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Welcome to Our School, Students from the UK!
Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 5th grader here at Oakwood Elementary School. I'm so excited to welcome all of you students coming to visit us all the way from the United Kingdom! We have a ton of fun activities and events planned to help you experience American culture and have an awesome time while you're here. Let me tell you all about it!
First up, we'll be kicking things off with a big 'Welcome to America' party on your very first day. We're going to decorate the gym with red, white, and blue streamers and balloons. The school cafeteria ladies are making a special lunch for you all with classic American foods like hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, and apple pie for dessert! After lunch, we'll have some fun games and activities so you can get to know the students here. We're going to teach you some American playground games like four square, hopscotch, and jump rope. We'll also have a dance party
with popular American music to get everyone moving and grooving!
The next day, we'll have a great big American sports day. In the morning, we'll learn about baseball, which is like your cricket but a bit different. We'll go outside and take some batting practice to see who has the strongest swing! In the afternoon, we're playing a huge soccer game, or as we call it, soccer. Don't worry, we'll go over the rules for you since it's a bit different than football. Getting to run around and compete against each other will be a blast. My friend Marcus is crazy good at soccer, so watch out for him!
On Wednesday, we're going on a field trip to explore Oakwood, the cute little town our school is in. First, we'll stop at Maxwell's Diner, a true, classic American diner with chequered tile floors, red cozy booths, and the most delicious milkshakes you've ever tasted. Banana milkshakes are my favorite! After that, we're heading to Main Street to see all the little mom and pop shops. We'll stop in the old-fashioned candy store and general store selling vintage toys and souvenirs for you to buy some goodies. In the afternoon, we'll have a picnic in Oakwood Park and play fun outdoor games like frisbee, cornhole, kan-jam, and ladder toss so you can experience our favorite park games.
The next day, get ready for a big dose of American culture and history! In the morning, we'll watch a move all about the American Revolution and how America became an independent nation. Then we'll head into the nation's capital, Washington D.C., to see famous landmarks with our own eyes. We'll stop at the Washington Monument, the towering obelisk honoring our first president. Then it's off to the Lincoln Memorial, where the famous statue of President Abraham Lincoln sits. We'll also get to see the U.S. Capitol, the awesome domed building where America's laws are made. I'm so excited for you all to learn about our country's rich history!
On your last day here, we'll end things with a big 'Thank You for Visiting' party at the school. The gym will be all decorated again and we'll have an amazing talent show to show off our skills. I'm going to do a gymnastics routine, Jayden is going to tell some jokes and do comedy, and Alicia has an unbelievable singing voice that will blow you away. Of course, we'll have plenty of pizza, snacks, and treats for everyone to munch on while we watch. At the end, we'll do a big group photo with everyone all together to commemorate your visit here. You'll get to take a copy home to remember us by!
I really hope you're as pumped as I am for this amazing culture exchange experience. We can't wait to meet you, learn about where you're from, and show you what life is like for kids here in the United States. This is going to be a trip you'll never, ever forget. Get ready for nonstop fun, laughter, and making great new friends from across the pond. We'll see you very soon!
Welcome to America, Mates from Great Britain!
Hi there, my name is Tommy and I'm a 5th grader here at Oakwood Elementary School in Ohio. I'm so excited to welcome all of you students visiting us from the United Kingdom! We have an awesome schedule of activities planned to make sure you have a wicked time while you're here.
First up, we'll kick things off with a big 'Welcome to America' party on the playground after school. My friend Jamal's mom makes the best snickerdoodle cookies, so those will definitely be served. We'll play some classic American games like four square, kickball, and freeze dance. I hope you brought your a-game because we take our recess activities very seriously here!
The next day, we're going on a field trip to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in downtown Cleveland. On the bus ride, we'll listen
to a totally rad playlist I made of my favorite rock songs from bands like Queen, The Beatles, and Led Zeppelin. The coolest exhibit is the one with Michael Jackson's sparkly glove and John Lennon's round sunglasses. You can even try out playing the drums, guitar, and other instruments!
For lunch, we're stopping at an authentic American diner called Tommy's Luncheonette (no relation!). You have to try the cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and french fries. The menus are shaped like little jukeboxes which is wicked neat. Maybe we'll get to see a live performer if someone puts a quarter in the real jukebox!
The next few days, we'll spend time in our normal classes like reading, math, science, and social studies. But don't worry, we'll make sure you get to experience plenty of American culture! During reading, we can share our favorite books by famous American authors like Dr. Seuss and Judy Blume. In math, you can learn how we calculate things using those weird American measurements like cups, ounces, feet, and inches. Science will be extra fun since we're currently learning about aircraft and getting to make our own paper airplanes. And in social studies, we'll teach you all about the 50 states, the American flag, presidents, and important events in our nation's history.
One night, we're having an American movie night where we'll watch a classic family film like E.T. or The Sandlot while eating buckets of popcorn and candy like Sno-Caps, Red Vines, and Milk Duds. Get ready for some serious snacking!
For our big final event, we'll have an American sports day after school. We'll kick things off with a few games of basketball, which is a major U.S. sport along with football, baseball, and hockey. Then we'll transition to more fun outdoor activities like tug-of-war, three-legged races, wheelbarrow races, and a giant game of capture the flag. The team that wins gets a special
all-American prize...a bushel of Grandma Betty's famousHomeMade caramel apples! Yum.
When it's finally time for you to head back across the pond, we'll end our week together with one last hoorah - an epic game of swimmers vs. poolers at the community swimming pool. If you're on the swimmers team, you'll be splashing around in the water trying to dunk the poolers team on the deck. It's a super intense but silly game that's perfect for a hot summer day. We'll wrap things up by sharing a big cooler of ice cold Bomb Pops and Otter Pops (those are types of popsicles if you've never had them).
Well, that's a taste of the awesome activities we have planned for your visit to the States! I'm so excited for you to experience American culture - our sports, movies, music, food, traditions, and more. We may have some differences in how we spell words and what we call things, but I know we're going to have a wicked good time together. Cheers, mates!
Welcome to Our School, Friends from the UK!
Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a student at Maple Grove Elementary School here in our friendly town. I'm so excited to welcome all of you visitors from the United Kingdom to our school for this really cool exchange program. We can't wait to meet you and show you around!
Our principal, Mr. Johnson, told us last week that a group of students from London would be coming to spend a few weeks with us. He said it's part of an international friendship program to help kids from different countries learn about each other's cultures and traditions. I think that's such an amazing idea!
I've never been to the UK before, but I've learned a little bit about it in school. I know London is the capital city and it's where Big Ben and Buckingham Palace are located. The Queen of
England lives at Buckingham Palace, doesn't she? We learned that in our geography class last year. I think it would be so cool to visit there someday and see the changing of the guard.
One of my best friends, Jessica, is really good at doing British accents. She loves watching movies and TV shows that take place in London. I'm sure she's going to be thrilled to practice her accent with all of you when you get here! I don't know if I can do the accent very well, but I'll give it a try too.
I wonder what kinds of games, sports, TV shows, and foods are popular in the UK? Maybe some of you can teach us some cool British games during recess. We love all kinds of running games like tag and freeze dance here at our school. I'm also on the school's soccer team – I think you might call it football over there in Britain? Either way, I can't wait to hear if you like playing that sport too.
My family loves to cook, so I'm really excited to learn about some traditional British foods you eat over there. I know fish and chips is a classic, but what else are some of your favorite dishes? Maybe we could even have a British food day in our cafeteria while you're visiting. That would be brilliant!
Oh, I should probably explain some American words and phrases to you guys so you know what we're talking about when
you first arrive. Like, "brilliant" is one way we say something is really good or awesome here. And if I say "crickets" I mean it's really quiet and no one is talking. Those are just a couple of examples - I'm sure you'll pick up on our slang pretty quickly though!
There's so much I want to learn about your customs and daily life over in the UK. Like, what kinds of holidays and celebrations do you have there? Do you have anything like our 4th of July or Thanksgiving? And what about your schools - are they pretty different from ours, with different subjects, schedules, or rules? I'm just so curious about everything!
Most of all, I just can't wait for all of you to get here so we can make new friends. We're going to have such an amazingly fun few weeks together. We can take you on a tour of our cute little town, with its ice cream shops, playgrounds, and parks. And we'll definitely take you to the beach since it's just a short drive away. I bet you'll love feeling the warm sand between your toes!
Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself...you guys haven't even arrived yet and I'm already making all these big plans! I just know we're gonna have the best time. My classmates and I have been working on some American-themed welcome posters and
banners to decorate the hallways with when you come. We can't wait to greet you with open arms and big smiles!
Well, that's probably enough of me rambling for now. We only have a couple more days until your group gets here. I'm counting down the minutes! Get ready for some good
old-fashioned American fun and hospitality. But don't worry...we wantto learn aaaaaall about your British ways too. Can't wait, new friends!
Your friend,
Welcome to Our School, Friends from the UK!
Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader here at Oakwood Elementary School. I'm so excited to welcome all of you students from the United Kingdom who are joining us for our special essay writing activity!
We've been looking forward to your visit for weeks. My teacher, Mrs. Thompson, told our class that we'd be having some very special guests coming all the way from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. At first, I didn't really know much
about the UK besides stuff like Big Ben, double decker buses, and British accents from movies. But then we started learning about your amazing countries in preparation for your arrival.
In geography, we looked at maps of the UK and learned aboutthe 4 different nations that make it up - England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. We saw how England is the biggest one right in the middle, with Scotland way up at the top, and Wales and Northern Ireland on the left side. We also learned the capitals like London for England, Edinburgh for Scotland, Cardiff for Wales, and Belfast for Northern Ireland. My favorite was hearing about all the castles you have, especially ones like Edinburgh Castle that look super old and medieval!
In history, we learned how the UK has such a long and fascinating story going back Roman times and all the way through centuries of kings, queens, wars, discoveries, and empire-building. I thought it was so cool hearing tales about legendary leaders like King Arthur, Richard the Lionheart, Queen Elizabeth I, and loads of others. We also studied the American Revolution when the 13 colonies broke away from British rule - my teacher said that made the UK and US "frenemies" for a long time after that!
We even got to try some classic British foods in our classroom, like fish and chips, Shepherd's pie, scones, and even piccalilli (I had no idea what that was but it was pretty good!). And of course, we had to drink tea - though I still prefer a nice cold glass of lemonade if I'm being honest!
Now that you're finally here, I'm really looking forward to meeting all of you in person and learning even more about your home countries. I've never met anyone from the UK before, so I can't wait to hear your accents and ask you tons of questions. Like, what's it really like living in London? Do you actually eat crumpets and drink tea every day? Have any of you seen the Queen in real life? Do people really say "cheers" all the time or just in the movies?
I'm also really excited for our big essay writing contest you'll be helping to judge. The assignment is for all of us students to write a short essay about what we'd do if we could spend a week anywhere in the United Kingdom. Mrs. Thompson said you'll be helping us with ideas, answering questions, and then picking out the winners at the end whose essays we'll read aloud. I've already been working on mine about touring historic castles and seeing the green countryside. Getting to share our writing with actual British students will be such a cool experience!
While you're here, we'll definitely have to show you around our school and my hometown of Oakridge. Our school is pretty great - we have a brand new library, a huge playground, a robotics lab, and even a indoor swimming pool! You'll love it. And Oakridge might not be a big famous city, but we have a cute little downtown with ice cream shops, parks to run around in, and lots of friendly people who'll be excited to meet you.
We're planning a big welcome celebration for your first day here, with British-themed decorations, foods, games, and more. My friends and I have been working on posters and banners to hang up that say things like "Cheers, UK Mates!" and "Oakwood Shouts Brilliant For Our Visitors!" We've also been practicing some British phrases and accents, though they're a bit silly and exaggerated I'm sure. Hey, at least we're trying our best to make you feel at home!
I really hope you're all as excited for this essay exchange as we are. It's going to be such an awesome opportunity to make friends from across the big ol' Atlantic Ocean and learn about your unique cultures firsthand. Just don't laugh too hard at our attempts to "talk British", and feel free to give us a proper lesson!
I can't wait to meet you, show you around our school and town, and work together on writing the best essays about the UK
that we possibly can. This is going to be an experience I'll never forget. See you very soon, mates!
Your American Friend,
Welcome to Our School, Friends from the UK!
Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm a 5th grader here at Oakwood Elementary. I'm super excited to welcome all of you students visiting from the United Kingdom! We've been preparing for your arrival for weeks now. I can't wait to meet you all and show you around our school and town.
First, let me tell you a little bit about our school. Oakwood Elementary has around 500 students from kindergarten through 5th grade. Our school colors are green and white, and our mascot is the Oakwood Owls. We have a really cool outdoor classroom area with gardens that the kids help take care of. And our cafeteria has amazing pizza on Fridays!
Now let me give you a preview of the fun activities we have planned while you're here:
Meet and Greet
On your first day, we'll have a big meet and greet event in the gym. All the visiting students from the UK will get to mingle with Oakwood students. We'll play some icebreaker games to help everyone get to know each other. And we'll have snacks like cookies, veggie trays, and lemonade. I'm really looking forward to hearing about where you're all from in the UK!
Arts and Crafts
One afternoon, we'll go to the art room for a special arts and crafts session. We're going to make friendship bracelets to exchange with each other as souvenirs. The art teacher, Mrs. Patel, will show us how to braid the embroidery floss in different patterns. You can make one in the colors of the UK flag to represent your home country!
Multicultural Singing
Another fun activity will be a multicultural singing performance in the music room. The UK students will teach us some classic British songs and rhymes. Then we'll teach you some typical American kids' songs and sing-alongs. At the end, we'll put on a little concert for our families to show off what
we've learned. Get ready for the Oakwood Glee Club!
Sports Day
We can't wait for our big Sports Day event at the end of the week! We'll head out to the soccer (or should I say football?) fields behind the school. There will be stations set up for playing soccer/football, basketball, jump rope, hula hooping, and running races. We'll split up into teams, mixing the UK students and Oakwood students. It will be a friendly competition between the teams to see who can get the most points!
Field Trip to Farm
One of the days, we'll go on a fun field trip to Sunrise Family Farm, which is just a few miles outside of town. It's a real working farm with cows, pigs, chickens, and more. We'll go on a tractor ride tour around the farm and learn about all the different animals and crops. Then we'll have a picnic lunch with food from the farm like fresh squeezed lemonade and mason jar salads. Don't forget your sunscreen!
Last Day Party
On your final day, we'll have a big party to celebrate our new friendships and say farewell. The Oakwood music teacher, Mr. Gordon, will bring his guitar and we can have a singalong together. We'll play classic games like musical chairs and freeze dance. And for treats, we'll have a huge ice cream sundae bar with all the toppings you can imagine - sprinkles, chocolate
syrup, crushed cookies, whipped cream, and of course, multiple flavors of ice cream!
I really hope you're all as excited as I am about this fun-filled week we have planned! We can't wait to meet you, learn about your home and culture, and make lots of new friends from across the pond. Getting to know students from so far away is going to be an amazing experience. We've worked really hard to put together activities that everyone will enjoy. Just bring your smiles, energy, and curiosity to learn!
See you soon, UK buddies!
Your friend,
Welcome to Our School, British Students!
Hi there! My name is Emily, and I'm a fourth-grader here at Sunshine Elementary School. I'm so excited to welcome all the students from the UK who will be visiting our school soon. It's going to be a lot of fun having you here, and I can't wait to show you around and learn more about your country and culture.
First things first, let me tell you a bit about our school. Sunshine Elementary is a big, bright building with lots of colorful murals and artwork on the walls. We have a huge playground with swings, slides, and even a climbing wall! Our classrooms are spacious and filled with books, art supplies, and all sorts of cool educational toys and games.
One of the best things about our school is the teachers. They're all super friendly and patient, and they make learning really fun. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Johnson, who teaches science. She's always doing cool experiments with us, like making volcanoes out of baking soda and vinegar or growing plants from seeds. I can't wait for you to meet her and the rest of our awesome teachers.
Speaking of learning, I bet you're wondering what kind of subjects and activities we do here. Well, we have all the usual subjects like math, reading, writing, and social studies. But we also have some really cool electives like art, music, and even robotics! In art class, we get to paint, sculpt with clay, and make all sorts of creative projects. In music, we learn to play instruments like the recorder and the xylophone. And in robotics, we build and program our own little robots to do all kinds of cool things.
But academics aren't the only thing we focus on at Sunshine Elementary. We also have lots of fun extracurricular activities and clubs. There's the drama club, where you can put on plays and musicals. There's the chess club, where you can learn to play chess and compete in tournaments. And there's the gardening club, where you get to plant and take care of our school garden.
One of my favorite things about our school is the annual International Day celebration. Every year, we learn about different countries and cultures from around the world. We get to try different foods, dress up in traditional costumes, and even learn some words and phrases in different languages. I can't wait for you to join us for International Day this year and teach us all about the UK!
Now, I know that coming to a new school in a different country can be a bit scary and overwhelming. But don't worry, we'll make sure you feel right at home. All of us students are super friendly and welcoming, and we can't wait to make new friends from the UK. We'll show you around, introduce you to our teachers and classmates, and help you figure out where everything is.
And if you ever feel homesick or miss your family and friends back in the UK, just come talk to me or one of the other students.
We'll do our best to cheer you up and make you feel better. Maybe we can even video call your family back home and show them around our school!
So there you have it, British students – a little sneak peek into what life is like at Sunshine Elementary. I can't wait for you to get here and experience it all for yourselves. We've got so many fun activities and adventures planned, and I just know we're going to have the best time together.
Get ready for lots of learning, laughing, and making new friends from all over the world. We can't wait to meet you and show you what Sunshine Elementary is all about. See you soon!。
