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Powering Up
At the end of each turn, you have a chance to power up by searching your deck and discard pile for Aces (supers). You may discard:
✦ A pair for ...
1 Ace ✦
3-of-a-kind for ... 2 Aces ✦4-of-a-kind for ...
3 Aces Hitting with chains (straights) in a combo
during combat also lets you search for Aces during the Power-up phase, no extra discards required.
✦ 3 normal attacks in a row ... 1 Ace ✦ 4 normal attacks in a row ... 2 Aces ✦ 5 normal attacks in a row ... 3 Aces ✦ 6 normals (Valerie only) ... 4 Aces
Extra Costs
Some moves let you discard extra cards to pump up your damage. These extra cards do count as part of your combo, but they don’t cost extra combo points. Some Ace moves have mandatory costs that require you to discard extra Aces as soon as you reveal an Ace in combat.
During combat, you and your opponent each play a card face down, then reveal them simultaneously. Most cards have a di fferent move at each end, and the end toward your opponent is your choice that turn.
What Beats What?
✦Attacks beat throws then let you combo.
✦Throws beat blocks and dodges then usually let you combo.✦Blocks stop attacks and Jokers. When you block an attack or Joker, draw a card. As long as you don’t lose combat, return your block card to your hand.
✦Dodges avoid attacks and Jokers and let you retaliate with a single attack or throw (any attack or throw you do becomes
an Ender).
✦Jokers beat attacks and throws and let you search your deck for up to two Aces.Speed (tie-breaker)
Between two attacks or two throws, the faster speed wins
(lower speed stat is faster). If both attacks have the same
speed, they both hit and deal damage, but no further combos
or damage pumps are allowed. If two throws have the same
speed, neither throw hits; discard them both.
When you hit with an attack or throw, you can play a combo.
Each move lists its combo points and a character can only do a
combo as big as his Combo Limit each turn .Knockdowns
Moves with this icon knock down if you do not follow up with a combo afterwards. When you are knocked down, next combat you cannot dodge and you can be
hit by mixup normals (can’t block odd numbered normal attacks (#s 2 - 10) with even numbered blocks, and vice versa).
✦Re mo ve yo ur Ch ara cte r C ard fro
m yo ur
de ck an d s et it a sid e f or ref ere nc e.✦Sh u ffle y ou r d eck , th en dr aw 7 c
ard s.
✦Pla y a ca rd fac e d ow n w ith yo ur
de sire d
mo ve on th e e dg e o f th e c ard to wa
rd the
op po ne nt (he do es the sa me ). W he
n b oth
car ds ar e d ow n, rev ea l th em .
✦Se e w ho wi ns the pa pe r (att ack ), r
oc k
(thr ow ), s cis sor s (blo ck /do dg e ) e xch an ge .
✦If y ou lan d a n a tta ck or
thr ow , yo u c an
co mb o m ore ca rds un til yo u r ea ch yo
ur ch ara cte r’s Co mb o L im it o r d o a n E
nd er.
✦If y ou lo se co mb at, yo u c an pl ay
a J ok er or
blu ff ca rd fac e d ow n, the n r ev ea l an
dis car d i t a fte r th e o pp on en t finis he
s h is
co mb o. C ard s p lay ed wh ile yo ur Jok
er is
fac e d ow n w on ’t d am ag e y ou .✦Aft er co mb at, yo u c an Po we r-u p b
ret rie vin g A ces if y ou pl aye d a str aig
ht or
dis car d a pa ir o r th ree or fo ur-of-a-k
ind .
✦Sta rt t he ne xt tur n a nd fro m no w on
dra w on e c ard at th e s tar t o f e ac h t
urn .
Combo Rules ✦An Ender makes your combo end immediately.✦ A Starter can only start a combo.
✦After a Linker , you can combo any normal
attack or any Linker or Ender. A Linker can be
used at any point in a combo.
✦Can’t Combo cards cannot precede or follow
any other attacks or throws.
✦You can chain combo normal attacks in
increasing sequential order (e.g.: 2,3,4,5; face cards and Aces aren’t normal attacks.)Rewind Time (avoid combos)If you lose combat and further hits are possible, you
can play a card face down, then the opponent
continues his combo. When he’s finished, you reveal and discard your face-down card.
If it was a Joker, you don’t take damage from any cards the opponent played while your Joker was face down, and you draw 2 cards. If it was a non-Joker, it was just a blu ff that has no e ffect. Playing a non-Joker this way can trick the opponent into stopping his combo early.
Special Abilities
Each character has an innate ability on his character card. Each deck also has two or three other special abilities with four copies each. Special abilities are in a brown-bordered box in the middle of those cards.
Initiative and Timing
Occasionally you and your opponent might want to play abilities at the same time. The player who started the turn with the lower life total has initiative for the turn and has the first chance to play abilities at each step. If your life totals are tied as the turn starts, play rock, paper, scissors to determine who has initiative that turn.
Abilities resolve immediately when they are played unless they are countered. Play as many abilities as you want in a row, then your opponent gets a chance to play his. Go back and forth this way until you both pass, then you must go to the next step.
Countering Abilities
A few abilities can “counter.” Play the counter after the opponent plays any activation costs, then prevent and undo the entire ability (including costs), as if it never happened. Your opponent discards the ability card if he played it from his hand.
Yomi: Fighting Card Game is a simple competitive card game that simulates a battle between two characters. Each deck represents one character and doubles as a regular deck of playing cards.Your deck has 56 cards: 52 poker cards with markings to play Yomi, 2 Jokers, 1 character card, and 1 rules card. The 2 - 10 cards are attacks, blocks, dodges, and throws. Face cards are special moves, while Aces are super moves. Most cards have a di fferent move along the top and bottom edges.
“Yomi” is Japanese for “reading,” as in reading the mind of the opponent. The Yomi card game is designed to distill the high-level
mind games from fighting game tournaments into a simple card game that, itself, stands up to serious tournament play.
Yomi teaches you to pay attention to small clues that indicate how people think and act. Developing your Yomi skills might give you an edge in other games and even in other areas of life.
Object of the Game The object of the game is to reduce the opponent’s hit points to zero through winning combats and performing combos.Fighting Card Game
Tur n S tru ctu re
(simu ltane ous f or bo th pl ayers )Draw Pha se (skip on first tu rn)✦Draw a car d
Com bat P hase
✦Play a fac e-do wn c ard
✦Reve al co mbat card s sim ultan eous ly ✦Dete rmin e com bat w inner
✦Lose r can play face -dow n Jok er to avoid mor e dam age, or a b lu ff card , or di scard his c omb at ca rd to sign ify he’s s kippi ng th is ste p
✦Winn er pla ys co mbo s if ap plica ble ✦Reve al, di scard Joke r/blu ff card ✦Disca rd re main ing c omb at ca rds a t end o f com bat Powe r-up Phas e
✦Disca rd pa irs, 3-of-a-kinds , or 4-of-a -kinds to se arch for A ces.
✦Searc h for mor e Ace s if yo u hit with a cha in co mbo this turn.
To learn more about Yomi, visit
Something on this page...
If you successfully attack or throw , you can continue to combo until you do an Ender or use all your combo points for the turn.
When you block an attack or Joker, draw a card. Return the block card to your hand at the end of combat unless you were thrown or hit by mixup normals after a knockdown.When you dodge an attack or Joker, you may hit back with any single attack or throw . (It becomes an Ender.)
If you end your combo with a knockdown move, the opponent can’t dodge and can be hit by mixup normals next turn.
Mixup normals: you can’t block an odd-numbered normal attack (#2-10) with an even-numbered block, and vice versa.
Q u
i c k
r e
f e r e n c e
Yomi Rules
Sirlin Games
1) How does blocking
A: Blocking lets you build up more
cards. When you block, you only discard
your block card if the opponent throws. If he attacks, blocks, dodges, or plays a Joker, then you return your block card to your hand at the end of combat. Also, you draw an extra card if he attacked or played a Joker in combat.
2) Is block damage considered a “hit” by the rules?
A: No. If you attack and the opponent blocks, even if he takes block damage (the number in the blue shield) he did not get “hit” but he did “block an attack” and take “block damage.”Dodging
3) How does dodging work?
A: Dodging an attack or Joker lets you hit back with one move. Unlike a block, when you dodge you always discard your dodge card at the end of combat. If the opponent attacked or played a Joker in combat, you can play any attack or throw from your hand. It doesn’t matter if that attack or throw is a Starter, Linker, Ender, or Can’t Combo; no matter which combo type the move says it is, it becomes an Ender if you play it after a dodge. You can choose to play an Ace move that costs multiple Ace cards if you like. You can also pump your move up (additional discards for additional damage) if the move normally allows this.
4) If I play a dodge accidentally when knocked down or when Midori’s innate ability says I can’t, what happens? A: You discard your dodge card and any attack, throw, or Joker your opponent played will hit you.
Chain Combos
5) How do chain combos work?
A: A chain is a series of normal attacks (not face cards or Aces) that are in increasing, sequential order. For example, a combo of 3,4,5, Jack contains a chain combo (the 3,4,5 part). Each card’s help text reminds you which cards you can combo after it. If your combo contains a chain combo of at least 3 hits (in increasing, sequential order) then you can search your deck or discard pile for an Ace during the Powerup phase. If it contains a 4-hit chain, you can search for 2 Aces; a 5-hit chain lets you search for 3 Aces; a 6-hit chain (only possible with Valerie) lets you search for all 4 Aces.
6) When can I use the Rewind Time ability on Jokers to avoid damage?
A: The actual rules of Rewind Time are: “When you lose combat and further combat damage is possible, you may play a card from your hand face down. After the opponent finishes his combo, reveal and discard your card. If you revealed a Joker, moves your opponent played while it was face down don't damage you. If you prevented any damage this way, draw 2 cards.”
“Further combat damage is possible” means you can play your face-down card if you lose to a dodge, or an attack or throw that’s a Starter, Linker, or normal attack. You cannot play the face-down card if you lose to a block, or to a non-pumpable Ender or Can’t Combo move. If you lose to a move that’s pumpable (it allows extra discards for optional damage), you can play a face-down card even if the move was an Ender or Can’t Combo move.
7) If my opponent uses a Rewind Time Joker to prevent some damage from my combo, does it cancel other effects that happened during my combo also?
A: No. Jokers only prevent damage from combos, not other effects that happen along the way such as chain combos earning you the right to search for Aces, knockdowns, etc.
8) Do Jokers count as wild cards for purposes of pairs or straights?
A: No. Jokers never count as wild cards in Yomi.
9) What if both players play a Joker as their face-down combat move?
A: The Jokers hit each other and each player gets the effect of searching for 2 Aces from his deck or discard pile.
10) Can I discard two Jokers or two Aces to get an Ace during the Powerup Phase?
A: Yes you can, but it’s unusual that you’d want to. Knockdowns
11) How do knockdowns work?
A: To knock the opponent down, end your combo with a knockdown move (a move that has the knockdown symbol). Most throws can knock down, so let’s say Grave throws his opponent. Grave can now choose to continue his combo with more attacks (he won’t get the knockdown in this case), or he can stop so that the throw ends his combo (he does knock down the opponent in this case).
When you knock down the opponent, next combat (next turn), his defenses are weakened. He can’t dodge at all (if he tries, the dodge does nothing and he discards it). Also, he can’t block your odd numbered normal attacks with an even numbered block, and vice versa. For example, if he tries to block your 3 attack with a 10 block, he gets hit. He discards the block card and doesn’t draw a card from blocking. Playing No-card
12) Can I choose to play no card at all during combat? A: Yes, though it’s almost always a very bad choice. Announce “no-card” if you don’t want to play a card during combat. If the opponent already played a face down combat card, he can return it to his hand and make a new choice. (This is necessary because otherwise you would always want to stall and make the opponent play first in case you wanted to play no-card.)
No-card loses to all other options. Attacks, throws, and Jokers hit you; dodges allow the opponent to hit you with a single attack; and blocks let the opponent draw a card (and return the block card to his hand).
If you play no-card, you can still play abilities after combat, and you can still play Rewind Time Jokers to cancel the damage of the opponent’s combo, if you like.
13) What if I play an Ace move that requires me to immediately reveal more Aces, but I don’t have any more Aces in my hand?
A: This is an illegal play. In a casual game, your opponent might be nice enough to let you take back your move and you can start that turn’s combat over again. In a serious match, you reveal your hand to show that you don’t have enough
Aces. If your hand DOES have enough Aces, you must play the Ace move you used in combat. If you hand does NOT have enough Aces, your penalty is that you discard the Ace you played in combat, then you must play no-card. The opponent can then re-choose his combat move and hit you with anything he wants.
14) What if I run out of cards in my deck?
A: This question really doesn’t matter because it’s not going to happen. If it does, no special rule is needed. Keep playing as usual without drawing. If you run out of cards in hand too, simply play your only legal move each turn--no-card--and you will almost certainly lose. If both players run out of cards in deck and in hand, an event more unlikely than a meteor destroying the Earth during your match, then the winner is the player with the highest life total (or a draw if the totals are equal).
15) Can I play abilities that trigger “after the draw phase” on the first turn?
A: No. There is no draw phase on the first turn, and you can’t play any abilities that trigger after the draw phase on the first turn.16) Can I play multiple copies of an ability in a row? A: Yes if each copy comes from a different card. For example, if you have three of Valerie’s Burst of Speed ability cards in your hand, you could play all three of them in a row to get the effect three times. (Similarly, you could play one, let the opponent play an ability, then play your other two.)
17) When I search for Aces during the Powerup Phase, can I choose to get fewer Aces than I’m entitled to?
A: If there are Aces in your discard pile, you must “find” them. If you are searching for a number of Aces greater than the number in your discard pile, you do not have to “find” the extra ones. To save time, if you would search your deck for “zero Aces,” don’t actually look through it or shuffle it.
Combo Examples
Here are examples of valid and invalid combos using Grave’s deck:
[3 attack] [4 attack] [5 attack]
[3 attack] [5 attack] [6 attack]
[4 attack] [4 attack] [5 attack] [6 attack]
These are invalid combos because normal attacks can only be comboed
together in direct ascending order.
(Note: Valerie's character ability lets her ignore this rule.)
[8 throw] [2 attack] [3 attack]
[8 throw] [2 attack] [3 attack] [4 attack]
[7 throw] [A True-Spark Arc]
[7 throw] [AAA True Power of Storms]
Both of these invalid combos exceed Grave's total combo point limit. Each invalid combo listed needs 5 combo points but Grave’s combo point limit is 4. (For reference: Grave’s throw costs 2 combo points, his normal attacks cost 1 combo point, True-Spark Arc costs 2 combo points, and True Power of Storms costs 3 combo points.)
[6 attack] [Dragonheart]
[Dragonheart] [6 attack]
This is an invalid combo because the Dragonheart is an Ender. Playing an Ender ends a combo even if you have combo points left.
[9 throw] [4 attack] [5 attack]
[4 attack] [5 attack] [9 throw]
This is an invalid combo because the throw is a Starter. A Starter can only be the first move of a combo. (You need to play it as your face-down combat card.)
[2 attack] [Whirlwind] [6 attack]
This is a valid combo. Whirlwind is a Linker, so it can connect other valid combo parts as long as you have the combo points.
[Whirlwind]+[another Whirlwind as a pump] [5 attack] [Lightning Cloud]
This is another valid combo. Cards discarded to pump the damage of another card do not count towards your spent combo points.
Character-Specific Questions
1) When I use Martial Mastery, do I
have to discard one of the two cards I
just drew, or can I discard any card in
my hand?
A: You can discard any card in your hand;
it does not have to be one of the two
cards you just drew.
2) How does the timing of Grave’s character ability work? A: When you block an attack, first draw a card from blocking, then you may reveal a card for his character ability (not the card you blocked with though, return that to your hand at the end of combat). Next turn, if you play the card you revealed in combat, you can search for a Queen as soon as your combat card is revealed. This happens at the same time you pay mandatory costs for Aces, which is before the winner of the combat is determined.
3) Can Setsuki use Smoke Bomb to counter Grave’s character ability?
A: She can Smoke Bomb as you activate your ability when you reveal a card to cancel the effect of your ability. But if she does not Smoke Bomb at this point and you reveal a card, then play that card in combat next turn, she cannot use Smoke Bomb at that point. It’s too late because you can only counter an ability as it’s activated, not later.
1) Can I return cards to my hand with
Burning Vigor that I discarded to
pump up my attacks?
A: Yes. Optional discards to pump up your
Queens, Kings, and Aces can be returned
to your hand with Burning Vigor.
2) If I attack but do not hit my
opponent, can I still return my attack card (or two cards in the case of my Ace’s “Letter J”) to my hand with Burning Vigor?
A: Yes.
3) Can I return Unstable Power to my hand using Burning Vigor?
A: No, not if you played it as an ability card. Burning Vigor only lets you return cards that were part of your combo, not ability cards. You could return Unstable Power or Smoldering Embers to your hand if you discarded them to pump the damage of your Queen though.
4) Can I dodge or throw, then play attacks and return them to my hand with Burning Vigor?
A: No. This ability does not trigger unless ATTACK was your Rock/Paper/Scissors choice in combat.
6) Does a Joker (Rewind Time) somehow prevent me from activating Burning Vigor?
A: No.
7) If I play Unstable Power to rotate my Ace into the “Letter J” super, do I still have to pay the mandatory cost of discarding an additional Ace?
A: No, mandatory costs are paid when combat cards are revealed, before any abilities can be played (or as soon as you play an Ace from your hand if you play it later in a combo). As long as mandatory costs are paid when your combat card is revealed, rotating it does not change the mandatory cost. This also means that if you reveal the “Letter J” super and pay the extra Ace, then rotate it with Unstable Power, that you paid the extra Ace for no real benefit.
8) If I use Unstable Power to rotate my combat card and I hit the opponent, can I still pay optional costs to pump up my attack?
A: Yes, you may pay optional costs as you normally would. 9) If I use Unstable Power to rotate my dodge to become an attack, can I activate Burning Vigor this turn?
A: Yes. Burning Vigor triggers “if you attacked this turn.” This means it triggers if the combat action you locked-in for purposes of resolving combat was an attack. Conversely, if you reveal an attack as your combat action, but then an effect (such as Unstable Power) changes your combat action to something else (like a dodge), then you dodged this turn, and you did not attack. Burning Vigor would not trigger in that case.
10) If I have multiple copies of Burning Embers in my discard pile, do they all trigger if the opponent dodges? A: Yes.
11) What if someone counters Unstable Power or Burning Vigor?
A: You get back the 10 life cost of Unstable Power when it’s countered because all costs are rewound as if they never happened. Only Setsuki can counter Burning Vigor, and the legal time to counter it is when you announce which cards you would return to your hand. Countering once prevents all activations of Burning Vigor that turn.
1) What happens if I am in Dragon
Form and my opponent tries to dodge
my attack?
A: He gets hit and discards his dodge card.
2) Does playing a dodge, block, or
Joker (Gold Burst) end Dragon Form?
A: No. Only playing a non-Dragon throw or
a non-Dragon attack as your combat card, or getting thrown will end Dragon Form.
3) Can Grave, Setsuki, and Argagarg use their counters to stop my Dragon Form?
A: Yes, if they counter it right away as you play your Dragon Form card. Counters only work against abilities as they are played though, so they cannot counter your Dragon Form once it’s active.
1) Are there some character abilities
that Smoke Bomb cannot counter?
A: Yes. Smoke Bomb cannot counter
Valerie’s or Midori’s character abilities
(those abilities say that on the cards).
2) What happens and what doesn’t
happen when I counter an ability with
Smoke Bomb?
A: When you counter an ability, prevent and undo all of its costs and effects, as if it never happened. Your opponent discards the ability card if he played it from his hand. You play this after they pay any costs to activate, but then the opponent gets his costs refunded when you counter.
1) How does the Joker (Rewind Time)
interact with Rock Armor?
A: After you activate Rock Armor, you can
play your face-down Joker or bluff card,
then the opponent finishes his combo.
Then he can play his face-down Joker or
bluff card, then you finish your combo.
2) Can the opponent use a Joker (Rewind Time) to avoid the damage from my Stone Wall or Entangling Vines?
A: No. Rewind Time Jokers can’t prevent damage from abilities.
3) What if I block an attack with Stone Wall or Entangling Vines, but it gets countered by Smoke Bomb, Crash and Flow, or Mental Toughness?
A: Ignore the ability box and your card becomes a normal block. You do draw a card from blocking and return the block card to your hand in this case.
4) Does Entangling Vines count as a throw?
A: No. You do discard a throw card to activate it, but it counts as an ability, not as a throw, so it wouldn’t end Midori’s Dragon Form, for example.
5) How does it work when Setsuki counters Rock Armor with Smoke Bomb?
A: She must counter it just after you discard two cards of the same suit to activate it. Smoke Bomb then prevents your Rock Armor from triggering this turn, but you do return to your hand the two cards you used to activate Rock Armor. DeGrey
1) Can I activate Point, Counterpoint
multiple times in one turn?
A: No. If Point, Counterpoint were an
ability card you played from your hand,
you could play multiple copies of it, but it’s
not. It’s an ability that’s part of the card
you reveal in combat, and you can only
reveal one card in combat so you can only
trigger this ability one time per combat.
2) Can I play multiple copies of Troublesome Rhetoric on the same turn?
A: Yes. When you do this, you can name different options, or the same option, whatever you want. For example, you could play three copies of Troublesome Rhetoric on the same turn and name “block” all three times. If the opponent blocks that turn, you’ll gain 36 life.
1) When I use Agile Hands to combo
normal attacks in non-sequential
order, can I still search for Aces
during the Power-up Phase?
A: Yes, even out-of-order normal attacks
count as a chain combo for Valerie. For
example, if you attacked with a 4,6,2,2
combo, you could search for two Aces
during the Power-up Phase.
2) If I use multiple Burst of Speeds, what happens when I get to speed 0.0?
A: You cannot gain any speed past 0.0. If your attack speed is 2.2, for example, and you discard two Burst of Speeds, the first one makes your attack 0.2 and the second makes your attack 0.0.
3) Do I get to draw multiple cards with Unbounded Creativity if I play the Ace as Masterpiece?
A: No, you only draw one card for the entire Ace move, even though Masterpiece costs two Aces to play.
4) Do I get to draw a card from Unbounded Creativity if the opponent does a Rewind Time Joker against my Ace combo?
A: Yes. Jokers only prevent the damage done by combos, not other effects that happen along the way in a combo. Geiger
1) How does Time Stop work?
A: The Time Stop ability triggers when you
deal block damage with a Time Spiral
(either a Jack, Queen, or the Time Spiral
Hurricane half of an Ace). After the
opponent takes block damage, the
opponent has a chance to play a face-
down Joker or bluff card, then you have
the option of playing a throw card from your hand. If you do, the opponent doesn’t draw a card from blocking and he discards his block card at the end of combat.
This throw begins your combo, as if you played it as your combat action this turn. The throw uses combo points as usual, and the combo you do is subject to Rewind Time Jokers as usual. The Time Spiral you played to activate Time Stop does not use up combo points this turn because it’s not considered part of your combo.
2) When Temporal Distortion makes my Time Spirals cost zero combo points, can I play them even if my combo has already used all four of my combo points? A: Yes. Even if you’ve used all your combo points this turn, you can still play attacks that cost zero combo points as long as you haven’t done an Ender. (An Ender always ends your combo, regardless of how many combo points you have left.)
3) If I use Temporal Distortion, can I dodge an attack then hit back with lots of Time Spirals?
A: No. Even though your Time Spirals become Linkers, the usual rules for dodge still apply. After you dodge an attack or Joker, any attack or throw you do in response still becomes an Ender.
1) When does Roll the Dice trigger?
A: When you damage the opponent with
an attack during combat. This includes
dodging, then hitting with an attack, and
it also includes block damage when an
opponent blocks your face cards or Ace
attack. It does not trigger from your Ace’s
Blackjack ability though (that’s an ability
on a dodge, not an attack).
2) Can Roll the Dice trigger more than one time per combat?
A: No.
3) If I use Roll the Dice and get a 4-10, what does it mean when it says I get to return any face cards I played this turn if I attacked?
A: If you damage the opponent with an attack in combat, you can return to your hand any face cards you used as part of your combo, even face cards you used to pump an attack.。
