























四级口语话题30个例文口语话题是四级口语考试中的重要部分,以下是30个口语话题的例文:1. 我的家乡。



2. 我的假期计划。


3. 我的爱好。


4. 我的大学生活。


5. 我的理想职业。


6. 环保意识。


7. 我的家庭。


8. 我的梦想。


9. 我的学习方法。


10. 我的健康生活。


11. 我的最佳朋友。


12. 我的旅行经历。


13. 我的校园生活。


14. 我的家乡美食。


15. 我的电影偶像。


16. 我的学习压力。


17. 我的未来规划。


18. 我的宠物。


19. 我的外教老师。




第一篇:介绍自己的家庭1. 开场白:大家好,我叫小明,今年十二岁,是一名六年级的学生。


2. 家庭成员:我家有四口人,爸爸、妈妈、我和妹妹。


3. 家庭住宅区域:我们家住在市中心的一个小区里,环境很好,交通也很便利。


4. 家庭生活:我们一家人生活很简单,爸爸工作很忙,但每天晚上都会陪我一起做作业,妈妈则负责照顾家里的一切,妹妹则是个活泼可爱的小女孩。

5. 家庭习惯:我们家每天晚上都会放上一些轻松愉快的音乐,一起吃晚饭,然后聊一些家常。


第二篇:询问他人的家庭情况1. 介绍自己:你好,我是小红,很高兴认识你。


2. 家庭成员:我家有五口人,爸爸、妈妈、一个哥哥和一个妹妹。


3. 家庭住宅区域:我们的房子有三个卧室,一间客厅,还有一个厨房和两个卫生间。


4. 家庭生活:我们一家人相处得很融洽,虽然生活很忙,但每天晚上我们都会一起吃晚饭,聊一些家常,放松一下身心。

5. 家庭习惯:我们家一直有一个习惯,就是每个周末我们都会一起去做户外活动,比如去公园玩、逛商场购物或者一起做家务,是一个温馨幸福的家庭。

第三篇:邀请同学到家里玩1. 邀请:小红,你好,我家下周末会有一个家庭聚会,我想邀请你一起来玩,你有空吗?2. 活动安排:我们准备晚上做一个烧烤,然后一起听音乐,聊天,玩一些家庭游戏,还可以一起唱歌跳舞。

3. 交通安排:我会请家人开车接你过来,这样你就不用担心交通,轻松愉快地玩上一整天。

4. 时间安排:聚会的时间是下周六的下午三点开始,到晚上十点结束,如果你有什么时间上的安排,可以提前告诉我们,我们可以调整时间。



二年级下册口语交际例文Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT语文园地一春天里的发现春天来了,天气渐渐变暖了。

































向公园东边走去,就到了动物园。老虎妈妈张着大 嘴吓唬着人们;狗熊一看见人来了,就狼吞虎咽地把食物 吃掉,生怕被人抢走;猴子上窜下跳,荡秋千爬树,真淘 气;笼子里的鹦鹉见人就说:“你好!”好可爱的动物哟!
2、口语交际:我的想法 王宁选自己当劳动委员,我想他有一定的理由。
一是他非常自信,一定能胜任这个工作,当好老师的 小助手。二是他热爱班集体,愿为集体做贡献。三是 他热爱劳动,把劳动当著一件光荣和快乐的事。
我和妹妹合作画了一幅又一幅美丽的 图画,我们感到无比的快乐!我与妹妹合作,相 互学习对方的长处,在快乐的我们读了了语文园地四里的故事
《骑驴》之后,老是问我们老爷爷应该听谁的 呢?是呀!老爷爷究竟应该听谁的?老爷爷想 了好久也没有想明白。
我的想法是这样的:老爷爷一定要坚持 自己的意见,和孙子两人骑一头驴。因为在以 前还是现在驴就是人们的一种交通工具,再说 有驴不骑多笨呀!所以我认为老爷爷要坚持自 己的意见,不能做一个没有主见的人。
5、口语交际:合作 今天我们上手工课,老师让我们每2个人一
起做一个东西。 我和尹菲要一起做东西,我们打算做一个烤箱。
烤箱的身子是一个纸箱做的,烤箱的一面有一个门, 门的旁边还有2个用瓶盖做的按钮,一个是定时,一 个是开关。烤箱的里面有一个盘子,直接把做好的点 心放进去就好了。我们做了小蜻蜓饼干、小樱桃饼干、 冰淇淋饼干,爱心饼干和一个草莓蛋糕,这一切都是 用我们的双手造出来的,我们真高兴啊!
在路上同学们说说笑笑,我望着外面,看见了饱满的玉 米,像雪一样白的棉花,我看见了远处山上红红的枫叶…… 到了果园里,我们首先看到了苹果树,树上长满了苹果,红 彤彤的,圆溜溜的,看见就流口水,接着又看到了橘子,黄 黄的橘子挂了满树,真好看,再往前走,我们又看见了柿子, 红红的柿子挂在树上,就像挂了一树的灯笼,再往前走,又 看见了葡萄,紫色的葡萄像一个个玛瑙,看得我们直流口 水……



青岛中考人机对话口语表达例文1. What is your dream job? What will you do to make it come true? (至少两方面)My dream job is to be an English teacher. First, I will work hard to improve my English. I think I am good at English, but sometimes I can ’t get the pronunciation right. I should practice more to improve my spoken English. Second, I will do some volunteer work. I can help kids to learn English on weekends. It is a good experience for my future work. To be an English teacher is my dream job. I believe my dream will come true.2. Do you like music? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like music very much. First, it is relaxing. I am very busy and tired every day. When I finish my homework, I often listen to my favorite songs. It makes me feel really relaxed. Second, music can also make me feel happy. Sometimes, I have a hard time at school. I fail my exam or argue with my classmates. Music can cheer me up. So, I like music very much.3. Do you like reading? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like reading very much. First, I can learn a lot by reading books. Books are our friends and reading can open up our eyes. I like toread books about history best. Second, reading is relaxing. I am tired after school. In the evening, I often read something interesting. It makes me feel really relaxed. So, I like reading very much.4. Do you like sports? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I really like sports. First, doing sports is good for my health. I used to be short and I took up doing sports. Now, I am much taller and stronger. Second, I make friends when I play sports. I like playing basketball very much. When I play basketball, I make many good friends and we often play together. It makes me feel really happy. So, I really like sports.5. Do you like P.E. class? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like P.E. class very much. First, I like sports. Basketball is my favorite sport. I can play basketball with my friends in P. E. class. Second, I like my P.E. teacher. He is humorous . He often tells us jokes and he is always friendly to us. So, I like P.E. class very much.6. What subject are you good at? How do you learn it? (至少两方面)I am good at English. I like it very much. How do I learn it? First, I listen to the tape and read aloud every morning. It helps me get the pronunciation right. It really improves my speaking skills. Second, it is difficult to learngrammar. I learn grammar by taking notes and doing exercises. It’s helpful. I have learned a lot that way.7. Who's your favorite teacher? Why?(至少两个理由)My favorite teacher is my English teacher. First, she is very kind. She always encourages us to work hard. And she tells us not to be afraid of making mistakes. When we are in trouble, she tries her best to help us. Second, she is humorous. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We can learn something useful, and at the same time, we never get bored. So she is my favorite teacher.8. What are you going to do in the summer vacation? Why ?(至少两个方面)I am going to travel to Shanghai and read a lot of books in the summer vacation. First, my aunt lives in Shanghai. But I haven ’t met her since I was in Grade Nine. I miss her very much. And Shanghai is the biggest city in our country. It is a good place to have fun. So, I am going to travel to Shanghai this su mmer. Second, I like reading very much. But I couldn’t spend much time on it because of my homework. This summer, I don’t have any homework. I can do a lot of reading to open up my eyes. And reading is also a good way to relax myself. So, I am going to read a lot of books during the vacation, too.9. How do you relax yourself when you are free? Why? (至少两个方面)I read books and play basketball to relax myself when I am free. First, I can learn a lot by reading books. And when I am tired after school, I often read something interesting. It makes me feel really relaxed. Second, basketball is my favorite sport. It is interesting and it gives me a chance to make friends. It is also good for my health. And it is a good way to relax my mind. I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, I read books and play basketball to relax myself when I am free.10.What's your favorite animal? Why?(至少两个理由)My favorite animal is pandas. First, they are from China. People think they are the symbol of our country. Second, pandas look cute with their black and white fur. I went to Sichuan last year and saw many pandas. They could do many things, such as playing with balls and climbing the trees. They are really lovely and clever. So pandas are my favorite animal.11.What's your favorite color? Why?(至少两个理由)My favorite color is white. First, white is the color of snow. I like snow because it can make our world more beautiful. I often make a snowman when it snows in winter. It is very interesting. Second, doctors and nurseswear white uniforms. They always help others. I also want to be a doctor to save people when I grow up. So, my favorite color is white.12.What’s your favorite subject? Why?(至少两个理由)My favorite subject is English. First, my English teacher is really good. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We never get bored and can learn a lot from her. Second, English plays an important role in our society and life. It is very useful. We must learn it well. So my favorite subject is English.13.What's your favorite sport? Why?(至少两个理由)My favorite sport is basketball. First, playing basketball is interesting and it gives me a chance to make new friends. I have made a lot of friends when I play basketball. We often play together. Second, playing basketball is good for my health. It can help me be taller and stronger. And it is also a good way to relax my mind. After a long day at school, I am always tired. But I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, basketball is my favorite sport.14.How do you usually go to school? Why?(至少两个理由)例一:I usually go to school on foot. First, I live near my school. It takes me about 10 minutes to walk to school. It is convenient. And I am never late forschool because I can avoid heavy traffic. Second, walking is good for my health. It is a good way to exercise. So, I usually go to school on foot.例二:I usually go to school by bus. First, I live far from school. There is a bus stop near my home. It is very convenient and cheap to take the bus. I often leave home early every morning to avoid heavy traffic. Second, on the bus, I can meet different people and see something happening. It is interesting. So, I usually go to school by bus.15.Do you often watch TV? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)No, I don’t . First, I am very busy. I don ’t have much free time. I have a lot of homework to do every day. If I don’t finish my homework, my parents and teachers will get mad. And I know I am in Grade Nine, so I must spend more time studying. Second, watching TV too much is bad for my eyes. I don’t want to wear glasses. So, I don’t often watch TV.16.Do you like watching TV? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, watching TV is relaxing. After a long day at school, I feel very tired. Watching TV can help me relax myself. But as a student in Grade Nine, I can only spend ten minutes watching TV every day. Second, some TV programs can open up my eyes. I like CCTV 9 (English Channel) best. I can know something happening around the world. At thesame time, I can improve my English. So, I like watching TV.17.What do you usually do after school? Why?(至少两方面)I often do my homework and play basketball after school. First, I am in Grade Nine, so I have a lot of homework to do. My teachers and parents think I need to do it to get good grades. I agree with them. I must be serious about my homework. Second , I like playing basketball very much. It is good for my health. I often play basketball with my classmates after school. I want to be a professional basketball player when I grow up.18.What is your hobby? Why do you like it?(至少两个理由)例一:My hobby is reading. First, I can learn a lot by reading books. Books are our friends and reading can open up our eyes. I like to read books about history best. Second, reading is relaxing. I am tired after school. In the evening, I often read something interesting. It makes me feel really relaxed. So, reading is my hobby.例二:My hobby is playing basketball. First, playing basketball is interesting and it gives me a chance to make new friends. I have made a lot of friends when I play basketball. We often play together. Second, playing basketball is good for my health. It can help me be taller and stronger. And it is also a good way to relax my mind. After a long day at school, I am always tired. But I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, playing basketball is my hobby.19.Do you often do chores? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, I am old enough now. I should help my parents to do something. It is my duty to do chores at home, because I am a member of my family. Second, my parents give me all of their love. They help me when I am in trouble. They look after me when I am ill. Doing chores is a good way to show my love to my parents. So I often do chores.20.Do you like English class? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes,I do. First, my English teacher is really good. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We never get bored and can learn a lot from her. Second, English plays an important role in our society and life. It is very useful. We must learn it well. So I like English class.21.Do you like playing basketball? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, playing basketball is interesting and it gives me a chance to make new friends. I have made a lot of friends when I play basketball. We often play together. Second, playing basketball is good for my health. It can help me be taller and stronger. And it is also a good way to relax my mind. After a long day at school, I am always tired. But I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, I like playing basketball.22.Do you like pandas? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, they are from China. People think they are the symbol of our country. Second, pandas look cute with their black and white fur. I went to Sichuan last year and saw many pandas. They could do many things, such as playing with balls and climbing the trees. They are really lovely and clever. So I like pandas very much.23.Do you like Sun Wukong? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, he is not a normal monkey. He can make 72 changes to his shape and size. He can turn himself into different animals and objects. Second, he always fights bad people to help others. He is really brave and clever. He has excited the children all over the world for many years. So, I like Sun Wukong very much.24.Do you want to be a volunteer to help others? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, I can put my love to good use. I like reading and I often help kids learn to read. I spend time helping others, and at the same time, I do something I like. It makes me really happy. Second, I can meet a lot of people. As a volunteer, I can communicate with different kinds of people. It is a good experience for my future work. So, I want to be a volunteer to help others.25.Do you like traveling? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like traveling very much. First, I think it is relaxing. After a long term at school, I always feel very tired. I want to go somewhere interesting. It is a good way to relax myself. Second, traveling can open up my eyes. When I visit another city or country, I can learn something about its history and culture. It ’s wonderful. And I can also taste different kinds of snacks. So, I really like traveling.26.Do you like your English teacher? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I like my English teacher very much. First, she is very kind. She always encourages us to work hard. And she tells us not to be afraid of making mistakes. When we are in trouble, she tries her best to help us. Second, she is humorous. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We can learn something useful, and at the same time, we never get bored. So I like my English teacher.27.Do you like your math teacher? Why or why not?(至少两个理由)Yes, I like my math teacher very much. First, she is very kind. She always encourages us to work hard. And she tells us not to be afraid of makingmistakes. When we are in trouble, she tries her best to help us. Second, sheis humorous. She is good at math and her lessons are really interesting. We can learn something useful, and at the same time, we never get bored. So I like my math teacher.28.Do you think your mother is very important to you? Why?(至少两个理由)Yes, I think so. First, my mother is honest and kind. She teaches me what I should do and what I shouldn ’t do. She always helps people around us. She sets an example for me. Second, she gives me lots of love and care. She encourages me when I am in trouble. She looks after me when I am ill. So my mother is very important to me.29.Do you have many rules at home? What do you think of them? (至少两方面)Yes, I do. First, I must do chores on weekends, such as doing the dishes, washing my clothes, cleaning my room---. I think as a member of my family, it is my duty to help my parents. Doing chores is a good way to show my love to them. Second, I am not allowed to go out on school nights. My parents think it is dangerous and I should spend more time on schoolwork. I know they care about me, but I am not a baby anymore. I think I need more freedom.30.Do you like wearing school uniforms? Why or why not? (至少两方面)No, I don ’t like wearing school uniforms. On the one hand, I think our school uniforms are very ugly. The colors are simple. I feel uncomfortable when I wear my school uniforms. On the other hand, as a teenage, I don’t like to be the same as others. School uniforms make all of us look the same. It is so boring. I think we should be allowed to choose our own clothes. So I don’t like wearing school uniforms.31.Where do you want to travel? Why? (至少两方面)I want to travel to Australia. First, I hope to see how people live in the southern part of the earth. When it is summer in China, it is winter there. Second, there are many animals in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas. They are very lovely and they must be interesting to watch. So I want to travel to Australia.32. What’s your favorite season? Why? (至少两方面)例一My favorite season is summer. First, I can go to the beach and go swimming. I like swimming very much. It can make me happy and relaxed. It is also good for my health. Second, in summer, I have a long holiday. I can have a lot of free time to do something I like, such asreading books and traveling to other cities. So I like summer best. 例二My favorite season is winter. First, I like snow very much. It can make our world more beautiful. I often make a snowman when it snows in winter. It is very interesting. Second, in winter, I have a holiday. I can have some free time to do something I like, such as reading books and watching TV. They can make me relaxed. So I like winter best.33. Do you want a robot? Why or why not?Yes, I do. I really want a robot. First, I can play with it after doing homework. I went to Shanghai last year and saw some robots in the science museum. They could dance and play the piano. They were fun to watch. It must be interesting and relaxing to play with the robot. Second, I think the robot can help me do a lot of chores, such as making my bed, cleaning my room and washing the dishes. Then I will have more free time to do something I like. So, I want a robot very much.34. What’s your favorite TV program? Why? (至少两方面)My favorite TV program is English News. First, it can open up my eyes. I I can know many things happening around the world. Second, I can improve my English at the same time. I can learn plenty of new words and expressions. I can also improve my listening and speaking skills. I have learned a lot by watching English news. So, it is my favorite program.35. If you go sightseeing, what transportation will you take? Why? (至少两方面)If I go sightseeing, I will take the train. First, I think it is very convenient. The train travels fast and my home is near the train station. And when I travel by train, I can walk freely on the train. Second, traveling by train is safe and cheap. It is much safer than taking the bus. And it’s also cheaper than taking the plane. So, I will take the train to go sightseeing.36. What’s your favorite festival? Why? (至少两方面)My favorite festival is the Spring Festival. First, I enjoy spending time with my family. On the eve of the Spring Festival, my family get together and have a big meal. It makes me feel very happy and warm. Second, I will get a lot of “ hongbao” from my parents and other relatives. I can buy something I like. That ’s my favorite part of this festival. So, my favorite festival is the Spring Festival.。



英语口语话题30个例文英语口语话题第一篇学校生活:School life1、Do you like your school? Why?2、How many days do you go to school every week?3、Do you have a lot of homework to do every day?4、How many subjects do you have?5、How do you ususally go to school?6、Do you think you are a good student?7、What do you think of your school? Why?8、Do you live near your school?9、Do you have sports after school?10、Which is more popular in your school,football or basketball?11、Can you say something about your class?12、Are you interested in English?13、Can you tell me five subjects you study at school?英语口语话题第二篇语言学习:language learning1、How do you learn foreign language?2、How long have you been studying English?3、Are you good at English?4、Who is your English teacher?5、Do you think English is interesting?6、Do you like studying English?7、What other languages do you want to learn? Why?8、What other language do you know? like?英语口语话题第三篇节假日活动:Festivals and holidays1、What food do Chinese people often have in Spring Festival?2、When is Children’s Day?3、What’s your favorite English festival?4、Do you go to school on Saturday?5、What are you going to do on May Day?6、What do you often do on New Year’s Day?7、Which is more popular in China,Christmas Day or Spring Festival?8、When is National Day?9、Do you like going out when you are free?10、Can you tell me three traditional festivals in China?11、Do you like May Day?12、Do you like Spring Festival? Why?13、What do you often do on Sundays?14、Do you like Mid?autumn Day? Why?英语口语话题第四篇天气Weather:1、What’s the weather like here in winter?2、What sports do you usually do in summer?3、Do you like spring?Why?4、How many seasons are there in a year?5、What’s the weather like here in spring?6、Does it often snow here in winter?7、What’s your favorite season?Why?8、Is it a fine day?9、Is it raining now?10、Do you like rainy days?11、How can you know the weather?英语口语话题第五篇1.大学的学习计划 what's you plan towards the study in university2.我最好的朋。

聊聊书法 口语交际片段

聊聊书法 口语交际片段

聊聊书法 口语交际片段











青岛中考人机对话口语表达例文1.What is your dream job? What will you do to make it come true? (至少两方面)My dream job is to be an English teacher. First, I will work hard to improve my English. I think I am good at English, but sometimes I can’t get the pronunciation right. I should practice more to improve my spoken English. Second, I will do some volunteer work. I can help kids to learn English on weekends. It is a good experience for my future work. To be an English teacher is my dream job. I believe my dream will come true.2.Do you like music? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like music very much. First, it is relaxing. I am very busy and tired every day. When I finish my homework, I often listen to my favorite songs. It makes me feel really relaxed. Second, music can also make me feel happy. Sometimes, I have a hard time at school. I fail my exam or argue with my classmates. Music can cheer me up. So, I like music very much.3.Do you like reading? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like reading very much. First, I can learn a lot by reading books. Books are our friends and reading can open up our eyes. I like to read books about history best. Second, reading is relaxing. I am tired afterschool. In the evening, I often read something interesting. It makes me feel really relaxed. So, I like reading very much.4.Do you like sports? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I really like sports. First, doing sports is good for my health. I used to be short and I took up doing sports. Now, I am much taller and stronger. Second, I make friends when I play sports. I like playing basketball very much. When I play basketball, I make many good friends and we often play together. It makes me feel really happy. So, I really like sports.5.Do you like P.E. class? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like P.E. class very much. First, I like sports. Basketball is my favorite sport. I can play basketball with my friends in P. E. class. Second, I like my P.E. teacher. He is humorous . He often tells us jokes and he is always friendly to us. So, I like P.E. class very much.6.What subject are you good at? How do you learn it? (至少两方面)I am good at English. I like it very much. How do I learn it? First, I listen to the tape and read aloud every morning. It helps me get the pronunciation right. It really improves my speaking skills. Second, it is difficult to learn grammar. I learn grammar by taking notes and doingexercises. It’s helpful. I have learned a lot that way.7.Who’s your favorite teacher? Why? (至少两个理由)My favorite teacher is my English teacher. First, she is very kind. She always encourages us to work hard. And she tells us not to be afraid of making mistakes. When we are in trouble, she tries her best to help us. Second, she is humorous. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We can learn something useful, and at the same time, we never get bored. So she is my favorite teacher.8.What are you going to do in the summer vacation? Why ? (至少两个方面)I am going to travel to Shanghai and read a lot of books in the summer vacation. First, my aunt lives in Shanghai. But I haven’t met her since I was in Grade Nine. I miss her very much. And Shanghai is the biggest city in our country. It is a good place to have fun. So, I am going to travel to Shanghai this summer. Second, I like reading very much. But I couldn’t spend much time on it because of my homework. This summer, I don’t have any homework. I can do a lot of reading to open up my eyes. And reading is also a good way to relax myself. So, I am going to read a lot of books during the vacation, too.9.How do you relax yourself when you are free? Why? (至少两个方面)I read books and play basketball to relax myself when I am free. First, I can learn a lot by reading books. And when I am tired after school, I often read something interesting. It makes me feel really relaxed. Second, basketball is my favorite sport. It is interesting and it gives me a chance to make friends. It is also good for my health. And it is a good way to relax my mind. I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, I read books and play basketball to relax myself when I am free.10.W hat’s your favorite animal? Why? (至少两个理由)My favorite animal is pandas. First, they are from China. People think they are the symbol of our country. Second, pandas look cute with their black and white fur. I went to Sichuan last year and saw many pandas. They could do many things, such as playing with balls and climbing the trees. They are really lovely and clever. So pandas are my favorite animal.11.W hat’s your favorite color? Why? (至少两个理由)My favorite color is white. First, white is the color of snow. I like snow because it can make our world more beautiful. I often make a snowman when it snows in winter. It is very interesting. Second, doctors and nurses wear white uniforms. They always help others. I also want to be a doctorto save people when I grow up. So, my favorite color is white.12.W hat’s your favorite subject? Why? (至少两个理由)My favorite subject is English. First, my English teacher is really good. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We never get bored and can learn a lot from her. Second, English plays an important role in our society and life. It is very useful. We must learn it well. So my favorite subject is English.13.W hat’s your favorite sport? Why?(至少两个理由)My favorite sport is basketball. First, playing basketball is interesting and it gives me a chance to make new friends. I have made a lot of friends when I play basketball. We often play together. Second, playing basketball is good for my health. It can help me be taller and stronger. And it is also a good way to relax my mind. After a long day at school, I am always tired. But I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, basketball is my favorite sport.14.H ow do you usually go to school? Why? (至少两个理由)例一:I usually go to school on foot. First, I live near my school. It takes me about 10 minutes to walk to school. It is convenient. And I am never late for school because I can avoid heavy traffic. Second, walking is goodfor my health. It is a good way to exercise. So, I usually go to school on foot.例二:I usually go to school by bus. First, I live far from school. There is a bus stop near my home. It is very convenient and cheap to take the bus.I often leave home early every morning to avoid heavy traffic. Second, on the bus, I can meet different people and see something happening. It is interesting. So, I usually go to school by bus.15.D o you often watch TV? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)No, I don’t . First, I am very busy. I don’t have much free time. I have a lot of homework to do every day. If I don’t finish my homework, my parents and teachers will get mad. And I know I am in Grade Nine, so I must spend more time studying. Second, watching TV too much is bad for my eyes. I don’t want to wear glasses. So, I don’t often watch TV.16.D o you like watching TV? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, watching TV is relaxing. After a long day at school, I feel very tired. Watching TV can help me relax myself. But as a student in Grade Nine, I can only spend ten minutes watching TV every day. Second, some TV programs can open up my eyes. I like CCTV 9 (English Channel) best. I can know something happening around the world. At the same time, I can improve my English. So, I like watching TV.17.W hat do you usually do after school? Why? (至少两方面)I often do my homework and play basketball after school. First, I am in Grade Nine, so I have a lot of homework to do. My teachers and parents think I need to do it to get good grades. I agree with them. I must be serious about my homework. Second , I like playing basketball very much. It is good for my health. I often play basketball with my classmates after school. I want to be a professional basketball player when I grow up.18.W hat is your hobby? Why do you like it? (至少两个理由)例一:My hobby is reading. First, I can learn a lot by reading books. Books are our friends and reading can open up our eyes. I like to read books about history best. Second, reading is relaxing. I am tired after school. In the evening, I often read something interesting. It makes me feel really relaxed. So, reading is my hobby.例二:My hobby is playing basketball. First, playing basketball is interesting and it gives me a chance to make new friends. I have made a lot of friends when I play basketball. We often play together. Second, playing basketball is good for my health. It can help me be taller and stronger. And it is also a good way to relax my mind. After a long day at school, I am always tired. But I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, playing basketball is my hobby.19.D o you often do chores? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, I am old enough now. I should help my parents to do something. It is my duty to do chores at home, because I am a member of my family. Second, my parents give me all of their love. They help me when I am in trouble. They look after me when I am ill. Doing chores is a good way to show my love to my parents. So I often do chores.20.D o you like English class? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, my English teacher is really good. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We never get bored and can learn a lot from her. Second, English plays an important role in our society and life. It is very useful. We must learn it well. So I like English class.21.D o you like playing basketball? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, playing basketball is interesting and it gives me a chance to make new friends. I have made a lot of friends when I play basketball. We often play together. Second, playing basketball is good for my health. It can help me be taller and stronger. And it is also a good way to relax my mind. After a long day at school, I am always tired. But I feel relaxed after playing basketball with my friends. So, I like playing basketball.22.D o you like pandas? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, they are from China. People think they are the symbol of our country. Second, pandas look cute with their black and white fur. I went to Sichuan last year and saw many pandas. They could do many things, such as playing with balls and climbing the trees. They are really lovely and clever. So I like pandas very much.23.D o you like Sun Wukong? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, he is not a normal monkey. He can make 72 changes to his shape and size. He can turn himself into different animals and objects. Second, he always fights bad people to help others. He is really brave and clever. He has excited the children all over the world for many years. So, I like Sun Wukong very much.24.D o you want to be a volunteer to help others? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. First, I can put my love to good use. I like reading and I often help kids learn to read. I spend time helping others, and at the same time, I do something I like. It makes me really happy. Second, I can meet a lot of people. As a volunteer, I can communicate with different kinds of people. It is a good experience for my future work. So, I want to be avolunteer to help others.25.D o you like traveling? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I do. I like traveling very much. First, I think it is relaxing. After a long term at school, I always feel very tired. I want to go somewhere interesting. It is a good way to relax myself. Second, traveling can open up my eyes. When I visit another city or country, I can learn something about its history and culture. It’s wonderful. And I can also taste different kinds of snacks. So, I really like traveling.26.D o you like your English teacher? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I like my English teacher very much. First, she is very kind. She always encourages us to work hard. And she tells us not to be afraid of making mistakes. When we are in trouble, she tries her best to help us. Second, she is humorous. Her pronunciation is pretty good and her lessons are really interesting. We can learn something useful, and at the same time, we never get bored. So I like my English teacher.27.D o you like your math teacher? Why or why not? (至少两个理由)Yes, I like my math teacher very much. First, she is very kind. She always encourages us to work hard. And she tells us not to be afraid of makingmistakes. When we are in trouble, she tries her best to help us. Second, she is humorous. She is good at math and her lessons are really interesting. We can learn something useful, and at the same time, we never get bored. So I like my math teacher.28.D o you think your mother is very important to you? Why? (至少两个理由)Yes, I think so. First, my mother is honest and kind. She teaches me what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. She always helps people around us. She sets an example for me. Second, she gives me lots of love and care. She encourages me when I am in trouble. She looks after me when I am ill. So my mother is very important to me.29.D o you have many rules at home? What do you think of them? (至少两方面)Yes, I do. First, I must do chores on weekends, such as doing the dishes, washing my clothes, cleaning my room---. I think as a member of my family, it is my duty to help my parents. Doing chores is a good way to show my love to them. Second, I am not allowed to go out on school nights. My parents think it is dangerous and I should spend more time on schoolwork. I know they care about me, but I am not a baby anymore. I think I need more freedom.30.D o you like wearing school uniforms? Why or why not? (至少两方面)No, I don’t like wearing school uniforms. On the one hand, I think our school uniforms are very ugly. The colors are simple. I feel uncomfortable when I wear my school uniforms. On the other hand, as a teenage, I don’t like to be the same as others. School uniforms make all of us look the same. It is so boring. I think we should be allowed to choose our own clothes. So I don’t like wearing school uniforms.31.W here do you want to travel? Why? (至少两方面)I want to travel to Australia. First, I hope to see how people live in the southern part of the earth. When it is summer in China, it is winter there. Second, there are many animals in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas. They are very lovely and they must be interesting to watch. So I want to travel to Australia.32. What’s your favorite season? Why? (至少两方面)例一My favorite season is summer. First, I can go to the beach and go swimming. I like swimming very much. It can make me happy and relaxed. It is also good for my health. Second, in summer, I have a long holiday. I can have a lot of free time to do something I like, such asreading books and traveling to other cities. So I like summer best.例二My favorite season is winter. First, I like snow very much. It can make our world more beautiful. I often make a snowman when it snows in winter. It is very interesting. Second, in winter, I have a holiday. I can have some free time to do something I like, such as reading books and watching TV. They can make me relaxed. So I like winter best.33. Do you want a robot? Why or why not?Yes, I do. I really want a robot. First, I can play with it after doing homework. I went to Shanghai last year and saw some robots in the science museum. They could dance and play the piano. They were fun to watch. It must be interesting and relaxing to play with the robot. Second, I think the robot can help me do a lot of chores, such as making my bed, cleaning my room and washing the dishes. Then I will have more free time to do something I like. So, I want a robot very much.34. What’s your favorite TV program? Why? (至少两方面)My favorite TV program is English News. First, it can open up my eyes. I I can know many things happening around the world. Second, I can improve my English at the same time. I can learn plenty of new words and expressions. I can also improve my listening and speaking skills. I have learned a lot by watching English news. So, it is my favoriteprogram.35. If you go sightseeing, what transportation will you take? Why? (至少两方面)If I go sightseeing, I will take the train. First, I think it is very convenient. The train travels fast and my home is near the train station. And when I travel by train, I can walk freely on the train. Second, traveling by train is safe and cheap. It is much safer than taking the bus. And it’s also cheaper than taking the plane. So, I will take the train to go sightseeing.36. What’s your favorite festival? Why? (至少两方面)My favorite festival is the Spring Festival. First, I enjoy spending time with my family. On the eve of the Spring Festival, my family get together and have a big meal. It makes me feel very happy and warm. Second, I will get a lot of “ hongbao” from my parents and other relatives. I can buy something I like. That’s my favorite part of this festival. So, my favorite festival is the Spring Festival.。





















































1. 时光。




2. 梦想。




3. 勇气。









Title: My Favorite Season。

I would like to talk about my favorite season, which is summer. There are several reasons why I love summer so much.Firstly, the weather in summer is warm and sunny. I enjoy spending time outdoors, soaking up the sun andfeeling the warmth on my skin. I can go for picnics in the park, swim in the pool, or simply take a leisurely walk along the beach. The long days of summer also mean that I have more time to enjoy outdoor activities with my friends and family.Secondly, summer is a time for relaxation and fun. Most people have vacations during the summer months, so it's a great opportunity to travel and explore new places. Whether it's a weekend getaway to the mountains or a week-long trip to the beach, summer vacations are always filled with exciting adventures and unforgettable memories.Another reason why I love summer is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. I enjoy visiting farmers' markets and picking out ripe berries, juicy watermelons,and crisp cucumbers. There's nothing better than indulgingin delicious and nutritious summer produce that's in season.Finally, summer is a time for celebration andfestivities. From Fourth of July fireworks to outdoor concerts and festivals, there's always something fun happening during the summer months. I love the sense of community and camaraderie that comes with attending these events and celebrating with friends and neighbors.In conclusion, summer is my favorite season because ofthe warm weather, opportunities for relaxation and fun, delicious seasonal produce, and festive atmosphere. I look forward to making the most of the summer months every year.---。



英语作文口语模板初中Title: My Summer Vacation。

Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well! Today, I wantto share with you all about my amazing summer vacation. It was truly an unforgettable experience that I will cherish forever.To start off, I spent the first week of my summer vacation at the beach with my family. We rented a cozybeach house and spent our days soaking up the sun, swimming in the ocean, and building sandcastles. It was so relaxing and refreshing to be able to unwind and enjoy the beautiful weather.After our beach trip, I went to summer camp for two weeks. It was my first time attending a summer camp, and I was a little nervous at first. However, I quickly made friends with my cabin mates and we had so much fun together. We went hiking, kayaking, and even had a campfire withs'mores. It was such a great experience and I learned a lot about teamwork and leadership.The highlight of my summer vacation was when my family and I went on a road trip to visit some national parks. We visited Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, and Yosemite, and each park was more breathtaking than the last. I was in awe ofthe natural beauty and wildlife that we saw, and I felt so grateful to be able to experience it all with my loved ones.Overall, my summer vacation was filled with laughter, adventure, and unforgettable memories. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to explore new places and try new things. I can't wait to see what adventures next summerwill bring!That's all for now, thanks for listening! I hope youall had an amazing summer vacation as well. See you next time!。

























英语口语作文In the era of rapid technological advancement, the way we communicate has been revolutionized. The advent of smartphones, social media, and instant messaging platforms has made it easier than ever to stay connected with friends and family across the globe. However, this reliance on technology has also sparked a debate on whether it has improved or diminished the quality of our communication.On one hand, technology has made communication more accessible and instantaneous. With video calling apps, we can now see the faces of our loved ones in real-time, no matter how far away they are. Social media platforms have also broken down geographical barriers, allowing us to share our lives and experiences with a wider audience.On the other hand, the convenience of digital communication has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions. Some argue that this has resulted in a lack of depth and emotional connection in our conversations. The use of text messages and online chat can sometimes lead to misunderstandings due to the absence of non-verbal cues like tone of voice and body language.Moreover, the constant connectivity that technology provides can be overwhelming. The expectation to be available at all times can lead to increased stress and a sense of being'always on'. This can take a toll on our mental health andwell-being.In conclusion, while technology has undoubtedly made it easier to communicate, it is important to find a balance. We should make time for in-person conversations and prioritize the quality of our interactions over the quantity. By doing so, we can ensure that technology enhances our communication rather than detracts from it.。

人教(部编)四上语文口语表达例文(我和 ---过了一天)

人教(部编)四上语文口语表达例文(我和 ---过了一天)

人教(部编)四上语文口语表达例文(我和 ---过了一天)要求:我们看过很多神话和童话,里面的人物有的本领高强、爱憎分明,如哪吒、葫芦娃;有的机智聪明、惩恶扬善,如神笔马良;有的美丽纯洁、善良温柔,如白雪公主。


























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Betty is not a traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable,has thick red glasses, untidy hair and large metal braces(牙套) on her teeth. But this hasn’t stopped her from becoming one of American’s favorite TV character. So how did she manage to do it ?
The answer is that charm can be more attractive than beauty. Betty is the main character in a TV show Ugly Betty(丑女贝蒂). The show is about her life as an office worker at a fashion magazine in New York.
The TV show has just started. Betty has many exciting experiences and romantic stories. Betty is often looked down on and laughed at by the people around. But she manages to do better than others with her hard work,charm and wisdom. The show tells us about how a girl goes from an ugly young duck into a beautiful swan.
Though you may know the ending of the show from the beginning and the story is familiar to many of us, it has still been a big success in the USA. It has attracted a large number of viewers and won two Golden Globes awards(金球奖), one of the hightest honors for a television program in the USA.〝I think you can see a bit of Betty in all of us, and I mean men as well, because it’s about the underdog(弱者),〞says Ashley Jensen, who plays one of the characters on the show.
The program is so popular because of the performance of the 23-year-old actress American Ferrera(弗伦拉) who plays the role of Betty. She brings the character alive on the screen.
