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(16JK1284);中国 (西安) 丝绸之路研究院项目 (2018SY09)。 作者简介:赵益维(1978-),女,陕西兴平人,博士,副教授,主要从事服务运作管理、电子商务研究;
Key words: Equipment manufacture enterprises曰 Service innovation曰 Information ecosystem曰 Xi爷an Shaangu Power Co.袁 Ltd
一、引言 “不创新,则灭亡”。创新是企业生存的根本,随着科学 技术的迅猛发展,创新成为企业在持续变化环境中提升竞争优 势的关键,而服务也被诸多服务业和制造业企业视为主要的利 润增长地带,服务在创新的实施过程中发挥着重要作用并影响
创新,从产品导向到服务导ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ,涉及到巩固与产品相关的服 务、进入各类型服务市场,与此同时拓展以关系为基础或者以 过程为中心的服务、接受和管理最终用户的业务操作。服务创 新呈现着不同的形式,新服务或新商业模式都是典型代表,而 经过商业化的过程实现对新客户价值的创造,面向产品的制造
收稿日期:2019-01-05 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (71772080);陕西省软科学研究计划项目 (2017KRM039);陕西省教育厅科学研究计划项目
ZHAO Yi-wei1,LUO Jian-qiang2,FENG Qing-hua3
渊1. School of Information袁 Xi爷 an University of Finance and Economics & China (Xi爷an) Institute for Silk Road Research袁 710100袁 China曰 2. School of Management袁 Jiangsu University袁 Zhenjiang袁 212013袁 China曰 3. School of Information &
2019 年第 5 期
(1. 西安财经大学信息学院 & 中国(西安)丝绸之路研究院,陕西 西安 710100;2. 江苏大学管理学院,江苏 镇江 212013; 3. 西安财经大学信息学院 & 计算机应用与商务智能研究中心,陕西 西安 710100)
摘 要:本文从信息生态学的视角,对装备制造企业服务创新生态系统的构建进行了深入的研究。研究发现,装备制造企
Research Center for Computer Application and Business Intelligence袁 Xi爷an University of Finance and Economics袁 Xi爷 an袁 710100袁 China冤
Abstract: Equipment manufacturing industry is a symbol of the country爷s manufacturing strength袁 in the service trends of the global economy袁 the equipment manufacture enterprises need to innovate stable and balanced service innovation ecosystem environment to promote the continuous development of service innovation. It has been found that the service innovation process of the equipment manufacturing enterprises follows the five steps which are training market insight袁 creating value proposition袁 creating new service mode袁 perfecting delivery rules袁 and repeating the experiment to improve the new service. Based on the related theories of information ecology袁 the multi-level service innovation ecosystem of the equipment making enterprise has been analyzed. As an example袁 the core layer袁 extension layer and related layer of the service innovation ecosystem are analyzed with the Xi爷an Shaangu Power Co.袁 Ltd. as an example袁 this article provides some inspiration for the equipment manufacturing enterprise to implement service innovation.
Case Study on the Service Innovation Ecosystem in Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises