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【摘要】Plant height is one of the important agronomic traits in rapeseed. In this study, QTLs for plant height and plant height related traits in Brassica napus were evaluated in two years environments by using a doubled haploid(DH)population lines de-rived from the cross between two rapeseed cultivars, Express and SWU07, and an immortalized F2population generated by ran-domly permuted intermating of these DH lines. A total of 41 putative QTLs were identified for plant height and plant height re-lated traits and located on 13 linkage groups. Among them, nine QTLs were identified for plant height, located on A02, A09, C01, C02, and C06, respectively, with explained phenotypic variation ranging from 3.85% to 13.34%, 15 QTLs were identified for inflorescence length, located on A01, A02, A05, A08, A09, C01, C03, and C05, respectively, with explained phenotypic variation ranging from 3.82% to 9.52%, 11 QTLs were identified for the first branch height, located on A01, A03, A09, C01, and C03, re-spectively, with explained phenotypic variation ranging from 4.01% to 16.54%, four QTLs were identified for branch segment, located on A07,
A09, C03, and C04, respectively, with explained phenotypic variation ranging from 4.79% to 8.10%, two QTLs were identified for average
internode length, located on A07 and C05, respectively, with explained phenotypic variation ranging from 4.29% to 6.04%. Five of these QTLs were persistently expressed in different year environments or in different populations. These QTLs provide useful information for improving plant height in rapeseed breeding.%株高是油菜重要的农艺性状之一.以油菜品种Express、SWU07构建的包含261个株系的 DH 群体和由其构建的包含234个株系的 IF2群体为材料, 分析2年环境下株高及其相关性状 QTL表明, 在2个群体的各年份环境中总共检测到41个株高及其相关性状 QTL, 分布于甘蓝型油菜的13
条染色体上, 其中9个与株高相关的 QTL, 分布于A02、A09、C01、C02和C06
连锁群, 分别揭示了3.85%~13.34%的表型变异, 15个与主花序长度相关的QTL,
分布于A01、A02、A05、A08、A09、C01、C03和C05连锁群, 分别揭示了
3.82%~9.52%的表型变异; 11个与第1分枝高度相关的QTL, 分布于A01、A03、A09、C01和C03连锁群, 分别揭示了
4.01%~16.54%的表型变异; 4个与分枝区段长相关的QTL, 分布于甘蓝型油菜的A07、A09、C03和C04连锁群, 揭示了
4.79%~8.10%的表型变异; 2个与平均节间长相关的QTL, 分布于A07和C05连
锁群, 分别揭示了4.29%~6.04%的表型变异.其中5个QTL在不同年份环境或不
【作者单位】西南大学农学与生物科技学院, 重庆 400716;西南大学农学与生物科技学院, 重庆 400716;西南大学农学与生物科技学院, 重庆 400716;浙江省农业科
学院作物与核技术利用研究所, 浙江杭州310021;西南大学农学与生物科技学院,
重庆 400716
1.基于RIL群体和IF2群体的玉米开花期相关性状QTL分析 [J], 石超男;张战辉;唐贵良;薛亚东
2.利用DH和IF2两个群体进行小麦粒重、粒型和硬度的QTL分析 [J], 李文福;刘宾;彭涛;袁倩倩;韩淑晓;田纪春
3.利用IF2群体定位油菜含油量和产量相关性状QTL [J], 程爽;孙中永;黄吉祥;曹明富;赵坚义
4.利用DH和IF2群体检测油菜籽粒油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸含量QTL [J], 蒙姜宇;傅鹰;贺亚军;钱伟
5.利用DH群体进行白菜株高和开展度的QTL定位分析 [J], 杨旭;余阳俊;张凤兰;赵岫云;张德双;徐家炳
