Narratology and the Stylistics of Fiction
英语语言文学专业(学科代码:050201)英语语言文学英语语言理论与应用方向必读书目:(1) Brown, G. & Yule, G. 1983. Discourse Analysis. CUP.(话语分析,外研社¥27.90)代订购 (2) Chomsky, N. 1957. Syntactic Structures. Mouton, The Hague.,胶印本¥5.00(3) Ellis, R. 1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press(第二语言习得研究,上外,¥49.00),胶印本¥35.00/套,2册.(4) Haiman, John. 1985. Natural Syntax. CUP ,胶印本10.00(5) Halliday, M.A.K. An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M]. London: Edward Arnold Ltd.,1994. Reprinted by (外语教学与研究出版社,2000,¥41.91),胶印本¥30.00 (6) Hurford James R & Heasley Brendan. 1983. Semantics: A Course book. Cambridge: CUP. 复印本¥16.00(7) Lakoff, G. & M. Johnson. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh --- The Embodied Mind胶印本¥15.0 (8) Levinson. S. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press(语用学,外研社¥38.90),代订购.(9) Jennifer,Hornsby &…,2021,Reading Philosophy of Language,Blackw ell Publishing.胶印本¥20.00(10)Radford A. 1988/2000. Transformational Grammar: A First Course,Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press/Cambridge University Press.(转换生成语法,外研社,¥56.90) 胶印本¥30.00参考书目:(1)Bal, M., 1985. Narratology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.(2)Bell, J. (1999/2021) Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-time researchers inEducation and Social Science. Open University Press/外教社.(3)Carter, R. & Simpson, P. (eds.), 1989. Language, Discourse and Literature : An IntroductoryReader in Discourse Stylistics. London: Unwin Uyman.(4)Chomsky, N. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. (5)Chomsky, N. 1975. The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. Plenum, New York. (6)Chomsky, N. 1981. Lectures on Government and Binding. Foris, Dordrecht.(7)Chomsky, N. 1986. Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin and Use, Praeger, New York. (8)Cobley, P., 2001. Narrative. London and New York: Routledge. (9)Cook, G. 1989. Discourse. OUP. ★(10)Cook, V. 1993. Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. 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From Etymology to Pragmatics ---Metaphorical and CulturalAspects of Semantic Structure. CUP.(35)Taylor, John. 2002. Cognitive Grammar. OUP.(36)Taylor,John. 1989. Linguistic Categorization --- Prototypes in Linguistic Theory. OUP.(1995年第二版,2021年第三版)(37)Traugott, E. C. & B. Heine. 1991. Approaches to Grammaticalization. Amsterdam:John Benjamins.(38)Verschueren. J. 2000. Understanding Pragmatics[M]. Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press and Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd.(39)申丹,1998.《叙述学与小说文体学研究》.北京大学出版社.,¥20.00 (40)严辰松. (2000) 定量型社会科学研究方法. 西安交大出版社.翻译理论与实践方向必读书目:1、Bassnett, Susan and Andre Lefevere, ed. 1990. Translation, History and Culture. London:Cassell.上外,¥12.00(祝朝伟)/ 胶印本7.00 2、Gentzler, Edwin. 2001. Contemporary Translation Theories. Second Revised Edition.Multilingual Matters.上外,¥14.00(廖七一)/ 代订购 3、Harish Trivedi, ed. 1996. Post-colonial Translation: Theory and Practice. London and NewYork: Routledge.(费小平)/ 胶印本¥10.00 4、Hermans, Theo. 1999. Translation in Systems: Descriptive and Systemic ApproachExplained. St. Jerome Publishing.,上外,¥12.00(廖七一)/ 胶印本,¥6.00 5、Hickey, Leo, ed. 1998. The Pragmatics of Translation. MultilingualMatters Ltd.(侯国金)上外,¥14.50 / 胶印本,¥10.00 6、Jones, Roderick. 1998. Conference Interpreting Explained. Manchester: St. JeromePublishing.(李芳琴) / 胶印本,¥10.007、Lefevere, Andre. Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation ofLiterary Fame. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2021.¥11.00(祝朝伟)/ 胶印本,¥8.008、Simon,Sherry. 1996. Gender in Translation. London and New York:Routledge.(费小平)/复印本,¥6.009、陈福康,《中国译学理论史稿》,上海外语教育出版社,2002,¥23.00(杨全红)/代订购 10、谢天振:《译介学》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999年¥18.00(杨全红)/代订购推荐书目:Alvarez, Roman and M. Carmen-Africa Vidal, ed. 1996. Translation, Power, Subversion.Multilingual Matters Ltd.Baker, Mona, ed. 1998. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies.London and NewYork: Routledge.Bassnett-Mcguire Susan. 1980. Translation Studies. London and New York: Routledge.Bassnett, Susan and Andre Lefevere. 1998. Constructing Culture: Essays on LiteraryTranslation. Multilingual Matters Ltd.Bassnett, Susan and Harish Trivedi, eds. 1999. Post-colonial TranslationTheory and Practice.London and New York: Routledge.Bell, Roger. 1991. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. London and New York:Longman.Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press. 胶印本,¥5.00Chesterman, Andrew. 1997. Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory.Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.Davis, Kathleen. 2001. Deconstruction and Translation. Manchester and Northampton: St.Jerome Publishing.Flotow, Luise von. 1997. Translation and Gender: Translating in the Era of Feminism. St.Jerome Publishing.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
书画鉴定师英语The Art of Discernment: The Life of an English-Speaking Art ConnoisseurThe world of art is a tapestry woven with the threads of history, culture, and the unbridled expression of the human spirit. Within this vast and intricate landscape, the art connoisseur plays a crucial role, serving as a guiding light for those seeking to understand and appreciate the true value of artistic masterpieces. As an English-speaking art connoisseur, I have had the privilege of immersing myself in this captivating realm, where the ability to discern the nuances of a work's provenance, style, and craftsmanship is a skill honed through years of dedication and an unwavering passion for the arts.My journey as an art connoisseur began at a young age when I first encountered the awe-inspiring beauty of a centuries-old Chinese ink painting. The delicate brushstrokes, the subtle interplay of light and shadow, and the profound emotion conveyed through the simple yet evocative compositions captivated me. From that moment on, I knew that my calling lay in the world of art, where I could unravel the mysteries that lay beneath the surface of each masterpiece.As I pursued my studies, I immersed myself in the rich tapestry of art history, spanning countless cultures and eras. I learned to recognize the distinct characteristics that defined the work of different artists, schools, and periods. The ability to identify the subtle differences between a faithful reproduction and an original work of art became a hallmark of my expertise. This keen eye for detail, coupled with a deep understanding of the cultural and historical contexts that shaped the art, allowed me to navigate the complex world of art authentication with unparalleled precision.One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work as an art connoisseur is the opportunity to share my knowledge and insights with others. Whether it's guiding a novice collector through the intricacies of a rare painting or captivating a seasoned art enthusiast with the hidden stories behind a masterpiece, I find great joy in igniting a passion for the arts in those around me. Through lectures, workshops, and private consultations, I have had the honor of introducing countless individuals to the beauty and significance of the art they admire.Of course, the role of an art connoisseur is not without its challenges. The art world is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape, with new discoveries and re-attributions happening all the time. Keeping up with the latest research, trends, and technological advancements inthe field requires a tireless dedication and a willingness to continuously expand one's knowledge. Additionally, the task of authenticating artwork can be fraught with complexities, as forgeries and misattributions can often be masterfully executed, testing the limits of even the most experienced connoisseur.Despite the inherent difficulties, I find immense fulfillment in the pursuit of art connoisseurship. The joy of uncovering the true identity and significance of a work of art, the thrill of witnessing a rare masterpiece unveiled, and the privilege of sharing these moments with others are all powerful motivators that drive me forward. Each day, I am reminded of the transformative power of art and the profound impact it can have on our lives.As I reflect on my journey as an English-speaking art connoisseur, I am humbled by the wealth of knowledge and experience I have accumulated over the years. From the intricate brush techniques of the Chinese masters to the bold, expressive strokes of the European Impressionists, I have borne witness to the unparalleled creativity and ingenuity of the human spirit. And in my role as a guide and interpreter, I strive to ensure that the stories and significance of these masterpieces are preserved and shared with generations to come.In the end, the art of discernment is not just about the identificationof objects or the authentication of provenance. It is about cultivating a deep appreciation for the beauty, the symbolism, and the enduring legacy of the artistic achievements that have shaped our world. As an English-speaking art connoisseur, I am honored to play a part in this ongoing journey of discovery and enlightenment, ever-exploring the boundless depths of human expression through the timeless medium of art.。
《戏剧之家》2019年第03期 总第303期209文化天地接受美学视角下《尼亚加拉大瀑布》的英译研究戚素丽,董银燕(宁波大学科学技术学院,浙江 宁波 315212)【摘 要】近年来接受美学视角下的翻译观逐渐走入人们的视野,主张以读者为接受主体,展开翻译活动,这给文学作品的英译带来了新启示。
【关键字】接受美学;《尼亚加拉大瀑布》;英译研究中图分类号:G04 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2019)03-0209-03一、引言《尼亚加拉大瀑布》创作于1841年,选自十九世纪英国伟大小说家查尔斯·狄更斯的游记作品《游美札记》。
Introduction to Stylistics
Week 2. 3. Week 4. 5. 6. Week 7. Week 8.9 Week 10. Week 11. Week 12. Week 13. 14 Week 15.
• Stylistics is concerned with the study of style in language. • Style in language can be defined as distinctive linguistic expression. • Stylistics, the study of style, can be defined as the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect.
4. Discussion The Need for Stylistic Study 5. Familize yourself with the following terms: Stylistics / language / speech act / speech event / text / context / fsion: Text B
This splendid volume of short fiction testifies to Margaret Atwood’s startlingly original voice, full of a rare intensity and exceptional intelligence. Each of the fourteen stories shimmers with feelings, each illuminates the unexplored interior landscape of a woman’s mind. With brilliant flashes of fantasy, humor, and unexpected violence, the stories reveal the complexities of human relationships and dramatically demonstrate why Atwood is one of the most important writers in English today.
The stylistic features of cyber language
AbstractWith the development and popularization of the Internet, more and more people are added to the Internet communicative activities. Online chat is one of these increasingly popular forms. Since it is open and compatible, it draws the attention of people from all over the world and from every circle. Therefore, the study of cyber language has become a focus of attention. In this paper, under the theory of modern stylistics, the stylistic features of cyber language and its causes were discussed from vocabulary and grammatical levels.The author has demonstrated some lexical features of cyber language with a number of examples. Then, in the second part, the grammatical features have been discussed. And the third part is about the causes of these stylistic features.Key Words: cyber language, stylistic features, causes, context摘要随着因特网的发展与普及,越来越多的人加入到网际交流活动中。
例如:(Phelan,Living to Tell about It22);(Phelan,Narrative as Rhetoric53)。
作品风格翻译英语作文As an AI language model, I don't have a personal style of writing, but I can help you with the translation of Chinese writing styles into English. Here's an example of a Chinese-style essay translated into English:Chinese-style essay: 。
高质量仿写:Translation of Writing Styles in English。
When translating writing styles, we need to consider two aspects: the language style and the literary style of the translated work. The language style refers to the characteristics and style of the language used in the translated work, while the literary style refers to the characteristics and style of the literary style used in the translated work. The language style and literary style of the translated work are interrelated, influencing and complementing each other to form the overall style of the translated work.In terms of language style, the translator should choose the appropriate vocabulary and grammar to convey the original meaning accurately and fluently. The languagestyle of the translated work should be consistent with the target language and the intended audience. For example, if the original work is written in a formal style, the translator should use formal language in the translation.In terms of literary style, the translator should consider the cultural context and literary tradition ofboth the source and target languages. The literary style of the translated work should be faithful to the original while also being appropriate for the target audience. For example, if the original work is a poem with a specific rhyme scheme, the translator should try to preserve the rhyme scheme in the translation.In conclusion, the translation of writing styles requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages, as well as the cultural and literary traditions of both. The translator must strive to convey the original meaning accurately while also creating a style that is appropriate for the target audience.。
The relationship of Stylistics and Rhetoric
The relationship of Stylistics and RhetoricFirst of all, Stylistics is a scientific study of style.It is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used.It is a discipline that studies the styles of language in use. The word style used in the definition refers to a distinctive or characteristic manner of expression in language.However,Rhetoric is the scientific study of how language could be employed expressively and effectively in Modern times.Secondly, Stylistics study the languages to suit for different situations, which broke through the mechanical rhetoric.Rhetoric makes the language clear ,fluent and refined, but in some situations it is not appropriate.Thirdly,stylistics is the continuation and development on rhetoric. However,discarding the traditional practices of rhetoric to establish norms for people to model on,stylistics turns to the presentation of the functional features of language,it is descriptive, not prescriptive.It does not aim at a so-called refined style of writing,but at a manner appropriate to the situation.If you want me to express it in a vivid way,I think Stylistics is like a person’s characteristics, while Rhetoric is the clothes that make one attractive.。
Chapter_1__A_survey_of_stylisticsBooks for references秦秀白《英语文体学入门》钱瑗《实用文体学教程》王守仁《英语文体学要略》申丹《文学文体学与小说翻译》张德禄《功能文体学》Thornborrow, J. & Wareing, S. (2000). Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature. 外语教学与研究出版社.Leech, G.N. (1969). A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London: Longman. Leech, G.N. (2007). Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose. London: Pearson Education.Jeffries, L. & McIntyre, D. (2010). Stylistics. Cambridge University Press. JournalsLanguage and LiteratureStyleJournal of Literary Semantics and English Text Construction Others优秀硕博士论文库(知网)Search engine:Google scholarChapter 1 Stylistics: A SurveyModern stylistics is a sub-branch of modern linguistics, exactly speaking, an interdisciplinary subject linking linguistics and literary criticism.2. Definition and classification of stylistics2.1 Defining stylisticsStylistics can be defined in its narrow sense (literarystylistics)as well as its broad sense (general/theoretical stylistics)2.1.1 Stylistics in its narrow sense: literary stylisticsWiddowson (1975: 3), stylistics is “the study o f literary discourse from a linguistic orientation”, which is essentially a means of linking literary criticism and linguistics.Leech (1969: 1-2) defines stylistics as the “study of the use of language in literature”and considers stylistics a “meeting-gro und of linguistics and literary study”.2.1.2 Stylistics in its broad sense: general stylisticsA sub-discipline of linguistics that is concened with the systematic analysis of style in language and how this can vary according to such factors as genre, context, historical period and author (Leech, 2008).---Analyzing style means looking systematically at the formal features of a text and determining their functional significance for the interpretation of the text in question.2.2 Tasks of stylisticsAccording to Lang (1987) and Toolan (1990), there are three tasks for stylistic studies:1) serving the purpose of teaching and learning foreign languages;2) providing a base for the application of linguistic theories, to be tested and verified, further improved and perfected; and3) offering a methodology for literary studies.2.3 Relation between stylistics and other disciplinesModern stylistics is rooted in modern linguistics, using models and methods of linguistic description in the stylistic analysis of texts. Stylistics is also closely related to literary theories.---its root in formalist school of literary criticism in Russia in the early 20th century with representatives such as Roman Jakobson. It aims to isolate properties and characteristics of literary language.---stylistics draws upon theories and models from other fields more frequently than it develops its own theories.2.4 Classification of stylisticsThere are various types of classification of stylistics based on different criteria:1) Based on the scope of studyliterary stylistics (such as Wang Shouyuan, 2000; Shen Dan, 1995; and Cook, 1999), non-literary stylistics, general/theoretical stylistics (such as Hu Zhuanglin, 2000; Wang Zuoliang & Ding wangdao, 1987; and Xu Youzhi, 2005),practical stylistics (such as Qian Yuan, 2006).2) Based on data or object of studya. literary stylistics including fictional stylistics, poetic stylistics, dramatic stylistics,essayistic stylistics, etc.;b. practical stylistics including advertising stylistics, journalistic stylistics, political stylistics, legal stylistics, stylistics of business language, oratorial stylistics, scientific and technological stylistics, hypertext/e-text stylistics, etc.3) Based on linguistic theoriesformalist stylistics, structuralist stylistics, functionalist stylistics, discourse stylistics, socio-historical and socio-cultural stylistics, contextualized stylistics, pragmastylistics/literary pragmatics, cognitive stylistics, corpus stylistics, etc.4) In the literature of stylistics, there is a special type ofstylistics termed“feminist stylistics”.2.5 Scope of stylistics---Range of texts: no restrictions though traditionally more emphasis on literary texts---Range of theories: open and eclectic,Originated in literary criticism of Russian formalismCognitive Psychology (cognitive stylistics): process in which readers respond to linguistic style Critical discourse analysis (critical stylistics): discover ideological assumptions embedded in the text (e.g. power relations)Corpus linguistics (corpus stylistics): computer analysis of large quantities of data Multimodal discourse by Kress & van leeuwen (2006): relating multimodality to stylistics2.6 process of stylistic analysisAccurate descriptionReasonable interpretationFair evaluation---Analyzing style means looking systematically at the formal features of a text and determining their functional significance for the interpretation of the text in question.2.7 Role and significance of stylistics researchStylistic analysis is of great importance for language teaching, literary criticism and appreciation, language communication, and translation.1) Stylistic study helps cultivate a sense of appropriateness;Example:Now allow me to propose a toast to the health of our friends!Here’s to the health of our friends!Cheers!2) stylistic study sharpens understanding and appreciation ofliterary works and helps to account for why a piece of work can be understood in a certain way;3) stylistic study helps achieve adaptation in translation. (Xu Youzhi 2005: 14-23) Example:他对小儿子说:”那时候,干一天活儿累得连炕都上不去,浑身疼得要命,睡也睡不着。
stylistics文体学英文定义Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the study of style in language. It is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of the linguistic features that contribute to the distinctive character of a text or a speaker's language use. Stylistics examines how language is used in different contexts and for different purposes, and how these choices can convey meaning and create particular effects.The study of stylistics involves the examination of various linguistic elements, such as vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and rhetoric, and how they are used to create a particular style or tone. Stylistics also considers the role of context, including the social, cultural, and historical factors that influence language use.One of the key aspects of stylistics is the concept of foregrounding, which refers to the use of linguistic features that draw attention to themselves and create a sense of prominence or emphasis. This can be achieved through the use of unusual or unexpected language, such as metaphors, alliteration, or unusual sentence structures.Stylistics also considers the relationship between form and content, and how the way language is used can shape the meaning andimpact of a text. For example, the use of formal or informal language, the choice of vocabulary, and the structure of sentences can all contribute to the overall tone and effect of a piece of writing.Another important aspect of stylistics is the analysis of literary texts, where the focus is on the distinctive linguistic features that contribute to the style and meaning of a work of literature. This can include the examination of narrative techniques, such as point of view and characterization, as well as the use of figurative language, symbolism, and other literary devices.Stylistics can also be applied to other forms of communication, such as speech, advertising, and political discourse. In these contexts, the analysis of style can reveal insights into the speaker's or writer's intentions, the target audience, and the broader cultural and social context in which the language is being used.One of the key challenges in the study of stylistics is the need to balance the objective analysis of linguistic features with the subjective interpretation of their meaning and effect. Stylistic analysis often requires a deep understanding of language, as well as a keen eye for detail and a willingness to engage with the nuances and complexities of language use.Despite these challenges, the study of stylistics remains an importantand influential field within linguistics. By examining the ways in which language is used to create meaning and effect, stylistics can provide valuable insights into the nature of language and communication, and can contribute to a deeper understanding of the human experience.。
The Application of Stylistics in British and Ameri
Sino-US English Teaching, November 2015, Vol. 12, No. 11, 869-873doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2015.11.010The Application of Stylistics in Britishand American Literature TeachingXU Li-mei, QU Lin-linChangchun University, Changchun, ChinaStylistics applies modern linguistic theory to the description of and analysis into varieties of language and theirstylistic features. As such it may serve to investigate the styles of British and American literary works, thusfacilitating the teaching of British and American literature. This paper, after surveying the basic stylistic theory andits relevance to research on and teaching of literature, illustrates how to effectively adopt the method of stylisticanalysis in the teaching of British and American literature.Keywords: stylistics, style, teaching of British and American literatureIntroductionIn current college English teaching, people often ask the students to read a lot of literary works. While how to determine the selection criteria of literary works is of vital importance in the teaching process, which affects All Rights Reserved.the teaching quality and students’ knowledge for the depth and breadth of vision. In general, the criterion for theselection of literary works is its position in English literature, such as Shakespeare’s works. For college students,the British and American literature works are very difficult to understand, but it is required reading in collegeEnglish teaching. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the application of stylistics in British and Americanliterature teaching.StylisticsThe Definition of StylisticsStylistics is a branch of linguistics, and is also a comprehensive interdisciplinary subject in the study of characteristics, essence, and rules of text genre between linguistics, literary theory, aesthetics, psychology, andother disciplines. Such as Lazar (2005) says in “Stylistics and Language Practice” that stylistics is the overallperformance of method and expression style purposefully selected in the specific communication field. It isformed in history, and accepted by the complete society as a whole system. Stylistics is the science used to studyand discuss the system. Besides, it is also an independent branch of linguistics to express ideas more efficiently,and to study the principle of language materials chosen and used.XU Li-mei, lecturer, Ph.D. candidate, Foreign Languages College, Changchun University.QU Lin-lin, lecturer, Ph.D. candidate, Foreign Languages College, Changchun University.870THE APPLICATION OF STYLISTICS IN BRITISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE TEACHING The Characteristics of StylisticsAs a cross sectional much edge discipline, the characteristics of stylistics are to study a science of object with the application of another science method, thus making different scientific methods and objects organically.Stylistics is born in the border of several disciplines, and constantly penetrating to expand their areas.Stylistics broke the traditional boundaries between disciplines which seem to be independent of each other, which makes some new face on disciplines such as linguistics and literary criticism. The character of stylisticsmaking different field boundary promotes the interaction and penetration of different disciplines, and graduallytends to integrate. Besides, the character of borderline is also a reflection of modern science and technologydevelopment tendency for stylistics, which is namely the highly differentiated of science and technology and thehighly integrated of mutual penetration of natural science and social science.The Application Analysis of Stylistics in British and American Literature TeachingIn the teaching of English and American literature, how to guide students to master the language features ofa literary text? How to use linguistic concepts and techniques to discuss these characteristics and sublimate it intoa style? How to analyze the aesthetic feeling of this kind of style and the causal relationship between the wholeworks of art achievement? In general, people can take the following steps to finish the program.Analyze the DictionThe meaning of words in a literary text is not limited to the definition in the dictionary. In the context of the constructed these words affect each other, so does their semantics. To describe the stylistic features of a writerwords people have to research this mutual relationship between words and the resulting stylistic meaning. WhenAll Rights Reserved.reading a poem, a novel, people should firstly try to know who is the narrator, the author, or his (her) characters.Then, the reader should analyze the level of language used, standard, or nonstandard English. Besides, peopleshould also understand the word, whether simple or not. Is it general or specific? Is an abstract noun or concretenoun? Is static verb or dynamic? Answers to these questions will help readers to grasp the writer language style.The first paragraph of the following two paragraphs comes from Hemingway’s A Farewell to Amts, and the second paragraph comes from the United States novelist Theodore The Titan quoted from Edgar v. Rogerts.Contrasting the two different language characteristics can make us further realize the tendency of wording of thewriters is a part of their individual style feature.[Hemingway]:In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains.In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels.Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised pondered the leaves of the tress. (Hemingway, 1929, p. 76)[Dreiser]:From New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine had come a strange company, earnest, patient, determined, unschooled in even the primer of refinement, hungry far something the significance of which, when they had it, theycould not even guess, anxious to be called great, determined so to be without ever knowing how. (Dreiser, 1957, p. 248)Hemingway’s paragraph describes the scene of that summer, “our” inhabitation environment and forcesTHE APPLICATION OF STYLISTICS IN BRITISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE TEACHING871going through there. The paragraph of Dreiser depicts the inner world of a group of strangers from thenortheastern state of United States such as New York. Although the words the two excerpts used are suitable fortheir own themes, but their stylistics is obviously different. When making the material structure, Hemingwaychose simple, clear, and specific words, such as: house, river, mountains, clear, swiftly moving, blue, andpowdered. He made the scenery and process appear in front of the readers, making the person clear at a glance.This is a clear and plain style. While Dreiser chooses evaluative and abstract written language, such as, patient,determined, hungry, refinement, significance, etc. Those written languages show the psychological activity of thegroup of outsiders, and lead the reader go into the characters’ hearts to visit their mood step by step.Analyze the SyntaxUsually, the vocabulary of a work describes the character’s thoughts and feelings through sentences and the phrases and there are many different ways of composition of the whole sentences and phrases. The grammaranalysis with the purpose of stylistic study focuses on exploring the relationship between the type of sentences,phrases, and writer individuals. English sentences can be divided into a variety of English sentences according toits function, such as declarative sentence, interrogative sentences, imperative, and exclamatory sentences; andcan be also divided into simple sentence, paratactic sentence, complex sentences, compound sentences, completesentences, and elliptical sentence according to its structure; besides, English sentences can be divided intoperiodic-sentences, loose sentence, and parallel sentences according to the way of emphasizing sentence content.In addition, the word each other can match into different phrases, such as: noun groups, verbal phrases,prepositions, etc. These different sentences and phrases contain different stylistic effects. When analyzing thegrammar structure, the author should read the text carefully, observe and record the dominated phrases, and All Rights Reserved.explore the causes of writers’ preference for them.Now make the previous article quoted as an example to illustrate how to carry out the syntax analysis. Two thirds in the Hemingway’s A Farewell to Amts are compound sentences. And one of the features of compoundsentence is to use “and” to connect the components in the sentence. Hemingway fully grasp the characteristicsand extensively use the “and”. For example, there are five “and” in the short second sentence; they suggest theimportance of the various parts of the sentence. This sentence pattern is usually used to state events and describethe scene. It is by this sentence pattern that Hemingway reappears faithfully the original characters in the novel.This narrative of Hemingway is objective, calm, and step by step, like a rippling stream, slow but continuous,plain but very clear, which is a gentle, simple, and realistic sketch style.Analyze RhetoricalRhetoric is generally defined as the art of persuasive writing. Correct grammar can help the writer to express clearly, and appropriate rhetoric can make works more vivid and touching. The writer often obtains this effectwith the help of figures of speech in his work. The commonly used English figures of speech include: simile,metaphor, analog, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, allusions, irony, and so on. These figures of speechmostly play a role based on the connotation and extension of the meaning, the aesthetic feelings of man, andother psychological forms. When making a rhetorical analysis, the reader should be sure the pattern ofrhetorical and discourse preference for writer, and then discuss the stylistic effect the color brings to the work.They are associated with each other, and complement each other. Below is a script fragments Denmark’s inner872THE APPLICATION OF STYLISTICS IN BRITISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE TEACHING soliloquy selected from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.[Hamlet]To be, or not to be-that is the question:Whether this nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrow of outrageous fortuneOr to take am s against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. (Shakespeare, 1609, p. 145)[Shylock]Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?… If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we notrevenge? (Shakespeare, 1600, p. 29)In those a few lines of inner monologue extracted, choosing questions is the dominant pattern. Such sentence pattern ingeniously shows the swing state of mind of the hero. The dialogue at the start of the choice questionconsists of two verb infinitives, which seem to be simple, but actually to be Shakespeare’s quality pen. The verbinfinitive has the function of indicating the immediate action will happen from the perspective of grammar. Here,the author both use the affirmation and negation form of verb infinitive, suggesting that there is the possibility ofsurvival and perish at the same time. Therefore, the urgency of answering this problem shows on the page. Then,two infinitive phrases with “whether” and “or” make up of the second choice alternative interrogation. The firstone specifically puts forward a major and serious proposition, while the second shows the characters innerconflicts. Before and after the two sentences, closely linked, more let a person feel the imminent problem of hero.From the rhetorical perspective, the first one is concise and clear, giving a person the sense with straightforward;All Rights Reserved.The second uses extensive metaphor whose meaning is deep, and shows the complex and heavy heart of the byhis pen.ConclusionWith the aid of image literature reflecting the colorful world, and expressing the writer’s aesthetic feeling.Literary language is concise and beautiful with the effect of making people think deep and increasing the sense.Stylistics has a very strong explanatory power based on the analysis of the characteristics of language arts.Therefore, as a kind of methodology, stylistics can broaden the students whose major is English and Americanliterature academic vision, and enrich the current British and American literature teaching. In view of theliterature which is the art of language, and stylistics research across the two fields of linguistics and literature,there is reason to believe that stylistics in British and American literature teaching will have broad applicationprospects in the future.ReferencesBrumfit, C. J., & Carter, R. A. (2000). Literature and language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, & Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.Dreiser, T. (1957). The titan (p. 248). Moscow: Foreign Language Press.Hemingway, E. M. (1929). A farewell to amts (p. 76). Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House.Lazar, G. (2005). Literature and language teaching: A guide for teachers and trainers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.McRae, J. (1997). Literature with a small “l”. London: Macmillan/Prentice Hall.Shakespeare, W. (1600). The merchant of Venice (p. 29). Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House.THE APPLICATION OF STYLISTICS IN BRITISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE TEACHING873 Shakespeare, W. (1602). Hamlet (p. 145). Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House.Short, M. H., & Candlin, C. N. (1986). Teaching study skills for English literature (pp. 160-166). Oxford: Oxford University Press.Widdowson, H. G. (1999). Practical stylistics (pp. 58-59). Oxford: Oxford University Press, & Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.All Rights Reserved.。
The Melodious Tapestry:Exploring the Rich Differences Between Western and Chinese MusicMusic is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries,yet it is deeply rooted in the traditions and histories of the societies from which it emerges.Western and Chinese music,each with its unique characteristics and evolution,offer a fascinating study in contrasts and similarities.As a music enthusiast who has spent considerable time delving into both Western classical and traditional Chinese music,I have come to appreciate the rich tapestry of differences that make each form so distinct and captivating.Western music,with its origins in the medieval period and evolving through the Renaissance,Baroque,Classical,Romantic,and into the modern era,is characterized by its harmonic complexity and the use of a wide range of instruments.The development of Western music has been heavily influenced by the innovations of composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,Ludwig van Beethoven,and more contemporary figures like John Cage and Philip Glass.The Western classical tradition often employs a system of major and minor scales,and its compositions are structured around themes and variations,often following a sonata form.In contrast,Chinese music has a history that dates back thousands of years, with its roots in ancient ceremonial music and the use of traditional instruments such as the guqin,pipa,and erhu.The Chinese musical tradition is marked by its emphasis on melody and the use of pentatonicscales,which give Chinese music its distinctive,often ethereal sound. Unlike Western music,which often focuses on harmony and counterpoint, Chinese music is more centered on the individual line and the expressiveness of the melody.One of the most striking differences between Western and Chinese music lies in their approach to rhythm and time.Western music is typically structured around a strict tempo and meter,with a clear beginning,middle, and end to each piece.This can be seen in the symphonies and concertos of the classical period,where each movement follows a specific form and rhythmic pattern.On the other hand,Chinese music often employs a more flexible approach to rhythm,with compositions that can be fluid and adaptive to the performers interpretation.This is particularly evident in the improvisational nature of traditional Chinese music performances,where musicians may vary the tempo and rhythm to convey different emotional states.Another significant difference is the role of the musician in each tradition. In Western classical music,the composer is often seen as the central figure, with the performer interpreting the composers vision.There is a strong emphasis on technical proficiency and adherence to the composers intentions.In contrast,Chinese music places a greater emphasis on the individuality of the performer,allowing for a more personal and expressive interpretation of the music.This is exemplified by the tradition of oral transmission,where musical pieces are passed down from master to student,often with the expectation that the student will add their own unique touch to the performance.The cultural context in which each musical tradition is rooted also plays a crucial role in shaping its characteristics.Western music has been influenced by the religious,political,and social changes of the Western world,with composers often reflecting the sentiments of their time in their works.For example,Beethovens Symphony No.9,with its famous Ode to Joy,is seen as a celebration of the human spirit and the ideals of the Enlightenment.Chinese music,on the other hand,is deeply intertwined with the countrys philosophical and spiritual beliefs,such as Confucianism, Taoism,and Buddhism.The music often aims to evoke a sense of harmony with nature and the cosmos,as seen in the serene and contemplative tones of guqin music.Despite these differences,there are moments of convergence between Western and Chinese music.The20th century saw a growing interest in crosscultural collaborations,with Western composers like Claude Debussy and Toru Takemitsu incorporating elements of Eastern music into their works.Similarly,Chinese composers such as Tan Dun have successfully blended traditional Chinese instruments and musical concepts with Western classical forms,creating a unique fusion that resonates with audiences worldwide.In conclusion,the differences between Western and Chinese music are as rich and varied as the cultures from which they spring.From the harmonic structures and rhythmic patterns to the roles of the composer and performer,each tradition offers a unique perspective on the art of musicmaking.As we continue to explore and appreciate these differences,we also find moments of connection and shared humanity,reminding us that,despite our cultural diversity,music remains a universal language that speaks to the heart of all people.。
呐喊和彷徨的美学价值英文回答:Aesthetic Value of Lu Xun's "The Scream" and "Hesitation"Lu Xun's short story collections, "The Scream" and "Hesitation," are masterpieces of Chinese literature known for their profound exploration of human nature and social issues. These works exhibit a distinct aesthetic value characterized by their unconventional narrative style, vivid imagery, and philosophical depth.Unconventional Narrative Structure:"The Scream" and "Hesitation" depart from traditional narrative conventions. Stories are fragmented, non-linear, and often lack clear resolution. This fragmented style reflects the fragmented nature of modern Chinese society and the alienation of individuals within it.Vivid and Symbol-Rich Imagery:Lu Xun's writing is known for its haunting andevocative imagery. He skillfully employs metaphors, similes, and symbols to convey complex emotions and ideas. For example, in "The Scream," the protagonist's "numbness" is symbolized by his inability to feel the pain of a needle prick.Philosophical Depth:Beyond their literary merit, "The Scream" and "Hesitation" offer profound philosophical insights. Lu Xun explores themes of human suffering, the search for meaning, and the oppressive nature of society. His charactersgrapple with existential questions, revealing theexistential dilemmas faced by modern individuals.Social Critique:Lu Xun's works are also powerful social critiques.Through his characters and stories, he exposes the hypocrisy, corruption, and inequality that plagued Chinese society. His writing served as a catalyst for social change, inspiring readers to question their surroundings and seek progress.Chinese Cultural Context:"The Scream" and "Hesitation" are deeply rooted in Chinese cultural traditions. They draw upon classical Chinese literature, folk tales, and philosophical concepts. Lu Xun's writing is infused with a distinctly Chinese sensibility, reflecting the cultural landscape of early20th century China.Legacy and Influence:"The Scream" and "Hesitation" have had a profound influence on Chinese literature and beyond. Their unconventional narrative style, vivid imagery,philosophical depth, and social critique have inspired generations of writers and readers. The works continue tobe studied and appreciated for their timeless relevance and literary excellence.中文回答:呐喊和彷徨的美学价值。
关键词:圣埃克苏佩里创作风格风格内涵风格成因飞行员作家比较AbstractSaint Exupery is a prominent French pilot writer with a unique style in the first half of the twentieth century. Because he closely combines flight with writing, the two things which he only does in all his life, he wins the title of “Cultivator of the blue sky and white clouds”.It is over 60 years since Saint Exupery’s novel was first introduced to China in the 1940’s. Up to now,his main works have been translated into Chinese. But there are only a dozen papers on his writings in China’s mainland since 1950’s. Among them, most researchers comment upon a certain novel, especially on The Little Prince. That’s to say, no one has systematically made a study of Saint Exupery’s writings in the mainland of China so far. This thesis pays more attention to analyzing his works, and makes an effort to study Saint Exupery’s creative style by employing the following methods, such as stylistics, narratology, art and literature psychology, new criticism, etc. The main body of this thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter Ⅰ probes into the connotation of Saint Exupery’s creative style—the original theme, the diverse images, the lyric tone and the defamiliar language. Chapter Ⅱanalyzes the contributing factors of Saint Exupery’s creative style, including the background of the era, his experience of growth and his individual characteristics, etc. Comparing the creative style of Saint Exupery with that of contemporary pilot writers—Malraux and Kessel, Chapter Ⅲ emphasizes the uniqueness of Saint Exupery’s creative style. It is a preliminary try that our country has carried on a systematic research into Saint Exupery’s works.Key Words: Saint Exupery;creative style;the connotationof style;the contributing factors of style;pilotwriter;comparison导论安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里(Antoine de Saint Exupéry,1900-1944)是20世纪上半叶法国著名的飞行员作家。
关于艺术手法的英语作文The Artistry of Literary Techniques.The artistry of literary techniques is a vast and intricate domain, encompassing a myriad of tools and strategies that authors employ to bring their stories to life. These techniques range from the subtle manipulation of language to the bold strokes of symbolism and imagery, all of which contribute to the depth and richness of a literary work.One of the fundamental literary techniques is the use of language. Authors employ various linguistic devices such as metaphor, simile, and allusion to create a unique language that is both descriptive and evocative. For instance, in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," the famous line "She doth teach the torches to burn bright!" is a powerful example of metaphor, comparing Juliet's beauty to the brightness of torches, thus creating a vivid image in the reader's mind.Another crucial technique is the employment of point of view. The choice of perspective, whether first-person,third-person, or omniscient, significantly shapes thereader's experience. First-person narratives offer immediacy and authenticity, drawing the reader into the protagonist's world. Third-person narratives, on the other hand, provide a broader view, allowing the author to delve deeper into the minds of multiple characters. Theomniscient point of view, with its omniscience and abilityto penetrate the innermost thoughts of characters, offers a comprehensive understanding of the story.Symbolism is another essential literary device that authors use to convey deeper meanings. Symbols are objects, actions, or situations that represent abstract ideas or concepts. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," the green light at the end of Daisy's dock symbolizes Gatsby's unattainable dream, reflecting the theme of American dreams and their disillusionment.Imagery is also a powerful tool in the hands of writers.It involves the use of vivid, sensory-rich language to create mental pictures in the reader's mind. This technique is particularly effective in evoking emotions and creating a strong emotional connection between the reader and the text. For instance, in Emily Dickinson's poem "Because I Could Not Stop for Death," the image of the carriage with "the pale horses" evokes a sense of foreboding and mortality, enhancing the poem's overall theme of life's brevity and the inevitability of death.The use of irony, another key literary device, adds complexity and depth to a story. Irony occurs when the author presents characters or situations in a way that contrasts with their expected or apparent meanings, thus creating a sense of tension and surprise. In Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," the humorous irony of Huck's naivety and innocence, despite his adventuresome lifestyle, adds humor and warmth to the narrative.Moreover, the structure of a literary work is an integral part of its artistry. Authors employ various narrative structures such as linear, nonlinear, orfragmented narratives to create a unique reading experience. For instance, in Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse," the nonlinear structure, jumping between different times and perspectives, allows the reader to experience the storyfrom multiple angles, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the characters and themes.In conclusion, the artistry of literary techniques is a multifaceted and dynamic domain. Authors employ a range of devices and strategies to create rich, evocative, and memorable literary works. These techniques, from the manipulation of language to the employment of symbolism and imagery, contribute to the overall beauty and depth of a literary text, making it a transformative experience forthe reader.。
The Beauty of Graffiti Art
The Beauty of Graffiti ArtGraffiti art, often misunderstood and overlooked, holds a unique and captivating beauty that deserves appreciation and exploration.One of the remarkable aspects of graffiti art is its raw expressiveness. It serves as a powerful medium for artists to convey their thoughts, emotions, and social commentary without the constraints of traditional art forms. For example, a graffiti mural depicting the struggles of the working class might feature bold, exaggerated figures and intense colors to evoke a sense of injustice and solidarity.The element of surprise and spontaneity is another charm. Graffiti often appears in unexpected places – on abandoned buildings, under bridges, or along neglected alleyways. This unexpected encounter with art in the midst of the urban landscape can be a delightful surprise, adding a splash of color and creativity to otherwise mundane spaces. A hidden graffiti-covered corner in an industrial area can transform the entire atmosphere and offer a refreshing break from the monotony.Graffiti art also showcases a high level of technical skill and innovation. Artists use a variety of tools and techniques to create their works, from spray cans to stencils and freehand painting. The ability to manipulate these tools to create complex designs, shading, and 3D effects is truly impressive. A graffiti artist creating a hyper-realistic portrait on a brick wall using only spray paint demonstrates the mastery of the medium.It plays a significant role in community building and empowerment. In some neighborhoods, graffiti has become a means of bringing people together and fostering a sense of pride and identity. Community-driven graffiti projects can transform rundown areas into vibrant, artistic spaces that reflect the local culture and values.A group of local artists coming together to create a graffiti mural in a disadvantaged neighborhood can inspire a sense of ownership and unity among the residents.Graffiti art has the ability to tell stories and document history. It can capture the spirit of a particular time and place, serving as a visual record of social and cultural movements. A series of graffiti works chronicling the protests and activism of a particular era can provide valuable insights into the collective consciousness of that period.It also challenges the conventional notions of art and ownership. Graffiti often exists in public spaces, blurring the lines between private and public property and raising questions about the accessibility and democratization of art. This subversive aspect adds an edge and rebellious spirit to the form.In conclusion, the beauty of graffiti art lies in its raw emotion, unexpected presence,technical prowess, community impact, storytelling ability, and its ability to challenge norms. By looking beyond the initial perception of vandalism, one can discover the rich and diverse world of graffiti as a legitimate and powerful form of artistic expression.。
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Narratology and the Stylistics of FictionNarratology and the Stylistics of Fiction play a great role in novel critical theory of contemporary Western. Both Narratology and the Stylistics of Fiction use linguistic model to study literary works. They are strong interdisciplinary discipline. They are not only the same in the basic position, but also have important overlap surface in the study object. There are still many differences in the nature of them. Stylistics only focuses on the author's word choice, ignores the structure laws of the novel, and describes the narrative techniques and other issues, which is the study object of Narratology. We can say they form a mutually comparative,complementary dialectical relation. The complementary relation between Narratology and Stylistics just not focus on studying the content and principle of novel, the more important is, on the level of novel’s technique and principle. “Discourse”of Narratology and “Style” of Stylistics have more direct comparative,complementary dialectical relation. If we consider both “Discourse” and “Style”, we can make a comprehensive study of principle and technique of novel.The book tries to make a deep systematic study of main theory model, the first part mainly make a systematic analysis of the theory of classic Narratology, focusing on the discussion of the level of “structure”.Narratology is a theory of narrative. It examines what all narratives, and only narratives have in common as well as what enables them to differ from one another qua narratives, and it aims to describe the narrative-specific system of rules presiding over narrative production and processing. From the book, we know the distinction between “story”and “discourse”about Narratology. They are the concepts of works by two corresponding levels which are more used to describe narrative works in the contemporary Western theory. The significance of the narrative works is in the extent derived from the interaction between the two levels. For a long time, people use dichotomy to describe narrative works in the western literary criticism .in the traditional literary criticism of western, for example, “content”and “form”, “m aterial”and “technique”, “content”and “style”and so on . When researching the expression of works, traditional critics just pay attention to the writers’ choice of words and making sentences. Russian formalist proposed a new dichotomy, the distinction between “story (material)”or “story (fabula)”and “sjuzet”. “fa bula” means the events which is arranged according to the actual time and causality . “sjuzet” means artistic treatment or processing of form of these materials. Later, French Structuralism scientist T.Todorov came up with two concepts: “discourse”and “plot”to distinguish materials and expression of narrative works. The scope which “story” and “discourse” are referred to is basically the same. But we think that “discourse” is better than “plot”, the reason is that if we use “plot”to represent formal of works, it is easily to cause conceptual confusion. French Structuralism scientist G.Genette brought up trichotomy in 1972, for he paid more attention to the narratology, and he wanted to cancel the confusion which led by “recit”. His trichotomy: (1) “histoire”, which is the narrative content ;(2) “recit”, which is used to depict oral discourse or discourse in written from of story .(3) “narrative”, is the act or process which cause discourse to generate. From thetrichotomy , we can know that G.Genette divided “discourse”into “recit”and “narrative”. In the process of constructing the model of trichotomy, he repeatedly stressed its importance and primacy of the narration: if there is n’t narration, recit won’t exist, then there isn’t the fictitious event which is described. The distinction between “discourse” and “story” must base on the relative independentability of “story”. In this book, the author also shows us the Narratology’s plot view and character view. Russian formalist don’t see plot as a part of content of works, however, they see plot as the part of form. They think there is no relation between “sjuzet” and “fa bula”. fa bula” means the events which is arranged according to the actual time and causality . “sjuzet” means artistic treatment or processing of form of these materials, especially rearranging the story in time. They have two different understandings of “f a bula”, the first is a series of things which is described by works, and the second is the thing which is happened actually. However, the story in literary works is always fabricated. These are different from structuralism scientists’views; let’s look at Morphology of the Folktale of V.Propp. His research aims to abstract the same pattern from different kinds of folktales in order to do effective classification. From the structural standpoint, it means the basic unit of the story is not a man but the behavior function of the man in the story. In the more than one hundred folktales which he studied, although the names and features of characters always change, there are only 31 kinds of the behavior function of characters .No whether how many functions the story have (no story have all 31 kinds), these functions will place as the order of natural development which is summed up by Propp .The behavior function which is abstracted by Propp shows general characters of things, gives reliable basis for classifications. The behavior function, always arranges as the order of natural development, isn’t artistic treatment or processing of form of these materials, but is an abstract of content of the event. The plot view of Propp contrast sharply with the plot view of Russian formalist. Let’s turn to the character view .The character view of Narratology is “functional” .this character view contrast sharply with “p sychological”character view. “Functional” character view is subordinate to “actor”of plot or action. Plot is primary, character is secondary, and the function of character propels the development of plot. Some western critics think the order of “functional”view is: Aristotle---- Russian formalist l---- Structuralism Narratology. Aristotle distinct “character (person)” from “character” of the character (person), character (person) itself is “actor”, while“character”of the character (person) is full of personality, exist independently from action. In English, “性格”(ethos) just can translate as “character”. Because “character” is not only referring to the person’s “性格”,but also referring to the person itself. Therefore, it is easily make confusion in meaning .If we translate English into Chinese, it is also turn up confusion. Aristotle said “character gives us qualities ”,this sentence means “人物性格决定人物的品质”.Mr. luo according to original Greek text translates the sentence into “决定剧中人物的品质是由他们‘性格’决定的”,another translator translates it into “我们从人物可看出作品的特色”according to English version. he gives a wrong translation, the reason is that he treats “character”(性格)as “person”.Style has broad meaning and narrow meaning, in the narrow sense; it refers to the literary style, including the artistic features of literary language, languagecharacteristics or tone of voice of the work, the author's language habits, as well as a specific genre or the language style of development of literary creation stage, etc. In the broad sense; it refers to various kinds of varieties of languages in one language, because style has broad meaning and narrow meaning, stylistics can be divided into general stylistics and literary stylistics, they study two different areas respectively. R.Carter and P.Simpson classifieds stylistics as Forms stylistics, functional stylistics, discourse stylistics, Socio-historical and socio-cultural stylistics, literary stylistics and linguistic stylistics .Literary stylistics refers specifically to the style school which aims to illustrate the thematic meaning of literary texts and aesthetic value. Literary stylistics is the bridge connecting linguistics with literary criticism. It focuses on discussing how authors choose language to express and strengthen the thematic meaning and aesthetic effects. L.Spitzer who is called the father of literary stylistics used to proposal an explanation model named “philological circle”: First finding out language features which deviate from the conventional in the works, and then making a interpretation from writer's side, and then coming back to the details of the works by considering the relevant factors which are to be confirmed or modified. To learn more about the nature of literary stylistics, we need to discuss the school which distinct literary stylistics from two sides, literary and non-literary, literary stylistics intend to start from the characteristics of the literary language to clarify the distinction between literary and non-literary。