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The Design of the Vector Control System of Asynchronous Motor Abstract: Among various modes of the asynchronous motor speed control, vector control has the advantages of fast response, stability, transmission of high-performance and wide speed range. For the need of the asynchronous motor speed control, the design uses 89C196 as the controller, and introduces the designs of hardware and software in details. The Design is completed effectively, with good performance simple structure and good prospects of development.
Keywords: Asynchronous motor, 89C196, Vector control
1. Introduction
AC asynchronous motor is a higher order, multi-variable, non-linear, and strong coupling object, using the concept of parameters reconstruction and state reconstruction of modern control theory to achieve decoupling between the excitation component of the AC motor stator current and the torque component, and the control process of AC motor is equivalent to the control process of DC motor, the dynamic performance of AC speed regulation system obtaining notable improvement, thus makes DC speed replacing AC speed possible finally. The current governor of the higher production process has been more use of Frequency Control devices with vector-control.
2. Vector Control
With the criterion of producing consistent rotating magneto motive force, the stator AC current A i ,B i ,C i by3S/2S conversion in the three-phase coordinate system, can be equivalent to AC current s d i ,s q i , in two-phase static coordinate system, through vector rotation transformation of the re-orientation of the rotor magnetic field, Equivalent to a synchronous rotation coordinates of the DC current e d i ,e q i . When observers at core coordinates with the rotation together, AC machine
becomes DC machine. Of these, the AC induction motor rotor total flux r ψ, it has become the equivalent of the DC motor flux, windings e d equivalent to the excitation windings of DC motor , e d i equivalent to the excitation current, windings e q equivalent to false static windings, e q i equivalent to the armature current proportional to torque. After the transformation above, AC asynchronous motor has been equivalent to DC motor. As a result, imitating the control method of DC motor, obtaining the control variable of DC motor, through the corresponding coordinates anti-transformation, can control the asynchronous motor. As a result of coordinate transformation of the current (on behalf of magnetic momentum) space vector, thus, this control system achieved through coordinate transformation called the vector control system, referred to VC system.
According to this idea, could constitute the vector control system that can control r ψ and e q i
directly, as shown in Figure 1. In the figure a given and feedback signal through the controller
similar to the controller that DC speed control system has used, producing given signal *
e qs i o
f the
excitation current and given signal *e ds i of the armature current, after the anti-rotation transform VR -1 obtaining *e qs i and *
e ds i , obtains *
A i ,*
B i ,*
C i by 3S/2S conversion. Adding the three signals controlled by current and frequency signal 1ω obtained by controller to the inverter controlled by current, can output three-phase frequency conversion current that asynchronous motor needs for speed.
3. The Content and Thought of the Design
This system uses 80C196 as controller, consists of detection unit of stator three-phase current unit of keyboard input, LCD display modules, given unit of simulation speed detection unit of stator three-phase voltage, feedback unit of speed and output unit of control signals. System block diagram shown in Figure 2, the system applies 16 bits MCU 80C196 as control core, with some hardware analog circuits composing the vector control system of asynchronous motor. On the one hand, 80C196 through the A/D module of 80C196, speed gun and the given speed feedback signals has been obtained, obtaining given torque of saturated limiting through speed regulator, to obtain the given torque current; Use a given function generator to obtain given rotor flux, through observation obtaining real flux, through flux regulation obtaining given excitation current of given
stator current, then the excitation current and the torque current synthesis through the K/P transformation, obtaining amplitude and phase stator current, after amplitude of stator current compared to the testing current , control the size of stator current through current regulator.; on the other hand, the stator current frequency is calculated by the simultaneous conversion rate for the time constant of the control inverter, regularly with timer, through P1,submitting trigger word to complete the trigger of the inverter.
4. The Design of Hardware and Software
The hardware circuits of the system mainly consists of AC-DC-AC current inverter circuit, SCR trigger inverter circuit, rectifier SCR trigger circuit, the speed given with the gun feedback circuit, current central regulation circuit, protection circuit and other typical circuits. The design of software includes: speed regulator control and flux detection and regulation.
4.1 AC-DC-AC Current Converter Circuit
The main circuit uses AC-DC-AC Current Converter in the system as shown in Figure 3, and main features can be known as follows:
1) Main circuit with simple structure and fewer components. For the four-quadrant operation, when the brake of power happens, the current direction of the main circuit keeps the same, just changing the polarity of the voltage, rectifier working in the state of inverter, inverter working in the state of rectifier. The inverter can be easily entered, regenerative braking, fast dynamic response. The voltage inverter has to connect to a group of inverters in order to regenerative braking, bringing the electric energy back to power grids.
2) Since the middle using a reactor, current limit, is constant current source. Coupled with current Loop conditioning, current limit, so it can tolerate instantaneous load short-circuit, automatic protection, thereby enhancing the protection of over current and operational reliability
3) The current inverter can converter with force and the output current instantaneous value is controlled by current inverter, meeting the vector control requirements of AC motors. Converter capacitor charging and discharging currents from the DC circuit filter by the suppression reactor, unlike a greater inrush current in voltag e inverter, the capacitor’s utilization is of high level.
4) Current inverter and the load motor form a whole, and the energy storage of the motor windings is also involved in the converter, and less dependent on the voltage inverter, so it has a certain load
4.2 Inverter SCR trigger drive circuit
The Inverter SCR trigger drive circuit as shown in Figure 4. Inverter trigger signal is controlled by P1 of 80C196, slip signal outputting through P1 via PWM regulation in the SCM through the photoelectric isolation to enlarge, to control the trigger of the inverter. The system uses P1.6 as control and uses P1.0~P1.5 to control six SCR inverters separately, so the trigger circuits is composed by six circuits above.
The principles of drive circuit of SCR trigger inverter are as follows: when the PWM from P1 is high signal after and gate, photoelectric isolation is not on, composite pipe in a state of on-saturated, the left side of the transformer forming circuit, and that the power of the signal amplifies (current enlarges); when the PWM from P1 is low signal after and gate, photoelectric isolation is on, composite pipe in a state of cut-off, and the left side of the transformer can not form circuit; thus, composite pipe equivalent to a switch, and its frequency relied on the frequency of the PWM, so the left side of the transformer form AC signals, to trigger SCR inverter after transformer decompression, half-wave rectifier and filter.
4.3 Current Loop conditioning circuits
After the vector calculation, outputting given current through D/A module, testing feedback current by the current testing circuit, sending them to the simulator of the P1 regulator to regulate, can eliminate static difference and improve the speed of regulation. The output of the analog devices can be regarded as the phase-shifting control signals of the rectifier trigger. Current Loop conditioning circuits as shown in figure 5.
4.4 The control of speed regulator
Speed regulator uses dual-mode control. Setting a value T N of speed error, when the system is more than the deviation (more than 10 percent of the rated frequency), as rough location of the start, using on-off control, at this time, speed regulator is in the state of amplitude limit, equivalent to speed loop being open-loop, so the current loop is in the state of the most constant current regulation. Thus, it can play the overload ability of motor fully and make the process of regulation fastest possibly. When the system enters into a state of small deviation, the system uses PI linear control instead of on-off control. As result, absorbing the benefits of non-linear and linear, the system meets stability and accuracy. The speed regulator flowchart is as shown in figure 6.
4.5 Flux Regulation
Slip frequency vector control system can be affected by the motor parameters, so that the actual flux and the given flux appear a deviation. This system is of observation and feedback in the amplitude of the magnetic flux, regulating flux of the rotor, actual flux with the changes of given flux.
Flux regulator is also the same as the speed regulator, using PI regulator. The discrete formula is:
n i S i m m m t n e T n e k n i n i /)}()({)1()(+∆+-= (1) Plus a reminder to forecast for correction:
)1()(2--=n i n i I m m m (2) In the formula, m k is proportional coefficient, n t is integral coefficient, s T is sampling period, m I is the actual output value.
)1()(--=∆n e n e e n (3)
2n n e n Φ-Φ= (4)
When it is in the state of low frequency (f<5HZ), 1r can not be ignored, the phase difference between 1V and 1E enlarges, and the formula 1V ≈'1V no longer sets up. Through the Approximate rotor flux observer and the formula 1101112/)(L I r I V L I m T m m --==Φω to observe the flux amplitude, only open-loop control of flux, that is, to calculate from a given flux, and that is m m L I /*
2Φ=.In addition, in order to avoid disorders, or too weak and too strong magnetic, limiting the output m i in preparation for the software, making it in the ranges from 75% to 115% rated value.
5. Design Summary
This text researches the vector control variable speed control system of the asynchronous motor design. The SCM 80C196 and the external hardware complete the asynchronous motor speed vector control system design efficiently, and meet the timing control requirements. The vector control system design thinks clearly, has a good speed performance and simple structure. It has a wide range of use and a good prospect of development from the analysis and design of the speed asynchronous motor vector control systems.
The innovations:
(1) Complete the data acquisition of the speed and voltage, output the control signal and save the devices effectively with the help of the 80C196 microcontroller owned A/D, D/A.
(2) Because the Current Source Inverter uses forced converter, the maximum operating frequency is free from the power grid frequency. And it is with wide speed range.
(3) This system uses constant flux to keep the constant flux stably. Use stator physical voltage amplitude to approximate the observed flux amplitude value. The magnetic flux overcomes the impact of the parameters changes. This way is simple and effective.
Figure 1. Vector Control System Principle
Figure 2. Scheme of System
Figure 3. AC-DC-AC Current inverter Circuit
Figure 4. Inverter SCR trigger drive circuit
Figure 5. Current Loop conditioning circuits
Figure 6. Flux regulation flowchart
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摘 要:异步电动机的各种调速方式中,矢量控制的调速方式响应快、稳定性好、传动性能高、调速范围宽。





以产生完全一致的旋转磁动势为准则,在三相坐标系下的定子交流电流A i ,B i ,C i 通过3S /2S 变换,可
以等效成两相静止坐标系下的交流电流s d i ,s
q i ,再通过按转子磁场定向的矢量旋转变换,可以等效成同步旋转坐标系下的直流电流e
d i ,
e q i 。


其中,交流异步电动机的转子总磁通r ψ,就变成了等效的直流电动机的磁通,e d 绕组相当于直流电机的励磁绕组,e d i 相当于励磁电流。

e q 绕组相当于伪静止绕组,e
q i 相当于与转矩成正比的电枢电流。



由于进行坐标变换的是电流(代表磁动势)的空间矢量,所以,这样通过坐标变换实现的控制系统就叫作矢量控制系统,简称VC 系统。

按照这种设想,可以构成直接控制r ψ和e q i 的矢量控制系统,如图1所示。

图中给定和反馈信号经过类似于直流凋速系统所用的控制器,产生励磁电流的给定信号*e qs i 和电枢电流的给定信号*e ds i ,经过反旋转变换VR -1 得到*e qs i 和*
e ds i ,再经过2S /3S 变换得到*A i 、*B i 、*C i 。
















逆变触发信号由单片机8OC196的P1口控制,转差信号在单片机内经PWM调节后由P1 I:I输出,经光电隔离器隔离放大,去控制逆变晶闸管的触发端。


隔离管不导通,复合管处于饱和导通状态,变压器左边形成回路,并且此信号经复合管功率放大(电流放大);当从P1口输出的PWM 经与门后为低电平时,光电隔离管导通,复合管基极电流几乎为零,复合管处于截止状态,变压器左边就不会形成回路;这样,复合管就相当于一个电子开关,这个开关的通断频率由PWM 的频率决定,从而使变压器左边形成交流信号,经变压器降压、半波整流、滤波后去触发逆变晶闸管。

4.3 电流环调节电路
由8OC196经过矢量计算,再由它的D /A 模块输出电流给定,由电流检测电路检测到反馈电流,同时把他们送人到模拟器件的Pl 调节器中进行调节,以消除静差并能提高调节速度。



4.4 速度调节器控制

设定一个速度误差值NT ,当系统大于此偏差状态下(大于1O % 的额定频率),作为开始段粗定位,采用开关式的砰一砰控制,这时,转速调节器处于限幅状态,相当于转速环开环,使电流环处于最大恒值电流调节。


当系统偏差已经进入很小的范围时,使系统由开关式的砰一砰控制,转换成PI 线性控制。



4.5 磁通调节


磁通调节器也象速度调节器一样,使用PI 调节器。

n i S i m m m t n e T n e k n i n i /)}()({)1()(+∆+-= (1)
)1()(2--=n i n i I m m m (2)
式中为m k 比例系数,n t 为积分系数,s T 为采样周期,m I 为实际输出值。

)1()(--=∆n e n e e n (3)
2n n e n Φ-Φ= (4)
当在低频时(f<5HZ),由于1r 不可忽略,1V 和1E 相位相差增大,原近似地认为1V ≈'1V 不再成立。

由近似的转子磁通观测器,由式子1101112/)(L I r I V L I m T m m --==Φω来观测磁通幅值,只能对磁通开环控制,即由给定磁通来计算,即m m L I /*









图1 矢量控制系统原理结构图
图2 系统框图
图3 交一直一交电流型变频器电路
图4 逆变晶闸管触发驱动电路
图5 电流环调节电路
图6 磁通调节流程图
[4]Hisao Kubota and Kouki Matsuse ”Speed Sensor less Field—Oriented Control of Induction Motor with Rotor ResistanceAdaptation lEEE Trans Ind Appl,vol 30.NO S, PP.1219—1224,1994.46-70。
