Unit9 Lesson 3 Language Points教案

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Step4. Presentationand Exchange
Share how to master the ways to use the new words and phrases.
Step5. Homework
1.Read the passageagain.
2.Review what has been learned in this period.
课 型
Language Points
Unit9Lesson 3(Period)
Learning Aims:
1.To recite new words by using the word-formation.
2.To learn some important expressions and sentences.
⑨Despite, or perhaps because of, the epidemics the world has faced in recent years, governments worldwide have underlined the factthatthey want thorough and systematic medical research on epidemics to get at the causes andcome up withcuresas soon as possible.Countries will need towork togetherto do this because teamwork among nations across the globe can save lives.
Difficult Points:
1.How to use the important expressions and sentences correctly.
2.How to finish class tasks effectively.
Guidance of Leaning Methods:
1.Task-based teaching and learning
⑥Centuries later, the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, alsocalledthe Spanish Flu, struck hohad only just got through the war now had to bury their loved oneswhohad died of the disease.As a result ofthe war, more people were travelling and moving perhaps than ever beforein historyand this caused the epidemic to spread worldwide.Having killedup to 50 million people in 18 months, the Spanish Fluis believed to have beenthe most severe epidemic in history. More peopledied ofthe flu than died in the war.Initially, many people believedthatsuch epidemics no longerposeda threat until very recently when SARS became a cause for concern.
⑧Then,from2013to2016, there was the mostwidespreadoutbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa,which resulted in a major loss of life in a number of west African countries.11,310 deaths wereofficiallyrecorded, but the actual number ofdeathsis probably much higher. The virus was extremelyinfectiousand thesurvivalrate was as low as 30% in some areas,indicating that very few people got over it.
①An epidemic is the name given to an infectious diseasethatrapidly spreads toa large number ofpeople withina short period of time—usually two weeks or less. Epidemics have been happening foras long asthere have been people livingon Earth. They can be caused by several different factors,such asa virus being carried into an area, or changes in the way people live, like more people living in an area,whichincreases the chances of themcoming into contact witha bacteria or virus.
⑦The SARS epidemic began in 2002 witha case oflung disease in Guangdong Province. Itspread toCanada, Vietnam and Singapore and lasted until 2003. SARSwas examinedby scientists,whowere confused by this new disease and wanted to learn more about it and itscauses.
④Since bird flu first appeared in 1997, it has taken more than a hundred lives. Many people fear it could be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists who havegone into detailstudying tissue samples from the bodies of peoplewhodied ofthe1918 Spanish Flu have provedthatbird flu is a modern adaptation of that virus.
⑤One ofthe earliest epidemics on record happenedbetweenabout 500and550 CE. Scientists nowestimate that up to 50% of the area’s populationdied fromthe epidemic, makingit one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire. Then,in the 1330s, this epidemic returned, this time in Asia. ItspreadrapidlytoEurope and becameknown as“The Black Death”because one visible symptom was blackspotson the body.
Step2. Independent learning
Read the passages again and underline theimportantwordsandexpressions and sentences.
Step3. Cooperative inquiry
Discuss theimportant words and expressions and sentencesin groups.
3.To master the ways to use the new words and phrases.
Core Competences
1.To train the ability of self-learning.
2.To cultivate the spirit of the cooperation and teamwork.
②Each disease can only officiallybe classified asan epidemic oncea certain number ofdeaths have occurred from the disease.The number ofdeathsis different for every disease. So a very rare disease will have a low baseline and justa few cases ofit in one place willbe classified asan epidemic; asopposed tomorecommon diseases,such asthe flu, that have a higher baseline. The common cold is a widespread virusthataffects millions of people, but itis not seen asbeing a serious enough condition to deserve the classification of epidemic.
2.Cooperative learning
3.Independent learning
Step I. Revision
Review the pronunciation and spelling of the words and expressions.
③With recent press reports drawing parallelsbetween bird flu and killer epidemics of the past, Jim Smith looks at the sometimesdepressinghistory of epidemics for clues abouthow we can create a more positive future without epidemics.
Important Points:
1.To understand the important expressions and sentences according tothe context.
2.To master the ways to use the new words and phrases.