Life lives的可数与不可数归纳总结

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Life lives的可数与不可数归纳总结.txt我退化了,到现在我还不会游泳,要知道在我出生之前,我绝对是游的最快的那个Life / lives的可数与不可数归纳总结
1、生存状态,生命 the ability of breathe, and grow which people and animals have before they die. E.g:
1) Life and death 生与死
2) The body was cold and showed no signs of life. 躯体冰凉显示不出生命迹象。

3)I wish I could bring him back to life.我要是能够使他起死回生该多好啊。

4)In spring the countryside bursts into life. 春天里乡村一片春机盎然
5)Animals and plants have life.动物和植物是有生命的。

6)The International Stock Exchange stared life as a London coffee shop.国际证券交易所起初就是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。

2、生物、活物 living things. E.g:
2)pond life 池塘生物;
3)Is there any intelligent life on other planets?在其他星球上存在具有智力的生命吗?
3、无期徒刑、终身监禁 the punishment of being sent to prison for life. E.g:
1) The judge gave him life. 法官判他死刑。

4、生活经历,活动 experience, activities.
1) the worries of everyday life 日常生活中操心的事。

2) He is young and has little experience of life. 他很年轻,还不谙世事。

3) He wants to travel and see life for himself. 他想去旅行,亲身体验一下生活。

4) We bought a dishwasher to make life easier. 为了使生活轻松一点我们买了一台洗

5) In real life, he wasn’t how she had imagined him at all. 一见面才发现他完全不是她所想象的那样。

6)real life; everyday life.真实的生活;日常生活
5、活力、兴奋、生命力、生气 energy, excitement, the quality of being active and exciting.
1)We need to inject some new life into this project. 我们需要给这个项目注入一些新的活力。

2)The school is full of life. 学校里生机勃勃。

3)The children were jumping about and full of life.孩子们来回跳动,充满了活力。

4)a face that is full of life.充满生气的脸
6、(艺术方面)绘画的模特、实物、实景 a living model or a real object or scene that people draw or paint.
1) She had courses in drawing from life. 她学了实物写生课程。

2)We had a life class yesterday. 昨天我们上了一节人体写生课。

1、与形容词连用( used with an adjective)—一段生活经历
1)They led a hard life.过着艰难的生活
2)He leads a happy life in the country.他在乡村过着幸福的生活。

3)I'll bet my life.我敢用生命担保; 当然, 管保没错。

4)lead a dog's life (使某人)过着受折磨的日子
5)lead sb. a dog's life (使某人)过着受折磨的日子
6)The hero saved many people's lives.就是具体名词。

7)devote one's whole life to the study of science辈子献身于科学研究
8)He was fighting for his political life.他正为他的政治生涯奋斗。

1) the useful life of a car.汽车的使用寿命
2) They realized that the company had a limited life ( it was going to close). 他们意识到公司的寿命不长了。

3)In France the average life of a government is eleven months. 在法国每届政府的平均寿命是十一个月。

3、个人生活经历(同上1 可数名词)
1)He has a full social life. 他的社交生活非常频繁。

2)He has a good life. 他过着优裕的生活。

3)They immigrated to start a new life in America. 他们移居美国开始了新生活。

4)Most of these children have led very sheltered lives. 这些孩子中很多都是温室里的花朵。

4、生平事迹,传记 a story of sb’s life,
1) She wrote a life of Deng Xiaoping. 她写了一部邓小平的传记。

He has lost two lives, so he has only got one left. 他失去了两次机会,所以只剩一次了。

1)He risked his life to save his daughter from the fire. 他冒生命危险从火中救出他的女儿。

2)The floods caused a massive loss of life.洪水造成许多人丧生。

1) He lived here all his life.
2) I have lived in China for most of my life.
3) To have a long life
1) come to life苏醒过来
2) raise to life使复活
3) recall to life使苏醒
4) lose one's life丧命; 死
5) put life into sth.用全部精力做某事; 使某事充满活力或生机
6) put some life into sth.[口]鼓起劲来做某事
7) put more life into sth.[口]鼓起劲来做某事
8) risk one's life拼着性命, 冒生命危险
9) save one's life
10)take life杀生
11)take one's own life自杀
12)take sb.'s life把某人杀死; 夺去某人生命
13)While there is life there is hope. [谚]留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧。

14)life for life以命偿命
15)Life is but a span.人生几何; 人生如朝露。

16)Life is made up of little things.[谚]人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。

17)be one’s life 对某人来说是至关重要的人或事: My children are my life. 18)Bring sb/sth to life 使…更生动,更有趣,
19)Come to life 变得更生动,更有趣
20)For dear life, for your life 使劲,尽最大努力,拼命。

Run for your life.快跑呵!
21)For the life of you/me 无论怎么努力
22)give one's life献出自己的生命, 为...捐躯
23)lay down one's life献出自己的生命, 为...捐躯
24)life-and-death 生死攸关的。
