九年级英语上册 Module 1 Wonders of the world随堂练习 (新版)外研版-
![九年级英语上册 Module 1 Wonders of the world随堂练习 (新版)外研版-](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c6995dd185254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f316c6.png)
Module 1 Unit 1随堂小练I. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。
1. There are all kinds of living things in the n______ world.2. The Great Wall is one of the w______ of the world.3. They are having a d______ about their travel.4. He is talking with his friend in a l______ voice.5. T______ he was ill, he still went to school.II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. The earth ______ (move) around the sun.2. Yesterday afternoon they ______ (play) football with their English teacher.3. Look! Jim and Tom ______ (run) there.4. It ______ (rain) when they left the station.5. We ______ (have) a meeting tomorrow afternoon.6. I ______ (live) here since 1998.7. I ______ (see) that film 3 times so I won’t go with you today.8. Tom and Tony couldn’t ______ (swim) when they were 14 years old.9. There ______ (be) a table and two chairs in Jenny’s room.10. She usually ______ (do) her homework in the evening.III. 选词组并用其正确形式填空(有两个多余词组)。
Unit 1 随堂小测试 1Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语意思,用正确的单词填空.1。
I don’t believe some people are (天生的) clever。
Wisdom (智慧) comes from experience。
2. In (总的), Eric is a creative boy。
I don’t think life is like a (竞赛). It is more like a journey。
Steve Jobs was a great (开拓者)。
And because of his great success, Apple can go further.5. South Korea has taken the (领先地位) in ship—building.Ⅱ。
Tom was punished by his parents for his (careless)。
2. After several (miss) he finally hit the target (目标)。
The job (it)is exciting,but the working condition needs improving。
4. Mr Wu is a good teacher and he has (devote) himself to his work.5。
We must make a careful plan before we start, because we can’t afford (make) any mistakes。
单项选择( ) 1. — Will Andy achieve success in the contest?— Of course。
His works always .A. agree B。
shout C. come D. show( ) 2. - Your job is your standard this time, Eric。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit1 随堂小测(练习题)
![【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit1 随堂小测(练习题)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/484e4417bfd5b9f3f90f76c66137ee06eff94e3a.png)
人教版九年级全一册Unit1 随堂小测(1069)1.If yo u wa n t to be a g o od te ac he r,yo u sh o u ld be with s tud e n ts .()A.p a tie n tB.su r p r is edC.ne r vo u sD.u n f r ien d ly2.c a re f u l yo u a re,mis ta k e s yo u will ma k e.()A.T he mo r e; the le s sB.T he mo r e; th e f e we rC.T he le s s; th e les sD.T he le s s; th e fe we r3.M y p a r en ts ta u gh t me ho w to s p en d mo n e y .T he y d id n't wa n t me to wa s te mo ne y.()A.lo u d lyB.ca r e le s s lyC.wis e lyD.h a pp ily4.—Co u ld I b o r r o w yo u r d ic tion a r y—Su r e,h e re yo u a re.Yo u c an us e it to n e w wor d s.()A.lo o k u pB.loo k d o wnC.loo k o u tD.lo o k a f te r5.Wh e the r we'll g o on a p icn ic to mo r r o w th e wea th e r.()A.g e ts o nB.de pe n d s onC.g ive s u pD.tak e s u p6.Th e c o ff e e is ho t th a t I c an't d r in k it u p.()A.su chB.soC.tooD.e n ou gh7.I h a ve two ro o ms,bu t I d on't k n o w .()A.to live; to ch oo s e wh ic h o n eB.to live in; wh ich one to ch oo s eC.live; wh ich on e to ch o o seD.to live in; to c ho o se wh ich on e8.D o n't g ive u p..So ke e p on p ra c tic in g,a nd yo u'll ma k e g r ea t p ro g r es s.()A.It's a p ie c e of c ak eB.It s e r ve s yo u r ig h tC.U s e it o r lo s e itD.P r a c tice ma k e s p e r fe c t9.Fil ms p r o vid e mo r e t h a n ju s t fu n.Fo r ma n y p e o p le,wa tch ing f o r e ig n la n gu ag e f ilms is a wa y to d e ve lo p their la ng u ag e s k ills.11 s o me mig h t me e t with d iff ic u lti e s when wa tc h ing a f ilm.If yo u a r e o n e o f th e m,I'd l ik e to g ive yo u s o me12to h e lp yo u g e t th e mo s t f u n o u t of wa tc h ing a f ilm in En g lis h.C ho o se a f ilm t h a t y ou13.If yo u lik e ac tio n f ilms,wa tc h an a c tio n f ilm,lik e S ta r Wa r s.If yo u lik e co me d ie s,wa tc h a co me d y—a n yt h in g with H ug h G ra n t (a B r itish a c to r)in a lwa ys p r o vid e sa(n)14 !It's s imp le e no u gh.C ho o se so me t h in g t ha t yo u a re f a milia r(熟悉的) w it h.It's b e s t to15with s o me th ing s imp le.In th is wa y,yo u c an u nd e r s tan d th e f ilmmo r e16 .D isn ey f i lms s u c h a s T h e L io n K ing an d Tan g led ar e c la s s ice x a mp le s.O th e r c a rto o n s s u ch a s U p a nd T h e L eg o M o v ie a re a ls o en jo ya b le.A s k f r ien ds17ad v ic e.P e r ha p s yo u r f r ie n d s ha ve a lr e ad y s e e n so me E ng lis h f ilms.If s o,18 ma y b e a b le to te ll yo u wh a t f ilms a r e in te re s tin g.I f y ou n e ed t o,u s e t h e su b t it le s(字幕).Fo r b e g in n e rs,su b title s a r e ve r y 19.It's O K to u s e su b title s in yo u r o wnla n g ua g e.B u t fo r mo r e ad va n ce d(高阶的) le a r ne r s,wh y n o t 20 u s in g E ng lis hs u b title s?In th is way,yo u c a n c o nn e c t the m with the wo r d s sp ok e n on th e s c re e n,a nd it c a n h e lp yo u d e ve lop yo u r la n gu a ge f u r the r.(1)A.IfB.B u tC.B ec a u seD.S o(2)A.s ig n sB.the me sC.ad vic eD.p r e s su r e(3)A.n o tic eB.p la yC.en jo yD.ma r k(4)u ghB.se r vic eC.an s we rD.h o pe(5)A.sh a r eB.ch e ckC.ta lkD.s ta r t(6)A.fa ir lyB.pa tie n tlyC.luc k ilyD.e a s ily(7)A.fo rB.inC.f ro mD.o n(8)A.weB.the yC.heD.sh e(9)A.h a r d e f u lC.na tu r a lD.b o r ing(10)A.ima g ineB.d isc u s sC.co n s id e rD.a llo w10.You ma y f e e l c u r iou s ab o u t s tu de n ts in oth e r co u n tr ie s: D o th ey a ls o h a ve s o mu chh o me wo r k?Wh a t do th e y d o in th e ir sp a r e time?O n Ap r il 8,a re po r t c a me o u t o n th e live s o f h ig h s c h o o l s tu d e n t s i n C h i n a,J a p a n,S o u th Ko r e a an d th e US.It s u r ve ye d a r o u nd 6,200 s tu d en ts f r om th e f o u r co un tr ie s las t ye a r.Yo u will f in d th e an s we r s to ma n y o f yo u r q u e s tion s in th is r e po r t.W h o s tu d ie s ha r de s tC h ine s e s tu de n ts s pe nd th e mo s t time s tu d yin g.Ne a r ly h a lf o f Ch in e s e s tud e n ts s pe nd mo r e th a n two ho u r s o n th e ir h o me wo r k e ve r y d a y.T h a t's mu c h mo r e th a n s tu d en ts o f the U S (26.4%),J a p an(8.2%) a nd S o u th Ko r ea(5.2%).W h o s le ep s mo s t o f ten in c la s sJ ap an e s e s tud en ts fa ll a s le e p in c la s s mo s t o f te n.A b ou t 45% o f th em s a id th e y s o me time s d o z e o ff (打瞌睡) in c la s s.In So u th Ko r e a,it's 32%; in th e US,21%; a n d 5% in Ch in a.S o u th Ko r e a n s tu de n ts d on't lik e ta k in g n o tes.Ab ou t 70% sa id th ey wr i te d o wn wh a t th e te a c he r sa ys in c la s s,mu c h f e we r tha n in J ap a n (93%),C h in a (90%) an d the US (89%).W h o is the mo s t d is tra c te d(分心的)?A me r ic a n s tud en ts a r e n o t o n ly th e m o s t a c tive in c la s s,bu t a ls o the mo s t d is tr a c ted: 64.2% s a id th e y c h a t with f r ie n d s in c las s; 46.9% sa id th e y e a t sn a ck s in c la s s; a n d 38.9% s a id th e y s e n d e-ma ils o r r e a d u n re la te d(无关的) b oo k s in c las s.W h a t d o th e y d o a f ter s c h oo lIn th e ir s p a r e time,mo s t C h in e se s tu de n ts s tu d y o r s u r f th e In te r n e t.Mo s t A me r ic a n s tu d en ts h a ng o u t with th e ir f r ien d s.M o s t J a p a ne s e s tud en ts d o phys ic a l e xe r c is e.M o s t S o u th Ko r e a n s tu de n ts wa tc h TV.(1)In th e r ep o r t,who s tu d ie s ha r de s t?()A.J a p an e se s tud e n ts.B.C h in e s e s tu de n ts.C.A me r ic a n s tud e n ts.D.S ou th Ko r e an s tud en ts.(2)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a c co r d in g to th e p a ss a ge()A.93% o f J a pa n e se s tu d en ts lik e ta k ing n o te s in c la s s.B.Mo s t C h in e s e s tu den ts d o ph ys ic a l e x e r c is e a f te r c la s s.C.38.9% o f A me r ic a n s tu d en ts ta lk with f r ien d s in c la ss.D.S ou th Ko r e an s tud en ts f a ll a s le e p in c la s s mo s t o f te n.(3)In C h in a,h o w ma n y s tu d e n ts fa ll a s leep in c la s s?()A.45%.B.32%.C.21%.D.5%.(4)W ha t do mo s t A me r ic a n s tu d en ts do in the ir f r e e time?()A.Do ph ys ic a l e x e r c ise.B.S tu d y o r s u r f th e Inte r n e t.C.Wa tch TV.D.Ha n g o u t with the ir f r ie n d s.(5)W ha t is the a r tic le a b ou t()A.It is a re p o r t a bo u t th e s tud e n ts' le s s o n s in f ou r co u n tr ies.B.It is a n a r tic le a bo ut th e s tud en ts' s tu d y a n d lif e in f ou r c o un tr ie s.C.It is a s to r y a b o u t stu d e n ts' s p o r ts a f te r cla s s.D.It te lls u s th a t A me r ic a n s tu d en ts do n't li k e s tud yin g.11.最近,学校就天空英语俱乐部的英语学习内容设置做了意向调查(调查结果见下面图表)。
新人教版初三英语上册unit1随堂检测试题 .doc
![新人教版初三英语上册unit1随堂检测试题 .doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e1c1ad1ce45c3b3566ec8b01.png)
It was a warm April day when a big fat envelope came in the mail from the only college I had ever imagined attending. I tore open the packet. My eyes were fixed on the word congratulations. I dont remember ever smiling so wide.Then I looked at my financial(财政的) package.The cost of Dream Schools tuition(学费), room and board was around $40,000 - an impossible sum! How could I afford to attend? What good reasons did I have to go there when three other fine colleges were offering me free tuition? My other choices were good, solid schools even if they werent as famous as my first choice.In my mind, attending my dream university would be the only way to realize my dream of becoming a world-class writer. My parents understood how I felt. They told me that even though it would be a financial problem, I could go wherever I would be happiest. But as I was always careful with money, I wasnt sure what to do.One of the schools that offered me a full ride had an informational dinner one night in the spring. Considering my parents financialdifficulties, I decided to drive the 45 minutes and attend. At first, all I had planned to do was smile politely, eat free food, and listen quietly. But I surprised myself.At dinner the president of the university talked about the wonderful activities on campus(校园) including guest lectures and social gatherings. He also made it perfectly clear that free food would be offered at all future events. He continued with explanations of professors, class sizes, activities, and sporting events on campus. As he spoke, I began to realize that this school, though not as good as my first choice, might be the best one for me. It seemed small yet with many great programs. It seemed challenging yet caring.As the president ended his speech, we clapped politely and pushed back our chairs. As I walked out that door, a feeling of comfort washed over me. Looking at the campus that night, I realized that I would be spending the next four years right there.In all honesty, my university is not as well-known as my dream university. However, it turned out to be the right choice of schools for me.56. How did the author feel when he started to read the letter?A. He was full of joy.B. He was lost in his dream.C. He was worried about the money.D. He was uncertain which school to go to.57. We can learn from the passage that the parents were _______.A. honestB. strictC. supportiveD. decisive58. In Paragraph 5, offered me a full ride can be replaced by________.A. would pay for transport to the schoolB. would show me around the campusC. would offer free meals at all eventsD. would charge me nothing for tuition59. What does the author mainly want to say?A. Your second-choice college may actually be your best fit.B. You should consider comfort in your choice of schools.C. You should try your best to attend your dream school.D. Your choice of schools should be based on their fame.以上就是为大家带来的新人教版初三英语上册unit1随堂检测试题,希望大家能够重视英语课下测试,这样才能在做题中提高自己对知识的掌握水平。
外研版英语九年级上册Module 1 Unit 3随堂练习题
![外研版英语九年级上册Module 1 Unit 3随堂练习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4d63a5c2dc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb770b388e.png)
Module 1 Unit 3I. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空词数不限。
1. Mary ____________ (害怕)snakes when she was young.2. We’re ____________ (盼望) visiting the palace n ext week.3. We haven’t found any life on other planets____________ (到目前为止).4. If you get up early tomorrow morning, you____________ (将能够) see the sunrise.5. It gets cold when the sun _____ (落山).II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. He said he ______ (stay) here for another two days.2. The doctor said Jim must ______ (operate) on at once.3. We ______ (have) lunch when suddenly someone knocked at the door.4. You ______ (watch) TV after supper, aren’t you?5. Can you tell me if it ______ (snow) tomorrow?6. My teacher often ______ (tell) us not to play in the street.7. The teacher said that the earth ______ (move) around the sun.8. Could you tell me where Alice ______ (live)? 9. Look!Someone ______ (lie) on the floor.10. Use your head and you ______ (find) a better way.III. 选词组并用其正确形式填空(有两个多余词组)。
九年级英语Unit1 Section A 随堂练习(含答案)
![九年级英语Unit1 Section A 随堂练习(含答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/09d3dace580216fc710afd42.png)
九年级英语Unit1 Section A 随堂练习I.根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。
1. We have (物理)on Tuesday and Friday.2. I sent her flowers as a(n) (表达方式) of thanks.3. Mr. Wang wrote a book about (语法) last year.4. Can you make a (句子) according to this picture?5. What's the (秘诀)of learning Chinese well?6. Tom is a good teacher and he is (有耐心的) with us.II.根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词完成下列句子,有的需要变换形式。
conversation, textbook, aloud, chemistry, discover, repeat1. Please read so that I can hear you.2. Miss Li her words, but I still couldn't follow her.3. The teacher had a with him about his plans about the future.4. I think math is as important as .5. There are many pictures in this .6. They tried to what happened in the street.III.按要求完成下面的句子。
每空一词(含缩形式)1. My writing improved by writing to pen friends.(改为一般疑问句)your writing by writing to pen friends?2.The girl keeps diary in English once a week.(对划线部分提问)does the girl keep diary in English?3. Jane hid behind the tree just now.(改为否定句)Jane behind the tree just now.4.Bill learns French by listening to tapes.(对划线部分提问)Bill learn French?5. This question was very difficult. We couldn’t answer it.(合并成一个句子)This question was difficult we couldn’t answer it. IV.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。
人教版初三英语上册Unit 1随堂练习
![人教版初三英语上册Unit 1随堂练习](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8ea44e1176c66137ee061970.png)
unit1第一课时1.Look up its right ________ (pronounce) in the dictionary when you meet a new word. 2.Have you ever________ (speak) to foreigners?3.The little girl learns Japanese by________ (watch) some Japanese cartoons.4.What about________ (read) the textbook together?5.The teacher spoke so________ (quick)that I couldn't follow every word.6.Please make a s________ with these words. 7.You must be p________.It will take you a long time to learn it.8.Please read a________ so that everyone in the classroom can hear you.9.I had a long telephone c________ with Jane last night.We both enjoyed the talk.10.Bill needs his history t________ for his next class,but he can't find it.11.—________ do you study for a test?—________ working with friends.A.How;In B.How;ByC.Why;By D.What;In12.—Have you ever practiced your writing by sending emails in English?—Yes.I've learned ________ that way.A.a lot of B.lots of C.a lot D.many 13.Mary thought math was________difficult________learn well. A.too;to B.so;that C.such;that D.so;to14.You have to be________and wait until I finish my work.(2015,广西梧州)A.strict B.patient C.honest D.active 15.—As a student,we should study hard. —Yes.________we study,________result we'll get.A.The hard;the good B.The harder;the best C.The hard;the better D.The harder;the better16.他的普通话不好,理解他的话有点难。
九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Know yourself随堂小测试2 (新版)牛津版
![九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Know yourself随堂小测试2 (新版)牛津版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/277aba06376baf1ffc4fadf0.png)
Unit 1 随堂小测试 2Ⅰ. 根据情境和首字母提示,填入恰当的单词完成对话。
(M=Mary, W=Wendy)M: Can you tell me something about Chinese animal signs?W: Sure. In our Chinese lunar (1)c , there are twelve animal signs. Each animal sign represents a year.M: Do they (2)a in order?W: Yes. There is a (3)f order like a circle. The circle (4)r every 12 years. And it’s said that people born under the same animal sign have similar personalities. M: It sounds (5)l our star signs. Do you know anything about star signs?W:Yes. In your country, a year is (6)d into twelve star signs. And your personality is (7)d by your star sign. Right?M: You’ve got the point. So do you believe in animal signs or star signs?W: To be honest, I believe in (8)n of them. I think nothing but I myself can (9)s my life and future.M: I can’t agree more. What you will be (10)d on yourself.Ⅱ. 从方框里选择合适的单词或词组,并用其正确形式填空。
九年级英语Unit 1 Self Check 随堂练习(含答案)
![九年级英语Unit 1 Self Check 随堂练习(含答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/767568d3a5e9856a5712603b.png)
九年级英语Unit 1 Self Check 随堂练习I.根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。
1. Everyone in my family (watch)TV in the evening.2. My uncle (tell)me the story before.3. Listen! Many people (talk) under the tree.4. Look at the clouds. It (rain)soon.5. He said that he (travel) to China the next year.6. We (know) each other since she moved here.7. My mother (wash)clothes when I got home.8. If it is fine tomorrow, she (ride)a bike to the beach.9. Sam (meet)us at the airport tomorrow afternoon.10. Our team (win)the match this morning.II.根据句意及所给汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空。
1. What’s wrong? You look (有压力的).2. Tina (对…感兴趣) skating.3. Can you tell us (是否) the train has left.4. This car is not expensive, Why not (考虑)i?5. David enjoys dancing (也).6. We should play chess (代替) watching TV.7. (肢体语言) is not the same in differentcountries.8. Let's (查明) who broke the window.III.将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。
九年级英语人教版全册 Unit1_随堂小考(含答案)
![九年级英语人教版全册 Unit1_随堂小考(含答案)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/811941f3aaea998fcd220e93.png)
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?满分:100分时间:40分钟I. 单项选择(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)( ) 1. —I wonder how you have improved your spoken English so fast, Li Lei.—________ chatting with my foreign friend Mike. He’s been here for some time, you know.A. ByB. WithC. OnD. At( ) 2. Just be ________; you can’t lose your weight in a day.A. carefulB. patientC. honestD. brave( ) 3. Mr. Smith knows a lot about China ________ he has never been there.A. althoughB. untilC. ifD. since( ) 4. I know that boy has the ability ________ the differences between the two pictures in a short time.A. finds outB. found outC. finding outD. to find out( ) 5. —Try to sing more English songs, and you will find it interesting _______a foreign language.—That’s a good idea.A. learningB. learnsC. to learnD. learned( ) 6. —Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will by allowed to fly again, sir?—I’m afraid it’s still _______ to talk about that. We’ll see.A. late enoughB. early enoughC. too lateD. too early( ) 7. She dressed up ________ everyone night notice her.A. in order toB. in order thatC. althoughD. because of( ) 8. The ________we do for other people, the ________we will be.A. much; happierB. more; happyC. more; happierD. most; happiest( ) 9. —What’s the meaning of “One Belt and One Road”?—Let me ________ the words in the new dictionary.A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look up( ) 10. —________ joining the English club with me?—Good idea.A. Would you likeB. Why notC. What aboutD. Could you pleaseII.完形填空(共10小题;每小题3分共30分)While studying English very hard, I started to feel aches in my eyes. They got tired very quickly when I read. It was not important whether the reason for it was books or I 11 too much time sitting in front of my computer. I should 12 the solution to my problem, for my quickly tired eyes. I thought I would not waste any more time doing 13 things. I tried to find an easier way to learn more. At the same time, I needed to let my 14 have a little rest. Suddenly, a bright thought came to me. Maybe I should learn English with 15 . I started to visit some websites for ways of learning English. I was lucky to find a very simple 16 , The Internet Picture Dictionary. It tells us that we can study and repeat English words with the help of pictures. That is to say, we can write the words on the pictures and learn vocabulary with them.I was glad to spend part of my time in this way and 17 the words under the funny pictures. The right words do not 18 come to our mind quickly, so we can use the pictures to help us. I’m sure that it is a great way to make your child learn new words 19 looking at the pictures. I would provide this program 20 children and beginners to help them increase their vocabulary. Try this simple way to improve your memory.11. A. paid B. cost C. spent D. took12. A. look out B. look for C. look in D. look after13. A. necessary B. important C. useless D. meaningful14. A. eyes B. ears C. head D. hands15. A. videos B. recorders C. pictures D. dictionaries16. A. website B. problem C. method D. thought17. A. draw B. imagine C. write D. describe18. A. never B. ever C. seldom D. always19. A. at B. with C. by D. for20. A. with B. for C. at D. fromIII. 阅读理解(共5小题,每小题5分,满分25分)Since 2018, the English listening and speaking test in Beijing has to be separated from the written one. And the listening and speaking test for all students who are taking senior high school entrance exams(中考) in Beijing is becoming more and more important. The test counts for 40 points in the whole English exam. During the 30-minute test, students have to fill in blanks, answer questions and retell stories after listening to different materials.The test is taken on a computer. They can take the test twice-once in December and again in March-to try to get the gigher possible score.“It pushes us to speak. Though it was hard at the beginning, it’s a good thing,” said Liu Haoxuan, from Beijing Dayu Middle School. He got a low score when he firsttook it last term. But the kept working hard in order to improve hispronunciation and other skills. He practiced speaking in front of amirror every day. Later, he got a score of 39 in the test.Liu Tianyou, 14, from Beijing Yuying Middle School, has hisown way to prepare for the spoken English test. He uses apps to takepractice tests every day. “The apps will score your performance so that you can improve accordingly,” he said. “Also, the practice tests help me learn to take notes properly. They help me grasp topic sentences and key words.”( ) 21. What do we know about the English listening and speaking test?A. Students have to take it twice a year.B. The test was introduced many years ago.C. It counts for 40 points in the whole English exam.D. Students can get high scores in the test easily.( ) 22. What do students have to do in the test?a. Fill in blanks.b. Answer questions.c. Retell stories.d. Write stories.A. abcB. abdC. acdD. bcd( ) 23. What do we know about Liu Tianyou?A. He got a score of 39 in the test.B. He failed the English listening and speaking test.C. Think twice before acting.D. Two heads are better than one.( )24. What do we know about Liu Tianyou?A. He got a score of 39 in the test.B. He practiced for the test by using apps.C. He failed the English listening and speaking test.D. He found it hard to get a good score.( ) 25. The passage mainly talks about _______.A. the difficulties students face in learning EnglishB. the improvement of English education in BeijingC. an English class that students in Beijing have to takeD. a new English test for students of Grade 9 in BeijingIV. 书面表达(满分25分)为了鼓励大家学好英语,你们准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。
Unit 1 随堂小测试 3Ⅰ。
单项选择( ) 1。
Do you want to leave now would you rather set off later?A. or B。
and C。
but D。
so( ) 2. — I know smoking is bad for my health, I just can't give it up.— It is easier said than done.A。
for B。
or C。
but D. so( ) 3。
- The job is really too hard for us.- It’s certainly a difficult job,it’s necessary to make a careful plan before we start。
A. forB. orC. but D。
so( ) 4. - I’ve really had a bad time in the past few days.- Just let go of the past, you can start again.A. and B。
but C. because D。
or( ) 5。
— It seems that my son often refuses to communicate with me。
— Try to put yourself in his shoes,he won’t be willing to open his heart to you。
A. tillB. orC. and D。
but() 6. — John, when shall we meet again, on Thursday or Friday?— is OK。
I'll be free from Wednesday to the weekend。
牛津译林版九年级英语上册 Unit1_Reading随堂练习
![牛津译林版九年级英语上册 Unit1_Reading随堂练习](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f9727e5b9b6648d7c1c746e4.png)
Unit1 Reading随堂练习一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。
1. To be a doctor, a ______ (错误) is as good as a mile. He can’t be too careful.2. It’s necessary for the engineer of the high-speed railway to pay ______ (注意) to every detail.3. Liu Hao takes the _____ (领先地位) in making sculptures.4. If the telephone line is ______ (连接) to your computer, you can get online.5. You should ______ (尊敬) your parents and teachers.6. You may _____ (或者…或者…) leave or stay. I don’t mind.7. The bus company provided _____ (额外的) buses because there were so many people.二、单项选择1. —We have a successful opening ceremony.—Yes. Our headmaster ______ all the students ______ his good speech.A. impressed; byB. has impressed; withC. made; byD. has made; with2. You should ______ smoking. It’s really bad for your health.A. look upB. give upC. get upD. set up3.一To achieve a bright future, we should______ study hard ______ keep in good health.—I agree with you.A. not; butB. not only; but alsoC. neither; norD. either; or4.一Where are you going to stay when you get to Shanghai ?—I may live ______ in a hotel _____ in a friend’s house.A. both; andB. either; orC. neither; norD. not only ; but also5. Lei Feng devoted himself to ______ for the people all his life.A. workB. worksC. workedD. working三、根据句意,选择合适的词语完成下列句子make mistakes, search for, connect... to..., can’t... too, be suitable for, pay attention to, be ready to, impress... with..., not only...but also..., as good asl. One ______ be ______ careful in matters like this.2. We usually use the computer to ______ information.3. ______ the coast to the south and the central plains ______ the north.4. You should ______ what the teachers say in class.5. Don’t be afraid of ______ while learning English.6. I don’t know what job ______ me.7. Andy Law is _______ an actor ______ a singer.8. Huo Zun ______ the world _______ his song Juanzhulian.9. Do you know the saying “A miss is ______ a mile.”?10. Lei Feng ______ help others.四、根据汉语意思完成句子1.我们的教室和他们的一样大。
Module1 unit1 随堂测试一、从方框中选择恰当的词,并用其正确形式填空。
discuss east huge opinion high1.In my ___________ natural wonders are more exciting tha an man-made ones.2. Victoria Falls about 1.700 metres wide and 100 metres high, is___________.3. Let's join in the___________ about the wonders of the world.4. I think the Giants Causeway on the ___________ coast of northern ireland is a fantastic natural wonder.5. Can you guess the ___________of the tree?二、从方框中选择恰当的词组,并用其正确形式填空。
join in millions of more than produce electricity to some degree1.___________, it's helpful to do so.2. Why ___________ you___________ the talk last night?3. I have known him for ___________twenty year.4. The 31st Rio Olympic Games were watched by ___________people in the world.5. It ___________for people across China.三、单项选择。
1.There are ___________tourists visiting the island on May Day every year.A. two thousands ofB. two thousandsC. thousands ofD. thousand of2. The lak e near our village is ___________. It's dangerous to swim in it.A. 40 metres' deepB. 40-metre-deepC. 40 metres deepD. 40-metres-deep3. This medicine ___________millions of people's lives since it was put into use.A. is savingB. will saveC. has savedD. had saved4. —When did you become a volunteer?—Two years ago. I ___________this group since then.A.joined inB.took part itC.have joineD.have been in5. —Where are you going, John?—I'm going to the playground.—There ___________ a basketball match in ten minutes.A.is going to beB. is going to haveC. will haveD. will hold四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。
九年级第一单元英语随堂检测Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Class: Name: 一.单项选择。
1.()—_____do you study for a test?—By reading the textbooks.A.WhatB.WhyC.HowD.For what2. ( ) I always made a lot of mistakes_____gramnar.A.atB.onC.inD.with3. ( ) Some of the girls are afraid _____in class.A.to singB.singC.to singingD.singing4. ( ) When we meet some new words,we’d better_____in a dictionary.A.look out themB.look them outC.look them upD.look up them5. ( )What about______aloud to practice English?A.readingB.readC.readsD.to read6.( ) —I often listen to the song Rainbow.—So do I. It ______beautiful.A.feelsB.smellsC.sounds7.()I knockd on the door but______answered.A.somebodyB.nobodyC.anybodyD.everybody8. ( )—How can I improve my spoken English?—You have to practice____it as much as possible.A.speakB.speakingC.spokenD.to speak9. ( )Most people speak English____a second language.A.asB.forC.withD.in10.( )As a student,it is your_____to study hard.A.mistakeB.dutyC.noteD.challenge 二.单词检测。
Unit1一、单项选择1.--What is your to English learning,Li Ping?--I think watching English movies is helpful?A.placeB.ageC.timeD.secret2.Please look through your test paper again and again. careful you are, mistakes you will make.A.the more;the fewerB.the fewer;the moreC.the more;the moreD.the less;the fewer3.If you have trouble English, you should ask your classmates help.A.to learn;forB.learning;forC.to learn;toD.learning;with4.Our English teacher Mr.White is really a person.He always explains the information again and again until we understand it.A.patientB.activeC.stressedD.successful5.--do you study for a test?--I study by books and newspaper.A.What;readingB.How;readingC.What;readD.How;read6.Whether or not we can be successful our learning habits.A.depends onB.plays a role ines up withD.looks up to7.If you meet new words while reading,you can in a dictionary.A.look it upB.look up itC.look them upD.look up them8.The movie Dying To Survive is moving and popular that it has attracted many people to see it.A.calling;veryB.calling;soC.called;veryD.called;so9.I can’t my computer the Internet.There must be something wrong with it.A.keep ;away fromB.put;intoC.connect;withD.clean;off10.The on Tom’s face showed that he was very angry.A.pronunciationB.expressionC.knowledgermation二、完形填空What do you do in your free time? Surf the Internet? Watch TV? For15-year-old Wang Yan, her free time is not 1. at all. Wang Yan has a special family. Her mother can't2. and has to stay in bed all day, and her fathercan't see. So the family roles are3. . Instead of parents taking care of their child, Wang Yan has to take care of her parents. From the age of 6, Wang Yan began to cook and wash clothes for the whole family.Now Wang Yan is a 9th grade student in a school. The school is far from her home,4. she has to live at school. At school she studies very hard and every5. she comes back home and helps her parents. Being a care-giver, she cooks, washes clothes and gives her parents massages(被摩), As the only laborer(劳力)in the family, she does a lot of 6. work-weeding(除草), watering the field, growing vegetables. She7. has a busy weekend.Though the girl lives a hard life, she never feels8. . As for the future, Wang Yan hopes to go to college and then become a 9. , “If I can go to college, I will take my parents with me, “she said. “And I want to be a doctor one day. Then I will be able to help the disabled(残疾人)like my10. . “1.A. busy B. relaxing C. different2.A. walk B. run C. jump3.A. lost B. continued C. changed4.A. so B. but C. or5.A. day B. night C. weekend6.A. farm B. factory C. school7.A. never B. seldom C. always8.A. happy B. sad C. comfortable9.A. writer B. doctor C. singer10.A. parents B. teachers C. classmates三、阅读理解A篇为判断正(A)误(B),B篇为选择题,C篇为六选五。
九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 1-2随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版
![九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 1-2随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/65780833fad6195f312ba6bb.png)
九年级全册Unit1Lesson1-2 随堂基础同步练习一、单选题1.His mother ______ terrible yesterday.But she is feeling ______now.A. fell;wellB. fell;betterC. felt;wellD. felt;better2.Her friend ______ in a white skirt yesterdayA. woreB. dressedC. was wearingD. was dressed3.I don't regret ______ her what I thought.A. to tellB. tellingC. talkingD. to talk4.The little baby is sleeping.Don't ______.A. wake up himB. wake him upC. to wake up himD. to wake him up5.-Must I finish my homework at once,Mum?-No,you ______.A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. shouldn'tD. may not6.David has a toothache,so ______.A. he should go to bedB. he should eat everything for 24 hoursC. he should see a dentistD. he should lie down and have a rest7.Why did the patient refuse ______ the medicine?A. to takeB. takingC. tookD. take8.My English teacher is a young ______.A. FranceB. AmericaC. GermanyD. German9.He has no choice but ______ the difficulty.A. faceB. facingC. to faceD. faced10.Jack likes reading a newspaper ______he is having breakfast.A. andB. whileC. becauseD. until二、单词造句11.now,how,he,feeling,is_________________________________________?12.hospital,he,go,should,the,to________________________________________.13.dressed,got,and,out,Li Ming,went________________________________________.14.drawing,saw,boy,in,he,the,next,the,room________________________________________.15.mother,she,look,needs,after,her,to________________________________________.16.was,how,I,scared________________________________________!17.fixed,my,tooth,was,aching________________________________________.18.kind,like,music,do,of,you,what________________________________________?19.toothache,he,woke,a,with,terrible,up________________________________________.20.an,mum,saying,told,old,German,me________________________________________.三、选词填空regret,fever,pale,pain,take an X-ray1. My grandma had a high _________ last night.She was taken to the hospital.2. Danny has a __________ in his stomach.3. Lily looks ____________ .She must be ill.4. -My head hurts.Doctor. -You need to ____________ .5. Sandra ____________that she cannot come.四、单词拼写-单句1. P_________,could you speak slowly?I didn't hear you clearly.2. He will have a math e__________ next week.3. Her friend invited her to the party.But she r__________ him.4. David likes to eat candies.Now he's had at__________ all day.5. The old man fell off the bike.But f___________ he didn't hurt.6. These G___________ come from Germany.五、完成句子1. 我的头从未这么疼过.My head_____________ this much before.2. 妈妈,请你在5点钟叫醒我.Mum,please____________ at five o'clock.3. 如果你感觉身体不适,你该怎么办?If you_________________,what should you do?4. 她害怕去看牙医.She is_____________ to the dentist.5. 他认为我的一颗牙齿可能已经坏了.He thought one of my__________ probably___________.6. 我除了和她一块去别无选择.I had______________ to go with her.7. 在牙医办公室有许多穿着奇怪衣服的人.There are many people_____________ strange clothing.8. 医生告诉我,"你没必要害怕".The dentist told me," You___________ afraid."229. 这个男孩发烧,他父亲把他送去了医院.The boy______________.His father sent him to the hospital.34 4 答案一、1. C2. D3. B4. B5. B6. C7. A8. D9. C 10. B二、11. How is he feeling now12. He should go to the hospital13. Li Ming got dressed and went out14. He saw the boy drawing in the next room.15. She needs to look after her mother16. How scared I was17. My aching tooth was fixed18. What kind of music do you like19. He woke up with a terrible toothache20. Mum told me an old German saying三、1. fever2. pain3. pale4. take an X-ray5. regrets 四、1. Pardon me2. exam3. refused4. toothache5. fortunately6. Germans五、1. has never pained2. wake me up3. don't feel well4. afraid to go5. teeth was;rotten6. no choice but7. dressed in8. needn't be9. had a fever。
Wonders of the world Unit 1-3 随堂练习(含答案)外研版英语九年级上册
![Wonders of the world Unit 1-3 随堂练习(含答案)外研版英语九年级上册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5874438e370cba1aa8114431b90d6c85ec3a8830.png)
外研版九年级上册Module 1 Unit1-3 随堂练习一、根据句意及所给汉语提示填空1. The Great Wall is the symbol of China and it’s one of the greatest __________ (奇观) in the world.2. __________ (虽然) Leo is very young, he often goes to the old people’s home to help.3. My mobile phone is out of __________ (电). Can I use yours?4. In Daming’s __________ (观点), Wang Yaping is the best female astronaut in the world.5. Shi Yigong became interested in __________ (自然的) science when he was very young.二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空2. This poem describes three _________ of spring.3. With the help of the government, our ________ environment is becoming better and our is becoming bluer.4. The clouds _________ and the sun came out.5. It has been _________ two years since Rose came here.三、单项选择1.—Mum, where is David?—He _________ to see the science fiction film.A. is goingB. goesC. has goneD. was going2.—Where is Mum?—In the living room. She _______ a book at the moment.A. was readingB. will readC. is readingD. has read3. Mrs. Jones _________ in the garden at this time yesterday.A. workedB. was workingC. has worked4.—Has your father come back yet?—No. He _______ come back _______ this Sunday.A. doesn’t; untilB. won’t; afterC. doesn’t; afterD. won’t; until5.—Miss Zhang seems quite familiar with Yunnan Province.—Don’t you know? She _______ a town school there as a volunteer teacher for over 2 years.A. is inB. has gone toC. has been inD. has been to6. —The Whites have _______ Hong Kong.—Oh, really? I have never _______ there before.A. been to; goneB. gone to ; beenC. been to; gone toD. gone to; been to7. People in the rural areas live a _______ life with the care of the government.A. happier and happierB. poorer and poorerC. more and more happily8. Our school is becoming _________.A. more and more beautifulB. more beautiful and beautifulC. beautiful and beautifulD. the more beautiful9. Protecting ourselves is one of _______ things we must do.A. importantB. more importantC. most importantD. the most important10. The child is afraid _________ the bridge because he is afraid _________ off it.A. of cross; to fallB. to cross; of fallingC. crossing; of fallingD. of crossing; to falling四、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 我不确定我同意凯特的看法。
【小初高学习】九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Know yourself随堂练习 (新版)牛津版
![【小初高学习】九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Know yourself随堂练习 (新版)牛津版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c0a1ed6c336c1eb91b375d05.png)
Unit 1(整卷满分为90分)一、单项填空 (15分)( ) 1. I’m sorry. I won’t make _______ same mistake for _______ second time.A. a; theB. a; aC. the; theD. the; a ( ) 2. —Shall we stop for lunch _______ shall we drive on?—Let’s stop fo r lunch, but the driver can’t drink _______ drive.A. and; andB. or; andC. or; orD. and; or( ) 3. He was _______ to wait for me for so long. He left alone.A. so impatientB. patient enoughC. too patientD. too impatient( ) 4. Mr Wu is really a good teacher. He spends as much time as he can _______ grammar rules for us.A. repeatingB. to repeatC. repeatedD. repeat( ) 5. —I didn’t pass the Maths exam last time. I’m so worried about it.— harder, you will make much progress (进步).A. Work; orB. To work; orC. Work; andD. Working; and ( ) 6. _______ a GPS will make _______ easier for you to visit a strange place.A. Take; itB. To take; thatC. Taking; itD. Take; that( ) 7. —Tell us something about Canada, OK?—I’m sorry. _______ Jack _______ I have ever been there.A. Either; orB. Not only; but alsoC. Both; andD. Neither; nor( ) 8. —English is very important, so don’t _______.—Thank you. _______.A. give it up; I willB. give it up; I won’tC. give up it; I willD. give up it; I won’t( ) 9. We are glad that more attention has been paid _______ the air around us.A. to improveB. to to improveC. to improvingD. to to imporving( ) 10. —Here are two ties. Which do you prefer? —I’ll take _______ for a change.A. this oneB. either oneC. neither oneD. both ( ) 11. Not only his parents but also his brother _______ to the Great Wall. They haven’t been back.A. have beenB. have goneC. has beenD. has gone( ) 12. I want to know .A. how long has your uncle marriedB. how long it is since your uncle got marriedC. how long your uncle had been marriedD. how long your uncle has married( ) 13. —Did Tom’s parents go to the meeting yesterday?—Yes, of them did, but spoke.A. each, noneB. both, noneC. neither, bothD. both,neither( ) 14. There are no ways she can come up _______ her out.A. with to helpB. to helpC. with helpingD. to helping( ) 15. ––Chocolate isn’t good for your teeth. –– .A. Yes, I really agreeB. No, I really agreeC. No, I think soD. Yes, I think so二、完形填空(10分)Tina was a seventeen-year-old girl who always wore a bright smile. Shehad a disease and had to use a walker most of the time. Maybe it was becauseshe looked 1 and people didn’t know how to come near to her. Tinausually broke the ice with people she met with a big “Hi”.In one class, I gave the students an assignment (作业) to recite (背诵) a poem. I only made the assignment worth a very small part of their total grade since I knew most of my 2 would not do it anyway. In the class, one by one each student 3 to correctly recite the poem. Finally, angry and half joking, I said that the next student who 4 recite the poem had to do three push-ups (俯卧撑). To my 5 , Tina was next. She used her walker to move to the front of the class. 6 she recited, she madea mistake. Before I could say a word, she 7 her walker and started doing push-ups. I wanted to say, “Tina, I was just joking!” But she stood up, continued the poem and she finished the rest perfectly.When she finished, a student asked, “Tina, why did you do that? It’s not an 8 assignment!”“Because I want to be like you guys! To be normal (正常的),” Tina said.Silence fell on the whole room when another student cried out, “Tina, we’re not normal!We areteenagers! We get in 9 all the time.”“I know,” Tina said as a big smile spread across her face. The rest of the students laughed, too.Tina got only a few 10 that day, but she got the love and respect of her classmates.To her, that wasworth a lot more than a grade.( ) 1. A. different B. strong C. short D.young( ) 2. A. friends B. students C. teachers D. parents( ) 3. A. started B. planned C. continued D.failed( ) 4. A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. nee dn’t D. wouldn’t( ) 5. A. surprise B. surprised C. excitement D.excited( ) 6. A. Because B. When C. After D. Though( ) 7. A. raised B. changed C. threw D. checked ( ) 8. A. active B. useful C. important D. exciting( ) 9. A. attention B. thought C. touch D.trouble( ) 10. A. points B. chances C. mistakes D. successes三、阅读理解(10分)Last year in the UK at least 45 people died and 900 more were injured (受伤的) in car accidents where drivers were using their mobile p hones.Yet many people continue to use them while driving even though it’s dangerous.Research has shown that it is difficult to concentrate on (专注于) driving and talking at the same time.It can even be more dangerous than driving after drinking too much. A recentstudy found that when drivers were talking on their mobile phones,their stopping times were 30 percent slower than when they had drunk too much—and nearly 50 percent slower than when they were driving normally. It also found that drivers talking on mobile phones were less able to control their cars than drunk drivers.And talking isn’t even the most serious problem, but texting is. Unbelievably, another recent study reported that 22% of adults admitted (承认) they had sent a text message while driving at least once in the past month. An averag e (平均的) text message takes 90 seconds to write and send. That means for one and a half minutes a driver is looking at the ir phone’s screen and not at the road. The arrival of new smart phones such as the iPhone will only make things worse as they will allow users to do more things than ever before.Using a mobile phone while driving puts others’ lives at risk. No matter how well we drive,if another driver is not careful,we are put in danger by their actions. Such drivers are selfish,careless and should have their driving licences (驾照) cancelled (撤销).There is n o doubt that mobile phones can be fun and are useful,especially when you’re in trouble.But there is no need to use them while driving. Just wait until you stop or you will probably get into trouble of your own.( ) 1. The underlined w ord “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to _______.A. phone usersB. mobile phonesC. driversD. ears( ) 2. According to the passage,if a driver needs 10 seconds to stop when driving normally, they will need _______ seconds to stop when talking on a mobile phone.A. 12B. 13C.14D. 15( ) 3. According to the passage,in what order do the following activities influence driving?Dangerous→More dangerous→Most dangerousA. drinking→talking on phone→textingB. texting→talking on phone→drinkingC. talking on phone→drinking→textingD. dr inking→texting→talking on phone ( ) 4. Why will new types of mobile phones make the driving problem worse?A. It will take longer to send text messages.B. People will want to talk on their phones more often.C. There will be more things for people to do with their phones.D. People think the new phones are easier and safer to use.( ) 5. According to the writer, what should be done to people who use mobile phones when driving?A. They should be put into prison (监狱).B. Their cars should be taken away.C. Their phones should be taken from them.D. They should not be allowed to drive any longer.四、词形变化(5分)1. Fully half of these accidents come from drunk drivers and many others from _______________ (careful).2. I don’t think she is ________________ (organize) enough to organize activities well.3. I felt nervous during my first two _______________ (speak).4. Marilyn last _______________ (appear) in public at Madison Square Garden.5. After more _______________ (miss), they finally put two ar rows into the lion’s chest.五、根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式(8分)1. He has been _______________ (不在的;缺席的)from his desk for two weeks.2. The physical benefits (好处) of exercise can be _______________ (把...分成...) into three factors.3. Franklin joined the children whenever his crowded (塞满的) _______________ (日历) allowed.4. If the telephone line is _______________ (连接) to your computer, you can get online.5. In many ways she became a _______________ (先锋,开拓者).6. Think about the people, living and dead, who have helped ___________ (塑造) your life.7. This kind of car is always sold at _______________ (固定的) prices.8. The boy looks much _______________ (生气勃勃的) in the sports clothes and trainers.六、动词填空(10分)1. The boys played computer games happily, _______________ (forget) all about their homework.2. At this time yesterday, the woman together with her sons _______________ (wait) for herhusband at the station.3. Look! The snow _______________ (stop).Let’s go outside to make a snowman.4. The chicken soup _______________ (taste) so salty that I had just a bit of it.5. I don’t know what I should pay attention to _______________ (reduc e) the pollution.6. _______________ (not talk) to the boy who is learning German all by himself now, will you?7. Our scho ol _______________ (organize) a visit to the park unless it rains tomorrow.8. When we were young, our teacher told us the earth _______________ (travel) around the sun.9. In Sydney Olympic Games the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, 16.5 of which _______________(win) by women.10. Listen to the two girls by the window. What language _______________ they _______________(speak)?七、任务型阅读(根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。
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1.aloud (同义词)
2. express (n)
3. memory (v.)
4. creative (v.)
5. wise (adv)
6. physical (n.)
7. able (n.)
8. knowledgeable (n.)
9. pronounce (n.)
10. patience (adj.)
11. discovery (v.)
12. chemical (n.)
13. connection (v.)
14. act (adj.)
------ do you learn English?
-------I learn it by asking the teacher
Why did Wei Fen find difficult English?
4.you read, you'll be.
I discovered that to is the secret language learning.
But you can do this well your learning habits.
7.you learn something well, you will forget it you use it 8.7.我害怕问问题,因为我的发音不好。
9.I was questions my poor pronunciation.
11.The teacher spoke quickly I did not her most of the time.。