.Then it was time to go flying with all of the other swans and, as the duckling took off from the lake, he could see his new beautiful reflection in the water.。

ugly duckling 英语作文

ugly duckling 英语作文

ugly duckling 英语作文English:The story of the Ugly Duckling is a timeless tale of transformation, self-discovery, and acceptance. It follows the journey of a young duckling who is ostracized and ridiculed by his peers due to his appearance, only to discover later that he is actually a beautiful swan. This narrative resonates with readers of all ages because it speaks to the universal themes of identity, belonging, and the importance of looking beyond surface appearances. The Ugly Duckling's transformation serves as a powerful metaphor for the potential for growth and change within each of us. It teaches us that beauty is not merely skin deep, but rather lies in embracing our true selves and recognizing our inner worth. Through the Ugly Duckling's journey, we learn the invaluable lesson of acceptance, both of ourselves and others, regardless of outward differences. Ultimately, the story reminds us that true beauty comes from within, and that it is only by embracing our uniqueness that we can truly find happiness and fulfillment in life.中文翻译:《丑小鸭》的故事是一个永恒的变革、自我发现和接受的故事。

ugly duckling 英语作文

ugly duckling 英语作文

ugly duckling 英语作文The Ugly Duckling was a timeless tale that has captivated audiences for generations. The story, penned by the renowned Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, follows the journey of a young swan who is mistaken for an ugly duckling. Through a series of trials and tribulations, the duckling ultimately blossoms into a magnificent swan, teaching us valuable lessons about self-acceptance, perseverance, and the transformative power of inner beauty.At the heart of the story is the protagonist, a young bird who is born into a farmyard, surrounded by a brood of ducklings. From the moment he hatches, the duckling is set apart from his siblings, with his grey feathers and awkward appearance setting him apart from the rest. The other ducklings, and even the farmer's wife, ridicule and ostracize the poor creature, leaving him feeling isolated and dejected.Rejected by his own kind, the ugly duckling sets out on a solitary journey, searching for a place where he can belong. Along the way, he faces a series of challenges and hardships, from being chased by a group of boys to being attacked by a fierce cat. Through it all, theduckling perseveres, refusing to give up on his dream of finding acceptance and happiness.One of the most poignant moments in the story comes when the duckling encounters a flock of swans. Seeing their grace and beauty, the duckling is filled with a sense of wonder and longing, wishing that he too could be a part of their elegant world. However, the swans initially reject him, unable to see past his perceived flaws and recognize the true beauty that lies within.Undeterred, the duckling continues his journey, eventually stumbling upon a group of children who welcome him with open arms. In a touching scene, the children marvel at the duckling's transformation, marveling at the stunning swan that has emerged from the once-ugly creature. This moment of acceptance and validation is a powerful testament to the idea that true worth is not defined by outward appearances, but by the strength of one's character and the beauty of one's soul.As the story progresses, the duckling's journey takes on a more profound and symbolic meaning. The transformation from an ugly duckling to a majestic swan serves as a metaphor for the human experience, reminding us that we all have the capacity to overcome our perceived flaws and blossom into our true selves.The message of self-acceptance and the triumph of inner beauty over outward appearances is a timeless one, resonating with readers of all ages and backgrounds. The Ugly Duckling's story of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity is a testament to the human spirit, inspiring us to embrace our own unique qualities and to never give up on our dreams.Moreover, the story also touches on themes of social inclusion and the importance of empathy and understanding. The duckling's experiences of rejection and isolation at the hands of his peers serve as a powerful commentary on the ways in which we often judge and exclude those who are different from us. By learning to see beyond the surface and recognize the inherent worth in all individuals, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive world.In conclusion, The Ugly Duckling is a timeless tale that continues to captivate and inspire readers around the world. Through its vivid storytelling and powerful symbolism, the story reminds us of the transformative power of self-acceptance, the importance of perseverance, and the beauty that lies within each and every one of us. As we navigate the challenges and complexities of our own lives, the lessons of The Ugly Duckling can serve as a guiding light, reminding us to embrace our unique qualities and to never give up on our dreams.。

《The ugly duckling》PPT

《The ugly duckling》PPT

The book is thin.
How does it feel , young men ?
The elephant is hard .
No. It’s soft .
No. It’s thick .
It’s thin .
The four men touch the elephant.
12 The ugly duckling
HHeelllloo,, hheelllloo,, hheelllloo,, hhooww aarree yyoouu??
HHHeeellllloloo,,, Hello,
Look and learn
beautiful _ugl_y
About the author
安徒生 The Little Match Girl
Snow White
The Little Mermaid
The Emperor’s New Clothes
Think and answer
aaarrreee are
yyyooouuu??? you?
Hello, heIlIl’om’m, nhwoetollnosd,oehrgofouwold.a! re you?
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以下是一篇适合三年级小学生的英文版【丑小鸭】作文:"The Ugly Duckling"Once upon a time, there was a little duckling. All the other ducks thought he was very ugly. They laughed at him and didn't want to play with him. The ugly duckling felt sad and lonely.One day, he decided to leave and find a place where he would be accepted. He traveled to many different places and met different animals, but none of them accepted him.Then one spring day, the ugly duckling saw some beautiful swans swimming in a pond. He wished he could be like them. As he approached the swans, they welcomed him with open wings.To his surprise, the ugly duckling saw his own reflection in the water. He had transformed into a beautiful swan! He was no longer an ugly duckling.Now the swans and the ugly duckling swam together happily. He realized that he was always meant to be a swan and that being different was not a bad thing.The end.这是一篇简短的英文版【丑小鸭】作文,符合您的要求。



我最喜欢的故事丑小鸭英语作文80词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Story - The Ugly DucklingOnce upon a time, there was an ugly little duck. He was so ugly that all the other ducks and animals on the farm laughed at him. The poor little duck felt so sad and alone. He didn't have any friends and nobody wanted to play with him because he looked different.One day, the ugly duckling wandered away from the farm. He came across a pond and saw some beautiful swans swimming gracefully on the water. "Oh how I wish I could be like those beautiful swans!" he thought. But the swans just laughed at his ugliness and chased him away.The ugly duckling kept walking, feeling lonelier than ever. Winter came and it was very cold. The poor little duck had no warm place to sleep. He shivered in the freezing wind and snow, wishing he had a cozy home like the other animals.When spring finally arrived, the ugly duckling saw his reflection in a pond. But this time, he didn't see an ugly little duck anymore! He saw a beautiful, graceful swan staring back at him. He had grown into the most magnificent swan of all during the long, cold winter.Some swans swam over and looked at him in awe. "You are one of the most beautiful swans we have ever seen!" they exclaimed. The once ugly duckling was overjoyed. He had finally found his true self and a family who accepted him just as he was.From that day on, the beautiful swan lived happily ever after on the pond. He glided across the water with elegance, surrounded by new swan friends who loved him. He was no longer the ugly, laughed-at duckling, but a stunning swan admired by all.The moral of the story is that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. What truly matters is accepting and loving yourself for who you are on the inside. If you have inner beauty, confidence and kindness, that will shine through, no matter your appearance. The ugly duckling proved that by being true to himself, he was able to transform into a magnificent swan. We should all have the courage to embrace our true selves, just like the ugly duckling did.篇2My Favorite Story The Ugly DucklingI really love the story of The Ugly Duckling! It's one of my very favorite fairy tales. It's a story about being different and not fitting in, but then discovering your true self and finding where you belong.There's this mama duck, see, and she hatches a whole bunch of little ducklings from her eggs. But one of the ducklings looks really different and ugly compared to the others. He's bigger and clumsier, with plain grey feathers instead of soft yellow down. The other ducks are really mean to him because he's so ugly and doesn't fit in at all with the rest of them.The poor ugly duckling tries so hard to fit in, but nothing works. He gets laughed at and picked on all the time by the other ducks and animals on the farm. Even the girl who owns the farm thinks he's just a lame, ugly creature. Can you imagine how sad and left out he must have felt? I would cry if everyone was always so cruel to me!Finally, the ugly duckling decides he can't take it anymore and he runs away from the farm. He wanders through fields and forests and ponds all alone for a long time, getting hungrier andcolder as winter comes. He has to hide from hunters and avoid scary animals. It's a really hard knock life for the little guy.Just when he thinks he's never going to find a place where he belongs, the ugly duckling sees this flock of beautiful swans swimming on a pond. He's never seen such elegant, graceful creatures! And they're nice to him and let him stay with them through the winter.Then in the spring, the ugly duckling looks at his reflection in the water and is shocked - he's no longer an ugly duckling at all, but a beautiful swan himself! Turns out he was never an ugly duck to begin with, but a swan all along who just hatched early before his feathers came in properly. No wonder he never fit in with the ducks!It's such an inspiring story about not judging others who are different from you, believing in yourself, and finding your true place in the world even if it takes time. And it has a happy,feel-good ending where the former ugly duckling finally finds acceptance, confidence, and his swan family.I think every kid can relate to sometimes feeling left out or different like the ugly duckling. I know I've felt that way before when I was the new kid and didn't have friends yet, or when I didn't get picked for teams in gym class. But this story remindsyou to have hope because things can get better, and to be yourself instead of trying so hard to fit in if you don't naturally.My favorite part is imagine how amazed the ugly duckling must have felt when he realized his true identity as a beautiful swan at the end. It would be like if you woke up one morning and suddenly had super powers or could fly! What a mind-blowing, wonderful feeling of transformation that must have been.I'll never get tired of this classic story and its inspiring message about self-acceptance, perseverance, and finding your flock. Every kid (and even adults too) could learn a lot from the journey of the ugly duckling who remained true to himself and ended up--well, not so ugly after all! Sometimes you just need a little time, patience and hope to become who you're truly meant to be.篇3My Favorite Story The Ugly DucklingThe Ugly Duckling is my absolute favorite story ever! It's about this little baby duck who looks really different and ugly compared to his brothers and sisters. None of the other ducks or animals on the farm want to be his friend because he's so ugly.The poor little duckling has no mommy to take care of him either. He has to go out into the big, scary world all alone.In the story, the ugly duckling tries to make friends with some big ducks, but they just tease him and call him names because of how ugly he is. Can you imagine how sad and lonely he must have felt? I would cry every day if other kids made fun of how I looked. The little duckling keeps trying to find a family that will accept him, but all the animals chase him away when they see how funny looking he is.Winter comes and the poor little guy has no warm place to sleep. He's out there in the cold, snow and wind feeling sorry for himself. Things look pretty hopeless for the ugly duckling. But then spring arrives and he sees these beautiful swans swimming in a pond. He expects them to tease him too like all the other animals. But surprisingly, when the swans catch a glimpse of their reflection in the water next to the duckling's reflection, they smile and nuzzle up next to him! It turns out the ugly duckling has grown up into one of them - a beautiful, graceful swan!See, the thing is, the duckling was never really ugly at all. He just looked funny and awkward when he was a baby because he wasn't really a duck - he was a baby swan all along! But none of the ducks and farm animals could see his true beauty until he gotolder and turned into a magnificent swan. The story teaches you to never judge someone just because they look or seem different on the outside. True beauty is what's inside. Also, sometimes when you feel alone and like an ugly duckling now, if you're patient and keep believing in yourself, you'll grow up to become a confident, wonderful swan! Just like the ugly duckling did.That's why I love this story so much. It makes me feel better about myself and how I might look different than other kids sometimes. The ugly duckling inspires me to have confidence no matter what and never give up hope that one day I'll blossom and people will appreciate my inner beauty and uniqueness. I think everybody, young or old, can learn a valuable lesson from this classic tale about acceptance, perseverance and seeing the beauty in ourselves and others that might not be obvious at first glance.I really like the descriptive words the author uses to paint such a vivid picture in my mind too. My favorite line is "The warm sun shone through the morning mist as the elegant swan glided serenely across the still, glass-like pond." Don't those poetic words make you imagine just how beautiful and graceful the transformed swan looked? The author has a real gift for bringing the story to life.I've read The Ugly Duckling book so many times, but it never gets old. It's just as touching every single time. My mom even bought me an ugly duckling stuffed animal that I cuddle when I go to sleep. I'm going to keep it forever to remind me of the story's important message about being yourself and not letting others bring you down with their harsh words or judgments. I hope one day I can write an inspirational book or story that means just as much to kids as The Ugly Duckling does to me.What's your favorite story? I bet it's a good one, but I don't think any story can top The Ugly Duckling! It will always have a special place in my heart. Whenever I'm feeling left out or sad about something, I re-read this book and it cheers me up and gives me hope again. I'd篇4My Favorite Story The Ugly DucklingI really love the story of The Ugly Duckling! It's my super favorite fairy tale ever. It was written by this famous Danish author named Hans Christian Andersen a long, long time ago. But the story is still just as good today as it was back then!The story starts out with a mommy duck sitting on her nest. She had laid a bunch of eggs and was waiting for them to hatch.One day, all of her little ducklings started pecking their way out of the eggs. All of the baby ducks were cute and fuzzy, except for one. This one egg had a big, funny looking duckling inside. He was bigger than the others and not soft and yellow like they were. He looked kind of ugly!The other ducklings and the mommy duck weren't very nice to the ugly duckling. They made fun of how he looked and didn't want him around. The poor ugly duckling felt so sad and left to go live elsewhere. He spent the whole winter outdoors in the freezing cold because nobody wanted an ugly duckling at their home.In the spring, the ugly duckling saw some beautiful swans swimming in a pond. He thought they were the most gorgeous birds he had ever seen. The ugly duckling wished he could be as beautiful as them. Little did he know, he was actually a swan himself! When he looked at his reflection in the water, he saw that he had grown into a graceful, white swan during the winter. He wasn't an ugly duckling anymore!The other swans let the former ugly duckling join their family. They admired how beautiful and special he was. From then on, the ugly duckling lived happily ever after with his new swanfriends. He didn't feel ugly anymore now that he knew he was a swan all along.I love this story so much because it teaches you to be nice to everyone, even if they look different than you. The story shows that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. What's most important is being a good person on the inside. It made me feel bad for how mean the other ducks were to the ugly duckling just because he was different looking. I would never want to treat someone that way!The ugly duckling also shows that if you are patient and don't give up, good things will happen. The ugly duckling went through a really hard time when he was all alone. But he kept going and it paid off when he turned into a beautiful swan. I think that's an inspirational message - if you believe in yourself and keep trying, your dreams can come true in the end like they did for the ugly duckling!Another reason I adore this fairy tale is because of the gorgeous descriptions of nature. Whenever Andersen writes about the pond, trees, flowers, and changing seasons, the imagery is so vivid and pretty. It's easy to picture it all so clearly in my mind's eye. The story makes me appreciate the beauty of the outdoors more.Plus, I have to admit, I'm a total sucker for any story with animal characters. Ducks and swans are just the sweetest, most darling things! I love envisioning the mama duck waddling around and all the little ducklings following her. And swans are so elegant and majestic. What could be cuter than a baby ugly duckling growing up into a breathtaking swan? Not much if you ask me!Overall, The Ugly Duckling is an inspiring tale about being true to yourself, not judging others based on appearance, and persevering through hard times. The ending where the ugly duckling transforms into a swan always gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. I can't help but tear up a little from happiness! Whenever I'm having a bad day, this story reminds me that things can get better. I'm so grateful my mom first read The Ugly Duckling to me when I was little because now it's a story I will cherish forever. It's an all-time classic!篇5The Ugly Duckling - My Favorite StoryMy favorite story is "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen. It's a tale about a little bird who was treated really badly by everyone just because he looked different. But in theend, he becomes a beautiful swan and they all realize how wrong they were to make fun of him. I think this story has such an important message for kids like me.It all starts when Mama Duck's eggs hatch and one of the ducklings looks way different from his brothers and sisters. He's bigger, clumsier, and just plain uglier with funny gray feathers. The other ducks, even his own mom and siblings, are so mean to him just for being different. They call him names like "Ugly" and don't let him play with them. It makes me so sad reading about how lonely and left out he feels.The poor ugly duckling tries to find friends elsewhere but it's no use. The chickens, the cat, and the other animals on the farm all pick on him too just because he doesn't look like them. He has no one and gets really depressed. I can imagine feeling totally left out and bullied like that would be the worst feeling ever. No kid should have to go through that.When winter comes, the ugly duckling gets separated from the farm and has to fend for himself out in the cold and snow. It's scary and dangerous for a little duck all alone. But he keeps going no matter how tired or hungry he gets. His perseverance is amazing. I don't know if I could keep pressing on if I was in his situation.Finally, spring arrives and the ugly duckling sees some beautiful swans gliding across a pond. He expected them to make fun of him too, but surprisingly they were kind and he realized he was a swan like them! It turns out he wasn't an "ugly duckling" at all, just a swan who was judged too soon before becoming his true beautiful self. That's a really powerful message about inner beauty and not judging others before getting to know them.The ending always makes me so happy when the formerly ugly duckling accepts himself and his swan identity. But it also makes me a little sad thinking about how much hurt and struggle he had to go through first from the meanness of others. If only the other animals could have seen his true beauty from the start instead of bullying him for being different.That's why I love this story so much - it teaches you to accept others for who they are on the inside regardless of outside appearances. It shows how harmful bullying and judging can be. And most of all, it reminds you to have hope because no matter how tough things get, your circumstances can change for the better just like the ugly duckling becoming a swan.I think every kid should read "The Ugly Duckling" so they can learn not to mistreat anyone for being different. We're all likethat ugly duckling just trying to figure ourselves out. With a little patience, kindness and acceptance from others, maybe we can all become beautiful swans too! Whenever I feel left out or judged, I remind myself of this story's inspirational message aboutself-acceptance and perseverance. Stories have such amazing power to impart wisdom in a memorable way.The Ugly Duckling is an absolute classic that will always have a special place in my heart. Its timeless lesson about inner beauty, self-confidence and inclusion is something every child and adult needs to hear. I hope by sharing my love for this simple yet profound tale, others will discover its magic too!篇6My Favorite Story: The Ugly DucklingThe Ugly Duckling is my favorite story. It's about a little swan who was born in a duck's nest. The other ducks made fun of him because he looked different. He felt so sad and alone. But then one day, he turned into a beautiful swan! The story shows that it doesn't matter how you look on the outside. What matters is being yourself. I love this story because it teaches us to be kind to everyone, no matter what.The Ugly Duckling: My Absolute Favorite Story Ever!You know that feeling when you find a book that you love so much, you read it over and over again? That's how I feel about the story of The Ugly Duckling. It's an old fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, and I've read it about a million times! Every time I pick it up, I get totally sucked into the story. I feel like I'm right there alongside the poor little Ugly Duckling as he goes through his struggles and adventures.The story starts out on a farm, where a mother duck is sitting on her nest of eggs, waiting for them to hatch. One by one, the cute little ducklings crack out of their shells. But then the very last egg hatches, and out comes this funny looking creature that is much bigger and not at all cute like the others! The mother duck thinks this ugly duckling must be some freak of a turkey chick, while all the other ducks on the farm start mocking and picking on the odd one out. Can you imagine how horrible that must feel, to be made fun of just for being different? I get upset just thinking about it!Poor little Ugly is so confused and sad. He doesn't understand why everyone is so mean to him. All he wants is to fit in and be loved, just like his siblings. He tries his best to make friends with the other animals, but they all turn him away. The ducks, chickens, and cats all tease him about his looks and weirdquacking voice. I can really relate to feeling left out sometimes when I was the new kid at school. Those are some of my least favorite memories.After enduring constant bullying and loneliness, the Ugly Duckling finally decides he has had enough. One night, he bravely sneaks away from the farm to go off and live on his own in the wild. Although he is terrified of the unknown, he figures anything has to be better than the way he's been treated. This part always makes me proud of the little guy for being so brave!For a long time, the Ugly Duckling wanders around struggling to survive. He has to fend for himself, finding food and shelter anywhere he can. He gets shot at by hunters and nearly freezes in the bitter cold winter. Every day is an uphill battle just to stay alive. I'll be honest, it makes me really sad reading about all the difficulties and heartache he endures all alone in the world with no family or friends. I can't even imagine having to go through that, especially at such a young age! Whenever I read those parts, I just want to reach into the book and give him a big hug. I'm always amazed by his resilience through it all.Finally, after what seems like an eternity of suffering, spring arrives. The Ugly Duckling, now grown into an awkward youngbird, spots a beautiful flock of swans gliding across a pond. He resigns himself to being rejected once again since he's so plain and scraggly compared to them. But this time, to his utter shock, the lovely swans welcome him with open wings! That's when the Ugly Duckling realizes that despite how he was treated, he has blossomed into a gorgeous swan himself! In that powerful moment, the truth that true beauty comes from within is finally driven home. I cheer and cry happy tears every single time I get to this heartwarming part.I adore this story for so many reasons. First of all, it's incredibly touching and moving. I'm not ashamed to admit it makes me cry, but in the best way possible! It's sad yet triumphant, heartbreaking yet inspiring all at once. The Ugly Duckling shows that you shouldn't judge someone for being different. Instead, you need to look past the outside and see the inner beauty and worth within each person. It's a powerful message about self-acceptance, perseverance, bullying, and the importance of being kind.What I also love is that the story is told in such a simple, understandable way that even young kids like me can understand the deeper meanings behind it. The writing is beautiful but not too complicated. The imagery allows me tovividly picture every scene in my imagination. And the characters are all very relatable despite being ducks and swans! I find myself caring deeply for the Ugly Duckling and feeling everything he goes through right along with him.Another cool aspect of this story is all the life lessons and values it teaches in a gentle, non-preachy way. Themes like staying hopeful through hard times, believing in yourself, and accepting people for who they are on the inside. It reminds me that it's okay to be different - those differences are what make each of us special and unique in our own way. The Ugly Duckling sets such a great example of responding to cruelty with grace and courage rather than giving in to hatred. I really look up to his strength of character! These are all such vital lessons that every kid should learn.I'm always amazed that a story as old as The Ugly Duckling can still feel so fresh, relevant and meaningful today. The simple but profound narrative and morals seem to be timeless and universal. No matter how many times I revisit this classic tale, I find new layers of richness and wisdom within its humble pages. It's one of those rare stories that truly has something for everyone at any age.Like any good book, The Ugly Duckling lets my imagination run wild and transports me to another world for a while. But unlike stories that are just fluffy entertainments, this one also nurtures my heart, soul and personal growth in a deep way. It helps to build inner strength when I'm facing my own feelings of inadequacy or struggles to find acceptance. The Ugly Duckling's plight hits close to home for any kid who has ever felt different or been mistreated for standing out. Yet it provides that glimmer of hope that our uniqueness is actually something to embrace and cherish rather than be ashamed of.By the end, I always come away feeling empowered, inspired and reassured that it's not only okay to be myself - it's the greatest gift I can give to the world. Just like the Ugly Duckling transforms into a stunning swan, the story serves as a beautiful reminder that if I have faith in myself, one day I too will blossom into my most brilliant, authentic self. And really, what better message could any child hope to get from a book? That's why The Ugly Duckling will forever be my favorite story of all time.。



五年级英语作文丑小鸭Title: The Ugly DucklingOnce upon a time, there was a little duckling who was born in a barnyard. Unlike his brothers and sisters who had beautiful white feathers, this duckling had dull, brown feathers. He was different from the others, and the other ducks teased him for being ugly.The poor little duckling felt very sad and lonely. He tried to join in with the other ducks, but they didn't want him. He even tried to make friends with the chickens and the turkeys, but they didn't like him either. The duckling felt that he didn't belong anywhere and decided to leave the barnyard.As the seasons changed, the little duckling grew. He spent a long, cold winter in a pond, surviving on seeds and plants. When spring finally arrived, something magical happened. The duckling's feathers began to change. They turned into beautiful, shiny white feathers with hints of gold and green.One day, the duckling saw his reflection in the water and was surprised to see a graceful, elegant swan looking back at him. He realized that he was not an ugly duckling at all, but a magnificent swan.The swan returned to the barnyard to show his family andthe other animals how he had changed. They were all amazed at his beauty. The swan felt happy and proud, and he knew that he had found his true home among the other swans.The story of the Ugly Duckling teaches us that sometimes things are not as they seem. It's important to be kind to others and to never give up on ourselves, because we all have the potential to be something beautiful.中文翻译:标题:丑小鸭从前,有一只小鸭子在农场的谷仓里出生。



我最喜欢的童话的丑小鸭英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingOnce upon a time, there was a mama duck who laid some eggs. When the eggs hatched, one of the ducklings looked really weird and ugly compared to the others. He was bigger, grey and kind of funny looking. The other little ducks and animals on the farm made fun of him all the time and called him names like "Ugly Duckling." It made the poor little guy feel really sad and lonely.The Ugly Duckling tried to play with the other ducklings, but they would just tease him and say mean things like "Go away ugly!" or "You're not one of us!" Even the other farm animals were mean to him too. The rude rooster would peck at him and the cranky cat would hiss and scratch. The pitiful Ugly Duckling felt so unwanted and alone.One day, the Ugly Duckling decided he couldn't take the bullying anymore, so he ran far away from the farm to find a new home where he would be accepted. He wandered through fieldsand forests, getting shooed away everywhere he went because of how unattractive he looked. The poor thing was so hungry, cold and scared.Winter came and the Ugly Duckling was all alone in the freezing woods with no food or shelter. He was sure he would die from the bitter cold. Just when he had given up hope, a kind old woman found him nearly frozen. She brought him into her cottage and nursed him back to health. I was so relieved when that happened!When spring arrived, the grateful Duckling said goodbye to the nice woman and ventured out again in search of a place to call home. He ended up at a beautiful pond surrounded by elegant swans. Even though he expected them to reject him for being ugly like everyone else, the swans were very friendly! To the Duckling's shock, they treated him like one of their own.One day while looking at his reflection in the pond water, the Duckling realized he wasn't an ugly duckling at all - he had grown into a gorgeous swan! He was overjoyed to finally be accepted and fit in. The summer was the happiest time of his life, swimming and playing with his new swan friends.When winter came again, a flock of swans invited the former Ugly Duckling, now a stunning swan himself, to fly away withthem to warmer places for the cold season. As they were migrating, they flew over the same farm where he had been born. He spotted the mean animals who had bullied him and felt no anger, only pity for how cruel they were.The story of the Ugly Duckling teaches kids like me that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, but what's important is being a good person on the inside. Even though the Duckling was bullied for being different, he never became bitter or mean himself. In the end, he showed his true beauty by being kind to those mean animals instead of paying their cruelty back.I love the happy ending where the Ugly Duckling becomes a swan and finds true friends who love him for who he is. It reminds me that no matter how lonely or left out I might feel sometimes for being different, I should never give up hope. If I have patience and keep being a good person, one day I'll discover my own unique beauty too and find people who appreciate me just the way I am, just like the swans did for the Ugly Duckling.篇2My Favorite Fairy Tale - The Ugly DucklingHi there! My name is Sam and I'm 9 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my absolute favorite fairy tale - The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen. It's a classic story that I've loved ever since I was a little kid. Get ready because I'm going to take you through the whole amazing story!Once upon a time, there was a mother duck who was sitting on her nest of eggs. She was so excited for them to hatch into cute little ducklings. One by one, the eggs started cracking open and out came lots of adorable yellow ducklings. But then the last egg hatched and out popped one really ugly duckling! This poor little guy was all gray and scraggly looking. The mother duck thought he was really yucky so she was mean to him and didn't want him around. All the other ducklings made fun of him too because he looked so different and weird. I always feel so bad for the ugly duckling at this part!So the ugly duckling ran away from the duck family because he was so sad that nobody liked him. He went out on his own and tried to find a home with some other animals. First he went to live with some chickens, but they picked on him and didn't let him stay. Then he tried living with some cats and dogs, but they were mean and chased him away too. The poor ugly ducklingjust couldn't find any friends who would accept him for who he was.Winter came and it was freezing cold outside. The ugly duckling was all alone with nowhere to go. He saw a little cabin in the forest and waddled up to the window to look inside. There was a nice warm fire going and a friendly old woman was in the cabin. When she saw the shivering ugly duckling, she felt bad for him and let him come inside to get warm. The duckling was so grateful and he lived with the nice lady all winter long. I'm always so relieved when he finally finds somewhere safe and warm!When spring arrived, the ugly duckling decided he should go out and try to find a home again. As he was swimming in a pond, he saw the most beautiful family of swans gliding across the water! They were so pretty and graceful. The ugly duckling expected them to make fun of him like everyone else. But instead, when he saw his own reflection in the water he realized he had turned into a beautiful swan himself while spending the winter in the cabin! He wasn't an ugly duckling anymore. The swan family welcomed him with open wings and he finally found his true home.I love the ending of this story so much! It makes me really happy that the ugly duckling who was made fun of the wholetime for being different ended up turning into a gorgeous swan. It just shows that you shouldn't judge people based on how they look on the outside. True beauty is on the inside and being kind to others. I think this fairy tale teaches an awesome lesson about accepting people for who they are and not bullying them for being different. Everybody deserves a chance to show their inner beauty, just like the ugly duckling!That's why The Ugly Duckling is my all-time favorite fairy tale.I never get tired of reading it or watching the movie versions. The story makes me laugh, cry, and cheer at the happy ending every single time. I hope you enjoyed me telling you all about this classic tale! Maybe now you'll go read or watch The Ugly Duckling again too. Thanks for letting me share my favorite story with you. Okay, talk to you later - bye!篇3My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingOnce upon a time, there was this reeeaaally ugly baby duckling. He was so ugly that all the other ducklings and animals on the farm were super mean to him. They called him names like "Ugly" and made fun of how weird and different he looked. Thepoor ugly duckling didn't have any friends and felt so sad and alone.One day, the ugly duckling wandered away from the farm because he was tired of being bullied. He came across a family of nice wild ducks swimming in a pond. "Hey, can I swim with you guys?" asked the ugly duckling hopefully. But the wild ducks just laughed at how funny he looked. "Ha! You're way too ugly to swim with us!" they quacked meanly before flapping away.The ugly duckling cried and cried. "Why am I so hideous? What's wrong with me?" he sobbed. A kind old frog spoke up. "Don't worry little one, there's nothing wrong with how you look. Those ducks were just big meanies. True beauty is on the inside." The frog's words made the ugly duckling feel a teeny bit better.Winter came and everything was covered in cold, white snow. The poor ugly duckling with his fuzzy little feathers was freezing! He had nowhere warm to stay. Just when he was about to give up, a cranky woman opened her cottage window and shooed him inside with her broom. "Get in here you ugly thing!" she scolded.The ugly duckling was finally someplace warm and safe for the winter. But the cranky woman's cat and hen wouldn't stop taunting him about his ugliness. "You're so ugly, I could just lookat you all day and laugh!" cackled the hen meanly. The hurt ugly duckling dreamed of being transformed into a beautiful swan.When spring arrived, the ugly duckling excitedly waddled down to the pond. He gasped at the beautiful swans gliding across the glassy water. "Those are the most gorgeous birds I've ever seen! I wish I was a swan too," he said sadly. Just then, the ugly duckling looked down and saw his own stunning reflection in the water. His scraggly feathers had fallen out, and he had blossomed into a gorgeous swan himself!The other swans swam over and greeted him joyfully. "Welcome friend! We're so happy to have such a magnificent swan like yourself in our group." The uglyduckling-turned-beautiful swan was overjoyed to have finally found his flock where he was accepted and appreciated for who he was.I just love this fairy tale soooo much! It teaches that bullying is bad and it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. The most important thing is being a good friend with a kind heart on the inside. My favorite part is when the ugly duckling sees his swan reflection and realizes how beautiful he really is. It shows that if you stay brave and believe in yourself, eventually others will see your true beauty too.This story reminds me of my friend Lucas who got picked on a lot because he dresses kinda weird goth style. Just like the ugly duckling, Lucas never lets the mean bullies get him down. He's proud to just be himself! One time these jerks were making fun of Lucas's crazy spiked hairdo at recess. Instead of getting embarrassed, Lucas just flashed them a smile and said "Thanks, I really like my hair too!" That showed those bullies that their words couldn't hurt his feelings about his unique style.I think the ugly duckling and Lucas are so brave for embracing what makes them different instead of changing to please the haters. They know their true inner beauty is what matters most, not their outer looks that bullies judge them for. I try to be a good friend to Lucas like the kind old frog was to the ugly duckling. When people say mean things about his gothic clothes, I always stick up for my buddy and remind them that making fun of people's appearance is bullying.Whenever I feel insecure or discouraged about something, I remember the ugly duckling's journey. He went through so much struggle and heartbreak from all the mean animals mocking him.篇4My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingOnce upon a time, there was this little duck who was really different from his brothers and sisters. His feathers were all ugly and gray, not bright yellow like the others. The other baby ducks made fun of him all the time and called him names like "Ugly Duckling." It made him so sad!The poor little ugly duckling had no friends on the farm where he was born. The other animals were mean to him too, even the farmer's wife. She said "That's the ugliest duckling I've ever seen! Get that ugly thing out of here!" So the ugly duckling ran away from the farm into the cold, scary forest all alone.He spent the whole winter out in the freezing woods and marsh, hiding in hollow trees and bushes from hunters and wild animals. He almost froze to death and starved because he couldn't find any food. I felt so bad for the poor little guy! But he was very brave and didn't give up.In the spring, the ugly duckling saw some beautiful big white swans swimming gracefully on a pond. He said to himself, "Oh, those birds are so pretty and elegant. What lovely feathers they have." But then he looked down at his own dull gray feathers and felt uglier than ever.The swans swam up to the little duckling and he expected them to tease him like everyone else. But you know what? Theysmiled and welcomed him into their flock! It turned out the ugly duckling had just been a late bloomer. Over the winter he had turned into the most stunning, gorgeous swan of all!From that day on, the beautiful swan lived happily ever after with his new swan friends on the pond. He couldn't believe how lucky he was not to be stuck back on that mean old farm anymore. The end!Isn't that just the best fairy tale ever? I love the story of the ugly duckling because it teaches you to never judge people by how they look on the outside. It doesn't matter if you're short or tall, fat or skinny, have glasses or freckles - what matters is who you are on the inside.The ugly duckling was such a nice, caring little bird even though everyone was so cruel to him for being different. He could have turned bitter and mean himself, but he stayed brave and hopeful that things would get better someday. And they did! His life completely changed for the better once he transformed into that gorgeous swan.I think the moral of the story is to always believe in yourself and never give up, no matter how hard life gets or how mean people are to you. As long as you stay a good person on the inside, you'll turn out just fine in the end just like the duckling did.Bullies and haters are just jealous and insecure about themselves.Another big lesson is to not judge others too quickly based on appearances alone. The other animals assumed the ugly duckling was worthless just because he was funny looking as a baby. But he ended up becoming this beautiful, graceful swan that they all wished they could be. You never know what someone is truly like until you get to know them for who they really are.My favorite part is when the swan family welcomes the ugly duckling with open wings. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside to think about them accepting him without any hesitation or teasing. It's like they recognized he was one of them all along, just a late bloomer is all. I hope if I'm ever an outcast weirdo at school that I'll have some true friends like that who appreciate me for me.So yeah, that's why "The Ugly Duckling" is my all-time favorite fairy tale. It has such a inspirational rags-to-riches storyline about inner beauty triumphing over outer ugliness. Whenever I feel down or picked on, I just remember that little guy never gave up hope of finding his way. I think we could alllearn a lot from his example of perseverance and self-acceptance. Stay ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside, my friends!篇5My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingHi, my name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. Today I want to tell you about my absolute favorite fairy tale - "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen. It's a story that has stuck with me ever since I was a tiny little kid. I just love the message behind it and how the ugly little duckling goes through so much but ends up becoming a beautiful swan in the end. Let me tell you all about it!Once upon a time, there was a mother duck who was sitting on her nest, waiting for her cute little eggs to hatch. She was so excited to become a mommy. Finally, one by one, the eggs started cracking open and out came lots of cute yellow ducklings. But then the last egg hatched, and out came a really ugly duckling that didn't look anything like the others! The poor ugly duckling was bigger, grayish, and just plain funny looking.All the other ducks on the farm started making fun of the ugly duckling because he looked so different from everyone else. Even his own mother said "You are the ugliest duckling I haveever seen!" Can you believe a mother would say something so mean to her own child? I would be so sad if my mom said that to me. The ugly duckling felt terrible and cried because he was bullied so much for being ugly.Soon, the ugly duckling decided he couldn't take the teasing anymore, so he ran away from the farm, even though he was still just a little baby. He wandered through fields and forests, looking for a new home where maybe people would be nice to him. But wherever the ugly duckling went, he was chased away and made fun of because of how ugly he looked.As winter came, the ugly duckling was all alone with no food or shelter. He was so cold, hungry and miserable. He even tried staying with a sweet old woman who gave him bread crumbs, but her mean cat and chicken chased him away too! The poor ugly duckling thought his life couldn't get any worse.When spring finally arrived, the ugly duckling was dejected and depressed from being treated so cruelly for so long. He saw a family of beautiful swans gliding gracefully across the pond and cried "I wish I was beautiful like them!" Little did the ugly duckling know, he actually WAS a swan, just an ugly baby one! As the elegant swans swam by, the ugly duckling saw his reflection in the water and realized his own true beauty for thefirst time. The swans welcomed him with open wings and appreciated his inner and outer beauty.From that day on, the ugly duckling lived happily ever after with his new swan family. He learned that it didn't matter what he looked like on the outside, but who he was on the inside. Never again did he have to face torment and cruelty from others who couldn't see his true self-worth. What a happy ending!I just love this story so much because it teaches that you shouldn't judge someone by how they look on the outside. The moral is that true beauty really does come from within. It makes me so sad when I see kids at school getting bullied or made fun of for being different. The ugly duckling showed that if you stay true to yourself and keep believing, eventually people will see your inner beauty too.I think every kid goes through a phase where they feel like the ugly duckling - out of place, different from others, and insecure. I know I've felt that way before when I was the new kid at school or didn't have many friends. But this fairy tale gives me hope that if I have confidence in myself and am a good person on the inside, eventually I'll get to live happily ever after like the ugly duckling turned beautiful swan.That's why this is my favorite fairy tale - it teaches such an important lesson in such a simple but powerful way. Whenever I'm feeling insecure or left out, I remember the ugly duckling's story and it makes me feel better. I'm going to keep my chin up and be confident that one day others will see my true inner beauty, just like they finally did for the ugly duckling. I hope you can take this fairy tale's inspiring message to heart too! Nobody is truly "ugly" if they have inner beauty.The End篇6My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm going to tell you about my most favorite fairy tale ever - The Ugly Duckling! It's such an amazing story with a great lesson that I just love.The story starts out with a mother duck sitting on her nest, waiting for her little eggs to hatch. She was so excited to become a mommy! One by one, the eggs start cracking open and out comes a whole bunch of cute, fluffy, yellow ducklings. But then the very last egg hatches and out pops...a big, ugly,grayish-brown duckling! The other ducklings were like "Eww,what is that?!" and the mother duck didn't even recognize it as one of her own babies.Poor ugly duckling was made fun of by everyone - the other baby ducks, the mother duck, the farm animals, and even the human kids! They would call him names like "Ugly" and laugh at how different and funny-looking he was compared to the others. The ugly duckling felt so sad and alone. He just wanted to fit in and be accepted, but no one seemed to like him at all.Things got even worse for the ugly duckling in the winter when he had to fend for himself out in the freezing cold because he was chased away by everyone. He was so hungry, cold, and miserable wandering all alone with no friends or family. I felt super bad for him at this part! During his adventures trying to find a warm home, he meets some nice wild ducks and a sweet old woman who let him stay for a bit. But he still doesn't truly belong anywhere.Finally, spring comes and the ugly duckling gets to swim in a beautiful pond and see his reflection in the water. But what he sees isn't an ugly duckling anymore - he has transformed into an absolutely gorgeous, graceful swan! He was never an ugly "duckling" at all, but a baby swan who just hatched early and looked different from the ducklings. Then a flock of pretty swanssaw him and they were amazed at how stunning the new swan was. They invited him to join their family and he had finally found his true home where he was accepted for who he truly was.This part of the story always makes me so happy and gives me warm fuzzies inside! After going through so many struggles of being bullied and rejected for being different, the ugly duckling realizes his inner beauty and self-worth. His patience and perseverance paid off in the end when he blossomed into a magnificent swan that everyone admired.The moral of The Ugly Duckling fairy tale is that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside or if you're different from others. What's most important is having inner beauty, being true to yourself, and understanding that your worth comes from within, not from fitting in or being approved by everyone else. That's such a valuable lesson that kids (and adults too!) can learn from this sweet story.I think every single kid can relate to feeling like an outcast or misfit at some point, just like the ugly duckling did. We've all experienced being left out, made fun of, or not fitting in with a certain crowd before. But this fairy tale teaches us that our differences actually make us special and unique in the most beautiful way. We should embrace our quirks and individualityrather than trying to hide them or change who we truly are just to fit someone else's idea of "normal" or "accepted."It can be hard feeling like the odd one out when you're a kid, but having patience and persevering through tough times is so important. If the ugly duckling had just given up on himself, he never would have grown into the stunning swan he was born to become. We should all have that same confidence in ourselves to keep being our authentic selves, no matter what others think or say. Our time to shine and be appreciated for our true selves will come, just like it did for the gorgeous swan in the end.Besides the beautiful life lesson it teaches, I also love The Ugly Duckling story because of the vivid descriptions of nature and all the scenes in the great outdoors that the duckling experiences. I can perfectly picture the mother duck snuggled on her cozy nest, the colors of the ducklings' soft fuzzy feathers, the sparkling pond waters with the swan's elegant reflection, and more. It really makes me appreciate the simple beauty of the natural world around us.This fairy tale has been one of my absolute favorites since I was a tiny kid and I'll never get tired of reading it over and over again. The valuable lessons about self-acceptance, inner beauty, perseverance, and appreciating nature will stick with me forever.Whenever I'm feeling down about myself or struggling to fit in, I remember the ugly duckling's inspiring tale and it fills me with confidence and hope. I hope you'll read this classic fairy tale too and let its timeless wisdom touch your heart just like it has touched mine!。



我最喜欢的童话故事英文作文丑小鸭全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingHi there! My name is Sam and I'm going to tell you all about my favorite fairy tale - "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen. It's such an amazing story with a really cool message that I think everyone should learn.The story starts out on a farm, where a mother duck had just hatched a bunch of little ducklings from her eggs. All of the baby ducks were cute and fuzzy, except for one. This one duckling was much bigger than the others and looked really weird and ugly. The other ducks and animals on the farm started making fun of him and calling him names like "Ugly Duckling." Even his own mom said he was embarrassingly ugly! Can you imagine how sad and lonely the poor little guy must have felt?Things just kept getting worse for the Ugly Duckling after that. The other animals pecked at him and chased him away. He had no friends and nowhere to go. When winter came, it was freezing cold and he didn't have a warm place to stay. He was somiserable and afraid that he might not survive. But he refused to give up and kept waddling through the snow and ice to find shelter and food.In the spring, the Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful flock of magical swans gliding across a pond. "Those birds are so graceful and lovely," he thought with a sigh. "I'm too hideous to ever be like them." The swans caught sight of the funny-looking creature and swam toward him. But instead of attacking him like the other animals did, they greeted him kindly and explained that he wasn't an ugly duckling at all - he was a gorgeous swan who had just hatched late! He had been so awkward and unattractive as a cygnet, but had transformed into a breathtaking swan without even realizing it.The swans welcomed the former Ugly Duckling and taught him how to swim and fly with them. Finally, he felt at home and didn't have to hide away anymore. From that day on, he lived happily ever after on the pond with his new swan friends. What I love most about this story is that it shows you shouldn't judge people (or ducks!) based on how they look on the outside. The other animals mocked the Ugly Duckling for being different, when really he was going to turn into one of the most beautiful creatures of all.It's also an inspiring tale about never giving up, even when things seem hopeless. Despite all the cruelty and hardship he faced, the Ugly Duckling kept pushing forward with courage. His determination paid off in the end when he discovered his true, lovely self. This reminds me that if I stay strong and believe in myself, I can get through any tough times or bullying and become the best person I can be, just like the Ugly Duckling became a swan.I think every kid should read "The Ugly Duckling" because it teaches such important lessons about self-confidence, inner beauty, perseverance, and accepting people for who they are. It's a classic fairy tale, but the story is still so meaningful and relevant today. Whenever I feel insecure or left out, I remember the Ugly Duckling's journey and it inspires me to have faith that things will get better. I'll turn into a "swan" when the time is right, as long as I don't give up being myself.Those are just some of the reasons why "The Ugly Duckling" is my absolute favorite fairy tale. Between the lovable ugly duckling hero, the inspiring moral, and the happy ending, it's a story that has stuck with me since I was a little kid. It makes me laugh, gives me hope, and reminds me to have empathy for anyone who is different or struggling. I'll never get tired ofreading this timeless tale! Every kid and adult should give it a read if they haven't already. Trust me, you'll be"ugly duckling" of the life-changing magic it holds!篇2My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingOne of my all-time favorite stories is the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen. It's a tale that has stuck with me ever since I was a little kid, and every time I read it or watch the animated movie, I learn something new. Let me tell you all about this amazing story!The tale begins on a farm, where a mother duck was sitting on her nest of eggs, waiting for them to hatch. One by one, the little ducklings cracked through their shells - except for one huge, funny-looking egg at the bottom of the nest. When that egg finally hatched, out popped an awkward, clumsy little creature that was much larger and uglier than the other ducklings.The poor little guy was ridiculed and bullied by everyone on the farm, from the haughty hens to the ill-tempered turkey gobbler. Even his own mother said "That's a strange, ugly little thing! I'll wager it's not a duck at all." The only ones who werekind to him were some nice little ducks. But even they made fun of his weird appearance sometimes.Feeling alone and dejected, the ugly duckling ran away from the farm, wandering through fields and marshes, narrowly escaping from hunters and a hungry cat. As winter approached, he took shelter in a warm cottage with an old woman, her cat, and her hen. They were kind enough, but the duckling knew he didn't really belong there as a pet.When spring arrived, the ugly duckling joyfully returned to the outdoors, swimming in a beautiful pond. There he encountered a flock of magnificent swans, unlike any birds he had ever seen before. As the swans arched their graceful necks and spread their huge white wings, the duckling felt more insignificant and homely than ever.But then, catching his own reflection in the crystal waters, he was stunned to see that he himself had grown into an elegant, stunning swan! His awkward "ugly duckling" days were gone forever. The other swans welcomed him joyfully into their midst, celebrating the arrival of a new handsome swan.From that point on, the beautiful swan lived happily and proudly, grateful for enduring all the teasing and torment during his youth. He realized that his true beauty had been hidden allalong, just waiting to blossom and be revealed to the world. The moral is that true beauty isn't just how you look on the outside, but who you are on the inside. If you have inner dignity and keep persevering, your time will come.There are so many things I love about this classic tale. First off, it teaches such an important lesson about being kind to those who are different, and not judging by appearances. The poor ugly duckling was mistreated horribly just because he looked funny and out-of-place. The barn animals symbolize how cruel people can be towards anyone who doesn't fit the accepted "norm". They bullied and ostracized the sweet little duckling for no good reason, other than his awkward looks.But the story also shows the incredible power of perseverance, patience, and believing in yourself. Despite all the ridicule he faced, the ugly duckling never stopped hoping that he would find his place in the world someday. He kept on going, overcoming loneliness, cold winters, and dangerous encounters. In the end, his perseverance paid off in a huge way when his true beauty finally blossomed.Another cool aspect is how the duckling's journey symbolizes the awkwardness we all feel growing up. Like the ugly duckling, we all go through an "ugly" gawky phase where we feeluncomfortable in our own skin and out-of-place in the world. But like the duckling transforming into a swan, our journey leads us to become our true, confident, beautiful selves eventually. The story reassures us that the path is never easy, but the end result is worth it.I'm also amazed by how much emotion and personality Andersen packs into the characters, even though they are just farm animals. You can't help but feel the duckling's sadness, hurt, and bewilderment at being rejected by everyone. And his joy at finally being accepted by his own kind (the swans) is so heartwarming and vindicating. The story makes you really feel what the little guy is going through.On a creative level, I love how Andersen takes a simple premise - a baby swan born into a duck's nest - and crafts an entire compelling drama around it. The story is both straightforward and richly metaphorical at the same time. Kids can enjoy it as a surfaced-level fairy tale about a misfit duckling. But it also works as a symbolic exploration of loneliness,self-discovery, inner beauty, and the trials of growing up. That's the sign of a timeless, brilliant story.So in a nutshell, that's why "The Ugly Duckling" will always have a special place in my heart. It's a beautiful tale that nevergets old, giving me important life lessons wrapped in an engaging, emotional篇3My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingOne of my all-time favorite stories is the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen. It's a tale that has stuck with me ever since I was a little kid. I love everything about it - the characters, the plot, and most of all, the powerful message it sends.The story begins on a farm, where a mother duck was sitting on a clutch of new eggs. One by one, the eggs start to hatch, and out come all these cute, fluffy little ducklings. But then the last egg hatches, and out comes a really ugly duckling that looks nothing like his brothers and sisters. He's bigger, clumsier, and has gray feathers instead of the beautiful yellow ones the others have.From the moment he's born, the poor ugly duckling faces nothing but cruelty from everyone around him. His siblings bully and tease him relentlessly because of how different he looks. The mother duck is embarrassed by him and wishes he was never born. Even the other animals on the farm, like the cats and hens,laugh at him and call him horrible names. No matter where he goes, the ugly duckling can't catch a break. He's an outcast just for being different.It's so sad to see the ugly duckling suffering like that just because he doesn't fit in. As a kid, I totally related to feeling left out or ridiculed for being different from others. I think that's part of why this story resonates with so many children. We've all experienced being treated as an outsider or weirdo at some point, even if it was just by our siblings or classmates teasing us. The ugly duckling's struggles make your heart ache for him.Eventually, the bullying from his family gets so bad that the ugly duckling decides he has to run away from the farm. For a long time, he wanders alone in the wilderness, facing bitter cold, hunger, and loneliness. No matter where he goes, he's shunned and attacked by other animals just for his unusual looks. The poor little guy can't seem to find a place where he's accepted.Just when things look their darkest for the ugly duckling and it seems like he'll never find happiness, he stumbles across a beautiful flock of swans gliding majestically across a pond. At first, he's scared they'll just attack him like all the other animals. But to his surprise, the swans are kind and don't mock his appearance at all. That's when the ugly duckling finally sees hisreflection in the water and realizes that he was never an ugly duckling at all - he was a beautiful swan all along! He was just surrounded by the wrong crowd of ducks who couldn't see his true beauty.From that point on, the former ugly duckling's life takes a total 180. He's accepted into the swan flock and finally finds belonging, appreciation, and self-confidence. He goes on to live a wonderful life, realizing he was born to stand out rather than fit in. What I love most is the positive message that even if you feel like an outcast now, you're still beautiful and worthy on the inside. As long as you stay true to yourself, one day you'll find your flock that accepts you for who you are.Looking back, I can relate my own life to the story of the ugly duckling in a lot of ways. When I was younger, I definitely felt like the odd one out sometimes. I was a little quirkier and more shy than the other kids, and I had interests that they thought were weird, like reading books constantly or collecting rocks. I remember getting teased by my siblings for being a nerd. But just like the ugly duckling, I learned to embrace what made me different instead of being ashamed of it.Once I got older and started hanging around other kids who were into the same hobbies as me, I finally felt like I found myown flock who appreciated me for who I was. I made nerdy friends who thought geology was cool, just like me. I didn't have to pretend to be someone I wasn't anymore. Just like the ugly duckling transformed into the beautiful swan, I was able to blossom into my true, confident self.That's ultimately why I adore "The Ugly Duckling" so much - because it teaches the importance of self-acceptance and not being afraid to stand out from the crowd. The story shows that judging others for being different is wrong, and true beauty comes from embracing your uniqueness with pride. It gives hope that even if you feel like an outcast now, you'll find your flock someday that loves you for exactly who you are.So while it's a pretty old fairy tale, "The Ugly Duckling" will always have a very special place in my heart. Its timeless message about the freedom of being yourself is something I think every child and adult needs to hear. Whenever I'm feeling down about my quirks or insecure about fitting in, I remember the story of the ugly duckling transforming into a stunning swan. It reminds me that our differences are what make us beautiful, and someday the world will appreciate how special we are.篇4My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingOnce upon a time, there was a mother duck who was sitting on her nest, waiting for her eggs to hatch. She was so excited to meet her new little ducklings! One by one, the eggs started cracking open and out came these cute, fluffy, yellow ducklings. But then, the last egg hatched and out popped an ugly, grey duckling that looked nothing like the others. The poor little duckling was rejected by his mom and siblings because he was so different and unattractive.The ugly duckling tried his best to fit in with his family. He would waddle after them, splashing in the pond and foraging for food. But the other ducklings would cruelly tease him, saying "You're so ugly! You don't belong here!" Even the mother duck didn't want anything to do with the pitiful, ugly duckling. He felt so alone and miserable.One day, the ugly duckling decided he had to run away from the farm and his mean duck family. Off he went, all alone into the big, scary world. He spent the freezing cold winter hiding in a cave, shivering and hungry. Sometimes he would knock on doors, begging for food scraps, but people would chase him away disgustedly, calling him a "miserable creature." The poor duckling had no friends and felt so sad and rejected.When spring arrived, the ugly duckling emerged from his hiding spot, his feathers ruffled and dirty. As he was walking by the edge of a pond, he caught his reflection in the water and cried "Oh no, I really am an ugly duckling!" Just then, a group of beautiful, graceful swans swam up to him. The duckling cowered in fear, expecting them to make fun of him too. But instead, the lead swan spoke kindly, "Little one, you are not a duckling at all! You are a beautiful swan like us."The duckling, who was really a young swan, could hardly believe his eyes and ears. He stretched out his wings, now realizing they were big, powerful, and covered in gorgeous white feathers. The other swans welcomed him into their flock and he finally felt like he belonged somewhere. From that day on, the once-ugly duckling swam alongside his new swan family, graceful, confident, and realizing he was beautiful all along.I love the story of The Ugly Duckling because it teaches such an important lesson - that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's who you are on the inside that counts. The poor little duckling was bullied and treated terribly just because he looked different from his family. But really, he was just a beautiful swan and it took him time and courage to discover his true self.The Ugly Duckling reminds me that you shouldn't judge others based on their appearance. Just because someone looks or acts differently than you, that doesn't make them any less worthy or valuable. We're all different in our own special ways and that's what makes the world an interesting, diverse place. Like the duckling, I want to be confident in myself, accept others for who they are, and focus on the inner beauty of people rather than just what's on the outside.This classic fairy tale has such a heartwarming, inspiring message that I think everyone can learn from - to be kind, brave, and true to yourself, no matter what challenges you may face. I'll never forget the powerful story of The Ugly Duckling who overcame loneliness, cruelty from others, and feelings of not belonging to finally discover his self-worth as a beautiful swan. It fills me with hope that if I have courage and self-belief like the duckling did, I can bloom into my best self too.篇5My Favorite Fairy Tale – The Ugly DucklingOne of my all-time favorite stories is the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen. It's a tale that has stuck with me ever since I was a little kid, and every time I read or hearit, I'm reminded of its beautiful message about being true to yourself and not judging others by their appearances.The story begins on a farm, where a mother duck's eggs are hatching one by one. The last egg is bigger than the rest, and out comes a funny looking little creature. The other ducklings are cute and yellow, but this newcomer is grayish and ugly. The poor little guy is immediately made fun of by everyone on the farm –the ducklings, the hens, even the girl who takes care of the poultry yard. They call him names like "ugly duckling" and refuse to let him join in their games and fun.Despite being bullied and excluded, the ugly duckling tries to make the best of his situation and be kind to everyone. But life is very difficult and lonely for him. At one point, he even gets attacked by the farm dog and has to flee into the wilderness, nearly freezing to death during the harsh winter. Throughout it all though, he maintains hope that one day he'll find others like himself who will accept him.After enduring many hardships and near-death experiences, the ugly duckling finally comes across a flock of beautiful swans swimming gracefully on a pond. At first, he's scared they too will tease him about his appearance. But when he sees his reflection in the water, he's amazed to see that he's no longer an uglyduckling – he himself has transformed into a gorgeous swan! The other swans joyfully welcome him into their family, for they recognize his true beauty.I absolutely love this story and the powerful message it sends. It shows that being different on the outside is nothing to be ashamed of, and that true beauty comes from having a good heart. The ugly duckling never lost hope or turned mean and bitter despite all the hurtful treatment he received. Instead, he stayed brave and optimistic, which allowed him to blossom into a confident, wonderful swan in the end.The tale reminds me that I shouldn't judge people based only on how they look or act on the surface. Everyone is fighting their own battles, just like the ugly duckling did. And those who might seem strange or unattractive might actually have the most beautiful characters of all. It's a mistake to mistreat anyone or to exclude people from your life for superficial reasons.I think this is an important lesson for kids like me to learn from an early age. Kids can be pretty cruel sometimes and pick on others for being different, weird, ugly, etc. But after reading The Ugly Duckling, I know that kind of bullying behavior is very wrong and hurtful. I should embrace my own quirks and unique traits, while respecting the same in my peers. Appearances aren'teverything – what really matters is having the inner strength, courage and kindness like the ugly duckling did.I've read lots of other fairy tales too, like Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Beauty and the Beast. But to me, none sends as powerful a message about self-acceptance and not judging a book by its cover as The Ugly Duckling does. Its themes of hope, perseverance, inner beauty and seeing the true character in others are so inspiring and meaningful, especially for a young kid just trying to figure out the world.I really look up to the ugly duckling and aspire to have as much bravery, patience and confidence in myself as he did. No matter what mean things anyone says to me or how "ugly" someone thinks I am, I'll remember this story and know that I'm beautiful and worthy on the inside. I hope my friends and classmates will learn the same lesson too - to embrace our differences and treat everyone with kindness, seeing past the surface to the real swan within each person.The Ugly Duckling is truly a timeless classic that I think every child should read and take to heart. Its stunning transformation from an ostracized outcast to a breathtaking swan is one of the most uplifting tales there is. And its core message about self-love, perseverance in the face of cruelty, and ultimate acceptancecould not be more relevant and powerful, especially in today's world where bullying and judging others are still way too common. I'm so grateful for this fairy tale's wise words, and I know it will always hold a special place in my heart.篇6My Favorite Fairy Tale: The Ugly DucklingOnce upon a time, there was a little duck who was different from all the other ducklings. This little duckling was not pretty and yellow like his brothers and sisters. Instead, he was bigger, grayish, and just plain ugly. Because he looked so different, the other ducks made fun of him and treated him very badly.The poor little ugly duckling had no friends on the farm where he was born. The mother duck didn't even want him around because he was so ugly. The little ducklings bullied him and pecked at him with their beaks. Even the farmer kicked at the ugly duckling, thinking he was good for nothing. Life was very hard and lonely for the little guy.One day, the ugly duckling decided he had had enough. He couldn't take the teasing and bullying anymore. He ran away from the farm, scared and alone, wondering if he would ever find a place where he belonged. He traveled through fields andforests, getting shooed away wherever he went because of his odd and ugly appearance.As winter approached, the poor little duckling was tired, cold and hungry. He didn't know where to go or what to do. He saw a cozy little hut and knocked on the door, hoping someone kind would let him come inside and warm up. But an old woman opened the door, screamed "Yuck! An ugly beast!" and shooed him away.Rejected once again, the ugly duckling trudged through the frozen snow until he finally came across a small lake. He saw a group of beautiful, graceful swans swimming together. The ugly duckling sighed, wishing he could be that beautiful. Just then, one of the swans looked up and saw the poor bedraggled duckling."Oh you poor thing, come join us in the water!" the kind swan said. The ugly duckling was shocked - had someone finally accepted him despite his ugly looks? He cautiously waddled over to the edge and looked at his reflection in the water. But instead of an ugly ducking, he saw a gorgeous swan looking back at him!The poor little guy hadn't been an ugly duckling after all. He had been a beautiful swan all along. He had just been waiting to grow into his elegant white feathers and long graceful neck. Theother swans warmly welcomed him into their family, treating him with kindness he had never known before.From that day on, the ugly duckling lived happily ever after, swimming and flying with his new swan family and friends. He had learned a valuable lesson - that what's on the inside matters far more than outward appearances. Though he had been mistreated for being different when he was young, his inner beauty finally shone through once he blossomed into his true self.I love the story of "The Ugly Duckling" because it teaches us to be kind to everyone, no matter how they look on the outside. It reminds us not to judge others or bully them for being different. The ugly duckling was mistreated for so long just because he looked odd, but in the end, his odd looks were exactly what made him so beautiful and special.The story gives me hope that even if I feel left out or picked on sometimes for being different, one day I'll find my place in the world and be appreciated for who I truly am on the inside. I just have to be brave and keep believing in myself, like the ugly duckling did. I hope I can learn to treat everyone with kindness and compassion, rather than teasing others for being differentlike the ducklings did. In the end, true friends will love you for who you are, not what you look like.。



丑小鸭的故事丑小鸭的故事英文The Ugly DucklingThe mother duck was hatching by the river. Suddenly an egg was broken. And form it came out a lovely duck : “Quack Quack ”. And then the other five ducklings were hatched out. One after anther. ”Quack Quack “ Ah, there is still a very big egg. Why is it not broken?” Soon after that, form the egg came out another duckling. But she was very big and looked ugly. None of the others liked the ugly duckling. Theydidn’t play together with her.One day, the mother said to them : "My children I’ll take you to swim in the pool. It will be very funny there. "Then the seven ducklings came to the water and they swam and played happily in the water, but they didn’t stay near the ugly duckling. And some ever bullied her. The ugly duck was so sad, so she cried : “En –En Why I am not pretty, Why am I so ugly, En- En nobody plays with me, no body likes me, oh, my Goash. ”Scince she had no friends, the ugly duckling decided to leave home. She decided to travel all by herself, and she hoped to find new friends in the outside world, She walked alone, She walked and walked. and then she came to a lake, there some beautiful white swans, some were swimming on the lake and some were flying in the sky. The ugly duck envied to see this :Wow, What beautiful swans they are, if I could make friends with them, I would be very happy, but I’m so ugly even the ducks can’t make friends with me, Let me along those beautiful swans, oh my Goash ! Why am I so ugly, Why ?”The poor ugly duckling wandered for two years.One day, She felt she had a strong desire, She wanted to fly. She wanted to stretch he wings and so she tried. The magic appeared.she flew higher and higher in the sky. “Oh, how wonderful it is. I can fly, I can fly like a swan ”she cried in h er mind. She flew over the center of the lake and began to fly towards the water. As she was near the water, She found her reflection. In the water, to her big surprise, She was not an ugly duck, but a beautiful white swan like the others on the lake. The ugly duck was not a duck indeed, She was a swan, because it takes two years to change her feathers all to white. Now the ugly ducking had become to swan, and she soon make lots friends and led a happy life since then.丑小鸭的故事鸭妈妈在河边孵蛋,突然,一颗蛋破了,出来一只可爱的小鸭。

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time his smile, as if still in front of Wu branchlets wrap.
She would like to ask, you is not, nor have I had a little bit of mind sees? You are not, because like me, why they protect me?
Qin Mo leave, Qin Peilin two special care you have just over. One of his physical examination for his shot, and the other take care of his life. Qin Mo looked slower to catch on the side, watching his arm, exposing the pale, dry skin, hands almost to the bone paste, and place around the middle of the wrist are blue eye of a needle, heart, head and trampled Jiaoren see and feel uncomfortable.
A person's longevity road, paved the bones of countless people, if able to return, Wu Ning can twig their own lives in exchange for the life of her grandmother and brother well.
Do not go over her eyes, secretly decided to go to England before, it is home to the first trip.
"Mo Mo, you do not go?" Qin Peilin sound muffled, as if rolling out of the mouth response, he asked a little cold, it is clear he is unwilling to see him this way Qin Mo's.
"What do you ask?" Qin Peixiang chopsticks meal.
"I just ask, a little idea of it."
"That depends on what kind of road repair has." Pei Xia said and sighed, "Let the old valley, has long been a way worse, no way, generations of the poor!"
While it is not the cure for aids, but if the disease is under control, or to make it a little better, or can.
Qin Mo afternoon to accompany him, with the time that some of the interesting high school, but also chat with modern life, the spirit of getting to see him bad, the way one wants to sleep, then leave to leave.
No one could answer her, because the man has long been dissipated forever in the heaven and earth.
Twigs have a powerful witch to the point without any protection, but she was very weak very nostalgic day. If the clock back once, she can not not live forever, but as long as he?
The phrase "the city would rather watch cartoons in the Shao", sounds like a joke, cartoon have anything to do with the city Shao?
Mo glimpses of Qin, Qin Peilin not really want treatment, he just does not fit under the urban and rural areas far away in Shao elders.
"Goodbye" should not have used the term between the father and daughter, but Qinpei Lin Qin Mo is very polite, courteous even to deliberately alienate too. Between them, Qin Peilin feelings for her daughter settle down for years, but he used to hide, and Qin Qin Peilin Mo is really nothing for her father's reverence.
When to see Qinpei Lin, Qin Mo last time he felt weak and pale, a lot.
Qin Mo ditan loudly: "We have another place, to the United States to treat, OK?" She looked at the Qin Peilin the way, I just felt my heart pulling too bad.
Qin Peilin the wheels, take off the remote control, turn on the TV was transferred to a children's channel. He turned around to see Qin Mo, smiling; "I'd rather watch cartoons in the city Shao, I can not leave here."
Year when flowers are blooming, she had tea back, Jing Wang Sin Chai sarong door.
Boundless, it is just plain life.
Qin Mo an hour to set a good copy, but also wrote a thousand words an hour at the beginning, to save the document, prepared after lunch, go see Qin Peilin.
"I think this joke was funny." Qin Peile road can really fix it is to have your grandfather and then a big anger, and probably also the erased. But ... ..." He spit out a long breath, "This Way Where there is so good repair? many generations of people who want to repair, hey! "
Qin Peixiang thought for a moment, said slowly: "Let's entrance to the village to the river from the highway, to at least have to repair the road miles. If it is cultivated itself into cement, should at least be two or three millions of it, if only Xiu sand road, dozens of million on the line. this particular I do not know the price, have to ask to know. "
She wrote this immortal drink, in fact, should be considered beyond the bounds of a background story, be part of the contract. Wrote the final, she would like to express, if not the color of life, no matter how long, how not to old, are meaningless.
"I go." Qin Mo walked a few steps, then back to say; "Dad, I actually quite like to watch cartoons."