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3. What did Fleming see when he was washing the jars and lids?
He found a mould was growing in one of the jars. And he also noticed that the bacteria around the mould had died and stopped growing .
肉。乔氏还轻声嘱咐他们:“慢慢儿吃,小心鱼刺!”耿正不好意思地用手挡住自己的饭碗,说:“这清蒸鱼真好吃,但我不 能尽吃鱼肉啊,我还要吃米饭和菜呢,千万别再给我夹了!”耿英也说:“也别给我夹了,我都快给鱼肉吃饱了!娘娘和姐姐 也吃啊!”乔氏慈爱地笑着说:“你们先吃,留下来散碎的我和你们小青姐姐再吃。我们会吃鱼,不怕鱼刺!”说着,她又给 耿直碗里夹上一块儿,说:“小伢子,娘娘做的清蒸武昌鱼可好吃?”耿直鼓着腮帮子直点头:“唔唔唔”等到咽下去了之后 才响亮地回答:“好吃极了!可是,娘娘,我饱了!这块儿鱼肉,就让哥哥替我吃了吧。”说着把鱼肉夹给哥哥,把空碗递给 乔氏,说:“娘娘,我想喝点儿水!”小青赶快接过碗来,说:“我去给小直兄弟盛汤!”汤来了,小青还往碗里搁了一个小 汤勺。耿直看一眼碗里,说:“啊,还是西红柿鸡蛋汤呢!”赶快用小汤勺盛起一勺,吹一吹喝了,咂咂嘴巴说:“哇,真香! 早知道有这么好喝的汤,我该少吃点米饭呢!”白百大把碗里的米饭扒拉完了,将空碗递给小青,大声说:“丫头,给爹也来 一碗汤!”小青盛一碗汤递给爹。白百大喝了一口,高兴地说:“大家都多吃点儿多喝点儿啊。别说,我婆姨做的清蒸鱼和丫 头做的这西红柿鸡蛋汤,还真是挺不错呢!”乔氏笑着说:“耿大哥你看他,哪里有这样夸自家婆姨和丫头的!”早饭后,白 百大去船老大那里告假去了。耿英说:“娘娘,您和小青姐姐洗刷碗筷吧,我和爹他们腾挪棚子里的东西去了!”小青却说: “姆妈你一个人慢慢洗刷吧,我也要去和他们一起腾挪东西去耶!”乔氏笑着说:“去吧,都去吧!可要慢点儿干啊,不要磕 着碰着”她这里还没有说完呢,两个丫头早已经嘻嘻哈哈地跑出去了。半上午时分,白百大高高兴兴地回来了,手里头又拎回 来两条个头更大的武昌鱼。乔氏接过鱼来问丈夫:“船老大怎么说,准了你多少天假?”白百大说:“准了,没有说具体期限, 只说什么时候盖好了就回去干活儿。临了我说给他们了,什么时候装卸船人手抽调不开了,就随时来喊我,只要不是长时间跑 外运就行。”小青眼尖,说:“嘿,我爹回来了!”耿老爹赶快过来说:“白兄弟回来了!”白百大说:“回来了,一切顺 利!”乔氏笑着说:“小青她爹好人缘呢,船老大没有为难他,说是什么时候盖好了再回去干活儿。”白百大说:“人心换人 心嘛!我也说了,如果他们装卸船的时候人手抽调不开了,就随时来喊我一声,随叫随到。”说着话,白百大看到耿老爹已经 带领四个孩子将所有的杂物和柴火都搬出来堆放好了,大家正在往外搬摞砖瓦呢,就一起干起来。一会儿,乔氏过来招呼大家: “该歇一歇了,都去洗手擦脸,泡的茶正好
________helped Flaming discover penicillin. ________as a result, Flaming discovered penicillin. ________led to Flaming ’s discovery of penicillin.
1.Why was health care often dangerous and risky?
Treatments were neither scientific nor effective, and many patients suffered deadly infections as a result of operations and even a small cut could cause an infection that would kill the patient.
Read the text and choose the best answer.(On Page 80)
Important Phrases:
cure diseases cause an infection 2.造成感染 3.死于感染 die from infections 4.导致他有新发现 lead him to his new discovery 5.有更大意义的发现 a discovery of great significance 6.清理实验室 clean up the lab 7.同疾病作斗争 fight diseases 8.获得诺贝尔奖 receive the Nobel Prize 9.和…一起 together with 10.询问某人… ask sb. about sth.
1)He looks as if he were an artist. ----In fact he isn’t an artist. 2)it looks as if it might rain. ---- The chance of rain is small.
Compare: It looks as if it going to rain.
True or false 1.The discovery of mould is a story of an accident. F 2. In the early 1900s, Fleming developed a chemical treatment for a serious disease . F 3.During the first World War, Fleming was not able to cure the soldiers by fighting infections. T
Careful Reading
1.Why was health care often dangerous and risky? 2. What did a German chemist develop? 3. What did Fleming see when he was washing the jars and lids? 4. Why did Fleming keep trying to develop the chemical?
---- It is likely to rain. 3)He talked as if he had been to London. ----In fact he didn’t go to London.
Thank you !
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Suppose you were Flaming, and would be interviewed by the reporters. Tell them what you have discovered and what it can be used for and so on. Let’s work in four.
the father of antibiotics London
Sir Alexander Fleming
Main idea of each paragraph: Para.1 Fleming was excited about his discovery, but other scientists showed no interest.
Important Phrases:
as a result of 12.一位名叫Tom的医生 a doctor named Tom 13.治疗伤员 treat the wounded 14.停止生长 stop growing 15.第二次世界大战 World War II 16. 被充分承认 be fully recognized
4. Why did Fleming keep trying to develop the chemical?
Because the chemical was not safe and effective enough. It was not until World War II that Fleming and two other scientists developed a kind of penicillin that was very effective in curing infections.
பைடு நூலகம்
According to what you have discussed now, imagine you are Flaming, write a letter to a famous medical journal to tell about your discovery.
If time is limited, leave the writing part as homework
2. What did a German chemist develop?
In the early 1900s, a German chemist developed a chemical treatment for a serious disease that had been considered incurable.
True or false 4. Alexander Fleming had grown bacteria in the old glass containers to develop mould. F 5. Although other scientists showed no interest in his discovery, Fleming continued his research work. T 6. In 1945, Fleming won the Nobel Prize alone. F
Para.2 Para.3
Para.4 Para.5
Penicillin played a very important role during World War Ⅱand also at present. Fleming discovered a mould that can kill bacteria by accident. Health care in the past was often dangerous and risky. Alexander Fleming invented many ways to treat the wounded during World War I.
★ What can we learn from Alexander Flaming? Which of the characteristics do you think helped Alexander Flaming discover penicillin? Explain your choices. devotion to duty full of confidence carefulness perseverance sacrifice aggressive intelligence sense of responsibility sympathy observation interest willingness
Heart disease
Bird flu
Tooth pain
Cancer Heart disease
Tooth pain
virus / mould. epidemic (infected)
抗生素, 抗生学
Cold Flu Bird flu
1.is a natural mould that is easy to grow and use. 2.will make hospitals safer 3.can cure infections 4.kills bacteria 5.can be used to treat diseases.