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Lesson one My name's Gogo
Tony Hello.
Gogo Hello.
Tony My name's Tony. What's your name? Gogo Hm. Name? Name?
Tony My name's Tony. What's your name? Gogo Umm…My name's Gogo!
Jenny Tony! Tony!
Gogo Hello!
Jenny Hello!
Gogo My name's Gogo. What's your name? Jenny My name's Jenny.
Jenny Hello, Gogo. How are you?
Gogo How are you?
Jenny I'm fine, thank you.
Gogo I'm fine, thank you.
Gogo How are you, Tony?
Tony I'm fine, thank you.
Gogo How are you?
Gogo Tony. Jenny.
Mother Tony, Jenny.
Jenny Goodbye, Gogo.
Tony Goodbye, Gogo.
Gogo Goodbye, Jenny. Goodbye, Tony.
Gogo My name's Gogo. What's your name? Gogo My name's Gogo. What's your name? Jeeby My name's Jeeby.
Tappy My name's Jeeby.
Tappy My name's Tappy.
Tappy What's your name?
Tappy What's your name?
Gogo Your name's Pod.
Gogo(J) Hello. My name's Jenny.
Gogo(T) Hello. My name's Tony. How are you? Gogo(J) I'm fine, thank you. How are you? Gogo(T) I'm fine, thank you.
Language Points
1. What's your name?
My name's Tony.
2. How are you?
I'm fine, thank you.
Lesson Two New Friends
GoGo Hello, My name's Gogo. How are you? GoGo Hello, My name's Gogo. What's your name? Tony Hello, Gogo.
Jenny Hello, Gogo.
GoGo Hello, Tony. Hello, Jenny.
Tony How are you, Gogo?
GoGo I'm fine, thank you.
GoGo Hello. How are you?
T&J Oh, Gogo!
Tony His name's Peter.
GoGo Peter. His name's Peter.
Jenny Her name's May.
GoGo May. Her name's May.
GoGo His name's Peter. Her name's May.
GoGo Hello!
Jenny What's his name?
GoGo His name's Gogo.
GoGo What's his name?
All Tony.
GoGo His name's Tony.
GoGo What's her name?
All Jenny.
GoGo Her name's Jenny.
Jeeby What's his name?
GoGo His name's Peter.
Tappy What's his name?
GoGo What's her name?
Tappy What's her name?
GoGo Her name's May.
GoGo What's his name?
GoGo What's his name? What's his name?
All His name's Pod. His name's Pod.
Language Points
What's his name?
His name is Peter.
(his her)
Lesson Three The Family
Tony Look out!
Tony Hello, Gogo.
Gogo Hello, Tony.
Tony She's my mother.
Tony He's my father.
Tony She's my sister.
Tony He's my brother.
Tony I'm your friend.
Jenny Hello, Gogo.
Tony Who's she?
Gogo She's your sister.
Jenny That's right, Gogo.
Jenny I'm his sister.
Jenny He's my brother.
Gogo Who's she?
Tony She's my mother.
Mother Hello. Who's he?
Tony He's my friend. His name's Gogo. Mother Hello, Gogo. How are you? Gogo I'm fine, thanks. How are you? Mother I'm fine, thanks, Gogo.
Gogo Who's he?
Jenny He's my father.
T&J Hi, Dad!
Father Hi!
T&J Gogo!
Gogo Sorry!
Tony Thank you, Gogo!
Tony Who's she?
Gogo She's my mother.
Jenny Who's he?
Gogo He's my father.
Tony Who's he?
Gogo He's my brother.
Jenny Who's she?
Gogo She's my sister.
Gogo Goodbye.
T&J Goodbye, Gogo.
Gogo Who's she?
Gogo She's my mother.
Tappy She's your mother.
Gogo Yes, that's right.
Gogo Who's he?
Jeeby He's your father.
Gogo Yes, that's right.
Gogo Who's she?
Pod Er…Who's she?
J&T She's his sister.
Gogo Yes. She's my sister.
Pod Who's he?
Tappy Um…um…
Gogo He's my brother.
Language Points
1.Who is He?
He is my father.
2.Who is she?
She is my mother.
Lesson Four The Big Aquarium I.
Gogo Jenny! Jenny!
Gogo Hello, Jenny.
Jenny Hello, Gogo.
Jenny Look, Gogo!
Jenny What's this?
Jenny It's a box!
Jenny Open it, please, Gogo.
Gogo What's this?
Jenny It's a plate.
Gogo What's this?
Jenny It's a bowl.
Jenny This is a knife.
Jenny This is a fork.
Jenny Gogo! Look! A shark!
Tony What's this?
Tony It's water.
Tony Gogo? Jenny?
J&T Pod! Pod!
Pod It's Gogo! How are you?
Gogo I'm fine, thanks, Pod. Gogo What's this?
Gogo It's a bowl.
Gogo What's this?
Pod It's a…It's a…
Tappy It's a bowl.
Gogo What's this?
Pod It's a…It's a…
Jeeby It's a plate.
Gogo This is a fork. This is a knife.
Language Points
What's this?
This is a plate.(It's a plate.)
Lesson Five The Zoo
Tony Look, Gogo! What's that?
Tony That's a panda.
Gogo That's a panda.
Jenny Very good, Gogo.
Tony Thank you, Gogo.
Tony This is a panda.
Tony That's a panda.
Gogo What's that?
Jenny That's a tiger.
Gogo This is a tiger.
Gogo That's a tiger.
Jenny Yes, it is. That's a tiger.
Gogo Is that a tiger?
Jenny No, it isn't. It's a zebra.
Tony This isn't a tiger. It's a zebra.
Gogo That isn't a tiger. It's a zebra.
Gogo What's that?
Jenny That's a monkey.
Tony Is that a zebra?
Gogo No, it isn't.
Jenny Is that a tiger?
Gogo No, it isn't. What is it?
Tony It's an elephant.
Gogo It's an elephant.
Jenny Very good, Gogo.
Gogo My name's Gogo. What's your name? II.
Gogo This is an elephant.
Gogo What's this?
Tappy An elephant.
Gogo Very good. It's an elephant.
Gogo What's this?
Gogo It's a panda.
Pod It's a panda.
Gogo Yes, it is. It's a panda.
Gogo Tappy, is this a panda?
Tappy No.
Gogo It isn't a panda. It's a zebra. Tappy What's this?
Gogo It's a tiger.
Jeeby What's that?
Gogo It's a monkey.
Language Points
1.What's that?
That's a panda.
2. Is this a tiger?
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.
Lesson Six A Beautiful Garden I.
Gogo Hello, Tony. Hello, Jenny.
Tony Hello, Gogo!
Jenny Hi, Gogo!
Jenny What color is this?
Jenny It's green.
Jenny That's grass.
Jenny This is grass. It's green.
Gogo What color is this, Tony?
Jenny Ha! Ha! Ha!
Tony Oh! Gogo! It's red.
Jenny This is a flower.
Gogo It's red.
Gogo What color is this?
Jenny Oh, Gogo!
Tony It's blue.
Jenny This is yellow.
Jenny Wow!
Gogo That flower is blue.
Tony Oops! (唔!)
Gogo That flower is red.
Gogo That flower is yellow.
Gogo What color is this, Tony?
Tony It's brown.
T&J Thank you, Gogo!
Gogo What color is this?
Gogo It's red.
All It's red.
Tappy What color is this?
Gogo It's yellow.
All It's yellow.
Pod Thank you, Gogo!
Gogo What color is that?
Gogo It's green.
All It's green.
Gogo What color is this, Jeeby?
Jeeby Um…Um…
Gogo It's blue.
All It's blue.
Tappy That's not blue.
Gogo That's right, Tappy. It isn't blue. It's brown.
All It's brown!
Language Points
What color is it?(What color is this? What color is that?)
It's green.
Lesson Seven Apples, Oranges, And Pears
Gogo Hello, Tony! Hello, Jenny!
T&J Hello, Gogo!
Jenny What are they?
Seller 1 They're oranges.
Seller 1 Thank you.
Gogo Thank you, Tony.
Gogo What are they?
Seller 2 They're bananas.
Jenny Are they apples?
Seller 3 Yes, they are.
Gogo Are they apples?
Tony No, they aren't. They're pears.
Tony These are bananas.
Tony These are oranges.
Tony These are pears.
Tony What are they?
Gogo They're oranges.
Tony What are they?
Gogo They're pears.
Tony Are they bananas?
Gogo Yes, they are.
Jenny No, they aren't. They're oranges. Tony Are they bananas?
Gogo Yes, they are.
Jenny No, they aren't. They're pears. Tony Are they bananas?
Gogo Yes, they are.
Jenny That's right. They're bananas. Gogo Are they bananas?
T&J Yes, they are.
Gogo No, they aren't. They're pears. II.
Gogo That's a banana.
Tappy That's a banana.
Gogo They're bananas.
Tappy They're bananas.
Gogo That's an orange.
Jeeby That's an orange.
Gogo They're oranges.
Jeeby They're oranges.
Gogo That's an apple.
Pod That's an apple.
Gogo They're apples.
Pod They're apples.
Language Points
1.What are they?
They're bananas.
2.Are they apples?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.
Lesson Eight Happy birthday
Girl Happy birthday, Tony!
Gogo Happy birthday, Tony!
Tony Thank you, Gogo.
Tony One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Gogo One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
Tony I'm ten. How old are you?
Gogo I'm five.
Gogo How old are you, Jenny?
Jenny I'm nine.
Gogo One!
Gogo One, two!
Gogo One, two, three!
Gogo One, two, three, four!
Gogo One, two, three, four, five, six!
Tony No, Gogo! That's my cake!
Gogo I'm sorry, Tony.
Tony Thank you, Gogo. Goodbye!
All Goodbye!
Gogo Goodbye!
Gogo One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. All One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Gogo One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. All One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Gogo Four! Seven! Nine! Three! Eight! Two! Six! Ten! Five! One!
Language Points
How old are you? (How old is he? How old is she?)
I'm ten.
Lesson Nine Let's Count
Gogo What are they?
Tony They're boats.
Gogo Boats. They're boats.
Jenny How many are there?
Jenny One, two, three. There are three boats.
Gogo What are they?
Jenny They're cars.
Gogo Cars. They're cars.
Tony How many are there?
Gogo One, two, three, four. There are four cars.
Gogo What are they?
Jenny They're birds.
Gogo There are three birds.
Gogo What are they?
Tony They're planes.
Jenny How many are there, Gogo?
Gogo One, two, three, four, five…argh!
T&J One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Tony There are ten steps, Gogo.
Gogo Very good, Tappy.
Gogo How many are there, Jeeby?
Jeeby Four. There are four.
Gogo They're eggs, Tappy. How many are there?
Tappy There are six eggs!
Gogo A car. One car.
Gogo Two cars.
Gogo Pod, how many are there?
Pod There are…there are four cars.
Gogo Very good.
Gogo A bird. One bird.
Gogo How many are there, Jeeby?
Jeeby There are three birds.
Gogo That's right. There are three birds.
Pod Are they birds?
Gogo No, they aren't. They're planes.
Language Points
1.How many are there? (How many apple are there?)
There are three boats.
2 Are they birds?
No, they aren't. They're planes.
Lesson Ten Time And The Clock
Gogo Tony! Jenny!
T&J Hello, Gogo!
Fisher What time is it, please?
Jenny It's two o'clock.
Fisher Thank you.
Gogo What's this?
Jenny It's a watch.
Gogo A watch. Mmm.
Gogo What's that?
Tony It's a clock.
Jenny What time is it, Gogo?
Gogo One, two, three. It's three o'clock.
Jenny That's right. It's three o'clock.
Gogo What time is it, Jenny?
Jenny It's four o'clock.
Gogo What time is ti?
Tony It's eleven o'clock. Come down, Gogo!
Gogo What time is it now?
Jenny It's twelve o'clock!
Tony Come down, Gogo!
Gogo One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve. Oldman It's not twelve o'clock. It's three o'clock.
Oldman Good. It's three o'clock.
Tappy What's that?
Gogo It's a clock.
Gogo What time is it, Jeeby?
Gogo It's five o'clock.
Gogo What time is it, Tappy?
Tappy It's seven o'clock.
Gogo What time is it, Pod?
Gogo It's eleven o'clock. Come down, Gogo!
Gogo What time is it, Pod?
Pod Um…It's twelve…It's twelve o'clock.
Gogo Good, Pod.
Tappy What time is it, Jeeby?
Jeeby It's ten o'clock.
Tappy What time is it, Pod?
Pod It's five o'clock.
Gogo Very good.
Language Points
What time is it, please?
It's four o'clock.
Lesson Eleven The Supermarket
Gogo What's that?
Jenny It's a supermarket.
Gogo I like supermarkets.
Gogo Whee!
Gogo I'm sorry.
Tony Tomatoes.
Jenny They're tomatoes.
Gogo I like tomatoes.
Tony Potatoes.
Jenny They're potatoes.
Gogo I like potatoes.
Tony Thank you, Gogo.
Gogo What's this?
Jenny It's a carrot.
Gogo I like carrots.
Gogo What's that?
Jenny It's an onion. I don't like onions.
Tony Beans.
Gogo Onions.
Tony Onions?
Gogo I don't like onions.
Jenny Tomatoes…potatoes…carrots…beans…cookies…Tony Cookies!
Gogo I like cookies.
Gogo Carrots.
Gogo I like carrots.
Gogo Tomatoes.
Jeeby Thank you.
Gogo What are they, Pod?
Pod Po…ta…toes. Potatoes!
Gogo Very good. They're potatoes.
Pod I like potatoes.
Tappy Beans. They're beans. I like beans.
Gogo Onions. I don't like onions.
Pod I don't like onions.
Language Points
I like tomatoes.
I don't like onions.
Lesson Twelve A Picnic
Gogo What's that?
Jenny It's a cow. Tony Moo. Moo.
Jenny Do you like birds, Gogo?
Gogo Yes, I do. Chirp, chirp, tweet, tweet. (叽叽,喳喳) Tony These are sausages, Gogo.
Tony Do you like sausages?
Gogo Yes, I do. I like sausages.
Gogo What are these?
Jenny Those are donuts.
Jenny Do you like donuts?
Gogo Yes, I do. Do you like donuts? Yes, I do.
Tony I like sausages and donuts.
Tony What are those, Gogo? I don't know.
Tony Those are sandwiches.
Gogo No, thank you.
Tony Ants, Gogo. Those are ants.
Gogo I don't like ants. Look!
T&J Shoo!Shoo!Shoo!Shoo!Shoo!(嘘!嘘!嘘!嘘!嘘!) Tony Hot dogs!
Tony Do you like hot dogs, Gogo? Yes, I do.
Seller Do you like Burgers? Yes, I do.
Gogo I like hot dogs and burgers.
Gogo Those are donuts.
Gogo What are those, Tappy?
Tappy Those are donuts.
Gogo Do you like donuts, Tappy? Yes, I do.
Gogo This is a hot dog.
Gogo Do you like hot dogs, Jeeby? Yes, I do.
Pod I like hot dogs.
Gogo One hot dog, two hot dogs. These are hot dogs.
Pod What are those?
Gogo These are sandwiches.
Jeeby Do you like sandwiches, Gogo? No, I don't. Jeeby What do you like?
Gogo Those are sausages. These are burgers.
Gogo I like sausages and burgers.
Language Points
1.Do you like sausagers?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't
2.What do you like?
I like burgers.
Lesson Thirteen A TV Show
Tony Gogo! Hi, Tony
Singer What is it? What is it? What is it?
Singer Is it an apple? Is it a pear? Is it a monkey? Is it a bear? Singer What is it? What is it?
Emcee What is it? Hi.
Emcee What's your name?
Tony My name's Tony.
Emcee How are you, Tony?
Tony I'm fine, thanks.
Emcee How old are you, Tony?
Tony I'm ten.
Emcee What's your name?
Gogo My name's Gogo.
Jenny Mom! Mom! Look!
Mother Who are they?
Jenny They're Tony and Gogo.
Emcee He's Tony and he's ten.
Emcee He's Gogo and he's five.
Emcee Tony. What is it?
Tony It's an elephant.
Emcee That's right. It's an elephant. Gogo…
Emcee What is it? It's …it's…it's a panda.
Emcee That's right. It's a panda.
Emcee Tony, one. Gogo, one. Tony.
Audience What is it?
Tony What color is it? It’s red.
Tony Is it an apple?
Emcee No, it isn't. Gogo
Audience What is it? It's a tomato.
Emcee That's right. Yes, Gogo. It's a tomato.
Emcee Tony, one. Gogo, two.
Emcee Do you like cars, Gogo? No, I don’t.
Emcee Do you like boats? No, I don’t.
Emcee What do you like?
Gogo I like burgers. Thank you.
Tony Thank you, Gogo.
Language Points
What is your name?
How are you?
How old are you?
Do you l ike…?
What do you like?
What is it?
Lesson Fourteen Gogo In The School
Mother Do you have a ruler?
Tony Yes, I do. I have a ruler.
Mother Do you have an eraser?
Tony Yes, I do. I have an eraser.
Mother Do you have a pencil?
Tony Yes, I do. I have a pencil.
Mother Do you have a pen?
Tony Yes, I do. I have a pen.
Mother Do you have a notebook?
Tony Yes, I do. I have a notebook.
Teacher Open the door, please. Come in, Tony. Sit down, please. Teacher What is it? I don't know.
Gogo Hello! My name's Gogo.
Teacher Very good. Sit down, please, Gogo.
Teacher Stand up, please, Gogo. Do you have a pen?
Gogo Yes, I do. I have a pen.
Teacher Do you have a ruler? Yes, I do.
Teacher Do you have a notebook?
Gogo Yes, I do. I have notebook.
Teacher Stand up, please, Tony. Do you have a pen?
Tony Yes, I do.
Tony I'm sorry. I don't have a pen.
Teacher Do you have a ruler?
Tony No, I dno't. I don't have a ruler.
Teacher Do you have a notebook?
Tony No, I dno't. I don't have a notebook.
Tony Gogo!
Gogo Jeeby, what's this?
Jeeby It's a ruler.
Gogo That's right.
Gogo Do you have a ruler, Jeeby? Yes, I do.
Gogo Tappy, what's this? It's a pencil.
Gogo Do you have a pencil, Tappy? Yes, I do.
Gogo Pod, what's this? It's an eraser.
Gogo Do you have an eraser, Pod? Yes, I do.
Gogo What's this? It's a notebook.
Gogo What's this? It's a pen.
Gogo I have a pen and a notebook.
Language Points
Do you have an eraser?
Yes, I do. I have an eraser.
No, I don’t. I don't have an eraser.
Lesson Fifteen Depressed Jenny Mother Jenny, tidy your room, please.
Gogo Hi, Jenny!
Jenny Hi, Gogo.
Gogo Let's read.
Gogo Let's paint.
J(Mother) Jenny, tidy your room, please.
Gogo Let's sing!
J(Mother) Jenny, tidy your room, please.
Gogo Let's swim!
J(Mother) Jenny, tidy your room, please.
Jenny Oh, Gogo!
Gogo I'm sorry, Jenny.
Mother Very good, Jenny.
Gogo Let's eat.
Jenny OK, Gogo. Let's eat.
Gogo Hi! Let's read!
Gogo Let's paint!
Gogo Let's sing!
Gogo Let's swim!
Gogo Let's eat!
Language Points
Let's swim.
Let's eat.
Lesson Sixteen Making A Film Tony Can you see, Jenny?
Jenny Yes, I can.
Tony Can Gogo see?
Jenny No, he can't.
Gogo Yes, I can. I can see.
Director Who's he?
Jenny His name's Gogo.
Director What can he do?
Tony He can dance.
Jenny Dance, Gogo.
Director Very good. Can he sing?
Jenny No, he can't.
Gogo Yes, I can.
Gogo Do you have a pencil? Yes, I do. Director He can't sing!
Gogo I can swim. Watch!
Jenny He can catch!
Tony He can climb.
Director Can he read?
Tony Can you read, Gogo?
Gogo Yes, I can. I can read.
Gogo Hello, Cinderella. My name is Prince Charming.


) Director Very good.
Jenny He can fly.
Director Can you fly, Gogo?
Gogo Yes, I can. Watch!
Crowds He can fly!
T&J Oh, Gogo!
Gogo Look! I can dance.
Gogo Lood! I can sing.
Gogo I can swim.
Gogo I can catch.
Gogo I can climb.
Gogo I can read.
Gogo I can fly.
Gogo And I can eat!
Gogo Let's dance.
Gogo Look! I can dance.
Gogo Can you dance, Tappy?
Tappy Yes, I can. I can dance.
Gogo Dance, Pod.
Gogo Very good.
Gogo Let's climb.
Tappy I can climb.
Jeeby I can't climb.
Gogo Can you climb, Pod?
Pod Er…no. I can't climb.
Gogo Catch!
Pod I can catch. And I can eat!
Tappy I can fly.
Jeeby He can't fly!
Tappy Thank you, Gogo.
Language Points
1.Gogo can see.
I can't swim.
2.Can you dance?
Yes, I can.
No, I can't.
Lesson Seventeen An Amusement Park 游乐园Tony Gogo! Wait!
Gogo What are they?
Tony They're mirrors. Watch! You're big. Gogo.
Jenny Now I'm big.
Tony I'm small.
Gogo Now I'm small. She's big.
Tony That's right, Gogo. She's big.
Gogo Now I'm big.
Jenny That's right. Now you're big.
Tony Look at me. I'm tall.
Gogo Now you are tall, Jenny. I'm not tall.
Jenny No, you aren't tall.
Tony You're short.
Gogo Look, Tony. He's tall.
Gogo Oh, no. He isn't tall. He's short. Hm!
Jenny Oh, look! Come on.
Tony You can't throw. Yes, I can.
Tony Look, I'm old.
Jenny You're wet now!
Jenny I'm not old. I'm young.
Gogo I can throw, too.
Jenny It's sweet. It isn't water. It's orange juice.
Jenny Your turn, Gogo.
Gogo I'm hungry.
Jenny I'm thirsty.
Tony I'm thirsty, too. Thank you, Gogo.
Gogo What's that, Jeeby?
Jeeby It's flower, Gogo.
Gogo It's small, Jeeby.
Jeeby Oh, Gogo!
Gogo It isn't small now, Jeeby. It's big.
Pod It isn't big now. Ha! Ha! It's small.
Jeeby Big. Small.
Gogo Good. He's old. She's young.
Pod I'm young.
Gogo How old is Pod? He's five.
Gogo He's young.
All Thank you, Gogo.
Language Points
You are big.
I am small.
Lesson Eighteen A Little Restaurant
Gogo Hello, Tony. Hello, Jenny.
T&J Hi, Gogo!
Gogo I'm hungry.
T&J We're hungry, too.
Gogo Good. Let's eat.
Gogo Let's go in.
Jenny Push. Push. Gogo. Don't pull.
Tony We can sit there.
Waiter Noodles. Curry. (咖哩) Soup. Yes? Gogo What's this?
Waiter It's soup.
Gogo I like soup. Do you like soup, Tony?
Tony Yes, I do.
Gogo He likes soup.
Gogo Do you like soup, Jenny? Yes, I do.
Gogo She likes soup. I like soup, too. No, Gogo! Gogo What are they?
Waiter They're noodles.
T&J We like noodles.
Gogo They like noodles. I like noodles, too.
Gogo What's that?
Waiter It's curry.
Jenny Curry is hot! (咖哩很辣!)
Tony We don't like curry.
Gogo They don't like curry. I like curry.
Waiter Curry.
Gogo Thank you.
Tony Mmm. This soup's good.
Jenny There noodles are good, too.
Gogo Water! Water! It's hot!
Tappy That's Gogo!
Gogo Let's go! We can paint!
Tappy I like yellow.
Gogo He likes yellow.
Jeeby I like blue.
Gogo She likes blue.
Gogo They like green, too. I like red.
Pod I like red, too.
Gogo We like red.
Language Points
He likes soup. I like soup, too.
We like red. She likes red, too.
Lesson Nineteen The Summer Beach
Gogo Hi, Jenny! Hi, Tony! Oh, Gogo!
Gogo Sorry! Wow!
Jenny He's cold and wet.
Tony Do you have a towel?
Gogo No, I don’t.
Tony She has a towel. Ah! Thank you.
Gogo Look! They have drinks. Look!
Tony Does he have drinks?
Jenny Yes, he does. He has drinks.
Tony Orange juice, please. Oh!
Jenny Do you have towels?
Boy&Girl No, we don't.
Jenny They don't have towels, Gogo.
Gogo They have towels now.
Jenny Don't worry. The towels are magic.
Gogo Hmm. Do you have a camera?
Boy&Girl No, we don't.
Gogo They don’t havea camera.
Tony Jenny has a camera.
Gogo Look, Jenny. He has an umbrella now!
Gogo He doesn’t have an umbrella now!
Gogo And he doesn't have a towel!
Jenny Gogo, that's naughty. (Gogo,你太调皮了。

Naughty Thank you. You're kind.
Jenny He doesn't have a drink.
Naughty Thank you.
Gogo They have sausages, Pod.
Pod Mmm. Yes, they do. They have sausages.
Gogo Do we have sausages? No, we don't.
Gogo What do we have? We have eggs.
Gogo Good. We have eggs. She has an apple.
Gogo Do we have apples? No, we don't. He has a drink. Gogo Jeeby, Tappy! Come here, please.
Gogo They have sausages. We have eggs.
Gogo She has an apple. He has a drink.
Language Points
1.Does he have drinks?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
2.Do you have towels?
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
Lesson twenty New Clothes
T&J Hi, Gogo! Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny! Gogo!
Gogo Sorry, Jenny. Sorry, Tony.
Tony Gogo, my sweater is dirty. My T-shirt is dirty.
Tony What's that? It's a robot. (是一个机器人。

Robot What do you want?
Gogo What do you want, Jenny? I want a T-shirt, please.
Gogo She wants a T-shirt.
Jenny That T-shirt is gray. I don't like gray.
Gogo What color do you want? I want orange, please.
Gogo She doesn’t like gray. She wants orange.Thank you.
Gogo What do you want, Tony? I want a sweater, please.
Robot What color do you want? Er, I want purple, please. I'm cold. Tony Do you want a hat and a coat? Yes, please.
Tony I'm cold, too. I want a hat and a coat.
Tony We're cold. We want hats and coats, please.
Gogo They want hats and coats.
Tony Do you want a hat and a coat, Gogo?
Gogo I want a hat and a coat, please.
Gogo I want a car. What do you want, Jeeby?
Jeeby Mm…I want a boat, please.
Gogo She wants a boat. Thank you, Gogo.
Jeeby What do you want, Tappy? I want a plane, please.
Gogo He wants a plane. Thank you, Gogo.
Gogo What do you want, Pod? Er…I don't know.
Gogo Do you want a zebra?
Pod No, thank you. I don’t want a zebra. I don't like zebras.
Gogo Do you want a tiger?
Pod No, thank you. I don't like a tiger. I don’t like tigers.
Pod I know! I want an elephant, please.
Pod Thank you, Gogo. I like elephants.
Gogo Do you want ice-creams?
All Yes, we do. We want ice-creams.
Gogo They want ice-creams. I want an ice-cream, too.
Gogo Four ice-creams, please. Thank you.
Language Points
1.What do you want? I want a sweater.
Do you want a purple T-shirt?
Yes, I do. No, I don't.
2.What does he want? He wants a banana.
Does she want a hat?
Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
Gogo Hello, Tony. How are you?
Tony Hi, Gogo. I'm fine, thanks.
Tony Jenny! Gogo's here! Great!
Gogo We can play hide-and seek. OK. You hide. Jenny Where's Gogo? I don't know.
Jenny He's under the bed.
Jenny Come out, Gogo. I can see you.
Jenny Hide again, Gogo.
Gogo OK. Don't look.
T&J One, two, three, four, five.
Tony We can look now.
Jenny Is he under the bed? No, he isn't.
Tony Is he on the desk? No, he isn't.
Jenny Is he behind the door? No, he isn't.
Tony Is he in the drawer? No, he isn't in the drawer. Jenny Is he under the pillow?
Tony We can't find you, Gogo. Where are you?
Jenny He's in the basket.
Tony Look out, Gogo!
Tony I like this game. Let's play again.
Gogo No, thank you.
Gogo Look! I'm on the ball.
Gogo Now I'm behind the ball.
Gogo Now I'm under the ball.
Jeeby You're under the egg.
Gogo Very good, Jeeby. I'm under the egg.
Gogo Where's the fork, Tappy?
Tappy It's on the eggs.
Gogo That's right, Tappy. The fork is on the egg.
Pod The egg is under the fork.
Gogo Yes, Pod. The egg is under the fork.
Tappy The plate is on the fork.
Jeeby The bowl is on the plate.
Gogo The apple is in the bowl.
All The elephant is on the bowl!
Pod Where's Gogo?
Gogo I'm under the elephant!
Language Points
Where is Gogo?
He is under the bed.
Where are you?
I'm on the ball.。
