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Implicit Learning and Explicit Learning
Chen Lizhi
(Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia,010022)
[Abstract]Implicit and explicit learning are common ways for human beings to acquire knowledge and they play an important role in SLA acquisition area. It is necessary to make clear the differences between these two mechanisms. Recently,the questions around them were focused on whether grammar should be taught explicitly,and if adults can acquire second language like children,or if implicit knowledge is important to the reading comprehension and so on. However,it is really hard to draw lines between implicit and explicit learning. This paper will give a detailed clarification about the nature of the implicit and explicit learning. Author will do a analysis on the distinction between the implicit and explicit learning and then to find the research gap for future researchers to read.
[Key words]implicit learning,explicit learning,second language acquisition
[中图分类号]H319[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672|8610(2015)02|0171|02 [作者简介]陈荔枝,内蒙古师范大学外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业硕士研究生。

I. Definitions of Implicit and Explicit Learning
Arthur Reber is the primary pioneer of the implicit learning research,he defined it as “the primitive process of apprehen ding structure by attending to frequency cues” as opposed to “a more explicit process whereby various mnemonics,heuristics,and strategies are engaged to induce a representational system”(1976:93).
Berry holds that “implicit learning in the most ba sic sense,is the human ability to derive information about the world in an unconscious,non-reflective way” (1994:117). MacWhinney (1997)defines the two learning modes from the passive-active dimension. “Implicit learning has been described as apassive process,where people are exposed to information,and acquire knowledge of that information simply through that exposure. Explicit learning,on the other hand,is characterized as an active process where people seek out the structure of any info rmation that is presented to them”.
Hulstijn’s definition is concerned with the representation of knowledge. Hulstijn (2002:206)defines explicit learning as “the construction ofexplicit,verbalize,metalinguistic knowledge in the form of symbols (concepts)and rules,specifying relationships between concepts…”Dekeyser (2003:313)point out,that distinguishing implicit learning from explicit learning is the absence or presence of “consciousoperations” or “awareness at the point of learning”.
Ⅱ. Relevant Studies Abroad
In 1967,Reber first claimed people’s ability to learn artificial grammars implicitly. From then on,many studies have been carried out regarding implicit and explicit grammar teaching to investigate which is the more effective teaching method. Empirical studies on implicit learning falls largely into three categories:artificial grammars,sequence learning and control of complex systems.
An experiment conducted by Robinson (1996)involved pseudo-clefts of location,an easy grammatical rule and subject-verb inversion after adverbials, a complicated Grammatical rule. According to the results of a grammatically judgment posttest,the instructed group performed
best for both easy and complicated rules,providing 22 correct rule statements. The rule-search group performed worst,providing only 5 correct rule statements. That is to say explicit learning is superior to the implicit learning.
Butler (2002)use the way which combine testing and interview to check Japanese the metalingual knowledge of English article system. It is found that the higher ability of the subjects,the score in the testing is higher,moreover,these subjects can explain the reason. It can be inferred that explicit knowledge is positive related to the English ability.
John Williams (2004,2011)from Cambridge University do a series of researches to exemplify the existence of the implicit learning. This finding arouse great interest in the second language acquisition field. He set the grammatical meaning of lexis as learning goal,during the research he use the on-line and under-line ways of testing to explore the occurrence possibility of the implicit learning. The result justify the hypothesis,implicit learning really take place.
Hama & Leow (2010)copied the research of Williams(2005),but he found the result is not accordance with Williams. However,Chen et al.(2011)used two rules in the Williams research,he changed the English context into Chinese context,in the end,he found the performance of the experimental student is better than control group,that is to say it is consistent with the Williams research result,the implicit learning really makes a difference during the learning process.
Ⅲ. Relevant Studies at Home
When it comes to implicit learning and explicit learning at home,Wen Qiufang,GaiShu hua,Guo Xiuyan,Xu Meiqin,Dai Manchun,Gu Qiyi,Chen Kaishun and so on are the pioneers of this kind of research.
In 2003,Guo Xiuyan give a definition to implicit learning. She claims the effect of implicit learning is stable. It is invisible in human’s mind,implic it learning is the automatic process subconsciously.
Dai Man chun(2004)and Gu Qiyi(2005)distinguish the nature of the implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge,implicit knowledge has been an integral part in the whole structure of the knowledge,human can use it without consciousness and automatically while explicit knowledge is declarative knowledge,it is learned with consciousness.
Zeng Y onghong(2009)is trying hard to find the relation between implicit grammatical knowledge and performance in English test within Chinese learners. It is suggested that the level of implicit grammatical knowledge is positive related to the English achievement. What is more important,implicit grammatical knowledge can predict the score in TOFEL.
Wen Qiufang is interested in this topic,she gives a detailed literature review of implicit learning and explicit learning in her book Major Issues in Second Language Acquisition(2010). Besides this,she and Gai Shuhua (2013)carry out an empirical research to answer the question if implic it learning is useful in adults’learning process. In that research,he follows the John Williams model,just exchange the subjects into Chinese adult learners,the result is not identical to Williams. Though implic it learning really feasible in Chinese adult learners,the conditions and influence factors are different from native speakers. Moreover the amount of exposure has relation with the implicit learning effect. If given abundant input,adults can acquire rules implicitly.
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